HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 N. Oak (S-7)fil���'l.t sr. -sa'�. )'r%rY'� �+t,� 4�� r i' •t mIP,.?
The main Serglceca„ t,•tormiiate in service en ance located as
shown. ,This:enolesure`"ry Yt contain a main bre r for 1 hting service,
space for ma- ring'traailf and a Wain breaker for service. The
breakers eh> be.'similar" to"*Satinghpuse type AB with t s es shoti on
the:panel echedile.
All.,ranch Tightjag'pen'ala gbal1 he similar to Westingho se ype Mei with
tbe-nimben of401 snd,trip ratings shown in schedule,L Y 1 "A" shall
alsD` containie latch type contactor stoner to "D am H" for the
-matter co tire This contractor shall be c ted by
relays operated^ t alarm panel. All power pa ls's be
similar to; Aeatinseer'Zype4B'Convertible distribution el arils with
the nmmbpr of p¢lee,end*t. ip ratinga as shown in the pane ache e.
`Bones ahal`i� :"of code` gauge galvanized sheet steel
shall' be turns@' a,stifticient'distance to properly supp
I They shall De probided4with- wiring gutters at top, bottom
Fronts ahen„hii u' node gauge full finish: steel. AU tr
attached to boneb means of adjustable 'indicating trip
iii huificient haeatitiea ad that trim will be rigid.
he-'doei" sbkl l be :fastened in =grip with concealed hinges and provided with
Mars,- 14pe•combiaationVatch and lock. Panelboards shall be .provided i t
removable barriers.
he •diatiibutiai janelboard.s,will be of'the flush type and $hall beset a
lamb and sysietrical with surrounding objects.
elbeerds.cincliabinits shall conform to requirements of :the Underwriters
contractor shall submit detailed blueprints for approval before fabri-
is started.
a•typed,index of circuits under glass in holder supplied on the
each panel. 4
E1.14 ri it TYPES
iii Sit -s shall be :of types as specified below, in order to Provide
lighting tensitiea acd :distribution desired. Any substitutions shall be
submitted- Or approver by. the architect+, A sample or cut of the proposed
fiicture'to: -tber with'7ight distribution' curves ahall_be au/mated to the
'architect fe approval: All. ".wires ikt fixtures `shall be heat resistant, and
only poicela •sockets shall be -used. Fixture types shall be as follows:
Deacripticn Of Type
Type A. Pendant \Typeiadirect'ri3.th altimimm- reflector, and silver bowl lamp
similar;to Silvray Diffuser SR-12 with aligning joint at canopy.
gyps B. Stjt! are- reei for 150 Watt lamp with Holophane c:'
Corai ng similar'to At Metal. $474.
Type 131 Similar, t, above except for 200 watt lamp with Metal #450.
Type C., •Preach!;light
Type D. •Box inonnted 150.viatt rehector in gompliance with RIH_atandard #1.
+pe;D.1 eiahilar to D.exceet tor% watt, lamp.'
_`Type.E. :Vertioaltype fluereseent bracket fixture iiith convenience outlet
83mllar to Seattle Lighting Fiibure #V -785 (leas eiritch). a`
Type F._ Vapo proof'shower tixtur& similar to Pass &'Seymore'# A14300.
Type 0. 200 wftt`retTector,•BLM atandar4,11 mounted:en 1/2 inch conduit
=moans "sdd; dtli
rieiwf aligniryYjoint. at canopy.
•Type. 0-1 Similar tb'G except for sett lamp
Type, H: 200 watt reflectoir -ALM itamdard. #2 with-90 degrees angle hood
notated on' 12` incb' arm.
d the
The clock tem shell la minute
Sys �e; impulse secondary cloak with relay
operating tram the ti, recorder stamp on the Auto -Cal alaruf panel.
This contractor shall furnish an enclosed single pole relay'unit with
4B volt coil. The coils' be connected across the terminals of the
time tamp and operate the relay contactS'once. each minute, thereby
stepping up the secondary clocks. Also included'in the relay unit shall
be a single poi double throwwitch and single contact push switch
manually opera 's the clodka. AlYseopndary clocks shall be' two wire
_impulse flush type similar to Standard Eleectric Time Co. PUT -12.
Wiring for clock system shall be run in conduits with speaker (intercom)
system. all wires be #18 type R insulation.
Furnish and install an inter communication ayate to provide
two way, communication from the' alarm room to• al/ 'outlying stations as
shown on the drawings. The master citation in the' alarm, room shall be
similar to Ylebster Teletalk #212.4;" All other units except the yard and
tower shall be Teletalk #5A45 installed flush in the wall with finiah
grill to match wall. The speakers in the equipment ream shall
be connected to one keiy on the master so they -,will operate siisi,ltaneouoly.
These units shall be matched so that good understandable' communicatiok_,_-
can be had in this,room.
All wiring connections shall be•ia accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations and final testa shall be mace' by factory, authorised
personnel. Wires shall be. run in conduits with cloak wire and'ehal1 be. #18
twisted pair duct wire. Wires in conduit.urider alibi or iri,thei.ground
shall moisture resistant or lead. covered.
At each location shown on drawing9 install an Applgton #1524 `Reelitb
These, units shall be equipped with 25 feet of #16 two conductor rubber
jacket cord and Bryant #5103 connector body.
All. services shall run imdergrd ac rdae Vie" alley. The power -and light,:
service shall terminate at the sea pa f, _con-
duita shall terminate 10 "feet secondary:, area b the d 'All o
up the pol6,and"be`oipped;
Power and light rvice ehall'be the size ehotm on; drawing and will be'•
120 -21�a0 %volt 3 wi a single phase. Ground.e conduit'to'neareet coin
wa ter p1pe. 1))
q. r
M4 conduit shall than
,cated,as shown in National Electric Code. _iii *free ig woes i
convenience outlets -a Othe cair_uith -e ia and
hall be- #]2.'E S gauges. 'Other circuits sheYS'be'
as shown. All outlets sha1Y be .equipped With-boxes 6t,. proper arse and- type, not leas than 1.1/2 deep. .Sias' of -boi shall bee: wi-t req- Orementa
of ii. E. 'Code, paragraph.3709 sections A.. &.b. The apprortva.
mate_ location of 611 outlets de'Shaiwn' on ,drawings- but .�eiact7,ocatione"
Shall-be cheoked architect. Iocations must 'he checked•witbi othed
trades and to avoid conflict: A11 boxes must be accurately placed
for rjniah,' independently and•secdrely supported. Alireceptielee'ehall
be located as shown-on the,plana and- at!t i
he_he indicat r.
e d ii i rine2aee
shall be located as, shout and. where two `or more._ ewi et aT•e ahoirir in axe
location, they shall''be installed Under a oo®on plite.;• All stitches 'shall
be'6 door'casi$g, unless it ii necessary- to center the switch in Wall'
space- between doors or between_ door and Window for appearance.
For runs exceeding '5O feet from panelboarii to the outlet, #1O
wire"ehali be used.
ith' :ing for gas pwaps and reoeptacles,in service
td N.E.C. for Close I group D, ha pit shall' he according
sarxlotrs locaticne.
All flash fixtures shall be located as''cloce as possible' tb'rbom centers
or aymbtrical'pattern shout but care check, shall be,, -made to 'avoid
Structural' members, bangers, 'ducts, et.
All outlets shall be located, at the I
otherwise noted on drawings -or its o
spa c ifioats tionar heights above floor, unless
Convenience outleta except in shop or .equipaent'rcoas,.,12"
Convenience outlets shop and equipment roma to -0a'
local 'switches
Bracket 'lights see epeoial elevation 4'' -0" y
Clock unless• Special elevation ehowri ,2i
L 4-
Speakers e bs o7•oeiling
Wiri`+g a
and cantectio be made ,for all motors On
devices, electric t eq j a
motors_•ahall he �r ed- unite sad contr a foiot
otaded with` thermal .overload`- Proteetipn;. :and 'airy motor
not within starter
tong' s i ig g h tho motor, .shall be provided. With a�aeparate .isOla
Special motor control and interloc'
-Yng-•to the manufacturer 'a drawings ing,devia ;shall be connected accord
All receptacles in the enep area aitall`17e,'turnished with a:grdiiadinn pole
9O that ;all partible deyioes -can be grounded. f
Conduit and ducts shall be installed
�1e e olocke, fire alarm. and inter• ca syste as Shawn
0onduit and`outlet bursa tor: all systems, e
shall cone of h" tra il he'r-lo c a t ed as direotet -a
Rheas outlets shall be finished aiieed'.eiiigle• device'eorrer. All 'tele-
te14Pbo?ro Plate`- dutch switch and
`Telephone and fire alarm conduits "hSSl:'Lermirie to on';
shown to provide raceways for service 'oondiroko iron S}ie'ae ,u
The main telephone terminal:cabinet reboil. be`375'_x'54• i'8", ,with f1111
hinged,door. opening. A 3/4" conduit bhall;be prow ed' cabinet to
the nearest cold wear pipe; for grounding;: d. s
All equipment for fine slim and telephone systems Will be fUrnished ani
installed 1ms lamer. Theittorage battery:with rack will be furnished and
.smit-by the akar. This 'contractor shaLl!install conduits as shown with
condtiotors for (211V.) and fire lights control.
4 00,
Install:all clocks as shown specified. A. 'qualified representative of
the manufacturer shall personally rpervise the inst of this system
The boa of this servi.oe sha.11, he included in the selling Price of the
equipsent. 1
All equipment is ipecifie,hall be installed and thoroughly-Jested for
the Inler-oammntic:iition system. Volume.' control and aecuracy bf repro-
ductiOn shall bb Ltested ler each sneaker, Under .t.he mnipervisian of a 1
qui ed..; Engineer.
All connection, mounting 'and equipment for truck battery charging shall.
be furnished and completely tested.
1.23 LIGHTING martins
All'fixtures'shall by installed according to the following sChednle. All
fixtures shall be cleaned atter construction has been completed, to insure
maximum efficiency.
Roo lijimt
Equipment Room
14 .Battery
6 Bath(-Centre)
(Over Toilet)
(Over Lavatory)
:11 Bed' roams
32 Intetien
13 Recreaticer
3.4 Corridor 3.r
-15 Storage G 200
16 Railer Room Via .20G
17 Vestibule 0.:150.
18 Work, Mini 15-2C0 1 F"
19 Equipment Be 0-1 300 I.P.
11' -0"
5' 6".
10' 40
8' -0"
11' -0"