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832 Boathaven Dr Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit 0 -180 Address 7)32 6o%Vv1 Project description Re}06t,cJeXneAlt 0 f F i fs GVV\ S Po P i Bo�� �RaVe Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages tO° S d GU CO- P ctv► PORT OF PORT ANGELES BOAT HAVEN RENOVATION February 2008 Prepared for Port of Port Angeles STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR PILE PLAN Prepared By Jack Seipel Reid iddleton 728 134 Street SW, Suite 200 Everett, WA 98204 -5322 425/741 3800 Fax (425/741 -3900) File No 242000 005 PORT OF PORT ANGELES BOAT HAVEN RENOVATION February 2008 Prepared for Port of Port Angeles STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR PILE PLAN VEXPIRES 9 ®g Reid iddleton 728 134 Street SW, Suite 200 Everett, WA 98204 -5322 425/741 -3800 Fax (425/741 -3900) File No 242000 005 Reid iddleton 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, Washington 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 PROJECT PLAN 3 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADING 4 FLOAT CALCULATIONS Client PORT OF PORT ANGELES Project BOAT HAVEN MARINA RENOVATION Project No. 24 -00 -005 Date TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet of Design by JJS Date February 2007 Checked by Reid iddleton 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, Washington 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 Client Project PORT OF PORT ANGELES BOAT HAVEN MARINA RENOVATION Project No. 24 -00 -005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sheet 1 of Design by JJS Date February 2007 Checked by Date The Port of Port Angeles is proposing to replace existing floating docks A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J /I, L/K, and 0 at Boat Haven Manna. Boat Haven Manna is located in the Port Angeles Harbor in the Washington. The existing manna provides berthing facilities for recreational, commercial vessels and boat houses. The proposed manna will for the most part replace the existing manna and does not substantially result in expansion of the structure anywhere landward. The new configuration meets current codes, standards and markets for small boat mannas in the Northwest area. The project work will include removing and disposing all existing east and center timber docks and timber piling, and in -water tidal grid. These will be replaced with the installation of new concrete floats and galvanized steel piling, new aluminum gangways and attachments, new fire, water, electrical and telecommunications. 1 5 .o -li i• z n A ,f 2 -N T• E5. 1 ,ii 13 I 1 Iii w tc- 1 k iiii __I 1 1K ADDITIVE-BID-tt I c I tT 7- r•- SURFACE MONUMENT: "MARINE-4" 1._5.18104" NOT A SURVFY CONTROL i+ r .NEW, •■e•t L4C r: -RM #1 PK NAIL WASHER N 421541.54 E 1000055.56 ELEV 14.59' !TIVIENT LOAT ADDITIVE EVID 10- 4,3Et: VOT. 4 5,3 t,11,1" I a= ,t. 1 620:0' L Pr NAIL N 421000.96 PROJECT ,BENCHMARK 11DAL--1 .E 1000881.63. BENCHMARK. 4090D 1981 3.4" ELEV 13851 ItRASS,DISK-41.48(C-PIPE. GOOD SURFACE MONUMENT: .2" ALUMINUM DISK WITH PUNCH, FOR VERTICAI ELEV 13.48 FEET VLIVir onT A SI IR1/Fy PROJECT CONROL PLAN SCALE. 1 =80' GANGWAY ATTACHMENT SEE SHEET C4:4 r, 1 RM 13 PK NAIL 'FS WASHER E 1901078.0*. EtEV 16.65k 80 0 _Eli 4 I 1 L_. g" SCALE IN FEET e "e?, p--• f (1 *-71/ '1111 ELEVATION 13.48 FEET 4. 5. STAGING AREA,. COORDINATE;USE virtH PO GANGWAY ATTACHMENT _SEE SHEET C4.4 e 4 9 C•1 -GANGWAY ARACHMENt SEE SHEET C4.4 ALIGN CENTETVNES OF CONCRETE ABUTMENT NEW GANGWAY L. VERTICAL: MEAN MVO? IXIIISHIMMER=0702' ATTACHMENT SEE SHEET C4.4 ALIGN CENTERLINES OF OACRETE ABUTMENT NEW GAN,GWAYAND FLOAT DATUMS: HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD 83/91 WASHINGTON STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, AND PROJECT BENCHMARKS BENCHMARK. TIDAL BENCHMARK 4090B 1981 3.5" BRASS DISK IN PVC PIPE. NOTES: 1 BATHYMETRY FROM REID MIDDLETON SURVEY JUNE 16, 2006. OTHER UPLAND AND EXISTING DOCK AND BOAT HOUSE LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY PORT OF PORT ANGELES BASED ON AERIAL SURVEY 2. NEW DOCK A/B SHALL BE IN ALIGNMENT WITH EXISTING CONCRETE GANGWAY ABUTMENT 3. NEW DOCKS C/D, E/F G/H SHALL BE PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER IN AUGNMENT. NEW DOCKS J/I, L/K SHALL BE PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER IN AUGNMENT AND PERPENDICULAR TO EXISTING HEADWALK. FOR GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 8BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL I EXPIRES 9/29/ "L NOTE. IF ''L DOES NOT MEASURE 1 ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY 24 00 005 DESIGN 4005-G11.DWG 0 0 Li u) z _1 W z o w a_ 0 S C/42 1 =80' SMK DJO JJS I 2/15/07 24-00-005 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADING Reid iddleton Tidal Data 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, Washington 98204 Ph: 425 741 -3800 Fax: 425 741 -3900 Point of Load Application Highest Estimated Tide MHHW MLLW Mud Line Vertical Load Requirements Dead Loads Umform Distributed Loads Concentrated Loads Lateral Load Requirement Wave Height Wave Penod Wind Speed Wind Direction Design Vessel Client PORT OF PORT ANGELES Project BOAT HAVEN MARINA RENOVATION Project No, 24 005 LOAD DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MOORAGE FLOATS Elev +12 feet Elev +11 feet Elev +7 feet Elev 0 feet Elev -12 to -15 feet Floats, framing, hardware, and appurtenances 20 psf over all manna float surfaces 400 lbs. over a 1 -foot square area 1 -foot 2 seconds 85 mph Project north and west Sheet of Design by JJS Date February 2007 Checked by Date Vessel charactenstics are listed in the attached Design Vessel Parameters. The float system is assumed filled to capacity The wind loads shall be 100% on the windward vessels and building. Shielding of vessels vary depending on direction, location, size and height of vessel, and distance. Reid iddleton 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, Washington 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 CODES AND REFERENCES Client PORT OF PORT ANGELES Sheet of Project BOAT HAVEN MARINA RENOVATION Design by JJS Date February 2007 Checked by Project No. 24 -00 -005 Date General International Building Code 2003 ASCE 7 -02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Steel AWS D1 1 -2000 Structural Welding Code Steel Amencan Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges MATERIAL PROPERTIES Structural Steel Plates ASTM A36 Angles and Channels ASTM A36 Pipe ASTM 252, Grade 3, and Minimum Yield of 60 ksi 14 TIDAL DATUM PLANE PORT ANGELES, CLALLAM COUNTY Datum Plane Elevation Referred to Elevation Referred to M.LLW N.G.V.D. Base Flood Elevation Highest Recorded Tide: Estimated Mean Higher High Water Mean High Water Mean (Half) Tide Level Mean Sea Level, 1967 Mean Low Water Mean Lower Low Water Lowest Recorded Tide: Estimated 0.00 11.00 7.09 7.20 3.29 6.50 2.59 4.40 0.49 3.91 0.00 230 -1.61 0.00 -3.91 -4.00 -7.91 TIDAL DATUM PLANE NEW DUNGENESS POINT, DUNGENESS BAY ENTRANCE, CLALLAM COUNTY Datum Plane Elevation Referred to Elevation Referred to M.L.L.W N G.V.D. Base Flood Elevation 0.00 Highest Recorded Tide: Estimated 11.00 6.44 Mean Higher High Water 7.60 3.04 Mean High Water 6.90 2.34 1 Mean (Half) Tide Level 4.70 0.14 Mean Sea Level, 1926 4.56 0.00 Mean Low Water 2.50 -2.06 Mean Lower Low Water 0.00 -4.56 Lowest Recorded Tide: Estimated -4.00 -836 t *des Whidbey Island Region 47 Port Angeles Page 1 of 1 T aal Datum Regions, Whidbey Island Region 47 Port Angeles Relation Between Various Datum Planes Datum Plane MLLW NGVD NAVD88 I i ghest Estimated Tide 11 00 +1- 0 5 I ean Higher High Water 7 03 I 2.81 I 6.39 ean High Water 6 46 I 2.24 I i 5 82 it Mean (Half) Tide Level 4.26 0 04 3 62 GVD 4.22 0 00 3.58 Mean Low Water 2.06 -2.16 1 42 e Lower Low Water 0 00 o -4.22 -0 64 I west Estimated Tide -4 00 +1- 0.5 Record Levels (IVILLW) 11 /Ilighest Observed Tide f— owest Observed Tide Date Ille nod of Record loch dex Gage i i il me /7 Mail Search Updates on Thursday, January 06, 2000 10.27 1/27/83 -4 72 6/13/82 1979 1990 1960 1978 Friday Harbor (944 9880) All Data Provided is Provisional Local Area Map PORT ANGELES VICINITY MAP COE 7 19 6 62 4 42 4.38 2.22 0 16 N A MI NMI CITY 6 03 5 46 3.26 3.22 1 06 -1 00 I http. /www.nwd- wc.usace. army .mil /nws/hh/tides /wi/wi47.htm 6/21/2006 PILE CALCULATIONS Design Vessel Parameters Length Beam Draft Profile Height Displacement L (ft) B (ft) D (ft) H (ft) (tons) 20 8 I 4 5 36 13 4 1 7 6 10 40 14 5 8 1 15 45 15 6 8 6 20 50 16 7 9 8 25 60 20 9 11.2 60 90 25 10 13 0 400 100 30 12 14 0 600 160 35 15 20 0 1,000 Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina 10/25/2006 e I I II OH I I 1,, ;III I Is I r7/,, —17,.--_-____ I. 17 :p I: ;II f, 'lc 7 -1 \'`i j r' 1 1--- C 1 1- :ii: 1, ;yr 1 .-._.-z ,--1-- 1: ),4>:;:- -1-> 1 s'":- i,"'" 1 5. :•Iii iP ...c II C i< i Jr. c 1 I j 0 '''j(i .rfp; 1 1 '1 i c) i I 1 il I it' 1 (ti Itil l• 1; 1 i 1 1 1 21 a 11 IIII 1 I i '11 i II 'I,' i i 1 I I I I r'Il Ilii s\-r- \sir___1 i L IIIIII 1. i i I ,A x --H 7 x 1 1\ 1I' 1H i 1 iii;f s l I 1 ,I sm.° q_ 5,f il Ttil 1: H i 0 1,11i::; II !if, /qtrsilifilliiiii !ijs ill I lit/iI I- ,s s// 1 .11/i/,i 1 its 1 711111 I -101 1,1111k WWI 1 111,1 II 1 1 ,i- li n' •iiiiiiii 1 1 \\V N Cl M 7 A /N It 5.0' TYP TYP I 1 r 1 I I l I ,I _F-.- ..---R— r ri,-- .1_, i f -.4- k c-- )..i2-1 e -t--, (-------,Ji! 3 I i,-- z-:,. ---2 I .....-r I I i J i I I si i 1 kc,__. s- 4 r k,.>: J —J-, -----Y 7i c 2 n u L.--.) ,c i r y-- i L 1! I i N 1 I I t--, 11 q —I- f 4 r I 1 I I J ri —1 -0- -N\ \s% -t. I -7\ n CENTER. LINE OF/ PROPOSED FINGERS 'SHALL (MATCH CENTER LINE OF MS:LINGERS 629 LF (PILE TIP ELL -41') (35) 50' SUOS DITI BID #1' G, 1 F 1 I Li 4 I I H I to FLOAT AND PILE PLAN ADDITIVE BID 1 SCALE: 1 =30' f KlcieFfi -WI N% 2. RCM 1 COUPLER EXTENSION MAY BE USED WHERE POSSIBLE, OTHERWISE USE NEW THRU ROD. IF WALER REQUIRES MODIFICATION, REPLACE FULL WALER LENGTHS MATCHING EXIST SPUCES. THRU RODS SHALL BE REPLACED WHEN DAMAGED. UTILITIES ARE TO BE RELOCATED BY CONTRACTOR AS REQUIRED. SCALE IN FEET 30 0 30 60 4.• Cl 1 4.6' EXIST FINGER TO REMAIN PILE SYMBOL I TOP ELEV I DIAMETER WALL THICKNESS I +15.0 I 12-34 x 0.375" STEEL I +15.0 I 10-341 x 0.365 STEEL (6, KEY MAP NO SCALE 5 FLOAT PILE DATA BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL I EXPIRES 9/29/ NOTE: IF L DOES NOT MEASURE 1 ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY 24 00 005 DESIGN 4005-C31.1)W0 z 0 0 liz g `e2 0 z 0 co a IS SCALE 1 =30' SMK WIER hltl. DJO JJS 2/15/07 Pr 24-00-005 C3 1 z 0 5 rv J 8.5' I I PILING_SET BACK 12 CLR FROM CONC -EDGE OF FLOAT TO FACE OF PILE FLOAT AND PILE PLAN SCALE. 1 =30' ADDITIVE BID SEE SHEET' C 4 8.5' I 7 DRIVE (8) t RECONNECT SEAPLANE FLOAT 0 0 l BOATHOUSE PILING AT LOCATIONS i\-- DETERMINED BY cc... ci PORT'S BOATHOUSE 81, V 7 RELOCATIONS c -7 .7. ,,,i. I 007 i ci. oo m k t 301/4t II EL -cc i 1--” ,i- 1 L.... grol I 1 2 :73; v kW 10 I La a- i P I i 1_1 e i c-- e 1 1 L --c -GANGWAY Nc_CTION7 8, .UNFF SUBSTATION- K-14- ___,_11/111:-SUBSTATION (SEE ELECTRICAL 'PLAI4) --(SEE HECT&CAL -PLAN c- I GOATE45-GANaw lij-- Cf.R.-BME51--HAtipRAILS CASE 1 tQc)R Ln iu p E ST 1/kJ FLOAT PILE DATA PILE SYMBOL 1 TOP ELEV 1 DIAMETER WALL THICKNESS 1 +15.0 12-W0 0.375" STEEL +15.0 10-34"0 0.365- STEEL KEY MAP NO SCALE SCALE IN FEET 30 0 30 60 BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL I EXPIRES 9/29/ NOTE. IF L DOES NOT MEASURE 1 ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY 24 00 005 DESIGN 4005-C32.DWG z 0 0 z o la ix 0 <IC Z 0 w 0> a. 0 CD 1 =30' SMK a==, 0 C32 2 e gam 2/15/07 E 24-00-005 c•J 0 3G cn u.1 8(1: 60 lo 8 to €1 s d 44.5' foo' ey 33.0' 5.0' TYP 1 Joo, too' t c) t S A A* I 29.0' I k 4.0' TYP UNIT SUBSTATION A/C (SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN, TYP) 3o‘/, 5- 620.0' (PILE TIP-LEY (32) 40' SLIPS A K 474.5' (PILE TIP ELEV -35') (29) 36' SLIPS e 36M'10' TYP TYP 623.5' (PILE TIP ELEV -36') (32) 50' SUPS UNIT SUBSTATION A/A I FLOAT AND PILE PLAN SCALE: 1 =30' s 1t..0' I cro` .i. -5 tio 1- 4-\ /k CV\ e.) A i\ V A A it A-- .44 i i;: 51 1 l i, 1„;, 4 L. NIT i GANGWAY AY CONNECTION, SEE a 4---- J__4 SUBSTA4.-„, IO___,„ F Ti< I t UTN E/ --1 CFIS i ii"Ill s ,i ,:.1 1 r• i: 11 ,1, 1‘ s. ‘fi 1 \j 11;- it ii'l I I UNIT SUBSTATION C/D 7 I77' 3 !.)2, I 0 ;0\ A If r' 1.70311)tf.-- UNIT SUBSTATION A/B 1- W___ ‘li -1 L.,4 L ..e' ."7 C ht; .:;1_ GRATED GANGWAY 4 CLEAR ..S 1 I." EEN TRUSSES, HANDRAILS SHALL NOT TRUDE MORE THAN 3" PER SIDE INTO -Th 7 -1, t..,, 0, 1 f r ,--_-_-_N;i: I s li'l i 1 I I s 0‘. s I FLOAT PILE DATA I PILE SYMBOL I TOP EL I DIAMETER WALL THICKNESS I e) I +15.0 I 12-V0 x 0.375" STEEL SCALE IN FEET 30 0 30 60 6.5' 5.5 5 •■•14- i• 'VII: cc, I -4. I 1 ...44- 4,.‘...1-- 1 :45' 45' GRATED GANGWAY 4 -0' CLEAR BETWEEN TRUSSES. (AND FIT WITHIN 6 EXIST OPENING ON PIER) HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROTRUDE MORE THAN 3' PER SIDE INTO CLEAR SPACE 45' KEY MAP NO SCALE PIER GANGWAY CONNECTION, SEE UNIT SUBSTATION G/H 80' GRATED GANGWAY 8 CLEAR BETWEEN TRUSSES, HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROTRUDE MORE THAN 3" PER SIDE INTO CLEAR SPACE 80' M ik) Ci4SE 2 .wes "r 7A __i i, 7 I. 5) ?-f----r r- d- S BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL I I +15.0 I 1O-V0 0.365' STEEL I EXPIRES 9/29/ NOTE. IF 'L DOES NOT MEASURE 1 ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY 24 00 005 DESIGN 4005-C33.DWG 0.1 z 0 -j Lii 41 no 0 0 Cr 0 a. Z 0 Ora s s 6 1 =30' DES smK 44.Yr NO DJO JJS 03.3 2/15/07 »If 24-00-005 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reid iddleton October 2006 Vessel Wind Load 0 degrees 90 degrees n 90 degrees F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Variables: Input: Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads Project No. 24 -00 -005 File: 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina\Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 13- 06.xls Assumption: Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Notes: Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a a u_ )indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson 'Mannar and small craft harbors' Pages 337 343 0 degrees WEST WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: Direction Factor Wind Angle I Factor 0 1 15 1.8 30 2.35 45 2.8 60 3.15 75 3.25 90 3 Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: A A itea F Force due to wind loading; Ftessel. erig 30 I 30 I 30 per boat ive agek igl t 7.6 I 7.6 I 7.6 E Vessel end area 033 *Vessel Len.) o t` a �p11 1%0, x��a ..,l��taa:n.,�•' D Direction factor E 85 I 85 I 85 S Shielding factor s ;p{I 4.3. P1744,144,7 .:14'„x` Terrain air ati 1 I 1 I 8 II III 1.09 0.54 0.33 kips Sub Total(pa abei1ingbetorr 1.09 0.54 2.61 kips Sub Total(paboat)= Page 1 of 15 A 0,: t1' ",`,03Sf F Force due to wind loading; 'Vesscl`itt}i 36 I' 36 per boat y ra I ci i1 7.6 I 7.6 E Vessel end area 033 *Vessel Len. a' D Direction factor e, Sued 85 I 85 S Shielding factor Terrain air t��.?2 ©�Btiats, 1 I 27 3 3 Sub Total(pa 1.96 1 17 kips Sub Total(ya sheilding aem.1= 1.96 31.69 kips i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: E E s ;0501;'., ;;0:30 F Force due to wind loading; r VesseP eiigth 40 I 40 per boat t ,4ve42ge144iglit= 8.1 I 8.1 E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) EnttA,rea "F0$,!0a,::1,.1;08;;0_' D Direction factor Wi,n3, 85 I 85 mph S Shielding factor Adjt #Wtnii.Speed 1;4:3; :414:�3r: 0*, V Terrain air 11it li I I 30 DirectioiK actot= 3 I 3 i,., Sub Total(pa boa 2.32 1.39 kips Sub Total(pa sheirdin oc r)= 2.32 41 70 kips Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: G F Force due to wind loading; "tom('; 45 per boat A v eragelHeighh 8.6 E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) <Endea `;1 291(t'; D Direction factor 85 S Shielding factor ?A "djs Vhi �m '143_ Terrain air Niitnbcr'oEBoats 1 131(ea� 3 Sub Total(p bou)= 5.53 kips Sub Total(pa shalau,g faow)= 5.53 kips Vessel Wind Load Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: Sub Total(paboat)= Sub Total(pa shelding 600r)= H H F E C 0 ..(W :5,0; s3it 2030 V:. 00:. t3: 4`;., 0= 30; 50 50 50 50 9.8 I 9.8 I 9.8 I 9.8 I 9.8 9.8 ;;,:1;63 3 1 '1'6333,': 44:63 1163`1Vie. "63$3!.* 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 1.4;3 ;1.. tr 3i =1'." .,3 4 3 4; 1 to I I 71 I 11 I 3 1 I 3 30 3 1.17 0.70 0.70 7.01 3.50 2.10 kips 117 4.90 0.70 7.01 3.50 63.06 kips Page 2 of 15 C Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: 100::: ,iypt y: 60 1 60 yO4F,4416,iO4-- 11.2 I 11.2 ft:= 4 t, Are'a74 224,04 22410 fiet2' 4 ''vyjNapee,, 9.= 85 1 85 m0,7411 143 J )43 p NfitrI2l*rofiloti* 1 1 1 i)ireCtieti:#44civ 1 I 3 ).tVekir Sub Total(p, boat)-= 0.96 9.61 kips Sub Totahp.-sheilding Extor)= 0.96 9.61 kips Input: F4094&N:"10 '1,6.itp.474-in',7 400 90 I 90 ..10, 13 1 13 tA,i4'4: 5,13900_ 17390:10 85 I 85 6 4...tt 3 3 litviiiiitactedr, 1 1 Sub Totah boat)= 1.67 1.67 Sub Totak sheilding factorr 5.02 5.02 Page 3 of 15 B B B TcOoi'tn:z5o1;„,„: 90 1 90 1 90 1 13 1 13 I 13 174904 -.4 -89037F I 85 1 85 1 85 o,141 I 1 1 I I 4 5.58 2.79 1.67 kips 5.58 2.79 6.69 kips Input: "Zoisa 100 100 100 100 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 kra 44661 7- ji.466 7444^',466X11466:7 ft 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 Cett.41!%1, ttga:40: 1,"34)317dE214a .1930.4 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 2,13tirpOlorifa4 torl 1111111 Sub Total(mb.o= 6.67 3.34 6.67 3.34 kips Sub Total(per sheilding faetor)= 6.67 3.34 6.67 3.34 kips 4 Reid iddleton Vessel Wind Load Variables: 90 degrees 0 degrees 90 degrees F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads October 2006 Project No. 24 -00 -005 I File: 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina\Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 13- 06.xls Assumption: Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Notes: Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a yam? indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson 'Mannas and small craft harbors' Pages 337 343 Direction Factor Wind Angle I Factor 0 1 15 1.8 30 2.35 45 2.8 60 3.15 75 3.25 90 3 0 degrees NORTH WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: E F Force due to wind loading; s Vcsse' 20 per boat velage Heigh 4.5 R E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) y,: EncE oioa ft'2i D Direction factor k Win S 85 S Shielding factor Vtrtn Y x:134.3 Terrain air '�I3tiiiilierof., _ts� 1 ec ion F ,astos 1 Total pa boat 0.04 kips Input: Sub Total(paboat)= Sub Totalipa shading fietor)= A 1�01s0' 30 7.6 85 10 3 0.33 kips 3.26 kips Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: G to ©`1.0 F Force due to wind loading; a )t 36 per boat 7.6 E Vessel end area 0.33 Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air tiiiibei oft$vats4 28 E 1 Sub Totakmboatr 0.13 kips Sub Totaltpa shedding radmr 3.65 kips Page 1 of 3 NORTH WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33'Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: E :Fzcpgs'iue Ofic 0 :f Ve'ssel`3_'eugfl4 40 tt-: Aera-FCeig13 8.1 ib> ft 85 Mja Wii um ber g f;Boats= Directivtt'aeto Sub Total(prr boap= Sub Total(per shedding racmr)= Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: G "ui'ei %d 0 60" F Force due to wind loading; VeSset`eugl=' 45 A fir A per boat 7. 8.6 ft, E Vessel end area(0.33'Vessel Len.) End 'Area= 4;;129 fi^-2" D Direction factor 'yyip'n eec 85 S Shielding factor i,Adj Wiii 'Spe t A4_' :3 Terrain air 'l fgBoals 1 tb ets a,.c b 1 Sub Total(pa Sub Total(pa shedding ra<mr1= red /o: GQ ^ems 0t80.' Ot0 98 50 I 950 8 98 198 1(03.3; i1', ek630..I X1633 ?t633I 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 Ii4tialY.`:'it:4'.5121" .'.43 °_:'l i4:3. 8 1 1 31 3 I 3 I 1 I 1 4.20 5.61 1.87 0.23 kips Sub Totaltpm shedding rxmr)= 33.63 5.61 1.87 7.24 kips Sub Tota1(paboaq= 31 1 0.15 4 79 kips kips 1.11 kips 1 11 kips H F E C NORTH WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; 'Vesselileug# per boat verage;?Fleight✓ E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: 7/Direction act6i Sub Totalip bogy= Sub TOtal(pa sheiming factor)= Input: ,Eiid�Area= "5 Wind S onYactot, Sub Total(p. bon) Sub Total(pc shaming factor)= Input: D C 60 I 60 1i 11.2 11.2 224;0. ...!1 X224,0; 85 I 85 3 u calla 11 4.3.: 1 I 1 3 1 7.69 2.56 kips 7.69 2.56 kips F D B 018G1 `gWO:80: °(}:84 90 90 90 ft: 13 I 13 I 13 90:4 t9, 390;0' ii' 7390.0; 85 I 85 I 85 �?nPh ,143 "°1;x ;,143` tssf' 3 3 I 3I 3 3 13.38 13.38 13.38 40.15 40.15 80.31 F Sub Total(pe bou)= Sub Total(pc shniding racmr)= 100 I 100 14 14 ;466 S1 46 85 85 4414. Imo 2 2 3 I 3 16.02 16.02 32.03 32.03 D kips kips kips kips Reid iddleton October 2006 Project No. 24 -00 -005 File: 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina \Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 12- 06.xls Assumption. Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads Notes: Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson 'Marinas and small craft harbors' Pages 337 343 WEST WIND (CENTER OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load (Row L) Variables: Vessel Wind Load (Row K) Variables: 0 degrees 90 degrees n 90 degrees 0 degrees F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area (0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Direction Factor Wind Angle Factor 0 1 15 1.8 30 2.35 45 2.8 60 3.15 75 3.25 90 3 Input: L VeseI Lengtl 45 1 50 ve_rage 'FIeight= 10 1 16 1 85 I 85 I 1 I 2 1 1 I 1 1 Total paboat 1 72 3.05 Sub Total(per abeadiag factor)= 1 72 6.10 Input: Sub Total(pctboatt= Sub Totaker abrading factor)= Page 1 of 2 L K K K K 40 1 30 I 40 1 50 1 55 20 1 20 I 20 1 20 I 20 ,2 t6. b6 7y_kr J33 36t1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 3 I; 4 okr4 A. 1 1 5 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.81 0.29 0.38 0.48 0.52 kips 3.81 0.29 1.91 1.91 2.10 kips L L L L L U 80 60 1 60 I 65 I 70 1 80 18 1 18 1 20 I 20 1 20 +0a 14331r. 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 I 14:3 q _14:3., 1 A4igatiit, 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.12 3.09 4.96 5.34 4.58 kips 12.36 3.09 9.91 10.68 4.58 kips K WEST WIND (CENTER OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load (Row J) Variables: Input: J J J J ,:•ip0sttrreek? %..:t .:`034' 030 031), ,.,.,..,,1 F Force due to wind loading; Vessel.Leiig 4 30 35 40 I 45 per boat terage'Ieglit 20 I 20 20 I 20 i E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) 'End `2004 I,.'233:3 266, 0: D Direction factor a• ,?inii Spee%l= 85 I 85 85 85 S Shielding factor 1 Vlr Speed 4,4 :3,' 14;3 1" .3e.I `t 4 Terrain air Nuniber Qf "Boats 3 I 4 5 I 3 •Tirection Factor 1 I 1 1 I 1 Total per boat= 0.86 1.00 1 14 1.29 kips Sub Totallper sheitding factor)= 2.57 4.00 5 72 3.86 kips Vessel Wind Load (Row I) Variables: Input: I I I I Exposure•% 0: ;t1,TiJ" 0 1t1" ':0,10 04 F Force due to wind loading; V,ussi }Igtti 160 35 I 40 I 50 I 55 per boat ,Kke 20 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len) z i4Me I "066 ',2333; .I '266;7..;[ ,3'334 I" .366 D Direction factor Viii pei r 85 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 S Shielding factor "grtntt.Speer ;;;14,3 xI ;T 4;3;, 4A :3. ".''li k;4.`3yii PSf Terrain air '•uililaer"iif;$cifs- 1 0 I 1 I 1 I 2 S ti. eEactTi 3 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Sub Total(perboat)= 9 15 0.00 0.38 0.48 0.52 kips Sub Total(per sheildingfactor)= 9 15 0.00 0.38 0.48 1.05 kips Page 2 of 2 Reid iddleton 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?ctober 2006 Project No. 24 -00 -005 File: 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina \Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 12- 06.xls Assumption: Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Notes: Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a i,,, M indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson 'Marinas and small craft harbors' Pages 337 343 Vessel Wind Load (Row K) Variables: 0 degrees 90 degrees 0 90 degrees 0 degrees NORTH WIND (CENTER OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load (Row L) Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads Direction Factor Wind Angle I 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 Input: Input: Factor 1 1.8 2.35 2.8 3.15 3.25 3 Total per boat= L L L „Z91Q10 .;19.130 t AITO 45 I 60 I 50 20 I 20 I 20 3060 u4�Q0 1033' 85 I 85 I 85 1 j 1 I 0 3 1 3 1 3 12.87 5.15 0.00 Sub Total(pa sbeading fae or)= 12.87 5.15 0.00 L L I 60 I 65 I 20 I 20 kI :#0(103 L433 I 85 I 85 l o l l 3 1 3 0.00 1.86 0.00 1.86 K K K K K 00 0 `3..01aCm0.t ;(`olo Q to 40 I 30 I 40 I 50 I 55 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 66:7tkii', niMi 6.02 423331U /Z66r;7 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 I I 0 1 1 I 1 I 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 11 44 0.00 1 14 1 43 1.57 kips Sub Total(per shading sictor)= 1144 0.00 1 14 1 43 3.15 kips Sub Total(perboao= Page 1 of 2 L L 70 1 80 20 I 20 °7466.:7..1033 3 I 85 I 85 1061 4 j1b 43 I 1 I 1 1 3 1 3 2.00 2.29 2.00 2.29 kips kips NORTH WIND (CENTER OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load (Row J) Variables: Vessel Wind Load (Row I) Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: t' E�ufe'°4 100 0 3 0 0io1%. ?0f0 Total per boat Sub Total(pot shedding factor)= Input: 3ipii'Ore *es s61e0 40160,P-1-! *WI Speed 4 'w4.1r1 berfls Sub Total(per boat)= Sub TOtal(per shedding facto0= Page 2 of 2 45 1 35 1 30 1 35 1 40 1 45 20 I 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 (Y:dr;73.4:11 :40,99„ :1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 I 85 1 85 1 1 0 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 12.87 0.00 0.86 1.00 1 14 1.29 kips 12.87 0.00 2.57 2.00 2.29 2.57 kips I I I I I I 1:319.017 133 160 1 130 1 35 1 40 1 50 1 55 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 „fli(4 i'..'19.6635:t70617:4 233°31-. 85 I 85 1 85 1 85 I 85 1 85 tikac 1;::,..i0x ,K1,41t.3 JL 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 I 1 3 I 3 3 I 3 .1•; 15.25 0.00 0.00 114 0.00 1.57 kips 15.25 0.00 0.00 114 0.00 1.57 kips Reid iddleton so' 60A-ryouse 3 ,soe &-)42..5e, YS zs 8o go4-rifoc)5C e /s37 exibsvee ,k3012 winy coat. s 2-1 kips Client Project Project No. eow $04T tf,, e 1 6o 80,47 so Expos d RE csic57 70- is 6 ED/Yr1 nkreTy z-4 b 7Z 1 Sheet of Design by Date Checked by Date f t 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 0 i 1 i 1 1 Reid iddleton October 2006 File 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina\Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 13- 06.xls Assumption. Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Notes: Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a r a.. indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson 'Mannas and small craft harbors' Pages 337 343 0 degrees Direction Factor Wind Angle Factor 0 1 V 15 1.8 90 degrees 90 degrees 30 2.35 45 2.8 Project No 24 -00 -005 A 0 degrees WEST WIND (WEST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables. F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shieldmg factor Terrain air Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads ����;xDir�ecti6iiFactar Total per boat Sub Total(per sheilding factor)= Page 11 of 15 Input: 60 3 15 75 3.25 90 3 OSl7f O O O 50 50 50 9.8 I 9.8 I 9.8 7,1graa:341, :j63a 1 85 I 85 k uif143eJ t 43 1 I 2 25 3 1 3 I 3 7 01 3.50 2.10 7.01 7 01 52.55 kips kips 1 Reid iddleton October 2006 Project No. 24 -00 -005 File: 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina\Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 13- 06.xls Assumption: Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Notes: Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson Marinas and small craft harbors' Pages 337 343 0 degrees Direction Factor Wind Angle Factor 0 1 15 1.8 30 2.35 45 2.8 60 3.15 75 3.25 90 3 90 degrees 0 90 degrees Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads 0 degrees NORTH WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: E F Force due to wind loading; 'Vessel'Iengilt 20 per boat }3elglit= 4.5 E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) EndxPYrea i 30.0'": D Direction factor D .Spccd 7 85 S Shielding factor W 4M, Terrain air utrilter.of:1liiats' 1 rectinn;Factor I Total pa boat 0.04 kips Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: A ..00g F Force due to wind loading; Vesse ngtb 30 per boat Av tz 7.6 E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) iii 76 R fit, .a D Direction factor d- Speed 85 S Shielding factor t o s Terrain air uriilreiaol «Boats� 10 Dtrechon Fodor,, 3 Sub Totaltpa 0.00 lips Sub Totaltpa sheddin act.)- 0.00 kips Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: (MAT F Force due to wind loading; ~i Vesse 36 per boat et 7.6 E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) =Areal 9L20- D Direction factor ,$��d'= 85 S Shielding factor Terrain air tumberofBaats 28 o "xt iecti ,Fae 1 0.13 kips Sub Totaltpa aiding racm.�= 3.65 kips Sub Totaltpa Page 1 of 3 111 NORTH WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: E qi: y:5-461,:p-Ago0 40 i Nyer,046 8.1 kija:*4,7 ,..1-0,81'0 i Vida 85 fiikii ilj:IViiid Speed `1,4:3, pSf:,,,t :beit_of134* 31 alf ectioittao I i Sub Total(paboat)= 0.15 kips Sub TOtakper sheilding t r)= 4 79 kips Input: G 0I60. I., kAll VeS:sel litigth 45 li.. Is,kkit'agiAleigli. 8.6 etl :MP #'4,* V:144.0.4, 85 mph. 1 1 6 4 16.5. .t* 14:3. 1 1 1 Sub Total(p.b.o= 1 11 kips Sub Totakpasheildin Oor) I I I kips Input: =4*-401 .410; 0.?Aiefilge Height Wm 4 a41 e'& d‘Speedr 1 Qi*tidiaa40i#: Sub Total(per boar Sub Total(mthadin ticwo= H F E C ;9Q0 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 Itt 9.8 I 9.8 I 9.8 I 9.8 163.3 I 633 I 1633j 1633 ft2 85 I 85 I 85 I 85 ;AO 8 1 1 31 3 3 1 1 I I I 4.20 5.61 1.87 0.23 kips 33.63 5.61 1.87 7.24 kips Vessel Wind Load Variables: 1 I NORTH WIND (EAST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Variables: Vessel Wind Load Variables: Input: Fxposure 4080 0 80 F Force due to wind loading; 11 per boat Vi‘seiXen 69 60 1 Ayofagellleigh: 11.2 11.2 ft E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) t 4 tillagf.:41224AY I. 2240. atti.1,e D Direction factor Vind 85 I 85 WO S Shielding factor Adj Wind Seed I14 3 14 3 IPst4 Terrain air 14kiite'tor. ats 1 I 1 3 I 1 1 Sub TOtai(per boa) 7.69 2156 kips Sub Totakp. shcilding 7.69 2 kips F D B 90 I 90 I 90 �t 13 I 13 I 13 :.:139,01CA:49.0!.01LT:',7,390A: 85 I 85 I 85 ;41;: 3 I 6 3 8.37 kips 50.19 kips F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33*Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air Input: Ve vetaglie:iiii(4 ndWd 4j Wfd'e41 tlf4:64. Sub Totakp. boat)= Sub Totakp.o,ading b..)= Input: F ID .ffijure;„ ,V" :e*14:011 100 I 100 14 14 n4re '4667 k466 ft' eecH 85 I 85 iontFtT Sub Totakp. boat)= Sub Total(p.amaain ammo= Page 3 of 3 3 3 13.38 40.15 3 13.38 40.15 2 I 12 3 13 16.02 16.02 kips 32.03 32.03 kips Reid iddleton October 2006 File 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Manna\Design Phase\Design \Vessel Loads Revised 10- 13- 06.xls Assumption. Boat lengths are equal to length of finger Notes Anywhere there is a indicates a cell that needs input. Anywhere there is a 11 indicates a cell that has been calculated. Calculations based on Tobiasson "Mannas and small craft harbors" Pages 337 -343 0 degrees Direction Factor Wind Angle Factor 0 1 15 1 8 90 degrees 90 degrees 30 2.35 45 2.8 60 315 75 3.25 90 3 0 degrees NORTH WIND (WEST SIDE OF MARINA) Vessel Wind Load Vanables. Page 13 of 15 Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads Project No 24 -00 -005 Input: 0 F Force due to wind loading; per boat E Vessel end area(0.33 *Vessel Len.) D Direction factor S Shielding factor Terrain air e r'letr af 28 „t ect n;actor 1 Total per boat 0 70 kips Sub Total(per sheilding factor)= 19 62 kips t 1 Reid iddleton V Client Project Project No. .1.••••• 2_S 2_3 1 Iv\ NIkl kt LIAVE 15 C..Lcr OFF -f 2:" rr 0,c e_an AJ 1I 0 -1-1.t44-1-S7 P■Et-zikbEite Lc 1,0E r .g Ti t/ 1 7 353 5 6q i; 143/ 5%'#1 1 I Zo VILZUAI E I- I p.4 ta_w Sheet of L I Design by Date 0 LI Checked by Date Reid iddleton \J bock c/ D rs l i 3 F i.�wtrs 1 +14 5 0 Dock E/F A. Firs+ 3 n O —5 ,o Lo iesr RcQ&Deb 1ThE N J/ 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, WA 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 4 1 F// S PorNToFLo AD M?L1 -.r0. HICMESr RE a2aEL, T1 e rnLLW i3 rtio -/NE -13' Coro Ff= S• 0 Law EST /zE TI DL 4444. SoIC. FIX I-r S-, I1,5t Lv,gk Fingers +1`(s C&rror +1 S ?owl F La4D AQPN(gTlo�+ arlAGI/3,L m /4, 0 o p I La_W ..stickup L enfA Client ?o 1:1,7 o P P RT A N 6 E LES 130AT HA Vi=1J MARINA 3oIL. CoNN rrioOS Project l` J� Project No. ZL --00 00 S B. Last 3 Ffn3eJ5 v 4 0 4 0 N 5 Cow r -F fll S1 Roir.,T OG La4D hPet,ieATnbN 1o. S 1-1I4,NEST R� caza U 77c a —23 ein —S o l lowess'1 eC`za& n (le 1U Du,J E rck� l 15-- L o, L.oas* r i',ntecs s exTo FF +II S Po 01 L ?O M'?' ,4-r1 ;M 1 4+11F5T rZ oRD£a 117E: 0,0 1 4. 1 (4 4 £.Owc REar e Lea, J Sheet of 2- Design by 1ti� Date 0 6/21 /o6 Checked by Date 1 Dac.k G/N A En-6 re. soak r r Q 1 t 1 1 Reid iddleton 2t O r .i 4/ 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, WA 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 +H. 5 C,JI7F-r t1115 --12 PlUpL/ i Client Pot2T Po12T At•3 GELES Project BAT FI AVEN MARlN SO L Cot t) ITl ©1JS (EK °.EL )T,:C, Project No. 2-L 00 O D Po r ot= LOAD APPLI C/i?Qry +10 S H Gu r RtCoet. b -rite sot L 0 0 ^1LL■J .0 LowEST 12 l Skokup Len 1-in Sheet 2 of 2 Design by ¶Gr rn Date 626 /Zl .706 Checked by Date 1 Reid iddleton NI S PA-kt/ far 4- F M LAA Client Project 1-\ Project No. 2 Li 0 -0 0 0 C-- 3g 0 0 0 Trol t 4 )1,5'L7, DOD i< 1 6 I 1 o r7 ,fr, '70 'ri I r eo M S r 2-q5.0 (pp In'i)=- q1 1 "tcb le 1-1- i M 1 4 .1 5 kiv\1 X 1,4 66 I kiM 1 AILL64, T5 Sheet of L I Design by Date 10/ 6/0K Checked by Date I IA 1D k -Pi Reid iddleton r .0/ 30 Client i\s. Project all A Project No. 7t4 -00 ,e)0 777 c 103> M 99 lot( o.&ti h Sheet of 6 1 Design by Date Checked by Date k s i6t k Y 1 i I 1 i A 1 1 Reid iddleton February 2007 PORT OF PORT ANGELES BOAT HAVEN MARINA RENOVATION Pile 10 3/4' dia. steel, 0.365' wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi 1= 161 in"4 Ma= 1.3xFbxS A 12 inA2 Moment allowable 97 k *ft S 30 in "3 Wt/ft 40 lb Pile 10 3/4' dia. steel, 1/2' wall Fy 50 ksi E 29 000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi I= 212 in "4 Ma= 13xFbxS A 16 inA2 Moment allowable 128 k *ft S 39 in "3 Wt/ft 55 lb Pile 12 3/4' dia. steel, 3/8" wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi 1= 279.3 in "4 Ma 1.3 x Fb x S A 14.58 in "2 Moment allowable 142 k *ft S 43.8 inA3 Wt/ft 49.56 lb Pile 12 3/4' dia. steel, 1/2' wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi 1= 362 in "4 Ma= 1.3xFbxS A 19 inA2 Moment allowable 185 k *ft S 57 inA3 Wt/ft 65.5 lb Pile 14' dia. steel, 3/8' wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi 1= 372.8 inA4 Ma= 1.3 x Fb x S A 16.05 in "2 Moment allowable 173 k *ft S 53.2 inA3 Wt/ft 54.57 lb Pile 14' dia. steel, 1/2" wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi I= 484 in "4 Ma= 1.3xFbxS A 21 inA2 Moment allowable 224 k *ft S 69 inA3 Wt/ft 72 lb Pile 16' dia. steel, 3/8' wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0.6 Fy 30 ksi I= 562.1 in "4 Ma 1.3 x Fb x S A 18 inA2 Moment allowable 228 k *ft S 70.3 in "3 Wt/ft 62.58 lb Pile 16' dia. steel, 1/2' wall Fy 50 ksi E 29,000,000 psi Fb 0 6 Fy 30 ksi 1= 732 in"4 Ma= 1.3xFbxS A 24 in "2 Moment allowable 299 k *ft S 92 in "3 Wt/ft 83 lb 728134th Sire Everett, Weskit, Ph: 425 741-35, Fax:425741-3900 200 Load Magnitude Vx and Vv Load Position Xcm and Ycm Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr Eccentricitvex and ev CM CR !Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex Project No 24 005 f„ (use 0 if not steel) I b' ksi f (use 0 if not concrete) I 0; ksi E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) I 1,700 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 26 :0' kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand 'Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) 0:0: ft !Highest Elevation of Applied Load 120' ft H'1DOCl24WI1001005 PPA Boat Haven Ma a\Design Phase\Destgng7imber Pile Capacity and Stiffness.xls]PlerStiffness 10/172008 17'17 Of- 1, I 01 I 01 1 I' I 01 1 I 01 01 I 01 1 01 1 I :l 01 I so Port •Boat tgn by of Date 10/17/2006 DIRECTION X I Y 1.81, 0:0 kips 0.01 0 :0 ft 0.01 0.0 ft 0.01 0.0 ft 0.0 kip -ft Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) pile spacing should be 3 x oile diameter E_ Checks Date NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 E I E x 64 )(Do'. Di) I Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment Pile Stiffness 1 Diameter Thickness El MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3EI /Ls' Ky= 3E1 /Ls' Bent X (ft) Y (ft) (in) I (in) I (kip -ft2) IElev (ft) I Mud Scout 1.8 El f 0.8 (,EI f (kip/ft) I(kip/ft) Existing TimberPilel' (:0001 0.0001 :12.001 `0.001 12,0171 113,01 25.01 31.1 27.71 1.2 1.2 J= 1,2 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kin -Ft Ex)-4 TA", b.k. J� M 6.00 K° iN SO k 1.2 WI 110 1111, MI Mk- LA MS OR LOAD X I LOAD Y Vv 1 V7 1 Vx 1 My Delta X I Vv 1 VT 1 V 1 M 1 Delta Y (kips) I (kips) (kips) I -in) (in) (kips) I (kips) I (kips) I (kip -in) I (in) 1.8 0.0 '1.8 599.0 18.09 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 1.81 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0. Reid iddleton r Client Project Lc a--A F 9,o 6 k )3.72 k E. 7 1 e A4 IA-Cw 6oK, Project No. Z 00 in C A>P\ 371-k cLk P 1 ce4,ci_c_ zr. 3 6 .1,- k F 45A, ,,i 1 b 30:70 Sheet of Design by Date JO/ Z Checked by Date 728 134th Street' Everett, Weshin Ph' 425741-3800 Fax: 425 7413900 200 f (use 0 if not steel) I :.45= ksi 1 f (use 0 if not concrete) 1 0 ksi 1 E. (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) I 29,000 ksi 1 f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 26.0 kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand 'Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) Highest Elevation of ADDlied Load DIRECTION 1 I X I Y 1 !Load Magnitude Vx and Vv I :4.7.1. 0.0 kips Load Position Xcm and Ycm I 0.0I 0.0 ft Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr I 0.01 0.0 ft Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR I 0.01 0.0Ift Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex I 0.0 I kip -ft H:1DOC124Wn001005 PPA Boat Ha Marina\Desipn Phase/Design\IPile Capacity and Stiffness.olsjPierStitfn 10/24/2006 10:24 01 01 01 I ol' I... 1 01 Po s BD Project No. 24 005 ""'00 ft 12:0: ft 1 Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) Dile spacing should be 3 x pile diameter NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I E I E x (n 64 D Di 1 I Eff. Deft. Eff. Moment I Pile Stiffness I Diameter (Thickness El MudLine IH PileTop -Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Il<x= 3EI/Ls' IKy= 3EI/Ls' I Bent 1 X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (in) (kip -ft Elev (ft) Mud Scou 1.8 El f 2 0.8 El f 1 (kip/ft) (kip /ft) 'Al I =0.0001' 0 :0001 ::12.751.. 0.381 56.2551 13.01 25.01 33.41 28.71 4.51 4.51 01 ..I 1 l 01 1 01 .1' I' I 01-. ,.I..... 1' I 01',:: r 01 I I E_ Des n Dz 10/24/2006 cr. d Date' X 4.51 0.0 ft Y 0.0 ft J 000.0E +0 Klo -Ft 4.5 WF LOAD X Vv 1 VT 1 Vx 1 (kips) I (kips) I (kips) (kip -in) -4.7 0.0 4.7 1.619.6 -4.7 0.01 4.7 M, Delta X (in) 12.41 LOAD Y Vv I VT I VT 1 M. 1 (kips) (kips) (kips) (kip -in) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 Delta Y (in) 0.00 1 1 1 Reid iddleton Client Project ,B 14 1 Project No. 24 n I i 1 i M i b. 1 °I 6 fr.. 0 tlie-v,,, XL- 1 i I 35 14,i,c-t- I r it 4 OK Sheet a of Design by Date Checked by Date Bent A1: 728 134th Street: 200 Everett Wishing Ph: 4257413800 Fax:4257413900 f (use 0 if not steel) I 45 ksi f (use 0 if not concrete) I 0 ksi E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc"` Wood 1700) I 29,000 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 6 "q- kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand !Assumed Death of Scour (3 to 10 feet) -0.0 ft IHiahest Elevation of Applied Load 12.0. ft I; I: Bo so Dew,- n JS� m am as a u sai Project No. 24 005 DIRECTION I X I V I !Load Magnitude Vx and Vv 3.61 0.0 kips I Load Position Xcm and Ycm 0.01 0.0 ft I Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr 0.01 0.0 ft !Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR 0.01 0.0 ft !Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex 0.0 lkip -ft H:\DOCl24Wfl00 \005 PPA Boat Haven MarinalDesign Phase1Design\(Ple Capacity and Stefness.tds]PlerStdfness 10242006 13:47 Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) Dile soacina should be 3 x pile diameter o 1 01. I 01: I I' 01 I 01 01 f 01 01 01: I 01 01 I 01 I E_ Dz 10/24/2006 Chr .y Date NOTE. FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I E I E x (a 64 )(D. Di) I Eff. De&. Eff. Moment Pile Stiffness I Diameter Thickness El MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3El /LS' Ky= 3EVLS' V I X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (in) (kip -ft Elev (ft) I Mud Scout 1.8 El f 2 0.8 (El f )0 (kip/ft) (kip /ft) (kips) -1 :0 :0001.. 0.000 12.751 0:381 56.2551 _12.01 24.0 32.4 27.71 5.0 5.01 -3.6 01 I I I 5.0 5.0 0.0 ft Y 0.0 ft J 000.0E +0 Kip -Ft G -3.6 LOAD X VT I Vx I My I Delta X (kips) (kips) Skip -in? I On) 0.0 3.6 1,197.4 8.68 I I 0.0 3.6 Vv 0.0 LOAD Y VT I Vv 1 (kips) I (kips) (kips) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 M, (kip -in) 0.0 Delta Y (in) I 0.001 Reid iddleton Lo Client Project Project No. -77 k iscici t2 t k q. k k 67 7 0, 317G" 00 17 12. 3 4 1 pL.Lv j,8K 7Z, IA, o o c-- 6 17 Sheet 3 of Design by Date J 0/2-0) Checked by Dote C-- If. (use 0 if not steel) If. (use 0 if not concrete) E. (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 26.0` kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand 'Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) 0.0; ft Highest Elevation of Anolied Load 12.0' ft Load Magnitude Vx and Vv Load Position Xcm and Ycm Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr Eccentricity ex and ey CM CR I Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex H:1DOC\24WA0o\s05 PPA Boat Haven Marina Design Phase\Design11P8e Capacity and Stiffness.,dslPlerSttlfness 10124/2008 14:07 728 134th Street, 200 Everett Washing. Ph: 425741-3800 Fax: 4257413900 Diameter Thickness El MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3EI/LS' Ky= 3EI/Ls' 1 Bent I X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (in) I (kip-ft) I Elev (ft) I Mud Scow 1.8 f El /f 1 0.8 i El f 2 (kip /ft) I (kip /ft) Al I 0.0001 0,0001 '12.001' 0.001 12,0171 "-8.01 20.01 26.1) 22.7 2.01 2.0 "I I I'.: I 01' I:. .I 1 t Po s Bo Project No. 24 005 0 ksi ksi 1,700 1,700 ksi DIRECTION I X I Y 2.41 0.0 kips 0,01 .0.0 ft 0.01 0.0 ft 0.01 O.OIft 0.0 IIdp -ft INOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I IE I E x (n 64) Do Di`) I Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment I Pile Stiffness I Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing I diameter 3) oile spacing should be 3 x Dile diameter 01 01 01 0 i 01 01 01: 01 01 01 01. 01 01 P A E_ :111 JS 11111 11111 NIP Da. 10/24/2006 Ch. _y Date X4r Y J. 2.01 0 :0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kin -Ft m,, 2.0 6 V 6 1.c♦ i LOAD X Vv I Vr I Vx I My (kips) I (kips) I (kips) (kip -in) -2.4 0.0 2.4 654.6 -2.4 0.0 2.4 6 I LOAD Y Delta X V I VT I Vy I Mx Delta Y (in) I (kips) (kips) (kips) (kip -in) (in) 14.271 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0 0.0 'I id 728 1340 Steel 200 Everett Wschlnp. Ph: 425 7413800 Fax: 425 741-3900 If, (use 0 if not steel) I 45 ksi I If. (use 0 if not concrete) I ksi I I E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) I 29,000 ksi I f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 26.0 kcf Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter Very Loose, Loose, Medium. Dense, and Very Dense Sand) multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) Dile soacino should be 3 x pile diameter Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) 0.0 ft I Highest Elevation of Aoolied Load 12.0 ft I Load Magnitude Vx and Vv Load Position Xcm and Ycm Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex NS Mt sn 10n Jg 1111 MO MI M 11111 11110 Project No, 24 005 H: \DOC\24Wr100\005 PPA Boat Fla Marina\Design Pha e\Design\IPfe Capacity and Stiff n sids]PlerStffness 10/24/2006 14:15 E1= Ex(1t /64)(Do Diameter Thickness Bent I X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (in) A1... L ;0.0001- 0.0001. 12.751, 0.381 1 1.' I NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 1 I I'.: 1., 1 I h 7 1' DIRECTION X I Y 6.01' -0.0 kips 0.01 0.0 ft 0.01 0.0 ft 0.01 0.0 ft 0.0 kip -ft 01 01" I I 01 1 1 E =1 De chi ,y Date 10/24/2006 C,/b 3, K FA 6 0 D1 I Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment Pile Stiffness El I MudLine I H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H I Kx= 3EI/Ls' I Ky= 3EI/Ls' (kip -ft Elev (ft) Mud Scow 1.81 El f)° 2 0.8 El f) 2 (kip/ft) (kip/ft) 56,2551 -8.01 20.01 28.41 23.7 7.41 7.4 01 :I 1 1 01_ I 01. I I 01. ..1 01 01 I 01 I 01 ol I 01 I 01 I- 01" I I OI: :1 1 01 01_ f I Yen J= 7.41 7.4 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kip -Ft Vv (kips) -6.0 -6.01 0.0 LOAD X VT I Vx I (klps) (ks) 0.0 6.0 6.0 LOAD Y VT I VY I (in) (kips) I (kips) (kips) 9.73 0.0 0.0 0.0 M„ I Delta X I Vv I (kip -in) 1,707.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 M. (kip -in) I 0.0 Delta Y (in) 0.00 6 A- ben t 12, 1 1 I AA i 1 I 4 0 c-ei 1 i I 1 1 14, 3o k Reid iddleton A 6L" tt,_, A 1 1 1 12, el) 31" I io fr,„futel Li-n-c. Cr,!+kcJ vc k Client PA Project _R Project No. O 0•0 PA 59'k/- g,s Sheet L i of Design by Date Checked by Date 1 I idi 111 11. Bo s 04s JS 11111 Sill MI 728134th 5'o 3200 Everett Washtub Ph: 425 741-3800 Project No, 24 005 Fan: 425 741 -3900 f (use 0 if not steel) 1 45 ksi f (use 0 if not concrete) 10': ksi E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc"` Wood 1700) I 29,000 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 26.9. kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) '0,0 ft Highest Elevation of Applied Load 12,0 ft DIRECTION X 1 Y Load Magnitude Vx and Vv I 5.91 0.0 kips Load Position Xcm and Ycm 0.01: 0,0 ft Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr 0.01 0.0 ft Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR 0.01 0.0 ft Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex 0.0 kip -ft H: \DOC124Wf100\005 PPA Boat Haven MarinalDesign Phase\Design\(Pile Capacity and SWfness.idslPierStiffness 10125/2006 16:36 I NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I E I E x (n 64 (Do Di) Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment Pile Stiffness Diameter 'Thickness' l MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3El/Ls' I Ky= 3EI/Ls' I V Bent I X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) I (in) I (kip-ft) IElev (ft) IMud Scout 1.81 El f 1 2 0.8 El f (kio/ft) (kip/ft) f (kips) A1:.:. ,I 0,0001. 0.000 12.75V 0.381 56,2551;,._ -8.01 20.01 28.41 23.71 7.4 7.4 5.91 01 I: I; I o1, o l 01 Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) pile soacino should be 3 x Dile diameter o F ol b I 01', h. li I OF 1: 01' I of 01- 01_ 01' 0 1'. E_ C 10/24/2006 G, oy Date Xar Y J 7.41 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kip 7.4 -5.9 LOAD X VT I Vx (kips) I (kips) I (kip -in) 0.0 5.91 1.679.1 I I 0.01 5.9 M I Delta X (in) 9.57 LOAD Y Vv I VT 1 Vv 1 M (kips) I (kips) I (kips) I (kip -in) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 Delta Y (in) 0.001 Reid iddleton Client Project Project No. PA 14 Eack: i/ I cb 1 R0 L z L ie k 7' 1.1 VS k i 1 1 k. 1 0. 0 -2 T I L 1. k 1 L 2 22,30 k 4, y 17 lin 1 4g g3 Sa Li (E 4 c_ (2) j ii 0 I( F 09 3 P L/2 --t-v d e I 7 Sheet 6 of Design by Date AL,/ /0 6 S, Checked by Date 5 )0 728134th Street. Everett, Waahingr Ph: 425741 -3800 Fax: 425 741 -3900 200 f (use 0 if not steel) I 0 ksi f (use 0 if not concrete) I 0 ksi E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fce' Wood 1700) I 1,700 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for 7.0` kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand Load Magnitude Vx and Vv Load Position Xcm and Ycm Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr I Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR I Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex Po s ect Bo Project No, 24 -00 -005 (Assumed Death of Scour (3 to 10 feet) 0.0 ft I Highest Elevation of Applied Load .12.0. ft DIRECTION X I Y 1:71-` -0.0 kips 0.01 -0,0 ft 0.01 0.0 ft 0.011 0.0Ift 0.0 kip-ft H:1DOC124Wh001005 PPA Boat Haven Marina Design Phase\Designl(PBe Capacity and Stffness-zls)PierStiffness 10262006 9:38 NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I EI= Ex(1r /64)(Do D Diameter Thickness El I MudLine Bent I X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (in) (kip Elev (ft) Al .I .0.0001: .0.0001'. "12.00 1' 0.00 '12.0171 160 01 t 01 1 01 1 0l P 01 0 1 I d L., I 01 I. o1 :1 I.'. I 01 01." 01 01 I 01 L. ol 1 Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) pile soacina should be 3 x pile diameter oI of 01 01 10/24/2006 Date IEff. Deft Eff. Moment I Pile Stiffness H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3EULs' Ky= 3EULs' Mud Scour 1.8 (El f 0.8 El f 2 (kip/ft) I (kip /ft) 28.0 36.01 31.5 0.8 0.8 E_ X.= Y J= 0.8 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kip -Ft 0.8 Vv 1 VT (kips) I (kips) 1.7 0.0 1.7 0.0 LOAD X Vx I (kips) (kip-in) 1.7 643.6 1.71 1 M I Delta X (in) 26.37 Vv 1 (kips) 0.0 0.0 LOAD Y VT I Vv I M. 1 (kips) (kips) (kip -in) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta Y (in) 0.001 Reid iddleton TQ& trtd- Client Project Project No. i 1 io Lo4 1 PI---- i 2/ k Sheet of Design by Date Checked by Date Bent Al 728 134th Shoot 200 Ewalt, Washing, Ph: 425 741-3800 Fax: 425 741 -3900 It (use 0 if not steel) It (use 0 if not concrete) E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc"` Wood 1700) INN t P es ecr B n Project No 24 005 f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for .26.0 kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) 0.0 ft Highest Elevation of Applied Load ..12 :0 DIRECTION I X 1 Y I Load Magnitude Vx and Vv 5.51 :0:0 kips Load Position Xcm and Ycm 0 :01' °0.0 ft Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr 0.01 0.0Ift Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR 0.011 0.0Ift Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex 0.0 +kip -ft H:\DOC124WA00\005 PPA Boat Haven Marina Design Phase \Design\P8e Design11P8ing loads 10.25.06.x1s]Wind Loading Summary 10/26/2006 10:15 :46 ksi '0 ksi 1 29,000 ksi Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) Dile spacing should be 3 x pile diameter 01. .I 01,' 01 01 1 01. 01 `1 01. 01 .1 01' 01 0E. 1. 01..:... ..:I 01: Oil. 01; OF 01. s Desln ^-.hv Di ChL 4 Date X, Y J= JJS 10/24/2006 NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I E I E x (n 64) (Do' Di') Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment Pile Stiffness 1 Diameter (Thickness El MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3EVLs' Ky= 3EVLs' I X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (In) (kip -ft) Elev (ft) Mud Scots 1.8 El f 1 0.8 El f (kip /ft) (kip /ft) I .0,000 '0.0001>.. .12.751.. '0,38 56,2551: -10.01 22.01 30.41 25.7 6.01 6.01 1 I I 1 6.0 6.0 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kip -Ft V (kips) -5.5 5.5 NB MS 1- NS r r 0.0 LOAD X VT Vx (kips) (kips) 0.0 5.5 5.5 I LOAD Y M Delta X I V 1 VT 1 Vy I M (kip -in) (in) I (kips) (kips) (kips) (kip -in) 1,697.3 10.951 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 Delta Y (in) 0.00 1 UM P s Bp 7261340 Street 200 Everett Washing, Ph: 425741.3600 Project No, 24 005 Fax:425 741 -3900 �f (use 0 if not steel) 1 0 ksi If. (use 0 if not concrete) I 0 ksi IE (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) I 1,700 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80,110 kcf for 26.0' kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) 0:0 ft Highest Elevation of Aoolied Load 12.0' ft DIRECTION 1 XI Y I Load Magnitude Vx and Vv I: 1.81. "0:01 kips Load Position Xcm and Ycm 0:01, .o.01ft Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr 0.01 0.0 ft Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR 0.01 0.0 ft Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex 0.0 kip -ft H:1DOC124Wfl001005 PPA Boat Haven Marina/Design PhaseeDesignrile Capacity and Stern .xlsIPierStifness 10/24/2006 15:15 Bent NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 I E I E x (1t 64 (D IV)_ I Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment meter Thickness El MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H I X (ft) I Y (ft) 'Diameter (in) I (in) (kip-ft I Elev (ft) I Mud Scoui 1.8 El f 0.85 El f 2 0.0001. 0.0001 12.001 0.00 12.0171 "16,0 28.0 34.11 3 0.7 I. L.. I'. f 1 1 "....1.. I I Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) pile soacinq should be 3 x oile diameter 0i 01 01'' 01 01 01 o! 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 E_ JS r M MIN MI 10/24/2006 Ch. .ry Date X. Y J= f K J/ Pile Stiffness I LOAD X Kx= 3El/Ls" IKy= 3EI/Ls" I V I VT I Vx I My (kip/ft) (kip /ft) (kips) (kips) 1 (kips) (kip -in) 0.9 0.9 1.8 0.0 1.8 663.8 0.91 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kio -Ft 0.9 1.8 0.0 1.81 Delta X (in) 23.84 LOAD Y Vv I Vr Vv I M. (kips) (kips) (kips) (kip -in) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Delta Y (in) 0.00 0 728 134th 541 Ste 200 Everett Wash .04 Ph: 425 741 -3800 Fax: 425741 -3900 If (use 0 i f not steel) 1 ;:,__60 ksi f, (use 0 if not concrete) ,A ksi E (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) I 29,000 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for -26.0 kcf Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand !Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) Highest Elevation of Applied Load :I: S s Y h No as Project No. 24 005 0.0 ft A2:0 ft DIRECTION X 1 Y Load Magnitude Vx and Vv I:. :.:12.61-7-,:l.10.0 kips Load Position Xcm and Ycm C: "_.e0.01 :0 ft Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr I 0.01 0.0 ft Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR I 0.01 0.0 ft Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex I 0.0 kip -ft H:\DOC\24W1100 \005 PPA Boat Haven Marina/Design Phase\Design\Pile DesignOPile Capacity and Stdtness.xlslPierStiffness 11/7/2008 9:38 .d by Date Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) pile soacino should be 3 x pile diameter OD/ p NOTE. FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 E I E x (Tr 64) (Do D1 I Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment Pile Stiffness Diameter 'Thickness I El IMudLine IH PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3EULs' I 3EULs' I Bent X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) (in) (kip -ft Elev (ft) Mud Scout 1.8 1 EI f 1 0.8 El f 1 2 (kIP/ft) (kip /ft) Al .',::I „0.0001.`.'..0.0001,' 10:751` 0:37. 32.3701 17::0 29.01 36.5 32.31 2,0 2.0 0l o 01 01:. 01 01 0k 01 01:. I: ?I; 01 O f o E_ Xe.= Y .1= 11/7/2006 2.0 2.0 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 Kip -Ft LOAD X I LOAD Y Vv I VT I Vx My I Delta X I V I VT Vy I M I Delta Y (kips) (kips) (kips) I (kip -in) I (in) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kip-in) (in) I -2.6 0.0 2.6 1.020.3 15.79 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 2.6 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.01 0.0 idti 1 728134th S6 uile 200 Everett wash 204 Ph: 425741 -3800 Fax: 425 741 -3900 f (use 0 if not steel) f (use 0 if not concrete) E. (Steel 29000, Conc.57fc Wood 1700) INN 9 Project Bo Project No 24 005 I, „__tigksi w O ksi 29,000 ksi f (Subgrade Reaction 5, 10, 40, 80, 110 kcf for ,26;0 kcf Note if pile spacing is 8 x pile diameter Very Loose, Loose, Medium, Dense, and Very Dense Sand) multiply f by 0.25 0.15 x spacing diameter 3) pile spacing should be 3 x pile diameter Assumed Depth of Scour (3 to 10 feet) u 0.0! ft Highest Elevation of Applied Load :12.01 ft I DIRECTION X 1 Y 1 Load Magnitude Vx and Vv 1. 351. 0.0 kips !Load Position Xcm and Ycm 1'. 0:01 "0.0 ft I Calculated Center of Rigidity Xcr and Ycr 1 0.01 0.0 ft I Eccentricity ex and ev CM CR I 0.01 0.0 ft !Calculated Torsion T Vx ev Vv ex I 0.0 kip-ft H:1DOC124W8001005 PPA Boat Haven Marina\Design Phase 1DesigntPOe Design\lPBe Capacity and st8fnessJds1Pierstiffness 11/72006 9:46 Diameter Thickness Bent X (ft) I Y (ft) (in) 1 (in) 1 0: 0001 <`0:000I` a '10:751 „..:0;37 NOTE: FOR TIMBER PILE Th 0 El E x (a 64) (Do Di) 1 Eff. Defl. Eff. Moment 1 Pile Stiffness 1 El MudLine H PileTop- Ls (ft) H Lm (ft) H Kx= 3EI/Ls' Ky= 3EI/Ls' (kip -ft I Elev (ft) I Mud Scout 1.8 f El f 1 0.8 El f) 2 I(kiP/ft) kip/ft) 32.3701:::.:,." 24.0 31.5 27.3 3.11 3.1 01: ;,I 1 01:.a i 01x..: 01:I.:: 1 01 0I- 0lv Of 01 01 01. 01 0 1..., E_ Sh n- by JS 11/7/2006 .`d by Date Xe Y J= 3.1 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 000.0E +0 KIo 3.1 V (kips) -3.5 -3.5 MI MI LOAD X I V V M I Delta X Vv (kips) (kips) (kip -in) I (in) (kips) 0.0 3.5 1.147.8 13.50 0.0 0.01 3.51 0.0 LOAD Y Vy Vy I M 1 Delta Y (kips) (kips) (kip -in) (in) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 Reid iddleton Shear 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, WA 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 _Al 3„/ 9 5 wQ A max 1,4 185 EI Client Project s 34 Pc,�T o f P3fRT Pau GE- LE S FDAAT +-(A i j r nA k k N A FI&J(,E LoA`NifJ Project No. 7'4 —00 005 Pro 00 €J r Q i V zmA x Sheet 1 of 2 Design by tat 41 Date O6 /o6 Checked by Date Reid iddleton 728 134th Street SW Suite 200 Everett, WA 98204 Ph: 425 741 3800 Fax: 425 741 3900 dolax 3 Client POT OF PoR AAJE L c Project BOAT HAVEN tY)AR. IN) Pi le G Project No. 2.) oo 005 Sheet 1 of 2 Design by g G rY Date OG JO 7/0 Checked by Date IMIIIIII1111111111•11111•1111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111 PORT OF PORT ANGELES BOAT HAVEN November 2006 File 24 \00 \005 Point Hudson Marina \Design Phase \Design \Pile Design \Finger Loads Pile Dock Finger Type Finger Load Width w A B -t R R2 Mmax I E Amax L B waler V2 feet feet kpf in inches kips kips k -ft in ksi inches 60 Pile supported 100% 5 0 160 41 88 56 7 3 60 6 00 72 67 320 1 350 2.13E -01 50 Pile supported 50% 5 0 070 41.88 58 1.31 2.19 22 70 442 1 350 4 30E -02 50 Pile supported 100% 5 0 140 41.88 58 2.63 4.38 44 70 442 1 350 8.59E -02 50 Pile supported 30% 5 0 042 41.88 58 0 79 1 31 13 70 442 1,350 2.58E -02 45 Cantilevered 100% 4 0 123 30 63 46 0 00 5.54 31 32,407 1 350 1 08E -01 45 Pile supported 100% 4 0 123 41.88 46 2.08 3.46 31 44,309 1,350 7 88E -02 40 Cantilevered 50% 5 0 058 30 63 58 0 00 2.32 12 51 520 1,350 1.99E -02 40 Cantilevered 100% 5 0.203 30 63 58 0 00 8 12 41 51 520 1,350 6.98E -02 36 Cantilevered 50% 4 0 054 30 63 46 0 00 1.94 35 32,407 1 350 1.94E -02 36 Cantilevered 30% 4 0 033 30 63 46 0.00 1 19 21 32,407 1 350 1 18E -02 Waler 3 "x 12' 3 "x 6' A 41.88 in Waler 2 "x 12' 3 "x 6' A 30.63 in 50' Finger 36' 40' Fingers Reid iddleton O \4,,..-1 5 1 1 1 1 3 36 I 5a 3 07 1 I I 1 13-e) k 5 i 1,1 z. qb p ic, 7 ,DF 1 1 /7 4qt-- I, 7 7Z, 1 1 t- t Client 164 S1 Project Alb CAs Project No. Z 00 S Sheet 3 of Design by Date I /6 /o 6 Checked by Date 1 1 1 1 ---i, 1 1 1 Reid iddleton c op 61Y 1/1 Client !>A, Project Project No. 2 -4 Cc bo s z 0 51 K 6 I 06 e X. Ok IctA I J6-A-G4 LoLt i,e3( q:// k 6,6 6 4 2,1'1 4 2- /746c Checked by Dote b 69 -0, 6 1614-W2t1'-i-(zq) 1-3 1 La 03 11:33 fr I Sheet of Design by Dote 11/6 6o, k i n. a) 0 Bending Moment (in -kips) 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 TfTT TI I I i l 1 1 1 TTr TrT T t TT 0 Un 0 N U, 0 c, U) 0 N \k, Dock CID mudline -12ft MLLW all Marine F3.6 kips Lateral Deflection (in) Dock CID mudline -12ft MLLW all Marine r U, N co o to Bending Moment (in -kips) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 III' III! v 2:63 kips Dock 0/P mudiine 17ft MLLW all Glacial w t 1 0 100 -50 0 lill 0 L r 0 N .U) N 0 co) U) cn 0 U) 0 U) Bending Moment (in -kips) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 E 500 li i Dock O/P mudline -17ft MLLW all Glacial Iv 1.31 kips 3°► 2 k&I .P1- ..qs 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 l I i l l i t I t t t I t( i t l i i T, i tO to 0 0 to U, 0 L Lateral Deflection (in) O Dock 0/P mudline -17ft MLLW all Glacial 5 6 Iv 1.31 kips 1 y to 0 U) O 0 uo 0 2 4 6 Lateral Deflection (In) 10 Dock 0/P mudline 051 -17ft MLLW all Glacial 12 14 8 1 i i i 1 i i t 1 1 1 1 1 I Iv 2.63 kips I 1 C 0 k c I i 1 1 t)., 4 1, t itkt" 6. 36C 1!) o 1 1 Reid iddleton G.0_0 0 4 Client Project Project No. i(9 2t k 6 i Sheet of Design by Date VAL— Checked by Date --I 1 INN ant Mel ON sla tim 001‘ int Jai alt Mil WI 01 MS October 2006 File: 24\00\005 PPA Boat Haven Marina\Design Phase\Design\Vessel Loads Revised 10-05-06.xls WEST WIND LOADING SUMMARY F 4.24 I 0.39 Atha RwQ :1171 33.65 4it'tr; 2.57 0.29 4.00 NORTH WIND LOADING SUMMARY r4A0I 7.;. ‘7.:10,t2,17105::5 71: 0.04 2.57 2.00 3.65 3 a .OW 2.32 0.38 5 72 5 72 4 79 1 14 2.29 12.58 Port of Port An Boat Haven Marina Vessel Loads Project No. 24-00-005 5.53 3.86 1 72 66.56 7.01 0.70 6.07 0.48 1.91 6.10 66.57 E714$1',,T; 7.24 1.87 5.61 1 11 33 63 15 44 1 43 12.87 19.62 1 05 2.10 1.57 3 15 Page 1 of 1 9.61 0.96 15 45 2.56 7 69 5 15 9.91 1 86 10.68 2.00 4.58 Q 50 19 40 15 40 15 2.29 I 15 06 5 02 5 02 1T 10 01 3.34 32.03 8.67 9 15 wi: ii 32.03 15.25 Total 4.24 15.06 76.17 15,99 9 721 9.061 39.181 6.071 11.061 16.15 10.02 48.44 66.57 Total 1 0.001 50.191 9.80 79.87 6.70 77 79 4.76 33.63 26.631 22.301 17.161 24.17 19.62 12- 0 1: 0 U) 1.0 400 Bending Moment (in 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 Dock IM mudline 1 8ft MUM all Marine I v 3.8 kips 1 +is 0. U) U) C.} 0 0 to Dock KJ modithe Bending Moment (in-kips) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 4 15ft MLLW all Marine I v 3.8 kips veC-41".".6 F 0 to in 0 200 T 7 Bending Moment (in-kips) 400 600 800 Dock KJ mudllne 12ft MLLW all Marine 1000 1200 Iv 3.8 kips Lateral Deflection (itt) 0 2 4 6 10 12 14 6 1 f o r AB 20 22 Dock reutIllne 18lt tilt.LNI all Marine 0 0 0 Lateral Deflection (in) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 r =7 TI,1 ■1 r i Dock lIJ mudline 18ft MLLW all Marine v 3.8 kips to 0 41 0 0 co to 0 (.1 U) 0 2 I 4 Lateral Deflection (in) Dock I/J mudline 15ft MLLW all Marine 6 8 10 12 iv 3.8 kips Bencitng Moment On 0OO 400 -r 200 0 r- 140 1200 1vw/ �e�� ^m��4 �n_� 1���-- 0 0 t 11 1 This is 0 0.1 Cs.1 0 0 UI 1 0 1 2 3 Lateral Deflection (in) 4 5 6 1 8 Fr' f 1 1 1 Dock NB mudline -6ft MLLW all Marine 9 10 5.9 kips 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 LI It I 1 LC) Bending Moment (in-kips) Dock NB mudline -6ft MLLW all Marine Iv 5.9 kips 0 11) 0 C> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 r" r 1 1 1 1" 1 "1 1 1 1 -r, t- 1 1 f I $it 7 Lfl Dock NB mudline Lateral Deflection (in) 4 1 4 -8ft MLLW all Marine F5.9 kips 0 o r 0 U) 01 N 0 I f U) U) F 0 200 400 I 1 Bending Moment (in 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1111 1 I I I T7'7 1 I 1 T TTi Dock NB mudline 0 -Bit MLLW all Marine 1600 F579 kip-sl 0 N rn N O m u, Ca 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t r r r r —r r r r— ...r I t r i I" i I r r"_` -T i i" r i t r 1 i _T I r �r• I. C7 U) Lateral Deflection (in) f 7 Dock CID mudline 0 12ft MLLW all Marine w 3.6 kips 100 0 O i 1 1 i U] O tfl O N Q D J 0r U Bending Moment (In 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 t! I r r I I I i 1+ i :T7 T� i i f l i Dock C/D mudline -12ft MLLW all Marine F3.6 kips L 0 OrTm 0 2 4 Lateral Deflection (in) 6 8 Dock EfF mudline t 13f1 MLLW all Marine 10 12 14 I T I lv 4 7 kips U) O N to N O M 0 Bending Moment (in kips) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 r 1 t i i Tt r 1 7T T Ti t t v Dock E/F mudilne 0 13ft MLLW all Marine iv 7 kips to 0 N N 0 in 0 2 0 to 0 O c3 U) 4 Lateral Deflection (in) 6 8 10 12 I "es' Dock E/F mudline r_: 15ft MLLW ati Marine 14 16 18 `v 4 7 kips j I 1 0 c3 U, N N 0 N Bending Moment (tn -kips) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 t T 1 -T 1 1 1 1 TT1 r 7- T7— f 1 T t 1 1 1 1 N Dock B/F mudline 15ft MLLW all Marine iv 4 7 kips 0 0 2 4 o 0 0 0 T Lateral Deflection (in) Dock G/HoudUnm m 6 8 lift MLLW all Marine 10 12 r°.Dkipu U) N U) O r) 0 Bending Moment (in -kips) 600 800 1,<< e I t I Dock GIN mudline lift MLLW all Marine 1000 1200 1400 r Iv 4.9 kips Lateral Deflection (in) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 0 [1 1 1 1" rriT !III it 1 1111 1111 tiftrtr U) U) U) U) U) Dock IN mudline 0 12ft MLLW all Marine 1 V 1 -7 o kips E In 0 U, 0 0 C7 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 —t✓ 3 I i I l c t r i r r 11 i w r r i r Bending Moment (in -kips) s N N •N, Dock KJL mudline -18ft MLLW all Marine N Iv4.5 kips I v U, to Bending Moment (in -kips) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FT 1 1 1 -r T r r If 1 I Tr T 7 r r l i l t If Transient Float mudline 14ft MLLW all Marine vNN v 5.3 kips 0 2 4 6 0 1 1 TT o U) 0 U) 0 U) i F iv 2 i I C) L Lateral Deflection (in) Transient Float mudline 8 10 12ft MLLW all Marine 12 14 iv 5.3 kips 0 T• U, 0 U) 0 Bending Moment (in -kips) 200 400 600 800 1 1 1 e t 1 Transient Float mudline 12ft MLLW all Marine 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 w 5.3 kips Lateral Deflection (in) 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 i t 444 4,, 4 J 41 -1' Transient Float mudline I4tt MLLW all Marine 14 16 oT8 +v 5 3 kips 2 0 OT t t t tr) 0 Lateral Deflection (in) 4 6 o 12 k muctline 1 sit Lt. Doc all tiiatine 4,5 tcips 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 u) 0 U) 0 N tb N U) C7 ok 0 v m U, l, J Bending Moment (in -kips) r• N NI Dock K/L mudline -15ft MLLW all Marine Iv4.5kips f 0 2 i i t o I 0r Lateral Deflection (in) 4 6 8 Dock K/L. mudllne 12ft MLLW all Marine 10 12 1 7 4 5 kips I Dock Transient 5 3 Float Summary of Pile Lateral Analysis Average Mudline Embedment Depth kips I ft MLLW Load 25 ft below mudline or NB 5 9 -7 dense glacial materials occurs first. 23 ft below mudline or C/D 3 6 -12 dense glacial materials occurs first. 24 ft below mudline or E/F 4 7 -14 dense glacial materials, occurs first. 24 ft below mudline or G/H 4 9 -11 dense glacial materials occurs first. 23 ft below mudline or I/J 3 8 -15 dense glacial materials occurs first. 24 ft below mudline or K/L 4.5 -15 dense glacial materials occurs first. 25 ft below mudline or -13 dense glacial materials occurs first. General Recommendation (ft) 19 ft into whichever 17 ft into whichever 19 ft into whichever 18 ft into whichever 18 ft into whichever 19 ft into whichever 18 ft into whichever 24 ft below mudline, or 18 ft into dense glacial materials, whichever occurs first ENVIRONMENTAL I GEOTECHNICAL I NATURAL RESOURCES 130 2nd Avenue South Edmonds, WA 98020 (425) 778-0907 fax (425) 778 -6409 SEATTLE SPOKANE TACOMA PORTLAND www.landauinc.com IA LANDAU ASSOCIATES Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Project 053093.010 Driving Stresses Unit Skin Friction (glacial soils)= 3 ksf Unit End Bearing (glacial soils)= 500 ksf Area of pile (12.75 -inch diameter) 0.89 ft (assuming plugged conditions) Pile Perimeter 3.3 ft Area of steel section 14 6 in Embedment depth 18 ft Static Load Stress End Bearing 443 kips Skin 180 kips Total Static Load 623 kips Total Static Stress 43 kips Dynamic Stress Low (small hammer) 47 ksi High (big hammer) 60 ksi 1 Reid iddieton 6 4,6. 06 i I oc_tt_ V AAAL-w K 1 1 1 1 t i It i r 1S 12 5 17: 1 b 1 3+c 5 (9 1 1 i rz_ 114o et5 3 6 ISL !Si 16(16 133 /-1,77 HS l'Vr 16Lto 1317 1- 1 -1 Z Client PN Project Project No. 6 645 Sheet 1 of Design by J Date Checked by Date NM M NM MN MI MN MN MN MU M M M U- MI MN Reid iddleton February 2007 Project No 24 -00 -005 File: 24 \00 \005 PPA Boat Haven Manna\Design Phase\Design\Piling loads 10- 25- 06.xls Pile size 12 3/4" dia x 3/8" wall 10 3/4" dia x 3/8" wall Load per pile 59 36 47 4 9 38 4.5 5.3 2.6 Number of piling pi 9 27 19 11 13 13 4 16 Page 1 of 1 Port of Port Angeles Boat Haven Marina Pile Loads Summary