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511 E 1st St Supplemental Info from Miriam Krause - Building
Permit G 104(0 Address X11 S+ un- nawked Project description C, of, 0 s+ove, -For- CAVld Ai an-ti q try Steve Date the permit was finaled surPl_e. l ;YLfO Number of to al pages (cA �h s t yk+ov- me `h` o s Vero ln-\ L rV i o u s o W h r; osy) Klakv S e Sver R S ati d k r h 5 l d 61 -3- I V We. re_ceict 1 hti S l h f in v9 U z oo 9 all- wu,s 64Aress -i0 3 -11 1 11. Imo' ex-1 �u� ItU ni ikspc +1r ,r-r7 07 9 99 l t 34444. 'IV; ir i''''''' :4l? 1 -AL -k- 4.0,... ..tti, 4, ..A '4-, i',... -14 A ft Iv. 4;,4, CY' s- 1 9i-9; -44 "t4e T AL 7 7 II' 11 1" 7f" 1 'Y. 41 ''"37." 'rt. 'tr" 1,,, ,4t 49 9. -4' 'v. 4 "9 9 I 9. 9 .9 .4; "t`.4 „It 7 44,4,- '49 1. '1'4 1 -9441 4.44, 4..tVi44 .i. ,,t .-4 .1,- -k -:,14...,i.If-, A4 -,-,,,,f, 47 4- 4 Z,.. 7' 7. '1';7 7.7 4 'fr A.'”' .„4. "Cll.? 4 ...P 7 —4 4ii-m- .9„. .9 i t.... if: r it 'i- 44,e4 .44 'y 1,'' '.3 44:- 7 I' ;77:4 1 1.' 6° °S9?6000 ...,...:4 rt s;1.'....• SE Es e9E.6 0 iNnow,„, 7 f s 0 i visod ,..4, 4, 1., 1 4:: 1 1 0 i srez6 1-3.[V.IS" 0 3.11A ill f 7 17 7--,. -;71, IT ,i ,,,,..'14.'" .;,-.,,t.. 14P ,f., 45.4: 't -.':;''4. 4, '4.4 4:4'4 't q 3081Sod n crud "If :k 7 lit At. -i.-; -;,4: 99. i4 1 ,,4; 7 1 ..i't -t9 T ,-,i,47..-,9 74' r WWF dIZ ,4; Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 61455 KURT JAFAY for Year 2010 2011 Page 1 of 8 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 61455 KURT JAFAY for Year 2010 2011 Property Account Property ID Geographic ID 0630005120350000 Agent Code: Type. Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L Land Use Code 62 Open Space. N DFL N Historic Property N Remodel Property N Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township Section Range Location Address. 511 E FIRST ST Mapsco PORT ANGELES WA Neighborhood. Cycle 5 Comm Map ID 2 Neighborhood CD 20953140 Owner Name. KURT JAFAY Owner ID 32550 Mailing Address: PO BOX 1048 Ownership 100 0000000000% CARLSBORG, WA 98324 Exemptions: Taxes and Assessment Details Property Tax Information as of 11/03/2010 Amount Due if Paid on Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction 2010 44164 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL 2010 44164 CC -GEN COUNTY 61455 Legal Description. SMITH, NORMAN R E2 LT 12 W2 LOT 13 BL 20 NOTE If you plan to submit payment on a future date make sure you enter the date and click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due. First Second Half Half Base !Base Amt. Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid Amount Due $172.65 $172.65 $0 00 $0 00 $345 30 $0 00 $91 89 $91 87 $0 00 $0 00 $183 76 $0 00 http. /vpn.clallam. net: 8084 /propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?cid =0 &year= 2010 &prop_id =61455 11/3/2010 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 61455 KURT JAFAY for Year 2010 2011 http.//vpn.clallam.net:8084/propertyaccess/Property.aspx?cid=0&year=2010&prop_id=61455 Page 5 of 8 11/3/2010 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 61455 KURT JAFAY for Year 2010 2011 Page 6 of 8 http. /vpn.clallam. net: 8084 propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?cid =0 &year 2010 &prop_id =61455 11/3/2010 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 61455 KURT JAFAY for Year 2010 2011 Page 8 of 8 2007 $71 000 $119 000 $0 $190,000 $190 000 2006 $101 165 $59,500 $0 $160 665 $160 665 2005 $101 165 $59,500 $0 $160 665 $160 665 2004 $101 165 $59,500 $0 $160 665 $160 665 2003 $101 165 $59 500 $0 $160 665 $160 665 2002 $101 165 $59 500 $0 $160 665 $160 665 2001 $101 165 $59 500 $0 $160 665 $160 665 2000 $88,965 $59 500 $0 $148 465 $148 465 1999 $88,965 $59,500 $0 $148,465 $148 465 1998 $88 965 $59,500 $0 $148,465 $148 465 Deed and Sales History Excise Deed Deed Date Type Description Grantor Grantee Volume Page Sale Price Number Number 1 TREASURER' TREASURERS TAX DEED MICHAEL GRASSMUECK INC KURT JAFAY 0 $132 000.00 200466402 200411345 2 WARRANTY D WARRANTY DEED MILLIE RASMUSSEN KRAUSEf 1028 82 $149 000.00 199320822 695757 3 WARRANTY F WARRANTY FULFILLMENT DEED RUDY W HEINO DORIS GOODMAN 969 307 $48 000 00 197707060 672310 4 WARRANTY D WARRANTY DEED DORIS GOODMAN MILLIE RASMUSSEN 969 308 $70 000 00 199215396 672311 Payout Agreement No payout information available Website version: 9 0 30 1013 Database last updated on: 11/3/2010 3:52 AM This year is not certified and ALL values will be represented with 'N /A ©2 0 True Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Notice http. /vpn.clallam. net: 8084 /propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?cid =0 &year 2010 &prop_id =61455 11/3/2010 CRQOKS _LIARS THIEVES Bankruptcy Gone a Mueck Emma Gotcha Productions 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 View the exposure of crimes by Oregon attorneys and their cohort's on youtube /william wegener Tom Sutton, Will and Pam Gaston, Miriam Krause, etc. Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 Jim Lierly Community Economic Dev Dept. 321 East Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 9836 July 23, 2009 Re 511 East First St. and Theft of The Spa, Body, Mind Spirit Dear Jim, Thank you for taking time out of your very busy day to talk with me recently concerning the THEFT of my property especially my precious Spa. I am still in shock and can hardly reason it out myself and I am informing every one of the gross corruption of the courts m Oregon who steal peoples children and property with absolutely no legal right to take them. Since we last spoke there is a new development! We have just recently placed our cases in the hands of our new Attorney General John Kroger who was just elected by the vote of the people! Finally the "Crooks, Liars and Thieves" will have to answer for the cnmes they have committed. We had a meeting with Mr Kroger and he accepted our cases in person! He has a tremendous background as a federal prosecutor As Oregon's Attorney General and our top law enforcement officer he has the power to clean it up! He has wntten a book now on sale called "Convictions" which tells his true story as a prosecutor battling against Mafia killers, drug kmgpms and Enron thieves. He is a man of integrity and NOT FOR SALE in my opinion! I have written to each person as I learn about them so I can expose this on -going FRAUD and protect my interests under the law This facility in Port Angeles was bought exclusively for the maintenance of my health to detoxify my body from the poisoning I received in 1979, when I used the insulation product called "Energy Guard" that contained boric acid as a fire retardant, which is a poison. By the individuals depnving me of my health care they have endangered my life, knowingly, willingly and wantonly It is A'1 °T EMPTED MURDER by any standards to withhold health care Thelma Durham was aware I bought this Spa for health reasons in November 1993 from Windermere Real Estate, her company! I then turned down a sale in June of 2003 that she had written and then she "sold" this facility to Mr Jafay in March 2004 and lied to me for a week, starting May 27, 2004 before the "sale" closed, June 1, 2004 and said that she didn't know who was "buying "it. She aided and abetted the theft of my Spa! Mr Jafay was made aware of this fraud soon after he "bought" my Spa when I sued them to protect my health care. They did not divulge or record the transaction in the court files which is against Bankruptcy Law Rule #6004- 1 I told him I wanted him to be my hero and stop the fraud which he could have done. I am enclosing a copy of the letter I sent him after many telephone conversations begging him to STOP THE FRAUD and tellmg him of my health condition and the desperate need for my facility Instead he destroyed it functionally by stnpping it and damaged me in the process. I thank you Jim for your time and mterest in justice. I am enclosing the booklets, "The Theft of The Spa, Body, Mind Spint" and "Crooks, Liars Thieves" They explain how these crimes were committed and who did them. I also have completed several more books and booklets including 930 pages m my super book. I am now compiling other peoples stones and a book on the Oregon State Bar corruption and corrupted members titled "OSB OUT, A Yoke around the Neck of, Justice." We are preparing an initiative to abolish the Oregon State Bar as it has proven to be an association practicmg organized crime. The Bar does nothing but protect its corrupt members as they fleece the public out of their rightfully owned property and destroying families by crimes, sham court proceedings and disguised attorneys fees. Their conduct is wrongful and against even their own laws that are supposed to control their activities. They were chartered into existence as a public corporation to protect the people of Oregon from the unethical practice of law by the Oregon State Legislature m 1935, to protect the public from unethical attorneys and that was upheld in the Supreme Court in 1936 in the Eastman case. And now the Oregon State Bar has done a complete turnaround and openly assists the corrupt attorneys by covering up for them and aiding and abetting their cnmes. The truth is out and they are next. They have 12,000 attorneys m Oregon according to Bruce Rubin of Miller Nash law firm who is the bars chief honcho and each pays $3600 00 a year for this unlawful "PROTECTION That is roughly $4,320,000 00 they are putting in their pocket mstead of paying the victims of their members. The insurance company called Professional Liability Fund owned by the members of the Bar will then turn around and sue the victims to recover the costs of representing the unethical and corrupt members of the bar Jesse James didn't have it this good. Ha, Ha. I will be in touch again! Thanks. M Krause. Augu.st:9, 2005 To Kurt Way Re: -Real Property located.at 5.11 E. lst:Street, Port Angeles,. Washington,. and personal property contents in theb.uilding. Dear Kurt, On:Friday, August 52005,.I mailed the fraud alert showing the court stamped documents of October-9°;.2003,.Wheretheattorney fraudulently; misrepresented the-financial amounts. The incomewasunderestunated by $150;090 in the. financial affairs statement. Themortgages were inflated:from $947,000 to .$1,366;791:18 The signattirewas forged when thedocumentsmere.submitted to the court. Showing liabilities of approx. $420,000 than owed on. mortgages. The unsecured debt on page 5-showsaftermaking-thechanges whatiscorrect $1996.24 this entire:bankruptcy has been might:add:against the :bankruptcy code rules; as well-us. valid :state laws. This entire process is being reviewed by trustees. in.the Seattle, Washington, and Washington D C. offices. Therefore I have. made some calls tothe title insurance companies to find out the- recourse you andj have against the fraudulent transactions the bankruptcy court has perpetrated. The title -company.informs -and_thisis.general information that the seller didn't have the-authority to convey the-property because .of thefraud and forgery Your interests are covered -under -the policy; they will defend. thetitlepolicy to the maximum. amount you paid for the real operty under these circumstances. j cannot speak for them, but am sending them a copy Oftliis.letter This is informationthat I took over thephone and should be totally accuratei The contents are_basicallystolenproNrty they are not covered, by the insurance and you and.I need to work together to maintain the :integrity of my personal belongings. The:contents- are used to assist me in fightingthis chronicillness.that.I have with since 1979 andonly.had :hope of feeling better while taking-my steam baths. and other services that I started atmy Spa, there will also bean action filed for thephysical damage this- done to my bOdy,.andonly-vvith time will I know If the damage .canhe reversed with my steam. bathes:and other :services the spa provides me .since 1993 1:know you probably have some- questions,.and you know-that.l. with-you, work with you and that we have several options to repay you for your time and trouble.and hopefully keep yoii. out ofthelawsuits (if you- wish) I will be filing in order to protect my rights: and. gain back everything that hasbeen Stolen from me. I wouldappreciate.-yougettinghack with me as soon..as possible. so we-can:handle: these outrageous actions that have brought you andme together If this had been perpetrated on you I. would.-beithe first person. in_. your-comer, as you recall as soonasj found out who you were because 01 -documents concerning you have been secreted. form :the 'bankruptcy- file, which is illegal, called.and talked with.you on August 30"; 2004 Everyone involved that had anything.to do with this is responsible for thislross- injustice, .014.4 is.time we went by the facts and not theruntors. Every day that.! am 'Ivithoutmy Spa, my health:deteriorates, please let us not it a wrongful. death. actim..I:have pages of medical research, concerning my condition in theharikruptcy .file in Portland Oregon. If you.•;lo not have access:tothis,.I.will also be willing.to :send 'you some of the literature. This very serious matter Make no doubt about it. F 511 E. 1 Street, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd. #37.1, Portland Oregon, 97232 (503) 515 9587 N Sergeant Barbara McFall Port Angeles Police Department 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 MIRIAM KRAUSE 3439 N.E.SANDY 371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 July 24, 2009 Re "Supposed" Burglary/Theft Case No 2004 -15846 at 511 East First St. "The Spa" stolen from Miriam Krause through Bankruptcy Fraud Sergeant McFall, I am taking the initiative here since you have refused to address the above case with even the slightest interest in fmdmg out the truth about the theft of my property and placing a simple telephone call to me to sort out the facts concerning the above "incident." I thought as a police official you could tell a thief when you saw one or at least find out the truth about the underlying theft. I begged you to give me a police report which gave you the opportunity to ask me about anything asserted in it, even though you wouldn't give it to me. You obviously prefer to blacken my name because the last words you spoke to me were, "I was a suspect!" But you didn't ask any questions, Why Not? My friend Dee and I paid a visit recently to the Police department in Port Angeles and told your office we wanted the police report and after much haggling and discussing the rights of an American citizen under F O.I.A. (which you didn't know what it was) and two trips to the office, you finally released it to us. This was almost 5 years after the "incident" was reported! Those police reports which contain Character Assassination, Defamation, Liable, Slander and outnght lies as written in the police report, were all related to you by Kurt Jafay An investigation by you would clear my name and not leave such GARBAGE in a police file about the Victim of FRAUD as I am. VICTIMIZED AGAIN! I have provided all the evidence to show the illegal seizure of my Spa, in my booklet "Crooks, Liars Thieves accomplished through crimes by the Bankruptcy Court, officers of the court and other parties and the willful participation in the crimes and fraud by Kurt Jafay Kurt Jafay was notified of the Fraud in a lawsuit filed on June 8, 2004 to Quiet Title to my Spa. It was filed within 7 days from the time I had learned of just a small part of the scheme to rob me of all my assets and 7 days after the secreted closing statement was issued. I had to sue him under John Doe because his papers were never filed in Bankruptcy Court by the corrupt trustee Michael Grassmueck which is another creme against Bankruptcy Rule 6004 -1, and withholding documents from a public record required to be filed within 30 days from the date of "sale (this was March 2004) Kurt Jafay papers, if they exist, have never been entered in the court file m the Bankruptcy Court m Portland, Oregon. I also talked to him several times on the telephone and on one occasion he asked me to release him from the lawsuit and I told him to give me back my property and I would if the building and my contents were intact! This was when he could have returned everything to me and avoided the crimes he committed and the prosecution for committing them and the consequences of further litigation from me. Kurt Jafay chose not too! He also told me on the phone that he heard I was a bad person which proves he was carrying on the name calling by other people as well. He also told me he would rent the place to me for $500 00 a month and I replied why would I rent my own property? The last time he placed a call to me he was telling me he didn't know about the Fraud, (his voice was conspicuously shaken) smce he now knows he is a conspirator in bankruptcy crime, a federal crime started by Steve Arntt OSB 97201 my attorney when he was "falsifying the financial affairs of the debtor He cannot benefit by "Unjust Enrichment" for aiding and abetting the crone. So first Kurt Jafay ignores the FRAUD warnings and chooses to rob me and then thinks he can discredit me by destroying my name and you are helping him. I demand that you investigate his allegations and prove to yourself the liar that he is. Please remind him that perjury is a crime as is knowingly falsifying a police report and lying to a police officer! That is if you care whether or not you are lied too! I do not want this case closed until all the facts are in evidence! I gave my all providing a beautiful facility to the citizens of Port Angeles and my name shall not be tarnished any further! °I AM OREGON'S TERRI SCHIAVO" "UNJUST ENRICHMENT PURCHASERS" OF KRAUSE REAL ESTATE FROM TRUSTEE'S BANKRUPTCY FRAUD SWINDLE! All parties below were notified of fraud by Miriam Krause when they became known to her, yet willingly have participated in the crimes! (1) Emily Dana 555 N W Jackson Ave Corvallis, OR. 97330 THEFT -5008 N.E.Brdway /1630 N.E. 50 St. Portland, OR. 97213 (2) Jennifer Tuflakian 7316 S.E.Main St. Portland, OR. 97215 Rory Banyard 7316 S.E.Main St. Portland, Or 97215 THEFT 3337 and 3339 N.E Wasco Street, Portland, OR. 97232 (3) Dr Thomas Lissman 4226 S.E.Ash St. Portland, OR.97213 Sharon Lissman 4226 S.E.Ash St. Portland, OR. 97213 THEFT 3325 N.E Wasco, Portland, OR. 97232 (4) Shelly Siripatrata 1705 N.E.Couch Street Portland, OR. 97232 THEFT 1337 N.E.33 Street, Portland, Oregon 97232 (5) Kurt Jafay 1202 West l l Street Port Angeles, Wash. 98362 THEFT 511 E First Street, Port Angeles, Wash. 98362 aka THE SPA, BODY, MIND SPIRIT THEFT OF THE ONE AND ONLY EFFECTIVE HEALTH AID KRAUSE USED FOR 10 YEARS FOR THE RELIEF OF A 30 YEAR BORON POISONING ILLNESS CAUSED BY A TOXIC INSULATION PRODUCT, WITHOLDING HEALTH CARE IS RESULTING IN WANTONLY, WILLINGLY KNOWINGLY COMMITING MALICIOUS INJURY AND ATTEMPTED MURDER TOWARD MIRIAM KRAUSE! "THE TRUTH AS IT APPEARS" Roger Weidner has come to the assistance of crime victims, who became crime victims from their interaction with their attorneys, members of the Oregon State Bar These members are committing crimes against their own clients in order to steal their assets and obtain their property without paying for it. The clients don't have a fighting chance because the courts are run by judges who also are members of the Oregon State Bar No attorney in Oregon will take a MALPRACTICE case against another attorney! The result is the unbridled corruption of the "officers of the court" against the citizens of Oregon. The Oregon State Bar will then hire and pay for the services of other attorneys from large local law firms to strip the former clients of all their earthly possessions. This is disguised as the collection of attorney's fees to the eyes of the general public because the corrupt attorneys use lawsuits against the former clients to run up the imaginary bill. The former clients can't possibly defend themselves against the years of law school education, cronyism and tricks of the members of the Oregon State Bar THE ANSWER. (1) ABOLISH THE OREGON STATE BAR. (2) NEVER HIRE AN ATTORNEY AND STARVE THEM TO DEATH ACCESSORY DURING THE FACT One who stands by without mterfenng or giving such help as may be in his or her power to prevent the commission of a criminal offense. CRIMINAL LAW, Contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of a felonious offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participator, as by command, advice, instigation or concealment, either before or after the fact or commission. A "particeps cnminas." PARTICEPS CRIMINAS. A participant m a crime; an accomplice. One who shares or cooperator m a criminal offense, tort or fraud. COMPLICITY A state of being an accomplice; participation in guilt. Inducement in crime as principal or as accessory before fact. May also refer to activities of conspirators. (Definitions from Blacks Law Dictionary) JUNE 11, 2009 Testimony in Oregon State Bar v Roger Weidner Case 06- 1212468 My name is Miriam Emma Krause, I am here to testify today, under oath, in support of Roger Weidner, who has been accused by the Oregon State Bar of practicing law in the State of Oregon. Noted, If Mr Weidner is practicing law he is the only attorney in Oregon doing it, because the rest of them are practicing crime I was used as a guinea pig by Assistant U S.Trustee Pamela Griffiths, and Bankruptcy Court Judge Patricia Madi Brown aka Judge Trish Brown to help the Oregon State Bar in prosecution of Roger Weidner as he was trying to expose fraud being perpetrated on me by and through the Bankruptcy Court. After informing Assistant U S Trustee Pamela Griffiths by telephone on July 7, .2004, Mr Weidner pointed out in a letter to her on July 8, 2004 that my attorney, Steve Arntt OSB 97201, "had altered the information Krause gave him to prepare Schedule D, (Creditors holding secured claims) The information she gave him is on Exhibit A." He goes on to say that Steve Arntt had listed 2 non existent debts, one for $228,750 00 and one for $296,000 00 as he had submitted a document showing six houses when I owned only four houses. I had 4 mortgages not 6 and those 2 non existent mortgages amounted to $524,750 00 Mr Weidner also told her Steve Arntt had forged my name on a document and sent her exhibits from my file to prove it. He asked her to help me and gave her my telephone number to call me! I have since calculated Steve Arntt's fraudulent misrepresent- ations differently just by subtracting the claim amounts from the falsified mortgages. On the fraudulent Schedule A Steve Arntt fraudulently listed 3325 N.E Wasco as $379, 964 58 when the claim amount was $1 91,811 00 entered by Linda Johannson on Sept. 24, 2003 and he fraudulently listed 5008 N.E.Broadway as $456,694'18 when the claim amount entered in, the Claims Register was $241, 943.39 That was entered by "trustee" Michael Grassmueck on Dec 15, 2003 Mr Weidner researched the file in July of 2004 but must have missed the Claim Register I was told by the bankruptcy court clerk in Aug. 2005 that the Claims Register did not exist in Oregon. However the file would have shown that Broadway was abandoned to me on Nov 18, 2003 This was the process Grassmueck used to embezzle it. Grassmueck and his cronies made $160,000 00 when they sold it for $399,000 (He said "Inconsequential value to the estate Grassmueck was aware of the discrepancies at the 341 Creditors Meeting and mentioned it 11 times to Steve Arntt about the figures he submitted. Many of Arntt's filings were inaccurate as well as untimely Arntt also committed Legal Malpractice when he didn't even answer the Claims for Relief on my 2 Wasco properties, my residence Arntt had committed fraud on me when he forged my name on Oct. 9 and 10th, 2003 and falsely amended my bankruptcy schedules, changing my Portland, Oregon mortgage liabilities, which he had prepared and filed on Sept. 11, 2003 as $947, 036 00 to filing in Oct. 9 -10 the amount of $1,366,791 76 This was a falsification of $419 755 76 that was never owed or supported by claims filed by the creditors. Either way two mortgage balances were not the true amount owing and not supported by any claims. This became a Bankruptcy Crime of "falsifying the financial affairs of the debtor" and is punishable by 5 year jail terms and fines of $250,000 00 Steve Arntt OSB 97201 and Linda Johannson OSB 90306 were very active in this scheme to defraud me knowingly using fraudulent misrepresentations. Assistant U S Trustee Pamela Griffith's duty was to report this bankruptcy crime and stop the fraud, instead, when Mr (4) Weidner asked her, as any concerned citizen can do, to investigate and do her appropriate duty, she retaliated against him and participated in this frivolous lawsuit. As her duty as overseer she was actively participating in the fraud by allowing it as it was occurring. Her vehement reaction to Mr Weidner proves my point. When I was named by the Oregon State Bar in this case against Roger Weidner, I was never told in any way, shape or form my name was being used in these trumped up charges against him. I was never served a copy of the complaint, I was never subpoenaed to come to court to testify, I was never given a chance to respond and when I was in court, I volunteered to testify in Judge Wilson's court and that was rejected by her In fact, none of the three people mentioned by the Oregon State Bar in this case has appeared to testify in court against Mr Weidner and give him his constitutional right to face his accusers. The only people appearing as witnesses are attorneys, members of the Oregon State bar, as well as Judge Trish Brown's and Pamela Griffiths perjured written testimony (Read Pamela Griffiths letter to Oregon State Bar now) This letter signed by Assistant U S Trustee Pamela Griffiths was prepared by the Miller Nash law firm which is the offices of Bruce Rubin, the counsel for the Oregon State Bar Ms Griffiths is an active member of the Oregon State Bar 81249 and should be capable of writing her own Affidavit! Judge Trish Brown has used this lawsuit as retaliation against Roger Weidner as well He also served her the papers for the lawsuit I filed on June 7, 2004 to Quiet the Title of my Health Spa, a facility I use to combat a 30 year chronic illness. I asked her for an expedited hearing on June 1, 2004 after discovering the trustee was destroying my health care I nedd to give you some background. On May 27, 2004, I had driven up to Port Angeles, Washington to pay property taxes, to check on my building and to stay in my apartment overnight and enjoy my tea room once again. After paying property taxes of almost $3,000 00 I drove to my property and discovered Bankruptcy signs and Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty Real Estate signs on my property, which is my health care facility The Spa, Body, Mind and Spirit was purchased on Nov 1, 1993 to alleviate my illness called "Boron Poisoning." I got poisoned from using a recycled newspaper insulation product called "Energy Guard" on April 23, 1979 (30 years ago) which contained boric acid as a fire retardant. I owned this building free and clear for several years. It was a Health Exemption under Chapter 7 liquidation, and not to be touched under Chapter 11 reorganization. I was told by Joseph Keenan, Steve Arntt's assistant, that they had changed my petition, from Chapter 7, which Steve Arntt had mistakenly filed, to Chapter 11 at my request on September 14, 2003 which. was 3 days after Steve Arntt had filed my voluntary petition. I had discovered over that weekend, Arntt had filed the wrong Chapter as I did not want to sell anything and I qualified for a reorganization. I only owed $1996.24 in unsecured claims and had approximately, at that time, real estate equity of $465,000 00 Judge Trish Brown had called Steve Arntt OSB 97201 to the hearing on June 2, 2004 Arntt was fired on October 21, 2003 after not speaking to me throughout the entire 40 days he "represented" me He filed a Notice of Withdrawal as my attorney on November 17, 2003 almost 30 days after he was fired. Judge Trish Brown had called my fired attorney to the hearing. I objected to his presence and asked him to leave when he proceeded to sit behind me, but he (49 stayed anyway and sat behind me despite my objection. I felt he had no business being there She kept him in the hearing and used him as a witness as he testified against me I learned much later she had purposely neglected to sign his withdrawal order and only signed it 71/2 months later but did not put a date on it. Only by the court stamp of June 8, 2004 can you tell it was ever used. It was an invalid document because it lacked the date On October 17, 2005 she related she was to busy to timely sign that order It was done only after I filed suit to quiet the title of my Spa on June 7, 2004 Now Judge Trish Brown is claiming under the penalty of perjury that Mr Weidner was at the heanng acting as my attorney (Read Judge Trish Browns letter to the Oregon State Bar now) She said she couldn't hear what he was saying. IN MY OPINION, it would be a pretty sorry attorney who doesn't address the court, doesn't file any papers in the case, doesn't announce his appearance as someone's attorney and then doesn't speak up so the judge can hear him. We all know Roger Weidner does not have a problem of being heard. So her allegations are suspect, SHE was aware of the fact that there were two attorneys present in the court room, none acting on my behalf, without ME even being aware of one Why did she not question Mr Weidner's presence at that time? If she had asked me, I could have told her on the record that presently I was without an attorney If I had asked Mr Weidner to help me he said he would have told me how corrupt the legal system was and to stay out of it! (Remember, both myself and Mr Weidner became aware of the crimes during the months after this June 2, 2004 heanng, not before) At the very worst, had I chosen to do deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure, I would still own my free and clear Health Spa, Body f.5,! Mind and Spirit with all the collectibles and antiques, my Port Angeles Port to Port Hostel, my Mothers Soap Company with all my inventory and equipment, my classic 1979 Cadillac Fleetwood limousine, my 1985 Aluma-lite 26 foot Motor Home, my furniture, my personal possessions, my good name and my dignity I could have escaped this 5 year version of hell at the hands of these Crooks, Liars and Thieves At the very best had the City of Portland not been engaged in a housing inspector scandal, I would have completed the sale of my Broadway House with equity to catch up my mortgages, complete the purchase of another house for an addition to Port to Port Hostel, had the necessary Health care I provided for myself for 10 years with my own beautiful facility, had my Mothers Soap Company to provide for my needs, kept all my furniture and personal possessions and been able to look my children in the face jubilantly instead of being a homeless victim. Now all I am is a crime victim with no one being held accountable for the gross, egregious, unlawful, illegal theft of my life as I knew it! Judge Trish Brown secretly kept Steve Arntt on as my attorney of record, which served to subvert my mail as he did according to the Certificates of Service which lists him on them. She kept him on after he had been fired, in order to conduct their fraud on me whereby they were able to rob me of all my assets. There are several other attorneys who have severely wronged me and participated in this on -going Racketeering and Organized Crime scheme including Linda Johannson OSB 90306, David Mills OSB 97728, Fred Smith OSB 65118, etc who are not the focus at this hearing. I have listed 96 crimes here, many of them have multiple counts of federal offenses, felonies warranting prison sentences and fines including Use Mail for Fraud Conflicts of Interest Conversion Collusion Coercion Concealment of Documents Fraud Aiding and Abetting Fraud "Honest Services Fraud" Forgery Perjury —Misrepresentation Fraudulent Misrepresentation Falsifying the Financial Affairs of the Debtor False Declarations False Claims False Oaths Bribery Bias Blackmail Knowing Disregard of Bankruptcy Law,. Rules and Procedures Devised a Scheme with Intent to Defeat the Provisions of Title 11- Defalcation Failure to hold a Debtors Exam Failure to Prosecute Violators of Bankruptcy Crimes Failure to do Mandatory Bankruptcy Investigation Secreted Hearings Secreted Documents Deception Defamatory Liable Defamation of Character Dishonesty Dereliction of Duty Discrimination Extortion Legal Extortion Embezzlement (3 counts) Fraudulent Accounting Improper Use of Funds Illegal Property Seizure Unjust Enrichment Fraudulent Conveyances Illegal Auction Intimidation Harassment -Abuse of Power Misuse of Power Improper Service No Due Process of Law Unlawful Use of Civil Process Malpractice Legal Malpractice Malice Malice aforethought Misconduct Wanton Misconduct Judicial Misconduct Official Misconduct Malfeasance Malconduct Obstruction of Justice Malicious Injury- Wanton Injury Attempted Murder through "Death By Cop Attempted Murder by Withholding Essential Health Care through Fraud False 911 Call Misinformation Grand Theft Auto (2 cts) Promissory Fraud Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle Police Abuse False Arrest False Imprisonment Unlawful Harassments Aiding and Abetting Theft Aiding and Abetting Robbery in Progress Aiding and Abetting Trespassing Aiding and Abetting Kidnapping Aiding and Abetting Assault Warrentless Search Breaking and Entering Property Damage Malicious Mischief Assault Life Endangerment Breach of Fiduciary Duty Property Theft Unlawful Interference with a Business Misappropriation 0 7) of Funds Falsifying a Public Record Tampering with a Public Record Withholding Documents from a Public Record Withholding Documents in an Investigation- Larceny Possession of Stolen Property Official Corruption Racketeering -etc Michael Grassmueck "trustee" took a simple Chapter 11 reorganization and turned it into "Chapter Swindle," a total theft of my assets. By using his crimes and through the Dereliction of Duty by "Officers of the Court" employees of the court system permittmg the crimes of others, he robbed me! With equity of $810,000 in five properties, Real Property only, was stolen to pay out $228 17 while my unsecured debt was only $1996.24 My case is a case of "Conspiracy to Defraud" with the Cover -up of the crimes listed above by many officials aka officers of the court acting under the "Color of Law So your Honor, now that you are aware of these criminal, (unlawful) dastardly, (sneaky) and parasitic (bottom feeder) tactics resulting in the ruination of citizens lives, what will you do about it? Hope springs eternal! QUOTE "A smart man learns from his experience, but the smartest man learns from someone else's experience!" (Spoken by Mr Weiner, :a holocaust survivor) It is never the wrong time to do the right thing. We the people are moving forward to abolish the Oregon State Bar NOTE (I was not feeling well the day of Mr Weidners hearing and did not read this statement into the court record so I will submit it after the fact as it was written before the hearing for the purpose of reading it at "trial Miriam ause (8) TO WHOM. IT MAY CONCERN (Kurt Jafay Police report) When Krause learned of this "incident" she called the Port Angeles Police Department to get some information about what supposedly happened and asked for a police report. She was denied. Barbara McFall after much prodding told Krause that she was a suspect in the crime and would not release any information. Several years later and only after the threat of filing under the Freedom of Information Act did she produce a copy of the report for Krause. That same day she officially closed the case. Barbara .McFall never even called on the telephone to ask Krause. questions or give her the opportunity to clear her name. This defamatory statement filled with accusations toward Krause is. now a part of the permanent record assaulting, her character and reputation! Krau was not granted the right to dispute the accusations and set the record straight. There is no mention in the record that Krause is the victim of Bankruptcy Fraud through the court in Portland, Oregon and Kurt Jafay is a major participant rn those crimes who was given the option of stopping the fraud against Krause. He and his .mother are knowingly in possession of stolen personal property, the contents that were in The Spa and the garage! They have ignored the Fraud warning Krause gave them.. It is also common knowledge that Krause's possessions were looted by the real estate companies when it was listed with Coldwell Banker before it was "SOLD Witnesses will be called forward at the proper time. By the time Krause discovered the Bankruptcy Fraud her property was looted so the instinct to do the nght thing would have expo the unethical, illegal theft of her personal possessions. No investigation was done about that. when Krause asked Barbara McFall to check into the crimes committed against her! Krause filed a lawsuit to Quiet Title on June 7, 2004 only 10 days after she learned the crooks were "selling" her Spa, her only reliable Health Care that was protected under Bankruptcy Exemption Law. The trustee Michael Grassmueck and the U.S.Trustees Pam Griffiths and Ilene Lashinsky have violated the Bankruptcy law so egregiously that it has taken Krause 4 years to decipher the crimes and how they were committed. It is a federal crime to falsify the financial affairs of the' an on- going blatant Frau and illegal seizure of all of Krause's property has been carried out. Aided and abetted by no less than 110 people and 96 crimes so far that Krause has identified. The evidence is solid and Oregon's new Attorney General John Kroger is now investigating the crimes committed against Oregon Citizens by their own attorneys, all members of the corrupt Oregon State Bar On 12/13/041 viat dispatched to an open dOOr at 511' E 1 St. I arrived at the building and made contact withthe reporting party, Mark ROberts. Roberts is eMployed by Angeles Plumbing and was sent to the building to get the plurribilig shape for the winter The building is currently unoccupied. COrporal:Peninger arrived and we entered the building. The.back door Was ajar The door Was damaged arotind the dead bolt and it appeared tOhave forced open. We did not find anyone in the The building was fully furnished and Was apparently a massage parlor in the downstairs and sorne gift and florOil upstairs. There was of a large rat population. It did not appear that anythingwas-diStUrbed. it Was difficult to if anything. waS.MISsing, as there were a lot of items in the building.and-mOst were somewhat randomly placed. A penny jar was sitting on a desk and there were some electronic items that were undisturbed There was no sign that anyone was sleeping In-the.building. The was also unsecured and the dead bolt area of the doOr was daMaged as well 'Neither the -Upstairs Or downstairs doors couldbe secured. Roberts was advised to contact the property management company to let them know the building was unsecured. The owner of the building is Kurt Jafay of California. Jafay later contacted Corporal Peninger and advised an antique china collection was missing as well as some restaurant equipment See Corporal Peninger's supplemental report. Case Status: Closed' 12.TANGLI_TS1 4 44\ v1 i171: X Officer B. McFall ci V, :•L i" Po.! nil Officer Signature: gupervison Crime: Burglary, Theft Date: Date: t,/ 2- V Case Number: 200445846 PAGE. 1 of 1 1/21/05 9:08 AM "A C S.0 2Ei'b.It Crime: Burglary/Theft Officer B. McFall Case Number 2004-15846 PAGE. 1 of 1 1/30/05 10:24 AM On 1130/051'spoke'.with Kurt Jafay regarding'the to his building E.i s1 Street..Jafay stated. his father had recently died after.an extended and that he had been in California since October caring for :his father .l asked..Jafay about the chinathat Was missing frorrm:his building. Jafay. stated bought the building. in.a.bankruptcy sale andthat :it-used to.house:aspa and teashOp owned :by Miriam-Emma Krause. Jafaystated Krause..was not happy with him the. foreclosed building.and business. Jafaystated Krause verbally harassed him:and filed= numerous frivolous: lawsuits• against the bankruptcy sale. The sale.included all the contents -and furnishings in the building, including a large China cup:and saucer set. Jafaystatedsome of.the cup.and 'saucers werequite valuable. Jafay stated the theft Was.somebody with knowledge of the of the various cups. Jafay stated the'cups.and saucers left behind were.the lower value items: Jafay estimated:that 100 cup and: saucer sets_were'stolen.at an estimated` value of $5000: Jafaystated it appeared as if someone had:-gone through the files and that didn't seem'to.fit a'normal:criminal. Jafay feels strongly Krause retumed to the building.and stole the-tea-set that she had owned.and lost in. the. bankruptcy Jafaystated he had been: told that Krause was hanging around the building and. possibly sleeping in it, but.he cannot remember who told: him that or when-exactly Krause'.was.seen around building. Krause's last known address•is.Portiand ;Oregon. Jafaystated there:were also some restaurant itemsthat:had:apparently been.used.in the teashop that are now missing, Jafay Stated there were some.mixers andcoffeemakersthat.werestolen. i asked- Jafay if:they.were commercial size and..quality.andhe stated they were not Jafaywas unable to provide make: and modelasthey were also;from the bankruptcy sale. .Jafaystated he had: photos_ of the teacup.collection and would provide them to. PAPD when:he_located :the.photos. Case Status: Open :.Lill }I ft 'l'� CU' i! Officer Signature: 1 C Supervisor Date: 1' 30- o S Date: I MIRIAM KRAUSE 3439 N.E Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503-515-9587 FACTS CONCERNING THE THEFT OF 511 EAST FIRST ST, PORT ANGELES, WA. Kurt Jafay was Noticed of the Fraud on this property on JUNE 7, 2004 six days after the CLOSING STATEMENT was issued but that document was Never Filed in Court!! EXHIBIT 1- Closing statement June 1, 2004 does not show any payout for mortgages because there were none Krause owned her Health Spa free and clear and all contents were paid for as well, everything inside the building and in the garage was paid for EXHIBIT 2- Kurt Jafay said in his police report, `Jafay stated Krause was not happy with him for purchasing on the foreclosed building and business. That is a BLATANT he as evidenced by the closing statement showing no mortgage owing! EXHIBIT 3- Closing statement shows a Net to Seller of $109,450 00 after the crooks in the real estate offices of Coldwell Banker, Windermere and John Scott took their share of the heist. Krause was not an insolvent debtor and her property was stolen by the crooked trustee Michael Grassmueck and his partners in crime So far a reported 96 crimes and rising. Just one of them Use Mail for Fraud, he started on September 17, 2003, is Federal Offense punishable with a mandatory 20 year sentence in prison, six days after Krause filed he was setting up FRAUD! EXHIBIT 4- Kurt Jafay states on the police report, "Some of the cups and saucers are quite valuable" acknowledgmg Krause was ripped off with no appraisals done on the stolen antiques and cementing the value of Krause's stolen property. EXHIBIT 5- Krause can produce two witnesses to testify that she cannot bear to even look at the shape her property is in now as it is so totally destroyed by these crooks, obvious illegal seizures of all her property and that she had. the opportunity to view The Spa inside personally but had no desire to see the destruction of her 10 year effort to provide her own health care destroyed. For Kurt Jafay to say that Krause was sleeping in building shows the extent the crook will go, to C -H A and deflect from his crimes! EXHIBIT 6- The police report says, "Jafay stated it appeared as if someone had gone through the files as well and that didn't seem to fit a. normal criminal," Obviously Kurt Jafay knows a lot about criminals since he is one! EXHIBIT 7- The police report says, "Jafay stated he had been told that Krause was hanging around the building and stole the tea set that she had owned and lost in the bankruptcy Krause doesn't hang around anywhere (Jafay's Gang Talk) and still legally owns the possessions that were stolen from her, so how could she or would she steal what already belongs to her? Kurt Jafay, YOUR STATEMENT IS GARBAGE! The charges of Defamation and Liable are being written as we speak. Thanks for the evidence! If someone told me who had robbed me at least I would remember his name (Hearsay is not allowed m court) Jafay, better get someone to lie for you, you can be cell mates! Settlement Date. 06/01/04 Disbursement Date. 06/01/04 Name and Address of Buyer(s)• Name, Address of Seller(s): Property Location(s) Settlement Agent: Contract Sales Price. PRORATION(S) /OFFSET(S) County Tax Proration. 06/01/04 to 01/01/05 (214 days) 5 755726/day BROKER'S COMMISSION Total Commission. Division of Commission to Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty Division of Commission to Windemere Real EState commission. to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Commission. to John L. Scott TITLE CHARGES Title Insurance (includes: Title Examination, Document Preparation) Standard Owner's Policy Coverage Premium to Olympic Peninsula Title Co Tax. to Olympic Peninsula Title Co Real Estate Excise Tax. to Clallum County Treasurer ADDITIONAL SETTLEMENT CHARGES Pay Balance of Taxes- Estimate. to Clallum County Treasurer Due From Seller Total Paid By /For Seller Michael A Grassmueck, Inc. Description Due From Seller Total Paid By /For Seller Net to Seller Kurt Jafay 2586 Murry Ridge Road San Diego CA 92123 Michael A Grassmueck, Inc. PO Box 5248 Portland, OR 97208 511 E First Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Fidelity National Title Company 2414 Portland Rd. Newberg, OR 97132 -0309 Contact: Escrow Department at (503)538 -7474 $4,963.20 $6,600.00 $132,000.00 $575.00 1144,6,94106 Seller Settlement Statement Folder Number 21 -26462 N e/4 1 41i,-.144./ 9'ee- a4.4G 9 A eet, 7 s .t3 5— 9.C,'1 (POC) Seller Debit Seller Credit 132,000 00 23,781.33 133.231.73 109,450.40 11, 563.20 316.80 1,320.00 575.00 4715 2,349.60 7,609.58 23,781.33 Final 1,231 73 133,231 73 to las& (5) The Theft of "The Spa' Body, Mind Spirit." I have gathered a few documents from the Washington case to expose the people aiding and abetting the theft of my Spa, the building along with all of the contents which I owned free and clear This was stolen while I was bedridden and suffering from a breakout of black spots on my legs due to chronic boron poisoning. Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty and Windermere Realty sales people worked along with the bankruptcy court Judge Trish Brown and Michael Grassmueck to secret information and documents from the court record. As my only effective Heath Aid it was exempt under a Chapter 7 and not to be touched in Chapter 11 either This was a premeditated Fraud and Theft! (6) This smaller book called. "Crooks, Liars and Thieves Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck" is an easier to carry version of this bankruptcy fraud and has many additional informative docum°n and law rules and regulations which govern the Bankruptcy Protection Act, Professional ethics, Letters sent to the proper authorities to expose this fraud and to get them to do their duty! Unlike the larger book this has not been entered into the court record m its entirety (7) A larger version of Crooks, Liars Thieves— Bankruptcy Gone A' Mueck" consists of 800 pages. This is printed on standard size paper in order for the documents to be easy to read and decipher the full extent of this fraud. This is not just a book, it is an education for the average person. For the student a lesson to be learned about know corrupt the world they will be dealing with is. This is an opportunity to get involved and work to preserve the little bit of freedom and justice we have left in this country! I urge everyone to sit in on court proceedings as a witness to injustice and as an advocate for justice to guarantee people are ruled by law Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Or 97232 (503) 515-9587 P1PaQP Order By Phone Mb- CRIME VICTIMS' RIGHTS 147 405 Short title. Chapter 2 Oregon Laws 1987, shall be known as the "CRIME VICTIMS' BILL OF RIGHTS [1987 c.2 §11 Note: Legislative Counsel has substituted "chapter 2, Oregon Laws 1987," for the words This Act" in sections 1, 2 and 18 chapter 2 Oregon Laws 1987, corn piled as 147 405, 147 410 and 147 415 Specific ORS refer ences have not been substituted, pursuant to 173 160 These sections may be determined by referring to the 1987 Comparative Section Table located in Volume 18 of ORS 147 410 Purpose. We, the people of the State of Oregon, declare that victims of crime .are i entitled t led to fair and m arti��l treatment in our criminal iustice systei; e !purpose oapter 2, Oregon Laws 1987, is to declare to our legislature and our courts that victims' rights shall be protected at each stage of the criminal justice system We reject the notion that a criminal defend ant's rights must be superior to all others By chapter 2, Oregon Laws 1987, we seek to secure balanced iustice by eliminating un- ancetr rules [1981 Note: See note under 147 405 147 415 Severability If any section, por- tion, clause or phrase of chapter 2, Oregon Laws 1987, is for any reason held to be in- valid or unconstitutional, the remaining sections, portions, clauses and phrases shall not be affected but shall remain in full force In effect [1987 c.2 §18] Note. See, ,cote under 147 405 1_47.417 Victim to be notified of con stitutional rights. (1) As soon as is reason- ably practicable in a criminal action in which there is a victim a law enforcement agency shall notify a person who reasonably appears to be a victim of the offense of the person's rights under section 42, Article I of the Oregon Constitution The notice may be verbal or written If exercise of any of the rights depends upon the victim making a re- quest, the law enforcement agency shall' in- clude in the notice the time period in which the victim is required to make the request A law enforcement agency satisfies the re- quirements of this section if the law en- forcement agency. (a) Provides notice to the victim named in the accusatory instrument. the victim's guardian or in a homicide case the victim's next of kin. and (b) Presents if written notice is given, the notice directly to the victim or sends the notice to the last address given to the law enforcement agency by the victim (2) Failure by a law enforcement agency to properly notify the victim as required by this section is not grounds for setting aside a conviction or withdrawing a plea How- ever nothing in this section justifies such a failure (3)(a) As used in this section, law en- forcement agency" means the police agency that initially responds in the case, the police agency that investigates the case or the dis- trict attorney who prosecutes the case (b) The district attorney shall determine if the notice required by this section has been given and if not, shall provide the no- tice [1997 c.313 §5l Note: 147 417 147 419 and 147 421 were enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but were not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 147 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation. Book List (1) Crooks, Liars Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck Miriam Krause introducing her book concerning bankruptcy fraud. Documents from the court records showing fraud, forgery, fraudulent misrepresentation, extortion, illegal seizure, conflict of Interest etc, all against the law and the Bankruptcy Protection Act. (2)Death by Decision -A story of Oregon corruption and bankruptcy court corruption whereby unlawful acts and decisions are causing malicious injury and death! Persons involved in this fraud were aware of the gravity of my illness and still stole a $300,000 Health Spa owned free and clear and paid out $228 17 Robbing and stealing 5 properties worth $1,413 000 with equity of over $500,000 and bills of $1996.28. They destroyed three businesses in this process and they are going to answer in court. (3) Crime, Corruption, Cronyism Cover -up- The pursuit of justice from the proper authorities authorized to prevent and stop this Oregon crime spree and the Department of Justice US Trustee: Program, all federal employees, Judges, trustees, US Trustees, US Attorneys, Crime Coordinators role in preventing it. (Please check www wells of justice, exposing the blatant corruption of trustees). This corruption, sad to say, is going on nationwide but Oregon is the only state where the attorneys insure each other and therefore if a lawyer sues another attorney and wins, your attorney gets to pay from their pocket. The Oregon State Bar protects and defends the corrupt attorneys instead of the public as was intended when the Oregon legislature formed the state bar in 1933 (4) The Time Line covers approximately the first 10 months of this crime spree. It is hard to phantom learning to catch thieves that have practiced for so long, who know the law and willingly choose to break it. Then when I discovered their illegal actions I was victimized again with defamation and lies. This is a journey you will not envy, but I am not the first victim and I won't be the last! sick and slick this legal system is. I am not the only female senior with compromised health, who owns some property and has been taken advantage of only to become a victim of Oregon Politics! See Death by Decision! Shame on all of you who have the power but haven't done anything about it! Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 LETTER FROM DISTRICT ATTORNEY ON FOLLOWING PAGE PLEASE NOTE. Oregon State Bar's New Street Address is; 16037 S W Upper Boones Ferry Road Tigard, Oregon 97224 PLEASE NOTE. Oregon State Bar's Post Office Address is P O.Box 231935 Tigard, Oregon 97281 The zip codes are different on the street and post office box addresses. Michael Grassmueck "trustee" and the Portland Bankruptcy Court changed the zip -code in my bankruptcy case six days after I filed from 97232 to 97208 and lost 140 documents that were filed in my case with no service to me. It is called Use Mail for Fraud and was deliberately used to avoid due process and resulted in the theft of all my property After they were caught almost 2 years later Grassmueck again invented another invalid address. See Exhibit H in "Crooks, Liars and Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone a'Mueck" Michael D Schrunk District Attorney Multnomah County Courthouse 1021 S W 4 Ave. Rm 600 Portland, Oregon 97204 February 12, 2008 Dear District Attorney, The lawyer for the people hasn't been doing a very good job for me. I have been fighting the crime and corruption of the bankruptcy court since June 2004 I guess as a senior citizen, I don't matter! I brought you a forgery done by Steve Arntt OSB 97201 on October 9, 2003 but not discovered by me until June 21, 2004 I was still on title of my property, was in possession and could have stopped the fraud on me had you chosen to do your duty With the "assistance" of the police disregarding my rights and deliberately not doing their job to "serve and protect I lost 43 years of effort and every thing I worked for since I came to Portland in 1964 It's a disgrace! I provided low income housing for people in Multnomah County which made me vulnerable for the tactics of police abuse, intimidation and harassment to help these crooks perpetrate crimes on me. Along with the illegal seizure of my assets, they have put me out of business because my properties were the locations of my business's and provided housing, my livehood and health care for an environmental illness caused by a toxic insulation product. "Death by Decision is a real eye opener into this cover up of anoxic product put into landlords and tenants housing FREE! Unfortunately I am fighting to get back my assets stolen through the corrupt bankruptcy court, judge, trustee, attorneys etc. When I discovered people wouldn't believe my story, I proceeded to put together several books with the court documents to verify the truth and provide evidence of their crimes. "Crooks, Liars Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck" chronicles the fraud, forgery, fraudulent misrepresentation, etc. of the so called "officers of the court." Twenty six crimes so far and many, many more discovered every day I am making my books a lesson in whom to trust and an education by including the rules of law as bankruptcy administration should be carried out by observing the bankruptcy law not by abuse and disregarded for it. In the process of putting together those 2 books I learned the true meaning of cronyism. The connections, "conflicts of Interest are like a malignant cancer when it metastasizes and takes over the entire body, this is a cancer of greed and corruption that takes over whenever the opportunity arises. Then pretending they have the le aL,right under the "Color of Law" "The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right" they stole every thing I owned. "It is misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state or federal law made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state." Pretending to act in the performance of his official duties, and having access only because of their position, they steal everything they can get m their sights. Of course they involve other people to help who then become accessories to the crimes including aiding and abetting fraud. "Crime, Corruption, Cronyism, Cover -up" details the information I have learned so far Of course it has only been since June 28, 2005 that I started to learn of the illegal acts pulled on me by being fortunate enough to purchase a book called "Portable Bankruptcy Code And Rules." I could not get an a t t o r n e y to talk t o me f r o m the filing d a t e of September 1 I 2003 The Oregon State Bar allows their members to commit all the crimes they can conceive. The U.S Trustee's are supposed to monitor all the actions of the trustees to prevent abuse of the bankruptcy law, that is their job, and in my mind they are the biggest crooks of all. Knowingly, willingly and wantonly committing crimes. The judge should be wearing a black mask to match her black robe so one could tell your being robbed! Fraud versus Fact! I have done a "Time Line" in a smaller book so one can read it m the bath- room if they want, Ha! It covers the first 10 months of this,tragedy and will probably be' a 600 pager when I finally learn "the rest of the story I plan on filing a major law suit soon because this is the only way to get the attention required to prevent this problem from recurring and expose these criminals, so if possible, every one can avoid them. I am wiser for the experience but not wealthier! Another comes to mind, too soon old, too late smart! This is a political bombshell that the bankruptcy law says is punishable by fines not to exceed $250,000 00 and could put people in jail for 5 years or both. I do not know if that is for each offense. I know the poor people would be in jail for doing what has been done and that the rich (from stealing my money) hardly ever answer for their crimes! It is time to support the people who have EARNED their way Are you still unwilling to help me? Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Or 97232 (503) 515 -9587 can you be? And if you check, the material I sent you exposes the corruption of the Oregon State Bar by the activities of 6 of its members without counting the Judge! The corruption of the U S Trustees who were hired, in the United States Trustee Program, whose only duty is to prevent cronyism between the judge's and trustee's who are to administer the Bankruptcy Protection Act. In the event of fraud their duty under Bankruptcy Crimes USC Ch. 18 3057 is to report the crimes to law enforcement. According to you, these crooks are above the law I will quote you on that henceforth. I have a hard time dealing with Judge Brown who I recently learned knew of my illness and still robbed me of my lifesaving health care. She took a $300 000 00 Health Aid I owned free and clear and in the end paid out $228 17 That is Malicious Injury with fraud and Attempted Murder! If' your office had prosecuted the forgery by Steve Arntt OSB 97201 when I discovered it in 2004 this would have stopped this Bankruptcy Swindle. Judge Trish Brown has participated in these crimes and disregarded the rules and regulations, procedures that were put in place to catch such abuses and protect creditors and debtors. If she had done her duty it could have been stopped. If there had been one honest person it could have stopped it. Yet I see the manipulation of the laws by these crooks to conceal and cement their crimes. The crimes are against the law, felonies for anyone else. They commit them against the law, jail time and fines for anyone else. Yet they hide behind the law, lots of people in jail for doing much less. Corruption and Cover -up! Actions like this have destroyed all the good people's work who have suffered for justice and democracy, the American Dream has been shanghaied My 43 years of effort have been stolen, not by a thug on the street but by thugs in the courtroom! Thugs in police uniforms doing the bidding of thugs in the court room. Thugs called realtors doing the bidding of thugs in the court room. Thugs in the Department of Injustice. And now thugs in the District Attorneys office doing the bidding of thugs in the court room. Everyone's motivation is greed or cover -up. For a dirty little piece of paper worth 4 cents they sell their soul, the truth will come back to haunt all of you. This is a long winding trail I am forced to follow backtracking all the way to expose the people and the crimes they have done. It is far from total discovery Yesterday Micky Sherman said "The purpose of a lawsuit is to get to the truth." That is on the horizon; meanwhile I am pursuing full scale media exposure for this. I am calling my story and documentary about this legal corruption, "Slicko I know that I am not the only one who sees how (27) Grassmueck s record in the accounting department is sadly lacking accuracy as the earnest money supposedly paid by Kurt Jafay has never been entered in the court record. (Letter to Thelma Durham in the Theft of "The Spa This was to be entered in one day on Form 2 after receiving, it. It is questionable if Earnest Money ever was paid by Kurt Jafay The sale was secreted from the record and never have the papers been entered except for a closing statement on December 30, 2005 which is 22 months later Also mailed to a fictitious address of 3939 N.E.Sandy This is fraudulent account- ing all against the bankruptcy rules and procedures. The manipulation of the Washington Real Estate Law as it was abused in my case by Grassmueck, Coldwell Banker Uptown. Realty, Nason Becket and Windermere Realty, Thelma Durham needs.further investigation. (More in the "Timeline Book (28) Johnston Mitchell said in Arntt's Motion to Dismiss, August 19, 2004 CONCLUSION A federal statute reserves "exclusive jurisdiction" for the Oregon bankruptcy court. 28 U.S C. #1334 (e) Well Mr Mitchell it, also says (b) Notwithstanding any act of Congress that confers exclusive jurisdiction on a court or courts other than the. district Courts, the district courts shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of all civil proceedings arising under Title 11, or arising in or related to cases under title 11 (c) (1)Nothing in this section prevents a district court in the interest of justice, or in the interest of comity with state courts or respect for State law, from abstaining from hearing a particular proceeding arising under Title 11 or arising in or related to a case under Title 11 In the interest of justice this could have been heard, if the extent of the courts crimes were known to me then, this case would be fraud, malicious injury etc. The bottom line is no one wants to hold them accountable for their actions! But this shall be done another day in a federal court, in a better way at a much higher cost for the crooks. I will expose them! Michael Schrunk, I hope I haven t bored you? When you are exposing this kind of crime it takes a while This paper is much too harsh for the bathroom, so I hope you have read this. In fact you may enter it in my file so when my grandchildren grow up they can trace where their inheritance went. You and other law enforcement officials are supposed to check out the facts and uphold the establishment of law Administer indictments based on crimes committed. You don't have the resources to have a• face to face meeting with me, how much does that cost? My tax dollars have already paid for your services! Your only problem is you are part of the cover -up of this corruption. You are asking the court who committed the crimes to see that I get some justice! How naive Miriam Krause 3439 N E, Sandy #3'71 Portland, OR 97232 Clear Ms. Krause February 25 2008 MICHAEL D SCHRUNK, District Attorney tor Multnomah Coun 1021 SW Fourth Avenue Room 600 0 Portland, OR 97204 -1193 Phone 503 988 -3162 Fax riO3 988 -3643 wta, w co multnomah or us /da/ We ve reviewed the material that you forwarded to us. It would appear that the matters are better addressed through the bankruptcy court. This office does not have sufficient investigative resources to open an independent investigation. I recommend You contact one of the federal agencies or the personnel for the bankruptcy court. You may want to seek the advice of an independent lawyer In this regard, you may obtain a recommendation from the Oregon State Barat 503 -620 -0222 or MDS plc Oregon State Bar 16037 S W Upper Boones Ferry Rd. P 0 Box 231935 Tigard. OR 97281 1 935 I m very sorry we could not help you with this matter Very truly yours. MI.CH EL D SCHRUNK District Attorney Michael Schrunk District Attorney Multnomah County 1021 S W.Fourth #600 Portland, Oregon 97204 March 6, 2008 Re Krause V Arntt et al Case CVO4- 5383 Forgery, Fraud etc. Illegal seizure of Health Care, Malicious Injury, Attempted Murder, Embezzlement, Extortion, Obstruction of Justice, Use Mail for fraud 26 crimes without counting crimes by Portland Police! Dear District Attorney Michael Schrunk, I am wnting to you again, to let you know I now know of more of the extent of this fraud that was committed on me from September 11, 2003 to August of 2006 I have had to study on my own to understand the outrageous manipulation and disregard of the law by the people involved in this theft of my assets. Also the "attorneys" who were willing to bend the authority they possess in representing their clients by practicing crime instead of law In- stead of reporting people for their crimes as required by their code of ethics and the bankruptcy law they choose to aid, abet and join them. This Oregon State Bar is a corrupt, sad, pathetic organization! Never to late to prosecute! (1) Judge Trish Brown was asked to convert my case to a Chapter 11 on May 31, 2004 after I learned I was not in a Chapter 11 but I was still on title of all 5 properties and Arntt had not changed it when I asked him to on September 14, 2003, I filed my petition on September 11, 2003 He was fired on October 21, 2003 because he wouldn't talk to me! However Judge Brown kept him on as attorney of record until June 8, 2004 and even called him to the June 2, 2004 ex -parte hearing after being fired several months earlier This after Arntt's fraud, forgery, perjury and other crimes! A new twist now is a friend went with me to that meeting that had been a lawyer in the fraud department of Multnomah County You know him. The Oregon State Bar sued him recently for being there at the June 2, 2004 ex- parte heanng as an assistant for my disability and in a letter from Judge Brown accusing him of practicing law again was fined $95,000 00 for being there m the courtroom with me I was not aware I was "used" in this lawsuit and never spoke to Bruce Rubin OSB who represented the Oregon State Bar I was forbidden to speak on record in the court room when I did learn about it. This person was never allowed to face his accusers and question them as The security guards would follow me when I went to the bathroom and went to hearings in the judges chambers. It was intimidation and unwanted stress on my body and mind. All meant to discourage and scare me! This friend was later arrested at the police precinct as he was helping me obtain a summery of the police reports and buy a book on information about police procedures. ((June 14, 2006 Letter to Police Chief Rosie Sizer) (24) On September 3, 2005 I asked the courts attorney, Michael Blaskowsky for a copy of Grassmueck's bond. He said he would have to call David Mill: Grassmueck's attorney to see if it was ok to do that. I was charged $100.00 f the request and document however I see no entry in his accounting records, Form 1, for a bond until April 23, 2004 He was to obtain a bond before he took on my case filed September 11, 2003 and assumed by Grassmueck on September 17, 2003 according to Dillon E Jackson. Was I protected when he did this fraud or not? (25) The Court Docket with the first 18 documents was never entered into the electronic Pacer system and these are the paper files which show when and how the fraud was committed. Judge Brown tampered with them once before when she rearranged them and switched Arntt's documents around from October 9 10, 2003 which show the forgery and other crimes. I filed a Notice with the court. Not having these documents on a system used by most attorneys was a huge disadvantage to me and helped the crooks perpetrate thi fraud by concealment and obstruction of justice as people only started to believe me when they saw the documents! Now since the case has closed the only way to see them is to order them from the archives in Seattle and pay fo:. them. I ordered a set and paid $85 00, which is a big deal since they have stolen all my assets and left me with no way to make any money I don't see any lawyer paying to get copies to help me while under duress from the Oregon State Bar If they help me they risk their license! (26) I am presently in contact with the IRS as Grassmueck never filed any taa papers on my case. It is my understanding that there is no indication I was ever in bankruptcy and nothing is filed although I was charged $1200 00 by Rod Cockburn of Medford, Oregon who was appointed as an accountant by Judge Tnsh Brown. These papers he prepared are from amended fraudulent schedules of Arntt's with financial amounts that are "incorrect" according to the transcript and Grassmueck's own mouth. He was plannmg a total heist of my assets and never going on record as stealing them. I have turned him over to the criminal division of the IRS This is an ongoing fraud! (21)Grassmueck has no excuse, when the debtor exam was not held he was to have summoned me by court order to hold one or dismiss the case because of lack of prosecution. He was intent on keeping me uninformed, secreting hearings and documents, defaming my character so no one would talk to me, intimidating me as in Grassmueck's Revenge" with a threat on my life, using police abuse, harassment and illegal activities to drive me out of business, rushing the theft of my properties and robbing me of all my assets by infringing my civil and constitutional nghts, breaking both civil and bankruptcy law because there is nothing in the law that gave them the right to take my property Any of it! Grassmueck paid out a sum of $228.17 unsecured debt in the Final Report; it doesn't get much worse than this! He heldthe case open almost 3 years and closed it just in tine to avoid a mandated audit! It's plain to see he hasn't acted alone, he couldn't act alone! (22) Grassmueck embezzled my Broadway house after abandoning it to me on November 18, 2003 He then Listed it in the Claims Register on December 15, 2003 unbeknown to me until February 6, 2006. The title was in my name as I checked it constantly I started a new manager, Carl Michael Schreiner, on October 1, 2003 to get my reorganization plan i going by the 341 Meeting on October 17, 2003 with Schreiner living in the upstairs unit and renting out the main floor for the business. In 2006 I learnedt Schreiner was in bankruptcy with Grassmueck as his trustee and Arntt as his attorney, all secreted from me as their plan was to commander my Broadway house for themselves. Definite Conflicts of Interest because my attorney Arntt, my trustee Grassmueck and my manager, all were in cahoots. Schreiner embezzled all rent.money except $1800.00. Grassmueck's duty called for him to prosecute him and get the money back, but by the time I realized what was going on and I knew Grassmueck was on the take too! (23) I bought a bankruptcy book on June 28, 2005 and started studying as no attorney would talk to me. I know now the fix was in and the Oregon State Bar would never tolerate anyone helping me and exposing some of their corrupt members. In August 2005 I learned of the Claims Register and asked the court clerk to see. it. She said there was none in Oregon. It was accidentally found by a friend on February 6, 2006. So she was invested in the fraud and cover-up as well! Why would she refuse the information unless she was hiding the illegal and unorthodox activates of the officers of the court, the embezzlement of my Broadway house! the law guarantees. So now according to Judge Brown, I have 2 lawyers representing me in the sham hearing on June 2, 2004 My friend also checked the file and as a concerned citizen wrote Pam Griffiths a letter onJuly 8, 2004 asking her to look into the fraud he had discovered. He did not say he represented me but wrote her to contact me, "for follow -up please contact Miriam Krause." She did nothing that her job required such as reporting it to the proper authorities to stop the fraud only now has participated in the scam to discredit my frrend.and hide her own wrongdoing. My friend said in his letter he was helping me with my business and indeed had found an assistant for my housing business. It had nothing to do with the law On top of it all, he was never a bankruptcy attorney So now they can't add or comprehend what they read either How pathetic! The real gist of the matter is he wrote an article for the "Oregon Observer" exposing their acts and fraud on me, he is a steady contributor to that periodical, and they were just itching to slap anything agamst him! Plus keeping me in business didn't fit into their fraud plans on me either! (2) Judge Brown told the clerk, according to the clerk, not to accept the conversion papers and refused the filing which is against the bankruptcy law and my right to Conversion at any time during this bankruptcy I now know that .a new successor trustee would have been appointed and all paperwork would transfer from Grassmueck to the new successor trustee, all moneys and property would have to be accounted for which would have exposed this fraud. Selected Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Incorporated in Bankruptcy Rules 5 (e) "The clerk shall not refuse to accept for filing any paper presented for that purpose solely because it is not presented in proper form as required by these rules or any local rules or practice." Rule #706 Conversion (a) "The debtor may convert a case under this chapter to a case under Chapter 11, 12, or 13 of this title at any time." I qualified for a Chapter 11,1 was in possession and thought .I had been in a Chapter 11 all along. This was also done with filings several times, either filed andnot recorded or simply returned to me. Judge Brown even returned a package I sent to Chief Judge Elizabeth Pems. (3) Upon the appointment of Michael Grassmueck as "trustee" Dillon E Jackson, August 12, 2004 said "Notice of Mr Grassmueck's appointment was docketed on September 17, 2003 Appointment of a trustee in a chapter 7 case is automatic and required by statute. 11 U.S.C. 701 (a) (c)" That was the same day my zip code was changed to 97208; Grassmueck's zip code, from 97232 as listed on my petition. Use Mail for Fraud was done on that day and used throughout my case even after I discovered it on July 15, 2005 1 did a recap of my case and found 140 documents were sent by electronic mail, wrong zip code. I asked Judge Brown to investigate and she covered up themail fraud. It's called Use Mail for Fraud and was done intentionally (4)The Change of Address Form #101 "Note: This form must be signed and will be effective immediately" has never been filed on that day or any other day, yet my mail was subverted and Federal Rules Civil Procedure #5 states, "(3) Service by electronic means under Rule 5 (b) (2) (D) is not effective if the party making service learns that the attempted service did not reach the person to be served." Grassmueck knew of this subversion as noted in the transcript from the October 17, 2003 Creditors Meeting Exhibit R 14, 15, 16 and he and the bankruptcy court used it to defraud me by "No Due Process." (5) Grassmueck.did not use the mandatory Information Sheet at the 341 Meeting on October 17,.2003 as required by law to be read into the record and signed by the debtor with full understanding that the debtor knew of the different Chapters available under Bankruptcy Law I was to be informed what was available to me as well as the consequences of filing bankruptcy This was to be sure I was in the Chaptertof Bankruptcy I wanted and that fit my circumstances. Reorganization is for businesses or individuals with large equities and small percentage of debt. It allows regrouping and staying in possession of all properties. I owed $1996.24 in 4 debts. No credit cards, no car loans, no medical bills, no store accounts as one would refer to consumer debt. I had no less than $500,000 00 of equity Grassmueck commented on my equity throughout the 341 Meeting. (6) Grassmueck,led me to believe I was'in Chapter 11 by not holding a "Debtor Exam" as required by law, never obtained any operating papers such as utility bills, tax forms and eventually abandoned: all 4 houses to me in a (construed) letter on November 14, 2003 and "Intent to Abandon" on November 18, 2003 commenting "There is no equity for the estate in such property" and "Such property is of inconsequential value to the estate." All this after his comments of my huge equity at the 341 meeting. On December 4, 2003 he returned paperwork regarding the City of Portland permits on my Broadway House saying "We have no more use for these papers. We are retaining nothing for our file." See Embezzlement later! (18) Following the previous entry, Linda Johannson again committed Fraudulent Misrepresentation deliberately falsifying the:appraised value: of $360,000.00 for 3337 N.E.Wasco, Portland, Oregon 97232 as $255,580.00 undercutting- by$104,420.00 and then falsified a Brokers Professional Opinion/Appraisal thereby charging $220.00 for services not rendered instead using Multnomah County Tax Assessment Roll which again is not sufficient to establish market value. This property appraised at $360,000.00 for the house only less than I year ago. It has a storefront at 3339 N.E.Wasco that was never appraised and the entire property has a comparable on 33rd and E. Burnside of $619,000.00 Mine is a much nicer property This is a difference of another $259,000.00. She says I did not use 3337for my residence and that is a lie because 'it was my established residence since 1985 My driver's license showed it as my residence! She also said I didn't need it for business purposes, which is a lie because my Mothers Soap Company was located there as well as my Port to Port Hostels headquarters for the low income housing I started in 1990. This is a Fraudulent Misrepre- sentation by Linda Johannson of $463,420.00. This is 7 acts of fraud on this! (19) Arntt's falsehoods are $402,903 79 Johansson's falsehoods are $463,420.00 Total for properties Fraudulent Misrepresentations $866,323 79 This doesn't include $456.00 being misrepresented by Arntt as $4,562.48 and instead of the income of 2 1/2year as required by law of $241,407.00 he submitted only one yew-of $91,407 00 This was all done without my knowledge -and for the purpose of slanting my Chapter 11 into a Chapter 7 (20)However it does notexcuse Grassmueck from his duty to investigate the financial affairs of the debtor especially when he asked at the 341 Meeting on October 17, 2003, "Has the order for relief been entered on the Wasco property? I don't see that" which is a lie because he signed them ion October 11, 2003, six days before the 341 Meeting. Then he said, "That did not flow through at all from Nova Stars motions for relief" He is talking about the same thing. First he.says he hasn't seen it and then he says it doesn't flow through! (Meaning Arntt, says more is owed than Nova Star Mortgage Company Grassmueck, how big a clue do you need Grassmueck never admits he has already signed the claims as he is about 3 months premature with his actions. This was to be addressed 30 days after the conclusion of the last 341 meeting" December 5, 2003 making the effective date January 5, 2004 (Ex R page 15 -18) supervised the trustee, may not impartially adjudicate their nghts as adversaries of -that trustee. To address these concerns, judicial and admit trative functions within the bankruptcy system were bifurcated. (separate The administrative functions were placed within the Department of Justic through the creation of the .United States Trustee Program (USTP). The USTP acts in the public interest to promote the efficiency and to protect a preserve the integrity of the bankruptcy system. It works to secure the just speedy, and economical resolution of bankruptcy cases; monitors the conduct of parties and takes action to ensure compliance with applicable laws and procedures; identifies and investigates bankruptcy fraud and abu and oversees administrative functions in bankruptcy cases. Why then are they not doing their job? (17) Linda_Johannson .OSB 90306 choose to commit fraud twice in Bankruptcy Crimes Chapter 5 -8 False Claims, 18 U.S.C.#152 (1) Bankruptcy proceedings have commenced under Title 11 (2) The defendar presents or causes to be presented a proof of claim to the bankruptcy (3) The proof of claim is false as to a material matter (4) The defendant knew the proof of claim to be false. All criteria have been met. Fraudulent Misrepresentation whereby Johannson deliberately falsified the appraised value of $252,000.00 for 3325 N.E.Wasco Portland, Oregon 97232 as $152,820.00 undercutting by $100,000.00 and then falsified a Brokers Professional Opinion/ Appraisal thereby charging $115.00 for services not rendered instead used Multnomah. County_ Tax Assessment Roll -which is not sufficient or honored by any financial institution as per market value. Also an appraisal of $252,000.1ess than I year old was furnished to the court. She made the statement "Debtor has no equity in the Collateral, which is eroding with each missed payment." My July 2004 continuing improve- ments and repair bills will prove otherwise. Debtor had no service or due process on Notice of Claim according to court documents my name appears nowhere, and Use Mail for Fraud scheme was used again. Arntt never answered the claim as the "Intent to Abandon for Legal Malpractice" indicates filed by Grassmueck on September 5, 2005 So Grassmueck knew Arntt committed malpractice and still continued his slaughter on my property This is 5 acts of fraud on this one piece of property! Not counting Grassmueck! Legal Malpractice! (7) Grassmueck held 2 additional Creditors Meetings on November 5, 2003 and December 5, 2003 where I was not notified so I couldn't attend. "The trustee may not unilaterally waive the debtor's appearance," the Chapter 7 Handbook says. My fired attorney Arntt was present November 5, 2003 at which time no mention was made of the 11 inferences made by Grassmueck on October 17, 2003 that my schedules were "incorrect. "'On December 5 Arntt, my fired attorney, hired another attorney Tim Cardwell to attend the "confirmation hearing." Both without my knowledge and no notice to me! Cardwell said it was the. first time he ever attended a creditor meeting without the debtor present! Fraudulent Concealment! (8)The bankruptcy law says "a trustee" can use assets to pay creditors in a Chapter 7 Grassmueck paid out $228.17 according to his final report submitted on February 10, 2006 and` stole more than $500,000 00 of equity which wentio himself, his the defendant's attorneys, and his cronies at Farleigh, Wada Witt at Judge Trish Brown's old law firm. On December 15, 2004 he started a new corporation "The Grassmueck Group" and listed Farleigh, Wada Witt as registrants and owners. He also extorted funds of $5,000.00 after trying for $10,000 00 and charged $5,000 00 to extort them and has secreted them to this day in case I decide to sue them for their organized crime. All willfully done by Judge Trish Brown. Extortion! (9) On December 15, 2003 he embezzled my Broadway House after saying it had no value for the estate and then placed it in the Claims register at $241,000. It sold for $399,000 through Farleigh, Wada Witt, Judge Brown's old law firm and made another Grassmueck crony Jay Heinrich, represented by Valerie Tomasi OSB 84158 the judge's old law partner, a cool $160,000. in a.few short months! Yup, Grassmueck is right, No equity there! FOR ME THAT IS! Embezzlement! (10) The average time for a Chapter 7 is 3 to 4 months according to his own words in an article in the Willamette Week dated May 24, 2003 and he says "The vast majority of all Chapter 7 cases are "no asset" cases, meaning that the trustee uncovers no assets above the legal limit. This makes sense: Most people filing bankruptcy have long since sold, spent, or hocked every thing of value. Nationally, fewer than 4 percent of all chapters 7's yield any assets. according to the U.S.Trustees Program." His own words tell me he was knowingly, willfully, wantonly committing fraud in a Bankruptcy Swindle on my property! It was against bankruptcy law to put me in a Chapter 7! If a debtor can pay their bills, $1996.24, he cannot file for a discharge of debt. (11) His attorney David Mills OSB #97728 is a bankruptcy lawyer and he knew better too! He charged $1000.00 to research my address. and admitted he had never Looked at my petition. He participated in this fraud knowingly, willfully and wantonly He was consulted m 1986 on the problem of my ill health and was willing to represent me and therefore had Knowledge of my chronic health issues and yet assisted in the illegal seizure of the only relief I found from.my symptoms, my Health Spa. It was owned free and clear, filled with antiques and collectables, owned and used for 10 years. All of my personal possessions were given away and the money used by them to charge me fees, for their fraud. Also when I asked Ilene Lashinsky U.S.Trustee to do an investigation in August 2005, niy- inquiry was answered by David Mills in a letter, sent and signed by Lashinsky, and the two of them charged $3,740.00 for the letter So the investigated did the investigation! Good going Department of Justice, Only in America,,Fraud on Fraud! (12) Judge Trish Brown used telephone conferences every time David' Mills was needed at a hearing. Now I believe this was done so I would not. recognize David Mills from my past acquaintance with him thereby avoiding charges of Conflict of Interest. Judge Trish Brown also had Prior-Knowledge of my illness as her first fob out of law school was at the law firm Lane, Powell, Spears and Lubersky that represented Sears Roebuck. That chain store carried and installed "Energy Guard Insulation" the insulation product that poisoned me in 1979 Her participation was filled,with concealment, deceit, dereliction of duty,_ dishonesty, lies, secrecy, threats and obstruction of justice when she willfully allowed blatant crimes offraud, forgery, perjury, fraudulent.misrepresentation, etc to overtake the checks and balances placed in the rules and procedures of the bankruptcy law to allow for justice in every case! Crimes used for Obstruction of Justice! (13) Steve Arntt OSB 97201 forged my signature on documents that fraudulently misrepresented the mortgage liabilities of 2 properties on October 9 10, .2003 without my knowledge until 2004 My house at 3325 N.E.Wasco,.Portland, Oregon.97232 was listed by Arntt as $379, 964.58 when the actual claim was $191,811.58 mortgage balance including charges. That is a difference of $188,153 00 not owed, fraudulently entered to affect the outcome of my reorganization, Grassmueck deliberately ignoring my filed petition and Iater my sworn testimony at the 341 Meeting. I did not receive any notice from the court or Arntt on these filings, No Due Process! (14) My duplex at 1630 N.E.50` and 5008 N.E.Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97232 owned for 40 years and my family home, Arntt fraudulently misre_ pre- sented at $456, 694 18 when the actual amount owed and entered on the Claim Register by Grassmueck is $241,750.79 mortgage balance including charges. That is a difference of $214, 750.79 not owed, fraudulently entered by Arntt t� affect the outcome of my reorganization, Grassmueck again deliberately ignoring my filed petition and later my sworn testimony at the 341 Meeting. Grassmueck was fully aware of the fraudulently stated habilities by the mere fact he entered it in the Chums Register and didn't notify the mortgage company while keeping it for himself. Embezzlement! (15) Arntt's overstated liabilities in these 2 properties are $402;903 79 Grassmueck says in his Willamette Week article, "I am a business man; I'm in this to make a living." Well as a businessman he should be held account- able for crimes, incompetence, lack of business skills and violation of his fiduciary duty as a trustee. The article says "Trustees are paid a flat fee of $60.00 for every case they hear, whether it lasts only a few minutes or drags on for years." There were nb documents in this case support the exaggerated mortgages submitted by Arntt under forgery;perjury and fraudulent inisrepresentations, my figures on my September 11, 2003 petition are supported! It is Grassmueck's duty to investigate the schedules and confirm the claims, check the signatures for FORGERY, he did nothing but hold -out his hand t� steal rob? me of my assets °and health care! (16) Grassmueck should tell the innocent public that, as in my case, they can commit fraud on you and charge you $45, 929.59 to defend their with your money All paid to attorneys who are aiding and abetting the fraud, who know he is committing fraud on you because most of them are bankruptcy attorneys. The evidence is in the file, just look! Facts are stubborn! This is a Racket! Just a Racket! According to the United States Trustee Manuel he should be suspended for violating his trustee's fiduciary duties. He is in violation of many of them. Yet he is.protected by the very federal employees who are hired under the U.S.Trustees Program to see that I am protected from fraud and abuse because they are in on the Bankruptcy Swindle too! Handbook for Chapter 7 Trustees Chapter 1- D says "A major reason for the enactment of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 was to remove the bankruptcy judges from the responsibilities for day to day administration of cases. Debtors, creditors and third parties litigating against bankruptcy trustees were concerned that the court, which previously appointed and and now they have done a complete turnabout and rat the crooked attorneys agpinst their own clients when they have wronged them. Enough is Enough! You have the power to abolish the OSB and organized crime that is destroying lives of Oregon Citizens while stealing their assets! If you have an attorney who has robbed you, do contact us and learn how to produce your own book from the court documents. We will help you because secrecy and silence breeds this evil! IF WE MUST PROTECT OURSELVES, WE MUST BECOME AWARE OF THE CROOKS IN OUR MIDST, MEANWHILE ABOLISH THE OSB. Remember that alter being victimized these victims will need the assistance of the social organizations for their daily main tenance that. taxpayers must support. That means you and I pay for the crimes of the attorneys and their cohorts. Krause worked for 43 years and through crime they stole it all within 43 days. OSB43UT Committee to Abolish the Oregon State Bar THE END OF THE BOOK LIST Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Or 97232 (503) 515-9587 Please, Order 13y Phone. "Prayer to Saint Jude" St Jude: 0 Holy St Jude, Apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kips non of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you t have recourse from the depths of my heart and inuribly beg to whom God has given such great power to cue to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition. In return. I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and Glories. Publication must be promised. St. Jude, pray for us all who invoke your aid. Amen This Novena has never been known to fail. This Novena must be said for nine consecutive days. O.S.B. OIJT ABOLISH THE OREGON STATE BAR! SOME MEMBERS ARE ENGAGING IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES AND UNDER "COLOR OF LAW 'ARE S'T'EALING CITIZENS PROPERTY POSSESSIONS THEIR MANDATE REQUIRES THEM TO PROTECT OREGON CITIZENS FROM THIEVING ATTORNEYS WHICH THEY ARE NOT DOING OUT THE CROOKS, LIARS THIEVES FROM OUR LIVES. I WILL TALK TO THE PEOPLE LISTED BELOW ABOUT SIGNING THE OSB=OUT PETITION. Judges will lie and tell people they "cannot fee the attorney", and t e people find out like we did, that it is as easy as saying "YOUR FIRED" in a document and meaning it." This is an amazing book for everyone, without exception. When people in the "legal" profession are allowed to lie and cheat and steal, where can one turn for knowledge? How does one defend against such skullduggery against family, life and property? Study! Study on your own! Their LIES will keep you in trouble! Trouble will keep you broke. Do not trust them for one enomenti (13) OSB OUT Abolish the Oregon State Bar "A Yoke Around the Neck of Justice" This book has grown out of the frustration of the citizens of Oregon who in good faith and for good reasons have hired attorneys and have had their attorneys turn on them and purposely throw their cases. Then they proceed to charge enormous "fees" so they can run up the costs of litigation and take their property when their clients can not pay In the case of Miriam Krause, her attorney Steve Annt OSB 97201 just used crime against her to rob her of 5 pieces of property with equity of over $800,000. and un- secured debts of $1996.24 From Sept. 11, till Oct 21, 2003 he had committed Forgery, Fraud, Misrepresentation, Legal Malpractice and "Falsified the financial affairs of the debtor" a Federal Crime under the Bankruptcy Protection Act. Michael Grassmueck "trustee" after 3 years paid $228.17 of unsecured debt, embezzled her home of 40 years and made $160,000. for his and Judge Trish Browns cronies, "Sold" her F&C Health Care Facility for a fraction of what it was worth and used the money to pay the attorneys who represented the crooks who stole it from her. Prior Knowledge of her illness was apparent to Grassmueck's attorney David Mills OSB 97728 when he offered to represent her in 1986 in a lawsuit filed for her illness and skin condition caused by a toxic insulation product called "Energy Guard" Every victim has a horror story of crime, manipulation and loss of assets. These attorneys have no problem committing or covering up their crimes and no one will investigate, arrest punish them. It is MAG, the Mafia, AlQaida and Gestapo in oneorganization. The Oregon State Bat was created by the Oregon Supreme Court in 1934 to protect the public from bad attorneys book, Iearn the names of the attorneys who gave this man such a great opportunity and robbed him blind! (11) "Peaceful Quiet Enjoyment in Clark County? Don't het on 1t!" The Muresan's did and have been the subject of an outrageous, shameful and wrongful land grab by Jeffery Pilby and Brian and Cari Fish. This is the story of a family engulfed in a 13 year battle to keep their neighbors from destroying their land and being taken over completely by their neighbor through unlawful litigation. Against Washington State Law, Judge John Wulle has ordered the Muresan's to stay of of fir own property and has issued a Permanent Injunction to that effect. This case is now on appeal. The first brief was not answered by the Respondents. attorney Grant Clark Broer and the court would not accept an Appellants Supplemental Brief and so the Muresan's have filed an Amended Brief and at this writing are waiting for an answer. Dereliction of Duty of the Clark County Enforcement Officials, among other things, has kept this harassment, intimidation and discrimination boiling for 13 years! Read the court documents and follow this story, learn the names of the attorneys and judge the quality of work product for yourselves. Judge the quality of life also! (12) "Sul Juris- The Truth in the Reeond" A process for the people to access the courts was written by Pamela and Will Gaston telling of their experience with the "legal" system. This is a very inform- ative, life altering, how-to bunko I am proud to say I have an autographed copy from Will Gaston as Pamela is no longer with us physically but her spirit is strong upon the pages. This is a common sense approach to the legal underpinnings of the judicial branch of our government that should be studied by every citizen, because ignorance is not bliss, not for one moment. It contains actual documents that the Gaston's used in their court cases in the long struggle with the Children's Protective Services. Anytime the word PROTECTION appears in a nine be wary Bankruptcy Protection Act, Hai Ha! More like Bankruptcy Swindle Act! Here is one sentence from the book; You begin to see that this essential right of pleading your own case and accessing the Public Record and juries to decide the fats and the law is vital and the core of restoring and maintaining our freedom." Another is, "As it is now, Book List (1) Crooks, Liars Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck Miriam Krause introducing her book concerning bankruptcy fraud. Documents from the court records showing fraud, forgery, fraudulent misrepresentation, extortion, illegal seizure, conflict of Interest etc, all against the law and the Bankruptcy Protection Act. (2)Death by Decision -A story of Oregon corruption and bankruptcy court corruption whereby unlawful acts and decisions are causing malicious injury and death! Persons involved in this fraud were aware of the gravity of my illness and still stole a $300,000. Health Spa owned free and clear and paid out $228.17 Robbing and stealing 5 properties worth $1,413.000. with equity of over $500,000 and bills of $1996.28. They destroyed three businesses in this process and they are going to answer in court: (3) Crime, Corruption, Cronyism Cover -up- The pursuit of justice from the proper authorities authorized to prevent and stop this Oregon crime spree and the Department of Justice US Trustees Program, all federal employees, Judges, trustees, US Trustees, US Attorneys, Crime Coordinators role in preventing it. (Please check www wells of justice, exposing the blatant corruption of trustees). This corruption, sad to say, is going on nationwide but Oregon is the only state where the attorneys insure each other and therefore ifa lawyer sues another attorney and wins, your attorney gets to pay from their pocket. The Oregon State Bar protects and defends the corrupt R orneys instead ofthe public as was intended when the Oregon legislature formed the state bar in 1933. (4) The Time Line covers approximately the fast 10 months of this crime spree. It is hard to phantom learning to catch thieves that have practiced for so long, who know the law and willingly choose to break it. Then when I discovered their illegal actions I was victimized again with defamation and lies. This is a journey you will not envy, but I am not the first victim and I won't be the last! (5) The Theft of "The Spa' Body, Mind Spirit." I have gathered a few documents from the Washington case to expose the people aiding and abetting the theft of my Spa, the building along with all ofthe contents which I owned free and clear. This was stolen while 1 was bedridden and suffering from a breakout of black spots on my legs due to chronic boron poisoning. Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty and Windermere Realty sales people worked along with the bankruptcy court Judge Trish Brown and Michael Grassmueck to secret information and documents from the court record. As my only effective Heath Aid it was exempt under a Chapter 7 and not to be touched in Chapter 11 either This was a premeditated Fraud. and Theft! (6) This smaller book called "Crooks, Liars and Thieves Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck" is an easier to carry version of this bankruptcy fraud and has many additional informative documents and law rules and regulations which govern the Bankruptcy Protection Act, Professional ethics, Letters sent to the proper authorities to expose this fraud and to get them to do their duty! Unlike the larger book this has not been entered into the court record in its entirety (7) A.larger version of Crooks,. Liars Thieves= Bankruptcy Gone,A' Mueck" consists of 800 pages. This is printed on standard size paper in order for the documents to be easy to read and decipher the full extent of this fraud. This is not just a book; it is an education for the average person. For the student a lesson to be teamed about know corrupt the world they will be dealing with is. This is an opportunity to get involved and work to preserve the little bit of freedom and justice we have left in this country! 1 urge everyone to sit in on court proceedings as a witness to injustice and as an advocate for justice to guarantee people are ruled by law (8) "Cornucopia of Crime" is the detailing of 26 crimescnmmitted against Miriam Krause in the pursuit ofthe theft of her assets, just for starters. Creme is abundant in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, U.S. Trustee Program, Oregon Courts and Oregon State Bar. Washington too! This booklet will eventually contain all oldie charges being pursued by the victim to show the extent ofthe damages and the extreme harm caused by the perpetrators. Exhibits will accompany the crimes so the reader can see first hand the almost unbelievable scope of the greed anticorruption. Seeing is believing! Krause wishes to make everyone alert and aware of the danger of trusting in good old fashioned moral. values because when absolute power rears its ugly head and works its tantalizing spell, many succumb to crime and the cover -up reasonably follows! That is "the rest of the story (9) "Corruption Culture Crimes by Officers of the Court" is a true story of criminals in the court system. The judges, trustees, tJ.S.Trustees, attorneys and U.S.Attorneys sworn to administer the law and.instead abuse their power and commit crimes under the "Color of Law' Lies and more lies to deceive, secret documents, tamper with files, forgery, while honest services fraud is a felony with a mandatory 20 year sentence. This abuse is widespread and completely dissolves law and order, rules and justice for the everyday citizen. This manifestation of evil can only be conquered by an informed citizen. An attorney or lawyer will do you absolutely no good because they are part of the corruption and wish to maintain it. IT WORKS FOR THEM! They make .money and if you do not pay, they will take your house! Unfortunately, judges are attorneys first! Please, become active! Be a court watcher! Show up! Learn the ins and- outsby becoming familiar with court procedures as a witness. Protect the life and liberty of each other because by doing that you protect our future! Above all else, avoid the court morn as a customer, like the plague. (10) "Abuse to the Elderly! Opportunity? Or Swindle?' Thetrue story of Tom Sutton who while in his 70's was targeted by trustee Daniel R. Butler and sold a shack Butler purchased at $90.000.001 year earlier for a mere $250,000.00. This "shack" needed a lot of work to even be rented, so Mr Sutton spent another $1.00,000.00 to fix it! He obtained the money by borrowing. on 2 income producing houses he owned for" years. Then Mr Steve Conner, who was the furnace man Whom Sutton hired to install a new furnace, offered to negotiate a mortgage with lower interest for Suttons other 2 properties if he was the title holder. So after a $2.00 investment Mr Conner owned Mr- Suttons 2 houses. A scaanmer in the mortgage industry is a person who persuades an unspecting homeowner to sign over the title to his property and then eventually Mr Sutton was deprived of all of his property The little fact that was left out is Mr Sutton has endured a brain injury since his early 20's and is incapable of making informed decisions. He is; a protected person because of his injury Get the None SCHEDULE A PROPERTY TO BE ABANDONED Reason SCHED% B PROPOUgaglill3UTION, MOTE. FIRST list all professional compensation applications whether or not p i„i ez-te Amt Am! itre Claimant Name Filed Allowed Administrative MICHAEL A GRASSMUECK, INC. Fees: 9.887.07 Trustee 'MICHAEL A GRASSMUECK, INC., Expenses: 2414.53 Trustee FOSTER PEPPER SHEFELMAN Feee: 8,574.50 PLLC, Special.Caunsel for Trustee FOSTER PEPPER SHEFELMAN Expenses: 19.43 PLLC DAVID B k4ILLS, Attorney for Fees: 14,520.00 Trustee 000009 DAVID II MILLS. Attorney for Trustee 000008 MOSS ADAMS LLP Accountant for Trustee Cotdwelf Banker, Realtor for Trustee CLERK, US. BANKRUPTCY COURT (er. Adv. Roc Fees) Unsecured: 000002 WARREN ALLEN A /.nI 1pc1 'A/( 000003 CITY OF PORT ANGELES I 000004A CITY OF PORTLAND CITY ATTORNEYS OFF Surplus Fur) Paid to Deptor KRAUSE. MIRIAM EMMA 000007 000007 Grarui Totals. Property Stolen in Portland 5008 N.E.Brdadway 1630 N.E30 97213 3325, 3337 3339 N.E.Wasco 1337 N E.33" St. 97232 Expenses: 566.27 1.272.00 13,200.00 0.00 32$17 1,409.47 1,080.21 69,454.13 8,162.85 2.614.63 6,874.5:: 19.43 14,520.03 566.27 1.272.03 13,200.03 0.0,1 1 228.11 1,408.47 1,080.21 59,4 120, 86 4.73 117 130.57 Property Stolen in Port Angeles Washington The Spa, Body, Mind Spirit 511 East First St 98362 Health Aid for Boron Poisoning Dear In the interest of justiee,.I have sent this information to report extensive fraud! I do hereby ask anyone in charge with authority, Please, to act on my request and investigate the complaint I am hereby submitting concerning the fraud. This fraud perpetrated on me resulted in illegal seizure of my assets from 43 years of work. The Portland, Oregon Bankruptcy Court has robbed me by illegal seizure of my health aid, 5 beautiful well maintained properties, my retirement investments that would provide for me in these senior years. I am now 67 and have been fighting this fraud' since May 27, 2004.1 was targeted become of my age and my illness. This is probably the most egregious ahus of the Bankruptcy Law, according to the Rules and.Pr+ocedtmes and the Trustees Manuals for Prevention of Fraud and Abuse, Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 as well as Bankruptcy Local Rules The Bankruptcy court of Portland, Oregon has defrauded me of $1,465,650.00 of real property, 4 houses used for low income housing and a free and clear Health Spa used to aid my body to withstand the effects' of poisoning froman insulation Product, which I have just learned was defended by the law firm of Trish Brown before she became a judge. She has a definite conflict of interest in my case and and should have reedited herself from clay 1 Equity of $465,000 was stolen when the oourt illegally, fraudulently gave away my property Literally gave it away My soap company called Mother's Soap was destroyed when my equipment was given away with the property My housing business was destroyed when I was illegally evicted from my houses along with furnishings and equipment. My health care, The Spa, Body,. Mind and Spirit was sold topay $1996.27 of unsecured debt which was never paid except for the bill paid of an attorney when i could not find the receipt for the fee of $228.17, I have since found it. So basically they stole all of my belongings and property! I was robbed! See Final Report exhibit Y page 19 There was also $45,000. collected from me to commit their:Fraud on me. Thisis a racket. Everyone benefited from my 43 years of labor but me. The Realtors from Coldwell Banker and Windermere Realty were told of a problem before sale, and the fraud as it bec acne known, as documents were illegally withheld from the court file on my Health Spa valued at $300,000 owned free andclear and my Broadway house I owned for 40 years with equity of $115,000, sale pending of $340,000.00. The buyer,Jay Hinrich whose attorney Valerie Tomasi (Aurbaugh). is an ex- partner of the Judge, made $160,000. in 3 months on my embezzled :Broadway house, the house with" no equity" according to Grassniueck on Nov 18; 2003. Grassrnueck abandoned it to me and then[ embezzled it back into the claim register. Nothing showing in the file. Tomasi represented him, the ex partner of Judge Trish Brown, my banktuptty judge. My Broadway House sold for $400,000 to Emily Dana. A pretty handsome profit for Jay Hinrich, Silverado Group, Lake Oswego, Oregon. Judge Brown also had prior knowledge of my illness, did not divulge it and still has not divulged it as stated earlier, and deliberately thwarted my health care in a very savage way by selling my Health Spa, the very afternoon I begged her to look into what was going on, as my case was a reorganization. Still her allegiance to trustee Grassmueck got the better of her. She was engaged in a cover -up! This Spa has been listed for $290,000 by Kurt Jafay, Port Angeles, Washington. A profit of almost $200,000. over the $105,000 he stole it from me for He was told of this fraud as soon as the secreted documents surfaced through my investigation. The Realtors Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty and Windermere Realty of Port Angeles were notified before the sale closed on June 1/ 2004 that there was a big problem. They didn't care that this property was stolen and could not have clear title. They aided and abetted the fraud. Jafay got all-personal property, antiques, collectibles, furniture, equipment and even stripped out the built-ins and carpets. He plundered it. The US Trustee Program was put into effect to stop the cronyism between judges and trustees. This was a program to instill fairness and prevent abuse of the creditors and debtors, prevent abuse of the Bankruptcy Law This Portland Court has taken a solvent debtor, one who can pay her bills, and against the law has stolen her assets and converted every thing to their own personal gain and that of their friends. The illegal seizure and damage done to the business's and unjust enrichment for the friends of the court is now closer to one million dollars of equity $290,000 listing now for a building Grassmueck gave away for $105,000, with assesed value of $160,000. This is a profit of $185,000 with no repairs done. Even the lawn has been neglected and unmowed.That is no money for my priceless items, antiques and personal possessions,floss of health care, loss of pleasure from helping myself and many others with their health problems, my business's gone. This is an OUTRAGE! This trustee should loose his position IMMEDIATELY! This was meant to be Chapter 11 reorganization, instead my assets were illegally liquidated under an illegal Chapter 7 I was targeted. by the officers of this court because of my equity and my illness was a sure fire way to liquidate me as well. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we attempt to deceive! Written by Shakespeare who also said Kill all the attorneys" I have exhausted all avenues to expose the corruption of the Portland office of the bankruptcy court. I will not. go away! I am the victim of crime from people who have sworn to uphold the law of the land. We are either a nation of laws or we are not It is unfair for the citizens to abide by the laws and have the law enforcement officials commit crimes against them. The rules and law are clear! These criminals under the bank uptcyiaw are fined and serve jail terms, Title 18 #152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 3057, 3284 These crooks are sure no one will expose them, that they are above the laws. Well if they steal from me and are this dishonest, you really think they pay taxes on the spoils I hope this is sufficient to get you started. I spent 18 months just pouring. over The Portable Bankruptcy Code and Rules and the Trustees Handbook on Chapter. 7 and Chapter 11, as well as the .Manuel for the Prevention of Fraud and Abuse to learn how badly I was seamed. All this with headaches, lethargy, memory retention problems, etc. I feel lice a holocaust victim. Oregon's Terri Schiavo. I will be available to explain as much as I am able to understand. Maybe your training can enlighten this hideous nightmare! I spoke.with a Fraud Examiner who was willing to evaluate and testify in this case, but he wanted me to save my money until I pursue litigation. However it is your job to investigate and pursue financial crime. Are you afraid of them too? This blatant abuse of power and corruption is under "color of law"and must be stopped ,.IOW! Signed, Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 Corruption is defined when government officials do not do their duty Oversight and Government Reform Committer October 4, 2007 You care about the corruption of the Iraq Government, but don't give a damn when a U.S citizen is SCAMMED Color of Law" with laws you put in place in the U.S.Trustee Program in the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, expanded in 1986. The trustee, Michael Grassmueck, and cohorts have engaged in conduct that appears to be dishonest, deceitful, fraudulent, and criminal in nature and appears to hays.engaged in gross miscon- duct that is unbefitting his position as a trustee, However the U.S. Trustee's as well have engaged In conduct aiding and assisting the trustee in his Bankruptcy Swindle of Krause's total assets. The Bankruptcy Protection Act is supposed to protect the innocent debtors and creditors for whom the system adsts, providing a more accountable, consistent focus, because they are fiduciaries- iiaries- trunes are held to a very high standard of honesty Grassmueck circumvented the law, rules and procedures with the result of embezzling, extorting and stealing 5 properties worth $1,413,000. having equity of no less than $500,000 and unsecured debt of $199627 There is no disputing itl He participated in illegal seizures and crime fraudulently, knowingly, wrongfully, willfully, willingly, wantonly with great planning with others to accomplish his goal, ultimate conquest of my assets and total annihilation of me.i 1 Better still this behavior of corruption needs to be stopped. You have the power! I realize the documents are humungeous. Never does a crook keep it simple. I was not able to get a lawyer to advise me after the 5 lawyers involved committed their fraud. Arntt •OSB 97201, Johannson OSB 90306, Tomasi OSB 84158, Smith OSB 5118, Mills OSB 77281 The Bankruptcy Cremes section in the law allows for fines and jail tune. They have done this hideous act for the sole purpose of scumming me out of my assets completely and hoping to kill me in the process. No decent lawyer will buck the corrupt Oregon State Bar A friend wrote a letter advising the trustee Pam Griffiths of this fraud on July 8, 2004 He had been an attorney but gave up his license because of Oregon corruption. He has been fighting them ever since, 18 years now He was a prosecutor in the Portland consumer fraud division. The State Bar just sued him, case 061212468, for writing his letter regarding me to the US Trustee. Seethe time line, exhibit A and Z for more documentation The trustee Michael Grassmueck, U.S.Trustees Pam Griffiths and Ilene Lashinsky are as thick as thieves and the crime. coordinator, Celeste Ivfiller,.wouldn't tell me if the Department of Justice were investigating or not.. Lashinsky was asked by me to investigate in August, 2005 and charged me $3740:00 to help ate and hide the embezzlement and fraud. The cover -up assisted by David Mills, attorney for Michael Grassmueck, was milked by him for $15,000. The administration fees to dispense $228.17 was $45,000. And another 55,000. granted by Judge Brown in case I sued them for their fraud. Judge Brown gave him an Injunction that says I have filed lots of frivolous lawsuits and so I have no right to sue for this fraud. These people have no shame! And.no morals either. Just plain EVIL. This from a Judge who holds secret hearings and secrets documents. And argues with me in court saying I don't know my own address, and has me followed around the court house by Federal Marshals, and won't do her job to find the person who changed my address, and won't get the supporting documents required by law for the value of my property, and returns mail I addressed to the Chief Judge Perris who has the only opinion on Health Aid exemptions all favorable to me, who holds the duty and right to oversee her work, Its her job, and would have exposed this fraud! The bankruptcy court clerks who were hired to assist the public, were and are doing the bidding of the crooks, such as returning documents, not filing them, tampering with the record and refusing to put the first 18 entries of my case on the Pacer system. This makes them inaccessible to the public. Other cases are accessable DISCRIMINATION. These are the documents where the fraud, forgery and fraud- ulent misrepresentation were started They also lied and said That there was no Claim Register in Oregon there -by hiding the embezzlement of my Broadway house for over a year. Documents mailed to the Chief Judge Elizabeth Perris were subverted and never given to her. These clerics should be FIRED! They aided and abetted this Fraud, Knowingly and Willingly Obstructed Justice, AND ARE STILL DOING IT The Documents Speak For Themselves! illegal seizures are prohibited under Constitutional Law I have the right to feel secure in my home and business. I have the right to health care especially if 1 pay for it. Which I did. Violence against women, either financial rape or abuse by the police is one and the same. Judge Brown has a degree in economics. She knew better She deliberately robbed me and hoped I would die before they were caught. This is a very important issue! Not only the proper administration of the laws of Bankruptcy but the American Disability Act and the issue of crime against the elderly all come into play here. This Agency should send a strong message that it will not be tolerated in any form.. BY ANYONE. Time is of the essence. Each day is filled with suffering that my stolen Health Spa would relieve. My immune system, I fear, will give up on me before justice is done and people'exposed. This should. never happen again. After all, is this the Bankruptcy Protection Act or the Bankruptcy Swindle Act? Justice delayed is justice denied. Please investigate this. ALL OF MY DOCUMENTATION WILL SHOW THIS WAS DONE AGAINST BANKRUPTCY LAW, RULES AND PROCEDURES! This is a list of the crimes on the appendix in the A to Z exhibits. Use Mail for Fraud, Fraud, Forgery, Perjury, Deceit, Secreted Hearings and Documents, Dishonesty, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Defamation, Abuse of Power, No Due Process, Extortion, Trustee Embezzlement, Improper Use of Funds and Accounting, Illegal Property Seizure, Obstruction of Justice, Unjust Enrichment, Judicial Misconduct, Conflict of Interest, Misinformation, Malpractice, Malicious Injury, Attempted Murder by with holding my health care which was stolen by the criminal activity of all parties participating in the illegal seizure of my assets. Tampering with Public Record also. I am now depending on my family for housing, sleeping on a love seat in the corner of a relatives living mom and no health care to take care of myself as I was used to since 1993. I have been ill since 1979 from an insulation product that I have just learned was represented by the firm of Judge Trish Brown when I sued the company Energy Guard in 1985. This Judge knew of my injury and still deprived me of my health care, even With the letter from my doctor on May 31 2004 She sold it on June 1 2004 in the afternoon when I requested a hearing on that same day in the morning and she refused to allow my doctor to attend the hearing and testify on June 2, 2004 also refiised my request to file my medical records and research. This court has deliberately planned my demise! The many instances of police abuse were used by the trustee when he embezzled my Broadway house on December 15, 2003 by putting it in the claims register after' he had abandoned it tome on November 18, 2003 in a notice of Intent to Abandon. I learned of the embezzlement in February of 2006. Grassmueck had me arrested for putting a lock on the door of this house in January of 2005 U.S Trustee Ilene Lashinsky with -held the embezzlement from me as well and kept the opportunity from me to regain my Broadway house out of the foreclosure by not closing the bankruptcy and releasing my funds. She aided and abetted the fraud of my assets and did not expose the apparent financial discrepancies in order to cover up the fraud. Charged to my account was 83740.00 for her investigation. Please read her letter and my answer carefully Exhibit T page 9-21 After 10 days of the. police BREAKING IN METH ADDICTS on this Broadway property and fighting the hidden city inspector scandal, I was arrested. I now know the trustee was tryingto get me to leave this house as my occupancy as a Debtor in Possession was ruining his embezzlement plans and the sale be was hiding from me. Also the, illegal Chapter 7 It is against the law to file a Chapter 7 if you can pay your bills! He has broken the law in many ways to steal my property See Grassmueck Revenge in Exhibit .B page 4-5 -6. "ThePolice.Abuse Documents" I was arrested twice, had my front teeth broken out, my company limousine and motor home stolen. tvaants driven from my property at 11-.30 and the ones who wouldn't leave, harassed by these Crooks, Liars and Thieves. He had no trouble getting the police to do his bidding, with the help of his attorney David Mills OSB77281, West 8 Avenue, 280 Eugene;. Oregon 97404 The Final Report is so full of accounting fraud, non disclosure and prepared from schedules the trustee admits are. Incorrect" fraudulently misrepresented and pre- pared by Steve Amtt OSB97201 under forgery of my name on October 9 and 10, 2003 This report is overseen by US Trustees Pam Griffith, Portland Office and Ilene Lewinsky Regional Director of the U.S.Trustee Program. They are in this. Fraud cover -up and abuse of the Bankruptcy Law, Rules and Procedures up to their elbows. The United States Trustee Manuel Bankruptcy Fraud Abuse Enforcement Program shows trustees how to be aware offraud and prevent it. These Trustees had their own blueprints to Bankruptcy Swindle. I didn't get a Chapter 7! I didn't get.a Chapter 11! I got a Chapter S Bankruptcy Swindle. I finally got a copy from Rod Cockburn, accountant for Grassmueck, Moss Adams LLP,.221 Stewart Avenue, #301,. Medford,.Oregon 97501 of Individual Estate Property Record and Report Asset. Cases. This states that all "values based on amended schedules" C,rassmueck never held -a debtor exam. Use Mail for Fraud was used to divert my mail .from September L7, 2003 six days after I filed. it states "Debtor did not show up to meeting-no worksheet completed" on 12/05/2003. However my fired attorney, Steve Arntt:OSB 97201 fired on r 21, 2003 sent an attorney friend of his to the meeting and told him it was a confirmation. hearing. Until I got copies of the 341 meeting transcripts in fall of 2005, I never knew that a meeting was held on .12/05/20031 Grassmueck was meeting with my fired attorney when he knew he was. fired. Judge Trish Brown kept him on as attorney Of record-for 9 months, during which time they hatched a Swindle. They are all to blame! Pretty confident the law doesn't apply to them I suppose. Needless to say, There is no shortage of abuse of civil and constitutional rights. The exhibit GRASSMUECK REVENGE will explain his false 911 call, defaming my character and threating my life, yet polite would not let me file a.complaint On Nov 15 2004 one year after hiding my Broadway.House from the file the trustee Started "The Grassmueck Group" an investment corporation, .a conflict of interest? This was just discovered at the Oregon.Corporate Division. This person also was responsible'for the use mail for fraud started6 days after I :filed on September 11, 2003. He changed my zip code 97232 to his Zip code 97208 making my address invalid. This was discovered by me on July15, 2005. This caused no delivery of court documents to me. No Due Process No Notices. No Correspondence to me This entire episode has been .a scam. It is so outrageous that no one would believe me Until I showed them the documents. These people have put all the stress on me they can muster as they know the stress, in my state ofhealth, affects my cognitive ability and the prospects of fighting them to overturn this FRAUD. The defamation of my character has been used by them to stop people from helping me and used cover up their criminal activity Stealing my assets is bad enough, they now want to destroy my name. That will not be tolerated for without your good name, You•have nothing! Retaliation is the only'game they know! You can see 1 have tried to get the proper authorities to do their jobs. Oregon Senators Gordon Smith (see letter) Exhibit Z and Earl Blumenauer, whose office refused to set an appointment for me on my trip to Washington D.C. in September 2006. Receptionist Stephanie tried-for 2 days, Sept 12 13, to get someone to see me, However the lady she was wanting to see me was out sick on the 12 and and behold on the 13 too. Stephanie said that was unusual for her to take 2 sick days in a row I finally went to their Capitol office caught someone in charge of health care and she said they would have the local office call. I asked for his naive, Eric Chambers. He never called. So much for the government of, for and by the people! Ron Wyden whose office staff is nasty to me on the phone and wouldn't help me, Portland police involved in the harassment and failing to investigate the forgery by saying they were not going to. investigate a PAPER CRIME. (see letters) They sent the paperwork to the Department of Aging, Disability and Mental Health of Multnomah County Are they a police agency? NO! But I did housing for them. Police were trying to ruin my.business according to the Grassmueck Revenge plan. I had other incidents also, questions asked by the police to prove their harassment was being used for the benefit of the crooks and tryingto shut me up. The judge, trustees and attorneys are required by code, ethics and law to report a fraud, but,that would stop the bankruptcy and stealing of my property However if they ignore the forgery, the fraud will continue and did. So I am appealing for your help to do the proper thing. Enforce the law You will find a great deal of corruption in this Oregon Bankruptcy Court. I want justice. I do not deserve this obvious theft of my person and assets, destroying my livelihood and health care, losing my life!! 511 E. First Street h98362 port Angeles, Was. 1 (503) 515-9587 Productio a G©tcha Emm 3439 S .E sandy 3'1 1 Portland, n 9232 Dreg 15_958 543 5 touAll People of Interest: Fraud Alert: Miriam Emma Krause 3439 N.E. Wasco #371 Portland, Oregon, 97232 This bankruptcy was filled with deceit, fraud, and forgery It doesn't fit under a chapter 7, and should of been changed in the beginning, when I was assured it was, to a chapter 11 This court has destroyed 3 businesses, two a matter of life or death, MINE, and` housing for a projected fifty people. According to the Grassmueck article in the Willamette Week. "Hand over all your assets to be divided among your creditors" The vast majority of all chapter 7's are no asset cases, fewer than 4 of all chapter "s yield any assets. $400,000- $600,000 in equity, MY EQUITY, the trustee Grassmueck, is channeling to his attorney's Dillon Jackson, at $350.00/hour, and David Mills at $200/hour An independent businessman, as. Mr Grassmueck calls himself, would have to pay an attorney to represent him, out of his, own pocket, if he did such a deed. But Trustee Grassmueck seems.to think, that I should pay for his criminal intent toward my properties, because he has a war chest, of $109,000, which he, obtained when he fraudulently sold my Spa, MY MONEY It has-been 22 1/2 months. since this criminal activity started and the properties were undersold in order to wipe out the equity, ALL I MIGHT ADD, AGAINST THE BANKRUPTCY CODE RULES, THAT I POINTED OUT, IN THIS OBJECTION FOR INTENT TO CONFISCATE FUNDS Unsecured debt of less than $2,000 dollars, all property being refinanced, purchasing another house as well, in July of 2004, certainly shows my intention to keep all of my properties. My financial worth would of been near $1,700,000. I had a chance for a graiat, for doing low- income housing of $200,000 to $300,000 dollars. My new financing package would of been very affordable, and my Spa and soap products keeping me feeling good, and able to work. Mr Grassmueck, you have reduced me to no home, no job, and the rest of my life without the Health Aids I need so desperately Steven E. Arntt, O.S.B. #97201, You are responsible for starting this with your deliberate desire to deceive, and defraud me. I worked very hard. for 40 years for everything I have, as did my family and friends, in their own special ways. You are going to give back everything you have stolen from me, and I will fight till the day it is all returned. Miriam E. Krause This .letter is being sent to all parties involved in the receiving of the assets of Miriam Krause.5008 N.E.Broadway and 1630 N.E.50 3325 and 3337 3339 N.E.Wasco, 1337 N.E.33 511E.First St. Port Angeles Trustee Michael Grassmueck illegally seized this property by not following the Bankruptcy Protection Act, Rules and Procedures. Judge Trish Brown against the Rules of Judicial Conduct. by allowing bankruptcy fraud, aiding and abetting the illegal acts and activities of every one concerned and conflict of interest issues. and not following The Bankruptcy Protection Act Rules and Procedures. Steve Arntt OSB 97201 fraud, forgery and perjury specifically, and violations against The Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct, Linda Johannson OSB 90306 fraudulent misrepresentation specifically and violations against the Oregon, Rules Ofprofessional Conduct, Valerie Tomasi OSB 84158, to be determined as ex partner of Trish Brown and attorney for buyer of Broadway embezzled by the trustee. "Needless to say this list is in no way COMPLETE. It does not reflect the "little crooks "and the persons involved in the strong -arm tactics used to excoriate Krause from her property or the .people charged with investigating and prosecuting the crimes. The law enforcement agencies of the City of Portland, Multnomah County and State of Oregon. The Federal agencies United States Trustee, Department of Justice, the Attorney General, U.S. Attorney Charles Gorder (who hung up on me) and the Federal Bureau,of Investigation. This corruption runs deep and dirty All .the. people empowered to fightcrimes are engaged in a cover up This investigation'began June 2004, the following pages reflect my discovery to this date. February 15,2006 Krause is appealing to the buyers of her property to,_ assist her to regain the property she rightfully owns and lost through fraud and other illegal activities. The next person could be you. The citizens of this State need to stand up and demand the illegal activities be stopped and all involved persons need to be prosecuted as allowed by law Please contact me, Miriam Krause '3439 N.E.Sandy 371, Portland, Oregon 97232. Phone 503 -515 -9587 Step up to the plate, help me do what is right, we can make a difference, we deserve law and order General ASKING PRICE: MAP CADS COUNTY: TAX PARCEL LOT DIMENSIONS: TAXES: TAX YEAR TAX EXEMPTIONS: LEGAL LEGAL TYPE PROPERTY LOCATION: ZONING DESCRIP- ZONING CODE: SQUARE FEET: Features ASSETS INCLUDED Building land Fixed Equip. LOCATION Business Dist PARKING Off Street On Site Remarks 0 g o go a) 0 sai E-4 c o IN) crirl V o N cid o as 7 U MIS Status: Address: City- Area: Agent 215109 ACT Building/Lend 511 E First St. Port Angeles 98362 723-NE Pt. Angeles Beckett, Nason (360)417 -5094; CB Uptown Realty PA (800)292 -2978 $119,900 B3 Clallam 063000512035 0000 50'X140' 2082 2003 None E2 LT 12 W2 LT 13 BL 20, Norman R Smith Subdivisio Multi -story Bus. Dist. Commercial ACD 4232 ROAD ACCESS Street HEAT Elec. POWER City WATER City Class: Commercial /industrial Price: $119,900 ICY1./// For Sale YEAR BUILT: CONDITION: SELLER NAME: OCCUPIED: COMMERCIAL SIGN: KEY- Keybox SHOWING 1N5iitUCTIONS: Vacant DIRECTIONS: BROKER ID: LISTING DATE LISTING TYPE: SELL SIDE COMM: ORIGINAL PRICE DOM: Price /Sq.Ft.. SEWAGE City POSSESSION Closing FOUNDATION Post Pier SIDING Wood is under control of Oregon Bankruptcy Court Call listing agent for details including purchase .chase agreement and necessary procedures. Building is sold as is. 1927 Fair See Remarks N Y North side of First Street in the 5( dangase 11/28/2003 ER 5% $119,900 181 $28.33 LOT DESCRIPTION Subdivision *FENCED Partial �1 9 personal property ($25,000 extra), rennin I This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. When provided to Non -MASS members this information is provided as a courtesy and is not an agreement to share compensation 05/27/2004 04:15 PM Coldwell Banker notified of the fraud on May_27, 2004 Fraud Fighters SEQUIM The mailbox. The phone. The Internet. Criminals are finding cre- ative ways into people's hones, and mgny of the crime victims are age 50 and older. To help older residents spot and stop consumer fraud, AARP, the state Attorney General's Office and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program are organizing the Fraud Fighters. A free Fraud Fighter semi- nar and training will be offered June 18 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Sequim High School, 601 N. Sequim Ave. Participants will learn about identity theft, sweep- stakes fraud, investment scams, Internet scams, living trusts, foreign lotteries and charity scams. Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged. Ca11360 -457 1771 or 364- 379 -3951 to register. Lunch is included. 24 Personals PUBLIC NOTICE Lawsuit case #04-2- 004964 Fled in Ciailam County against per- sons involved in the transfer /sale of 511 E. 1st, Port Angeles, WA. Call'Miriam at 503- 515 -9587 www.peninsuladailynews.com 0.2001, ppos Tway Disiislitiled by 'the Pea *kw Group A2 FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2004 PENINSULA 0 1 Well, Ill let you 9e6 back to work. Thelma Durham Windermere Real Estate 711 East Front Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 1 -360 -457 -0456 Thelma, Your company ad in the current issue of "Who's Who 2006" states "It's the people of Windermere on the Olympic Peninsula that are our most important asset. Since our beginnings over 30 years ago, Windermere has had a vision for the best in service to our friends and neighbors, integrity in our business and commitment to the community we serve. By keeping the philosophy foremost in our activities," etc, etc, etc. I looked up the word mtegnty in Funk and Wagnall's Collegiate Dictionary. (1) Upnghtness of character; probity; honesty (2), The condition or quality of being unimpaired or sound. Probity means, Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed, strict honesty" When I arrived in Port Angeles on May 27, 2004, I went to the tax assessor's office to pay property taxes of $2791 42 on my property at 511 East First Street. When I arrived at my Spa at 511, I found a bankruptcy liquidation sign,and a sign of Coldwell Bankers Uptown Realty advertising my Spa for sale. As I was m a reorganization called. a Chapter 11 and no assets of mine were to be sold, I was upset. I drove to Coldwell Bankers office at 330 East First Street and notified them that something was wrong. I had my Spa paid for and owned it free and clear The only debt I. was paying on was an electric bill. Everythmg in my Spa was paid for, my antiques and equipment and the thousands of dollars I spent to refurbish the interior over 10 years. Not even counting the labor involved m doing this for myself and others. This was a labor of love not for profit, as there certainly was none. Plus I drove 500 miles a week to use this facility Yours was the company that sold me this on November 1, 1993 for $150,000 in a state of filth and disrepair The one and only reason I bought it was for my illness to improve from the steam baths. This was known to your company and everyone else that knew me. I told Coldwell Banker of the assets of $1,400,000 00 and the mortgages of $947,000 giving me equity of $465,000 m real estate. I owed $1996.27 in 4 bills m consumer debt. I had no credit cards, store accounts, medical bills, etc. None of the reasons one would sell the property I told them to leave my Spa atone and not touch my belongings as I needed my steam baths desperately I called you since you brought me an offer on my Spa in June of 2003 from the Lindsey's for a sale price of $190,000 with no contents included in the sale. I was not able to part with the Spa because I could not replace it for the money offered and so I declined the offer I left you a research article to give to the Lindsey's to explain my decision because of my illness. I then decided to sell a house in Portland witht$115,000 equity I could have also gotten a second mortgage if I needed too I spoke on the phone with you for an entire week and asked you to see if you could find out anything for me. There was nothing entered in the file in Portland and Michael Grassmueck, the trustee (I.use the word loosely) secreted the information from the file against the bankruptcy law, rules and procedures, aided and abetted by Judge Tnsh Brown. 1 called you 3times a day hoping you could find the name of the prospective buyer and I could talk toihim and inform him of the situation. The truth I now know is YOU sold the Spa to Kurt Jafay, 2586 Murry Ridge Road, San Diego, California 92123 on March 10, 2004 The Money Receipt states $1000, Crossed -out, then $2500. Which looks like no money was received. "At or before closing the balance of down payment of $132,000 At closing and upon delivery of deed $132,000 The Listing with Coldwell Banker states no offer will be considered without thepayment of $2500' Earnest Money The file accounting doesn't show an entry of $2500 for Kurt Jafay's so called Earnest Money This was to be entered, n� less than one day after acceptance; mto the estate accounting. Kurt Jafay was never entered. You have an illegal sale and you know it. Fraudulent Accountmg, Secreted Hearings, Secreted Documents all against the Bankruptcy Law Kurt Jafay has plundered the entire contents my Spa. He has even extracted the built -ins that my handyman workedsolard to provide me. He has done not one improvement and is stripping it to the point where I will never recover its use for my health care. This community that you say you are committed to have lost a priceless historical element of Port Angeles and has gained a reputation as Port Vulture; not Port of Angeles. The citizens of the city and surrounding area shall know of your part in this. You must be really proud to know your retaliation towards me has destroyed my health care which is called malicious injury in a court of law MALICIOUS INJURY An injury committed agamst a person at the prompting of malice or hatred towards him, or done spitefully or wantonly The willful doing of an act with knowledge it is liable to injure another and regardless of consequences. Injury involving element of FRAUD, VIOLENCE, WANTONNESS and WILLFULNESS or CRIMINALITY An injury that is INTENTIONAL, WRONGFUL and WITHOUT JUST CAUSE OR EXCUSE, even in the absence of hatred, spite or ill will. Punitive damages may be awarded to plaintiff for such injury! You, Thelma are TWO FACED (1) Having two faces (2) Double Dealmg. I hope your lousy commission was worth it to you for all the harm you have done to me. Your ad doesn't begin to describe the help and assistance you give to a former client. Such as when their back is turned, and we can destroy their life through fraud and misinformation we will be there to assist the "Crooks, Liars and Thieves, Bankruptcy Gone a'Mueck" Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy 371 Portland, Oregon 97232 1-503-515-9587 FIFTH EDITION POIS011TING Toxicology o Symptoms e Treatments Borate, Sodium (Borax Boric Acid) Boric acid is a white crystalline powder used as an antiseptic (properties of which are insignificant, there is no evidence that the isotonicity of a saturated solution is su perior to a saline solution) pesticide for the control of roaches food presen ati- e and as a buffering and fiingistatic agent in talcum powder There is no question that indis- criminate use of boric acid over large areas of broken skin• or mucous membrane is dangerous 'However, the small amount present in baby pow ders is safe for normal use One report .reviewed 83 fatal and 89 nonfatal cases of boric acid poisoning which have been documented in the literature. That there are more. recognized and unrec ognized, there can be little doubt. While boric acid is relatively safe when properly used, its presence in hospitals always poses the threat of accidental substitution The risk, albeit slight, seems unnecessary when the value of the product is questionable at best and safer substitutes can be found The Subcommittee on Accidental Poisoning of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that hospitals exercise rigid con- trols over the use of boric acid and that it be eliminated from newborn nurseries and pediatric sections of all hospitals Such steps certainly should be undertaken as a Mini boric mum Numerous institutions have gone further and have ehmuiated bor acid en. tireh. This would certainly provide the ,greatest degree of safety without significantly affecting the quality of patient care `Perhaps it is not Mere rhetorical coincidence that the mator source of boron compound comes from Death Valley" Sodium borate is used as an antiseptic, cleaning agent and insecticide spray and dust Sodium perborate is used as a mouthwash and dentrifice The lethal dose of these agents which are alkaline, is estimated to be between 1-5 to 30 gm They are toxic to all and since the highest concentrations are reached during excretion, the kidneys are more seriously damaged than other organs such as liver and brain. Intracytoplas mic inclusion bodies have been reported in the acinar cells of the pancreas The principal manifestations of poisoning are erythema and exfoliation of the skin f "boiled lobster" aunearancel, fever. vomiting. inanition. dehydration. anuria and con- vulsions, all of N hich resemble the `Toxic Shock Syndrome" thought to he caused by a staphN lococcal bacterial organism Preceding the above symptoms chronic intoxica- tion from ingestion or absorption ca us s alonecia. weight loss and mild diarrhea. The local use as a mouthwash of sodium perborate in high concentrations inay cause chemi cal stomatitis of variable degrees, depending on the length of its use The presence of these compounds can be detected by applying a drop of urine acid ified with hydrochloric acid, to turmeric paper (impregnated with dye curcumin from turmeric plant) a chemical indicator On contact a brownish red color is produced In the treatment if the borates have been ingested, these should be removed imme- diately by either gastric la. age or emesis followed by catharsis If symptoms are due to absorption it is imperative that the product involved be removed from the skin or MUCOUS membranes by thorough washing and that their use be immediately discontin- ued Intravenous 10% glucose in water induces diuresis and is rr ported to exert a `binding effect on circulating borate ions a; v______ are controlled by pentobarbital or diazepam (Valium) Exchange transfusion artificial kidney or peritoneal dialysis may be lifesaving procedures in extreme cases For infants critically ill from boric acid poisoning peritoneal dialysis is as effective as exch Inge transfusions (four hours of peritoneal dialysis removes approximately the same :mount of boric acid as a single ex changt transfusion) is the treatment of choice and should be considered in the treat ment of poisoning caused by other water soluble toxic substances in children 1�hcre other types of dialysis would be difficult or unaN ailable ip7 1 1..4%1 J7 4.r c5Z, 5 r ti 1 �7 C j ...t ca 1 74 7-� ti:' i'1 /44 7L 0 yam r $.4rc-pt 7 1.<7 <7 g .9 4 or i Lef9 4572,7 r 7 m s 9 5 e� y �y `gam f J /y y� /.]�J��/ /7�.^� l yL� V �"C.j C9` Gfj j {�I M! J v�'✓ I ''"i°• eapi.,67 /22,2 4 c r pva y r p -pp--,./uito e 4 7 Qc,/ 9 "A? C (1) 14 -c 72 oc/ 3 t), g x)74 L- 8727 °E7 166 9g■-/-‘ .49 fv„rtv .),(7/ z<o)._c JUV O I NILUMM w titoLtannema eitsoselege l L -S6 CLINAIRIES Atle 31111t1311101 Cir C13 h(4171, tir 'Firm 1RY 29 2004 1? 43 PHILLIP E. LEVEQWE, U,CJ. 06TBO}AT is NNysicu P.o ®Ox etas- r MOL ALL4, OREGON 97e 714lEPNON $'.{H 8489 7176 Iry'e. c ,Ga It rte./ 3L-4 G -eir kr- 4 z '4)4 112.& 6 pal' r r 4,71:14-4 7 -74 44t0 /4) r it S 77, s fit 1- -i'r) S z. P r Y Y 14 r 11 r 4.1 144 v" e.`76 -S try h 4 &C7 714e. G,e� f" n -lt' b 711 h 4;z1 1)(11 415?. 6a11-11- r 0 ,5 re_C.4P 4 7 el 44, 6- h je,S I n is 1 1 2 C /6 :4 4, lye, r h 4:1-4- Gm 4 Y 6r Y 72,e- v e s S C i "fit a n er a 6 4=> r Q? 6 ge &F-/ 100 y- ern cp eid:c---0 1 e 6‘ v 4. s h 1-Y �'5 r 6 4.' L7 a 'a 5 0 7 4 4,2> 1,7. 2,5 I I eoe /(A. 0 0'. 7 PAGE 03 Boric acid poisoning Brent M Schillinger M D Mindy Berstein M D Lisa A. Goldberg, M D and Alan R Shalita M D Brooklyn, NY The skin manifestations associated with boric acid intoxication are particularly striking. We present a case report of a 44- year -old black woman who, following a suicide attempt, demonstrated the classic features of acute boric acid poisoning. She developed generalized erythema creating a 'boiled lobster appearance with massive areas of desquamation A discussion of the history of the use of boric acid by the medical profession follows the patient presentation. (J AM ACAD DERMATOL 7'667 -673 1982.) Boric acid has been aptly called a 'wolf in sheep s clothing Numerous studies have indi- cated that the drug has relatively little therapeutic atue and its accidental use has resulted in SIR ,6cant morbidity and mortality The toxic effects cat boric acid have been seen following both acute and chronic use of the substance 2.3 The skin manifestations associated with boric acid intoxica- tion are particularly striking. These have included extensive erythema with desquamation'resembling a 'boiled lobster following acute ingestion and diffuse' alopecia after chronic use. We present a ase of a patient who manifests the classic features of acute boric acid intoxication following a suicidal attempt. CASE REPORT A 44- year -old black woman presented to the emer gency room of Kings County Hospital Center with a widespread exfoliative dermatitis which had been pres- •nt for 2 days. It started with an erythema which was rst noted around the mouth and on the buttocks and perineum. The eruption spread within a 24 -hour period to involve the trunk, followed by a similar eruption on the face and extremities. During the evolution of this From the Department of Dermatology State University of New York Downstate Medical Center .print requests to: Dr Alan R. Shalita, Department of Dermatol- ogy Downstate Medical Center Brooklyn, NY 11203. 0190-9622/82/110667+07$00 70/0 1982 Am Acad Dermatol exanthem the erythema was followed by exfoliation which by the time of her admission had progressed to large sheets of desquamation The skin lesions were accompanied by a persistent sensation of nausea with multiple episodes of vomiting. The patient admitted to self- administration of half a container of boric acid powder 3 days prior to admis- sion to 'scare her children. There was a prior psy- chiatric history of nervousness and depression for which she had been hospitalized on several occasions. At the time of admission the only medication the pa- tient was using was hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg daily for hypertension. On physical examination, the patient was alert and oriented to time, place, and person. Blood pressure was 105/55 mm Hg without orthostatic changes; respira- tions, 20 /min; pulse, .110 and regular; temperature, 37 8° C. She was grossly obese and weighed 109 kg. Examination of the skin revealed massive areas of desquamating necrotic tissue with concentration at the axillae, groin, and intertriginous areas (Fig 1). There was generalized marked erythema creating a 'boiled lobster appearance. The palms and soles were mark,, edlv hyperemic, Hemorrhagic crusting was present in a perioral distribution extending to the mucocutaneous junction (Fig 2) The conjunctiva and oral mucous membranes were also hyperemic. Her initial laboratory tests showed a hemoglobin of 11.3 gm and hematocrit of 33.6°% without leukocyto- sis Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was 62 mg /dl; creati- nine was 11 1 mg/d1 The calcium level on admission was 6.7 mg /dl; phosphorus was 1 6 mg /dl Spot glu- 667 668 St litllint,'er et al Figures #1 and #2 are too dark to copy, Sorry Fig. 1 Erythema at denuded site of right axilla A similar picture was seen below both .breasts and in the perigenital area Pig. 2. Boiled lobster appearance of face with hemorrhagic necrotic involvement at lips mucocutaneousjunction and nasolabial fold Fig. 3. Sparse superficial perivascular infiltrate with markedly dilated blood vessels .and focal vacuolar alteration at the dermoepidermal interface There is a stratum of parakeratosis forming a eleftlike space in the mid epidermis (Hematoxylin -eosin stain: original magnification x 40 rose was 230 mg /dl The •following tests were either negative or normal urinalysis chest x -ray sodium potassium chloride. CO. iron. total iron binding ca- pacity ,B, folate and VDRL. A culture taken from the macerated area above the groin greN Proteus ntirubi/is and Klebsiella pnettntoniue Multiple blood cultures were negative for pathogens Bone marrow aspirate revealed hypercellularity with. an- increase in 1 Halliday C. Boracic acid —the wolftin sheep's clothing Can Nurse 55 :1093 -1094, 1959 2. Wong LC, et al: Boric acid poisoning. Can Med Assoc 90:1018 1023, 1964. 3. Valdes Dapena MA, Arey JB: Boric acid poisoning. Pediatr 61:531 546, 1962. 4 Stein DM, Odom RB, Justice. GR, Rartin GC. Toxic alopecia from ingestion of boric acid. Arch Dermatol 108:95 -97 1973. 5 Martindale W. The extra pharmacopoeia, ed. 26. Amend- ments. London. 1973, The Pharmaceutical Press. 6. Morton HE: The over•the counter miscellaneous external drug products. Review of the antimicrobial properties of acids. Boric acid. Washington, 1979 Food and Drug Administration Publications. pp 22 -105 7 Lister J: Details of antiseptic surgery Br Med J 2:1003- 1006, 1882. 8 Lister 1 Recent improvements in details of antiseptic surgery Lancet 1.787 -789 1875 9 Brose LD: Death following the external use of a pow- dered boracic.acid._Med_News_43i.999 -20 1883. ,f 4 �rq i'+'*A• Journal i)I the American Academy of Dennatologx the myelt ;id series. decrease in the erythroid series, adequate megakaryocytes and iron present Skin punch biopsies were taken from representative sites at the abdomen and right arm Both sites showed an intraepidermal cleft with focal vacuolar changes at the dermoepiderntal junction Satellite i ell'necrosis was observed in the epidermis under high power (Figs 3 -51 Boric acid levels from blood and urine samples taken 10. Rubenstein AD Musher DM: Epidemic 6o rtc acid" poisoning simulating staphylococcal toxic epidermal necrolysis of the newborn infant: Ritters disease. J Pe- diatr 77:884 -887 `1970. 11 Dopfer'H: Uber einen Todesfall nach Anwendung der Of- fizinellen Borsalbe• •bei 'Eiher Brandwunde. Miinchen med Wchnschr 52:763 -770, 1905 12. Gordon AS. Prichard JS. Freedman MR. Seizure disor ders and anemia associated. with chronic borax acid in- toxication. Can Med Assoc J 108:719 -724, 1973 13 Skipworth UN Goldstein N Mctsnae wr Boric acts intoxication from medicated talcum powder Arch Der matol 95 :83 -86 1967 14 Herren VC Wyss F• Chronische Borsaurevergiftung Schweiz Med Wochenschr 94:1815 1818 1964 15 Tan TG: Occupational toxic alopecia due tb borax Acta Derm Vcnereol 50 :55 -58, 1970 16 Boggs TF Jr Anrode HG. Boric acid poisoning treated 6y exchange transfusion Pediatrics 16:109 1955 17 Baliah T MacLeish H. Drummond KN Acute boric acid poisoning Can Med Assoc .1 101 166 -168, 1969 umil •r C \member 1981 gi i1 ti at the time of admission were unfortunately lost: in transit Additional samples taken several days later were within normal limits as determined by the U S Borax Company Laboratory in Anaheim, CA A family memher did provide us ith a half empty container of boric acid powder The material was analyzed as being boric acid and the exact amount.missing from the con airier was determined to he t4 grp janalysis done at A YO V v ro 4 s 4" .4 0 4 fiq• 9 K 1� y�t p. :4.0 F 4 1 ;f: 461:F ri y L e {J tot, s' Burt( ►d pn 669 Fig 3. There is satellite cell necrosis vacuolar alteration of the basal layer scattering of neutrophils •ind lymphocytes around blood vessels tHematoxvlin -eosin stain, original magnification x400 1 Fig. 5. The superficial vessels have plump endothelial cells and a perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes neutrophils and extravasated red blood' cells (Hematoxytin -eosin stain. i�riginal magnification x 400 Lederle Laboratories Pearl River NY) In light of this strong history and the consistency of physical findings with previously reported cases of boric. acid toxicity, there seemed to be little or no doubt that this. patient indeed had incurred boric acid intoxication The patient responded well to supportive measures Her renal function improved dramatically after' one course of hentodialysis The cutaneous lesions in- 670 Sel►►llinger el ul e #6 Is too dark to co S 18 Fisher RS The use of boric acid in dermatologtc prac tice Arch Dermatol 73:336 -341 1956 19 Ochsner EH. The prevention and treatment of septic in- fections of the extremities. Medical Herald 30:30 -36, 1911 20. Ochsner EH: Biochemistry of topical applications: Use of boric acid in septic infections. JAMA 68:220 -223, 1917 21 Novak M Taylor WI. Phagocyticidal and antibacterial action of boric acid J Am Pharm,Assoc (Scient Ed) 40:428 -430, 1951 22. Amies CR, Corpas A. A preservative for urine specimens in transit to the bacteriological laboratory J Med Mi- crobiol 4:362 -365 1971 Fig. 6. Alopecia as observed on the thirteenth day following the ingestion of 14 gm of boric acid powder Fig. 7 Sheetlike desquamation observed at palms and soles This photograph depicts the involvement of the palms on the fifth day following intoxication creased in severity and degree of involvement during the first few days of hospitalization On the tenth day she developed a patchy alopecia of the scalp which progressed to alopecia totalis within a few days (Fig 6) Skin care consisted of topical gentian violet appli- cations at denuded areas and soaks four times daily with Burow s solution diluted 1 40 The patient re ceived daily baths of KMnO, diluted 1 80,000 As the lesions on the trunk were resolving, she developed marked desquamation in sheets at the palms and soles, which persisted for several days (Fig. 7) At this stage the cutaneous condition appeared to stabilize; she grad- ually became less erythematous and the desquamation subsided Two days into the hospitalization the patient s mental status deteriorated and simultaneously she de- veloped a fever of 39 0° C The fever workup was completely negative: normal spinal tap sterile blood cultures. With supportive therapy the fever lessened One week into her hospital stay her hematocrit dropped to 19% with a hemoglobin of 6 5 gm. There was no evidence of hemolysis on the peripheral blood smear Coombs direct and indirect tests were negative Fol- lowing bone marrow aspirate the impression was bone marrow toxicity secondary to boric acid poisoning. The patient responded well to transfusion with three units of packed red cells. During the course of the hospitalization, she devel- oped elevated liver function tests: serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SCOT) 107 U /liter lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), 335 U /liter alkaline phos- phatase, 80 These leveled off without specific therapy by the time of her discharge The initially elevated DISCUSSION .burial of the American Academy. of Dermatology blood sugar level came down to the normal range by her third day of hospitalization The serum calcium levels remained loy% despite consistently normal serum albumin The calcium spontaneously rose to lov. normal values by the end of her 2 week stay in the hospital Boric acid or 'boracic acid is a chemical substance which is stable in air odorless, has a slightly acid bitter taste and a sweetish aftertaste Boric acid as a drug has been gradually dropped from official recognition in the United States 6 Boric acid and its salts including borax are used widely outside of medical applications Boric acid is used in laundering 4.._fzrenrnofing fab,, rj. and sasig in the manufacture of leather and in the production of glazes and enamels Boric acid has also gained oo u ri y in ceps ysrs as a grand antironeh preparation Joseph Lister first introduced boric acid into surgery as an antiseptic solution applied to wounds Lister was also the first to notice the toxic effect of boric acid on human cells He observed experi- mentally that boric acid slowed down the rate of epithelialization Nine years after Lister introduced boric acid as an antiseptic two deaths were reported from the use of boric acid as an irrigating fluid Two years later the first case of boric acid powder leading to a fatality was reported in the United States." In fact, +sin lumber November 1982 there have. been published _accounts of deaths.sec- ondary to boric. acid or borax ooisoning„in eve decade from these earlvjports until the Present A Perhaps the most famous report is that of Wong et all wherein boric acid 'poisoning of eleven infants as a result of accidental and inadver tent use of boric acid in the preparation of infant formula resulted in the deaths of five of the in- =fants A similar episode reported by Rubenstein and Musher" involved three• out of four infants who werec given formula made up inadver .tently with boric acid solution in place of distilled water These three infants expired within a week of ingestion of the boric acid mixture The diagnosis_ of, boric. acid .Poisoning has to be ,based .tin sy tltptoinatolo tcit;ether with a history of 4 xposure. The toxic effects can be related to eithcr.ac.ute or chronic exposure to the chemical The ntmintal lethal dose of boric acid for man is not known One report indiuttes that a man t.an take 4 gin .i das orally ss ithout incident whereas a singIL dose of i R to 20 gm is fatale Approxi- ,nuttely to 6 gm. scents to be the lethal hnin Tor infants and small children Chronk intoxicatum has occurred after a daily ingestion Of 4 to 5 gm per day for 3 to 4 weeks 12 it was determined that our patient ingested approximately 14 gm of boric acid which is consistent with the signs of acute toxicity she exhibited Nausea. vomiting. and epigastric pain, often persistent have• been reported in numerous pa- pers The present case is no exception. These gastrointestinal symptoms may be the only initial elements in the clinical picture. The skin lesions are typically the next symptoms topresent. They are usually but not always present. It appears that in the severely poisoned individual death can ac tually occur before-the onset of the skin manifes- tations. Most commonly one observes erythema, desquamation, and exfoliation The erythema may be very intense and is sometimes referred to as a `boildjobster appearance. The lesions may resemble those of scarlet fever or `Ritter s dis- ease Ut,i.; In the most severe cases cyanosis maybe present. Sites most commonly affected are the palms and soles buttocks and scrotum although no surface is immune. Mucous membranes often share in the general erythema, and desquamation from the eyelids has been noted. Boric grid poisoning 671 Rubenstein and Musher'"' indicate that boric acid poisoning, especially in the newborn, causes a picture,clinically..indistit shah e..from staphy lococcal,scalded skin spdrome_(SSSS), fea- tures in common include fussiness refusal to eat vomiting diarrhea, dehydration and the charac teristic exfoliative dermatitis The mere presence of staphylococci should not be accepted as prima facie evidence of SSSS Other skin signs of borate intoxication include psoriasiform lesions, bullae, and alopecia. In in- fants the diaper area may show excoriations des quamation, vesiculopustular lesions, edematous genitals. gangrene of the penis and scrotum and macules .1 Since the greater amount of boron contoounds. accumulate in the brain, liver, and kidneys, in- turies to these organs are expected in acute boric acid poisoning. Central nervous system manifes- tations are common and include signs of menin- geal irritation. uinvulsions, delirium, and coma Saundiee is sometimes_ present and abnormal liver function tests are not unusual In addition oliguria and anuna may occur with laboratory evidence of acute renal failure In our patient central nervous system involve- ment was noted on the fifth day following inges- tion of the boric acid. She _showed a change in mental status. withloss of orientation to time and .,place. In terms of hepatic involvement, our oatient !developed elevated liver function tests at about the same time as the neurologic changes. Neither jaundice nor -hyperbilirubinemia was appreciated during her hospital course. At the time of admis- sion our patient was already in an oliguric state with sharply elevated BUN and serum creatinine. Chronic exposure to boric acid as in the case of young children treated at home for diaper rash with a boric acid solution or medicated powder can result in symptoms very similar to the acutely intoxicated More often the symptoms are of a milder nature 12 Alopecia may be the most obvious presentation, of chronic boric acid poisoning Loss of hair oc curred in one patient following the daily intake ofj 25 gm of boric acid tartrate for epilepsy Tan! reported on a factory worker who was exposed to a borax whitening solution for more than 6 years who also developed alopecia. Ingestion ofa popu- 672 Sc•hilliciger et al lar mouthwash led to alopecia of a diffuse nature which was reversed upon discontinuance of this occult source of boric acid Borates.. may __be absorbed_ in solution__oc..dry _through._intact skin, but more so through .broken granulation tissue serous,cavities or the gastroin- testinal tract .Excretion is primarily through the k idn .vs with approximately 50% excreted in the first 24 hours after exposure One reason that boric acid poisoning, partial- lady the acute form, is so serious is that there is no effective antidote. for it. Spontaneous or induced vomiting and diarrhea-aid in emptying the intesti- nal tract of the substance To speed up the removal of the boric acid before irreversible damage has been done, exchange blood transfusions have been utilized with success.'" Peritoneal dialysis has also proved effective Our patient responded well to hemodialysis Most authorities recommended no more than symptomatic treatment for the skin ex foliation It is critical to maintain a good fluid balance. Despite these measures, boric acid poi- soning carries a high mortality rate, as :high as 50% in children less than 1 year of age Boric acid has for years been a popular prepara- tion for its alleged antiseptic activity A survey conducted in the mid 1950s indicated that 94% of certified dermatologists used boric acid in their practice yet there have never been conclusive studies to support the antiseptic role Early reports of in vitro testing indicate that boric acid has some. activity against staphylococci and streptococci but the action is primarily bacteriostatic and slow acting at that One study demonstrated that boric acid is actually more toxit. for human polymorphonucicar leukocytes than for various strains of Staphvhocoe c tus thereby negating pri- mary defense mechanisms of the body against bac teria.L Boric acid has also been shown to slow epithelialization of wounds and to retard the heal- ing of burns Some manufacturers incorporate boric acid into their products as a preservative It appears that the efficacy here is more a matter of tradition than of scientific fact. In studying its pre- servative properties on.urine specimens, boric acid was shown to be no more effective than hypertonic sodium chloride 22 Pinto et al showed that acute ingestion of boric acid in adults and children is associated with ex Joni Ilal tit 110. American Academy iii Dermatology cessive urinary excretion of riboflavin This was not surprising as it is known that boric acid and riboflavin form a water soluble complex 24 Further work has demonstrated in, chickens that riboflavin supplementation protects against the toxicity of boric acid particularly when boric acid, is adminis- tered in large doses 25 This may Drove a future therapeutic tool for cases of boric acid poisoning. Boric acid intoxication will continue to remain a health. hazard as long as the chemical is widely available as a medicinal product. Even the cautious. .consumer cannot avoid boric ifeid as it is incorpo- rated into certain mouthwashes, skin ointments, hemorrhoidal suppositories and processed food (Table 1) The quantity of'boric acid found in these relatively frequently used preparations tends tote of low concentration. Chronic or excessive use in .a susceptible individual however could lead to the manifestations associated with boric acid tox- icity 4 Bluboro.powder for example, contains a 3% concentration of boric acid in its dry form. When diluted as directed, the amount of boric acid becomes almost negligible. Yet there is still a po- tential for absorption Both boric acid solution and borated talcum powder in low concentrations have been shown to be absorbed through intact as well as irritated skin The Food and Drug Administration Over the Counter Advisory Panel in its last report placed boric acid in Category 11 for safety and efficacy among OTC products The panel recommended that the availability and use of boric acid be re stricted The\ specifically suggested that boric acid ointment should carry a warning label that it is not to be used on inflamed skin open wounds and especially on large wounds such as burns Despite these. strong warnings against the use of what appears to be a potentially dangerous yet poorly effective substance, recent reports have suggested using boric acid for vulvovaginal can didiasis and as a possible treatment for herpes simplex 28•29 Clearly one must consider these indi- cations with utmost caution. We thank Dr Edward Heilman and Dr Albert E. Stanek, Jr for review of the dermatopathology and Dr Thomas Lanzilotti for his medical management of this case and for his input in the preparation of this manuscript. May 31, 2004 Dear Judge Brown, Thank -you, Mi am E. Krause Miriam E. Krause 3337 N.E. Wasco Portland, Oregon 97232 503 515 -9557 Case No. 303- 40303tmb7 Enclosed please find motion and supporting affidavidt to ammend the petition from a chapter 7 to a chapter 11 706. Conversion (a) "the e debto>..may. conyeaA,Lase under this ch 1pter to a ease under chaj2ter 11 12, or -1: of-this title _aLjiy_, t)itic, it the case has not been converted under section 1 1 1 1268, it 1307 of Any ve:r cif the right to convert a case under this subsection is unenforceable. (b) on request of a party to interest •ind after notice and a hearing, the court may convert a ease under this chapter to a ca.,e under chapter 11 of this title. at any time (c) The court may not convert a ease under this chapter to a Last. under chapter 12 or 13 of this title unless the debtor riquests such Lonver,ion (d) Notwithstandmg any other provision of this section .t case inay not bk. con verted to a case under another chapter of this ode tae55 rl cicino'r ra, IN a,cleb under such charer,_ In re: Miriam E. Krause Debtor UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON Case No. 303-403031mb7 MOTION TO AMEND BANKRUPTCY P1'HT1ON FROM CH. 7 TO CH. 1 and ORDER MOTION Comes now the debtor Miriam E. Krause and for the reasons set forth in the attached affidavit moves the court for an order emending the Bankruptcy Petition filed in the instant case from a Chapter 7 liquidation to a Chapter 11 reorganization. Dated: May 31, 2004 Dated: fr Miriam E. Krause Debtor ORDER Based on the Motion °fate debtor and the court being fully advised it is hereby ordered and adjudged that the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition filed in the above case is effective June 1, 2004 amended to a Chapter 11 Petition. Bankruptcy Judge Bankruptcy Court 1001 SW 5th 7 Floor Portland, OR 97204 Re. Case 303- 40303TMB7 Judge Trish Brown. As you see,v by the attached filing, I have been forced to file a lawsuit against all parties depraving me of the protection of the bankruptcy court concerning Fresh Start rule and the health aid. Please recuse yourself from this case. Miriam Krause Miriam E. Krause 3337 NE Wasco Portland, OR 97232 503 -515 -9587 Miriam Krause, Plaintiff. v Steven Arntt, Joe (Jain Doe 1) Michael A. Grassmuedc, Coldwell Banker, David A. Ramey, Mason Becket, Windermere Rcality.US Bankruptcy Judge Trish &awn,kie Doe 1, Jim Doe 2, Plaintiff alleges: THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF 2 LA Case No. QUIET1N0 TTILE INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF Plaintig PARTIES EMOTIONALDURESS FILED CLALLAM COUNTY JUN -7 2004 MOLLIE LJNGVALL, Clerk 1. a business ma+opuana w, purchased the property located at 511 E. First St. Port Angeles, Washington in 1993 and has been the lawful owner of the property up to the present time. 2. Defendant Steven Arntt, is an attorney, licensed to practice law in Oregon who Plaintiff was referred to as a ba krupbcy,attorney. 3. Defendant Joe (John Doe 1) was at all times herein working as an assist for Steven Amtt. 4. Defendant Michael A. Grassfnueck was the trustee in the Banlcruptcy Petition 81ed by the 5. Defendant Caldwell Banker is a real estate company located in Pat Angeles, Washington. 6. Defendant David A. Ramey is a real estate broker, associated with Coldwell Banker, who was hired by Giassmuedk to list for sale Plaintiff's Port Angeles property. 7 Defendant Nason Beckett is the court appointed real estate broker i®wlved in the sale of ,Plaintiffs Pat Angeles property. S. Defendant Windermere Sales Associate Jane Doe 1 was the agent for the purchasers Jane Doe 2 and John Doe 2 who purchased PlaintifTs Port Angeles property. 9 Defendant Trish Broom is a US Bankruptcy Judge who knowingly participated in Defendants scheme to defraud Plaintiff by approving the sale of Plaintiff's spa to John Doe 2 and Jane Doe 2. 10. Defendants Jane Doe 2 and John Doe 2 were the purchasers of Plaintiffs Port Angeles property. FACTS 11 In 1993 Plaintiff purchased the property located in Port Angeles, Washington "a health spa" to deal with personal health paoblems. 12. In February 2003 Plaintiff; who operated 3 transitional housing properties, lost tenants because County finding was it because of the failure of Measure 28. To meet financial demands Plaintiff decided to sell her family home located at 500E NE Broadway. The City of Portland blocked the sale of the property that was to have closed on August 31, 2003. 13. Because abet. inability to sell her property and meet her financial obligations Plaintiff was forced to seek the pro tectiah of the Bay 1u uptcy cant. At the time Plaintiff filed bankruptcy she owned real property worth L489 million dollars with mortgages totaling 926 thousand dollars. Not included in this dollar amount was substantial personal property. At the time of filing Plaintiff had unused debt of approximately 10 thousand dollars. 14 Plaintiff on September 11, 2003 met Defendant Arntt, who was represented to her by a neighbor to be a bankruptcy attorney Plaintiff who had no prior knowledge of bankruptcy law, explained to Arntt why she was unable to meet her mortgage payments and gave Armtt a $1,500.00 retainer believing Aran would take whatever steps necessary to protect her best interest. Miler September 11, 2003 meeting, the only face to face meeting she had with Arno, she told him that because her health problem it was martial that she keep possession n of her Port Angeles spa which she owned free and clear Arntt advised Plaintiff that she would be allowed to keep the spa because it was a health aid. Plaintiff told Arntt at their meeting if the bankruptcy would jeopardize her spa she did not want to do the bankruptcy 15. Plaintiff, after leaving Arntts office, purchased two books on larnkniptcy After reading the books Plaintiff realized that she should be in a Chapter 11 reorganization and not a Chapter 7 liquidation. After meeting with Arntt and reading the bankruptcy books Plaintiff tried, without suooess, for the next two weeks, by phoning Arntt's office 2 and 3 times a day, to contact him personally to make sure he was filing for her a Chapter 11 and not a Chapter 7 At the same time Plaintiff started rebuilding her housing buhsiness in furtherance of her business recovery plan. 16. Plaintiff on October 17, 2003 was required to appear at a 341 meeting with Defendant Grassmueck in the courthouse. Plaintiff was stunned when Grassmueck took her repair permits and told her in a stern and threatening tone, "you don't need these anymore, from now on 1 will be taking care of this" Plaintiff was stunned by Grassmueck's behavior because she knew under a chapter 11 reorganization she was allowed to repair and maintain her property. At the saline mew Plaintiff stated she intended to file a lawsuit against Dorothy Washington because she had filed a fraudulent judgment against Plaintiff which in post had caused Plaintiff to seek bankruptcy protection. While Plaintiff ways speakhtg Defendant Arntt, in a scolding tone, slahhsd Plaintiff to keep her from speaking. Defiant Orassmueck in a stern and loud voice said to Plaintiff "your not filing any lawsuit!" At the time Plaintiff left Caassrn 's office she was confused and distraught by the actions and demeanor of Grassmueck. Outside the courtroom Amts said he forgot his briefcase and went baek to come to pie* it up. When he returned he said 1 have had a chance to ta&c to the trustee and he said we can do something different. Plairnifftoek that statement to mean that her b nk ruptty was going to be a chapter 11 and not a chapter 7 17 On October 21,, 2003 I arced Dot Amu fir his refusal to consult with me about my concerns that the case was not bang handled in my best imp. Even though he was firms I learned later he continued to work on my sass, against my bed interest and in cdlusian with this other defendants in finrtherancc of a scheme to defraud me and separate inc from my properties. The Defendants were able to cw y out the fns because Pllaisiff shortly before firing Arndt had a rye ofa contration cat baron poisoning which totally incapaMed law for eight months where she was not able function or get out of bed. 18. In furtherance of the scheme to defiaud the Plai�ffthe Dei'enants conspired and colluded wi one anther to sell Pis spa in Port Angeles Wasisbsgton to John Doe 2 and Jane Doe 2 for a teethe of its actual value. Plaintiff ?colleges paragraphs 1 dwu 18. 20. Through conspiracy the Defendants John Doe 2 and Jane Doe 2 fraudulently, through the bankruptcy court, obtained title to Plaintiffs Port Angeles, Washington property. Wherefore Plaintiff prays for rediefas hereinafter set Bach. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF INTENTION IINJLIICTION OF EMOTIONAL DURESS 21 Plaintiff reatleges paragraphs 1 tbra 18 and paragraph 20. 22. The Defendanib by their wilfull and mucous as in conspiring than in tart fraudtdendy converting Plaintiffs Port Angeles spa intended to inflict, and did in het hsfict sever emotional distress on Plaintiff compounding the injury she soared from her boron poisoning: Wherefore Plaintiff prays for relief as hereinafter set forth. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF- Plaintiffprays for judgmau quieting title, in her name, to the spa ra d property, including the gamp and its contents, and any and all other personal property looted therein at 511 E. First St Port Angeles, Washington. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF: L Special Damages 580,00000 FIRST CLAIM FOR I IRE ZF- QUIETJ G 'MLR 2.General Damages 810,000.000.00 19. Grassmueck s Revenge I want to relate the most frightening experience of this entire bankruptcy nightmare up to this point. On Friday July 30 2004 I went to see an attorney at the Senior Hollywood Law Center Attorney David Malcolm volunteers his time there and I was fortunate to fill a cancellation slot and not have to wait for some free legal advice. The following Thursday. August 5 2004. about 10a.m.. David called to say he had an attorney who would talk to me if I could see him that morning. David stated that he had tried to reach me on Wednesday, but he couldn't reach me on the phone. We set an appointment for 12.30pm and I was given the address of 1437 SW Columbia and directions to get there. He said to meet him at an office that belonged to Fred Smith s daughter Jacki Smith at that location or if I wanted I could meet with them on Fred Smith's boat, and I said I will meet you at the office He also instructed me to bring all my documents and I said that will be easy I have two cases full of them. At 12 20pm I was driving over the Morrison Bridge and commented to my passenger Scott Kretz that I hope to be on time, and I wasn't sure, how to find the place. I let Scott out of my car at second and Morrison Street and then drove to Jefferson, I took a right turn and drove to the second street over the overpass and turned left. I was faced with three parking lots, all on a very steep slope and I picked the far easterly one. Not finding a parking space I double parked on the side of the lot, and knocked on the door of the 1437 building, no one answered so I walked back to the car to phone David, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw him approaching the building. I called David's name and he came to my car and offered to park it for me, and carry my two brief cases inside, which he did. Mr Fred Smith was on the phone as we entered and so he asked us to sit in the waiting area. After about maybe a minute two large policemen came through the door and were staring at me. They asked if I was Miriam Krause and I said I was. The asked if I had been knocking on any doors, and I said yes I had knocked on the door with Jacki Smith's name on it, as I could not find Mr Smith name on the building. The names by the address were not Fred Smith either; the reception indicated she heard me at Jacki Smith s door The policemen said he had a complaint that I was pounding on the door, and that I had threatened someone with a gun. "A gun, 1 don't have a gun, 1 don't own a gun, 1 wasn't pounding on anyone's door or threatening anyone." He asked to see my ID, and I gave it to him. Then I said I wanted to know who had stated such a deliberate lie, I have a right to know under the freedom of information act and he said maybe I'll tell you, and maybe I won t. He then asked me to step outside and talk to him. I said I had nothing to hide and he could talk to me right there. The police said do you want everyone here to know your business? And I said he could say anything he needed to say He then told me I had been pounding on the other building near the third parking lot and I had threatened some one there. I had been no where near the steps or the doors of that building and I told him so By this time a third policeman arrived. police cars and all. the receptionist even commented about all the police cars in the lot, I was frightened and embarrassed by the whole event. Here I was a stranger to the office and the occupants. What must they think of me? What sick person would tell such a deliberate fable as this I then got my answer The policemen said Grassmueck. Grassmueck? He's my Bankruptcy Trustee and what does he have to do with this? Grassmueck has an office in the building by the third parking lot, I was told and that I had come here to harm him. Less than three hours ago, I didn't even know this place existed and that Michael Grassmueck had an office any where other than at eh street and Main (which is the Hearing Room) and 1 001 SW 6 (Bankruptcy Filing Room) were he was served with the lawsuit papers I filed against him on June 7 2004 I am totally disgusted that someone in his position would resort to such a low life lie as he apparently did, Michael Grassmueck grow -up. As' I left the building, the advice I got from Fred Smith as he was driving away in his car from the parking lot, was not to have Roger Weidner write any more articles for me. So I assured Mr Smith that I would be writing for the Oregon Observer from now on myself, next time, The Fraud, and The Forgery Connection. It's now Monday at I lo'clock August 9 2004, I have just finished a meeting with Jeff Jones and Debbie Boyd, of the U.S Marshall's Service, they just greeted me with a statement that they were investigating a complaint on me threatening to buy a gun and kill Judge Brown and Grassmueck, and I said, "That sounds like what I went through Thursday U S. Marshall Debbie Boyd said, "Have you had this problem before and I said yes, last week, They said, they had received a complaint last week. She said she was not here regarding Thursday's incident. I told her I had tried to file harassment charges for Thursday's incident, last week and the police won't take it. In my call to the Portland Police Bureau Non Emergency number the police dispatcher advised me that it is a crime it report a false 911 complaint. So she scheduled a police car out to take a statement the next day, and the two policemen that arrived refused to even write anything down, much less file a complaint. This happened on two occasions; the first time two uniformed officers arrived, the second time a uniformed officer, accompanied with someone in plain clothes carrying a folder in his hand appearing very official. So with the assurance of my body guard, (I have not been without someone accompanying me since the encounter with the two policemen on Thursday the week before), lead them into my house, and Debbie sat at my kitchen table and I read them my notes from the incident a week earlier at Fred Smith's office. I had been so terrified, Thursday night and Friday morning that I committed my experience to paper, as I couldn't sleep anyway And so I could tell my story exactly as it happened. My deductions of what has happened is this; The complaint to the U.S Marshall's Service came on Wednesday, August 4 2004, Mr Fred Smith, had told me the next day Thursday in his office that he is best friends with Judge Trish Brown and Trustee Michael Grassmueck While coincidently, he tried to reach me and have me come in for an appointment on Wednesday, but was unable to reach me, so on Thursday, August 5 2004, he had David Malcolm call and arraign our meeting and the police just happened to get a call on Thursday about me supposedly banging on a door and threatening people with a gun. I feel he tried to have me killed by the U.S Marshall Service, and the Portland Police, (by setting me up) because they would think I was packing a gun. He was helping to Obstruct my opportunity to seek Justice in my ordeal with Judge Trish Brown, Trustee Michael Grassmueck, and my former Attorney Steve Arntt. He tried to have me either shot to death by law enforcement or jailed so that I could not narticinate or pursue my_pending lawsuit. Case #04- 200496 Filed on June 7 2004 in Clallam County, in Washington State. against those Obstructing Justice in my case. The only document Fred Smith asked to see was the filed lawsuit in Clallam County. There have been many incidents involving the Portland Police that are against all the normal procedures they do for every one else. Such as, Refusing to give me an Incident Report Number so I can report a Stolen Car so I can file a Missing Vehicle Report. Portland Police Officers removed tenants at 11.30 at night, without a court order or legal documentation to do so Against the wishes of the landlord (me), and my tenants who were placed in this housing by Multnomah County on a six month lease. This happened on multiple occasions. Portland Police also ticketed street legal vehicles with Trip Permits. Police refused to arrest a client who had assaulted other tenants and me; who proceeded to show up the next day and destroy multiple doors of the complex with a big axe. They assisted Meth addicts breaking and entering three properties by refusing to stop them. They also aided two people involved in a Robbery in Progress, by letting them leave with the newly stolen property Any fool can see, you don't liquidate, an approximately $1 4 million estate, for less than $2,000 of Unsecured Debt. Judge Trish Brown should have recused herself from my Bankruptcy Case 03 40303, because of a Conflict of Interest. as I requested, June 14 2004, seven days after I tiled a lawsuit and Filed a Quieting Title and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Duress. The notion that a federal Judge can continue to rule on a Bankruptcy Case affecting a claim regarding a case she has been accused of committing misconduct in. Instead Judge Trish Brown is Aiding and Abetting a forgery committed by my former Attorney Steve Arntt, who thought I would die from my illness. Also continuing a conspiracy involving fraud by According to Stephen Gillers, a law professor. at New York University, This is the first commandment of Judicial ethics. Judge Trish Brown, by refusing to convert this Bankruptcy from a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 11, as I requested as per a debtor's rights at any time during the Bankruptcy, she deliberately continued him as attorney of record over 7 months after my firing of him, six months after his filing to withdraw from the case. Judge Brown and Michael Grassmueck have secreted the buyer of the Health Spa by not filed Ernest Money Agreements /Deposits /Title Information Closing Statements, and any other things about the buyer of the Health Spa. However they have the information from the Weigels, deposits held and not returned until after the sale closed of the undisclosed buyer She had dismissed the case, because the debtor(me) had not completed the required 341 meeting, but then allowed Michael Grassmueck to liquidate some of her(my) property, including her(my) Health Spa and its contents, which was an allowable exemption under the Health Aid ruje. Thi:i .M a Health Spa prescribed by Medicallrofessionals. She refused to allow my media Record into this Bankruptcy Case. There are many additional violations of the Bankruptcy Code Rules, The Judicial Conduct Rules regarding Judges, and The Rules for Professional Conduct entered in Court Docket listing 105, July 19 2005 entered into the Bankruptcy Court. Rant/TRv MuM®EFr 7) COUNTIES ALL COUNTIES 10110e rd)a) Phone: (503)986-2200 Fax: (503) 378.4381 Secretary orb Corporation 265265 Capitol St NE. Suite 151 Salem. OR 97310-1327 EsngktOregon.com In accordance vtlih Oman Revised Stt»ute 1ft410-102.490. the ktlonnatlon on this app lcaSon is public recent We must release till* kmwrnation to 9q parties upon request and It we be posted on our website. Please Type or PAM Legibly In Black trek. Attach Additional Sheet N Necessary. 1) AsauMSOBUSIO ces THE GRASS11IVIUECK GROUP 2) DESCRIPTIONOF01l5INE88 (PAmerybtetnauactivity) Bankruptcy tttaasttee. receiver claims management 3) PRINCIPAL PLASM' S* BUSINESS (IWana. city. cute, AIp) PO Box 5248 Portland, Oregon 97208 6) RECUSTRanr&Thantenis Wes name and street addressor each person or enety tee **conduct or trahied busmen undid the assumed busmen MOO) (Attach a separate Meet a neoansa y) NAME STREET ADDRESS CATTISTATEIZIP Michael A. Grrassmueck. inc. c/o Farleigh Wada Witt. 121 SW Morri Suite 600, Portland, OR 97204 (I L V�0 J u s iiG'G7rsL.S.' —ems`` Baker Q Benton Clackamas 'Statewide) f1• Ctatsop Columbia Coos 8) SIGNATURES: (Ad rmglatradsrowners must man MICI1AEL A 'GRASSMUECK, INC A. Grassmueck, President J) CONTACT [YAMS I I re resolve questions WA Oils elalq I Robert N Mteraski Q Crook Q Curry Q Deschutes Douglas D Gilliam O Grant 4) 5) Q Harney Q Hood River Q Jackson 0 Jefferson Q Josephine Klamath Assumed Business Name -New Registration AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (One name may) Michael Grassmueck MAIUNO ADDRESS FOR BWNNBea PO Box 5248 Portland, Oregon 97208 Q is le Lane Q t.incoln Linn Q Malheur '0 Marion DAYTIME PHONe NUMBER (Include web cede t (503)228 -6044 1t /0 t) Si? $7_ O1 SECRETARY OF STATE For olfce use only Q Morrow Multnomah Q Polk Q Sherman Q Tillamook Q Umatilla FILED NOV 35?N FEES 0 Union 0 Wallowa Wasco Q Washington 0 Whaler Q Y.amhili Required Processing Fee SSD Conknnabon Copy IOWAN) 1S Protesting Fees we nonrefundable Pietas mare &eCr payable to 'Corporation Division NOTE: Fees may ee bard vnth VISA. co MasterCard Tba rand number and espuation dale should be submitted on d srbarxe 'cot protection 22 3 Hearing Ua €e August 13, 2004 4 5 c, 7 8 tl t tl iMi.IRIAM KR1,L S£' 11 t? 1-ion Ronald 13 Leighton 1.1 IT IL 1.NITFD i44 iV1 DISTRICT COL RT WI:S RN. TDiSTR.ICT OF WASr FNGToN AT TACOMA Plaintiff 12 STEVEN ARNF l JOE (JOHN DOE I); t3 MIC EL: A. GRA MM I t C C:OLAWl1:1: BANKER, 1.1 DAVID A.:I .11 MASON 1:31?C'KPR, 15 WINDERMERE REAL TN; U.S. BANKRUPTCY kJUi)t., TRISH BROWN, 16 JANE 1X». JOHN DOE 2, (Defendants. Case No C VO4.53R_3 RBI. REPLY BY DEFENDANT STEVEN ARNTT REGARDING TO DISMISS `'5o.100g.tvs a n'run rides his Hobby Jforse peaceably and quietly along the King's hitrhi1 i €t► cind:,wiiher• i�ornpels., du or me to get up hehh d:hin: tviutt have either you =.or ,l to: do ivitll It 20 f'i'vu .v Pew 1997'1VLj 659817 *10 (D Ariz 1997).(gucting Laurenees,Sterne. Tristram Shanth 21 13 (1950)). 1.7nfor tinatcly the Plaintiff compels-a bankruptcy judge, bnnkiuptey trustee her bans ruptey at: Whey-and virtually everyone clsc involved in her h €rrikrttptty tt 'ride 'behind" her 23 The •Pktlntif has riddon her allegations' of fraud and tc: ►rt erv.into h:lrik:ruptey ootirt. The bankrttptc 24 court tarried her-.uway, entering 2 orders rejecting her allegations (Banks Dk`:t.: t'f.5:I and 60). She 25 now rides. into this. court, Likcw i t. the court should send her away .grailting peter Annl 26 motion to dismis R.LPLY BY miNDANT S't'FVFN A R NTT t L:OARDING MC FIUI "(3:1�1SIV11 Page 1 0t'3 Case No. t_ VO4 -'1381 R13L i 1t`ff %Y13 J Cati `QM, 1t. P i)680 Stntuinril t'li +xtt,.i,1O 11 Sat tit Avenue 'pnr1lfittl Qrtituit 97204 .t'eti!t ►ttuttr• .001216-732 The Plaintiff responds with 3 theories. FhL theories have no legal or factual basis. 1.1rst, 2 she says. Defendant cannot attack jurisdiction alter removing this proceeding CPI's Opp. at ?7. 3 But n party cart never waives jurisdiction Richardson r Lnite.•eI Crates' 943. F.2d 1107 1 1 1 i (9 .l Cir 1991) Ifirittcip1es of estoppel and waiver do not apply Id A defendant Who has removed 5 an action can seek dismissal based ou lack of subject matter jurisdicta M po/eon Hardwoods. 6 Inc t' ProfL sronpily Designed Benefit', Inc. 984 F 2d 821 101 (7tr C'ir 19931 Second, the Plaintiff says, this court has jurisdiction because the "acts cif tlli' bat' krupte, a. 8 judge bankruptcy trustee, bankruptcy attorney and others "were committed out$ the bankruptcy proceedings fin s Opp. at 2 .f Icr affidavit shows that her allegations everything to do with to her bankruptcy She starts out stating that she pled for bankruptcv She thetrspueuletes how t t everyone used bt to defraud her Virtually alt of her exhibits consist of bankruptcy 12 pleadings and letters regarding her bankruptcy 13 'T'hird; the Plaintiff says, she never presented the issue o(fraud otibrgerY before the 1a bankruptcy eo#irt The bankruptcy docket shoves that the Ph tifff filled- affidtavit aallt:Putg fraud 15 and forgery and filed motions asking the hankruptcv court to set aside :the 41le based on her th affidavits t ;Sankt Dkt #1# 48, 49 57 and a8) The bankruptcy court-entered-orders denying the t° Plaintiff's motions (13artkr Dkt #i# 51 and 60).' 1R 1a 20 21 Additional -bankruptcy ptesdingl are a hibili to the stippiementttl declailitiOtt:rif':Jtilinstan thiA table summarizes trio. t'la ntifrs:ulip. oiii and bankrupt urr' n Allegation on of torgety ltha -nat 22 been: heard'" .(tits (Ypp. nt.2 23 24 1 'never" pretter#t(hi allegation .of fraud 25 and fottery,to hankruptcv court 2( (1 Opp. at a), ge i(ii> 11.0 t#`ivat#44'. Aft Amended Schedule 0 .filed `without my lttanwlcdj e. tat consent (i3rtatkr Dkt. 41). "It is obvious That] have been S iaxlletl and defrauded r and demands court to set 'aside -sale (l3ankr Dkt. 49). 4-;4130 r#'ltwrali tg Pfititttitl' court to set aside sales because Of !'forged signature" and 'fraud' (Banat Okt. "When reviewing the tiler 1 110( iced my signature had been forged (Bankr L)kt. .s8.;) The bankntptey court ateirecf:an order denying illation to set 'aside :isle tRa L t. #51) The Eanktuptcyr court .entered an order denying motion to set laside•sale (T3tiaakr Dkt. REPLY BY DEFENDANT IENDANT STIW N ARNTT REGARDING MOTION TO f SMrSS Page 2. of 3 Case No. 0104-5383 KU Met1WEN: (08V011). I U 4taadurittittixn ,1.100RAW.:Sixth Avenue t'oiaietitili.OrrgV►t 7204 Telephone. 050J)2264321 25 ago Finally the Plaintiffs hobby horse has no factual basis Her allegations are not true In 2 fact, the allegations raise other concerns. Forcxample she says her Exhibit- 9 (ent tiled 'Schedule 3 D Creditors Holding 'Secured (ilaims") was tiled on 10/09103 Indeed. on October 9 2003 4 he filed an Schedule]) (Bantu Dkt. Y 9) However a certified-01131.0f the. amended 5 1) Shows Plaintiffs Exhibit 9 was not filed. The certified copy has a tine drawn 6 through "AMENDED and "Supplemental' is handwritten above the word. Plaintiff's exhibit 7 dt10a hot .haVe "AM-FNMA.) in its title or 'Supplemental* written on it (tharikr Dim 9). The Certifitd:copy also has "SupplementaLNew Creditors handwritten on it. Plaintiffs exhibit does not 'layette writing. The certified copy lists 4 creditors with claims totaling $S4.1.208 76. ia PlaintiffS..exhihtt lists 6 creditors- with claims totaling Si 366 791 76. thecertilied copy's looter states .Arnended Schedule D Plaintiff's exhibit says 'Schedule D The signature page (.11's Ex. 12 10) that Plaintiff says goes with EXhibit. 9 is not tht. same signature page:as the certifietteopy 13 CONCLustors 14 The coilrilkies,fiot• have jurisdiction. A federal statute reserves 'exclusiVejurisdiction" for t 4 the Oregon.bankraptcy court 28 U.S C 4 1334(0. Non of the Plaintiffs theorieSorallegations tri give this:00kt jurisdiction or override thiS. statute. United Motes r C e/a-Prac'o 333 1 .3d 1046. t 7 1 049.;30 Or 2003). the court should grant Defendant Arritt s motion 115 dismiss. DATED this 19th day of August. 2004 19 .EWEN iN.17.1ff..01„ 20 tiy kbiist� A Mitchell. WSI3A NO, 293 21 v1E»bn Gisvold,lIP 1100 SW Sixth Avenue, Suite 16.00 22 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone (iO3) 226 23 Fax ('0) ),43- Email Johnstontrigincewengisvold:com Attorney for Defendant Steven Mitt The Plaintiff took the -signature. for A Hawk Dkt. ILI 1 yand -attributed It to her 26 Fxhihit 9 Defendant Arno. ;snot sure she obtained 1 \hibit 9 Y iw DE• liNDAN'l ST•_YEN -NRNTT REGARDING MOTION TO DISMISS Pagc.. 3 of 3 -Case No. CVO4-5383 RBI. nvVoLn 11.2 1609 4tundortItiti1.ti.1 S.W. Sixth Avenue POtti410,-OrgOtti 9 Teltphtt0; 1503)22G-7:y21 In re: Miriam E. Krause Debtor UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON i Miriam Krause being first duly sworn depose and say k CLERK U R CCURT 114 JUN 14 1\11 29 Case No. 303740303 hub 7 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTI ut TO SET ASIDE SALE OF BANKRUIY _DOCK E TED ASSETS FOR FRAUD On June 7, 2004 I was reviewing the Schedule D forms filed in this bankruptcy To my absolute dismay I discovered the Schedule D I (attached as Exhibit A) 1 filed on Septeanber 11, 2004 showing total mortgage balances on my property of $947,036.00 had been altered and inflated by Steven Arntt (See Exhibit B -1 and B -2)on October 9 2004, nine days I fired himwith the knowledge of Grassmueck(See Exhibit C). Steven Arntt without my knowledge or consent added two non-existent mortgages to show mortgage balances of $1,366,791 76, approximately $420,000.00 over the actual mortgage balances on my properties. On the. Attached Schedule F (attached as Exhibit D) Arntt also stated a $456.00 debt to be $4,562.48. By creating and inflating the mortgage balances Grassmueck was able to claim I only had $22,500.00 in equity in the properties and thereby justifying the distress sale of my Port Angeles property, on which I had an offer, less than a year ago, of $190,000.00 without contents for $130,000.00 with contents worth $100,000.00. Thelnma Durham, of Windermere Realty, who listed the property, without contents, for $225,000.00 a year ago was the selling agent who .sold the property at the distress price. Thelma Durham has been working for me on another project since May 28, 2004 and did not inform that she had sold my spa March 15, 2004 at the distress price. It is obvious after reviewing the attached documents that I have been swindled and defrauded by those named in the complaint attached hereto as Exhibit E. Accordingly I am demanding that the sale of niy Port Angeles property be set aside and the bankruptcy proceed as a Chapter 11 reorganization, the type of bankruptcy proceeding I believed that I was actual involved in. See Exhibit F Johnston Mitchell McEwen and Gisvold 1600 Standard Plaza 1 100 SW Sixth Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 Re: Steve Arntt representation then and now Mr.Mitchell, Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 I am preparing some of the copy for my book "Crooks, Liars and Thieves Bankruptcy Gone A- Mueck and looking over the court documents I recently received from the court file in Tacoma, Washington. I was astonished that you had excluded all of the fraud, forgery and perjury committed by your client from September 11, 2003 until he was fired on October 21, 2003 But had instead only submitted documentation to the court starting with exhibit 41 You didn't mention the date. of 41 was March 31,2004 and also was a certificate of service to your client long after he wasrfired. I was inquiring why you would make the assumptions you did concerning his actions with the fraudulent misrepresentations and bankruptcy crime he committed against me. in the 40 days he was hired in the very beginning of the case. I noticed you only used the pacer system, which proves the point that not getting the entire case on the system has been an injustice to me purported, by the court, by their refusal to put the beginning of the case in the system. However it does not excuse you from the aiding and abetting of the fraud committed on me by your client, as you are responsible for inputting the knowledge that was available to you.and need to choose your clients better The case in the interest of justice could have been heard in Washington. BUT JUSTICE WASN'T ON ANYONES AGENDA. The truth is coming out. The court also did Use Mail For Fraud by changing my zip code on September 17, 2003, so for 22 months I did not receive the mail. I discovered Judge Trish Brown left your client on the record so he could receive the mail. And was only removed some time after I filed the lawsuit in which you represented Arntt.on July 7, 2004 The electronic mail is invalid and illegal when the sender is notified it was not received. This fraud 1 discovered on July 15, 2005 and it renders all decisions null and void according to the doctrine of due process and proper notice. He also missed two claims for relief, which he was required to attend too as my attorney on September 24, 2003 This has recently been discovered and will be a cause for action. He went to a 341 meeting on November 5,2003 after he was fired and also hired another attorney to attend the 341 meeting on December 5,2003 Telling the attorney it was a reorganization hearing for a Chapter 11 While he was arranging through his fraudulent amended schedules and forgery a Bankruptcy Swindle of my assets. You will notice from the file I received no notice of the claim for relief documents or no notice for the fraudulent amended schedules and forgery Arntt perpetrated on me. The claims for relief were also fraudulently misrepresented as to the actual value by Linda Johannson. Arntt and Johannson both had the documents appraisals of near 1 year and the mortgage balances of the same duration and choose to ignored them and fraudulently misrepresent them constituting Bankruptcy Crime aided and abetted by Michael Grassmueck, I use the word loosely trustee" So basically $1,400,000 of real properties,(Assessed value, no property increases included of 16% shown in Portland area) $465,000 of equity, (Now closer to $750,000 because of recent sales of my stolen property) Three businesses, Port to Port Hostell, Mothers Soap Products and Spa, Body, Mind and Spirit Health Care owned free and clear so I would never be with out my steam baths and necessary since 1979 insulation poisoning to help my body rid itself of the toxins) and Personal property and business equipment that has all been stolen, lost or destroyed all for owing $1996,00 of consumer debt This was started by your client. NO ONE INVOLVED IN THIS SWINDLE IS WITHOUT BLAME. On March 10, 2066 I entered an Objection to the Final Report and Motion to Reverse the Fraudulent Sales of my property It took some doing to get it entered into the record. T had to submit it twice since the judge withheld it from the file.and kept it in her office for 3 weeks.according to the clerk. The court feels now that the mail fraud has been exposed they will need to find another way to obstruct justice. You could pull,up the exhibit P if it is there. If you can add 4 mortgages together you will see the fraud. and obvious forgery October 9 -10, 2003 Also exhibit Y is most interesting as well. The fraudulent schedules submitted by Arntt were used to calculate the final report instead of the original petition filed by me on September 11,2003 as required by Bankruptcy Law Also the I R S has no record of the tax forms filed in this case. If you will check with the State Bar you will find the basis for a defamation of character case against Arntt as.well. At least that is the opinion of attorneys consulted. Meanwhile I need to know if you are still Arntt's attorney and will be accepting service for him? His address is also appearing as my address on my credit report. How did he manage that? Sincerely, M.Krause 13./a/(S'i t er°" ,/,/,44$/. ri xi& fr 440 /-Y-/// 44 dbA4P ‘40,,e. iotA p ‘zetteif ,i,ed/aff cofe ited4f 44e-e (5-0J4e/Th e.teig letzz-e--- 71-e-x- ,fe-000e41 G&/7 f IP gd -14t eft z 9,24 /).049-4g. 4.11/ 9" so ideee°/P tstoV3 le4" soot/ .u,�' izar z ,s^40 !tea "mieb jez-re As fr 91/or d t /0,y "ele2 r/714 -f"'"/erP /mgr b C'#Se '1"%te /6c r air �"/1-,'''1/ J(7) Pl7ft piy ,77A--7449 v7is.-,--filp 4/-7,-e7,,,4 env?,- /wow/ i.ro r.--,,e7fr A977-"er ekep #6'7d %,"'""7' ci'll 5-9. 1 -7-, A or f 4 /4P7/- pOl/f 'mss Vz r'rm°' a,, ryywys' -we/ r 7-/7-17 rA7ferotedrioP F---,-fi x se ir i erg-2/' ty-,' (x-r-"fefr-,15- 441,7C lerkfc) 77‘V sw, 76 ,1/(41 Age' ?-/Z. le"-, l'e.Y l */•-?7. i owvarvhe 1 2 1111111111111111111111111 111 VIII 111 1111 3 1111111111 1111111111101 4 04- CV- 05383 -ORL) 5 6 7 8 9 MIRIAM KRAUSE, 10 Plaintiff, 11 v 12 STEVEN ARNTT, et al. 13 Defendants. 14 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 8 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO DISMISS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT TACOMA No. C04 -5383 RBL OMB BY DEM/Ty RN a T O F W T OH A TACOMA ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS AU6 3 0 2004 LODGED RECEIVED ON U:)CiNCI AUG 31 2004 This matter is before the Court on defendant Steven Arntt's Motion to Dismiss pursuant to Fed. Civ P 12(b)(1) for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The Court has considered the pleadings filed in support of and in opposition to the motion, and the remainder of the file herein. BACKGROUND On September 11, 2003, plaintiff Miriam Krause filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy with the United States Bankruptcy Court in the District of Oregon. As part of the proceeding, plaintiffs real property located in Port Angeles was sold. Plaintiff objected to the sale and filed two motions in the Oregon bankruptcy court attempting to set aside the sale for fraud. Both motions were denied. As of the date 01 this order, the Oregon bankruptcy proceeding is still open. On June 7, 2004, plaintiff filed the current lawsuit in Clallam County, Washington. Plaintiff alleges claims for "Quieting Title" and "Intention Infliction of Emotional Duress" arising out of the sale the Port Angeles property The matter was removed to this court and defendant Arntt filed this motion t dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. 1 DISCUSSION 2 Pursuant to 28 U S C. §1334(e), "[t]he district court in which a case under title 11 is commenced 3 or is pending shall have exclusive jurisdiction of all the property, wherever located, of the debtor as of the 4 commencement of such case, and of property of the estate." Because plaintiff filed for bankruptcy with 5 the United States Bankruptcy Court in the District of Oregon and that case remains open, the district court 6 in Oregon has exclusive jurisdiction over any claims relating to the sale of plaintiff's property This court 7 does not have subject matter junsdiction and plaintiff's complaint should therefore be dismissed. 8 CONCLUSION 9 For all of the foregoing reasons, defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dkt.#10) is GRANTED All 10 remaining motions (Dkt. #'s 10, 17, 21) are DENIED AS MOOT 11 12 DATED this 4ay of August, 2004 13 14 t 5 RONt1LD B LE HTON 4 United States District Judge 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 8 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO DISMISS 2 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 that period. 17 It is requested that no motions be set during that period or within one week 18 thereafter 19 DATED this 4th day of August, 2004 20 Respectfully submitted, 21 JOHN McKAY 22 United States Attorney 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 4 s MIRIAM KRAUSE, 6 Plaintiff, 7 v 8 STEVE ARNTT, et al 9 Defendants NOTICE OF UNAVAILABITY OF AUSA ROBERT P BROUILLARD 2 (C04- 5383RBL) UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT TACOMA No C04- 5383RBL NOTICE OF UNAVAILABILITY OF ASSISTANT U ATTORNEY ROBERT P BROUILLARD .1. Judge Leighton TO Clerk of the 'Court, TO Miriam Krause, TO Dillon E Jackson, and TO Johnston A Mitchell Please take notice that the undersigned attorney will be out of the country from August 25, 2004, to September 10, 2004, and, therefore, will be unavailable during s/ Robert P. Brouillard ROBERT BROUILLARD, WSBA #19786 Assistant United States Attorney United States Attorney's Office 601 Union Street, Suite 5100 Seattle, Washington 98101 -3903 Phone (206) 553-7970 Fax (206) 553 -0114 E -mail robert.brouillard rfi,usdoi.aov UNITED STATES ATTORNEY 601 UNION STREET SUITE 5100 SEATTLE, W ASI IINGTON 98101 3903 (206)553 -7970 August.9, 2005 To Kurt Jafay• 511 E. 1 Street, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 Re: Real Property located at 511 E. 1st Street, Port Angeles, Washington, and personal property contents in the building. Dear Kurt, On Friday, August 5 2005, I mailed you the fraud alert showing the court stamped documents of October 0, 2003, where the attorney fraudulently misrepresented the financial amounts. The income was underestimated by $150,000 in the financial affairs statement. The mortgages were inflated from $947,000 to $1,366,791 78 The signature was forged when the documents were submitted to the court. Showing liabilities of approx. $420,000 more than owed on mortgages. The unsecured debt on page 5 shows after making the changes what is correct $1996.24 this entire bankruptcy has been fraudulent and I might add against the bankruptcy code rules, as well as valid state laws. This entire process is being reviewed by trustees in the Seattle, Washington, and Washington D C. offices. Therefore I have made some calls to the title insurance companies to find out the recourse you and I have against the fraudulent transactions the bankruptcy court has perpetrated. The title company informs me, and this is general information that the seller didn't have the authority to convey the property because of the fraud and forgery Your interests are covered under the policy; they will defend the title policy to the maximum amount you paid for the real property under these circumstances. I cannot speak for them, but I am sending them a copy of this letter This is information that I took over the phone and should be totally accurate. The contents are basically stolen property they are not covered by the insurance and you and I need to work together to maintain the integrity of my personal belongings. The contents are used to assist me in fighting this chronic illness that I have been dealing with since 1979 and only had hope of feeling better while taking my steam baths and other services that I started at my Spa, there will also be an action filed for the physical damage this has done to my body, and only with time will I'know'If the damage can be reversed with my steam bathes and other services the spa provides me since 1993 I know you probably have some questions, and you know that I am willing to talk with you, work with you and that we have several options to repay you for your time and trouble and hopefully keep you out of the lawsuits,(if you wish) that I will be filing in order to protect my rights and gain back everything that has been stolen from me. I would appreciate you getting back with me as soon as possible so we can handle these outrageous actions that have brought you and me together If this had been perpetrated on you I would be the first person in your corner, as you recall as soon as I found out who you were because all documents concerning you have been secreted form the bankruptcy file, which is illegal; 'I called and talked with you on August 30 2004 Everyone involved that had anything to do with this is responsible for this gross injustice, and it is time we went by the facts and not the rumors. Every day that I am without my Spa, my health deteriorates, please let us not make this a wrongful death action. I have 207 pages of medical research concerning my condition in the bankruptcy file in Portland, Oregon. If you do not have access to this, I will also be willing to send you some of the literature. This is a very serious matter Make no doubt about it. 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd. #371, Portland, Oregon, 97232 (503) 515 9587 McEwen Gisvold LLP Johnston A. Mitchell 1100 SW Sixth Ave #1600 Portland, Oregon 97204 Re Fraud, Forgery, Perjury by Steven Arntt OSB 97201 Mr Mitchell, I am sending a thumb -nail example from my book "Crooks, Liars Thieves, Bankruptcy Gone a'Mueck" to show you this little hobby horse was ridden into the bankruptcy court not knowing that the stable master Arntt) had fed it poisoned apples. So along the path upon discovenng it was sick, she asked the stable master to call the veterinary doctor to get it the medicine it needed. Instead of responding as he should he delayed, giving time for the poisoned apples to do their intended fob. Kill the horse and injure the rider! The full intent of Steve Arntt was to commandeer my property at Broadway to his friend Carl Michael Schreiner, who he was representing at the same time he was representing me with no ,disclosure or permission as required by your "Code of. Ethics." He did not talk-to me after the initial filing of my petition on September 11, 2003 and threw me out of his office in early October 2003 to have his assistant Joe Keenan help,me with the mailing matrix and filling out the four unsecured debts of $1996.28 Everything he filed after September 11, 2003 was not SEEN by me, .SIGNED by me or DISCUSSED with me. There is no Certificate of Service, no due process for his fraudulent entries or Linda Johannson taudulent claims either Now I am assuming you can add and subtract $19 from the claim of Johannson and the fraudulent amount entered by Arntt on Exhibit 11 of $379,964.58 The difference is $188,153 00 not owed, fraudulently entered to affect the outcome of my reorganization .Chapter 11 and charged by Arntt on his bill for services for preparing it! Now let's take the $241,943.39 on Grassmueck's Claims Register from the fraudulent amount .entered by Arntt on Exhibit 11 of $456,694 18. The difference is.$214,750 79 not owed, fraudulently entered to affect the outcome of my reorganization plan and ignored by Grassmueck and Judge Tnsh Brown.in order to complete this Bankruptcy Swindle. That makes a total from this Schedule A of fraudulent non existent claims of $402,903 79 filed by Steven E. Arntt and billed to me on October 6, 2003, Prepared amendments for client, .0 9 $180 00 (Pg 16) According to the United States Trustee Manuel, Bankruptcy Fraud Abuse Enforcement Program, False Claims 18 U S C 152 (4) A person who knowingly and fraudulently presents any false claim in any case under Title 11, in a personal capacity, or as or through an agent, proxy, or attorney (shall be fined not more than $250,000 00, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.) Elements of the Offense (1) Bankruptcy proceedings have commenced under Title 11 (2) The defendant presents or causes to be presented a proof of claim in the bankruptcy (3) The proof of claim is false as to a material matter (4) The defendant knew the claim was false. Arntt forged my signature (Page 16 shows the signature) because the schedules he was filing were directly adverse to my filed petition of September 11, 2003 and he did not want me to catch on to his scheme The debtor was required to sign all financial documents so he forged my signature under penalty of perjury This was also directly against my sworn testimony at the October 17, 2003 Creditors Meeting. He also was the only person allowed to file documents in the court as my attorney of record. Sylvia Stevens of the State Bar says you can see that is not my signature! His name was left on the case as my attorney of record from October 21, 2003 until June 8, 2004 when Judge Tnsh Brown finally signed it. Dereliction of Duty! It took him one month, till November 17, 2003, to file a withdrawal and order after he was fired. According to the transcript after he was fired he attended a second 341 meeting on November 5, 2003, and hired another attorney Tim Cardwell t� attend a third 341 meeting on December 5, 2003 which I didn't know about. Until August 2005 when the transcripts were sent to me by the Department of Justice, and there was testimony from the last 2 meetings did I know they were even held. Service on a party represented by an attorney is made on the attorney unless the court orders service on the party Use Mail for Fraud came in handy for these crooks. Rule 9011 (b) Representations to the court: By presenting to the court (whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating) a petition, pleading, written motion, or other paper, an attorney or unrepresented party is certifying that to the best of the person's knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, (1) it is not being prepared for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation (2 the claims, defenses and other legal contentions therein are warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modification or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law; (3) the allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; (4) the denials of factual contentions are warranted on the evidence or, if specifically so identified, are reasonably based on a lack of information or belief. My question to you is when did you look at my petition filed on September 11, 2003? If you didn't look at it, how do you represent a client without seeing the file and paperwork to know if he is telling you the truth? Don't you think reasonableness would require you to at least look at my petition filed voluntanly and supposed to be changed to a Chapter 11 except the fix to rob me was already in by September 17, 2003 with the courts Use Mail for Fraud scheme? Your paperwork in his Motion to Dismiss started with the 40 entry The major fraud was done by the attorneys within 30 days of my filing and was apparent in the court record. Sure didn't do any investigation as required! As a bankruptcy attorney you were aware and already knew it was a scam and have proved your willingness to participate in this fraud! The first thing ever asked of me when I have seen a lawyer was `Bring me the paperwork, I need to see what has been filed" along with `Bring me some money" of course. As Bruce Rubin says "The Documents Speak for Themselves." Reasonableness tells one you don't destroy 3 businesses with 5 real estate properties with $500,000 00 of equity to pay $228.17 unsecured claim. (Page 20) The law says it's a crime to do a Chapter 7 when a debtor can pay their bills! That is why a Chapter 11 is for small business with lots of equity and very small debt which Arntt was told to change it too on September 14, 2003 Little did I know he didn't! Mr Mitchell, in the Motion you say on page 3 "Defendant Arntt is not sure where she obtained Exhibit 9 This proves you did not do any reasonable investigation. Exhibit 9 is from the court record and has the number circled in the lower right hand corner by the court clerk and stamped with the date Oct -9 -03 This means it was the 9 document filed in case #303 -40303 with my name printed in the upper left corner on October 9, 2003 Signed by Arntt! By then he was late with most of my paperwork and the, law says my case should have been dismissed many times over! The law says if schedules are late, not filled out properly, if debtor exam is not held, but even Judge Trish Brown acted as an attorney and prepared his extensions for him, not sending me a copy of course in their continuing scam of my assets! And last but not least, the court in Washington could have heard this case in the interest ofjustice.'But I did not learn the EXTENT of the massive fraud committed on me until I was able to start studying in June 2005 One entire year later! Now I know you are a willing participant! You aided and abetted Fraud! You don't know if the Rules and Procedures were followed in my case because you didn't even know where Exhibit 9 came from. You don't know if the Information Sheet that is required by law to be read into the record and signed at the 341 Meeting was ever used by Grassmueck. Well it wasn't! The debtor exam was never held! Do you do bankruptcy cases and neyer hold a debtors exam? You probably don't forge your client's signature either Do you hold 341 Meeting without the debtor present? Tim Cardwell said he never heard of such a thing. Twice it was done, one with a fired attorney and once' with a guy who didn't know me or my financial situation. You shouldn't make statements when you haven't investigated to find out the truth. Surely it's beneath you! First, you say my theories have no legal or factual basis. The facts are crimes were committed, unless forgery is legal, misrepresenting of liabilities is legal, unless fraudulent misrepresentation of the value of property is legal. The entire Bankruptcy Protection Act's intent and purpose was disregarded by the officers of the court to commit this fraud. The U S Trustee Manual Bankruptcy Fraud Abuse`Enforcement Program laws are listed to be observed to protect the creditors and debtors from fraud and abuse, not to benefit the trustees. They know they have broken the laws. That's why they are trying so hard to discredit me But facts are stubborn, aren't they! "Second, the Plaintiff says, this court has ,jurisdiction because the "acts' of the bankruptcy judge, bankruptcy trustees, bankruptcy attorney and others "were committed outside the bankruptcy proceedings." Where did you get that information Mr Mitchell? All of the cnmes were done under "Color of Law" within the bankruptcy court and under the mantle and direction of Judge Trish Brown, trustee Michael Grassmueck, US Trustees Pam Griffins, Ilene Lashmsky and now, I learned, Vivian Popperl name has popped up too Forgery is a crime against State law as well as Bankruptcy law, as I' read it! The Cnminai Code of Oregon, Forgery and Related Offenses, Offences involving Fraud or Deception are #1 002 to 165 102. Bankruptcy Law Rule 1334 Bankruptcy Cases and Proceedings "(b) The District courts shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of all civil proceedings ansmg under Title 11 (c) Nothing m'this section prevents a district court "in the interest of justice, or in the interestof comity (respect) with state courts or respect for state law, from abstaining from hearing a particular proceeding arising under Title 11 They were willfully committing fraud and willingly aiding and' abetting their own fraud with their' cover -up actions! Again, in "the Interest of Justice" had I known the extent of this fraud being committed by the Oregon 'Bankruptcy Court, this would have been heard in Washington. I had filed my lawsuit °on June 7, 2004 approximately`one week after I became aware of the sale of thy Spa; (This was' actually illegally sold in March 2004, twice. All documents were withheld from the bankruptcy court record against Rule i #6004 -1 until December 2006 {when only a closing statement was filed. I discovered the forgery on June 21, 2004 which was 13 days after I filed' the lawsuit to' stop the sale of my Health Aid. No mention was made of fraud' or forgery in the lawsuit either! On June 14, 2004 I filed an "Affidavit in Support:of Motion to Set Aside Sale of Bankruptcy Assets for Fraud" in bankruptcy court, detailing the difference in mortgage liabilities that were overstated by Arntt. Judge Trish: Brown in her order June 16, 2004 refers to -the June 2, hearing "for the reasons articulated by the court in its oral ruling entered on June 2" whereby these misrepresented liabilities we're not mentioned as they were still unknown to me. I 'call that Fraud, now' But I didn't know it was deliberately misrepresented then. No where do I mention the forgery as I had not yet discovered that. Of course the bankruptcy court denied my Motion because it would have exposed the trustee, the judge, the attorneys and the U S.Trustees all complacent (Smug- ness, self "satisfaction) in this fraud. I asked for a Conversion on May 31, 2004 but was refused, against the law, because a successor trustee would have taken over my case and Judge Trish Brown couldn't risk someone exposing her and'Grassmueck's fraud!' She should have recused herself from my case as I had filed the lawsuit against her! This is required of the trustee and fudge by law! It's clear now, after studying for 2 years. The Use Mail for fraud was discovered July 15, 2005 So you see I had to uncover this fraud without the help of an attorney to point out the crimes committed against me, and study the trustee manuals to understand the extent of the involvement of these crooks. Compounding crime is an interesting theory, also. Mr Mitchell you brought up defenses to a situation that wasn't even mentioned in the law suit. But if you are a bankruptcy lawyer, you wouldn't do anything. to spoil their fraud on me would you? Just in case they sue you for helping me like they did a concerned citizen who told them about the fraud. Twenty Six-crimes so far designed to rob me of my assets and health care! Forty three years of hard work gone, robbed and assets given away by a corrupt legal system.. of which you are now part. Doesn't your Code of Ethics require you to report a crime by a member to the Oregon State Bar? Did you report Arntt when you learned of the forgery in August 2004? Did you check the file from September .1 1, 2003 or just go by what Arntt .told you? Did you =refuse to represent this crook when you learned of his crimes against me.? Crimes= listed on cover of Crooks,. Liars Thieves! Any citizen has the right to expect a certain standard of care from a professional such as an attorney, a doctor, .ajudge, a trustee etc. Reasonable care doesn't include people committing crimes on them, falsifying court records, forging signatures, ignoring the laws, secreting documents, defaming their character, circumventing mail all for the purpose of robbing, stealing assets and claiming properties that without the criminal activity would never be lost to their rightful owners. I would love to. say I am,riding this horse into the sunset but since you have robbed me, I have nowhere to go! Besides he's a dead horse, thanks to you! I will be entering these papers in the file in Washington Case CVO4 -5383 RBL and sending copies to all attorneys involved in this scam! Maybe if people can learn of this slick. fraud (racket) from that record, they can protect themselves better from; these crooks and racketeers! I am updating, my, files and would like to know, are you still representing Steve Arntt and accepting service for him? Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy 371 Portland, Oregon 97232 (503)515 -9587 McEwen Gisvold LLP Johnston A. Mitchell 1100 SW Sixth Ave #1600 Portland, Oregon 97204 ADD fiaNsli Re. Fraud, Forgery, Perjury by Steven Arntt OSB 97201 Mr Mitchell, I am sending a thumb -nail example from my book "Crooks, Liars Thieves, Bankruptcy Gone a'Mueck" to show you this little hobby horse was ridden mto the bankruptcy court not knowing that the stable master (Arntt) had fed it poisoned apples. So along the path upon discovering it was sick, she asked the stable master to call the veterinary doctor to get it the medicine (Chanter 11) it needed. Instead of responding as he should he delayed, giving time for the poisoned apples (Forgery. Fraud. and Fraudulent Financials) to do their intended job. Kill the horse and injure the rider! The full intent of Steve Arntt was to commandeer my property at Broadway to his friend Carl Michael Schreiner, who he was representing at the same time he'was representmg me with no disclosure or permission as required by your "Code of Ethics." He did not talk to me after the initial filing of my petition on September 11, 2003 and threw me out of his office in early October 2003 to have his assistant Joe Keenan help me with the mailing matrix and filling out the four unsecured debts of $1996.28 Everything he filed after September 11, 2003 was not SEEN by me, SIGNED by me or DISCUSSED with me. There is no Certificate of Service; no due process for his fraudulent entries or Lmda Johansson's fraudulent claims either Now I am assuming you can add and subtract $191,811.58 from the claim of Johannson and the fraudulent amount entered by Arntt on Exhibit 11 of $379,964.58. The difference is $188,153 00 not owed, fraudulently entered to affect the outcome of my reorganization Chapter 11 and charged by Arntt on his bill for services for preparing it! Now let's take the $241,943.39 on Grassmueck's Claims Register from the fraudulent amount entered by Arntt on Exhibit 11 of $456,694 18 The difference is $214,750 79 not owed, fraudulently entered to affect the outcome of my reorganization plan and ignored by Grassmueck and Judge Trish Brown in order to complete this Bankruptcy Swindle. That makes a total from this Schedule A of fraudulent non existent claims of $402,903 79 filed by Steven E. Arntt and billed to me on October 6, 2003, Prepared amendments for client, 0.9 $180 00 (Pg 16) Mr Mitchell you brought up defenses to a situation that wasn't even mentioned m the law suit. But if you are a bankruptcy lawyer, you wouldn't do anything to spoil their fraud on me would you? Just in case they sue you for helping me like they did a concerned citizen who told them about the fraud. Twenty Six crimes so far designed to rob me of my assets and health care! Forty three years of hard work gone, robbed and assets given away by a corrupt legal system of which you are now part. Doesn't your Code of Ethics require you to,report a crime by a member to the Oregon State Bar? Did you report Arntt when you learned of the forgery in August 2004? Did you check the file from September 11, 2003 or just go by what Arntt told you? Did you refuse to represent this crook when you learned of his crimes against me.? Crimes listed on cover of ,Crooks, Liars Thieves! Any citizen has the right to expect a certain standard of reasonable care from a professional such as an attorney, a doctor, a judge, a trustee etc. Reasonable care doesn't include people committing crimes on them, falsifying financial documents, forging signatures, ignoring the laws, secreting documents, defaming their character, circumventmg mail all for the purpose of robbing, stealing assets and claiming properties that without their criminal activity would never be lost to their rightful owners. I would love to say I am riding this horse into the sunset but since you have robbed me, l have nowhere to go! Besides he's a dead horse, thanks to you! I will be entering these papers in the file in Washington Case CVO4 -5383 RBL, sending copies to all attorneys, Judge Leighton, all who were involved m this scam! Maybe if people can learn of this slick fraud (racket) from that record, they can protect themselves beam these crooks and racketeers! I am updating my files and would like to know, are you still. representing Steve Arntt OSB #97201 and accepting service for him? Miriam Krause 3439 N.E Sandy 371 Portland, Oregon 97232 (503)515 -9587 U.S Attorney Robert Brouillard 700 Stewart Street #5220 Seattle, Washington 98101 February 20, 2008 Re Bankruptcy Fraud, Illegal Seizure of Assets by corrupt Oregon Bankruptcy Court, Case 03 -40303 filed September 11, 2003 Fraud on .a senior, chronically ill 68 year old woman throughout this entire case! Dear Robert Brouillard, The statement. "self management of chronic illness would save $1 4 Billion a year" is true.! This is the corruption that wiped out my self help! I am writing to you to ask for your help in turning around the theft of my assets by a corrupt group of people who targeted me because of my age, illness and property! The U S.Trustee Program in the U.S.Bankruptcy Court is badly broken and was used under "Color of Law" to steal my assets from my lifes work. There is a "Culture of Corruption" which is apparent here! I am asking for a full mvestigation to expose and punish these crooks. This is going on nationwide and petitioner's assets have unwillingly become trustees "Piggy Banks" benefiting the trustees themselves! They are Federal employees, Judge Trish Brown, trustee's Michael Grassmueck, Peter McKittrick,, US Trustees Pam Griffith, Vivian Popperl, Regional Director Ilene Lashinsky, Crime; Coordinator Celeste Miller, Chief Judge Elizabeth Perris, US Attorney Charles Gorder and Judicial Misconduct Committee Judge Mary Schroeder Several clerks of the Portland bankruptcy court staff and,office's staff as well. Several members of the Oregon State Bar including but not limited to Steve Arntt #97201, Linda Johannson #90306, David Mills #97728, Valerie Tomasi #84158, Fred Smith #65118 and again Peter McKittrick 852816. These are the actors in this BANKRUPTCY SWINDLE who have committed no less than 26 crimes. There is no excuse for officers of the court who know the law and knowingly, willingly and wantonly disregard the law, rules and procedures set forth by the Congress as follows. "BANKRUPTCY RULES Rule 1001 -Scope of Rules and Forms; Short Title, The bankruptcy Rules and Forms govern procedure m cases under Title 11 of the United States Code. The rules shall be cited as the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures and the Forms as the Official Bankruptcy Forms. These rules shall be construed to secure the JUST, SPEEDY AND INEXPENSIVE DETERMINATION of every case and proceeding." This is not the way this court has preformed! Their names and actions spread throughout the case in their malicious determination to ROB me. I have counted possibly 70 people who helped commit the crimes, intimidation, defamation, illegal seizures toward me. They have destroyed my free and clear health aid and left me with no available, affordable or replaceable health care through FRAUD That is Malicious Injury They changed my address in the court file 6 days after I filed the petition. Arntt forged my name to falsified financial schedules by $413,000 00; Johannson fraudulently misrepresented and undervalued 2 properties by $204,000 00 Arntt left out $150,000 of income on the fmancial statement and inflated a $456.00 debt to $4,560 00 over by $4,104 00 all before the 341 meeting on October 17, 2003 Falsified information of $771,104.00, now you tell me how a trustee_ can possibly justify his actions when, The forgery can be detected by a first grader failing classes, The $413,000 00 was 2 mortgages, one doubled and one almost doubled, The $204,000 00 was deleted in spite of 2 appraisals less than I year old, The $150,000 00 was the balance of the 2 years plus year of filing rule, The $4,104 00 was an attempt to raise the unsecured debt above $1996.24, Unless he saw $256,000 00 of equity in 4 houses and a free and clear health aid worth $200,000 00 land and building only and full of antiques and collectables. He.stole everything and paid out $228.17 on his final report which is not done according to the accounting rules either! Now add in the $44,929 00 he charged me when I. started fighting him on this theft and he used my money to pay his and every other thieves attorney! Let's not forget the $5,000.00 he extorted m case I decide to sue him, which I was charged $5,000.00 in attorney's fees to extort it from me and the money still remains hidden with Judge Trish Brown refusing to account for the location of it. Her first extortion was for $11,500 00 to be put at her old law firm Farleigh, Wada Witt, all against Bankruptcy Law Rule 5004 Disqualification (a) Disqualification of Judge "A bankruptcy judge shall be governed by 28 USC 455 and disqualified from presiding over the proceeding or contested matter in which the disqualifying circumstances arises or, if appropriate, shall be disqualified from presiding over the case." (b) Disqualification of Judge from Allowing Compensation' "A bankruptcy judge shall be disqualified from allowing compensation to a person who is a relative of the bankruptcy judge or with whom the judge is so connected as to render it improper for the judge to authorize such compensation" How about the "Grassmueck Group" with a corporation for bankruptcy trustee, receiver and claims management started on December 15, 2004 #251908 -43 with Farleigh, Wada Witt at 121 S.W.Morrison #600 Portland, Oregon 97204, the judge's old law firm and the same firm used to embezzle my Broadway House, "with no equity" stated on November 18, 2003 m "Notice of Intent to Abandon" by Grassmueck, that made Jay Heinrich a cool $160,000 00 who's his agent was Valerie Tomasi of the same firm. This abandonment was stated on the Final Report as "NONE" While on the subject of Improper Use of Funds and Fraudulent Accounting Practices, Lets mention the $3,740 00 Ilene Lashinsky, Dept of Justice employee, charged me for her August 2005 investigation that was done with David Mills, attorney for Michael Grassmueck, doing the investigation. But no mention of him preparing the letter Lashinsky sent January 4, 2006 exoneratmg the trustee of any wrongdoing except for his billing me for it. At closer observance and with better knowledge, whose attorney is going to say their client is guilty? Lashinsky has a lot to answer for especially since her duty, I now know, was to oversee the administration of my case but instead she, choose to aid and abet fraud. Pam Griffiths and Vivian Popperl will get their chance to answer under oath why there names are on the worksheet with the entire math wrong! I guess the 3 of them can't add! "Crime, Corruption, Cronyism, Cover up" is my 4 book on the subject! This one will tell the tale of how sick this country is that would not stop this kind of FRAUD on a 68 year old chronically ill woman. "Death by Decision" is the story of the toxic product "Energy Guard" that poisoned me m 1979 involving Judge Trish Brown's law firm, Lane, Powell, Spears Lubersky who represented Sears Roebuck with the insulation product that is actually hazardous waste that they installed m peoples homes. Three minutes into this book and you will see the reason they committed Fraud on me and the reason they think they can pull it off and go scott free! "Crooks, Liars Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck" shows the crimes in actual court documents as best as I can explain them and last but not least I have an 800 page A to Z book that is an education into this bankruptcy crime by the people mentioned in this letter and many more. I have also done the Time Line in a small book that is easier to carry My Time line covers approximately the first 10 months of this crime spree. It is hard to phantom learning to catch thieves that have practiced for so long, who know the law and choose to break it. Then to have the attorneys willing to falsify documents and turn on their clients like hungry wolves to become their worst enemy Secret hearings and secreted documents are throughout my entire case. Even the court clerks lied to me and told me Oregon didn't have a Claim Register That kept me stupid from mid 2005 till February 2, 2006 and hid the embezzlement of my Broadway House from me! This was during the time of Lashinsky's investigation" I am not alone. This is the worst corrupted state m the country and you will get the idea after reading the thumbnail of the books I am enclosing. I had recorded a DVD in the fall of 2006 and also have taken up studying media production because of the need to educate people of the corruption in the Bankruptcy Courts We plan an expose movie like Michael Moore's. I will expose these crooks! Shame on the people who commit these crimes on the elderly, chronically ill and unsuspecting members of our society Judge Trish Brown and David Mills are using the information from the early 80's they were privileged to know, Prior Knowledge, and using information about my 111 health and using crimes to rob me of my health care for one reason, GREED! By stealing my health care they are contributing to my early demise. There is no other way to look at it! All my medical research was entered in the court file on July 19, 2005 "Objection for Intent to Confiscate Funds" 105 in answer to their motion filed on my birthday June 28, 2005 "Notice of Intent to Reserve Funds" 104 Extort Funds is more like it! This was the confiscation of $11,500 00 in case I sue them for their Fraud. Does this not allow these crooks to be above the law? NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! The bankruptcy law says the case is to be administered according to valid state and federal law! Forgery, Use mail for Fraud, etc These CROOKS, LIARS THIEVES need °to be put out of business! Stealing property worth $1,413,000 00 with $500,000 00 of equity and $1996 00 of unsecured debt. The trustee paid out $228 17 Show me where this theft is authorized and supported in bankruptcy law CROOKS! Please do something to stop this 'crime wave! Mr Brouillard please help the victims! It's your job! See Bankruptcy Crime 3057 We Deserve Better! y Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 1- 503 -515 -9587 Celeste Miller M.K. Central Plaza 720 Park Block #220 Boise, Idaho 83712 February 23, 2008 Re: Bankruptcy Fraud, Fake Chapter 7 with Illegal Seizure of Assets by corrupt Oregon Bankruptcy Court, Case 03 -40303 filed September 11, 2003 Multiple crimes on a senior, chronically ill 68 year old woman. Dear Ms. Miller, I am still in shock at the loss of my property and health care in this blatant abuse of power and corruption! You have done nothing the law requires! Again, I am writing to you to ask for your help in turning around the theft of my assets by a corrupt group of people who targeted me because of my age, illness and property! The U.S.Trustee Program in the U.S.Bankruptcy Court is badly broken and was used under "Color of Law" to steal my assets from my lifes work. There is a "Culture of Corruption" which is apparent here! I am asking for a full investigation to expose and punish these crooks. This is going on nationwide and petitioner's assets have unwillingly become the trustees "Piggy Banks" benefiting the trustees themselves! They are Federal employees, Judge Trish Brown, trustee's Michael Grassmueck, Peter McKittrick, US Trustees Pam Griffith, Vivian Popperl, Regional Director Ilene Lashmsky, Crime Coordinator Celeste Miller, Chief Judge Elizabeth Perris, US Attorney Charles Gorder and Judicial Misconduct Committee Judge Mary Schroeder Several clerks of the Portland bankruptcy court staff and office's staff as well. Several members of the Oregon State Bar including but not limited to Steve Arntt #97201, Linda Johannson #90306, David Mills #97728, Valerie Tomasi #84158, Fred Smith #65118 and again Peter McKittrick 852816 These are the actors in this BANKRUPTCY SWINDLE who have committed no less than 26 crones. There is no excuse for officers of the court who know the law and knowingly, willingly and wantonly disregard the law, rules and procedures set forth by the Congress as follows "BANKRUPTCY RULES Rule 1001 Scope of Rules and Forms; Short Title, The bankruptcy Rules and Forms govern procedure in cases under Title 11 of the United States Code. The rules shall be cited as the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures and the Forms as the Official Bankruptcy Forms. These rules shall be construed to secure the JUST, SPEEDY AND INEXPENSIVE DETERMINATION of every case and proceeding." This is not the way this court has preformed! Their names and actions spread throughout the case in their malicious determination to ROB me. I have counted possibly 70 people who helped commit the crimes, intimidation, defamation, illegal seizures toward me. They have destroyed my free and clear health aid and left me with no available, affordable or replaceable health care through FRAUD That is Malicious Injury They changed my address in the court file 6 days after I filed the petition. Arntt forged my name to falsified financial schedules by $413,000 00; Johannson fraudulently misrepresented and undervalued 2 properties by $204,000 00 Arntt left.out $150,000 of income on the financial statement and inflated a $456 00 debt-to $4,560 00 over by $4,104 00 all before the 341 meeting on October 17, 2003 Falsified information of $771,104 00, now you tell me=how a.trustee can possibly justify his actions when, The forgery can be detected by a first grader failmg classes, The $413,000 00 was 2-mortgages, one doubled and one almost doubled, The $204,000 00 was deleted m spite of'2 appraisals less than I year old, The $150,000 00 was the balance of the 2 years plus year.of filing rule, The $4,104 00 was an attempt to raise the unsecured debt above $1996.24, Unless he saw $265,000 00 of equity in 4 houses and a free and clear health aid worth $200,000 OO land and building only and full of antiques and collectables. He stole everything and paid out $228 17 on his final report which is not done according to the accounting rules either! Now add m the $44,929 0.0 he charged me when I started fighting him' on this theft and heused my money to pay his and every other thieves attorney! Let's not forget the $5,000.00 he extorted in case I decide to sue him, which I was charged $5,000 00 in attorney's fees to extort it from me and the money still remains hidden with Judge Trish Brown refusing to account for the location of it. Her first extortion attempt was for $11,500 00 to be put at her old law firm Farleigh, Wada Witt, all against Bankruptcy Law RuIe 5004 Disqualification (a)Disqualification of Judge "A bankruptcy judge shall be governed by 28 USC 455 and disqualified from presiding over the proceeding or contested matter in which the. disqualifying: circumstances arises or, if appropriate; 'shall be disqualified from presiding. over. the case." (b) Disqualification of..Judge from Allowing Compensation "A bankruptcy judge shall be disqualified from allowing compensation to a person who is a relative fof the bankruptcy judge-or with whom the judge is so connected as to render it improper for the judge to authorize such compensation" How about the "Grassmueck Group" with a corporation for bankruptcy trustee, receiver and claims management started on December 15, 2004 #251908 -43 with Farleigh, Wada Witt at 121 S. W.Mornson #600 Portland, Oregon 97204, the judge's old law firm and the same firm used to embezzle my Broadway House, "with no equity" stated on November 18, 2003 in "Notice of Intent to Abandon" by Grassmueck, that made Jay Heinrich a cool $160,000 00 who's agent was Valerie Tomasi of the same firm. This abandonment was stated on the Final Report as "NONE" While on the subject of Improper Use of Funds and Fraudulent Accounting Practices, Lets mention the $3,740 00 Ilene Lashinsky, Dept of Justice employee, charged me for her August 2005 investigation that was done with David Mills, attorney for Michael Grassmueck, doing the investigation. But no mention of him preparing the letter Lashmsky sent January 4, 2006 exonerating the trustee of any wrongdoing except for his billing me for it. At closer observance and with better knowledge, whose attorney is going to say their client is guilty? Lashinsky has a lot to answer for especially smce her duty, I now know, was to oversee the administration of my case but mstead she choose to aid and abet fraud. Pain Griffiths and Vivian Popperl will get their chance to answer under oath why there names are on the worksheet with the entire math wrong! I guess the 3 of them can't add! "Crime, Corruption, Cronyism, Cover up" is my 4 book on the subject! This one will tell the tale of how sick this country is that would not stop this kind of FRAUD on a 68 year old chronically ill woman. "Death by Decision" is the story of the toxic product "Energy Guard" that poisoned me in 1979 involving Judge Trish Brown's law firm, Lane, Powell, Spears Lubersky who represented Sears Roebuck with the insulation product that is actually hazardous waste that they installed in peoples homes. Three minutes into this book and you will see the reason they committed Fraud on me and the reason they think they can pull it off and go scott free! "Crooks, Liars Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck" shows the crimes in actual court documents as best as I can explain them and last but not least I have an 800 page A to Z book that is an education into this bankruptcy crime by the people mentioned in this letter and many more. I have also done the Time Line in a small book that is easier to carry My Time lme covers approximately the first 10 months of this cnme spree. It is hard to phantom learning to catch thieves that have practiced for so long, who know the law and choose to break it. Then to have the attorneys willing to falsify documents and turn on their clients like hungry wolves to become their worst enemy Secret hearings and secreted documents are throughout my entire case. Even the court clerks lied to me and told me Oregon didn't have a Claim Register That kept me stupid from mid 2005 till February 2, 2006 and hid the embezzlement of my Broadway House from me! This was during the time of Lashinsky's "investigation" I am not alone. This is the most corrupted state in the country and you will get the idea after reading the thumbnail of the books I am enclosing. I had recorded a DVD in the fall of 2006 and also have taken up studying media production because of the need to educate people of the corruption m the Bankruptcy Courts We plan an expose movie like Michael Moore's. I will expose these crooks! Shame on the people who commit these crimes on the elderly, chronically ill and unsuspecting members of our society Judge Trish Brown and David Mills are using the information from the early 80's they were privileged to know, Pnor Knowledge, and using information about my ill health and using crimes to rob me of my health care for one reason, GREED! By stealing my health care they are, contributing to my early demise. There is no other way to look at it! All my medical research was entered in the court file on July 19, 2005 "Objection for Intent to Confiscate Funds" 105 in answer to their motion filed on my birthday June 28, 2005 "Notice of Intent to Reserve Funds" 104 Extort Funds is more like it! This was the confiscation of $11,500 00 in case I sue them for their Fraud. Does this not allow these crooks to be above the law? NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! The bankruptcy law says the case is to be administered according to valid state and federal law! Forgery, Use mail for Fraud, etc. These CROOKS, LIARS THIEVES need to be put out of business! Stealing property worth $1,413,000 00 with $500,000 00 of equity and $1996 00 of unsecured debt. The trustee paid out $228 17 Show me where this theft is authorized and supported in bankruptcy law It isn't! CROOKS! Please do something to stop this crime wave! Ms. Miller, please help the victims! It's your job! See Bankruptcy Crime 3057 All of these illegal actions are against the Bankruptcy Protection Act, Bankruptcy Law, Rules and Procedures, both federal and local. Every thing I have studied in the U.S.Trustees Manuel Chapter 7 Administration and Bankruptcy Fraud and Abuse Enforcement Program to detect fraud and abuse and prevent it from happening was done in my case and used by the very people charged with the administration of the law to abuse it and rob me! The secrecy by this court, the hidden documents, the neglect of forms and procedures, the outright disregard for the law and rules throughout this case has provided the evidence of their quilt. The very fact that a liquidation was done was against the law! Instead of my right of reorganization that is guaranteed under the law, they saw a chance to make a haul. The change of my address on September 17, 2003, six days after I filed my petition is the undisputed proof of the intent to steal my assets. Nothing in the law gave them the right to take one tea -cup from my Spa, yet they have depnved me of my chosen and effective health care for this chronic illness. My only relief was from my steam baths after 14 years of searching. The trustees own attorney, David Mills OSB 97728, was willing to represent me against the insulation company in 1986 This theft and illegal seizure was planned, it is no coincidence that all of these people have come together to rob me! But sometimes when a crook least expects it the long arm of the law surprises the hell out of them! Chicago recently was the scene of 59 people being arrested all engaged m mob activities. Time for a good awakening with this Oregon bankruptcy mob I think we will title the movie documentary which is similar to Michael Moore's by calling it "SLICKO" I now have the problem of the IRS which is a direct result of the cremes and lies allowed to fester in my case because you won't do your fob as a crone coordinator and expose these people. Now is the time for the national exposure of this corruption since I have exhausted every avenue known to me to get the law enforcement officers and the officers of the court to do their duty and settle this otherwise. Besides I have a duty to warn the rest of this nation of the threat of outright theft if they choose to use this path of treachery and believe in the Bankruptcy Protection Act. It is a FARCE! I am formally adding the names of Vivian Popperl and Peter McKittrick as their footprint has been discovered in this fraud as well. Add them to the list of people acting, discussing, engineering and/or profiting from these cremes! Shame, Shame, Shame on all of you! Minam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 1- 503 515 -9587 Case No: 03 -40303 TMB Case Name: Krause, Miriam Emma Taxpayer ID No: *8276 For Period Ending: 01/30/06 Blanket Bond (per case limit): 15,000,000.00 Separate Bond (if applicable): l 2 3 4 1 5 I 6 1 7 Transaction Check or Uniform Disbursements Account CD Date Reference Paid To Received From Description Of Transaction Trans. Cod( Deposits (5) Balance I I BALANCE FORWARD I I I I 0.00 Ct 03/04/04 WIEGEL, J. KEVEN MINDY ESCROW DEPOSIT PENDING SALE 1280 -000 2,500.00 2,500.00 1265 HOOKER ROAD ASSET #1 SEQUIM, WA 98382 6/7 /04- Refltnded Escrow deposit C 03/31/04 INT BANK OF AMERICA C 04/23/04 Reversed t Funds Transfe C Bank Cleared Memo Disbursements: Memo Allocation Net: 0.00 FORM 2 ESTATE CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS RECORD INTERNATIONAL SURETIES, LTD BOND 210 BARONNE ST SUITE 1700 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 -1570 C 04/30/04 INT BANK OF AMERICA C 05/28/04 INT BANK OF AMERICA C 06/07/04 INT BANK OF AMERICA Ct 06/07/04 Transfer to Acct •'i *6277 C 06/08 /04 INT BANK OF AMERICA C 06/15/04 INT Reverses Interest on 06/08/04 Memo Receipts: 0.00 0.00 Account *5753 Interest Rate 0.100 1270 -000 0.16 2,500.16 Interest Rate 0.100 1270-000 0.20 2,498.74 Interest Rate 0.100 1270 -000 0.21 2,498.95 INTEREST REC'D FROM BANK 1270 -000 0.04 2,498.99 Final Posting Transfer 9999 -000 2,498.99 0.00 INTEREST RECD FROM BANK 1270-000 0.04 0.04 INTEREST DUPLICATED BY B OF A 1270 -000 -0.04 0.00 mer•-r L t Balance Forward 0 Deposits 6 Interest Postings Subtotal Trustee Name: MICHAEL A. GRASSMUECK, INC. Bank Name: BANK OF AMERICA Account Number CD `5753 IMPOUND -Escrow for Sale of Property 2300 -000 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.61 0 Adjustments In 0.00 1 Transfers In 2,500.00 Total 2,500.61 Page: 1 1.62 2,498.54 0 Checks 0.00 1 Adjustments Out 1.62 1 Transfers Out 2,498.99 Total S 2,500.61 Grassmueck, Where is the Earnest Money from the so called "buyer" Kurt Jafay from March 10, 2004. It was to be entered within 1 day of sale on Form 2. Secreted sale and Earnest Money were never recorded. Fraudulent Accounting! SELECTED PROVISIONS TITLE 18 BANKRUPTCY CRIES (as amended to December 1, 2003) Sec. 15 Definition 152. Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery 153 Embeza1ement.against estate 154 Adverse interest and conduct of officers 155 Fee agreements in cases under title 11 and receiverships 156. Knowiees &stewed of hake p+r y haw of cue 157 Bankruptcy fraud 3057 Bankruptcy investigations 3284 Concealment of bankrupt's assets 151. Demotion As used in this chapter, the term "debtor" means a debtor concerning whom a petition has been filed under title 11 152. Concealment of assets false oaths and claims; bribery A person who- (1): knowingly and fraudulently conceals from a custodian, trustee, marshal, or other officer of the court charged with the control or custody of property, or, in .connection with a case under tide 11, from creditors or the United States Trustee, any property belongs to the estate of a. debtor; (2) knowingly and fraudulently makes aia koath or account in or in relation to any case under title 11; (3). knowingly and fraudulently makes a false declaration, certificate, verifica- tion. or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, in or in relation to any case under title 11; (IL knowingly and fraudulently presents any false claim for proof against the i'srate of a debtor, or uses any such claim in any case under nde 11, in a personal capacity or as or through an roxy, or attorne1 (5) k no and frau rr o y receives any material amount of property from a debt the filing of a case under tide 11, with intent to defeat the pro- visions ofttle 11; (4) knowingly and fraudulently gives, offers, receives, or attempts to obtain any money or property, remuneration, compensation, reward, scivlarmagg, or promise thereof for acting or forbearing to act in any case under title 11; (7) in a personal capacity or as an agent or officer of any person or corpora- tion, in contemplation of a case under ,title 11 by or against the person or any other person or corporation, or with intent to dent tli provisions of tide 11,, knowingly and fraudulently transfers or.any o rproperty or the prop- erty of such other person or corporation (8) after the filing of a case under title 11 or in contemplation thereof, know- ingly and fraudulently conceals, destroys, mutilates, falsifies, or makes a false ride 18 152 entry in any recorded information (including books, documents, records, and papers) relating to the property or financial affairs of a debtor; or (9) after the filing of a case under utle 11, knowingly and fraudulently with- holds from a custodian, trustee, marshal, or other officer of the court or a United States Trustee entitled to its possession, any recorded information (including books, documents, records, and papers) relating to the property or financial affairs of a debtor, ;hall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. 153. Embezzlement asamst a to (a) OFFENSE. ---A person described in subsection (b) who knowingly and fraudu- ently appropriates to the person's own use, embezzles, spends, or transfers any prop Try or sficret,ef or destroys any. document belonging to the estate of .a debtor shall be med under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. (b) PERSON TO WHOM SECTION APPLIES. --A person described in this sub .ection is one who has access toprro or documents belong 'n to an estate by vir- ue of the person's participation in the administration of the estate as a trustee, ustodian, marshal, attorney, or other officer of the court or as an agent, employee, nr other person engaged by such an officer to perform a service with respect to the state. 154 Adverse interest sad conduct of officers A person who, being a custodian, trustee, marshal, or other officer of the court— knowingly purchases, directly or indirectly, any property of the estate of which the person is such an officer in a case under title 1:1, ..r Vi- //v1 (2) knowingly refuses to permit a reasonable opportunity for the inspection by narties in interest of the documents and accounts relating to the affairs of estates in the person's charge by parties when directed by the court to do so;. or (3) knowingly refuses to permit a reasonable opportunity for the inspection by the United States Trustee of the documents and accounts relating to the affairs of an estate in the person's. charge, hall be fined under this title and shall forfeit the person's office, which shall there ipon become vacant. 155 Fee agreements in cases under title 11 and receiverships Whoever, being a party in interest, whether as a debtor, creditor, receiver, trustee, ►r representative of any of them, or attorney for any such party in interest, in any eceivership or case under title 11 in any United States court or under its supervision, :nowingly and fraudulently enters into any agreement, express or implied, with .nother such party in interest or attorney for another such party in interest, for the ►urpose of fixing the fees or other compensation to be paid to any party in interest or o any attorney for any party m interest for services rendered in connection therewith, rom the assets of the estate, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more han one year, or both. 156. Knowing disregard of bankruptcy law or rule (a) DEFINITI In this section— "bankruptcy petition preparer" means a person, other than the debtor's.attor- ney or an employee of such an attorney, who prepares for compensation a docu- ment for filing. 166 "document for filing" means a petition: or any other document prepared for filing by a debtor in a United States Bankruptcy court or a United States district court in connection with a case under this tide. (b) OFFENSE. --If a bankruptcy case or related proceeding is dismissed because of a knowing attempt by a bankruptcy petition preparer in any manner to disregard the requirements of tide 11, United States Code, or the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the bankruptcy petition preparer shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. 157 Bankrupt�oy frau person w obi having aevised or intending to devise a scheme or artifice to defraud' and for the purpose of executing or concealing such a scheme or artifice or attempting to do so— (1) files a petition under title 11, (2) files a document in a proceeding under title 11; or (3) makes. a false or fraudulent representation, claim, or promise concerning or in relation to a proceeding under title 11, at any time before or after the filing of the petition, or in relation to a proceeding falsely asserted to be pending under such tide, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. 3057 Bankruptcy xnvestigatums (a) Any judge, receiver, or trustee having reasonable grounds for believing that any violation under chapter 9 of this title or other laws of the United States relating to insolvent debtors, receiverships or reorganization plans has been committed, or that an investigation should be had in connection therewith, shall report to the appropri- ate United States attorney all the facts and circumstances of the case, the names of the witnesses and the offense or offenses believed to have been committed. Where one of such officers has made such report, the others need not do so. (b) The United States attorney thereupon shall inquire into the facts and report thereon to the judge, and if it appears probable that any such offense has been com- mitted, shall without delay, present the matter to the grand jury, unless upon inquiry and examination he decides that the ends of public justice do not require investiga- tion or prosecution, in which case he shall report the facts to theAttornev General for his direction. 3284 Concealment of bankrupt's assets The concealment of assets of a debtor in a case under tide 11 shall be deemed to be a continuing offense until the debtor shall have been finally discharged or a dis- charge denied, and the period of linutatLons shall not begin to run until such final dis- charge or denial of discharge. US BEFORE 81A8 W1 At fo 1flE SIX `u THAT°S TN oturett 1 J8.1bPAY. WiIsiY, 1 re e ODY t A4P 006MitilT A X01' of 901 A Lot' of BAP: *NO %R. KINEY. 1 Title 18 3284 Theft. A popular name for larceny The taking 1 of property without the owner's consent. he fraudulent taking of personal property belong ing to another from his possession, or from the possession of some person holding the same for him, without his consent, with intent to deprivr the owner of the value of the same, and to appropriate it to the use or benefit of the per son taking. It is also said that theft is a wider term than larceny and that it includes swindling and em- bezzlement and that generally, one who obtains possession of property by lawful means and thereafter appropriates the property to the tak- er's own use is guilty of a "theft" Theft is any of the following acts done with intent to deprive the owner permanently of the possession, use or benefit of his property (a) Obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over property or (b) Obtaining by deception control over property, or (c) Obtaining by threat control over property- or (d) Obtaining control over stolen property knowing the prop- erty to have been stolen by another See also Auto theft; Embezzlement; Extor- tion; Intimidation; Larceny; Robbery Theft by false pretext. Theft of services. Obtaining services from an- other by deception, threat, coercion, stealth, mechanical tampering or use of false token or device. 769 T Theft by false pretext. Obtaining property by means of false pretext with intent to deprive owner of value of property without his consent and to appropriate it to own use, followed by such appropriation. Theory of case. Facts on which the right of action is claimed to exist. The basis of liability or grounds of defense. See Cause of action. Theory of law The legal premise or set of princi- pies on which a case rests. Theory of pleading doctrine. The pre -code princi- ple that one must prove his case as pleaded. Otherwise, he fails though he has set forth facts sufficient to sustain his case on a theory different from his pleadings. The various codes and rules of civil procedure have abol- ished this principle; see e.g. Fed.R.Civil P 15 which permits amendment of pleadings to con- form to evidence. Thief. One who steals; one who commits theft or larceny See also Common thief. WHEN YOU FILE BANKRUPTCY. BANKRUPTCY INFORMATION SHEET BANKRUPTCY LAW IS A FEDERAL LAW THIS SHEET GIVES YOU SOME GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS IN A BANKRUPTCY CASE. THE INFORMATION HERE IS NOT COMPLETE. YOU MAY NEED LEGAL ADVICE. You can choose the kind of bankru tc that best meets our needs. Chapter 7 A trustee is appointed to take over your property Any property of value will be sold or turned into money to pay your creditors You may be able to keep some personal items and possibly real estate depending on the law of the state where you live Chapter 13 You can usually keep your property but you must earn wages or have some other source of regular income and you must agree to pay part of your income to your creditors The Court must approve your repayment plan and your budget. A trustee is appointed and will collect the payments from you pay your creditors and make sure you live up to the terms of your repayment plan Chapter 12 Like chapter 13 but it is only for family farmers. Chapter 11 This is used mostly by businesses In chapter 11, you may continue to operate your business, but your creditors and the Court must approve a plan to repay your debts There is no trustee unless the Judge decides that one is necessary if a trustee is appointed, the trustee takes control of your business and property If you have already filed bankruptcy under chapter 7 you may be able to change your case to another chapter Your bankruptcy may be reported on your credit record for as long as ten years It can affect your ability to receive credit in the future WHAT IS A BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE AND HOW DOES IT OPERATE? One of the reasons people file bankruptcy is to get a discharge A discharge is a Court order which states that you do not have to pay most of your debts. Some debts cannot be discharged For example you cannot discharge debts for— most taxes child support; alimony; most student loans, Court fines and criminal restitution, and personal injury caused by driving drunk or under the influence of drugs The discharge only applies to debts that arose before the date you filed Also if the Judge finds that you received money or property by fraud that debt may not be discharged (over) 4/96 Rev It is important to list all your property and debts in your bankruptcy schedules. If you do not list a debt, for example it is possible the debt will not be discharged The Judge can also deny your discharge if you do something dishonest in connection with your bankruptcy case, such as destroy or hide property, falsify records or lie or if you disobey a Court order You can only receive a chapter 7 discharge once every six years No one can make you pay a debt that has been discharged, but you can voluntary pay any debt you wish to pay You do not have to sign a reaffirmation agreement or any other kind of document to do this Some creditors hold a secured claim (for example, the bank that holds the mortgage on your house or the loan company that has a lien on your car) You do not have to pay a secured claim if the debt is discharged, but the creditor can still take the property WHAT IS A REAFFIRMATION AGREEMENT? Even if a debt can be discharged, you may have special reasons why you want to promise to pay it. For example, you may want to work out a plan with the bank to keep your car To promise to pay that debt, you must sign and file a reaffirmation agreement with the Court. Reaffirmation agreements are under special rules and are voluntary They are not required by bankruptcy law or by any other law Reaffirmation agreements— must be voluntary* must not place too heavy a burden on you or your family; must be in your best interest; and can be canceled anytime before the Court issues your discharge or within 60 days after the agreement is filed with the Court, whichever gives you the most time If you are an individual and you are not represented by an attorney, the Court must hold a hearing to decide whether to approve the reaffirmation agreement. The agreement will not be legally binding until the Court approves it. If you reaffirm a debt and then fail to paylt, you owe the debt the same as though there was no bankruptcy The debt will not be discharged and the creditor can take action to recover any property on which it has a lien or mortgage. The creditor can also take legal action to recover a judgment against you IF YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW THE BANKRUPTCY LAWS AFFECT YOU, YOU MAY NEED LEGAL ADVICE. THE TRUSTEE IN YOUR CASE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING YOU LEGAL ADVICE. Se dispone de una copra de este documento treductda al esparto!. Mot ban Bich cua tai lieu nay hien cd bang bang Viet. line copie de ce document est dispontble en traduction fran wise. °I '1fft FAGLt"f Daim ntawv no muaj txhais ua lus Hmoob. Ang islnalin na kopya ng dokumentong Ito ay mattering makuha sa Tagalog. VI j.i1 4 a.,ii+:__ Otte 4/96 Rev UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NOTICE TO INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER DEBTOR The purpose or this notice is to acquaint you with the four chapters of the federal nankrupte% uic under which nr nun tits bankruptcy petition. The bankruptcy law is complicated and not easily described. There(bre. you should seek the advice of an attorno to learn of your rights and responsibilities under the law should you decide to tile a petition with the court. Neither thL judge nor the court's employees may provide you with legal advice. Chapter 7 Liquidation ($155 filing fee plus $30 administrative fee plus $15 trustee surcharge) I Chapter 7 is designed for debtors in financial difficulty who do not have the ability to pay their existing debts. 2 Under Chapter 7 a trustee takes possession of all your property You may claim certain of your property as exempt under governing law The trustee then liquidates the property and uses the proceeds to pay your creditors according to priorities of the Bankruptcy Code. 3 The purpose of filing a Chapter 7 case is to obtain a discharge of your existing debts. If however you are found to have committed certain kinds of improper conduct described in the Bankruptcy Code. your discharge may be denied by the court and the purpose for which you filed the bankruptcy petition will be defeated 4 Even if you receive a discharge, there are some debts that are not discharged under the law "Therefore. you may still he responsible for such debts as certain taxes and student loans, alimony and support payments. criminal restitutioi. and debts for death or personal injury caused by driving while intoxicated from alcohol or drugs. 5 Under certain circumstances you may keep property that you have purchased subject to a valid security interest 1 our attorney can explain the options that are available to you. E. Chapter 13 Repayment of All or Part of the Debts of an Individual with Regular Income ($155 filing fee plus S30 4 administrative fee)* 1 Chapter 13 is designed for individuals with regular income who are temporari ly unable to pay their debts but woo Id like LL to pay them in installments over a period of time. You are only eligible for Chapter 13 if your debts do not exceed certain dollar amounts set forth in the Bankruptcy Code. 2 Under Chapter 13 you must file a plan with the court to repay your creditors all or part of the money that von owe them using your future earnings. Usually the period allowed by the court to repay your debts is three years. but not more than ti% e years. Your plan must be approved by the court before it can take effect. 3 Under Chapter 13 unlike Chapter 7 you may keep all your property both exempt and non exempt as long as you continue to slake payments under the plan 4 After completion of payments under your plan, your debts are discharged except alimony and support payments. student loans, certain debts including criminal fines and restitution and debts for death or personal injury caused by driviig while intoxicated from alcohol or drugs, and long term secured obligations. k. Chapter 11 Reorganization ($800 filing fee plus $30 administrative fee)* Chapter 11 is designed primarily for the reorganization ofa business but is also available to consumer debtors. Its provision .are quite complicated, and any decision for an Individual to file a Chapter 11 petition should be reviewed with an attorney Chapter 12 Family Farmer ($200 filing fee plus $30 administrative fee)* Chapter 12 is designed to permit family farmers to repay their debts over a period of time from future earnings and is in many ways similar to a Chapter 13 The eligibility requirements are restrictive. linlitiug its use to those who income arises primarily from a family owned farm Fees are subject to change and should be confirmed before tiling. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 the debtor affirm that I have read this notice. 303 40303 tmb7 October 30, 2003 tart INSTRUCTIONS. if the debtor is an individual, a copy of this notice personally signed by the debtor must accontpan\ am bankruptcy petition filed with the Clerk. If tiled by ,joint debtors. the notice must he personally signed by each. Failure to comply may result in the petition not being accepted kw filing. NOTICE TO INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER DEBTOR Miriam E. Krause Delve a n u,a,r, if In re Debtor(s) d CHANGE FOR DEBTOR'S ATTORNEY DATED *NOTE. THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND WILL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! 101 (11/10/03) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON Case No CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR, IF NOT DONE BY DEBTOR. ADDITION OF INTERESTED PARTY I THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFY THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT 1 The address of ONLY must be changed or added. (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) 2. The address change or additions for the party named in pt. 1 should be made as follows (CHECK ONLY ONE). a. CHANGE FOR BOTH DEBTORS (i.e. both debtors' addresses will be changed even if they currently have different addresses and only one debtor is named in pt. 1); b CHANGE FOR ONLY ONE DEBTOR [i e only address of the debtor named in pt. 1 (or husband if both names appear in a joint case) will be changed], c. CHANGE FOR ONLY JOINT DEBTOR [i.e. only address of joint debtor (wife) will be changed even if both names apPear in pt. 1] e. CHANGE FOR CREDITOR OR OTHER INTERESTED PARTY [NOTE. An address change submitted by the debtor will NOT change a creditor's service address if a proof of claim has been filed by that creditor; ONLY the creditor may make such a change at that point!]; or f ADDITION OF CREDITOR OR OTHER INTERESTED PARTY TO MAILING LIST [NOTE. This form is ONLY for use by the PARTY whose address is being ADDED LBF #728 must be used if the debiror needs to add such party] 3. [Must be completed if 2a, 2b 2c, 2d or 2e above was checked] The entity's old address as shown in the case file is: 4 The entity's NEW address AND PHONE is. 5 [Must be completed if 2a, 2b, 2c or 2d above was checked] On a copy of this document was served on any case trustee, and unless a chapter 13 case, the U S. Trustee's office. SIGNATURE" TYPE OR PRINT SIGNER'S NAME OSB #cif atty SIGNER'S PHONE AND RELATION To GATE ��1 Debtor(s) 2. The trustee believes that (Check Akk applicable sections): a. Such property is burdensome to the estate; b. There Is no equity for the estate in such property; c. Such property is of Inconsequential value to the estate. 3. A brief description of the details relating to the checked section(s) in pt. 2 are: The estate appears to be a surplus asset case and the pursuit of any such claims is not in the interests of the estate. 4. The trustee certifies that EITHER (Check ONE): 0 a. This is a no-asset case, an Amend inventory and Report of Assets will be PROMPTLY FiL,ED if appropriate; OR b. Further administration of other assets Is still required. fgnICEIE GNEN that unless within 17 days of either the date in the "FILED" stamp above OR, if none, the Trustee's date below, an interested party BOTH: (1) fps a written objection to such abandonment, s na fo h the specific grounds for such objection, with the Clerk of Court (Le. If the 5 -digit portion of the Case No. gins with "3" or 4 mail to 1001 8W 5th Ave. 700, Portland, OR 9/204, Qg, if k begins with "6" or 7", mall to PO Box 1335, Eugene, OR 97440), AtO (2) serves a copy thereof on the trustee A. firnagmegfi PO Box 5298,, Porland. OR 97208 (name, address and phone number) the property descrMed above shall be deemed abandoned on the 21st day after that date. DATE: 91110 5 /e! Micheal A. (irsesmueck 751 (11/1/011) In re MOAN KRAUSE, 1 The trustee proposes, per 11 U.S.C. §554, to abandon the following estate property Any and all interest of the bankruptcy estate in claims against Stevan E. Arntt and Arntt Associates including, but not United to, claims of legal malpractice. v" 4 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON .Case No.._ 08-409 b7 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABANDON Trustee BAE SYSTEMS Enterprise Systems l ncorporated CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 11487 Sunset Hills Road Reston, Virginia 20190 -5234 District /off 0979 3 User batina Case 03 40303 Page 1 of 1 Date Rcvd Sep 07 2005 Form ID pdf018 Total Served 26 The following entities were served by first class mail on Sep 09 2005 f t v db +Miriam E. Krause. POB 2435 FE San�iv Blvd #371. Portland. OR 97208_2439 �1/ I t V ti aty +DARLENE C VIGIL, 26522 LA ALAMEDA #200 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 8574 lJ) aty +GREGORY P OLIVEROS 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd #150 Clackamas OR 97015 5766 tr Michael A Grassmueck Inc POB 5248 Portland, OR 97208 5248 ust +US Trustee Portland, 620 SW Main St Rm 213 Portland OR 97205 -3026 r +Nason Beckett Coldwell Banker Uptonw Realty 330 E First St #1 Port Angeles WA 98362 3133 acc +Rob Cockburn 221 Stewart Ave #301 Medford OR 97501 3665 4858447 +AT &T PO Box 16700 Mesa AZ 85211 6700 4816293 CITI PO Box 15109 Wilmington DE 19850 5109 4858448 +Citi Group PO Box 24330 Oklahoma City OK 73124 0330 4858449 +City Of Port Angeles 321 E 5th St Port Angeles WA 98362 3206 4858450 +City Of Portland, 1221 SW 4th Ave Rm 130 Portland OR 97204 1900 4955283 +City of Portland City Attys Office Attn Deputy City Atty Linda Law 1221 SW 4th Ave #430 Portland OR 97204 1900 4858451 +Clallam County Treasurer PO Box 2129 Port Angeles WA 98362 0389 5580799 +Dillon E Jackson, 1111 3rd Ave #3400 Seattle WA 98101 3264 4816294 +Dorothy Washington 3626 NE 81st Portland OR 97213 7116 4858452 +Dr Connie Masuska 5504 E Burnside St Portland OR 97215 1259 5668832 +Moss Adams LLP 221 Stewart Ave #301 Medford, OR 97501 3665 4858453 +Nova Star PO Box 2900 Shawnee Mission KS 66201 1300 4816295 +Novastar Mortgage Suite 300 8140 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 2006 4816296 +PCFS Mortgage PO Box 127 Amelia OH 45102 0127 4958171 +The CIT Group /Consumer Finance Inc 715 Metropolitan Ave #150 Oklahoma City OK 73108 2057 4858456 +Warren Allen Attorney At Law 850 NE 122nd Ave Portland OR 97230 2003 The following entities were served by electronic transmission on Sep 08 2005 and receipt of the transmission was confirmed on aty +E -mail davidbmills @comcast net Sep 08 2005 03 01,13 DAVID 8 MILLS 115 W 8TH AVE #280 EUGENE OR 97401 7927 aty E -mail bankruptcyptl @prestongates com Sep 08 2005 03 00 58 LINDA R JOHANNSEN 222 SW COLUMBIA ST #1400 PORTLAND OR 97201 6632 aty +E mail mluotoalindsayhart com Sep 08 2005 03 00 45 PAUL S COSGROVE 1300 SW 5TH AVE #3400 PORTLAND OR 97201 5640 TOTAL 3 BYPASSED RECIPIENTS (undeliverable duplicate) Cr Dorothey Washington Cr Moss Adams LLP Cr NovaStar Mrtg Inc Cr Provident Bank Cr The CIT Group /Consumer Finance Inc aty* +DILLON E JACKSON 1111 3RD AVE #3400 SEATTLE WA 98101 3264 4858454* +Novastar Mortgage Suite 300 8140 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 2006 4858455 +PCFS Mortgage PO Box 127 Amelia OH 45102 0127 Addresses marked were corrected by inserting the ZIP or replacing an incorrect ZIP LISPS regulations require that automation compatible mail display the correct ZIP I, Joseph Speetjens, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have served the attached document on the above listed entities in the manner shown, and prepared the Certificate of Service and that it is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. First Meeting of Creditor Notices only (Official Form 9): Pursuant to Fed. R. Bank. P 2002(a)(1), a notice containing the complete Social Security Number (SSN) of the debtor(s) was furnished to all parties listed. This official court copy contains the redacted SSN as required by the bankruptcy rules and the Judiciary's privacy policies. Date: Sep 09, 2005 Signature: Use Mail for Fraud committed by Bankruptcy Court by changing Krause's zip code 97232 to Grassmueck's zip code 97208. Therefore from September 17, 2003, six days after Krause filed petition, all mail was sent to dead letter office m Minneapolis, Minnesota or back to Bankruptcy Court. Krause discovered and reported this to the court on July 15, 2005 On September 9, 2005 this notice was sent and mailed FRAUDULENTLY TOTALS 5 3 TI TO BE TR I HE UNITED STATES BANKRUPCY COURT 2 AHD EXACT COPY OF THE 3 OdIG!PSIAL. FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON 4 B3 CU.RK .I RUHTCV DOUR 5 6 In re '06 MAR i Q P 4 8 Case No 03- 40303 -tmb7 7 8 Miriam Emma Krause, OBJECTION TO 9 !WA TRUSTEES FINAL 10 PAID _DOCVtT1.D REPORT, 11 MOTION FOR 12 Debtor REVERSAL OF 13 FRAUDULENT SALES 14 15 16 17 Miriam Krause Objects to the Final Report filled by Trustee Michael Grassrnueck on 18 19 February 8` 2006, this is a Fraudulent Accounting and Administration of this case because of 20 21 knowingly, willfully, and wantonly using fraudulent documentation to administer this case, 22 23 instead of the facts supplied by Krause under oath. This has resulted in illegal seizure of $1 416,000 24 25 Estate with $500,000 equity Grassmueck's Final Report shows a debt of $238.17 paid from the estate 26 27 monies from the fraudulent sale of the professionally prescribed Health Aid in Port Angeles. 28 29 Administration shows the amount of $44,929.59 paid and few expenses caused by Fraud, Forgery, 30 31 Perjury, Use of Mail for Fraud, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Secreted Hearings, and Documents, 32 33 Judicial Misconduct, Conflict of Interest, Improper Use of Funds, Embezzlement, Extortion, Deceit, 34 35 Dishonesty, No Due Process, Obstruction of Justice, Etc. on the Estate of Krause. 36 37 These following exhibits A -Z show the above allegations and warrant a Final Request to 38 39 Reverse The Fraudulent Sales and Return Properties to Right and. Justful Owner Miriam E. Krause. 40 41 42 All court correspondence from the Court to be via Certified Mail from this day forward. 43 44 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd. #371 45 46 Portland, Oregon, 97232 .e4 47 48 (503) 515 9587 Pro Se Miriam E. Krause OBJECTION TO TRUSTEES FINAL REPORT, MOTION FOR REVERSAL OF FRAUDULENT SALES SCtIEDUIPE A PROP, ,iF TY TO BE AehNDONED Resat Properk Non lnd To tes SCHEQULE l peopagazgumilmai mNOT FIRST list a, t pro fessicartg mensatlon apntication S her or fl iLsid.1 Amt. Amt Claim Claimant Name Filed &Wed /1269 8 Administrative v MICHAEL A GRASSMUECK, INC., Fees: 9.887.07 6,152.86 Trustee MICHAEL A GRASSMUECK, INC. Expenses: 2,614.53 2,614.53 Trustee 000007 FOSTER PEPPER SHEFELM,AN t=ees: 6,574.50 8,574..50 PLLC, Special Counsel tor Trustee 000007 FOSTER PEPPER SH EFE .MAN E ierii 19.43 19.43 PLLC 000009 DAVID 8 MILLS, Attorney for Fees: 14,520.00 14,520.00 Trustee 000009 DAVID 8 MILLS. Attorney tor Expenses: 566.27 566.27 Trustee 000008 MOSS ADAMS LLP, Accountant for 1,27L00 1,272.00 Trustee Caldwell Banker, Realtor tor 13,200,0o 13,200.00 Trustee CLERK, U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT (.g. Adv. Proc Fees) 0.80 MOO Uns„ocured. 300002 WARREN ALLEN 300003 GI TY OF PORT ANGELES m0004A CITY OF PORTLAND CITY ATTORNEYS OFF Surplus Funds Paid to DQbtor KRAUSE, MIRIAM EMMA 226.17 226.17 1,408.47 1,408.41 1,080.21 1,080.21 69,984.13 69,484.13 120,854.79 11 7,1.30.57 222 zeivevriaie 744.2 (2/1 4105) i .14/ T 7 CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE D EXACT COPY OF THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPCY COURT R`G FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON j 4 EY CLERK US t3 NKRUPTC CCURT 5 6 In re. Case No. 03- 4 -tmb7 7 8 Miriam Emma Krause, REQUEST FOR g Lota SECRETED DOCUMENTS. 10 p A10 p:iCKETED REQUEST FOR HEARING 11 W1 TH ORAL TESTIMONY 12 Debtor WITH PROPER NOTICE, 13 AND REVERSAL OF 14 FRAUDULENT SALE S 15 16 17 THIS MATTER has again been brought by Krause to the attention of this bankruptcy 18 19 court. Krause is asking for the secreted documents initiated by the fraudulent sale of the spa. Krause is 20 21 asking this court to reconsider their decision and reverse the sale. In the interest of justice, this Health 22 23 Aid, is allowed under O.R.S 160(1)(h) which states: The following property is exempt All 24 25 professionally prescribed heath aids for the debtor or a dependant of the debtor —Spa Body, Mind, 26 27 and Spirit which was fraudulently sold. O.R.S 18.345 states: Unlimited ifprofessionally prescribed 28 29 for debtor or dependants of the debtor Tools of Trade Includes a library necessary for the debtor s 30 31 occupation up to $3 000 for individuals. The health library at 511 E. First Street fits the description 32 33 under tools of trade as well as unlimited under the health aids. According to the circumstances of the 34 35 case, because it is uniquely suited for and principally used for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation. 36 37 treatment, or prevention of disease or for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of the 38 39 body The Spa- Body, Mind, and Spirit is ideal for the health program for Krause. This facility was 40 41 built in 1928, for steam bathes and is a single use building. Krause notes the fraud and forgery carried 42 43 out by this court, makes every decision suspect because the decisions are based on the forged, 44 45 fraudulent misrepresentations, of the financial facts, and amounts grossly over liabilities and 46 47 underestimated income, lack of due process, the violation of the state and bankruptcy laws, and using 48 49 mail for fraud, secreted meeting and documents. confiscating Estate monies with full knowledge and 50 51 actions of Judge Trish Brown, Trustee Michael Grassmueck, Attorney Steve Arntt, and all 1 52 participants involved in the confiscation of Krause's property These illegal activities are meant to 53 5i' deprive Krause of the essential properties and aids for her health and well being, and lively -hood. 55 56 The steam bathes eliminate the toxms from the body by expelling them through the pores of the skin 57 58 'by sweating. The skin is the largest organ of the body and acts as a third kidney Since the toxins' 59 60 damage the kidneys, liver and brain, and the body is ninety percent water the flushing of the water 61 62 system by steam bathes is crucial to the quality of live of the individual. Krause provided health care 63 64 for herself by owning the health spa, with the freedom of access 24 -hours a day seven days a week. 65 66 Thereby eliminating outside costs and allowing a very effective, prolonged detoxification program. 67 68 This facility would not be available for less than $500 00 to $1,000 00 dollars per week, possibly even 69 70 per day Anywhere else if you could even obtain all of these services in one location, even if available 71 72 it would be unaffordable for Krause. 73 74 Treatments and Benefits include Body Wraps with Herbs(Colon and Digestive functions), High -Heat. 75 76 Wraps(relaxation and mental clarity), Dry Sauna(deep heat muscle relaxant, eliminates chill blams), 77 78 Essential Oils(Lavender Oil, for headaches, Eucalyptus Oil for Pulmonary functions.), 79 80 Exercise(strengthens body), Health Library(study the herbs), Herbal Teas(200 varieties of herbs for 81 82 many uses), Specially Heated Jacuzzi(maintam constant temp erate for soaking), lodgmg(save money 83 84 and provide rest therapy), Massage(enhances circulation), Mother's Soap Products(soaks out toxins 85 1 86 and heals the skin), herbal soaps, lotions and creams(hypoallergemc), Fresh, Raw, Organic Food, 87 88 (easier access, and availability eliminates pesticide, herbicide, and preservatives), and the Main 89 90 Component -Steam Bathes(No less than 104 -107 degrees, the best healing temperature, with steam tea 91 92 to encourage sweating and bladder function) Weight -loss is essential because the toxins are stored in, 93 94 the fats of the body The skinner the better 95 96 97 I will not go away, I expect justice, and the court documents speak for themselves. 98 99 100 1 request reversal of this bankruptcy filing and that all property and possessions be returned 101 102 to me, and be placed back into my name. 1 ask the court to release the estate funds to be put into a 2 103 separate account to be used by me to repair the financial damage done to me by this court. I request 104 1 e5 compensation from the people who have perpetrated the fraud and forgery against me. I request that 106 107 all of the buyers who have been harmed by the gross misconduct of this court have their money 108 109 returned to them and they be compensated by Michael Grassmueck who bears a large degree of the 110 111 injustice that has been forced on everyone. I am not making a claim at this time for my medical 112 113 condition caused by this court. Depending on the duration of the time, that 1 am kept from having my 114 115 steam bathes, and can evaluate the damage that has been done to my health. Now is the time to get my 116 117 Spa back so I can take my steam bathes. I expect all personal property that has been stolen, broken, 118 119 looted, destroyed, disappeared, taken, sold, and damaged, to be replaced, returned. repaired or 120 121 compensated for by this Court. The fraudulent judgment by Dorothy Washington, which this 122 123 bankruptcy court willingly paid to be returned to me by Michael Grassmueck. 124 125 All court correspondence from the Court to be via Certified Mail from this day forward. 126 127 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd. #371 128 129 Portland, Oregon, 97232 130 131 (503) 515 9587 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 REQUEST FOR SECRETED DOCUMENTS, REQUEST FOR HEARING WITH ORAL TESTIMONY WITH PROPER NOTICE, AND REVERSAL OF FRAUDULENT SALE. Miriam E. Krause Pro Se 3 Book List (1) Crooks, Liars Thieves- Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck Miriam Krause introducing her book concerning bankruptcy fraud. Documents from the court records showing fraud, forgery, fraudulent misrepresentation, extortion, illegal seizure, conflict of Interest etc, all against the law and the Bankruptcy Protection Act. (2)Death by Decision -A story of Oregon corruption and bankruptcy court corruption whereby unlawful acts and decisions are causmg,mahcious -injury and death! Persons involved in this fraud were aware 'of the gravity of my illness and still stole a $300,000 Health Spa owned free and clear and paid out $228 17 Robbing and stealmg 5 properties worth $1,413 000 with equity of over $500,000 and bills of $1996.28 They destroyed three businesses in this process and they are going to answer in court. (3) Crime, Corruption,. Cronyism Cover -up- The pursuit of justice from the proper authorities authorized to prevent and stop this Oregon crime spree and the Department of Justice US Trustees Program, all federal employees, Judges, trustees, US Trustees, US Attorneys, Crime Coordinators role m preventing it. (Please check www wells of justice, exposing the blatant corruption of trustees) This corruption, sad to say, is going on nationwide but Oregon is the only state where the attorneys insure each other and therefore if a lawyer sues another attorney and wins, your attorney gets to pay from their pocket. The Oregon State Bar protects and defends: the corrupt attorneys mstead of the public as was intended when the Oregon legislature formed the state bar in 1933 (4) The Time Line covers approximately the first 10 months of this crunv spree. It is hard to phantom learning to catch thieves that have practiced for so long, who know the law and willingly choose to break it. Then when I discovered their illegal actions I was victimized again with defamation and lies. This is a journey you will not envy, but I am not the first victim and I won't be the last! (5) The Theft of "The Spa' Body, Mind Spirit." I have gathered a few documents from the Washington case to expose the people aiding and abetting the theft of my Spa, the building along with all of the contents which I owned free and clear This was stolen while I was bedridden and suffering from a breakout of black spots on my legs due to chronic boron poisoning. Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty and Windermere Realty sales people worked along with the bankruptcy court Judge Trish Brown and Michael Grassmueck to secret information and documents from the court record. As my only effective Heath Aid it was exempt under a Chapter 7 and not to be touched in Chapter 11 either This was a premeditated Fraud and Theft! (6) This smaller book called "Crooks, Liars and Thieves Bankruptcy Gone A'Mueck" is an easier to carry version of this bankruptcy fraud and has many additional informative documents and law, rules and regulations which govern the Bankruptcy Protection Act, Professional ethics, Letters sent to the proper authorities to expose this fraud and to get them to do their duty! Unlike the larger book this has not been entered into the court record in its entirety (7) A larger version of Crooks, Liars Thieves= Bankruptcy Gone A' Mueck" consists of 800 pages. This is printed on standard size paper in order for the documents to be easy to read and decipher the full extent of this fraud. This is not just a book; it is an education for the average person. For the student a lesson to be learned about know corrupt the world they will be dealing with is. This is an opportunity to get involved and work to preserve the little bit of freedom and justice we have left in this country! I urge everyone to sit m on court proceedings as a witness to injustice and as an advocate for justice to guarantee people are ruled by law Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Or 97232 (503) 515 -9587 Please, Order By Phone. If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think that you dare not, you don't, If you'd like to win, but you think you can't, It's almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost, For out in the world you'll find, Success begins with a fellows will, It's all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are, You've got to think high to rise, You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But sooner or later the woman who wins Is the woman who thinks she can! Borrowed by M Krause) CROOKS, LIARS THIEVES Bankruptcy Gone a Mueck Emma Gotcha Productions 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 LIST OF PEOPLE INVOLVED IN SWINDLE OF KRAUSE Trustee's Attorneys -Judge Realtors Buyers CASE 03 -40303 Portland, Oregon 503 -515 -9587 Miriam Krause 3439 N.E.Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon, 97232 503 -515 -9587 Michael Grassmueck Trustee 1423 S.W Columbia Portland, Oregon, 97201 503 -294 -9928 David Mills OSB 97728 Hammon Mills 115 W 8`'' Ave. #280 Eugene, Oregon, 97401 1 -541- 484 -1216 Coldwell Banker Uptown Realty Nason Beckett David A Ramey 330 E First Street #1 Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 360 -417 -2800 Windermere Realty Thelma Durham Sales 711 East Front Street Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 360- 457 -0456 Windermere Realty Terry Neski Broker 711 East Front Street Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 360- 457 -0456 Foster, Pepper and Shefelman Dillon E. Jackson 1111 Third Ave, 3400 Seattle, Washington, 98101 503 -294 -9928 Robert Cockburn Moss and Adams Grassmueck Accountant 221 Stewart Avenue #301 Medford, Oregon, 97501 541- 773 -2214 Pamela Griffiths Asst. U.S Trustee 620 S W Main #213 Portland, Oregon, 97205 503- 326 -4000 Ilene Lashinsky U.S Trustee 700 Stewart Street #5103 Seattle, Washington, 98101 602- 682 -2623 Steven Arntt OSB 97201 4660 N.E. Belknap Court #101K Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124 503 294 -5775 Joseph M. Keenan Arntt Assistant. 4660 N.E. Belknap Court #101K Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124 503 294 -5775 Bankruptcy Court Clerk 1001 S.W Fifth Ave #700 Portland, Oregon, 97204 503- 326 -2231 Judge Trish Brown 1001 S W Fifth Ave 700 Portland, Oregon, 97204 503- 326 -2231 Melanie Campbell /Amy Schafer Grassmueck Office Assistants 1423 S W Columbia St. Portland, Oregon, 97201 503- 294 -9928 Linda Johannson OSB 90306 Preston, Gates Ellis 222 S W Columbia Street #1400 Portland, Oregon, 97201 503 -228 -3200 Nova Star attorney Wasco PURCHASERS OF KRAUSE REAL ESTATL FROM BANKRUPTCY SWINDLE PA_RTTFS WE F NOTIFWET) OF FRAUD BY KRAUSE Valerie Tomasi OSB 84158 Farieigh. Witt Ex- Partner Judge Trish Brown Attorney for Silverado Group 121 S W Morrison #600 Portland, Oregon, 97204. 503 -228 -6044 Silverado Group Jay Hinrich Manager /Owner 17050 Pilkington Road #130 Lake Oswego, Oregon, 97035 503 -635 -1986 Property at: 5008 N.E. Broadway 1630 N.E.50 Portland, Oregon 97213 Jennifer Tuftaloan Rory Banyard 7316 S.E. Main Portland, Oregon, 97215 503 -261 -8772 Property at: 3337 3339N PWasco Portland, Oregon, 97232 Dr Thomas Lissinan Sharon Lissman 4226 S.E. Ash Portland, Oregon, 97213 503 936 8868 Property at. 3325 N.E.Wasco Portland, Oregon, 97232 Listed $320,000 Shelly Siripatrata 1705 N.E Couch Portland, Oregon, 97232 503 -231 -5780 Property at. 1337 N.E.33 St. Portland, Oregon, 97232 Homestead Properties Al Brown Owner 503 254 -4373 Person in charge of resale of both Wasco Properties Fraud of Johannson trumped both sales back to Krause and Chapter 11 reorganization Broker for Nova Star Mortgage Kurt Jafay 1202 West 11 St. Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 Property at: 511 East First St. Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 619-818-2255 Realty Trust Company 1 220 N W Lovejoy #130 Portland, Oregon, 97209 503 294 1101 Steve Wilson Broker Resale 3325 N.E.Wasco for $320,000- Krause stolen equity $129,000 PROPERTY PURCHASE LOST DUE TO FRAUD 3243 N.E.Wasco was 10 additional beds for Port to Port Hostell, 4 houses all within 300 feet of each other Employees could care for all four locations enabling a 24 -hour security watch, cleaning and maintenance crew A small Steam Bath Facility for owner and guests. Dinrng room and meeting space to benefit guests wellness. Interest rate of 4 1/2 (four and one -half percent) an Area for Mother's Soap Products to be packaged providing part time jobs for guests to help lift self esteem and provide pocket money for them. Low income housing so desperately needed in Portland. This property had been totally remodeled. It was in the finishing stage. I had been contemplating this purchase since 2001 1 was preparing to refinance all properties and purchase this one also in July 2004, to circumvent the fraud that had taken place behind my back and try to save my businesses and properties: before I was so rudely and criminally interrupted with people enmmii1ino the illegal seizure of my oronertv and I now realize the Chanter 11 reorganization had hen fouled by fraud. +SEE EXHIBITS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ CHAMP ON AT T OF V� ;t The following information is bemg presented m the interest of Justice m the attempt to expose the crimes, also documentation from the court file numbers 9, 10, and 11 of fraud, forgery etc "Notice of Debtors Amendment of schedules D, E, F, G or H" Steve Arntt OSB 97201 filed this on October 9, 2003, the court copy is numbered 9 m the bottom right comer The same day he filed documents 10 under forgery and perjury, fraudulently misrepresentmg existmg mortgages on 4 properties m Portland, Oregon at $413,000 00 more than owed. This document was the "Amended Summary of Schedules" and listed liabilities of $1,394,579.24 contrary to my petition filed September 11, 2003 of $947,000 00 The debtor must sign this form so Amtt forged my signature to commit this "Bankruptcy Swindle" Arntt also filed a "Statement of Financial Affairs" listing one year of income of $91,407 00 instead of the required 2 years of income, plus the year of the filing also, totaling $241,407 00 Michael Grassmueck (trustee) never asked for tax forms as required by law He mtended to steal my assets and used the "Use Mail for Fraud" scheme from September 17, 2003, Six days after I filed, to this date to complete this fraud. Arntt entered into the court record on October 10, 2003, under Document #11 circled on the bottom right corner, a schedule called "Schedule A- Real Property" showing 4 Portland houses with 2 mortgages totally falsified. 3325 N.E. Wasco showed a mortgage and costs of $191,811.58 submitted on September 24, 2003 by Linda Johannson OSB 90306 Arntt filed it $379,964 58 ALMOST DOUBLE. A home of 40 years at 5005 N E. Broadway showed a mortgage and costs of $241,000 Arntt listed this on "Schedule A" as $456,694 18 ALMOST DOUBLE AGAIN This home was embezzled by Grassmueck and put in the "Claim Register" on December 15, 2003 for $241,943.39 Grassmueck knew this property had huge equity when he stole it. I learned of this on February 6, 2006 All "Crooks, Liars and Thieves" 0) If you're a crook, move to Oregon, you'll have lots of company! Arntt also listed $456 00 as $4,560 00 Another attempt to bring up the consumer debt amounts so I would fit their scheme to steal my assets. Many times per day I called Arntt to make sure he had changed my petition to a Chapter 11 and was assured by his office assistant, Joe Keenan, that it had been done. I called the court personally to get the fee difference and related it back to his office. The $1500 00 I paid Arntt covered the required fee. There was no excuse for him not to have changed the filing. I learned m 2005 of the existence of an information sheet, law requires to be discussed on the record and signed by the debtor explaining the different Chapters of bankruptcy This was to be sure I was in the correct chapter and understood the proceedings. The trustee, deliberately withheld this in order to continue the fraud on my assets. This information sheet is not in the file! Six days after I filed someone changed my address in the court file to an address that is invalid. A trustee is appointed within 6 days of filing and Grassmueck was chosen. My invalid address is the same zip code as Grassmueck, 97208, at the main post office used for mail boxes only So, any mail sent there with a street address is returned to sender But wait, it gets better Only a criminal mmd could come up with this. My address that was on my petition is. 3439 N.E. Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 This post office at one time had a box numbered 3439, so by just changing the zip code, the reader would send the mail to that post office box. Just one slight problem, the box was closed and discontinued in 1997 I wised up and checked at the post office on July 15, 2005 I learned that this mail would be sent to the dead letter office in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The "Use Mail for Fraud" was started by the person most familiar with the set -up at the main post office. This same scheme was used on a person by the name of Nancy Lou Davis in Sweet Home, Oregon with the same mail set -up shown in Exhibit U pages 16 -26 A debtor exam was scheduled for October 20, 2003 The first 341 Meeting was held on October 17, 2003 with a great deal of confusion from late document filings from Arntt, I thought I was I was m a Chapter 11, my taxi was late and that made me late, my lawyer wouldn't talk to me and answer my questions. So after the exam dunng lunch, Arntt discussed my case with a mortgage broker, Doug McCabe, and I took him to see my properties. I was assummg it was for refinancing and to get out of bankruptcy court. We discussed Chapter 11 I was billed $500 00 for this lunch. Gives a new meaning to picking up the lunch tab He billed $300.00 for the 341 meetmg. Arntt billed $180 00 to prepare the "amendments for client" The fraudulent documents from October 9, 2003 he now says "can't remember" I told him I needed to speak to him and after 3 days of calling with no questions answered, I fired him. I left a note and told Arntt and Grassmueck I was gettmg anew lawyer I was fed up with Arntt's not talking to me and I canceled the appointment.! The debtor exam by Michael Grassmueck was rescheduled but notices were sent to the "Use Mail for Fraud" address so I didn't receive them. This scheme was hatched on September 17, 2003 and it was the intention of Grassmueck that I never receive my mail. Steve Arntt's fraud and forgery are all part of the same scheme as Grassmueck's totally ignoring my sworn testimony at the 341 meeting. Arntt never sent me copies of anything he filed, totally different than any other attorney I ever hired who always sent me copies. Grassmueck said there was no clarity, agreed I had equity in all my properties and then consorted with a fired attorney to deprive me of my assets and possessions. He ignored the conversion rule, withheld the required information sheet to deceive me, that I wasn't aware I was not m Chapter 11 .and then committed bankruptcy crime to steal my assets m a Grassmueck invented "Chapter Swmdle "This corruption must cease and my assets be returned to me. Documentation hereby submitted proves the illegal seizure of my assets! Grassmueck is aware of the difference between a debtor that's solvent or insolvent. He has been a trustee for 18 years now A solvent debtor has assets to pay or cover his debts and an insolvent debtor can't. It's that simple. He knows it's a crime to file a Chapter 7 if you can pay your debts. So to take all my property when my debts are only $1996.28 is a blatant abuse of the Bankruptcy Protection Act. I have a right to reorganize under the protection the Act gives. To stay the lenders and gain time. I could have gotten a second mortgage instead of losing everything I worked for 43 years for to these crooks. Under the new action taken by Congress, a debtor has to see a credit counseling service when they wish to file a Chapter 7 It is my understanding that under the new law, bankruptcy filings are down 70% in 2006 Did Grassmueck know his income was going to being affected so dramatically? Was that his reason for the "slash and grab People are in prison for less than this! Where is the law? Where is the Department of Justice? In the Hip pocket of Grassmueck? Or David Mills his attorney? Or Judge Trish Brown? Why are they protecting these crooks? When I called the U.S Attorney's office in Portland, Oregon at 503- 727 -1000, after learning he was the person in charge above U.S.Trustee Ilene Lashinsky and the bankruptcy court, Charles Gorder hung up on me! After calling back to get proper spelling of Charles last name, I asked to speak to someone else. The receptionist said "just a minute then said "No one else to talk too" and hung up. Seems that the U S Attorneys office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation need to get their act together mstead of passing the buck between each other A crime is being committed! Can't anyone take charge and do something about it? The public citizen is the victim of the governments incompetence and the crooks are getting away with murder (I refer to my medical condition, Exhibit X.) The governments employees are either the crooks or aiding and abetting them. The proof is in the documents! A Chapter 7 is used when people have a lot of consumer .debt like credit cards, car loans, medical bills, store accounts, etc No equity Real Estate is not a consumer debt because your wealth in it is called equity But it can be sold and use the equity to pay the bills owed. Most Chapter 7 cases have no assets so the money from the case is divided among the creditors and your bills are paid or discharged or in other words forgiven. You get what is called a "fresh start." Some times keep home and exemptions. A Chapter 11 is used by someone who has a business with a small amount of consumer debts. My case was $1996.28 This was the final amount I owed after the title company paid the frivolous judgement of Dorothy and. Eric Washington of $10,000 00 in a case of storage fraud. The attorneys were paid $34,000 00 for representing the alleged theft of a broken micro- wave. No kidding! A bill I owed of $456 00 was represented by Steve Arntt as $4,560 00 I believe deliberately entered incorrectly as were the mortgage .liabilities. My assets were listed on my petition as 4 properties worth "appraised" value of $1,216,014 00 and a free and clear Health Spa at $200,000 00 This was Real Property only A store front at 3339 N.E.Wasco of 1200 square front was not included in this appraised value. My mortgages of $947,000 00 left an equity of more than $500,000 00 I easily fit under the guide- lines of Chapter 11 and could pay my $1996.28 of debt I had no credit cards, car loans, medical bills, store accounts etc I can pay and still have lots of equity left over Chapter 11 is used to buy time to "reorganize" the business because of an event that was unexpected. No property changes hands and the debtor remains as "Debtor in Possession" acting as their own trustee "The City Inspector Scandal" was the unexpected event. My $340,000 00 sale of 5008 N.E.Broadway fell through because the city wouldn't release me because of supposed house code violations, there -by hi hacking my equity of $115,000 to help me overcome the loss of funding of "The Oregon Health Plan" This was used by some of my housing clients. So basically I am studymg this bankruptcy law and have found no right given to anyone to take my property and expose me to this hardship I am now enduring. To take all 5 properties, give away my equity and toss me out in the street, endanger my life by stealing my health care. I am a targeted victim of their crime. In the end Grassmueck paid out $228 17 for a debt I had already paid but could not find the receipt. Warren Allen's law firms attorney was paid twice for writing one letter When attorneys smell money they all come to the trough. Everything was illegally seized for $228 17 according to the final report Administration charges were $45,000 00 and a confiscation of funds by David Mills of $5000 00 in case I sue them for their fraud. The order for "confiscation of funds" granted on June 28, 2005 104 issued by Judge Trish Brown in their secreted hearings, is hidden behind the Use Mail for Fraud scheme! Extortion by the Judge. First put with her old law firm, Farleigh, Wada and Witt, then with the trustee's lawyer, David Mills. This extortion money will stay with him for 2 years after the closing of the case. Case was filed September 11, 2003, today is May 11,2007 and still open. Judge Brown would not divulge the where abouts of the money, bank branch, location, account number, etc The secrecy used by this court is overwhelming and fraudulent. Accordmg to an article rn the "Willamette Week" on May 14, 2003, written about Michael Grassmueck a Chapter 7 should take 3 to 4 months to complete. "Fewer than 4% of all Chapter 7s yield any assets, according to the U S Trustee Program. Most people filing bankruptcy have long since sold, spent or hocked everything of value Most Chapter 7s are no asset cases. I found this at the library on the internet. You only need to read this article to show how this trustee, in my case, knew he was committing bankruptcy crimes! (LP) Linda Johannson OSB 90306 did her part in this fraud by deliberately, willfully, wantonly, fraudulently misrepresenting, undervaluing the market value of 3325 N.E Wasco and 3337 N.E Wasco by $204,000 She based this on a he of a Brokers Professional Opinion which she didn't get but charged me for it, anyway The store -front 3339 N.E.Wasco was not appraised m 2002 or any time later obviously She had the financial documents from Nova Star Mortgage and knew the loan to value ratio for granting the loan. By not allowing me to refinance, her actions cost Nova Star approximately $150,000 and me the benefits of the Bankruptcy Protection Act. The court knew otherwise but still wrongly, willfully ,wantonly used the information. Also ignored my request for supporting documentation, violations with the court procedures, didn't file my request and then hid it from me I re- entered it again 6 months later The court clerks have engaged in deliberate obstruction of justice. The electronic Pacer system doesn't show the first 18 entries of this case and the clerks won't enter them in the electronic record. This has created a vacuum for anyone reviewing my case electronically concerning the facts of fraud. Discrimination and BLATANT CORRUPTION! FRAUD, FORGERY, PERJURY, MISREPRESENTATION, DECEIT, DISHONESTY, SECRETED DOCUMENTS HEARINGS, the list keeps getting longer as time goes by! This case must be made available for future access and splitting the record by some on paper and some electronic is unjust. It invites Judge Trish Brown, trustee Michael Grassmueck, the court clerks and others to further their fraud and corruption. On my trip to Washington D C, I saw a lawyer from Virginia who wanted to know about my case. He pulled it up on the Internet system and found the first part of the case missing. I had taken my paperwork with me so he could see the docu- ments that are missing. However it is discriminatory toward me. Does everyone else have to carry their case file as I do? Pam Griffiths, the US Trustee is to oversee the trustee in the law that created her job "The Bankruptcy Reform Act" started "The United States Trustee Program" This was made necessary because of the cronyism between judges and trustees. Ignoring the law, she took retaliatory measures against a former attorney, Rodger Weidner, who sent her a complaint m July, 2004 which Any concerned citizen would do, concemmg the fraud that was being committed on me Instead of doing her job referring the complaint to the US Attorney as required by law, have the trustee removed from the case with a successor trustee appointed, which would have stopped the fraud, She did nothing. Now the State has filed suit against him. This is a warning to anyone else not to interfere in their scam and nothing more! This shows the connections and the cronyism that exists in this state! The law enforcement officials are breaking the law to steal people's property Massive corruption! I have sent information and asked Governor Kulengowski, Senator Gordon Smith, Earl Blumenauer, Ron Wyden to look into this obvious fraud. They have chosen a "DO NOTHING" strategy They obviously know how corrupt this state is! You can hide it for just so long and then a brave person will come forward and expose the corruption, expose the cover -up! I used the supposed justice system and walked into a den of thieves! "Wells of Justice" is a website exposing exactly that. I suggest strongly you log on and get informed. This case is a disgrace, an outrage, probably the worst yet. These crimes are punishable by fines and imprisonment, as they should be. This case is abuse of the Bankruptcy Law, Rules and Procedures, The American Disability Act and Fraud against the Elderly State and Federal Laws. Civil and Constitutional Laws and Rights violations are apparent! This case needs a full congressional inquiry because the people charged with upholding the laws of our nation are breaking them. From all appearances Oregon is too corrupt to see that iustice is served. I request an answer! 1 need help now! David Mills OSB 97728 was hired by trustee Grassmueck to help him carry out the fraud, intimidate Krause with injunction, to confiscate funds, to protect him and the other crooks in legal proceedings resulting from their abuse Of the bankruptcy laws, rules and procedures as evidenced from the record and their long association. Mills charged $500 00 to research my address, yet admitted never reading my petition of September 11, 2003 at a hearing on October 17, 2005 (Over the phone of course) He also prepared the answer for the Deliartment of Justice in a investigation I asked for in August, 2005 I was then charged $3,740 00 for his services. He wrote a letter for Ilene Lashinsky, US Trustee solely protecting his client With lies and innuendo David Mills then prepared on September 7, 2005 a document called "Intent to Abandon" a case of legal malpractice against the attorney, Steve Arntt and his associates who committed this fraud, forgery and perjury, among many other Bankruptcy and State Crimes, By protecting the people Who have done their slaughter on me and my assets they protect themselves. This was filed at approximately 23 months after the fraudulent actions were committed. The Statute of Limitations is 2 years after the event or from the pomt of discovery Grassmueck knew Arntt was committing malpractice, So it only 'stands to reason he knew of the fraud and other criminal activity When he "administered" otherwise "stole" my assets. Sent to 97/08, No Notice to me! So the investigated did the investigation. Let's see some justice! JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED! Signed, Miriam Krause 3439 N.E Sandy #371 Portland, Oregon 97232 503 -515 -9587 t r t a1.M E. ar Krnse Case No. 3 Q3 40303 -rn6a. 9 CLERK, iiS ilAtfK hilt NOTICE OF DEB s� MENDMENT STRICT t ,rvti OF SCHEDULE s G OR H otor(s) V -9 A8 27 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO DEBTOR(S): a. Use this ONLY to amend schedules regarding CREDITOR information. Do NOT use for ottiiiilkkilindmentsci b. Do of T, use this form to change information for a creditor who has already filed proof of cl a Only jj�' can do that! c. IF this case is CLOSED you MUST file a separate Motion to Reopen AND submit another case img t amendment fee). II. ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO mi NOTICE: a. The current FILING FEE for amending these schedules. b. Amendments to ONLY schedules D E, F 0 or H, with EACH labeled 'SUPPLEMENTAL LIST ONLY creditors actually AFFECTEL c. A SEPARATE mailing matrix filed pursuant to LBF #104 INCLUDE ONLY the name and mailing address of each NEW creditor bein ADDED! NOM: (1) EACH category of amendment MUST be segregated AND clearly TITLED [for example: New Creditors," "Changing Stator (indicate from what to what, e.g. from secured to unsecured), "Delete Creditors, (2) The debtor's name and case number MUST appear in IL TOP 1/2" of the front of each matrix page, AND at the top of each schedule page. (3) Use LBF #101 if only CHANGING the ADDRESS or creditor who is ALREADY LISTED III. SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS: Serve each affected creditor with BOTH. (1) a copy of this notice, AND (2) copies of EACH of the following documents if already filed i this case and applicable to the chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code under which this case is currently being administered: a. (Applies to ALL chapters) The Notice of the Meeting of Creditors; MR each applicable amended schedule. (Applies to ALL chapters where ROTH: (1) NEW creditors are being ADDED, AND (2) the time for tiling a timely proof of claim or complaint under 11 USC §523(c) or 727 has expired) A separate notification that adding the creditor may not result in discharr of the debt. (Applies to ALL chapters where creditors are being DELETED) A notice to each DELETED creditor that: (1) the creditor is bein deleted and, if the creditor wishes to receive further notices, that (s)he must write the court making that specific request, INCLUDINt the debtor's name, full case number, AND the creditor's own name and mailing address; AND (2) if time has been fixed to file a proof c claim, the creditor should contact his attorney with any claims questions. (Applies to ALL chapters) A notice to each creditor whose name or address is being modified that ROTH. (1) sets out all changes N (2) tells the creditor that (s)he may write the court and further change his/her name or address by INCLUDING the debtor's case Harr AND case number, AND BOTH the newly amended name and address AND the correct information. (�e (Applies only to Chapter 7) Any order, and ,any supplemental order, fixing time for filing a proof.of claim form. (Applies only to Chapter 9 or 11) The names and addresses ofthe Chairperson and any attorney for each official Committee of Creditor or Equity Security Holders. only to Chapter 9 or 11, and where KURE& (i) a creditor is being DELETED; (ii) a creditor's claim STATUS is bein changed [e.g., nondispnted to disputed]; Q., (iii) the AMOUNT of creditors' claim is being REDUCED) A notice to each affecte creditor that (s)he has the greater of either (1) 30 days from the service date of this notice, or (2) the latest time fixed by the court, for Min proofs of claim (Applies only to Chapter 9, 11 or 12) The Notice of any pending hearing on a proposed disclosure statement, with attachments. (Applies only to Chapter 9,11,12, or 13) BOTH (1) the Notice of any pending confirmation hearing, and either all related documen required to be sent with that Notice or, in Chapter 13, any proposed plan; AND, if any, (2) the most recent confirmation order, confirme plan, and approved disclosure statement. )j.-;-(Applies only to Chapter 11,12 or 13) Any Notice of Modification of Plan, including all attachments, where the time for objection has not expired. IV CERTJ ICATE OF COMPLIANCE. The undersigned, who is the debtor or debtor's attorney, declares under penalty of perjury that: (a) all applicable requirements above hay been completed; and (b) the attachments are true and correct [or were individually verified by the debtor(s)], with copies served on any truste 728 (3/15/98) Qd and, except in Chapter 13 cases, the U.S. Tru Dated: __/0— D 03 9 6 iff) `gikulture Soc. Sec./Tax I. (if de teNI ?AA. Type or Print Signet's flame A hoti t De boo's A ress ono 922.Y 1 1•t l' Krttuso Miriam 1: 1s1. X111 30:1 411303 -tnib7 Ii I tl rltil SCI•IC :1)(.JL9 D CR1! I)ITORS t1O1.,DING St:CURC'1) CL:11A1S slate the auntie. nnriliug address. b►cturli►tt zip code. and account number, ii'; 4f all entities holding claims sucun:J by properly of titi dahinr c►: of the lira: of Olio. of lire petition. I..ist creditors holding nH types ol'secured interests such its judgment Ib:ns. punishments, minivan liens, mortgages. deeds oofmist. and other.acurh) intt:rlsis List creditors in alphabetical order h) the extent prulxtcable. If nn secured creditors will nut tit on this page. osc the cumininnhin sheet provided. nn uuuiy nth (I un a spuus' In n joint tense miry he Jaunty Habits nn a claim, Pita nn In Ihu cuionn( labeled "t.ntlidth ►r' include the pithy on the uppnyuilu' schedule of creditors, and month* Schedule 1.1 Codehtars, 11' n joint petition is nlen, state whether husband. wife. Inuit of them. or the marital c.'lmumuhiav may he liab4. on each claim by 1►Iacintt un '1.1' '1V' .1' or 'C" respectively, in the column labeled 111VJC It's u Mann Is contingent, place an 'X' in the column labeled "Contingent' It'the claim is nntiryrridated, pinto oft in dos odium iaheled 'lhdiip►idatwd' II• do..:I11h1 is disputed, plats: an 'N bt due column labeled 'Disputed' (You may need t t place an 'X' in more than one ol'these rhn :c etdtuuns.l R';pnrt dos torn, id' nil ytitints listed on this schedule to the bobs Inhnted 'total' on the last sheet of the elnnpleted schedule. deport this peal also on du: Stunlnitr. it SNI1CJnleS. Li :helot this box if debtor has no creditors holding secured claims to report on this Schedule 11) a IRIiDI TOR'S NAME AND 1.4,0M° AfDRI'S INC'I.UDO'40 ZIP C000 Account No. UNKNOWN PO Box 18109 Wilmington, Cal~ 19850 ..5109 Account No. 00009600030052 CM Group PO Box 24330 Oklahoma City OK 73124 Account Nu, 409815 526947 Novastar i4Aortgage Suite 300 8140 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 841'14 !Account vn. 0000489815 Mortgage Novastar Mortgage 'cults 300 0140 Ward Parkway Kansas City MC) 64114 Account Vn, P_C1 =0001 0000736350 PCFS Mortgage PO Box 127 Amelia OH 45102 Vogue S :11(411111.1! n :ni?D1Tpn)1111)1.1)5110 netani10 QLAIM1) 1 2/ /4i, DATA c►.AIM 1r AS INCURRED NAT URR OP MIN A•0 DESCRIPTION AND MAIM la 1 51.1114 0I' t'ROPt/ATV SIJI116('T TO I.I1i4 Mortgage Value 5 326,000.00 Home Mortgage Vut to 5 3255,000.00 Account No. 0000626947 Horne Mortgage Nova Star PO Box 2900 Shawnee Mlasion, KS 86201 Vnluv 5 252,000.00 Hama mortgage value 1 252,000.00 vuhu: t 360,000.00 Horne Mortgage 270,000.00 41R 11 •N1 OP r 5 N5 wrOlOV T 0E01'1'i'1 \f. 51.1'141)1' eO1.1.A'rua.%1. wit .5•)) Ii' 115" 220 750,00 227 94418 131,1394 18 191 811 813 127 964.58 1 80,163.00 296,833,0 233.301) at 40..97trt 0 1(Y IN RE I'tmuse. 'Miriam E. hdicate as to each schedule whether that schedule is attached and state the number of pages in each. Report the totals from Schedules A, B, D� and in melded. Add the amounts Bum Schedules A and B to dsteiminethe total amount oftbe debtor's Meets. Add the amounts from Schedules D, B, amount of the debtor's liabilities. y' p AMOUNTS SCHEDULED DOME TE NAME OF SCHEDULE Real Property Personal Property C Property Claimed as Exempt Creditors Holding Secured Claims E Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority 4 Claims F Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims G Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases H Codebtors N ,A/ Nave Current Income of individual Debtor(s) J Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor(s) .ew,nrsn f ,MgaRY AR SCHEDULES 60 District of °regori Debtor(s) AMENDED SUMMARY OF SCHEDULES ATTACHED NUMBER OF (YES/NO) SHEETS ASSETS LIABIL1TIBS OTHER Yes 1 1,207,000.00 Yes 2 209,850.00 Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 2 2 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes Yes 2 Total Number of Shgets in Schedules 15 1 600.00 Total Assets 1,416,660.00 Total Liabilities 1,394,579.24 Case No. 303.4p391k }71 OF Chapter 7 iCT Gf Goy 1,386,791 76 7,142.99 20,644.49 OCT `9 A 8 ,rr RE: ,etatttsa tlllelunt E. United States Bankruptcy Court District of Oregon •t, vvh Case No. Chapter 7 Debtor(s) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS This statement is to be completed by every debtor. Spouses filingajoint petition may Me asingtestatement on which the hi for is combined. Mire case ifflled under chapter 12 or chapter 13, a married debtor mustfumish intimation for both spouses or not a tair is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not flied An Individual debtor engaged in business as a sold fainter, or self-employed professional, should provide the itdbm etion requested ont ds statement concerning all such activities as well as the Individual's personal aflths. ID OCT -9 A8 :2 Questions 1 -18 arc to be completed by all debtors. Debtors that ate or have been in business, as defined below, also must complete Questions 19 -25. If the answer to an applicable question Is "None," mark the box labeled "Nona" If additional space is needed for the answer to any question, use and attach a sgpamic 811001100000 idchtikt d with alto Caro name, cats autitbcr Of known). and the number of the question. DEFINITIONS "!n baldness." A abler kr "in barristers" forthbpurpppooflhis fern, Nebo debtor is A C4.pvration 9r partnership. An individual debtor Iii "in tiu8Ine for thepaupose ofthis Rune iftha debtor is or has beet, within the sbc yeas immedlapsly praoedingtle alit18of this bani case sty Odle fidlowing: an officer, director, managing executive, or owner of S percent or more ofthe voting or equity securities of corporation; a partner, 011100 than a United partner, ofa partnership; a solo proprietor or scIf- empioyexi. Insider The term "insider" includes but is not limited to: relatives of the debtor; genes! partners of the debtor and their relatives; corporations of which the debtor is an officer, director, or parson in control; officers, directors, and any owner of S percent or more of the voting or equity securities of a corporate debtor and their relatives; affiliates of the debtor and insiders of such affiliates; any managing agent of the debtor. 11 U.S.C. f 101 3. %priests to «editors a. List all payments on loans, installment purchases ofgeods or services, and other debts, aggregating more than $600 to any coeditor, made within 90 days (Immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) b. List all payments made within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case to or for the benefit of creditors who are or gif were insiders. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either orboth spouses whether or note joint petition is flied, unless the spouses aro sewed and a joint petition is not flied.) 4. Suits and administrative proceedings,. executions, garnishments and attachments Note a. List all suits and administrative proceedings to which the debtor is or was a party within one year immediately preceding the filing of this RI bankruptcy case (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) sTATEIO NT OP APPAttis No.. Unease from employment or spa ades of business "m^" State the gross amount of income the debtor has received from employment, trade, or profession, or fan operation of the debtor's business from O the beginning of this calendar year to the date this case was commenced. State also the gross amounts received during the two years immediately preceding this calendar year. (A debtor that maintains, or has maintained, financial records on the basis of a fiscal rather than a calendar year may report final year income. Identify the beginning and ending °ate debto?s fiscal year.) ifa joint petition is tiled, state income far each sparse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state inane of both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not flied.) j AMOUNT SOURCE (if more than one) `"1 �,p .4' #44� 0.00 YTD income 0.00 2002 income Unknown i 91,407.00 2001 Income from rental property 440/ 9/, 401- Mfai. 2. Income other than from employment or operation of btufseu "a'" Stands the amount of income received by the debtor other than from employment, trade, profession, or operation of the debtor's business during the two years immediately preceding the commencement efthls case. Give particulars. If a joint petition is filed, state income fbr each spouse separately. (Married debtors tiling under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income for each spouse whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) IN RE Krause Mtrlam SCHEDULE A REAL PROPERTY Except es dimmed below, list all real property in which the debtor has any legal. equitable, of briers Interest, inoluding all properly owned as a ()d?lifilt, dtr»l J2 iy" property, or in which the debtor has a IItb estate, Include any property In which the debtor hoWs rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own bendit, de married; elate whether husband, witb, or both own the property by placing an "H" for Husband, "W" for With, "3" for Joint, or "C" for c. 1R r "HWJC. If the debtor holds no Interest in real property, write "None" under "Desnrtptten and Location of Pmperty" PAID Do not include interests in executory ()entreats and unoxplied lenses an the schedule. List them in Schedule 0 Exeoutoiy G911tts owl thumpiriglorines. If an entity claims to have a lien or hotd a security intoner !n any property, state the amount of the scoured claim. See Schedule D. Hen entity. stains to hold a tired Interest in tho properly, write "None' In the column labeled Amount of Secured Claim" If the debtor is an individual or if a Joint petition Is filed, State the amount of any exemption claimed in the pwopefty only in Schodtiiu C Property Claire d ne air**. 3326 NE Wanoo, Portland, OR Paragon! Residence Properly located at 1337 NE 33rd, Portland, OR Property located at 6008 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 4e-f( 115V /eideze, BOM B A REAL. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OP PROPERTY Gen 1 t be a true rind norfl copy of original filed in fly °Moo Dated_ i l f i 'Nomoa H. u n, Clork, y S. Benkruploy Oourt se No. 303403 0ANKHUPTCY C{Y vnowrls� ..a DISTRICT OF OREGON CURRBN? MAIUCET Fl YALU9OPDEBTORS NATURE OPDHBTtnl8. W TNRII I T N PROPERTY AMOUNT QP 8RCURBD INTflRESTINPR WtWrrHOUTItBOtlt"fM0 CLAIM C ANT SECURED CLAIMOR EXEMPTION 282,000.00 379,984.88 380,000.00 299,833.00 270,000.00 233,300.00 926,000.00 460,884.18 2 TOTAL 1,207,000.00 (Report also on Sammy of. IN RE Krause. Miriam E, [ixccpt as directed below, list all real property In which the debtor has any legal, equitable, or nom interest, including all property owned as a aexeua t itt9t u 1103 property, or hi which the debtor has a lift estate. Melude any property in which the debtor holds rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own benefit. debto is married, state whether husband. with, or both own the properly by pirating an 'N' for Husband, "W' for With, '1' for Joint, or 'C for Coin I .L 't•1W.JC." !Ptho debtor holds no interest in real properly, write "None" under "Description and Location of property' PAID e De not include interests in executory contracts and unexphed teases 0n the schedule. List them In Schedule 0 Executory Contracts and Unexpired l eases. If an entity claims to have a lien or hold a security interest in any property, state the amount of the secured claim. See Schedule D. If no entity cleims to hold a s ured interest In the property, write 'None' in the column labeled Amount of Secured Claim" If the debtor is an individual or if a Joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemption claimed in the property only in Schedule C Property Claimed as hxclnpt. SCItBDULn A REAL PROPERTY Uebtor(a) DESCRIPU'ION AND LOCATION OP PROPERTY 3328 NE Waeuo, Portland, OR Personal Residence Property located at 1337 NE 33rd, Portland, OR Property located at 6008 NE Broadway, Portland, OR SCHEDULE A REAL PROPERTY NATURROP DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY ryfr die 1 165 .41/0.5 42a '7� 4Q41 ..ase No. A94.-49Alltaths.RANKRUPICY C( DISTRICT OF OREGON e w C CURRENT MARKET VALUE OP DBETORs INTEREST IN PROPERTY WITHOUT DEDuCr1NO ANY SECURED CLAIM 011 EXEMPTION 252,000.00 380,000.00 270,000.00 320,000.00 AMOUNT OP SECURED CLAIM 994.zest TOTAL 1,207.000.001 (Report also on Summary of Sche 379,964 286,833.01 233,300.01 466,694.111 Arntt and Associates 46 NEBelknap CT .te 101(K) Hillsboro, OR 97124 Miriam E Krause PO Box 3439 Portland, OR 97232 9/22/2003 9/24/2003 Bill To Serviced 9/25/2003 9/26/2003 V29/2003 10/6/2003 10/16/2003 10/17/2003 _lWtl 71Zt 03 10/29/2003 10/30/2003 SEA SEA SEA SEA SEA SEA SEA SEA SEA ArriN SEA SEA Date: October 6, 2003 Date October 9. 2003 Phone 503 -924 -5775 Item Fax Description Research for information that would help complete court filings Client cancelled meeting, TC with client regarding cancellation TC client, RE: need to tncct court deadline Drafted mouton for extension of time Miriam Krause meeting TC with BK court. Prepared amendments for client Prepared for 341 meeting 34 meeting (vhetinp with client, meetins with Doug Mccabe TC with Miriam Krause Closing letter Signature: Miria Krause E mail 503 -648 -3195 sarntt a earthlink.net 10/30/2003 Qty Signature:_ 7m_' Date Miriam E. Krause 0.4 0.3 0.2 40.00 0.8 160.00 I 5 300 00 0.2 40.00 0,9 -V 180,00 '03 GOild 15 300.00 2.5 500.00 0.2 04: 0 0.4?' h r 4 6∎ a/aV c.f.. Oita 4 la// e./ Total Invoice Invoice 1 98 Amount 80 00 60 00 40 00 80.00 1,840.00 D In re MIRIAM KRAUSE, Debtor(s) 1 The trustee proposes, per 11 U.S.C. §564, to abandon the following estate property Any and all Interest of the bankruptcy estate in claims against Steven E. Arntt and Arntt Associates including, but not limited to, claims of legal malpractice. 2. The trustee believes that (Check applicable sections): a. Such property is burdensome to the estate; b. There is no equity for the estate in such property; 0 c. Such property is of inconsequential value to the estate. 3. A brief description of the details relating to the checked section(s) in pt. 2 are: The estate appears to be a surplus asset case and the pursuit of any such claims is not in the Interests of the estate. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON Case No..J& 4O3*3dmtet NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABANDON 4 The trustee certifies that EITHER (Cheek ONE): Q a. This Is a no -asset case, AND an Amended Inventory and Report of Assets will be PROMPTLY FILED if appropriate; OR OD b. Further administration of other assets Is still required. NOTICE 18 GIVEN that unless within 17 days of either the date in the "FILED" stamp above OR, if none, the Trustee's date below, an interested party BOTH: (1) Hies awdtten oblectIon to such abandonment, settinojegh the specific grounds for such objection, with the Clerk of Court (i.e., if the 6 -digit portion of the Case No. begins with "3" or 4 maN to 1001 SW 5th Ave. #700, Portland, OR 97204, Q@, if it begins with "6" or 7 mail to PO Box 1335, Eugene, OR 97440), Leill (2) serves a copy thereat on the trustee Inc.. PO Box 5248. Portland, OR 97200 (name, address and phone number) the property described above shall be deemed abandoned on me 21st day after that date. DATE: (M15 i1 J �l 751 (11/1/04) 11 Is/ Michael A. GrassmunCk T rustee BAE SYSTEMS ted CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Enterprise Systems Ingorppra 11487 Sunset Hilts Road Reston, Virginia 20190 -5234 District /off 0979 3 User batina Case 03 40303 Page 1 of 1 Date Rcvd Sep 07 2005 Form ID pdf01B Total Served 26 The following entities were served by first class mail on Sep 09 2005 db +Miriam E. Krausg, POB 3432 4E Sansly _Blvd #371, Portlanc. r l OR 97208 3439 /V aty +DARLENE C VIGIL, 26522 LA ALAMEDA #200 MISSION VIEJO CA 92691 8574 4� aty +GREGORY P OLIVEROS 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd #150 Clackamas OR 97015 5766 tr Michael A Grassmueck Inc POB 5248 Portland OR 97208 5248 ust +US Trustee Portland 620 SW Main St Rm 213 Portland, OR 97205 3026 r +Nason Beckett Coldwell Banker Uptonw Realty 330 E First St #1 Port Angeles WA 98362 3133 acc +Rob Cockburn 221 Stewart Ave #301 Medford OR 97501 3665 4858447 +AT &T PO Box 16700 Mesa AZ 85211 6700 4816293 CITI PO Box 15109 Wilmington DE 19850 5109 4858448 +Citi Group PO Box 24330 Oklahoma City OK 73124 0330 4858449 +City Of Port Angeles 321 E 5th St Port Angeles WA 98362 3206 4858450 +City Of Portland 1221 SW 4th Ave Rm 130 Portland OR 97204 1900 4955283 +City of Portland City Attys Office Attn Deputy City Atty Linda Law 1221 SW 4th Ave #430 Portland OR 97204 1900 4858451 +Clallam County Treasurer PO Box 2129 Port Angeles WA 98362 0389 5580799 +Dillon E Jackson 1111 3rd Ave #3400 Seattle WA 98101 3264 4816294 +Dorothy Washington 3626 NE 81st Portland OR 97213 7116 4858452 +Dr Connie Masuska 5504 E Burnside St Portland OR 97215 1259 5668832 +Moss Adams LLP 221 Stewart Ave #301 Medford OR 97501 3665 4858453 +Nova Star PO Box 2900 Shawnee Mission KS 66201 1300 4816295 +Novastar Mortgage Suite 300 8140 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 2006 4816296 +PCFS Mortgage PO Box 127 Amelia OH 45102 0127 4958171 +The CIT Group /Consumer Finance Inc 715 Metropolitan Ave #150 Oklahoma City OK 73108 2057 4858456 +Warren Allen Attorney At Law 850 NE 122nd Ave Portland OR 97230 2003 The following entities were served by electronic transmission on Sep 08 2005 and receipt of the transmission was confirmed on aty +E -mail davidbmillsocomcast net Sep 08 2005 03 01 13 DAVID B MILLS 115 W 8TH AVE #280 EUGENE OR 97401 7927 aty E mail bankruptcyptlsprestongates com Sep 08 2005 03 00 58 LINDA R JOHANNSEN 222 SW COLUMBIA ST #1400 PORTLAND OR 97201 6632 aty +E mail miuotoalindsayhart com Sep 08 2005 03 00 45 PAUL S COSGROVE 1300 SW 5TH AVE #3400 PORTLAND OR 97201 5640 Addresses marked were corrected by inserting the ZIP or replacing an incorrect ZIP LISPS regulations require that automation compatible mail display the correct ZIP Date: Sep 09, 2005 Signature: BYPASSED RECIPIENTS (undeliverable duplicate) cr Dorothey Washington Cr Moss Adams LLP Cr NovaStar Mrtg Inc Cr Provident Bank Cr The CIT Group /Consumer Finance Inc aty* +DILLON E JACKSON 1111 3RD AVE #3400 SEATTLE, WA 98101 3264 4858454 +Novastar Mortgage Suite 300 8140 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 2006 4858455 +PCFS Mortgage PO Box 127 Amelia OH 45102 0127 TOTAL 3 TOTALS 5 3 I, Joseph Speetjens, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have served the attached document on the above listed entities in the manner shown, and prepared the Certificate of Service and that it is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. First Meeting of Creditor Notices only (Official Form 9): Pursuant to Fed. R. Bank. P 2002(a)(1), a notice containing the complete Social Security Number (SSN) of the debtor(s) was furnished to all parties listed. This official court copy contains the redacted SSN as required by the bankruptcy rules and the Judiciary's privacy policies. Use Mail for Fraud committed by Bankruptcy Court by changing Krause's zip code 97232 to Grassmueck's zip code 97208 Therefore from September 17, 2003, six days after Krause filed petition, all mail was sent to dead letter office m Minneapolis, Minnesota or back to Bankruptcy Court. Krause discovered and reported this to the court on July 15, 2005 On September 9, 2005 this notice was sent and mailed FRAUDULENTLY CFRTIFIEO TO BE A TR HE UNITED STATES BANKRUPCY COURT 1D EXACT COPY OF d P OF,,iG1NAL. FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON CLERK US s r1)k NWT CY COURT i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd. #371 45 46 Portland, Oregon, 97232 47 48 (503) 515 9587 In re: Miriam Emma Krause, '06 MIR 10 P4'18 LUDO PAR)_ Debtor DUCE L T110 Case No. 03- 40303 -tmb7 OBJECTION TO TRUSTEES FINAL REPORT, MOTION FOR REVERSAL OF FRAUDULENT SALES Miriam Krause Objects to the Final Report filled by Trustee Michael Grassmueck on February 8 2006, this is a Fraudulent Accounting and Administration of this case because of knowingly willfully, and wantonly using fraudulent documentation to administer this case, instead of the facts supplied by Krause under oath. This has resulted in illegal seizure of $1,416,000 Estate with $500,000 equity Grassmueck's Final Report shows a debt of $238.17 paid from the estate monies from the fraudulent sale of the professionally prescribed Health Aid in Port Angeles. Administration shows the amount of $44,929.59 paid and few expenses caused by Fraud, Forgery, Perjury, Use of Mail for Fraud, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Secreted Hearings, and Documents, Judicial Misconduct, Conflict of Interest, Improper Use of Funds, Embezzlement, Extortion, Deceit, Dishonesty, No Due Process, Obstruction of Justice, Etc. on the Estate of Kxause. These following exhibits A -Z show the above allegations and warrant a Final Request to Reverse The Fraudulent Sales and Return Properties to Right and Justful Owner Miriam E. Krause. All court co# Pondence from the Court to be via Certified Mail from this day forward. Miriam E. Krause Pro Se OBJECTION TO TRUSTEES FINAL REPORT, MOTION FOR REVERSAL OF FRAUDULENT SALES 1 Unsecured 000002 WARREN ALLEN 000003 CITY OF PORT ANGELES 000004A CITY OF PORTLAND CITY ATTORNEYS OFF Surplus Funds Paid to Debtor KRAUSE, MIRIAM BMA sGHEDULE B PROpO .Q pIST_RIll TIQJ, !NOTE. FIRST list all professional compensation oplications W then or not gaid.1 (1/5 i Claim Claimant Name SCHEDULE A PROPERTY TO BE ABANDONED Reason Ft None C? Grand Totals. co 5 Filed Allowed Administrative MICHAEL A GRASSMUECK, INC., Fees: 9,887.07 6,162.88 Trustee MICHAEL A GRASSMUECK, INC., Expenses: 2,614.53 2,614.53 Trustee 000007 FOSTER PEPPER SHEFELMAN Fees. 6,574.50 6,574.50 PLLC, Special Counsel tor Trt 000007 FOSTER PEPPER SHEFELMAN Expenses: 19.43 19.43 PLLC 000009 DAVID B MILLS, Attorney l=ees: 14,520.00 14,520.00 Trustee aeame DAVID B MILLS. Attorney for Expenses: 566.27 566.27 Trustee 000008 MOSS ADAMS LLP, Accountant for 1,272.00 1,272.00 Trustee Caldwell Banker, Realtor tor 13,20000 13,200.00 Trustee CLERK, U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT (e.g., Adv. Floc Fees) 0.00 0.00 228.17 228.17 1,408.47 1,408.47 1,080 21 1,080.21 69,484.13 69,484.13 120,854.78 117 130.57 by Jerry Levey, Certified Fraud Examiner T he Association of Certi- fied Fraud Examiners published in 1996 its first Report to the Nation on Occupa- tional Fraud and Abuse Its 2002 report was recently published and is an update of that first re- port It is not a scientific study but rather a reporting of cases by Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) It gives interesting data concerning fraud in its many as- pects The Report has many statistics and cuts and slices the data into many categories. It is 28 pages so I am only going to cover some highlights The estimate for loss per year due to fraud is about $600billion. This is a huge sum and one has to wonder how ac curate that is. In any case, fraud losses are growing especially in areas like Identity Theft and its many ramifications Just recently in the local daily paper, there was an article an- nouncing the busting of a major identity theft ring In another ar- ticle, the rise in prosecutions of identity theft was reported in- cluding the progress of a new fed eral identity theft law In a third article, an habitual identity theft Fraud: Report to the Nation of jail time, a very strong mes= sage that the days of little or no jail time for committing identity theft are over From the report, over half the cases had losses of at least $100.000 and the averag•Q length of time the scheme lasted was over 18 months, While the most common way to detect the fraud is by tip (employee, customer, vendor, or anonymous) be sec- ond most common method was by accident! But in a surprising note, the typical perpetrator is a first time offender with only 7 percent having prior convictions for fraud related offenses I say this last statistic is surpris- ing but maybe not, because it doesn t include many of the street -level crimes but rather mostly in house or business type crimes Also, the schemes go on for relatively long periods and garner large amounts of money The stepped up use of back- ground checks reduces the pos- sibility and probability of a per- son being able to do it again af- ter being caught. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to the garden variety type frauds of money or goods being taken while the larger com- panies, whose dollar losses are 1_ f• statement or more complex type frauds. Not surprising. cash is the product of choice In all frauds Best method of pre- vention. strong inter- nal controls especially in vulnerable spots like receiving and dis- bursing cash Other strong deterrent methods include educating em- ployees about fraud and what the organization is doing to prevent it including having a zero toler- ance Ethics or hot lines are im- portant as well as watching for the red flags of fraud. Who commits the most costly frauds? Well educated. senior, male executives. Surprise you? It shouldn t The hieher the person is. the more assets (like cash) the person controls. How do you get to a high rank? The three factors of age, sex, and education come into Way Older (seniority) is still the norm in most organizations to achieve a high position. There are more males than females in the hieher ranks ,Finally to eet into the higher ranks, one nor- inally has to be smart which means chances are fairly good the high ranking person has at May 14/Tune 30, 2002 'he Crusader Page 3 The 2002 Report to th6 Nation on Occu- pa., ional Fraud and A use makes for an- te sting reading as yoirZ can see from just so 1e of the data pre ser above. While I have added some of m) own comments, the', basic material for this column has come from the Report. If you wish to receive a copy contact the Asso- ciations for Certified Fraud Ex- aminers at 1 -800- 245 -3321 or visit their web site at www cfenet cbm Fraud Education The Oregon Chapter of Certi- fied Fraud Examiners (OACFE) offers training sessions on fraud topics Their next two events are on June 17 and 18 Visit their web site at www.oreeon- acfe.ore for more information. Jerry Levey is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Certified 1Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA) with his own business in Beaverton, OR specializing in forensic accounting, financial consulting, and tax work for smaller businesses and l: individuals. He mail be reached o 4n1_ insurance carrier, if any. The PLF's payment of the CLAIMS EXPENSE ALLOWANCE and Limits of Coverage ends all of the PLF's duties. Control of Defense. Subsection 2.a allocates to the PLF control of the investigation, settlement, and defense of the CLAIM. See SECTION IX-- ASSISTANCE, COOPERATION AND DUTIES OF COVERED PARTY Costs of Defense. Subsection 2.b obligates the PLF to pay reasonable and necessary costs of defense. Only those expenses incurred by the PLF or with the PLF's authority are covered. SECTION V EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE [WRONGFUL CONDUCT EXCLUSIONS] 1. This Plan does not apply to a COVERED PARTY who participates in any manner in the presentation of any false, fraudulent, or collusive CLAIM or assertion of coverage. 2. This Plan does not apply to any CLAIM based on or arising out of any intentional, dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, malicious, knowingly wrongful, or knowingly unethical acts, errors, or omissions committed by YOU or at YOUR direction or in which YOU acquiesce or remain passive after having personal knowledge thereof. This exclusion does not apply to the defense of CLAIMS arising from allegations of wrongful use of civil proceedings, but any liability for indemnity arising from such a CLAIM will be excluded. COMMENTS Exclusions 1 and 2 set out the circumstances in which wrongful conduct will eliminate coverage. An intent to harm is not required. Voluntary Exposure to CLAIMS. An attorney may sometimes voluntarily expose himself or herself to a CLAIM or known risk through a course of action or inaction when the attorney knows there is a more reasonable alternative means of resolving a problem. For example, an attorney might disburse settlement proceeds to a client even though the attorney knows of valid hospital, insurance company, or PIP liens, or other valid liens or claims to the funds. If the attorney disburses the proceeds to the client and a CLAIM arises from the other claimants, Exclusion 2 will apply and the CLAIM will not be covered. Unethical Conduct, If a CLAIM arises that involves unethical conduct by an attorney, Exclusion 2 may also apply to the fonduct and the CI AIM would therefore not be coverg. This can occur, for examplea_amalgrasy violates Disciplinary Rule ORPC 8.4(a)(3) (engagin in conduct _Involving dishonesty rand. deceit. or misrepresentation) or ORPC 5.5(a) (aiding a nonlawyer in the unlawful practice of law) and a CLAIM results. Example. Attorney A allows a title company to use his name, letterhead; or forms in connection with a real estate transaction in which Attorney A has no significant involvement. Attorney A's activities violate ORPC 8.4(a)(3) and ORPC 5.5(a). A CLAIM is made against Attorney A in connection with the real estate transaction. Because Attorney A's activities fall within the terms of Exclusion 2, there will be no coverage for the CLAIM. In addition, the CLAIM likely would not even be within the terms of the coverage grant under this Plan because the activities giving rise to the CLAIM 2005 Claims Made Plan a) le-d" THEY'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN, TO STEAL SECRECY AND PROMISES, ONE HOUSE AND THEIR ON THEIR WAY" This is a list of Arntt Bankruptcy Cnmes, probably not complete Steve Arntt OSB 97201 Improper Filing as chapter 7 Missing Deficiency Documents Neglected Conversion to 11 Joe Keenan said will change Zip Code in Address Changed Neglected Wasco Relief Claims Missing Order and SAE Still Missing Order and SAE Missed Extension Deadline Judge Brown Extended Extension Arntt threw Krause out of Office Missed Extension Deadline Forgery on Amended Schedule Penury on Attachments (filed) Incomplete Financial (left out income) No Service to Krause Fraudulent Mortgage Liabilities No Service to Krause Missed Clai>ii Answer Deadline 10/11 /2003 Schedule A (false and late to trustee) 10/15/2003 341 Meeting (not prepared) 10/17/2003 Schedules "Incorrect" 10/17/2003 $500 00 Lunch Discuss Chapter 11 10/17/2003 Wouldn't Speak to Client 10/ 17- 20/2003 Fired Oadk of communication) 10/21/2003 Attended 341 Meeting (after fired) 11/5/2003 Bad-mouthed Krause 11/5/2003 Withdrawal filed 11/17/2003 341 Meeting (sent another attorney) 12/5/2003 Got Mail after fired 10/21/2003 -2005 Krause Pays Spa Property Taxes 5/27/2004 Krause files for Chapter 11 5/31/2004 Krause begs Judge for Spa (morning) 6/1/2004 Judge finalize Spa Sale (afternoon) 6/1 /2004 Arntt Attended Hearing Save Health Aid 6/2/2004 Krause filed Lawsuit 6/7 /2004 Judge Signed Withdrawal Order 6/8/2004 Arntt listed 6 Houses not 4 6/15/2004 Krause Discovered Aratt's Forgery 6/21/2004 Krause Discovered Mail Fraud 6/15/2005 Not Finished 9/11/2003 9/12/2003 9/14/2003 9/14/2003 9/17/2003 9/24/2003 9/29/2003 10/3/2003 Misrepresentation Incompetent Dereliction of Duty Guaranteed Use Mail for Fraud No Representation Negligence Incompetent 10/6/2003 Gross Neglect 10/6/2003 Did Attorneys Work 10/6/2003 Keenan helped Krause 10/8/2003 Dereliction 10/9/2003 Forgery 10/9/2003 Perjury 10/9/2003 False Financials 10/9 /2003 No Due Process 10/10/2003 False Financials 10/10/2003 No Due Process Legal Malpractice Fraud Wanted Continuance Never changed Exorbitant Fees Neglect Grassmueck Knew See Transcript Defamation 27 days later See Transcript Use Mail for Fraud Sees Signs on Bldg. Court refused filing Sets Hearing Completes Sale Interference For Return of Spa 7 -1/2 months late False Liabilities Forgery 22 months of this Despite repeated requests the Pacer system refused to place any Court documentation before 11/6/2003 #18 on the electronic record. Most of this fraud is on paper files only This is Obstruction of Justice! r�� 8 9 10 11 12 13: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 1 NovaStar, her Adjustable. Rate Note "Note dated October. 18, 2002, in the sum of $176,400 00 A 2 3. 5 lure and Perfection of Security Interests On or about October 18, 2002, to secure 4 5 6 7 copy of the Note is attached as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by this reference payment of the Note, Debtor executed and delivered to NovaStar, a Deed of Trust "Trust Deed covering the real property legally described therein, County of Multnomah,. State of Oregon "the Collateral commonly known as. 3325 NE Wasco Street, Portland, OR 97232. A copy of the Trust Deed is attached as Exhibit B and is incorporated herein by this reference. It was recorded in the Multnomah County Deed Records as Recorder's Fee No 2002- 191748 on October 24, 2002. 6 Regular Monthly Payment Debtor's Note required Debtor to pay 1,372.02 monthly amortized over a term of 30 years plus escrow deposits. 7 Default. Debtor defaulted on making Debtor's regular monthly payments by failing tc pay the payment due on February 1, 2003 and on the first day of each month thereafter, through the present, as itemized below 8 payments 1,372 02 10,976 16 8 late charges 68 60 548 80 Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Costs 625 00 8 rent Balance Owing. As of September 24, 2003, NovaStar is owed $176,190 97 i principal, plus interest accruing from January 1, 2003 at the rate of 8 625% per annum and other fine and costs. Total amount due to NovaStar as of September 24, 2003 is itemized as follows: Principal Accrued Interest Late Fee Charges Property Inspections BPO /Appraisal Escrow Shortage Foreclosure Fees and Costs Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Costs TOTAL Alsa4 6214-4-eri," Page 2 MOTION FOR ORDER GRANT RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY �K: \388T4\2014U CLMU1CtMP288X 176,190 97 11,073 58 548 80 32.25 115 00 1,058 95 2,167 03 625.00 i2.164/ PRESTON OATES ALL1S LLP 222 SW COLUMBIA STREET SUITS 1400 PORTLAND, OR 97201.6632 TALQPHONB: .ive Database Area Modify the description for an existing claim District of Oregon Claims Register 1 Description. IRemarks. (nia) Description. 1 Remarks; Claim No: 4 Claim Date. 12/09/2003 Amends Claim No. Amended By Claim No. Class Unsecured Secured Total Claim Date. 12/15/2003 Class Secured Total Creditor Name. The CIT Group /Consumer Finance Inc Claim No: 5 715 Metropolitan Ave #150 Oklahoma City OK 73108 —Y )(9 RA/gb hivaziut-, Amended By Claim No. 11 11 Class 11 Unsecured 11 Secured Priority Creditor Name: City of Portland City Attys Office Attn Deputy City Atty Linda Law 1221 SW 4th Ave #430 Portland OR 97204 Amends Claim No. 03- 403034mb7 Miriam E. Krause Judge Trish M Brown Debtor Name: KRAUSE,MIRIAM E. Claim Date. 05/07l2004 Amends Claim No. Amended By Claim No. Amount Claimed $1080.21 $2526.73 $3606.94 11 $241943.39 11 $241943.39 Amount Claimed 1 Creditor Name. Dorothy Washington Claim No: 6 3626 NE 81st Portland OR 97213 Amount Claimed $12626.83 $0.00 $0,00 .7 Last Date to File Claims: 01/29/2004 Last Date to kite (Govt). Filing Status. Docket Status. Disallow 94 Late: Duplicates Claim No: Duplicated By Claim No. Amount Allowed Az 1 Last Date to File Claims. 01/29/2004 Last Date to File (Govt). Filing Status. Docket Status. Disallow 95 Late. Duplicates Claim No. Duplicated By Claim No. 11 11 11 https /lecf.orb.uscourts.gov /cgi- bin /SearchClaims,pl ?963230860938727- L_944_0 -1 Last Date to File Claims: 01/29/2004 Last Date to File (Govt). Filing Status. Docket Status. Disallow 94 Late. Duplicates Claim No. Duplicated By Claim No. Amount Allowed Amount Allowed 2/2/2006 IN RE Krause, Miriam E. Account No. NONE Dorothy Washington 3626 NE 81st Portland, OR 97213 Account No. NONE Dr Connie Masuska 5504 E. Bumside St. Portland, OR 97215 Account No. 2884915629 Peninsula Collection Services Inc. 721 E. lst St. Suite 203 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Account No. 6055 Warren Allen Attomey At Law 850 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97230 Sheet CREDITOR'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE Account No. Account No. r�> Debtors) SCHEDULE F CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) c 0 D H E W B I T C 0 9 1 of 1 Continuation Sheets attached to Schedule F SCHEDULE F CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM W CLAIM IS SUBIECT TO SETOFF SO STATE Lawsuit L /.!/_./J /.'l1j 11.. I m isc( m 4 4(4,V 75' A/ e2 Case No. 303 40303 -tmb7 7 Subtotal (Total of (his page) AMOUNT OF CLAIM 9,851.00 825.00 4 562.48 238.01 15,476.49 (Complete only on last sheet of Schedule I') TOTAL 20,644 49 (Rpm tolul also oh Summan" of Schedules "Fraudulent Misrepresentation" by Linda Johannson of Appraised Value of 3325 N E Wasco by $100,000 00 and falsifying a Brokers Professional Opinion Appraisal thereby charging $115 00 for services not rendered using Multnomah County Tax Assessment Roll File Number 02080022 SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 DEAR MADAM, LOAN 02 168729 ADJUSTABLE RATE NOTE (LIOURLuJux anteCupd) MIN 100080100021687297 Tills NOTE CUNT41N8 PROV{SIONS ALLOWING FOR CtIANGES IN my INTEREST PATE MY hlt?N'1'11S,Y PAY ha c NT 9'1118 NOTE LIMITS T111?. AMOUNT M1' INT$UtEST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANN 'N1C't'IMIL AND TN4. MAYl !VI tUM RATE! MUST PAY OC•PO)n,.Z :.8 2001 LAGUNA HILLS tune r�J (C� xJ 332g NORTrEA^a'L' WASCO STIDIN'r PORTLAND OR 97232 (Property Rddr*uisi CLLIFORNIA (State) L BORROW :WS PRONINE To PA hr return li n Juml Ucu 1 lutyu received. 1 prmuisu to y:;Iy U. $176 400 00 (thysumaunlisenllxl 'priltOpUJ pies inteicsl, iv the odor of tlec Lrndcr The NOVAS''Ai MORTGAGE INC A VIRGINIA CORP 0 RAT 502r MS. MARIE ANDERSON WILLAMETTE MORTGAGE SERVICES 19210 SE MCLOUGHLIN BLVD GLADSTONE, OR 97027 KAMBIZ Z MORADI STATE LICENSED APPRAISER L000830 3325 NE WASCO ST PORTLAND OP 97232 $252,000 Two Hundred Fifty -Two Thousand Dollars 8 payments 1,372 02 8 late charges 68 60 10 976 16 548 80 Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Costs 625 00 In accordance with your request I t•ave personally in pected and appraised the real properly at The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the st.bject property as improved The property rights appraised are the foe simple interest in the site and improvements in my opinion the estimated market value of the property as of Sep 09 "002 is The attached report contains the descrip ion analysis and supportive data for the conclusions final estimate of value descriptive photographs limiting conditions and appropriate certifications SINCERELY' BP() e joh4.41 5,-4)0562/ 9 Fair Market Value. The fan market value of the property was approximately $152,820 00 as of September 24 2003 Debtor has no enuity in the Collateral. which is sading with each missed payment. a? 062D "Fraudulent Misrepresentation" by Linda Johannson of Appraised Value of 3337 N.E Wasco by $104,420 00 and falsifying a Brokers Professional Opinion 1 Appraisal thereby charging $220 00 for services not rendered using Multnomah County Tax Assessment Roll THIS NOTE: COI 'TAINS PRO', S10NSr1LLOWIN(. Veit Cis ANC; t: INMY1NT'E .E ry E ANU n1Yhi {1N'i'F]I.1' AYA1ENT MY AD,IUSTA03"L iNTERL:ST DATE CAN NXVI:ILISXCT1CD On RE LESS 1']uA 'Pi 'LE Limn1'S STATI P IN THIS NOTE.. AiGU.S. 14 2002 LAGUNA Hi:l..r.s ;FALICORIvSA (Data( C.i ty I ata,e■ j MS MARIE ANDERSON WILLAMETTE- MORTGAGE SERVICES 10210 SE MCLOUGHLIN BLVD GLADSTONE, OR 97027 File Number 02060011 JUNE 11 2002 DEAR MADAM; ADJUSTABLE RATE NOTE (LIBOR INDEX RAT! CM'b') 6 moir ro LIBOR 3) 7 )1oS,TH PART VASCO STREET PORTLAND, OR 97232 (Peoparty AddreW fODAWNERTPRONUS 'rt)P h etur iig a loan that 1 h uvt received, 1 pMVaOM.I ID pal U.S. $297 SOO 00 (rhisamoumit cH1Jtd 'principa pins intatest, to tho onkr or the Lender. 'rhn Londor IS NoVAD Honwailue I &U. A Int:GINZA CORPORATION to accordance with your equest I have personally inspected and a praised the real property at 3337 NE WASCO ST PORTLAND OR 97232 The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the market value of the subject property as improved The property rights appraised are the fee simple interest in the site and improvements In my opinion the estimated market value of the property as of ,TUNE 6 2002 $360 000 Three Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars The attached report contains the description analysis and supportive data for the conclusions final estimate of value descriptive photographs limiting conditions and appropriate certifications SINCERELY /31 47 KAMBIZ Z. MORADI S SATE APPRAISER 9 Fair Market Value The fair market value of the property was approximately as of September 24, 2003 Debtor has no equity m the Collateral, which is eroduig with each ixussed payment_ oinommommion Lomi A I o2- 108021 earn 100080100021080212 8 payments 2,586 97 8 late charges 119 58 Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Costs 625 00 '5`1.0'? 7,• *c is 20,695 76 956 64 /..,deoe do,„, 12a 9(7,'2,64ed gd.„4, ad.) CLERK US. 9 COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON JUN 1 2004 LODGED PAID 1fo 4 12 9) Jackie Dmgfelder House of Representatives 900 Court Street N.E H -377 Salem, Oregon 97301 Ms, Dmgfelder, February 10, 2008 RE, Oregon State Bar Corruption by Oregon attorneys namely, STEVE ARNTT 97201, LINDA JOHANNSON #90306, DAVID MILLS 97728, VALERIE TOMASI #84158, FRED SMITH #65118, PETER MCKITTRICK #852816 I have wanted to write and Thank You for your answer of November 13, 2007 You're suggestion of contacting GORDON SMITH, RON WYDEN and EARL BLUMENAUER was on target for the Federal side of this CORRUPTION However I contacted GORDON SMITH IN 2005 and he said, "I DO NOT HAVE AUTHORITY OVER JUDICIAL MATTERS" Etc I guess all these senators I hear on CSPAN telling the stories about their CONSTITUENTS are all made -up fairy tales. (Blacks Law Dictionary says "The constituents of a legislator being those whom he represents and whose interests he is to care for in public affairs, usually the electors of his district. Doesn't say anywhere that they can dust ignore you! Wonder if the word was derived from the word "CONSTITUTION RON WYDEN'S office staff was rude and hung up on me! He has always been the CHAMPION OF LITTLE PEOPLE for as long as I can remember! WHAT HAPPENED? EARL BLUMENAUER'S office in WASHINGTON, DC would not give me an appointment as my hope was to visit in person and illicit a little compassion for FRAUD VICTIMS PILING UP LIKE CORDS OF WOOD IN OREGON 0?) So, how about if we address the corruption m the OREGON STATE BAR and the attorneys who carry it out, .a short list of names involved in my FRAUD are provided m this letter They have robbed me through Fraud and no less then 26 crimes were committed in my case. THE DOCUMENTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES I lost my property, livelihood, retirement funds and health care because of corruption and crime perpetrated by OREGON ATTORNEYS protected by OSB They are usmg defamation and character assassination against me to hide the truth of their actions because they don't want to be exposed for what they do and pay the price for their crimes. These are all punishable under bankruptcy law with fines and prison as pointed out m the United States Trustee Manuel Bankruptcy Fraud and Abuse Prevention Program. I am being followed every time I enter a public building by security people, even to the bathroom, in the hopes that I will be intimated and give up I am bemg called nuts by Arntt who forged my name to commit fraud on me This is m writmg at the Oregon State Bar I will have lots of witness's thanks to their actions against me This started after my article appeared in the Oregon Observer At that time I didn't know the extent of their crimes, how they were illegally robbing me of all my assets. Oregon will never live this down. There are other people who will come forward in the future suffenng similar circumstances to mine These cases I know of are spread throughout Oregon in Deschutes, Lane and Multnomah counties. These attorneys are well paid for their crimes! Most victims are women suffenng from health problems, all unmarried with no one to look out for them, all of an older age, all self made women owning property of great value making us the perfect score for these crooks. I AM JUST ONE OF THEIR VICTIMS THE VICTIMS ARE STRIPPED OF THEIR ASSETS WITH ILLEGAL ACTS BY THESE CROOKS AND THE OREGON STATE BAR ASSISTS THEIR MEMBERS WITH SHAM INVESTIGATIONS and/or PROTECTION FROM BEING PROSECUTED OR SUED FOR CRIMES BY THEIR VICTIMS This corruption deprives me of legal representation to right the wrongs that were committed against me, my rights are violated by the mere fact I live m this state! Oregon "CRIME VICTIMS BILL OF RIGHTS" says, 147 410 Purpose We, the people of the State of Oregon, declare that victims of crime are entitled too fair and impartial treatment in our criminal justice system. (2) Oregon Laws 1987, we seek to secure balanced justice by eliminating unbalanced rules." The FORGERY was reported in late 2004 to the Portland police and the paperwork is still sitting in Michael Shrunks District Attorney's office gathering dust! (If it's on the top If these people are not investigated and arrested the buck stops there m this protection racket! Aiding and abetting the crimes! I am sending the information I have assembled over the course of time that it has taken me to uncover and expose this outrageous FRAUD The extent of crimes including bankruptcy crimes is completely MINDBOGGLING I would love to meet with you and listen to any suggestions you have Please get involved for the sake of Oregon citizens and their children so they will not face the corruption we have! Stop the corruption one lawyer at a time! Thanks, Miriam Krause 3439 N.E. Sandy 371 Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 515 -9587 PS I am sending a thumb -nail version of the three books documenting the crimes agamst me Twenty six crimes with at least 70 people pulling it off! It's fascmatmg the extent of this corruption and the people profiting from their crimes. For Now! I will not go away! Oregon State Bar' May 3002 I am writing in regards to the reply you sent me earlier this month. I sent in a rrquest for assistance with an attorney, steven arntt, who was lying, and practicing unethically I received a reply from you stating that my only complaint was over money ($200 he stole from me) but that is NOT the case. He lied, called me names, implied I was unfit and broke lawyer /client confidentially rules. This was all clear in the copies of the emails from him I enclosed in with my complaint form. I was advised by you that I seek arbitration since you would not help me because it was all over money Well, that is not the case. I am surprised that you immediately take the lawyers side and disregard the client who was lied to and stolen from. I guess I assumed incorrectly when I sought help from you, thinking you would actually help the client and not immediately defend the attorney Could you please direct me to an agency that is willing to assist the client who was mistreated, lied to and stolen from? I have no more money at this time as I was told be Mr Arntt that my case would have been filed by April 1 St and I would now, actually have money to pay him and my mortgage This is an outrage, I was sure part of the function of the state bar was to assist in problems with unethical and immoral attorneys who stole from and lied to their clients. He not only accused me of lying, he made me promises about the case and never followed thru with them, he took my money and did no work for me, he never, once, updated me on the status of my case, he lied about it's filing date, he spoke with my brother, over the phone about my case when I did not give him permission to, he said I was not allowed in his office because of my bad attitude (you can see by all the emails I previously sent) that I never once had a bad attitude towards him, I only requested updates on the progress of the case because he never once told me how it was preceding. He spoke with my brother on the phone then lied and said he didn't. He told him I could have my money back then he said he never said that. He refuses to giver me back my documents, paperwork or my money that he has had since mid march 2003 he has done no work on the case and now refuses to do any Essentially he stole $200 from me, lied and accused me of wrongdoing. He did all this to protect his standing when he realized he has lied to me, broke promises and spoke with my brother without my permission. He knew he had acted poorly and might get reprimanded for it so he cleverly turned it around to make it look like I was the bad -guy to keep him out of trouble. I am glad I never paid him anymore, initially, that the $200 that I did. Now I am out $200 and have wasted 2.5 months trying to reclaim it so I could find an attorney who will work for me and not steal from me. I am further in debt and the stress has become nearly unbearable over the monies. He is a crocked lawyer, and as I see it, unfit to be an attorney I pity anyone else who tries to employ his services, as they will get mistreated, verbally abused and taken advantage of Now, I did request from you folks, some assistance in finding a lawyer who will actually do their job correctly I have not gotten a reply from you on that. Please help me out in finding a decent lawyer who knows the laws and follows them since you refused to assist me in obtaining my monies from Mr Arntt. Thank you, Christine Taylor RECEIVED JUN 4 2003 D1SC1PUNARY COUNSEL RECEIVED SEP 1 2 2003 DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL Lia Saroyan. Sept. 9, 03 I would like to, once again, appeal the Boards decision. How is it justified for an attorney to LIE, VERBALLY HARASS AND STEAL from clients? It was more than clearly stated in the emails I received from Mr Arntt that he was lying to protect himself. Mr Arntt intentionally broke client/lawyer confidentiality codes by discussing my case with my brother He then realized he was wrong in doing so and then began to make false statements about myself and lie to the Board. How can this NOT be seen when it was obvious in the emails? So what good is the Board, then? Why, exactly are they in existence for IF they cannot see the obvious like this? What they are telling me is that is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED for an attorney to steal documents from his clients, Steal money from them, Break promises about the work they will do for you, discuss your matters with others not involved and to call names and harass (SEE NUMEROUS EMAILS FROM HIM BELITTLING ME AND ACCUSING ME OF WRONG DOING) people? The ONLY wrong doing was Mr. Arntt being a liar. How can this be accepted as decent behavior for an attorney? I wonder how many others he has lied to, taken monies from then refused to do not work for I have NO idea why you are protecting him and I am VERY disappointed to find out that the 5200.00 I gave him to do work for me was essentially stolen from me as he REFUSED to do any work for me. Mr Arntt's practices are completely irresponsible and I feel he should, NOW, be reprimanded for his illegal behavior At first ALL I wanted back was Mv 5200.00 and ALL my documents returned but now I see reason to further file against him so HE DOES NOT LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL FROM ANYONE ELSE WHO SEEKS HIS SERVICES. I hope a copy of this letter goes into his `file' with the Board and that a note goes onto his record of what he has done. STEALING money from and LYING to someone who was ONLY trying to have him file a simple Bankruptcy is uncalled for How can this kind of behavior be acceptable? Are there any GOOD lawyers out there or is this what I am to expect of anyone I hire to file this for me? I am currently unemployed and am loosing my house in a foreclosure; I have nothing to gain by any of this EXCEPT Mv 5200.00 back so I can hire another (HONEST) attorney to file it for me. I am very disappointed in the system and the Board should be ashamed of itself for defending Mr. Amtt and giving him license to treat people this way. Wouldn't it just be simpler to give me back ALL copies of MY DOCUMENTS (which he does have; I NEVER received any items back from him when he told me he refused to work on my case) and MY 419_0.00? Why intentionally take from the poor to give to the rich? THE MONEY IS RIGHTFULLY MINE AND I WOULD LIKE IT BACK. Thank you, Christine Taylor odit) United States Trustee Manual 8$ CHAPTER 5 -8. BANKRUPTCY CRIMES 5 -8 1 BANKRUPTCY REFORIVLACT OF 1994 The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994 made several changes to the criminal bankruptcy sections. The old sections continue to apply to crimes completed before the effective date of the Act, which was October 22, 1994 The new sections apply to all cases begun on or after the effective date. It is an open question as to whether crimes committed after the effective date of the Act in cases that began before the effective date are covered by the old statutes or the new statutes. Until case law resolves the issue, the safest course of action is to use the older of the statutes. No significant changes were made to 18 U.S C. 152. The paragraphs were numbered and the United States Trustee was specifically included in the statutory language. Although Congress stated the maximum fine as $5,000 and five years in prison, 18 U S.0 3571 provides the maximum fine will be $250,000 for individuals and $500,000 for organizations. 18 U S.C. 153 was changed to extend coverage to more individuals who embezzle funds from estates. The law now includes anyone who has access to property or documents of the estate by virtue of their participation in the administration of the estate in some official capacity It also, for the first time, specifically covers employees and agents of those who have this access. 18 U S.0 154 was changed to allow the United States Trustee access to documents and accounts relating to the affairs of an estate without the necessity of a court order 18 U.S.C. 156 is a new section which prohibits a bankruptcy petition preparer from knowingly attempting to disregard the provisions of title 11 or the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure if such action results in the dismissal of the case or proceedings. The offense is punished as. a misdemeanor A "bankruptcy petition preparer" is anyone, other than the debtor's attorney or that attorney's employee, who prepares for compensation bankruptcy documents for filing. It should be noted that the Act also provides civil fines and injunctive relief against bankruptcy petition preparers who do not disclose their names, addresses, social security numbers, and their compensation for preparing the documents. 11 U S C. 110 18 U S C 157 is the second new section. It creates a felony violation for anyone who devises or intends to devise a scheme or artifice to defraud and, for purposes of executing or concealing the scheme, files a petition under title 11, files a document in a proceeding under title 11 makes a false statement, claim, or promise in relationship to a proceeding under title 11 either before or after the filing of the petition, or in relation to a proceeding falsely asserted to be pending under title 11 Page 20 August, 1997 United States stee Manual Bankru tcv Fraud &Abuse Enforcement Program 5 -8 3 3 False Declarations, 18 U.S.C. S 15201 k ,C1...e 4 a 5 -834 (4) Page 28 "[A person who] knowingly and fraudulently makes a false declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of ep rjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28 in or in relation to any case under title 11 [shall be fined not more than [$250,000], or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.]" The elements of the offense of a false oath (discussed at 5 -8 4.2 1) apply to this section as well. The only difference is that the false declaration must be made under the penalty of perjury as provided by 28 U S C. 1746. This section was added to allow prosecution where the statement is not under oath, but does have the statement above the signature or on a certificate that it is made under thepenaity of penury as provided by 28 U S.C. 1746. The United States Trustee should consider using the statement "under the penalty of penury as provided by 28 U S C 1746" on any important statements or reports filed in connection with bankruptcy cases. 5 -8 3 4 1 Elements of the Offense "[A person who] knowingly and fraudulently presents any false claim for proof against the estate of a debtor or uses any such claim in any case under title 11, in a personal capacity, or as or through an agent, proxy, or attorney [shall be fined not more than [$250,000], or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.)" A claim is a legal document submitted to the court by a creditor of the entity that has filed bankruptcy It is immaterial whether the claim is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, mature, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, or unsecured. U.S. v. Connery, 867 F.2d 929, 934 (6th Cir 1989). 1 Bankruptcy proceedings have commenced under title 11 2. The defendant presents or causes to be presented a proof of claim in the bankruptcy 3 The proof of claim is false as to a material matter 4 The defendant knew the proof of claim was false. August, 1997 United States Tru. tee Manual Bankruntcv Fraud Abuse Enforcement Program 5 -8 2 GENERAL ISSUES 5 -8.2.1 Definition of "Knowingly and Fraudulently" August, 1997 Each section of 18 U.S.0 152 requires that the acts be done "knowingly and fraudulently The term knowingly means that the defendant is aware of his /her act (or failure to act) and that his/her conduct is undertaken voluntarily and intentionally and not because of mistake or accident or other innocent reason. It is not necessary that the government prove the defendant knew that his/her acts or omissions were unlawful. The term fraudulently means that the conduct was willful or done voluntarily and intentionally and with the intent to deceive, cheat, or defraud. An intent to defraud is accompanied, ordinarily, by a desire or purpose to bring about some gain or benefit to oneself or to cause some loss to some person. ate 1 Devitt and Blackmar, Federal Jury Practice and Instructions, 16 07 (4th ed. 1992). 5 8 3 6 Kxtortion and Bribery, 18 U.S.C. "[A person who] knowingly and fraudulently gives, offers, receives, or attempts to obtain any money or property, remuneration, compensation, reward, advantage, or promise thereof for acting or forbearing to act in any case under title 11 [shall be fined not more than [$250,000] or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.]" 5 -8.3 6 1 Elements of the Offe= A person who, with criminal intent, attempts to gain anything from a case under title 11 by either acting or forbearing to act. This is a very broad statute which covers all aspects of bribery and extortion in cases involving title 11 There is no requirement that the act or forbearance of acting be unlawful itself. Acting or not acting with the requisite criminal intent is sufficient. For example, a bidder agreeing to withdraw his/her bid in return for money is covered. U.S. v. Weis 168 F Supp 728 (W.D Pa. 1958) The issue of competing plans being withdrawn in return for payment of fees raises an issue under this statute if full disclosure is not made. U.S. v. Dunkly, 235 F 1000 (N.D Cal. 1916). Full disclosure of any offers to act or not act, e.g., compromise claims, would negate any suggestion of criminal intent. Page 29 43 United States Trusteg„Manual 5 -8 4 EM$EZZLEMENT AGAINST THE ESTATE /41( 5 -8 4 1 18 U.S.C. t 153 August, 1997 Ninktuptcy Fraud Abuge Enforcement Proms "(a) Offense. A person described in subsection (b) who knowingly and fraudulently appropriates to the person's own use, embezzles, spends, or transfers any property or secretes or destroys any document belon m to the estate of a debtor shall be fined not more than [$250,000], imprisoned not more than five years, or both. (b) Person to Whom Section Applies. A person described in this subsection is one who has access to property or documents belonging to an estate by virtue of the person's participation in the administration of the estate as a trustee, custodian. marshal. attorney. or other officer of t or as an agent. employee, or other person engaged by such office e o Perform a service with respect to the estate." 5 -8 4 1 1 Definition of Officer and Custodian Congress amended this section in October of 1994 specifically tom attorneys and employees of trustees and other administrators of the estate. Even under the old section, however, the term custodian reached anyone who came into custody of property involving an estate because of some official position. It has reached the attorney for the trustee. Jackson v. U.S., 72 F.2d 764 (3d Cir 1934) It has also reached the treasurer of a debtor under reorganization who was employed with court approval. t7_S. v. Lunch, 180 F.2d 696 (7th Cir cert. denied, 339 U S 981 (1950). See aisg the defmition of custodian in 11 U.S.C. 101 Under the old statute, the term officer would reach any professional employed by a trustee and approved by the court, such as an auctioneer 11 U.S.C. 327 It would not, however, reach a regular employee such as a secretary or paralegal. The new statute clearly applies to the attorney for the debtor It also should reach the debtor in possession under chapter 11 A good argument can be made that such a debtor in possession does have access because of that person's participation in the administration of the estate under court approval. If so, employees of the debtor in possession would also be covered. Until case law resolves this issue, however, a charge under 18 U S.C. 152(1) should also be used. Page 33 Evidence of a common Scheme" to defraud Krause of her properties through forged documents submitted by Steve Arntt OSB 97201 showing mortgage liabilities that didn't exist, Use Mail for Fraud when someone changed the debtors address 6 days after filing, Yet no record on file as required by bankruptcy law in proper form, Fraudulent Misrepresentation by Linda Johannson OSB 90306 deliberately undervaluing prime real estate subverting the reorganization plan for Chapter 11, (Refused to provide supporting documentation as required by bankruptcy law) Trustee Michael Grassmueck abandoning Broadway property saying it has no equity and then secretly embezzling it back only to sell it to a buyer represented by the ex- partner of the Judge, Jay Hinrich made no less than $140,000 in less than 6 months) secreting the sale of the Spa and withholding money and all paper work from the file against the bankruptcy law and local rules, Pam Griffith ignoring the request of a private citizen to check into the fraud committed on Krause (her Job requires her too) this citizen unfort- unately was an attorney until he couldn't stand the corruption any more is now being singled out and harassed by the Oregon State Bar.( obviously to busy to do something about the fraud done on me) Sylvia Stevens of OSB is asked to decide the conduct of a bankruptcy lawyer but says she has never held herself out to be an expert in bankruptcy law, Ilene Lashinsky US Trustee used (Grassmueck lawyer) David Mills OSB 97728 to prepare an answer( $3740.00 to my complaint of the fraud said "fraud doesn't matter Celeste Miller Crime Coordinator of the US Trustee Program, (supposed to work for the Department Of Justice on fraud abuse and prevention) can't decide if I filed in September or October, Judge Mary Schroeder of the Judicial Misconduct Committee would rather overlook the fraud then deal with it.(She can't see the elephant in the room) Mr Gordy of the US Attorney Generals office who is on the Totem Pole to investigate this fraud it is his job) prefers not to do any thing and hung up on me after he said the FBI should do something. The FBI says they will add my documents to a "collection" Swear to GOD in letter form) Can't do any thing until the US Attorneys Office asks them too, Portland Police won't do anything about the forgery because they aren't process- ing paper crimes" But did say the PLF has denied my claim (little hard to do since I never made a claim besides PLF doesn't insure attorneys for illegal activities, But the attorneys insure each other so if you get an attorney to sue another attorney for malpractice and you win, your attorney will have to pay you for winning from his own pocket! Oh yes, according to the OSB your attorney does not have to speak to you (There is no rule requiring him too.) They say if you have 3 lawyers in a room and they all comment on a document, you will get 4 opinions. This is so totally pathetic (and only the beginning) I wrote this book so everyone can have a good laugh and maybe if made into a movie we can show our children and grandchildren this country is the land of the free and the home of the slave. This is the Reality, American Dream, oops NIGHTMARE r r i i 1 li 1\1,,,1 l 1 1 1 1 1 l ,\\\‘1\ 1 1\\\ \■1 .1 !1 1► 4.4 th) et 1 I i k 1 r Grassmueck's Work Sheet supplied to Rod Cockburn and knowingly used to prepare "Fraudulent Financials" from Arntt's forged and falsified documents `3 p 3[0, v im (123 rt-E_ VC, -OA z elm r q D d� i ptzt /9-0- V 744 04 3 L 41 Cr?" 7 Aix 32.2 2/? J c r 5, tea G g 3 F'� IN RE_�Srause, Naiam E. .,ase No. 303 -403 Debtor(s) 2L:S:-BANKRUPTCY CO DISTRICT OF OREGON SCHEDULE A REAL PROPERTY {{��((��T Except as directed below list all real property in which the debtor has any legal, equitable, or future interest, including all property owned as a coQ4�Ifaht, JnQnu l property or in which the debtor has a life estate. Include any property in which the debtor holds rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own benefit. I he debto_j is married, state whether husband, wife, or both own the property by placing an 'H' for Husband, "W' for Wife, J' for Joint, or 'C' for Comnifit30130he c 'HWJC. If the debtor holds no interest in real property write 'None' under 'Description and Location of Property' PAID Do not include interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases on the schedule. List them in Schedule G Executory Contracts and Unexpireneases. If an entity claims to have a lien or hold a security interest in any property state the amount of the secured claim. See Schedule D If no entity claims to hold a cured interest in the property, write 'None" in the column labeled Amount of Secured Claim' If the debtor is an individual or if a joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemption claimed in the property only in Schedule C Property Claimed as Exempt. DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3325 NE Wasco, Portland, OR Personal Residence Property located at 1337 NE 33rd, Portland, OR Property located at 5008 NE Broadway, Portland, OR SCHEDULE A REAL PROPERTY Certified to be a true and correct copy of original filed in my office Dated 1 13 6 Terence ri Clerk, U. Bankruptcy Court By 1 A y NATURE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY )4 ,.ZIP I/94 8// 0 as H w C a 943. 3? VEP agithio(Al k g CURRENT MARKET VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY AMOUNT OF SECURED WITHOUT DEDUCTING CLAIM ANY SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION 252,000.001 360,000.00 270,000.00 325,000.00 rife( %8853 5 lV, c TOTAL 1,207,000.00 (Report also on Summary of Sche 1 379,964.58 296,833.00 233,300.00 456,694.18 I1,4 bi!iTIES 3