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939 Caroline St Technical Cardiology Kitchen Dining - Building
TECHNICAL Permit 05 -4 5 Address c. Cola) orv Project description a4io(o ■V‘4\ci Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages rP)- 5-07 (00 Y\i SC P cYl ReV"€ijj Co Prv�c J fYl. eVY10 S Ca c u I a in s f du c i h SV1 FAX(TX) 1 I DATE (START T I RECEIVER 1 01 1JAN /18113 36 1820644104783146260 TO Kay Vandyke Company Mahlum Architects Fax: 206 441 -0478 Number of pages 2 If you have any questions please call me. Thank you, Roger CC Bob Leach, NTI TRANSACTION REPORT 2006 /JAN /18 /WED 13 37 RTANGE LES WASHINGTON U S A. FAX TRANSMITTAL 1COM TIMEIPAGEI TYPE /NOTE 1 0 00 511 2 1 OK FROM Roger Vess City of Port Angeles Fax: 360 417 -4709 1 have also contacted Jim Paapke on these items and has given approval P 01 /01 Public Works and Utilities Engineering 21- East- Fi#tfi-Street; -Pert Angeles Washingtan98362 Phone: (360) 417 -4812 FAX. (360) 417 -4709 As per my conversation with Barbara Brandt on 1/17/06 there are 2 items on the revised plans received on Jan 12 2006 I will red line the revised plan to reflect a change on the eastem most driveway to be reduced to a 12' wide opening and be one way exit only The ADA handicap parking stalls widths will reflect City of Port Angeles standards for 'Parking Lot Minimum Design Requirements" of 8' -6" plus 5' exit area and van stall minimum width of 8' -6' plus 8' exit area Attached design standard IFILE1 ECM165421 FAX(TX) 1 DATE (START T I RECEIVER 101 (JAN /18113 46 194528498 TO Sc.b Company• u i r Fax: 45 O8 Number of pages. 2 Thank you, Roger CC Bob Leach, NTI pORT TRANSACTION REPORT 2006 /JAN /18 /WED 13 46 FAX TRANSMITTAL If you have any questions please call me ICOM TIMEIPAGEI I 0 00 271 1 I NGEL WASHINGTON U S A Putilic Works and Utilities Engineering .___X2-1._East Eifth ..Str..eet,...P_ort.Angeles,i ashin.gton_9.8,362. .P1i51 41.7=48 T2 FAX: (3 FROM Roger Vess City of Port Angeles Fax: 360 417 -4709 P 01 /01 TYPE /NOTE FILEI OK ECM 65431 As per my conversation with Barbara Brandt on 1/17/06 there are 2 items on the revised plans received on Jan 12 2006 I will red line the revised plan to reflect a change on the eastern most driveway to be reduced to a 12' wide opening and be one way exit only The ADA handicap parking stalls widths will reflect City of Port Angeles standards for 'Parking Lot Minimum Design Requirements. of 8' -6" plus 5' exit area and van stall minimum width of 8' -6" plus 8' exit area. Attached design standard I have also contacted Jim Paapke on these items and has given approval. From: Roger Vess To Sue Roberds Subject: Olympic Medical Center 1/17/06 Revised plans for Olympic Medical Center was received and reviewed on 1/12/06 These plans do not reflect all of the corrections previously identified on the original plan review The item not ref!ected on the plan is to reduce the eastern most driveway to be reduced to a one way exit only(Max opening size of 12') This will allow more room for the bus stop that is required to have 35' for the bus and 5' clearance to each the drive way entrances(total of 45' for bus stop) The revised plan also has dimensioning corrections needed on the ADA parking A copy of City of Port Angeles standards for' Parking Lot Minimum Design Requirements has been faxed to Bob Leach at NTI Widths for ADA parking stalls need to reflect 8'-6' plus 5' exit area and van stalls minimum width of 8 plus 8' exit area. 1 have called Bob Leach and Ieft a mess. with Barbara at Mahlum Architects Page a r c h i t e c t s January 11 2006 Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street P O Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 -0217 Project: Olympic Medical Center (CRS Project 7990) Subject: Additional response to Review Comments from Jim Lierly (Dated 8/18/05) Mr Lierly The following is our revised response to the City of Port Angeles permit review comment M2: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RESPONSES Mechanical M2) Item #34 Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet /MC 50713.4 for Exhaust Air Quantities. RESPONSE. Using exception 1 of IMC 507.1, See Kitchen Drawings K7 I am also sending two additional copies of the landscaping and parking sheets, for review by the Public Works Dept. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Sir�cefely ay Van Dyke, AIA Mahlum Architects (206)4414151 Encl Landscape sheets L 1 0 to L4.2, Civil sheet C2.0 cc: Jim Paapke, Director of Facilities, Olympic Medical Center Mahlum Architects 2006 M A H L U M NOISIAI0 mains S313ONV lyd0d 40 Ail0 900Z Z L Nyr a 3403a 7.1 Columbi SUITE 400 Seattle WA .98104 206 503 441 4151 224 4032 206 441 0478 1231 NW Hoyt SUITE 102 Portland, OR 97209 503 f 224 0918 a r c h i t e c t s Mechanical M A 1 January 11 2006 Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street P O Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 -0217 Project: Olympic Medical Center (CRS Project 7990) Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call SinCefdly ay an Dyke AIA Mahlum Architects (206)441 -4151 Encl Landscape sheets L -1 0 to L4.2, Civil sheet C2.0 cc: Jim Paapke, Director of Facilities, Olympic Medical Center Mahlum Architects 2006 L U M Subject: Additional response to Review Comments from Jim Lierly (Dated 8/18/05) Mr Lierly The following is our revised response to the City of Port Angeles permit review comment M2: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RESPONSES M2) Item #34 Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet IMC 50713.4 for Exhaust Air Quantities. RESPONSE. Using exception 1 of IMC 507.1, See Kitchen Drawings K7 I am also sending two additional copies of the landscaping and parking sheets, for review by the Public Works Dept. RE JAN 12 2006 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION 71 Columbi SUITE 400 Seattle, WA 98104 206 441 4151 206 441 0478 J 503 224 4032 1231 NW Hoyt SUITE 102 Portland, OR 97209 503 224 0918 f tie CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construction Plans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. morm -Eli,. c__ A'FI©pal Date FROM DATE PROJECT OUR FILE NO SUBJECT 1 1 n A h n B K/I t 1 16 Hrcnitects Project Memo attn Barbara Brandt Steve Sandhorst December 2 2005 Olympic Medical Center Dietary/Cardiac /MRI Additions Alterations 205350 20 Replies to Structural Review Comments The following replies are numbered to correspond with Structural review comments dated 11/17/05 from Tracy Gudgel of Zenovic Associates Inc ✓1 The design wind speed for this project has been revised to a Basic Wind Speed of 100 MPH Supplementary calculations are included with this submittal showing revised wind calculations The revised drawings included with this submittal include details for site retaining walls as shown on detail 12/S1 1 The bent slab dowels shown on sheet S2.2a have been revised to indicate a spacing of 10 inches on center The steel corbel detail has been revised and is included on the revised set of drawings All references on the drawing title blocks have been updated to show the most current submittal dates 6 The detail call -out, X/S1 1 was a place marker for a detail that had not yet made it on to the submitted drawings This has been corrected on the re- submitted drawings The calculation on page 83 and the wind calculations in general have been revised and are included with this submittal See pages SC -1 SC -29 and SC -30 q8 The attached supplemental calculations as mentioned above item 7 .9 Additional drawings and details have been added to the drawings for the braced frames These are included in the revised submittal drawings )0 The calculation on page 15 is for the mullions in the Dining Room The calculation on page 17 is for the mullions at the east wall of the Dining Room See attached calculations SC -2 to SC -6 for revised wind loading -1 -1 The wood decking for the roof over the Dining Room has been clarified on the revised drawings .12 See attached calculations SC31 and SC -32 and revised drawings for uplift design of GluLam saddle connections �4 SEATTLE `fi 1200 6th Avenue, Suite 1620 Seattle, WA 98101 -3123 206.267.2425 TEL 206.267.2429 FAX www.ahbl,com Page 2 1 3 The calculation on page 22 for an early design that was revised later during design development. This sheet should not have been submitted 4 4 The roof over the kitchen area and the size of the AHU on the roof changed several times during design and was revised to the condition shown on the revised drawing submittal All calculations for the final beam sizes were done using the RAM Structural System software 115 Column loading is indicated on pages 129 to 134 Included in the Supplemental calculations page SC -34 is a calculation for the worst -case concrete column using EnerCalc software 16 Composite deck shear stud spacing is indicated in the plan notes on the revised drawing submittal 17 Refer to the attached Supplemental Structural Calculations SC -7 to SC -28 and SC -33 for diaphragm design shears 18 Refer to the attached Supplemental Structural Calculations SC -29 and SC -30 for the wood diaphragm design shears Questions 19 and 20 which deal with Special Inspections and Structural Observations will be answered after the owner has selected a Special Inspection and Testing firm for the project. Periodic Structural Observations by the Registered Design Professional will occur at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system These stages will be coordinated with the contractor and the contractor will provide a minimum 24 hour notice when these stages occur to allow for these observations Z:\AHBL\205350 -04022 OMC Dietary\ADDENDA \Re -Bid Add -1 \Replies to Review Comments.doc A WOO 11/18/05 18 42 ET 03- LHAE46832 RCV'D 11/18/05 18 42 FR.3604177000 FWD BY NCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO. 2063819567 Nov 18 05 03 35p OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 NOV -18 -2005 12 25 PM ZENOVIC ASSOCIATES 360 417 0514 ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED DATE: November 16. 2006 TO Olympic Medical Center ATTN: Jim Paapke FROM: Tracy Gudgel We are trensmitdng the following Item: CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 610 Sou% Peabody Stmt, 5uttis 32 Port Anpaua. WesNngton 00302 (340) 4170001 FAX (360) 417-0514 E-mal: sanaMoeobinpus.nat Job No. 05274 QAtteched DHand carded DUnder Separate Cover DFAX 417 8627 PROJECT O.M.C. Dietary/Cardiac/MR! Addition and Alteration QOPIE5 PAGE 1 SCRIPTION 1 2 Structural Plan Review Comments COMMENTS: Pg 4/4 P 4 P 01 11/18/05 18.42 ET 03- 1HAM6832 RCY'D 11/18/05 18.42 FR:3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 T0. 2063819567 Nov 18 05 03 34p OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 14OV -18 -2005 12 25 PM 2EMOVIC ASSOCIATES 360 417 0514 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER DIETA Y/CARDIAC/MRI ADDITION AND STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW November 17, 2005 Notes: Please note that an comments shell have a written response from the designer Comments prooseded with an asterisk (1 are general comments and require no change In the plans. Please contact Tracy Gudgel. P.E. at Zenovic and Assodates, Inc. at (380) 417 -0501 with any Questions. 1 The minimum wind design speed per City of Port Angeles .requirements is 100 mph. Please revise the calculations and plans as necessary for thls wind speed. It Is noted that the correct wind exposure "D" was used in the design. 2. It appears a retaining wall Is required along the stairway and landing area leading from the north parking lot to the main floor level. Please provide plans and calculations if there Is a retaining wall at this location. 3. Please clarify V reinforcing spacing from perimeter basement walla In top of slab called out In Note 1 on Sheet S2.2e. Is this spacing to match the slab reinforcing. Page 125 of calculations appears to require these "L" bars at 10" o.c. 4. It appears Corbel Detail 18/S1 1 is being used on an exlsting concrete wall. Please spedfly anchorage system used for attachment to existing wall 5. Sheet S5.1 denotes that the plan 18 a 90% submittal document. Revise as necessary to be complete. 8. What le Detal X/S1 1 supposed to straw as there is no such detail? 7 Calculation page 83 appears to show use of 85 mph, exposure "8" rather than 100 mph. Exposure "D" as required. Revise plans end calculations as necessary 8. Provide calculations for connections to justify lateral load transfer Into euperstructure as noted on page 83 of calculations. 9. Braced frame details do not appear to be complete. Please clarify required anchorage to canasta. 10. Please clarify where mullions calculated on Sheet 15 and 17 are located and verify that It Is shown on the plans. N2/4 P 2 P 02 11/18/05 18.42 ET 03- LHAM6832 RCY'D 11/18/05 18.42 FR:3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Nov 18 05 03 35p OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 NOV 18 --2005 12 26 PM 2ENOVIC ASSOCIATES 360 417 0514 Page 2 Structural Plan Review O.M.C. Port Angeles 1 1 Wood decking specification on Sheet S1.0 does not match decking callout on Sheet 52.3 or the calculations. Roof framing plan end calculations call out 4" deep decking. Also verify proper grade Is specified to match calculations and specify an plans that docdng is a combination of simple and multiple spans as required per the calculations. 12. Provide calculations to detemnIne uplift resistance required for saddle shown on Detail 12/85.1 and 4/S5.1 It appears that there are only 2 lag bolts of unspecified size or length resisting uplift. 13. le beam W10x30 caudated on sheet 22 used on the project? If so please clarify location of this beam. 14. Plans and calculations do not appear to correspond with each other for beams under AHU units, please The calculations on page 23 appear to show different beams and spacing than what le shown on the plans. The decking size and span also do not appear to be consistent. 15. Provide calculation for concrete columns and footings In basement area. 18. Please clarify where composite deck shear stud spacing is shown on the plans. DetoU 4181.2 appears to be a generic detail and there appears to be no catlout on the plans for actual stud spacing. 17 Please specify on the plans the required shear capacity of the steel deck. Also provide calculations to show the diaphragm toads. 18. Provide calculations end /or documentation to show that the wood diaphragm can handle the required lateral bads. '19. Special inspection program shall be submitted to the City of Port Angeles for review end approval prior to beginning construction. Special inspection shall be performed by a qualified testing agency approved by the City of Port Angeles. •20. Structural observation required on this project. Provide proposed schedule to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval. Pg 3/4 P 3 P 03 Supplemental Structural Calculations for Olympic Medical Center Port Angeles, WA Dietary /Cardiac /MRI Additions Alterations AHBL Project No 205350.20 r EXPIRES 12%2/0(0 1 MFRTE \S CHFI J 1200 6 Avenue Suite 1620 Seattle WA 98101 3123 November 2005 MARTENS/CHAN, INC. Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON /P4'5: <7- Ai...4.40 4441'1cm r Ex."- zr,ff itAPPg e A:64 JOR SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCAT :47rrg,".11 g <est. Fcc, Al se; /5 Fog.. t-loa,,z L '1r 3 i,4, 4 I7 4'5 9= Z Co 1 'F'5F CA A; 0 2.0 17 7;S' 7 1. .1 L 1 5 15 2.40 11 Fa.r 9 7 1 6 c i ig" Z e.. 147 7oci -nr .3e) `49 1 5 a ?;■c I t i r TY 1 15 0- CoN OF DATF DATF MARTENS/CHAN, INC Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON floc_ta o._:..1 PEsit:pr.:7s T :we 1 i1i• Zlf (r 7.4):Tv T" .-4' e.•4 zr —N-4- 'aNitt Vag 1104 7 :Z.--4 r"5 Y' 00 .r i Te.r.4.'..= 1: ,41.. 6 -1 11 N ec it 1 r .1 4CAP.5 P/ 3 ZF-r x go:6-i 4 ...5;e:e ri, p-e IA 1. DE1 E fis )0f 1454.? 1.,,, 0 C4 4 z S /1 Max 4 Lace 4- 6 6 r14' z z ZZS o PI 0 C. 5 -2-3 inc Z I 1 v JOP SHEET NO CALCULATED BY 7.1.14 CHECKED BY SCAL pZ 4. I 1) ,Aer rap g.. OF DATE DATE 1 P t 1 0 A .7) r-01 t•- 8-0 14 1 ■-i5s, zr IZ r m. ei Teslfit„ MARTENS/CHAN, INC Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 1)55 iCns-.7, r1 px_ •11:1-:3 r c) EIcz.y 7- 72 0 -a 7 Go /2FT FLk: c_71 t_oitta 11 C.D.K LICo P a 64 4h4. 0 14 It.% 515 0 4 1 1 7' e) Z8 7r-"E 0i .L.0# C K;t irA't i Eir -C-)‘; ---)PM.--,-, 2 8 4 4 2 -5F ri. "W FIT e• i gP r r .5 ',I 5 3" JOB SHEET NC' CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE 4 L 4 1c? OF tog_ F04.-- DATF DATF S4V 113.3 40 CPG e- 4 1 La .'Lf 4-.) I CA3 p -5 r, j r r L Zcilib MARTENS/CHAN, INC. Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Fz=d- T\ FEe. .5 L isear-*.0*.isc- Prcl HEc beol...F.Cr/Os /-)5 5 PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205-1 (Padded) I S IB 7tsCIW k =a 2 44-Q 4-1 5 1 7- !LI "PS; CYt )4 T 79 SG, g :7 JOR SHEET No CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALF 1-R6 S') 5 /1 y. 40' VI b•F■1 s ,16 1 76_ 6D D 26 to ft" /1 z9 2-L! 6 .F.fr" Ft, z M 4 CoC.0 Etr Cc OF DATF DATF OIL 1 10.1 6g.e.0 2 04' 64. 9. Co e:2 L)iE A141 Q&4 10 Scope Rev 580005 Users KW-0601735, Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Dining Room Mullion HSS5X2X1/4 General Information Steel Section HSS5X2X5/16 Center Span Left Cant. Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length I Point Loads Dead Load Live Load Short Term Location Center Defl. Left Cant Defl Right Cant Defl #1 0.727 Force Stress Summary 4.250 6.250 -0 650 in 0 000 in 0 000 in Query Defl 0 000 ft 14.25 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0.00 ft 2 1 136 0 000 0 000 0.000 Title Dsgnr. Description Steel Beam Design Pinned-Pinned LL ST Act Together Summary Using: HSS5X2X5/16 section, Span 14.25ft, Fy 46 Oksi End Fixity Pinned-Pinned, Lu 0.00ft, LDF 1.330 Actual Allowable Moment 5 706 k-ft 12.585 k-ft fb Bending Stress 18.309 ksi 40 379 ksi fb Fb 0.453 1 Shear 1 148 k 71.214 k fv Shear Stress 0.394 ksi 24 472 ksi fvlFv 0.016 1 0 000 0.000 0 000 0 000 0 000 -0 650 0 000 0 000 0 000 ..a Max. Deflection Length/DL Defl Length/(DL+LL Defl) 0 000 0 000 0 000 Job Date: 4 11PM, 22 NOV 05 CSC-5) Code Ref AISC 9th ASD 1997 UBC 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 60 Fy 4.0 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 33 Elastic Modulus 29 000 0 ksi Note! Short Term Loads Are WIND Loads. 3 #4 #5 #6 #7 k k k ft Beam OK Short Term Load Case Governs Stress These columns are Dead Live Load placed as noted DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Maximum Onlv 0 Center (8. Center fa Cants 0 Cants Max. M 5 71 k-ft 5.71 k-ft Max. M k-ft Max. M Left k-ft Max. M Right k-ft Shear Left 1 15k 1 15 k Shear Right 0.72 k 0.72 k 0 000 in 0 000 in 0.000 in 0 000 0 000 in Reaction Left 1 15 1 15 k Reaction Rt 0 72 0 72 k Fa calc'd per Eq. E2 1, K*Ur Cc 1 Section Properties HSS5X2X5/16 Page -0 650 in 00 1 263 1 1 a, ,......i.e..}...,.., .4. ;‘,...fe Depth 5 000 in Weight 11 96 #/ft Web Thick 0.291 in lxx 9 350 in4 Width 2.000 in Iyy 2.100 in4 Flange Thick 0.291 in Sxx 3 740 in3 Area 3 52 in2 Syy 2.100 in3 Rt 1 000 in R xx 1 630 in Values for LRFD Design. R-yy 0 772 in J 5 990 in4 Zx 5 050 in3 Cw 4 59 in6 Zy 2.570 in3 VIM! Cm Ulf 111.4.11 MARTENS/CHAN, INC Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Ksl r 11 85 1 r /r} 875,07— taz. F 9 k "m ire i.1 C 6 2 Li!r1 v f•a Lb T tr._ "S Fb 4 ).,31■:..)t".) r3 v7cf., JOP SHEET NO CALCULATED BY OW CHECKED BY SCA F s6x 00124. 2z-1 15.745 4:y.11:73 ai,J 11 01 KS 1 v 1 45 I 2•,/ .5fa x. 3 AM. Z.1 E." 6) C 7 it.rt Jx4 $c-') rzvt r :co v y OF DATF DATF N L I• l i7 L Pt"' M 1 *A- 4, RAM Frame V9 0 Analysis Mode AI1BL Staff Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12 42 14 0 W12x16 0 W12x16 5 W10x15 W10x15 N X if';') W10x15 rn W10x15 am 0 W10x15. W10x15 W10x15 0 1N10x15 rn W10x12 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 0.. N W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 IF?) W10x15 W10x15 rn 9£x8 W14x22 V14x22 14x22 W10x15 Cr) W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 L) W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 W10x15 rn W10x15 W14x22 W10x15 W10x15 ZZxb LM. rn W10x15 rn 05 0 V todOY� c, r C 4 O O cu 4 Q' Fri n o O CZ o rri M t L e o e 0 s /Y C 5 O cp C v, a N d 4).. iv oo m P oo RAM AHBL SteeStal ff v9 0 Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED Building Code IBC INTERNATIONAL Floor Type. MID ROOF 00 CD W12x19 co W12x19 W12x19 O W12x19 N p N W12x19 co x U W16x26 0 W8x W1 0x1 x x W10x1 W8- W10x 12x' x2 W8x W12x16 W14x22 W14x22 W14x22 W14x22 W14x22 W14x22 W14x22 W14x22 Floor Mao 0 CO H W8x1 0,,, 'N W 8x10 i OW8x10 W8x1 0` M LA X X m x10v W8i O W8x10 Y T m W8x1 X a N_ n W8x10 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code ASD 9th Ed. VEJ gy paxv Itxls Ustcorath. fog. MO 41•f1 D /t C _jj) RAM Steel v9 0 F AH BL Staff Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED ItffEiU'JAffJAt Building Code IBC Floor Type HIGH ROOF Floor Mao 1 8 i7 5 x3 O G L B -2 2 0�@ fi 875x3OG LB -2200 1 1. 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code ASD 9th Ed. G s, RAM INTERNATIONAL Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff SC 9 Olympic Medical Center S DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12.28.28 Building Code IBC Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story LOW ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Frame No 6 Member No 2 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 99 16 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction dK Lux (ft) 15 94 Luy (ft) 15 94 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9916 Klry 9916 Cc 111.55 B 0 69 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E4 P (kip) 11 17 fa (ksi) 2 60 Fa (ksi) 10 07 Controlling Interaction. 0.26 H1-1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following: 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2. Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E4 35 73 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8 3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 1 D 94 Luy (ft) 15 94 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9916 Klry 9916 Cc 111 55 B 0 69 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 E4 P (kip) 15 66 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 3 64 Fa (ksi) 10 07 Controlling Interaction. 0.36 H1 1 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check, FA RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff @c -1 Z, Olympic Medical Center RAM DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12.28.28 INTE ATICNAL Building Code IBC Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story LOW ROOF Frame No 6 Member No 1 Fy (ksi) 46 00 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 99 16 1/r lumt 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 15 94 Luy (ft) 15 94 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9916 Klry 9916 Cc 111 55 B 0 69 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E4 P (kip) 10 64 fa (ksi) 2 47 Fa (ksi) 10 07 Controlling Interaction. 0.25 H1 -1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NIG Flange b /tf 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strenath to resist the least of the following: 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2. Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E4 35.20 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications Refer to 2213 8.3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 15 94 Luy (ft) 15 94 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9916 Klry 9916 Cc 111 55 B 0 69 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 E4 P (kip) 15 13 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 3 52 Fa (ksi) 10 07 Controlling Interaction. 0 35 H1 1 RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff Olympic Medical Center R AM DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED INRE2NATKAJAL Building Code IBC Seismic Provisions Member Code Check (sc.-1 11/22/05 12.28 28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story LOW ROOF Frame No 5 Member No 3 Fy (ksi) 46 00 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max l/r 89 62 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 14 41 Luy (ft) 14 41 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 89 62 Klry 89 62 Cc 111 55 B 0 71 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 El P (kip) 15 52 fa (ksi) 3 61 Fa (ksi) 11 68 Controlling Interaction. 0 31 H1-1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces G Flange b /tf 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2 Max axial force from Load Combination 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 El 51 87 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8 3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 14 41 Luy (ft) 14 41 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 89 62 Klry 89 62 Cc 11155 B 071 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 El P (kip) 22.17 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 5 16 Fa (ksi) 11 68 Controlling Interaction. 0 44 H1 -1 RAM AHBL Frame Staff v9 0 Olympic Medical Center RAM DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED ImERNATIoNAL Building Code IBC Seismic Provisions Member Code Check 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story LOW ROOF Frame No 5 Member No 4 Fy (ksi) 46 00 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 89 62 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 14 41 Luy (ft) 14 41 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 89 62 Klry 89 62 Cc 111 55 B 0 71 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 El P (kip) 16 93 fa (ksi) 3 94 Fa (ksi) 11 68 Controlling Interaction. 0.34 H1 1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange bltf 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2.80 El 53.28 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8 3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 14 41 Luy (ft) 14 41 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 89 62 Klry 89 62 Cc 111.55 B 0 71 Controlling Combination 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 El P (kip) 23 58 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 5 48 Fa (ksi) 11 68 Controlling Interaction. 0 47 H1 -1 RAM irrre u'wnctui Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12.28 28 Building Code IBC Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story LOW ROOF Frame No 7 Member No 5 Fy (ksi) 46 00 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 Frame Type Concentrically Braced Frame Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 87 65 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 14 09 Luy (ft) 14 09 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 87 65 Kiry 87 65 Cc 111 55 B 0 72 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 El P (kip) 9 83 fa (ksi) 2.29 Fa (ksi) 12.01 Controlling Interaction. 0 19 H1-1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 18 46 Limit 16.22 G Web d /tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3.1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 El 32.71 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8.3 1 AHBL RA M FrStaff am e v9 0 Olympic Medical Center RAM DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED P!TEdJAT1C,NAL Building Code IBC Brace Parameters Story MID ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check Frame No 1 Member No 3 Size HSS7X7X1 /4 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 96 02 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 21 97 Luy (ft) 21 97 Kx 0 90 Ky 0 90 Klrx 86 41 Klry 86 41 Cc 111 55 B 0 72 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E2 P (kip) 14.56 fa (ksi) 2.36 Fa (ksi) 12.22 Controlling Interaction. 0 19 H1-1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 27 04 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 27 04 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3.1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 283 82 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E2 42.55 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8.3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 21 97 Luy (ft) 21 97 Kx 0 90 Ky 0 90 Klrx 86 41 Klry 86 41 Cc 111 55 B 0 72 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 E2 P (kip) 19 68 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 3 19 Fa (ksi) 12.22 Controlling Interaction 0.26 H1-1 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff Olympic Medical Center RAM DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12.28.28 ERIATK';NAt Building Code IBC Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story MID ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Frame No 1 Member No 4 Size HSS7X7X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 96 02 1/r limit 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) Kx Klrx Cc Controlling P (kip) fa (ksi) Controlling 21 97 0 90 86 41 11155 106 16 Luy (ft) 21 97 Ky 0 90 Klry 86 41 B 0 72 Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E2 14 86 2 41 Fa (ksi) 12.22 Interaction. 0.20 H1 -1 OK 17) 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 27 04 Limit 16.22 NG Web d /tw 27 04 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following• 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 283 82 2 Max axial force from Load Combination 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E2 42.85 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8.3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 21 97 Luy (ft) 21 97 Kx 090 Ky 090 Klrx 86 41 Klry 86 41 Cc 111 55 B 0 72 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 E2 P (kip) 19 98 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 3.24 Fa (ksi) 12.22 Controlling Interaction. 0.27 Ill 1 RAM INTERNATIONAL Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED Building Code IBC Brace Parameters Story MID ROOF Frame No 2 Member No 7 Fy (ksi) 46 00 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 97 62 1/r limit 106 16 OK 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 15 69 Luy (ft) 15 69 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 97 62 Klry 97 62 Cc 111 55 B 0 70 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E3 P (kip) 16 37 fa (ksi) 3 81 Fa (ksi) 10.33 Controlling Interaction. 0.37 H1 -1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a hne of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces -1NG Flange b /tf 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Web d /tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3.1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following: 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E3 55 58 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications Refer to 2213 8.3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 15 69 Luy (ft) 15 69 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 97 62 Klry 97 62 Cc 111 55 B 0 70 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 E3 P (kip) 23 55 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 5 48 Fa (ksi) 10 33 Controlling Interaction. 0 53 H1 1 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check MI RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff i Olympic Medical Center 6E9 RAM DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED INTE .N \L Building Code IBC Brace Parameters Story MID ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Frame No 2 Member No 8 Size HSS5X5X1 /4 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 97 62 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 15 69 Luy (ft) 15 69 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 97 62 Klry 97 62 Cc 111 55 B 0 70 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E3 P (kip) 15 69 fa (ksi) 3 65 Fa (ksi) 10.33 Controlling Interaction. 0 35 H1 -1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 18 46 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following. 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 197 80 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E3 54 83 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8 3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 15 69 Luy (ft) 15 69 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 97 62 Klry 97 62 Cc 111 55 B 0 70 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 E3 P (kip) 22 85 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 5 31 Fa (ksi) 10.33 Controlling Interaction. 0 51 H1 -1 RAM irfERNATCt'LAL Lux (ft) Kx Klrx Cc Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED Building Code IBC Brace Parameters Story MID ROOF Frame No 3 Fy (ksi) 46 00 Size HSS6X6X1 /4 Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 91 96 1/r limit 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK 17 90 1 00 91 96 111 55 Member No 106 16 Luy (ft) 17 90 Ky 1 00 Klry 91 96 B 071 0 750 E1 11.28 6 OK 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp P (kip) 13 86 fa (ksi) 2 65 Fa (ksi) Controlling Interaction. 0.23 H1 1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 22 75 Limit 16.22 Web d /tw 22 75 Limit 16.22 Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3.1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following. 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 241 04 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 El 42 88 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8 3 1 2213.8 4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 17 90 Luy (ft) 17 90 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9196 Klry 9196 Cc 111 55 B 0 71 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 El P (kip) 19 17 (includes 1.5x increase m seismic force) fa (ksi) 3 66 Fa (ksi) 11.28 Controlling Interaction. 0 32 H1 -1 NG NG V/ RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff Olympic Medical Center R A DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED NffEn"I'UI Building Code IBC Brace Parameters Story MID ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check Frame No 3 Member No 5 Size HSS6X6X1 /4 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Frame Type Concentric Brace Frame Chevron Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max 1/r 91 96 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 17 90 Luy (ft) 17 90 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9196 Kiry 91.96 Cc 111.55 B 071 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 El P (kip) 13 54 fa (ksi) 2.58 Fa (ksi) 11.28 Controlling Interaction. 0.23 H1-1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 22 75 Limit 16.22 NG Web d/tw 22 75 Limit 16.22 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3.1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following: 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 241 04 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 El 42 56 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications Refer to 2213 8.3 1 2213.8.4 1 Chevron Bracing OK Lux (ft) 17 90 Luy (ft) 17 90 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9196 Kiry 9196 Cc 111 55 B 0 71 Controlling Combination. 0 75 D 0 75 Lp 1 13 El P (kip) 18 85 (includes 1 5x increase in seismic force) fa (ksi) 3 60 Fa (ksi) 11.28 Controlling Interaction. 0.32 H1 -1 RAM INTERNATICNAI Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff CSC --22 Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12 28 28 Building Code IBC Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story HIGH ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Frame No 10 Member No 3 Size HSS6X6X1 /4 Frame Type Concentrically Braced Frame Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max l/r 90 18 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 17 56 Luy (ft) 17.56 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9018 Klry 9018 Cc 111.55 B 0 71 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E3 P (kip) 47.59 fa (ksi) 9 08 Fa (ksi) 11 58 Controlling Interaction. 0 78 H1 -1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 22 75 Limit 16.22 NG Web d /tw 22 75 Limit 16.22 ItiG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following. 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 241 04 2 Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E3 177 62 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8 3 1 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AH Staff Oly mpic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED INTENTIONAL Building Code IBC Brace Parameters Story HIGH ROOF Fy (ksi) 46 00 Frame No 9 Member No 2 Size HSS6X6X1 /4 11/22/05 12.28.28 Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Frame Type Concentrically Braced Frame Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max l/r 95 06 1/r limit 106 16 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 18 51 Luy (ft) 18.51 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 95 06 Kiry 95 06 Cc 111 55 B 0 70 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 Lp 0 750 E3 P (kip) 38.22 fa (ksi) 7.29 Fa (ksi) 10 76 Controlling Interaction. 0 68 H1 -1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 22 75 Limit 16.22 NG Web d /tw 22.75 Limit 16.22 Iv G Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3 1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following• 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 241 04 2. Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E3 142 65 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications. Refer to 2213 8.3 1 F 1 RAM INTE.:NATK7dA1 Seismic Provisions Member Code Check RAM Frame v9 0 AHBL Staff (SC _2' Olympic Medical Center DataBase OMC- OPTIMIZED 11/22/05 12.28.28 Building Code IBC Steel Code UBC 1997 ASD Brace Parameters Story HIGH ROOF Fy (ksi) 36 00 Frame No 8 Member No 1 Size HSS6X6X1 /4 Frame Type Concentrically Braced Frame Criteria Seismic Zone IV Material overstrength and strain hardening 1 10 x Fy 2213.8.2.1 Slenderness OK Max l/r 90 18 1/r limit 120 00 OK 2213.8.2.2 Stress Reduction OK Lux (ft) 17 56 Luy (ft) 17 56 Kx 100 Ky 100 Klrx 9018 Klry 9018 Cc 126 10 B 0 74 Controlling Combination. 0 750 D 0 750 E4 P (kip) 11 18 fa (ksi) 2 13 Fa (ksi) 10 45 Controlling Interaction. 0.20 H1-1 2213.8.2.3 Lateral -Force Distribution Additional Check Required This provision not attempted. User specified not to use frame numbers to designate a line of bracing. 2213.8.2.5 Compression Elements in Braces NG Flange b /tf 22 75 Limit 18.33 NG Web d /tw 22.75 Limit 18 33 NG Exception. Members are OK if stiffened to resist local buckling 2213.8.3.1 Bracing Connection Forces Brace connections shall have the strength to resist the least of the following: 1 Axial tension strength (kip) 188 64 2. Max axial force from Load Combination.0 75 D 0 75 Lp 2 80 E4 41 77 (kip) 3 The maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system. Brace connections shall also meet standard provision specifications Refer to 2213 8.3 1 MARTENS /CHAN, INC, Consulting Engineers SEATTLE WASHINGTON ng) tooF D 1A1 P riapri t *12x16 I a-10 EGL .1 I 3' SEISMIC JOIN 1 I femx4x1( x V 1 pi I. W1 t19 [10] OD c 2x19 t *12x19 c=1' [t2] PROUST 204 1 (Smile Sheets) 2051 (Padded)/Nees). In Groton. Mass.01 to Orde PRONE TOLL FREE 1- 800.225.0380 W12x19 c=1' [T2] W12x19 c=1' 1121 g W12x19 c=1' E ?2J r f WI +xzz W12x19 cm1' riz21 W12x19 c =1' r=.2) W12422- 0 HSS8x4x}( .*16x26 c.1• 4]I X JOp SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCA1 c92 1).i" [12 W14x224 a=1$' 22 TYP W14x22 Zt.Al`I vrActi g WiN12 s. W14x22 c=1}i ,,t22] W14x22 c 1)(' [22] :f•-r221-V r 7.1 W10x12 114 *14x22 1)¢' [223 *14x22 [22] ROOF TOP MECH UNIT, SEE MECH Y110x12 [81 (WE1 1T =19,60511) c '1 c=13 *10x12.6 e *14x30 c=% [22) BRACE 1 [221 '*Iea12f; r:nr WI4x30 c' 131' [22] 25,6 pt-F �Q i� 2" DF:.K 1.�) TOlitt Nv a OF DATF DATF W10x12 10 W10x12 *10x12 r10 N W10x12 110 IL g MULU( 33.3 4- 5)1 Z I N7 ,4--. kr- Z i ri 6 'ir7 1 1 1 LI O 2 5Dr r �y 9 l fT A SC Steel Deck Floor DeC1, 2W Composite fl Normal Weight Concrete (145 pct) Diaphragm Shear Capacity (p l 2W Allowable ss: 6 m 2 Hour ing, Slab Weight: 60.4 psi 9'6'1 io'e' io'6" 11°+�' r� 11 1 Slab Thickness: 9'0' W Iota Sla 6 ao sc q 9 i 7' tso. of 6 7 3 1'45 1<26k tea' Spans 1:96 2 373 Gauge 373 :5 r y���l, -t z i 1 3 246 321 280 246 -169 :.1 321 280 2562 2550 22 3 2629 2608 2591 2575 2631 265 q3 74 7 05 7 3 2 26 27 273 7 �83; 4 '24 1. 3 1 1 396 342 -°�,7 233 ,,;.�.G: 2485 1 2 396 342 298 253 233 209 8; 1-2'tY 2507 2499 2492 1 °L 3 96 342 298 2548 2536 2525 2516 1 2566 2 2541 92 2 85 2562 2597 2 8 3 3 577 2 25 614 25 5 21 3 2 15 2594 2 9 2 5 2633 2 1 R 26 8 2739 2707 261 q3 2 75 2817 3 08 q4 352 1 408 271 241 :dry., xa- •1'�:6`w ;�;�,,�3t.� =�e 2489 2482 2 408 352 308 271 241 216 b 2525 2505 2497 2516 2_5_61_____35_,4§___ 352 308 2549 2536 2590 2574.:. 3 408 2580 63 2625 2606 598 2645 r r a a 20 2645 2620 2 2694 2668 2 R3 96 2757 2724 a4 2841 27 304 271 �1� 393 344 243 220 1 454 344 304 271 220 199 182 2497 2488 2479 2 454 393 304 271 243 2507 393 344 2559 2544 2530 2518 577 454 2577 6 2627 2609,292, 2 i r 9 A 19 3 2 18 2596 2 94 2669 2 ‘'''1',:s:, 2674 2644 2752 2721 �t3eT �-t 0 R3 26 7 2828 2787 275 265 ;1 84 1:48; .,1. '''-'64‘ '1: :s 489 28 4 2 294 2 s a4 330 217 1 489 425 373 330 294 265 239 217 199 182 2491 2482 2 489 425 373 330 294 265 239 2539 2526 2513 2502 2618 2601 489 425 '373 2591 2572 2555 2680 2657 263�_�_ 4 9.1 2482 18 3 2638 2613 >5 r1 18 0 2732 2705 2700 2666 2798 2763 _9 1: R 2882 2837 295 269 2995 2934 361 325 246 227 a4 514 453 403 325 295 269 227 210 194 1 589 453 403 361 295 269 246 2525 2512 2500 403 361 325 2 589 514 q3 589 514 453 2664 2637 26 3 2591 2 252 2555 2539 7 2769 2740 2715 2691 2670 16 3164 3088 202 R 3022 2966 2917 2873 2834 a,4 3164 3088 1 In shaded an deck shoring required during construction• areas, mid-sP diaphragm shear (Of): '3' 4 =number of welds to support. 2 q3 and q R allowab le 3 See pg. 55 for General Notes. Prnfnrrr.nni n- i 1 MUWON' y' I ii Wj6 Cs I Vi 1 1WT4x22' WI4x22 aci 1 1 4 x15 in WI4x22iY±M!t x22 X L r x c) x i 1 o MAX TYP W14x22 T0S =12'• 4)3" W16 .126 (TOS4tg' -4 j/ W16x26 c L` I 1 N r N I. WI 4x22 I� Wt4x22 3 1 W16.16 (TOSr12'- 4}) c, I, W18i%40 4.. 8z.5" 904- 04 %Co5 14 1,00 17s►F p R?µ SA G, -1 Ti (T0S= 144%' SE ,,NOTE 2 (T05= 1 2 1 'W1606 1 1 U 4, Sri "cg 6.x26 c-7}1' r ,W16x2� c= (TOS 12' -I43 1 W16x26 (T0S =i2': :Op W16x26 i (S= 12' -4w' (TOS41244}�) �2ACE 5— r o 0 0 1 it 41112x19 -c=- W12x19 c =1" [t2] us 0 EV-4 �a L !1 46' x e-f Zo 1 5ar;- 4 Lip/ n.F b rz. 5 !,4;1.4.5 65 x. 4. z co i- ?6fz i S 51 ps F F5 re.: 7 \.117 1 3Z '51 r< 1r 1 r- 1 9.1 6e r Z0 2- VC- F,,,, W.C. V 0 11112x19 [10] 4 x2 W12x19 c=1" [t2] csi 1> x. W12x19 c =1" [2] V c W12x19 c =1" P2] 1 W12x161 112x16 '(TpS =12' 10}11 i W1:2 ;16 (T04 ;11 l W12 6 (T0S 12' -10r) I (TOS1I2 -1O W12x19 c =1 [,J W12x19 c =1 [,t2] W16x26I c =1"' 4] ,gBsc, 1f6 Deck oof Deck ble Diaphragm Shear (q) and Flexibility Factor (F) No. 1 SPAN Puddle Seam Attachment Welds 5'O" 6'0" TO" 8'O" 12' O.C. 4 q 320 320 320 I 320 F 14.5 +222R 14.7 +185R 14.8 +159RI15.0 +139R 24 O C. 4 q 260 I' 260 260 250 F 1 7 4 222R 117.6 185R 1 17.9 159R 18.1 1398 i 12' O C. 4 q 360 360 360 F 6.9 222R 6.1 185R 5.7 159R 24" O.C. 4 q 280 280 270 1 F 8.1 222R 7.2 185R i 6.6 +159R 112" U.L. 4 q 519 492 473 F 71 222R 6.6 185R 6.2 159R 24' O.C. 4 q 337 309 290 F 9.5 222R 8.9 185R 8.4 159R 12 O.C. 7 q 570 570 I 560 F 13.8 56R 141 46R 1 14.3 39R 24 O.C. 7 q 510 500 500 F 15.2 +56R 15.5 +46R 15.8 +39R 12' O.C. 7 q 700 700 690 F 12.5 56R 11 1 46R 10.0 39R 24 0 C. 7 q 610 610 600 F 13 9 56R 12.3 46R 111 39R 112' O C. 7 q 1 596 555 525 F 6.9 56R 6.5 46R 6.2 39R 124 O.C. 1 7 q 414 372 343 F 8.8 56R 8.4 46R 8.1 39R 12" O.C. 4 q 420 420 410 F 11.0 +129R 11.2 +107R 11.3 +92R 24 O.C. 4 I q I 340 340 340 i F I +129R 13.2 +107R 134 +92R 112' O C. 4 q 450 450 450 F 54 +129R 5.0 +107R 46 +92R 24 O.C. 4 q 340 340 340 F 6.4 129R 5.8 +107R 5.3 92R 12' O C. 4 q 805 756 721 F 59 +129R 5.5 +107R j 5.3 +92R 24 O C. 4 q 543 494 458 F 7.7 129R 7.3 107R 6.9 92R 12' O.C. 1 7 q I 740 740 710 F 104 +32R 10.6 +27R 10.8 +23R 24 O.C. 1 7 q l 670 660 1 640 F 1 1 +32R 11.6+27R j 11.8 +23R 12' O C. 1 7 q 900 890 880 F 96 +32R 8.5 +27R 78 +23R q 790 i 780 770 F 106 +32R 94 +27R 8.5 +23R 1 q 939 865 812 F 5.7 32R 5 4 27R 5.2 23R q 677 i 602 549 _F 7.0 32R 6.8 27R 6.6 23R q' are listed in pounds per linear foot (plf). Button Punch Top Seam Weld Side Seam Weld Button Punch Top Seam Weld Side Seam Weld Button Punch Top Seam Weld 20 Side Seam Weld Button Punch Top Seam Weld Side Seam Weld 24OC.17 1 12' O.C. 7 24 O.C. 7 360 54 +139R 270 6.2 139R 458 5.9 139R 276 I 8.0 +139R 500 14.6 34R 450 16.2 34R 690 9.2 34R 600 10.2 34R 504 6.0 34R 321 7.8 34R 410 11.5 +80R 330 13.6 80R 440 44 +80R 340 5.0 80R 694 5.0 80R 432 6.6 80R 630 11.0 +20R 560 12.1 20R 840 7.2 20R 740 7.9 20R 773 5.0 20R 510 6.4 20R 9'O" 10'O" 310 280 15.2 +123R 154 +1118 250 220 18.4 +123R 18.6 +111R 360 360 51 +123R 49 +111R 270 270 5.8 +123R 5.6 +111R 447 438 5.7 +123R 5.5 +111R 264 256 7.7 +123R 74 +111R 450 410 14.8 +31R 15 1 +28R 400 360 16.5 +31R 16.8 +28R 620 560 8.6 +31R 8.2 +28R 540 490 9.5 +31R 9.0 +28R 487 473 5.7 +31R 56 +28R 304 291 7.5 +31R 7.3 +28R 380 350 11.7 +71R 11.8 +64R 310 280 13.8 +71R 141 +64R 440 440 41 +71R 4.0 +64R 340 340 4.7 +71R 4.5 +64R 674 658 48 +71R 4.6 +64R 412 395 6.4 +71R 6.2 +64R 560 500 11.3 +18R 11.5 +16R 500 450 124 +18R 12.6 +16R 750 680 6.7 18R 6.4 16R 660 600 74 +18R 7.0 +16R 742 718 4.8 +18R 4.7 +16R 479 455 6.2 +18R 6.0 +16R 1-The allowable diaphragm shears 2 See page 31 for General Notes. Effective June 2002 3 MARTENS/CHAN, INC. Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 4)05 J-le14,147 i CpoVVZ-M!S. 14O s'$, Dr. 5: rh rA: DESCo> rcqw 86 ,v7.P. loc-QTA„s-E 10(2/0/4 4 3 NA-1)0 VIOP1,4Z-n- Itioci4 SQL.2-rti: tk!%t;" ()AID JOB Orr SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE <9:4 g4, \i-1J,-ft rz.E Criv.i.Fras 6 55 64grt `4 4 /1 23W /.4 1 4 1.2551 Vlyt)D rgzab Tz) rteDF zep OF DATF DATF 6 P5F JL 6 ofi 144 0. p MARTENS /CHAN, INC Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 141°4 2..45t* v I .r .H;(2 4-0.41 /co, ALf Li,. Co SE.r:cr 'DE PRODUCT 2041 (Single Sheets) 2051 (Padded) n ®tn Grolo Mass O1477. To Orde PHONE TOLL 21122 1800.225.6880 JOP SHEET Nn CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCA GA 44- u E VEAL OF r 30 DATE DATC 4° AHB C,IVILASTRUCTURAL ENGINEERS•PLANNERS _31ARTENS/CHAN, INC Consulting Engineers SEATTLE WASHINGTON Roo.P 6-ectmc 1 4 4 W 4(171 1°C kfoA 12_0 toolptl 6a.s4.C., tiLt 5.p4sti. prve+ .74 h tw i pi,e410 (1447)64;(pwc+h;) Thy Wor5+ Cure -441cE e zo 1. ''-'4Yrittc;ctt PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205.1 (Padded) Pheggits In Grom Mass 01471. To Order PHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-225-6380 p n 04 ‘7. 7:- 35 1 OL tz Li_ 4S C (Stfp t Ithr51 LOACI CO kik/ 4 A4‘0101. lb IC e ver KOI Lo 275 3 (;°L3.,) 4 1-1.S 1 p 1r on_cte WOrs CCi. Louct /75 1,3 (40) z9-,Eops P JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCA! P 7 5 I f2 ,42, 1 ExT WALL To 4c 12p. II. T 5)(11 1- OM 6 5-5 j ,4 r5 r RL Hoi 2_7 o ritcf 1 7:1 rwent 2-05 OF C‘f3 D a DATE_A/2-1/0s DATF p4 5%3 pf W ts f 12.5+1 ?het- efet51)(9) -14G 3 rti 6 22 ,c+ AHB IVIL&STRUCTuRAL NGINEERSAPLANNERS _MARTENS/CHAN, INC. Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Dinfrto, koPifet Racp`. Le 4641 S., Cvloie,c:Voi(kt cOr LibA. afrit,tev-rJ eiAc e R 5(76, 2.? t Cvkiet Cafgccti 4 -2 4 1 0 en s EvIts ELr if5u GLE Do vzka 31 Corti= 2 x 18,cip# 1 690 NDS To121.q, a 111.1e( PRODUCT CON (Snip Sheets) 205.1 (Padded) In Gaga Mass 01471. To Order PHONE TOLL FREE I-800-225-6380 joR /OW SHEET Nn CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCAT 1301 44. 3 /1" 9 X. L tfelo s wt. to itt,,cetwwod. N.1)5 Aft L. s por4 oi iltro,v(rd 51, is 3" Ipi4i ,IVDs wb.-..thettoto<1 c.otr,c 4 1 4 lz 4- 6 p K.c-ift 4 Lrkovo. of .sifpoq 1 tiAlmael s C-414ccAt 2,(1-cib%)(3")(1 SS 20c 3 5 .2-(;) OF (3C-2 DATE /250 S DATF Fir it Co.“ VK C coy 1.A:4 lAdt K AHB_ JVIARTENS/CHAN, INC Consulting Engineers SEATTLE, WASHINGTON IVILeSTRUCTLI HeINE 1c5Icots- coeg-vce)2.- 4E.1644)c. \-1= Ir.46)4r Fr 1 ;0 irrse 4C0-.....) PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205-1 (Padded) //41 Inc Grolon Mass. 01471 To Cider PHONE TOLL FREE( -800-225-6380 H 1q( FA is GI:, T.- 07') 7: PO474-1;9“...rri= V44E <P Te;_c 7i9 19err 29 .1 A 77E4.4 JOR cni/c.- "DtPAL— .24:ke; %,3,S. SHEET No (66_ OF CALCULATED BY elm DATE Z ii /v6 CHECKED BY DATE SCAI P z6 F a 5 PLF o©Oii /l/PTE \S CHPN Rev* 580003 User KW- 0601735. Ver 5.8.0, 1- Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description COLUMN WORST CASE General Information Axial Loads Applied Moments. Top Bottom r Summary Applied Pu Max Factored Allowable Pn Phi Design Ecc. M- critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po 80 P Balanced Slenderness per ACI 318 -95 Section 10.12 1a 13 ACI C -1 C -2 DL 1 400 ACI C -1 C -2 LL 1 700 ACI C -1 C -2 ST 1 700 seismic ST 1 100 AHBL /Martens -Chan 1200 6th Ave, Suite 1620 Seattle, WA 98101 -3123 ACI C -1 185.22 k 386.46 k 58.98 k -ft 3 821 in 1 00 3 821 in 58.98 k -ft 855.71 k 378.29 k Ecc Balanced 6 977 in ACI C -2 Group Factor ACI C -3 Dead Load Factor ACI C -3 Short Term Factor Title OMC Dietary/Cardiac/MR! Additions Dsgnr S S Date. Description Scope Rectangular Concrete Column 20.210 k -ft 18.050 k -ft k -ft k -ft k -ft k -ft 16 00 x 16 OOin Column, Rebar 346 2.00in 346 14 OOin, 246 8 OOin ACI C -2 168.49 k 386.87 k 53 57 k -ft 3815 in 1 00 3 815 in 53 57 k -ft 855.71 k 378.29 k 6 977 in Actual k Lu r 28 750 Elastic Modulus 3 605 0 ksi ACI Ea. C -1 ACI Ea. C -2 Neutral Axis Distance 11 3850 in 11 3950 in Phi 0 6500 0 6500 Max Limit kl /r 34 0000 34 0000 Beta M:sustained /M:max 0 4881 0 5366 Cm 1 0000 1 0000 El 1000 0 00 0.00 Pc pi ^2 E I (k Lu) ^2 0 00 0 00 alpha. MaxPu 75 Pc) 0 0000 0 0000 Delta 1 0000 1 0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads Moments 3 821 3 815 Design Ecc Ecc Delta 3.821 3.815 ACl Factors (per ACI 318 -02, applied internally to entered loads) 0 750 0 900 1 300 Add"! "1 4 Factor for Seismic Job 04022 Code Ref ACI 318 -02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Width 16.000 in fc 4 000 0 psi Total Height 11 500 ft Depth 16 000 in Fy 60 000 0 psi Unbraced Length 11 500 ft Rebar Seismic Zone 3 Eff Length Factor 1 000 3- 6 d 2.000 in LL ST Loads Act Together Column is BRACED 3- 6 d 14 000 in 2 6 d 8.000 in I Loads Note Load factoring supports 2003 IBC and 2003 NFPA 5000 by virtue of their references to ACI 318 -02 for concrete design. Factoring of entered loads to ultimate loads within this program is according to ACI 318 -02 C.2 Dead Load Live Load Short Term Eccentricity 64 580 k 55 770 k k in 04022.ecw Calculations Column is OK ACI C -3 58.12 k 390.57 k 18 19 k -ft 3 755 in 1 00 3.755 in 18 19 k -ft 855 71 k 378.29 k 6.977 in Beta 0 850 ACI Ea. C -3 11 4850 in 0 6500 34 0000 1.0000 1 0000 0 00 0 00 0 0000 1 0000 3 755 in 3.755 in 1 400 Add"! '0 9' Factor for Seismic 0 900 Olymplc R E P R O G R A P H I C S Quality Digital Printing Imaging Services Bill To: MOg523 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SUITE 400 71 COLUMBIA STREET SEATTLE, WA 98104 SEATTLE 1016 First Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98134 (206) 622.6000 (206) 622.8400 dispatch (206) 622.6712 fax Order Date I Purchase Order Number I Requested By L2/06/05 2003529 00 BARBARP BRANDT Quantity Back Ordered Shipped Ordered Description ATTN. JIFF LIERLY 2 FULL SIZEE 2 SPECS One Source. Many Solutions. www.olyrepro.com BELLEVUE 1555 132nd Ave. N.E. Suite C Bellevue, Washington 98005 (425) 882.0509 (425) 882.1547 fax PlanWell ph (206) 343.1587 fax (206) 343.1596 CITY OE PORT ANGELES 321 EAST 5TH STREET /P 0 BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Ship To: Biller Subtotal Sales Tax Notification of descrepancies must be made within 15 days of merchandise receipt. Written authorization must be obtained for merchandise returned or exchanged. A 15% restocking charge is made on all returns and exchanges except those due to our error CUSTOMER EVERETT 2727 Colby Avenue Suite A Everett, Washington 98201 (425) 252.8506 E L (425) 252.7715 fax Shipped Via KENT 216 Railroad Avenue N. Kent, Washington 98032 (253) 854.7053 4 53j:854G13'Sfac3f*# 1 Job Number Job Name Originals Copies Original Size Total Square Feet INVOICE Please Remit to Seattle Office 12 00 P M 12/08/05 181403-1-2 12/06/05 Due Date Invoice Number Invoice Date OR/ 2003529.00 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CE INVOICE TOTAL Terms: Net 30 1.5% Monthly Minimum $3.50 Charge After 30 Days Fed ID# 91- 0854464 Extension Time Due a r c h i t e c t s DATE PROJECT NAME Olympic Medical Center Dietary/ Cardiac Services Addition REGARDING City of Port Angeles Permit Review Comments TO City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street/ P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA. 98362 REMARKS COPY M A H L U M LA Letter of Transmittal 12/06/05 PROJECT NO. 2003529.00 To Jim Lierly Building Inspector r r r WE ARE SENDING F Attached r Under Separate Cover Via. Federal Express/UPS ORIGINALS COPIES DATF, NO /DESCRIPTION 1 2 11/30/05 Dwgs for Response to City Structural Comments, (15 Sheets) 1 2 11/30/05 Written Response to Structural Comments from the City of Port Angeles (37 pages). 71 FOR APPROVAL r APPROVED AS SUBMITTED r RESUBMIT FOR APPROVAL Columba COPIES .SUITE 400 SUBMIT FOR DISTRIBUTION Ir FOR YOUR USE r APPROVED AS NOTED r Seattle WA COPIES RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS 98104 r F AS REQUESTED r RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS COPIES FOR BIDS DUE 206 r FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT r RETURNING LOANED PRINTS 441 4151 206 SIGN AND RETURN 441 0478 ORIGINALS FOR DISTRIBUTION Jim, Please see the attached structural responses to the City of Port Angeles permit comments, (for the Olympic Medical Center Dietary Cardiac Project). I believe that this should conclude our work on all comments from the City for building permit. But, please let me know if there is anything outstanding. Thank you, SIGNED Barbara Brandt, AIA 1231 NW Hoyt `SUITE. 102 Portland, OR 97209 503 224 4032 503 224 0918 James Lierly Olympic Medical Page 1' From David Yasumura To jlierly jlierly @cityofpa.us, jliery @cityofpa.us Date 11/21/05 10:20AM Subject: Olympic Medical Lastly both systems require a 2 hour enclosure or wrap have several concerns with the Kitchen Hood Exhaust Systems, The first is Hood 34 if this hood is a type 1 hood the air velocity shall be no less than 1500 fpm the duct size shown is 24 x 12 moving 1515 CFM of air the velocity of these given numbers is moving the air at approximately 850 fpm For Hood 13 being the ceiling area is a very congested space Clean Outs should be indicated on the drawings for service of the ducting system in a accessible location that is in accordance to code AHU 14 supply and return air ductwork depths The ceiling height is 10' -0' in the Kitchen area, the ceiling to the roof structure support is approximately 3' -9' the ceiling to the bottom of the structual I beam with insulation is approximately 30 Given all these dimensions the Supply Air Duct is 32' interior acoustical insulation+ exterior wrap of R 7 ridged board this increases the duct to 34 deep wrap The Retun Air Duct is 26' interior acoustical insulation exterior wrap of R 7ridged board this increases the duct to 28' wrap OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER DIETARY/CARDIAC/MR! ADDITION AND ALTERATION STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW November 17, 2005 Notes. Please note that all comments shall have a written response from the designer Comments proceeded with an asterisk are general comments and require no change in the plans. Please contact Tracy Gudgel, P E. at Zenovic and Associates, Inc. at (360) 417 -0501 with any Questions. 1 The minimum wind design speed per City of Port Angeles requirements is 100 mph. Please revise the calculations and plans as necessary for this wind speed It is noted that the correct wind exposure "D" was used in the design. 2. It appears a retaining wall is required along the stairway and landing area leading from the north parking lot to the main floor level. Please provide plans and calculations if there is a retaining wall at this location. 3. Please clarify "L" reinforcing spacing from perimeter basement walls in top of slab called out in Note 1 on Sheet S2.2a. Is this spacing to match the slab reinforcing Page 125 of calculations appears to require these "L" bars at 10" o.c. 4 It appears Corbel Detail 16/S1 1 is being used on an existing concrete wall. Please specifiy anchorage system used for attachment to existing wall. 5 Sheet S5.1 denotes that the plan is a 90% submittal document. Revise as necessary to be complete. 6 What is Detail X/S1 1 supposed to show as there is no such detail? 7 Calculation page 83 appears to show use of 85 mph, exposure "B" rather than 100 mph, Exposure "D" as required. Revise plans and calculations as necessary 8. Provide calculations for connections to justify lateral load transfer into superstructure as noted on page 83 of calculations. 9 Braced frame details do not appear to be complete. Please clarify required anchorage to concrete. 10 Please clarify where mullions calculated on Sheet 15 and 17 are located and verify that it is shown on the plans. Page 2 Structural Plan Review O.M C Port Angeles 11 Wood decking specification on Sheet 81 0 does not match decking callout on Sheet S2.3 or the calculations. Roof framing plan and calculations call out 4" deep decking. Also verify proper grade is specified to match calculations and specify on plans that decking is a combination of simple and multiple spans as required per the calculations. 12. Provide calculations to determine uplift resistance required for saddle shown on Detail 12/S5.1 and 4/S5.1 It appears that there are only 2 lag bolts of unspecified size or length resisting uplift. 13. Is beam W10x30 calculated on sheet 22 used on the project? If so please clarify location of this beam. 14 Plans and calculations do not appear to correspond with each other for beams under AHU units, please clarify The calculations on page 23 appear to show different beams and spacing than what is shown on the plans. The decking size and span also do not appear to be consistent. 15 Provide calculations for concrete columns and footings in basement area. 16 Please clarify where composite deck shear stud spacing is shown on the plans. Detail 4/S1.2 appears to be a generic detail and there appears to be no callout on the plans for actual stud spacing. 17 Please specify on the plans the required shear capacity of the steel deck. Also provide calculations to show the diaphragm loads. 18. Provide calculations and /or documentation to show that the wood diaphragm can handle the required lateral loads. *19 Special inspection program shall be submitted to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval prior to beginning construction. Special inspection shall be performed by a qualified testing agency approved by the City of Port Angeles. *20 Structural observation required on this project. Provide proposed schedule to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval. II James Lierly CRS #7698 Olympic Medical Center Lab and Radiology Waiting areas From 'Sain, Patricia (DOH)' <Pat.Sain @DOH WA.GOV> To <jhpaapke @olympicmedical.org> <gsigns @mahlum org> <rvess @cityofpa.us> Date 11/3/05 4 48PM Subject: CRS #7698 Olympic Medical Center Lab and Radiology Waiting areas Your project has been has been authorized to begin construction Please contact Construction Review Services at 360.236.2944 if you have any questions regarding this letter Thank you «7698.pdf» Patricia Sain, Secretary Sr Construction Review Services Ph 360.236.2945 Fax 360.236.2901 Patricia.Sain @DOH WA.GOV Construction Review Services Website www.doh wa.gov /crs Mailing Address Construction Review Services P 0 Box 47852, MS 47852 Olympia, WA 98504 -7852 Physical Address Construction Review Services 310 Israel Road SE Tumwater WA 98501 'Public Health Always working for a safer and healthier Washington' CC 'Eckroth, William M (LNI)' <ECKB235 @LNI WA.GOV> 'Lance Talley' <lance talley @wsp wa.gov> 'Plan Byron (DOH)' <Byron.Plan @DOH WA.GOV> Page 1 6I 11 James Lieriy 7698.pdf Page 111 Architect Engi neer Spri nkler Contractor Other Letter of Transmittal November 3 2005 Project Info: Key People Ass gned DOH Ravi ewer Fad lity Administrator IF 7698 Olympic Medi Center Chapter 246 -320 WAC Hospitels Laporatory and Radiology Wating John Wi11iams j ohn.wi I l i aiisc dah.wagov OlympicMedi eel Carta Ji m Pazpke 939 Caol i ne Street Fbrt Angel es, WA 98362 (360) 417 -7148 j hpaapke@ol ympi cmedi d .org M ahl um Ardii tells Gay Sgns 71 Columbia greet Saatla WA98121 (206) 441-4151 gsigns©mailum.com N/A N/A Ccpies Ta Local Buldrg Official: City d Pat Argdes Washington State Patrd, Fire Protection Brreau Architect Ergneer Mahun Architects &b- Catrador N/A RID-Contractor N/A Dept of Labor and Irxlsfries 8ectrical Section Page 1 of 4 Ftoject location: 939 Cad inearet Fbrt Angel es, WA 98362 Fad l i ty Contact: sale Other N/A I* Health Washington State Department of Construdicn Review Services 310 I sael Road SE Tutrvater WA 98501 PO Box 47852 Olympia, Wal'iirgtm 98504 -7852 Building 0 ty of Fbrt Angeles Offidd Jm Lierly Fbst Office Box 1150 Fbrt Angd es, WA 98362 -0217 (360) 417 -4816 rvess@dtyofpau s Fire Alarm N/A Contractor DOH Child Birth Center Licererg DOH Crfice d Accommodati as Res Cae Suvey DOH Office cf Health Cae Slrvey DSHS, Aging 82,dit Services Adninigratim DSHS, Div. alcohol andabsarre Ahuse Other CRS File www.ddLwagw /c rs td. 3602362944 fac. 360 2362901 Plan Review Comments for Project #7698 L James Lier� 7698 pdf Page l Olympic Medical Ce to Chapter 246 -320 WAC Hospitals Laboratory and Rad iol ogy Wating M emo Authorized to Begin Construction This project has not been approved for licensure. This project cannot be approved until the fire alarm and fire sprinkler plans have been submitted and accepted The Architectural Mechanical Electrical Functional Program documents have been reviewed and a determination has been made that construction can begin without any further delay Any changes during construction shall be submitted to the department for review of compliance with applicable codes Approval for licensure cannot be given until all construction documents and changes have been reviewed and approved Page 2 of 4 Plan Review Comments for Project 7698 ?James Lierly 7698.pdf Page 3 Facility Name Olympic Medical Carta Facility 000052 ID. Site Address: 939 Caol i ne Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Facility Data. Department(s) Involved in Project: Laboratory and Radiology waiting Type of Construction Project: New Building: Addition: Remodel Z Conversion: Number of Licensed Beds: Current: 126 Added: Deducted: New Total 126 Occupancy Group Proposed: 12 Occupancy Group Required: 12 Construction Type Proposed: 1A Construction Type Required: Applicable Code: 03 IBC Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Required: 13 ja 13R Not Fay No Automatic Fire Alarm System Required: Yes jzf No Provided: Yes El No Approved Smoke Control System Required: Yes No El Provided: Yes No Special Egress Control System Required: Yes No Provided: Yes No Certificate of Need Approval Required: Yes No jE Granted: Yes No The data above is based on the information presented to the Department of Health Construction Review Services. Any change in the facility or facility program that causes the above information to be incorrect is subject to review by Department of Health Construc tion Review Services. Approval of the construction documents is not approval for licensu re, use, or occupancy A copy of this certificate will be sent to the licensing agency Page 3 of 4 Plan Review Comments for Project 7698 [James Lierly_ 7698.pdf Page 41 Olympic Medical Center Chapter 246 -320 WAC Hospitals Laboratory and Radiology Wating Plan Review Comments x 8 b z z 1 0 Sprinklersystem working plans shall be submitted for approval beforeany equipment is installed or remodeled. Deviation from approved planswill require permission. Working plans shall contain all data as indicated in Section 1 -9.2, Uniform Building Code Standard No. 9 -1 Plans and soecifications. indudino hydraulic calculations. that are incomolete or are not stamped by a Washinaton State Licensed Fire SorinklerContractor. will be returnedwithout review. Plans and specificationsmay be submitted separatelyfrom construction documents during the construction of the project. For small renovation projectsin which heads are only to be rel ocated, a plan that shows the relocation of devicescan be submitted for review in lieu of the above requirements. Pleaseprovide cut sheets for the new sprinkler heads provided in this project. Sec. 1001.3, Uniform Fire Code Noted 11 /1/05 Additionalinformationwillbe submittedduring construction This item deferred 2 p Two complete plans and specifications for the f ire alarm system installation or modification shall be submitted for reviewand approval prior to system installation. Plans and specifications shall include, but not be limited to, a floor plan; location of all alarm initiating and alarm- signaling devices; alarm controland trouble signaling equipment; annunciation; power connection; battery calculations; conductor type and sizes; voltage drop calculations; name, address, and phone number of theagency receivingoff- premisestransmission of alarm, and the manufacturer,model numbers, and listing information for all equipment, devices, and materials. I ncomolete plans and soecificationsw ill be returnedw ithout review. Plans and specificationsmay be submitted separatelyfrom construction documents during the construction of the project. For small renovation projects in which devices are onl y to be relocated, a plan that shows the relocation of devicescan be submitted for review in lieu of the above requirements.Section 1001.3, Uniform Fire Code Noted 11 /1/05 Additionalinformationwillbe submitteddu ring construction This item deferred 3 ❑x Recommend reviewthe location of the two nurse call room stations' in Existing Donor room with hospital staff Revise the privacy curtain trackin Existing donor room to maintain visual privacy as the new door opens. 4 S1 Sheet M1 1 rebal ances Existi ng donor room to be equal pressure in relationto surrounding spaces. This room should be negative. WAC246- 320 -525 (Table525 -3) Approved11 /1/05 Basedon sketch and architect's response received 10 /13/05. Persketch roomwillbe rebalanced to be negative. Carphaa a with the cameras stave provided by the Depa*m'it cfHea'thl Cenrrdctiaa leview 5<rvices ae ray for this ra Iity torreet the recitirerreras efthe amicable Iicenvrg regionals farad in the thestingtai Sate Adriridrative Cade and associated references Them amrents do not relieve the facility from the N tih to rreef the regirerrents day other applicable federal, sate a loco reg iatiaas In the evert ofcaalicts between other jaisictims and then; written the Trod dringera dabll apply Page 4 of 4 Plan Review Comments for Project 7698 a r c h i t e c t s DATE 11/01/05 PROJECT NAME Olympic Medical Center Dietary/ Cardiac Services Addition REGARDING City of Port Angeles Permit Review Comments TO City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street/ P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA. 98362 r r r WE ARE SENDING ORIGINALS COPIES DATE NO /DESCRIPTION 1 11/01/05 Mahlum Response to City Comments 1 10/31/05 NTI Response to City Comments 1 07/07/05 Hazardous Materials Report Northwest Asbestos Consultants RESUBMIT FOR APPROVAL FOR APPROVAL J APPROVED AS SUBMITTED COPIES FOR YOUR USE r APPROVED AS NOTED r SUBMIT FOR DISTRIBUTION COPIES r RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS AS REQUESTED r RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS COPIES FOR BIDS DUE r FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT r RETURNING LOANED PRINTS r SIGN AND RETURN REMARKS Jim, Please see the attached responses to the City of Port Angeles comments, (for the Olympic Medical Center Dietary Cardiac Project. Thank you, COPY M A H L U M F7 Attached r Under Separate Cover Via. Mail ORIGINALS FOR DISTRIBUTION PROJECT NO 2003529.00 TO Jim Lierly Building Inspector SIGNED Barbara Brandt, AIA IRECEHEI NOV 4 2005 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Legfr 4 jltatvelopment 1JL 71 Columboa SUITE 400 Seattle WA 98104 206 441 4151 206 441 0478 f 1231 NW Hoyt SUITE 102 Portland, OR 97209 503 224 4032 503 2.4 0918 j 1 J a r c h i t e c t s November 1 2005 M A H L U M Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street P O Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 -0217 Project: Olympic Medical Center (CRS Project 7990) Subject: Responses to Review Comments from Jim Lierly (Dated 8/18/05) Mr Lierly The following is our response to the City of Port Angeles permit review comments, (copies attached). For your convenience, we have included the original comments in italics and have followed each with our response. We have also attached memos or drawings to incorporate corrections and revisions to the construction documents per your comments. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RESPONSES. Interior Review 11) Plans are required to show occupancy load signs and locations per code. RESPONSE: Occupancy load signs are to be provided by the Owner (prior to inspection for occupancy permit). 12) Interior finish requirements per 2003 IBC. (Flame spread smoke etc.) RESPONSE: Interior finishes on walls, ceilings and floors are Class A rated, exceeding requirements of Table 803.5, IBC 2003. I3). Verify all emergency lighting and exit signs location per code. RESPONSE: Required emergency lighting and exits signs have been provided in new and renovated areas. Refer to Electrical Drawings E4.0 E4 1 Exterior Review El). Provide documentation to verify that anchored masonry veneer conforms to the requirements of Section of ACI 530 /ASCE 5/MS 402. RESPONSE: In an effort to reduce construction cost, the masonry veneer has been removed from this project. Architectural Review 503 224 4032 Al). Final plans (revisions) shall be wet stamped by Architect or Engineer 503 7.24 0910 J Mahlum Architects 2005 t a 71 Columba SUITE 400 Sea ttle WA 98104 206 441 4151 206 441 0478 I 1231 NW Hoyt SUITE 102 Portland, OR 97209 RESPONSE. Revision drawings will be wet stamped by the Architect or Engineer Structural Review S1). Structural comments will be forward to Architect as received by third party review RESPONSE: Receipt of third party structural review is pending. S2). Special inspection required on this project per IBC Section 1700. for proposed special inspections. Provide special inspection program to City of Port Angeles for review and approval prior to beginning construction. RESPONSE. Special inspection requirements are listed within the project specifications. The special inspection program is to be provided to the. City of Port Angeles by the General Contractor Plumbing P1). Floor drains that are not frequently used shall have a trap primers installed Grinder /sump in basement requires back flow device. RESPONSE: All floor drains have been specified with trap primers, see Specification Section 15100, 3.1 F 1 P2). Soda, coffee, Ice shall require a reduced pressure device (backflow device) and drains to have air gaps as required Per code Section 801.2 UPC 2003. RESPONSE. All of the equipment mentioned above, have reduced pressure devises, see Drawing Detail 2/M4 0 P3). Medical gas and vacuum per chapter 13 UPC and WAC reguls G7 L L party Ott o N�, Nito D RESPONSE: IMC section 507 507 1 /3 T4 7 inspection required. O RESPONSE. This is specified in Specification Section 15210, 3' Mechanical M1). Item 13 A 13 B Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements si Exhaust Air Quantities General. Commercial kitchen exhaust shall comply with r section. Hoods shall be Type I or Type II and shall be desigrh. confine cooking vapors and residues. 1 Exceptions: Factory-built commercial exhaust hoods which are tested in with UL 710, listed, labeled and installed in accordance with Sectio1 shall not be required to comply with sections 507 4 507 7 507 11 50i- 2 507 13; 507 14 and 507 15. See Kitchen Drawing K7 M2) Item #34 Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet IMC 50713.4 for Exhaust Air Quantities. RESPONSE. Using exception 1 of UMC 5071 See Kitchen Drawings K7 M3). All Kitchen Hood Grease Exhaust Ducts shall have an approved enclosure per IMC 503.13.0 (It is highly recommended that all supply air moving equipment have a Ultra Violet Lighting System installed in the plenum if all possible) RESPONSE: It is not the preference of the Owner to use ultra violet lighting in the mechanical plenum The mechanical design uses a filtering system instead. M4). All duct or pipe penetrations at floors or fire rated walls shall have approved fire stop materials between duct or pipe and penetration Installation of the fire stopping material shall be installed in accordance to the manufactures instructions and building codes. RESPONSE. Fire stopping is specified in Specification Section 15050 2.8, B. WSEC (WSEC) Energy Code review required on this project. Please provide energy code compliance forms including lighting, building envelope, and mechanical for this project for review and approval. Note that these forms must be stamped by WSEC reviewer RESPONSE: Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms have been submitted to the third party reviewer by the project electrical engineer Hazardous materials HM1). Provide MSDS sheets for proposed stored hazardous materials within the building and provide quantities of materials stored. RESPONSE: This item was discussed by the Owner and Ken Debuke, with the City of Port Angeles, on 10/31/05. The request for the MSDS sheets has been revoked. HM2).Any construction, maintenance of any structure requires an asbestos test from an approved agency A copy of the report will be required for the city file prior to issuance of the permit. Contact °ORCAA for details 1- 800 -422 -5623. RESPONSE: The Owner has performed a good faith inspection for hazardous materials, in existing areas to be renovated. The General Contractor is required to suspend work and coordinate with the Owner and the Owner's abatement contractor when materials are suspected of being containing hazardous content. (See attached report from Northwest Asbestos Consultants, dated 07/07/05). End of City Comments from Jim Lierly NOTE. Responses to Review Comments received from Roger Vess, City of Port Angeles, and Scott Johns, City of Port Angeles, have been provided by Bob Leach, Northwest Territories, Inc. Should you have any questions about any of the responses to City comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely Barbara Brandt, AIA Mahlum Architects (206)4414151 Encl City of Port Angeles Review Comments, dated 8/18/05 Hazardous Materials Report from Northwest Asbestos Consultants cc: Jim Paapke, Director of Facilities, Olympic Medical Center 3 Interior review Plans are required to show occupancy load signs and locations per code. Interior finish requirements per 2003 IBC. (Flame spread smoke etc.) Verify all emergency lighting and exit signs location per code. Exterior Provide documentation to verify that anchored masonry veneer conforms to the requirements of Section of ACI 530 /ASCE 5/TMS 402. Architectural Final plans (revisions) shall be wet stamped by Architect or Engineer Structural Structural comments will be forward to Architect as received by third party review Special inspection required on this project per IBC Section 1700 for proposed special inspections. Provide special inspection program to City of Port Angeles for review and approval prior to beginning construction. Plumbing Floor drains that are not frequently used shall have a trap primers installed Grinder /sump in basement requires back flow device Soda, coffee, Ice shall require a reduced pressure device (backflow device) and drains to have air gaps as required Per code Section 801.2 UPC 2003 Medical gas and vacuum per chapter 13 UPC and WAC regulating authority Third party inspection required. Mechanical Olympic Medical Center PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON FIRST PLANCHECK August 18, 2005 Item 13 A 13 B Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet IMC 507 13.3 for Exhaust Air Quantities. Item 34 Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet IMC 507 13 4 for Exhaust Air Quantities. All Kitchen Hood Grease Exhaust Ducts shall have an approved enclosure per 1MC503.130 It is highly recommended that all supply air moving equipment have a Ultra Violet Lighting System installed in the plenum if all possible. All duct or pipe penetrations at floors or fire rated walls shall have approved fire stop materials between duct or pipe and penetration Installation of the fire stopping material shall be installed in accordance to the manufactures instructions and building codes. WSEC (WSEC) Energy Code review required on this project. Please provide energy code compliance forms including lighting building envelope and mechanical for this project for review and approval. Note that these forms must be stamped by WSEC reviewer Hazardous materials Provide MSDS sheets for proposed stored hazardous materials within the building and provide quantities of materials stored. Any construction, maintenance of any structure requires an asbestos test from an approved agency A copy of the report will be required for the city file prior to issuance of the permit. Contact "ORCAA for details 1- 800 422 -5623 Jim Lierly Building Inspector 360 417 -4816 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03- LHAM6586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15 08 FR.2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800 777 -5555 T0. 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP NT/ www.rnAlitennl October 31, 2005 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC 717 SOUTH PEABODY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98382 Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Construction Inspection 11 Materials resting (360) 4624491 4400.654 -5545 FAX 452 4408 E -Mail: I00@n04u.cum Plan review comments for Olympic Medical Center Hospital Addition from City of Port Angeles Public Works Department (2 comment memos attached) 1 Drive way approach to be constructed to City Standards, no radius on corners. The plan has been revised to utilize the current standard "webbed" city driveway design see the attached 8 4 /a x 11" drawing #1 2 Curb length at bus stop will be Tong enough to accommodate a 30' Transit bus without blocking driveway ingress and exiting See item #5, below 3 Day light of curtain drain to bluff is not permitted The plan has been revised to have the curtain drain empty into the catch basin pumping system located in the basement loading dock area see the attached 8 Y2 x 11" drawing #3 4 As previously discussed with Jim Paapke the City would like to see the propane tank located near the bluff slide area relocated No action required 5 Reduce the driveway opening located at the east end of parking lot to a one way exit opening only this will help accommodate more room for the bus stop The plan has been modified to allow a 30' transit coach to park between the driveways. In order to keep the driveways as wide as possible, the bus will cover the inside webs when parked see the attached 8 x 11" drawing #2 #5 6. Provide calcs to show that the new expansion does not over burden the 6" sewer line that exits at the east parking to alley See attached calculations and references 4 sheets Pg 2/10 PAGE 02 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03-LHAM6586 RCY'D 10/31/05 15 08 FR.2064410478 FD BY MCI 1800-777-5555 TO 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 2.5 l it 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP I/ •0. cu 8.5 I 9 C) M Z 0 6 >c %.11 I c) Z L5 m CI) I (1' 5"1 7:1 rn 1 www .14u.com N Pg 6/10 PAGE 9 A c=iT= S566 10 2063419567 6Y RC7, 1800 777 NTI 3LS GRaUP 2 Ip 14131105 15'08 FR.20b4410474 J Ly{pM65 360 08 EY Q3' Q5 15 12 16 452849 013112005 �A,�t 2.5* 4 /1". 1 V fp IN 0 'I 1 1 lat A 4 41 PAGE 04 1 'nor gi4q•com J ti at 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03- LNA146586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15 08 FR,2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP U I I J y1 +1I LLB-- -1 r 1, (1 O_ 4' 7-1" 1 Nti-4M p2r Pg 7/10 PAGE 07 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03- 111AM6586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15 08 FR.2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP e pev- Cc y of Ffl s -f J .e/t64 se w co. Oi 0,0/&) 0314 1 a of a_ y /o r., 0,65% Usf_. DOZ Card') See.Varr ides igv tia-itztal 4o sew -Plows avid E'siv.6 tttkt ra, tri/ +etc- ,r (4 -a) U,se 4 ti 6rE pvc -a a ho' oto Is h i000k /s C. 0 (1 P cave,. use 4 sivp -c. of 0 40% 'fa Ccovhri 6 4 PVC (R /O 6 l O.b O y o 255? 502 act,' I ci.a y RiatAmt cd� al pot- parrolA icy C21 kr o Ctce, Sot? 5 a,( 6OD U sc pev- c6 (izJ Vbs i ,f br, a.0 uL pew t0O sF r- a (11, ice) 4� i i t u,s-e sv ctit rs r CiratAd LC kr) U Re sC kw s Assu vwe.. res(.eEQ.n s click C2- br- Lci2, A ssus 50 Sc Cacti ILOSe r l kat fur 3 c b e"A4 aSC -eack. Eb Ca, a Ass c k.yri e. 100 xaTs 1 w Cea,CS C (Lehi i L �5 RasLc�n,Ces (2X4Y 100) SOD 5rd tvi 2-4 hr a 4 s c r o 5C70.0 geg 114 2 k C� 4 sp t- tt v C A)Ce,s _soc ripoO 51'd i 1 11 �r CCCekert& C LO oY SO O 5p ivy 4 Fir To4-a.( 9 3c1 'h z4 hr S T R !DATE. i01 281° S A DESIGNED BY TJPrL PROJECT O►1,C Stts kb FOR: S€IAJ&i CAPACITY lctV ibci X SHT: 1 OF 4 NTI Pg 8/10 PAGE 08 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC a JLS Group Company Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Materials Testing 717 SOUTH PEABODY• PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 "(38e) 452.6001 www.ntldu.aom Into©ntlLu.com 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03- 1HAM6586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15.08 FR:2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 5555 TO 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP Row &k s (Prit 9 f.m clot/3) U Re- stcke C s 'oo i 0 0 o,5sSPm Dr o cis 5 0 o 0 7 7 0 G ft`l P vn C gosfrVed AQv 11000 /770 J Z-2-to? gam et) Ca- erta„ 5900( 7690 G 2 5 P wt Tad 3k,33 3 pkvL p o u) esh/$'e X 3 1 f 3 -7, 32 5F m 31, 3z/ u30,‘ o GS 0C pycitive e ct.i Gaseci tAp 4-kig awa,(i srs e,k6.thety 6 5(114 rizAtti sewcw cofc idg, ck hexAelAtc Ls pTD ed-ca -ao W c rriu.5414i 243 Co,(,x�I.Ce �-c c wh2. eyicpcvri.s c6n or- C of u_Se. -lk�e o er- c; 4r1(1u444/11 t_cr &k 9c f c v ter- k t zt fh,e. tr2 5e-WeA 8" ct lacne a)/t 4 c4ila I via eaS-e k Cap a cc7 4 ove-r- 6 Z7, 00040 c�ea -sue 2_0c1 over 0C ts c ach S T R I DATE: I Of 24 Os I I DESIGNED BY R/ ri_ PROJECT: 4114 Sc OS Ate DO FOR: SEJJ i2 CAPtCtr( ANAL. g SHT Z OF 4 NTI Pg 9/10 PAGE 09 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC a JLS Group Company t:.ngirwers Land Surveyor!< Geolo9i6t6 Materials Tasting 717 SOUTH PEABODY PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 .(360) 4524491 www.Mt4u.eom InIp(gnli4u.eem 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03- 106586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15.08 FR.2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 T0. 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP HANDB00K OF PVC PIPE PVC n 0.009 Sewer V Q Pipe I Ft /Sec 1000 Gal/Day PVC Sewer Pipe 4 6 8 I0 12 15 4 2.4197 6 3.1594 8 3.8381 10 4.4538 12 5.0010 15 5 7250 TABLE 44 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS PVC SEWER PIPE 1.9757 2.5796 3.1338 3.6365 4.0833 4.6744 S 4 FT/1000 FT 108.6591 315.8272 687.8945 1247.2357 1982.7709 3405.2278 n 0.009 V Q Ft/Sec 1000 Gal/Day 133.0797 386.8078 842.4952 1527.5455 2428.3927 4170 5354 n =0.010 v Ft/Sec 1000 Gal /Day 1 7781 2.3217 2.8204 3.2728 3 6750 4.2070 S 5 FT /1000 FT ASTM D3034 DR 35 4 2.2088 121 4846 1.9880 109.3361 1.8072 6 2.8841 353 1056 2.5957 317 7950 2.3597 8 3.5037 769.0894 .31533 692.1805 2.8667 10 4.0657 1394 4519 3.6591 1255.0067 3.3265 12 4.5653 2216.8091 4.1087 1995 1282 3 7352 15 5.2262 3807.1606 4 7036 3426 4445 4.2760 S 6 FT /1000 FT ASTM D3034 DR 35 n 0.010 v Q Pt/Sec 1000 Gal,/ bay 2.1777 2.8434 3.4543 4.0084 4.5009 5 1525 212 ASTM D3034 DR 35 97 7934 284.2445 619 1050 1122.5121 1784 4969 3064 7051 119 7717 348.1270 758.2457 1374 7909 2185.5534 3753 4819 n =0,011 v Q Ft /Sec 1000 Gal/Day 1.6164 88.9029 2.1106 258.4041 2.5640 562.8227 2.9753 1020 4655 3.3409 1622.2699 3.8246 2786.0956 TABLE 45 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS PVC SEWER PIPE PVC n =0.009 I n =0,010 1 n =0.011 Sewer V Q V Q V Q Pipe Ft /Sec 1000 Gal /Day Ft /Sec 1000 Gal /Day Ft/Sec 1000 Gal /Day TABLE 46 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS PVC SEWER PIPE n =0.011 v Q Ft /Sec 1000 Gal/Day 1.9797 2.5849 3.1403 3.6440 4.0917 4.6841 99.3967 288.9045 629.2950 1140.9152 1813 7529 3114.9495 108.8834 316.4791 689 3143 1249.8099 1986.8668 3412.2563 Pg 10/10 PAGE 10 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03-LHAM6586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15 08 FR.2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP Iv? OW Lvvv vw .M- I Trenia Funston Ovimoic Medical Center otan review From: Roger Vess To Sue Roberds Date: 7/13/05 4:57PM Subject: Oylmpic Medical Center plan review Plan review comments for Public Works Engineering 1 Drive way approach to be constructed to City Standards, no radius on comers, 2. Curb length at bus stop will be long enough to accommodate s 30' transit bus without blocking driveway ingress and exiting. 3. Day light of curtain drain to bluff is not permitted. 4. As previously discussed with Jirn Paapke the City would like to see the propane tank located near the bluff slide area relocated. 5. Reduce the driveway opening located at the east end of parking lot to a one way e:dt opening only this will help accommodate more room for the bus stop. 6. Provide calcs to show that the new expansion does not over burden the 6" sewer line that exits at the east parking to alley. Phones Thank you, Roger Vass CC: Trenia Funston Postiri'Fa: Note 7871 FaxA la>� r tta (Phone it Pg 5/10 PAGE 05 Pane 11 10/31/05 15 08 ET 03- LMAM6586 RCV'D 10/31/05 15 08 FR.2064410478 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 10/31/2005 12 16 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP 10/28/2005 NL(L 1U au rns MEMO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PORTANGELES WASHINGTON U S A. DATE. October 2g, 2005 TO: Olympic Medical Center File FROM. Scott Johns, Associate Planner RE: Pre development Meeting Septembe 15, 2005 10:00 am Attendees: Ken Dubuk, Roger Vess, Trenia Funsten, Sue Roberds, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Jim Paapke, Robert Leach Mark Macaw Issues identified and conclusions: Director 417.4804 Location of oxygen tank; It was decided that the oxygen tank and fence were not considered structures requiring standard setback distances as long as the Nathan west fence was no higher than 6 feet. Vision triangle impacts could be mitigated Principal Planner by making the fence of chain link without vision obscuring slats. 417 New parking area at the top of the bluff; It was decided that parking could be Sue Robetde allowed as the area is currently paved and is being used by large delivery Assistant Planner trucks. As mitigation for allowing parking the city would require substantial 417 4750 landscaping at the top of the bluff. Even though the parking would be soon johns technically in the shoreline area (200 feet from OHWM), no new or negative Associate Planner impacts to the shoreline would result. Public access would be maintained 4174752 (including visual access from the hospital). A shoreline exemption will be issued based on existing use and mitigation from enhanced vegetation at top Jim Lierly of bluff. Building Inspector Curtain drain with outfall over the bluff face; Curtain drain outfall would not 417-48145 be allowed. Water collected oa site (surface water or subsurface from curtain Dave Yalunuara drains) must be directed away front the bluff and into the City stormwater Permit Technician system located in the Streets. 4174712 Bus stop size aril location; Plans will be revised to meet City requirements. SEPA review is required based on the sine and scope of the entire building project. !oali4e Fax Nota 7071 cfr p. V C+, IC�PQ�1L3.r Ph an K iPhans Pg 3/10 PAGE 03 10/24/05 14 50 ET 034LHAN6510 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 50 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 43a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 Date: 07/07/05 Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360- 385 -0584 notthwestasbestosconsultants @cablespeed.com Job Location., Basement on east side 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Owner. Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Contact Scott Bower, Facilities Manager David Wegener, Construction Project Manager Inspector: Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042 -04 Expires 10/13/05 Pg 2/3 P 2 7a 4� 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 44a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Date: To Attn: Fax Message. ,I3im Paapke Admin Director, Facility Management Scott Bower Supervisor Plant Operations Michael Hall, Security Supervisor Tom Oblak Environmental Services Manager Lorna Knight, Facility Support/Safety Assistant 0 Fax 360 -417 -8627 Facility Management Office This is page 1 of172 Pages From. The documents accompanying this fax transmission contain confidential information, belonging to the sender that is legally privileged. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from disclosing this information to any other party and is required to destroy the information after its stated need has been fulfilled. Olympic Memorial Olympic Medical Hospital imaging Center 1c)12LI1or ^01 44 f c 66 r grurs,Q fi V& r a f ICQ. 6 do G. [.(L! I Oy-A I �uso Fi �4 c el- 0 7 0C S. r -QT vvvi (Lining 4 Ar '-i QI+ 1 pail! c✓l Olympic Medical Radiation Oncology Center Working Together to Provide Excellence in Health Care 939 Caroline Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 -3997 (360) 417-7000 Olympic Medical Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Olympic Medical Home Health Fax Transmittal (360) -417 -7148 (360) -417 -7170 (3 60) -417 -7224 (360)- 417 -7205 (360) -417 -7479 Olympic Medical Laboratory Pg 1/12 p 1 Olymp Car Rehabilitation Centet 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR,3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 2/12 Oct 24 05 10 44a OMC Facilities 380 417 8627 p 2 Date: 07/07/05 Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-385-0584 northwestasbestosconsuhants@cablespeed.com lob Location: Basement on east side 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 OwDer: Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Contact Scott Bower, Facilities Manager David Wegener, Construction Project Manager Inspector: Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042 -04 Expires 10/13/05 D /e./_ 1._ l�rto� 7 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHA116511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 3/12 Oct 24 05 10 44a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 3 Scope o f Nark 1) Good faith inspection for asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) 2) Survey, sample and record suspect materials. 3) Report to Scott Bower with results of testing by Clayton Services. Inspection Report The inspection started with a visual survey for suspect Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) These samples were sent to Clayton Services for testing. The suspect materials were: Sample #L. Basement hallway 12 "x12" floor tile. Tan with red. Sample #2. Engineering room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Lt. gray Sample #3. Basement east bathroom. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan with brown. sample #4. Food storage room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Grayish white. Sample #5. Paper storage room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Lt. gray with drk. gray specks. Sample #6. Switch gear electrical room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Gray with green specks. Sample #7. Fire alarm, intercom room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan with gray and red specks. Sample #8. Switch gear electrical room SW corner of ceiling. Cell wrap 10/24/05 14.57 ET 03- LHAH6511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14.57 FR 3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 4/12 Oct 24 05 10 45a OMC Facilities To Clayton Services Date: 07/07/05 ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 -385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants@cablespeed.com lob Location. Basement on east side 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Owner: Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Contact: Scott Bower, Facilities Manager David Wegener, Construction Project Manager 360 417 8627 p 4 Sample Basement hallway 12 "x12" floor tile. Tan with red. Sample #2,, Engineering room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Lt. gray Sample #3. Basement east bathroom. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan with brown. Sample #4. Food storage room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Grayish white. Sample #5. Paper storage room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Lt. gray with drk. gray specks. Sample #6. Switch gear electrical room. 12 "x12 floor tile with mastic. Gray with green specks. Sample #7 Fire alarm, intercom room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan with gray and red specks. Sample #R Switch gear electrical room SW corner of ceiling. Cell wrap Inspector: Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042-04 Expires 10/13/05 Please call with test results when completed. See attachment. Thank you, k� Bob Witheridge, EFM GROUP SERVICES Accredited Laboratory 44366 24tl au.140 9e01114.40.9aW p0p)700�t7ff lent Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants lob Location: 939 Csroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 LA =MAP and AMR* r uladums require layers be snalysed and reported asparately. LAYER 1 REguvrsi Cdlulmo 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAH6511 RCY'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR 3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 45a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 .ILL- a.. lf�TJJ rthmagt, C1 V• JJ Idsta 39421 -LA sOUACE: 12'X12•" Floor rile lAWATISO Suseustut bativuly f Ttii streaked Aug with 8a' mare SAMP2.E p: C1 141!.11; 39421.18 OOURCE; Not Noted Tau nair ibroas wadi LAICISM SAMPLE: lethiELE.t �2 LARR 39421.2A Plot Noted moo MAT RLM. DOSCRJPT1ONs Tim wo,-pr.ns asarsia l ASBESTOS BAY{ SAMPLE DATA tVt.w9I.01 CODE 93011460 New Mos SAMPLED BY Bab Wiimdse DATE: 7t7t20O5 COMPANY. Nert> went Asbestos Oaeatu tanta RECEIVED BY Katherine Huber DATE 7!812005 6 No Ar Detected Log Priority' paved 7: Nu becurSanWlee: CAaact:flob Witheridge PO/lobik Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) MMITIAXICEN nimsrix 2 mom MA'tMAM VW »v 1.41=4 1101444$ 1•ardtker t f I Insufficient Matetttl ANIZEMIXES Now linuffichert amentsiftriver0e4 a.pe.erabd method SPA/i6111/E43/176. NESEIAP and AMU, rev:ladeas regidrelayma bo analysed and reported separately. i la 1 TS_ OS 4 Caltok sa OTHER. MATERIALS ifINEILMaganila Pills Nadas ANALYZED BY indo Cummings DATE: 7n2/200s ART 39421 *igaIarli 910.75 Qom wasi.ib11111, W. ArV+ leads X IAP4earaefi.i••aa aswvtrtrerw, n.. �w w4a• adElla ar .s vAitot1rw.me(lbsbe- aoaus iawd.0y►i...rii.wL asrg ggrtwoomimM►M•a.114.6a limns .oi..s.tiirdrswsaaswSs..catierea.rNI Warm boo wd air r.� 4 imaromawatas6•.4meo .4sorabreg4aA! .r.0.rs subWrteb 4 rabd 0r "IL 0 .a..d�.a.af Adis". rr expeolsod Q knits bd am m b i w.�lil. i.4. IbrlQ k db.mem tam is mcgrwi o -tied Pg 5/12 P 5 2 30 b1 5 2 90 i GROUP SERVICES aa3K Wits bah* 140 Stack AA9Ns (10e 4RAlda leant Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants Fob Location: 939 Caroline SL Port Angeles, WA 98362 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR,3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 45a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 i SAMPLE t (Z LAB g 3943148 SOUR.CH: 12"8.12" Poor Tf16 LOCATION: Ratbeartag twom meamm uR MIME& (2 L611/6 3042120 Mena! 7 rem ,KXDRIAL DESCRIP'n[ J; Mgr lad l fume sea ibves awned SAMPL (3 Mat 39421.5A SEDEQL 12"X12" Floor Tile )1.00A.TION: guest ear tweroem Tan theeka r wing ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA NVLAP LA.0 CODS 0113130(p0 L IniR2 RESl .TS: Nails Asbestos Containing Material (ACM} ASEIDTC CLryeotfe 4 Neon Aceredited Laborato>ry As Ca M ACi) Chryeettle 4 PO/Jobik Mari Log Meier Preillia itt giber or Sampteu eGniset Bob Wltherldge comae gaanattatiliatell Vstyl 910eseed Binder LAYER 2 q[3LTS. OdIaloce Asbestos Containing Material (AM balingligii =MEE Claysollle 2 OTEEK 1.1ATARIALS Fakeilliedsr LAYERED MPLEe NESIBIAF mud A>3RHA regulate= resolve tsyrre be analyzed and reported eepetih;b LAY7t7t 1_ Cenekee P r. IJ4 39421 Was? a 901.75 d QUELMATELIALS AnnVit Vint Alain, B[ndar Pg 6/12 2 4L 30 64 1 6 2 33 61 SAMPLED HY• Bob t1/itberidge DATE: 1/7/2003 ANALYZED BY. Jude Cummings DAM 7/12/2005 COMPANY. NeedtweIe A:best0S CIS rY+ RECEIVED BY Sat eBobeac DATE: 7/8/1005 rr�.p et Attu WRAP l wonrwed Simna r Caws smr3'rab Narlivt,Ar.Aor.Yriab w rr IsgriseklommitT OLIFto MOWS Mu wbsdtop►sr.+r4sd4mmdimsa.mrse 1smtsts Isioti 0o l lrl�.ry� w�tarMatWf y.sy era s amba% tarparwtaa.traesoeatlrawtsatw tf�Ctadelntl ore+ ara albs* Isiah ar44�omt =raiarsl. AdW r rsadvaL 7h I6s+worldifaftiealimat •d .ower olosear soma. TW r�mscU�arto aoo othlasides tartQ m aars.Mum ra+fflr rw olltsm r da..ffipowder. 4ty dfrAgiecroada r40.0u9dwla.ra llummnowlulalm iraeSel omen Sof PoWdia Birnrrtt moos 611.6: Ad• max .11 begpseda'11rd 1 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCY'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 7/12 Oct 24 05 10 45a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 C iaytofl ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA Log* 39421 MLA! LAS COMS4911110111 Sposhr* GROUP SERVICES Amrodlord irlaa0py Pro4ed Rs NOM ease Sterb.MAItttr Number s[Sistpts 1 Crown Nam Northwest Atbtapoa Cmneftaab coutot Dols Withesitase Sob Lots on 9391 Comas& at. Part Asc*eks, WA 99362 POv bfk likaalmit WA NOM 512111M. Matta MiLIZRIALIMSCMIIISt Seam ampOrearseziaid (4 LAO$ mau MOM ilWUk MNUMECindamilegP= nrt asaiprr s a i.itl Non Nobs Weft LATINa Raga h 4vMaysDee rid LAYMIXD Ste; i salaams require bra by auto mimeos et tnb)r. 262inait L*Ys1 BMWs: Wag D:A& 13"X13" Elm We 1Vo.l:nbrariov UMMEnymemmirmlem MEM= Man 1231111LNAZDairl Ammon Viet P Rcronabdtr szminudeameas Mix &Si tar to -rot TAU Miaow 0, A ?fix seew.alrli..+ru.sbMrw..s am.. AAWursti ~am maid iNVtlo�c+►i00 rea i.u».erbiallr q���w a.ibrs► A.w ,r.w a�rraa..� W Ib nYr+r.r.s sio 0l7�ees".„*. UZI gr ��•�•••46. r�r Fey 6isiNambo aTa: r Wm 4.111.* atwilmMMLK1Yqsciisbgnerstart rliello4 -dial alaWardatillthim l tRoar ansalkAmedit Mid quoirso. a..1f.[ts....a g w.. om% ock r tis�rrr..s�irosamoa mAs Ar...edr.�r.aw..i t�a�1bAlori�Y~. .maw. P 7 1 I.ol a as- Coureart Merl! Maar SAMPLED E?: Bob Wiese DAM 7!111005 ANALYZED BY• s DAME: 7/12t2005 COMPANY: NcillivatAebuooi Comodtests =MET IRSCRIVED BY- Etthai>vlfts DAB: 71WWZ005 9S. 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO. 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 46a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 Log 39421 r 11.1:70•1151 Bee]owt* !OO'1S Nrashor SamPlee 1 04/0.,10 trtNemo Northwest Alamitos Coorattuts a Fob Loath= 909 Cie St: rest Amide,, WA 98362 WM=SAMflZt1 H1•P and /WSM smadalless eoyab6 bon he imbue sad repotted speneetf. LUP.Ammum aaftm CIayton ASBESTOS num SAmPLE DATA nvtasiwacmeueiiain Gx O UP I *!V I C F S Aw ruled Lograten Mal alillifdlinekAdo 1 P 12"xli• Dow 1V► Lirganin rarer sera. rIllo itglisardwrimakelheee JAMARSO SAM nose SEM= Una HILMWLMMKREMOW ?b1 setterrs# sari sIy Ni/ire MSS 1.41. 300,132TL•s+Iwt ran aaaiart 6rMOrtteut PECBl B1: giokedurnsiber Nan 2 No Allmon F.Deterati 6nosnrRS s* 4PL D BIP Bob o DAT 7!312045 COMPANY NaeQtwst Adams Caasal4ost No Alsbatias Detaabl Cants maftvla r DAM 7/2/2405 taorpsthe 2 raao�r_ Oft VIDA 'far wth Matt gleianten Cam, l riacA BtaQor LAYERED BANIPLe:70022AP &id MEW. togeladass ra4atra lows be and and topsrtid ate. LAY *t Ma QUELERNIU cua„e ifty$ Past sod Mars elawM/I dMIttIPILA 4awMDMlsatelr W4sttiireaissi ~risLimqialmw al Ov0 r∎ itr�M1��M�rbi a 1a•A=�W, Tq wu s=e O M 7rrr hlt(Jt 11.111 •0 fir/ rlwtNrys#r�t titllat#0�1�b rwr�r ts.+ w..arrdr�r► ttiM ��M �cMIS rRVi rrldbr Kt YW ir t 0a a�e �t �sOut o�i���.�� war Pg 8/12 P 8 35 2 CaMMAJAMBLItilli x a ANALY BY: Cl"t DAIS 7/1b2O0S 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCV'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 47a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 JUL. l 4 meTa CP Jf Clayton ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA Dinar umivana sW1ee4 GROUP SERVICES Accredited lsborst ry Jos H. Manila Wwa.afti.o Eta ac WA 6eL7i MI Igprisa IOU Nam: Northwest Asbestos Consultants lob Loci: 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 48362 LAR ib 3941i.60 SOU [ice; Mutts T Sidi& gam; Welded room. MATER! A MIg82: TON: Bradt a4p7481aaa 1 UK:Mit (6 4blit 39421 ec %MACE: Not Noted 1 i Re 3#� LOCATION: Switch sess, deetrlesl marn tr. emask d Tas wad slifiellineze nsifiae ryes d Feb L4U 3901.7A 1 Fi 3"X12" oor 'lile alarm, Menem t.OM. LAYERS IJI e: Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) ASR TOS 3t C6ryeotQe 2 New SAMPLED DY• Dab Wiiberldpe DA's: 7P7!2005 COMPANY. Northwest Asbaetos Consultacia RECEIVED BYs Eat3le�s Huber DATE: 71812005 AaOe i 1l�as A r Cbrpsetibt 6 P ojeet 900.75 Nontberof Bob Witktridge PO/360: kM1lS t✓ mo O� MATERIALS A> Me A» LTS: LAYLR3 pyst tErE Ceihalate Asbetstos ContointagMate�rial (ACM} Cltrytotlle 10 Amosite 3 �e 5 k rr p m it 4 8 i i s oti� FLao� LAYERED SAMPLE: NESRAP end MOIRA regolaliou is mire liners too onstyzed and reported sepraitely.. SAMPLE lk (7 LAYER 1 TS• r o fl1 MESA 1 Log outer Mader DRAET t• P 39421 Roder 0 awnsWmaopent, Mndelf1AV. Mating=! VIVIA1'dewa I Mks& so t0mnwrarprwr.a +►+a• VIr r-Se raft• daw�e.i Meteve!W�m6Newetttaati aaa�siaddat'atil ernLAw /*am* 4 r w iteasare. Tupiretviar maw Men ere MieiwnaFYwielmi wants Irr•+ired il vhilisigaWrairsoblObitIcsisi t1oryaidalipte4veneVrUelosqglYreaemiodyrewesv4ft Thal rogiouro omm wm irA.a aieirilsommta l 13.b aestsOd eaba ta4arkrs.vletiOnti a dise I P6ggew Z Ifteri pdretieaagele 0001,tatrer Vwtw 444 wt '6616Mes�rd�lWeenharna O. w+01 Avitta mmar 11 i siw+atavLloWY e0 Weser, nisi Renttlin q w flesepoesd at -Tope* Pg 9/12 9 6' 3 95 3a 3s 4 MATERIALS Y. eta so Yawl Fuezme ehrJor 6g ANALYZED EY Jade Calming DATE: 7/12/200S 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCY'D 10/24/05 14.57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 10/12 Oct 24 05 10 48a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 10 JUL —i4 -2805 07'3? P 06 iii C1ayton ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA Log 39421 NVL P L 16 CODE, Bla] i06-0 Priority- Regular B GROUP SERVICES Accredited Labara011cy Project 900.75 46768 ).1=I Wey Se. Seib 140 Sock. WA Pn Yt Number of Samples: 8 r Gar) 43 -704 ant Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants Conai Bob Witheridge Tob Location: 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 PO/Job# SA11PLE (7 Lam 39421.78 S Q ]RRCE: Mastic LOCATION: Fire alarm. Intercom room. MA7BRIAL IZESCRIPT!ON• Black asphaltic material SAMPLE 1 39 4213 SOURCE: Cell Wrap LOCATION_ Switch gear, electrical room SW corner etching. A v1ATERMAL DESCRIPTION: LAYERED Meile woken material with white papery material 1 LAYER 2 RESULTS. Nom Now OTHER FIBS Cellulose 3 Low Asbestos Content ASBESTOS 111E PERCENT Chrysotle Less than 1 OY'HER MAT68 9�0 Asphalt Filler Binder 97 RESULTS: Layers Ilosnosenized for Analysis Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT OTHER FIBERS Cellulose Cbrysotile t5 OVER MA TAU o ia AanosIte 5 Filler Sc Binder bo 20 SAMPLED BY Bob Witheridge DATE: 7/7 /2005 ANALYZED BY Jvtde Cummings DATE: 7/12/2005 COMPANY Northwest Asbestos Consultants DRAFT RECEIVED BY Katherine Huber DATE: 7/8/2005 agents i s a r a e d i s a l b y N a r U b N L L Y AaaeCwtdh b y VL 1 Pdossa teraate=ru b y NVL J or an NW gOVaonxmt hemp Ali h tk tmydea em =Irma in aeoaibees tsiitostanithi BPAAindieS441+020 CDeamda• 1954 AnelyKl tee:Croa- ebetked*mast Ater and teas tahaKory quality cam=. tr4eillon7at ricpemornlusmaed shoes as bleed on ablaut, I1ue: eUn+ea bre wirer mann..enlSaam by Point Coveting to rr41C yea ruche oersted Alma esly b the maples aabcdded by the elk* to Gaya*. Yuee Annan of aabealoe meld pmrdbly ®bad by PU# tbatOPe neersive moan meow be guarsetad. Thin mart du& Oct be feoralueed eaaela in W tower. vitOUL Qq 1 ,Oruup Si cswca ptand Els Rorer Cbryeeolo •mea1l Cracidolira leb0Wv QuellneZen03 .4hoteieciwe- .12Mtasolioe. Aaiun endAnthaptlySitealbes* QeWIWIYC -.O; QuentienivaA2 K Me amouaafalbeetee &geed le Otte to NOthere Powdio three slide mugs. Aebmtas found in this smuts v01betspatedas'httof Tracy Peticln9 tar other NVLAP Aollroved Sttenafory 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LMAM6511 RCY'D 10/24/05 14 57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 11/12 Oct 24 05 10 48a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 11 Summary of Inspection. This survey includes all areas of inspection with the report results from Clayton Services Testing Labs. Sample #1. Basement hallway 12 "x12" floor tile. Tan with red. 2% chrysotile asbestos. Sample #2. Engineering room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Lt. gray Layer one on top of tile had no asbestos detected. Tile had 4% chrysotile asbestos with 2% chrysotile asbestos in mastic. Sample #3. Basement east bathroom. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan with brown. Tile was 4% chrysotile asbestos with negative mastic. Sample #4. Food storage room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Grayish white. No asbestos detected in tile. Mastic had a trace of chrysotile asbestos. Sample #5. Paper storage room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Lt. gray with drk. gray specks. No asbestos detected. Sample #6. Switch gear electrical room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Gray with green specks. 2% chrysotile asbestos in tile with 2% chrysotile asbestos in mastic. Residue of cell wrap was picked up with sample and had a reading of 10% chrysotile asbestos and 3% amosite asbestos. Sample #7. Fire alarm, intercom room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan with gray and red specks. 6% chrysotile asbestos. Mastic had less than 1% chrysotile asbestos. Sample #8. Switch gear electrical room SW corner of ceiling. Cell wrap 15% chrysotile asbestos and 5% amosite asbestos. *Note: Small areas still exist of asbestos. 1) Boiler room; asbestos remains on small section of pipe vacated above the previously removed incinerator Two heat exchangers on north wall still have insulation on them. (Sample #2 on 2/27/04) 10/24/05 14 57 ET 03- LHAM6511 RCY'0 10/24/05 14.57 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 T0. 2063819567 Pg 12/12 Oct 24 05 10 49a OMC Facilities 380 417 8627 p 12 sum I ary cont. All asbestos containing building materials with a reading of 14 or greater is considered a hazardous material if disturbed. Removal of any hazardous materials must be abated by a certified abatement contractor which follows the rules of the EPA and governed by Olympic Region Clean Air Agency During building renovation, it is possible that additional suspect asbestos containing building material (ACBM) may be found with in a wall, floor, ceiling or other areas not accessible at the time of the survey Should such suspect material be discovered an AHERA certified inspector will have to sample and test the material to prove it is of non asbestos. Northwest Asbestos Consultants is not responsible for identification of hidden materials that are not identifiable with reasonable diligence. After the facility is completely cleaned out a walk through and re inspection is required by the original AHERA building inspector (NW Asbestos) after abatement, then a copy of the letter certifying that abatement has been completed needs to be received by Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Thank you, 13ert Bob Witheridge, E.F.M. 2) Pipe tunnels off maintenance room, Both tunnels have small areas of pip wrapping that have been previously marked by NWA. (Sample #4 on 2/27/04) 10/24/05 15.06 ET 03- LHAM6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR:3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 1/14 Oct 24 05 10 52a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 1 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Date: 1 To 010116.4n J ciT Attn. %Q C tJ {a rfl✓�/ &34' -t__s .1 Fax Message. From: r Olympic Memorial Olympic Medical Hospital Imaging Center ,?o ,?oe. 44) 0 Ram -LJ (op o Co ailos c jAcuivu Stir Ye 4-an F t4 Floc‘ c ag+ f C e r DID f- cta, C,avg Ah Working Together to Provide Excellence in Health Care 939 Caroline Street Port Angdes, Washington 98362 3997 (360) 417 -7000 jg Jim Paapke Admin Director, Facility Management Scott Bower Supervisor, Plant Operations Michael Hall, Security Supervisor Tom Oblak Environmental Services Manager Lorna Knight, Facility Support/Safety Assistant 0 Fax 360-41 -8627 Facility Management Office This is page 1 of Pages The documents accompanying this fax transmission contain confidential information, belonging to the sender that is legally privileged. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from disclosing this information to any other party and is required to destroy the information after its stated need has been fulfilled. Olympic Medical Radiation Oncology Center Olempie Medical rhy scat Therapy Rehabilitation Fax Transmittal (360) 417 -7148 (360) -417 -7170 (360) -417 -7224 (360)- 417 -7205 (360) -417 -7479 Olympic Medical Olympic Medical Home Health Laboratory Olympic Care Rehabilitation Center 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LHAM6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR 3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 2/14 Oct 24 05 10 52a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 2 r Date: 6/27/05 Thank you, (It Bob Witheridge, E.F.M. Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 -385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants @cablespeed.com 2) Sample, handling, postage 10 samples at $35 00 ea. Balance due upon receipt: First floor east side, Administration Cafeteria 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Yob Location. Owner. Contact Scott Bower, Facilities Manager David Wegener, Construction Project Manager Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Regards to survey inspection and testing. 1) Survey, inspection and testing. *Cost does not include re inspection after any abatement is completed. $420.00 ,$3 50.OQ $770.00 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- 1HAI6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY ICI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 3/14 Oct 24 05 10 52a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 3 Data: 6/27/05 lob Location. Owner; Contact Inspector: Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants @cablespeed.com First floor east side, Administration Cafeteria 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Scott Bower, Facilities Manager David Wegener, Construction Project Manager Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042 -04 Expires 10/13/05 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LAA116512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY ICI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 4/14 Oct 24 05 10 52a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 4 Scope of work 1) Good faith inspection for asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) 2) Survey, sample and record suspect materials. 3) Report to Scott Bower with results of testing by Clayton Services. Inspection Report The inspection started with a visual survey for suspect Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) These samples were sent to Clayton Services for testing. The suspect materials were: Sample #1. Telephone Communication room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan and brown. Sample #2. Ceiling area above communication room. Pipe wrap insulation. Sample #3. Hallway ceiling area. Pipe wrap insulation. Sample #4. Hallway ceiling area. Pipe mud and insulation and connection. 5a1nPle #S Bathroom next to nurse superintendents room. 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Gray Sample #6. Men's bathroom next to kitchen area. Floor vinyl with mastic. Tan with gray specks. Sample Medical records bathroom. 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Tan Sample #R,, Hallway above cafeteria entrance. Pipe insulation. ,$ample #9: Cafeteria 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Green Sample #10: Cafeteria 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. White 10/2405 15 06 ET 03 LHAPl6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR 3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 5/14 Oct 24 05 10 52a To Clayton Services Date: 'fob Location. Owner: Contact Sample #2. Sample #3, Sample #4. Sample #5. Sarpple #6: Sample #7. Sample #8. Sample 4i Sample #10: inspector: Thank you, Bob Witheridge, EFM OMC Facilities ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 -385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants @cablespeed.com 6/20/05 First floor east side, Administration Cafeteria 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Scott Bower, Facilities Manager David Wegener, Construction Project Manager 300 417 8627 P 5 Sample #1. Telephone Communication room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan and brown. Ceiling area above communication room. Pipe wrap insulation. Hallway ceiling area. Pipe wrap insulation. Hallway ceiling area. Pipe mud and insulation at connection. Bathroom next to nurse superintendents room. 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Gray Men's bathroom next to kitchen area. Floor vinyl with mastic. Tan with gray specks. Medical records bathroom. 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Tan Hallway above cafeteria entrance. Pipe insulation. Cafeteria 12 'x 12" floor tile with mastic. Green Cafeteria 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. White Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042 -04 Expires 10/13/05 Please call with test results when completed. See attachment. 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- L11AM6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 52a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 JL*'1 -27 -2885 14 29 p ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA NVLA' LAB CODE m1106 R P SERVICES l G Accredited Iabo G OU ER FS mY 4636 S Mapod way Sa Seim 140 Sothic. WA 98134 MO 104364 ....eat Name, Northwest Asbestos Consultants ob Location. Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles, WA Po/7ob#_ LAYERED SAMPLE: NESII:AP and AHERA regulations require layers be analyzed and reported separately OTHER FIBERS SAMPLE (1 Lilac 39268.1i SOURCE. 12 "X12^ Floor Tile LOCATION: AdmtnIstration Building, lst floor, east side, Telephone Commnnkation Room MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Amain sneaked wry! SAMPILE L1 39268.18 SOURCE. Mastic 7 OCATION. Administration Blanding, lst floor, east side, T 1epboae/ Commuulcatioa Room MATERIAL DEScg ON: 3llock asphaltic nunerlal SAMPLE (2 LAB 392682 SOURCE: Pipe Wrap Imitation LOCATION! Administrag0ri st aiding, lot floor eau qde, ceiling area above Comumpleation Room MATTRLAj DESCRIPTION; LAYERE1 Flack rooting on while fibrosis lr ooniai LAYER 1 RESULTS. J r Dote: LAYER 2 RESULTS J r Note: Asbestos TYPE Manske Chrysotile COMPANY Northwest Asbestos Consultants 1ECEYVED By Katherine Huber DATE. 6/22/2005 See note ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT RESULTS_ Layers Homagcthzed for An &ysis 25 Log Priority: Project #1 Number of Samples: Contact:Bob Wilberidge Wiulosc Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT Cbrysotile 2 OTHER. MATERIALS Aggregate Vinyl Filter sod Binder OThFIBERS OTHER MATEPALS Noon lnsoloicin ntarerkel far eau{prbr, ra par analytical mesa EP�lif600/R 93/116. OTHER FS Cellulose Material ACIW PERCENT 12 OTIMR MATERIALS Pilkr 6t tinder Coning DRAFT Pg 6/14 P 6 P 01 39268 Regular B 900.75 10 TmeyPetkln3 mother NV1.AP Amroycd Sitmotnry Moth naxre+dbeabyN18Z1NV1.AP Maaedtttdtar. byNVLV does not ieScarstaWagemea :1gNVLAPorsnyedcei. apathy. All hulk nmpkr are imiyadiaaba dara;a/meaad BPAI10M144- 6ae213 1w2)., sedr .2CObomrrabec ka *swab iw.rai Imo ObaamrY guars 4 mouth tor warm:alio& Thepseentvelvet reported abort me based u Wltbmd' 4 r5leHrea by vbhmt%AWNva((iationty Pang [1Tmlingif ledimad. Teri faulty tepotthcinthnt aiy N &rambles wlmlitedby de climes aszNoa. trace embolic* nonntpoaibly be mimed by MK *tram aeeodve rear cum be era S. Tbb man stall ttvt ha reptvdnesdencepe:n W mdmy IXnyaoa Gene Smrisra,at®r'tsa. &ror (Dwindle, Amesies and t Voeidalio Q.mU e. 3.Qeudseiro- k !TremlilaAtinot ened Aarrryllhemirror WWWtivr.0¢.QuWdWir 03 A yaw war or retort is&kWet atoswc *marl tu dvaAid+mamm. Adonsos fond in this somas wil be vivaria W armed' 1 %e 30 67 2 41 20 SAMPLED BY Bob Withexidge DATE: 6/20/2005 ANALYZED BY Jude Cummings DATE: 6/24/2005 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LHA116512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 T0. 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 53a OMC Facilities 360 417 6627 JUN-27-2005 14 29 ClaYton ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA. NvLAP LAB CODS #101146.0 GROUP SERVICES Accredited Laboratory arise u Mining Woy So. Saito 140 Sonia, WA 98114 (706) 761-7344 _.out Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants ob Location: Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St, Port Angeles, WA i SAMPLE (3 1 L 392683 SOURCE. Pipe Wrap Insulation LOCATION: Administration Sanding, 1st floor east side, hallway ceiling area kusigE24.D&SCRJPTION; LAYERED Block asphaltic fibrous material with black asphalt LAB P. 3926L4A SOURCE. Pipe Mud and Insulation LOCATION:, Administration Building, 1st boor east side, hallway ceiling area at connection MATERIAL DESC1t1PTfON: Bieck asphalda material SA LE (4 LAD 39268,48 SOURCE, Pipe Mud and Insulation LOCATION: Administration Building, 1st floor east side, hallway ceiling area at Connection M/ETERJA[, D SC$TPTION: Brown J16raas loosely cnmprsssdd material Note: RESULTS. Layers Homogenized for Analysis Low Asbestos Content ASBESTOS TUE PERCENT Cbrytiotile Less Than 1 OTHER MATERIALS Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT Chrysotlle 2 Note: Usable ro ddtenrdlte layer order. LAYER 1 RESU1_.TS_ .ASBESTOS TYPES DeteC d EN Note: Unable to determine Iay+or atvler. Pg 7/14 P 7 P 02 Log 39268 Priority- }regular B Project 900.75 Number of Sampho: 10 Contact Bob Witberidge PO/Job#• Cellulose Asphalt Filler Blades LAYERED SAMPLE. riESHAP and AAA ragulatioas regudre layers be analyzed and reported separately. SAMPLE 4 LAYER 1 RESULTS. OTHER FIBRILS Cellulose Hair OTHER FIBERS Hair OTHER MATTRIA.LS Asphalt Finer et Binder Misoollaneous Particles DRAFT Tnnr Pefkhis or ether NVLAP Annroved pgrtatory cl is aeaaadicarbyM VNVLsT, AwrotSwlloa toy l4vtA.1.doaosiOW14414 L NVLAIO army 00 W.M. OMC: Ail Mdk ~goo sae moyaodie via modsod spods000 4.32. 2a(Doulober 1942). M*y $r.aroodaoked 6=41 bow ana hum iOy jautitivayoof me rre' The perms veNeg repatar on Warmed.Y,w zsimao.bywdome mowwriAetliaa by P0101 C00111448 i:iedieated. rat units nettonad :elate only }d ire sampleucb4a,aed b t odcaa,o Oa}" Trasa omaea NUM, CO" pmoibly bs Wk."' by 11 ILaerarenyrlw ma* e40004bojalva4 -cal 726 man Mari na bywow:woodem.Qt 4,1 ha e-aset,_ n12464130= Cm.mstldeea pecmisriee. Ever Rarr arneekila Annex Fwd Qoaidolea utroaa. Qai1 W1vb al, QmatiitiVo-.l 1dg, "wa and AP n yllix asbaiW= Qaal uckv .OT, Qw a aa.11.,a3 A a.ee ,saoaac of asbestos is &abed 1 at. a m e.+o aka n-.41 dd 1.4400 aroacwa. Aal4aaoe fog ad ie lSia amoma *MI be x' 35 65 2 2 OTHER MATER1A t r Asphalt Flu« Hinder 94 2 3 SAMPLED BY Bob Witheridge DATE: 6/20/2005 ANALYZED BY Jude Cummings DATE. 6/24/2005 COMPANY- Northwest Asbestos Consultants RECEIVED BY Katherine Huber DATE. 6/2212005 95 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LHAH6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR:3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 53a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 JUN -27 -2005 14 30 C1ayton GROUP SERVICES 4636e,MauledWgSo. l 140 Sawa, WA 34114 (2.06) /61. Name: Northwest .Asbestos Consultants SAMPLE �S LAIL& 39268.SA SOURCE! 12"X12" Floor Tile LOCATION: Adminlstratiou Building, lstfloor east ride, Bathroom next to Nurse Superintendents Room MATERIA1.DESCRIPTION: Tani streaked vinyl SAMPLE (5 LAB a; 39266.58 SOURCE: Mastic LOCATION: Administration Building, Iet floor east side, Bathroom next to Nurse Superintendents Room MATERIAL DESt WflON; Off -wkitc material with brown residue SAMPLE (6 1,A13 0: 39268.6 SODIUM Floor Vinyl with Mastic LOCATION; Administration Building, 1st floor cut side, Mena Bathroom next to latches, area MATERIAL DESCRII' T'LQN_ LAYERED Pale yellow trod gray rime' with white/Throw compressed material with tan residue ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE PAIA. NVLAT LAB CODE U101106-4 Accredited Laboratory Noce: LAYER 2 RESULTS; SAMPLED BY Bob Withexidge DATE 6/20/2005 COMPANY. Northwest Asbestos consultants RECEIVED BY Katherine Huber DATE: 6/22/2005 No Asbestos Detected ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT No Asbestos Detected ASBESTOS TAE PERCENT RESULTS: Layers Homogenized for Analysis No Asbestos Detected ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT Now finable m scrams* res?4uefor todtvfdaat a dtyslr. Log #e Priority Project #1 Number of Samples: contact:Bob Witheridge ob Location: Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St., Fort Angeles, WA PO /rob#• LAYERED SAMPLE: NESHAP and AMEERA regulations require layers be analyzed eland reported separately LAYER 1 RESULTS: OTHER FIBERS r 1 Cellulose Hair OTHER FIFA, Ceuutose Hair OTHER MATERIALS Aggregate Vinyl Filler and Binder Miscellaneous Particles OThRR MATER Finer Binder Miscellaneous Particles OTHER. LBERS Cellulose Synthetic OTHER MATI,I Filler Binder Vinyl Finer and Binder DRAFT Pg 8/14 P 8 P 03 39268 Regular B 900.75 10 TrsiN Pctlrins or Whet. AP ADo�9ved iicnme• Qt is tevedited Nla1Ut16AP AacaSta4ee by NV AP dap WSW, tai by WVLAP m a altar Igeaar• A ba4e t M** am mauled 1 J °""1444 v:th'1 ePA/1100044- 12.020 (December 19421. Molise; me aloe -eM&ld tlooq isle end 6= hbeta01). epelity ssaenee aca4maa for acallkalas Tha paean value repotted above ere bead ea CW teMadtiami anima= by 'ale= adds widal ...by rent Caentiogi. iad+0eae. Tali emdu mooed edema* male a mmedbyduethemio Ii.y.. Tram artOooleof =Nabs 1 UW bominedhyak �hav( neydveaamlis sumac beguamrmd The Mead dldlm etm lbe faxuala0aicw ri4 lamalty,wilhoalClgaoa Sa opincioico. wiwaalarC1V yiaal.Ammiwa ccttroaidIU,eabeewR Qpilttraiw.Q?, QaeaIatva12fy11gdiar, AaieoGm sad ARdwphylgto QudFe.tims42. Qu1Bad -.O4 A eaeiamaml otembeetea is ddllbl ea tarts ma fDDas 4omtdia 0eatelidemamia. Aabume ra and ea We wawa w0I bemoaned m trace' 1 1 30 63 S 15 3 42 40 ANALYZED BY Jude Cummings DATE: 6/24/2005 10 t2 43 35 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LHAM6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 54a OMC Facilities JUN-27 -2005 14 30 aclay tori ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE uA l� A 1W1„Ilp LAB CODE #1Q11 GROUP SERVICES Accredited Laboratory ants s. mamma w Sa Sala Id Steak, WA98134 OM) 6343 64 Int Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants ob Location: Olympic 1VMedical Center, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles, WA PO /Job# LAYERED SAMPLE: NESHAP and AHERA regulations require layers be analyzed and reported separately OTHER BE b LAMPLE �7 LAID 39268.7A SOURCE. 12 "X12 Floor Tile LOCATION. Admiulstration Building, 1st floor taut side, Medical Records Bathroom MATERIAL DES CR IPTION; Tans vI>•yi .ALE (7 LAB it: 39268.79 SOURCE: Mastic LOCATION: Admiukanttan Building, lstfloor east aide, Medical Records Bathroom MAJIMAL DESCRIPTION: Braun cum-fibrous material SAMPLE (8 LAB 392681 0OUIZCE Pipe Insulation LOCATION, Administration Building, 1st Moor cast side, hallway above Cafeteria entrance MATERIAL DFSCRJP7TON: LAYERED Black cliwaks wiik wake fibrous compressed Filmier l LAYER 1 RESULTS. Matra Nate: SAMPLED BY Bob Witheridge DATE: 6/20/2005 COMPANY* Northwest Asbestos Consultants RECEIVED BY Katherine Huber DATE. 6/22/2005 CoulaCtBob Witherldge LAYER 2 RESULTS. No Asbestos Detected ASBESTOS TYKE, PERCENT Pg 9/14 360 417 8627 p 9 P 04 L 39263 Priority Regular!) Project 900.75 Number of Samples RESULTS. Layers Homogenized for Analysis Asbestos Containing Material (4CM) ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT Chrysotile 3 gnER. MATERIALS Aggrrpte Vinyl Pillar and Binder bMIBERs Cellulosc OTHER FIBERS Ccllukse Asbestos Containitm Maternal ACM) ASBESTDLTYPE PERCENT Amosite 10 OTHER MATERIALS Chrysotile 20 Pt`lier Binder Coating OTHER MATERIALS Ft1ta Binder DRAFT Tracy Parkin!, i fuller t MAP Atmawed Sioeata:r Mow TlN I.A!• AmtsdeadanbyNVLZdapTatiadic eedaeUnmtbyIMLATar Day after vaaq.. Ml boo via We analysed ir taaaMataswUtnedhed Idtagridkii.12•Xle (otoemhv 1.4l2). Atldyses arsmaa1iktCitM Waugh low teat iota laboratory reatlity atdryditel Fatima for vpifeaea Tla: game vda,s oipostedOats tie Wed en calibrated *brad eadaulea ly%viae egala* void maim by roop Cuantag a berated. Teaaaaaht v o 4,data aadf aD she :amiss svbasiaad by Oreedmva Clayka. TMrd, of tamed asold dualbty is raaodby tberektewd.nse *voila manor be0. .......L Mit mnshell antbe Rpradme daatentt ahatema< y. ridtoasPayton [kwpSerriaesprastisalaa Error M ed pr3aol. Mgaiu tad QotidoIhe Qnorsutito.M_ Qoanifsg «e rrrmwdio. na+noikw MVhopbyaiaa sk,i qu9i Lh .o; QumSnni a,W Masao warm al arldarce. it dedaad WIC to sue Loma faadt ID thus iliac "c, A$ba fa' dht &ie be alarmed ac Tram" 10 30 67 3 97 5 o !o 52 13 ANALYZED BY* Jude Cummings DATE. 6,24/2005 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LHAM6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 1506 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 5555 TO 2063819567 Oct 24 05 10 55a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 JUN-27 -2005 14 30 Clayton ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DADA. NVi AP LAB CODE #le11t16 0 GROUP SERVICES Accredited Laboratory 4d36 C 114ag:04 War SO. Sala tab Smite. WA 90134 (2 06) 763.7364 t Name Northwest Asbestos Consultants ob Location: Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles, WA PO /Job# LAYERED SAMPLE: NESBAP and ABERA regulations require layers be analyzed and reported separately. SAMPLE (9 LAYER 1 RESULTS_ OTH> kBE Cellulose 1AH 392689A Hair SOURC1 12 "X12" Floor Tile No Asbestos Detected LOCATION: Administration Building, lst Door ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT east side, Cafeteria MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Bluish-green .stnceked vinyi with brown residue SAMPLE SG= 39268.9 SOURCE, Mastic LOCATION: Administration Building, 1st floor east side, Cafeteria MAT RIALDescREP332 Blank and brown area frbreus materiel with brown residua SAMPLE (10 I A11# 39268.10A SOU$ 12"X12° Floor Tile LOCATION; Administration BuUdlug, 1st floor east side, Cafeteria MATERIAL DP R/PTION; Tan streaked vinyl with brawn debris Nate: LAYER 2 RESULTS: Note: Irer SAMPLED BY Bob Wiitheridge DATE: 6/2W2005 COMPANY- Northwest Asbestos Consultants RECEIVED BY Katherine Huber DATE: 6/22/2005 Low Asbestos Content ASBESTOS TYPE rERCFNT Chrysotiie Trace Asbestos Conte Material (ACM) ASBESTOS Chrysettle 3 Log Priority. Project Number of Samples: Contact:Bob Witheridge OTHER MA7$RIALS Aggregate Vinyl Filler and Hinder Miscellaneous Particles QTHER Pla R Cellulose Hair OTIIER MATERIALS Asphalt Filer Binder Filler A Binder Miscellaneous Particles LAYERED SAMPLE: NESHAP and ARERA regulations require layers be analyzed and reported separately. LAYER 1 RESULTS: OT ER FIBERS. Cellulose Hair CYTHER MATERIALS Aggregat Vinyl Filler and Hinder Mkxllmeoss particles DRAFT Pg 10/14 p 10 P 05 39268 Regular B 900.75 10 'tract pldrr zts trt o t r WJLAP 4 Si auto) 4 *cambia bg 1 4 1 S T R I V P. Ardrodimvw b y xviAr does sac faMcdc o t a l w e a e bri4VlAr of a n y Wiwi,. All lac maiplo *to whets is acceed tie WWtJedod BPAd690IM4 -83-Mb lOeoanbct 19142). Arty= etc eo i-d adced tbeeugh law and Wit obacac 3 9v :y usanacaprogam for vaiaaalfar. 'holmium vales MOAed allow so tool as ra:s7+ws4 Asa whom by volume oleo va ificrlaoby rokrt Cowling Is hulks: et Te i i m,hI mposiscloOoso earyr so do nooks odsoslosdlly *.clibu w dram 'Moe ems armee= coda p b be misacdb, MM. ehesarbre teaative meths *was be L....... t Tale *avaitaba' Nee beeepadod *1641110 nz may. vfiibou*Ga7w Woo Union Paodabim goer Rawer: CkInat. M.usiae ant crew, dla aabeacs: Qaalicedv a. E3. Qda4thstve. 13ET ,4o61W►nrsmwble and AulaplglAw Qe®6uovc'A3 A coot room of imbed= la& oaos ernew Mafiabc &Anita arm Woewows. Adman rem- la ta:e rosa..M>wiIf be twVa. as iliac. 5 3 30 52 10 10 2 15 53 20 ANALYZED BY Jude Cummings DATE: 6/24/2005 1 10 2 39 45 10 10/24/05 15 06 ET 034HA416512 RCV'D 10/24/05 1506 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800 -777 5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 11/14 Oct 24 05 10 55a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 11 JUN-27-2005 14.31 P 06 ip/Mt C1ai ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DMA A L 39268 IL 1tiVI tABCOPE #1Oil06-0 Madly: Regular 11 GROUP SERVICES Accredited Laboratory Project 900.15 4066 r fl IWAYSO.Sane 14 10 Sawee, Member of Samples: MO 763.7764 nt Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants CoatectlEgob Witheridge ob Location: Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles, WA PO /Job#: z.A►YER2 RESULTS: OTHER BERS Vo SAMPLE !f �10 Cellulose 5 3926 &10B Asbestos Containing Material (ACM Mir 2 SOURCE. Mastic LOCATION: Administration Building, 1st Boor ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT ivrA 1['+�ItIA east side, Cafeteria Chrysotile i Asphalt Filler Binder 70 Miscellaneous Particles ?A tR1AL nasc RI TiOk Black asphelfic with brown debris ANALYZED BY Jude Cummings DATE: 6/24/2003 SAMPLED BY Bob Witheridge DATE: 6/20/2005 COMPANY Northwest Asbestos Consultants RECEIVED BY Katheciae Huber DATE: 6/22/2005 -rte s or totter NVI..P Antxaved Signatory Ctasvu trea4115MA piaT'nWVLAr. d000akla byNV.AP met intro= .aaulao+c by NVLAP or erg gate .1 goo. as bauc ssop.ca are aDlYagi a OOdaAga.�n"rhea BW6OWM< 112 1333 A,�t�lara�m' or ann•E betiVd Ono* ntaad too abxotoygontota epacametbrveilicaian Tao want who. s dA sobadonwlatoldriad by raiN%9alva vertfic ion >y Mot Co tO4 tnd Wet Test emin topulme mbut only to tkaaaroolawbnen d by Oto Oleo to Clayton. 7Aee rimming of d=bm odd byINIL 1bKefOta TeWaba 11mdlt ausmlao! 7.bk Paeans m be YeptaOr+erd s xpt o fu ea .w aaat CpaNO Woup r pesftid0a &rat Rata Quraale. A itt q6 Cfpdddite astagaa: QtanVi'v,04Qu4aIhmora•.1211 l4ti odil .a.SAMwfb7Afasrbcatw:Qu4batirr Quint tuive 0.3A out ROOM of cabala' iadcAotdso too to too nom lama t 13torit1 1amows Maws tend to Uda=tows v011 he apottad ta DRAFT 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- LHAM6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15.06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 12/14 Oct 24 05 10 56a OMC Facilities 36b 417 8627 Sur mare of Inspection. This survey includes all areas of inspection with the Clayton Services Testing Labs. Sample #1. Sample #2. ,$ample #3. Sample #4. Sample #5. Sample #6. Sample #7. Sample #8. Sample #9: Sample itISt report results from Telephone Communication room. 12 "x12" floor tile with mastic. Tan and brown. Tile- 2% Chrysotile asbestos. Ceiling area above communication room. Pipe wrap insulation. 12% Amosite asbestos and 25% Chrysotile. Hallway ceiling area. Pipe wrap insulation. Less than 1% Chrysotile asbestos. Hallway ceiling area. Pipe mud and insulation and connection. 2% Chrysotile asbestos. Bathroom next to nurse superintendents room. 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Gray No asbestos detected. Men's bathroom next to kitchen area. Floor vinyl with mastic. Tan with gray specks. No asbestos detected. p 12 Medical records bathroom. 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Tan Tile- 3% Chrysotile asbestos with no asbestos detected in mastic. Hallway above cafeteria entrance. Pipe insulation. 10% Amosite asbestos and 20% Chrysotile asbestos. Cafeteria 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. Green The had no asbestos detected. Mastic had a low asbestos content. Cafeteria 12 "x 12" floor tile with mastic. White Tile- 3% Chrysotile asbestos with 3% chrysotile asbestos in mastic. 10/24/05 15 06 ET 03- 1HAN6512 RCV'D 10/24/05 15 06 FR.3604177000 FWD BY MCI 1800- 777 -5555 TO 2063819567 Pg 13/14 Oct 24 05 10 56a OMC Facilities 360 417 8627 p 13 summary cont. All asbestos containing building materials with a reading of 1% or greater is considered a hazardous material if disturbed. Removal of any hazardous materials must be abated by a certified abatement contractor which follows the rules of the EPA and governed by Olympic Region Clean Air Agency During building renovation, it is possible that additional suspect asbestos containing building material (ACBM) may be found with in a wall, floor, ceiling or other areas not accessible at the time of the survey Should such suspect material be discovered an AHERA certified inspector will have to sample and test the material to prove it is of non asbestos. Northwest Asbestos Consultants is not responsible for identification of hidden materials that are not identifiable with reasonable diligence. After the facility is completely cleaned out a walk through and re inspection is required by the original AHERA building inspector (NW Asbestos) after abatement, then a copy of the letter certifying that abatement has been completed needs to be received by Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Thank you, Bob Witheridge, E.F.M. N co co N 1• cD N LI) cu Int% ic‘ to certiip tbat Bob A. Witheridge bacS )1atifitactoritp tompleteb 4 bout it of refrefiber training 41 an Asbestos Building 1 ns pei Instructor Provider Cert. Number M09907012 to tom* Witt) tje training requfretnentg of VIOCIf Citte J /40 CI% 763 (novas) Argus Pacific, Inc. 1900 W Nickerson, Suite 315 Seattle, Washington 98119 (206) 285.3373 fax (206) 285.3927 ames Lierly OMC 02 Tank From 'Barbara Brandt' <BBrandt @MAHLUM com> To James Lierly' <Jlierly©cityofpa.us> Date 11/17/05 8 55AM Subject: OMC 02 Tank Jim I've been trying to reach you to discuss the relocation of the 02 tank and line at Olympic Medical Center Now that we have the tank located there are some challenges with the routing for the 02 line The south side of the tank location has many existing lines running underground In order to locate the line south of the existing warehouse it will need to pass (3) power lines a communication line and a water line There are also several existing fuel tanks below ground that would need to be worked around Given these obstacles our preference would be to route the new 02 line to the north of the existing warehouse close the existing footing and safely away from fuel tanks and the ambulance drive to the Emergency Department at OMC However the City has expressed some concern in the past with any trenching along the north side of the existing warehouse Our civil engineer stated that the trench required for the new 02 line could be dug out with special equipment, so that it is only 1 to 2 feet in width And the trench should not be any closer than 50' from the edge of the existing bluff I have attached a pdf for your reference Please let me know if this location for the 02 line would meet with City approval «OMCCivi111 1705 pdf» Thank you Barbara Brandt, AIA Mahlum Architects phone office 206 441 -4151 direct: 206-816-1078 fax: 206 441 -0478 bbrandt @mahlum com CC Jim Paapke' <jhpaapke @olympicmedical org> Jarnes Lierly OMCCivi1111705 Of_ O COPE »y o10M4 0 6 1111111M 1/11111111 4 0 0 0 u 1 s q warm 1010•41 Page 1 fj 11/02/2005 16 45 NTI DATE TO FROM 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC A JLS GROUP COMPANY 717 SOUTH PEAaOOY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98382 Engineers Land Survoyors Goologlsts Construction inspection Materiels Testing (380) 452 -0491 FAX 452.8498 www,n114u,com t= -Mali: Info(bntl4u.com 1O- 31 ---0s FAX TRANSMITTAL 13c X a T3 ►ra 0-d+ t 1 ORGANIZATION (a0G) 44 1 I CaL Leo.cL f f iel ig4 0 (20 Mt, 047 SUBJECT NUMBER OF PAGES (including this) 1 1 MAIL ORIGINALS? YES NO REMARKS 14Eke. 16 e PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION THANK YOU PAGE 01 (6b O pkerne m0+'►LU 417 11'02/2005 16 45 3604528498 Www.nrian,com October 31, 2005 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC 717 SOUTH PEABODY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Construction Inspection Materials Testing (390) 452.8491 1- 800 954.5545 FAX 452 -8490 E.Mall: info@ntl4u.com NTI JLS GROUP PAGE 02 Plan review comments for Olympic Medical Center Hospital Addition from City of Port Angeles Public Works Department 2 comment memos attached) 1 Drive way approach to be constructed to City Standards no radius on corners The plan has been revised to utilize the current standard 'webbed" city driveway design see the attached 8 1 /2 x 11" drawing #1 2 Curb length at bus stop will be long enough to accommodate a 30' Transit bus without blocking driveway ingress and exiting See item #5, below 3 Day light of curtain drain to bluff is not permitted The plan has been revised to have the curtain drain empty into the catch basin pumping system located in the basement loading dock area see the attached 8 1 /2 x 11 drawing #3 4 As previously discussed with Jim Paapke the City would like to see the propane tank located near the bluff slide area relocated No action required 5 Reduce the driveway opening located at the east end of parking lot to a one way exit opening only, this will help accommodate more room for the bus stop The plan has been modified to allow a 30' transit coach to park between the driveways In order to keep the driveways as wide as possible, the bus will cover the inside webs when parked see the attached 8 x 11" drawing #2 #5 6 Provide calcs to show that the new expansion does not over burden the 6' sewer line that exits at the east parking to alley See attached calculations and references 4 sheets 1110212005 16 45 3604528498 NTI JLS GROUP MEMO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mark Madsen Director 417.4804 Nathan West Principal Planner 417 Sue Roberds Assistant Planner 417 -4750 Scott Johns Associate Planner 417 -4752 Jim Lierly Building Inspector 417-4816 Dave Yaaumura Permit Technician 417 -4712 PORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U S A DATE. TO FROM. Post-ir Fax Nate c Emote F Fax I 457_ -354i October 28, 2005 Olympic Medical Center File Scott Johns, Associate Planner 7871 IDate�s Ir n P !Fran trc g Icn. r oam 1 'Fax II RE. Pro-development Meiling September 15 2005, 10.00 am Attendees: Ken Dubuk, Roger Mess, Trema Funsten, Sue Roberds, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Jim Paapke, Robert Leach Issues identified and conclusions: Location of oxygen tank; It was decided that the oxygen tank and fence were not considered structures requiring stffiidard setback distances as long as the fence was no higher than 6 feet. Vision triangle impacts could be mitigated by ingticirig the fence of chain link without vision obscuring slats. New parking area at the top of the bluff; It was decided that parking could be allowed as the area is cunently paved and is being used by large delivery trucks. As mitigation for allowing parking the city would require substantial landscaping at the top of the bluff Even though the parking would be technically in the shoreline area (200 feet from OHWM), no new or negative impacts to the shoreline would result. Public access would be maintained (including visual access from the hospital). A shoreline exemption will be issued based on existing use and mitigation from enhanced vegetation at top of bluff Curtain drain with outfall over the bluff face; Curtain drain outfall would not be allowed. Water collected on site (surface water or subsurface from curtain drains) must be directed away from the bluff and into the City stormwater system located in the streets. Bus stop size and location; Plans will be revised to meet City requirements, SEPA review is required based on the size and scope of the entire building project PAGE 03 P NEW BUS t 2.67'x4 75 6 ^W K St 1,13 Waal GRADE D K REA406 OLD SLAB IN 002,40 R D GR URB Atz 4.6 RC CRS pR I EAR STyLE 1 r 11/02/2005 16 45 3604528498 Trenia Funston Qvimoic Medical Center plan review From: Roger Vess To Sue Roberds Date: 7/13/05 4:57PM Subject: Oylnlpic Medical Center plan review Pan review comments for Public Works Engineering 1 Drive way approach to be constructed to City Standards, no radius on comers. 2. Curb length at bus stop will be long enough to accommodate a 30' transit bus without blocking driveway ingress and exiting. 3. Day Tight of curtain drain to bluff is not permitted. 4 As previously discussed with Jim Paapke the Ctry would Ike to see the propane tank located near the bluff slide area relocated. 5. Reduce the driveway opening located at the east end of parking lot to a one way exit opening only this will help accommodate more room for the bus stop. 0. Provide cake to show that the new expansion does not over burden the 6" sewer line that exits at the east parking to alley Thank you, Roger Vess CC; Trenla Funston Pact -11FaX Note 7671 11M12 14401, From Phone dI 'Pro* E lf 4 2 1 "T 1 !Fax NTI JLS GROUP PAGE 05 Page 1 I u� t.0 h SLOPE TO DRAW m h 21; MAX N UD a 30 I 0 M4TCH_CnUS11NC 1 18' Y 18. t <5z \IL T DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER 2 5 2B 18 i8 MATCH CONCRETE DRIVEIKAY srru WITH EXISTING UNIT 0 EAST j l l EXISTING SIDEWALK BUS STOP 12.67 X4.75' 6' THICK CONCRETE SLAB MATCH GRADE W /SIQEWAIK REMOVE OLD SLAB IN DEMO 1 CAROLINE STREI 11/02/2005 16 45 3604528498 1 0 1 v=4 3 NTI JLS GROUP a If \t, LA V cb XI 44 k' HI I I'll 0 if i 1 I 0:1 I 4., CD PAGE 07 11/02/2005 16 45 3604528498 6 Per e-ft-ti P Pt ifAR .e445 Ct Yt .5eutev--- I J l t, S e rve.s Z Waives 4' Z Socskr e5 'Z cl2s a acs m ct:mit'P C 0 0 63) &nice mate ggei at Ct ,c/op-f__ 645% U DOE Sefi ve-r. bees tel /1€ t d o adztrrta e Se.�ti T�cW s a vt es`6 tlsk pca k t r T�-� 1-9- t& e 4-h Ft cIk k of PVC Per, 4o ad-wrated P ye- e rt how `fit al` cat c 11 is h,G� ci fvr oL is 0 o[1, eye �-e� ca m. sl c� pF O L0 Covru -S d: PVC r� n o c 1 C 0 60 ,o 500 `dc 200 9 pm Esc C►J k (Q4'Lc boo per pew ©v IS:RAJ C2- (1,1e-) sou 5 o (pe.Y- g?'0 s p-er C Wos 1 ut u�s-c b r- a c& p k— M.or) O SC pr e 02_ Iv) C yr e�+-tc u.s l hr C-4) --e p�rs�� pev� °�`J C a s �e�C C ResLea ,cos ,ssu, v e ,4 k$ m b Asome. 5660 sc e�ctl. Ami A u tker 3 (,cars ou2K G g500 eacC .8) CA. r. a, ass 10� 3fa s L� r% .0 CetArz (LTA ly) Ractc ce (2,,4Y /00) Ea) 5r' tiv) 1Nr 2. WFi cis s©0) Vic) i r d v< tZ k 1 .4 f 3 .ss() 14 A iv\ C AYe i 5iC.500 li pcI t n 12 k r (4) Co ri& (LO OY Sp) 50C-0 5pd 1 h l( h r g S T R I DATE.10I 2.8 O S DESIGNED BY I_,PrL PROJECT OtA,C kt FOR. ckPAutY A,UP L SHT. 1 OF 4 NT1 NTI JLS GROUP PAGE 08 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC a JLS Group Company Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Materials Testing 717 SOUTH PEABODY. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 9B3B2 .1388) 452.5491 www.ntldu_com intoent14 al.com 11/0242005 16 45 3604528498 li,nt,0 (Lcs (P->,r5 yr U kesLe CCs 900.1 o C2 oCCccz_S 5Ooo /7`70 G LE P m 1 u,i &W e, .1_i o00/ 770 ZZ, 9 oe Ca -eter L& ac3( %c S Z( p rn 01 34,33 5 p w,. A P �o IA) e- onc,,4-e- 31 33) 137,32 5p M c31,321 2s,30 G 0 Gg o-C p yeCIJ-c) cyacri-t is cork o h Ls p rpJcc 4tO-uJ o± rrius 14Cy 243 co Ge A--►j ox p cvri g icon ca r Cites 5e_ a GWe- at 4e i &p 4o) other. c r u1- -y -F�ci d y shc9c4J cans t I &r7.4 .15 e ga,14 --r- 8" c E taLne cv( 1i eFeos< i kl c a. c 4-0 ove-r- 6 z3 000 c-C 2_00 over I.S` L v16 Copacit S T R DATE 1o(?gjOS DESIGNED BY RP1 W I PROJECT OM,C- SrD kb) FOR. SEWER C PfO ANN- SHT 2 OF q NTI NTI JLS GROUP PAGE 09 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC a JLS Group Company Engineers N. Land Surveyors Geologists Materials Testing 717 SOUTH PEABODY■ PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 -(36r» 457,41491 www.nd4u_com inlolnHau.cem 11/02/2005 16 45 3604528498 HANDBOOK OF PVC PIPE PVC Sewer Pipe TABLE 44 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS PVC SEWER PIPE S 4 FT /1000 FT ASTM D3034 DR 35 n =0.009 n 0.010 V Q V Q Ft /Sec 1000 Cal /Day Ft /Sec (000 Cal /Day 4 1.9757 108.6591 1 7781 97 7934 L6164 88.9029 6 2.5796 315.8272 2.3217 284.2445 2.1106 258 4041 8 31338 687.8945 2.8204 6191050 2.5640 562.8227 10 3.6365 1247.2357 3.2728 1122.5121 2.9753 1020 4655 12 4.0833 1982 7709 3.6750 1784 4969 3,3409 1622.2699 15 4.6744 3405.2278 4.2070 3064 7051 3.8246 2786.0956 TABLE 45 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS PVC SEWER PIPE S 5 FT /1000 FT ASTM D3034 DR 35 PVC 1 n =0.009 1 n =0.010 1 n= 0,011 1 Sewer V Q V Q V Q Pipe Ft /Sec 1000 Gal /Day Ft /Sec 1000 Gal /Day Ft /Scc 1000 Gal /Day 4 2.2088 121 4846 1.9880 109.3361 1.8072 99.3967 6 2.8841 353 1056 2,5957 317 7950 2.3597 288.9045 8 3.5037 769.0894 31533 6921805 2.8667 629.2950 10 4 0657 1394 4519 3,6591 1255.0067 3.3265 1140.9152 12 4.5653 2216.8091 4 1087 1995 1282 3 7352 1813 7529 15 5,2262 3807 1606 4 7036 3426 4445 4.2760 3114.9495 TABLE 46 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS PVC SEWER PIPE S 6 FT/1000 FT ASTM D3034 DR 35 PVC 1 n= 0.009 I n 0.010 I n 0.011 Sewer V Q V Q V Q Pipe Ft /Sec 1000 Gal /Day Ft /Sec 1000 Gal /Day Ft /Sec 1000 Cal /Day 4 2 4197 133.0797 2 1777 119 7717 1.9797 108.8834 6 3.1594 386.8078 2.8434 348 1270 2.5849 316 4791 8 3.8381 842 4952 3 4543 758.2457 3 1403 689.3143 10 4 4538 1527 5455 4.0084 1374 7909 3.6440 1249.8099 12 5.0010 2428.3927 4.5009 2185.5534 4.0917 1986.8668 15 5 7250 4170.5354 5 1525 3753 4819 4.6841 341.2.2563 212 NTI JLS GROUP PAGE 10 n =0.011 v Q Ft /Sec 1000 Cal /Day 3/4 11/02+/2005 16 45 G2 -6 Discharge Facility Interstate or through highway restaurants Interstate rest areas Service stations Factories Shopping centers "Includes normal infiltration 3604528498 December. 1998 I Dwellings Schools with showers and cafeteria Schools without showers and with cafeteria Boarding schools Motels at 65 gal /person (rooms only) Trailer courts at 3 persons /trailer Restaurants Hospitals Nursing homes Homes for the aged Doctor's office in medical center Laundromats, 9 to 12 machines Community colleges Swimming pools Theaters, drive -In type Theaters, auditorium type Picnic areas Resort camps, day and night, with limited plumbing Luxury camps with flush tollet5 should be based on planning projections derived from an official source Any deviations should be based on sound engineeringjudgment substantiated in the engineering report. Table G2 -1 Design Basis for New Sewage Works Design Units per person per person per person per person per room per trailer per seat per seat per person I per vehicle serviced per person per 8 -hr shift per 1,000 sq ft of ultimate floor space per bed per bed per bed per 1,000 sq ft per machine per student and faculty per swimmer per car per seat per person per campsite per campsite NTI JLS GROUP PAGE 11 Flow* (gpd) 100 16 10 75 0.2 130 0,26 0.26 24 300 50 180 5 10 15 -35 200 -300 300 200 100 500 500 1$ 10 5 5 5 50 100 Criteria for Sewage Works Design BOD (lb/day) 0.2 ,04 .025 Flow SS Duration (Ib /day) (hr) 0.2 24 04 8 .025 8 0.2 16 0.6 I 0,6 24 0.2 0.2 16 0.7 0,7 16 0,01 0.01 0.03 -0.07 0,01 0 01 0.6 0,6 0,3 0,3 0,2 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.3 0.3 0.03 0.03 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0,01 0.05 0,05 0.1 0,1 0.01 0.01 16 0.03 -0.07 Operating period 12 24 24 24 12 16 12 12 4 12 12 24 24 24 G2 -1.3 In -Plant Piping and Channels All piping and channels should be designed to carry the maximum expected flows. The incoming sewer should be designed for free discharge. Bottom corners of the channels should be filleted and pockets and corners where solids can accumulate should be eliminated. Isolation gates should be placed in channels to seal off unused sections where sewage solids might accumulate. 4/1- poRTANGELEs W A S H I N G T O N U S A Economic Community Development August 18, 2005 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER -PLAN REVIEW DIETARY CARDIAC MRI ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT Item 13 A 13 B Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet IMC 507 13.3 for Exhaust Air Quantities. Item 34 Exhaust Hoods, Exhaust Air Requirements shall meet IMC 507 13 4 for Exhaust Air Quantities. All Kitchen Hood Grease Exhaust Ducts shall have an approved enclosure per IMC 503 13 0 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL. It is highly recommended that all supply air moving equipment have a Ultra Violet Lighting System installed in the plenum if all possible. All duct or pipe penetrations at floors or fire rated walls shall have approved fire stopping materials between duct or pipe and penetration. Installation of the fire stopping matenal shall be installed in accordance to the manufactures instructions and building codes. `"c3CL J fA e_y Srd,z S I_ �uM6r�Ct, t-sa/so W r per= toe, Phone 360- 417 -4750 Fax: 360- 41.7- 4711 o•/ Website www cityofpa us Email smartgrowth @cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street P 0 Box 1150 Port Angeles •WA 98362 -0217 James Lierly Fwd CRS #7990 Olympic Medical Center From Roger Vess To James Lierly Date 8/19/05 8 10AM Subject: Fwd CRS #7990 Olympic Medical Center 'Smoot, Janet (DOH)' <Janet.Smoot @DOH WA.GOV> 08/18/05 04 Dear Mr Signs «7990 pdf» Please find attached the not approved comments for the above referenced job Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions Janet E. Smoot Construction Review Services Washington State Department of Health Voice 360.236.2944 Fax: 360.236.2901 Public Health Always working for a Safer and Healthier Washington This message may be confidential If you received it by mistake, please notify the sender and delete the message. All messages to and from the Department of Health may be disclosed to the public Notice on Interpretations This correspondence is not a formal interpretation issued pursuant to the applicable licensing regulations, and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Department of Health In addition this correspondence is neither intended nor should be relied upon to provide professional consultation or services. ames Lierly 7990 pdf Letter of Transmittal August18 2005 Project Info: Key People. Assigned DOH Ravi ewer Fadlity Admi ni strator Architect Engines: Scri nkl a Contractor Other' Ccpies Ta Local Briidrg Official: City of Pt Angel% Washingtm State Patrd, Fire Protection Bureau Architect /Enjneer M ahl urn Archi tects Sub-Ccdrwtor N/A &b -Contra tcr N/A [2] Dept dLabor and Bech'ical Section Page 1 of 13 CRS# 7990 Olympic Medical Center Chapter 246 -320 WAC Hospitals Dietary /Cardiac/MRI adds alterations Janet Smoot Janet.Sioot @DOH. WA.GOV Olympi c M edi ad Carta Mr MikeGlatn, Administrator 939 Caol i ne Fbrt Angd es, WA 98362 (360) 417-7705 mgl ain@ol ympi amedi d .org Mall um Ardhi tads Mr Gay Sgns 71 Col umbiaSred Salt! a WA 98121 (206) 441-4151 gsi gns(maihl um.00m N/A N/A Project location: Fad Iity Contact: Building Offidal R re Al am Contractor Other N/A Healt h Washington Sate Dartment of Cargructicn Review Services 310 I sad Reed SE Turnwater WA 98501 PO Batt 47852 Olympia, Watincjm 98504 -7852 939 Caroline Port Angeles, WA 98362 Olympic Medical Carta Mr J m Paapke 939 Caol i ne Port Angd es, WA 98362 (360) 417 -7148 mgl mn@olympi amedi d .org City of Port Angles Mr JmLiery PO. Box 1150 Fbrt Angd es, WA 98362 (360) 417 -4816 rvess@dtyofpau s N/A DOH Child Birth Certer Licensrg DOH Office cf Accommmodati ors Res Cae Survey DOH Office of Health Cae Srvey DSHS, Agrg atilt ServicesAdniri.ratim DSHS, Div. Ofticcd and stance Abuse Other CRS File www.doh.wagw /c rs td. 3236 2944 fax. 380236 -2901 Plan Review Comments for Project #7990 Page ames Lieriy 799O.pdf M emo Olympic Medical Center Chapter 246 -320 WAC Hospitals Dietary/Cardiac/ MRI adds alterations Please visit the link to Project Status on our web site at www.doh.wa.00v /crs NOT APPROVED REVISE AND RESUBMIT This project is not approved and is not yet authorized for use by the Licensing Agency Provide written responses to our review using our numbering system, for those items checked as not approved. To help expedite our review include a transmittal with all sibmissions clearly identifying all documents with your project name and CRS project number Include two copies of revised plans or sheets, in the samttormat/size as the original submission, incorporating your corrections. Any response that does not address ALL the reiew comments and provide the required information will be considered incomplete and returned without review All documents submitted will be retained in our offiitil all the construction documents have been received, reviewed, and accepted. When the project is approved a complete package of accepted documents will be stamped and signed by the department. One copy will be returned to the facility administrator and one retained for our records. Page 2 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 James Lierly 7990.pdf Page 3. Facility Name: Site Address: Facility Data: Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline Port Angeles, WA 98362 Facility ID. 000052 Occupancy Group: A -2 1 -2 Construction Type: 1 -A Applicable Code: 03 -IBC Number of Licensed Beds: Current: NA Added: NA Removed: NA TotblA Number of Apartment units: NA Private occupancy NA Two person occupancy NA Automatic Fire Sprinkler System 1E113 013R 013D Not Applicable Automatic Fire Alarm System: E Yes Not Applicable Compartmentation on all floors required: NYes ❑Not Applicable Special Egress Control Devices: Approved Smoke Control System: DYes EINo Maximum allowable licensable Beds: Based on size of rooms used for sleeping NA Residents Based on size of common rooms NA Residents Certificate of Need Approval Required: Yes No El Granted: Yes El No The data above is based on the information presented to the Department of Health Construction Review Services. Any change in the facility or facility program that cau ses the above information to be incorrect is subject to review by DOH Construction Review Services. Approval for construction is not approval for licensure. A copy of this certificate will be sent to the licensing agency Page 3 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 1j James LierlyP 799 Olympic Medical Center Chapter 246 -320 WAC Hospitals 1 8 z 1 0 Dietary/Cardiac/ MRI adds alterations Plan Review Comments Recommend the soiled functions are on one side of the room and the scope cleaning are on the opposite side of the room to separated the processes to avoid cross trafficing Recommend process and procedures in the functional program explain the separation of functions by time of the soiled and scope cleaning 2 ID Verify all air is exhaust to the outside in the Dark Room and Nuclear Med Room. WAC 246 320 -525 Table 525 -3 Not Approved 08/02/05 Verify all air is exhausted to the outside to Nuclear Camera Room #126. The functional program states this room could be used by General Nuclear Medicine and therefore should not be used as atreatment room as described on the Room Airflow Summary' jes 3 ID Provide self closing lockable door in soiled and clean utility N FPA 101 Approved 8/02/05 per drawings received June 23, 2005 jes 4 ID Provide patient privacy in the gym area by the use of screens or policy and procedures of scheduling by time, or other means. WADC 246 320 755(6) Approved 8/02/05 based on meeting with the Hospital survey group. jes 5 ID Provide a changing area with lockers or other suitable clothing storage. The functional program can explain to have patient use toilet to change and bring clothing to lockers in gym. WAC 246 320- 755(4)(b) Not Approved 8/02/05 Clarify the Patient Toilet location for Rehab Gym #142 per WAC 246- 320- 755(4)a. jes 6 El Specify that a manual pull activation device is provided for an automatic sprinkler system, dry or wet chemical foam water or carbon dioxide kitchen hood extinguishing systems. The manual actuation device shall be located at or neara means of egress from the cooking area, a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum, of 20 feet from the kitchen exhaust system. Secti on 904 11 International Fire Code Approved 08/12/05 Elevation 12, Sheet K4 and Sheet K1 shows Fire Page 4 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 Page 41 James Lierly 799 Page 5 0 7 8 9 0 0 z Suppression Remote Pull locations located by Beverage Counter 57 and the Service elevator 0 Provide a section _drawing detailing the kitchen hood installation so it can be reviewed Use NFPA 96 and Sections_ 506 and 507 of the`Intemational Mechanical Code, as a checklist when preparing detail drawings Include-at a minimum the following grease ductsize and'gaug e clearances between the duct and shaft, between fan outlet and the roof and the top of the shaft and the roof Show locations of cleanouts in the shaft and duct access openings and hood details including overhang of cooking equipment, type of cooking appliance below, grease filters, clearances and fire extinguishing system. Include catalog cut sheets and specifications along with connection to automatic shut- offs for the fuel system. WAC 246- 325- 012(6)(b)(iii)(E), WAC 246 320 99902(10) (13), WAC 246-320 525(3)(i), and Section 610 International Fire Code Not Approved 08/12/05 Please respond to this comment. Provide a reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) on the water supply to the pop machine. WAC 246 215 120(4) or effective May 2005 Chapter 5 -203 15 Washington Food Service Regulations WAC 246 -215 WAC 246- 290- 490(2)(b), WAC 246-320 525(4)(a) Not .Approved 08/12/05 Provide a reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) Con the water supply to the pop machine. All kitchen /food service equipment and appliances shall meet the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). WAC 246 215- 090(1)(e); or effective May 2005 all kitchen /food service equipment and appliances that is certified or classified by an Arnerican National Institute (ANSI) accredited program will be deemed to comply with Parts 4 -1 and 4 -2 Chapter 4 -205 10 Washington Food Service Regulations (WAC 246 -215). Approved 08/12/05 Section 11400, Part 1.04 Quality Assurance, of the Project Manual Volume 1A indicates that all foodservice equipment will meet required standards. 10 O 1 Food preparation sinks shall be indirectly drained this would preclude the use of a garbage disposal in this sink. WAC 246 215- 120(3)(c) Approved 08/02/05 per submitted drawings June 23, 2005 Page 5 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 ;James Lierly 7990.pdf Page 61 11 Not Approved 08/02/05 This submittal will be deferred to a later date. jes Not Approved 08/02/05 This submittal will be deferred to a later date. jes 12 0 Two complete plans and specifications for the fire alarm system installation or modification shall be submitted for review and approval prior to system installation Plans and specifications shall include, but not be limited to a floor plan location of all alarm- initiating and alarm signaling devices, alarm control and trouble signalin g equipment; annunciation power connection battery calculations conductor type and sizes, voltage drop calculations; name, address, and phone number of the agency receiving off-premises transmission of alarm; and the manufacturer model numbers, and listing information for all equipment, devices and materials. Incomplete plans and specifications will be returned without review Plans and specifications may be submitted separately fromconstruction documents during the construction of the project. For small renovation projects in which devices are only to be relocated or very few devices are to be added provide two plans that shows the relocation of devices may be submitted for review in lieu of the above requirements. This information can be included on the electrical or architectural plans. Verify with Department staff to determine if the scope of your project meets this criteria. Section 907 1 International Fire Code or1001.3 Uniform Fire Code n z z El Sprinkler system working plans shall be submitted for approval before any equipment is installed or remodeled Deviation fromapproved plans will require permission Working plans shall contain all data as indicated in Section 1 -9.2 Uniform Building Code Standard No 9 -1 Plans and specifications. includina hydraulic calculations. that are incormlete or are not stamped by a Washington State Licensed Fire Sprinkler Contractor. will be returned without review Plans and specifications may be submitted separately fromconstruction documents during the construction of the project. For small renovation projects in which heads are only to be relocated a plan that shows the relocation of devices can be submitted for review in lieu of the above requirements Section 903 1 International Fire Code 13 M Construction and renovation can create conditions that may compromise the health and safety of patients staff and visitors Facility planning must include, in addition to space and operational needs, provisions for infection control and safety of the facility's occupants during any renovation or new construction The facility's infection control practitioner (ICP) and safety and security personnel (S &SP) should be involved with facility planning design construction and commissioning of any new or renovated area. The design professional should incorporate the specific construction related requirements of the ICP and S &SP in the contract documents to require the constructor to implement these specific requirements during construction Page 6 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 James Lierly 7990.pdf 0 8 0 15 ❑x WAC 246-320-505(2)(a)(ii),WAC 246 320 405(1) NFPA 101 Approved 08/02/05 Based on I nfection Control Procedure in Specification section 01510, and Phasing Plans submitted on June 23, 2005. jes 14 0 Fire safety during construction alteration or demolition must be provided as indicated in Chapter 14 International Fire Code. The design professional shall incorporate the specific construction -rel ated requirements in the contract documents and require the constructor to implement these requirements during construction Indicate the exiting paths that will be available during construction as well as the materials that will be used to separate the construction fromth e existing facility Combustible materials such as visqueen are not to be used as barriers. Temporary barriers must be constructed with a fire resistance rating equivalent to the rating of the wall that it is enclosing WAC 246 320 405(1), and Chapter 14 International Fire Code Approved 08/02/05 based on plans submitted on June 23, 2005. jes Provide a housekeeping closet with a mop sink and rrap rack within the kitchen area. This could be located in the staff toilet room. Washington Food Service Regulations WAC 246 215 Approved 08/02/05 Based on plans submitted June 23, 2005. jes 16 0 Provide a double compartment sink in the espresso bar Washington Food Service Regulations WAC 246 -215 Not Approved 08/02/05 Provide a double compartment sink. jes 17 El The Espresso stand shall corrply with Mobile Food Units. WAC 246 215 -160 or 1 effective in May of 2005 Section 9 1 Washington Food Service Regulations (WAC 246 -215) Please provide the following information Proposed menu Hours of operation Plans and specification of the espresso stand Location of staff toilet, Location of commissary for stand Location of janitor's facility Method of storing potentially hazardous foods, Method of keeping equipment and utensils clean and sanitized Method of monitoring temperatures, Page 7 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 James Lierly 7990 pdf page 8 20 0 Assurance stand workers have obtained food beverage service worker permits and Method of employee handwashing Not Approved 8/02/05 No response received 18 El Provide a manual shutoff zone valve between the riser and any group of station outlets Zone valves shall be located so that a wall exists between the outlet and the valve. This valve shall be clearly visible and located outside of each anesthetizing location near the operating room door that leads to a central core, such as where nursing stations are located If there is more than one operating room in the anesthetizing location each room is to have an independent shutoff valve. Zone valves shall be 18 readily operable from a standing position in the corridor A pressure gauge shall be provided downstream of each zone valve. Section 4 -3 1.2.3(d), NFPA 99 Not Approved 08/02/05 —The Zone Valve Box for the Rehab Gym #142 is currently inside another suite across the corridor If the supply is turned off in the Nuclear Medicine suite the Rehab Gym would be without its supply and vice versa. NFPA 99 Section 4-3 1.2.3(d) JES 19 ID Obtain approvals for Radiation Shielding from DOH Radiati on Protection Please include your CRS on your submission to Radiation Protection CRS must obtain a copy of the radiation approval letter before construction approval can be given WAC 246- 320- 785(3)(f) Contact Phyllis Hurtado at (360) 236 -3230 or 1- 800 299 -9729 Not approved 08/02/05 Please submit a response to the above comment. The functional program describes the process of transporting materials in lead containers from the Hot Lab. Please explain how those containers are stored, it they are an approved container how long they stay in the suite and what happens to them after the material is used by the patients. The functional program also states the Nuclear Camera room could be used by General Nuclear Medicine. Please explain what types of services are performed by General Nuclear Medicine in the Nuclear Camera room #126. jes Provide manufacturer's labeled carpet specifications and radiant panel test report for each carpet used in this project. WAC 246 320- 525(6)(b), and Chapter 8 International Building Code Approved 08/02/05 Based on specifications submitted June 23, 2005 jes Page 8 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 11 James Lierly 7990 pdf __..Page 9 b o a z 21 LJ Provide a listed ground -fault circuit interrupter within wet areas This includes areas within 5 -feet of wet areas, bathing facilities, dialysis stations and at a sink plane or above except when electrical outlets are located in cabinets. WAC 246- 320 99902(3), WAC 246 320- 525(5)(a)(i), and Section 210.8 and 517.20 NFPA 70 22 ❑X Provide tamperproof receptacles in emergency exam rooms, general nursing exam rooms psychiatric areas, waiting rooms, detox, alcohol and substance abuse areas. WAC 246 320 -525 Table 525 -5 WAC 246 320- 405(9)(e)(ii), and NFPA 70 -517 18- (c C Approved 08/02/05 Based on plan s submitted on June 23, 2005. je; Approved 08/02/05 Based on plan s submitted on June 23, 2005. jes 23 L Provide a pressurization schedule showing at least 70 CFM differential in all areas to establish pressure relationships in accordance with the requirements of WAC 246 -320- 525 Table 525 -3 Negative, positive and equal pressures are defined in WAC 246 320 010(83). Not approved 08/02/05 The Nuclear Camera room #126 should be negative pressure according to Table 525 -3. Based on the functional program this room could be used by General Nuclear Medicine. jes 24 E Provide information on door sizes and ratings Include a door hardware schedule. Section 106 1 1 International Building Code Not approved 08/02/05 Provide a 45 minute rated door to Shelled space #165). IBC 2003 Table 715.3 (Fire Partitions), NFPA 99 (2) jes Preliminary Construction Review Conference March 1 2005 Attendees: John Williams Dept. of Health Stan Iwagoshi Dept. of Health Doug Taylor Dept. of Health JimPaapke Olympic Medical Center Graciela Harris Olympic Medical Center Judy Tordini Olympic Medical Center David Wegener Olympic Medical Center Barbara Brandt MahlumArchitects Virginia Oronzoco Mahlum Architects Gary Signs Mahlum Architects The preceding comments are preliminary technical assistance comments and may be revised during subsequent submissions Additional requirements may be cited during Page 9 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 James Deily 7990 pdf o Q ls a z i subsequent submissions. Responses to the above comments are expected to be submitted with your construction documents in writing and by incorporating the comments into the construction documents /functional program. 25 26 Provide finish material for new portion of east stairway (next to vestibule 182) to meet WAC 246- 320 -525 (2)g stating `Stairways with skid resistant floor surfaces and ramps with skid resistant or carpeted floor surfaces. 27 El Please verify the occupant load for combined rooms McCarter Education #166 and Private Dining #167 if more than 50 occupants the doors need to swing in the direction of egress. jes 28 E3 Locate the exit sign over the doors leading to the corridor in rooms #154 (Waiting), #148 (Waiting) and #160A (Stretcher Alcove). N.F.P.A 710.1.2 Jes 29 D Outside-air-shall not be obta ined closer than 30 feet from an exhaust stack or outleti.Section nternationa'I Mechanical Code, and WAC 246 -320- 99902(13), WAC 246 -320 -525 (3)f(i)A Provide dimensional information for AHU 14 and AHU -15 in relationship to the exhaust stacks. Items Received APP,FEE,FP Project Status. Review Technical Assistance Fee: Pd Ck #139666 $425.00 Provide 1 -hour rated wall for Shell space #B0006 per N.F.P.A. 99 Table (Storage rooms larger than 100 Sq Ft) on the east side of shaft wall for Toilet #B007 j es Outdoor air intakes serving central systems must have the bottom of the intakes located, if installed above the roof, not less than three feet above the roof level. WAC 246 -320 -525 (3)f(i)C Please provide information for the location of the intakes. Jes 30 0 Connect the plumbing fixtures in the following rooms to the plumbing supply lines Toilet B007 Men's Toilet 109A, Womens toilet 110, drinking fountain in corridor 102, Nuc Stress 125, Echo Stress 123, Staff toilet #121 Patient toilet #119, and Clean Utility 118. jEs Page 10 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 James Lier 7990 pdf Page 1 31 I] Provide 4 wrist control to the fixtures in Rehab #142, Patient Toilets #161 #119, Echo Stress #123, Echo #131 #132, Nuclear Camera #126, Nuclear Stress #125, #127 Stress Test #130, M RI Waiting #160 and PFT #139 per WAC 246- 320 -010 (33)(a), WAC 246- 320- 525(4)(c) jes C Recommend review of expansion joint at Hallway #169 to adjoining soffit/wall at Servery #170 (Reflected Ceiling Plan). jes 32 0 Ice machines shall have appropriate backflow protection. Air- cooled ice machines shall have an air separation or air -gap on the drain line. Water cooled 1 ice machines shall have a reduced pressure backflow assembly on the potable water line to the cooling unit and an air gap separation on both drain lines. WAC 246- 290- 490(2)(b) and WAC 246 320- 525(4)(a) 33 0 Provide a listed atmospheric vacuum breaker to the spray hoses located at the Braising pan #14, Kettle #22, and 3- compartment sinks #30 and #11 WAC 246 290-490(2)(b), WAC 246- 320- 525(4)(a) 34 II Provide revised drawings showing ice machines, food preparation sinks, dipper wells, and mechanical dishwash ers are indirectly drained. WAC 246- 215- 120(3)(c) 35 I] Provide listed ground -fault circuit interrupt er receptacles within five feet of any areas serving counter -top surfaces, as shown on Elevation #3, sheet K-4 Article 210.8 and 517.20, NFPA 70 and WAC 246 320 99902(3) 36 1 0 AP -1 is not an approved tile (see below). It can be submitted to DOH for review Ceiling finishes shall be easily cleanable or maintainable surfaces when used in patient care areas, or where patient care supplies are stored or processed. The following is a list of pre approved ceiling materials for use in the areas listed above. WAC 246- 320- 525(6)(c) Samples of other tiles may be submitted for review Page 11 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 ryJames Lierly 7990.pdf Pa9_e.1.2 0 1 37 ARMSTRONG 1. Geagan with Huniigiad Plus 1.ND Perforated* 2. Optima Open Plan -fal backed 2Perfarated Stippled* 3. Tundra 3.Celdme Chase 4 Woxlworks Veda/tegular non -perf. 4. 5. Fireguard Geagan 5.ND Nan Perforate d Stippled* 6. Clean Room VL (perf. non- perf.) 6.Fine Textured* 7 Clean Ram Mylar 7.M dal Guard (Perforated Nm- Perforated 8. Dune with Bicblock Humiguard Plus &Vinyitme 9. Fine Fis3ired Secatd Ladle 1,2, 3 a.Serene/Serene M 10. Ceranigiad Nat- Perfad ed 10. 11. Fine Fissured Also in Prctedate Versats 12. Ultima with Humigiad Plus USG INTERIORS CORPORATION 1. She Rack Lay -in Panels 2 Clea arc m 3. Orion 210 4. Pebbled 5. Millennia 6. Taichtme- ClintaP lus 7 MARS 8. Radar- ClimaPlus CELOTEX ENVEL DESIGN 1. Acoustic Sky The Department of Health recommends lay -in ceilings be gasketed or clipped down to prevent passage of particles from the cavity above the ceiling plane into the room's environment. Fissured, tegular serrated, or highly textured tiles are not acceptable because the finish is removed exposing the inner fibers, or are too textured for normal cleaning methods. Cut tiles shall be painted and /or sealed. Special precautions should be taken during installation and maintenance activities of ceiling tiles to ensure infection control is not compromised. Materials not listed must be submitted to Construction Review for review and approval prior to installation. The list is not inclusive of all acoustical ceiling tiles, only the tiles that have already been studied. jes Reiisei 1/25/2005 This list is sabjei to dhaige without notice I] Please submit information about the building setbacks. Jim Page 12 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 Fi Page 13 !James Lief ly _7990.pdf I 0 l, i 2 6.- -.6 3 z 38 CI Provide access to cart washing or cleaning area conveniently located adjacent to service corridor or elevator WAC 246-320-605(8). Please clarify how the patient carts will be sanitized. JES 39 GI Provide bathrooms and toilet rooms with soap dispensers or equivalent at each sink and bathing facility WAC 246-320-525(7)g Provide soap dispensers for Public toilets #109A #110A. j es Carp fiance with thecaments above providad by the Depatmant of Health, Caignzlion Feview Sarvices are fcr this facility toned the reairerrents dthe axlicatie licenang regiaticns fond infre lettilingtal Sate Athinigrative Cote a added references Thex do not relieve the facility from The respanstility to met the requ'renents ctav otha- piica&e feciard, stde or loca reglaficns In the evert of ccrilicts between other ftrisicfrons and thew written the trod stringent 3011 apply Page 13 of 13 Plan Review Comments for Project 7990 City of Port Angeles Community Developement (Building Division) 321 E 5th St Port Angeles Washington 98362 360- 417 -4815/ Fax 417 -4711 Plan analysis based on the 2003 International Building Code Project Number 05 -458 Project Name OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Occupancy B A -2 Construction I -A FL Date August 2 2005 Contractor TBA Architect MAHLUM ARCHITECTS Engineer JILL A CONNELI Report By JIM LIERLY NOTE The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 2003 IBC It is a guide to selected sections of the code Report created using Plan Analyst software by IHS Global 800 854 -7179 SPRINKLER SYSTEM NFPA 13 sprinkler system throughout the building Sprinkler system used to increase the allowable area and height Sec 504 2 and 506 3 FRONTAGE INCREASE Perimeter of the entire building 584 feet Perimeter which fronts a public way or accessible open space 3 feet Minimum width of public way or accessible open space 20 Allowable area increased 0 0% for frontage increase Sec 506 2 NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 Kitchen B ok 10000 UNLIMITED AREA OK 1 Dining Room A -2 ok 8095 UNLIMITED AREA OK TOTAL FOR FLOOR 18095 UNLIMITED AREA OK BUILDING TOTAL 18095 UNLIMITED AREA OK Sec 503 504 506 and Table 503 Allowable area and height calculations are based on different uses being separated by fire barriers Sec 302 3 2 The actual height of this building is 16 0 feet The maximum height of the building is unlimited Table 503 0 FIL e9 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET PROPERTY DESCRIPTION North Side has a public way Distance to public way 200 0 width 200 0 Exterior wall rating based on distance to center line of public way Sec 702 1 FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE East Side has a public way Distance to public way 200 0 width 200 0 Exterior wall rating based on distance to center line of public way Sec 702 1 FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE South Side has a property line Distance to property line 20 0 West Side has a fire wall (building separation wall Sec 705) EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Sec 602, Tables 601 and 602 and Sec 704 NORTH OCC BRG NON OPNG% WALL BRG UP /PR B 3- hr *0- hr *NL /NL A -2 3- hr *0- hr *NL /NL EAST BRG NON OPNG% WALL BRG UP /PR 3- hr *0- hr *NL /NL 3- hr *0- hr *NL /NL Page 2 SOUTH BRG NON OPNG% WALL BRG UP /PR 3- hr *1 -hr *75/75 3- hr *1 -hr *75/75 WEST BRG NON OPNG% WALL BRG UP /PR F W F W F W F W F W F W The exterior walls are required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE material Sec 602 2 Projections from exterior walls shall be of noncombustible material Sec 704 2 1 Exterior walls are required to be fire -rated for exposure to fire 1 From Both sides when fire separation is 5 feet or less 2 On the interior side only when separation is greater than 5 feet Sec 704 5 F W Fire Wall See the Fire Wall section of this report for fire resistive requirements for the wall and openings Then maximum percent of area of unprotected opening has been adjusted for an automatic sprinkler system Sec 704 8 1 up /pr Maximum percent of openings in the exterior wall Table 704 8 up The maximum percent if all openings are unprotected pr The maximum percent if all openings are protected If some are protected and some are not then use formula in Sec 704 8 Openings in lhr walls are required to be protected with 3/4 hour assemblies Sec 704 12 and Sec 715 4 Openings in walls required to be greater than lhr are required protected with 1 1/2 hour assemblies Sec 715 4 NL No fire protection requirements for openings NP Openings are not permitted in this wall Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 3 r� Exception 3 If roof construction is 2 -hour fire resistive and of noncombustible construction a parapet wall is not required Exception 4 A parapet wall is not required on 1 -hour fire resistive exterior walls provided 4 1 Where roof /ceiling framing are parallel to the wall framing and support shall be not less than 1 -hour fire resistive for a minimum width of 10 feet from the inside of the exterior wall 4 2 Where roof /ceiling framing are not parallel to the wall the entire span of framing and support shall be not less than 1 -hour fire resistive 4 3 Openings in the roof shall not be located within 10 feet of the exterior wall 4 4 The entire building shall be provided with not less than a Class B roof covering These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall and shall have noncombustible faces for the uppermost 18 inches Sec 704 11 Exception 1 A parapet wall is not required when the wall is not required to be fire resistive Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET ELEMENT Structural Frame Interior Bearing wall Interior nonbrg wall Floor /Ceiling Assembly Roof /Ceiling Assembly Stairs FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS MATERIAL Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncombustible Page 4 FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 601 RATING NOTES 3 hour Note 2 3 hour 0 hour Note 5 2 hour 1 1/2 hour Note 4 13 None NOTES 2 Roof Supports Fire resistance rating of structural frame and bearing walls are permitted to be reduced by 1 hour where supporting a roof only Table 601 b 4 Heavy timber shall be permitted where a 1 hour or less fire rating is required Table 601 c 2 5 Fire retardant treated wood shall be permitted in A Nonbearing partitions where the required fire resistance rating is two hours or less Sec 603 1, 1 1 Partitions dividing portions of stores offices or similar places occupied by one tenant only and do not establish a corridor or serve an occupant load of 30 or more may be A constructed of fire retardant treated wood B one hour fire resistive construction C wood panels or similar up to six feet in height Sec 603 1 Exception 8 13 Fire retardant treated wood shall be allowed in buildings including girders and trusses as part of the roof construction Table 601 c 3 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 5 REFUSE AND LAUNDRY CHUTES Openings into chutes shall not be located in exit access corridors Sec 707 13 1 Access openings shall be located in rooms or compartments completely enclosed by construction that has a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour and openings into access rooms shall be protected by openings having a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour Sec 707 13 3 Chutes shall discharge into a enclosed room completely separated from the remainder of the building by construction that has a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour and openings into access rooms shall be protected by openings having a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour Sec 707 13 4 A fire sprinkler system shall be installed Sec 707 13 6 System shall be installed at the top and in the terminal room Chutes extending through three or more floors shall also have heads at alternate floors Sec 903 2 10 2 PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES Sec 712 WALLS ASSEMBLIES Sec 712 3 Through penetrations of walls 1 Penetrations shall be installed as tested in the fire resistance rated assembly Sec 712 3 1 1 2 Penetrations shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop system with a minimum positive pressure differential of 0 01 inch of water and shall have an F rating of not less than the required rating of the wall penetrated Sec 712 3 1 2 Exception Where penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper pipes or steel conduits the annular space between the and the penetrating item and the fire resistance rated wall shall be permitted to be protected as follows 1 In concrete or masonry walls where the penetrating item is a maximum of 6 inches nominal diameter and the openings is a maximum 144 square inches concrete grout or mortar shall be permitted 2 The material used to fill the annular space shall prevent the passage of flame and hot gasses sufficient to ignite cotton Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 6 Membrane penetrations of walls The requirements are the same as for through penetrations Sec 712 3 2 Exceptions 1 Steel electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed 16 square inches provided that the area of such openings does not exceed 100 square inches for any 100 square feet of wall area Boxes on opposite sides of the assembly shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24 inches 2 Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates FLOOR /CEILING AND ROOF /CEILING ASSEMBLIES Sec 712 4 Through penetrations of fire- resistive horizontal assemblies 1 Through penetrations shall be installed as tested in an approved fire resistance rated assembly Sec 712 4 1 1 2 Penetrations shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop system with a minimum positive pressure differential of 0 01 inch of water and shall have an F rating and a T rating of not less than 1 hour but not less than the required rating of the floor penetrated Sec 712 4 1 2 Exceptions 1 When penetrating items are steel ferrous or copper conduits pipes, tubes and vents through a single concrete floor the annular space shall be permitted to be grout or mortar The minimum thickness is the thickness required to maintain the fire rating The maximum size of the penetrating items is equivalent to a 6 -inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches 2 Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in fire assemblies Membrane penetrations of fire resistive horizontal assemblies The requirements are the same as for through penetrations Sec 712 4 2 Exceptions 1 When penetrating items are steel ferrous or copper conduits electrical outlet boxes pipes tubes and vents through concrete or masonry and the annular space is protected by an approved penetration firestop assembly or protected to prevent the free passage of flame and products of combustion Such penetrations shall not exceed an aggregate area of 144 square inches in any 100 square feet of ceiling area in assemblies without penetrations 2 Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in fire assemblies 3 Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER i Address 939 CAROLINE STREET DUCTS AND AIR TRANSFER OPENINGS Sec 716 Dampers shall be accessible for inspection and servicing 716 4 Where required Sec 716 5 1 Fire walls Sec 716 5 1 2 Fire barriers Sec 716 5 2 See exceptions 3 Shaft enclosures Sec 716 5 3 See exceptions 4 Fire partitions Sec 715 5 4 See exceptions 5 Smoke barriers Sec 715 5 5 (smoke damper) See exceptions OCCUPANCY SEPARATI B to A -2 1 -hour Openings in this fire assemblies EXIT REQUIREMENTS FL NAME 1 Kitchen 1 Dining Room TOTAL FOR FLOOR fi NS Sec 302 3 2 and Table 302 3 2 ire bar e barr are required to be protected with 3/4 hour able 5 3 Note Accessory assembly areas are not considered separate occupancies if the floor area is 750 sq ft or less Table 302 2 1 ote' Commercial kitchens need not be separated from the restaurant seating areas that they serve Table 3 2, e 50 540 590 1 3 3 6 7 5 81 0 88 5 Page 7 Except when required by Table 302 1 1 accessory areas occupying 10% or less of the area of any floor and not more than the area or height listed in Table 503 are not required to be separated Sec 302 2 SEPARATION OF INCIDENTAL USE AREAS Table 302 1 1 Furnace rooms where any piece of equipment is over 400 000 BTU per hour input Smoke barrier Sec 302 1 1 1 Rooms with any boiler over 15 psi and 10 horsepower Smoke barrier Sec 302 1 1 1 Refrigerant machinery rooms Smoke barrier Sec 302 1 1 1 Incinerator rooms 2 hours and an automatic sprinkler system Storage rooms over 100 square feet Smoke barrier Sec 302 1 1 1 Note This list covers only the most common uses See Table 302 1 1 for a complete list NUMB MIN MIN PANIC CORRIDOR DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR RATING SWING No Yes Yes N/A N/A None Out Out 1 3 12 Out 7 3 12 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET FOOTNOTES 1 Two exits are required from this area since the occupant load exceeds allowable in Table 1014 1 3 Number of exits in this area is based on Table 1018 1 7 The minimum number of exits was increased based maintaining the number of exits Sec 1018 1 12 Panic hardware is required when the occupant load is 100 or more Sec 1008 1 9 NOTES FOR EXIT TABLE Door swing is based on Section 1008 1 2 Occupant load is based on Section 1004 and Table 1004 1 2 Exit width is in inches and based on Section 1005 1 Table 1005 1 Width shown for all areas is based on other egress components Width shown for 1st floor is based on other egress components Width shown for other floors basements is based on stairways For the minimum width of doors, see Section 1008 1 1 For the minimum width of corridors see Section 1016 2 For the minimum width of stairways, see Section 1009 1 Exits shall be continuous from the point of entry into the exit to the exit discharge Sec 1003 6 If 'CORRIDOR RATING' N/A There is no corridor in this area Page 8 If 'CORRIDOR RATING' None Walls and ceilings of corridors are not required to be fire resistive unless they are required to be fire resistive based construction type Table 1016 1 There is no restriction as to the amount and type of openings unless protection of openings is required by some other code provision Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 9 If 'CORRIDOR RATING 1 hour or 1/2 hr Walls shall be fire resistive Table 1016 1 Walls shall extend to the underside of the floor /roof slab or deck or to the fire resistance rated floor /ceiling or roof /ceiling assembly above Sec 708 4 Exception 2 Where the room -side membrane is carried through to the underside of a fire resistance rated floor or roof the ceiling of the corridor shall be permitted to be protected by the use of ceiling materials as required for a 1 -hour rated system or the ceiling shall be constructed as required for the corridor walls Door openings are required to be protected with 20 minute (1/3 hour) fire assemblies Sec 715 3 3 Table 715 3 Doors shall be self closing or automatic- closing Sec 715 3 7 Doors shall have an active latch bolt that will secure the door when closed Sec 715 3 7 1 Window openings are required to be protected with labeled 45 minute (3/4 -fire- hour) fire assemblies Sec 715 4 Table 715 4 Exception Glazing in 0 5 -hour walls is permitted to have an 0 33 -hour rating The total area of windows shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of a common wall with any room Sec 715 4 7 2 Corridors shall not serve as supply return exhaust relief or ventilation air ducts or plenums Sec 1016 4 See Exceptions Fire resistant corridors shall not be interrupted by intervening rooms Sec 1016 5 Exception Foyers lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors When more than one exit is required exit access shall be arranged such that there are no dead ends in corridors more than 20 feet Sec 1016 3 Exception 2 In Groups B or F with an automatic sprinkler system the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed 50 feet Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 10 EXIT SEPARATION In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is 1/3 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor measured in a straight line between exits or exit access doorways Sec 1014 2 1 Exception 2 Note In areas with more than 2 exits at least 2 exits must be 1/3 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor measured in a straight line between exits or exit access doorways Additional doorways shall be arranged so that if one becomes blocked the others will be available Sec 1014 2 2 Multiple means of egress shall be sized such that the loss of any one means of egress shall not reduce the available capacity by more than 50 percent Sec 1005 1 EXIT SIGNS Exits and exit access doors shall be marked by an approved exit sign Signs shall be placed where the exit or the path of egress travel is not immediately visible No point to be more than 100 feet from an exit sign Sec 1011 1 Exception 1 Exit signs are not required in rooms or areas which require only one exit Exception 2 Main exterior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identifiable as exits need not be signed when approved Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated Sec 1011 2 Exit sign shall be illuminated at all times including during loss of primary power Sec 1011 4 Sec 1011 5 3 BOLT LOCKS Manually operated flush bolts and surface bolts are not permitted Sec 1008 1 8 4 Exception 2 Where a pair of doors serves a storage or equipment room manually operated edge- or surface mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf LOCKS AND LATCHES Egress doors shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort Sec 1008 1 8 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 11 Locks and latches shall be permitted to prevent operation where any of the following exists Exception 2 The main door or doors in Group B F, M and S areas are permitted to be equipped with key operating locking devices from the egress side provided 2 1 The locking device is readily distinguishable as locked 2 2 A readily visible durable sign is posted on the egress side stating THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED Exception 3 Where egress doors are used in pairs automatic flush bolts shall be permitted to be used provided the door leaf having the automatic flush bolts has no doorknob or surface mounted hardware DELAYED EGRESS LOCKS 1 A building occupant shall not be required to pass through more than one door equipped with a delay egress lock before entering an exit Sec 1008 1 8 6 2 A sign shall be provided on the door located above and within 12 inches of the release device reading PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS DOOR CAN BE OPENED IN 15 SECONDS 3 Emergency lighting shall be provided at the door Note Delayed egress lock are not permitted to be installed on doors in Group A occupancies Sec 1008 1 8 6 ADDITIONAL DOORS Where additional doors are provided for egress purposes they shall conform to the requirements in Section 1008 1 LANDINGS AT DOORS 1 There shall be a floor or landing on each side of a door Sec 1008 1 4 2 Such floor or landing shall be at the same elevation on each side of the door Sec 1008 1 4 3 The floor or landing shall not be more than 1/2 inch lower than the threshold Sec 1008 1 6 4 Landings shall have a width not less than the width of the stairway or width of the doorway whichever is the greater Where a landing serves an occupant load of 50 or more doors in any position shall not reduce the landing dimension to less than one half it required width The minimum length in the direction of exit travel is 44 inches Sec 1008 1 5 5 The space between two doors in series shall be 48 inches plus the width of door swinging into the space Sec 1008 1 7 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 12 STAIR REQUIREMENTS Stairways 1 The riser heights shall not be less than 4 inches or greater than 7 inches The minimum tread depth is 11 inches Sec 1009 3 The maximum variation is 3/8 inch between the largest and the smallest in a stairway flight Sec 1009 3 2 The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 50 Sec 1009 1 Also check exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches 3 Provide a handrail on each side of stairways Sec 1009 11 Handrail height, measured above stair tread nosing shall be not less than 34 inches and not more than 38 inches Sec 1009 11 1 Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of at least 1 1/4 inches and not greater than 2 inches or shall provide equivalent graspability Sec 1009 11 3 Handrail gripping surfaces shall be continuous without interruption by newel post or other obstructions Sec 1009 11 4 Handrails shall return to a wall guard or the walking surface or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight Where handrails are not continuous between flights, the handrails shall extend horizontally at least 12 inches beyond the top riser top riser and continue to slope for the depth of one tread beyond the bottom riser Sec 1009 11 5 4 Open sides of walking surfaces which are located more than 30 inches above the floor or grade below are required to have a guard Sec 1012 1 5 The minimum height of guard is 42 inches Sec 1012 2 6 Open guards shall have balusters or ornamental pattern such that a 4- inches diameter sphere cannot pass through any opening up to a height of 34 inches From a height of 34 inches above the adjacent walking surface to 42 inches above the walking surface a sphere 8 inches in diameter shall not pass Sec 1012 3 Exception 1 The triangular opening formed at the riser tread and guardrail may be 6 inches 7 The minimum headroom clearance is 80 inches (6 ft 8 inches measured vertically from a line connecting the edge of the nosing Headroom shall be continuous to the point where the line intersects the landing below The minimum clearance shall be maintained the full width of the stairway and landing Sec 1009 2 8 Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by 1 -hour fire resistive construction or the fire resistance rating of the stairway enclosure, whichever is greater Sec 1019 1 5 9 A flight of stairs shall not have a vertical rise greater than 12 feet between floor levels or landings Sec 1009 6 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 13 2 The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be 1 hour fire assemblies Table 715 3 Openings into enclosure are limited to those necessary for exit access to the enclosure from normally occupied spaces and for egress from the enclosure Sec 1019 1 1 Doors shall be self- closing or automatic closing Sec 715 3 7 3 Exit enclosure must discharge directly to the exterior of the building Sec 1023 1 Exception 1 50 percent of the number and capacity may exit through areas on the level of discharge provided all of the following are met 1 1 There is a free and unobstructed way to the exterior that is readily visible and identifiable form the exit enclosure Exception 2 50 percent of the number and capacity may exit through a vestibule provided all of the following are met 2 2 The depth from the exterior of the building is not greater than 10 feet and the length is not greater than 30 feet 2 3 The vestibule is separated from the remainder of the level of exit discharge by construction providing at least the equivalent of approved wired glass in steel frames 2 4 The vestibule is used only for means of egress and exits directly to the outside 4 The walls and soffits within enclosed usable spaces under stairways shall be protected by 1 hour fire resistant construction Access to the enclosed usable space shall not be directly from within the stair enclosure Sec 1019 1 5 Sec 1019 5 ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS 1 An approved pictorial sign of a standardized design shall be posted adjacent to each elevator call station on all floors instructing occupants to use the exit stairways and not to use the elevators in case of fire Sec 3002 3 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 14 RAMP REQUIREMENTS 1 The minimum width is 44 inches If a ramp serves an occupant load of 50 or less it may be 36 inches wide If the ramp is serving a high occupant load check exit table above for required width Sec 1010 5 1 1016 2 Exception 2 2 If the ramp is part of the means of egress the maximum slope is 1 12 All other ramps may have a slope of 1 8 or less Sec 1010 2 3 The rise for any ramp shall be 30 inches maximum Sec 1010 4 4 Landings shall be provided at the top, bottom points of turning and at doors Sec 1010 6 Landings shall have a length of at least 5 feet in the direction of travel Sec 1010 6 3 Where changes in direction of travel occur at landings the landing shall be 60 inches by 60 inches minimum Sec 1010 6 4 5 The surface shall of slip- resistant materials that are securely attached Sec 1010 7 1 6 Handrails shall be per stair requirements Sec 1010 8 A rail shall be mounted below the handrail 17 to 19 inches above the ramp or landing surface Sec 1010 9 1 7 A curb or barrier shall be provided that prevents the passage of a 4 -inch diameter sphere where any portion of the sphere is within 4 inches of the floor or ground surface Sec 1010 9 2 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE The maximum travel distance in Group B is 300 feet Table 1015 1 The maximum travel distance in Group A is 250 feet Table 1015 1 BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY 1 In addition to accessible entrances required by Sections 1105 1 1 through 1105 1 6 at least 50 percent of all public entrances shall be accessible Sec 1105 1 2 At least one accessible entrance shall be provided to each tenant dwelling unit and sleeping unit in a facility Sec 1105 1 6 3 Where parking is provided accessible parking spaces hall be provided in compliance with Table 1106 1 Sec 1106 1 4 At least one accessible route shall connect each accessible level Sec 1104 4 See exceptions 5 Accessible routes shall coincide with or be located in the same area as a general circulation path Where the circulation path is interior, the accessible route shall also be interior Sec 1104 5 6 On floors where drinking fountains are provided at least 50 percent but not less than one fountain shall be accessible Sec 1109 5 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET ROOFING REQUIREMENTS 1 The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better Table 1505 1 STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEMS Sec 905 Exception Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings with an automatic sprinkler system A standpipe system is not required Page 15 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Sec 907 A manual fire alarm system is required Sec 907 2 2 Exception Manual alarm boxes are not required if the notification appliances will activate upon sprinkler waterflow If the automatic sprinkler system is connected to building fire alarm system, automatic heat detection is not required Sec 907 2 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET LIGHT AND VENTILATION 1 Every space intended for human occupancy shall be provided with natural light The minimum net glazed area shall not be less than 8% of the floor area Sec 1205 1 and 1205 2 Any room is permitted to be considered as a portion of an adjoining room where one half of the area of the common wall is open and unobstructed and provided not less than one tenth of the floor area or 25 square feet whichever is greater Sec 1205 2 1 Artificial light shall be provided that is adequate to provide an average illumination of 10 foot candles over the area of the room at a height of 30 inches above the floor Sec 1205 3 2 Natural ventilation of an occupied space shall be through windows doors, louvers or other openings to the outdoors Sec 1203 4 The minimum openable area to the outdoors shall be 4 percent of the floor area Sec 1203 4 1 Any room is permitted to be considered as a portion of an adjoining room where unobstructed openings are provided that have an area not less than 8% of the floor area of the interior room but no less than 25 square feet Sec 1202 3 1 1 When openings are below grade clear space measured perpendicular to the opening shall be one and one half times the depth of the opening Sec 1203 4 1 2 3 Rooms containing bathtubs, showers spas and similar bathing fixtures shall be mechanically ventilated As per the 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality code New c.nstr wi- e- Page 16 CEILING HEIGHTS Occupiable spaces habitable spaces and corridors shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches Bathrooms toilet rooms kitchens, storage rooms and laundry rooms shall be permitted to have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet Sec 1208 2 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 17 WALL AND CEILING FINISH 1 Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec 803 5 and Table 803 5 2 Textile wall coverings shall have Class A flame spread index and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the criteria in Section 803 6 1 1 or 803 6 1 2 Sec 803 6 1 3 Carpet and similar textile materials used as a ceiling shall have a Class A flame spread index and be protected by automatic sprinklers Sec 803 6 2 4 Expanded vinyl wall coverings shall comply with the requirements for textile wall and ceiling materials Sec 803 7 5 Toilet room floors shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface that extends upward onto the walls at least 6 inches Sec 1210 1 6 Walls within 2 feet of urinals and water closets shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a height of 4 feet above the floor Sec 1210 2 INSULATION NOTES 1 Insulating materials shall have a flame spread rating of no more than 25 and a smoke developed index of not more than 450 Sec 719 2 (concealed installation) and Sec 719 3 (exposed installation) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected Sec 2603 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS For B occupancy For A -2 occupancy Floor -lst Occupancy- Dining Room 1 The main exit shall be of sufficient width to accommodate not less than one half of the occupant load but shall not be less than the total required width of all means of egress leading to the exit Sec 1024 2 2 Additional exits shall provide an egress capacity for at least one half of the total occupant load Sec 1024 3 The capacity of this area is required to be posted at 540 occupants occupants in a conspicuous place near the main exit or exit access doorway on an approved sign Sec 1004 3 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 18 ACCESSIBLE FACILITIES NOTE Except as noted section numbers listed below are from ICC /ANSI A117 1 -1998 AND CHAPTER 11 OF THE 2003 INTERNATIONAL CODES WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOLERS Accessible units must comply with the following 1 Spout is to be within 36 inches of the floor Sec 602 4 2 Spout arranged for parallel approach shall be located 3 1/2 inches maximum from the front edge Units with a forward approach shall have the spout 15 inches minimum from the vertical support and 5 inches maximum from the front edge of the unit Sec 602 5 3 Spouts shall provide a flow of water 4 inches height minimum Sec 602 6 TOILET FACILITIES 1 A 60 inch diameter turning space or T- shaped space is required in the toilet room Sec 603 2 1 and 304 3 Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space for any fixture 603 2 3 See exception for rooms used for individual use 2 Water closet shall be mounted adjacent to a side wall or partition The distance from the side wall or partition to the centerline of the water closet shall be 16 to 18 in Sec 604 2 3 When the accessible water closet is not in a compartment Clearance around the water closet shall be 60 inches minimum measured perpendicular to the side wall and 56 inches minimum measured perpendicular to the rear wall Sec 604 3 1 4 When the accessible water closet is in a compartment Wheelchair accessible compartments shall be 60 inches wide minimum measured perpendicular to the side wall and 56 inches deep minimum for wall hung water closets and 59 inches deep for floor mounted water closets measured perpendicular to the rear wall Sec 604 8 1 1 Compartment doors shall not swing into the minimum required compartment area Sec 604 8 1 2 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET 5 Grab bars shall have a circular cross section with a diameter of 1 1/4 inch minimum and 2 inches maximum or shall provide equivalent graspability Sec 609 2 The space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 1 1/2 inches Sec 609 3 Grab bars shall be mounted in a horizontal position 33 inches minimum and 36 inches maximum above the floor Sec 609 4 a Side wall grab bars are required to start within 12 inches of the backwall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall (The minimum length of the bar is 42 in) Sec 604 5 1 b The rear bar shall be 24 in long minimum centered on the water closet Where space permits the bar shall be 36 in long minimum with the additional length provided on the transfer side Sec 604 5 2 6 The top of the water closet seats shall be 17 to 19 inches above the floor Sec 604 4 7 Accessible urinals shall be of the stall type or wall hung with the rim at 17 inches maximum above the floor Sec 605 2 8 Accessible lavatories shall be mounted with the rim 34 inches maximum above the floor Sec 606 3 9 Sinks shall be 6 1/2 inches deep maximum Sec 606 5 10 Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or otherwise treated to protect against contact Sec 606 6 11 Mirrors shall be mounted with the bottom edge of the reflecting surface 40 inches maximum above the floor Sec 603 3 FIXTURE COUNT TABLE NAME NUMBER RATIO WATER CLOSETS LAVS TUB DRINKING OCC M/F MALE FEMALE M F SHOWER FOUNTAIN 1st floor Kitchen 50 50/50 1 1 1 1 0 1 Ratio 1 per 50 50 80 80 100 Dining Room 540 50/50 4 4 2 2 0 2 Ratio 1 per 75 75 200 200 500 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 5 5 2 2 0 2 BUILDING TOTAL 4 4 2 2 0 International Plumbing Code Section 403 and Table 403 1 Page 19 2 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 20 In each bathroom or toilet room urinals shall not be substituted for more than 67 percent of the required water closets IPC Sec 419 2 NOTE The number of fixtures for a floor may not match total number of fixtures per area The number of fixtures for the building may not match the total for the floors The number of fixtures for each area and floor are rounded up to the next whole number Totals are not rounded up until the total is obtained If the fixtures only serve an area use number shown for each area If the fixtures serve an entire floor or building use number shown for totals PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY Sec 3104 1 The pedestrian walkway shall be of noncombustible construction Sec 3104 3 Exception Combustible construction is permitted when buildings are combustible construction 2 Walkway shall be separated from the interior of buildings by fire barrier walls with a fire resistive rating of not less than 2 hours Sec 3104 5 Exceptions 1 The distance between buildings is greater than 10 feet and the walkway and both buildings have an automatic sprinkler system per NFPA 13 See exception for glass requirements 2 The distance between buildings is greater than 10 feet and the sidewalls of the walkway is at least 50% open 3 Walkway is not required to be separated when buildings are on the same lot are treated as one building per Section 503 1 3 3 The unobstructed width of pedestrian walkways shall not be less than 36 inches The total width shall not exceed 30 feet Sec 3104 8 4 The length of exit access travel shall not exceed 200 feet Sec 3104 9 Exceptions 1 If walkway has an automatic sprinkler system length shall not exceed 250 feet 2 If both sides are at least 50 percent open length shall not exceed 300 feet 3 If walkway has an automatic sprinkler system and both sides are open 50 percent or more length shall not exceed 400 feet 5 Smoke and heat venting shall be provided for enclosed walkways Sec 3104 11 Code review for Project Id OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Address 939 CAROLINE STREET Page 21 GLAZING REQUIREMENTS All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material Sec 2406 1 Locations Sec 2406 3 1 Glazing in swinging doors except jalousies 2 Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding patio door assemblies and panels in sliding and bifold closet door assemblies 3 Glazing in storm doors 4 Glazing in all unframed swinging doors 5 Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs whirlpools saunas steam rooms bathtubs and showers Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface 6 Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24 -inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking .surface Exception Panels where there is an intervening wall or other permanent barrier between the door and glazing 7 Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above than meets all of the following conditions 7 1 Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet 7 2 Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor 7 3 Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor 7 4 One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing See Exceptions 8 Glazing in guards and railings regardless of the area or height above a walking surface 9 Glazing in walls and fences enclosing indoor and outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs and spas where all of the following are present 9 1 The bottom edges of the glazing on the pool or spa side is less than 60 inches above the walking surface 9 2 The glazing is within 60 inches of the water's edge 10 Glazing adjacent to stairways landings and ramps within 36 inches horizontally of a walking surface when the glass is less than 60 inches above the plane of the walking surface 11 Glazing adjacent to stairways within 60 inches horizontally of the bottom tread of a stairway in any direction when the exposed glass is less than 60 inches above the nose of the tread See Exceptions Mechanical Summary MECH -SUM 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms 38169 Project Info Project Description Briefly describe mechanical system type and features. 0 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Project Address Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: Olympic Medical Center 939 Caroline Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Coffman Engineers. 1601 5th Avenue, Seattle Washington 98101 206 623 -0717 Date 5/27/2005 For Building Dept. Use Packaged Rooftop Units with DX cooling coils and condensers. Single duct supply to terminal units with hot water reheat coils for zone temperature control. Includes Plans Drawings must contain notes requireing compliance with commissioning requirements Section 1416 0 Simple System Q Complex System 0 Systems Analysis Compliance Option (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH -SUM for simple complex systems.) Equipment Schedules The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below. Cooling Equipment Schedule Equip. Capacity OSA CFM SEER ID Brand Name Model No. Btu/h Total CFM or Econo? or EER IPLV Location I See 'Schedules�nt I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Heating Equipment Schedule Equip. Capacity ID Brand Name Model No. Btu/h ISee Equipment Schedules 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total CFM OSA cfm or Econo? I 1 1 1 Input Btuh Efficiency Output Btuh I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fan Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Name Model No. CFM Spt HP /BHP Flow Control Location of Service ISee 'Schedules I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t lf available. 2 As tested according to Table 14 -1A through 14 -1G. 3 If required. 4 COP HSPF Combustion Efficiency or AFUE, as applicable. 5 Flow control types: variable air volume(VAV), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS). Mechanical Summary (back) MECH -SUM System Description See Section 1421 for full description of Simple System qualifications. START Heating Only Ro Complex Systems Yes Y =s► 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form If Heating/Cooling or Cooling Only If Heating Only Heating/Cooling or Cooling Only Reference Section 1421 No Econo Included? No 1` 0 <54,000 Btuh or 1900 cfm? Yes- Yes Constant vol? Air cooled? Packaged sys? J <54,000 Btuh or 1900 cfm? Split system? El <5000 cfm? Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not, either the Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used. Yea Yes Yes Package Unit? Reference Section 1423 Simple System Allowed 4 Economizer included? fl <70% outside air? No No Yes No No No--1 Yes Reference Section 1420 v Use Complex Systems Reference Section 1430 Refer to MECH -COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project. Mechanical Complex Systems Checklist MECH -COMP 2003 W ashington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address The following additional information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for a complex mechanical system for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Use the checklist as a reference for notes added to the mechanical drawings (see the MECH -CHK checklist for additional system requirements). This information must be on the plans since this is the official record of the permit. Having this information in separate specifications alone is NOT an acceptable alternative. Applicability Code (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component n a n a yes yes yes n a yes yes n a yes yes Start Here 1431 1 1432.1 1432.2.1 1432.2.2 1433 Decision Flowchart Section 1411 1 Equipment Efficiency Shall Meet Tables 14-1A through 14-10 Olympic Medical Center 1 Field assem. sys. 'Setback shut -off 1 Air system reset 1 Hydr system reset Air Economizer 1433 Water Economizer 1434 'Separate air sys. 1435 Simul. htg. dg. 1436 Heat recovery 1437 'Elec. motor effic. 1438 'Variable flow sys. 1439.1 'Kitchen Hoods yes n a 1 1439.2 'Fume Hoods If o is circled for any question, 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energ Code Com.liance Form Yes 1411 1 Intermittent Ignition Device Power Venting or Damper, 0.75% Maximum Jacket Loss 1412.6 Modulating or Staged Combustion Controls Required Information Required ADDITIONAL CHECKLIST ITEMS FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS ONLY 1435. Constant volume reheat for air pressure relationships. 'Provide calculations 'Indicate separate systems or show isolation devices on plans 'Indicate automatic reset 'Indicate automatic reset Indicate economizer on equipment schedule or provide calculations to justify exemption Indicate water economizer and provide calculations if 1433 Exception 2 is utilized !Indicate separate systems on plans Indicate that simultaneous heating and cooling is prohibited, unless use of exception is justified Indicate heat recovery on plans; complete and attach heat recovery calculations 'MECH -MOT or Equip. Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiency 'Indicate variable flow on fan and pump schedules 'Indicate uncooled and unheated make -up air Indicate VAV unheated/uncooled or heat rec. makeup prove a explanation Use this flowchart to determine how the requirements of the Complex Systems Option apply to the project. Refer to the indicated Code sections for more complete information on the requirements. Yes Section 1431 1 Calculations of Total On-Site Energy Input Ouput Required o< v N apacity of H Heating System 00,000 Btuh? (continued on back) Yes l Section 1432.2 Supply Air Reset Controls Required Date 5/27/2005 For Building Department Use Location Building Department on Plans Notes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes l Section 1432.2 Hot Water Supply Temperature Reset Required 38169 No 2003 Washington State Nonredential Energy Code Compliance Form Mechanical Complex Systems (back) MECH -COMP 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms No tem or Zon w/ Simultaneous Htg. CIg.7 No No No v DONE 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Yes Motor Incl. in Eqpmt. Covr'd by 14-1A -141 No Ye; Yes Section 1436 50% Effective Heat Recovery Required Section 1433 Air -Side Economizer Required Section 1435 Zone Controls Must Yes-* Reduce Supply Air Quantity Before Reheating/Recooling Section 1439.1 Yes No Heating or Cooling for at Least 50% of Make -up Air Yes Section 1438 Variable Flow Devices Required Section 1439.2 One Required: a 50% VAV Exhaust Make -up b. 75% Direct Makeup w/ Tempering Only c. Heat Recovery per 1436 d. Constant Volume w/ 50fpm Face Velocity lo- Section 1437 Motors Must Meet Efficiencies in Table 14-4 38169 i nergy Code Compliance Form Electric Motors MECH -MOT 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms 38169 Project Address Complete the following for all design A B squirrel -cage, T -frame induction permanently wired polyphase motors from 1 hp to 200 hp having synchronous speeds of 3600, 1800 or 1200 rpm (unless one of the exceptions below applies). Motor No. or Location See Schedules 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energ Code Com fiance Form Olympic Medical Center Type HP (open/closed) Description of Application or Use I Date 5/27/2005 For Building Department Use Min.Nom. Synch. Full load Speed Efficiency Minimum Nominal Full -Load Efficiency Open Motors I Closed Motors Exceptions: Synchronous I 1 Motors in systems designed to use more Speed (RPM) 3,600 1,800 1,200 3,600 1,800 1,200 than one speed of a multi-speed motor HP Efficiency I Efficiency 2. Motors already included in the efficiency 1.0 82.5 80.0 75.5 82.5 80.0 requirements for HVAC equipment (Tables 14 -1 1.5 82.5 84.0 84.0 82.5 84.0 85.5 or 20 84.0 84.0 85.5 84.0 84.0 86.5 14 -2) 3.0 84.0 86.5 86.5 85.5 87.5 87.5 3. Motors that are an integral part (i.e. not easily 5.0 85.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 removed and replaced of specialized process 7.5 87.5 88.5 88.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 equipment (i.e. equipment which requires a 10 88.5 89.5 90.2 89.5 89.5 89.5 special motor such as an explosion -proof motor). 15 89.5 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.0 90.2 4. Motors integral to a listed piece of equipment 20 90.2 91.0 91.0 90.2 91.0 90.2 for which no qualifying motor has been approved 25 91.0 91 7 91.7 91.0 92.4 91 7 (i.e. if the only U.L. listing for the equipment is 30 91.0 92.4 92.4 91.0 92.4 91.7 with a less- efficient motor and there is no energy 40 91 7 93.0 93.0 91.7 93.0 93.0 efficient motor option). 50 92.4 93.0 93.0 92.4 93.0 93.0 60 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.0 93.6 93.6 For motors claiming an exception, list motor and 75 93.0 94.1 93.6 93.0 94.1 93.6 note which exception applies. 100 93.0 94.1 94.1 93.6 94.5 94.1 125 93.6 94.5 94.1 94.5 94.5 94.1 150 93.6 95.0 94.5 94.5 95.0 95.0 200 94.5 95.0 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.0 Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH -CHK 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Comptance Forms Project Address olympic Medical Center The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability I Code (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401 1424) 1411 'Equipment performance a 1411 4 Pkg. elec. htg.& clg. 'List heat pumps on schedule yes 1411 1 'Minimum efficiency 'Equipment schedule with type, capacity efficiency 1.a 1411 1 'Combustion htg. 'Indicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper jacket loss 1412 yes 1412.1 yes 1412.2 r .a 1412.3 ri•a 1412.4 yes 1412.41 1412.4.2 [n a .a 1412.5 yes 1412.6 yes 1412.7 yes 1422 yes 1423 1413 yes 1413.1 p .a 1413.1 h.a 1413.4 1414 'Ducting systems yes 1414.1 I Duct sealing yes yes yes yes yes 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form 1HVAC controls Temperature zones Deadband control Humidity control Automatic setback Dampers Optimum Start Heat pump control Combustion htg. Balancing 'Indicate locations on plans 'Indicate 5 degree deadband minimum 'Indicate humidistat 'Indicate thermostat with night setback and 7 diff. day types 'Indicate damper location and auto. controls max. leakage 'Indicate optimum start controls 'Indicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule 'Indicate modulating or staged control Indicate balancing features on plans Thermostat interlock Indicate thermostat interlock on plans Economizers Equipment schedule Air economizers Air Econo Operation 'Indicate 100% capability on schedule W tr Econo Operation' Indicate 100% capacity at 45 degF db 40 deg F wb k�. a 1413.2 Water Econo Doc 'Indicate clg load water econoe clg tower performance n a. 1413.3 Integrated operation 'Indicate capability for partial cooling Humidification Indicate direct evap or fog atomization w/ air economizer Indicate sealing necessary yes 1414.2 'Duct insulation 'Indicate R -value of insulation on duct yes 1415.1 'Piping insulation 'Indicate R -value of insulation on piping 1416 ICompietion Requirements 1416.1 &2 'Drawings Manuals 'Indicate requirement for record drawings and operation docs. 1416.32 'Air Balancing 'Indicate air system balance requirements 1416.3.3'Hydronic Balancing 'Indicate hydronic system balance requirements 1416.4 'Commissioning 'Indicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report 1424 'Separate air sys. 'Indicate separate systems on plans Mechanical Completed and attached. Equipment schedule with types, Summary Form !input/output, efficiency, cfm, hp, economizer SERVICE WATER HEATING AND HEATED POOLS (Sections 1440 1454) 1440 !Service water htg. r a. 1441 Elec. water heater Indicate R -10 insulation under tank r1.11 1442 Shut -off controls Indicate automatic shut -off yes 1443 Pipe Insulation Indicate R -value of insulation on piping a. 1452 Heat Pump COP Indicate minimum COP of 4.0 .a 1452 Heater Efficiency Indicate pool heater efficiency a. 1453 Pool heater controls Indicate switch and 65 degree control .a 1454 Pool covers Indicate vapor retardant cover .a 1454 Pools 90+ degrees Indicate R -12 pool cover it "no" is circled tor any question, proviae explanation: 1423: Suppy 100% outside air and 100% exhaust are used for main air handling system. 'Date Location Building Department on Plans I Notes 5/27/2005 Heat reclaim system is used for 38169 2003 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH -CHK 2003 Washingto State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms 38169 Mechanical General Requirements 1411.1 General: Equipment shall have a minimum performance at the specified rating conditions not less than the values shown in Table 14-1A through 14-10. If a nationally recognized certification program exists for a product covered in Tables 14-1A through 14-1G, and it Includes provisions for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the product shall be listed In the certification program. Gas-fired and oil -fired forced air furnaces with input ratings 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW) shall also have an Intermittent ignition or Interrupted device (IID), and have either mechanical draft (including power venting) or a flue damper A vent damper is an acceptable alternative to a flue damper for furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space. All furnaces with input ratings 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW), Including electric furnaces, that are not located within the conditioned space shall have jacket losses not exceeding 0.75 of Ole Input rating. 14112 Rating Conditions: Cooling equipment shall be rated at ARI test conditions and procedures when available. Where no applicable procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer 1411.3 Combination Space and Service Water Heating: For combination space and service water heaters with a principal function of providing space heat, the Combined Annual Efficiency (CAE) may be calculated by using ASHRAE Standard 124 -1991 Storage water heaters used in combination space heat and water heat applications shall have either an Energy FActor (EF) or a CAE of not less than the following: I EF I CAE 1 50 gal storage 1 0.58 1 0.71 1 50 to 70 gal storage 1 0.57 1 0.71 1 70 gal storage 1 0.55 1 0.70 1 1411.4 Packaged Electric Heating and Cooling Equipment: Packaged electric equipment providing both heating and cooling with a total cooling capacity greater than 20,000 Btu/h shall be a heat pump. Exception: Unstaffed equipment shaelters or cabinets used solely for personal wireless service facilities. 1412 Controls 1412.1 Temperature Controls: Each system shall be provided with at least one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by individual thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone. At a minimum, each floor of a building shall be considered as a separate zone. 1412.2 Deadband Controls: When used to control both comfort heating and cooling, zone thermostatic controls shall be capable of a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy to the zone Is shut off or reduced to a minimum. Exceptions: 1 Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements where deadband controls are not appropriate. 2. Buildings complying with Section 1141 4, if in the proposed building energy analysis, heating and cooling thermostat setpoints are set to the same temperature between 70 degrees F and 75 degrees F Inclusive, and assumed to be constant throughout the year 3 Thermostats that require manual changeover between heating and cooling modes. 1412.3 Humidity Controls: If a system is equipped with a means for adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided. 1412.4 Setback and Shut -Off: HVAC systems shall be equipped with automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use through control setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non -use or alternate use of the spaces served by the system. The automatic controls shall have a minimum seven -day clock and be capable of being set for seven different day types per week Exceptions: 1 Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at the same temperature setpoint. 2. Equipment with full load demands of 2 kW (6,826 Btu/h) or less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off -hour controls. 1412.4.1 Dampers: Outside air intakes, exhaust outlets and relief outlets serving conditioned spaces shall be equipped with dampers which close automatically when the system is off or upon power failure. Exceptions: 1 Systems serving areas which require continuous operation. 2. Combustion air intakes. 3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in buildings less than 3 stories In height. 4. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust and relief outlets in the first story and levels below the first story of buildings three or more stories in height. 1412.4.2 Optimum Start Controls: Heating and cooling systems with design supply air capacities exceeding 10,000 cfm shall have optimum start controls. Optimum start controls shall be designed to automatically adjust the start time of an HVAC system each day to bring the space to desired occupied temperature levels Immediately before scheduled occupancy The control algorithm shall, as a minimum, be a function of the difference between space temperature and occupied setpoint and the amount of time prior to scheduled occupancy 1412.5 Heat rump Con r' ols: Un'irary air cooird eat pumps snail include microprocessor controls that minimize supplemental heat usage during start-up, set -up, and defrost conditions. These controls shall anticipate need for heat and use compression heating as the first stage of heat. Controls shall Indicate when supplemental heating Is being used through visual means (e.g. LED Indicators). 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls: Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btu/h shall have modulating or staged combustion control. Exceptions: 1 Boilers. 2. Radiant Heaters. 1412.7 Balancing: Each air supply outlet or air or water terminal device shall have a means for balancing, including but not limited to, dampers, temperature and pressure test connections.and balancing valves. 1413 Air Economizers 1413.1 Operation: Air economizers shall be of automatically modulating outside and return air dampers to provide 100 percent of the design supply air as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling. Water economizers shall be capable of providing the total concurrent cooling load served by the conneted terminal equipment lacking airside economizer, at outside air temperatures of 45 F dry bulb /40 F wet -bulb and below. For this calculation, all factors including solar and internal load shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the outside temperatures. Exception: Water economizers using air cooled heat rejection equipment may use a 35 F dry-bulb outside air temperature for this calculation. This exception is limited to a maximum of 20 tons per building. 1413.2 Documentation: Water economizer plans submitted for approval shall Include the following information: 1 Maximum outside air conditions for which economizer is sized to provide full cooling. 2. Design cooling load to be provided by economizer at this outside air condition. 3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data including model number flow rate, capacity, entering and leaving temperature in full economizer cooling mode. 1413.3 Integrated Operation: Air economizers shall be capable of providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the remainder of the cooling load. Exceptions: 1 Individual, direct expansion units that have a rated capacity less than 65,000 Btu/h and use nonintegrated economizer controls that preclude simultaneous operation of the economizer and mechanical cooling. 2. Water cooled water chillers. 1414 Ducting Systems 1414.1 Sealing: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures above 12 inch water column static pressure shall be sealed in accordance with Standard RS -18. Extent of sealing required is as follows: 1 Static pressure: 1/2 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints. 2. Static pressure: 2 inches to 3 inches; seal all transverse joints and longitudinal seams. 3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints, longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations. Duct tape and other pressure sensitive tape shall not be used as the primary sealant where ducts are designed to operate at static pressures of 1 inch W.C. or greater. 1414.2 Insulation: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function as part of the building envelope, by separating interior space from exterior space, shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 13. These requirements include insulation installation, moisture control, air leakage, and building envelope insulation levels. Unheated equipment rooms with combustion air louvers must be isolated from the conditioned space by insulating interior surfaces to a minimum of R -11 and any exterior envelope surfaces per Chapter 13. Outside air ducts serving individual supply air units with less than 2,800 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be insulated to a minimum of R -7 and are not considered building envelope. Other outside air duct runs are considered building envelope until they 1 connect to the heating or cooling equipment, or 2. are Isolated from the exterior with an automatic shut -off damper complying with Section 1412.4.1 Once outside air ducts meet the above listed requirements, any runs within conditioned space shall comply with Table 14-5 requirements. Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally insulated per Table 14 -5. Exceptions: 1 Within the HVAC equipment. 2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation. 3. Exposed ductwork within a zone that serves that zone. 1415 Piping Systems 1415.1 Insulation: Piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with Table 14 -6. Exception: Piping installed within unitary HVAC equipment. Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be Insulated in accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code (WAC 51 -26) 1416 Completion Requirements (Refer to NREC Section 1416 and the Building Commissioning Guidelines, published by the Building Commissioning Association, for complete text and guidelines for building completion and commissioning requirements.) 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form 'Project Summary PRJ -SUM Project Info Project Address Olympic Medical center 939 Caroline Port Angeles WA 98362 Applicant Name: Olympic Medical center Applicant Address: same as above Applicant Phone: (360) 417 7148 June 2001 KJM (Date 5/26/2005 For Building Department Use 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Info Project Address Project Description Compliance Option Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box) Basement Basement Basement Basement lst floor let floor 1st floor lst floor let floor lst floor lat floor Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Lighting Summary LTG -SUM Olympic Medical center 939 Caroline Port Angeles WA 98362 Olympic Medical center Same as above (360) 417 7148 Administration /office Corridor /restroom shell /storage space Mechanical /electrical rooms shell /storage space Clinical area Corridor /restroom Administration /office Cafeteria Lobby Mechanical /electrical rooms Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Interior) Location (floor /room no.) Occupancy Description Location (floor /room no) I Fixture Description lst floor Al A2 low voltage accent lights lst floor CF1 Compact fluorescent wall washer lst floor CF2 Compact fluorescent down light lat floor CF -4 Compact fluorescent down light 1st floor CF3 CF3D Compact fluorescent down light let floor F3 Fluorescent 2x4 wet location lst floor F4 2x2 direct /indirect fluorescent let floor F4A 2x4 direct /indirect fluorescent lst floor F5 2x4 recessed fluorescent prismatic troffer lat floor F5A same as F5 w/3 lamps lst floor F6 2x2 recessed fluorescent prismatic troffer lst floor CF10 wet location compact fluorescent 1st floor F7 4 linear wall wash fluorescent 1st floor F10 fluorescent strip light New Building 0 Addition Alteration Plans Included Refer to WSEC.Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. O Prescriptive Lighting Power Allowance 0 Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). Indicate Prescriptive LPA spaces clearly on plans.) No changes are being made to the lighting Less than 60% of the fixtures are new and installed lighting wattage is not being increased Allowed Watts per ft 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Number of Fixtures 20 80 50 50 50 50 80 20 50 20 80 25 30 33 8 73 5 124 18 15 18 10 2 2 17 'Date For Building Department Use Area in ft 1200 1600 2100 485 725 6400 2600 3600 7500 3600 200 Watts/ Fixture 50 29 54 29 29 64 80 96 62 93 80 28 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 From Table 15 -1 (over) document all exceptions on form LTG -LPA Total Allowed Watts Notes: 1 Use manufacturer's listed maximum input wattage. For hard -wired ballasts only the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used 2. Include exit lights unless less than 5 watts per fixture. Proposed Lighting Wattage (Interibi) all fixtures. For exempt lighting, not exception and leave Watts /Fixture blank. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 June 2001 5/26/2005 Watts Proposed 1250 870 1782 232 2117 320 9920 1728 930 1674 800 56 64 544 KJM Allowed x Area 1440 0 1280 0 1050 0 242 5 362 5 9600 0 2080 0 4320 0 11250 0 4320 0 160 0 36105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Basement F1OA Same as F10 but with 2 lamps 6 62 0 372 0 1st floor CF8 CF8D Compact fluorescent 2 lamp down light 24 54 0 1296 0 1st floor F12 surface mounted wrap lens fluorescent 2 62 0 124 0 1st floor WF1 wall mounted fluorescent vanity fixture 6 36 0 216 0 lat floor P15 4 linear wall washer 22 33 0 726 0 1st floor M2 metal halide wall mounted up light 5 80 0 400 0 1st floor P1 dinning area decorative pendant 9 75 0 675 0 lat floor P2 Over desk dir /indir pendant mounted flourescent 3 33 0 99 0 lst floor Ti LV track light (quantity in linear feet) 3 300 0 900 0 1st floor T2 LV track light with deco lens (quantity in lineal 3 300 0 900 0 Basement F6 2x2 recessed fluorescent prismatic troffer 22 74 0 1628 0 Basement F4 2x2 direct /indirect fluorescent 13 80 0 1040 0 Basement F5 2x4 recessed fluorescent prismatic troffer 16 62 0 992 0 Basement F10 fluorescent strip light 20 33 0 660 0 Basement F12 surface mounted wrap lens fluorescent 2 62 0 124 0 Basement CF9 compact fluorescent (horizontal lamp) 1 29 0 29 0 Basement WF1 wall mounted fluorescent vanity fixture 1 36 0 36 0 lst floor CP7 wet location compact fluorescent 7 29 0 203 0 1st floor CF9 compact fluorescent (horizontal lamp) 19 29 0 551 0 Basement F1OA Same as F10 but with 2 lamps 6 62 0 372 0 Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior Total Proposed Watts 33630 0 Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) Location Covered Parking (standard paint) Covered Parking (reflective paint) Open Parking 'outdoor parking area Outdoor Areas Bldg. (by facade) Bldg. (by perim) 'Building perimerter Location Exterior stair Exterior Exterior Exterior Exterior Exterior Description Note: for building exterior choose either the facade area or the perimeter method, but not both) Total Allowed Watts' 6950 0 Use mfgr listed maximum input wattage. For fixtures with hard -wired ballasts only Proposed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used. Fixture Description CF5 compact fluorescent stair light CF6 compact fluorescent up light CF7 compact fluorescent down light, surface mount M1 Metal halid parking lot fixture M3 Metal halid exterior accent light M4 Bollard c� Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Allowed Watts Area in ft Allowed Watts per ft or per If (or If for perimeter) x ft (or x If) 0.2 W /ft 0.3 W /ft 0.2 W /ft2 1 7000 01 1400 0 0.2 W /ft2 1 0.25 W /ft2 1 7.5 W /If 740 01 5550 0 Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture 21 29 0 111 29 0 61 29 0 21 450 0 31 29 0 31 80 0 Total Proposed Watts Watts Proposed 58 0 319 0 174 0 900 0 87 0 240 0 1778 0 Lighting Permit Plans Checklist LTG -CHK 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address The following information is necessary to check a lighting permit application for compliance with the lighting requirements in the 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability Code (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required LIGHTING CONTROLS (Section 1513) yes 1513.1 Local control /access Schedule with type, indicate locations E4 0 P p yes yes yes yes yes yes r a a a a 1513.4 2001 Washington State Nonresidential Ener• Code Com.liance Form Olympic Medical center 1513.2 Area controls 1513.3 'Daylight zone control vertical glazing I overhead glazing I Display /exhib /special 1513.5 (Exterior shut -off (a) timer w /backup (b) photocell. 1513.6 (inter auto shut -off 1513.6.1 (a) occup. sensors 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switches 4 1513.7 'Commissioning Lighting Sum. Form Maximum limit per switch If 'no is circled for any question, provide explanation Schedule with type and features, indicate locations 'Indicate vertical glazing on plans 'Indicate overhead glazing on plans 'Indicate separate controls (Schedule with type and features, indicate location Indicate location Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture IElec motor efficiency IMECH -MOT or Equipment Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiency I June 2001 'Date 5/26/2005 Location Building Department on Plans Notes E4 1 E4 0 E4 1 E4 0 E4 1 Indicate location E4 0 54 1 (Indicate location Schedule with type and locations E4 0 E4 1 Schedule with type and features (back -up, override capability); Indicate size of zone on plans 1 I Indicate requirements for lighting controls commissioning KJM