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1502 Bldg E E Lauridsen Blvd - Maier Hall Supplemental Geotechnical Report - Building
TECHNICAL Permit # Address )5,32- Louiv `as&) P:�,Ivcl , QWu C Project description (�'lCier Hct, � l Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages ' ALASKA �■��� SHANNON I&WILSON, INC. NIA FLORIDA COLORADO GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS MISSOURI OREGON ' WASHINGTON ' July 24, 2009 ' Mr Jean-Claude Letourneau schacht I aslani architects,p.c. 506 Second Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle,Washington 98104 RE. SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, ' PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL,PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON Dear Mr Letourneau: We understand that a series of concrete stem walls is required at the north end of Maier Hall between grid lines 13 to 16. Walls vary in height from 24 to 78 inches and are highest at the ' very north end. The planned construction sequence is to excavate for pile caps and grade beams, install piles,build pile caps and grade beams,then stem walls,backfill with on-site soils, ' construct interior grade beams on fill,and finish structural floor The exterior grade will be filled to within 4 feet of finish floor elevation at the north end. This letter report presents lateral earth pressures for steam wall design and fill and compaction criteria. ' Lateral earth pressures against a buried wall are dependent upon the method of backfill placement and degree of compaction,backfill slope, surcharges,the type of backfill soil and/or ' adjacent native soils, and drainage provisions. Lateral earth pressures are determined depending on whether the wall can yield or deflect laterally or rotate at the top during or after backfill ' placement. If the wall is free to yield at the top an amount equal to 0 001 times the height of the wall,the earth pressure will be less(active condition)than if this movement is not allowed due to stiffness or resistance of the wall(at-rest condition). ' Retaining walls allowed to deflect laterally or rotate at the top should be designed using an active"lateral earth pressure equivalent to a fluid density of 53%pounds per cubic foot(pcf). ' Lateral earth pressures for rigid,buried,retaining walls should be designed to resist an"at-rest" lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid density of 55 pcf. The above pressures are for ' a temporary condition prior to exterior grading, and permanent walls with exterior backfill, wall drainage is not required. ' 400 NORTH 34TH STREET SUITE 100 21-1-20830-002 P O BOX 300303 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 206.632.8020 FAX 206.6956777 TDD: 1.800.833.6388 ' www.shannorwilson.com 1 ' Mr Jean-Claude Letourneau SHANNON 6WILSON.INC. schacht I aslam architects,p.c. ' July 24,2009 Page 2 of 3 On-site soils consist of silty, gravelly sand fill with scattered debris to sandy, silty clay These soils can become very difficult to handle, excavate,place,and compact if they become wet and ' over the optimum moisture content for compaction. In dry weather the sandy, silty clay fill with debris and organics removed could be placed and compacted behind the steam walls and used to ' support formwork for the interior grade beams. Fill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to a relatively dense and unyielding ' condition,to at least 90 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density(ASTM International D 1557-70). The thickness of soil layers before compaction should not exceed 8 inches for heavy equipment compactors or 4 inches for hand-operated mechanical compactors. ' Fill placement should only take place during dry weather During wet weather or in wet conditions where control of soil moisture is difficult, fill material ' should consist of clean,granular soil,of which not more than 5 percent by dry weight passes the No 200 mesh sieve. The fines should be nonplastic. ' As mentioned in our May 14,2008,geotechnical report,wet weather generally begins about nud-October and continues through about May, although rainy periods may occur at any time of year On-site soil contains sufficient silts and fines to produce an unstable mixture when wet and is susceptible to changes in water content. If earthwork at the site continues into the wet season, ' or if wet conditions are encountered,we recommend the following: ■ The ground surface in and surrounding the construction area should be sloped as much as ' possible to promote runoff of precipitation away from work areas and to prevent ponding of water ■ Earthwork should be accomplished in small sections to minimize exposure to wet t conditions. The size of construction equipment may have to be limited to prevent soil disturbance. ■ Fill material should consist of clean, well-graded,pit-run sand and gravel soils of which ' not more than 5 percent fines by dry weight passes the No. 200 mesh sieve. ■ No soil should be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. The surface should be ' rolled to seal out as much water as possible. ■ Grading and earthwork should not be accomplished during periods of heavy, continuous rainfall. ' 21-1-20830-002-L1.dmx/wp/c1p 21-1-20830-002 1 Mr Jean-Claude Letourneau SHANNON 6WILSON.INC. schacht I aslani architects,p.c. 1 July 24,2009 Page 3 of 3 1 In-place soils or fill soils that become wet and unstable and/or too wet to suitably compact should be removed and replaced with clean, granular soil LIMITATIONS 1 This letter report was prepared for the exclusive use of schacht I aslani architects and the design team for specific application to design of facilities discussed in this letter report. The letter report should be provided to prospective contractors for information of factual data only, and not 1 as a warranty of subsurface conditions, such as those interpreted from the exploration logs and discussions of subsurface conditions included in this letter report. 1 Within the limitations of the scope, schedule, and budget, the analyses, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this letter report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering principles and practice in this area at the time this letter report was prepared. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by merely taking soil samples or completing test pit excavations. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. 1 Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra costs. Sincerely, ' SHANNON&WILSON,INC. GU1? o 1 16`94 ' Thomas M. Gurtowski,P.E. Vice President 1 TMG/clp 1 21-1-20830-002-L1.doex/wp/dp 21 120830-002 1 1 r — ALASKA SHANNON aoWILSON, INC. FLORIDANIA COLORADO GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT'S MISSOURI OREGON ` WASHINGTON August 11,,2008 Mr Jean-Claude Letourneau Schacht ( aslam Architects, P C 506 Second Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, Washington 98104 ' RE. SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL, PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON ' Dear Mr Letourneau ' Herein we present supplemental geotechnical design recommendations to our May 14,.2008, Geotechnical Engineering Pre-Design Phase Report for Maier Hall at Peninsula College in Port Angeles. The building location has been revised as shown in the attached Figure 1, reproduced from Figure 7 in our report. The main building has basically been rotated to be more parallel with the crest of the eastern facing slope. rFIRE LANE PAVEMENT SECTION The proposed fire lane will be located directly east of Maier Hall The lane will occasionally be used by delivery trucks which access the loading dock. Pavement sections were not presented in our report. For concrete pavement we.recommend 6-inch Portland Concrete Cement over 6 inches of base; and for asphalt pavement we recommend 3 inches Hot Mix Asphalt over 6 inches of base. The base should consist of densely compacted 1 1L4-inch minus crushed rock. Site preparation and compaction requirements are discussed in the May 2008 report. FOUNDATIONS ' Subsurface soil conditions at this site are quite variable in depth and consistency Some borings encountered fill,such as boring BH-2 to a depth of 5 feet and bog soils (organic silt) in BH-5 at 3 feet, BH-7 to 6 feet,and BH-8 to 4 feet. Our experience has shown that these materials are not suitable to support conventional spread footing foundations because of unacceptable and unpredictable total and differential settlements, which could be 2 to 4 inches or more. We have ' revised the recommended contour map originally presented as Figure 7 in the May 2008 report. The revised elevations are presented in Figure 1 for an allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 pounds per square foot(psf These revised levels indicate that conventional spread footings ' could be used at moderate depths of 2 to 6 feet locally 400 NORTH 34TH STREET SUITE 100 21-1-20830-001 ' PO BOX 300303 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 206632.8020 FAX 206.6956777 TDD, 1800.833.6388 www.shannonwiison com 1 ' Mr Jean-Claude Letourneau SHANNON&WILSON,INC. schacht I aslani Architects; P C. August 11 2008 Page 2 ' Excavating deeper to increase footing bearing pressure to 6,000 psf.or more would not be practical at this site. For example, at boring BH-2 the recommended footing level would be ' approximately 8 feet,.at boring BH-1 it would be 6 feet, and at boring BH-5 it would be 13 feet. In our view, constructing a basement 10 to 13 feet deep(elevation 348 feet) at Maier Hall to use these higher bearing pressures would also be problematic. At boring BH-5 the elevation for ' 6,000 psf would be 341 feet and at 8,000 psf it would be 336 feet or lower Recommendations for other foundation alternatives such as aggregate ram-'impacted piles or ' augercast piles and drilled piers are presented in the May 2008 report. Pile/pier lengths should be determined from contour elevations presented in Figure 6 of the May 2008 geotechnical report. INFILTRATION 1 We understand that storm water runoff infiltration is being considered west of boring BH-1 Based on a review of soil boring logs and laboratory tests completed in the area, the near surface ' soils typically consist,of gravelly; silty sand. The estimated infiltration rate is relatively low, at around 0.5 inches per hour or less. Deeper subsurface soils,are clayey and less permeable. ' We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service to you on this project. Sincerely, SHANNON & WILSON, INC GU�� 0 1 W _16945INMM Two ,p ' Thomas M. Gurtowsk►,P E. Vice President ' TMG/clp 21-1-20830-001-L1.doclwp/CLP 21-1-20830-001 BH I� 1 L PROPOSED MAIER HALL 1 /1 ' x ©`J1 H-2F— .2. IBH.9 { 1 1 BHS POSSIBLE BUILDING / / i 11 -10 SH Y11 t + �^ EXTENSION AREA _ _ -- — t. j 14 iv 1;O p O 4 � tt�� r... Li� `- ( ->B—$i/1�^\ ___-- --. `�ti_...`t>�\.�\ ♦ /Z � / Ll'� ' _.' I� 1, `�_ .e x Peninsula College Maier Hall Port Angeles,Washington n -/_ kf ?��'` '� REVISED ESTIMATED DEPTH TO ® ® (D ® ,�! C WE TL �j Y, ,<` ��` NOTE OUTWASHlOLD ALLUVIUM ;0 40 130 NOTE MAP BELOW EXISTING f r Figure adapted from electronic files provided byzenovicBAssaaates,Inc. GROUND SURFACE Scale in Feet received 11-14-2007 and 8.7-2W8. August 2008 _21-1-20 1 X Contour Interval 2 Feet SHANNON 3 WILSON,INC. HANN.w� FIG.1 Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response Schacht I asiani architects r 18 September 2009 CC ��,,�� RCGI �' � SITE \2,�5 SEP 2 4 2009 1 Erosion control shall be maintained throughout the construction phaseck @JI oppQ:RrAm dES kjQ1W 01M Response This statement has been added to COO Note 2.a, the last sentence. ADA 1 Site ADA accessibility shall meet the intent of the code Unforeseen items due to topographical challenges shall meet the intent and application of the adopted codes. Parking,accessible route, signage, ramps, landings, hand rails and guards are required to meet 2006 IBC and ANSI 117 Any Federal requirements shall be the responsibility of the applicant and any of their agents.The same shall apply for interior items related to ADA. Response ADA signage details ADA exterior signage for the parking lot is shown.on sheet C3.2. The grading and utility plan C2 0 has been updated. The grading changes are summarized below- South of the Building There are several areas south of the building where the exits/entrances to the building are located that the pavement extents and grading have changed. West of the Building Also in the vicinity of the LE building and the west end of the west wing, grading has been updated to accommodate existing grades at the LE building. Northwest of the Building The 355 contour northwest of the building has been updated to provide a maximum 5%slope The 359 contour near the main entrance was shifted to accommodate the main entry and a max. 2%cross slope Interior related ADA items. The building code summary and plans on sheets AO 11,AO.21, and A2.31 outline our intent to comply with all applicable building codes. See sheet A2.75 for door clearances, see A4 series for restroom clearances and mounting heights, see A5 series for mounting heights and clearances throughout,see A9 01 for threshold details. Page 1 of 8 D Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response Schacht I aslani architects 18 September 2009 FIRE 2 An approved sprinkler system as required by the Fire Department shall be required and a separate application with plans shall be submitted Any questions please contact Ken Dubuc fire marshal 360-417 4653 Response Concur Our specifications call for the sprinkler system design to be submitted to the Fire Marshal's office 3-Address numbers or letters 6' minimum 12' Maximum shall be required on the structure at the final inspection Response Noted. Building signage will be provided by Owner 4 All corridors and fire separation penetrations shall use an approved fire stop product, installation, rating and detail shall be required It is mandatory that a certified trained installer use and apply the fire stop product. Response Noted in specification section 078400—Firestopping 5- Rated doors and windows shall have an approved label verified during inspection Verify all corridors and rated exit enclosures,vertical shafts(elevators) and their enclosure ratings.All ratings shall meet or exceed 2006 IBC and IFC and there amendments. Response All rated exit enclosures& vertical shafts will meet all related 2006 IBC requirements. Locations of rated wall assemblies are indicated on the submitted floor plans. See revised sheet A2.75 for rated door and glazing assemblies. See new specification section 084113.13—Fire Rated Aluminum- framed Entrances and Storefronts for approved assemblies and ratings. 6-All concealed floor ceiling assemblies shall have a draft stop per 2006 IBC Please note the exceptions and modifications for sprinklers. Response All concealed floor and ceiling assemblies will meet the requirements of 2006 IBC, Section 717 —Concealed Spaces. Page 2 of 8 Maier.Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response schacht I aslani architects } 18 September 2009 7 The State of Washington shall be responsible for the elevator inspections and its components (electrical inspections call 360-417-4735)field verify shaft rating per 2006 IBC. Response Noted in specifications. STRUCTURAL 1 Attached [below]you will find questions from the third party review-feel free to contact them with any questions.Any correspondence shall be addressed by a copy to the City of Port Angeles Building department as well. Response See responses to Third Party Review Below 2 # 18 on the structural review shall be required Provide credentials for approval to the building department. Response See responses to Item#18 below Structural Third Party Review Comments Notes proceeded with an asterisk(*) are general in nature and do not require revisions to the plans. 1 Provide geotechnical report for review Additional plan review comments may be required based on the review of the geotechnical report. Response Geotechnical Notes are included in Division 2 of the Project Specifications that were included with the Permit submittal. 2 Special inspection of pile installation required per IBC 1704.8 Please add this requirement to the plans. Response Special Inspection of pile installation has been added to the plan notes on SO 03 3 Detail 20/S1 02 references that no moment at slab edge is to be created by cladding yet brick ledger angle appears to create moment on edge of slab, please clarify Also clarify reinforcing in slab at these locations and verify that there are not conflicts between the generic details on Sheet S4 08 and the specific details which appear to require%' thick plate at the cantilevered ends of concrete deck. Response Note on 20/S1.02 has been clarified to read that no connection designed by contractor should add a moment on the edge of slab. The edge plate shown on detail 20/S6 01 and the slab perimeter reinforcing has been designed to support the moment from the concrete slab cantilever and from the Page 3 of 8 Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response schacht I aslani architects 18 September 2009 brick cladding Detail 20/56.01 has been modified to avoid inconsistencies with the typical details. 4 Please clarify location for details for connection of steel beam to concrete wall where beams don't occur on each side of the wall Also, is there a specific detail for connection of beam to concrete wall where connection is skewed Response Typical detail 15/S4 07 has been provided for steel beam connection to a concrete wall where beams don't occur on each side of the wall. The typical detail also requires a bent plate where the connection is skewed relative to the supporting wall. 5 Sheet S2 12 calls out sections on page 55.02 which does not exist, please clarify These occur above Grid.Line H near Grids 14 and 15 Response Details on sheet S5 02 have been added to the drawing set 6 Calculations for roof and third level framing on pages 43 &45 have hand written beam callouts which do not match the plans, please clarify and revise plans and/or calculations as necessary Response Two models were performed for the roof design One model was for typical live and dead load conditions. The second model was for roof suction caused by wind loads. The beams modified on the calculations were beams sizes that needed to be upsized for uplift. Full height stiffeners have been provided on plans to match the requirements of the calculations for uplift conditions. Current minimum beam sizes for the gravity, wind uplift, and collector/chord design conditions are shown on the attached roof framing design summary on calculations sheets Al-A2. Uplift and gravity loads applied to the beams are shown on calculations sheets A3-A10 7 Page 89 of calculations appears to require more studs than shown on Detail 17%S6 01, please verify Response Detail 17/56.01 has been revised to show the number of studs provided by calculations. 8 Framing plans call out what appears to be a connection labeled C2 Please clarify location of details for this connection Response Detail 121SO 01 describes beam connections noted on plan.As described on 121SO 01, 'C2' is a typical beam connection type shown on 10/S4 07 9 Verify grade beam reinforcing in schedule on plans with calculations. There appear to be discrepancies between the calculations and plans. Examples are Beam 19, Grid 9 and also Beam 15, Grid 10 There appears to be discrepancies in both longitudinal reinforcing and in stirrup requirements at some of the grade beams. Response Beam marks have been updated on the plans and grade beam schedule has been revised to match calculations. Calculations for grade beams 4 13, and 15 have been updated to match revisions at the vestibule area. Revised Calculations are attached on sheets All thru A27 Page 4 of 8 Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response Schacht I aslani architects 18 September 2009 10 Wall reinforcing callouts and some of the wall heights in the calculations starting on page 226 do not appear to match schedule on plans, Sheet 54.01 Please clarify and revise plans and/or calculations as necessary Response Calculations have been revised to match wall heights shown on plans. The reinforcing shown in the calculations and plans reflect the wall heights and thicknesses see calculations sheets A28 thru A80 11 There appears to be the requirement for additional steel reinforcing in Pile Caps 6 and 7 per the calculations but this reinforcement is not shown on Sheet 52.50, Please clarify and revise plans and/or calculations as necessary Response Reinforcement for pile caps 6 and 7 have been revised to match updated calculations. Updated calculations are attached on sheets A81 thru A86 12 In the calculations on page 626 there is atop track connection requirement for the steel studs that does not appear to be noted in the plans. Please indicate location of this detail or add detail to the plans. Response The top track calculation is for the upper track shown on detail 3/S4 11. The 12 gage track is noted on the plans. 13 Please clarify where the plans indicate the required diaphragm capacity of the second floor diaphragm Response Note 5 on 52.20 describes the required diaphragm capacity for the Second Level diaphragm 14 Please clarify how diaphragm forces are being transferred into the concrete shear walls. It is noted that there are connections of beams to the concrete shear walls but are there additional requirements for attachment of the diaphragm to the shear walls. Response Shear forces are transferred into the shear walls through dowels as noted on plan and described on detail 12/S4 08. Where dowels are not adequate to transfer shear load, collector beams have been provided to transfer the shear demand into the walls. Collector beams and connections have been designed for Omega forces. Calculations for collector beams are attached on calculation sheets A87 thru A94 15 All structural related deferred submittals shall be reviewed and approved by the structural engineer and then shall be submitted to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval. Response Confirmed 16 Structural Observation required on this project due to its complexity The structural engineer or his designee shall perform these inspections. Proposed timing of these inspections shall be submitted to the City of Port Angeles for their review and approval Response A special inspector shall be on site to perform periodic or daily inspections noted on special inspection table noted on SO 03.Also, as noted on SO.03, the structural engineer shall review special inspector reports, and visit the site periodically at significant stages of construction and at the completion of the structural system Page 5 of 8 Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response Schacht I aslani architects 18 September 2009 17 There appears to be discrepancy between Architectural and Structural with regards to sky light openings in roof Response Discrepancies have been worked through The skylights-on the architectural and structural plans are now consistent. *18. Special inspections and structural observation required on this project per IBC Chapter 1700 and as noted on the Structural Plans. Inspection and observation program shall be submitted to the building official for review and approval Names and qualifications of special inspection firms shall be submitted for review and approval Response Confirmed. Krazon&Associates, Inc. is the firm retained by the owner for.special inspection PLUMBING 1 Discharge form shall be required to be filled out and submitted to the Waste Water Treatment Superintendent. Questionnaire is attached This item can be directly-emailed to iyoung@cityofpa.us Response This form is to be filled out by Peninsula College. 2 Any DWV building drain at%' per foot slope min See exceptions for grade issues that may arise per 2006 UPC. Response All waste and vent will drain at%' per foot slope Some storm drainage is at 1/8"per foot slope and has been sized in accordance with the UPC tables for that area of service 3- Drinking fountains shall be in pairs.ADA standards shall apply Response Proposed drinking fountain is a pair 4 Any 'air admittance valves' shall be approved before installation Response No air-admittance valves are planned MECHANICAL Page 6 of 8 Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response schacht I aslani architects 18 September 2009 1 Any air handler that meets or exceeds 2000 cfm shall be required to have a smoke detector installed per code that shuts down the system if a fire and or smoke is detected Response Duct smoke detectors have been provided per 2006 IMC Section 606.22. Smoke detectors are provided in the return air duct on all floors for units over 2000 cfm serving 2 or more floors (AHU 1, 2) See Sheets M2.21, M2.22, M2.31, M2.32, M4 01, M4 02. Smoke detectors are provided in the return air duct of AHU-3. See Sheet M4 01. 2 Provide any installation details by the MFG for any fuel fired appliance or equipment for review All FAI or exhaust shall meet 2006 IMC. Response All FAI and exhaust meet 2006 IMC See Sheet M2.11 for combustion air intake. Installation details for the gas fired kiln are not available at this time and will need to be provided as a deferred submittal. COMMUNICATIONS 1 See 2006 IBC 1007 6.3 Area of refuge for any communication device that may apply Response See T2 series sheets for all Area of Refuge devices located in all stairwell landings as required by the IBC. 2 Emergency lighting and exit signs per code Response See E3 series sheets for all egress fixture and exit signs. Egress fixtures will provide required foot candle levels along egress path (as defined by the architect.) Exit signs have been placed per code at all exits and along path of egress. 3- Provide audible and visual device per code in area such as the men s and women s rest rooms per code Response See sheets E4 12, E4 22, E4.32 for horn/strobes located in restrooms. MEANS OF EGRESS/ EXITING 1 No flush bolts shall be permitted Response Page 7 of 8 Maier Hall Phase 2. Permit Comments Response Schacht I aslani architects 18 September 2009 Manual operated flush bolts have been included in the Maier Hall hardware spec per 2006 IBC 1008.1 8.4 Bolt Locks, exception#2—where a pair of doors serves a storage or equipment room, manually operated edge or surfaced mounted bolts are permitted in the inactive leaf Doors to have manually operated flush bolts include E115B—Compressor Closet, E210—Electrical Closet, E240—Electrical Branch Room, E312—Art Storage Automatic flush bolts have been included in the Maier Hall hardware spec per 2006 IBC 1008.1 8.3 Locks and latches, #3—where egress doors are used in pairs, approved automatic flush bolts shall be permitted to be used,provided that the door leaf having the automatic flush bolts has no doorknob or surface- mounted hardware Doors to have automatic flush bolts include E130B"from Green Room to Performance Hall, E232—from Instrument Storage to Hallway 2 Doors in vertical exit enclosures see 1007 6 2006 IBC Response Our areas of refuge per 2006 IBC 1007 6 are indicated on sheet A0.11,A0.21, and.AO 31. Because the areas of refuge are located within vertical exit enclosures that are 1hr rated per 2006 IBC 10201 the doors and glazing that are part of the exit enclosures are also 1hr rated See revised Door and Window Schedules A2 75 for doors and glazing to be rated. Page 8 of 8 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Envelope Zone 1 ENV-SUM 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised July 2007 Project Info Project Address Peninsula college Date 9/22/2009 1502 East Lauridsen Blvd For Building Department Use Port Angeles WA 98362 Applicant Name: David Wegener Applicant Address: 1502 East Lauridsen Blvd Applicant Phone: Port Angeles WA 98362 Project Description ❑� New Building ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Change of Use E] Prescriptive ❑ Component Performance ❑Seattle EnvStd Compliance Option (See Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications) ❑ Systems Analysis Space Heat Type 0 Electric resistance Q• All other (see over for definitions) Total Glazing Area Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV-UA-1 Glazing Area Calculation (rough opening) Gross Exterior Note:Below grade walls may be included in the (vertical&overhd) divided by Wall Area times 100 equals %Glazing Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to the level required for opaque walls. 15385 0 _.L. 45604 0 X 100 = 33 7 yes Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the Concrete/Masonry Concrete/Masonry Option Option. See Decision Flowchart(over)for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying * no assembly below. Oyes Check here if using semi-heated path and if project meets all requirements for semi-heated spaces Semi-Heated Path as defined in section 1310. Requires other fuel heating and qualifying thermostat. Only wall Q no insulation requirement is reduced(2006 change). Only available in prescriptive path. Envelope Requirements(enter values as applicable) Opaque Concrete/Masonry Wall Requirements Wall Maximum U-factor is 0.15(R5.7 continuous ins) Minimum Insulation R-values CMU block walls with insulated cores comply Roofs Over Attic NA If project qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option,list walls with HC>_9 0 Btu/ft2- F below(other walls must meet All Other Roofs R-30 Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values Opaque Walls' R-10 + R-19 from Table 10-9 in the Code. Be w Grade Walls R-10 Wall Description U-factor Floors Over Unconditioned Space NA PFW (including insulation R-value&position) s- rad R- Radiant Floors R-1 Opaque Doors 0 600 Vertical Glazing 0 450 Overhead Glazing 0 600 Maximum SHGC(or SC) Vertical/Overhead Glazing 0 400 1 Assemblies with metal framing must comply with overall U-factors Notes PENINSULA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE-RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS PART GENERAL 1 1 SECTION INCLUDES A Work includes but is not limited to following 1 Fire rated interior aluminum fixed type frame and door assembly 1.2 LEED REQUIREMENTS A The construction practices in this Section are part of the overall requirements to comply with a Silver Rating of the LEED Green Building Rating System Version 2 2 See Section 018113 for specific requirements B Site applied interior adhesive and sealant products used for work of this section shall comply with EQ 4 1 low VOC limits of Section 018113 Sustainable Building Requirements Article 2 6 1 3 RELATED SECTIONS A Coordinate related work specified in other parts of the Project Manual including but not limited to following Section 018113 Sustainable Building Requirements Section 051200 Structural Steel Section 061000 Rough Carpentry Section 072116 Batt and Blanket Insulation Acoustic batt at termination of metal stud partitions Section 079200 Joint Sealants Section 087100 Finish Hardware 14 REFERENCES A Comply with the requirements of Section 014200 and as listed herein See Section 014200 for listed association council institute society and the like organization for its full name and address ASTM A1008-08a Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled Carbon Structural High-Strength Low-Alloy High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability Solution Hardened and Bake Hardenable ASTM A1011-08 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet and Strip Hot-Rolled Carbon Structural High-Strength Low-Allow High-Strength Low Alloy with Improved Formability and Ultra-High Strength ASTM E119-08a Standard Test Methods for Fire Teats of Building Construction and Materials ASTM E2010-01 Standard Test Method for Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Window Assemblies ASTM E2074-00 Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies Including Positive Pressure Testing of Side-Hinged and Pivoted Swinging Door Assemblies AWS D1 3-2008 Structural Welding Code Sheet Steel BHMA A156 American National Standards for Door Hardware NFPA 80 Fire Doors and Windows NFPA 252 Fire Tests of Door Assemblies 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 1 © 2009 schacht I aslani architects PENINSULA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE-RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS NFPA 257 Fire Test of Window Assemblies UL 9 Fire Tests of Door Assemblies UL 10B Fire Tests of Door Assemblies UL 10C Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Window & Door Assemblies UL 263 Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials 1 5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A Fire Rating Requirements 1 Duration Doors Capable of providing a fire rating of 60 minutes 2 Duration Windows Capable of providing a fire rating of 60 minutes 3 Duration Walls Capable of providing a fire rating of 60 minutes B Structural Performance 1 Member Deflection Limit deflection of the edge of the glass normal to the plane of the glass to flexure limit of glass 2 Accommodate movement between storefront and"adjoining systems 1 6 SUBMITTALS A Submit in accordance with the requirements of Section 013300 Submittal Procedures and the following 1 Shop Drawings a Include plans elevations and details of product showing component dimensions framed opening requirements dimensions tolerances and attachment to structure b Provide templates for the location of embeds and anchor locations required for any adjoining work 2 Product Data Submit copies of Manufacturer's specifications recommendations and standard details Include fabrication data and other components required Include laboratory test data 3 Provide submittal information from Section 018113 Sustainable Building Requirements for MR 4 and MR 5 4 Provide submittal information from Section 018113 Sustainable Building Requirements for EQ 4 1 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Regulatory Requirements Comply with referenced Codes Ordinances and the like/014100 Regulatory Requirements B Installer Qualifications An experienced installer who has completed glazing similar in material design and extent to that indicated for this Project; whose work has resulted in glass installations with a record of successful in-service performance and who employs glass installers for this Project who are certified under the National Glass Association Glazier Certification Program as Level 2 (Senior Glaziers) or Level 3 (Master Glaziers) C Fire-Rated Door Assemblies Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by UL for fire ratings indicated based on testing according to NFPA 252 Door assembly must be factory-welded or come complete with factory-installed mechanical joints and must not require job site fabrication D Fire-Rated Window Assemblies Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by UL for fire ratings indicated based on testing according to NFPA 257 ASTM E119 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 2 © 2009 schacht I aslani architects PENINSULA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE-RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS E Certification Signed by manufacturers of glass and glazing products certifying that products furnished comply with requirements 1 Door assemblies shall be tested to the acceptance criteria of ASTM E2074-00 NFPA 252 UL 9 UL 10-C Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies 2 Window assemblies shall be tested to the acceptance criteria of ASTM E2010-01 NFPA 257 UL 10-B UL 10-C Standard methods for Fire Tests of Window Assemblies 3 Wall assemblies shall be tested to the acceptance criteria of ASTM E119 NFPA 251 UL 263 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials 4 Underwriters Laboratories (UL) shall conduct fire test. F Listings and Labels Fire Rated Assemblies Under current follow-up service by an approved independent agency maintaining a current listing or certification Label assemblies accordance with limits of manufacturer's listing G Door assemblies shall be marked with the hourly rating followed by the letter 'S per IBC 715453 H Pre-Installation Conference The Architect will call a pre-installation conference at the site with the Contractor and fire-rated aluminum-framed entrance and storefront installer to review and discuss conditions of preparation installation and coordination with related work 18 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A In accordance/016600 and the following 1 At delivery inspect all containers for damage 2 Examine glass and frame units for damage 3 List all damage to containers on the shipping company's Bill of Lading 4 Report damage to manufacturer immediately 5 Store glazing materials and frame units in or packing containers 6 Do expose glazing material of frame units to sunlight and weather 7 Do not store horizontally 8 Place glass and frames upright, no less than.6 degrees from vertical 9 Store all materials in dry conditions off the ground 10 Protect from construction activities 11 Fully support Glass units along entire length 12 Non-abrasive pads such as cloth or cork must separate glass and frame units 13 Do not stack containers 1 9 SEQUENCING/SCHEDULING A. Phase-in properly with Architect reviewed/accepted Construction Progress Schedule/013216 1 10 WARRANTY A In accordance with 017836 Warranties and the following Guarantee fire rated glass and framing for 5 years from date of substantial completion including material and labor 1 This is an extension of normal 1 year guarantee PART2 PRODUCTS 2 1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER AND PRODUCTS 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 3 © 2009 schacht I aslani architects PENIN'SU'LA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE-RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS A Manufacturer Glazing Material Pilkington Pyrostop@' fire-rated glazing as manufactured by the Pilkington Group and distributed by Technical Glass Products 8107 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie WA 98065 (800-426-0279) fax (800-451 9857) e-mail sales@fireglass com web site http.//www.fireglass.c6m. B Frame System Fireframes@ Aluminum Series fire-rated frame system as manufactured and supplied by Technical Glass Products 8107 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie WA 98065 (800-426-0279) fax (800-451 9857) e-mail sales@fireglass corn web site http.//www fireglass corn 2.2 MATERIALS GLASS A Fire Rated Glazing Composed of multiple sheets of Pilkington 'Optiwhite low iron high- visible-light transmission glass laminated with an intumescent interlayer B Impact Safety Resistance ANSI Z97 1 and CPSC 16CFR1201 (Cat I and II) C Properties of Interior Glazing 1 Fire Rating 60 minute 2 Manufacturer's Designation 60-101 3 Glazing Type Single 4 Nominal Thickness 7/8-inch 5 Weight in lbs/ft.2 1085 6 Daylight Transmission 88% 7 Sound Transmission coefficient: 41 dB D Logo Each piece of fire-rated glazing shall be labeled with a permanent logo including name of product, manufacture testing laboratory (UL) fire rating period safety glazing standards and date of manufacture E Glazing Accessories Manufacturer's standard compression gaskets spacers setting blocks and other accessories necessary for a complete installation 2 3 MATERIALS FRAMING A Aluminum Framing System 60 Minutes 1 Steel Frame The steel framing members are made of two halves nom 1 916 in wide with a nom minimum depth of 1 3 in with lengths cut according to glazing size 2 Aluminum Trim Supplied with the steel framing members Nom 1-916 in wide with a nom depth of 1 3 in with lengths cut according to glazing size 3 Stainless Steel Spacers Supplied with the steel framing members Nom 3/8 in diameter with a nom minimum depth of 1 1/16 in with depth adjusted to match Pilkington Pyrostop@ Panel thickness 4 Framing Member Fasteners Supplied with the steel framing members Screws have a nom '/ in diameter with a minimum length of 2 363 in Screws to be sized to accommodate the thickness of the fire resistant glazing material 5 Glazing Tape Supplied with the steel framing members Nom '/ in by 1/4 in closed cell PVC glazing tape applied to the steel framing members to cushion and seal the glazing material when installed 24 MATERIALS DOORS A Manufacturer's standard single leaf doors with manufacturer's standard hardware 25 FABRICATION 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 4 @ 2009 schacht I aslani architects PENINSULA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE-RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS A Field glaze door and frame assemblies B Factory prepare steel door assemblies field mounting of hardware C Fabrication Dimensions Fabricate fire rated assembly to field dimensions D Obtain reviewed shop drawings prior to fabrication 26 FINISHES A. Comply with NAAMM's 'Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products for recommendations for applying and designating finishes B Finish frames after assembly C Protect finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable temporary protective covering before shipping D Appearance of Finished Work Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable E Finish all exposed areas of all aluminum and components as follows 1 Fluorocarbon Coating AAMA 2605.2 PPG Industries Inc 2 Color is based on PPG Kynar coating Duranar sunstorm Bistro Bronze UC106693F Submit custom color match to Architect for approval 27 DOOR HARDWARE FOR SINGLE DOORS A. Single Outswing Doors with Exit Device Each to have the following Item Description Manufacturer Finish — 3 Hanging Devices Weld on Pivots Technical Glass Products PTM 1 Exit Device F5300 Rim Dorma 630 1 Lever Trim Rectangular Lever Technical Glass Products 630 Handle 1 Cylinder ANSI Mortise Schlage Technical Glass Products 626 C Keyway 1 Closing Devices TS 93 Surface Applied Dorma 689 Closer 1 Auto door Bottom 420APKL Smoke Seal Pemko MA 1 Weather Seal Perimeter Gasket Technical Glass Products Balance of hardware by others 28 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt-mastic paint complying with SSPC-Paint 12 requirements except containing no asbestos formulated for 30-mil thickness per coat. PART 3 EXECUTION 31 EXAMINATION A Verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work of this Section Do not install until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected Beginning work constitutes your acceptance of conditions as satisfactory 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 5 © 2009 schacht aslani architects PENINSULA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE-RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS 3.2 PREPARATION A Field Measurements Verify conformance with drawings and actual products B Protect surrounding areas or surfaces to preclude damage C Verify perimeter flashing completed 3 3 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION/ERECTION A Install fire-rated aluminum framed entrances and storefronts in accordance with 'Quality Assurance provisions References Specifications and Manufacturer's directions Where these may be in conflict, the more stringent requirements govern 1 Install fire safing/firestopping at edges of system 2 Install glazing in strict accordance with fire resistant glazing material manufacturer's specifications Field cutting or tampering is not permissible 3 Do not install damaged frames or chipped glassing units 4 Install plumb and true Limit out of plumb or true to 1/8-inch in 10-feet in any dimension 34 REPAIR AND TOUCH-UP A Limited to minor repair of small scratches Use only manufacturer's recommended products 1 Such repairs shall match original finish for quality or material and view 2 Repairs and touch-up not visible from a distance of 5 feet Owner and Architect to approve B Remove and replace glass that is broken chipped cracked abraded or damaged 3 5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A Owner will engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform field tests and inspections of entrance system 36 ADJUSTING A Adjust door function and hardware for smooth operation Coordinate with other hardware suppliers for function and use of any other attached hardware 3 7 CLEANING A Clean daily in accordance with Section 015700 Temporary Controls and Section 17423 Final Cleaning and the following Clean fire-rated aluminum framed entrances and storefronts and glazing both sides at completion of work Leave premises clean and free of residue of work of this Section Advise Contractor of"protective treatment and other precautions required through remainder of construction period to ensure entrances and storefronts will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance 3 8 PROTECTION A Provide final protection and maintain conditions for the duration of the project, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and installer that ensure entrance and storefront systems are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 6 © 2009 schacht I aslani architects PENINSULA COLLEGE SECTION 084113 13 Maier Hall Phase 2 FIRE RATED ALUMINUM-FRAMED Building & Site Improvements ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS Scratches marks and blemishes will not be acceptable and will be cause for rejection Remedial work will be at not cost to the Owner 3 9 WASTE MANAGEMENT A Conform to waste management plan as specified in Section 017419 1 Separate cardboard and paper packaging pallet materials and metals used in shipping fire-rated aluminum framed entrances and storefronts for later disposal and recycling at firms listed in Section 017419 Construction Waste Management and Disposal End of Section 9/14/09 95% Constructability Review 084113 13 7 © 2009 schacht I aslani architects Geotechnical Engineering Pre-Design Phase Repor r Peninsula College Maier Hal l■ Port Angeles,Washingtoi May 4 2001 1. �1 r� i' I. SHANNON • 1. Excellence. Innovation. Service. Value. Since 1954 r li 1 �I Submitted To: schacht I aslani Architects, P.C. Attn: Mr J-C Letoumeau 506 Second Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle,Washington 98104 l■ BY Shannon&Wilson, Inc. 400 H 34th Street, Suite 100 Seattle,Washington 98103 21-1-20830-001 .1 i i SHANNON MLSOR M iTABLE OF CONTENTS i Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 i2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1 ' 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .2 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .2 i5.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING 3 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING .3 i7.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .3 71 Mapped Geology .3 i 7.2 Observed Geologic Conditions 4 7.3 Observed Groundwater Conditions. 6 74 Landslide Hazard Reconnaissance 7 i8.0 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS 8 8.1 Soil Properties 9 8.2 Results 9 i9.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONCLUSIONS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS .9 91 General .9 ' 9.2 Foundation Design 10 9.2.1 General. 10 9.2.2_ Spread Footing Foundation. 11 i 9.2.3 Soil Improvement Alternative for Shallow Foundations. 13 9.2.4 Recommended Ground Improvement Criteria 13 9.2.5 Drilled Shaft/Pile Foundation 14 i 9.2.6 Augercast Piles 16 9.3 Axial Drilled Shaft/Pile Capacities 17 94 Estimated Settlements of Pile Foundations. 17 i 9.5 Lateral Resistance of Deep Foundations. 18 9.6 Lateral Resistance 18 97 Lateral Resistance Against Pile Caps and Grade Beam. 18 i 9.8 Foundation Drainage and Backfill 18 9.9 Floor Slab Support 19 910 Seismic Design Considerations .20 1 21.1-208,"l-RI-R"Aoc� 21-1-20830-001 i 1 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS(cont.) SHANNON&MLSOR M ' Page 9 10.1 Ground Motions. .20 t 9 10.2 Earthquake-induced Geologic Hazards .20 911 Reducing Risks from the Landslide Area .21 ' 10.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS .22 10.1 Site Preparation/Grading .22 10.2 Temporary Excavation Slopes .23 ' 10.3 Erosion Control .23 104 Construction Drainage .23 10.5 Fill Materials and Placement. .24 ' 10.6 Utilities .25 10.7 Wet Weather Earthwork. .25 10.8 Construction Monitoring. .26 ' 110 LIMITATIONS .27 12.0 REFERENCES. 29 TABLE Table No. 1 Recommended Parameters for Lateral Resistance Analysis Using LPile Pius LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 1 Vicinity Map ' 2 Site and Exploration Plan 3 Geologic Hazards Map 4 Generalized Subsurface Profile A-A 5 Generalized Subsurface Profile B-B' 6 Estimated Depth to Glaciomarine Drift Contour Map 7 Estimated Depth to Older Alluvium/Outwash Contour Map ' 8 Typical Drainage Section for Foundation and Slab Floors 9 Typical Subdrain Installation 1 1 21-1-20830-001-R1-tton.doeJvvpJl Itn 21-1-20830-001 ' 11 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS(cont.) SHANNON b%MLWN,INQ ' LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Subsurface Explorations B Laboratory Test Procedures and Results ' C Inclinometer Readings D Important Information About Your Geotecbnical Report 1 ' 21-1-208304)01-R1-Rev doclwp(= 21-1-20830-001 111 1 ' SHANNON WALSON,INC GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING PRE-DESIGN PHASE REPORT PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL ' PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' This report presents the results of our pre-design phase geotechnical engineering study for the proposed Maier Hall on the Peninsula College campus in Port Angeles,Washington. ' 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The geotechnical work has been performed in general accordance with our revised proposal dated October 3,2007, and authorized by you on October 10,2007 On April 4,2007,we visited the site to observe the existing conditions in support of the preparation of our proposal for ' geotechnical services. Based on our observations, it was determined that a landslide area is located in the White Creek drainage,adjacent to the east end of the proposed building location. ' Our scope of services and fee were revised following the meeting we attended at the college on August 13, 2007, and in subsequent phone conversations with you. In the meeting of August 13, ' we met with you and representatives of Peninsula College and the State of Washington to discuss our original proposal for services,dated June 22,2007, and changes to the scope of work. ' Peninsula College requested that we reduce our fee for geotechnical services by reducing the number of proposed borings within the landslide area,and thereby the college accepted a higher level of risk for the proposed construction. ' To address the key design elements,ourro sed scope of work consisted of: P Po Pe ' ► A review of subsurface information in our files. ► A review of available air photos. ► A geologic reconnaissance. ' ► A geotechnical subsurface field investigation. ► Laboratory testing. ► Engineering analysis including foundation capacities and slope stability ' ► The preparation of a geotechnical report. 21-1.20930-001-R1-R„Y, ?1Xp 21-1-20830-001 1 ' SHANNON MMLSON.ING ' This geotechnical report presents the results of our findings,our conclusions, and geotechnical recommendations for schematic design of the proposed project. ' 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ' Peninsula College is located in a residential area in the southern part of Port Angeles, Washington(Figure 1). The college campus is bordered on the east and south by forested ' ground and on the west by a power substation. The topography on the campus consists of undulating ground that slopes gently down to the north. White Creek borders the eastern part of the site and consists of a relatively narrow, steep-sided channel that drains to the north. ' At present,the project site is developed with one-or two-story buildings with concrete slab-on- grade floors,paved walkways,and landscaped areas. The locations of the existing buildings and rlandscaped areas are shown in Figure 2. We understand that the existing structures in the vicinity of the project have spread footing foundations. We did not observe significant cracking or settlement of the existing foundations during our visits to the site. ' 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Your request for proposal dated May 31,2007,included undated copies of pages 6 through 15 of ' the Variance Application showing the site location and proposed building diagrams and sections, and an undated copy of a site plan showing the proposed building footprint. The proposed building site is in the southeastern portion of the existing Peninsula College campus,adjacent to White Creek, The approximate location of the proposed building is shown ' in Figure 2. We understand that the current,pre-schematic,proposed project will consist of demolition and removal of four existing college buildings(Buildings F,G,H,and I)and ' construction of a three-story,concrete and steel,Business and Humanities building. The three-story building requires the approval of a height variance from the City of Port Angeles. If the vanance is not approved,a two-story building with a larger footprint may be built. The ' building is anticipated to be supported on a pile foundation with a slab-on-grade floor, although ground improvement concepts may also be considered. Because of the proximity of the active ' landslide near the southeastern corner of the proposed building footprint(see Figure 3),we 21.1_20830-001_R1_Revdocrwplc%n 21-1-20830-001 ' 2 ' SHANNON OVILSON,INC. ' understand that the area of the proposed building footprint may be shifted to the west and expanded to the west and south. No building elevations have been developed at this time. ' 5.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling and logging I 1 borings(designated BH-1 through BH-1 I)in the vicinity of the proposed structure. Borings BH-9 through BH-I 1 ' were drilled adjacent to or within the landslide area. Davies Drilling of Seattle,Washington, under subcontract to Shannon&Wilson,Inc.,filled the borings between the dates of October 21 and 24,2007,using a track-mounted drill. ' The approximate locations of the borings are shown in Figure 2 and were determined in the field ' by tape measurements from existing site features. Exploration depths ranged between about 14.0 and 55.5 feet below the existing ground surface(bgs). Appendix A, Subsurface Explorations,presents a description of the methodology and procedures used for locating, ' drilling,and sampling the borings. A key to the classification terms used in the boring logs is presented in Figure A-1 The boring logs are presented in Figures A-2 through A-12. 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING ' To aid in our engineering analyses,we performed laboratory tests on selected samples retrieved from the borings to determine basic index and engineering properties of the soils. The testing ' was performed in the Shannon&Wilson,Inc.laboratory in Seattle,Washington,and included visual classification,water content determinations,and grain size analyses. Laboratory testing was performed in general accordance with the ASTM International(ASTM)standard test ' procedures. Appendix B, Laboratory Test Procedures and Results,presents results and descriptions of the laboratory test procedures. 7.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 7.1 Mapped Geology Published geologic maps of the area indicate that the site is underlain by Vashon-age, continental,glacial lodgment till that overlies Miocene-to Oligocene-age bedrock. These units are further described as follows: 21-1-2083o- 1AI-RCv.dwvvw1XD 21-1-20830-001 ' 3 ' SHANNON ,WILSON.LNC. ' ► Glacial Till—Till is typically an unsorted mixture of clay,silt,sand,and gravel with occasional boulders and cobbles deposited directly by glacial ice. Till that is deposited in front of and is overridden by an advancing glacial ice sheet is referred to as lodgment till ' and is compacted to a very dense or hard state because of the weight of the overriding ice. Till that was deposited as the ice sheet receded is normally consolidated and is referred to as ablation till. ' ► Pysht Formation—This sedimentary bedrock unit consists of marine mudstone, claystone,and sandy siltstone,and contains calcareous beds of siltstone and sandstone. This unit is highly susceptible to landsliding,and a number of landslides are mapped in ' the vicinity of the site,mainly along White Creek. 7.2 Observed Geologic Conditions ' The site soil conditions are relatively complex. The native soil units encountered in our explorations generally include:topsoil/sod, fill,recent landslide debris,bog soils,older alluvium/outwash,recessional outwash,glaciomarine drift,ice-contact deposits,older landslide debris,colluvium,and bedrock. The site soils are described further as follows, and our ' interpretation of the subsurface conditions is shown in the generalized subsurface profiles in Figures 4 and S. ► TopsoiUSod—Topsoil/sod was found in borings BH-4 through BH-6 to depths of up to 0.3 foot bgs. ' ► Fill—Fill was encountered in borings BH-1 through BH-9 to depths of between about 0.4 and 5 1 feet bgs. The fill material ranged between loose,silty sand(borings BH-1,BH-2, BH-7,and BH-8),loose to medium dense,clayey sand(borings BH-3,BH-5, and BH-7); medium stiff to very stiff,silty or sandy clay(borings BH-3,1311-7, and BH-9);and medium dense,sandy silt(borings BH-4,BH-6,and BH-9). The fill contained siltstone clasts,charcoal,and organic material with localized areas of wood and sod. ' ► Recent Landslide—Recent landslide soils at the site are recent deposits that resulted from downslope movement of soil by landslide action and are generally found on and at the toe of slopes. They are generally highly disturbed,heterogeneous mixtures of several ' soil types,including organic debris,and are loose or soft with random dense or hard pockets. Recent landslide soils are commonly loose or soft,can have a wide variety of grain sizes,and spatially may exhibit widely varying characteristics. Recent landslide ' deposits may also include soils that appear intact,particularly with cohesive material, which may consist of displaced blocks of undisturbed soil in a matrix of disturbed or sheared soil. ' Recent landslide soils were found to depths of between about 15.5 and 45 feet bgs in borings BH-10 and BH-11,respectively The recent landslide soils include loose,silty, sandy gravel;loose to medium dense,trace of gravel to gravelly,trace of silt to silty sand, si-i 20&Moo1-xi-R9V.aDdWauw 21-1-20830-001 ' 4 ' SHANNON 6WILSON,INC. ' stiff to very stiff,sandy, silty clay;and blocks of siltstone bedrock. The Recent landslide soils contain organic material,wood,and scattered boulders. In the vicinity of borehole BH-10,the recent landslide material includes deposits of surficial fill that contain ' concrete and asphalt. ► Bog Soils—Bogs developed in closed depressions following the last retreat of the glacial ice sheet and the lowering of sea level. The soils that were deposited in these bogs were encountered underlying the fill in borings BH-5, BH-7, and BH-8 to depths between 4.5 and 9.5 feet bgs. These bog soils include peat;medium stiff,silty clay,stiff,organic silt;organic clay, and loose,silty sand. These soils contain seams of organic material and scattered to numerous clasts of organics and wood. Seams or layers of peat were found up to 3.4 feet thick,thickest in boring BH-7 ' ► Older Alluvium/Outwash—Older alluvium consists of generally granular soils that were deposited by fluvial systems emanating from the Olympic Mountains during a period of higher sea levels following deglaciation. Deposits of older alluvium form terraces several hundred feet above modem valley floors. Deposition of this older alluvium ceased when sea levels dropped and local streams incised into the coastal plain. Older alluvium interfingers with glacial recessional outwash and.in many cases is indistinguishable. As such,where the older alluvium and recessional outwash deposits ' are indistinguishable,they are lumped together as older alluvium/outwash. Older alluvium/outwash was encountered below the fill or bog soils in borings BH-1, BH-5,BH-6,BH-7,and BH-8 to depths between about 3 and 16 feet bgs. The older alluvium/outwash consists of medium dense to dense, slightly silty to silty,trace of gravel to gravelly sand. ' ► Recessional Outwash—Recessional outwash consists of generally granular material deposited in outwash channel glacial meltwater systems as glacial ice retreated from the Puget Lowland. The recessional outwash soil interfingers with the older alluvium in areas that continued to be deposited after the end of the deposition of the older alluvium, and in many cases is indistinguishable from one another Recessional outwash consisting of medium dense, slightly silty to silty,sandy gravel was ' encountered interbedded between layers of glaciomarine drift in boring BH-9 at a depth of about 5 feet bgs. Dense,slightly silty,gravelly sand outwash was encountered interbedded between layers of glaciomarine drift in boring BH-4 at a depth of about ' 10 feet bgs. ► Glaeiomarine Drift—Claciomarine drift was deposited in lakes or marine water by icebergs, floating ice,and gravity currents. These soils generally consist of poorly ' graded,granular material ranging from poorly sandy silt and pebbly clay up to cobbles supported by a clayey matrix(a clayey diamicton). These drift soils can be deposited ahead of and overridden by an advancing ice sheet(glacially consolidated),or deposited ' behind a retreating ice sheet(normally consolidated). 21-1-20n0-001-R1-Rc,.mdwp1xn 21-1-20830-001 ' 5 ' SHANNON 6WILSON,INC Intact glaciomarine drift was encountered in borings BH-1 through 1311-9 at depths between 0.6 and 15.5 feet bgs. The drift soils ranged from stiff to hard,sandy,silty clay with a trace of gravel to slightly gravelly,to medium dense to dense,sandy, clayey silt,to dense,clayey sand. ► Ice-Contact Deposits—Ice-contact deposits generally consist of a heterogeneous soil mixture(diamicton)deposited against or adjacent to ice during the wasting of glacial ice, ' and may contain seams and layers of fluvial deposits. Ice-contact deposits consisting of medium dense, interbedded,slightly silty and silty sand were encountered overlying bedrock in boring BH-2 at a depth of about 13 feet bgs. ' ► Older Landslide—Older landside deposits,those not formed in recent time, were recognized in borings BH-5,BH-7,BH-9, BH-10,and BH-11 Most of the older ' landslide deposits consist of material derived from mass wasting of the Pysht Formation. This material consists of very stiff to hard, fractured, sheared,silty clay with clasts of siltstone,mudstone,and claystone. The older landslide deposits generally underlie the glacial soils,which indicate that the landsliding occurred prior to glacial soil placement. However,the soils encountered in boring 1311-5 indicate that the placement of the older landslide material at that location occurred at the site during placement of the glacial soils,or between glacial advances. Glaciomarme drift was found both above and below the older landslide deposit. ► Pysht Formation—Siltstone bedrock was encountered in all of the borings except BH-8 ' at depths between about 16 and 45 feet bgs. The intact bedrock is thick to thin bedded, iron-oxide-stained to fresh,and locally contains thin calcareous zones. The bedrock has been fractured and jointed from regional folding and faulting,and contains shear zones. ' Surficial exposures of bedrock in White Creek show spheroidal weathering developed on the near-surface material. Mudstone is generally defined as a dark-colored,fine-grained rock that consists of equal amounts of silt and clay Siltstone is defined as a fine-grained rock composed of silt and clay,with a predominance of silt-sized particles. 7.3 Observed Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was generally encountered in the borings during drilling at depths ranging between about 5 and 15 feet bgs. The corresponding elevations range between approximately 350 and ' 343 feet. Groundwater elevations are shown in the boring logs. Groundwater was not observed during drilling in borings BH-1,BH-3,BH-10, and BH-11 ' Monitoring wells were installed in borings BH-5, BH-6,and BH-8. The wells were developed by using a bailer, and water levels were subsequently measured on November 3,2007,and on ' January 3,2008. A comparison of the intercepted groundwater elevation during drilling with that observed later in monitoring wells installed in those boreholes indicates that there is slight 21-1-20930401-R1-Rev. 21-1-20830-001 ' 6 ' SHANNON 6WLSON,INC` excess hydrostatic pressure on the groundwater system. Scattered iron-oxide staining was generally observed in the upper portions of the soils encountered in the explorations,indicating ' the migration of groundwater through the soils. Groundwater conditions can change based on precipitation,site utilization, and other factors. 7.4 Landslide Hazard Reconnaissance We performed a limited surficial landslide hazard reconnaissance of the White Creek drainage ' within the immediate vicinity of the proposed building location on October 21,2007 Figure 3 presents a geologic slope stability hazards map that indicates the signs of slope instability and ' hazards we mapped nearby the proposed building location. Figure 4, Generalized Subsurface Profile A-A',and Figure 5,Generalized Subsurface Profile B-B',show our interpretation of the subsurface conditions. The locations of the profiles are presented in Figure 2. ' Along Profile A-A East of Building G,the ground is terraced as it slopes down to White Creek. Slopes along the profile range between gently sloping terraces to slopes up to 50 degrees. East of White Creek,the ground slopes steeply up at about 35 to 45 degrees. Recent landsliding was observed immediately east of the perimeter access road,east of the southern portion of Building G. The landsliding is occurring within the area of an older landslide. During our site visit on April 4,2007,we observed large arcuate tension cracks, scarps, sags,and terraced slump blocks in the slide area.The perimeter of the recent landsliding coincides with the headscarp of the old landslide area. We were informed that the cracks had developed following a period of heavy rains during the winter of 2006 and 2007 During our field reconnaissance on October 21,2007,we observed renewed cracking along the north side of ' the old head scarp. Prior to the recent landsliding,an access road extended from the perimeter road down into the slide area,and we understand that the College used the road to place fill there. A storm drain line extends east from a manhole located in the perimeter access road(east of the headscarp)to a discharge point in the landslide area. Tension cracks were also observed below the outlet of the ' drain line, and erosion was observed on slopes below the outlet. North and south of the active landslide area are older landslide areas. A review of published geologic maps of the area shows ' that there are a number of mapped landslides in the area,on both sides of White Creek. 21.1-20830-001.Rl-Rev.doGlwp/IY.D 21-1-20830-001 7 1 SHANNON bWILSOR INC. ' We excavated shallow,hand-dug test pits into the slope along the profile east of boring BH-11 to explore the soils there. West of White Creek,the slope is generally covered with a thin mantle of ' alluvium,which overlies a thin layer of glacial soils.These glacial soils overlie older landslide deposits and bedrock that are exposed along the valley floor of White Creek. Soils exposed in an erosional scour along the south margin of the landslide area show an interfingered sequence of ' colluvial bedrock soils and glaciomarine drift. Along the east side of the creek,the slope consists of colluvial soils that overlie glacial drift soils. Bedrock is exposed at the toe of the ' slope. ' 8.0 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Slope inclinometers were installed in borings BH-9,BH-10,and BH-11 during the field t explorations to allow measurement of slope movement. Baseline readings were collected on November 3,2007, and subsequent readings were taken on January 3,2008. A comparison of ' the inclinometer readings indicates that there was between 0.3 and 0.4 inch of movement in boreholes BH-10 and BH-11 The movement occurred at depths of between 15.5 and 45 feet bgs in boreholes BH-10 and BH-11,respectively(see Figures C-1 and C-2). No movement was ' observed in borehole BH-9 These results are consistent with our landslide hazard reconnaissance observations and indicate an active slide zone. ' A review of the subsurface soils encountered in the borings indicates that the failure plane for the active landsliding occurs along the interface between the bedrock and the older landslide ' deposits,or within the upper portion of the bedrock. We evaluated slope stability of the slope within the landslide area along Section A-A' using the ' computer program SLOPE/W by Geo-Slope International. Estimated engineering properties of the soils encountered in the borings were used to calculate relative stability values. ' We applied the Morgenstern-Price method of analysis for fully specified critical failure surfaces. Our model extended from the ground surface to bedrock. We limited the search for potential ' critical failure surfaces to less than 50 feet into bedrock. We performed analyses for static conditions only-,i.e.,we did not evaluate stability for potential ground accelerations that could ' accompany a seismic event. t 21a-20930-0a1-R1-Rcv.aodwp/1Kc 21-1-20830-001 ' 8 ' SHANNON MILSON,INQ ' 8.1 Soil Properties We selected soil properties to be used for the analyses based on Standard Penetration Test(SPT) ' values obtained in the borings,laboratory test results,and correlations and recommendations provided in geotechnical engineering literature. We assumed sand samples to be saturated if ' they were retrieved from elevations that are indicated to be below the maximum pressure head elevation measured in piezometers installed in the boring from which the sample was retrieved. We assumed sand moisture content would be 4 to 10 percent below the saturated moisture content when sand was above the elevation of the maximum pressure head measured by piezometers installed in the boring. We assumed bedrock to be relatively strong compared with ' the soils,with both high friction angle and cohesion. We considered both near-surface(elevated) and at depth(depressed)groundwater conditions in the analysis. ' 8.2 Results We evaluated the factor of safety(FS)along critical failure surfaces for each of the groundwater ' conditions(i.e.,near-surfacelless than 5 feet and at depth). An FS,greater than 1.0 is assumed to indicate a stable condition. An FS of less than 1.0 indicates an unstable condition. Slopes with ' an FS near 1.0 but less than approximately 1 I would be considered marginally stable,in our opinion. ' Our analyses indicate that a near-surface groundwater condition results in an FS of about 0.8. By reducing the groundwater level to,a depth of about 9 feet,an FS of about 1.5 can be achieved. ' 9.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONCLUSIONS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ' 9.1 General Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in our field exploration program,the site ' appears suitable for development from a geotechnical standpoint. We believe the key design considerations for this project include: ► The presence,thickness, and extent of existing fills,and geologically recent(post- glacial),relatively soft and/or loose soils. 1 21.1.2D830-001_R1-ReV.a00WP1ucn 21-1-20830-001 9 1 ' SHANNON&WILSON.INC. ► The presence of a shallow groundwater table and saturated near-surface soils. We recommend performing the site development work during the driest part of the year to limit the groundwater impacts to the site. ► The potential impacts to the project from the nearby landsliding. These design considerations and other geotechnical recommendations for preliminary design are ' discussed in greater detail in the following sections. 9.2 Foundation Design 9.2.1 General ' The proposed building location consists of undulating ground that contains a relatively large area with suitable bearing soils found at relatively shallow depths. It is likely that much of the proposed building area is underlain with at least a thin layer of fill,and it is likely that there are significant pre-existing,buried utilities present in the building area. ' The proposed building location also includes areas that contain significant deposits of old fill and soft/organic soils. The areas of old fill and soft/organic soils are coincidentally in ' topographically low areas at the site. The old fill and organictsoft soils encountered in the borings extend between 4.5 and 9.5 feet in depth bgs and would not be suitable to support building loads. In addition,a relatively shallow groundwater table is present in many areas of the site. No building grades had been established at the time we prepared this report,and as such ' we have provided preliminary foundation design recommendations suitable for planning purposes. We recommend that we review the final building grades and loads once they have ' been developed with the applicability of our recommendations provided in this report. The recommendations in this report may need to be modified or additional recommendations may ' need to be provided depending on the final building grades,foundation dimensions,and loads. Foundation types that may be appropriate for this project include: ' ► Spread footing foundations placed directly on bearing soils. ► Spread footing foundations placed on structural fill established on bearing soils. ' ► Spread footing foundations placed on improved ground and structural fill. ► Drilled shaft foundations. ► Augercast pile foundations. 21-1-20830-001-RI-Rcv.dodwpU(D 21-1-20830-001 ' 10 1 ' SHANNON 6WILSON.INC. ' Each foundation design has advantages and disadvantages that are discussed further in the following sections. It may be advantageous to utilize more than one foundation design, ' depending on the final building location,elevation,and loads. Foundation subgrades,including the installation of foundation elements,should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or his/her representative during construction to verify the presence of competent bearing soil and to ' determine that all loosened,disturbed soils and existing fill above the recommended subgrade soils have been removed. 9.2.2 Spread Footing Foundation ' A spread footing foundation could be used at the project site to support the building loads. In areas of shallow bearing soils,this foundation system would have the advantage of ease of construction and lower cost. However,in areas of deeper bearing soils, significant costs would result from the removal of unsuitable soils,the placement of structural fill,and dewatering. ' We recommend that for the proposed building,spread footing foundations bear directly on the native,medium dense to dense or stiff to hard,glaciomarine drift soils,or be placed on structural fill established on the native,medium dense to dense or stiff to hard,glaciomarine drift soils. These glaciomarine drift soils were found at depths between 6 inches and 16 feet in the ' proposed building area. Figure 6 presents an isopach contour map showing the estimated depth below the existing ground surface to the native glaciomarine drift bearing soils in the area of the ' proposed building. A spread footing foundation placed directly on the native glaciomarine drift soils would be suitable for a preliminary allowable soil bearing pressure of about 4,000 pounds per square foot(psf). A spread footing foundation placed on structural fill established on the 1 native glaciomarine drift soils would be suitable for a preliminary allowable soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf. ' Alternatively,if lower soil bearing pressures could be used for the development,spread footing foundations could be supported by the medium dense, older alluvium/outwash soils or on ' structural fill established on the older alluvium/outwash soils. These older alluvium/outwash soils were found at depths between 2 and 9.5 feet below the surface. Figure 7 presents an ' isopach contour map showing the estimated depth below the existing ground surface to the older alluvium/outwash soils in the area of the proposed building. A spread footing foundation placed directly on the older alluvium/outwash soils,or on structural fill placed on the older ' Zi-t 20R3G-001-Rl-Rev.d0dWPILKD 21-1-20830-001 11 ' SHANNON&WIL.SON,INC. ' alluvium/outwash soils would be suitable for a preliminary allowable soil bearing pressure of about 2,000 psf. However,to reduce potential differential settlement, the older ' alluvium/outwash subgrade should be overexcavated and replaced with approximately 1 foot of compacted structural fill. Exposed native subgrade should be proof-rolled or compacted to a dense and unyielding condition. Once proof-rolled or compacted,if an area is discovered to be of relatively soft, ' pumping,or weaving subgrade,it should be excavated and replaced with compacted structural fill. ' Where structural fill is used,it will need to be placed and compacted as specified in the Fill Materials and Placement section of this report. All unsuitable soils would have to be removed down to native bearing soils within the foundation prism area prior to fill placement. ' The compacted structural fill would have to extend beyond the outer edges of the footings a distance equal to at least the fill thickness below the footing. Depending on final foundation elevations,significant soil removal and structural fill placement could occur Shallow groundwater was encountered in the subsurface explorations,e.g.,such as at ' boring BH-5 Therefore,depending on the final building location and configuration,some dewatering for construction of spread footing foundations will likely be required. While a ' dewatering system design is not in our current scope of work, conceptually,a dewatering system similar to one used for the construction of the Science and Technology building,also located on the south side of the campus,maybe appropriate. This system consisted of ditches and sumps within the excavation. 1 The maximum allowable soil bearing pressures may be increased by one-third under seismic loading conditions. Continuous footings should have a minimum width of 18 inches, ' and column spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches. Minimum footing widths may govern design. Foundation elements should extend to at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade for frost protection. Provided that the recommendations in this report are followed,we estimate total settlement of spread footings to be no more than about% inch,with differential settlement ' (between adjacent footings or over a 20-foot span of continuous footing)of approximately inch or less. 21-1-20830.001-RI-wev.aoctwpuw 21-1-20830-001 ' 12 ' SHANNON 6WILSON,INC. ' Foundation subgrades, including subgrade compaction and placement and compaction of structural fill,should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or his/her representative during construction to verify the presence of competent bearing soil and to determine that all loosened, disturbed soils;Holocene soils; and existing fill above the recommended subgrade soils(medium dense to dense recessional outwash,stiff ablation rill,or in hard lodgment till)have been ' removed. 9.2.3 Soil Improvement Alternative for Shallow Foundations As an alternative to overexcavating and removing all of the unsuitable soils in the ' proposed building area,the building loads could be supported on a subgrade of improved soil. This foundation method has the advantage of lower costs associated with reduced overexcavation and the utilization of a spread footing foundation. ' Soil improvement beneath the building could include densification of the soils using ' means and methods necessary to achieve a medium dense or better condition in the fill and native soils beneath the building footprint. Improvement should extend beyond the building line to a minimum distance equal to half the depth of unsuitable materials,as estimated in Figure 6. ' After the site has been excavated to grade,approximately 2 to 16 feet of unsuitable materials will remain beneath the majority of the building footprint. The excavation within the middle of the ' site will remove most,if not all,of the unsuitable materials. The remaining unsuitable materials could be densified to improve their strength and reduce compressibility The site would then be backfilled with approximately 2 feet of compacted structural fill to raise the grade to finished floor slab subgrade elevation. This structural fill will be compacted to a very dense condition and,therefore,will provide a competent bearing surface for spread footing foundations and the ' floor slab. The ground improvement would generally be done by a design-build contractor using proprietary equipment and procedures. It is assumed that groundwater will be maintained below ' the bottom of the temporary excavation during ground improvement work. A method that could be used at this site would be a borehole backfilled and compacted in lifts with coarse aggregate. We could provide further recommendations as the design progresses. ' 9.2.4 Recommended Ground Improvement Criteria ' The Contractor shall verify the site conditions and provide everything that may be necessary,including specialized equipment, additional soils investigations,additional laboratory 21-1-20830-001-R1-Rev.ftdwpA" 21-1-20830-001 ' 13 ' SHANNON BiWILSON,INC. ' tests,and all other additional means that the Contractor determines are necessary to meet the requirements of the plans and specifications. Minimum soil improvement criteria include: r ► Densify and improve the existing fill and"bog soils,"as shown in the soil boring and monitoring well logs. ' ► Improve the soils as necessary to mitigate settlement beneath the building footprint. ► Improve the soils as necessary to provide a preliminary average allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf under spread footing foundations and wall footings. Improve soils to a preliminary average allowable bearing pressure of 2 kips per square foot(ksf)under all other areas of the building. ' ► Improve the soils as necessary to minimize short-and long term(seismic)settlements to no more than 1.0 inch total and Y2 inch differential between similarly loaded column footings and along a 20-foot-long span of wall footing. ' ► Verify soil improvement near either boring BH-5 or BH-7 with a plate or footing load test. 9.25 Drilled Shaft/Pile Foundation Concrete drilled shafts or augercast piles could also be used to support the building loads. ' The drilled shafts/piles would transfer the building loads through the fill,softlorganic soils,and older alluvium/outwash deposits to the native glaciomarine drift bearing soils. Drilled shafts or piles do not require the extensive overexcavation and replacement of unsuitable soils,are generally not impacted by the subgrade conditions,and are installed relatively quickly However,drilled shafts or piles require specialized equipment to install them and can be more ' expensive than spread footing foundations. The selection of equipment and procedures for constructing drilled-shaft foundations is a ' function of the shaft dimensions,the subsurface conditions, and the groundwater characteristics. Consequently,the design and performance of drilled shaft foundations can be significantly ' influenced by the equipment and construction procedures used to install the shafts. In particular, shaft friction would be impacted by the procedures used for construction and also by the method of placement and properties of the concrete. Construction procedures and methods aree of ' paramount importance to the success of the drilled shaft installations at this project. Drilled shaft contractors who participate on this project should be required to demonstrate that they have ' suitable equipment for this project and adequate experience in the construction of drilled shaft foundations. 21a-2MM1-a1-RffY.4wAvprtxn 21-1-20830-001 ' 14 ' SHANNON£WILSON.INC. ' In general,there are three typical methods of installing drilled shafts: the dry method,the casing method,and the wet method. The dry method can be employed in areas where the subgrade soils do not slough or ravel and there is no groundwater If sloughing soils or light groundwater seepage is encountered,surface casing may be used to overcome the ground conditions. The boreholes established by the dry or cased methods would need to be dry and ' clear of all loose soils,mud,or deleterious material prior to concrete placement. The casing method can be problematic in areas of shallow groundwater and may not be suitable if the ' borehole cannot be kept dry The wet method of construction involves the use of slurry to maintain an open hole ' during drilling. The subsurface conditions where the wet method of construction is applicable include any of the conditions described above for the casing method. In instances where heavy ' seepage and/or caving conditions are encountered and the hole cannot be sealed,the wet method of construction may be the only feasible way to stabilize the shaft walls while drilling is continued. If an impermeable soil zone is not encountered in which to form a seal,or there is ' potential for bottom heave or blowout, it would be required to complete the excavation in the wet with slurry Reinforcing steel would be placed and centered in the borehole and slurry displaced ' with a tremie pipe,pumping high slump concrete. After the hole is completed to its full depth,the slurry must be processed to meet ' specifications prior to concrete placement. If there is too much sediment in suspension,material can settle to the bottom of the excavation before concrete is placed,resulting in a soft base. The ' volume of sediment remaining at the base of the excavation prior to concrete placement would generally depend on the actual shaft design and the amount of settlement that can be tolerated ' For designs where end bearing is high,a clean, firm bottom is required. The ACI International (ACI 336.3R-72)recommends that in no case should the volume of loose material and spoil at the base of the shaft exceed that which would be required to cover 5 percent of the base area to a ' depth not exceeding 2inches(50 millimeters[mm]). It is anticipated that groundwater or sloughing soils would be encountered at most foundation locations in the drilled shaft excavation. Therefore,it is our opinion that installation of drilled shafts could generally proceed using the wet method of construction. Since the site has ' been developed,the potential for encountering buried obstructions is relatively high. Fill 21-1-20M&M1-RI-Rev.d0rJWP1KD 21-1-20830-001 15 ' SHANNON 6WILSON,INC. ' deposits may also contain varying quantities of debris and obstructions. The contractor should be prepared to install drilled shafts through all potential obstructions. ' 9.2.6 Augereast Piles Augercast concrete piles are installed by rotatmg a continuous-flight,hollow-stem auger ' to a predetermined depth. After the auger is rotated to the predetermined depth, a high-strength, sand-cement grout is pumped under controlled pressure through the center of the shaft as the ' auger is slowly withdrawn. By maintaining pressure in the grout line and extracting the auger no faster than an equivalent volume of grout is pumped,a continuous column of concrete is formed. ' A single reinforcing rod can be placed through the hollow stem of the auger and/or a reinforcing cage with centering guides can be placed in the column of wet grout. Where piles are expected to experience tensile/uplift forces,the central reinforcing rod should be extended for the full length of the pile. The quality of the augereast concrete piles depends on the procedure and workmanship of the contractor who installs them. We recommend that Shannon&Wilson personnel observe the installation of augercast piles on a full-time basis to evaluate the adequacy of the construction ' procedures. We recommend that the contract documents require the contractor to install a pressure ' gage on the pump discharge line and a counter on the grout pump. The approximate volume of grout pumped is computed by counting the number of strokes of a displacement-type grout ' pump. The pressure gage is used to monitor the pressure of the grout to evaluate the rate at which the auger should be extracted, and to check if the auger or hoses are plugged. If insufficient grout is pumped into the auger,a proper grout column will not be formed. If the pressure in the grout line is not maintained,or if the auger is withdrawn too rapidly,the auger hole may cave,creating a discontinuity in the grout column. Either condition will reduce the 1 load-carrying capacity of the pile. Therefore,the pump should be calibrated in the presence of the geotechnical engineer prior to its use,and the pressure gage should be checked for proper ' functioning. The auger should not be pulled until the grout has been pumped at least 5 feet above the ' auger tip. It should then be withdrawn with slow,positive rotation at a slow,continuous,steady pull. The 5-foot head of grout should be maintained at all times during the withdrawal 21-1-20830-ooi-RI-xN.eorJwpftKD 21-1-20830-001 ' 16 ' SHANNON 6WILSON.INC. ' operations. The minimum grout head should be increased to 10 feet if grout settlement is observed after the auger is withdrawn. The Contractor should be required to establish accurate ' methods of determining the depth of the auger at all times,such as marking the leads at 1-foot intervals. The ratio between the volume of grout pumped and the theoretical volume of each augercast pile hole should be at least 1 10. Based on our experience with similar projects,we ' assume that grout takes could be large,being on the order of 25 to 35 percent more than the total net pile volume. If contaminated soil or groundwater is encountered during the augercast pile installation, the drilling spoils should be separated out,placed on plastic sheeting,and covered until ' environmental testing is completed and a suitable disposal location can be determined. ' 9.3 Axial Drilled Shaft/Pile Capacities We recommend drilled shafts or augercast piles be designed for a skin friction of 1.5 ksf and a ' bearing of 20 ksf. 'Mese are preliminary allowable or design values and include an FS of 2.0. Drilled shafts should have a minimum diameter of 24 inches and augercast piles a minimum diameter of 14 inches. A minimum piletshaft length of 10 feet is recommended,measured below ' or from the depths shown in the contour map(Figure 6). ' Our analyses were performed for a single pile;no group effects were considered. We recommend that the piles be spaced no closer than four pile diameters measured center to center from other piles. As mentioned,we recommend that the proposed piles be drilled to bear in the very stiff to hard,glaciomarine drift/ice-contact deposits to siltstone layers that underlie the fill, "bog,"and older alluvium/outwash deposits at various depths. Note that because of the variable ' depth to the competent bearing layer,actual pile lengths will likely vary from one side of the structure to another. ' 9.4 Estimated Settlements of Pile Foundations Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings,estimated pile design loads, and 1 installation techniques,relatively minor settlements will occur upon loading. We estimate total settlement of the augercast concrete piles would be on the order of%2 to 'A inch,with differential settlements of about 'Ainch. No long-tern settlements are anticipated. 21_1_20830-M14U_Re„_,nX,,V= 21-1-20830-001 17 1 ' SHANNON MMLSON,INC. ' 9.5 Lateral Resistance of Deep Foundations Lateral resistance as calculated by the commercial computer program LPILE Plus 4 0 by Reese, ' et al.(2002)generates discrete load-deflection(p-y) curves to estimate deflection of the pilelshaft and distribution of moments and shears along the length of the pile/shaft. Tables 1 through 6 summarize the various soil layer properties for use in the analysis of lateral resistance. 9.6 Lateral Resistance ' Lateral forces would be resisted by passive earth pressure against the buried portions of structures and by friction against the bottom. In our opinion,ultimate passive earth pressures in backfill could be estimated using an equivalent fluid pressure of 300 pounds per cubic foot(pcf). These values assume that the backfill surrounding the building is drained,structural fill. These values also are based on the assumption of a horizontal surface beyond the footing of at least two times the depth of embedment in the direction of wall movement. Passive resistance should be ignored in the upper 12 inches of soil if not covered by floor slabs or pavements,or ignored ' entirely if future development would result in removal of the soils providing resistance. ' We recommend that a coefficient of friction of 0.5 be used between cast-in-place concrete and the foundation subgrade soil. An appropriate FS should be used to calculate the resistance to sliding at the base of footings. ' For preliminary design,drilled shafts or au ercast piles could resist a lateral load of 4 kips with P �Y t� g ' approximately'/inch of lateral movement. 9.7 Lateral Resistance Against Pile Caps and Grade Beam ' The magnitude of passive earth pressure acting against pile caps and grade beams depends on the method of placement and degree of compaction of backfill,its lateral extent,the type of material, ' groundwater elevation,and lateral deflection of the pile cap or grade beam.Frictional resistance against the base of the pile caps and grade beams should be neglected. ' 9.8 Foundation Drainage and Baddiill We recommend that footing drains be installed along the outside perimeter of the proposed ' structure. Footing subdrains should consist of slotted,4-inch-diameter minimum,plastic pipe 21_1_20&30-001_R1-Rev qXD 21-1-20830-001 ' 18 1 SHANNON 6WILSON.INC. ' bedded in washed%-inch pea gravel. The perimeter subdrain invert should be located at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. Specific construction details are shown,in Figure 8. Roof drains should not be connected to the footing subdrains. The discharge from footing ' drains,roof drains,or other drains should be routed by means of a tightline to a suitable discharge point(e.g.,storm sewer). Drains should not discharge onto the slope to the east in the ' White Creek drainage. All hard surfaces surrounding the structures should be sloped to catch basins,and the collected water should be disposed of as previously outlined. All outside grades should be graded to slope away from the structures. 9.9 Floor Slab Support If a spread footing foundation is employed,we recommend that slab-on-grade floors be constructed as noted in the Spread Footing Foundation section of this report. We recommend a minimum thickness of compacted structural fill of I foot be placed on the slab subgrade. ' Similar to the foundation subgrades,we recommend that the older al1uviumloutw ash subgrade be, ' compacted to a dense and unyielding condition. During compacting or proof-rolling the subgrade,if the contractor notices areas of relatively soft,pumping,or weaving subgrade,he should excavate and replace such areas with compacted structural fill. Care should be taken to ' compact any localized backfills,such as footing or utility excavations,to the same degree as that specified for structural fill. ' If a drilled shaft or augercast pile foundation is employed,we recommend that slab-on-grade floors be designed as a structural slab and that the existing soils generally be left in place,in ' concert with the concrete,drilled shaft/pile foundation: ' We recommend that a capillary break be placed beneath slab-on-grade floors. A flinch-thick (minimum)layer of washed pea gravel or%-inch-minus crushed rock/gravel placed over the floor subgrade is one method to provide this break. The capillary break should be hydraulically ' connected to perimeter footing drains. The use of 2-inch-diameter weep holes on 5-to 6-foot spacings through the foundations is one method to provide a hydraulic connection. A vapor barrier consisting of reinforced heavy plastic sheeting can be included between the slab and the capillary break. If desired,an additional a 2-inch-thick layer of sand may be placed on the vapor barrier to aid in concrete curing. Figure 8 provides a typical floor slab section. ' 2I-l-20830-001-RI-Rev.doc%vpll KD 21-1-20830-001 19 1 ' SHANNON 6WILSON,INC. 9.10 Seismic Design Considerations 9.10.1 Ground Motions ' We assume that the seismic design of the facility will be in accordance with the International Building Code(IBC)2006. Computation of forces used for seismic design for this code is based on seismological input and site soil response factors. ' The seismological inputs are short period spectral acceleration, Ss, and spectral acceleration at the 1-second period, S1,shown in Figure 1613.5 in the code. Ss and S1 are for a maximum considered earthquake,which correspond to ground motions with a 2 percent ' probability of exceedance in 50 years or about a 2,500-year return period(with a deterministic maximum cap in some regions). The mapped Ss and S1 values in the vicinity of the project are ' 1.20g and 0.508,respectively The site soil response factors are based on the determination of the Site Class. Based on the subsurface explorations at the site,boring logs for other structures on campus,and the foundation subgrades recommended in this report,it is our opinion that the site can be ' characterized as Site Class D. The F.value corresponding Site Class D and Ss of 1.208 is 10. The F,value corresponding to Site Class D and S, of 0.50g is 1.5 ' 9.10.2 Earthquake-induced Geologic Hazards Earthquake-induced geologic hazards that may affect a given site include liquefaction ' and associated effects(including lateral spreading, differential settlement,and reduced soil bearing capacity),slope instability, and fault rupture. We have reviewed the potential occurrence ' of these hazards at the site. In our opinion,the risk posed by fault rupture and liquefaction hazards is low The risk posed by landsliding is moderate in our opinion. The following provides a brief discussion of these hazards. ' Because of the flat topography at the site,the risk to the structure due to landsliding is generally very low,except for the eastern part of the site where active landsliding is occurring in ' the White Creek drainage. Under earthquake loading conditions,slopes that are unstable under static conditions, such as this one,would be more unstable and may experience large(e.g., several feet)displacements. Measures to reduce the risk posed by landsliding can include moving the proposed location of the structure away from the landsliding area, and/or improving 21-1-20830-W1-e1-ReV.e0QfWP(= 21-1-20830-001 ' 20 ' SHANNON 6WILSON,INC. ' the stability of the landslide area. Recommendations for improving the stability are presented in the following section of this report. The damage from fault surface rupture to a site can include displacement damage to structures and offset of roads and underground utilities. The nearest mapped faults are the cast- west-trending ast- west trending Lower Elwha Fault and the Clallam Syncline within Y2 mile of the site,and north- south-trending structures approximately 1 Y2 miles to the west(unnamed fault)and%mile to the ' east(Ennis Creek Fault). There are also a series of east-west-trending faults and possibly fault- related synclines and anticlines. However,these structures do not appear to deform the most recent glacial deposits,which suggest that there has been no movement to cause ground rupture ' on these structures for at least 13,000 years. Therefore,based on the distance to the nearest mapped fault(Ys mile)and the apparent lack of geologically recent activity, it is our opinion that ' the potential for fault rupture at the site is relatively low Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon in which excess pore pressure in loose, saturated, ' granular soils increases during ground shaking to a level near the initial effective stress,thus resulting in a reduction of shear strength of the soil(a quicksand-like condition). Because of this ' reduction in shear strength during liquefaction,ground settlement and lateral spreading(ground movement on very gentle slopes)may occur. 'Vertical and lateral foundation restraint may also be significantly reduced. In general,the soils below the groundwater table are sufficiently dense ' or cohesive to preclude liquefaction. 1 9.11 Reducing Risks from the Landslide Area Landsliding has occurred extensively in the past along the White Creek drainage. The recent landsliding in the area east of Building G will likely continue if no action is taken. The potential risk posed by slope instability to the proposed structure can be reduced by locating the structure away from the slide area and/or improving the stability of the slide area. In our opinion,an ' adequate building set back from the slide area could be approximately 40 to 50 feet. This setback would allow for moderate regression of the head scarp toward the building without ' immediately affecting the stability of the building. The stability of the landslide area can be improved by reducing the loading placed in the headscarp area, and by lowering the water table. ' We recommend that no further fill be placed in the landslide area. Low areas and cracks in the headscarp area should be filled in and graded to improve surface runoff and reduce the potential 21_1_2M0-001_R1-Rev.,d„pAXD 21-1-20830-001 ' 21 ' SHANNON MLSON,INC. ' for surface water infiltration. The existing storm drain line should be plugged before it enters the landslide area and abandoned,and not allowed to discharge into the landslide area. We also ' recommend that the access roadway area be regraded so that surface water runoff is directed away from the landslide area. ' A trench drain should be installed in the access road area to intercept groundwater flow and improve stability Water collected in the drain should be discharged away from the landslide ' area to a suitable discharge point. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in borehole BH-9,the drain would need to be installed to a depth of about 9 feet in the area. Our analyses indicate that reducing the groundwater elevation to this depth would increase the FS to about 1.5 ' A typical subdrain installation detail is presented in Figure 9 Care must be exercised in placing the filter fabric;smearing it with clay or silt must be avoided. 10.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 Site Preparation/Grading Site preparation will include removing the existing structures,foundations,and buried utilities; ' and clearing,grubbing,and stripping organic material or organic rich soils and any previously placed fill. Based on our explorations,up to 16 feet of old fill and loose or organic soils could ' require removal from the foundation area. For the ground improvement option or deep foundations, stripping depths would be approximately 2 to 4 feet. Roots,stumps,and other ' organic material encountered that extend below the topsoil layer should also be removed. Demolition debris(including concrete,brick,and wood)may be present in the fills at the site. The site surface soils vary from very loose to loose and moist to wet. Site development may ' require the use of rock aprons to access the site. Subgrades to receive structural fill,building foundations,or pavement should be cleared to ' expose undisturbed,native bearing soils. Prior to placing fill and preparing building and pavement subgrades,we recommend that the contractor proof-roll all exposed areas to determine ' if any soft and yielding areas are present. If any soft areas are observed,these areas should be either removed and replaced with structural fill or dried back and recompacted. All pavement subgrades should be compacted to at least 95 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D1557). 214-20930-W1,R1-x,,.aoJ.V1Xn 22 21-1-20830-001 ' ' SHANNON MLSON,INC. Our scope of work did not include any environmental screening or assessments. We recommend that the project budget include a contingency for the occurrence of contaminated soils. ' 10.2 Temporary Excavation Slopes Safe,temporary excavations are the responsibility of the contractor and depend on the actual site ' conditions at the time of construction. Temporary cuts are the responsibility of the contractor and should comply with applicable Occupational Safety&Health Administration(OSHA)and ' Washington Industrial Safety and Health Administration(WISHA)standards. Cut slopes exposed for any length of time,particularly during wet weather,should be covered with visqueen to maintain stability and mimnize erosion. 10.3 Erosion Control Erosion control for the site will include the Best Management Practices(BMPs)incorporated in the civil design drawings and may incorporate the following recommendations. ' ► Limit exposed cut slopes. ► Route surface water through temporary drainage channels around and away from exposed ' slopes. ► Use silt fences,straw,and temporary sedimentation ponds to collect and hold eroded material on the site. > Grade the site to drain away from the shoreline area. ► Seed or plant vegetation on exposed areas where work is completed and no buildings are ' proposed. ► Retain existing vegetation to the greatest possible extent. ' 10A Construction Drainage Even during dry weather,we recommend that site drainage measures be incorporated into the ' project construction. Construction of a detention pond first,either temporary or permanent, is recommended because it can be used for stormwater and silt traps during construction of the ' upslope portions of the site. Surface runoff can be controlled during construction by careful grading practices. Typically, ' these include the construction of shallow,upgrade perimeter ditches or low earthen berms and the use of temporary sumps to collect runoff and prevent water from damaging slopes and 21-s-20930-001-x1-Rcv.ao.6**cxn 21-1-20830-001 ' 23 ' SHANNON WALSON.INC~ exposed subgrades. All collected water should be directed,under control,to a positive and permanent discharge system such as the storm detention pond or vault,away from the landslide ' area. The site will need to be graded at all times to facilitate drainage and minimize the ponding of water. ' 10.5 Fill Materials and Placement Because of the high silt content of the existing fills and glacial drift soils on site,they may be ' moisture sensitive and difficult to work with and to compact when wet. These soils are not recommended for reuse as structural fill. If earthwork is planned during the rainy season or in ' wet conditions,it will be likely that the existing on-site fills will not be suitable for structural fill. We recommend using imported granular fill consisting of well-graded,organic-free material with less than 20 percent fines(that portion of the soil that passes the No.200 sieve),based on the material that passes the No.4 sieve. The fines.should be non-plastic. The fill should have a ' maximum particle size of about 3 inches, should be free of organic matter, and should have a moisture content at or slightly below its optimum(f 2 percent)for compaction. Other fill materials maybe used with approval of the engineer Maximum Lift Thickness: ► Hand-operated mechanical compactors—6 inches loose ► Large mechanical compactors—12 inches loose ' Minimum Compaction Requirements: P. Beneath Building Foundations and Floors—The fill should be compacted to at ' least 95 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density value for the material. The structural fill beneath footings should,at a minimum,extend laterally at a 1 Horizontal to 1 Vertical(1H.1V)slope projected down and away from the bottom ' footing edge. ► Beneath Roadways and Pavements—The fill should generally be compacted to at least 92 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density value for the material, ' except within 3 feet of subgrade elevation,where the fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density value for the material. ► Utility Trench Backfill—The fill should generally be compacted to at least ' 92 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density value for the material,except in paved and structural areas where the material should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density value for the material. 21-1-M30m1-R1-R&v.a0dWPfxn 21-1-20830-001 ' 24 1 SHANNON 6WiLSON.INC. ' s Non-structural/Landscaped Areas—In areas where moderate settlements can be accepted,the compaction requirement could be reduced to a dense,unyielding condition and to at least 92 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density ' value. Areas receiving fill should be stripped of all topsoil,organic or deleterious materials,and old fill ' materials prior to placement of structural fill. Any fill slopes steeper than 311.1 V should be benched with horizontal benches cut into the native subgrade soils,prior to placement of the new ' fill materials. Final fill slopes should be constructed to a configuration of 211.1V or flatter The structural fill should be compacted with equipment suitable to achieve proper compaction. ' Effective compaction of the sandy soils may be achieved using a large steel drum,vibratory roller or hoe-pac compactor Thin lifts or work in confined areas can also be compacted with a ' jumping jack compactor. If density tests taken in the fill indicate that compaction is not being achieved,the fill should be scarified,moisture-conditioned,and re-compacted. If the required densities cannot be met,then the material can be excavated and replaced. 10.6 Utilities ' In general,utilities at the site can be installed within the existing site soils,provided they are not underlain by extremely loose materials or organic materials. Maintaining safe utility excavations ' is the responsibility of the utility contractor Due to the saturated granular soils encountered in our explorations,it is likely that deep trenches will require dewatering. Conventional excavation equipment can be used to excavate the soils.The utility trenches should be backfilled as noted in ' the Fill Material and Placement section of this report. ' We recommend that the use of casings and trench boxes,or other suitable support devices,be used to protect personnel and equipment. At a minimum,all work should be carried out in compliance with applicable OSHA,state,and local safety regulations and requirements. We ' expect excavations in the bedrock will be difficult in places because of its dense nature. ' 10.7 Wet Weather Earthwork Wet weather generally begins about mid-October and continues through about May, although ' rainy periods may occur at any time of the year. Therefore,it would be most advisable to schedule earthwork during the normal dry weather months of June through mid-October 21-1-20830-001-R1-R6VA0c/wp/= 21-1-20830.001 ' 25 1 ' SHANNON bWILSON.INC. ' Earthwork performed during the wet weather months will generally prove more costly and more time consuming. ' Most of the soils at the site contain sufficient silt and plastic fines to produce a cohesive,unstable mixture when wet. Such soils are highly susceptible to changes in water content, and they may become muddy,unstable, and difficult or impossible to compact if their moisture content significantly exceeds the optimum. The following recommendations are applicable if earthwork is to be accomplished in wet weather or in wet conditions: ' ► Earthwork should be accomplished in small sections to minimize exposure to wet weather. If there is to be traffic over the exposed subgrade,the subgrade should be ' protected with a compacted layer(generally 8 inches or more)of crushed rock. ► Fill material should consist of clean,granular soil,of which not more than 5 percent by dry weight passes the No. 200 mesh sieve,based on wet sieving the fraction passing the ' %-inch sieve. The fines should be non-plastic. Such soil may need to be imported to the site. ► The ground surface in the construction area should be sloped and sealed with a smooth- drum roller to promote the rapid runoff of precipitation,to prevent surface water from flowing into excavations, and to prevent ponding of water ► No soil should be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. A smooth-drum vibratory ' roller,or equivalent,should be used to seal the ground surface. Soils that become too wet for compaction should be removed and replaced with clean granular soil. ► Excavation and placement of structural fill material should be observed on a full-time basis by a geotechnical engineer or his/her representative,experienced in wet-weather earthwork,to confirm that all unsuitable materials are removed and that suitable compaction and site drainage are achieved. ► Covering of work areas,soil stockpiles,or slopes with plastic;sloping;ditching; and installing sumps,dewatering,and other measures should be employed,as necessary,to ' permit proper completion of the work. Bales of straw and/or geotextile silt fences should be aptly located to control soil movement and erosion. ' 10.8 Construction Monitoring We recommend that we be retained to observe earthwork,including structural fill placement and ' compaction,drainage installation,and subgrade preparation,and any other geotechnical aspects of construction. 21-1-20830-001 ' 21-1-20830.001-RI-RCYAWJwp/" 26 ' SHANNON bVIALSON,INC ' We recommend that Shannon&Wilson be retained to review those portions of the plans and specifications that pertain to foundations and earthwork to determine if they are consistent with our recommendations. The specified methodology and/or performance criteria in the subgrade ' preparation sections will be critical to the success of the pavement construction and performance. We also recommend we be retained to observe the geotechnical aspects of construction, ' particularly the test pile program,pavement subgrade preparation,drainage, foundation installation,and backfill. This observation would allow us to verify the subsurface conditions as they are exposed during construction and to determine that the work is accomplished in accordance with our recommendations. 11.0 LIMITATIONS ' The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume that the explorations are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; i.e.,the subsurface conditions are not significantly different from ' those encountered in the explorations,or observed in our site reconnaissance. If,during construction,subsurface conditions different from those encountered in the explorations are ' observed or appear to be present,we should be advised at once so that we can review those conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary If there is a substantial lapse ' of time between submission of our report and the start of work at the site,we recommend that this report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations, considering the changed conditions and/or elapsed time. Within the limitations of scope,schedule,and budget,the conclusions presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional geologic/geotechnical ' engineering principles and practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. We make no other warranty,either expressed or implied. This report was prepared for the use of the Owner, Engineer, and Architect in the design of the structure. With respect to construction,it should be made available for information on factual tdata only and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions,such as those interpreted from the test pit logs and discussion of subsurface conditions included in this report. 21_1_20830-001_R14t9vA0WPUCD 21-1-20830-001 ' 27 ' SHANNON&WILSON,INC. ' Unanticipated conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined merely by taking soil samples or making explorations. Such unexpected conditions frequently rewire that additional expenditures be made to achieve a properly constructed project. Some contingency ' fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra costs. Please note that the scope of our services did not include environmental assessments or evaluations for the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic substances in the soil, surface water,groundwater,or air,on,below,or around this site. We are able to provide these ' services and would be pleased to discuss these with you as the need arises. ' Shannon&Wilson,Inc.has prepared Appendix D, "Important Information About Your Geotechnical Report,"to assist you and others in understanding the use and limitations of our report. ' SH.ANNON&WILSON,INC. {Wash/,� �. 758 \offUM g Sed Ge° d David P aMafiey row Mr-1 A17-LIG-6 ' David O'Malley,L.E.G. Thomas M. Gurtowski,P.E. Senior Geologist Vice President ' DPO:TMG/dpo 2W-zoara001-R14R,,"wpa.tcn 214-20830-001 ' 28 ' SHANNON MLSON,INC. Geologic interpretation and subsurface explorations were prepared by or under direct supervision of David O'Malley L.E.G. Geotechnical design recommendations were prepared by or under direct supervision of Thomas M.Gurtowsld,P.E. 1 12.0 REFERENCES American Concrete Institute(ACI), 1993, Design and construction of drilled piers(reapproved 2006): Farmington Hills, Mich.,ACI 336.3R-93, 30 p. ' ASTM International(ASTM), 2008,Annual book of standards,construction,v 04.08,soil and rock(I): D 420-D 5876• West Conshohocken,Pa,ASTM. International Code Council,-2006,International building code 2006: Country Club Hills,Ill., 664 p. ' Reese,L.C.,and Wang,S.T.,2002,Technical manual of documentation of computer program LPLILEp'"s 4.0 for Windows,stress-and-deformation analysis of piles under lateral with special feature of use of piles to stabilize a slope: Austin,Tex.,Ensoft,Inc.,364 p. ' U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA),2007,29 CFR 1926: Safety and health regulations for construction. Washington,D.C.,U.S. Government Printing Office, ' available: http//www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfrjcfr-table-search.html. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries,2008, Safety standards for construction ' work,excavation,trenching,and shoring. Olympia,Wash.,Washington Administrative Code (WAC), chapter 296-155,Part N,available: http//www.lni.wa.gov/wisha/rutes/construction/ default.htm. 21_1_20930.001.R1.Rev,dodwp/M 21-1-20830-001 ' 29 1 SHANNON &WILSON, INC. TABLE 1 RECOMIENDED PARAMETERS FOR LATERAL RESISTANCE ANALYSIS USING LPILE PLUS IN THE VICINITY OF BH-9 -MM 0. T 40" 4. . . .. .... Boring BH I BH-2, 0 3 Sand 30 110 50 - - —— BH-3 AND BH-4 3-12 Clay 3200 — 115 2000 0.004 6�. 1217 Cla 3200 52 2000 0.004 no Notes: (1) Static=static case,Liquef=liquefied case (2) psf=pounds per square foot (3) pof=pounds per cubic foot (4) pci=pounds per cubic inch (5) eso=strain at one half the maximum principal stress difference (6) No group effect reductions have been considered. (7) If applicable,modifications to the p-y curves for sloping ground conditions should be determined in accordance with the LPILEPLUS(1997)manual. (8) Groundwater was encountered approximately 12 feet below the existing ground surface. 211-20930-MI-RI T-1.x1sBH-1 d=BH-4 Page 1 of 6 21 120830-001 SHANNON &WILSON, INC. TABLE 1 RECOM IEMED PARAMETERS FOR LATERAL RESISTANCE ANALYSIS USING LPILEPLus IN THE VICEnTY OF BH-9 ... Q ... is lti ' I 7 �oldiislioii; '] l®if �'... o-wo 1 . • Ei; Itsbt ir ... ..I P1 0 2 Clay 2500 — -- — 95 400 0.008 2 4 Clay2500 — — — 33 400 -- 0.008 oring BH-5 4 9.5 Sand — — 31 -- 53 55 — — 9.5-20 Cl!X 3300 — — — 53 1160 — 0.005 20-25 Cla 5000 — — — 63 2000 -- 0.004 NOTES (1) Static-static case,Liquef=liquefied case (2) psf=pounds per square foot (3) pcf=pounds per cubic foot (4) pci=pounds per cubic inch (5) Eso=strain at one half the maximum principal stress difference (6) No group effect reductions have been considered. (7) If applicable,modifications to the p-y curves for sloping ground conditions should be determined in accordance with the LPILE'Lus(1997)manual. (8) Groundwater was encountered approximately 2 feet below the existing ground surface. 21-1-20830.001-xI T LzhBM Page 2 of 6 21 1-20830-001 SHANNON &WILSON, INC. TABLE I RECOMMENDED PARAMETERS FOR LATERAL RESISTANCE ANALYSIS USING LPILE PLUS IN THE VICINITY OF BH-9 ..................... T .................. ......... -OD 44 i AM i; 0 5 Sand — 30 110 90 — Boring 5-5.5 Sand 30 48 60 -- 5.5-20.4 Clay 3000 — 53 1000 1,005 j Notes: (1) Static=static case,Liquef=liquefied case (2) psf=pounds per square foot (3) pcf=pounds per cubic foot (4) pci=pounds per cubic inch (5) e30=strain at one half the maximum principal stress difference (6) No group effect reductions have been considered. (7) If applicable,modifications to the p-y curves for sloping ground conditions should be determined in accordance with the LPILEPLUS(1997)manual. (8) Groundwater was encountered approximately 5 feet below the existing ground surface. 21-1-20930-001-RI T-1.x6BK-6 Page 3 of 6 21-1-20830-001 SHANNON&WILSON, INC TABLE I RECOMMENDED PARAMETERS FOR LATTIL4J,RESISTANCE ANALYSIS USING LPILE PLUS IN THE VICINITY OF BH-9 'Im....I 0 Ram".am ............... wo ..... .. ........ 00MO - ... 46 ......... 0-9.5 Clay 500 — 95 120 0.01 Boring BH 7 9.5 10 Sand — 34 120 125 --—--- — 10 16 sand — 34 58 80 — 16 26 Clay 5000 63 2000 0.004 Notes: (1) Static=static case,Liquef=liquefied case (2) psf=pounds per square foot (3) pcf=pounds per cubic foot (4) pci=pounds per cubic inch (5) e5o=strain at one half the maximum principal stress difference (6) No group effect reductions have been considered. (7) If applicable,modifications to the p-y curves for sloping ground conditions should be determined in accordance with the LPILE'(1997)manual. (8) Groundwater was encountered approximately 10 feet below the existing ground surface. 21-1-20830-001-RI T-I.xl&BH-7 Page 4 of 6 21 1-20830-001 SHANNON&WILSON, INC. TABLE I RECOMMENDED PARAMETERS FOR LATERAL RESISTANCE ANALYSIS USING LPELEPLUS IN THE VICINITY OF BH-9 A-10 l Ax -.0 . ......10, . A00 two; ....... Wi 0-3.6 Sand 29 105 35 Boring BH-8 3.6 4.5 Sand 29 43 25 4.5-10.8 Sand — 34 58 80 — 10.8 14 Clay 5000 58 2000 .004 Notes: (1) Static=static case,Liquef=liquefied case (2) psf=pounds per square foot (3) pcf=pounds per cubic foot (4) pci=pounds per cubic inch (5) e.50=strain at one half the maximum principal stress difference (6) No group effect reductions have been considered. (7) If applicable,modifications to the p-y curves for sloping ground conditions should be deternuned in accordance with the LPILEPLU'(1997)manual. (8) Groundwater was encountered approximately 3.6 feet below the existing ground surface. 21-1-20830-001-RI T-I.XUBH-8 Page 5 of 6 21 1-20830-001 SHANNON &WILSON INC. TABLE I RECOMMENDED PARAMETERS FOR LATERAL RESISTANCE ANALYSIS USING LPILE PLUS IN IRE VICINITY OF B11-9 77 60 Aw T ... ........ Owl. 140 ......... .. io 0-5 Clay 2700 110 720 0.006 Boring BH-9 5-9.5 Clay 2700 48 720 0.006 9.5 18 Clay 2900 53 1440 0.0045 Notes; (1) Static=static case,Liquef-liquefied case (2) psf=pounds per square foot (3) pef=pounds per cubic foot (4) pci=pounds per cubic inch (5) eo=strain at one half the maximum principal stress difference (6) No group effect reductions have been considered. (7) If applicable,modifications to the p-y curves for sloping ground conditions should be determined in accordance with the LPILEPLus(1997)manual. (8) Groundwater was encountered approximately 5 feet below the existing ground surface. 21-1.2093MI-RI T-Ij1sBH-9 Page 6 of 6 21 1-20930-001 1 t -... 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FIG 1 m Geotwhnica!and Envimmmentai Consultants U. ` l r> �✓i �� A 4 Jam, /' axxx•°a ;X •}, {�/ j f ;,,o ...�,v'b.\n _ __ 'j4 ! M •V ^4 f'9�`�bJ}��MF3�N�- 4F4 i� i r/ •� /Y �. c°�,*ad`=.x"'•�„'.��",�*,\,3A�•r���yrt, .�},,$,�r \ �� __- `_''--...... rt`�,di'.8,: ''�'��' n i�� k`�' t -- 4, k / 9!H-5----- r �rC- ^r, ,,:.' .' " ./ I { 1 'fi \ __ -- BHS` b r„ ' p`r'' 1 r-/--`f ff 11 1 ' !�• , r'4` j r -�C .r'. .. ( :,s�� a^'�� ,._---_/ 1 �7 r - �;`�.-s�," r�:�y,��,fi, gFz�'•.e,.c`. H- s� ` /��,.. �3��� � i 1 r J i�F ' \ IJP' _ — j"_- - � �� +� �t � ��2 n� •( ; \r ` �3 1� u� f '��, r.•'�'4"+" :.'i 'a h�;a,�` '•*x" x",%.,,,r� �°n-`.;.�_ nT ;.�-,- �';�c$ ,, (�"�.,\ n�' � i �.'.-----.,,:j.♦ i Ji 7 (1t` --�?, ° s'y-k'.�'"zr, e+�fr,�,.,�4�=i. h,�c''$.'',ij'a';2"`'''Y�'zi r+t°i`;..x",y'4r.: ,✓'A''. Q'°�:-�,'�C�:���� ,',.. `:..,`. '�'_ r'� '.� \i_- � % ! I r� .,..•. ` ''. its 1Ak J POSSIBLE BUILDING n —PROPOSED MAIER HALL BH-7 EXTENSION AREA Peninsula College f # Maier Hall Port Angeles,Washington 7 LEGEND -b�,:ua, +�.•,pa' NOTE +• f`�'` .;� s. ., Boring Designation and B-� Approximate Location o 40 ao SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN Figure adapted from electronic SITE ._ _.___..-_------"j �g•x~�t` A Generalized Subsurface provided by Zenovic 8 Associates,Inc. L° - ryLs i Profile Designation and Scale in Feet received 11-14-2007 February 2008 21-1-20830-007 W .. ,,v-^ ' ' •^�" Approximate Location SHANNON&WILSON,INC- FIG.2 iz it '�.' GaoRrM,iml mp EmFmnan�Cmutltw,tl I:e LEGEND 'N ta C Old Slide Active Slide Depressions PROPOSED MAIER HALL 4 Closed Sad"', Depression re 4 '7, g, dam' I/4� r Tera-n Grac jg y a\7 "966 ill 1 t i. Peninsula College " k 1. , 1 E sion Sears Maier Hall ;2V rn Port Angeles,Washington q�. 0 40 80 NOTE GEOLOGIC HAZARD MAP Figure adapted'from electronic files Scale in Feet provided by Zenovic&Associates,Inc- February 2008 21-1-20830-001 received 11-14-2007 SHANNON, ANNON&WILSON,.1NC. I FIG.3 West BH-2 BH-1 370 - 26N 370 (Pros.-8S) Manhole 7 360 --- 360 { IB i 350 350 1:28 340 — 340 10-23-07 10-23-07 330 - 330 320 10-25-07 320 'S 310 - — 310 -S �d W 300 --- 300 W r � � E Q 290 _._ 290 Q a a 4 280 -- -- 280 270 270 i 260 260 i S 250 — — 250 } zao — zao 70 230 -- -- — - -230 0 100 200 M LEGEND �i F10 Older Landslide 0�' �- J Deposit/Ddft Derived L Older Alluvium/Outwash Peninsula College (^��^^�^� Older Landslide 0 20 40 Maier Hall q l� Glaciomarine Drill DepositlBed=Derived I Port Angeles,Washington �— Recessional Outwash Bedrock Scale in'Feet(H=V) GENERALIZED (� SUBSURFACE PROFILE Recent Landslide Deposits Recent Alluvium February 2008 21-1-20830-001 Ice Contac L_J Colluvium SHANNON 8 WILSON,W. FIG.4 c � SON,W. SFIG. f3 370 370 ( •-g N) 360 { BH-11 360 Storm Drain Outlet 350 I9 _ 350 I st 340 1 a to � z� Sao ti 330 ° Zt L2t 330 19 j i# 20 320 � I p 142507 41 320 G 310 128 a 0 126 310 -E m w 300 135 - m' 300 W E ..2 m _ MINOR E 290 290 2 1423-07 280 ,III Y f� )I ( a 1 IIIn 280 i i 270 _ 270 260 t 260 250 _ S 250 240 _ - 240 {y c a 230 �_ E g 230 300 400 Soo d LEGEND Fill Older Landslide Deposit/Drift Derived Older Allwiumroutwash Peninsula College i'---1 Older Landslide 0 2p 40 Maier Hall ry Gladomarine Drift t_.._._._! Deposit/8edrock Derived Port Angeles,Washington D Recessional Outwash Bedrock Scale in Feet(H=V) GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE Recent Landslide Deposits Recent Alluvium I February 2008 21-1-20830-001 Ice contact colluvium SHANNON&WILSON,INC. FIG.4 '�° Sheet 2 of 3 � A East 370 370 1 360 360 i 350 _.—_ 350 t I 340 ----- - -- 340 330 330 320 320 310 310 5 a w 300 17A 300 w P m m E E ? 2 290 290 c r a n a 280 280 White Creek 270 270 7 260 -- 260 2 t Y 250 250 S 240 -- 240 230 230 600 700 } LEGEND Fill i--'1 Older Landslide !—rl DeposiVDrift Derived Older AllwlundOutwash Peninsula College Older Landslide 0 20 40 Maier Hall gay Glaciomarine Drift �. J DeposittBedrock Derived (- —r--� Port Angeles,Washington RecessionalOuhvash BedrocScale in Feet(H=V) - GENERALIZED ry � Recent Landslide Deposits, � � Recent Alluvium SUBSURFACE PROFILE i L February 2008 21-1-20830-001 Colluvium Ice ContactColluviumB ON,INCA FIG.4 t Sheet 3 of t B B' West East 365 - 365 GEOLOGIC UNITS I BH-8 (Pro.0 BH-2 FILL d Building H (PM.01) BOG SOILS x 360 360 OLD ALLWIUM/OUTWASH Ig BH-5 O GLACIOMARINE DRIFT (Proi.p) ;, ICE-CONTACT DEPOSIT (/ 9 't � 7i O OLD LANDSLIDE78EDROCK DERIVED 1 355 :._,..,—�iii111 �-_,1 8 Building F 355 ) (.._�_ -.-.� -��_ BEDROCK ?__..�.. ze E T 23 tt 9 LEGEND 350 -. �' .- _._..._.. N___..... "-•-...� _J" D?-_(� 350 -�,.»--.� ' •-=----.,_..,,,,) BH-8 Designatio of0odng 43 ;I 20 ? (pro,07 Projected Distance and DUection o ( j W 345 ,JL J I,> _i --- : _! _ ,I > -"'t 345 w i A 10.24-07 -_.? ..� i I. i 7 m ' E �• E j Sample nd Penetration { I e 1 S Resistance in BVAmtFoot !g1 Q BIo s/Im:hes Driven 340 340 Z Measured Water Level �22USCS Symbol r = . J 335 335 ? ? Approximate Geol)gm Contact M1 7 Bottom of Boring 102407 Date of Completion 330 330 p " 10.24-07- !? Peninsula College Maier Hail t 325 325 Port Angeles,Washington 6 0 5 10 0 40 e0 GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE B-B' Vertical Scale in Feet Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration 8x February 2008 21-1-20830-001 i Gwb o L c INC. FIG.5 } MR? Vol rd A 45 FA QW;W902 g;4 IMATED DEPTH TO IOMARINE DRIFT R MAP BELOW EXISTING GROUND SURFACE 008 -1-20831 11 February 2 2 r f r p / Fp 1rA910o'40 �� oESTIMATED DEPTH TO - ol y OUTWASHIOLD CONTOUR GROUND `' aFebruary 20138 21-1-20830-00 1 ' Ile Below-Grade Wall Sloped to Drain away from Structure �— Drainage Sand&Gravel Pavement or 18" Impervious Soil Damp Proofing Wall Backfill Min. ' (See Note 2) Weep Holes Excavation S (See Note 1) Vapor Barrier Contractor's Responsibility Floor Slab ' •o°oa — e •°oo ;.o °o °o1 a"Min.00 0 0 8"Min.Cover of Pea Gravel (6"min.on sides of pipe;2"below) ' Washed Pea Gravel/Crushed Gravel 4'Min. Washed Pea Gravel/ 4"Min ' 2'Max Crushed Gravel Perime6er/Subdrain Pipe ' Not to Scale NOTES ' 1 Washed Pea gravel/crushed rock beneath floor slab should 5. Drainage sand and gravel may be replaced with a be hydraulically connected to perimeter/subdrain pipe. Use of geocomposite core sheet drain placed against the wall i'diameter weep holes as shown Is one applicable method. and oonnected to the subdrain pipe. The geocomposite Crushed gravel should consist of 5/8"minus. Washed pea core sheet should have a minimum transmWWvity of 3.0 ' gravel should consist of 3/8'to No.8 standard sieve. gallons/minute/foot when tested under a gradient of 1.0 2. Wall backfill should meet WSDOT Gravel Backfill for Walls according to ASTM D4716. Specification 9-03-12(2). 6 The subdrain should consist of 4'diameter(minimum), slotted or perforated plastic pipe meeting the 3. Drainage sand and gravel backfill within 18"of wall should be requirements of AASHTO M 252; 1/84nch maximum slot compacted with hand-operated equipment. Heavy width;3/16-to 3/84nch perforated pipe holes in the equipment should not be used to compact backfill,as such lower half of pipe,with lower third segment unperforated ' equipment operated near the wall could increase lateral earth for water flow;tight joints;sloped at a minimum of pressures and possibly damage the wall. 6"/100•to drain;ceanouts to be provided atregu lar 4. All wall backfill should be placed in layer;not exceeding 40 intervals. loose thickness for light equipment and 8'for heavy 7 Surround subdrain pipe with 8 Inches(minimum)of ' equipment and should be densely compacted. Beneath washed pea gravel(2"below pipe)or 5/8'minus paved or sidewalk areas,compact to at least 95%Modified crushed gravel. Washed pea gravel to be graded from Proctor maximum density(ASTM:D1557-70). In landscaping 3/84nch to No.8 standard sieve. areas,compact to 90%minimum. ' 8. See text for floor slab subgrade preparation. MATERIALS Drainage Sand&Gravel: 5/8"-Minus Crushed Gravel: %Passim %Passing Peninsula College ' Sieve Size by Weight Sieve Size by Weight Maier Hail 1-1/2" 100 5/8" 100 Port Angeles,Washington 1//4" 7755 to 100 1/4' 7o ttoo 25° TYPICAL BELOW-GRADE t No.8 65 to 92 No.100 0 to 2 WALL AND FLOOR SLAB No.30 20 to 65 (by wet sieving) (non-plastic) l No.50 5 to 20 SUBDRAINAGE AND BACKFILL ' No. 100 0 to 2 � (by wet sieving) (noFebruary 2008 21-1-20830-009 r plastic) S rG8abdmkWNwW8v6w--wtacW AN ft FIG. 8 1 1 ' 15 Min.Impervious Soil or Ground Surface Subbase and Pavement or Subgrade ' _ — ---- --• — —• — Geotextile Lapped at Top I• .� ' I I Compacted Clean Gravel I Trench Excavation I Back ill for Drains I (Contractors Responsibility) I (WSDOT 9-03.12(4)) j I I Variable I ( Nonwoven Filter Fabric, ' I I Miran 14ON or Equivalent i I I Subdrain Pipe �— ---18`(Min.)- � ' Not to Scale ' SUBDRAIN PIPE m (where required to collect perched groundwater ' or water collected from drainage blanket) ' Peninsula College Maier Hall 1 Perforated or slotted pipe;tight joints;sloped to drain; Port Angeles,Washington provide clean-outs;64nch minimum diameter 2. Perforated pipe holes(I Winch diameter)to be in lower ' half of pipe with lower quarter segment unperforated for TYPICAL SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION water flow. ' 3. Slotted pipe to have Mn.max.width slots. February 2008 21-1-20830-001 SHANNON 6 WILSON,INC. FIG.9 ' SHANNON WALSON.INC. ' APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS ' r 1 ' 21-1-20830-001 1 1 SHANNON&WILSOK INC APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A.1 INTRODUCTION .A-1 A.2 SOIL CLASSIFICATION .A-1 A.3 RECENT BORINGS .A-1 I A.31 Drilling Procedures .A-2 A.3.2 Soil Sampling .A-2 A.3.3 Groundwater Observations .A-3 A.3 4 Boring Logs .A-3 A.3.5 Observation Well Installation and Development .A-3 A.4 FIELD SCREENING METHODOLOGY .A-4 A.5 REFERENCE .A-4 ITABLE Table No. A-1 Boring Depths and Ground Surface Elevations .A-3 LIST OF FIGURES ' Figure No. I A-1 Soil Classification and Log Key(2 sheets) A-2 Log of Boring BH-1 A-3 Log of Boring BH-2 ' A-4 Log of Boring BH-3 A-5 Log of Boring BH-4 A-6 Log of Boring BH-5 A-7 Log of Boring BH-6 ' 21-1-20830 1-RI-AA.dodWpRKD 21-1-20830-001 A-i