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315 S Lincoln St - Building
PREPARED 2/18/11 8 44 07 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 2/18/ 1 ADDRESS 315 S LINCOLN ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM CNTY COURTHOUSE CONTRACTOR ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION INC PHONE (425) 493 1826 OWNER COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO PHONE (360) 417 2429 PARCEL 06 30 00 1 0 2605 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000959 COMM REPAIR PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BLRI 01 1/24/11 JLL BLDG REBAR INSPECTION TIME 04 00 1/24/11 AP January 24 2011 8 24 32 AM Ipangrle RICK 425 754 6570 EXTERIOR STAIRS LATE AFTERNOON January 24 2011 3 50 21 PM jlierly BLTB 01 1/24/11 JLL BLDG T BAR TIME 04 00 1/24/11 DA January 24 2011 8 21 54 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR FINAL ON THE INSIDE OF THE BUILDING PORTION OF THIS PERMIT LATE AFTERNOON January 24 2011 3 50 32 PM jlierly remove ceiling tiles for insp jll BLTB 02 1/25/11 JLL BLDG T BAR TIME 09 00 1/25/11 AP January 25 2011 8 25 05 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR MORNING January 25 2011 4 40 36 PM jlierly BLRI 02 2/07/11 JLL BLDG REBAR INSPECTION TIME 09 00 2/07/11 AP February 4 2011 3 32 11 PM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 REBAR MORNING February 7 2011 4 52 17 PM jlierly Verify riser height within 7 contractor tyo QC job before pour no exceptions /j11 2/16L11 BLDG FINAL February 18 2011 8 42 05 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 BL99 01 BUILDING FINAL HISTORIC COURTHOUSE UPGRADE PROJECT COMMENTS AND NOTES Linda Pangrle From Sue Roberds Sent: Friday February 18 2011 8 51 AM To jwinborn @co clallam wa.us Cc Linda Pangrle Subject: Zoning Lot' Covenant Dear Joel We have a request to final the courthouse construction today but have not as yet received the Zoning Lot Covenant required as part of initial permit issuance. Linda Pangrle e- mailed you about this and you responded on 12/29 that you would see to the matter when you returned from vacation I know how these things slip minds but as far as we know the document has not been filed As we discussed the document results in one building site without interior lot lines which is what now exists without benefit of paperwork. The paperwork will rectify that. Please formalize the document so we can proceed with the inspection today If you have any questions let us know Sue Roberds Planning Manager City of Port Angeles P 0 Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 sroberdsn.citvofna. us 360- 417 -4750 1 PREPARED 2/07/11 8 19 25 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 2/07/11 ADDRESS 315 S LINCOLN ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM CNTY COURTHOUSE CONTRACTOR ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION INC PHONE (425) 493 1826 OWNER COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO PHONE (360) 417 2429 PARCEL 06 30 00 1 0 2605 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000959 COMM REPAIR PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BLRI 01 1/24/11 JLL BLDG REBAR INSPECTION TIME 04 00 1/24/11 AP January 24 2011 8 e4 2 AM pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 EXTERIOR STAIRS LATE AFTERNOON January 24 2011 3 50 21 PM jlierly BLTB 01 1/24/11 JLL BLDG T BAR TIME 04 0.0 1/24/11 DA January 24 2011 8 21 54 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR FINAL ON THE INSIDE OF THE BUILDING PORTION OF THIS PERMIT LATE AFTERNOON January 24 2011 3 50 32 PM jlierly remove ceiling tiles for insp jll BLTB 02 1/25 11 JLL BLDG T BAR TIME 09 00 1/25/11 AP January 25 2011 8 25 05 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR MORNING January 25 2011 4 40 36 PM jlierly BLRI 02 2/07/11 BLDG REBAR INSPECTION TIME 09 00 February 4 2011 3 32 11 PM 1pangrle RICK 425 75 4" 6570 REBAR MORNING COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 1/25/11 8 26 59 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 9 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 1/25/11 ADDRESS 315 S LINCOLN ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR CLALLAM CNTY COURTHOUSE CONTRACTOR ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION INC PHONE (425) 493 1826 OWNER COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO PHONE (360) 417 2429 PARCEL 06 30 00 1 0 2605 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000959 COMM REPAIR PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BLRI 01 1/24/11 JLL BLDG REBAR INSPECTION TIME 04 00 1/24/11 AP January 24 2011 8 24 32 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 EXTERIOR STAIRS LATE AFTERNOON January 24 2011 3 50 21 PM jlierly BLTB 01 1/24/11 JLL BLDG T BAR TIME 04 00 1/24/11 DA January 24 2011 8 21 54 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR FINAL ON THE INSIDE OF THE BUILDING PORTION OF THIS PERMIT LATE AFTERNOON January 24 2011 3 50 32 PM jlierly remove ceiling tiles for insp jll BLTB 02 1/25/11 J L /f BLDG T BAR TIME 09 00 January 25 2011 8 25 05 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR MORNING COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 1/24/11 8 27 02 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ADDRESS 315 S LINCOLN ST TENANT NBR CLALLAM CNTY COURTHOUSE CONTRACTOR ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION INC OWNER COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO PARCEL 06 30 00 1 0 2605 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000959 COMM REPAIR PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BLRI 01 1/24/11 �k BLTB 01 1/24/11 INSPECTION TICKET INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY SUBDIV PHONE PHONE COMMENTS AND NOTES (425) 493 1826 (360) 417 2429 PAGE 4 DATE 1/24/11 BLDG REBAR INSPECTION TIME 04 00 January 24 2011 8 24 32 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 EXTERIOR STAIRS LATE AFTERNOON BLDG T BAR TIME 04 00 January 24 2011 8 21 54 AM 1pangrle RICK 425 754 6570 T BAR FINAL ON THE INSIDE OF THE BUILDING PORTION OF THIS PERMIT LATE AFTERNOON t dovuS Dag-- 04), ,OA ex o 0 \I\ (12/30/2010) Linda Pangrle Re The zoning lot covenant is still needed Page 1 From 'Winborn Joel' <jwinborn @co clallam wa.us> To <Lpangrle@cityofpa.us> Date 12/29/2010 8 44 PM Subject: Re The zoning lot covenant is still needed Original Message From Linda Pangrle [mailto Lpangrle @cityofpa.us] Sent: Tuesday December 28 2010 11 58 AM To Winborn, Joel Subject: The zoning lot covenant is still needed Hi Joel In the past while doing plan review on your historic courthouse upgrade permit #10 -959) we saw that three parcels (two parcels where the County building sits and the corner parking lot at 4th Peabody St.) need to be tied together I have a note stating that on 09 -02 10 gave you pnum map instructions, and the form to complete the ZLC Neither Sue nor I have received the recorded ZLC I also have a copy of the e-mail Sue sent you on 11 19 -10 explaining the importance of completing the ZLC Please update me on the status of the ZLC and provide me with a recorded copy as soon as possible If you need copies of the pnum map or form again just let me know Thanks, Linda Sue Roberds and I were talking about County permits recently and we noticed we haven't received a recorded copy of the zoning lot covenant (ZLC) combining three County parcels yet (063000645550 063000646700 and 063000650070) A 0 c1 ,„C Linda, I am out this week. I have the information you sent me but have not had the opportunity to deal with it to date I will when I get back within the next few weeks Thank you Joel D kt L Y (1‘ n 4 S\a R a�° 0ver1 -Zoy`\‘‘N) k'`\\ \6'(2\v5 Sue Roberds Re Zoning Lot Covenant From Sue Roberds To Joel Winborn Date 11/19/2010 12 44 PM Subject Re Zoning Lot Covenant Dear Joel A zoning lot covenant is needed to create a building site that is composed of several platted lots where a building will span one or several of the interior lots. Since you must observe setbacks from all lot lines, you wouldn't be able to construct a single building across lot lines unless you were in a zone where there are no setbacks. There are setbacks in the PBP zone in which the Courthouse is located The value then of the ZLC is that you eliminate the interior building restrictions and observe only the exterior setback lines for building within the larger building site that is then composed of several platted lots You can always replat the original lots in the future if needed, but normally after a building is constructed, that isn't desired Sue Hope this makes it clear A picture works better Come over if you need to do it that way Page 1 of 1 file. //C \Documents and Settings \sroberds \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4CE6711 OD 12/23/2010 cr 172', a Date Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc HISTORIC COURTHOUSE UPGRADE PROJECT Owner Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total 6 3AL IA DtZL (t T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 10 00000959 Date 9/21/10 047995 315 S LINCOLN ST 06 30 00 1 0 2605 0000 CLALLAM CNTY COURTHOUSE COMM REPAIR PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 77500 Contractor COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION INC 223 E 4TH ST 4640 CAMPUS PL STE 150 315 S LINCOLN ST MUKILTEO WA 98275 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (425) 493 1826 (360) 417 2429 Structure Information 000 000 HISTORIC COURTHOUSE UPGRADE BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL HISTORIC COURTHOUSE UPGRADE 172700 866 25 9/21/10 Valuation 3/20/11 Plan Check Fee BASE FEE 28 00 7 0000 THOU BL -50 001 100K (7 00 PER K) Special Notes and Comments The contractor will need to complete a Right of Way Use Application for obstruction of sidewalk along Lincoln Street during construction A pedestrian traffic plan is to be submitted to City Engineering for approval prior to the start of work Extension 670 25 196 00 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Charged Paid Credited 866 25 866 25 00 563 06 563 06 00 4 50 4 50 00 1433 81 1433 81 00 Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authori Due 00 00 00 00 563 06 77500 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) RI a e, 6Z- IFs -II Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction /1 Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling AMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only T -Bar INSULATION. Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit Inspection Type LL. PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I I ESA. Landscaping I I SHORELINE. Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 Reba- 1U� o zy -t' I eg g Sta.ic^S LL Landing door' y Rabat csZ- U1 -11 I FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Date Accepted By ORT GELES SEPTEMBER 21 2010 Building Department W A S H I N G T O N U S A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE To Linda Pangrle FROM Roger Vess Director Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT" Clallam County Court House 10 -959 The contractor will need to complete a Right of Way Use Application for obstruction of sidewalk along Lincoln Street during construction A pedestrian traffic plan is to be submitted to City Engineering for approval prior to the start of work. (9/2/2010) Linda Pangrle Historic Courthouse Permit From 'Winborn Joel' <jwinborn @co clallam wa.us> To <Ipangrle @cityofpa. us> Date 9/2/2010 10 45 AM Subject: Historic Courthouse Permit CC 'Winborn, Joel' <jwinborn @co clallam wa.us> Total for permit will be $1 433 81 on a value of $77 500 00 I should have the check in a few hours. Thank you Joel Joel G Winborn Director Clallam County Parks Fair Facilities PH 360 417.2429 P Please consider the environment before printing this email oft w Project Type Brief D Check all that apply New Construction Addition Remodel Repair Demolition Re -roof Heat System Other Floor Areas Basement 1 Floor 2 Floor 3rd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn. Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 escriotion. Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft) For City Use Only Date Received q 1-10 ermit l(; a c a Applicant e-to.11 o�. C FAIAIS. t",� on Property Owner -kI 4An t�r Phon Property Owner's Address Z 1 E r f AN ''f; c t P o Z t A w A i r c ,v 4A, L t Contractor X 0 1 c a r r st¢t)c'ut or-4 Phone 42S 91 L 8 2 Contractor's Address At fro CAW" i7 Qt. i vtt_icr Jr6. License Expires E -mail 3t5 5 LinccAv\ Sr PROJECT ADDRESS Par Parcel Number C(D3o Oo i o 264)5' N.,0 4 11 bek 6111A MO nr►car) t1aq t+w .rte 1 H l SitAri C c P Zoning Upg M1 Residential Multi- family Commercial Industrial Ge9 tth) lu4t+vll,t tbuu; GR.O' AneE Lot EHtp� S A►K. f 'r t- &est tt tt (ref ia re. po�-I'S� EN1'r c- i- a ;r r.,) ay i handrail s House garage other tear off re -roof lay over one layer Heat pump wood burning stove gas fireplace pellet stove other No Plvnnbin)r or 01 p r,Ino.V1i c&t per sq. ft. c \v\ r f TOTAL VALUATION 1 a 500 00 Total footprint of structures sq. ft. T Lot size sq ft. Lot coverage Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group 1 of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type of half baths I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to w r ing n projects. Date 1, l 1 Iv Print Name '-o c(� U`) 6.1i 0,24 Signature T:Forms /Building Division/Bldg Permit.doc 1 Permit 0 5 Nra Ken i)u buc Soda k ciosri 4- n eyed 4 See. CAS t a_� s We- c i s c u s S 4 erne v ,1 1 (UN_ r\ aaaress h° ows O r'oVrtk ou s4-' I4-e. s c‘- d 4e-v- r s a s q n fh i s emu u c o r ht v c eveiv\a m I A fa, kin.2„ Cei 1j 91-0A n co a err ,s2erk-- -ee4RANQA _Q)A-,' IAD 3 (t;Zorinc, I6f CA) V€.harl'k k)h A ins ns 4 a. ,n sh QYO S S f -Z (a u ai +o u s- d e. N-, e s+o �r cal czdd's s o e L, hcoIv, s �'v r- Per T Forms /Building Division/Notes NOTES SvOtmr 3 ,eks o 1 "1 ee $1 3 sas o f- 5eze boo Ks SUS td l IM c, f rv'i,l 411 i s e i ?.V k LP cz v e rr e J 0 Ca vein tARQE 11 I p■LL ,,TYPE LEGEND) NDOW OR FRAME E (SEE DULE) FRAME Et SHEET A9-02 4528 IC 'EL L. EAM STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 REGISTERED ARCHITECT NOTE: CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR ALL TEMPORARY FENCING, PARKING, USE OF SITE TO ACCESS BUILDING AND ALL OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN RELATING TO CONTRACTOR INTERFACE WITH THE PUBLIC, COUNTY STAFF AND COUNTY FACILITIES. A PLAN IS TO BE DEFINED AND SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. H STOR C COURTHOUSE a COUNTY JAIL 11 HL NOT TO SCALE Ilanamoom CAMPUS KEY P I- W w IZ H co Z J 0 Z J r HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 1 J 4TH STREET AREA OF IAIORK COURTHOUSE ADDITION CLALLAM COUNTY COURTHOUSE N Otr gAr rat 0‘30 °665 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 60856 COURTHOUSE CLAL Page 1 of 3 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 60856 COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO for Year 2010 2011 Property Account Property ID 60856 Legal Description S335' OF E220' SUB LOT 26E Geographic ID 0630001026050000 Agent Code. Type. Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L Land Use Code 89 Open Space: N DFL N Historic Property* N Remodel Property* N Multi- Family Redevelopment: N Township Section Range Location Address: 223 EAST FOURTH ST Mapsco PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Neighborhood Exempt Ref Region 5 Map ID Neighborhood CD 50985200 Owner Name: COURTHOUSE CLALLAM CO Owner ID Mailing Address. S4_= Ownership 22 3 E PORT ANGELES WA 98362 alb S LJnco I Pt 5+- Exemptions: EX Taxes and Assessment Due Property Tax Information as of 09/01/2010 Amount Due if Paid on. M. 19615 100 0000000000% I First Half Second Half Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Base Due Base Due Penalty i Interest Base 2010 43689 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 CC -GEN COUNTY $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 PORT PORT $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 CITY STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER $90 00 $90 00 $0 00 $0 00 $1E 2010 43689 WEED_CONTROL WEED CONTROL $0 82 $0 81 $0 00 $0 00 9 2010 43689 TOTAL. $90.82 $90.81 $0.00 $0.00 $1E 2009 608562008 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2009 608562008 CC -GEN COUNTY $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 2009 608562008 PORT PORT $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 2009 608562008 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2009 608562008 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2009 608562008 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 2009 608562008 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 9 http. /vpn.clallam.net:8084 /propertyaccess/Property aspx ?cid =0 &year= 2010 &prop_id =60856 9/1/2010 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results Page 1 of 1 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 1 5 of 5 for Year 2010 2011 Click the 'Details or 'Map link to view more information about the property or click the checkbox next to each property and click 'View Selected on Map to view the properties on a single map Property Address Legal Description Property ID Geographic ID 62213 62216 60856 65822 65867 1 0630006455500000 0630006467000000 0630001026050000 Website version: 9 0.29.2000 0630125302200000 0630125309100000 Type Tax Area Property Address Owner Name Appraised Value 0010 PA 121 223 E FOURTH ST Real PORT ST PORT ANGELES, N/A 1 View Details CNTY H2 WA L 0010 PA 121 Real PORT ST CNTY H2 L 0010 PA 121 Real PORT ST CNTY H2 L 0102 Real 121 FD2 L 112 0102 Real 121 FD2 L H2 223 E FOURTH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 223 EAST FOURTH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 2231 E FOURTH AVE PORT ANGELES, WA 2236 E FOURTH AVE PORT ANGELES, WA CLALLAM COUNTY CLALLAM COUNTY JACK A HOYLE GARY 0 VINCENT This year is not certified and ALL values will be represented with 'N /A Database last updated on. 9/2/2010 3 45 AM t n e, -40 J© a zoh 60 i Lo+ Coveq con+ http. /vpn. clallam.net. 8084 /propertyaccess /S earchResults. aspx ?cid =0 Property Search Sales Search New Search N/A 1 View Details COURTHOUSE DO f CLALLAM CO 5r 0 0'r( N/A View Details c e j t,\ N/A j View Details .5 N/A 1 View Details Page 2010 True Automation. 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