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1502 Bldg E E Lauridsen Blvd - Maier Hall & West Campus Imp. Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit Address 5 o2 2 (,O.Jokr( d 5ev\ B1v4 Project description Ylr or Ha l Carr\ 1)vs T■ PR) v'emelits Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages 2^ P re. Cia.9k Cone -e- S.A yyx\--4-01/4, Rev Diu s I a BULLETIN NO 433 TITLE. Submittal Review- 115710- 0166 -0 Gas Kiln Deferred Submittal DATE. 8 December 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) TO Nick Strohmeier (NS) FROM. Carl Dominguez DISTRIBUTION schacht aslani architects Owner David Wegener B I 1 2011 Architect Walter Schacht, JC Letourneau, File Contractor HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin ENCLOSURES DATE COPIES DESCRIPTION Received 1 Submittal Review 11/19/10 REMARKS Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit; NA 1 Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N Not Complete WSP F &K 1 See attached WSP F &K Submittal Review Comments memo. No Exceptions Taken OK 2 The Gas Kiln submittal consists of a reproduced copy of Bulletin 217 so there is no submittal information for the gas kiln from the manufacturer. Revise Resubmit 3 SIA Missing information is as follows: Gas Kiln product data including system and accessory descriptions and dimensions of components. Accessories to be per Section 115710, paragraph 2.3, which includes a digital controller furniture kits and posts, controls, the premium up -grade package, and car shuttle with retractable scissors track. 1 of 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION ED' Response R &R RAN 901 Fifth Avenue tel 206 443 3448 Suite 2720 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98164 saarch @saarch.com t 9 M -37 ■WSP FLACK +KURTZ SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Project Name. Peninsula College. Maier Hall WSP Flack Kurtz Project No. W08.33430 00 Submittal Description Gas Kiln Contractor Submittal No. 115710- 0166 -0 WSP Flack Kurtz Submittal No. M -37 Submittal Action NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED Comments: 1) No exceptions noted. *END OF COMMENTS* NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED EXCEPTIONS NOTED RESUBMIT FOR RECORD NO RESUBMISSION REQUIRED REVISE AND RESUBMIT x Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of this part of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for providing all information necessary for this review confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes, techniques and sequences of construction; coordinating work with that of other trades and performing work in a safe and satisfactory manner Notations on this drawing do not authorize changes to the contract documents without written authorization from the owner's representatives. WSP Flack Kurtz Date Dec 01 2010 By Benjamin Gozart Date Received: 11/30/2010 Date Returned 12/02/2010 Reviewed by Benjamin Gozart New Page I Email I Finalize I Finalize and Email I PEI IN—1 Li CO Maier Hall West Campus ements Phase 2: Building Site Improvements PART 1 GENERAL ihis submittal ilEVIEW shall not be ann ^,ruOd 9 cnniniele r;betkad Indicates only that iniomtatien presented =terra. k,ticffilih with the natrect Documents. hino case issubeon lractororSupplierrertor c!reuphnstblltty for adherencesto the Centract Dochntatis bn4':atid n'UiL,o :t fpD aII r srk A. Work includes but is not lira ted to ft' t� :�;�;fa 15A't 1 Provide downdraft gas t n an al related accessories required for a complete interior installation per manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Propane gas fuel source. 1 1 SECTION INCLUDES 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Coordinate related work specified in other parts of the Project Manual, including but not Iimited.to following: 13 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with the requirements of Section 013300 and the following: 1 Product Data: Include material descriptions and dimensions of individual components and profiles. 2. Certificates: 1 4 QUALITY. ASSURANCE A. 'Pre- Installation Conference: Conduct in accordance with Section 013119, Project Meetings to verify :manufacturer's installation instructions, and warranty requirements. B. Testing 'Conformance: UL. 1 5 DELIVERY STORAGE, AND :HANDLING A. In accordance with 016600 and the following: 1 Delivery Pack and brace all components of gas kilns to prevent damage to construction or finishes. Do not deliver gas kilns until spaces to receive them are clean, dry and ready for kiln installation. 2. Protect gas kiln from damage during delivery handling, storage, and installation. 16 SEQUENCING /SCHEDULING A. Phase -in properly with Architect reviewed /accepted Construction Progress Schedule /013216. .3114 toicll.el e ut atti Pot 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS lA t YeArari U 19k y o i, t 5 i PART 2 PRODUCTS A. Manufacturer 2.2 MATERIALS /PROD A. Model: 1 2. 3. 10/21/09 Bid Set r .41 ha Wriiirot Q; .4101 0infps PI Submit'. PAC.4001 f TO NOV 15 2010 Arch. 0 gerootlon [Revise 0 Return 4 Section 017419 Construction Waste Management and Disposal Capacity 40 cu. ft. Inside Kiln Dimensions: Outside Kiln Dimensions. 115710 -1 SECTION 115710 GAS KILN Q 2009 schacht I aslani architects .yc ,431 lotx,71 (We ceo Depee v pvt-Ibt-x El )Ul COLLEGE iaier Han West Campus. Improvements Phase 2: Building Site Improvements 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. General: n 1 Digital Controller I .v -S404 '�c9 2. Furniture Kits, Post Kits, and Posts forte 3. Premium Control Package. 4 Premium gas kiln up -grade system. V4t,►4 110114 SeAcsoirac PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work of this Section. Do not install until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory 3.2 INSTALLATION 4 Door Opening' 5 Maximum Gas Consumption: 675 G?i. 6. Minimum Gas Pressure Required: SECTION 115710 GAS KILN al A. Consultation is required with authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to review specific building code requirements before purchasing. Any modification in specifications after consultation with AHJ must be sent in writing with exact specifications required. Include in writing contact name and phone number for-all correspondence rsA4y B. Technical support is required at initial light -up for warranty AR-AI 1ne representative will instruct on light -up, operation and'maintenanceinstruction. This service is provided with all itipine. kilns due to the complexity of installing a gas-;kiln. (Note: Kiln. warranty is VOID if ante representative is NOT present at the initial light-up). C. Due to damper slab location provide clearance behind the back. of the kiln. D Allow 26 -1/2 -inch clearance on the sides of the kiln, and 42 -inch minimum in front of the kiln for door clearance. 3.3 ADJUSTING CLEANING, AND PROTECTION A. Adjust doors and latches:to operate easily without binding. B Clean interior and exposed exterior surfaces in accordance with manufacturers written directions. 1 Avoid damage to interior kiln lining. Follow manufacturers instructions for cleaning the interior of the.kiln. 2. Pry sweeping is not permitted in,or around kiln. Clean outside with wet mopping /wiping. A Use vacuum equipment fitted with HEPA filter and appropriate bag. C Protect gas kilns from damage, abuse, dust, dirt, stain, or paint. 3.4 WASTE MANAGEMENT A. Conform to waste management plan as specified in Section 017419 10/21/09 Bid Set 115710 2. 2009 schacht aslani architects M El'i' L. Li- rr`1L Maier Hay C. .pu I 1,provements Phase 2. bu J to S E. Improvements 10/21/09 Bid Set 1 Separate cardboard and paper packaging, pallet materials, and metals used in shipping gas kilns for later disposal and recycling at firms listed in Section 017419 END OF SECTION SECTION 115710 GAS KILN 115710 3 2009 schacht I aslani architects TE C( iiit IOUS e-rs 1-800-431-6067 PEARCH I itiValogaronallisaiMainiMiMosmasope inutikanagnainalifiniSMIIMINIennaRMANOlgourro9FfiiiEREMEMWititAtalMii Approved Bailey Gas Kilns' Deluxe Pro Shuttle Gas Bailey Gas Kilns are Approved Now 100% Certified for the US and Canada Add this approval to the long list of advantages in owning a Bailey Downdraft Gas Kiln. Click here to find out more about our certification. Sign up for Our M. Newsletter with Sr Enter Email Addri Privacy by WSafeSub For Email Newsletters you Pro Shuttle 40 (with optional: residual hood, scissors track, UV High Limit System and combustion hood) Car Shuttle Kilns First and foremost, Bailey Shuttle kilns make stacking a kiln much safer for your spine. Accessing the cart with correct posture makes placing shelves and pottery infinitely easier and healthier Other benefits include the fact that the shuttle can be cycled more time during the week since several individuals can unstack and reload the kiln simultaneously Another distinct benefit of a shuttle is the ability to leave kiln furniture in a permanent position and only exchange the finished wares with a new load. This feature is extremely cost effective since it saves countless hours yearly in the stacking and unstacking of the furniture. Click Here for Gas Kiln Introduction Bailey Deluxe and Production shuttle kilns utilize the same Double Skin Ventilated Frame construction with a stainless steel chimney and vary only in their respective insulation profiles. T_he_D_eluxe_models_have 4 %_of_insutating_firebr-ick-in -the walls, floor and arch. This insulating profile that is E,�• [RES C echanicaily Anchored Brick Ventilated Frame Downdraft 360 Degree Circulation Forced Air Combustion Low, Low Firing Costs! Stainless Heat Shields Built in Burner Port Covers Adjustable Door Seals Spring Loaded Cart Seals Optional Retractable Track Optional SourcelHood Residual Hood AGA approved Safety Components Complete Product Technical Support Complete Venting Design and Supply Kiln Site Consultation2 Car Trackless Shuttle (pictured on the left) I or 2 car Shuttles Fuel Economy Bailey large shuttle kilns are extremely energy efficient. We have interviewed our customers for realistic firing costs, and the results were most impressive. For instance, a SH 100 fired to cone 6 glaze (all greenware glazed) cost only $26 with natural gas! This is because of our fantastic use of the heat energy with our 360 circulation system. Frame Construction Deluxe and Production shuttles are constructed With heavy wall tubular steel and structural members. The frame is painted with a heavy coat of high heat paint. Stainless steel heat shields are used to protect the spy ports, burner ports, chimney area, and arch area from corrosion and heat. The shuttles carts have industrial ball bearing casters which glide smoothly on the points of the tracks. Click Here for Frame Insulation Features Safety Systems 1 perfectly suited for the smell to medium range of kiln because it offers an economical firing on the way up, and a cool cycle that allows a reasonable turn around time. Production models have 6' of insulating firebrick in the walls and 6%' in the arch. This insulating profile is ideal for medium to large kilns. The increase is insulation thickness is more in ratio to the thermal mass that is being fired. This is a more practical kiln for firing sculpture where the operator intends to fire longer schedules than the typical stoneware firings. The. standard 100% flame safety system on shuttle models with 12 to 40 cu ft of stacking space is a 'Base' style safety valve. This system uses a thermocouple and pilot burner to ,prove flame presence prior, to main burner combustion. On models over 40 cu ft of stacking space, the BTU consumption requires the use of an ultra violet safety systems. For further details, refer to the section on High Limit Safety Systems. Click Here for Burner Design Safety Systems Click Here for Venting Retractable Scissors Track This optional feature was innovated by Bailey When the shuttle is pushed into the kiln and the door is latched, the tracks can actually fold up (in one or two hinged sections) and lean against the front of the kiln. With tracks out of the way there is no risk of personnel tripping over the rails, clean up is easier and there is access for mobile racks or carts. 2 Car Trackless Shuttles Bailey 2 car trackless shuttles are an excellent space saving solution for the production pottery or sculpture department. 2 car shuttles are a, practical way to maximize the output of your kiln through faster cycle times. A finished load can be pulled from the kiln while another is instantly loaded. There is no lost time in unstacking and restacking the shelves and wares. The mobile carts are free to move away from the kiln where they can be conveniently loaded. Eliminating the track frees up valuable floor space. The Bailey 'docking system' insures that your cart is automatically aligned into the main kiln without damage to the refractory This system does require a uniform cement floor Carts move around with ease. The Bailey system also features a mobile door mounted on an independent rolling base. The mobile door can be conveniently moved out of the way Call us for models, prices, and dimensions. Spring Loaded Cart Seals Bailey has developed a superior positive pressure cart seal design. When the shuttle is pushed into the kiln, a unique stainless steel spring loaded channel (filled with refractory) makes a perfect airtight fit between the cart and interior framework that will last indefinitely How to Purchase Shutfie Gas V ti NOTICE. Because we feel that purcha in° a kiln and options is an it tporiant decision for your business or school and we can offer much insight and advice to the process, we do not allow our kilns to be ordered on -line. We would prefer that you call our advisor staff and be assured the best engineered system for your specific application. There are many options available to customize your purchase. Click Here for Receiving Installation Bailey Deluxe Pro Shuttle Gas Kiln Specifications The chart below lists some of our most popular sizes. We regularly alter our kilns to meet the specific needs of our customers. From an 12 cu. ft. front loading Deluxe to a 127 cu. ft. Pro Shuttle, we can build to whatever specifications you require. Call 1- 800 -431 -6067 for a quotation. DELUXE PRO Shuttle Gas Kiln Specifications Stack Inside Total Outside Stacking Wall Comb. Code Model Space Dimen. Inside Dimen. Area Arch Vent (cu. ft) WxDxH" Volume WxDxH' WxDxH" 'Brick Pipe Deluxe Shuttle Kilns Shuttle M-404 Deluxe 12 31.5x27x 18 46.5x116 24x25x 208/s 18/12 41.5 h x 65.5 h '36 Shuttle M-404- 31.5 x 36 x 46.5 x 124 24 x 33 x 4W 187,000 N=1-1/4 209/s Deluxe 16 41.5 h 24 x 65.5 h 36 4/: 8' I.D. 170 CFH 1700 LP =1/2' (3) 11 x 24 24/16 Shuttle M-404- 31.5 x 40 x 46.5 x 132 24x 38x 4W 220,000 N =1 -1/4" 210 /s Deluxe 18 41,5 h 28 x 65.5 h 36 4/: 8' I.D. 200 CFH 2300 LP =1/2' (3)118 x 24 r (2) 28/18 Shuttle M-404- 40.5 x 36 x 56x 132 x 30 x 28 x 220,000 N= 1 -1/4' 2CS Deluxe 18 46 h 28 70.5 h 41 4W 8" I.D. 200 CFH 2100 LP =1/2" (2) 14 x 28 18 -C M-404- Shuttle 31.5 x 46.5 x 132 24 x 38 x Deluxe 22 40.5 x 49 22 4%' 8" I.D. 270,000 2500 N= 1 -1/4" (3) 12 x 24 or (2) 213/s 34/22 h x 73 h 43.5 243 CFH LP =518' 18 x 24 Shuttle M-404- 45x 36x 60x 132x 34x 32 x 330,000 N=.1 -114'. Deluxe 24 38 4' /z 8' I.D. 3600 (4)16x 18 211/s 38124 41.5 h 69 h 36 300 CFH LP =S/8' Shuttle M-404- 45 x 36x 60x 132 x 34x 32 x 1 330,000 N=1 -1/4' 212/s Deluxe 31 51 h 48 79 h 45 4/z 8' I.D. 300 CFH 4000 LP =5/8' (4)18 x 18 48/31 M-404- Shuttle 32 49.5 x 40x 51 P 3 M-404- Shuttle 021 Pro 40 54 h I 022 M-404 -023 Pro 54 Shuttle Pro 73 M-404- Shuttle 024 Pro 82 M-404- Shuttle 025 Pro 100 M-404- Shuttle 026 Pro 127 40 ,49.5x40 x 73 54h 67.5x54 x 54h 108 67.5 x 82 67.5x54 136 h 67.5 x 100 67.5 x 155 57.5 h Pro Shuttle Kilns 67x 145x 38x 36x 6, 6 330,000 N=1 -1/4" 8" LD: 3500 (4) 18 X1 67x 145x 38 x 36x 6,6 350,000 N 1/ 4'� 59 88 49 v' 8' I.D. 318 CFH 3900 LP =5/8' 88 49 85.5 x 182 50x 50 x x 87h 49 85.5 x 206 50 x 60 x x 87h 49 85.5x206 50x60 x 961 52 4W 8' I.D. 9 6, 6 6, 6 3 12' I.D. 12' I.D. 6, 6 14' I.D. BTU'S CU FT per HR Weight 132,000 120 CFH 1500 'LP=3 /8; (2) 12 x 24 327 CFH 400,000 363 CFH 550,000 500 CFH 550,000 500 CFH 5500 6000 6500 127 67.5 x 81 x 205 85.5 x 230 50 x 72 x 6, 6 600,000 62,1 x 100h 58 3/ 14' ID 545 CFH 6900 Ajiprox. Shelf Qty. per Gas Inlet. layer LP =3/4 N=1 -1/4' LP =3/4" N =1 -1/2' LP =3/4' N =1 1/2' LP =1' N =2' LP =1.25' (4) 18 x 18 18 x 24 (8)12x24 (10) 12 x 24 (10)12x24 (12) 12 x 24 Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult with a Bailey representative before installing gas lines, building a kiln site, or any other preparatory stages in installing a kiln. Refer to the Fro. Rt Loader DLX/PRO pages to get information about our shelf kit for models 18112 to 40. For larger kilns, go to our refractory page to determine what will meet your specific needs. Shuttle kilns are shipped in two crates to protect it during transit. There is a crating charge. Simple minor assembly of the track is required. Optional Accessories Before you place an order use this list to determine what accessories that you might require. Our staff will assist you in this process. Venting U.V Safety Systems Kiln Furniture Introduction to Bailey Downdraft Frame and Insulation Uniaue Features Burner Design and Safety Systems Venting a Bailey Gas Kiln Receiving Installation TOP I MASTER INDEX 2010 Bailey Pottery Equipment Corporation. Crating Combustion Hood Residual Hood Oxygen Analyzer Digital Pyrometers Scissors Track High Limit Controller Detachable Chimney Replacement Thermocouple 2nd Stage Gas Regulator Economical STV Venturi Gas Kilns Studio Standard Series. Front Loaders and Shuttles Studio Deluxe and Pro Series Front Loaders Studio Deluxe and Pro Series. 1 2 Car Shuttles Click Here for Oxygen Probe. Pyrometers. Kiln Accessories $tky eizd i v rc.igtat (14i eitr- uetosts p 'Submi T lion .7„' NOV 5 1D Notrectians Bailey Gas Kilns A ch rated Revise J Ft Return This submittal RtYl Gil shad ant he constinejl as a cREaplete „heck and indicates only that inteinietiap piesented onUnf s 'dewily Mtn the Contract Dacnments. g Considerations for Setting.Up a Gas Kiln on Various Kiln Sites In noaseis subcontractor or4 nn iierrclievg datresaD;sibility for adherenxstc the Contact Dccume olds■ Disclaimer js�v�at sg�w•Ity We have supplied a baseline of information regarding safe installation of a Bailey Gas Kiln. This is not intended to be self guided instruction manual. It is intended to make our customers or installers aware of a good portion of. the important details we consider when looking at a particular_installation. In a way no two installations are alike. By reading this information, it will give you a beginning foundation of pertinent facts. When it comes to installing a,gas.kiln safely we will need to go over the particular points in your specific location. A HVAC (heating, venting, air conditioning) engineer should be a part of any school installation. Because gas kilns are a unique product, some HVAC have never installed such a device We provide pertinent facts for them to consider while make developing a master plan. It is their responsibility to do the job safely and correctly The information presented is in no particular order of priority All aspects presented should be considered. Fuel Sources Propane or Natural Gas Bailey kilns are designed to fire with either propane (2500 BTU's per cubic foot) or Natural gas (1100 BTU's per cubic foot) Kilns can be converted to either fuel by changing the orifice size to the Main burners. With either designated fuel, Bailey kilns are designed to receive a maximum of 14' water column pressure to the manifold input at the kiln. For reference, 14' water column (WC) equals 1/2 lb. pressure of gas. Both fuels have unique considerations when supplying a kiln. Propane Set Ups The Two Regulator System for Propane Propane is a high pressure fuel that must be regulated with a two- regulator systein. There will be a primary variable high pressure regulator with a 0 -30 lb. pressure gauge on the tank that receives, about 30 lbs. /pressure from the .tank that will be adjusted to, approximately 6 -10 lbs. pressure output. The 6-10 lb. setting of pressure will initially supply the feed line to your kiln site where.is will connect to a second stage regulator Note: Don't confuse the function of the high pressure regulator on the bulk tank with the volume gauge on the tank. The Tank The tank must be placed distance from your kiln site This distance will be-determined by your local codes and your propane supplier There are a number of considerations in establishing placement. You will need to choose between an above ground tank and a buried tank. The line size-running-from the tank will need to be factored from a number of considerations such as the volume consumption of your kiln and the distance to the site. Call our factor to discuss this. The Second Stage Regulator At the kiln site, the feed line will then attach to a `second stage regulator' The second stage regulator is generally mounted on the outside wall of the kiln site and receives the 6 10 lb. pressure input (depending on the recommendations of the regulator specifications) and reduces it to 14 WC (1/21b It is generally advised that the second stage regulator be mounted to the outside of the kiln site because there is always a possibility that it could malfunction and leak someday By installing it outside the site, the possible propane leak would vent into the free air and not accumulate on the site where is might accumulate and create a danger of explosion. Propane is heavier then air so it accumulates on the floor Regulators have a `re- vent" threaded port which is an escape vent that allows a defective regulator to exhaust escaping propane to the free air Sometimes the second stage regulators can be mounted inside the kiln site when the re vent port has an escape tube attached to it and vented to the outside. You will need to consult with your propane company to see if this approach is necessary and applicable. If possible, keep the regulator outside. From the second stage regulator a fmal supply line will run to the kiln. The distance of final line should be minimized to prevent pressure drop of the fuel. Remember you get less drag and more pressure when you increase the inner diameter of the pipe. The lme size diameter should be increased from the second stage regulator to the kiln to maintain as much pressure as possible without reduction. Consult with us for the fmal line size recommendation to your kiln. A Shut -Off Near the Kiln A shut off valve should be placed on the kiln site in an accessible place for a safety termination of the gas supply At no time should the kiln be supplied with more than 14" water column (WC) pressure! Exceedmg. amount will damage your combustion system and cause a danger of leaking gas. If you ever smell gas, immediately shut off the supply Notify your gas company to inspect for the leak. Consult with our factory Sizing the Propane Tank We are assuming that you are putting in a dedicated' tank. A dedicated tank does not share the fuel with any other appliance. This secures the constant supply of pressure and volume to your kiln that is necessary for successful firing. If you are intending to run an additional kiln or appliance with the tank, consult with our factory It is important to understand that the liquid propane fuel evaporates in order to form the gas, so the area of exposed liquid within the tank is significant in terms of satisfying the amount of gas pressure and BTU's you require for a firing, especially in cold climates. Cold temperatures can reduce the volume and pressure of propane supplying your kiln. Let's say you do not have a propane tank and therefore will be installing a new tank that is proportionate in volume to the consumption per firing of your kiln and how many times you intend to fire it each month. A propane truck can refill the tank on a monthly basis, so we use the monthly delivery schedule as a baseline. Before we get to capacity it is important factor in climate. It may be that you will need a propane tank with more volume than you actually need in proportion to your monthly consumption projection you are in a colder winter climate and need more evaporation area (from a larger tank) to maintain adequate pressure throughout the firing. We will consult on this issue. Sharing your propane tank with several appliances If you have to share a propane tank with several appliances, then you will need a more complex regulator arrangement. As long as the tank has the capacity to supply all appliances without causing a fluctuation in pressure and volume, then this arrangement is acceptable. You will need to have a series of second -stage regulators to supply the individual requirements each appliance. Each second -stage regulator must be rated to receive the supply pressure from•the primary regulator at the tank. The output of the second -stage regulators will undoubtedly be varied, as most appliances -do not require as much input pressure as a gas kiln. Stoves and boilers are typically around 3 WC supplies. Consult with your propane supplier or plumber to get this arrangement balanced properly Propane must have two regulators. Remember you should not go directly from a low- pressure regulator on the tank to the kiln This arrangement can cause freeze -ups on the line and pressure drops in the supply during the later stages of the firing. Stay with the 2- regulator system. Natural Gas Set Ups Natural gas is generally a low pressure fuel. Unless you are in a unique commercial area with increased pressure capability most residential areas will probably have limited pressure capability of about 7" WC pressure. Because natural gas is a low pressure fuel, every effort must be made to maintain as much pressure as possible from the gas meter to the kiln site. The challenge of some natural gas installations is to get enough pressure The ideal supply pressure at the intake to the kiln is 8 -9' WC. If you do not have such a supply at this time, see if the plumbers can increase your pressure at the meter Contact us if you can get the preferred input pressure. We have can make adjustments to the orifices to accommodate lower pressure. We need hear from you as to what can be supplied. Resizing Orifices for lower than desired gas pressure. Even if you do not get the desired supply pressure we prefer (8 -9' WC), we can resize the orifices of the burner system to a larger size:to.compensate for a lower pressure supply of 6 -7' WC. Increasing the main burner's orifice diameter will; allow more:gas (more BTU's) to produce more heat in your kiln. But by increasing the orifice diameters, we are reducing the range of indication on the pressure gauges at the burner The pressure gauges supplying the main burners are your references to making low medium high settings (and subtle adjustments) when firing the kiln. With a larger than preferred main burner orifice, a high setting will no longer be 6 -7' WC on the pressure gauges. You may only get 3 to 4' WC at the gauge when you are on high. Reduced indication of pressure, on the gas gauge does not matter when the kiln is on high. However a byproduct of increasing the orifice diameters to insure enough BTU's to fire the kiln successfully also means that the lowest gas setting will become much more sensitive (more difficult to adjust with finesse) Your lowest acceptable flame setting on the main burner might hardly register on the gas gauge. You may have to settle for a low burner setting of 25' WC instead of 1 1/2' WC if your supply is 6' WC. Better control of the lowest setting of the burner.is obtained with the recommended 8 -9' pressure. This concept can be confusing, so consult with us when you research what pressure you have available at your gas meter High Pressure Natural Gas If you are at a school or factory that has high pressure natural gas (a very rare situation), you will need regulators to drop the pressure to our requirements. Just as with propane (a high pressure fuel), if you have high pressure natural gas, you will need regulators to drop the pressure to our requirements for 9' on natural gas. Our burner system can never receive more than 14" WC pressure. Exceeding the 14 WC can cause dangerous gas leaks and permanently damage your gas control equipment. Hi/Low Pressure Valve Some areas may have a ruling that requires a hi/low pressure valve on the supply line. A hi/low pressure valve has settings to maintain the highest pressure and lowest pressure that supply the kiln If the pressure exceeds or falls below the recommended range, the valve will cut off supply, The hi/low pressure valve usually only applies to very large commercial kilns. Tips of Reducing Pressure Drop To maintain adequate pressure, we strongly recommend a dedicated line from the regulator Do not share the line with other appliances. Keep the line size diameter larger.than the minimum BTU/CFH requirement to help reduce pressure loss and volume loss. You should consult with us before installing the line. Try to minimize the distance from the meter to the kiln, and try to eliminate as many 90- degree elbows as possible. Distance and bends reduce pressure and volume capacity If you have higher pressure than average (above 8 distance and drag factors have less significance as the higher pressure will compensate for increased drag. Supply Line Size The natural gas line feeding your kiln is a determining factor to how much pressure and volume you get at the kiln Once again, there are a number of factors that can reduce the pressure as gas travels a distance and finally gets to the intake of the burner manifold. One rule remains consistent: by increasing the supply line diameter from the minimum requirement to a larger pipe size, you reduce the drag effect and decrease pressure loss, which yields the highest possible pressure and volume when the kiln is on high. In some conditions of low .pressure supply a plumber might increase the minimum line diameter of the pipe by two sizes. This concept can be confusing because we are talking two issues: pressure and volume. Let's say your kiln is rated on our kiln chart for a BTU requirement of 200,000 BTU's/hr (approximately 200 CFH at 1000 BTU's /cu ft). A plumber will look at a reference chart that states how many BTU's will pass through a given diameter of pipe at a given length. Let's say the distance of pipe is 30' from the meter to the kiln in a straight line. The plumber might conclude that the supply line you need in 3/4' black pipe. However the chart being referred to is only considering volume, not pressure. You may get the 200,000 BTU delivery on the 3/4' supply line at 30' but you also only get 3' WC maximum pressure by the time the gas arrives at the kiln. We prefer higher pressure at the kiln. To get more pressure at the kiln, the plumber could use a larger line size such as 1 diameter which will deliver almost twice•as much CFH over the 30' By going to the larger diameter pipe than the minimum requirement for the supply you will reduce drag from distance and elbows while creating a form of reservoir of gas in the supply line. By doing this, you will not deplete the lower pressure supply as quickly As a result, you may get 1 to 2' WC more gas pressure gauges when the kiln is on high. It may even be advisable to go to an even larger diameter to satisfy the kiln requirements. IMPORTANT Air Requirements in the Kiln Room It is crucial to make sure that your site has been carefully considered so there is no possibility of carbon monoxide exposure, no possibility of negative room pressure, protection from drafts which could blow out the burner flames, safe removal of residual fumes and exhaust gases from the kiln, and fresh air exchanges. The best kiln site provides shelter from the elements and a `static' environment around the kiln. By static, we are referring to stability and consistency When the there is a constant consistent environment around the kiln, you get the best results. By contrast, kilns that are subjected to strong drafts and variable pressures yield firing results that are lacking in consistency especially hi reduction. Most of all, you want a safe installation. You need to review your site plan with our factory before ever making the final plan for your kiln room. An HVAC contactor should review the plan. The purpose of this tutorial is to highlight areas of consideration. Bailey Pottery Equipment does not have a licensed HVAC engineer on staff: We do have necessary and valuable information to supply your HVAC contractor By reading this document, you will become aware of essential considerations. There are 4 important air considerations in setting up a safe kiln room. 1) room air pressure 2) air supply for products -of- combustion 3) exchanging air to remove residual fumes 4) removing the hot escaping combustion heat and exhaust gases There are a number of different typical kiln sites: 1) an enclosed kiln room/shed (heated or unheated) 2) a partially open o utdoor kiln shed 3) an open kiln site with minimal side protection The Enclosed Kiln Room An enclosed kiln room requires the most consideration to air pressure and quality Keep the kiln room neutral pressure! Let's start with room air pressure. The kiln room must maintain a neutral pressure at all times. This is very important as the kiln is burning the gas and exhausting the waste heat and byproducts into the dilution combustion hood and subsequent insulated venting tdthe outside. These exhaust gases must vent freely through the venting to the outside. A neutral pressur` a in the kiln room secures the flow of these waste combustion gases through the natural draft vent work to the outside without risk of the same waste gases entering the kiln room. If the kiln room has a negative pressure, a dangerous situation occurs. The natural draft vent work that normally allows waste gases out of the kiln site becomes an `intake' for air to the room. This results in a dangerous situation where waste combustion gases enter the kiln room that cause carbon monoxide and pollution. This is very dangerous. So the neutral air pressure in the room must always be maintained under any condition. Sometimes an indoor kiln -room may mistakenly have air handling devises installed in it or nearby that cause neutral air pressure to become dangerously negative. The resulting negative pressure causes the combustion exhaust to contaminate the room air and cause carbon monoxide exposure: Here are some examples of devises that may cause such an effect if improperly installed: Spray booth Air handler for AC or Heat Window fan Exhaust devise for electric kilns Exhaust fan (general) Residual Hood draft This list goes on. The fact is, all of these devices have fans that can pull air out of the kiln room, causing the kiln room to go dangerously negative. Some of these devises, such as a spray booth, might be located in the room next to the kiln room. Let's assume that normally the door joining the kiln room to the. spray room is supposed to be closed. But someone opens the door and jams it open. Even though an engineer might have correctly balanced the kiln room air to neutral when the common door was closed, by opening the door the kiln room can shift dangerously to a negative pressure. Conclusion. under no condition, doors (or windows) opened or closed, should a potential be created that causes negative pressure in the kiln room. Using the spray booth example, you can come up with many variations that cause negative pressure. Perhaps a kiln room has one or more residual hoods (not combustion hoods) on the kilns. Residual hoods require draft induction. When the hood is on, the HVAC engineer must balance the room air to neutral by supplying more air to compensate. So a thorough inspection must be made to consider every possible scenario that could affect the room pressure. The bottom line: under any possible condition caused by any air handling equipment, neutral pressure must be maintained. Air Supply for Products. of Combustion Your fuel- burning kiln requires oxygen for combustion. Without the correct volume of.fresh air supplied from the outside, you risk carbon monoxide poisoning which can be life threatening. It is crucial that you follow the codes for governing a fresh air supply First you have to have enough air supplied to the room from the outside for the products of combustion. There are national standards suchas those designated by. the Minnesota Blue Flame Association that set a ratio of fresh air to BTU consumption. This. standard states thatfor every 2000 BTU's of consumption, -I square inch of supply is required to balance the air It is the responsibility of the installer to follow any. Ideal codes, but this'ratio is generally a national standard. In winter climates placenient of the air intake to the room is a consideration. If it is low a snowdrift could seal it. Therefore, you be required to supply a redundant intake high on a wall to back up a primary intake. Under no circumstances can you rely on a manually opened window (or door) to supply room air for the products of combustion! Depending on a window or door to be open is not a reliable air source. Windows and doors can be closed causing an extremely dangerous condition of carbon monoxide positioning while the kiln is operating. Therefore, air supplies for products of combustion must be constant. This means you may have a permanently open grill with screen, you may have a power louver that opens as soon as you turn on the kiln. Such power louvers have to be set up so the master switch that supplies power to the kiln also simultaneously turns open the louvers. In this way there is no chance of forgetting to open the louver If you use a power louver, the kiln needs a gas solenoid working in series with it. When the louver is energized, the solenoid is energized. Residual Fumes We have so far looked at room air pressure and fresh air for products of combustion. Now we will look at residual fumes. Residual fumes are those fumes that leak out of various small gaps between some brick joints, door seals, burner ports, or spy ports. Our gas kiln is not a tight box like a boiler The purpose of a gas kiln is to heat up pottery and to create .a specific atmosphere inside the kiln by creating excess air or deficient air those effects the color development of glazes. This operator induced manipulation of air and gas ratios for color development creates positive pressure in the kiln. Because this process creates positive pressure in the kiln it inevitably creates some leakage of fumes into the kiln room. Bailey has developed three (optional) effective source capture devices for the best removal of fume at the kiln. residual hood, spy hood, and burner port hoods. The Studio Standard Series can only use the burner port hoods. Studio Deluxe and Pro Kilns and can use all three. Removing Residual Fumes To remove residual fumes from an enclosed room will require a wall ventilator with appropriate air intake to keep the room neutral when it is turned on, or a residual hood (optional with or Pro and Deluxe kilns only) with a draft inducer (ordered separately). You will need to consult about the size of wall ventilator and position relative to the size of the kiln. Generally the ventilator it placed higher on the wall and closer to the kiln side'of the room where warm fumes collect. The intake would be:on the opposite wall to keep the stream of intake air moving the fumes into the ventilator instead of spreading in the room. You don't want to put a ventilator low on the wall, as fumes would then accumulate high on the ceiling and work their way down before they were removed. Placing it high on the ceiling is where fumes collect. Consult before installing. We build three styles of kilns: Studio Standard, Studio Deluxe, and the PRO Series. The Studio Standard Series is our economical frame design. Our optional residual hood system and spy hood system does not work with this Standard series. The Residual Hood System and Spy Hoods (optional for Pro and Deluxe Kilns only) This optional residual hood supplies the most effective source capture' technique to collection residual fumes and remove them from the room. The hood works in conjunction with the hollow wall cavities on the kiln where air intakes at the bottom of the frame and collects the residual fumes in the enclosure. The fumes rise to the top of the internal frame and empty into the attached residual hood (optional). The door seams are also under the hood so fumes escaping rise directly into the overlapping intake to the hood. The hood needs to be draft induced. Some schools already have air removal systems they tie into, otherwise an additional draft inducer is used. An air intake: must be provided from the outside to balance the kiln room air to neutral. Our residual hood does not include a:draft inducer We sell draft inducers that mount on the side of the exit pipe from the residual hood. The temperatures in.a residual hood normally would not exceed 300 F when the kiln is used properly However if a student were to open the kiln door slightly when the kiln is hot (above 400 F), then hot air would immediately rise into the hood causing higher temperature exposure. Opening the kiln when it is still too hot is against our recommendations and good judgment. However because this could happen as a result of a student wanting to desperately get to their work, we suggest you keep all combustibles away from the 8' ID residual hood vent pipe. Residual Hoods can be vented horizontally to the outside wall with 8' ID pipe and terminated with a dryer style vent or open end vent (turned downward and-with a grill): Remember, their needs to be a draft inducer used with the hood. The hood will not naturally draft! It is not necessary for a residual hood vent to go through the roof or up the side of a building. It is strongly recommended that you order the Spy Hoods (optional) with your Pro or Deluxe kiln which collect fumes at the spy port area. Spy ports are what the operator uses to view into the kiln to check the melt of the glazes. These stainless steel spy port hoods collect fumes leaking out of the viewing ports and direct them up into the residual hood. Turning on Ventilators and Residual Hood Systems A ventilator or draft inducer on a residual hood has to be turned onto be effective. A school may have students who forget to turn on fans. It is best to set up a fail -safe system. We suggest setting up a simple single pole switch on the wall near the kiln that supplies power to the kiln and turns on the ventilator simultaneously The kiln and fans should be hard wired to the output of the single pole switch so the kiln cannot be powered up from a different outlet. If the kiln does not have a gas solenoid on the gas feed, a solenoid will need to be added and powered up by the single pole switch that also supplies the fan. If you have a High Limit #1 or #3 controller (optional), a solenoid system already exists which has a reset function. All you need do is hard wire the kiln to the outlet that follows the single pole master switch. If the power is terminated at the single pole switch, the kiln (with the High Limit #1 or #3) will shut off and have to be manually reset to start again. Combustion Hoods (ordered separately by required for installation) A combustion hood is always necessary They are ordered separately because sometimes there may be an existing hood from a previous kiln that can be reused for a Bailey Kiln. Consult to see if a preexisting hood is compatible with our system. We make two styles. insulated or un- insulated combustion hoods. 'Insulated hoods are used when there is a low ceiling (relative to the hood) and there is a concern about radiant heat from the combustion hood to combustibles. If you order a Deluxe or PRO kiln, you will note that the hoods are mounted lower on the kiln compared to our Standard series kilns. We refer to-this Deluxe/PRO feature as an 'off-set chimney with a low profile hood' The offset chimney is pulled away from the main body of the kiln by 4.5' to reduce temperature exposure to the flue brick and central back wall brick of the kiln. The low profile hood keeps the top of our combustion hood further down. This gives more options for installations with lower ceilings. Consult with our factory if your ceiling is less than 3' from the top or sides of our combustion hood. We want to make sure your proposed vent plane is safe. Studio Standard Kilns have the combustion hood mount on the top plane of the kiln which means that the hood will add about 18' to the overall height of the kiln. Consult with our factory if your ceiling is less than 3' from the top or sides of our combustion hood. The combustion hoods are a dilution style. Hot gases leaving the kiln peak out at about 1500 -1600 F (later in the firing) as they leave the damper point below the combustion hood. There is a very necessary dilution tolerance from this discharge point at the top of our chimney t� the collection point of the hood and entry into the combustion venting pipe at the inner top of the hood. This dilution area reduces the temperature of the peak escaping gases so they meet the rating of the insulated vent pipe. Peak stack temperatures for positive vertical runs measure about 1000 F initially and taper off as move away from the kiln in the pipe. Combustion Venting Combustion venting is serious business. It must be very carefully considered. The heat leaving a kiln is very hot and it is essential that all possible aspects of the exhaust route, style of pipe, proximity to combustibles insulation, and other details be carefully considered. It is not the scope of this information sheet to supply a self guided course in venting combustion gases. The purpose of this information is to point out general considerations. You should never create and execute a plan without first conferring with us and possibly a licensed HVAC engineer Ceiling and/or roof tolerances must be a sufficient height to accommodate the height of the kiln with combustion hood and still have about 3 of vertical open tolerance before any ceiling or rafter This tolerance will of course depend on the particular model you order To calculate the ceiling or rafter height requirements for a Studio Standard kiln, add the height of the kiln, 18' for the combustion hood, and 36' for the open space t� the structure. There are some deviations in this formula, but in general, this is a good start. We will need to consult on this. For Studio Deluxe and PRO kilns, take the height of the kiln and add 36' That will give you the minimum ceiling or rafter tolerance. Remember we are here to help is there is a problem. We have ways of correcting for tolerances that don't meet the general criteria. Call our office. A Basic Kiln Shed Setup #1 Here are some of the basic considerations for a simple single story one room building which is enclosed (like a house), free standing (away from other structures), uninsulated, with a 5/12 pitched roof. There is no horizontal ceiling or collar ties spanning the open room. The structure has been built to meet the requirements of a kiln measuring 4 wide and 6' long (front of door to rear of burner) and 84 to the top of the combustion hood (mounted on the kiln). The inside of the site measures 12 wide by 14 long which provides the 36' tolerance around the sides and rear of the kiln and over 48' in frontfor the door to swing open. The tolerance from the floor to the roof rafter (at the position of the combustion hood) is 9 1/2 ft. This provides 2 1/2 ft of clearance from the top of the un- insulated hood (which will get hot) to the underside of the roof rafters. Double doors with sufficient height and width have been provided to pass the kiln through (without the hood mounted). The kiln is placed inthe room so that there is the recommended 36' tolerance from the sides of the kiln and the rear burners to existing structural walls. There is amble room for the kiln door t� swing open without collision with a structural wall. The structure has been supplied with electricity to run the blowers, provide lighting, and other possible control equipment (120 volts, 15 amp fuse). The example kiln is rated for 220,000 BTU's, so a permanently opened louvered fresh air intake grill has been set into the side wall of the structure to provide 120 sq in of unobstructed area for fresh air to enter and balance the needs of the products of combustion. This intake is installed on the wall behind the kiln or to the sidewall closer to the burners. It is elevated off the ground level high enough to never chance being obstructed by the outside from snowdrifts or other possible.obtnision to the intake. The kiln ordered in this example is a Studio Standard kiln, so' there is no possibility of a residual fume collection hood for source capture offumes. The structure is enclosed, so a wall fan has been installed high in the wall closest to'the burners so the warm residual fumes will have a short distance to rise and be drawn out by the fan. The fan runs at about 50,0 CFM, so an additional air intake has been installed in a wall further from the fan to balance the air pressure to neutral and directthe flow of residual fumes in.the shortest distance to the exhaust fan. Remember that the room must stay neutral pressure when the fan is on. The customer may have elected to turn on this fan manually when the room gets visibly smoky The customer could have elected to have the fan wired so it goes on as soon as kiln is started. You never :blow fans into "a room. You always use a fan to draw out of the room to remove fumes. The vent pipe for the combustion hood is insulated and specifically ratedfor the heat exposure from escaping combustion gases from the kiln. There is. at least 2 l/2; ft of open space from the top of the combustion hood to the rafters (or any combustible). The insulated.pipe travels directly vertical and has been calculated to extend beyond the penetration in the roof 3 to 4 ft. All required clearances to combustibles have been maintained (following,the pipe manufacture's instructions) where the pipe went through the roof and was flashed. The domed stainless cap used at the,top of the pipe was the style" Bailey recommended for kilns (without bird shields or screens). Based on the tolerance between rafters where the pipe penetrated the roof (16' or 24' centers), additional metal "flashing may have been recommended by Bailey to further shield the beams from radiant heat. In addition, if the rafters were built with 16' centers, it is recommended to box out the penetration point in the roof so that the pipe has a greater tolerance to the wood rafters. If there is foam insulation in the roof, great care must be taken to keep the insulation shielded from the heat of the combustion pipe. Consult with our factory Ceilings in the kiln room A direct vertical combustion vent run from the hood through the roof is always your best option for simplicity and positive natural draft. If a combustion pipe has to pass through a ceiling in route to the penetration point in the roof, then different fitting need to be use to protect the ceiling and the area above the ceiling. Once through the roof, we eenerally travel only an additional 3 -4 and put a special cap that has no bird shields. The combustion pipe is hung from your roof. No weight can ever be placed on our hood. We mount the combustion hood to the kiln only to secure its required intake /dilution tolerances, not to support pipe! You might need to use an offset section of pipe to dodge an obstacle (like a pipe or beam) in route to the penetration in your roof. Of course we need enough vertical space to make this offset. Low Ceilings in the kiln room Sometime a customer has a lower ceiling than our general recommendations for a specific model kiln. A lower ceiling may still be suitable for the size kiln you require; but every detail needs careful consideration. We have solutions for low ceilings which include: modifying the ceiling over the kiln, removing part of the ceiling relative to the hot areas, additional custom shielding, insulated combustion hoods, and lower profile kilns. If your kiln site has a lower ceiling, call. Horizontal combustion venting (short runs) Sometimes we need to go frorri the combustion hood into a 90- degree elbow to exit a sidewall. This is done with extreme care and consideration. You should always get our advise before attempting this angled exit. If we approve of safety of your setup, we will only recommend about a run about 36' horizontally to the wall before penetrating the wall (with appropriate insulated wall thimbles) to an outside supported `T' pipe. From the `T' the pipe will travel up the side of your structure and past the eave. This is the general plan, but often there are many other consideration and conditions. You will need to consult. Horizontal venting is never as desirable as vertical runs. If the ceiling is high enough with installations requiring a wail exit, we make every attempt to slope the combustion pipe with a vertical rise (15, 30, or 45 degree). This improves draft. Combustion vent runs beyond 36" horizontal require our consultation. Never offset horizontally Always use angles sections for offsets. Consult! Kilns Site with partially closed structure If your kiln site structure is not totally enclosed, then you do not have the. same issues for supplying make- up air for the products of combustion or the potentially the same issues regarding residual fumes. First let's define a `partially enclosed structure' To not require additional vents and fans for room air, there must be enough free air to keep the room.clean and meet the combustion air requirements. You can never consider a manually opened window or manually opened door a safe legal form of air source for the room. Air sources must be constant and automatic, not manually created. A kiln site may have open eaves all the way around the perimeter it may have an open entry way with no door it may an open cavity inthe wall without a window there are many possibilities. As long as there. are enough permanently open areas that supply air while shielding kiln from the elements (wind, rain, snow), then there is no need for fans to compensate. Keep in mind the issue of wind. If you have a strong wind blowing outside, consider the effect it could have on the burner ports or combustion hood. If a strong draft or wind blows across the burner port or hood, it can negatively effect your reduction effects and the burner flame. The first concern is the burner flame. Even though you have flame safety valves and pilots, you don't want to set up a sithation that could flush out the flame. So make certain that permanently open venting to the kiln site can't directly affect flame. The combustion hood is also affected from strong drafts. You don't want a strong draft to blow through the lower area of the combustion hood and push the exhaust away from the collection area. You don't want your reduction effects become inconsistent because the pressure around the hood keeps changing. By keeping the pressure around the kiln static and drafts away you will get your best firing results and increased flame safety If you are planning on a partially open kiln site shelter consult with your final plan. Shielding kilns from wind and drafts At schools or sites with multiple kilns, you should not try to tie several kilns into one stack. It is best to vent them separately Combustion hoods and Residual hoods should not be tied together They need to vent separately with the Residual hoods receiving draft induction. You may have an existing hood and vent work from a previously installed kiln. Call us to consult. Long Horizontal runs Whenever possible, we recommend vertical runs, of the combustion pipe. The, vertical runs may include slight offsets to avoid obstacles. Sometimes there is no choice for the engineers but to route the combustion heat through long runs of horizontal vent insulated vent pipe. Bailey cannot specifically advise in this type of application. It-requires a licensed HVAC engineer. We do work with the HVAC engineers to make them aware of the heat considerations. Horizontal runs of this nature do require.draft induction to establish-proper draft and failsafe systems to, shut down the kilns should the draft inductors fail_during the firing. Draft. inducers naturally need to be rated for the heat exposure at their point of introduction to the vent pipe. It is always advisable to keep the draft inducers furtherfrom the heat source so the exposure is minimized. This -means that the inducers will probably be roof mounted. Insulated Combustion Hoods Insulated combustion hoods have been lined with a full 1 of ceramic fiber which is encapsulated with an additional interior stainless steel liner This makes the hood very similar in construction to a double wall insulated pipe. Insulated combustion hoods are utilized in applications where there is concern about the normal radiant heat relative to combustible surfaces in some low ceiling circumstances. Flashing internal wood components Because of the many variations in kiln site structures, sometimes a combustible beam may be located too close to a vent pipe or combustion hood. In some instances it may be acceptable to build custom metal shields or flashing that reflect heat away from combustible and provide an airspace between the combustible and the metal shield that protects it. This type of application would need our acceptance or an HVAC engineer Insulated Pipe For most of our vertical applications we use particular insulated pipe that is rated for 1000 F continuous use. It is also tested for 1400 F for 1 hour and 2100 F for 10, minutes Sometimes we determine that an installation will,require a.higher temperature pipe (1400 F continuous use). This may be because long horizontal runs. =are required (along with draft induction), or because the pipe will be placed in a permanently sealed multistory chase. For these and other possible situations, it is advisable to shift to this higher temperature standard. Pipe of this caliber is generally made to order Insulated Ceilings When a combustion vent travels through an insulated ceiling, special manufactured shields must be used through and above the ceiling to protect the ceiling from heat and from insulation or combustibles from touching the pipe: If there pis -an attic or room above the kiln room, typically the pipe will travel through a freestanding chase in-route to the rafters. Chases Sometimes an installation in a multistory structure requires hiding the combustion vent pipe in an enclosed chase (an enclosed wall cavity to route the pipe out). Careful- consideration is required for such applications. Call us to consult. Sprinkler Systems Sprinkler heads in a kiln room is a potential nightmare. Every now and then sprinkler heads of a low temperature value are placed in a kiln room near a vent pipe or kiln. Sadly they trip and cause extensive damage. If a sprinkler system is to be located in the kiln room, the heads should be of a value that will never trip by normal fluctuations in ceiling temperatures. They should be located far enough away from hot pipes, hoods, and kiln lids or doors that are sources of heat that could trip them when the kiln is still hot. Imagine a kiln door slightly opened 1/2' while the interior temperature is still 500 F Now a heat stream travels 3 to 4 ft to the ceiling where a sprinkler head is placed. The head is now possibly tripped. If sprinkler heads are used, keep the ratings at a level that will not trip under normal kiln room exposures. Never put a sprinkler head in a residual hood! Combustion Venting is a Vertical Proposition. You can never vent the combustion heat horizontally out the side of the building and cap it. This is true even with draft induction. A gas kiln can not be vented like a commercial kitchen stove (out the wall and terminated at a fan housing! Venting the combustion heat and gases from a gas kiln is always a vertical proposition. There may some horizontal or angled runs of insulated vent pipe (possibly requiring draft reduction), but ultimately the combustion pipe will vent vertically through (or up the exterior) the building structure where it is finally capped above the roof. Extension kiln room attached to multi story structures Lets say your kiln room is an extension off of a multi story structure. You will want to locate the kiln chimney and associated vent pipe about 10 away from the wall of the multi story structure. By this doing this, you will only need to extend the vent pipe up our typical 3 -4 ft. If the vent pipe is closer to the structure, you will be required to travel up the side of the structure and beyond the peak of the higher roof. This is very expensive. Fumes from the chimney Schools and other installations should be mindful of the exhaust gases from the kilns vents to open windows or air intakes on nearby structures. You don't want the discharge being pulled into a nearby classroom. Introduction Receiving a gas kiln requires the night, tools and an informed crew You may have a forklift at your facility that may or may not have the capacity and acces- sories to handle the job You may have .a kiln shed that is not easily accessible by forklift creating compli- cations for the standard receiving approach We are here to guide you through the process and create solu- tions for any receiving condition This information sheet is a primer.on the various aspects to consider when receiving a` kiln Most of our customers °hire a 'rigger.' that is, someone who moves heavy items professionally The -information contained in this. pack- et should be shared with the rigger' Once ,read °most of your questions will have been, answered and`we can concentrate on the fine details call us so we can make certain your receiving experience is as smooth aspossible Be sure to Shipping in the Nose or "Nose Loaded" Your gas kiln has been shipped in the 'nose of a truck. This means that the kiln has been loaded into an empty truck and rolled all the way back to the far front wall of the trailer so it is situated directly, behind the driver's cab NOW loading gives the kiln the most comfortable ride during the journey from our factory to-yourkiln site The rear of the truck is like the spring'end of a diving board A kiln located over the "rear- section of the kiln is prone to getting a bumpy ride which could cause damage to the brick. We have noted on the Bill of Lading and on the crate that the kiln is only to be nose loaded and not transferred Sometimes transferring the shipment is unavoidable in order to get to the destination What is most important is that the trans fer point crew follow instructions and reload the kiln inthe nose just as we had Don't Sign unta you, inspect! Be sure-;to check and make sure that the kiln arrives in the. forward section (the "nose of the truck. If it is in the middle or rear of the truck when the kiln arrives, take note of the kilns position on the receiving slip Immediately inspect the main body of the kiln for any.excessive_ brick dust and call our factory for advice The most important thing you can.do is to document.on the receiving slip any damage possibility.of damage or signs of abuse This is your responsibility If you or a receiving crew (such as a school would have) sign for the kiln as "OK "when there obvious warnings of physical damage you are .putting yourself at risk when it comes to receiving a claim from the freight company Luckily, our excellent packing techniques and our preferred' s�e lien °eve protecting our kiln r S. rig p g Y wort „C p s By. mlttol N. su at $Poe. 3ae tl�n, c L Ceolee TO NOV 15 2010 144'W.41 tlQns Arch. Revise Return This submittal REVIEW shall oat bo construed os act lolote eheok and indicates only that Information ttrn or:trd ouekti: O Oily with the Centraet Documents. In no case Is sabnontraoter urStiphher rolreaid of rVO;enslbility farndherences to of iodr, L i .sr j�,e�E6p the or t s z The Forklift and Fork Extensions Depending on the size of the kiln you ordered you will need to be prepared with the propersize fork- lift and fork extensions Small 'to medium kilns use 6' extensions and at least a 4000 lbs forklift. Large kilns use 8 extensions and at least a 6000 lbs forklift. You 'should' call' our factoy to determine which fork.extension size and forklift capacity will be required Some custom tall kilns are shipped on "step deck" trailers The step deck allows a tall kiln to pass under low bridges and overpasses The step deck is not an enclosed trailer and the kiln is strapped down with tarps to protect it from the elements If this approach is necessary we will speak with you .about receiving Keep in mind the terrain the kiln may have to:travel across. If it is dirt or Mud terrain the rigger may have to bring a `rough terrain forklift. When to use =a Every now and then a customer has an inac- cessible kiln site Maybe you have a high retaining wall with no other entryway If a crane is the only way to pick up the kiln and lift it into the kiln yard or through a second story window we will want the crane company to call. us No matter what kind lifting devise a kiln requires, you have to pick it up from the underside When a crate is used typically the crating has to be stripped away from the outside Lifting bars are going to be slid. in at the same point a fork would be entered Straps connect to the lifting bars and. :travel up the side of the kilnto the pick point at top It is important that the straps not pinch in on the kiln and bend the metal at the top The rigger will need to use "spread- er bars" at the top of the kiln to,relieve the pinch tendency as the straps angle into the central pick point. Tilt Back Trucks Every now and then a kiln site has terrain to rough for a forklift or a 'rough terrain forklift is not avail- able An alternate approach to the forklift is to have the kiln transferred at the terminal to a private firm that has a tilt back telescoping tow truck, the same that would 'be used to transport a broken down vehicle Call us is you think this is your only solution and we will review the unique aspects for transporting a kiln with this type of vehicle Remember that anytime an additional contractor is required to pick up a kiln at a. terminal before traveling to your kiln site you must carefully inspect the kiln when it changes hands before signing the receiving slip If the kiln is damaged at the terminal and it is signed as "OK" by the second receiving crew then you have no hope of any claim for darn ages How many crates boxes were shipped? Your total kiln shipment will be made up of multiple crates boxes. Your kiln itself may be shipped in one or two crates dependent on it being a studio shuttle, or trackless The other boxes may contain your furniture spare brick, and venting We always start with the main body of the kiln followed by the shuttle section (or mobile door on a trackless) and then the separate carts (if trackless) and accessories. Keep close track o all crates boxes! Getting the kiln off the truck When you receive the kiln you will need to move the kiln crates from their location deep in the "nose" of the truck to the rear door so'they can be removed A pallet truck (or pallet jack) is typically the only realistic moving .device for this situation Large kilns may require several pallet trucks (on the front and 'rear.) in order to withdraw the kiln for forking Another tool useful for rolling a large pallet is a "Johnny Bar" A Johnny Bar' is a .5' hardwood pole with wheels and an angled steel lever on the end A Johnny Bar' is only occasionally used at the rear of the pallet to lift it enough to assist in moving the crate Pulling the crate with a pick chain Another technique used to pull a crate to the end of the trailer is a long chain with a self clamping "pliers' like device on the end One hooked end is secured to the mast of the forklift and the other end bites into the center crate runner The forklift backs .up and pulls out the crate 'pliers Removing the crating Once the kiln is out of the truck and on the ground then you can start to carefully remove the crat- ing The main kiln is wrapped in plastic and has been protected with a "corral" crate which has side panels 4' tall surrounding the main body of the kiln Pull these off first. Then you will note that the kiln has been locked down to the pallet with lag bolts. Once the lag bolts have been removed the kiln can be lifted off the pallet with the forklift. You will note that the sides of the steel frame have horizontal members that are elevated off the ground by 4' specifically for the purpose of moving the kiln with a fork lift or pal- let truck. Only lift the kiln from these points, never lift the kiln up by its refractory floor Pallet trucks make. maneuvering easy When you need to maneuver the kiln in the building you don't need the forklift. You do 'need one or two pallet trucks (depending on the size of the kiln) to .pump the kiln off the floor and easily move itin final position If you have one pallet truck, you may need to lay 2 x 8's or steel angles on top so you can lift both sides of the. kiln simultaneously Most kilns are wider than the typical 4 pallet truck, so you need to aug- ment their reach with the lumber Never pick the kiln up by its refractory floor area only use the horizontal forking angles which are 4 off the bottom of the frame on each side Inner crating All of the interiors of our kilns have supports added for shipping to prevent movement of the brick and give support to the roof Some kilns have arch roofs others have fiber roofs Some kilns are front loading with the door attached to the frame while others, are a shuttle style with the door separate of the kiln Because of these variations in frame styles we vary the way we support the interior If the interior of a large kiln has wood supports we will spray paint the screws that you should remove in order: to disassemble the sup- ports We may have put a number sequence to indicate the order of removal The highest number is what you remove first. You see several numbers of the same value in different ;locations' Remove all visible numbers of the same value before proceeding'to the next in the :sequence Smaller kilns Will have cardboard supports in the interior It is advis- able in this style of inner support to remove boxes in the middle (horizontal) of the interior and then lower the top supports of the arch (or flat roof) in a downward motion before withdrawing them from the kiln chamber Be sure to install all roof gaskets Brick arch kilns have. a fiber gasket system that is usually shipped off of the kiln and sealed in a plastic bag and boxed Refer the bulletin in the instructions about setting up the arch gaskets These are extremely important in making a proper heat seal! The arch brick does not, and should not, make contact directly with the back wall or closed front door Because arches expand and radiate upward when the kiln is. fired they have a tendency to bind into the door and back wall as the expansion and upward travel takes place This binding and travel causes brick to fracture at the compression 'point, just like a fault line We have created a 1/8" gap between these potential fault points so the bricks will never bind but without the gaskets, heat will stream out of'the kiln and fill the kiln room with =Smoke and heat. Note the bulletin on installing the fiber gaskets discuss- es the removal: of -wood shims that keep,the tolerance of the arch gap intact during shipment. Be sure to read this bulletin Control Panels are s hipped off the kiln If your kiln was ordered with a High Limit #1 or High Limit #3 control system, you need to be aware that the normally side mounted con- trol panel will be shipped unmounted in a box located in the burner areas. It will still be attached via a BX cable to the kiln These boxes have to be unmounted because they stick out too far in the crate When you receive the kiln carefully remount the panel on the side with the provided sheet metal screws. You will also need to attach the ther- mocouple (which is also attached to the con- trol panel via thermocouple wire) into it's predrilled hole on the rear of the kiln You may also have an additional sheet metal panel used to protect and stabilize the BX cable away from the hot kiln These cable mount panels are vertically oriented at the back corner Cracks in the Insulating Brick During shipping, moving and installation of the kiln some flexing of the kiln frame can occur This may result in a few hairline cracks developing in the insulating brick in the interior of the kiln This is a normal result of moving the kiln and will not diminish the performance of the kiln in any way The composition of the insulating brick is soft and not designed to be structural in nature As long as the brick is compressed into place and not in danger of falling out; cracks will not be a problem They are in function the same as the line between two bricks that butt up against each other If there is extensive damage of the .bricks or an arch brick is in danger of falling out; give us a call and we will assist you in an easy repair Detachable Chimneys and. Removable Tops Sometimes we custom build kilns 'to get through low or narrow doorways We always ship custom kilns with detachable options assembled so the receiving team has the benefit of seeing how the kiln fits together It's easier to take apart the removable sections before moving the kiln through narrow passages since you now know where they go once on the other side We have bulletins on the cus- tom removable sections so have your crew review them! Don't attach electrical devises to the kiln! Never make the mistake of attaching any of our cables or wires, or any other electrical switches or devices to the metal kiln surface Wires can melt from the heat when the kiln is fired Installers have made this mistake as they are unaware of the surface' temperatures of a gas kiln when it:is in use They think of it as a boiler and that is a big mistake! Inspect the contents of all boxes received If a kiln is received at a school it is very important to make sure that all the boxes shipped are kept together and moved to the kiln room for final unloading Many times we receive calls that a part to the kiln is missing When we have the instructor go back to the unloading area and check again the missing part turns up' Don't make the mistake of not being there when the kiln is received especial- ly when there may be a delay from the receiving date to the setup date The Rigger As mentioned above a rigger is a professional mover Not the kind you call to move your couch but a company trained in the moving and placing of large and I or heavy objects. A rigger will have an assortment of machinery and equipment that is necessary for this kind of work. You will want a rig- ging company that has a good reputation and is familiar with the equipment that is required No need to tell you the value of the goods being moved nor to mention the safety of those involved You should look for a company which is bonded that is to say insured against damage or injury No expense should be spared in this regard the rigger can make or break your kilns, installation Keep it together Another point to remember is that accessories such as venting materials kiln furniture damper boards are shipped on a separate pallet shrink wrapped If your receiving people remove the shrink -wrap then the boxes can get spread out and lost. Keep everything together and don't call regarding assumed missing pieces until all boxes have been opened and the inventory accounted for We will not be responsible for items claimed to be missing if you haven't made a through inven- tory immediately after receipt of the kiln Be Prepared! The way to ensure success with the installation of your Bailey gas kiln is to plan ahead Preparation is key to a successful installation create a game plan and walk the route the kiln will travel make notes of any areas that may pose problems or any matters that may require special attention Have more help and more equipment than you think you might need It is better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it. Don't allow anyone to rush keep things simple and keep things safe! The receiving and positioning of your gas kiln is not to be taken lightly your kiln is a heavy and unwieldy object, treat it with care and respect. Be sure to respectable responsible professionals to help you with this task. If at anytime during the receipt or installa- tion of your kiln you need help or are unsure of how to proceed do not hesitate to call We are here to help you every step of the way Bailey Pottery Equipment Corporation PO Box 1577 Kingston, NY 12402 1- 800 -431 -6067 (845) 339 -3721 Fax (845) 339 -5530 www baileypottery corn email info @baileypottery corn QRK 12 07 Desien Criteria. 1 Wind and Snow Load ification ec (ASCE 7/05 er Specification respectively t;� P p t 7/05) 46 PSF and 55 PSF, P ectivel Y 4 t ,t 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be alloys 6063 -T6 and 6061 T6 as shown in the calculations. Members designed per e A llf onim Association, Aluminum Design Manual' Aluminum perforated panels shall be alloy 3003 -H14 as shown caalculations. ii 3 Deflection to be L/120 max. for main span members. 6 4 Screws and bolts shall be stainless steel alloy groups 1, 2, or 3 (300series only), condition F j 65 11,.- 110 ksi w giant minimum, as shown in calculations. Prepared for Construction Specialties, Inc Cranford, NJ REI Job No 10 -11 29A C/S Job No 748697 Maier Hall Peninsula College Sunshade Calculations L acey, WA I °F P° UILDING Ro7 N gNGEL IS10 N. B tE I V E Ea 24 2011 t. .ti This Certification is limited to the structural design of structural components of this sunshade system. It does NOT include responsibility for Structural design of gaskets and sealants. Design of air and water infiltration prevention. The manufacture, assembly or installation of the system. Quantities of materials or dimensional accuracy of drawings Design of hardware i DEC 0 9 2010 Rice Engineering 105 School Creek Trail, Luxemburg, WI 14217 Phone. (920) 845 1042 Fax. (920) 845 1048 RECEIVED DEC 10 LU1U SCHACHT ASLANI ARCHITECTS Date: 11/29/10 Howard S. Wright Constructors ay bbmlttal No Spec, Section HOWARD S. HOWARSW9 OR2 CONSTRUCTORS, LP corrections Noted TO Revise Arch. Return This submittal REVIEW shall eci be construed as a complete check and Indicates only that inhumation presented conforms generally with the Contract Dacctnents. I In no case is subcontractor or Supplier reiiovod of responsibility for adherences to the Contract Documents and sa'islactOFV censtrudton of all wot;;. Sheet Number I C/S Job No. 748697 Cover /Index 1 Basis of Design Miscellaneous Notes 2 Horizontal System Cover page 3 Design Wind Pressure 4 -5 Design Snow Loads 6 -7 Design Ice Load 8 ASD Load Combinations 9 Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates 10 -15 Continuous Beam Results 16 Allowable Stress for Outrigger 17 2 -Bolts Eccentric Fastener Connection 18 Vertical System Cover Page 19 Design Wind Pressure 20 Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates 21 -26 Continuous Beam Results 27 Allowable Stress for Outrigger 28 4 -Bolts Eccentric Fastener Connection 29 -31 Double Angle Clio Reference Appendix Design Criteria Spec Sheet 1 Tables 9. 10. 11, and 12 Fastener Load Tables ;1q., T This Certification is limited to the structural design of structural components of this sunshade system. It does NOT include responsibility for Structural design of gaskets and sealants. Design of air and water infiltration prevention. The manufacture, assembly or installation of the system. Quantities of materials or dimensional accuracy of drawings Design of hardware r q 'W gay' i Ntitilag14.,0" Date I Revision 1 1 1 /29/101 110/12/101 110/12/101 110/12/101 1 10/12/101 110/12/10 I i 10/12/101 10/12/101 110/12/101 1 10/12/1 0 I 110/12/101 110/12/101 1 10/12/101 110/12/10 I i 10/12/101 1 10/12/10 1 110/12/101 110/12/101 1 Tw r5 ?y T'i y a �il t #s *�y 1 S `r". t.I 9 Rice Engineering —105 School Creek Trail, Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone. (920) 845 -1042 Fax. (920) 845 -1048 tit rr i felf 29 20111 010 Construction specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRAN specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1 —B00- 831 -7379 FAX: 908 -272 -2920 I JOB NAME: Mather Hall Pen nsula I JOB LOCATION: Pork Angles, WA I ORGNL SUBMITTAL. 10- 12 I OI RVSD: BASIS OF DESIGN MISCELLANEOUS NOTES I JOB NO: 748697 PREPARED BY A. ME55I11A Tel: 4 I -908- 325 -498 I I ame5siba@c-sgroup.com I DESIGN OF SUNSHADE SYSTEM IS BASED ON A5CE7 -05 BUILDING CODE WITH 100 MPH BASIC WIND SPEED 2- THE STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS NOTED IN THIS REPORT ARE BASED ON A "WORST CASE" TYPE ANALYSIS WHENEVER POSSIBLE OTHER STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS THAT ARE SIMILAR TO OR LESS SEVERE THAN THE WORST CASE EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE OK BY COMPARISON 3- BY INSPECTION AFTER REVIEW OF C /S' SHOP DWG'S, ALL COMPONENTS CONNECTIONS ARE OK. 4- THIS REPORT IS BASED ON C/S RECORD DRAWINGS Total 3 1 Sheets THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED V1TH111IT WRITTEN APPROVAL. FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. Construction Spedelties' 49 MEEKER AVENUE. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY. 07016 I JOB NAME: Mather Nall Penmgula J06 NO: 748697 I JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA PREPARED BY A. MESSINA ORGNL SUBMITTAL. 1 0-08- I OI RVSD: I FINAL SUBMITTAL. horizonta System THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO 8E DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 I JOB NAME: Masher Nall Peninsula JOB NO; 748691 Const ru�on Spadalti ®s" I JOB LOCATION• Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY' A. MESSIt1A 4 9 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW .ERSEY, 07019 ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0-08-101 R VSD: I FINAL SUBMITTAL. Basic Wind Speed, V= 100 mph Exposure C Building Category III importance Factor I 1 15 Mean Eave Height, h 45 ft Element Height, hz 45 ft Kh 1 070 K 1 070 K 1 000 kd 0.850 Wind Load As oer (ASCE7 -051 Overhang, Enclosure classification Open Roof type Gable Roofs angle <7 Element Area 10 ft qh 0.00256 k 26.770 lbs /ft -ve q 0 00256 k 26.770 lbs/ft +ve q qh (GC GCpi) q qz (GC GC Zone 2 Zone 3 GC 1 7 0.3 -2.8 0.3 GC 0 0 0 0 GC +GCp 17 0.3 -2.8 03 q -46 PSF 8 PSF 75 PSF 8 PSF THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO GE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 80.02 Construction Specialties' 0 49 MEFXER AVENUE, RANE E, ORD, NEW ,ERSEY, 07018 Ground snow load, p 36 Exposure factor C 0.90 Thermal factor C 1.00 Importance factor I 1 10 Design Snow Load (per ASCE 07 -05) Element projection, e 2.50' Drawings Length of roof upwind, l„ 67.00' (But not less than 25 ft) Ht. from shade to eave 3.33' Flat roof snow load p, 0.7C,C,Ip 24.95 psf Snow density y 0 13p 14 18.68 Ibs /ft (But not more than 30 Ibs /ft Fit of balanced snow load, h pr density 1.34 ft Ht from balanced snow to eave, 2.00 ft h 1.50 (Neglect drift if 0.2) Separation distance, s 0' 7" 0.58 ft Adjacent factor for h (20 -s) /20 0.97 Height of drift, hd 1.94 ft hd= 0.43(I +10) 1.5 but not h Effective h =h 1.94 ft Leeward Drift Width of drift w 4h 7 76 ft Max. drift surcharge, pd h x dens 36.23 lbs/ft r Max. load on back blade Pd pr 61 lbs /ft i I Min. drift surcharge, pd, (w- e)p /w 24.58 lbs /ft Max. load on front blade Pd1 Pr 50 lbs/ft Ave design load, q 65 Ibs /ft h, h I JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula I JOB NO 748697 JOB LOCATION Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY A. ME55IHA ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -08- 10I RVSD' 1 FINAL SUBMITTAL. SUNSHADE SYSTEM (SS-5) I„ hd Pd THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO SE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES, AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPreiAI 0 Construction Sped aitier 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFCRD, NEW JERSEY, 07016 60.02 Ground snow load, p 36 Exposure factor C 0.90 Thermal factor C 1 00 Importance factor I 1 10 Element projection, e 2.50' Drawings Length of roof upwind, I„ 25.00' Ht. from shade to eave 9.50' Ht of balanced snow load, h p density 1.34 ft Ht from balanced snow to eave, h 8.16 ft h hb 6.11 Ave design load, qe h h, JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula JOB LOCATION: For Angles, WA ORGNL SUBMITTAL. 10-05 -101 RV5D' Design Snow Load (per ASCE 07 -05) SUNSHADE SYSTEM (1st &2nd floor) Flat roof snow load, p1= 0.7C 24.95 psf Snow density T 0.13p 14 18.68 lbs/ft Separation distance, s 0' 7' 0.58 ft Adjacent factor for h (20 -s) /20 0.97 Height of drift, hd 1 72 ft Effective h =h x 0.75= 1.29 ft Width of drift w 4h 5.17 ft Max. drift surcharge, p h x dens 2413 lbs/ft Max. load on back blade Pd pr 49 lbs /ft Min. drift surcharge, pd1 (w -e)pd lw 12.46 lbs /ft Max. load on front blade Pd1 pr 37 lbs /ft hd Pd 43 Ibsift a 1 JOB NO: 748697 I PREPARED BY A. MF55IHA I FINAL SUBMITTAL. (But not less than 25 ft) (But not more than 30 lbs/ft (Neglect drift if 0.2) h 0.43(I„) +10) 1.5 but not h, Windward Drift element, e I i h P THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO RE. USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL TIES. INC. 0 Construction Specialties° 49 MEEKER AVENUE. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, 0701$ Nominal Ice thickness Importance factor Length of plate Width of plate One side surface area Height Height factor for Z <900' (Z/33) ^0.5 Topographic factor Design thicness of ice Volume of Ice 3.14xAs density of Ice Weight of Ice Vertical Plate 0.8 x Vi x D Horizontal Plate =0.6 x'Vi x D Weiaht of Ice nor Sot. Horizontal Plate I JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula I JOB NO 74 %97 1 JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY A. ME55111A ORCNL SUBMITTAL I 0-05- 101 RV5D: FINAL SUBMITTAL, Ice Load on Plates Covered Sunshades ice Weiaht Calculation according to ASCE 07..05 Ref. t 1 in. fig. 10 -02 II 1 1 L= 1.5 ft. Study 1 Sq.ft. w= 5 ft. Study 1 Sq.ft. As 7.6 Sq.ft. Z 45 ft. fz 1.03 Eq. 10-4 Kzt 1 td 1.0 x t x II x fz x Kzt "0.35 Eq. 10 -5 td= 113 in Vi 2.23 53 pcf. 10 4 1 94.41 70.81 Lbs. Lbs. 9.44 Psf 10 4 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC„ WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO RE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. CO JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula JOB NO: 798697 Construction Sped JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY. A. ME55II1A 4 9 HEFXER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW ,RSEY, 07016 ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -08- 1 01 RV50: FINAL SUBMITTAL. Nominal Ice thickness Importance factor Cylinder Diameter Height Z 45 ft. Eq. 10-4 Height factor for Z <900' (Z/33) ^0.5 fz 1.03 Topographic factor Kzt 1 Design thicness of ice Ice cross section area density of Ice Ice Welaht Calculation accordina to ASCE -07 -05 Weight of ice per linear ft.= Ai x d 6.1 Lb /ft No. of blades 2 Sunshade's projection 2.5 ft Weight of ice per Sq. ft. 5 Ib /ft Total Ice Load 5 9.5 =15 PSF Ref t 1.00 in. fig. 10 -02 li 1 10 Dc 3.60 In. average td= 1.OxtxIIxfzxKzt "0.35 Eq. 10 -5 td 113 in Al 16.51 Sq,in. D 53 pcf. 10.41 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSE() TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL_ FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC, 0 Construction Spedatties' 49 I4UXER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, 07019 Load Combination: Load Combination as per ASCE 7.05 Dead Load, D 5 psf 4. Ice Load, D 15 psf 4. Live Load, L 0 psf 4. Snow Load, S 55 psf 1. Net down wind Load, W 8 psf 4. Net down wind on ice, WdI 8 psf 4. Net up lift wind load, W„ 46 psf T Net up lift wind on ice, W, 46 psf T 1 D 5 psf 2 D +L +07D 16 psf 3 D +0.7D +0.7W +S= 76 psf 4- D +0.75L +075S= 46 psf 5 D W 13 psf 6 D +075W +0.75L +075S= 52 psf 7 0.6 D 0 7 D 0.75 WdI 20 psf 8 W„ D 41 psf JOB NAME: Masher Mall Peninsula I JOB NO: 748697 JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA PREPARED BY A. ME55I11A ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -08- I O► RVSD: f FINAL SUBMITTAL. Use Load Combination 3 76 PSF THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A 'THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 g,,� JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula JOB NO 718697 C ru�on Specialties' JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY A. ME55II1A 4 1tEEIffR AYflNE, CRANFt ftD, New JERSEY, oTme ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0- 08-10I RV50. I FINAL SUBMITTAL. Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates All Edges Simply Supported b a Alloy 3003 -H14 as 13,500 weak axis bending a wb +0.382a 0.320x as 1 988 lbs/in a 0.75wb 1/(1 +1.61a a 5,922 lbs/in 2 2 )1/2 atotal 1-- aa ab a1ata1 6,247 lbs/In M wb /8 15.85 lb -in S t /6 0.0028 in a M/S 6,086 lbs/in I t 0.000163 8= 5 /384xwxb /EI 8 0.2413 L/8 64.24 thickness, t 01250 in a 60.00 in b 15.50 in a =b /a= 0.258 load, w 76 lbs /ft 0.528 lbs/in b <a 2 way plate 8 01422wb +2,21x 8 0.212 L/8 73 a/a 0.4627 v 1 way plate a /a 0.4508 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED VATHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. By Construction Specialties 48 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF D, NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1 -800- 631 -7379 FAX: 908 272 -2920 q 76 PSF spacing S 2'- 0" w qs /2 =6 33 lbs /in 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 28 rile front cbm Beam Results Max Span Deflection -0 2150" (Span 1, 30 69 Max. Positive Moment 298111 (Span 1, 8 30 69 Member Information Span Length(in) I(in"4) S(in "3) B(psi) 1 61.375 0.544 0 512 1 Oe +007 Distributed Load Information Span W1( /in) W2( /in) Xl(in) X2(in) 1 6.330 6 330 0 000 61 315 Support Reactions Joint Pounds 1 194 2 194 Driven by Cbeam®V2n05 1 Soar MP. a, Maximum distributed load value shown only, see distributed load table for detailed information 010 Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF Specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 -831 -7379 FAX: 908- 272 -2920 Span No. 1 0 001 0 10L 0 201 0.301 0 401 0 50L 0 601 0 701 0 801 0 901 1 001 Location 0 00 6 14 12 28 18 41 24 55 30 69 36 82 42 96 49 10 55 24 61 38 Shear 194 25 155 40 116 55 77 70 38 85 0 00 -38 85 77 70 -116 55 -155 40 194.25 Moment 0 0 1073 0 1907 6 2503 7 2861 3 2980 6 2861 3 2503 7 1907 6 1073 0 0 0 Defl 0 0000 -0 0675 -0 1277 -0 1748 0.2047 -0 2150 -0 2047 -0 1748 -0 1277 -0 0675 0 0000 Stress 0 0 2095 7 3725 7 4890 0 5588 5 5821 4 5588 5 4890 0 3725 7 2095 7 0 0 Driven by Cbeam ®V2005 A1ooy 6063 -T6 Fan 15,000 PSI 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/8 Group 10/8/2010 9 28 File front cbm For questions on Cbeam, a Windows -based program, contact MCALSOFT LLC www.mcalsoft com Ph (214) 217 -2400 Fax (214) 217 -2439 Email software@mcalsoft com 2 By Support Reactions Joint Pounds 1 194 2 194 40 Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF Specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1 -800- 631 -7379 FAX: 908- 272 -2920 q 76 PSF spacing S 2'- 0" 1r- qs /2 -6 33 lbs /in Driven by Cbeam Cr V2005 Beam Results Member Information Span Length(in) I(in "4) S(in "3) 8(psi) 1 61 375 3 968 1 845 1 06 +007 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 37 D'ile rear cbm Max Span Deflection -0 0295" (Span 1, 0 30 69 Max Positive Moment s 2981 (Span 1, 8 30 69 Distributed Load Information Span W1(1/in) W2( /in) Xl(in) x2(in) 1 6.330 6 330 0 000 61 375 I 0 n1 4 e 1 Maximum distributed load value shown only, see distributed load table for detailed information. Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF Specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 831 -7379 FAX: 908 -272 -2920 Span No 1 0 OOL 0 10L 0.20L 0 30L 0 40L 0 50L 0 60L 0 70L 0 80L 0 90L 1 OOL Location 0.00 6 14 12 28 18 41 24.35 30 69 36 82 42 96 49 10 55.24 61 38 Shear 194.25 155 40 116 55 77 70 38 85 0 00 38 85 -77 70 116.55 155.40 194 25 Moment -0 0 1073 0 1907 6 2503 7 2861 3 2980 6 2861 3 2503 7 1907 6 1073 0 -0 0 Defl 0 0000 -0 0093 -0 0175 -0 0240 -0 0281 -0 0295 -0 0281 -0 0240 -0 0175 -0 0093 0 0000 Stress -0 0 581 6 1033 9 1357 0 1550 9 1615 5 1550 9 1357 0 1033 9 581 6 -0 0 Driven by Cbeam 3 V2005 Alooy 6063 -T6 Fa= 15,000 PSI 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 37 File rear cbm For questions on Cbeam, a Windows -based program, contact, MCALSOFT LLC www.mcalsoft.com Ph (214) 217 -2400 Fax (214) 217 -2439 Email software@mcalsoft com 2 By A. Messiha Beam Results Cantilever Deflection -0 1072" (Span 1, 31 00 Max Negative Moment 5602 (Span 1, 0 00 Member Information Span Length(in) I(in"4) S(in "3) E(psi) 1 31.000 1 330 0 670 1 00007 Point Load Information Span P( X(in) 1 194.000 3 750 194.000 25 125 N Joints Free to Displace Free Joints 2 Support Reactions Joint Pounds lb -in 1 388 5602 Driven by Cbeam 0 V2005 MI10 Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF Specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 -831 -7379 FAX: 908 272 -2920 eqv arm e M/V 14 5 in Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 41 Bile outrigger o1m 763050 1 194 194 N .a Driven by Cbeam 0 V2005 Construct Specialties 49 MEEKER AVEN E. CRANE RD, NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 -631 -7379 FAX: 908- 272 -2920 for stress check see next sheet 763050 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 41 File outrigger obn¢ Span No 1 0 OOL 0 10L 0 20L 0 30L 0 40L 0 50L 0 60L 0 76L 0 80L 0 90L 1 OOL Location 0 00 3 10 6.20 9 30 12 40 15.50 18 60 21 70 24 80 27 90 31 00 Shear 388 00 388 00 194 00 194 00 194 00 194 00 194 00 194 00 194 00 0 00 0 00 Moment -5601 8 -4399 0 -3671 5 -3070 1 -2468 7 1867.3 -1265 8 -664 5 -63 1 -0 0 0 0 Defl 0 0000 -0 0019 -0 0070 -0 0147 -0 0247 -0 0364 -0 0495 -0 0635 -0 0780 -0 0926 0,1072 Stress -8360 8 -6565 6 -5479 8 4582.2 -3684 6 -2786 9 -1889 3 -991 7 -94 1 -0 0 0 0 For questions on Cbeam, a Windows -based program, contact. MCALSOFT LLC www.mcalsoft.com Ph (214) 217 -2400 Fax (214) 217 -2439 Email software @mcalsoft com 2 Where: JOB NAME: Mather Hall Peninsula JOB NO 748697 Construction Specialties" JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY: A. ME551I1A 4 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFORU, NEW .ERSEY, 07016 ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -08- I O RV5D: 1 FINAL SUBMITTAL. Alloy: 6061 T6 Allowable Stress for Outrioaer Allowable Stress as a function of Bracino Lenath d t Lb I Sx S callow 18C1 aeitov7aect Case (in) (in) (in) in in (Psr (Pall 1 4 1/4 16 1.33 0.67 32.00 11133 8,402 0.75 2 3 4 5 6 d: Outrigger Depth t: Outrigger thickness. Double thickness in case of double outrigger bolted together L Braced Length Ix. td Sx. td S: (d /t)x(L 0, ref ADM 2005, Part VII, sec 3.4 1 sec 3.4 13 Comments THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PART1ES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 Construction SpedeltiesA 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW .ERSEY, 07016 Bolt N 1 2 X 1 69 4.69 Y 2.00 2,00 Point load per outriger P 388 00 lbs A 14 50 In 2 bolts group centroid, X E X „/2 3.19 in 2 bolts group centroid Y E Y„ /2 2.00 in Moment group centroid M P x e 5,626 Ibs -in Bolts co- ordinate related to arouo centroid: Load oar bolt based on location, 2 -Bolts Eccentric Fastener Connection Elastic Method Bolt N 1 2 X -X 1 50 1.50 Y' Y Y 0 00 0.00 E Xr 2 X X 2 2 E Y,z Y, Y1 f M /(E Xi E Y 1,250.222 lbs/in X P -x, 1 •1 2 e 4.50 in 0.00 in `'e4 Bolt N 1 2 dist from bolt to centroid d„ (X' 1.50 1.50 f f d„ 1 875,33 1,875.33 Horizontal component H f Y' 0 00 0.00 (Ibs) F- I JOB NAME: Mather Ball Peninsula I JOB NO 748697 JOB LOCATION. Port Angles, WA PREPARED BY. A. ME55IHA ORGNL SUBMITTAL. 1 0-08- I Of RVSD: FINAL SUBMITTAL. Vertical component V f X'„fd„ 1 875.33 1,875 33 (Ibs) 4' Uniform Vertical Load V„ P/2 194 00 (Ibs) T Total Vertical V Vt +V,, 1 681.33 2,069.33 (Ibs) 4' Total Shear= (V +H 1681 2069 (Ibs) Max Shear =1 2069 Ihs Use bolt 1/2 Va 2984 lbs OK Stainless Steel Alloy Group 1,2,3 Condtion CW THIS DOCUMENT IS 'THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES_ AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL., FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 Construction Spedaltles" 48 LEBER AVE*JE, CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, 07016 JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -08- I O RV5D: Vertica System I JOB NO: 741307 I PREPARED BY• A. MESSIHA I FINAL SUBMITTAL. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO RE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO RE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION. SPECIALTIES, I1C.. 0 I JOB NAME: Masher hall Peninsula JOB NO; 748697 Construction SplB����B�i 1 JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA I PREPARED BY A. ME551hA 4 8 MEETfER AVENUE CRM FOtip, NEW JERSEY, 07016 I ORGNL SUBMITTAL, 10 -08 -101 RV5D: I FINAL 5UBMfITAL. Basic Wind $peed, V= 100 mph Exposure C Building Category III importance Factor I 1 15 Mean Eave Height, h 45 ft Element Height, Iv 45 ft Enclosure classification Open K K K kd 1.070 1 070 1 000 0 850 Wind Load As per (ASCE7 -05) Element Area 10 ft q 0.00256 k 26 770 lbs /ft -ye q 0.00256 k 26.770 Ibs /ft +ve GCp -1 1 1 GCp1= 0 0 GCp+ GC -1 1 1 q q (GCp GCp1) q qZ (GCp GC Zone 4 Zone 5 -1 4 1 0 0 -1 4 1 q -29 PSF 27 PSF -37 PSF 27 PSF THIS DOCUMENT IS 711E PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO 8E DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED 'MTHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 1 JOB NAME: Masher flail Peninsula JOB NO: 748697 Construction Speclaltless JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA 1 PREPARED BY. A. MESSIHA 4 9 M EEKER AVENUE, CRAMMED, NEW JERSEY, 07016 ORGNL SUBMITTAL. 10 -08- 10[ RV50. 1 FINAL SUBMITTAL. Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates All Edges Simply Supported b a Alloy 3003 -H14 load, w 37 lbs /ft a wb +0.382x 0.320a a 958 lbs /in ab 0.75wb /t x 1/(1 +1.61a ab 2,900 lbs/in atotal aa 2 ab 2 112 6 toIa1 3,054 lbs /in M wb /8 7 72 Ib in S t /6 0.0026 in 1 way plate a MIS 2,963 Ibs /in 1= t 0 000163 8= 5 /384xwxb /EI S 0.1175 U8= 131.95 a 13,500 weak axis bending thickness, t 0.1250 in a 65.00 in b 15.50 in b <a a =b /a= 0.238 0.257 lbs /in 2 way plate 8 0 1422wb +2.21x 5= 0.104 US 149 ala 0.2262 ala 0.2195 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF Specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 831 -7379 FAX: 908 -272 -2920 By q 37 PSP spacing S 2'- 0" w- qs /2 -3 1 lbs /in Beam Results Max Span Deflection -0 1071" (Span 1, 32 50 Max. Positive Moment 1637 (Span 1, 32 50 Member Information Span Length(in) I (in "9) S(in "3) E(psi) 1 65.000 0 673 0 681 1 0e +007 Distributed Load Information Span 81(# /in) W2( /in) X1(in) X2(in) 1 3.100 3.100 0 000 65 000 Support Reactions Joint Pounds 1 101 2 101 Driven by Cbeam 0 V2005 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 56 File V —front abm 1 Maximum distributed load value shown only, see distributed load table for detailed information Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF RD, NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1 -80D -831 -7379 FAX: 908- 272 -2920 Span No 1 0 OOL 0 10L 0 20L 0.30L 0 40L 0 50L 0 60L 0 70L 0 80L 0 90L 1 OOL Location 0 00 6 50 13 00 19 50 26 00 32 50 39 00 45 50 52 00 58 50 65 00 Shear 100 75 80,60 60 45 40 30 20 15 0 00 -20 15 -40 30 -60 45 -80 60 -100 75 Moment 0 0 589 4 1047 8 1375 2 1571 7 1637 2 1571 7 1375.2 1047 8 589 4 0 0 Defl 0 0000 -0 0336 -0 0636 -0 0871 -0 1020 -0 1071 -0 1020 -0 0871 -0 0636 -0 0336 0 0000 Stress 0 0 865 5 1538 6 2019 4 2307 9 2404 1 2307 9 2019 4 1538 6 865.5 0 0 Driven by Cbeam O V2005 Alooy 6063 -T6 Pa= 15,000 PSI 748697 Cream 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 56 File V —front cbm For questions on Cheam, a Windows -based program, contact. MCALSOFT LLC www,mcalsoft com Ph (214) 217 -2400 Fax (214) 217 -2439 Email software @mcalsoft com 2 Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANE RD, NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 831 -7379 FAX: 908- 272 -2920 By 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 57 File V -rear cbm q 37 PSF spacing S 2'- 0" w=qs /2 =3 1 lbs /in Beam Results Max. Span Deflection -0 0479" (Span 1, 32 50 Max. Positive Moment 1637 (Span 1, 0 32 50 Member Information Span Length(in) I(in "4) S(in "3) E(psi) 1 65 000 1 503 1 200 1 0e +007 Distributed Load Information Span M1( /in) W2( #Jin) X1(in) X2(in) 1 3.100 3 100 0 000 65 000 Support Reactions Joint Pounds 1 101 2 101 Oren by Cbeam 0 V2005 1 iC Az Z;; O Ni h 4 Maximum distributed load value shown only, see distributed load table for detailed information. Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE. CRANF RD. NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1- 800 -631 -7379 FAX; 908- 272 -2920 Span No 1 0 OOL 0 10L 0 20L 0 30L 0 40L 0,50L 0 60L 0 70L 0 80L 0 90L 1 00L Location 0 00 6 50 13 00 19 50 26 00 32.50 39 00 45 50 52 00 58 50 65 00 Shear 100 75 80 60 60 45 40 30 20 15 0 00 20 15 -40 30 -60 45 -80 60 -100 75 Moment 0 0 589 4 1047 8 1375 2 1571 7 1637.2 1571 7 1375.2 1047 8 589 4 0 0 Defl 0 0000 -0 0150 -0 0285 -0 0390 -0 0457 -0 0479 -0 0457 -0 0390 -0 0285 -0 0150 0 0000 Stress 0 0 491.2 873.2 1146 0 1309 8 1364.3 1309 8 1146 0 873 2 491 2 0 0 Driven by Chem V2005 Alooy 6063 -T6 Fa= 15,000 PSI 748697 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 9 57 File V —rear cbm For questions on Cbeam, a Windows -based program, contact MCALSOFT LLC www.mcalsoft com Ph (214) 217 -2400 Fax (214) 217 -2439 Email software@mcalsoft com 2 By A Meesiha D, van by Cbeam 0 V2008 Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF RD, NEW JERSEY PHONE; 1- 800 -631 -7379 FAX: 908 -272 -2920 Point Load Information Span P( R(in) 1 101 000 22 000 Member Information Span Length(in) I(in "4) S(in 6 3) E(pai) 1 22 000 0 330 0 260 1 06 +007 Beam Results Cantilever Deflection -0 1086" (Span 1, 8 22 00 Max Negative Moment 2222 (Span 1, 6 0 00 Joints Free to Displace Free Joints 2 Support Reactions' Joint Pounds 1b -in 1 101 2222 1 eqv arm e M/V 22 in 763050 Cbaam 2005 C/S Group 10/9/2010 10 07 File v- outrigger cbm 1 101 Max- N Driven by Cbeem V2005 M110 Construction Specialties 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANF Specialties NEW JERSEY PHONE: 1 -800 -831 -7379 FAX: 908 272 -2920 for stress check see next sheet 763050 Cbeam 2005 C/S Group 10/8/2010 10 07 File v outrigger dam Span No 1 0 COL 0 10L 0 20L 0 30L 0 40L 0 50L 0 60L 0 70L 0.80L 0 90L 1 OOL Location 0 00 2.20 4 40 6 60 8 80 11 00 13 20 15 40 17 60 19 80 22 00 Shear 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 101 00 Moment -2222 0 -1999 8 -1777 6 -1555 4 -1333 2 1111.0 -888 8 -666 6 -444 4 -222 2 0 0 Defl 0 0000 -0 0016 -0 0061 -0 0132 -0 0226 -0 0339 -0 0469 -0 0612 -0 0765 -0 0924 -0 1086 Stress 8546.2 -7691 5 -6836 9 -5982 3 -5127 7 -4273 1 -3418 5 -2563 8 -1709 2 -854 6 0 0 For questions on Cbeam, a Windows -based program, contact. MCALSOFT LLC www.mcalsoft com Ph (214) 217 -2400 Fax (214) 217 -2439 Email software5mcalsoft.com 2 Where: 0 Construction Specialties" 49 MEEKER AW NUE, CRANFORD, NEW sIERSEY, 07016 Allowable Stress as a function of Braclna Lenath Case (In) (In) (in) in in S ep'S,� PSIS a el:o Octal 1 2.5 114 16 0.33 0.26 25.30 17,049 8,532 0.50 2 3 4 6 6 Alloy: 6061 -T6 Allowable Stress for Outriaaer d: Outrigger Depth t: Outrigger thickness. Double thickness In case of double outrigger bolted together Lb. Braced Length ix• td Sx. td S: (d /t)x(L ca ref ADM 2005, Part VII, sec 3.4.1 sec 3.4.13 JOB NAME: Masher hall Peninsula I JOB NO: 748697 JO1 LOCATION: Port Angles, WA I PREPARED DY A, ME55IHA ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I0 -06-I 01 RVVD: I FINAL 5UBMITTAL. Comments THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCI,. OSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOtJT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM. CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. M O Construction Spedalties' 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY. 07018 Bolt N 1 2 3 4 X 0.31 0.43 1.69 1.69 Y 2.18 0.32 2.12 0.38 4 -Botts Eccentric Fastener Connection Elaatic Method Point toad per outriger P„ 101 00 lbs e„ 22.00 in Moment group centroid, M P x e" 2,222 lbs -in Bolts co- ordinate related to arouo centroid. Load nor bolt based on location. 4 bolts group centroid, X E X„/4 1.03 in 4 bolts group centrold, Y E Y 1.25 in JOB NAME: Masher Hall Peninsula 1 JOB NO; 748697 JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA 1 PREPARED BY A. MESSIHA ORGNL SUBMITTAL 1 0-08 -101 RV5D: I FINAL SUBMITTAL. •1 3 e Bolt N 1 2 3 4 X' X„-X -0.72 -0.60 0,66 0.66 Y' Y Y 0.93 -0.93 0.87 -0 87 E X,2 X,12 X'2 X'3 X'4 1 75 In E Y' Y'i Y'2 Y Y 3.22 in f M /(E X' E Yi 446.977 lbs /in eq Use bolt 4 114 Va 647 lbs OK Stainless Steel Alloy Group 1,2,3 Condtion CW Bolt N 1 2 3 4 dist from bolt to centroid d„ (X +r` 1 17 1 10 1.09 1 09 f, f d„ 525 04 493 53 486 81 486 79 Horizontal component H f Y'„/d„ 414 40 -414 43 387.09 387.07 (Ibs) Vertical component V, f X'„/d„ 322.39 268.00 295.19 295.19 (Ibs) Uniform Vertical Load V„ P/4 25.25 (ibs) Total Vertical V V +V„ -297 14 242.75 320 44 320.44 (lbs) Total Shear (V2 +H2)112 510 480 503 503 (Ibs) Max Shear =N 510 P THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCI. TO A THIRD PARTIES- AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 I JOB NAME: Masher ball Peninsula JOB NO: 748697 Construction Spela!tler JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA 1 PREPARED BY A. ME55111A 4 MEEKER AVENUE CRiNFORD, NEW �EASEY 07016 ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -05- 101 RV50: I FINAL 5UBMITTAL. Or" P' Wind load, a 37 PSF Average spacing, 5' -0" Projection, L 2 -0" P qSL= 3701bs M =PXL/2 4,440 lbs -in Screws Check. H =M /h'= 2,960 lbs V =P /2= I85lbs (T'(ra) 0 75 a OK Double Angle Clip I I /2 C. V h I/2" 1 1 H I 2 1 /2" b= 1 1 /2 Use (6) V4 screws Ta 507 lbs Va 3G3 lbs (see next sheet) T'= 1116= 4S3 V' V/6 108 lbs THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 0 Construction Spedalties'" 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW .ERSEY, 07016 Angle Check. Angle length, d 5 in Thickness, t 0 25 in Double Angle Clip t =f /4° fl Tension per bolt, T" [hxh +Vx(a +b) ]/a 888 lbs Shear per bolt, V" h/2 1 ,450 lbs Use (2) %z Bolt, stainless steel alloy group 1 ,2, and 3 condition CW Va= 2,984 lbs Ta= 5,G76 Ibs (T" /Fa) +(V /Va) 0 27 Weak axis bending on (2) 1/4 angle 1/2" apart S 0 7292 in 6a =M /S =6,089 Alooy GOG I -TG Fa 28 000 PSI JOB NAME: Mather Hail Peninsula 1 JOB NO: 74SGB7 JOB LOCATION: Port Angles, WA 1 PREPARED BY A. MESSIIIA 1 ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I O-Ob -101 RVSD• I FINAL SUBMITTAL. =5`I THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., VA-IICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO RE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES. INC. 411 Construction Spedelties'" 49 MEEKER AVENUE, CRANFORD, NEW ,ERSEY, 07016 JOB NAME: Mather Hall Peninsula I J05 NO: 745697 JOB LOCATION. Fort Angles, WA I PREPARED BY. A. ME5SItiA I ORGNL SUBMITTAL. I 0 -00 -101 RVSD: I FINAL SUBMITTAL. Screw Dull out values In aluminum for alloys 6063 -T5, 6063 -T6. 6061 -T6 Screw Pull Out: ss alloy group 1, 2, 3, coed A per AAMA TIR-A9, 1991 (2000 Addendum) Screw Type SP (unc or sp) Screw Size 1/4 -14 Alloy 6063 -T6 F 30,000 F 25,000 D 0.25 N= 14 TSA(I) 0 Total Material Thickness 0.187 Ta 607 lbs Tmax 630 lbs Alloy Ftu g 6061 T6 38,000 35,000 19,000 6063 -T5 22,000 16,000 9,500 6063 -T8 30,000 25,000 15,000 Screw D N TSA(I) T.. Max 10 -24 01900 24 0.017 394 12 -24 0.2160 24 0.019 544 1/4 -20 0.2500 20 0.027 716 UNC 5/16 -18 0.3125 18 0 038 1179 3/8 -16 0.3750 16 0.052 1744 7/16 -14 0.4375 14 0.070 2392 1/2 -13 0.5000 13 0.086 3193 10 -16 0.1900 16 342 12 14 0.2160 14 481 SP 1/4 -14 0.2500 14 630 5/16 -12 0.3125 12 1055 3/8 -12 0.3750 12 1573 2/N 0.1429 4/N 0.2857 design 607 lbs I OSHPD x 0.80 0 485 K 396 607 K5 396 168 Kz 470 Kg 470 K3 607 K7 158 K 763 K 0 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC., WHICH CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED TO A THIRD PARTIES. AND IS NOT TO AF USED MTHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC.. REFERENCE APPENDIX This document is the property of Construction Specialties, Inc., which contains confidential proprietary information that is not to be disclosed to a third party and is not to be used without written approval from Construction Specialties, Inc. LOAD COMBINATIONS LOAD COP 1NATIONS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1605 OF THE BUILDING CODE LIVE LOADS LIVE LOADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOAD DIAGRAMS SNOW LOADS SNOW LOADING AND SNOW DRIFT LOADING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE (SECTION 1608), GROUND SNOW LOAD Pg 36 PSF IMPORTANCE FACTOR Is 1 1 SNOW EXPOSURE FACTOR Ce 0 9 THERMAL FACTOR Ct 1 0 FLAT-ROOF SNOW LOAD Pf 25 PSF WIND LOADS WIND PRESSURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE (SECTION 1609) BASIC WIND SPEED (3-SECOND GUST) V 100 MPH EXPOSURE C IMPORTANCE FACTOR I w 9 1 15 ENCLOSURE CLASSIFICATION ENCLOSED INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT GCpi 0 18 SEISMIC LOADS SEISMIC LOADING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE BUILDING LOCATION: LATITUDE 48 10018 °N LONGITUDE 123 4159°W SEISMIC USE GROUP III IMPORTANCE FACTOR Ie 1 25 MAPPED SPECTRAL ACCELERATION PARAMETERS Ss 1 2, S1 0 50 SITE CLASS D SITE COEFFICIENTS Fa 1 05, Fv 1 53 SPECTRAL RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS Sds 0 787, Sdl 0 479 SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D LATERAL SYSTEM: SPECIAL REINFORCED SHEAR WALLS RESPONSE MODIFICATION COEFFICIENT R 6 SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENT NORTH-SOUTH Cs 0 164 Nominal D A(R) I Allowabl S hear I Bassin Thread Nominal A(S) Allowable B(POwtds) Diameter Thread Tensile Stress Thread Root Area Tension Sing le Double 1/8' St. 118' Al, IN Al. Thread/Inch Diameter Area (Sq.In) (Sq.In.) (Pounds) (Inch) (funds) (Pounds) A36 6063-T5 6063 -T6 #6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 309 153 306 1201 276 414 #8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 476 243 487 1427 328 492 #20-24 01900 0.0175 0.01.52 595 298 597 1653 380 570 #12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 823 420 840 1879 432 648 1/4.20 0.2500 0.03I8 0.0280 1081 550 1099 2175 I 500 730 5/16 -18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 1782 921 1841 2719 625 I 938 3/8 -16 03750 0.0775 0.0699 2635 1372 2744 3262 750 1123 7/16 -14 0.4375 0.1063 0.096E 3614 1886 3773 3806 875 1313 112 -13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 4825 2536 5072 4350 1000 1500 9/16 -12 0.5625 0.0819 0.1664 6185 3266 6533 4894 1123 1688 5/8 -11 06250 0.2260 0.2071 7684 4065 8131 5437 1250 1875 3/4 -10 0.7500 0.3345 03091 11373 6063 12135 6525 1500 2250 7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4286 15698 8413 16827 7612 1730 2625 1 -8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 20594 11052 22103 8700 2000 3090 F, (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 75,000 psi F (Min Tensile Yield Strength) 30,000 psi F, (Allowable Tensile Stress) 22.500 psi F„ (Allowable Shear Suess) 12,990 psi F Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 85,000 psi 1.22([9 1 2 P, (Allowable Tensile Stress) 34,000 psi A(R) 0.7854 D N J P (Allowable Shear Suess) 19,630 psi TABLE 9 STAINLESS STEEL Alloy Groups I, 2 and 3, Condition AF A(S) 0.7854 D 0,9743 1 N J In Tables 9 thin 15, for Group Type and Condition Definitions see pages 21 and 22, TABLE 10 STAINLESS STEEL Alloy Groups 1, 2 and 3 Condition A Nominal D A(S) A(R) Nominal Allowable Allowable Shear Thread Tensile Stress Thread Root Diameter& Thread Area Area (Pounds) Thnad/lnch (Inch) (Sq. In.) (Sq. (n.) I Single I Double (Pounds) (Pounds) 416-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 205 101 203 #632 0.1640 0.0140 0,0124 315 161 322 #10.24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0152 394 197 395 #12 -24 02160 0.0242 0.0214 544 278 556 1/4 -20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0260 716 364 727 5116 -18I 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 1179 I 609 1218 3/8 -16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 1744 908 1816 7/16.14 0 .4375 0.1063 0.0961 2392 1248 2497 1/2-13 05000 0.1419 0.1292 3193 1678 3357 9/16 -12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 4093 2162 4323 5/8 -11 0.6250 0.2260 0,2071 5085 2690 5381 3!4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 7526 4015 8031 7/8.9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4286 10388 5566 11135 1 -8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 13628 7314 14627 A(R) 0,7854 D A(S) 0.7854 D N 1/8" St. A36 1201 1427 1653 1879 2175 2719 3262 3806 4350 4894 5437 6525 7612 8700 1.22691 0.9743 x N F, 0.40F Allowable tension 0.40F [A(S)] F= 30 F Allowable shear (Single) F (A(R)] Bearing (Pounds) Minimum Material Thickness to Equal Tensile Cenaeity of Fastener (In,) A36 6063 -T5 6063.T6 0.111 0.238 0.173 0.142 0.317 0.227 0.151 0.322 0.234 0,176 0.389 0.279 0,199 0.435 0.313 0.250 0598 0.398 0.299 0.722 0.479 0.347 0.840 0.557 0.399 0.976 0.645 0.446 1.096 0.723 0.492 1.210 0.798 0.594 1.477 0.970 0.690 1.726 1.131 0.783 1.961 1.285 Minimum Material Thickness to Equal Tensile Capacity of Fastener (In.) lir 06 3.75 AL I M I 6 A36 1 6063.75 1 6063 -T6 06 6063 Tb 276 414 0.084 0.168 0.125 328 492 0.105 0.221 0.161 380 570 0.114 0.227 0.169 432 648 0.131 0.271 0.199 500 730 0.149 0.305 0.224 625 938 0.184 0.387 0.282 750 1125 0.219 0,466 0.336 875 1313 0.254 0.580 0.392 1000 1500 0.290 0.672 0.453 1125 1688 0.324 0.754 0.507 1250 1875 0.356 0.832 0.559 1500 2250 0.427 1.011 0.576 1750 2625 0.494 1.180 0.786 2000 3000 0.561 1.340 0.892 F,= 0.75F Allowable tension 0.75F [A(S)] F 0. 75 F Allowable shear (Single) 0.75 F(A(R)) AAMA TmR A9 -91 Page 26 Nominal Thread Diameter Thread/Inch D Nominal Thread Diameter (Inch) P (Min. Ullimate Tensile Strength) F (Min. Tensile Yield Strength) F, (Allowable Tensile Stress) K. (Allowable Shear Stoma) Nominal Nominal A(S) A(R) Allowable Thread Tensile Thread Teon Diameter Dlmnea Stress Area Root Area (Pounds) Timid/Inch (Inch) (Sq, In) (Sq. In.) #6-32 0.1380 48.32 0.1640 #10-24 0.1900 #12-24 0.2160 1/4 -20 0.2500 5/16 -18 0.3125 3/8 -16 0.3750 7/16 -14 04375 1/2 -13 0.5000 9/16-12 0.5625 5/8 -11 0.6250 3/4-10 0.7500 7/8 -9 0.8750 1 -8 10000 AAMA TIIi A9 -91 A(S) A(R) Tensile Thread Stress Area Root Area (Sq. In.) (Sq. In.) TABLE 11 STAINLESS STEIBL Alloy Croups 1, 2 and 3, Condition CW Allowable Tension (Pounds) 0.0091 0.0078 437 216 432 0.0140 0.0124 672 344 687 0.0175 0.0152 840 421 842 0.0242 0.0214 1162 593 1186 0.0318 0.0280 1526. f 776 1552 0.0524 0.0469 2515 1300 2599 0.0775 0.0699 3721) I 1937 3874 0.1063 0.0961 5102 2663 5326 0.1419 0.1292 6811 3580 7161 0.1819 0.1664 8731 4611 9223 0.2260 0.2071 10848 5739 11479 0.3345 0.3091 14718 7852 15704 0.4617 0.4286 20315 10888 21776 0.6057 0.5630 26651 14302 28604 DIAMETER Up Than 5/8' 3/4' and Over P (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 120,000 psi 110,000 ps F (Min. Tensile Yield Strength) 95,000 psi 75,000 psi F (Allowable Tensile Stress) 46,000 psi 44,000 psi F,(Allowable Shear Stress) 27,713 psi 25,403 psi Allowable Shear Beating (Pounds) Single Double 1/8' St. 118" AL I /8' Al. (Pounds) (Pounds) A36 6063 -T5 6063-T6 116.32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 364 180 360 1201 276 414 0.126 0.274 0.198 #8 -32 0.1640 0,0140 0.0124 560 286 573 1427 328 492 0.162 0.368 0.261 #10-24 0,2900 0,0175 0.0152 700 351 702 1653 380 570 0.170 0.372 0,267 #12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 968 494 988 1879 432 648 0.200 0.450 0.321 1(4.20 02500 0.0318 0.0280 1272 647 1293 2173 500 750 0.226 0.541 0.360 5/16 -18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 2096 1083 2166 2719 625 938 0.284 0.459 3/8 -16 03750 0.0775 0.0699 3100 1614 3229 3262 750 1125 0.341 0.553 7/16.14 0.4375 0.1063 0.096I 4252 2219 4439 3806 875 1313 0.395 0.642 1/2 -13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 5676 2984 5967 4350 1000 1500 0.456 0.745 9/16.12 05625 0.1819 0.1664 7276 3843 7686 4894 1125 1688 0.510 0,836 5/8-11 0.6250 02260 0.2071 9040 4783 9566 5437 1250 1875 0.563 0.923 3/4.10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 1I289 6023 12046 6525 1500 2250 0590 0.963 7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4286 15582 8352 16703 7612 1750 2625 0.686 1.123 1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 20442 10970 21941 8700 2000 3000 0.778 1.276 DIAMETER rr 12269 r For Diameters 3/4 and Over Up Thru 5/8' 314" and Over A(R) 0.78541D N P 0.7SF f l11111 r 110,000 ps, 85,000 psi 65,000 psi 45,000 psi A(S) 0.7854 rD 0.97431 J r Allowable tension 0.75FAA(S)1 N 40,000 psi 33,750 psi 23,094 psi 19,486 psi For Diameters Up Thru 5 /8' F 0,40F Allowable tension 0.40P„(A(S)] 0.40 F Allowable obese (Single) Fy[A(R)] In Tables 9 thin 15, for Group Type and Condition Definitions see pages 21 and Allowable Shear F TABLE 12 STAINLESS STEEL Alloy Groups 1.2 and 3. Condition SH Single I Double I Al. (Pounds) (Pounds) A36 6063 -T5, 6063 -T6 1201 1427 1653 1879 2175 2719 3262 3806 4350 4894 5437 6525 7612 8700 Bearing (Pounds) 276 328 380 432 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250 1500 1750 2000 A(R) 0.78541D 1.2269 J N J A(S) 0.7854 [D 0.9743] 2 Minimum Material Thickness to Equal Tensile Capacity of Fastener (In.) Allowable sixes (Single) F Minimum Material Thickness to Equal Tensile Capacity of Fastener (In.) A36 414 0.144 492 0.188 570 0.195 648 0.232 750 938 I 0.261 0.330 1125 0.396 1313 0.460 1500 1 0.532 1688 0.596 1875 0.657 2250 0.739 2625 0.860 3000 0.977 A36 6063 -T5 6063 -T6 F 0.75E �3 r 6063 -T6 0.231 0.308 0313 0.377 0.422 0.539 0651 0.756 0.878 0.985 1.089 1.225 1.431 1.626 F,fl,40F, Allowable tension i),40F [A(S)] F 0.40 F Allowable shear (Single) 70 F,[A(R)] Page 27 transmittal TO' Jim Lierly, Building Inspector City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 DATE. RE. Enclosures Date 18 November 2010 Peninsula College Maier Hall West Campus Improvements Deferred Submittals (Vendor Designed Systems see below) FOR APPROVAL REVIEWED FOR YOUR USE FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT AS REQUESTED Remarks Hello Jim, Enclosed are the bulk of the remaining deferred submittals that we agreed on. The two remaining are the Gas Kiln, Sunscreens, and the Acoustic Suspended Ceilings. We are waiting for the Contractor to finish these submittals. Thank you. JC VIA Copies Description 1 Bulletin 89 Seismic Restraints HVAC schacht aslani architects FAX TOTAL NO MAIL COURIER HAND DELIVERY HARD COPY TO FOLLOW 1 Bulletin 116 GWB Assemblies 1 Bulletin 160 Precast Concrete Exterior wall panels 1 Bulletin 205 Fall Protection 1 Bulletin 213 Sectional Doors 1 Bulletin 252 Theater Rigging 1 Bulletin 351 Metal Wall Panels Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2nd Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com 0 s J BULLETIN NO 351 TITLE. Submittal Review 074213- 0060 -6 Metal Wall Panels Engineering Calcs DATE. 25 October 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Imprcnts Project No 2006 -125 G (2 1) R c TO Nick Strohmeier (NS) G ij FROM David av� d F uc h s NO V ORT 8ANGELES 2010 DISTRIBUTION Owner David Wegener CITY OF P BUILDING DIVISION Architect Walter Schacht, JC Letourneau, Carl Dominguez, hie Contractor HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin ENCLOSURES DATE COPIES Received 2 10/4/10 REMARKS 1 Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit; NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N Not Complete Engineering calculations received for the record. No comments. 1 of 1 schacht aslani architects DESCRIPTION Metal Panel Furring Strip Fasteners Structural Calculations Response Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2^ Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com V' STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS MAIER HALL 111EST CAMPUS IMPROVElinE' T September 7, 2010 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON JOB No 1043 METAL PANEL FURRING STRIP FASTENERS e, Howard S W Construe.tor. By Sub'mtta t4� SPer $0.1410' 0 77 4 ti—t TO OCT u 2010 Arch 0 Cary Kopczynski Company 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 800 Bellevue WA 98004-4351 Phone (425) 455-2144 Fax: (425) 455-2091 mingligg www ckcps corn STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 11 This suhmhts! REVIEW It* fl of allow 0g NmpIeto only the rionnati ft wow:dot; oanie.it4 gehertilyw?! th •intk In he ■10,0. titr.ta o noi.ih 4:10 the r, now, ■eih ar,q.sal4t4 so.n j OCT 04 SCHACHT/ ASIAN{ tad' wise 10 intilcAs Otameitts. -henn 0 oA14-A2-17 4neo-r,e9A. Job No MAtesZ. ‘AAIA- 4 ‘Ale57 t."-q.vSi Designer AT r tAtel eAgEt.. Fbitt.b6x7 sTpt P Dab> -5 WASII 0 FA51C-P -,12- i 1 I 1 I i 1 I I I I i (1) V,VN P1 i 40 DASIC. kilht 5r5.:VP--4—$"*—SOC6iNtil— I ..one STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Cory Kopczynski Comparw Job Title. Subject Sheet No ;I: fr_OPT 61CtOrZ- :01M )/A)7 c Offic/iFAir 7 Si k w 0 6 rsf I f -g--=-1060-11-). 45.5 1 IT 14 i 1 0' •i I, I 1 ....A. —.J.— -1- i 1 r (i 1 —4 T 411-C)1_ t 2 1'.. 1 I i ...1. i 1 r i 1 1 i -0,4.i Of P1 (4) I I 5 I 1 I f I 1 eif)t-ts.00P-1/41059i k 1 1 •P i! 1 i I i I Cky t 4 4 .i I r i• 5.. 4 1 X i i 1 1 i 1 i l i I i I j 1 1.• I c� STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Cory Kopezynski. Company s"r Job Tide r Subject MAl e HA'LL t t T C ri"jpo1 Sheet No —4 t i. e I. r 5TRi I FGA *:l j. ck t3 t2 f?S.J IN I..q(0is! (d#L I 4 VAle- 6 Y 57.61- 5126 P t .1 S i 3 i 3 3 i cr sue Sli S P Job No 4 3 Designer• V2 y0 Date i t.. G;o; M I Y K 5 5f01914 42) ig, (6" 1f.>< rJ 1 JOBilTLF CRC SUBJECT: L SHEET; STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASCE:7-05Wall Components and Cladding Pressure Calculations: Wind Speed (V)• Exposure (B; C, or D)' Importdnee (I). Topographic Factor(K ,t) Wind Directionality Factor (K Minimum Building Width (w): Building Mean Roof Height (h): Element Length (tr User Defined Tributary Area: Enclosure Classification (0, P E): C: \WORK \Ballard Sheet Metal Project Nome ASCE 7.05 Components and Cladding- MM- DD- YY :xIsjWInd Walls h <60 ft Ballard Sheet Metal Wind Walls h 60 ft Internal Pressure Coefficient: GC= 0.18 Figure 6 -5 3-sec Gust Speed Exponent: a= 9.5 Table 6,2. Nominal Ht of Astm. Boundary Layer: ze= 900 Table 6 -2 Tributary Area Used: n/a End Zone Length: a= 4.5 ft Figure 6 -11 JOB NO, 1043 DESIGNER. AT DATE' 8/25/10 100 mph Figure 6 -1 C Section 6.5.6 1 15 Section 6.3.5 1.00 Section 1.00 Section 6..5.4.4 45 ft 45 ft n/a n/a E (O Open, P Partially Enclosed, E Enclosed) Velocity Pressure: q= 29 4.psf (.00256)(K,)(KA(Kd)(V Mean Roof Height Velocity Pressure: q 31,5 psf External Pressure Coef: GCR48 5= 0:70 Figure 6-11A External Pressure Coef. GCv+= -0.80 Figure 6 -11A External Pressure Coef. GCPS= -0.80 Figure 6 -11A Wall Pressure Zones 4 &5 P4as 27.7 pst g +g (Eq. 6 -23) Wall Pressure Zone 4 454 -30.9 psf g g (Eq. 6 -23) Wall Pressure Zone 5 Ps -30:4 psi G gh(GCPS)-gh(GC,) (Eq. 6 23 1.`)5*& .31 :PSF Wind Walls h SO ft U STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS C; \WORK \Ballard Sheet Metal ##i Project Home ASCE7 -05 Seismic Design Force on Nonstructural Component MM- DD•YYxlsjRename This Sheet (Portrait) Ballard Sheet Metal Sesmic Demands. on Nonstructural Components JOB TITLF SUBJECT' SHEET' Spectral Accelaration (Short Period) SDS. Component Amplification Factor ap. Component Importance Factor .1p. Component Operation Weight W Vertically Cantilevered System: Concurrent Vertical Seismic Force, -0.2S Response Modification Factor R Component Height, r. Average Roof Height, h: (1+ .2 hl:= 0 4a z 1 1 2 h (y p) 11 04a W Fp P as P 1 +'2 (Yip) h. Fp (Max) 1.6 SDS. F (Max) 1.6 S F (Min) 0.3Sp Fp (Min) 0.3S 0.79 1.00 1.00 454 lb Y -71 lb 2.50 45.00. ft 45.00 ft 1.00 3:00 0.38 1.26 572 lb 0.24 107 lb Seismic. Design Force, F 172 lb '"c JOB NO, DESIGNER DATE' 172 lb ASCE 7-05 Eq. 13.3 -1 ASCE 7 -05 Eq. 13.3 -2 ASCE 7 -05 Eq. 13.3 -3 31 1043 AT 8/25/10 Rename This Sheet (Portraitf ASCE 7 -05 Table 13.5 -1 or 13.6 -1 ASCE 7 -05 13.1.3 ASCE 7 -05 Table 13.5 -1 or 13.6 -1 0. MIN 1:6GA,:STEEL S(UD" FRAMING'RY OTHERS. C 1 PANEL 0 .CW AND IMF BEAM 4:1 SCALE 1- 1 /2 ".4."Ir ARCH:REF 1eMe21 1 I 1 .1 1 #10,SCREINS @16"O :C. 1 (4. MINTER PANED. (21().1.45 PAF @.z6 :C, (4 MIN' :PER:PANEL} t 4 I' EXPICIES JULY 21. 2011 CLC)UDD FASTENER DESIGN. ONLY iiriirfie //7.7..9 i /iii PANEL 0 CW AND STEEL BEAM (LEVEL. 18c2) 4:1 SCALE 3'+x+1' -0' ARCH: REF" 12/A0,21 (2).O. 5 PAF@16"Q.C. 4 MIN PER PANE() i I (2) #iO SCR IS@16" O.0 (4 MIN PER PANEL) :A l .ARi SHEET :10 SCR WS @16. "C? e. METAL WORKS. IN (4 t IIN.PER PANEL) 476 •:9oNa *ono S.at `wA Phol4 9 784 -05±6 FoiC.,2O6_761 0116 H 'ALL DIMENSIONS TO OE VERIFIED ON SITE cusio►i lao MAW R, IIALL WEST IMPROVEiI Eton 1502.i 1.,10k10221 100 "11k *ibP V. 2010 xealo AS NQED er %x ix =3a1 MI go). Moo 6wl. All PANEL SECTIONS 41 4 0 PASS—THROUGH OVERHANG ,2 SCALE 3ii.1.-43 ARCH. REF» 41AS-21 A. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. ■••1-6. :ow. a.m. (2)'9.145 PAF@IVO.C, (4 MIN PER PANEL) (2) #10SCREitS@I6"0.C. STAGERED 1 F g 1 2 BALL. .0 SHEET METAL WORKS, IN M2i.2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DEsipN.pWy I. ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE MIMED ON sm. rAtAFF-IrOttn• PUST011100 2 0 1 0 AS'ogrib drm Irk pmk:a. gw; V2621 dn. utc. PANEL SECIIONS dog. no: 4.2 4763 606ird Mietitto Sea Wei WA ptioryA406-784-1-0545 nn,206-781.r01t8 a ....NM PA H. 1 1 :11 1 t Zs il 11 11 01410.1.• MAERH.AIX;E4T CA PUS IMPROVEMENTS pOilc,i *au*" 150i.r.l.AURvial PCRT.ANCELES,'r, 08363../44 4 I -g• I DARES 21, 201t CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY A se 4 4 7 4, 0 4 47 4 4' A A .41 1 I 4' 4 4 4 41 A 1 -4 4 4 4 7 A 4 fr. ois 4 .4 4 4 1 0 4 .ii: It 4 4 4, 4 41 A 4 '4 4 °4 4' 4 4. 1' A 4 4- 4 A 4 4 t. PERF HAIL CONTROL BOOTH EDGE SCALE 3"...1"—D" ARCH.REF L *4 4 A 4" I 4. 4 4. 4 .41 -4. A A #10 SCREWS@16"0.C. (4. MIN PER PANEL) (2) 0.145 PARP16"0;C. (4 MIN PER PANEL) -F- I. ^1_ J 1 2). #10 SCREWS@16"0.C. STAGGERED ww, ALL DIMENSIONS TO DE VERIFIED ON SITE canowswo, cusTasulin g BAllAliD SHEET METAL WORKS,. IN 4763 Bollard Avento NW SeattIfi, WA phonc.2013-704-0545 :F4206 I o n Pr** MAIER Ma A WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS L prefect losotion: Isol LAWMEN et.SO PORT 0=4 y44 Saul Mk d Jolly 27. 2010 sop* AS MED **A inn '4C tooled. Oft U do-9. titles PANEL SECTIONS J thtj. no 4.3 o a I 6 6 6 R• 4 4.4 A 4 v. PP"' "2.• 4 4 4 4 4 4 A .4 41 4 A 4' 4 1 ■3 43 4 4 4 4' 4 4/1 A 7 4 4. 41 4 4 4 A 4- a 4 4 .4- A -4 4 4 *I '4 3, 4 or 44 4 A. 2t* A 4 4 A A A 4 LL 4 A 4 ..r 4 4 -4 A 4-. 4. A 4 4 4 74 A -4 SOFFIT EDGE. DETAIL SCALE 3"*.1*-12* ARCH.REP a. (3-) I z o (2) 0.145 PAFg16"0 C 41 4 (4 MIN PER. PANEL) 4 (41 (2) #10 SCREWS@-16"0.0 STAGGERED J EXPIRES' .JULY 21. 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE. tillt,=066 CUSTOM TEO BALLARD SHEET MEAL WORKS, IN 4763 Ballard Avenue NW SeattIe, WA Phonea-206-764-0545 roxL206-761-0118 chos. ne: IIIN4FL HALL e, WEST CAMPUS gettoikintrrs ptopet Fee*Von: 1302 E 14232DSER 1150 PORT MUTES; WA /Pa, UZA datin 4627. 2010 scale AS 10120 itovn 6y: Sic PrOlest no: U2022 4.4. PANEL SECTIONS 44 1 I 1. 4 4 44 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 41 4.4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 PANEL C. LOUVER:. JAMB SHEAR WALL SCALE- ARCH. REF 130402 .4 4 A .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 MEL CUP 0 10 0.C. cow. srARTER TRACK 2-410 SCREWS PER CUP —CC TO MATCH W/ PO SCREWS 0 le 04. O.157DTAXI 1W EMBED FILTI X-U PAF @16 TYP H I EOIRES JULY 21, 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY Plionr4007784-0545 For..205-.781 IS ALL DIMENStONS TO DE VERIFIED ON SITE LOLORASIgior OWN TOO E4 t BAU_ARD SlitEr METAL WORKS; IN 4783 15044 Avenue NW SW*. WA p0306 MAIER HALL &WEST CAMPUS' IMPROVEMENTS ibroi•o.t kozoDav twa 2 tAwmax PORT mann, WA UT. etotc ?ifti 2 gas*: 13' wino' dn.! Wr P "a: Y 41. aft PAI•18. 0 LOUVER 4N,18 SHEAR WALL dwg. Dl A j C. PANEL 0 LOUVER sou 6%.1*--cr ARCH. REF. 181A8.02 #loscp,Ew504.0"ac (+MIN PER PANEL) 1/2" EXTERIOR SHEATHING BY OTHERS —eumaNG WRAP ar cynieRs tot.; Fe OTHERS I 1 I I I I 0 a PAM- CUP 0 16" 0.C. Yij 2410 SCREWS PER CUP SPUNE COLOR TO MATCH VERIFY ON ALL.SHEETS! MIN 16GA STUDS PER SPECS SEECTI.ON 974213 C 1/f EXTERIOR SHEATHING r .e.114/ILDING WRAP IF( OTHERS A PANEL 0 WINDOW JAMES E 610* ARCH. REF 16r4e.02 #19 SCREWS11.6"QC. (4 M.W.PER'PANP.)' "h stgra-m tt. =---coi.oR.T.O.maTctrwt 110 SCRs 0 14* (T.C. I EXPIRES JULY 21, 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY Ni. DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE col oft ur.rus: COON IBS e 7 7 7 7 tiAuARD SHEET METAL WORKS, IN 4763 Millard Ayinue NW Sort* WA Ph4044136434-0545 Far..206-78V-0116 pt.:itch MAZER MIERHALL& WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS. proWct 1.34:cAkm MI E. LoaStiOSSCEtyp g 7 462,7 WA .A4r 17. 2010 vcatg AS Not) en. by: vic o'. rm■ Welt dn. uttd: PANEL 0 LOUVER de VON OM JAMB dwg. no: 02 INSUIArtst BY ONERS' 1/2" .EXTER1OR SHEATHINO gr-OTHERS WU/1NQ WRAP ay OTHERS— TrTi INSIDE CORNER. DETAIL _SCALE '6%.1'-r ARCH. W.:WM.03 6 #10 SCREWS@16"0.C. (4 MIN PER PANEL) MIN. 18ga. STEEL 1J0 FRAMING 1r O.C. PANEL CLIP. 0 :18" W/ 2-110 SCREWS PER CUP SPUNE COLOR: TO mac.1: Y OThERS 18ga. CALV. 'STEEL SCOCIRT AS IREce0 W/ 110 SCREWS C 16* O.C. BY MEM .1 -7". 1—.17 If I I I I .1; #10 SCREWS@l6 (4 MIN PER PANEL) Ni. DIMENSIONS TO 0E VERIFIED ON SITE• 00101.11:61060 CU61011.76D 4 8 eALLARD S1-kti METAL WORKS, IN 4763 Ward Ayonu* N1&. WA .P1vone:,106704 roz..206-761*(1116 PIO!! MAIERHALL &WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS 1502 E IMPIOSEN WA USA' dot.; Jutt 27.:260 no* AS lialE0 dr* biz 'A; Pni$!4 no; 142 MIES JAY 21, 2011 eiwg. bltex INSIDE CORNER DETAIL CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY D3 a -1 I ve EXTERIOR SHEATHING B( OTHERS +4. BUILDING 'MP BY OTHER$L I INSOIATTON BY OTHERS I 1 I I j I I 0 D4 OUTSIDE .CORNER DEM/ SCALE 6 ARCH. FEE:16/M= MIN 160(4 STEEL STUD 0 14 O.C. BY I ONERS t 1 BLOCKING I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. I 1 1 17 INSULATION By OTHERS ve EXTERIOR SHEATHING Sy OTHERS eittuni4- WRAP B PANEL CUP 0 16" O.C. W/ 2 SCRUM PER CUP SPUME COLOR TO MATCH PANEL 0 BRICK SCALE 6` ARCKFIEF 11./ML03 BRICK BY OTHERS SCREWS@1.6"0.C. (4 IvIR4 PER .PMEL): 186 3.wa e. •0 FRAMIN4 16" 0.0. BY OTHERS lika. GAM. STEEL _SUBMIT AS REO'D WI PO SCREWS 0 16" BY OTHERS I.EXPIRES JtILY_21, 2011 I CLOUDED 'FASTENER DESIGN,ONLY ALL DIMENSIONS TO DC 'VERIFIED ON SITE. of OR I 0i$16$4 '60 E It BALLAD SHEET METAL WORKS, IN 4763 Balked Avenue NW Seattle, WA Phanr..206-7814-0545 Far.206-781-0118 pcgtM MAIER HALL 8. WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS on tA0Mbiiii !mar AWL% Ma. trsA 4 =7. 2010 kok As. kitzi ei* vx r Y 04 ,t TYPICAL PANEL JOINTS dwq. D4 A I a 4 -4 L 4 4 4 4 4 4 cf. 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 l sour■■• I 4 4 4 4 C 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 Dittpc EtY OTHERS PANELBRJCK/CW CORNER DETAIL SCALE 6 ARM REF 3/A3.03 41 4 4 PANEL CLIP O. 10! O.C. W/ 2-1O-5CREW$-- PER A CUP POLOIt' TO IAMCN 4 4 4 4 4 ALL DiMENSIONS TO BE vainfo ON srre: 4‘.4 DOOR IntstIN C115101.1 190 0.157 DIA X 11/4" EMBED HILTI X. PM 616"0.C., TYP 4 v 4 4 4 1' 1 1 1 1 I MKS JULY 21, 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY BALLARD SHEET METAL WORKS, IN 476.3 Ballard AvGatut Sirirttl*, Wit Pima:206-78+-0M Ektiq.0:16,—"781411 2 lifi fl! rirmilr■ cioun 44* 27. 20 scoic lS mom dewn by: VW Pr4= 04 c U .4 62 4 doo. 411.: PANEL CORNER DETAIL, dwo. no: D5 two;•; MAIER HALL WEST C AMPUS IMPROVEMENTS peolgct 1 1502 E. lAU2115211 1XYD PORT ARGELES. WA 14t3e USA X *AMP V..., Va.. •••••••ft ii 1 (2) 0.145 PAF@16"0.C. (4 MIN PER PANEL) t 1 MO. CAW, STEEL SDSORT REQ'D WI pp $cREWSO Ter o.C, BY OTHERS COLOR' TO WATCH CUP lei i-110- SCREWS PER' CUP wwir-ay mitts ExTERtoR SWATHING OTHERS 0 06 PANEL 0 ROOF BEAM SCALE 6=1 Lo° "Rai. REF:, 16/A6-21 BLOCKING UV Cr_1(4. By OTHERS INSIJIATION BY ODIUM' —STEEL BY OTHERS 166A #10 SCREWS@WO.C, —(4 MIN PER PANEL) I RAMINGBY I PANEL -0 CURTAIN WALL soALE r-r-o° ARCH:FiEF 12/A8.21 r 1/2 IDOERIOR SHMTHING BY OTHERS r—i3ULDING MAP BY OTIO4RS INSOLATION BY OTHE:RS- 18 QLY. STEEL. D 'W/ I. .10 SCREWS O O.O. I BY OTHERS cow. 4TA4Tpl: TRACK TO MATCH WI iso scatAle fir ox. BY EMS XI.Y. 21, 2011 I CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY -F ALL DIMENSIONS To BE VERIFIED ON SITE, CUS1011120 0. BALLARD SHEET METAL WORKS; IN 470 Boil6rd Avciim PM Sedtle. WA Plioo*,i06-784-0545 t'coc.205-181-4116 dog. no: ect MAIER HALL is WESr CAMPUS impkoveaNts *83C2 USA 1302 E 1AURCISEICIEW dote: JOY 27 2010 NO* Om by: LK projgd 92022 deq. PANEL SECTIONS D6 (2) 0.145 PAF@16"0.0 (4 MIN PER PANEL) V IkC ki I lir=ivitt 1111115 -I et (2) SCREWS@16"ac (4 MIN PER pANE,.0 0 1,82a.. GAM SM. =GIRT AS RECI W/ 10 SCREWS 0 1 r 0.C. BY OTHERS ..-.4 ---speNE cam TO MATCH CLIP 0 16" 04. W/ 2-110 SCREWS PER CLIP PANEL .O CURTAIN WALL 07 SCALE 6"-.1 H. REP.: 16!A8.21 EXTERIOR SHEATHING BY OTHERS WRAP PI' M 1NSULATION BY OTHERS (2) #10 CREWS916"0:C. STAGGERED 40 d.////; I O.C. BY OTHERS d I k (2) 0.145 PAF@16"0.C. (4 MIN PER PANEL) t I L PANEL CLIP 0 le 0.0. 2-110 SCREWS PER CLIP PANEL C CURTAIN WALL SCALE 8 ARCH. REF.: 4/A8.21 i COPING BY OTHERS SPLINE COLOR TO MATCH PM:I-M.0*-e 1r 0.6.. w1 -st 4:440 jag*. LOAM ,STEEL SUBGJRrM REQ10 WI 110 $CREWS.O i fr 0c. BY OTHERS ,B4SOLATION BY OTHERS 1 89 3 CAL.V. ,STEEL SL •fib SCREWS 0 le O.C. BY OTHERS cow. Nom twit ixtoR TO MATCH W/ tto SCREWS 0 :16 •0.C. EXPIRES JULY 21, 2011. CLOUDED ,FASTENER DESIGN ONLY ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED ON SITt cot oft tettnirt CUSTOM 180 BALLARD SHEET METAL WORKS, IN 4763 Ma. Aw. I414 Seattle., WA Phone.206-784-0545 Ft:00.200-481--01 OA:Oct MAIER HALL WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS ptvjotE Itrtatkiee 1002-t; Ltitiimpsoi si.v0 MM Eigs wA 26 16 talc AS WIN de, t'A project atn *12622 dw6 UtIE PANEL SECTIONS dm* no: D7 .1^ I g 11, #1(/ ,CREWS©1:6!Ti.C. (4:MTN ppR PAW). I I r „I el I I I: CQL0R FID 110 SCREWS 0 le 0.C. KiNpANEL AO :LEDGER Z) SCALE 0 ARCO. ietAA.31 1/27,EKIERIOR SHEATHING BY OHERS WRAP Ete OTHERS INSULATION BY •01.(EPth. logo, CAL.V..STEEL. 5BqRTAREQD 'W/ :110 SCREWS 0 16* oz. OY OTTERS )GAP1 #10. SCREWS©16"0.C: (4 MIN PER PANEL) (2). 0.145 PAF©16"Q.0 (4 MIN:PER PAIsIL) r 4 4 t PANEL O LEDGER SCALE'6"*.1'-0* ARCH. REF. 13/ 1/2! EXTERIOR SHEATHING BY OTHERS WRAP OY OTHERS tut utanot4 BY OTHERS isga. OALV. STEEL As Krta 'WI 110: SCREWS 0 16" O.C. f3Y OTHERS STARTER TRACK 110 SCREWS 0 4 R TO WATCH PANEL CUP 0 16 0.C. 2-410 'SCREWS PER CUP 1820. GAY. STEEL %Mow AS Mt VI/ #10 SCREWS 0 16 0.C), BY OTHERS :*R Sheet43 I MKS .LILY, 21, 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY J. DIMENSIONS TO SE VERIFIED ON SITE. MAR I tan: =row Ito ..1■■■■ 0 r it BAllARD SHOE; METAL WORM IN 47013014 Avor.tue NW Phone201-704-050 for-206-781-0118 09 I Iwo MAIER HALL &WEST qAmin4 imisRovEmENTs usoz sAuRostm eum w,..Awczus. A 048.2.: OSA date 27,.2016 *-,;Ic 4 talED dnin by: VI< prO'Oct 4#4, PANEL SECIviqs dwg: no; Of 4 4 4 ri) 0.145 PAF@16"0.C. MIN PER PANEL) ••■•■■■■•C SPLINE COLOR TO MATCH PANEL. cu P O is' o4). taktViS PER WO 1840. OALY. STEEL sYSOIRT AS REM) iV/ po..scREws BY OTHERS WiERIO sHOUNING PANEL .0 LEDGER. SCALE C.W-Of AR*. H04110.9.31 #10 SCREV1/5@1.6"0.C. (4 MIN PER PANEL) 4 4 I 1: WRAP ITT OTHERS INStRATION OY OTHERS iegp. GALV STEEL T ---_SOSOIRT A., REM .W/ PO SCREWS 0 le' O.O. BY OTHERS 1 CONtf SOS% l*At1( coLoR ip MATCH yi/ 1 pin SCREWS le ad,. T 4 .4 I PANEL 0 LEDGER SCALE 6 Arta-CREF.:i2tAaat 1/2 :EXTERIOR SHEATHING BY OTHERS CORES JULY 21. 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY DIMENSIONSI TO .13E YERISED ON SITE. tet04 tre.stm; $TOU 2 1.3ALLARD :SHEET METAL WORKS, IN 4703. ikilfant*Ntw..* Seattle WA korw.itif34—OS:43 .raxi.ao48oi 411 ;Oict. 04= 734401 ED by: vg pc:opit PANEL SECTIONS lb* nal D10 P HALL •4 WEST CAMWS IMPROVEMENTS ppNatI:lotOwk 1502E tAllittaN PORT ANGE144 WU; OSA JIMPIIMM..110■1011 M *.D N% \l "\"t 7 •R PANEL. BASE scALE ARCH:RF,F .5/A8.31 #IO M..(N :PEP. PANEL) I 7 71. .1/2.gparf.60 tHEATHING BY OTHERS WILDING WRAP' BY ,ORIERS. BY anietS r iftrillga- O thil riS; "ASY; "WEL te 110 S Roy 0: 16 •o.c.. ExFIREs siva 21, 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY •ALL DIMENSIONS TO RE VERIFIED ON SITE. MOIR trcrun! cbsrOM ISO .7) 5$ BALLARD SFIEET METAL WORKS, IN 4733 Panora A*** NW Sig.. WA •Phon4208.4734t-0545 F206481,011 ii of ;It 1 PI L 111. 061+,4 MAIER !4ALL& WEST CAMPUS. IMPROVEMENTS tiro*t koollog E.„txtapsoi 84.1.0 i 4* ioito sc,*: project oft U2622 09 Ytto: PANEL SECTIONS D12 9 I lago. GALV. STEEL SUEORT AS REVD W/ 110 SCREWS O'16 0.0. BY OTHERS cow. NORM TRACK 110 BusAiW witApfly O butRiot Br-OTHERS' PANEL CUP .0 i W/ 2- 7 /101.SCREWS PER CUP BISOLATION Sr V I LI (2) #1.0 SCREWS016"Q (4 MIN PER:PMEL). I 7-74 I I 10441. STM:7STUD BY- OTHERS I HORIZONTAL .JOINT SCALE 61 -O ARCH. REF.:8/A8'.34 I MIRES :MY 21, 2011 I CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY #10 gREWS© (4 MIN PER PMEL) PANEL CUP 0 361* 0.0. WI 2410 SCREWS PER CUP SPUN Ow* TO LATCH' SPLINE COLOR To MATCH VERTIM Jolur 13 SCALE trael VERTICAL JOINT SCALE ARCH.REF.: 71A8.34 ARCH. REF.: N/A 1894. &Lir. srm. SOW& AS OM WI 10 SCRIEWS 16*-0.C. 1/27 EXTERIOR SHEATHING ELY OMERS woo pe INSULATION BY' OTHERS #1f) SCREWS@.16"P,C (4 MIN PER 'PANEL) STAGGER PANEL Clip 0 le o.c. vq.2410 SCR... PER: CUP ON PANELS 5*-41v NISH AU. VIMENSIONS:_TO"BE 'VERIFIED ON Silt 01.611.4020 custom Teo. BA LARD SHEET METAL WORKS, IN 4.74.7 1W0. Se*Iii, :WA PII FOci..2011-7111 411, pfoot MAitik*LL,&WEer •AMPUS' .IMPROVEMENTS pa� .1= tA0L21iD5C1 DIA PORI MOWS; WA 68363,,USA datc •Afif 27. SOO AS MED by: W t U2$22 dria. TYPICAL. PAWL MAILS dwg ne. D13 ii 1 1 #10 SCR Sg16"0.C, 10 pMtNG 16 SOOtiiRP;f:S. 5°1 VI/ DO 0:WS 0 -le 0.O. „ti /WALL INIERSEGIVIL„ se/41;4'4-4r moti.vto....tim. Of --tits, crotg.R CLOtkiliE OlitCRS tPLSE COLOR "r0 PRO. CiLIP 0„ i0 o.c. solos OSOLA 01/1 VOILD10 'OY 0 ig! CdOOOR :Vat= PUS vroltatoixt4GF°100.: 0 .da t olwat+ too 4t A.k. 44 SION, tis"**007■.4br...r 4‘.14'4■42'12 CI S v.- EVIRES ----15-1113VII 3----'------1 4-42‘06. BEM/WO ittiPISECI10 coupep F.P310401 Di 4 DESIGN ONLY I I _oar or* Isom.- or. 4 444a41 i• //////7/'//:///: PANEL BELOW COPING, 5 SCALE esdr—O AROKREC 3/A8.35 MK ittgo. STEEL.-STUG' FRAMING; BY OTHERS 44■,.. 44.44.4, .41 44.■ I 4044SPAR#16 0:C MIN PER PANEL) -ROOFING BY OTHERS stp:Ley OFTIERS .—".-CQPING BY OTHERS rAkEt COP. ii-110 r 1040i'00 PER CUP L t):.SCitt ifr O. OTHERS_ ExtritOR SHFAMINP' vi* Or "moms. BY OTHERS, 1' CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY EXPIRES .111L 21, 201 ALL DIMENSIONS. TO BE vetingo ON SITE pauleagL0 anrom BALLARD SHEET METAL WORKS, 4763 Banc(rd Avenue tiv 50.0514 ViA P1100.206784,- reoc.206—lat-knfti pivI MAtER HALL &WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS perojett kikation: 1$02 MUMMY BOS) PORT ANGELES, 161, soma tisk Jutf 21 ?of° .cak *IS NOTED .4 prPilid! no W$22 dog. We PANEL BELOW COPING deg. he: D15 e MIN. STEEL MAIN* 0 16" 0.C. OY OTHERS 1ega. CALV. STEEL SUSCIRT AS REVD Yil 110 SCRUM 0 1G' 0.0, BY OTHERS PANEL 0 CLOSURE scAt.g mot icvg.35' #10 SCREWS@MV.C. (4 MIN PER PANEL) SHEATHING #QScftglk$01.6V.C.: (*.M.111 SY oTHERs Etufti.)040 Yaw By •Itisup■miti.itt cirk* 1 1M4E4110k 'SY IMP'S PM:LI:up .0x; Stitt*: PER-CtO !SPLINE .cocitki: T0MATCH COM STMTER TRAtk POLON :to MATCH W/ 110. SCOEVIS fiti 16" 0:0. ;4k Lc:own #y oat EXPIRES W21. 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY z ..f. 1 1 fr iIi, 1 11111. -11•1' 1 1 i I 1 i 1 If mil liiii 1 liti;11 1 1 1 1 I 1,1$ I 111/' 0 1 1111121 11 1 11010 I 0 th DIMENSIONS TO SE 9ERIFIED ON .SRE. t'nl ircnin Gil KLAN') SHEET METAL WORK, IN 4763.,13agard. ***re's Vs 444* ViA .P .F04.406781-;0118. A MAIER HALL 4141 CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS thro. true: CLOSURE 016 EXTERIOR ip BY OTHERS INSDLATION 111' MOTS I 1 1004:CAM STEEL I mon -14$ '1021) 110SCREWS. 0- ir OTNERS CONt STARTER COI-OR: TC.MAltit W/ fig- *okays iv 4.c. FLASIINO tlY OTHERS S. 1g 4 maw.. 4 4 4 1 .........--r MALMO WRAP I mama. PANEL 0 CONCRETE SCALE rm1e-0' ARCH-REF.:NA 4 4 4 #10 $CREWSel.MC. (CAIN PER POW 4 4 4 (2) #10 $CREWS© (+MIN PER PANEL) V 1, ..*r i rres■ PANEL SECTION 0 LOUVER SCALE frwer—o' ARCILRER 4/Aa.3i COLOR 10 MATCH PANEL. CLIP ir z.41a %Rays PER 10•14.- CAW. STEEL sumo AS REO go seams 18 o,c. ExtiooR stir,Ailmq BY OTHERS SLALOM WRAF' Erf OTHERS INSULATION BY OTHERS I MIRES AL-Y 21, 2011 CLOUDED FASTENER DESIGN ONLY DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE. zits:AIMS; 0.111 BALLARD SHEET MEM, WORKS, IN 4703 *IRO A NW Plivuoi406 Fax.206-181-01 IS MAIER HAM WEST CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS proled locatiolc 1502 E. ULIPX404 141.1) 98352, date: 40:0 24 wog PS No10) dein Irf: ,prxicet.acc 1.12412 dog. OW PANEL DETAILS 44 'Me ti BULLETIN NO 313 TITLE. Submittal Review- 077200a- 0097 -1 Fall Protection Re- submittal DATE. 5 October 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) TO. Paul Cronin (PC) FROM. Carl Dominguez DISTRIBUTION RECEIVED Owner David Wegener NOV i 8 n J' Architect Walter Schacht, JC Letourneau, File Contractor HSW Bob Langberg, Nick Strohmei •r ENCLOSURES DATE COPIES DESCRIPTION 08/20/10 1 Submittal Review REMARKS schacht aslani architects CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit; NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N Not Complete MKA 1 Structural Engineer s Cursory Review 1of1 Response NA Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2 Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443.3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com Maier Hall West Campus Tel: Fax: Transmitted To: Carl Dominguez Schacht Aslani Architects 506 2nd Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: 206 -443 -3448 Fax: 206 -443 -3471 Delivered: Hand Tracking Number Transmitted For Approval 4 7i HSW has reviewed the attached submittals for content and conformity with the intent of the drawings and specifications. HSW requests that all engineered items be reviewed and approved by the appropriate members of the design team. 4 0 1 4 1 0 .,.xu It rq a', 1, Please see the attached submittal and return two (2) reviewed copies. PLEASE CONTACT US PROMPTLY IF THERE IS A PROBLEM OR,QUESTION w�Q �1f Howard S. Wright Constructors Submittal Transmittal Fall Protection Resubmittal Project Number 64135 Submittal Number 077200a 0097 1 Due Date: 9/1/10 Date: Transmitted By Subject: Copies Copies Required Back: Package Action: 001 8118/10 Nick Strohmeier Fall Protection Resubmittal RECEIVED AUG 2 0 2010 SCHACHT ASLANI ARCHITECTS 4 2 Signature Signed Date Prolog Manager Printed on: 8/18/2010 Page 1 AC*0 16;.200' 1‘. tic) .0/0i0:00 1 1502 East L.aurldsen Blvd tottiAotoot*A 4 Tits 4 l*Itit,tei.0, 14,Foolooto i otkae0140-,00rOgioomOs4110t#1,k010tffoii*Zitiefeniri0.01egi..4-001.0et1111'.,00,10.*: 140.04.0 iiiiiirtiitkOgifool'udir iki th fotoyftn$: atfattiOtt.th"6(0ittd,,uM iiiiitieeliiiit dfiiiiiii1grato*00007:01t!JOY14!‘!"-*-_'aprcwet--191,,f1-9'Im;"' 4.;" Plitteitislosta 11801 3 Martt,:iatr. Oreliiiititly sulmItted .'2.44, 3-..;'. T:C l'S 44:- -.,.,.1 4 l ProlOcti i tta ritlitiKt arid, 100,Cljpg :4_ AT:. .Oa, ::,...,i :p- '5„. xs-. c --iir, reqUiretti000,.160 e'..;X&I -Pjtforrtii 7:4 4 ,,.0,3. 4. g. x -,T.- .qdr -ff, 4, 4 1' 4 e i :4 a St119) a rd these Cl Oic UM, i t ilk Of to the a 0 'Fir old rtato cti a n r,fe 4: For any q u e i t I o tit on tthis ievis e 7 -1 ..:',;..,.i..::...-rf- .e:g. ?-4, itibtri4t41 ;00:40gOpfeellreeito &oil ittiaiVrobw@guiitdia6104107,1- i r i r gr 4 1 It''.:, 1 '1 i ,i,, 61 4 5 1 tiiitereljt, A, 4 ;1. P.. i t., 4 ;A if s l'', .A„, .4-. 1::. 4, IkopiWiiitaCre --,r s. 0 tieet ,iitt, 46.0i!O 1,. -4 „;._,4 47::', -t P-,-;-; 4,...• 5 0,'" 'R- d No tit; L 17t-er:Orrailting L AUti 1=8 2010' 7 IhicUt*IrciiRtMEW th411 ft's tie ss %alp c Irjtat D010 caJ "W'rofg itikhltilig:EtidifittfrittOittli* V11E* Of OOtt OAK NEVel; aitilt ‘1 ()NU pUNSO NY'. AN M D AN 'OBSERVEO;DifffRMS:Wirri,TNC,ColirpAct oc-cumE:NTSO,poly.,THE' CONtRACTOR IS SUB, RESPONSIBLE FO'N ENSORIN0A11061ANONS4VEN JIE,P1114YrrillCANPIP IF.1€11,PKTP,A.1.45Vst00‘:(211-Y.' .IN,ANINNOtSTNE,-; J_S.:501.EMKRONsIOLOON EtThESSlW .0f.NSIONS'',ANO ifAliNIES'INO'FITNNON.041 FliO3AONTEKNEXIKCOLF)4(1'Z':Of sp,EoFicootis titittE HEW os.ffeimeffouffsousostueuou 'MEINO ;CONNIAVORNOM:R.SERESPONStiLNIF.S: IF.1.1,5REV*DOP1103±0. NST,i11111::AnOtiAt.ORVIONtk. „Ot:00.01160" 0,0,14 WRAiltirkiikENTS, OEVIATIONS IF ANY; !OtatiE viPITEitctrPQN*E,00 S4 1MO 4- 45 .4 kt, "'V [ARCHITECT 49- 1) GUARDIAN X13 UNKE I4(IRIXONIhL LIFEGIN SYSTEMS 5YSrEMSARE QESIGNEO I OR.USE 13 UP Ta2woatena CoNNEoitolt3 'IHESYSTEM TRIEWEIOHINGA 64MIMUMOF 214 MECUM INGTOOLSANt3GEM. 2) OOAROW 4 IfSs4t,eatg WEILEREANTANCHORE sH ALL. Be USEOIWOta>,+ItRKERINEKININ€1 AMN(lMUMOF ,6114040I340 Tp04&)lydWt 3) THESi? FALL: AARgs r SYSTEM SHAG.. NOT EIEUOQTOKATMATERV iOREQUIPMENT. 4) REFE_ RTOTHa_ SYSTEMSEISERGUIDEFORAOQIPONAI ONFORMAT)QN. 5) THESE SYSTEYAS HAVE BEEN OEB1GNEO TO MEET ALL REOU[A'1'ORY kakilREMEMT$ INC4UDING'OEHA &ANSI. 6) A FALL PROTECTTI€1N' 1oII�IPETENTPERZ* TRAINED lialvtE optigAyloN iKEPEOTIONQF HOIN2ONTALYiFEUNrwSIN17EPEA bEt TOPTHE't1SERSHALL SPEGYTHSSE'SY.STEMS Ot1A SI,ANNUAL SA413. 7) A FALL PROTEGT'ioN OUALW EQ PERSON TRAINED INFTHE QE R, ANA),YSIVNsTAIIATIoN,. AND OPERATION OF HORtiONTAL 13FELIIIESSIIA1,LINSPECT MESE SYStEMS•ON A#f ANNUAL .8) ALL WORKERS USIN43 THESE SYSTl:►iASESNAG.l i34TRA1NERi'ON THE PROPER G5E'OF IZONTALi.IFEURESI. RE REMETiT OF' T 5SB'SYSTEMS SHALL RESULT`II+I.TERIAINATl0NOPALL NTS REN )£RINGT1-043 USELESS FOR AAEY COMER FALL II 7Ei.'T'ION 1YSTt:1.1 14).2t F`.OFCLEAE?ANcE N.REOUIREDWHENU'SIN St225 200YAPPROVED t FA3,4' PROTECTION. EOUIPmENT W GN# ETH THESE CALL PRoTEC not4SYSra*. WORKER EQUIPMENT NQTES: 1) U5 €UFiAN1S1 I bE) tAk? 1 'ROVE:E)AERsoN!IE.F13t,L MON =UNMOVED TO 1,800 LaS mAxmoIA AkikEsr FORMISRE01k1 A. 2) ALL WORKERSSHALL USE AN ANSI nog 0 11VAPPRQVEO PUti, SO& HARNESS. i) HORI2QNTA),LIFEt e E IOANCIIOB:i6 MOM OEsism X't !ms,TSb 2) NO BUE SYIT3ITIONlS TO MATERIALS OR Iu11 EUt7CMtIIIERSEOU6+ 1OPERMItYETI 51r it tAIJ 3) ALL HLI. COMPONF)+tT'S SHALL et AL4 .41/400 AND STAINLESS OIEtt. GRADE 504:. FOR uP'PrR L£Y6L 3 SEE DRAWING PC)1H 'O3 FUR LOVER LEVEL. LAYOUT .GE NO 1 un+m t� znanat xt.c atr 1 SYSTEM PI It111 saae.,r� «tad :PENINSU MAIERHAL.L ALL PROTECTION SYSTEM Ilq 404k sat o 1 0.11Nre: oirono aateaa tut Are MANN I tccJie' NurAonagtim pm, a 14}itt imam .StE E °RAVING PCNH =o3 FOR 'LOVER 1X'EL LAYOUT tXT immcr 1-XIS EDGE 90 XTT-ImPACT ANOMIAS PLACtS) V FROM iNTERIOR UNLESS OINCRVISc WITCO I-X 04PACY 1-XT S IT:NMI:NEP UPPER LEVEL LAYOUT AWAVV37.1 i-xTS. IMPACT 1-'itTS EDGE 1-4tTS IMPACT 1-x7'S Mt 90 LEGEND A XeS4MOV.MOMINItalt 17111Z62 COMM= MOM VIK11PO4 *15{0441f molt sCAtIED fOR PENINSULA coi,Leee NIAltR HAIL GtmlOW FALL:PROVGTIONSYSTEM opo owl.** Cces) fusTax.602.12m mutat* kw coo orketto tptAtat I oaf itk JORffaMtit 44. ko.ler.7 rem otalacoa ReASOR fliVOCtii; v-trS IMPACT TENSIoni4 yn-otpAdr **Mt PLACtli nitte MAR JNt CatitoMe• Nato r I-X1S IPIRINAL NOLA LOWERLEVEL wow LEGEND IMIASNCT kr(OWEINEPKTE wan comma Roma x/s<WE icioalmos ACT -XTs MIK 10 Nam stALLE0 FOR 11x17 PAPER PENINSULA tOLLEGE G 11 MAIER HALL FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM ,tfitt.t *NAM kW Mt MO. 1turge ivomMioxt1144 I Prooxitoottame wizatorf. wet PM WO* WON OCOMV410.0.5%; steam* i Or* At0041361ft tflate 44 114071.10110: riggOiS *MU* OT4,40144 X TS.D4PACT ANCHOR POST EXISTING ROOF MENTION 26 1 71 321 412 2. 1 16 1 1 I 16 II 2 I 200 FII 6 7 I 1 CASTING OWE JO'S-TOG= NCH LTEN DETAIL I ANCHORPOST INSTAUATIONTYP. 'tGark I tiP.Tar fTh xTs.oLitmE SCALIne.c4" S LIST I DESCRIPTION X!. XS XTS,GLOSE XS XTSTROME ,ANcwoR xs xssastorklav xs xm- HOW xei xs$RMOGE90 xs.7014-671.10e.4 dbi;*.1CFivutouseRb 'figdittliAtiZAPLATt Wrd t r*TPIgg --VAteRPROOFOitO tOVett TO n INSTALLEO BT WiTeR PRODFEft: TOO4LE VIM- SIT F1.11$14 VI Ti4 OfiT FON OF )4L141. DECK DIMENSION 17 INSULAT ION EMI WO #40)%4 DECK onomr:=C: ITStRHUIAL KILO N.- 1P"T 4 _,A 4vikATA" '6AiitAilfEEBTra& Zat'Artitles site. aiiii"dtAtiEtiss XLVENSIONER fidAMV.T4t ,INOTES' GRKI 10,4A. ROM PARTS63001 113DAgEOUNOW046390f t GUARDIAN OTAt$saoso tOUARDIANPAIIT IGART eitb4, Viati Na0 ttiiikijapi ifacM taVadiMPARt traiiMbtki0Altri85014 S.S.LIDER 41:1:"W Mrte &CALM FOR I lxirPAPER PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL FALL. PROTECTION SYSTEM Doom 90 Om 041ft 4WD PPOMIAOCialgig cfapero*to 4w 64Tv Pm* 1 mgocrigit, notrxmactooNA lAptvemown POEVEMP40: ettlit* August 16, 2010 Magnusson Klemencic Associates c/o Lavina Sadhwani 1301 Fifth Avenue —Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98101 -2699 To Lavina Sadhwani This letter is written in response to the questions by MKA in regards to Guardian Fall Protection's submittal package for the Peninsula College Maier Hall project. The Horizontal Lifeline Fall Protection system designed by Guardian Fall Protection for the Maier Hall project is manufactured by XS Platforms. Please find attached the following documents on the XS Platforms product: An email letter from XS Platforms outlining to Guardian Fall Protection the requirements for the minimum gauge thickness for attaching the XS XTS- Impact anchors to a metal deck. As outlined in this letter XS Platforms has tested their XTS- Impact anchor on a 22 gauge metal deck as described in the SATRA testing report. Furthermore, as stated in the XS letter XS Platforms is comfortable on using their product on a 24 gauge metal deck. XS Platforms SATRA testing report findings on the performance of the XTS- Impact anchoron metal decking. From an analysis done by XS Platforms for the Maier Hall Horizontal Lifelines, XS Platforms has provided Guardian Fall Protection a maximum anchor loading of 7.0 kN or 1,575 lbs for two (2) users on the system. This is how much force the horizontal lifeline anchor will direct into the structure if one or both of these users were to fall over the edge of the roof activating the horizontal lifeline system. To be in accordance with OSHA 1926.502(d)(8), the end and intermediate anchor loadings provided to Guardian Fall Protection by XS Platforms were multiplied by two (2) to-create 00 osHA allowed dO$01004$40,r the horizontal lifeline system. Thus, as noted on the engineering drawing ixl horizo tdl lifeline Ohct and intermediate anchor design loads are 3,150 1bs.inorpor:trg=ttie .0 For any questions on these documents, feel fre.etogive nie a Mca robw @guardianfall.com. Sincerely, Rob Whitacre Director Guardian Engineering Services Group, Rob Whitacre From: Sent: To. Cc: Subject: Attachments Hi Jasson, Rob and Ed, Kaz van Hooijdonk KazvanHooijdonk @xsplatforms.com] Thursday April 22, 2010 9:06 AM Rob Whitacre; Jasson Farrier Ed Marquardt Geert Cox; Allert Gort 24 Gauge Part of the testrapport form Satra.pdf To answer your emails and questions from yesterday thorough, we checked the rapport and tests we did with Satra. We've tested on a steel roofing with a thickness of 0,73mm this should be similar to 22 gauge. The tests that where performed with Satra tested the anchor on steel deck with an force of 10kN for three minutes. After the three minutes pull -test we increased the static load and where able to hit 17kN (roughly 3820 pound- force) before the fixture was began to pull through the roofing at 17 lkN Attached you can find these results in a Satra rapport. ANSI and OSHA Compliance asks for a load test of 2500 pound -force (11 lkN) We believe based on the results of the testing we did with Satra on 22 gauge roof that there won't be any problem mounting the XTS- Impact with XTS- Toggle anchor on an 24 gauge roof Based on previous tests we don't seethe necessity of a new test for 24 gauge roofing, but if in your judgment this test is absolutely necessary, we can and will test the XTS- Impact with XTS- Toggle anchor on an 24 gauge roof We look forward to your response and will answer to possible questions as soon as possible. Regards, Kaz van Hooijdonk marketing manager XSPlatforms BV Papland 11 P.O. Box 510 4200 AM Gorinchem The Netherlands Telephone +31 (0)183 56 91 11 Fax +31 (0)183 56 91 12 XSPlatforms Middle East P.O. Box 16873 Jebel Ali, Dubai United Arab Emirates Telephone +971 (4) 8872488 Fax +971 (4) 8872499 For the disclaimer of XSPlatforms go to www.xsolatforms_com 1 Fii NVI4ffijmt :ft0 0604040# .NPfh.014.1:44 Nt 406 2k/s".1 CbtiditiOn's dfltd3:4: I P: TOt$, UKAS �tditL -004A IT`q.O.OPYiptc?0,igto.i,g.:ATRA:41c5ti$i% Adelti*Piomilirtsioft .94K 0#410g10_0#111 TAR Iax 4(Q) 34626 g q*. Owe: A727i3/NW YOUtirg OM: n Jily 2QOib 0 14 01 U9 t XS" IN 15 1996 114r.qp,ortlogy:o.glotwailgoloittiet 4.0040:tioniskoravidocuttioviti4-.**0 4 010 4 :10 00waY0t -01#03:09094t0 1 5110044 404001.#10[441ittutliii0;:itilti **OlgiligOttOrI#1000.4.):0.01:0$1.0.0::qt qatlit§viv.ovitt thit.Titgait.tvoloiktOitf**0000§ti.i.,*000040$14.1.0,ilq.. 4410:4: atotrogrliorofotgoiti4,5q*Odircilai.76nbf: OttathifiAtialf0ii i'0141*.:ArOir(i)**.:44:1000 aMPOIStleitfw$000;4 44-0 Orm4Y-4P100%11 H1.4440 0-i4 OrptipOppktftkOt04401000- '44%0000-041 pry.ptgAgAq40400$*0 ..46itagq itio ihere state 'POI*, On tYi'00:000.40mIgrAffOr P'PcgifidOli3O% PtO‘AttilitY4 .hark boo 6,0 404 a•Aiiikteori,itfiy A it,444iity OtAtOk4 m 1 0**44VaC.:' ***406tiolinfiol fa *Jo :00Pa:Riiferesite per:, Og AttgObtIOTION• :$40:40 weto*kitibrettoxift* 1.,;00-kIrrisW4 pooxijot bittfltilyiO47L*1 4990:0Pqg 1 Wrtgln 10 -;*wp .glie40 0,01 5 10iitr2:66% AIMO.tti)ir;t*. 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GF41tO 5 :tlififfif4t RaT4.01ht3r00.st; $4tC.Tiii?Wtegifitel«' 4 :111 MSS gr pmel Nt41441104.0 Pray 4.3 Sgrih 4 3:t 0$414, POIPTinnn4 Tnb14 As*stnen.1 in non LtJ '4,'.1 Vaittagsde 3641: 1992 1906' 395: CAUEIVIOST, 44 002,41fmges 1nn§, s qfii Ig,t 11g:tps„t-pms: $11.411'. 1*Ag,,,e§141 atfcknIA .10 intY20P7 Is,svc 2 ifittjM '199g‘.0000.1') 441:011011 Nofozifrobilitobatittitat olgtofftagogotioitbftho 4009110tolg$: t0i4Tgoik:4400tablo) To:chla Senfies Repirt: 'Inv t)f 'RaVt *I-VOWSENT PASS FAO:, 1 05* W101b0 TO: va'gq$ 0:10$4.110:4161:faltiftte$*46.00 fbfallieitiii0a$44ciintWb6fort) :t.* :.144:1wosA:gto,54*-4mlqttpa. 1 followillgAktiffrotall limit 244 otoono's-Okity WAWA 10:gtcy a f0 1)!: Tt ntiA c ti ti t.t 0: &lb:1 Test* tabiablit tffictegATRA iderehee:SPCOM 9P/1)72%3660kt '86:204140001 JW$X.1410.0 19$0,-,-200.1i-klitetitg1 Wite*.Q. 33 plotiti*o* 1411:44*-iiltotAst 1;A8& $4414444.0.1k f' r yrn. Se note 1 t vgigr:POPTIPP2OggiM40, Tre,g00, *W. 4.111404 cONTOLMIONS 1110041Wotio•fclii*sggt,,tgOtildeW *00440 "0.40 791-, :1 400 ,.;4101 04i44 40trOVe'00011 6'0 11 ,00, 1 '4 1 0 0 6 0§: SrANWAR)) ...`.-CLAUSETTAK,c1PgRIN ',PANA41 4:24:61iatiff0OirOn.eal Ct. igfakiOn, 0•40t, i'g 40 t0 Agig,0 Andlor Inv, system with a Imittounqossil).16.11,1*,rehman socitiechn,aN 1,99.6.Ctauso 41,11) X01404lik" V 11 M?:/0 13 Te.flICa ces Report :010.P9A -4 t tetiiorogtst (psgo 4 of 4) .0titY Pr000:qiltr BULLETIN NO 252 TITLE. Submittal #116133- 0113 -0 Theater Rigging DATE. 3 September 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) TO. Nick Strohmeier (NS) FROM. Carl Dominguez DISTRIBUTION Owner Architect Contractor Consultant ENCLOSURES DATE (Received 8/20/10) 9/2/2010 REMARKS COPIES 2 2 1 of 2 David Wegener Walter Schacht, Carl Dominguez, HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin DESCRIPTION APF Submittal Review Sparling Submittal Review memo schacht I aslani architects Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R+,R Revise and Resubmit NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N =Not Complete, Submit Submittal Review Comments 1 H &H Specialties Draw Curtain Machine Cut Sheets APF Amend and Resubmit (see cut sheets) 2 F Desisti Rigging and Automation Cut Sheets APF Amend and Resubmit 3 AcoustaCorp Cut Sheets APF Amend and Resubmit i Sparling: No Exceptions Taken 4 j Electrical cut sheets APF Amend and Resubmit 5 Theater Rigging Structural Calcs Amend and Resubmit 6 Rigging Shop Drawings Response R &R R &R R &R OK R &R R &R Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2^ Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443.3471 Seattle, WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com 4 Submittal Review Project: Peninsula College Maier Hall 720 Olive Way Suite 1400 Seattle, Washington 98101 1853 206/667 -0555 800/667 -0610 Fax: 206/667 -0554 www.sparling.com Architect: Carl Dominguez Schacht Aslani Contractor: Howard S. Wright NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT Date: Page: SPAR_ September 2, 2010 1 of 1 Reviewed by Sarah Rollins NG REJECTED SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEMS SUBMITTAL NOT REQUIRED NOT REVIEWED This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. Corrections or comments made during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with the requirements of the drawings and specifications and do not authorize changes to contract cost. Contractor is responsible for: Dimensions which shall be confirmed and correlated at the job site; fabrication process and techniques of construction; coordination of his work with that of all other trades; performing his work in a safe manner. The curtains shown in the Acoustac and rigging shop drawings from the theater rigging submittal are approved. VA memo AUERBACH POLLOCK FRIEDLANDER Perform g Arts /Med Fac Iiti Pla g nd De gn To Jean Claude Letorneau Date 9/1/2010 Schacht Aslani Architects AUERBACH GLASOW FRENCH A ch t ct I L ght g De g d Co It g Cc Carl Dominguez Pages 1 (including cover) From Vene Garcia /Mike McMackin Project Peninsula College Maier Hall Subject. Maier Hall Submittal #0113 -0 Code 180110 04 Specification Section 116133 Auerbach Pollock Friedlander Review We have received submittal #01I3 0 consisting of (3) sets of H &H Specialties Draw Curtain Machine Cut sheets (3) sets of Desisti Rigging and Automation Cut sheets (3) sets of Acoustacorp Cut sheets (3) sets of electrical Cut sheets (3) sets of Theater Rigging Structural Calcs (3) Sets of Rigging Shop drawings (1) set of horizontal variable acoustics KM Prestige Color Fabric Sample And are returning (2) sets of each of the documents stamped and marked with comments as well as the fabric sample We are keeping (1) set of each document for our records Note the variable acoustics portion of the submittal need to be reviewed by the acoustician of the project This memorandum addresses a few generic items, see marked submittal for specific comments and actions This submittal is to be amended and resubmitted No operation button required in any of the control panels except E Stop Control will be exerted with plug in station only in the case of the Desisti batten and with the remote control and crestron control system for the variable acoustics Provide Index for the Cut sheet package 225 Green Street San Francisco Cal forn a 941 I 1 Tel 415 392 7528 Fax. 415 92,7530 www auerbachconsultants corn 5, F N w Y L A AUERBACH POLLOCK FRIEDLANDER Perfo g Arts /Med Fa liti Pla ng and De gn Per 1 161 33 1 8 G 4 Provide detailed inventory of all equipment to be supplied including quantities manufacturer s part number references to applicable drawing etc Per 116133 1 8 G 8 Indicate all elements with appropriate safety factors and /or safety equipment Per 116133 1 8 G 9 Indicate recommended load limits for each major element in the system with loading requirements for attachment coordination Per 116133 2 3 E all bolts and fasteners to be grade 5 or better Coordinate drape color with the architect End of Memo 2 SUBMITTAL No. 1 t' 0 This submittal has been reviewed for design only Contractor is responsible for iii corrections indicated heron, for dimensions, quantities, fabrications, construction techniques and coordination with other contractors, subcontractors and suppliers This review does not authorize change to the contrnt rr quuements unless s1 ted in a sate iol er or ch onier U NO EXCEPTIONS 1 AKEN tFND RESUBMIT EXCEPTIONS NOTED C7 RE•lECTED -SEE REMARKS Checked Bya OaSE-P-2 FRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS AUEREACH POLLOCK FFRIEDLANDER 225 Green St. San Francisco, CA 94111 FOt Nab a &Mg w� STRUCTURAL ONLY M I L L E R CONSULTING ENGINEERS August 10, 2010 Project No 100644 10 pages Principal Checked. L P S 9570 SW BARBUR, #100 PORTLAND, OR 97219 PHONE (503) 246 -1250 FAX (503) 246 -1395 American Consulting 46 Council Howard S. 'hV t "145 5 Constructors C"ay Submittal I Spec. Section 10 I TO Arch. Maier Hall, Peninsula College 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, Washington sivver CAL Stagecraft Industries THESE CALCULATIO,._ VOID IF SEAL G -C6 O AND SIGNAT GINAL LIMITATIONS ENGINEER WAS RETAINED IN A LIMITED CAPACITY FOR THIS PROJECT DESIGN IS BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT WHO IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCURACY OF SAME. NO RESPONSIBILITY AND OR LIABILITY IS ASSUMED BY, OR IS TO BE ASSIGNED TO THE ENGINEER FOR ITEMS BEYOND THAT SHOWN ON THESE SHEETS 9570 SW Barbur Blvd Suite 100 Portland Oregon 97219 5412 Phone (503) 246 1250 Fax (503) 246 1395 www millerengrs corn AUG 19 2010 Corrections, Noted Revise Return This submittal REVIEW shall not he construed as a complete check and Indicates only that information presented conforms generally with the Contract Documents. In no case is subcontractor or Supplier relieved of responsibility for adherencesto the Contract Documents and satisfactory construction of all work HOWARD S. WR!GPT CONSTRUCTORS. LP HOWARSW960R2 B Building'Code. 2006 International Building Code as amended by the state of Oregon Soils Report: No Soils Report by N/A Dated: N/A Soil Bearing' N/A PSF Retaining Walls: No ,Equivalent Fluid Pressure (active): N/A PCF Passive bearing: N/A PCF Friction: N/A Structural System: Building Structure designed by building Structural Engineer of Record Vertical System: (By others) Element 'Load Type Basic Design IValue (PSF) Loads: 'Load Type 'Value (PSF) 'Deflection Criteria Lateral Design Parameters: Wind Design. N/A Exposure N/A Importance Factors I 1 15 l 1 (wind) (seismic) (Iw 1.0 with wind concurrent with ice) MILLER Consulting Engineers 9570 SW Barbur Blvd Suite One Hundred Portland, OR 97219 (503)246 -1250 FAX. 246 -1395 BY CJM Lateral Sys: (By others) Is Seismic Design Seismic Design Parameters based on USGS Seismic Hazard Curves for Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard 2% PE in 50 years, 0.2 sec SA Ss Latitude 48.10452 2% PE in 50 years, 1.0 sec SA S1 Longitude 123.41103 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 (Site class B parameters are indicated on this page, for actual site class Ss and S1 Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values used in design, refer to seismic design summary) Site Class B Fa 1.0 ,Fv 1.0 Data are based on a 0.009999999776482582 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1 122 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.468 (S1, Site Class B) Design Summary' Scope: Design gravity and seismic support anchorage for stage rigging equipment as to be installed by StageCraft Industries for structural information as included in the following calculation package. Project Name. Maier Hall, Peninsula College Location: 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, Washington Client: Stagecraft Industries Ck'd: L :3- N/A MPH 1 10 I 1.25 Occupancy Cat: III (snow) (ice) Project 100644 Date: 08/10/10 Page 1 of Vet OTO 1,— .),b tit Lre A N D La ADS u se I V= 9 i5 0 I fit MILLER CONSULTING ENGINEERS I JTRbLS� 9570 SW Barbur Blvd Suite One Hundred Portland OR 97219 -5412 (503)246 1250 Fax 246 -1395 t? b P _.E r_ 20C). Project Name Location Client By CJM srArr r �YNAeti..'_L� 6,(0+ ?.61S (.rte PLAL C-fAF 2 V° a S o-+- 9 Sv c 10 I OSS /G} 1-4 14- ((D (rN- Pc..la -NE} x o, z 6; i y Cam r =o r- Pc,A 1aE) 1it- k3Z-SrP f /2.7 0 r 203D /(y) g ti 1 3 (.9 !c= 5--b% V 235 SGT! C.ti^ P 0 '2 I.(5� Y2. S` Stagecraft Industries Cil c�l�� rA/.)1 LA L f e t e9 t S Ck'd 1- Date Ploao 8 o r —A (-i) ao L-r U N I o WWIEsc1< pL.P o L- r= y- TC,- 2,oc 10 �L t.tltsriz- r c-1-1f1 E =JE L t.st.t77 wy! /2 0 i t' LA--) E DGE p1 r E Vg-0 P .Are_ gx j 5 -Ls i" c v 2 52 X 2 Ai' 3c- G.� 6 7� rr rC7 1-1.$E (a c l,J Cs E_ pt l?r i (E) /t.t =O 7 Sr I 7•-1-¢ 5 o t_ Maier Hall, Peninsula College 1 /1.4 pLArE c4\ (,37..x' r J` O Project 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, Washington 8/10/10 i3 otx AY W t: r; it 7 c.v /C,1.{;1r1Ni1_ NUT F t h'1 1/ F- J r/2 t3oLi Page of 100644 www.hilti.us Company Specifier Address: Phone I Fax: E -Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand -off installation: Anchor plate: Profile Base material: Reinforcement: Geometry [in.] 0 0 0 (o Loading [Ib, in. -lb] Governing loads N 170 MZ 0.000 y z Kwik Bolt TZ CS, 3/8 (2) h., 2.000 in. Carbon Steel ESR 1917 9/1/2007 I design method ACI 318 AC 193 e, 0.000 in. (no stand -off)' t 0.187 in. I, x l x t 2.000 x 8.000 x 0.187 in. (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated) no profile cracked concrete 3000, f 3000 psi; h 6.000 in. condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or No. 4 bar V 713 M 0.000 V, =0 M, 3950.000 t =0.187 h. =2.625 x N V V M. M M Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor c) 2003 -2009 Hilti AG, FL -9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Page: Project: Sub Project I Pos. No. Date: Governing loads (Load case 1) 170 0 713 3950.000 0.000 0.000 Z T, z.00f PROFIS Anchor 2.0.9 8/10/2010 Eccentricity (structural section) [in.] e 0 000; e 0.000 Seismic loads (cracked concrete assumed; categories C D E, or F) yes 5-7 x h 6.000 www.hilti.us Company Specifier Address: Phone I Fax: E -Mail: 4 Shear load Proof Load V [Ib] Capacity 4tV [Ib] Utilization p„ V /4)V Status Steel Strength* 357 1099 32 OK Steel failure (with lever arm) N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength* 713 2765 26 OK Concrete edge failure in direction* N/A N/A N/A N/A most unfavorable anchor *anchor group (relevant anchors) Steel Strength V [lb] (I) 2255 0.650 Pryout Strength AN [in 72.00 e [in.] 0.000 N, [Ib] 2634 NN NANn 0.581 1 I 3 +a, A [i n 36.00 eel„ [in.] 1.000 0.000 0.700 0 750 c 0.750 5. Combined tension and shear loads 4)V„ [Ib] 1099 k 1.000 Wec2,N 1.000 (kV [Ib] 2765 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor c) 2003 -2009 Hilti AG, FL -9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan V [Ib] 357 We 1.000 V [Ib] 713 Page: Project: Sub Project I Pos. No. Date: Fastening meets the design criteria! We .N 1.000 V /4)V Utilization p 0.324 5/3 56 PROFIS Anchor 2.0.9 3 8/10/2010 k 17.000 Status OK 7/ CP Sf- 2 P, I 00/9 29 2904 2q r -322 H 1 C,X0 26�t- rS 79 EaPcd --E_ V L Is(X 2 Ot l 1/ B i :X 7 w�_LfA-kifJE( IJt,t i Vim= 1500. j 322x s' C 2& O V_ 3 22 1 e_ q J a O( T C AP,4cr_%'ir 43%11cr, up� FoR s`+`u- F c 37 1 MILLER CONSULTING ENGINEERS Lt -EDLr 3a7 O U a flL�ri L-J 8 V. V. J:2 !7_ d EIHS 32,24 G (DK c,t S E u c_ur 5 Et rz 12 t� Ve 971`), zed 'zi l c s' /s ,'oz• L, e f. 7 ice` 9570 SW Barbur Blvd Suite One Hundred Portland OR 97219 -5412 (503)246 -1250 Fax 246 -1395 if Project Name Location Client By CJM Maier Hall, Peninsula College Project 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, Washington Stagecraft Industries Ck d LP'S Date 8/13/10 L tea, /i li I l Page of 10 100644 BULLETIN NO 213 TITLE. Submittal #083600- 0095 -0 Review. Sectional Door DATE. 11 Aug 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) TO• Nick Strohmeier (NS) RECEIVED FROM. JC Letourneau DISTRIBUTION ENCLOSURES DATE COPIES (Received 2 7/23/10) DESCRIPTION Sectional Door Submittal Review schacht I aslani architects NOV 1 8 2010 Owner David Wegener CITY OF PORT ANGEL Architect Walter Schacht, Carl Dominguez, Fil BUILDING DIVISION Contractor HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin Consultant El REMARKS (Note: The comments within this Bulletin are general in nature and compliment the specific review comments in the shop drawings. Neither the Bulletin or the Shop Drawing review comments can stand alone.) Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N =Not Complete, Submit Response Comments 1 Sectional Door Shop Drawings: Note Comments/ Corrections 1 Specifications call for glass to be insulated. Confirm PND 2. Confirm that the panels are 5 high. See door type M on 1/ A2.74 PND 3 Specifications call for 3 track. Confirm PND 4 Verify that TS supports are 9' -4 1/2 from CL to CL. PND 5 Top rail to be 3 3 A RAN 6. Bottom rail to be 4 1/2 2 Sectional Door Engineering: NA 3 Installation Instructions: 1 Provide End Stile Lock (slide lock) RAN 1 of 2 Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2 Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com .4 4, 4 4 W E ENGINEERS lt,r a' Engineers Northwest Inc., P.S. RECEIVED 'JUL 2 3 20lO SCHACHT/ ASLANI ARCHITECTS PENINSULA COLEGE Maier Ha Port Ange es, WA STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR ALUMINUM DOOR REVIEW 2006 IBC June 24 2010 ENW Project No. 10-000060 Howard S. Wright Constructors Icy SubrpZZlo Spec. Section TO JUL 2 0 2010 I 1 t No Noted Arch. Revise Return This submittal REVIEW shall not be construed as a complete check and indicates only that information presented conforms generally with the Contract Documents. In no case is subcontractor or Supplier relieved of responsibility for adharencesto the Contract Documents and satisfactory construction of all wort:. HOWARD S. "'RiG5 CstSTRUCTOR" i.t= 1 6869 Woodlawn Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98115 206.5251560 fax 206.522.6698 www.enwseattle.com p Picmci'# ROD. SUBJECT !V) )r)-) \NT ENW ENGINEERS NORTHWEST, INC., P.S. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1 i 6869 WOOL/LAWN VF, N.E #205. 8F,ATI'Ll: WA 98115 (206) 525 7560 FAX (206) 522-6698 1 r1 TF SHEET i OF Ely _4D ENGINEERS NORTHWEST INC.P.S, SHEET OF 6869 WOODLAWN AVE. N.E. (SUITE 205) SEATTLE, WA. 98115 Property of Engineers Northwest, inc. Seattle Use by others unlawful AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS WIND LOADS PER ASCE 7-05 Method 2 Section Low -Rise Buildings INPUT CELLS (Shaded) All references are to ASCE 7 -05 for Sections, PROJECT NUMBER: Figures, Tables Equations PROJECT NAME Peninsula College Maier Hall LOCATION: Port Angeles WA DESIGN 9Y• W PROGRAM LIMITATIONS: 1.) The berliding height- fifUSTNQ exceed length nor width (a rigid structure) 2 The ltuildl <1g ?4UST NOT exceed 8o feet height 3.) The roof slope MUST NOT exceed 4S degrees. BUILDING WIDTH, B BUILDING LENGTH, L BLDG. EAVE HEIGHT he= BLDG. RIDGE HEIGHT hr= ROOF SLOPE, s 13 ROOF A HIP OR GABLE? HEIGHT OF PARAPET hp e WIND VELOCITY v SITE EXPOSURE e IMPORTANCE FACTOR, I TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR, lei MEAN ROOF HEIGHT her DESIGN HEIGHT hd DESIGN HEIGHT hd Mgr height for (qh) BUILDING AND SITE INFORMATION 30.00 f1. 165.00 R. 46.00 2 44,00 ft. Gable I 44.50 ft. 43.00 ft. 45.00 45.00 IL (PARALLEL TO RIDGE) (PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE) Roof slope 1 9935 degrees 45.00.8.. (EL 0-0" to T.P.W.) 160 mph (3 second gusts only 1!1! 8 Section 6.5,6.3 1.00 See table to the right 1.00 Figure 6-4 Eq. 6-3 (WIND PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE) (WIND PARALLEL TO RIDGE) MalaWROMOBOATING SW EM MOM FROM ASCE 7 Figure 6-5 Input From "Building internal pressure condition" above) INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS GCpi ENCLOSED 0.18 -0.18 I(z 0.7866 qh 0.002561(2 Kit KO V I (Eq. 6-15) qh 1712 psf EL.45 ft. Section 6.51222 Low -Rise Buildings P (IhI(GCPI) Case A Perpendicular to ridge Zone GCr Load 1 0.40 6.85 psf 2 -0, 11 81 psf 2 -0.69 -11.81 psf 3 -0.37 -6.33 psi 3 -0 37 -6 33 psf 4 -0.29 -4.96 psi 4 0.29 -4,96 psf 5 -045 7.70 psi 5 -0.45 -7J0 psi 6 -0.45 -7.70 psi 8 -0.45 -7.70 psf 1E 0.61 10.44 psf 1E 0.61 10.44 psf 2E 1.07 1832 psf 2E 1.07 -18.32 psf SE 4153 -9.07 psf 3E -0.53 -9.07 psf 4E -0.43 -7.36 psf 48 -0A3 -7 36 psf Windward Parapets 25.68 pef Leeward Parapets 1712 psf 8 3.00 ft, 2a 6.00 ft. (GOPIN (Eq. 6-18) Case B Parallel to ridge Zone GCpf Load 1 0.40 6.85 psf Importance Factor I Category importanoe Table 1 1 pg.41 Factor Table 6 -1 It 1.00 HHI &1V 115 L/8 5.50 811= 0.18 hmr/8 1 483 hmr/t. 0.270 5/24/07 DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR, Kd 0.06 For this Kd you MUST use ASCE load combinations in Sec. 2.3 8 2.4 Building internal pressure condition ENCLOSED Determines GCpl In Figure 65 Note: III Public Assembly SJor Hazardous See ASCE 7 Section 6,2 for definitions of Enclosure Classifications) Substance IV m Essential Facility Internal pressure ft- 3.08 psf NOTE. Internal pressure for the main frame cancels when Zones 1 4 and 1 E 4E are combined but adds or subtracts at Zones 2, 3, 28 and 38 that do not have directly opposing frame loads. 6/2412010 ASCE7-0SWindMeth2 ENGINEERS NORTHWEST INC.P.S. 6869 WOODLAWN AVE.N.E. (SUITE 205) SEATTLE, WA. 98115 PROJECT NUMBER: 0 PROJECT NAME. Peninsula College Maier Han LOCATION: Port Townsend WA Property of Engineers Northwest, Inc. Seattle Use by others unlawful ttd on Comte Ctadditus !Walls Pare} -ASCE 7.05 Section 6.5.12AA HEIGHT OF PARAPET, hp 45.00 it. WIND VELOCITY v 100 mph SITE EXPOSURE g IMPORTANCE FACTOR, I TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR, Kzt DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR, Kd VELOCITY PRESSURE COEFF Kz Roof Design height TOT (qh) Parapet Daslgn height for (Rh) R RP Positive: Zones 4 5 per Fig 6-11A Negative Zone 5 per Fig 6-11A Negative Zone 4 per Fig 6-11A Negative Zone 3 per Fig 6418,C or D Negative Zone 2 per Fig 6.118,C or D Components Cladding Parapet Load Case A Total wind pressure at comers Total wind pressure not at comers a Parapet Load Case B Total wind pressure at corners Total wind pressure not at corners a Wall Design at 870 sq.ft. trib. {inward) a Wall Design 670 sq.tt, trice (Outward) Wail Design 0 670 5%2. trio. (Ou tward at Comers) INPUT from Sheet 1 Fig 5-11A Positive Well Pressure Zones 4 5 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.7866 At top of parapet 45.00 R. 45,00 ft. INPUT from Sheet 2 Effective Wall Wuxi Area "A° =y 670.0 s 'L.,� OUTPUT 1712 psi At top of parapet for Zones 4 5 1712 psi At roof height for Zorn 2 3 Positive pressure from Wall Figure 6-11A to the front of the parapet Negative pressure from Roof Figure 6.118 to 0 to the back of the parapet I 1 Negative pressure from Wall Figure 6-11A to the front of the parapet Front Location Parapet Parapet Parapet Roof corners Roof p design 27.73 psi 27.73 psf 23.11 psf 23.11 psi Fig.6 -11Bto D Negative Roof Pressure Zone 2 or 3 Back Parapet Load Case A Section GoP Oc P 0.6300 000 1078 psi -0.7200 0.00 12.32 psi 0.7200 0.00 1232 pot 0.9900 0.00 16.95 psf 0.9900 0.00 1695 psi -Use for Parapet Design 13.87 psi -15 .41 psi Use for Wall Design 15.41 psi p qp GCp.GCpi (Eq. 8 -24. GCpi is not included as the parapet is assumed to be nonpon}s Fig 6 -11A Negative Wall Pressure Zone 4 or 5 Front SHEET OF Parapet Load Case B Section 5125107 Not At corners Al corners GCp GCp 0.6300 0.6300 -0.9900 -0.9900 0.7200 -0.7200 Fig 6 -11A Positive Wall Pressure Zones 4$5 Back 624(2010 ASCE7-05Win lMeth2 END STILE TYPE: SINGLE ENO STILES TRACK STYLE, GLASS SELECTION 1/2' 2 PANELS WIDE (UP TO -2" WIDE) LOCATION AND NUMBER DOOR SEALS: TOP SEAL BOTTOM SAL STANDARD STEEL JAMBS ANGLE IN INSULATED OSE OPENING SIZE WIDTH I HEGHT a I to STOP W AAD4NG STEEL .IA 2- -P2 (ANGLE IN) DOOR S ZE Leo HEU_HT t ,U 1 I. ,µua< Y Cal .00 w' R e' •Ja 4,9,7 rr D VIAL WOOD JAMBS ANGLE OUT Aka 4 80E SEAL SPRINGS: h 5 eV Y rr ?<r1 DIP silt MASONARY JAMBS ANGLE VI/BRACKET 4 SHAFT TYPE r SOLID SHAFT 34` PASS DOOR 1_ OPENING EXHAUST PORT PREP 10,000 CYCLE ISTANDARDi SECTORS I EXTERIOR HIGH COLOR "EdO Pewaer N Anocii,en caaUnp ADDED OPTIONS 1PER DOM) Compression bumpers somata MW vw COI At1eY01 AR SAP S 07141 Krt I ADDED OPTIONS (PER DOOR) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS W'DRI( SWUM The doors w$ pe .$swiss 323 as nsawfouturod by Orerheod Door Corporation, RELATED WORK Oponh; preporotlan, miscellaneous or shucturol metal work 'seven pones, Mfsh cr field pvine q. field Metrical wiring, wire, conduit, fuse and dlacanneel relic/lea ogre M the Scope of Work of other oavlaione or tradeo. SECTIONS Stollens sat be comprised of anodized rolls and stiles extruded from 6003 —Td afumhsrm to produce a door thickness of 1 -3/4' Center owes old be 2-5/8' End Oleo wit be 3-1/2' Tap roll edt be 2 -3/8' or 3-3/4' brt•rmadlots rota will be 3 -3/4' per pal,. Batten, ref sap be 3-3/4 or 4—l/2' AI riles and rote x91 be secured with 1 /4' dimn.ter uvwsh reds. Panels Mt be anodized .450' aluminum. held In plow rdtln ilgid eluminam maalding. HARDWARE Hinges and fixtures ads be $'sham se d steel. Full- 400ting boll— baortmg riser's wit have hardened. she races. Roller oleo will be adequate for design requirements and Wroth/Danz WEATHERSTRIP Bottom weatherstrip will be flexible PVC. GLASS Glaaa will be held In place +7th rigid aluminum moulding and bodied with beat taps. LOCK Lord ill be i galrwkad emote —wit: swirl. rneviioniern. lnstaBed for rlgtrl —hand (toff— t:ond) operation. DEFLECTION Deflection of door In the hartzantel polt in will not exceed 1/120 of the door width. INSTALLATION install the doors in accordance with °towhead Door Corporation instructions and standards, using an authorized Overhead Door Corporation distributor 521 SERIES, ALUMINUM DOORS PRO.ACT Maier Halt .tRoeiECT Schacht I Aslani Architects COMA= Howard S. tkrighl arose ..'a4 OtIC 'uget Sound PLANT OVERHEAD DOOR CO. Of NESRASXA OW* No. 'DAii Dial Itm 4 -vx1 1,‘") „REVIEWED REJECTED __REVISE AND NOTE COMMENTS/ RESUBMIT CORRECTIONS Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining the accuracy and completeness of details such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for instaliation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which is the Contractor's responsibility Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of which the item is a component. Dat r schacht aslani architects p.c. RECEIVED jut 23 /11M SCHACHT/MLANI-ARCHITECTS inim•■■•••• i CAUTION' CONNECT REVERSING EDGE SWITCH SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS EuttONNECT Tr le WI ri•VA4 r UILV y41.'IO ¶44 CL 4 go FV1 The Genuine. The Original. i ,,c,,,,,a,:drs, Wright Constnictors By ir 1 Spec. Sec:line Submittal No: r e orrectloris Arch 1 JUL 20 2010 Noted ri Revise I—I Return i This submittal REVIEW shall not be construed as a complete check and indicate only that information presented conforms Florally with the Contract Dociments. i le case is subdoinracter or Supplier relieved of responsibility for adhotonces to the Contract Documerds and satisfactors construction of all wed:. I HOWARD s. ,ONSTRUCPORS 'LP I HOWLASV.1960 An innoyatiVrelinp o3Standard Duty Commercial Oprator that improve theproduotiyity of any facility 4 R$r Commercial Operator The Genuine. The Original. RS)( Operator RSX'"" Standard Duty Operators provide easy operation with superior functionality for the most stringent Standard Duty Commercial Operator applications. Advanced Innovation and Superior Functionality �M1 etiF ew state -of- p to rce features Easy limit setting. with Limit Locke a patent pending electro /mechanical,lirnitsensor that -makes it easy to set and maintain limits* Voltage freedom with Voltamatic'" one unit for single' phase voltages (115/208/230V), one unit for three phase -voltages (208/230/460V) and one nit -for three phase 57 0\r/ tVS V tie* A/A Extra door system durability with Progressive Brakin DC.brake'system brings the door to a soft stop for less wear and tear on the system Easy installation and trouble- shooting with Einstein Logic —intelligent menu structure and expanded selfr diagnostics Extra safety and security with Advanced Radio Receiver System stores up to 250 CodeDodger® transmitters including-the new commercial dual frequency cycling versions* No adjustment needed with Super Belt automatically adjusts, itself to the correct tension patent pending patents #:6,737,823 and 6,388,412 t' Y om' 1 RSX dvancageS i �+]r H it ountiny A wide variety of mounting optionsiare lavailable to fit any application including: Sectional Doors. Trolley, Sidemount Trolley, and Dual Trolley Trolley available with or without brake (no brake models available in 1/2 horsepower models only) Sidemount and Centermount direct couple to the door shaft with or without hoist. Hoist models are left -hand or right -hand. Rolling Steel Doors With or without hoist, front of hood, top of hood, wall- mount. Hoist models are left hand or right -hand. Moto Continuous duty motor available in 1/2, 3/4 and 1 horsepower, single or three -phase Totally enclosed non ventilated (TENV) construction and totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) construction units are available as options. Or Board R c''.) Receiver This standard feature can add radio functionality to every job with no additional cost for the receiver Drive Reduction Primary reduction is Super Belt an auto tension poly -V flex belt that does not require adjustment. Secondary reduction is by chain and sprocket. Three' Courting Provides fast, easy installation with fewer parts and better structured support. Prevents chain slacking. Available on sectional side /centermountjackshaft and hoist units. Mechanical Brake System 24V DC Disc Brake Fewer mechanic al parts for improved reliability. Clutch Adjustable disc type helps protect door and operator from major damage should the door meet an obstruction Cycle Counter LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) clearly indicates the exact number or cycles logged for easy maintenance support. Adjustable Shaft Output shaft can be moved from one side to the other, providing flexible installation options. Trolley Rail Assembly High strength 2 inches rolled angle track for added strength and durability NEMA 4/4X Operators (optional;) Available for wet, dusty and corrosive environments. New CodeDodger' Commercial Dual Frequency Cycling Transmitters (optional Available in 1 2, 3, 4- button and Open/Close/StopO versions. Automatically operates at both 315 and 390 MHz every time a button is pressed. Warranty RSX' operator features a 2 -year or 20 000 cycle limited warranty. See installation manual for complete limitations and details. RSXTM Operator Standard Duty Commercial Operator Advanced Innovation and Superior Functionality The Genuine. The Original. RSX' Standard Duty Operators provide easy operation with superior functionality for the most stringent applications. Progressive Brake g An advanced DC brake system similar to anti-lock brakes bringing the door to a soft stop for less wear and tear on the system Advanced Radio Receiver System Provides additional safety and security Einstein Logic Simplifies installation and troubleshooting. Voltage freedom with Voltalliatic Voltamatic provides 115/208/230V single phase in one unit, and 208/230/460V three phase in another unit. A separate 575V three phase unit is also available. Super Belt Auto-Tensionir, Belt Automatically adjusts itself to the correct tension so no adjustments are needed. Limit Lock Makes setting and maintaining limits easy 9 1 l l 1 1 a yll it er te,r Seiection Charts I RSXTM Sectional Door Chart (Sq Ft I I Commercial Steel Insulated Non Insulated Model HP UL Listed 1 Door Series 1 416 418 1 420 422 1 424 1 426 1 430 1 RSX' 1/2 Yes RSX' RSX' Model RSX' RSX' RSX' 3/4 1 Transmitters Motors Yes Auxiliary Modules Yes T Trolley S Jackshaft, Side Mount C Jackshaft, Center Mount Note: RSX' Maximum Door Height 24 ft. Sensing Devices P. Air AP' Air Mo ntmg Ma 16GA. 16GA. 20GA. 20GA. 24GA. 24GA. Nomi al Type Do Flush Flush Ribbed Ribbed Ribbed Ribbed 24GA. Weight Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Ribbed (Lbs) In elated I ula ed In elated Steel TSC 1 1120 294 230 366 294 1 448 I 330 326 326 TSC TSC 1370 1620 RSXTM Rolling Steel Door Chart (Sq Ft I Rolling Steel Doors HP UL Listed1 600 1 610/620 615/6161 Collaway 22GA. 20GA. 18GA. 24GA. 24GA 1/2 Yes 256* 292 255 194 267 I 179 3/4 Yes 256* 375 327 249 1 Yes I 256* 480 419 319 n Ac Wssaries Accessory Description 366 294 448 366 490 406 326 326 490 448 448 366 536 448 536 490 326 326 591 Note: Total door weight, and not the square footage, is the critical factor in selecting the proper operator. Square foot measurements are based on square doors (Example 16 x 16') 267 230 200 267 294 256 The following motors are available when specified: Totally Enclosed Non Ventilated (TENV) Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFV) Rolling Fire Doors/Fire Shutters I Counter Doors' Grilles 625 1 630* */631 */634 1640/6411 650/651/652 1 670 671 22GA. 20GA. 18GA. 24GA. 22GA. 200k 18GA. 22GA. 22GA. /Alum I Alum Steel 156 145 123 172 168 255 1 194 N/A All* 450 156 185 237 158 202 432 j 591 1 172 168 172 168 406 406 Thermacore I Aluminum 592 593 594 1 595 1 598 599 1 Nominal Ribbed Ribbed Ribbed Ra ed 20GA Ribbed Flush 2 4GA Ste Steel St el 2" Steel Pa el Flush Steel St el 2' R 1 5/8 1 3/8' Steel Steel 1 e In elate d 1 3/8" 1 5/8" 326 494 326 326 326 327 249 419 319 Safe Beam° senses an obstruction and signals the operator to stop or reverse the door. Bottom Sensing Edge stop and reverses the door upon contact with an obstruction. 326 326 N/A 366 406 450 200 406 200 448 200 494 511 521 326 406 326 506 326 526 Note: Doors that require special windloading and wide doors normally require increased strutting (reinforcement). Strutting doors can significantly increase door weight, beyond maximum weight shown. Consult the technical support group at 1- 800 275 -6187 N/A All* All* 500 600 Operator must be wall mounted. Must use the Auxiliary Input /Output Module part number OPABIOX.S. The RSX operator features a build -in Radio Receiver System that can store up to 250 transmitters, giving the customer the ability to identify which transmitters have been operating the door. Radio transmitters may be single button, two- button, three button, four button, or Open -Close -Stop. They are easily programmed or erased using the LCD display. The patented CodeDodger® technology cycles between 315 and 390 MHz with the touch of a button. Timer to Close Module provides auxiliary control inputs, auxiliary safety inputs auxiliary timer hold input, and an automatic door closing feature with a user- selectable time delay. Safety inputs can be enabled or disabled using the on board keypad. A sensing device must be used with this module. Auxiliary Output Module this plug -in module will provide several auxiliary sets of dry contacts that are microprocessor controlled. Outputs can be configured using the on -board keypad. 215 285 RSXTM Sperator Standard Duty Commercial Operator Advanced Innovation and Superior Functionality The Genuine. The Original. RSX'M Standard Duty Operators provide easy operation with superior functionality for the most stringent applications. Sp`?clt cations Part 1 General 1.01 Work Included 1.02 Related Work 1.03 Quality Assurance Part 2 Product 2.01 General J 2.02 Motor 2.03 Reduction A `t,„A.04 Duty Cycle A 2.05 Brake (Optional A without on rta models) 2.06 Clutch 2.07 Limit System A Provide electric door operator(s) of size and capacity recommended for door(s) as provided by door manufacturer with electric motor and factory pre -wired motor controls, starter, reduction unit, band brake (option on trolley units for without brake model), clutch, control devices, and accessftries required for proper operation. A Opening preparation, miscellaneous or structural metal work, access, field electrical wiring, wire, conduit, fuses and disconnect switches are in the Scope of Work of other divisions or trades. A In accordance with accepted quality assurance guidelines for motor operated doors, both the door and electric operator shall be manufactured by a single- source producer of door systems, such as by Overhead Door Corporation. A The electric door operator shall be the standard -duty Model RSXTM door control system for a (standard lift) (lift clearance), (full vertical) sectional door and /or (rolling steel door) and /or (rolling steel grille) as manufactured by Overhead Door Corporation and suitable for the type and size of door specified. B The electric operator shall be (single phase) (three phase) with VoltamaticTM the ability to adjust to the correct voltage of (115/208/230 for single phase) (208/230/460 for three phase) without removal /addition of any parts. (The electric operator shall be 575vac three phase). C All components to have corrosion resistant coatings. D The operator shall be suited for NEMA ICS 6 Type 1 (NEMA ICS 6 Type 4) (NEMA ICS 6 Type 4X) environment. A Motor shall be: a (11 h le or three phase with automatic thermal reset overload) b. (3/4 horsepower or 1 horsepower single phase.with manual reset thermal overload) c. (3/4 horsepower or 1 horsepower three phase with automatic thermal reset overload) Motor frame shall comply with NEMA (48 for 1 /2hp single phase) (56 for 1/2 three phase, 1/4 1 hp all phases), (open drip -proof construction) (Totally Enclosed Non Ventilated TENV construction) (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled TEFC construction). Primary reduction is Super BeItT an auto tension poly -V flex belt that does not require adjustment. Secondary reduction is by chain and sprocket. Duty cycle shall accommodate standard duty usage up to 60 cycles per hour during peak usage periods. Brake shall be a DC Disc type with selectable Progressive Braking for smooth stopping. A Clutch shall be adjustable friction disc type standard on all versions. A The Limit LockTM limit system shall be magnetic type providing absolute positioning with push to set and remote setting capabilities for initial installation. The Limit System shall remain synchronized with the door during manual operation and supply power interruptions. �pecrfl cacl�r�� lntinueci` 'Part 2 Product (continued) 2.08 Control System A B Part 3 Execution The control system shall be microprocessor based with relay motor controls on a single board. This system will incorporate Einstein LogicTM with a 16 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) to display the system status. This system shall be capable of monitoring and reporting on a variety of operating conditions, including: Current operating status, Current command status, Motor movement status, Current error status (if applicable), Hoist Interlock status (if applicable), External Interlock status, 24 VDC status. The control system shall feature a delay -on- reverse operating protocol. C The system shall include maximum run timers in both directions of travel that limit motor run time in the event the clutch slips or some other problem occurs. D It shall include provisions for the connection of a 2 -wire monitored photocell system as well as standard 2 -wire sensing edges, photocells or other entrapment protection devices. E The system shall include provisions for connection of single and /or 3- button control stations. F The control system will include a CodeDodger® radio receiver that is dual frequency cycling at 315 MHz and 390 MHz capable of storing 250 single button and /or 250 Open -Close -Stop transmitters with the ability to add and /or delete transmitters individually, identify and store activating transmitter ID(s). G The system shall include provisions for connection of an external 3 -wire radio controls and related control devices. H The control system shall include on board open, close and stop control keys. 'I Trolley operators shall include an inherent secondary reversal system. 2.09 Mounting vA Mounting for Sectional doors shall be by (Jackshaft that is side- mounted with (chain /sprocket) (direct shaft -to -shaft) coupling to door) (Trolley) (Side -mount trolley) (Dual trolley). B Mounting for Rolling Steel doors shall be (front of hood) (top of hood) (wall- mount) and chain /sprocket coupling to door. C Mounting for Hoist models shall be (Left Hand) (Right Hand). D (Side- mount) (Center- mount) operator shall be adjustable for mounting directly, shaft to shaft, to the door shaft center distance off the wall at (3 -3/4') (5 (6'1. 2.10 Release A (Release shall be a pull and hold type mechanism with single cable operation and an integrated interlock switch on hoist units.) (Release shall consist of a manual disconnect door arm on trolley units.) 2.11 Hoist (Optional) A Chain hoist shall consist of chain pocket wheel, chain guard and smooth hand chain on hoist units. 2.12 Secondary Reversal A Trolley version only shall include an integral electronic reversing system that will stop and reverse a closing door upon detection of an obstruction and designed to accept an optional external reversing device. B (Jackshaft) (Hoist) (Rolling Steel) versions shall be designed to accept an optional external reversing device. NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL USE 2.13 Optional Control A Operator Accessories shall be Timer to Close and will provide auxiliary control inputs, auxiliary safety inputs, auxiliary timer hold Accessories input, and an automatic door closing feature with a user selectable time delay. Safety inputs are to be enabled or disabled using the on board keypad. B Control accessories: In (lieu of) (addition to) (interior pushbutton control station) (exterior pushbutton control station) (interior key switches) (exterior key switches) (radio control) (OHD monitored photo electric eyes) (commercial photo electric eyes) (floor loops) (motion sensors). C Operator Accessories shall be Auxiliary Output Module and will provide several auxiliary sets of dry contacts that are microprocessor controlled. Outputs can be configured using the on board keypad. The Model RSXTM shall be installed in accordance with Overhead Door Corporation instructions and standards. Installation will be by a trained and authorized Overhead Door Corporation representatives. ©2009 Overhead Door Corporation. All Rights Reserved. A copyright license to reproduce this specification is hereby granted to non manufacturing architects, engineers and specification writers and available at www.overheaddoor.com. Note to specifier' This specification is a suggested guide Available options are shown in parentheses. The Service and Support You Need When You Need Them When you select an Overhead Door product, you get more than advanced product design and manufacturing superiority you get unmatched support and fast response through our nationwide network of nearly 500 certified Ribbon Distributors. For over four generations, Ribbon Distributors have provided the industry's single- source solution for commercial and industrial door and operator systems specifically designed for integrated applications. From design and application consulting to installation and ongoing maintenance, Overhead Door Ribbon Distributors give you the service and support you need when you need them. Warranty RSXTM Commercial Operator is guaranteed with a 2 -year or 20,000 cycle limited warranty. See complete warranty terms for full limitations and details. The Genuine. The Original. 2501 S. State Hwy.121, Suite 200 Lewisville, TX 75067 1 -800- 929 -DOOR vwvv w.OverheadDoor.com 0C 0 Technical Support 1 -800- 275 -6187 Complies with UL 325 as of manufactured date. FCC Certified. ©2009 Overhead Door Corporation. Overhead Door and the Ribbon logo are registered trademarks of Overhead Door Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their rightful owners. Consistent with our policy of continuing product improvements, we reserve the right to change product specification without notice or obligations. 0900 -777 SOLD AND DISTRIBUTED BY BULLETIN NO 205 schacht aslani architects TITLE. Submittal #077200 0097 -0 Review- Fall Protection DATE. 9 Aug 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements'- Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) TO Nick Strohmeier (NS) FROM. JC Letourneau DISTRIBUTION 'RE CEIVED A.J Owner David Wegener, Rick Croot Architect Walter Schacht, Carl Dominguez; File ��v 1 201 Contractor HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin, H S CI n, Consultant BU �p N G RT ANGELES DIVISION ENCLOSURES DATE COPIES DESCRIPTION (Received 1 Guardian Fall Protection. Shop Drawings, Product Data, 7/23/10) Installation Manual REMARKS (Note: The comments within this Bulletin are general in nature and compliment the specific review comments in the shop drawings. Neither the Bulletin or the Shop Drawing review comments can stand alone.) Response Legend Response OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N =Not Complete, Submit General Comments 1 Provide clarification and additional information regarding notes #6 #7 of the RAN i General Notes. 2 Confirm system has been designed to meet anchor design loads of 5 000 lbs or R +R meet a safety factor of 2. Review `Performance Requirements of the specification and submit structural calculations as requested. 1 of2 Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2^d Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle, WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com REVIEWED REJECTED y REVISE AND x NOTE COMMENTS! RESUBMIT CORRECTIONS Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining the accuracy and completeness of details such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for.instailation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all ofwhich is the Contractor's responsibility. Review does not constitute. approval of safety precautions or of constnietion means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of a specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of Which the item is a component. schacht 1 aslani architects p.c. Date 9 August 2010 B JC Letourneau 2 of 2 Schacht aslani architects Maier Hall West Campus Tel: Fax: Transmitted To: Carl Dominguez Date: Schacht Aslani Architects Transmitted By 506 2nd Avenue, Suite 700 Subject: Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: 206-443-3448 Fax: 206-443-3471 Delivered. Hand Tracking Number Transmitted For Approval 4 Howard S. Wright Constructors pn Fall Protection Shop Drawings Project Number 64135 Submittal Number 077200a 0097 0 Due Date: 8/5/10 Copies Copies Required Back: Package Action: kg_ :Arfoi <vr. Please see the attached submittal and return two (2) reviewed copies. PLEASE CONTACT US PROMPTLY IF THERE IS A PROBLEM OR QUESTION Zig 001 002 Submittal Transmittal 7/22/10 Nick Strohmeier Fall Protection Shop Drawings 4 Fall Protection Product Data, Maintenance Data, Inspection Procedures HSW has reviewed the attached submittals for content and conformity with the intent of the drawings and specifications. HSW requests that all engineered items be reviewed and approved by the appropriate members of the design team. .App 4 RECEIVED JUI 2 3 MU SCHACHT/ ASLANI ARCHITECTS 9CLIA 71 'Lill% 4 2 Signature Signed Date Prolog Manager Printed on: 7/22/2010 Page 1 '4 GENERAL NOTES 1) GUARDIAN XTS- LINKED HORIZONTAL LIFELINE SYSTEMS SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED FOR USE BY UP TO 2 WORKERS CONNECTED TO THE SYSTEM AT ANY ONE TIME WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 310 LBS INCLUDING TOOLS AND GEAR. 2) GUARDIAN XTS -GLOBE SINGLE POINT ANCHORS SHALL BE USED BY ONE WORKER WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 310 LBS INCLUDING TOOLS GEAR. 3) THESE FALL ARREST SYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE USED TO HOIST MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT 4) REFER TO THE SYSTEMS USER GUIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 5) THESE SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET ALL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING OSHA ANSI. WORKER EQUIPMENT NOTES: ,,tt 1) USE OF AN ANSI Z359 -2007 APPROVED 6 FT ENERGY ABSORBING LANYARD RATED TO w o 1,800 LBS MAXIMUM ARREST FORCE IS REQUIRED 2) ALL WORKERS SHALL USE AN ANSI Z359 -2007 APPROVED FULL BODY HARNESS. 6CG e l 1),,, ORIZONTAL LIFELINE END ANCHOR DE;$IGN LOADS 3,600 LBS. !6LS C4U- 'kZ. S Prit LBS or z- O S SUBSTITUTIONS TO MATERIALS OR MANUFACTURERS EQUI' T r --N. UCH t RAL f�ltl�ES� 6) A COMPETENT PERSON INDEPENDENT OF THE USER SHALL INSPECT THESE SYSTEMS ON A BI- ANNUAL BASIS 7) A QUALIFIED PERSON TRAINED IN THE OPERATION OF HORIZONTAL LIFELINES SHALL A IAN INSPECT THESE SYSTEMS ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. 8) ALL WORKERS USING THESE SYSTEMS SHALL BE TRAINED ON THE PROPER USE OF HORIZONTAL LIFELINES. 9) RETIREMENT OF THESE SYSTEMS SHALL RESULT IN TERMINATION OF ALL COMPONENTS RENDERING THEM USELESS FOR ANY OTHER FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM. 10) 12 FT OF CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED WHEN USING AN ANSI Z359 -2007 APPROVED PERSONAL FALL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT WITH THESE FALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS RECEIVED 'JUL 21 /_010 SCHACHT /ASLANI ARCHITECTS Howard S. Wright Constructors Sy uJ Spec. Section Submittal No. TO JUL 2 2 2010 Arch. Revise Return This submittal REVIEW shall not be construed as a complete check and indicates I only that information presented conforms generally with the Contract Documents. I In no case is subcontractor or Supplier relieved of responsibility fotadherences to the Contract Documents and satisfactory construction of all wort: HOWARD S. WRIGHT CONSTRUCTORS, LP HOWARSW960R2 L C UIPONENTS SHALL BE UMI i ND ST,INLES 4) THE AB LITY OF THE CK AND OTHE BUILDING STRUCT RAL ELEMENTS TO SUPPORT THESE LOADS IS TO BE CHECKED BY OTHERS. 6.0 12, D Corrections Noted By REVISE AND RESUBMIT Date 0 v1/4016 NOTE COMMENTS/ _COREECT1434! Review is performed only fort purpose of checking for general conformance with information g iven and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining the accuracy and completeness of details such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor all of which is the Contractor's responsibility Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of which the item is a component. schacht I asiani architects p.c. SEE DRAWING PCMH -03 FOR LOWER LEVEL LAYOUT SEE DRAWING PCMH -02 FOR UPPER LEVEL LAYOUT %WARN go. LEGEND XTS IMPACT XTS.INTE RMEDIATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED XTS -GLOBE SYSTEM PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1(32" =1'A° I SEE DRAWING PCMH -03 FOR LOWER LEVEL LAYOUT NOTE: SCALLED FOR 11x17 PAPER PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM T ..p DRAWN BY BSD DATE: 05/28/10 CLIENT PENINSULA COLLEGE CHECKED BY RJW DATE: 07/07/10 LOCATION: PORT ANGELES. WA APPROVED BY DATE. t PROJECT NO' ESG00016 GUARDIA FALL PROTECTION I DRAWING NO: PCMH -01 SHEET NO 1 OF 4 REVISION. ORIGINAL 1-XTS IMPACT 1-XTS EDGE 90 f 22'-6" XTS-IMPACT ANCHORS PLACED 1' FROM INTERIOR WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 33' 30' 30' 30' 1-XTS IMPACT 1-XTS TENSIONER UPPER LEVEL LAYOUT SCALE: 1/32u 1-XTS IMPACT 1-XTS EDGE 90 1-XTS IMPACT 1-XTS EDGE 90 LEGEND XTS-IMPACT XTS-INTERMEDIATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED XTS-GLOBE XTS-CABLE 1-XTS IMPACT 1-XTS TERMINAL HOLD PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM DRAWN BY BED DATE, 05128/10 CLIENT PENINSULA COLLEGE CHECKED BY RJW DATE. 07/07/10 I LOCATION: PORT ANGELES, WA APPROVED BY DATE: NOTE. SCALLED FOR I 1x17 PAPER GUAR iii AN FALL PROTECTION Si DRAWING NO: PCMH-02 SHEET NO' 2 OF 4 PROJECT NO: ESG00016 REVISION ORIGINAL 4 f 1 -XTS IMPACT 1 -XTS TENSI❑NER IOO OEM OI XTS IMPACT ANCHORS PLACED 1 FROM INTERIOR WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 30' 30 T• P I •11 1 -XTS IMPACT 1 -XTS TERMINAL HOLD I t LOWER LEVEL LAYOUT SCALE: 1132" =1' -0" XTS -GLOBE XTS -CABLE LEGEND XTS-IMPACT XTS-INTERMEDIATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 1 -XTS IMPACT 1 -XTS EDGE 90 12' f PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM DRAWN BY BSD DATE: 05/28/10 I CLIENT PENINSULA COLLEGE CHECKED BY RJW DATE: 07/07/10 LOCATION: PORT ANGELES, WA APPROVED BY DATE. PROJECT NO: ESG00016 NOTE. SCALLED FOR 11x17 PAPER GUARDIA \I FALL PROTECTION I DRAWING NO: PCMH -03 SHEET NO: 3OF4 REVISION: ORIGINAL 4 EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE XTS IMPACT ANCHOR POST EXISTING GWB XTS TOGGLE ANCHOR ITEM 2 0 XTS -GLOBE O SCALE: 3" 1' -0" MATERIALS LIST :ITEM QTY 1 DESCRIPTION 1 25 XS XTS IMPACT I1 2 7 XS XTS -GLOBE 3 32 XS XTS TOGGLE ANCHOR 4 2 XS XTS TENSIONER 5 2 XS XTS TERMINAL HOLD 6 15 XS XTS INTERMEDIATE 1 7 6 XS XTS -EDGE 90 1 8 2 XS XTS- SLIDER 9 10 CORNER FIXATION SCREWS 10 2 I REGISTRATION PLATE 11 700 FTI XS XTS -CABLE XTS— LINKED j HLL CABLE WATERPRO ©PING COVER TO BE INSTALLED BY WATER PROOFER SCALE: 1 1/2" =1' -0" DIMENSION EXISTING INSULATION EXISTING METAL DECK TOGGLE WILL SIT FLUSH WITH BOTTOM OF METAL DECK DETAIL 1 ANCHOR POST INSTALLATION TYP XTS TERMINAL HOLD I MATERIAL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL 304 STAINLESS STEEL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL 1304 STAINLESS STEEL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL I GALVANIZED STEEL 1304 STAINLESS STEEL 1 304 STAINLESS STEEL O XTS TENSIONER 4 SCALE: 3° 1' -0" XTS INTERMEDIATE XTS -EDGE 90° XTS- TENSIONER XTS- IMPACT DETAIL 2 TYPICAL SYSTEM SCALE: 1" 1' -0" NOTES GUARDIAN PART #53000 GUARDIAN PART #53001 GUARDIAN PART #53004 GUARDIAN PART #53010 GUARDIAN PART #53012 GUARDIAN PART #53006 GUARDIAN PART #53007 GUARDIAN PART #53013 GUARDIAN PART #53084 GUARDIAN PART #53086 GUARDIAN PART #53014 SET BACK FROM CENTERLINE FOR 90 DEGREE 3° 3• 4 -i on e: O XTS- TERMINAL HOLD SCALE: 3" 1' -0" DRAWN BY CHECKED BY' APPROVED BY U 0 O XTS- INTERMEDIATE 6 SCALE: 3" 1'-0" PENINSULA COLLEGE MAIER HALL FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM O XTS -EDGE 90° 7 SCALE. 3" 1'-0" BSD DATE: 05128/10 I CLIENT PENINSULA COLLEGE RJW DATE. 07/07/10 I LOCATION: PORT ANGELES, WA DATE: I PROJECT NO: ESG00016 XTS- SLIDER SCALE: 6' 1' -0" NOTE. SCALLED FOR 11x17 PAPER GUARDIAN FALL PROTECTION q ua..., -4, t DRAWING NO: PCMH -04 I SHEET NO: 4OF4 I REVISION: ORIGINAL BULLETIN NO 160 TITLE. DATE. PROJECT TO. FROM. DISTRIBUTION Owner Architect Contractor Consultant ENCLOSURES DATE Received 6/14/10 001 General Notes: 1 034500- 0065 -0• Precast Concrete Submittal Review 20 July 2010 PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Flail and West Campus Improvements Project No 2006 -125 G (2 1) Paul Cronin (PC) JC Letourneau NOV 182010 Laura Price, David Wegener, Rick Cro6tTY OF PORT ANGELES Walter Schacht, Carl Dominguez, BUILDING DIVISION HSW Bob Langberg, Nick Strohmeier HSW COPIES DESCRIPTION 2 Precast Concrete Shop Drawings schacht I aslani architects RECEIVED 2 SK- A1_26, SK- A134a, SK- A134b, SK -A134c 2 SK -A049B 2_ Specification Div 034500, Section 1 4& 1 5 _2._.. RFI 23' s_.or 1 each of Concrete control samples for precast mfr to match 2 samples (samples to be returned to architect) REMARKS (Note: The comments within this Bulletin are general in nature and compliment the specific review comments in the shop drawings. Neither the Bulletin or the Shop Drawing review comments can stand alone.) Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit; NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND. Pending; N Not Complete, Submit We are issuing SK -126, showing a revision in the northern runnel splash block location to accommodate the new downspout location. Center splash block piece on downspout, typ Note special `L bracket at Grid 10/G 5 1 of 3 Response RAN Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 5062^d Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com 005 Color /Finish Samples: ii. Silversmoke iii. Cobblestone iv Pewter 3 of 3 schacht aslani architects 1 Colon a. Runnel. color to match darker concrete control sample provided (sample to be returned to architect) provide sample (6' x6' adequate) b. Stair Treads: color to match lighter concrete control sample provided (sample to be returned to architect) provide sample (6' x6' adequate) c. PCC Panels: PCC mfr to provide samples (6' x6' adequate) of the following Davis Colors as required by Specifications: i. Outback R +R 2. Texture: RAN, OK a. Runnel. confirm w/ finisher that texture is acceptable b. Stair Treads: confirm finish is acid etched as specified c. PCC Panels: OK REVIEWED REJECTED ,REVISE AND NOTE COMMENTS/ RESUBMIT CORRECTIONS Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance witi `a Ia.atior- riven and the design concept expressed -n t. o Documents. Review does not include determinitu acv and completeness of details such as dimen: Jens xntities or substantiating instructions for installation or net `ormanec of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which is the Contractor's responsibility Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, Methods, techniques, sequences or procodi r s. Review of §t?edifle item IPes, 991 Wtlstvlitt FOAM of nn negro gf Which the item Ill a component: 2008 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Structural Enpineors I 1101 It. Pilo) Street 2nd Floral ciinllIP WA 98122 206 312 6354 sehoaht aslani architects p.c. HOVVAPD s WFcICF17 CONSTRUCTORS R t'FIVFO MAY 2 ti 2fl STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS, PUGET SOUND PRECAST MAIER HALL STAIRS WALL PANELS WRIGHT RECEIVED JUN 14 SCHACHT/ ASLANI ARCHITECTS E. 2010 DATE PROJ NO SHEET OMGNEA IS 1,11 is W v$0, snips (.04 w c a-jo is„ 4 thq k Ca Sandblast Top 1/ 1 Dia. hole 1 Deep l Back Bottom View cooFtki TickfzeAPEP 4r� ss KYS 12' o.c #3 YCUIT aao/ D Acv t W4S 'c -te;o ,ws 1eG Marshalltown Trowel 14280 e 'Y pt.te- Verify Detail 11/A7.03 Southeast Stair Need 24 sft Mid Landing Need (2) one as drawn another without Nosing Field Verify of e Rebar 9" o.c. r101514 A G10 e sercA M.L. t ry L4"2 {2- "e c (3-) *3 5 O COI-1T ®T®, o 45" I o ar 2 1/2' 0 t Hole 1" Deep a_c 01 Hole 1 Deep �7 11 112" Mid landing Need (1) Field Verify U WD/A Sandblast Top 13" 1/2" -r4 "oc 48' Back Bottom View Detail 10/A7.04 Stair Lobby Need 26 iorc,L vt+4 d eS 5' -0" CeV a ✓t plaits aezes. Treads Landings 1 2' o.c 0 (5) *3 i r?r o Reber `b #3 O O Sandblast Top Weld #3 Rebar IP NIlsioNS Marshalltown Trowel 14280 Puget Sound Precast Maier Hall Howard s Wright St 3 e NO 8 SACK sY R� It PoSell44 O '0 WaGE p ‘sk,. 11. Ui Varies 6" c 12" N N.: N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. 3 1/2" 112" Threaded Insert O.C. 0 Lift Pt, 5 Panel Height P118" P2 36" P3 54" 72" Val‘ec,, see 12" t 6"o.c 0 P.4 cormikerot r tetra sPac, smtoseo A cco. cot 0* (t)tth ctmie )t(&(\ c...0"ti 57 ze e 44.61e Puget Sound Precast Maier Hall Howard.S Wright awl A Steel Angle Dowel MIN.) pNcto Polk RtM-Itslocg Steel Enibed 2 1/2" x 6" x 1/4" 5otr 1 7:47 I-T1 1 7 1/2" Concrete Stein Wall Plan Connection 4R miNi 10 wit cm,4 we; 4_ 112" QUiTIC V k0A-k N4v4vv--()L--N• Outside 90 Cornet f ield Verify 'Length Plan Stribed Sad Connection .14E, Vestibule eld Ends so. WOG% sviv-NCO) OR* vicepa Plan Details tit' IA" ).4 VIST Inside Corner 90 Yield erify Lengths fe) 0 'Puget Sound Precast Maier "Hull Plod s Wrigtit Vane% Details AktLIA ;b-k12 VA E:011 5/ VZ, t40 Structural EngInaars '1101 E. Pike Street 2nd Floor Seattle WA 96122 208 322 6354 )estot 1 SELF v4 r MISC UN1�c l4 Co1wc et,l ATu? (1)K) LO,Ab Corr► I1■1A-?IaN W12 1 2 r> 1 6t-- I2(4 1 16 [100 2i1 -IRAN Di;114 j AJo t G› a t 6 (4 2 S) 6t 0 '1 V\J p t (RIAf, Er OF =iIJv ..w!7i #'IT a 2(ta0 fa+) 3R S p s� 5R -f2 6 ra Inks` eRK1 W4 p'E p sc4 0 (oCG CAT 1) 1z P= I S f Nora DUCT PROJECT loo P V� 300 tl. AtE 4 (ma 2x 2 l +t�r�aftir. DATE PROJ NO DESIGNER SHEET SrAuF- T�:eAi rev. tiN1 FILM LOA t.> L MAC u Structural engin8 1101 E. Pike Street 1(C 2nd Floor SBattle WA 88122 I 206 322 8384 mu. w L.2 x (2!t ps vv s GJ (211 st iriao 'i5* 1, A 2 (13 7e) 0 D C'S M4 64000 0 I eri3")t37 s b 010 t.Oz t)SE' (3) A 5 Cod`►T AS 3(Q 1)) p .3; t» (6 E 2Y1/2 25. S3" As r/ 0 33 tvia (60 Ics ICI a' -r O 414e5 v.ss r, b PMn 0 a (Asri)(d' 1521 'h 4'\/6 2 O t u 1544. I! \R3 Ee S- ,Coo-''c' 13 z.5; a 14 mA l W s s 1tp t z- 3e %I 22s d t 2s. L 4 2 (0 00 96 5 r °`°2-61 D o35 ba PROJECT -`1 x I c3 0,086, x GATE PROJ NO DESIGNER ;HUE4 POiwr LOAb Afl't„1 To 2"),2" ltip iN Structural Engineers 1101 E. Pike Street 2nd Floor Seattle WA 98122 206 322 8364 Wc� 42 5 (i-) 46 bit rip M�►- 2 6 /2 06' tt4. Mt_ f ado it F4- Mu- 1 -z H 1 b Mi; sqo S tl V u f 214&o4x4' i.6 t3 9\ r 35© 5 2- f'uNc +-um' Vu= 6 (300 4b)- 4/30 H. 63 1 (Z-i- r 2t) ff 1 ,3 2� WpL. TL L. t A:4er -faEl iza9 WRTGAT PROJECT 4J m ot TSUI) 4 30f>3,2.-1° >j Vu tErLEcZ c of 4 1 6317p-A m4.- 1 n T 0. DATE PROJ NO DESt6NEN 5, -7/15 -k4 Structural Engluaars 1101 5. Plke Street 2nd Floor Seattle WA 98122 208 322 8354 Pt t i�l'! Cf�"PA cj, '..1 I P' �u V0_ s 147.-4 II1P <q? A' DEFLECTS o av 364 EL 43 4 Ito a 1z1 PROJEcr p A t t✓' +1 A v_ 4�� 2(7% s," *,'Co .z.- 0,533 it (1 i 4oco(( P )(t s Y6 6o. 2 t, \kJ Ft K1 A' t`C 1-to si∎41" t' 1 >O tJ L S r;Y7t 1C.. SR, icoj-r W p r n S(150)(24)(1,12)(4.) =s toe 3 it.. Vu -1t3x 35 Ztb uLT- ACT 3la Ar t> L000tr c A t y Col I r ciit 4 Vb 4t`e J coo (2)' s loll- 16 c 4c ij T l‘© (no ecc) (0f2> t Gc i -1 o (Crac c Avwo= 5(2)2 t t; Ave (2x t -s %z)(2 -s) 15 O I CV h o --S (a.1) UC 9Er T e $f Uli 'f45 16 p ru PROJ NO DESIGNER Q- CHU d 4 1101 E. Pike Street 2nd Floor Seattle WA 98122 208 322 8354 LAMP (1.1.6,- Uu t FO Ie•M LOA D Asmo (12j( O.OS lvl2/ As s am zt ©.018 (1z)( s) O °Si I17,0- sir 3 e 1 yo I I) O ""Y-P4- xitt! c 1 2sf1 6: Iz 6 141' (60) 2 0 21 It 14 ll o,e6Vc b 0,9 /p.)(oral ass it'fi+ M 4 wt o•1s (2)A4c o(Iz)(1.25) 142 Vu 3C Structural Engineers Mu= (aIl ?sF)(it) 422 (bpi* 6 Vu (211 (4) 422 Iiv/‘ ZTt. 2 (a LMkx= 15 4 I g 4 SuI., t, ":4("4 9 �I PROJECT I eFf 12( -S) I2 MAIM 44M-L 2 I I ?t y.b4 a al g r 3 1^14. 0 021 o p35l1 I 2 6 3 DATE 5JI J► o PEOJ NO DESt6NER VJ SHEET 1/ +5 f F T L oA t ST�f 1� t.ANprN cT- top 42.5 (1 47 -G p1) 1.-10 'As M P SS 1. 300 4b I lib t l.e M x'82 t*1 4JNC1!N S s Vu I b (3003 4Bo 16 1 20 .4( 24125)- t3 4 4 o.3,.( odb t3)(12 3o83. 2 16 \J ate. t›Cf1. 5611 ON 5wt, Li PtLI t .3 1 e t` 48E1. 461_ 2(o c'o rt 0 b o4 b otz 1143 -tA A Ika Wit..IN iscr Lb A C:. T u --fa" x dD NoFsT CA s'S 6 W L 6 to 16 ((a5)(q) ZRZ 6& V :1.4. Z oUn a 423 1 101 Esc d 16 2 12 S I�? G 1 215C Wir \J d- Sw�-- s o 27.2)(401 ©,O 3`{ 3e/ (12 0f i‘^ "TIN AHNI 'ESL Vos. 1 340 Ib 1,0¢Z(Zt1 2s) eV' t kk i di (k \SI a; Structural En¢inears PROJECT f 1 eT #1144... DATE 54 VI 0 l I PROJ NO wR GHT CR Q! 1101 E. Pike Street DESIGNER 2nd Floor Seattle WA 98122 19/15 206 322 8354 o� L-Ats1 f21 NGr- _Fits AT '"AeRPI %2 rr fl�+�l�� S 7 As 0.Zot S w Os kr Vo 13 x 1-f8 It" CONIC r FA,KOcrt, r— 1 /yt( tiowe S Structural Engineers 1101E. Pike Street 2nd Float Seattle WA 90122 206 322 6354 e 1 if U1' 4 63 1- 4 Z ,ID :Ca 14000 C2) J' 1 (t 9 ec iv t 0, ''e d J V a t 0.3 ra (2)l s 0 9 �1�'c, g Amcdt S (z; I S 1 AV c E 69 AVG (2+ 1.5(2 ?)(2.5) 12 S /Avg D,i d ISO 1) ivc 9, Vb 3 33• s ty ›V AvCp r CAl2 2 "r m2:Zn PR OJE CT DATE PROJ NO. DESIGNER SNEE 11 MV'At'(E.L tJ 'W ORQT CASE mf t x z e 3 Structural Engineers 1101 E. Pike Street 2nd Floor Seattle WA 08122 206 322 6354 OUT OF -LANE Fr O S the p C' 0 6 (rsorc.) 3/2 210 16 6 (44 (Out") o 31S )b WU log 1hy t m ir,1, ;2) 3 '5z) b t n't f b,0003 07)(3.c D 046 ittypi ICS "h} USE 4,3 t 2-" Of', As a 11 11 t IS 12 11 2 �T Asr y Oit (6,o)= 6 6 p pi. 0,14,2" 16 I pi IA* 0 0 21 Lr PROJECT Mn D 9 (6 6 7P4- )(o. 11J) &3 ?4/ j ak V r 0 (z) 4aoo 1 39'2 +b/.4. >V%) cs{: Pn,ECTi O N E c_ 360S A ti Tec 11 3 .1( 1241: -2( +1 in 3d 7. 0 ,6 IS h o.ors tf o•si-" 2- 6; 4IE# A), Ps F' DATE PROJ NO DESIGNER SHEET 12 4 1101 E. Pike Street 2nd Floor Seattle WA 98122 208 322 0354 Yi 1•L f` E L kT1 EK1 0 to irwt DA+JZ I 31(Et 3 1 21047 Vu -j, k 2131 tDo+c A-Kov T SNEAt.. 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DESIGNER SHEET 145 a www.hilti.us PROFIS Anchor 2.0.7 Company' Specifier Address: Phone I Fax: E -Mail: Spec[flees comments: Input data Anchor type and diameter: Kwik Bolt T2 CS, 3/8 (2) Effective embedment depth: h,,= 2.000 in. Material: Carbon Steel Evaluation Service Report: ESR 1917 Issued I Valid: 8/31/201119/1/2009 Proof: design method ACI 318 AC 193 Stand -off installation: e, R 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t 0.312 in. Anchor plate: Custom; f 35998 psi; I, xi, x t 4.000 x 3.500 x 0.312 in, (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated) Profile no profile Base material: cracked concrete 3000, f 3000 psi; h 7.500 in. Reinforcement: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or No. 4 bar Geometry [in.] a 0 4.000 1 2.300 12.000 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Warnings Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed reportl Page: Project Sub Project I Pos No. Date: Loading (lb, in, ibj Governing loads N 546 M,= 0.000 Eccentricity (structural section) [in.] e, 0,000 V 0 e 0.000 M,0000 Design values [lb] Utilization Loading Proof Load Capacity (3N /j3„ Status Tension Concrete Breakout Strength 546 1819 30 OK Shear Concrete edge failure in 546 1292 42 OK direction y- Loading P fi Utilization j Combined tension and shear 0.300 0.423 5/3 37 loads Fastening meets the design criteria! 5/13/2010 V, -546 M 0.000 eg Input data and results must be checked ter agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility' PROFIS Anchor c )2003-2900 HIM AG, FL -9494 Schwan MU la a registered Tredematk of HIS AG, $chaan MA &4t ;/11,/c t7 Status OK 0 BULLETIN NO 116 TITLE. Submittal Review. GWB Assemblies DATE. 20 June 2010 PROJECT PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) TO Nick Strohmeier (NS) FROM. Carl Dominguez RECEIVE? DISTRIBUTION Owner David Wegener NOV I. 6 2010 Architect Walter Schacht, JC Letourneau, File P Contractor Z HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin, FISW OF PORT ANGELES p g g' BUILDING DIVISION Consultant ENCLOSURES N DATE COPIES DESCRIPTION 6/20/2010 2 Submittal Review REMARKS Response Legend OK Reviewed, RAN Note comments /corrections; R +R Revise and Resubmit NA Non Action Item, REJ Rejected, PND Pending; N Not Complete 054100 Structural Metal Stud Framing MKA No Exceptions Taken OK Cemco Steel/ SSMA OK Part 1 1 5 A.1 Submit shop drawings as necessary y N/ R +R Part 1 1 5 B Certificate R &R This specification section to be submitted to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval. 061643 Gypsum Sheathing USG Securock Glass -Mat Sheathing (See Bulletin 95) R &R 1 of 4 schacht I aslani architects Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2nd Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com Response Blueskin Primer Blueskin SA Fry Reglet Soffit Vent 078400 Firestopping (at head of wall only) Cemco FAS Track OK Blaze Frame Track OK Hilti CP 672 Speed Spray OK Hilti CP 606 Firecaulking OK Hilti &.Therma Fiber Mineral Wool (confirm which product is being used in OK construction) Part 1 1 5 A.2 Shop Drawings: Indicate in submittal which details will be R &R incorporated in construction. Part 1 1 5 A.5 Submit schedule of firestopping and fire safing as indicated. N/ R &R 092216 Non structural Metal Framing Cemco Steel /SSMA OK Part 1 1 4 A.1 Design Data. Confirm that the SSMA product information submitted N/ R &R by Cemco meets the ICC -ES requirements Part 1 1 4 2 Shop Drawings: Submit drawings as indicated R &R Part 1 1 4 A.3 Product Data. Indicate in submitted documentation the products N/ R &R being used as listed under Part 2 2.2 A. Part 2 2.2 A.1.a.8 Provide submittal documentation for Anchorage Devices I R &R Part 2.2 A.l.b.1 Indicate in submittal documentation the light gauge steel required R &R for Partial Height Wall Supports. 3 -6 Provide submittal documentation for vertical tube >teel. 092116.23 Gypsum Board Shaftwall Systems Cemco/ USG J Track and CH Studs OK USG Gypsum Liner Panels OK Part 1 1 7 A.1 Submit details as indicated here -in. i N/ R &R 2 of 4 schacht aslani architects OK OK OK °aa Part 1 1 7 A.2 Submit design data as indicated here -in. 092226.26 Ceiling Suspension System for Gypsum Wallboard in. 092900 Gypsum Board USG Fiberock Panels Abuse Resistant 3 of 4 schacht I aslani architects N/ R &R Armstrong Drywall Grid System OK USG Drywall Suspension System (confirm the use and /or extent of this system for PND construction) Part 1 1 5 A.3.a. Clearly indicate in submitted documentation the installation details N/ R &R that will be used in construction. Part 1 1 5 A.3 b &c. Provide documentation as indicated for Armstrong. N/ R &R Part 2 2.3 Indicate in submitted documentation the products that are identified here N/ R &R 092230 Isolated Ceiling Construction Submittal documentation not found R &R 092813 Cementitious Backing Boards I USG 5/8' Durock Cement Board OK Did not find attached table for LEED info as indicated by HSW comment. Provide R &R USG Gypsum Panels: Regular (confirm 5/8' panel thickness) Fire rated, Mold Tough USG Joint Compounds OK OK/ PND OK ProRoc Ready Mix Hamilton joint compounds (confirm the use and /or extent of PND these products in construction) Cemco control joint OK USG Acoustical Sealant OK Hilti 506 (If used use Hilti CP 606 as specified) REJ Hilti 572 Speed Spray (confirm use and /or extent of this product in construction) PND Part 1 1 7 A.3 Provide specific fire resistance data indicated here -in (refer to Part 1 i R &R 1 6 A) Part 1 1.8 A Confirm use of single source for panel products and finishing materials R &R Part 1 1.8 D Schedule Mock -up as indicated here -in. Part 2 2.3 D Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board. Densglass Gold is being used as the PND exterior sheathing. Confirm that this product can be used for soffit construction. Part 2 2.3 E Continuous Soffit Vent: Provide submittal documentation N/ R &R Part 2 2.3 G Confirm sound attenuation insulation will be provided under section E 072116.13 Part 3 -3.3 B.4 Control Joints. Provide expansion joint layout prior to installation for approval from architect. 4 of4 schacht aslani architects i� t Maier Hall West Campus Tel: Fax: Transmitted To: Delivered: Tracking Number Transmitted For Approval 4 Structural Metal Stud Framing Gypsum-Sheathing 4 Firestopping at Head of Wall 4 Non Structural Metal Framing 4 Gypsum Board Shaftwall Systems 4 Ceiling Suspension System for Gypsum Wallboard 4 Isolated Ceiling Construction 4 Cementitious Backing Boards and Gypsum Board NSW has reviewed the attached submittals for content and conformity with the intent of the drawings and specifications. HSW requests that all engineered items be reviewed and approved by the appropriate members of the design team. Please see the attached submittal and return two (2) reviewed copies. PLEASE CONTACT US PROMPTLY IF THERE IS A PROBLEM OR QUESTION Howard S. Wright Cc nstructo imam Carl Dominguez Schacht Aslani Architects 506 2nd Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: 206 -443 -3448 Fax: 206 -443 -3471 Federal Express 57,a, Prolog Manager Printed on: 5/25/2010 Gahta t lame Signature Project Number- Submittal Number Due Date: Date: Transmitted By' Subject: Submittal Transmittal Copies Copies Required Back: Package Action: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 5/25/10 Nick Strohmeier GWB Assemblies Submittal 64135 092900 0052 0 618110 s /zsb 4 2 Signed Date Page 1 REVIEWED REJECTED REVISE AND NOTE COMMENTS/ RESUBMIT CORRFCT;Oisia Date By Review it performed sinly Fe l ihe lire tei putroseo eh Eking for gemcral confor "1%Af 'h .t' d-sigt cone„ exp -tied in in 1 if:11 S. R..:VieW don not in. M. m mg ti .via-mess if detail: utd- C, mei" d-ic a ni asi., -ng in mc.ions I m i.., :f '1 or sysi, is ;Ml: -iv i h. C It7 ii Cr at recto r-si ).s:1-_, I tut anon .1) m tat .3..)! ..L.C.)i Oei CE methods te 'Mgt:us. .cqu iw ui p :ei -dm R mw of specif ten r dc's Oct .ons.:Aut 0 view of an aEsembly of which the item is a component schachi odor) architects P.C. Description Structural Metal Stud Framing Firestopping (at head of wall only) Non Structural Metal Framing Gypsum Board Shaftwall Systems Ceiling Suspension System for Gypsum Wallboard Isolated Ceiling Construction Cementitious Backing Boards Gypsum Board Section 054100 078400 092116 092116.23 092226.26 092230 092813 092900 RECEIVED MAY 2 6 Z010 SCHACHT /ASLANIARCHITECTS l I O R 2400 _,anti Arch MAY 2 5 2010 s ons "r: L4 2 ,to nu t r. i; .eat r "1" o f Ctl %Iif14¢l;, W. t(: i ntril,r ,:u:rr SL r IP'g yr, 1 M. .OS i; Cl: 95 c 0 c 0 Description Structural Metal Stud Framing I Gypsum Sheathing Firestop ping, (at head, of wall only) I Non-Structural Metal Framing I Gypsum Board Shaftwall Systems Ceiling Suspension System for Gymim Wallboard Isolated Ceihn Construction Cementitious Backing Boards Gypsum Board st,,.Kt.,; 1 '1,.ti 1:3 RESUBMIT L." E0 a 7. rd i3 ROT REVIEWED 10.11CSVIEVO MU PIA CORFOIWAROEWMI VMS COICEPT OF DIE IROIKT opfOROASIIORYAIOESIRIIMPALDOCONTS; viWatfirsitsmoffibas OS P it MO. OE COITAKSOISSOILVBERVOLEfOlt MOOS GT OWENS AltO OBOES Mt OM in oito viu4,14Katia ci WISIat. INS- REMO OF OEMS Of WilOilfia PAS MD SISPTIONS AND IN ig Pal) wimp% ppotiREs: *0 c ogRoott boo, Itevipts, pte OBIBMEt. TM REVIEN DOES110T MINE VE tOIBMCIO ROM THESE nili BREW W. IV tOlata *RP Oik WOO Of DEVIATIONS RESPONSIBPS MR 01130 YAW SUCH OW,,,litS IF An kW stgoevei Varpiptrospopeot IN hccoostatitt comkKtoocugutrs, m itionoofitiottiaiyatpe ritnisp&agetOtivetiap tognv olrovatiesdaw asustes5mlinatiolditt Wmeitat A: I Ai' c Sio Section 054100 061643 078400 092116 092116.23 092226.26 092230 092813 092900 1 1 •1 Ai t r &52.Q 04 t400 MAY 2 ?Oi(1 RECEIVED MAY 6 IWO SCHACHT ASLANI ARCHITECTS .0 1 CJ Structural Metal Stud Framing 054100 Cemco Steel LEED Information Letter SSMA Product Technical Information k REVIEWED REJECTED REVISE AND __NOTE COMMENTS/ RESUBMIT CORRECTIONS Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining tht, accuracy and completeness of detail such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for installatton or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which is the Contractor's responsibility Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of which the item is a component. Date 1 7.0 (C) By schacht aslani architects p.c. Steel Framing and Metal Lath January 25, 2010 RE. LEED INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS RECYCLED CONTENT OF COLD FORMED STEEL California Expanded Metal Products Company is proud to be a member of the U.S. Green Building Council and is committed to supplying products that contribute to the improvement of sustainable design, environmental performance, and economic impact for LEED New Construction and Major Renovations CEMCO products and accessories contribute toward LEED credits in the following areas LEED Materials Resources MR Credit 5.1/5.2 Regional Materials (2 Points) CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS CO Technical Services Department 263 N Covina Lane City of Industry CA 91744 (800) 416 -2278 MR Credit 2.1/2.2 Construction Waste Management (Up to 2 Points) Since cold- formed steel is 100% recyclable, CEMCO products can contribute to this credit if the construction waste on the project is properly diverted from the waste stream The contribution to this credit will vary by project and must be determined by the general contractor and /or sustainable design team MR Credit 4.1/4.2 Recycled Content (2 Points) The U.S Green Building Council has determined that a total recycled content of 32.7% may be utilized without documentation A typical breakdown content of our material is Post Consumer 25.5 Pre-Consumer 6.8% Note While some CEMCO locations have a higher average recycled content, the USGBC default percentages above are recommended for your project calculations. Project specific recycled content can be provided upon request. CEMCO is committed to the goal of increasing demand for building materials that are sourced, manufactured and distributed within the specified region, thereby reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation While CEMCO has 3 manufacturing facilities serving the Western United States and the steel coil material that we utilize to cold -form our products is typically sourced within a 500 mile radius of your project; the majority of "raw" materials used in the production of steel come from various global sources, and may not be extracted within 500 miles of your project. Note Project specific submittal information can be provided upon request for the above Materials and Resources categories s Steel Framing and Metal Lath CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS CO Technical Services Department 263 N Covina Lane City of Industry CA 91744 (800) 416 -2278 !J cEnc c CEMCO primary manufacturing facilities City of Industry California 263 N Covina Lane, City of Industry CA 91744 Pittsburg, California 1001 -A Pittsburg Antioch Highway Pittsburg, CA 94565 Denver Colorado 490 Osage Street, Denver CO 80204 SS Credit 1. Site Selection (1 Point) Cold- formed metal framing is a light- weight alternative to conventional concrete construction In some cases, the light- weight system can reduce foundation requirements, which can minimize the building footprint. EQ Credit 3.1. Construction Indoor Air Quality Management (1 Point) Cold- formed metal framing products are considered inert, so materials will not release terpenes (hydrocarbons) to the indoor air or provide a food source for mold, bacteria or insects Potential Innovations in Design Contributions (1 Point) CEMCO's ViperStud framing system provides increased strength capacity from lighter material that contributes to a lighter building footprint and reduction in energy to produce steel. (1 Point) An additional point may be earned if the recycled content value of the materials used on the project reaches the next threshold of 30% total recycled content. (1 Point) According to the International Residential Code, using metal framing can help reduce or eliminate the need for chemical based termite control, reducing the impact on the site and air quality If you have any questions, concerns or clarifications, please contact our Technical Services department at (800) 416 -2278 or www.cemcosteel.com Sincerely CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY WWW.SSMA.COM STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION ICBO ER-4943P PRODUC ia- ECHN CA_ 'FORMA O4 EXAMPLE. MEMBER DEPTH (Example 6" 600 x 1 /100 inches) All member depths are taken in 3/40o inches For all 'T' sections member depth is the inside to inside dimension C -STUD JOIST S- SECTIONS PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION All SSMA products have a four part identification code which identifies the size (both depth and flange width), style and material thickness of each member STYLE (Example Stud or Joist section S) The four alpha characters utilized by the designator system are S Stud or Joist Sections T Track Sections U Channel Sections F Furring Channel Sections Note For those sections where Iwo different yield strengths (33 ksi and 50 ksi) are shown the yield strength used in the design if greater than 33 ksi needs to be identified on the design and ordering of steel (i e 600S162 -54 (50 ksi)) TRACK T- SECTIONS Copyright 2001 by the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association FLANGE WIDTH (Example 1 5 /a 1 625 162 x 1 /400 inches) All flange widths are taken in 1 /100 inches CHANNEL U- SECTIONS MATERIAL THICKNESS. (Example 0 054 in 54 mils, 1 mil in Material thickness is the minimum base metal thickness in mils Minimum base metal thickness represents 95% of the design thickness FURRING CHANNEL F SECTIONS 0 Product Identification General Product Information Introduction Code Approval Material Specifications Technical Assistance Thickness Steel Components Design Stiffening Lip Length General Notes for all Tables Definitions of Structural Property Symbols Section Properties Section Properties Table Notes Non Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Structural (T) Track Section Properties Wall Height Tables Interior Non Structural Composite Interior Non Structural Non Composite Wall Height Table Notes Limiting Wall Heights Curtain Wall Combined Axial and Lateral Load Tables 20 Combined Loading Allowable Axial Load Table Notes 20 Allowable Axial Loads 20 Floor Joist Span Tables Allowable Floor Joist Span Table Notes Bridging Recommendations Allowable Floor Joist Spans Header Load Tables Header Load Table Notes Header Allowable Uniform Loads Web Crippling Load Tables 39 Web Crippling Load Table Notes 39 Web Crippling Conditions 39 Allowable Web Crippling Loads Single Members 40 Allowable Web Crippling Loads Back -to -Back Members 41 Ceiling Span Table 42 Ceiling Span Table Notes 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/240 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/360 43 Typical Ceiling Details 44 Channel Properties 45 U- Channel Section Properties 45 U- Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans 45 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Section Properties 46 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans 46 Fasteners (Screws and Welds) 48 Screw Table Notes 48 Allowable Loads for Screw Connections 48 Weld Table Notes 48 Allowable Loads for Fillet Welds and Flare Groove Welds 48 Typical Details 49 Joist Web Stiffeners 49 Cold Rolled Lateral Bracing 50 Wall Stud Web Stiffener 50 Flat Strap Lateral Bracing 50 Architectural Specifications Inside back cover Member Directory Back cover Inside front cover 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 9 12 12 14 16 16 31 31 31 31 37 37 37 3 4 Introduction The increasing environmental concerns in the world today have caused us all to examine the way we live These issues have affected every aspect of our lives including the materials we use in construction. The use of cold- formed steel members as a building alternative is an intelligent choice with benefits to not only the environment, but also to the contractor designer and developer Steel is not only a recyclable product, but also a stronger product allowing for longer clear -spans in the design process Cold- formed steel is lighter providing ease of handling. It is a straighter product giving a 'true wall with which to work. It doesn't suffer fluctuation in price making it easier to bid a project. Quality control is stressed in all phases of the manufacturing process so the highest possible quality is delivered to the job site The structural shapes manufactured are easily used for non structural and structural assemblies floor and ceiling joist assemblies and panelized system: They can be used as the main structural support system or as a supplement to heavy structural steel or concrete construction Manufacturers have been producing cold- formed steel framing members for many years with each manufacturer having its own nomenclature and design values A steel member with identical properties would be identified by different names based on which manufacturer produced it. This created some confusion at all levels of the construction process The SSMA s mission is to proactively represent member firms engaged in the manufacture, marketing and sale of cold- formed steel framing members, as a unified voice to the residential and light commercial construction industry serviced by its products, which includes contractors, distributors, design professionals, code officials and standards organizations. To this end, SSMA will endeavor to supply products which meet or exceed standards established by national state and local code bodies and by recognized industry associations. SSMA resolves to continually initiate and adopt the development of new technology and applications for its members products with the common goal of growing new market opportunities. Code Approval Products manufactured by the members recognized by ICBO Evaluation Service of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association SSMA, comply with the Uniform Building Code and International Building Code See ICBO ES Evaluation Report No 4943 -P Material Specifications Products manufactured by SSMA members are formed from steel with a minimum yield stress of 33 ksi or 50 ksi All products covered in this catalog are engineered to meet the 1996 Edition of the American Iron and Steel Institute AISI 'Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members The structural properties included in this brochure have been computed based on allowable stress design to conform with the same AISI document. Technical Assistance 1I Professional technical assistance is available through any SSMA member to its customers Using software developed specifically for the SSMA, a manufacturer's technical representative can analyze load conditions, deflection criteria and lateral bracing conditions not presented in this brochure Computerized design can assist a SSMA customer with the most economical product selection for the specific application. Contact the SSMA manufacturer for this assistance. Disclaimer All data, specifications and details contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using SSMA members products. These products should not be used in design or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect to verify the suitability of a particular product for use in a specific application The SSMA and its members assume no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication of computations, detail drawings and specifications contained herein This publication contains the latest information available at the time of printing The SSMA and its members reserve the right to make modifications and/or change materials of any of their products without prior notice or obligation. For the latest information regarding a particular manufacturer's products contact that manufacturer All SSMA manufacturers may not produce all of the products contained in this catalog. Please contact manufacturer to verify product availability Minimum Inside Thickness' Design Corner (mils) Thickness in) Radii (in) Thickness Steel Components 18 0 0188 27 30 33 43 54 68 97 0 0283 0.0312 0 0346 0.0451 0.0566 0.0713 0.1017 0843 0796 0781 0764 0712 0849 1069 1525 J St. Venant Torsional Constant. Cw Torsional warping constant. Xo Distance from the shear center to the centroid along the principal X -axis Ro Polar radius of gyration about the centroidal principal axis (3 1 (Xo /Ro) Design Stiffening Lip Length Design Stiffening Reference Only Section Flange Width Li Length.(in) G auge No. ,,.m., S125 1 1 /4 25 S137 1 3 /8 22 S162 1 5 /8 20 Drywall S200 2' 20 Structural S250 2 18 16 14 12 General Notes for all tables Torsional Properties 0 188 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.625 Minimum Thickness represents 95% of the design thickness and is the minimum acceptable thickness delivered to the job site based on Section A3 4 of the 1996 AISI Specification. 1 The strength increase due to cold work of forming was incorporated for flexural strength as applicable per AISI A7.2. 2. The moment of inertia for deflection is calculated at a stress which results in an effective section modulus such that the stress times that section modulus is equal to the allowable moment. This follows Procedure 1 of the AISI Specification 3. The yield stress (33 ksi or 50 ksi) used to calculate the tabulated values are indicated in the tables 4 When provided factory punch -outs will be located along the centerline of the webs of the members and will have a minimum center -to- center spacing of 24 Punch -outs will have a maximum width half the member depth (d /2) or 2 1/2' whichever is less, and a maximum length 4 1/2' The minimum distance between the end of the member and the near edge of the web punch -out =10' 5. For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings if the design is based upon 50 ksi the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified by the contractor /purchasers (i e 362S137 54 (50 ksi)) Definitions of Structural Property Symbols Gross Properties lxx: Moment of inertia of the gross section about the X -X axis (strong axis) Rx: Radius of gyration of the gross section about the X X axis. Iyy Moment of inertia of the gross section about the Y Y axis (weak axis) Ry Radius of gyration of the gross section about the Y Y axis Effective Properties lxx: Moment of inertia for deflection calculations based on 'Procedure 1 for Deflection Determination of the 1996 AISI Specification Sxx: Effective section modulus about the X X axis (strong axis) Stress F. Ma Allowable Bending Moment Based on the effective section modulus and the allowable stress including the strength increase from cold -work of forming (AISI 7.2) where applicable Va Allowable Shear Load Ycg Maximum distance from the outside of the compression flange to the center of gravity of the effective section Y x— —x Y ii 9 5 Section Properties Table Notes 1 The centerline bend radius is the greater of 2 times the design thickness or 3/32' 2. Web depth for track sections is equal to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius 3 Hems on non structural track sections are ignored 4 Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A7.2 5 Tabulated gross properties are based on the full- unreduced cross section of the studs away from punchouts 6 For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia 7 For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings if the design is based upon 50 ksi, the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified (i e 362S137 -54 (50 ksi)) Non- Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Design Gross Effesiive,33ksl 'Effective'SOksi Torsional` Ar4s1:beier "1"f Thickne.ss; ,.rep 1625125 -18 0.0188 0.080 0.27 0.038 0.046 0.686 0.016 0.447 0.034 0.033 0.66 309 0.924 1625125 -27 0.0283 0.120 0.41 0.056 0.068 0.682 0.023 0.443 0.055 0.051 1.01 526 0.909 162S125 -30 0.0312 0.131 0.45 0.061 0.075 0.681 0.026 0.441 0.060 0.059 116 579 0.894 1625125 -33 0.0346 0.145 0.49 0.067 0.083 0.679 0.028 0.440 0.066 0.068 1.35 641 0.877 2505125 -18 06188 0.097 033 6.099 0.079 1014 0.019 0.439 0.089' 0.059 1 17 247 1391 0.011 .0023 -0.930 1 444 0585 2505125 -27 0.0283 0.144 0.49 0.147 0.118 1.009 0.027 0.434 0.144 0.092 1.81 700 1.372 0.039 0.033 -0:919 1 432 0.589 2505125 -30 0.0312 0.159 0.54 0.161 '0.129 1.008 0.030 0.433 '0.159 0:104 2.06 8 5 1 1.354 0.052 0.036 -0.915 '1429 0.590' 2505125 -33 0.0346 0.176 .0.60 0.178 0.142 1.006 0.033 0.431 0.175 0.120 2:38 1040 1.333 0.070 0.039 41.911 1 425 0.591 2505125 -43 0.0451 0.227 0.77 0.228 0:182 1.001 0.041 0.426 0.226 .0.173 :3.43 .1356 0.154 0.049 -0.899 1 412 0.594 2505125 -54 0.0566 0:280 0.95 0.277 0.222 0.994 0.049 '0:419 0.277 0:218 4.98 1656- 1:260 0.275' 0.205 6.14 2510 1.289 0.299 0.059 -0.890 1.398 0.595 2505125 -68 •00713 0.345 1 18 0.334 0.267 0.984 0.057 0.408. 0.334 0.266 6.30 2017 .1.252 0.334 0.261 7:81 3057 1.262 0.585 0.069 -0.880 .1.381 0.594 3505125 -18 0.0188 0.115 039 0.215 0.123 1366 0.021 0.423 0.197 0.087 172 172 1.992 0.014 0.049" -0.819 1.648 0.753 3505125 -27 0.0283 0.173 0.59 0.320 0.183 1.361 0.030 0.418 0.312 0.147 2.90 589 1.892 0.046 0.071 -0.809 1.637 0.756 3505125 -30 0.0312 0.190 0.65 0.351 0.201 1.359 0.033 0.417 0.346 0.167 3.29 790 1.871 0.062 0.077 -0.805 1.634 0.757 3505125 -33 0.0346 0.210 0.72 0.387 0.221 1.358 0.036 0.415 0.382 0.191 3.77 1046 1.847 0.084 0.085 -0.802 1.630 0.758 3505125 -43 0.0451 0.272 0.93 0.498 0.284 1.352 0.046 0.410 0.493 0.272 5.37 1777 1.780 0.184 0.106 -0.790 1.619 0.762 3505125 -54 0.0566 0.337 1 15 0.608 0..48 1.344 0.055 0.402 0.608 0.342 7.82 2403 1.762 0.603 0.324 9.71 3446 1.796 0.360 0.127 -0.781 1.605 0.763 3505125 -68 0.0713 0.417 1 42 0.739 0.422 1.332 0.064 0.391 0.737 0.421 9.95 2959 1.752 0.737 0.413 12.36 4483 1.765 0.706 0.151 -0.770 1.587 0.765 362S125 -18 0.0188 0.118 0.40 0.234. '0.129 1 409 0.021 0.421: 0:215 •0.090 .1178 166 2.075- 0.014 0.053 0.807 1.677 0768 3625125 =27 0.0283 0.176 0.60 0.347 0.192 1 404 0.031 .0.416 0.338" 0.154 3.05 '568 1.957. 0.047 0.077 -0.797 1.667 0.771 362S125 -30 0.0312 0.194 0.66 0.381 0.'10 1 402 0.033 0.415 0.375 0.175 3.46 761 1.935 0.063 0.084 0794 1.664 0:772 3625125 -33 '0.0346 0.215 0.73 :0.421 0.232 1400 '0.037 0.413 .0.415 0:201 3:96 1039 1:911 0.086 0.092 -0.790 1.660 0.774 362S125 -43 0.0451 0.278 0.95 0.540 0.298 1395 '0.046 0.408 .0.536 0.285 '5.64' 1777 1.843 0.188 0.115. -0.779 1.649 0.777. 3625125 -54 0.0566 0.344 1.17 0.661 0.-65 1.386 0:055 0:400 0.661 '0.358 .8.21 2497 1.825 :0.655 '0:341 10.20 3446 1.859 0.367 0.138' -0:769 1.635 0.779 3625125 -68 0.0713 0.426 1:45 0.803 0.443 1.374 0.065 0.389 ,0:802 0.442 10.44 '3076 1:815 0.802 0.434 .12.98 4661 1.827. 0.721 .0.164 -0.758 1.617 0.780, 4005125 -18 0.0188 0.125 0.42 0.294 0.147 1.536 0.021 0.414 0.265 0.099 1.96 150 2.325 0.015 0.066 -0.774 1.769 0.809 4005125 -27 0.0283 0.187 0.64 0.438 0. '19 1.531 0.031 0.410 0.426 0.178 3.52 511 2.150 0.050 0.096 -0.764 1.759 0.811 4005125 -30 0.0312 0.206 0.70 0.481 0.240 1.529 0.034 0.408 0.473 0.202 3.99 686 2.127' 0.067 0.105 -0.761 1.756 0.812 4005125 -33 0.0346 0.228 0.77 0.531 0. '65 1.527 0.038 0.407 0.523 0.231 4.56 936 2.102 0.091 0.115 -0.757 1.752 0.813 4005125 -43 0.0451 0.295 1.00 0.682 0.341 1.521 0.048 0.402 0.676 0.327 6.46 1777 2.032 0.200 0.145 -0.746 1.742 0.816 4005125 -54 0.0566 0.365 1.24 0.835 0.418 1.512 0.057 0.394 0.835 0.411 9.40 2777 2.013 0.828 0.391 11.71 3446 2.048 0.390 0.174 -0.737 1.728 0.818 40051 25-68 0.0713 0.452 1.54 1.017 0. ;09 1 49,9 0.099 0.383 1.015 0.507 11.98 3429 2.003 1.015 9.499 14.91 5196 2.015 0.767 0.206 -0.725 1.709 0.820 5 -181 0.0186 0.153 0.52 0.630 '0.29 2029 0.023 0.390 0.018 ,0.138 =0.666 2.171 0.906 550S125 -27 0.0283 0.229 0.78 0.938 0.341 2.023 0.034 0.385 0.925 .0.253 5.00 '366 3.072. 0.061 0.202 4).657 2.162 0.908 550S1'25 -30 0.0312 0.252 0.86 1.031 0.375 2.021 0:037 0.384 .1'1017 '0.307' 6.06- 491 '2.956 0.082' 0.220 -0.654 2:159 0.908 550S125 -33 0.0346 0.279 0.95 .1 139 0.414 2.019 0.041 0.382 1 124 :0.368 728' 670 :2.864' 0.112:0.242-0.651 2.156 0.909 5505125 -43 0.045t 0.362 '1.23 1 468' 0.J34' 2.013 0.052 0.377. '1 456 -0.514 10.16 '1487 :2:786 0.246 .0.304 -0.641 '2.146 '0.911 5505125 -54 0.0566 0.450 1.53 1.805 0.656 2.002 0:061 x0.369 1.805 .0.647 14:80 2799.-2.765 1:790 0.620 18.57 2967 2.804. 0.481' 0.366 -0.631 '2.132 0.912 55 05125 68 0.0713 '0.559 1.90 a209 0.803 1.987 0.072 0.358 2.205 0.801 18.94 4442. 2.753' .2.205 0.789 23.62 5468 2.767 0.948 0:437 -0:620 2.112 0.914 60051 18 1 0.0188 0.162 0.55 0.778 0. 59 2.189 0.0 0.382 0.019 0.169 -0.637 2.312 0224 6005125 -27 0.0283 0.243 0.83 1 160 0.387 2.183 0.035 0.377 1 145 0.274 5.42 335 3.413 0.065 0.247 -0.628 2.303 0.926 600S125 -30 0.0312 0.268 0.91 1.275 0.425 2.181 0.038 0.376 1.259 0.331 6.54 448 3.292 0.087 0.270 -0.625 2.300 0.926 600S125-33 0.0346 0.297 1.01 1 409 0.470 2.179 0.042 0.374 1.391 0.408 8.06 612 3.154 0.118 0.296 -0.622 2.297 0.927 6005125 -43 0.0451 0.385 1.31 1.817 0.606 2.173 0.053 0.369 1.802 0.584 11.55 1358 3.037 0.261 0.373 -0.612 2.287 0.928 6005125 -54 0.0566 0.479 1.63 2.236 0.)45 2.161 0.063 0.362 2.236 0.735 16.82 2708 3.015 2.218 0.706 21 14 2708 3.056 0.511 0.449 -0.603 2.273 0.930 6005125 -68 0.0713 0.595 2.02 2.740 0.913 2.146 0.073 0.351 2.735 0.911 21.53 4442 3.003 2.735 0.898 26.88 5468 3.018 1.008 0.536 -0.592 2.253 0.931 0.009 0.009 1.061 0.032 0.013 1.049 0.043 0.014 1.046 0.058 0.015 1.042 1.340 1.327 1.323 1.319 0.373 0.375 0.376 0.376 8005125 -33 0.0346 0.366 125 2.881 0.720 2.806 0.044 0.347 2.855 0.525 10.37 455 4.521 0.146 0576 -0.530 2.877 0.966 8005125 -43 0.0451 0.475 1.62 3.721 0.930 2.799 0.056 0.342 3.696 0.894 17.67 1008 4.056 0.322 0.727 -0.521 2.867 0.967 800S125 -54 0.0566 0.592 2.01 4.593 1.148 2.786 0:066 0.335 4.593 1.134 .25.96 2006 4.016 4.560 1.097 32.84 2006 4.060 0.632 0.877 -0.512 2.852 0.968 800S125-68 0.0713 0.738 2.51 5.653 1.413 2.768 0.078 0.324 5.644 1.410 33.33 4048 4.003 5.644 1.393 41.69 4048 4.019 1.250 .1.050 -0.501 2.832 0.969 1 Web height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads 6 n v Structural (S) Stud Section Properties 'Design Gross `Effective'33ksi Effective 50ksi To�siorial Thickness Area Weight Ixx Sxx Rx lyy .Ply ra ixx Sxx Ma Va Ycg lax Sax Ma Va Ycg 3..ma •Cw Xo. Ro Section (in) fin) .J11)19_ (in) (in') lint (m j (in n -k} lib)* (in) (in') fin) (in(irk (Ib in) fin (in lin) (in 2505137 33 0.0346 0.197 0.67 0.203 0.163 1.015 0.052 0.515 0203 0.156 109 1040 1272 0.079 250S137 -43 0.0451 0.255 0.87 0.261 0.208 1.010 0.067 0.511 0.261 0.205 4.53 1350 1.260 0.173 250S137 54 0.0566 0.316 1.07 0.318 0.255 1.004 0.080 0.504 0.318 0.255 5.76 1656 1.250 0.318 0.244 8.22 2510 1.274 0.337 250S137 -68 0.0713 0.390 1.33 0.386 0.309 0.994 0.095 0.495 0.386 0.309 7 19 2017 1.250 0.386 0.308 10.65 3057 1.251 0.661 2505162 -33 0.0346 0.223 0.76 0.235 0.188 1.027 0.087 0.624 0.235 0.180 3.55 1040 1:274 0.089 250S162 -43 0.0451 0.289 0.98 0.302 0.242 1.022 0.111 0.620 0.302 0.240 5.22 1350 1.253 0.196 250S162 -54 0.0566 0.358 1.22 0.370 0.296 1.016 0.135 0.613 0.370 0.296 6.57 1656 1 250 0.370 0.288 8.62 2510 1.267 0.383 2505162 -68 0.0713 0.443 1.51 0.450 0.360 1.007 0.162 0.605 0.450 0.360 821 2017 1.250 0.450 0.357 12.10 3057 1.255 0.752 350S162 -33 0.0346 0.258 0.88 0.508 b.290 1 404 0.098 0.617 0.508 0.279 5.50 1046 1.779 0.103 0.273 1.351 2.044 0.563 3505162 -43 0.0451 0.334 1 14 0.654 0.374 1 400 0.125 0.612 0.654 0.372 8.08 1777 1.755 0.227 0.345 1.339 2.031 0.565 3505162 -54 0.0566 0.415 1 41 0.804 0.460 1.392 0.152 0.606 0.804 0.460 10.20 2403 1.750 0.804 0.447 13.37 3446 1.773 0.443 0.418 1.331 2.019 0.566 350S162 -68 0.0713 0.515 1 75 0.985 0.593 1.383 0.184 0.597 0.985 0.563 12.83 2959 1.750 0.985 0.557 18.89 4483 1.758 0.872 0.503 1.321 2.004 0.565 362S137 33 0.0346 0.236 0.80 0.479 0.264 1 424 0.059 0.501 0.479 0.254 5.02 1039 1.842 0.094 0.162 1.026 1.826 0.684 362S137 -43 0.0451 0.306 1.04 0.616 0.340 1'419 0.075 0.497 0.616 0.334 7.38 1777 1.826 0.207 0.204 1.015 1.814 0.687 362S137 -54 0.0566 0.379 1.29 0. 0.41= 1 411 0.091 0.490 0.756 0.417 9.43 2497 1.812 0.756 0.400 13.47 3446 1.844 0.405 0.246 1.006 1.801 0.688 3625137 -68 0.0713 0.470 1.60 0.922 01509 1.401 0.109 0.480 0.922 0.509 11.87 3076 1.812 0.922 0.508 17.56 4661 1.814 0.797 0.294 -0.996 1.784 0.689 3625162 -33 0.0346 0.262 0.89 0.551 0.304 1 450 0.099 0.616 0.551 0.292 5.T' 1039 1.843 0.105 0.293 1.335 2.065 0.582 362S162 -43 0.0451 0.340 1 16 0.710 0.392 1 445 0.127 0.611 0.710 0.389 8.46 1777 1.818 0.230 0.371 1.323 2.052 0.585 3625162 -54 0.0566 0.422 1 44 0.873 0.481 1 438 0.154 0.604 0.873 0.481 10.69 2497 1.812 0.873 0.468 14.00 3446 1.836 0.451 0.449 1.314 2.040 0.585 3625162 -68 0.0713 0.524 1.78 1.069 0.590 1 429 0.186 0.596 1.069 0.590 13.44 3076 1.812 1.069 0.584 19.80 4661 1.820 0.887 0.540 1.305 2.024 0.585 362S200 -33 0.0346 0.297 1.01 0.648 0.358 1478 0.177 0.772 0.643 0.318 6.29 1039 1.898 0.118 0.571 1.770 2.432 0.470 3625200.43 0.0451 '0.385 1.31 0.836 0.461 1 474 0.227 0.767 0.836 0.448 8.85 1777 1.834 0.261 0.726 1.758 2.419 0.472 362S200 -54 0.0566 0 479 1.63 1.030 0.568 1 467 0.277 0.761 1.030 0.568 12.36 2497 1.812 1.030 0.509 15.25 3446 1.898 0.511 0.884 1 750 2.407 0.471 3625200 -68 0.0713 0.595 2.02 1.265 0.698 1 458 0.337 0.753 1.265 0.698 15 3076 1.812 1.265 0.673 22.34 4661 1.844 1.008 1.070 1 741 2.393 0.470 4005137 -33 0.0346 0.249 0.85 0.603 0.301 1.556 0.061 0.496 0.603 0.290 5.74 936 2.031 0.099 0.200 -0.987 1.908 0.732 400S137 -43 0.0451 0.323 1 10 0.776 0.388 1.551 0.078 0.491 0.776 0.382 8.43 1777 2.014 0.219 0.253 -0.976 1.897 0.735 400S137 -54 0.0566 0.401 1.36 0.953 0.477 1.542 0.094 0.484 0.953 0.477 10.78 2777 2.000 0.953 0.457 15.40 3446 2.034 0.428 0.305 -0.967 1.884 0.737 400S137 -68 0.0713 0.497 1.69 1 165 0.582 1.531 0.112 0.475 1 165 0.582 13.58 3429 2.000 1 165 0.581 20.10 5196 2.002 0.842 0.365 -0.956 1.866 0.738 Of 4005162 -33 0.0346 0.275 0.94 0.692 0.346 1.586 0.103 0.611 0.692 0.332 6.57 936 2.032 0.110 0.358 1 286 2.133 0.635 4005162 -43 0.0451 0.357 1.21 0.892 0.446 1:581 0.131 0.606 0.892 0.443 9.63 1777 2.006 0.242 0.453 1.276 2.121 0.638 4005162 -54 0.0566 0.443 1.51 1.098 0:549 1.574 0.159 0.600 1.098 0.549 12 18 2777 2.000 1.098 0.533 15.96 3446 2.026 0.473 0.550 1.26E 2.108 0.638 4005162 -68 0.0713 0.550 1.87 1.346 0.673 1.564 0.192 0.591 1.346 0.673 15.34 3429 2.000 1.346 0.666 22.60 5196 2:009 0.933 0.663 1.258 2.092 0.639 4005200 -33 0.0346 0.310 1.05 0.812 0.406 1.619 0.183 0.769 0.805 0.362 7 16 936 2.091 0.124 0.689 1.715 2.481 0.522 4005200 -43 0.0451 0.402 1.37 1.047 0.524 1.615 0.235 0.764 1.047 0.509 10.06 1777 2.023 0.272 0.876 1 703 2.468 0.524 400S200 -54 0.0566 0.500 1 70 1.292 0.646 1.608 0.287 0.758 1.292 0.646 14.06 2777 2.000 1.292 0.580 17.36 3446 2.091 0.534 1.068 1.695 2.456 0.524 4005,200 -68 0.0713 0.622 2.12 1.589 0.795 1.599 0.349 0.750 1.589 0.795 17.68 3429 2.000 1,589 0.766 25.41 5196 2.036 1.054 1.295 1.686 2.441 0.523 550S162 -33 0.0346 0.327 1 11 1 458 '0.530 2.112 0:113 0.589 1 458 0.512 10 :11 670 '2.787 0.130` 1704 1 134 2.468 0.789 550S162 -43 0.0451 0.424 144 1.883 0.685 2.107 0.145 0.584 1.883 0.681 14.79 1487 2.757 0.288 0.894 1123 2.458 0.791 550S162 -54 0.0566 0.528 1.80 1324 0.845 2.098 0.176 0.577 2.324 0.845 18.76 2799 2.750 2.324 0.821 24.59 2967 2.782 0.564 1.088 1 114 2.445 0.792 5505162 -68 0.0713 0.657 2.24 2.861 1.040 2.086 0.212 0.568 2.861 1.040 23.72 4442 2.750 2.861 1.031 34.94 5468 2.761 1 114 1.316 1 103 2.427 D.793 6005137 -33 0.0346 0.318 1.08 1.582 0.527 2.229 0.069 0.464 1.582 0.510 10.07 612 3.039 0.127 0.493 -0.823 2.421 0.884 600S137 -43 0.0451 0.413 141 2.042 0.681 2.223 0.087 0.459 2.042 0.670 14.80 1358 3.018 0.280 0.625 -0.813 2.411 0.886 600S137 54 0.0566 0.514 1 75 2.518 0.839 2.213 0.105 0.452 2.518 0.839 18.98 2708 3.000 2.518 0.809 27.23 2708 3.042 0.549 0.757 -0.804 2.398 0.888 600S137 -68 0.0713 0.640 2.18 3.094 1.031 2.200 0.125 0.443 3.094 1.031 24.05 4442 3.000 3.094 1.029 35.60 5468 3.002 1.084 0.911 -0.793 2.380 0.889 600S137 -97 0.1017 0.889 3.03 4.188 1.396 2.170 0.159 0.422 4.188 1.396 34.48 7372 3.000 4 188 1.396 50.80 11124 3.000 3.066 1 179 -0.770 2.341 0.892 9005162 -33 0.0346 0.344 1 17 1.793 0.598 2.282 0.116 0.581 1.793 0.577 11 41 612 3.039 0.137 0.851 1.091 2.595 0.823 6005162 -43 0.0451 0.447 1.52 2.316 0.7'2 2.276 0.148 0.576 2.316 0.767 16.68 1358 3.007 0.303 1.082 1.081 2.585 0.825 6005162 -54 0.0566 0.556 1.89 2.860 0.953 2.267 0.180 0.570 2.860 0.953 21 17 2708 3.000 2.860 0.927 27 76 2708 3.034 0.594 1.318 1.072 2.572 0.826 600S162 -68 0.0713 0.693 2.36 3.525 1 1'5 2.255 0.218 0.560 3.525 1 175 26.79 4442 3.000 3.525 1 164 39.46 5468 3.011 1 174 1.596 1.061 2.554 0.828 600S162 -97 0.1017 0.966 3.29 4.797 1.599 2.229 0.283 0.541 4.797 1.599 38.37 7372 3.000 4.797 1.599 56.73 11124 3.000 3.329 2.093 1.039 2.518 0.830 ae xe 600S200 -33 0.0346 0.379 1.29 2.075 0.692 2.340 0.209 0.743 2.059 0.617 12.20 612 3.135 0.151 1.577 1 479 2.866 0.734 p A't@ 600S200 -43 0.0451 0.492 1.67 2.683 0.894 2.335 0.268 0.739 2.683 0.873 17.24 1358 3.028 0.334 2.012 1 468 2.855 0.736 6005200 -54 0.0566 0.613 2.09 3.319 1.106 2.327 0.328 0.732 3.319 1.108 24.07 2708 3.000 3.319 1.002 30.01 2708 3.117 0.655 2.461 1.459 2.842 0.737 600S200 -68 0.0713 0.764 2.60 4.101 1.367 2.316 0.400 0.723 4.101 1.367 30.42 4442 3.000 4.101 1.31' 43.71 5468 3.047 1.295 2.997 1 448 2.826 0.737 fid 1` 6005200 -97 0.1017 1.067 3.63 5.612 1.871 2.293 0.530 0.705 5.612 1.871 43.49 7372 3.000 5.612 1.871 64.53 11124 3.000 3.679 3.981 1 427 2.791 0.739 )6- .41., ,s 6005250 -43 0.0451 0.537 1:83 3.082 1.027 2.396 0.458 0.923 3.082 0.918 18.14 1358 3.134 0.364 3.379 1.898 3.193 0.647 _66008250 -54 a 0.0566 0.670 2.28 3.819 1.273 2.388 0.562 0.917 3.819 1.159 22.90 2708 3.115 3.760 2708 3.207 0.715 4.146 1.889 3.180 0.647 rI� 600S250 -6b 0.0713 0.836 2.84 4.727 1.576 2.378 0.688 0.908 4.727 1.522 30.08 4442 3.045) 4'27 1.342 40.19 5468 3.191 1 416 5.071 1.878 3.164 0.647 600S250 -97 0.1017 1.169 3.98 6.496 2.165 2.357 0.923 0.889 6.496 2.160 48.80 7372 3.003 1 6.496 2.063 69.38 11124 3.062) 4.030 6.798 1.857 3.130 0.648 I f Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 0.075 0.094 0.113 0.134 0.144 0.182 0.219 0.262 1170 1.633 0.486 1158 1.620 0.489 1150 1.608 0.488 1142 1.593 0.486 1.501 1.923 0.390 1 489 1.909 0.392 1 482 1.898 0.391 1474 1.885 0.389 7 Design Gmss. Effecttve:33ksi. Effectiiie 50ksi Torsional. Thickness Area Weight ixx Sx3: '8x lyy -Ry .Ixx, Sx'x :Ma •Va Ycg lxx 'Sxx. Ma Va Ycg,, J "DT' Cw Xo Ro Section in) in?) fib/ft) fin') )in (in) (in) (in bn (in=) in-k 'fib) (in) n On (m k) ((b) (in) in'1. (inn 800S137 33' 0.0346 0.388 1.32 3.198 0.799 2.873 0.073 0.435 3.198 0.663 13.10 455 4.335 0.155 0.948 -0.709 2.991 0.944 8005137 -43 0.0451 0.503 1.71 4.134 1.033 2.866 0.093 0.430 4.134 1.033 20.42 1008 4.000 0.341 1.202 -0.700 2.981 0.945 8005137 54 0.0566 0.627 2.13 5.110 1.277 2.855 0.112 0.423 5.110 1.277 28.89 2006 4.000 5.110 1.249 37.38 2006 4.032 0.670 1 460 -0.691 2.967 0.946 8005137 -68 0.0713 0.782 2.66 6.303 1.576 2.839 0.134 0.414 6.303 1.576 36.74 4048 4.000 6.303 1.573 54.40 4048 4.003 1.325 1.762 -0.680 2.948 0.947 8005137 -97 0.1017 1.093 3.72 8.597 2.149 2.805 0.169 0.394 8.597 2.149 53.09 9037 4.000 8.597 2.149 78.22 11124 4.000 3.767 2.295 -0.658 2.908 0.949 800S162 -33' 0.0346 0.413 1 41 3.582 0.896 2.943 0.125 0.550 3.582 0.757 14.96 455 4.306 0.165 1.615 -0.951 3.142 0.908 8005162 -43 0.0451 0.537 1.83 4.633 1 158 2.937 0.160 0.546 4.633 1 158 22.89 '1008 4000 0.364 2.05E -0.941 3.132 0.910 800S162 -54 0.0566 0.670 2.28 5.736 1 434 2.927 0.194 0.539 5.736 1 434 31.83 -2006 4.000 5.736 1.397 41.84 2006 4.039 0.715 2.509 -0.932 3.119 0.911 8005162 -68 0.0713 0.836 '2.84 7.089 1.772 2.913 0.235 0.530 7.089 1.772 40.41 4048 4.000 7.089 1.757 59.57 4048 4.013 1 416 3.047 -01921 3.101 0.912 8003162 -97 0.1017 1 169 3.98 9 713 2.428 2.883 0.305 0.510 9.713 2.428 58.27 9037 4.000 9.713 2.428 86.14 11124 4.000 4.030 4.023 -0.899 3.062 0.914 8005200 -33' 0.0346 0.448 1.52 4.096 1.024 3.023 0.227 0.712 4.096 0.812 16.04 455 4.410 0.179 2.945 1.306 3.369 0.850 800S200 -43 0.0451 0.582. 1.98 5.302 1.325 3.018 0.292 0.708 5.302 1.293 25.54 1008 4.038 0.395 3.763 1.295 3.359 0.851 800S200 -54 0.0566 0.726 2.47 6.573 1.643 3.009 0.357 0.701 6.573 1.643 35.75 2006 4.000 6.573 1 475 44.15 2006 4.168 0.775 4.612 1.286 3.346 0.852 8005200 -68 0.0713 0.907 3.09 8.140 2.035 2.996 0.435 0.692 8.140 2.035 45.29 4048 4.000 8.140 1.964 65.21 4048 4.055 1.537 5.631 1.275 3.329 0.853 800S200 -97 0.1017 1.271 4.32 11.203 2.801 2.369 0.576 0.673 11203 2.801 65.12 9037 4.000 11.203 2.801 96.63 11124 4.000 4.381 7.524 1.253 3.292 0.855 8005250 -43 0.0451 0.627 2.13 6.015 1.504 3.097 0.500 0:893 6.015 1.313 25.95 1008 4.219 0.425 6.320 1.695 3.641 0.783 8005250 -54 0.0566 0.763 2.66 7 465 .1.866 3.088 0.614 0.886 7465 1.712 33.82 2006 4:134 7.378 1:525 45.66 2006 4.323 0.836 7.769 1:686 3.628 0.784 8005250 -68 0.0713 0.978 3.33 9.261 2.315 3.077 0.752 0.877 9.261 2.240 44.26 4048 4.053 9.261 2.003 59.96 4048 4.219 1.658 9.526 1.674 3.611 0.785 8005250 -97 0.1017. 1.372 4.67 12.789 3.197 3,353 1.009 0.857 12.789 3.190 72.06 9037 4.004 12,.789 3.053 102.70 11124 4.073 4.731 12.838 1.652 3:575 .0.787 10005162 -43' 0.0451 0.627 2.13 8.025 1.605 3.577 0.168 0.518 8.025 1 414 27.94 802 5.292 0.425 3.404 -0.836 3.709 0.949 10005162 -54 0.0566 0.783 2.66 9.950 1.990 3.565 0.204 0.511 9.950 1.990 39.32 1593 5.000 9.950 1.712 51.26 1593 5.332 0.836 4.160 -0.827 3.696 0.950 10005162 -68 0.0713 0.978 3.33 12.325 2.465 3.350 0.246 0.502 12.325 2.465 56.20 3209 5.000 12.325 2.465 73.80 3209 5.000 1.658 5.060 -0.817 3.677 0.951 1000S162 -97 0.1017 1.372 4.67 16.967 3.393 3.516 0.320 0.483 16.967 3.393 81 43 9037 5.000 16.967 3.393 120.37 9461 5.000 4.731 6.708 -0.795 3.637 0.952 10003200 -43' 0.0451 0.672' 2.29 -9.085 1.817 3.676 0.309 .0.677 9.085 .1.580 31.23 802 5:319 0.456 6.189 .1 3.914 0.912 10005200 -54 0.0566 0.839 2.86 1.1.278 2.256 3:666 0.378 0.671 11:278 2.256 44.57 1593 .5.000 11.278 1.805 54.04 1593 5.478 0.896 7.595 '1 153 3.901 0.913 10005200 -68 0:0713 1.050 3.57 13.994 2.799 3.652 0.460 0.662 13.994 2.799 62.28 3209 5 :000 13.994 2.744 82.15 3209 5.037 1 779 9.291 1 142 31883 0.913 1000S200 -97 0.1017 '1 474 5.02 19.336 3.867 3.322 0.609 0.643 19.336 3.867 89.92 9037 5.000 19.336 3.867 133.42 9461 5.000 5.082 12.460 1 120 3.845 0.915 10005250 -43' 0.0451 0.717 2.44 10.203 2.041 3.771 0.531 0.860 10.203 1.617 31.95 802 5.508 0.486 10.404 1.535 4.161 0.864 10005250 -54 0.0566 0.896 3.05 12.677 2.535 3.762 0.653 0.854 12.677 2.277 44.99 1593 5.213 12.660 1.879 56.26 1593 5.635 0.957 12.805 1.525 4.148 0.865 10005250 -68 0.0713 1 121 3.81 15.751 3.150 3.749 0.799 0.844 15.751 3.054 60.34 3209 5.060 15.751 2.670 79.94 3209 5.317 1.899 15.726 1.514 4.130 0.866 1000S250 -97 0.1017 1.576 5.36 21.827 4.365 3.722 1.072 0.825 21.827 4.356 98.40 9037 5.004 21.827 4.181 140.63 9461 5.082 5.433 21.268 1 491 4.093 0.867 12005162 -54' 0.0566 0.896 3.05 .15.730 2.622 4.190 0.212 0.486 15.730 2.334 46.11 1321 6.311 15.730 2.024 60.60 1321 6.695 0.957 6.293 -0.744 4.283 0.970 N '12005162 -68 0.0713 '1 121 3.81 19.518 3.253 4.173 0.255 0.477 19.518 .253 64.28 2658 6.000 19.518 2.953 88.41 2658 6.257 1.899. .666 -0.734 4.264 0.970 12005162 -97 0.1017 1.576 5:36 26.966 4.494 4.137 0.331 0.459 26.966 4.494 107.85 7814 6.000 26.966 4.494 159.42 7814 6.000 5.433 10.187 -0.713 4.223 0.971 12005200 -54' 0.0566 0.953 3.24 17.662 2.944 4 306 0.393 0.643 17.662 2.658 52.52 1321 6.281 17.662 2.143 64.17 1321 6.836 1.017 11.462 1.047 4.478 0.945 12005200 -68 0.0713 1 192 4.06 21.947 3.658 4.191 0.479 0.634 21.947 3.658 81 40 2658 6.000 21.947 3.265 97.75 2658 6.300 2.020 14.038 1.036 4.459 0.946 12005200 -97 0.1017 1.677 5.71 30.417 5.069 4.'158 0.635 0.615 30.417 5.069 117.87 7814 6.000 30.417 5.069 174.89 7814 6.000 5.783 18.876 1.014 4.420 0.947 12005250 -54' .0.0566 1.009 3.43 19.681 '3.280 4.416 0.683 0.823 19.681 2.679 52.94 1321 6.521 19.681 2:238 67.01 1321 6.995 1.078 19.354 1.395 4.704 0912 12003250-68 0.0713 1.263• 4.30 24.484 4.081 4:402 0.836 0:813 24.484 3'.963 .78.31 .2658 6.065 24.484 3:147 94.22 2658 6.643 2:141 23.796 1.384 4.686 0.913 12003250 -97 0.1017 1.779 6.05 .34.016 5.669 4.373 1 121 0.794' 34.016 5.658 127.80 7814 6.004 34.016 5.446 183.15 7814 6.088 6.134 32:260 1.361 4.648 0.914 See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads 8 G O Structural (T) Track Section Properties Design Gross Effective 33ksi :Effective.50ksi Torsional Thickness Area Weight lxx, Sxx Rx lyy Ry lxx Sxx Ma Va Ycg lxx Sxx Ma Va Ycg J' C°r Gw Xo flo Section '(in) (in (Ibitt1 (in') (in') fin (in lint (in') (1n (in -k) (lb) (in) lino) (in (in -k) -(b) (in) (in (inF) (in) (in) 13 162T125 -18 0.0188 0.078 0.26 0.042 0.048 0.740 0.013 0.411 0.031- ,0.026 0.51 309 1.093 0.009 0.007 -0.893 1.230 0.473 162T125 -27 0.0283 0.117 0.40 0.063 0.072 0.735 0.020 0.410 0.050 0.044 0.87 577 1.048 0.031 0.010 -0.886 1.221 0.474 162T125 -30 0.0312 0.129 0.44 0.070 0.079 0.735 0.022 0.409 0.057 0.050 1.00 637 1.038 0.042 0.012 -0.884 1.220 0.475 162T125 -33 0.0346 0.143 0.49 0.077 0.087 0.736 0.024 0.408 0.066 0.058 1 15 707 1.026 0.057 0.013 -0.882 1.219 0.476 250T125 -18 0.0188 0.094 0.32 0.105 0.080 1.057 0.015 0.399 0.079 0.046 0.90 237 1.593 0.011 0.018 -0.781 1.373 0.677 250T125 -27 0.0283 0.141 0.48 0.157 0.119 1.05 0.022 0.398 0.129 0.079 1.56 '00 1.519 0.038 0.02' -0.774 1.366 0.679 250T125 -30 0.031^ 0.156 0.53 0.173 0.13' 1.053 0.025 0.397 0.145 0.090 1,7" 851 1.507 0.051 0.030 -0.7'3 1.365 0,679 250T125 -33 0.0346 0.173 0.59 0.192 0.145 1.054 0.027 0.397 0.166 0.103 2.03 1046 1 492 0.069 0.033 -0771 1 '.365 0.680 250T125 -43 0.0451 0.225 0.77 0.250 0.188 1.055 0.035 0.395 0.231 0.147 2.91 1446 1 454 0.153 0.042 -0.766 1.362 0.683 250T125 -54 0.0566 0.282 0.96 0.318 0.236 1.062 0.043 0.392 0.310 0.203 4.01 1804 1426 0.297 0.188 5.64 2734 1 463 0.301 0.054 -0.763 1.365 0.688 250T125 -68 0.07.13 0.355 1.21 0.408 0.297 1.072 0.054 0.389 0.408 0.281 5.56 2252 1 404 .0.402 0.262 .85 3412 1 440 0.602 0.068 -0.758 1.369 0.694 250T150 -27 0.0283 0.156 0.53 0.181 0.137 1.078 0.037 0.486 0.139 0.082 1.61 700 1.576 0.042 0.044 -0.989 1.542 0.588 250T150 -30 0.0312 0.172 0.58 0.199 0.151 1.078 0.040 0.486 0.157 0.093 1.83 851 1.563 0.056 0.048 -0.988 1.541 0.589 250T150 -33 0.0346 0.190 0.65 0.221 0.167 1.079 0.045 0.485 0.179 0.107 2.11 1046 1.548 0.076 0.054 -0.986 1.540 0.590 250T150 -43 0.0451 0.248 0.84 0.289 0.217 1.080 0.058 0.483 0.252 0.154 3.03 1446 1.508 0.168 0.070 -0.981 1.537 0.593 250T150 -54 0.0566 0.311 1.06 0.368 0.273 1.088 0.072 0.481 0.342 0.213 4.22 1804 1 477 0.325 0.197 5.89 2734 1.517 0.332 0.088 -0.977 1.539 0.597 250T150 -68 0.0713 0.391' 1.33 0.472 0.344 1.099 0.089 0.478 0.465 0.299 5.92 2252 1 449 0.445 0.276 8.27 3412 1 490 0.663 0.113 -0.972 1.543 0.603 2507200 -33 0.0346 0.225 0.76 0.280 0.212 1117 0.097 0.658 0.203 0.112 2.22 1046 1.647 0.090 0.118 1 432 1.932 0.450 250T200 -43 0.0451 0.293 1.00 0.366 0.275 1118 0.126 0.657 0.288 0.163 3.21 1446 1.605 0.198 0.153 1427 1.928 0.452 250T200 -54 0.0566 0.367 1.25 0.466 0.346 1127 0.157 0.654 0.396 0.228 4.51 1804 1.572 0.371 0.209 6.25 2734 1.615 0.392 0.195 1422 1.929 0.456 2507200 -68 0.0713 0.462 1.57 0.600 0.437 1 139 0.196 0.652 0.548 0.324 6.41 2252 1.538 0.51' 0.296 8.86 3412 1.586 0.783 0.251 .1 417 1.932 0.462 3507125 -18 0.0188 0.113 0.38 0.221 0.122 1 400 0.016 0.382 0.176 0.063 1.25 167 2.278 0.013 0:039 -0.685 1.605 0.818 350T125 -27 0.0283 0.170 0.58 0.331 0.182 1.396 0.025 0.381 0.277 0.128 2.53 566 2.044 0.045 0.057 -0.680 1.599 0.819 350T125 -30 0.0312 0.187 0.64 0.365 0.200 1.396 0.027 0.380 0.312 0.145 2.86 758 2.030 0.061 0.063 -0.679 1.598 0.820 3507125 -33 0.0346 0.207 0.71 0.405 0.222 1.397 0.030 0.379 0.354 0.165 3.27 1033 2.014 0.083 0.070 -0.677 1.598 0.820 350T125 -43 0.0451 0.270 0.92 0.528 0.288 1.397 0.038 0.377 0.490 0.233 4.61 1777 1.971 0.183 0.090 -0.673 1.596 0.822 350T125 -54 0.0566 0.339 1 15 0.668 0.361 1 404 0.048 0.375 0.651 0.31' 6.26 2551 1.937 0.626 0.297 8.89 3446 1.978 0.362 0.113 -0.669 1.599 0.825 350T125 -68 0.0713 0.427 1 45 0.851 0.454 1 412 0.059 0.372 0.851 0.433 8.55 3193 1.908 0.839 0.407 12.18 4838 1.949 0.723 0.143 -0.665 1.605 0.828 1 350T150 -27 0.0283 0.184 0.63 0.377 0.207 1 431 0.041 0.470 '0.298 0.132 2.62 '566 2111 0.049 0.093 4879 1 745 0.r46 .350T150 -30 0.0312. 0.203 0.69 0.416 0.228 1 432 0.045 0.469 0.336 0.150 2.96 758 2.097 0.066 0.103 -0.878 1 744 0.747 350T150 -33 0.0346 0.225 0.76 0.461 0.253 1 432 0.049 0.469 0.382 0.171 3.39 1033 2.080 0.090 '0.114 -0.676 1 743 0.747 350T150.43 0.0451 0.293 1.00 0.601 0.328 1 433 0.064 0.467 0.531 0.243 4.80 1777 2.034 0.198 0.148 -0.872 1.741 0.749 3507150.54 0.0566 0.367 1.25 0.761 0.412 1 440 0.079 0.465 0.712 0.332 6.57 2551 1.996 0.679 0.310 9.28 3446 2.042 0.392 0.186 -0.866 1 744 0.752 350T150 -68 0.0713 0.462 1.57 0.972 0.518 1 450 0.099 0.462 0.957 0.459 9.07 '193 1.960 0.919 0.428 12.81 4838 2.007 0.783 0.236 -0.863 1 749 0.756 350T200 -33 0.0346 0.259 0.88 0.574 0.315 1 487 0.108 0.647 0.428 0.181 3.57 1033 2.199 0.103 0.248 1.297 2.077 0.610 350T200 -43 0.0451 0.338 1 15 0.749 0.409 1 489 0.140 0.645 0,600 0.257 5.09 17'7 2.150 0.229 0.322 1.292 2.074 0.612 3507200.54 0.0566 0.424 1 44 0.949 0.513 1 496 0.175 0.642 0,814 0.355 7.01 2551 2.109 0.770 0.329 9.85 3446 2.159 0.453 0.408 1.288 2.076 0.615 350T200 -68 0.0713 0.534 1.82 1.213 0.647 1.508 0.218 0.639 1 112 0.496 9.80 3193 2.066 1.054 0.458 13.71 4838 2.121 0.904 0.520 1.283 2.080 0.620 362T125 -18 0.0188 0.115 0.39 0.240 0.127 '1 442 0.017 0.380 0.192 0.066 1.30 161 2.366 0.014 0.042 41675 1.637 0.830 3627125 -27 0.0283 0.173 .0.59 0.358 0.191 1 438 0.025 0.378 0.301 0.135 2.66 546 2.109 0.046 0.062 -0.670 1.631 0.831 362T125 -30 0.0312 0.191 0.65 0.395 0.210 1 438 0.027 0.378 0.339 0.152 3.01 731 2.095 0.062 0.068 -0.669 1.630 0.832 362T125 -33 0.0346 0.212 0.72 0.438 0.232 1 438 0.030 0.377 0.384 0.174 3.44 996 2.079 0.085 0:075 -0.667 1.630 0.832 3627125 -43 0.0451 0.276 0.94 0.571 0.302 1 439 .0.039 0.375 0.531 0.245 4.84 1777 2.035 0.187' 0.097 -0.663 1.628 0.834 3627125 -54 0.0566 0.346 1.18 0.723 0.378 1 445 0.048 0.373 0.705 0.332 6.57 2645 '2.000 0.678 0.312 9.34 3446 2.042 0.369 0:122 -0.659 1.632 0:837 362T125 -68 0.0713 0.436 1.48 0.921 0.475 1 454 0.060 0.370 0.921 0.453 8.95 3311 1.971 0.907 0.427 12.78 5017 2.012 0.738 0.155 -0.655 1.637 0.840 362T150 -27 0.0283 0.187 0.64 0.408 0.217 1 475 0.041 0.468 0.323 0.140 2.76 546 2.177 0.050 0.101 -0.868 1.774 0.761 362T150 -30 0.0312 0.207 0.70 0.449 0.239 1 475 0.045 0.467 0.364 0.158 3.12 731 2.162 0.067 0.111 -0.866 1 773 0.761 362T150 -33 0.0346 0.229 0.78 0.499 0.264 1 475 0.050 0.467 0.414 0.180 3.56 996 2.146 0.091 0.123 -0.865 1.772 0.762 3627150 -43 0.0451 0.298 1.02 0.650 0.343 1 476 0.064 0.465 0.574 0.255 5.04 1777 2.099 0.202 0.160 -0.860 1.771 0.764 362T150 -54 0.0566 0.374 1.27 0.823 0.431 1 483 0.080 0.462 0.769 0.349 6.89 2645 2.060 0.735 0.325 9.74 3446 2.107 0.400 0.201 -0.856 1.774 0.767 362T150 -68 0.0713 0.471 1.60 1.050 0.542 1 492 0.099 0.459 1.034 0.480 9.49 3311 2.024 0.993 0.449 13.43 5017 2.072 0.799 0.256 -0.852 1.779 0.771 362T200 -33 0.0346 0.264 0.90 0.619 0.328 1.532 0.110 0.645 0.464 0.190 3.76 996 2.267 0.105 0.269 1.282 2.100 0.627 362T200 -43 0.0451 0.343 1.17 0.808 0.427 1.534 0.142 0.643 0.649 0.270 5.34 1777 2.218 0.233 0.349 1.277 2.097 0.629 3627200 -54 0.0566 0.431 1.47 1.024 0.536 1.541 0.177 0.640 0.879 0.372 7.35 2645 2.175 0.832 0.345 10.34 3446 2.226 0.460 0.441 1.273 2.099 0.632 362T200 -68 0.0713 0.543 1.85 1.307 0.675 1.552 0.221 0.638 1.199 0.519 10.26 3311 2.132 1.138 0.480 14.37 5017 .2.187 0.919 0.562 1.268 2.104 0.636 1 Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 9 Design G&'oss 'Effectiwe:33ksi- "Eifectije Silksi Torsional' Thickness .'Area Weight .Ixx Sxx -Rx lyy Ry. .Ixx Sxx 'Ma Va Ycg lxx Sxx Ma Na, -Ycg J.°°° `Cw 'Xo .Ro .'Section Oh) (in pW(t) Orel (in-) (iri ,(in 1 (inl fin') (in (in -k)' lb (in)'.. .(in? ..tin (in -k1 ((0) in tin° tin`l. <(inl ...(in)., 8 400T125 -18' 0.0188 0.122 0.42 0.300 0.145 1.566 0.017 0.373 0.243 0.072 1 43 146 2.634 400T125 -27 0.0283 0.184 0.63 0.449 0.217 1.562 0.025 0.372 0.380 0.156 3.08 494 400T125 -30 0.0312 0.203 0.69 0.495 0.239 1.562 0.028 0.371 0.427 0.176 3.49 661 4007125 -33 0.0346 0.225 0.76 0.549 0.265 1.563 0.031 0.371 0.484 0.201 3.97 901 400T125 -43 0.0451 0.293 1.00 0.716 0.344 1.563 0.040 0.369 0.666 0.282 5.57 1777 4007125 -54 0.0566 0.367 1.25 0.904 0.431 1.569 0.049 0.366 0.882 0.381 7.53 2799 400T125 -68 0.0713 0.462 1.57 1 150 0.541 1.577 0.061 0.363 1 150 0.517 10.22 3664 400T150 -27 0 :0283 0.198 0.67 0.509 0.246 1.602 0.042 0.461 0.409 0.154 3.04 494 4007150 -30 0.0312 0.218 0.74 0.561 0.271 1.603 0.046 0.461 0.458 0.183 3.61 661 4007150733 0.0346 0.242 .0:82 0.622 0.300 1.603 0.051 0.4601 0.519 0.208 4.12 901 400T150 -43 0.0451 0.315 1.07 0.811 0.390 1.604 0.066 0.458 0.719 0.293 '5.80 1777 4007150 -54 0.0566 0:396 1.35 1.025 0.489 1.610 0.082 0.4561 0.960 0.399 7.89 .2799 4007150 -68 0.0713 0:498 1 -69 1.306 0.615 1.619 0.102 0,453 1.286 0.548 10.82 3664 400T200 -33 0.0346 0.277 0.94 0.768 0.371 1.666 0.113 0.639 0.581 0.220 4.34 901 400T200 -43 0.0451 0.360 1.23 1.002 0.482 1.668 0.146 0.637 0.811 0.311 6.14 1777 400T200 -54 0.0566 0.452 1.54 1.268 0.604 1.675 0.182 0.635' 1.093 0.426 8.42 2799 400T200 -68 0.0713 0.569 1.94 1.617 0.761 1.685 0.227 0.632 1 485 0.591 11.68 3664 fi4 1 0 Structural (T) Track Section Properties 0.014 0.052 -0.647 1.735 0.861 2.306 0.049 0.077 -0.641 1.729 0.862 2.289 0.066 0.085 -0.640 1 729 0.863 2.272 0.090 0.094 -0.639 1.728 0.863 2.227 0.198 0.122 -0.635 1 727 0.865 2.191 0.849 0.359 10.74 3446 2.234 0.392 0.153 -0.631 1 730 0.867 2.159 1 134 0.488 14.62 5468 2.202 0.783 0.193 -0.627 1 736 0.870 '2.420 0.053 0.127 -0.834 1.864 0.800 2.359 0.071 0.139 -0.833 1.864 .0.800 2.342 0.097 0.154 -0.831 1.863 0.801 2.294 .0.214 0.200 -0.827 1.862 0.803 2.253 0:918 0.374 11 19 3446 2.301 0.422 0.251 -0.823 1:865 0.805 2.214 1.237 0.513 15.35 5468 2264 0.844 0.318 -0.818 1.870 0.808 2.469 0.110 0.335 1.240 2.173 0.674 2.418 0.244 0.435 1.235 2.171 0.676 2.374 1.037 0.397 11.88 3446 2.426 0.483 0.549 1.231 2.173 0.679 2.327 1412 0.549 16.42 5468 2.385 0.965 0.699 1.226 2.178 0.683 550T125 -27 0.0283 0.226 0.77 0.948 0.336 2.046 0.027 0.348 0.836 0.207 4.09 357 3.337 0.060 0.160 -0.550 2.15 0.935 550T125 -30 0.0312 0.250 0.85 1.045 0.370 2.046 0.030 '0.347 0.931 0.252 4.97 .478 3.223 0.081 `0.176 -0.549 2.147 0.935 550T125 -33 0.0346 0.277 0.94 1159 0.410 2.046 0.033 0.346 1.042 0.312 6.16 652 3.094 .0.110 0.194 -0.547 2.146 0.935 550T12543 0.0451 '0.360 1.23 1.510 0.533 2.047 0.043 0.344" 1417 0.451 8.91 -1443 2.991 0.244 '0.251 -0.544 2.146 0.936 550T125 -54 0.0566. 0.452 1.54 1.903 0.668 2.052 0.053 0.342 0.602 11.89 2799 2.949 1.800 0.572 171' 2859 2.997 0.483 0.314 -0.540 2.149 0.937 550T125 -68 0.0713 0.569 1.94 2.412 0.839 2.058 0.066 '0.339 1 2.412 0.807 15.95 4442 2:913 2.379 11769 23.02 5468 2.960 0.965 0.395 -0.536 2.154 0.938' 550T150 -27 0.0283 0.241 0.82 1.059 0.376 2.098 0.046 0.436 0.893 0.207 4.10 357 3.460 0.064 0.262 -0.724 2.262 0.898 550T150 -30 0.0312 0.265 0.90 1 168 0.414 2.098 0.050 0.435 0.995 0.251 4.96 478 3.349 0.086 0.288 -0.723 2.262 0.898 550T150 -33 0.0346 0.294 1.00 1.295 0.459 2.099 0.055 0.434 1115 0.310 6.12 652 3.224 0.117 0.319 -0.721 2.261 0.898 5507150 -43 0.0451 0.383 1.30 1.688 0.596 2.099 0.072 0.432 1.516 0.468 9.25 1443 3.066 0.260 0.412 -0.717 2.260 0.899 550T150 -54 0.0566 0.480 1.63 2.128 0.747 2.105 0.089 0.430 2.005 0.628 12.41 2799 3.020 1.928 0.595 17.81 2859 3.072 0.513 0.517 -0.714 2.264 0.901 550T150 -68 0.0713 0.605 2.06 2.699 0.939 2.112 0.110 0.427 2.660 0.850 16.80 4442 2.974 2.569 0.804 24.07 5468 3.029 1.025 0.652 -0.710 2.269 0.902 550T200 -33 0.0346 0.329 1 12 1.567. 0.555 2.184 0.123 0.613 1.246 0.307 6.06 652 '3.453 0.131 0.692 1.097 2.52 0.810 5507200 -43 0.0451 0.428 1 46 2.043 0.722 2.185 0.160 0.611 1.690 0.495 9.79 "1443 3.209 0.290 0.898 1.093 2.52 0.812 550T200 -54 0.0566 0.537 1.83 2.578 0.905 2.191 0.199 0.609 1 2.253 0.669 13.21 279,9 .3.158 2.153 0.63 18.86 2859 3.215 0.573 1.129 1.089 2.52 0.814 550T200 -68 0.0713 0.676 2:30 3.274 1 139 2:200 .9.248 0.606 3.027 0.914 18.06 4442 3.103 .2.894 0.857 25.67 5468 3.166 1`146 1 428 1.084 2.53 0.816 6007125 -27' 0.0283 0.241 0.82 1 168 0.381 2.204 0.028 0.340 1.041 0.225 4,44 327 3.693 0.064 0.195 -0.525 2.291 0.948 6007125 -30 0.0312 0.265 0.90 1.288 0.419 2.204 0.031 0.340 1 159 0.272 5.37 438 3.573 0.086 0.214 -0.524 2.291 0.948 6007125 -33 0.0346 0.294 1.00 1 428 0.465 2.204 0.034 0.339 1.297 0.335 6.62 597 3.438 0.117 0.237 -0.523 2.291 0.948 600T125 -43 0.0451 0.383 1.30 1.861 0.604 2.205 0.044 0.337 1.750 0.515 10.17 1321 3.244 0.260 0.306 -0.519 2.290 0.949 6007125.54 0.0566 0.480 1.63 2.344 0.756 2.209 0.054 0.335 2.294 0.685 13.53 2617 3.202 2.221 0.653 19.55 2617 3.250 0.513 0.383 -0.516 2.293 0.949 600T125 -68 0.0713 0.605 2.06 2.969 0.950 2.215 0.067 0.332 2.969 0.916 18.09 4442 3.164 2.930 0.874 26.17 5251 3.21 1.025 0.481 -0.512 2.298 0.950 600T125 -97 0.1017 0.862 2.93 4.281 1.347 2.228 0.092 0.326 4.281 1.347 30.43 7850 3.178 4.281 1.347 40.33 11124 3.178 2.973 0.681 -0.504 2.308 0.952 6007150 -27' .0.0283 0.255 0.87 1.300 0.424 2.260 0.047 0.427: 1.109 0.225 4.46 327 3.819 0.068 .0.319 -0.694 2.402 0.91' 600T150 -30 0.0312 0.281 0.96 1 433 0.467 2.260 0.051 0.427 '1.235 .0.272 5.38 438 .3.701 0.091 '0.351 -0.693 2.402 0.917 600T150 :33 0.0346 0.311 1.06 1.590 0.51' '2.260 0.057 0.426 .'1:385 :0.335' 6.61 597 3.569' 0.124 0.369 -0.691 2:401 11917 600T150 =43 .0.0451 0.405 1.38 2.072 0.673 2.261 0:073 0:424 „''1.868 0.534 10.55' 1321 3.321 0.275 0:503 -0.687 2.400 0.918 6007150 -54 0.0566 :0.509 1.73 2.611 0.843 2.266 0.091 0.422' 2.464 0.7'14 14.11 2617 3.274 2.374 '0.678 .20.30 2617 3:327 0.543 0.630' -0 -664 2.404 0.919 6007150 -68 0,0713 0.641 2.18 3.309 1.059 2.273 0.113 0.419'3.262 0.963 19:03 4442 3.227 3:154 0.913 '27.34 5251 '3.282 1.086 .0.794 -0.680 2.409 '0.920 6007150 -97 0.1017 0.913 3:11 4.778 1.504 2.288 0 1156 0.413 4:778 1.504 29.71 '7850 3.178 ''4.778 1 444 43.23 1.1124 3.222 '3.148, 1'131 -0.672 2.420 0.923 600T200 -33 0.0346 0.346 1 18 1.913 0.622 2.352 0.126 0.604 1.542 0.333 6.59 597 3.803 0.138 0.845 1.057 2.648 0.841 600T200 -43 0.0451 0.451 1.53 2.494 0.809 2.353 0.163 0.602 2.076 0.565 11 16 1321 3.469 0.305 1.095 1.053 2.647 0.842 600T200 -54 0.0566 0.565 1.92 3.145 1.015 2.359 0.203 0.600 2.759 0.759 15.00 2617 3.416 2.641 0.717 21 48 2617 3.475 0.604 1.376 1.049 2.650 0.843 600T200 -68 0.0713 0.712 2.42 3.990 1.277 2.367 0.254 0.597 3.696 1.034 20.42 4442 3.360 3.540 0.973 29.12 5251 3.424 1.206 1.739 1.045 2.656 0.845 600T200 -97 0.1017 1.015 3.45 5.773 1.816 2.385 0.354 0.591 5.773 1.667 32.95 7850 3.276 5.558 1.568 46.94 11124 3.345 3.499 2.496 1.036 2.667 0.849 Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. Structural (T) Track Section Properties Design Gross Effective'33ksi- 'Effective.50ksi Torsional Thickness Area Weight lxx Sxx Rx tyy Ry lxx Sax Ma, Va' •Ycq Ixx •Sx'x 'Ma Va' Ycg ,J.,me `Cw 'Xo Ro .Section (in in:) 'Ilb+ft) fir?) (in (in) (in`) ph) (m') (in (ink) fib) tin) (in" (in') (ih -k) (lb) (in) j (in') fins) lin (rn) 8 800T125 -33' 0.0346 0.363 1.24 2.895 0.711 2.824 0.036 0.313 2.706 0.433 8.56 446 4.860 0145 0.456 -0.444 2.875 0.976 800T125 -43 0.0451 0.473 1.61 3.773 0.924 2.824 0.046 0.311 3.600 0.739 14.61 988 4.408 0.321 0.588 -0.440 2.875 0.977 800T125 -54 0.0566 0.594 2.02 4.745 1 158 2.827 0.057 0.309 4.653 1.065 21.04 1956 4.208 4.548 0.961 28.78 1956 4.367 0.634 0.734 -0.438 2.878 0.977 8007125.68 0.0713 0.748 2.54 5.998 1 454 2.833 0.070 0.306 5.998 1 409 27.85 3920 4.166 5.925 1.355 40.58 3920 4.217 1.267 0.919 -0.434 2.882 0.977 800T125 -97 0.1017 1.066 3.63 8.613 2.062 2.843 0.096 0.301 8.613 2.062 46.57 9037 4.178 8.613 2.062 61 '2 11124 4.178 3.674 1.293 -0.427 2.891 0.978 8007150 -33' 0.0346 0.380 1.29 3.180 0.'81 2.891 0.060 0.397 2.866 0.437 8.63 446 4.995 0.152 0.750 -0.593 2:978 0.960 800T150 -43 0.0451 0.496 1.69 4.144 1.015 2.891 0.077 0.395 3.825 0.741 14.64 988 4.550 0.336 0.970 -0.590 2.977 0.961 800T150 -54 0.0566 0.622 12 5.214 1.272 2.896 0.096 0.393 4.952 1 106 21.85 1956 4.287 4.835 0.963 28.83 1956 4.509 0.664 1.213 -0.587 2.980 0.961 8007150 -68 0.0713 0.783 .67 6.594 1.599 2.902 0.119 0.390 6.506 1 474 29.13 3920 4.234 6.317 1 410 42.20 3920 4.294 1.327 1.522 -0.583 2.985 0.962 800T150 -97 0.1017 1 116 3.80 9.479 2.269 2.914 0.165 0.384 9.479 2.269 44.83 9037 4.178 9.479 2.192 65.62 11124 4.225 3.849 2.155 -0.576 2.995 0.963 8007200 -33' 0.0346 0.415 1 41 3.749 0.921 3.005 0.135 0.571 3.155 0.440 8.70 446 5.245 0.166 1.635 -0.925 3.196 0.916 800T200 -43 0.0451 0.541 1.84 4.887 1 197 3.006 0.175 0.569 4.230 0.741 14.63 988 4.814 0.367 2.119 -0.921 3.195 0.917 800T200 -54 0.0566 0.679 2.31 6.152 1.501 3.011 0.218 0.567 5.475 1170 23.13 1956 4.444 5.353 0.962 28.79 1956 4.776 0.725 2.657 -0.917 3.198 0.918 800T200 -68 0.0713 0.854 2.91 7.786 1.888 3.019 0.272 0.564 7.265 1.573 31.09 3920 4.381 6.997 1 494 44.74 3920 4.450 1 448 3.346 -0.913 3.204 0.919 800T200 -97 0.1017 1.218 4.15 11.212 2.683 3.034 0.379 0.558 11 176 2.491 49.22 9037 4.285 10.827 2.362 70.73 11124 4.360 4.200 4.770 -0.905 3.215 0.921 1000T125 -43 0.0451 0.563 1.92 6.630 1.305 3.431 0.047 0.290 6.433 0.891 17.62 789 5.833 0.382 0.973 -0.383 3.464 0.988 1000T125 -54 0.0566 0.707 2.41 8.333 1.634 3.434 0.059 0.288 8.213 1 443 28.51 1561 5.322 8.116 1155 34.58 1561 5.785 0.755 1.212 -0.380 3.467 0.988 1000T125 -68 0.0713 0.890 3.03 10.522 2.053 3.438 0.073 0.286 10.522 1.998 39.48 3128 5.168 10.416 1.897 56.80 3128 5.259 1:508 1.514 -0.377 3.470 0.988 1000T125 -97 0.1017 1 269 4.32 15.077 2.912 3.447 0.100 0.280 15.07' 2.912 65.77 9037 5.178 15.077 '2:912 87 18 9119 5.178 4.375 2.121 -0.371 3.478 0.989 10007150 -43' 0.0451 0.586 1.99 .207 1 419 3.507 0.080 0.370 6.793 0.901 17.80 789 5.974 0.397 1.610 -0.518 3.565 0.979 1000T150 -54 0.0566 0.735 2.50 9.061 1.777 3.511 0.100 0.368 8.703 1 451 28.68 1561 5.467 8.575 1 168 34.96 1561 5.926 0.785 2.011 -0.515 3.567 0.979 1000T150 -68 0.0713 0.926 3.15 11.445 2.233 3.516 0.124 0.366 11.303 2.081 41 12 3128 5.240 11.048 1.908 57 13 3128 5.404 1.569 2.519 -0.511 3.572 0.980 1000T150 -97 0.1017 1.320 4.49 16.413 3.170 3.526 0.171 0.360 16.413 3.170 62.64 9037 5.178 16.413 3.075 92.08 9119 5.228 4.550 3.551 -0.504 3.580 0.980 10007200 -43T' 0.0451 0.63' 2.15 8.361 1.646 3.640 0.183 0.539 442 0.911 18.01 789 6.244 0.428 3.535 -0.819 3.'70 0.953 1000T200 -54 0.0566 0.792 2.69 10.516 2.062 3.645 0.228 0.537 9.579 1 456 28.77 1561 5.749 9.402 1 181 35:36 1561 6 197 0.845 4.426 -0.816 3.773 0.953 1000T200 -68 0.0713 0.997 3.39 13.292 2.594 3.651 0.284 0.534 12.477 2:209 43.65 3128 5.395 12.176 1.912 57.26 3128 5.688 1.690 5.564 -0.812 3. '8 0.954 1000T200 -97 0.1017 1 422 4.84 19.087 3.686 3.664 0.397 0.528 19.021 3.450 68.18 9037 5.292 18.480 3.294 98.61 9119 5.370 4.901 7 :899 -0.804 3.788 0.955 12007125 -54' 0.0566 0.820 2.79 13.335 2.186 4.033 0.060 0.271 13.267 1.662 32.85 1299 6.748 13.117 1.362 40.79 1299 7.246 0.876 1.820 -0.337 4.056 0.993 1200T125 -68 0.0713 1.033 3.51 16.826 2.747 4.036 0.074 0.268 16.826 2.682 52.99 2602 6.169 16.801 2:176 65.15 2602 6.678 1 750 2.271 -0.334 4.059 0.993 1200T125 -97 0.1017 1 472 5.01 24.078 3.897 4.044 0.102 0.263 24.078 3.897 88.03 7579 6.178 24.078 3.897 116.69 7579 6.178 5.076 3.173 -0.328 4.066 0.994 12007150 -54' 0.0566 0.848 2.89 14.378 2.357 4 117 0.103 0.348 13.993 1.685 33.30 1299 6.888 13.796 1.382 41.37 1299 7.386 0.906 3.032 -0.459 4.157 0.988 1200T150 -68 0.0713 1.068 3.64 18.148 2.963 4.121 0.127 0.345 17.939 .783 54.99 2602 6.244 17 740 2.207 66.09 2602 6.816 1.810 3.793 -0.456 4.161 0.988 1200T150 -97 0.1017 1.523 5.18 25.987 4.206 4.130 0.176 0.340 25.987 4.206 83.12 7579 6.178 25.987 4.095 122.59 7579 6.229 5.252 5.332 -0.449 4.169 0.988 12007200 -54' 0.0566 0.905 3.08 16.464 2.699 4.265 0.236 0.510 15.279 1.710 33.79 1299 169 15.011 1.406 42.08 1299 7.662 0.966 6.708 -0.736 4.358 0.971 1200T200 -68 0.0713 1 140 3.88 20.791 3.395 4.271 0.294 0.508 19.699 2.797 55.27 2602 6.535 19.395 2.240 67.06 2602 7.098 1.931 8.419 -0.732 4.363 0.972 12007200 -97 0.1017 1.625 5.53 29.805 4.824 4.283 0.410 0.502 29.700 4.546 89.84 7579 6.296 28.926 4.361 130.58 7579 6.378 5.602 11.921 -0.725 4.373 0.973 Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 11 Interior Non- Structural Composite Table Notes 1 Composite wall sheathed both sides full height with 1 /2 gypsum wallboard for 18 and 33 mil 2 Composite wall sheathed both sides full height with 5 /8 gypsum wallboard for 43 54 and 68 mil 3 Sheathing attached with #6 screws min at 12' o c. max. 4 362S125 member is based on 350S125 test data For both 362S125 and 350S125 members use values listed for 362S125 (S) Stud, Member 162S125-18 162S125 -18 162S125 -18 1625125 -33 162S125 -33 1625125 -33 2505125 -18 2505125 -18 2505125 -18 250S125 -33 2505125 -33 250S125-33 2505125 -43 2505125 -43 2505125 -43 3625125 -18 362S125 -18 362S125 -18 362S125-33 362S125-33 3625125=33 362S125 -43 362S125 -43 362S125 -43 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 362S125-68 (50-ksi) 362S125- 68.(50 ksi) 3625125 -68 (50 ksi) 400S125-18 400S125-18 400S125 -18 400S12533 4005125 -33 400S125 -33 4005125 -43 400S125-43 4005125 -43 400S125-54 (50 ksi) 4005125 -54(50 ksi) 400S125 -54 (50 ksi) 400S125-68 (50 ksi) 400S125-68 (50 ksi) 400S125-68 (50 ksi) "Spacing ,(in)c.c. U120 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 s: Shear /web crippling controls allowable wall height f• Flexural stress controls allowable wall height 12 Interior Non- Structural Composite :.5.0e 7:5 Of' :U240 L /360 'L/120. .L/240 ":U360., 'L /120 12 11' 2" 8' 10" 9 g I- 8' 10" 16 10' 7' 8' 4' r 8' 10' f rr 24 9' 9' f 7' 11 8' 0' f 12 13' 0' 10' 4' 9' 0' 11 4' 9''0' 16 12' 1 9' 8' 8' 5' 10' 7' 8'.5' 24 11 0' 8'.9' 7' 8' 9' 7' 7 8' 12 15'1 11 •1 10'5' 12'4'f 10'5' 9'1 16 13' 3' f 11 3' 9' 10' 10' 10' f 9' 10' 8' 7' 24 11 10' f 10' 7' 9' 3' 9' 8' f 9' 3' 8' 1 12 17 9' 13' 11 12' 1 15 6' 12' 1 '10' 6' 16 16' 5' 12' 10' 11 2' 14'4' 4' 11 2' 9' 8' 24 14' 10' 11 7' 10' 0' 13' 0' 10',0' 8' 7' 12 20' 0' 15' 9' 13' 9' 17' 1 13' 3' 11 5' 16 18'8' 14'9' 12'10' 15'11 12'3' 10'7' 24 17' 2' 13' 6' 11 9' 14' 2' f 11 1 9' 6' 12 17' 8' f 15 4' 13' 3' 14' 3'1' 13' 3' 11 7 16 15' 4' f 14' 4' 12' 4' 12' 5' f 12' 5' 10' 10' 24 13'9'f 13'5' •11 7' 11 0'f 11'0'f 10'1 12 22' 6' 17 10' 15' 6' 19' 8' 15 6' 13' 7' 16 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 3' 18' 1 14' 3' 12' 6' 24 18' 6' 14' 9' 12' 9' 16' 2' 12' 9' 11 2' 12 25' 3' 19' 7' 16' 10' 21 8' 16 14' 6' 16 23'.5' 18' 0' 15' 6' 20"0' 15' 5' 13' 3' 24 21 '3' 16' 3' 13' 10' 17 10' f 13 11 8' 12 26' 9' 21 2' 18' 6' 23' 4' 17 9' 15' 3' 16 24' 9' 19' 7' 17' 1 21 7' 16' 3' 13' 10' 24 22' 4' 17' 8' 15' 5' 19' 6' 14' 4' 12' 1 12 27' 6' 21 10' 19' 1 24' 0' 19' 0' '16' 7' 16 ,25'2' 20'0' 17'5' 22'0' 17'4' 15'1 22' 4' 17' 8' 15''6' 19' 6' 15' 4' 13' 4' 19' 6' f 1 6 5 14' 4' 15 9' f' 14 4' 'i."6 17 2' f 15 4' 13' 4' 13' 10' f 13' 4' 11 8' 15 1 f 14' 2' 12' 4' 12' 1 f 12' 1 f 10' 9' 25 1 19' 11 17'4' 21 11' 17' 4' 15' 0' 23' 1 18' 4' 15 11 20' 2' 15 11 13' 9' 20' 9' 16' 5' 14' 3' 18' 1' 14' 3' 12' 4' 27' 4' 21 2' 18' 3' 23' 6' 18' 4' 15' 11 25' 2' 19' 5' 16' 8' 21 7' 16' 9' 14' 6' 22' 7' 17' 2' 14' 8' 19' 3' 14' 10' 12' 8' 29' 1 22' 11 20' 0' 25' 3' 19' 10' 17 3' 26 9' 21 1 18' 4' 23' 2' 18' 2' 15' 9' 23! 11 18' 10' 16' 4' 20' 8' 16' 1 13' 11 31 6' 25' 0' 21 10' 27' 5' 21 8' 18' 10' 29' 1 23' 1 20' 2' 25' 3' 19' 11 17' 4' 26 2' 20' 9' 18' 2' 22' 9' 17 10' 15' 6' 8' 4' 10' 4' 9' 8' 8'.9' 10' 9' f 9'S'f 8'5'f 13' 11' 12'10' 11 7' 15' 3' 14' 2' 12' 4' f 12' 5' f 10' 9' f .9' 5' f 17 10' 16' 5' 14' 9' 19' 5' 1711' 15'5'f 21 1 19' 6' 17' 7' 21 10' 19' 1.1' 1 7 8' 13' 8' f 11 11 f 10' 5' f 19' 11' 18' 4' 16' 5' 21 2' 19' 4' 16' 11 f 22' 9' 20' 11' 18' 4' 24' 10' 22' 10' 20' 6' 10; psf U 2 4 0 1 1 3 6 1 1 9' 6' 8' 11 8' 5' 10' 11' 10' 0' 8' 11 11 9' 10' 10' 9' 7' 10' 9' f 9' 5' f 14' 1 12' 11 11 7' 15 2' 13' 10' 12' 3' 15' 10' 14' 5' 12' 7' 17'3' 15 9' 13' 11' 13' 0' 11 11 f 10' 5' f 15 8' 14' 5' 12' 10' 16' 8' 15 2' 13' 4' 17' 11 16' 4' 14' 6' 19' 6' 17' 11 15' 11 9' 5' 8' 8' 7' 8' 10' 1 9' 3' 8' 2' 10' 5' 9' 9' 9' 1 12' 4' 11 4' 10' 1 13' 1 11 11' 10' 6' 13' 10' 12' 7' 11 0' 15'0' 13' 9' 12' 1 11 4' 10' 6' 9' 9' 13' 7' 12' 6' 11 2' 14' 5' 13' 2' 11 6' 15' 7' 14' 2' 12' 6' 16' 11 15 6' 13' 9' c, (S) Stud 'Spacing 5 psf 7.5 psf 10 psf Member (in) o.c. L/120 L/240 L/360 ..L/120 1J240 L/360 L/120 L/240 L/360 See interior Non Structural Composite Table Notes on page 12 s. Shear /web crippling controls allowable wall height f' Flexural stress controls allowable wall height Interior Non Structural Composite 600S125 -18 12 22' 10" 22' 1" 19` 4" 18' 7" f 18' 7" f 16' 9" 16' 2" f 600S125 -18 16 19' 9' f 19' 9' f 17' 11 16' 2' f 16' 2' f 15' 7' 14' 0' f 600S125-18 24 16' 9' f 16' 9' f 16' 9' f 13' 5' f 13' 5' f 13' 5' f 11 5' f 600S125-33 12 33' 9' 26' 9' 23' 5' 29' 6' 23' 5' 20' 6' 26' 9' 600S125-33 16 30' 10' 24' 6' 21 4' 27' 0' 21 4' 18' 9' 24' 6' 600S125 -33 24 27' 2' 21 7' 18' 10' 23' 10' 18' 10' 16' 7' '19' 1' s 600S125-43 12 38' 7' 30' 7' 26' 8' 33' 9' 26' 6' 23' 0' 30' 7' 600S125 -43 16 35' 8' 28' 3' 24' 8' 31 3' 24' 6' 21 3' 27' 8' f 600S125-43 24 32' 0' f 25' 7' 22' 4' 26' 1 f 22' 1 19' 1 22' 7' f 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 40' 1.1 32' 6' 28' 4' 35' 1 28' 3' 24' 7' 32'•6' 600S125- 54.(50 ksi) 16 37' 10' 30' 0' 26' 2' 33' 1 26' 1 22' 8' 30'.0' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 34' 1 27' 0' 23' 7' 29' 10' 23' 5' 20' 5' 27' 0' 6005125- 68.(50 ksi) 12 43' 9' 34' 8' 30' 4' 38' 3' 30' 4' 26' 6' 34' 8' 600S125-68 (50 ksi) 16 40' 4' 32' 0' 28' 0' 35' 3' 28' 0' 24' 5' 32' 0' 600S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 36' 3' 28' 9' 25 2' 31 9' 25' 2' 22' 0' 28' 9' 8005125 -43 12 47' 3' 37' 6' 3' 9' 41 3' 32' 9' 28• 8' 37"6' 29' 8' 25' 11' 800S125 16 43' 3' 34' 4' 30' 0' 37' 10' 30' 1 26' 3' 34' 3' f 27' 2' 23' 9' 800S125 -43 24 38' 5' 30' 6' 26' 8' 32' 4' f 26' 9' 23' 5' 28' 0' f 24' 2' 21 0' 800S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 50' 6' 40' 0' 35' 0' 44' 1 35' 0' 30' 7' 40' 1 31 9' 27' 9' 800S125-54 (50 ksi) 16 46' 2' 36' 8' 32' 0' 40' 4' 32' 1 28' 0' 36' 8' 29' 1 25' 5' 800S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 41 0' 32' 6' 28' 5' 35' 10' 28' 6' 24' 10' 32' 6' 25' 9' 22' 6' 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 54' 7' 43' 4' 37'`10' 47' 8' 37' 11 33' 1 43' 4' 34' 5' 30' 0' 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 50' 1 39' 9' 34' 9' 43' 9' 34' 9' 30' 5' 39' 9' 31 7' 27' 7' 8005125 =68 (50 ksi) 24 44' 7' 35' 5' 30' 11' 39' 0' 31 .0' 27' 1 35 '5' 28' 1 24' 6' 16'2 "f 15'0" 14' 0' f 13' 10' 11 5' f 11 5' f 21 3' 18' 7' 19' 5' 17' 0' 17' 2' 15' 0' 23 11 20' 9' 22'1 19'1 19' 10' 17' 1 25' 6' 22' 2' 23' 6' 20' 5' 21 1 18' 3' 27'5' 23'11' 25' 3' 22' 0' 22' 8' 19' 8' 13 2 `,4""':7: -ian1eoncompos 4 I Interior Non-Structural Non-Composite Table Notes 1 Lateral loads multiplied by 0 7 5 for strength determination per AISI A5 1 3 2. Check end reactions for web crippling 3 Limiting heights based on continuous support of each flange over the full length of the stud 4 Heights based on steel properties only 5 For 350S125 members use values listed for 362S125 6 Calculations for 362S125 are based on 350S125 properties 14 7SPaciii6 gat: Member phj.o:c. 162S125-18 162S125-18 162S125-18 162S125-27 162S125-27 162S125-27 162S125-30 162S125-30 162S125-30 162S125-33 162S125-33 1 p2S '125-33 250S125-18 250S125-18 250S125-18 250S125-27 250S125-27 2505125-27 250S125-30 250S125-30 250S125-30 250S125-33 250S125-33 250S125-33 250S125-43 250S125-43 250S125-43 362S125-18 362S125=18 362S125-18 362S125-27 362S125-27 362S125-27 362S125-30 362S125-30 362S125-30' 362S125-33 362S125-33 362S125-33 362S125-43 362S125-43 362S125-43 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 362S125-68 (50 ksi) 362S125-68 (50 ksi) 362S125-68 (50 ksi) 12 16 24 12 16 ,24 12 16 24 12 16 24 Interior Non-Structural Non-Composite 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 1 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 12 16 24 f Flexural stress controls allowable wall height E1,120- 9' 7" 8' 8' 7' 7' 11 3' 10 3' 8' 11 11 7' 10' 6' 9' 2' 12' 0' 10' 10" 9.6" 13' 3' 12' 0' 10' 2' f 15' 6' 14 1 12' 4' 16' 1 14' 7' 12' 9' 16' 7' 15' 1 13' 2' 18' 1 16' 5' 14' 4' 17' 3' 15' f 12' 4' .f 20' 1 18' 3' 15' 11 20' 10' 18' 11 16' 6' 21 6' 19' 6' 17' 1 23' 5' 21 3' 18' 7' 251 22' 9' 19' 11 26' 10' 24 4' 21 3' U240 7' 7" 6' 11 6' 0' 8' 11 8' 1 7' 1: 9' 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 9' 6' 8; 7' 7 6' 9' 6' 8' 4' 12' 4' 11 2' 9' 9' 12' 9' 11 7' 10' 1 13' 2' 11 11 10' 5' 14' 4' 13' 0' 11 4' 13' 8' 125' 10' 10' 15' 11 14' 6' 12' 8' 166' 150' 13' 1 17' 1 156' 13' 6' 18' 7' 16' 11 14' 9' 19' 11 18' 1 15' 9' 21 3' 19' 4' 16' 10' Lf36�. 6' 7" 6' 0' 5' 3' 7' 9' 7' 1 6' 2' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 8' 3' 7' 6' 6' 7' 9' 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 10' 9' 9' 9' 8' 6' 11 1 10' 1 8' 10' 11 6' 10' 5' 9' 1 12' 6' 11 4' 9' 11 11' 11 10' 10' 9' 6' 13' 11 12' 8' 11 0' 14' 5' 13' 1 11 5' 14' 11 13' 6' 11 10' 16' 3' 14' 9' 12' 11 17' 4' 15' 9' 13' 9' 18' 7' 16' 10' '14' 9' 8' 4" 7' 7' 62' f 9' 10' 8' 11 7' 9' f 10' 1 9' 2' 80' 105' 56' 8' 3' 11 T 102' f 8' 4' f 13' 7' 12' 4' 104' f 14' 0' 12' 9' 1 1 0' f 14' 6' 13' 2' 11 6' 15' 9' 14' 4' 12' 6' 14 3' f 12' 4' f 10' 1 f 177' 15' 11 13' 1 f 18' 2' 16' 6' 13' 11 f 18' 9' 17' 1 14' 11 20' 6' 187' 16' 3' 21 11 19' 11 17' 4' 23' 5' 21. 3' 18' 7' 7; 7.:5 4 10,psy L/240. L/360 U1'20 ,U24O! ..1./360= 6' 7" 5' 9" 77" 6' 0' atali 53" 6' 0' 53' 6' 6' 7' f 5' 5' 49' 5' 3' 5 4' f 4' 9' 4' 7' 4' 2' .79' 6' 10' 8' 11 7 1 6' 2' 7 1' 62' 81' 6' 5' 5 7' 6' 2' 5' 5: 6' 8' f 5' 7' 4' 11 8' 0' 7 0' 9' 2' 7' 3' 6' 4' 7' 3' 64' 8' 4' 6' 7' 5' 9' 6' 4' 5 7' 5 0' r 2' f 5' 9' 8' 3' 7 3' 96' 7 6' 6' 7" 7- 6' 67' 87' 6' 10' 6' 0' c.' 7 9' 7' 6' 9' 5!2 6. 8' 0' 10' 2' f 6 ‘4' 7 3' 8' 4' 73' 8' 10' f 7 7' 6' 7' 7' 3' 6 4' 7' 2' f 6' 7' 59' 10' 9' 9' 5' 12' 4' 9' 9' 8' 6' 9' 9' 8' 6' 10' 11 f 8' 10' 7 9' 8' 6' 7' 5' 8' 11 f 7' 9' 6' 9' 11 1 9' 8' 12' 9' 10' 1 8' 10' 101 8' 10' 11 7' 9' 2' 8' 0' 8' 10' 7' 8' 9' 6' f 8' 0' 7 0' 1.1 6' 100' 13' 2' 10' 5' 9' 1' 10' 5' 9' 1 11 11 9' 6' 83' 91 711 10' 3' f 8' 3' T 3' 12' 6' 10' 11 14' 4' 11 4' 9' 11 11 4' 911 13' 0' 10' 4' 9' 0' 9' 11 8' 8' 11 4' TO' 710' 11 11 10.5' 12' 4' f 1010' 96' 9' 6' 10' 8' f 9' 10' 1010' 8' 7' 9'6' 83' 8' 9' f '8' 7' 7 6' 1311 12' 2' 15 11 12' 8' 11 0' 12' 8' 11 0' 13' 10' f 11 6' 10' 0' 11 0' 9' 8' 11 4' f 10' 0' 8' 9' 14' 5' 12' 7' 166' 13' 1 11 5' 13' 1 11 5' 14' 9' f 11 11' 10' 5' 11 5' 10' 0' 12' 1' f 10' 5' 9' 1 14' 11' 130' 17 1' 13' 6' 11 10' 13' 6' 11 10' 156' 12' 4' 10' 9' 11 10' 10' 4' 12' 11 f 10' 9' 94' 16' 3' 14' 2' 18' 7' 14' 9' 12' 11 14'9' 12' 11 16' 11 13' 5' 11 8' 12' 11 11 3' 14' 9' 11 8' 10' 3' 17' 4' 152' 19' 11 159' 13' 9' 15' 9' 13' 9' 18' 1 14' 4' 12' 6' 13' 9' 12' 0' 159' 12' 6' 10' 11 18' 7' 16' 3' 21 3' 16' 10' 14' 9' 1610' 14' 9' 19' 4' 154' 13' 5' 14' 9' 12' 10' 16' 10' 13' 5' 11 8' .Spacing 5 psf 7 5.psf 10 (S) Stud Member (in) o.c. L/120. L/240 L1360' L/120 11240 1/360 I .L1120 U240 L1360 rp', r ,eeeee... a; e 4•..,'. ..31 xr:°TmA»,V, 4005125-18 12 18' 8' f 15' 1' 13' 2' 15' 2' f 13' 2' 11 6' 13' 2" f 12' 0' 10' 6" 400S125 -18 16 16' 2' f 13' 9' 12' 0' 13 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6' 11 5' f 10' 11 9' 6' 4005125 -18 24 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6' 10' 9' f 10' 6' 9' 2' 9' 4' f 9' 4' f 8' 4' 4005125 -27 12 22' 4' 17' 8' 15' 5' 19' 6' 15' 5' 13' 6' 17' 8' f 14' 0' 12' 3' 400S125 -27 16 20' 3' 16' 1 14' 0' 17' 8' f 14' 0' 12' 3' 15 3' f 12' 9' 11 2' 400S125 -27 24 17' 8' f 14' 0' 12' 3' 14' 5' f 12' 3' 10' 8' 12' 6' f 11 2' 9' 9' 400S125 -30 12 23' 1 18' 4' 16' 0' 20' 2' 16' 0' 14' 0' 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 4005125 -30 16 21 0' 16' 8' 14' 7' 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 16' 3' f 13' 3' 11 6' 4005125 -30 24 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 15' 4' f 12' 8' 11 1 13' 3 f 11 6' 10' 1 400S125 -33 12 23' 11 18' 11 16' 7' 20' 10' 16' 7' 14' 5' 18' 11 15 0' 13' 2' 400S125 -33 16 21 8' 17' 3' 15' 0' 18' 11 15' 0' 13' 2' 17' 3' 13' 8' 11 11 400S125 -33 24 18' 11 15' 0' 13' 2' 16 5' f 13' 2' 11 6' 14' 2' f 11 11 10' 5' 400S125 -43 12 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 0' 22' 9' 18' 0' 15' 9' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 4005125 -43 16 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 9' 14' 11 13' 0' 400S125 -43 24 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 0' 14' 4' 12' 6' 16' 5' 13' 0' 11 4' 4005125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 27' 10' 22' 1 19' 4' 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 10' 22' 1 17' 6' 15' 4' 4005125 -54 (50 ksi) 16 25' 4' 20' 1 17' 6' 22' 1 17' 6' 15' 4' 20' 1 15 11 13' 11 4005125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 22' 1 17' 6' 15 4' 19' 4' 15' 4' 13' 4' 17' 6' 13' 11 12' 2' 400S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 29' 10' 23' 8' 20' 8' 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 1 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 4005125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 27' 1 21 6' 18' 9' 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 21 6' 17' 1 14' 11 4005125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 9' 14' 11 13' 0' 6005125 -27 12 31 0' f 24' 8' 21 6' 25' 4' f 21 6' 18' 9' 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 6005125 -27 16 26' 10' f 22' 4' 19' 6' 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 19' 0' f 17' 9' 15' 6' 6005125 -27 24 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 17' 11 f 17' 1 14' 11 15' 6' f 15 6' f 13' 6' 600S125-30 12 32' 0' 25' 5' 22' 2' 27' 10' f 22' 2' 19' 5' 24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 600S125 -30 16 29' 1 23' 1 20' 2' 24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 20' 10' f 18' 4' 16' 0' 600S125 -30 24 '24' 1 f .20' 2' 17' 7' 19' 8' 1 17' 7' 15' 5' 17' 0' f 16' 0' 14' 0' 600S125 -33 12 33' 1 26' 3' 22' 11 28' 11 22' 11 20' 1 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 6005125 -33 16 30' 1 23' 11 20' 10' 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 23' 2' f 18' 11 16' 6' 6005125 -33 24 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 21 10' f 18' 3' 15' 11 18' 11 f 16' 6' 14' 5' 600S125 -43 12 36' 1 28' 8' 25' 0' 31 7' 25' 0' 21 10' 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 6005125 -43 16 32' 10' 26' 0' 22' 9' 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 0' 6005125 -43 24 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 25' 0' 19' 10' 17' 4' 22 -7' f 18' 0' 15' 9' 6005125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 38' 8' 30' 9' 26' 10' 33' 10' 26' 10' 23' 5' 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 16 35' 2' 27' 11 24' 4' 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 27' 11 22' 2' 19' 4' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 26' 10' 21 3' 18' 7' 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 11 600S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 41 6' 32' 11 28' 9' 36' 3' 28' 9' 25' 1' 32' 11 26' 2' 22' 10' 6005125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 37' 8' 29' 11 26' 2' 32' 11 26' 2' 22' 10' 29' 11 23' 9' 20' 9' 6005125-68,(50 ksi) 24 32' 11 26' 2' 22' 10' 28' 9' 22' 10' 19' 11 252" 20' 9' 18' 1 8005125 -43 12 45 11 36' 5' 31 10' 40' 1 31 10' 27' 9' 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 800S125 -43 16 41 8' 33' 1 28' 11 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 33' 1 26' 3' 22' 11 800S125 -43 24 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 31 10' 25' 3' 22' 0' 28' 0' f 22' 11 20' 0' 8005125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 '49' 3' 39' 1 34' 1 43' 0' 34' 1 29' 10' 39' 1 31 0' 27' 1 8005125 -54 (50 ksi) 16 44' 9' 35' 6' 31 0' 39' 1 31' 0' .27' 1' 35' 6' 28' 2' 24' 7' 8005125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 39' 1 31 0' 27' 1 34' 1 27' 1 23' 8' 31 0' 24' 7' 21 6' 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 52' 10' 41 11 36' 8' 46' 2' 36' 8' 32' 0' 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 48' 0' 38' 1 33' 3' 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 38' 1 30' 3' 26' 5' 800S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 36' 8' 29' 1 25' 5' 33' 3' 26' 5' 23' 1 f• Flexural stress controls allowable wall height See Interior Non Structural Non Composite Table Notes on page 14 Interior Non-Structural Non- Composite 15 v 1 Values are for single spans 2 Allowable ceiling span calculations based on 33ksi yield strength steel 3 For fully braced ceilings use mid -span braced values 4 End bearing length 1 minimum e Web stiffeners required at supports. 42 Ceiling Span Table Notes Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/240 -4 psf ;6 sf 13^ R, sf Lateral Support of•Campression.Flange Lateral. Support of Compression Flange Lateral::Supportof•Compression Flange' 'Unsupported `Midspan :Unsupported- ,Midspan .Unsupported' :Midapan Thickness, Joist Spacing (in).o.c. :Joist'Spacing (in) o.c.. Joist Spacing,(in);,o:c. Joist Spacing;(in) o.c. .Joist Spacing, (in) o.c: Joist Spacing (in) o.c. Section .(mil,) 12 .:16 24.: .12'. 16 .24 12 16 24 16 24: 12 .12 16 .24 12 16 24 sa,. a°��.. ice .��s ,z..�. sy�.•�%� ...w.,. �esrr �tA:,.�.. w :t 1,--- r:::5�` �i..°-,. r ,sacs• 162S125 18 7 2 6' 6" 5 11 8 2 7 5 6 6 6' 5 5' 11" 52" T 2" 6' 6" 5' 8" 5' 0' 4' 6" 3' 10"e 5 6" 5' 0 "e 4' 1"e 27 8' 7" 7' 11' 7 1" 9' 7' 8' 9' 7 7" 7' 8' 7' 1 6' 2" 8' 5' 7 7' 6' 8" 6' 0' 6' 5" 4' 8" 6' 6" 5' 11 5 1' 30 9' 0' 8' 3" 7' 4" 9' 11 9' 0' 7' 10" 8' 0' 4' 6' 6" 8' 8" 7 10' 6' 10" 6' 4' 5' 9" 4' 11" 6' 8' 6' 1' 5 3" 33 9' 6" 8' 8' 7 8" 10' 3" 9'4' 8' 1` 8' 4' 7 8' 6' 10" 8' 11 B' 1" 7' 1" 6' 8' 6' 1 5' 3" 6' 11" 6' 3' 5 6" 162S137 27 9' 11' 9' 2" 8' 0" 10' 1 9' 2" 8' 0" 8' 10' B' 0" 7 0" B' 10" 8' 0' 0" 6' 9" 6' 2" 5 5" 6' 9" 6 5' 5" 33 10' 9" 9' 9" 8' 6" 10' 9" 9' 9" 8' 6" 9 4' 8' 6' 7' 5" 9' 4' 8' 6' 7' 5" 7' 3' 6' 5' 9" 7' 3" 6' 7" 5' 9" 250S125 18 8' 4' 8' 6' 9" 11' 4' 10' 3" 9' 0" 7' 4' 6' 9" 6' 1" 9' 10" 9' 0' 7' Be 5' 11'e 5' 6 "e 4' 9 "e 7' 5 "e 6' 6 "e 5' 5 "e 27 9' 8' B' 11' 7 11' 13' 3' 12 1 10' 6" 8' 7' 7 11 7 1" 11' 7' 10' 6" 9' 2" 6' 11 6' 5' 5 8" 8' 11 11 6' 8" 30 10' 0' 9' 3" 8' 3" 13' 9" 12 5" 10' 11" 8' 11 8' 3" 7 4" 12' 0" 10' 11 9' 6" T2' 6' 8' 5' 11 9' 3' 8' 4' 7' 0" 33 10' 5' 9' 7" 8' 7" 14' 2" 12 10" 11' 3" 9' 3' 8' 7" 7' 7" 12' 5" 11' 3' 9' 10" T 5' 6' 10' 6' 2" 9' 7" 8' 8' 7' 6" 43 11' 9' 10' 9" 9' 6" 15' 5' 14' 0' 12' 3" 10' 5' 9' 6' 8' 5" 13' 6' 12' 3' 10' 8" 8' 3' 7' 7' 6' 9" 10' 5" 9' 5' 8' 3" 250S137 27 10' 11' 10' 1 9' 1" 14' 0' 122'8' 11 9' 10" 9' 1 8' 2" 12' 2' 11' 1' .9' 8" 8' 0' 7' 5' 6' 7" 9' 8' 7' 6" 33 11' 9' 10' 10' 9' 8" 14' 11' 13' 6' 11 10" 10' 6' 9' 8' 8' 8" 13' 0" 11' 10" 10' 4" 8' 6' 7' 10" 0" 10' 0" 9' 1" 8' 0" 43 13' 2' 12' 1 10' 9" 16' 2' 14' 8' 12' 10" 11' 8' 10' 9' 9' 7" 14' 2" 12' 10' 11' 2" 9' 4' 8' 7 7 8" 10' 11" 9' 11' 8' 8" 0 0S162 33 13' 5" 12' 5' 11' 1" 15' 8' 14' 2' 12' 5" 12' 0' 11' 1' 9 11' 13' 8' 12' 5' 10' 10 9' 9' 9' 0" 8' 0" 10' 7" 9' 7' 8' 4" 43 14' 11' 13' 9' 12 3" 17' 0' 15' 5' 13' 6" 13' 3" 12 3" 10' 11' 14' 10' 13' 6' 11' 9" 10' 8' 9' 10' 8' 9" 11' 6" 10' 5' 9' 1" 3505125 18 9' 4' 8' 8" 7' 8" 13' 1 12 1 10' 0 "e 8' 4' 7 8" 6' 10 "e 11 10' 8 "e 9' 2 "e 6' 8 "e 6' 2 "e 5' 6''e 8' 10 "e 10 "e 6' 6 "0 27 10' 7 9' 9" 8' 9" 15 1 14' 0" 12' 5" 9' 6' 2'9' 7 10" 13' 6° 12' 5' 10 "11" T 8' 7 1 6' 5" 10' 9' 6' 8' 1' 30 1011' 10' 1 9' 0" 15' 6" 14' 4' 12' 11' 9' 9' 9' 0" 8' 1" 13' 11" 12' 11' 11' 5" 711 7 4" 6' 7" 11' 1" 10' 0' 8' 6" 33 11' 4' 10' 6' 9'4" 16`1' 14' 10' 13' 4" 10' 1 9' 4' 8' 5" 14' 5" 13' 4' 11' 11" 8' 2' 7' 6' 9" 11' 8" 10' 7" 9' 0" 43 12' 7" 11' 7' 10' 4" 17' 8' 16' 3" 14' 6" 11' 2' 10' 4" 9' 2" 15' 9" 14' 6" 13' 0" 9' 0' 8' 3" 7 5" 12' 8" 11' 8' 10' 2" 350S137 27 11 11' 11' 1 9' 11' 17' 3' 16' 0" 14' 4" 10' 9' 9' 11 8' 11" 15' 6' 14' 4" 12' 6" 8' 9' 8' 2' 7 4" 12' 2" 11' 0' 9' 4 "e 33 12' 9" 11' 10" 10' 7" 18' 3' 16' 11' 15' 2" 11' 5' 10' 7" 9' 6" 16' 5" 15' 2" 13' 4" 9' 4' 8' 7" 7 9" 13' 0" 11' 10' 10' 3" 43 14' 2" 13' 0' 11' 7" 19' 11' 18' 5" 16' 6" 12' 7' 11' 7" 10' 4" 17 10" 16' 6' 14' 6" 10' 2' 9' 4" 8' 5" 14' 2' 12' 10' 11' 3" 350S162 33 14' 7" 13' 6" 12' 1" 20'_3' 18' 5' 16' 1" 13' 0" 12' 1 10' 10" .17' 8" 16' 1 14' 0" 10' 7" -9' 10" 8' 10" 13' 8" 12' 5" 10' 10" 43 .16' 0" 14' 9' 13' 2" 22' 0' 20' 0" 17' 6" 14'.4' 13' 2" 11' 10" 19' 3" 17' 6' 15' 3" 11' 7" 10' 8" 9' 7" 1 14' 10' 13''6" 11• 9" 362S1 18 9' 5" 8' 9' 7' 9" 13' 3" 12' 3 "e 10' 10 "e 8' 6" 7' 9' 6' 11 "e 11' 10 "e 1 0' 10 'e 9' 3 6' 9 'e 6' 2 "e 5' 7 "e 9' 0 "e 7' 11 'e 6' 7 "e 27 10' 8" 9' 11" 8' 10" 15 3" 14' 2' 12' 7" 9' 7' 8' 10' 7 11" 13' 8' 12 7' 11' 1" 7' 9' 7' 2' 6' 6" 10' 9" 9' 8' 8' 3" 30 11' 0" 10' 2" 9' 2" 15' 8" 14' 6' 13' 1" 9' 10' 9' 2' 8' 2" 14 1 13' 1 11' 7" 8' 0' 7' 5" 6' 8" 11' 10' 2' 8' 9" 33 11' 5" 10' 7' 9' 5" 16' 3" 15' 0' 13' 6" 10' 3' 9' 5' 8' 6" 14' 6" 13' 6' 12' 1" 8' 3' 7 8' 6' 10" 11' 9' 10' 9' 9' 2" 43 12 9' 11' 8' 10' 5" 17 9" 16' 5' 14 8" 11' 4' 10' 5' 9' 3" 15' 11 14' 8' 13' 1" 9' 1 8' 4' 7' 6" 12 10' 11' 9' 10' 4" 362S137 27 12' 1" 11' 2" 10' 1" 17' 5" 16' 2' '14' 6" 10' 10' 10' 1' 9' 1" 16'8" 14' 6' 12' 10" '.8' 10' 8' 3" 7 5" 12' 6' 11' 2' 9' We 33 12' 11" 11' 11" 10 18' 5" 17' 1' 15 4" 11' 7' 10' 8' 9' 7" 16' 7" 15' 4' 13 "8" 9' 5' 8' 8" 7 10" 13' 4' 12' 2' 10' 6" 43 14' 3' 13 11' 9" 20' 1' 18' 7' 16' 7" 12' 8' 11' 9" 10' 5" 18' 0" 16"7" 14 "10" 10' 3' 9' 5" 8' 5" 14' 6" 13' 3' 11' 6" 362S162 33 14' 8' 13' 7" 12' 2" 20' 9" 18' 11" 16' 6" 13' 2' 12' 2' 10' 11" 18' 2" 16' 6' 14' 5" 10' 9' 9' 11' 8' 11' 14' 0' 12' 9" 11' 1' 43 16' 2" 14' 11 13' 4" 22' 7' 20' 7' 17' 11" 14' 5' 13' 4' 11 11" 19' 9" 17 11 15' 8" 11' 8' 10' 9" 9' 8" 15' 3" 13' 12' 10" 1" 400S125 27 11' 0 10' 2" 9' 1' 15' 9' 14' 7" 13' 1" 9' 10" 9' 1 8 2" 14"2" 13'. 1" 11' 7" 8' 0' 7' 5" 6' 8" 11' 3" 10' 8' 9 30 11' 4" 10' 6" 9' 5' 16' 2" 15' 0' 13' 5" 10' 2" 7•5' 8' 5" 14' 6' 13 5' 12' 0" 8' 3' 7 8" OW 11' 9" 10' 8' 9' 2" 33 11' 9" 10' 10' 9' 8" '16' 9' 15:6' 13' 10" 10' 6' 9' 9' 8' 8" 15 0" 13' 10' 12' 5" 8' 6' 7' 11 7 1" 12' 2' 11' 2' 9' 8" 43 13' 0" 12' 0' 10' -8" 18' 3' 16' 10' 15 1" 11' 7' 10' 8' 9' 6" 16' 4" 15' 1' 13' 6" 9' 4' 8' -7" 7 13' 3" 12' 2" 10' 9" 400S137 27 12' 5' 11' 6' 10' 4" 17' 11 16' 7' 15 0" 11' 2' 10' 4' 9' 4" 16' 2' 15' 0' 13' 4" 9' 1 8' 5" 7' 7' 13' 0" 11' 9" 10' 0 "e 33 13'3' 12'3" 11'0" 18'11 17'7" 15'10" 11'10' 11'0' 9'10" 17'0' 15'10" 14'2" 9'8' 8'11 8'1' 13'10" 12'8' 11'0" 43 14' 7 13' 6' 12' 0" 20' 19' 1' 17 1" 13' 0' 12' 0' 10' 9" 18' 5' 17' 1 15' 4" 10' 6' 9' 8" 8' 8'1 15' 0' 13' 9' 12' 1' 400S162 33 15' 1" 13' 11 12' 6" 21' 8' .20' 1' .17' 10" 13' 6' 12' 6' 11' 3" 19' 6" 17' 10" 15' 6" 11' 0' 10' 3" 9' 2'' 15"2" 13' 9' 12' 0" 43 16' 7" 15 3' 13 8" 23' 5' 21' 8" '19' 4" 14 9" 13 8' 12 2" 21' 0' 19' 4" 16'11" 11''11 in 1 9' 11' 16'6" 14''11' 13 1" 600S1 27 12' 4 "e 11' 5 e t 4 "e 17 10 "e 16' To 14' lie 11' 1'e 10' 4 "e 9' 3 "e 16' 1 'e 14' 11 "e 13' 5 'e 9' 1 "e 8' 5 "e 7' 7 "e 13' 2 "e 12' 2 "e 10' 9 "e 30 12' 9" 11' 9' 10' 7" 18' 4' 17 0' 15 4" 11' 5' 10' 7' 9' 6" 16' 6' 15' 4' 1, 9" 9' 4' 8' 8' 10" 13 6" 12' 6' 11' 2 "e 33 13' 2" 12 2" 10' 11' 18' 10' 17' 6' 15' 9" 11' 9' 10' 11 9' 10" 17 0' 15 9" 14' 2" 9' 7' 8' 11" 8' 0" 13' 10' 12 10' 11' 7" 43 14' 5" 13' 3' 11 10" 20' 5' 18' 11' 16' 11" 12 10" 11' 10' 10' 7" 18' 4' 16' 11 15 3" 10' 5' 9' 8' 7" 14' 11 12.10' 12' 5" 600S137 33 14' 10" 13' 9' 12' 4" 21' 4" 19' 10' 17 10" 13' 4" 12 4" 11' 1" 19' 2' 17' 10' 16' 1" 10' 10' 10' 1 9' 1' 15' 9' 14' 7' 13' 1'e 43 16' 14' 11 13' 4" 23' 0' 21' 4' 19' 2" 14' 6" 13' 4' 12' 0" 20' 8' 19' 2" 1' 3" 11' 9' 10' 10' 9' 9" 16' 10' 15' 8' 14' 1" 600S162 33 16' 10" 15' 7' 14' 0" 24' 4' 22' 7" 20' 4" 15' 2' 14' 0' 12' 8" 21 11 20' 4' 18' 4" 12' 5' 11 6' 10' 4" 18' 0" 16' 8' 14' Be 43 18' 4' 16' 11 15' 2" 26' 3' 24' 4' 21' 10" 16' 5' 15' 2' 13' 8" 23' 21 10' 19' 8" 13' 4' 12' 4' 11' 1' 19' 3" 17' 11 15 11' Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/360 4,psf 61:isf 13 lisf Lateral' Support; of: Compression Flange .Lateral;S'upport of Cgnlpressio'n 'Flange Lateral Support'of Corripressiori;Flange Unsupported Midspan Unsupported" 'Midspan Unsupported Midspan Thickness JoistSpacing.,(in).o.c Joist Spacing'(in) o:c. .Joist Spacing (in) c.c.. Joist Spacing (in) 6.6. Joist Spacing (in) o.c. Joist Spacin c.c. Section lniil) 12. 16 2� 12 16 24 12 16• 24 .12 16 .24 12 16. 24 ...12 16 '24 w,^ 1V :an..; .0 .,."..P :ws aS 1625125 18 7' 2" 6' 6" 5 8" 7' 2' 6' 6' 5' 8" 6` 3' 5' 8" 4' 11" 6' 3' 5' 8' 4' 11' 4' 10' 4' 4' 3' 10 "e 4' 10' 4' 4" 3' 10 "e 27 8' 5" 7' 7" 6' 8' 8' 5' 7' 7" 6' 8' 7' 4' 6' 8' 5 10" 7' 4' 6' 8' 5' 10" 5' 8' 5 2' 4' 6" 5' 8' 5' 2" 4' 6' 30 8' 8" 7 10" 6' 10" 8' 8' 7' 10' 6' 10' 7 7" 6' 10' 6' 0" 7' 7" 6' 10' 6' 0" 5 10" 5 3' 4' 7" 5' 10' 5' 3' 4' 7" 33 8' 11' 8 1 7 1" 8 11 8' 1" 7 1' 7 10' 7 1' 6' 2" 7' 10' 7' 1' 6' 2" 6' 0" 5 6' 4' 9" 6 0' 5 6" 4' 9" 1625137 27 8' 10" .8'0" 7 0' 8' 10" 8' 0" 7 0" 7:8' '7 0" 6' 1 7' 8' 7 0' 6' 1' 5'11" 5 4''8' 5 11' 5 5' 4' 8' 33 9' 4" 8' 6" 7 5" 9' 4' 8' 6' 7' 5" .8'.2' 5' '6'•6" 8' 2" 7' 5" 6' 6' 6' 4" •.5'.9" 5 0' 6' 4" 5' 9' .5' 0' S �J a w 8' swath 250 18 rte. 8' 4" 7` 8' 6' 9' 9' 10' 9 0" 7' 10" 7' 4' 6' 9' 6' 1' 7" 7' 10 6' 10 "e 5' 1 1'e 5' 6 "e 4' 9 "e 6' 8 "e 6' 0 "e 5' 3 "e 27 9' 8" 8' 11" 7' 11" 11' 7' 10' 6" 9' 2" 8' 7' 7' 11 7 1" 10' 1" 9' 2" 8' 0' 6' 11" 6' 5" 5' 8' 7 10" 7 1' 6' 2' 30 10' 0" 9' 3' 8' 3' 12' 0' 10' 11 9' 6" 8' 11 8 3' 4' 10' 5" 9' 6" 8 3' 7' 2' 6' 8' 5' 11 8' 1 7' 4' 6' 5' 33 10' 5' 9' 7" 8' 7" 12' 5' 11 3' 9' 10' 9' 3" 8' 7' 7" 10' 10' 9' 10' 8 7' 7 5" 6' 10' 6' 2' 8' 4' 7' 7" 6' 7' 43 11 9" 10' 9" 9' 6" 13' 6' 12' 3" 10' 8" 10' 5' 9' 6" 8' 5" 11 9' 10' 8' 9' 4' 8' 3" 7` 7" 6' 9" 9' 1" 8' 3" 2' 2505137 27 10' 11" 10' 1' 9' 1' 12 2" 11' 1" 9' 8" 9' 10" 9' 1' 8'•2" 10' 8' 9' 8" 8' 5' 8' 0" 7 5' 6' 6" 8' 3' 7 6" 6' 6' 33 11' 9" 10'.'10' 9' 8 13 0' 11' 10' 10' 4' 10' 6" .9' 8' 8' 8' 11' 4" 10' 4" 9' 0' 8' 6' 7 10' 6' 11' .8.9' 8 0' 6' 11 43 13' 2" 12' 1' 10' 9" 14:2" 12' 10° 11' 2" 11' 8" 10' 9" 9' 7" 12' 4' 11' 2" 9' 9" 9' 4' 8' 7" 7 7" 9' 6' 8' 8" 7.7" 250S162 33 13' 5" 12' 5' 10' 10" 13' 8' 12' 5" 10' 10" 11' 11 10' 10' 9' 5" 11' 11' 10' 10" 9' 5' 9' 2" 8' 4" 7' 4" 9' 2" 8' 4' 7 4" 43 14' 10" 13 6' 11' 9' 14' 10' 13 6' 11' 9' 13' 0' 11' 9" 1,0i 13' 0" 11' 9" 10' 3" 10' 0" 9' 1' 7 11' 10' 0' 9' 1" 7' 11" 3505125. 18 9' 4" 8' 8" 3 12" 11' 11',8' 10' 3 "e 8'.4' 7' 8' 6' 10 11' 3 "e 10' 3 'e 8' 11"e 6' 8 "e 6 "2 "e 5' 6 "e 8' 8"e 7' 1 "e 6' 6 "e 27 10' 7" 9' 9" 8 15' 0' 13 8" 11' 11" 9' 6" 8' 9" 'T 10" 13' 1' 11' 11' 10' 5' 7' 8" 7' 1' 6' 5" 10' 1' 9' 2" 8' 0" 30 10' 11' 10' 1' 9' 0' 156" 14' 1" 12' 4' 9' 9' .9' 0' 8' 1" 13' 7" 12' 4" 10' 9" 7 11' 7' 4" 6''" 10' 6' 9' 6" 8' 4' 33 '11' 4" 10' 6" 9' 4" 16' 1' 14' 7" 12' 9" 10' 1 9' 4" 8. 5' 14' 0' 1z 9' 11' 1' 8 2" 7 7" 6' 9' 10' 10' 9' 10' 8' 7' 43 12' 7" 11 7" 10' 4" 17 6' 15' 11" 13 10" 11' 2' 10' 4' 9' 2" 15 3" '13 10' 12 1' 9' 0" '8' 3" 7:5' 11' 10' 10' 9" 9' 4' 3505137 27 11' 11' 11' 1' 7 11" 15' 10' 14' 4' 12' 6" 10' 9" 9' 11' 8' 11 13' 10' 12' 6" 10' 11' 8' 9" 8' 2' 4' 10' 8' 9' 8" 33 12' 9" 11' 10" 10' 7" 16' 10' 15 4' 13 4' 11' 5' 10' 7' 9' 6" 14' 9" 13 4' 11' 8' 9' 4" 8' 7" 7 9" 11' 4" 10' 4" 43 14' 2" 13' 0' 11' 7" 18' 4" 16' 8' 14' 6" 12' 7" 11' 7' 10' 4" 16' 0" 14' 6' 12' 8" 10' 2" 9' 4' 8' 5" 12' 4' 11 3" 350S162 33 14' 7" 13' 6" 12' 1'. 17' 8' 16' 1" 14' 0" 13' 0' 12 1' 10' 10" 15' 5" 14' 0' 12' 3" 10' 7" '9' 10" 8 10" 11' 11' 10' 10" 9' 5' 43 16' 0" 14' 9" 13"2" 19' 3' '17' 6" 15' 3" 14:4" 13' 1 (10" 16' 9" 15' 3' 13 4' 1.1' 7" 10' 8" 9' 7" 13' 0" 11' 9" 10' 3625125 18 9' 5" 8' 9' 7' 9' 13' 3' 12' 0" 10' 6 "e 8' 6" x 7' 9' 6' 11 'e 11' 7 "e 10' 6 "e 9' 2 "e 6' 9 "e 6' 2'e 5' 7 "e 8' 11'e 7' 11'e 6' 7 "e 27 10' 8' 9' 11' 8' 10" 15 3' 14' 0' 1 3' 9' 7' 8' 10" 7 11 13' 6' 12' 3' 10' 8' 7' 9" 7 2" 6' 6' 10' 5' 9' 5' 8' 3" 30 11' 0' 10' 2" 9' 2 15' 8' 14' 6' 12' 8' 9' 10' 9' 2' 8' 2' 13' 11' 12' 8' 111' 8' 0' 7 5' 6' 8' 10' 9' 9' 9" 8 6' 33 11 5' 10' 7" 9' !i 16' 3" 15' 0' 13' 1' 10' 3' 9' 5' 8 6" 14' 5' 13' 1 11' 5" 8' 3" 7' 8' 6' 10' 11' 2' 10' 1' 8' 10' 43 12' 9" 11 8' 10' !i 17' 9' 16' 4' 14' 3' 11 4" 10' 5' 9' 3' 15' 8" 14' 3" 12' 5" 9' 1" 8' 4" 7' 6" 12' 1' 11' 0" 9' 7" 3625137 '27 12 1" 11 2' 10' 1" 18 3" 14`'9" 12' 11' 1010" 10' 1' '91 .14'2" 12 11' 11' 3" 8 10" .8 3" 7' 5" 10' 11' 9' 1.1" '8' 8 "e' :33' 12' 11" 1.111" 10' 8' '17' 4: 15' 9" 13' 9" '11' 7" 10' 8" 7.7" '15'2" 13.9" 12'0" 9' 5" '8' 8" 7' 10" 11' 8" 10' 7" .9' 3" 43 '14'3" 182" 11' 9' 18' 10' 17 1" 14 "11 12' 8" 11' 9' '10'.5" 15.5" 14' 11" 131' 10' 3" 9 "5" 8'5' 15,8' 11'•6" 10' 1 3625162 33 14' 8" 13' 7" 12' '1" 18' 2" 16' 6' 14' 5' 13' 2" 12' 2" 10' 11 15' 10" 14' 5" 12' 7" 10' 9" 9' 11' 8' 11' 12' 3' 11' 1' 9' 8' 43 46 12" 14' 11 13' 4" 19' 9' 13' 8' 11' 8" 17' 11" 15' 8" 14' 5' 13' 4' 11' 11 8' 1 9' 9 8 13 4' 12' 1' 10' 7" 400 27 '11',0" 10' 2 9 1' 15' 9' 14':7" 13'•1 9''10" 9' 1' 8:2" w 17' 3' 15' 14' 2" '13' 1' 11' 6' 8' 7' 5' 6'.8 11 3' 10' 2 8 9 "e 30 11' 4' 10'6" 9' 5 162' .15' 0" 131" -10' 2" 9' 5' 8' 5" 14'1" 13' 5" 11' 11' 8 3" 7''8' 6' 10" 11'8. 10' 7" 9' 2' 33 "11' 9" 10' 10" 9' 8" 16' 9' 15' 6" .13' 10" 10:6' 9' 9' .88" 15"0" '13' 10' 12' 4" 8' 6" 711" 7' 1" 12' 0' 10' 11." 9' 6" 43 13' 0" 12' 0" 10' 8" 18' 3" 16'.10" '15''1". 11' 7" 101' 9' 6 16' 4" 15 1' «13' 6 9'•.4" 8' 7" 7.' 8 13' 1' 11' 1.1" 10' 5" 4005137 27 12' 5" 11 6" 10' 4" 17' 6' 15 11" 13' 11' 11' 2" 10' 4' 9' 4' 15 4' 13' 11' 12' 2" 9' 1" 8' 5' 7 7" 11' 10' 10' 9" 9' 5 "e 33 13' 3' 12' 3' 11' 0" 18' 8' 17' 0" 14' 10" 11' 10" 11' 0' 9' 10" 16' 4" 14' 10' 12' 11 9' 8' 8' 11' 8' 1" 12' 7' 11' 5" 10' 0" 43 14' 7" 13' 6' 12' 0' 20' 4" 18' 6" 16' 2" 13' 0' 12' 0' 10' 9" 17' 9' 16' 2" 14' 1' 10' 6" 9' 8' 8' 8' 13' 9' 12 6' 15 11" 400S162 33 '15' 1" 13 11" 17-6 19' 7" 17' 10' 15 6" 13 6" 12'5 11' 3' 17' 1" 15' 6 13' 7 11' 0' 10' 3" 9' 2" .133' '12' 0" 10' 6" 43 16' 7" 15' 3' 13'8' 21'- 4' 19' 4" 16'11' '.14' 9" 13''8' .12'.2 18.4" 16' 11" 14...9" 11' 11' 11' 1' '9' in 14' S" 13' 1" 11''5" 6005125 27 12' 4 "e 11' 5 "e 10' 4'e 1T 10 "e 16' 7 "e 14' 11 "e 11' 1'e 10' 4 "e 9' 3 "e 16' 1'e '14' 9' 4' 11 "e 13' 5 "e 1'e 8' 5 "e 7' 7 "e 13' 2 "e 12' 2 "e 10' 9 "e 30 12' 9" 11' 9" 10' 7 18' 4' 17' 0" 15' 4" 11 5' 10' 7' 9' 6" 16' 6" 15' 4' 13' 9" 7 4" 8' 8' 7 10" 13' 6' 12' 6" 11' 2 "e 33 13 2" 12 2" 10' 1'1" 18 10' 17 6" 15 9" 11' 9' 10' 11' 710" 17 0' 15 9' 14' 2" 9' 7" 8' 11' 8' 0' 13' 10' 12' 10' 11' 7" 43 14' 5' 13' 3' 11' 10" 20' 5' 18' 11' 16' 11" 12' 10' 11' 10' 10' 7" 18' 4' 16' 11' 15' 3' 10' 5' 57" 8'7" 14' 11' 13' 10" 12' 5" 6005137 33 14 10' 13' 9" 12' 4 21' 4' 19' 10" '1710" 13 4" 12' 4' 11' 1" 19' 2' 17,10' 161' 10' .10" 10' 1' 9' 1' 159' 14' 7" 13' 1 "e- •43 '16` 2" 14' 11' 13: 4" 23' 0" 21' 4" 19'.2" 14' 6" 43'•4' 12' 0' 20' 8' 19' 2" 17'3" 11' 9' 10' 10" 9 '9' 16` 10' 15' 8' 14' 1' 6003162 33 16' 10" 15' 7" 14' 0' 24' 4' 22' 7" 20' 4' 15' 2' 14' 0" 12' 8' 21' 11' 20' 4" 18' 4' 12' 5' 11 6' 10' 4" 18' 0' 16' 6" 14' 5 "e 43 18' 4" 16' 11 15' 26' 3' 24' 4' 21' 10" 16' 5' 15' 2' 13' 8' 23' 7" 21' 10" 19' 8" 13' 4" 12' 4" 11' 1 19' 3' 17' 11" 15 8" e Web stiffeners required at supports. See page 42 for Ceiling Span Table Notes. 43 r 46 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Section Properties Min. Base Metal Design .Gross •Effective Properties Thickness 'Thickness Area Ixx. Ma 'Section. (in) (in) (in'. 4 '(fttlb) 087F125 -18 0.0179 0.0188 087F125 -27 0.0269 0.0283 087F125 -30 0.0296 0.0312 087F125 -33 0.0329 0.0346 087F125 -43 0.0428 0.0451 150F125 -18 0.0179 0.0188 0.093 0.029 56.4 150F125 -27 0.0269 0.0283 0.140 0.045 93.4 150F125 -30 0.0296 0.0312 0.154 0.050 104.9 150F125 -33 0.0329 0.0346 0.170 0.055 115.6 150F125 -43 0.0428 0.0451 0.220 0.070 147.5 I Minimum base metal thickness is 95% of design thickness. Moment of inertia given is for deflection calculations. Effective properties are given as the minimum value for either positive or negative bending. 4 Effective properties based on Fy 33 ksi. 1 1 /4 Y 0.070 0.104 0.118 0.127 0.163 X 1 4 v CC X Y L 1/2 2 MIN (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans L/240 Applied load 4,psf '6 :psf i.3 psf' Thickness Fy Hat Spacing (in) b :c. Hat Spacing (in) o.c. Hat Spacing (in) o.c. Section (mil (ksi) Spans 12 16 .24.., 12 16 24. 12 16 24 087F125 18 33 Single 5' 2' 4' 8' 4' 1 4' 6' 4' 1' 3' 7' 3' 6' 3' 2' 2' 9' Multiple 6' 5' 5' 10' 5' 1 5' 7' 5' 1 4' 2' 4' 0' 3' 5' 2' 10' 27 33 Single 5' 11 5' 5' 4' 9' 5' 2' 4' 9' 4' 1 4' 0' 3' 8' 3' 2' Multiple 7 4' 6' 8' 5' 10' 6' 5' 5' 10' 5' 1 4' 11 4' 6' 3' 8' 30 33 Single 6' 2' 5' 7' 4' 10' 5' 4' 4' 10' 4' 3' 4' 2' 3' 9' 3' 3' Multiple 7' 7' 6' 11 6' 0' 6' 8' 6' 0' 5' 3' 5' 1 4' 8' 3' 11 33 33 Single 6' 4' 5' 9' 5' 0' 5' 6' 5' 0' 4' 4' 4' 3' 3 10' 3' 4' Multiple 7 10' 7' 1 6' 2' 6' 10' 6' 2' 5' 5' 5 3' 4' 9' 4 1 43 33 Single 6' 10' 6' 2' 5' 5' 6' 0' 5' 5' 4' 9' 4' 7' 4' 2' 3' 8' Multiple 8' 5' 7' 8' 6' 8' 7' 5' 6' 8' 5' 10' 5' 8' 5' 2' 4' 6' 150F125 18 33 Single 7' 10' 7' 1 6' 3' 6' 10' 6' 3 5' 5' 5' 3' 4' 9' 3' 11 Multiple 9' 8' 8' 10' 7' 6' 8' 6' 7' 6' 6' 1 5' 10' 5' 1 3' 11 27 33 Single 9' 1 8' 3' 7' 2' 7' 11 7' 2' 6' 3' 6' 1 5' 6' 4' 10' Multiple 11 2' 10' 2' 8' 10' 9' 9' 8' 10' 7' 9' 7' 6' 6' 6' 5' 4' 30 33 Single 9' 4' 8' 6' 7' 5' 8' 2' 7' 5' 6' 5' 6' 3' 5' 8' 5' 0' Multiple 11 6' 10' 6' 9' 2' 10' 1 9' 2' 8' 0' 7' 9' 6' 11 5' 8' 33 33 Single 9' 8" 8' 9' 7 8' 8' 5' 7 8' 6' 8' 6' 6' 5' 11 5' 2' Multiple 11 11 10' 10' 9' 5' 10' 5' 9' 5' 8' 3' 8' 0' 7' 3' 5' 11 43 33 Single 10' 5' 9' 6' 8' 3' 9' 2' 8' 3' 7' 3' 7' 1 6' 5' 5' 7' Multiple 12' 11 11 9' 10' 3' 11 3' 10' 3' 8' 11 8' 9' 7' 11 6' 8' Allowable ceiling spans based on effective properties. Multiple span indicates two or more equal spans with channel continuous over center support. Bearing length 0 75' 0.008 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.019 26.4 44.8 50.3 55.4 70.1 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans L /360 gppliedaoad `4 psf °6 psf '.13:psf Thickness Fy Hat Spacing_(in) o.c. Hat Spacing.(in) rib: Hat Spacing (in) o.c. Section ._(mil) (ksi) _,Spans. 12' 16' '24 12 16 24 12 '16 ..24 ...t amay.l N.,...a..,. "-6" W z.. e- .,u..�,.,- v .gµ 087F125 18 33 Single 4 4' 1 3' 7' 3' 11' 3' 7' 3' 1 3' 0' 2' 9' 2' 5' Multiple 5' 7' 5' 1 4' 5' 4' 11 4' 5' 3' 10' 3' 9' 3' 5' 2' 10' 27 33 Single 5'.2' 4' 9' 4' 1 4' 6' 4' 1 3' 7" 3' 6' 3' 2' 2' 9' Multiple 6' 5' 5' 10' '5' 1 5' 7' 5' 1 4' 5' 4' 4' 3' 11 5' 30 33 Single 5' 4' 4' 10' 4' 3' 4' 8' 4' 3' 3' 8' 3' 7' 3' 3' 2' 10' Multiple 6' 8' 6' 0' 5' 3' 5' 9' 5' 3' 4' 7' 4' 6' 4' 1 3' 6' 33 33 Single 5' 6' 5' 0' 4' 4' 4' 10' 4' 4' '3' 10' .3' 9' 3' 4' .2' 11 Multiple 6' 10' 6' 2' 5' 5' 5' 11 5' 5' 4' 9' 4' 7' 4'.2' 3' 8' 43 33 Single 6' 0' 5' 5' 4 9' 5' 2' 4' 9' 4' 1 4' 0' 3' 8' 3' 2' Multiple 7' 5' 6' 8' 5' 10' 6' 5' 5' 10' 5' 1 5' 0' 4' 6' 3' 11 150F125 18 33 Single 6' 10' 6' 3' 5' 5' 6' 0' 5' 5' 4' 9' 4' 7' 4' 2' 3' 8' Multiple 8' 6' 7' 8' 6' 9' 7' 5' 6' 9' 5' 10' 5' 8' 5' 1 3' 11 27 33 Single 7' 11 7' 2' 6' 3' 6' 11 6' 3' 5' 6' 5' 4' 4' 10' 4' 3' Multiple 9' 9' 8' 10' 7' 9' 8' 6' 7' 9' .6' 9' 6' 7' 6' 0' 5' 3' 30 33 Single 8' 2' 7' 5' 6' 5' 7' 1 6' 5' 5' 8' 5' 6' 5' 0' 4' 4' Multiple 10' 1 9' 2' 8' 0' 8' 10' 8' 0' 7' 0' 6' 9' 6' 2' 5' 5' 33 33 Single 8' 5' 7' 8' 6' 8' 7' 4' 6' 8' 5' 10' 5' 8' 5' 2' 4' 6' Multiple 10' 5' 9' 5' 8' 3' 9' 1 8' 3' 7' 2' 7' 0' 6' 4' 5' 7' 43 33 Single 9' 2' 8' 3' 7' 3' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 6' 2' 5' 7' 4' 10' Multiple 11 3' 10' 3' 8' 11 9' 10' 8' 11 7' 10' 7' 7' 6' 11 6' 0' Allowable ceiling spans based on effective properties. Multiple span indicates two or more equal spans with channel continuous over center support. Bearing length 0.75' 47 J c 1 Screw spacing and edge distance shall not be less than 3 x d (d Nominal screw diameter) 2. The allowable loads are based on the steel properties of the members being connected per AISI section E4 3. When connecting materials of different steel thicknesses or tensile strength (F the lowest applicable values should be used 4 The nominal strength of the screw must be at least 3 75 times the allowable loads 5. Values include a 3 0 factor of safety 6. Applied loads may be multiplied by 0 75 for seismic or wind loading, per AISI A 5 1 3 7 Penetration of screws through joined materials should not be less than 3 exposed threads Screws should be installed and tightened in accordance with screw manufacturer's recommendations 48 Allowable Loads for Screw Connections (lbs/screw) Steel Thickness Steei "Properties Mils D n in Fy (ksi) Fu (ksi' 18 0.0188 33 45 27 0.0283 33 45 30 0.0312 33 45 33 0.0346 33 45 43 0.0451 33 45 54 0.0566 33 45 68 0.0713 33 45 Screw Table Notes No.12 .NO:10 No- 8 No:6` Dia. =0:216 (in) Dia. 7:0.190'.0h). 'Dia. 7.0164'00 Dia.'= 0:138 (in) Shear Pullout Shear "Pullout Shear Pullout Shear Pullout s'a ,P ,u ,..,r3Z 66 39 60 121 59 111 151 76 141 65 129 177 84 164 72 151 280 124 263 109 244 94 224 79 394 156 370 137 344 118 557 196 523 173 rv Weld Table Notes 1 Weld capacities based on AISI section E2 2. When connecting materials of different steel thicknesses or tensile strength (F should be used 3. Values include a 2 5 factor of safety 4 Based on the minimum allowance load for fillet or flare groove welds longitudinal 5 Allowable loads based on E60xx electrodes 6 For material less than or equal-to 1242' thick, drawings show nominal weld size throat of the weld shall not be less than the thickness of the thinnest connected p Steel Thickness I Steel Properties •Nominal Alldwable Mils Dsign in e Fy (ksi Fu(ksi) j Weld Size Load (lb /in 43 0.0451 33 45 1/16 609 54 0.0566 33 45 3/32 764 68 0.0713 33 45 1/8 963 97 0.1017 33 45 1/8 1373 118 0.1242 33 45 1/8 1677 54 0:0566 50 65 3/32 1104 68 0.0713 50 65 1/8 1390 97 01017 50 65 1/8 1983 118 0.1242 50 65 1/8 2422 33 50 55 61 Allowable Loads for Fillet Welds and Flare Groove Welds the lowest applicable values or transverse loads For such material the effective art. A 2CH EC SPECFCATON. 0 FOR COLD-FORMED 0 0 Part 1 GENERAL 1 1 Description A. Work included: Provide metal studs and /or joist and accessories as indicated on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 Quality Assurance A. Contractor shall provide effective, full time quality control over all fabrication and erection complying with the pertinent codes and regulations of government agencies having jurisdiction. 1.3 Submittals A. Product data: Within calendar days after the contractor has received the Owner's 'Notice to Proceed' submit: 1 Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this section. 2. Manufacturer's product information and other data needed to provide compliance with the specified requirements. 3. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures on the work. Part 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Metal Studs, Joist, and Accessories A. All products to be manufactured by the current members of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association. B. All galvanized studs and joists shall be formed from steel that corresponds to the minimum requirements of 1996 A.I.S.I standards. C. All structural members shall be designed in accordance with the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 'Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members' 1996 edition. D. Provide all accessories including, but not limited to tracks, clips web stiffeners, anchors, fastening devices, resilient clips, and other accessories required for a complete and proper installation, and as recommended by the manufacturer for the steel members used. E. Fastening of components shall be with self drilling screws or welding. Screws or welds shall be of sufficient size to insure the strength of the connection. All welds of galvanized steel shall be touched up with a zinc -rich paint. All welds of carbon sheet steel shall be touched up with paint. Wire tying of components shall not be permitted Part 3 EXECUTION 3 1 Fabrication and Installation A. Prior to fabrication of framing, the contractor shall submit shop drawings to the architect or engineer to obtain approval. B. Framing components may be preassembled into panels prior to erecting. Prefabricated panels shall be square, with components attached in a manner to prevent racking and to minimize distortion while lifting and transporting. C. All framing components shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members or as required for an angular fit against abutting member D. Studs shall be plumbed aligned and securely attached to flanges of both upper and lower runners, except that in the case of interior non -load bearing walls, studs need not be attached to upper or lower runners. E. In all doubled jamb studs and doubled headers not accessible to insulation contractors, insulation equal to that specified elsewhere shall be provided F Splices in axial load bearing members other then runner track shall not be permitted. G. Temporary bracing where required, shall be provided until erection is complete. 3.2 Installation (Non load bearing walls) A. Runners should be securely anchored to the supporting structure as shown on the drawings. B. Jack studs or cripples shall be installed below window sills, above window and door heads, and elsewhere to furnish supports. C. Lateral bracing shall be provided by use of gypsum board and gypsum sheathing or by horizontal straps or cold rolled channels. Bracing shall conform to Section D3 of the AISI Specification. D Provisions for structure vertical movement shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. E. Handling and lifting of prefabricated panels shall be done in a manner so as not to cause distortion in any member 3.3 Installation (Axial load bearing) A. Runners shall be securely anchored to the supporting structure as shown on the drawings. B. Complete, uniform and level bearing support shall be provided for the bottom runner C. Framing of wall openings shall include headers and supporting studs as shown on the drawings. D. Diagonally braced stud walls, as indicated on the drawings, shall be provided at locations designated as 'shear walls' for frame stability and lateral load resistance. Additional studs, when necessary shall be positioned as indicated on the drawings to resist the vertical components. E. Splices in axially loaded studs shall not be permitted 3.4 Installation (Joists) A. Uniform and level joist bearing shall be provided at foundation walls by means of shims and /or non setting grout. B. Joists shall be located directly over bearing studs or a load distribution member shall be provided at the top of the bearing wall. C. Web stiffeners shall be provided at reaction points and /or points of concentrated loads where indicated on the drawings. D. Joist bridging shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. E. Additional joist shall be provided under parallel partitions when the partition length exceeds one -half the joist span, also around all floor and roof openings, which interrupt one or more spanning members unless otherwise noted. F End blocking shall be provided where joist ends are not otherwise restrained from rotation. SSMA MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS SSMA Headquarters Chicago, Illinois (312) 456 -5590 SSMA Technical Services Corvallis Oregon (541) 757 -8991 Manufacturing facilities FOR A COMPLETE PRODUCT INFORMATION CATALOG, GO TO WWW SSMA COM (OR CONTACT SSMA HEADQUARTERS, CHICAGO, IL) 07/01 c c C_� 0 Non Structural Metal Framing Cemco Steel LEED Information Letter SSMA Product Technical Information 4 totmwasa- REVIEWED REVISE AND RESUBMIT Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining the accuracy and completeness of details such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or system: designed by the Contractor all of which is the Contractor's responsibility Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of which the item is a component. Date By 092216 REJECTED NOTE COMMENTS/ CORRECTIONS schacht aslani architects p.c. c� C Steel Framing and Metal Lath January 25 2010 CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS CO Technical Services Department 263 N Covina Lane City of Industry CA 91744 (800) 416 -2278 RE. LEED INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS RECYCLED CONTENT OF COLD FORMED STEEL California Expanded Metal Products Company is proud to be a member of the U.S Green Building Council and is committed to supplying products that contribute to the improvement of sustainable design, environmental performance, and economic impact for LEED New Construction and Major Renovations CEMCO products and accessories contribute toward LEED credits in the following areas LEED Materials Resources MR Credit 2.1/2.2 Construction Waste Management (Up to 2 Points) Since cold- formed steel is 100% recyclable, CEMCO products can contribute to this credit if the construction waste on the project is properly diverted from the waste stream. The contribution to this credit will vary by project and must be determined by the general contractor and /or sustainable design team MR Credit 4.1/4.2 Recycled Content (2 Points) The U.S Green Building Council has determined that a total recycled content of 32.7% may be utilized without documentation A typical breakdown content of our material is Post Consumer 25.5 Pre-Consumer 6.8% Note While some CEMCO locations have a higher average recycled content, the USGBC default percentages above are recommended for your project calculations. Project specific recycled content can be provided upon request. MR Credit 5.1/5.2 Regional Materials (2 Points) CEMCO is committed to the goal of increasing demand for building materials that are sourced, manufactured and distributed within the specified region, thereby reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation While CEMCO has 3 manufacturing facilities serving the Western United States and the steel coil material that we utilize to cold -form our products is typically sourced within a 500 mile radius of your project; the majority of `raw' materials used in the production of steel come from various global sources, and may not be extracted within 500 miles of your project. Note Project specific submittal information can be provided upon request for the above Materials and Resources categories &rnco) Steel Framing and Metal Lath CEMCO primary manufacturing facilities City of Industry California 263 N Covina Lane, City of Industry CA 91744 Pittsburg, California 1001 -A Pittsburg Antioch Highway Pittsburg, CA 94565 Denver Colorado 490 Osage Street, Denver CO 80204 Potential Innovations in Desien Contributions CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS CO Technical Services Department 263 N Covina Lane City of Industry CA 91744 (800) 416 -2278 SS Credit 1. Site Selection (1 Point) Cold formed metal framing is a light- weight alternative to conventional concrete construction In some cases, the light weight system can reduce foundation requirements, which can minimize the building footprint. EQ Credit 3 1. Construction Indoor Air Quality Management (1 Point) Cold- formed metal framing products are considered inert, so materials will not release terpenes (hydrocarbons) to the indoor air or provide a food source for mold, bacteria or insects. (1 Point) CEMCO's ViperStud framing system provides increased strength capacity from lighter material that contributes to a lighter building footprint and reduction in energy to produce steel (1 Point) An additional point may be earned if the recycled content value of the materials used on the project reaches the next threshold of 30% total recycled content. (1 Point) According to the International Residential Code, using metal framing can help reduce or eliminate the need for chemical based termite control, reducing the impact on the site and air quality If you have any questions, concerns or clarifications, please contact our Technical Services department at (800) 416 -2278 or www.cemcosteel.com Sincerely CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY C t c� 1.� PROD CA: 0 L WWW SSMA.COM STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION ICBO ER 49431' All SSMA products have a four part identification code which identifies the size (both depth and flange width) style and material thickness of each member EXAMPLE. MEMBER DEPTH (Example 6' 600 x 1 /100 inches) All member depths are taken in /goo inches For all 'T' sections member depth is the inside to inside dimension C -STUD JOIST S- SECTIONS PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION FLANGE WIDTH (Example 1 1 625' 162 x IAN inches) All flange widths are taken in 3/400 inches STYLE (Example Stud or Joist section S) The four alpha characters utilized by the designator system are S Stud or Joist Sections T Track Sections U Channel Sections F Furring Channel Sections Note For those sections where two different yield strengths (33 ksi and 50 ksi) are shown the yield strength used in the design if greater than 33 ksi needs to be identified on the design and ordering of steel (i e 600S162 -54 (50 ksi)) TRACK T SECTIONS Copyright 2001 by the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association CHANNEL U- SECTIONS MATERIAL THICKNESS (Example 0 054 in 54 mils, 1 mil in Material thickness is the minimum base metal thickness in mils Minimum base metal thickness represents 95% of the design thickness. FURRING CHANNEL F- SECTIONS 11 I 0 O Product Identification General Product Information Introduction Code Approval Material Specifications Technical Assistance Thickness Steel Components Design Stiffening Lip Length General Notes for all Tables Definitions of Structural Property Symbols Section Properties Section Properties Table Notes Non Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Structural (T) Track Section Properties Wall Height Tables Interior Non Structural Composite Interior Non Structural Non Composite Wall Height Table Notes Limiting Wall Heights Curtain Wall Combined Axial and Lateral Load Tables 20 Combined Loading Allowable Axial Load Table Notes 20 Allowable Axial Loads 20 Floor Joist Span Tables Allowable Floor Joist Span Table Notes Bridging Recommendations Allowable Floor Joist Spans Header Load Tables Header Load Table Notes Header Allowable Uniform Loads Web Crippling Load Tables 39 Web Crippling Load Table Notes 39 Web Crippling Conditions 39 Allowable Web Crippling Loads Single Members 40 Allowable Web Crippling Loads Back -to -Back Members 41 Ceiling Span Table 42 Ceiling Span Table Notes 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/240 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/360 43 Typical Ceiling Details 44 Channel Properties 45 U- Channel Section Properties 45 U- Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans 45 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Section Properties 46 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans 46 Fasteners (Screws and Welds) 48 Screw Table Notes 48 Allowable Loads for Screw Connections 48 Weld Table Notes 48 Allowable Loads for Fillet Welds and Flare Groove Welds 48 Typical Details 49 Joist Web Stiffeners 49 Cold Rolled Lateral Bracing 50 Wall Stud Web Stiffener 50 Flat Strap Lateral Bracing 50 Architectural Specifications Inside back cover Member Directory Back cover Inside front cover 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 9 12 12 14 16 16 31 31 31 31 37 37 37 3 Introduction The increasing environmental concerns in the world today have caused us all to examine the way we live These issues have affected every aspect of our lives, including the materials we use in construction The use of cold- formed steel members as a building alternative is an intelligent choice with benefits to not only the environment, but also to the contractor designer and developer Steel is not only a recyclable product, but also a stronger product allowing for longer clear -spans in the design process Cold- formed steel is lighter providing ease of handling It is a straighter product giving a 'true wall with which to work. It doesn't suffer fluctuation in price, making it easier to bid a project. Quality control is stressed in all phases of the manufacturing process so the highest possible quality is delivered to the job site The structural shapes manufactured are easily used for non structural and structural assemblies floor and ceiling joist assemblies and panelized systems They can be used as the main structural support system or as a supplement to heavy structural steel or concrete construction Manufacturers have been producing cold- formed steel framing members for many years with each manufacturer having its own nomenclature and design values A steel member with identical properties would be identified by different names based on which manufacturer produced it. This created some confusion at all levels of the construction process. The SSMA's mission is to proactively represent member firms engaged in the manufacture, marketing and sale of cold formed steel framing members, as a unified voice to the residential and light commercial construction industry serviced by its products, which includes contractors, distributors, design professionals code officials and standards organizations. To this end, SSMA will endeavor to supply products which meet or exceed standards established by national, state and local code bodies and by recognized industry associations, SSMA resolves to continually initiate and adopt the development of new technology and applications for its members products with the common goal of growing new market opportunities Code Approval Products manufactured by the members recognized by ICBO Evaluation Service of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association, SSMA, comply with the Uniform Building Code and International Building Code See ICBO ES Evaluation Report No 4943 -P Material Specifications Products manufactured by SSMA members are formed from steel with a minimum yield stress of 33 ksi or 50 ksi All products covered in this catalog are engineered to meet the 1996 Edition of the American Iron and Steel Institute AISI `Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members. The structural properties included in this brochure have been computed based on allowable stress design to conform with the same AISI document. Professional technical assistance is available through any SSMA member to its customers Using software developed specifically for the SSMA, a manufacturer's technical representative can analyze load conditions deflection criteria and lateral bracing conditions not presented in this brochure Computerized design can assist a SSMA customer with the most economical product selection for the specific application Contact the SSMA manufacturer for this assistance. Disclaimer All data, specifications and details contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using SSMA members products. These products should not be used in design or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect to verify the suitability of a particular product for use in a specific application The SSMA and its members assume no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication of computations, detail drawings and specifications contained herein. This publication contains the latest information available at the time of printing. The SSMA and its members reserve the right to make modifications and /or change materials of any of their products without prior notice or obligation. For the latest information regarding a particular manufacturer's products contact that manufacturer All SSMA manufacturers may not produce all of the products contained in this catalog Please contact manufacturer to verify product availability 4 Technical Assistance D fJ Minimum Inside Thickness' Design Corner Reference Only mils) Thickness in) Radii (in) Gau.eNo. J St. Venant Torsional Constant. Ow' Torsional warping constant. Xo Distance from the shear center to the centroid along the principal X -axis Ro Polar radius of gyration about the centroidal principal axis I3 1 (Xo /Ro)- Thickness Steel Components Design Stiffening Lip Length S125 18 0.0188 0 0843 25 S137 27 0.0283 0 0796 22 5162 30 0 0312 0 0781 20 Drywall S200 33 0.0346 0.0764 20 Structural S250 43 0.0451 0 0712 18 54 0.0566 0 0849 16 68 0.0713 01069 14 97 0.1017 01525 12 Section General Notes for all tables Torsional Properties Flan Width 1 1 /4 1 3 /8 1 5 /8 2' 2 1 /2 Design .Stiffening Lip Len.th (in) Xegmci 0 188 0.375 0.500 0.625 0 625 Minimum Thickness represents 95% of the design thickness and is the minimum acceptable thickness delivered to the job site based on Section A3 4 of the 1996 AISI Specification. 1 The strength increase due to cold work of forming was incorporated for flexural strength as applicable per AISI A7.2 2. The moment of inertia for deflection is calculated at a stress which results in an effective section modulus such that the stress times that section modulus is equal to the allowable moment. This follows Procedure 1 of the AISI Specification 3. The yield stress (33 ksi or 50 ksi) used to calculate the tabulated values are indicated in the tables 4 When provided factory punch -outs will be located along the centerline of the webs of the members and will have a minimum center -to- center spacing of 24 Punch -outs will have a maximum width half the member depth (d12) or 2 1/2' whichever is less and a maximum length 4 1/2' The minimum distance between the end of the member and the near edge of the web punch -out =10' 5. For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings if the design is based upon 50 ksi the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified by the contractor /purchasers (i e 3625137 54 (50 ksi)) Definitions of Structural Property Symbols Gross Properties lxx: Moment of inertia of the gross section about the X -X axis (strong axis) Rx: Radius of gyration of the gross section about the X X axis lyy Moment of inertia of the gross section about the Y Y axis (weak axis) Ry Radius of gyration of the gross section about the Y Y axis Effective Properties lxx: Moment of inertia for deflection calculations based on 'Procedure 1 for Deflection Determination of the 1996 AISI Specification Sxx: Effective section modulus about the X X axis (strong axis) Stress F. Ma Allowable Bending Moment Based on the effective section modulus and the allowable stress including the strength increase from cold -work of forming (AISI 7.2) where applicable Va Allowable Shear Load `fog Maximum distance from the outside of the compression flange to the center of gravity of the effective section Y x— —x Y tl 5 Section Properties Table Notes 1 The centerline bend radius is the greater of 2 times the design thickness or 3/32' 2. Web depth for track sections i; equal to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius 3 Hems on non structural track sections are ignored 4 Effective properties incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A7.2 5 Tabulated gross properties are based on the full- unreduced cross section of the studs, away from punchouts 6 For deflection calculations use the effective moment of inertia 7 For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings if the design is based upon 50 ksi, the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified (i e 362S137 54 (50 ksi)) Non Structural (3) Stud Section Properties :Gross .Effective'33ksi Effective:50ksi; Torsional 'Design Thickness 'Area Weight txk 5xx '.Rx lyq Ry Ixx 5kx' Ma Va 'Ycg ._Ixx 'Sick 'Ma \la, Ycg 11xvo0o Cw Xo Ro Section in '6b/ft). (in 'in3 (in) (in in in (in3 in -k) :ph) in (in (in (ink) (Ib) (in) (m (ins) in (in 6 1625125 -18 0.0188 0.080 027 0.038 0.043 0.686 0.016 0.447 0.034 0.033 0.66 309 0924 0.009 0009 1.061 1.340 0.373 1625125 -27 0.0283 0.120 0.41 0.056 0.063 0.682 0.023 0.443 0.055 0.051 1.01 526 0.909 0.032 0.013 1.049 1.327 0.375 1625125 -30 0.0312 0.131 0.45 0.061 0.075 0.681 0.026 0.441 0.060 0.059 1 16 579 0.894 0.043 0.014 1.046 1.323 0.376 1625125 -33 0.0346 0.145 0.49 0.067 0.083 0.679 0.028 0.440 0.066 0.068 1.35 641 0.877 0.058 0.015 1.042 1.319 0.376 2505125 -18 0.0188 0.097 0.33 0.099 0.079 1.014 0.019 0.439 0.089 0.059 117 247 1.391 0.011 0.023 -0.930 1 444 0.585 250S125-27 0.0283 0.144 0.49 0.147 0.118 1.009 0.027 0.434 0.144 0.092 1.81 700 1.372 0.039 0.033 -0.919 1 432 0.589 2505125 -30 0.0312 0.159 0.54 0.161 0.120 1.008 0.030 0.433 0.159 0.104 2.06 851 1.354 0.052 0.036 -0.915 1 429 0.590 250S125 -33 0.0346 0.176 0.60 0.178 0.142 1.006 0.033 0.431 0.175 0.120 2.38 1040 1.333 0.070 0.039 41.911 .1425 0.591 250S125 -43 0.0451 0.22' 0.77 0.228 0.182 1.001 0.041 '0 :426 0.226 0.173 3.43 1350 1.275 0.154 0.049 -0.899 1412 0.594 2505125 -54 0.0566 0.280 0.95 0.277 0.222 0.994 0.049 0.419. 0.277 '0.218 4.98 1656 1.260 0.275 0.205 6.14 2510 1.289' 0.299 0.059 40.890 1.398 0.595 2505125 -68 0:0713 0.345 1 18 0.334 0.267 0.984 0.057 0.408 0.334 0.266 6.30 2017 1.252 0.334 0.261 7.81 3057 1.262 0.585 0.069 -0.880 1.381 0.594 3505125 -18 0.0188 0.115 029 0.215 0.1 1.366 0.021 0.423 0.197 0.087 1.72 172 1992 0.014 0.049 -0.819 1.648 0.753 350S125 -27 0.0283 0.173 0.59 0.320 0.18:3 1.361 0.030 0.418 0.312 0.147 2.90 589 1.892 0.046 0.071 -0.809 1.637 0.756 350S125 -30 0.0312 0.190 0.65 0.351 0.201 1.359 0.033 0.417 0.346 0.167 3.29 790 1.871 0.062 0.077 -0.805 1.634 0.757 350S125 -33 0.0346 0.210 0.72 0.387 0.221 1.358 0.036 0.415 0.382 0.191 3.77 1046 1.847 0.084 0.085 -0.802 1.630 0.758 3505125 -43 0.0451 0.272 0.93 0.498 0.284 1.352 0.046 0.410 0.493 0.272 5.37 1777 1.780 0.184 0.106 -0.790 1.619 0.762 3505125 -54 0.0566 0.337 1 15 0.608 0.348 1.344 0.055 0.402 0.608 0.342 7.82 2403 1.762 0.603 0.324 9.71 3446 1.796 0.360 0.127 -0.781 1.605 0.763 350S125 -68 0.0713 0.417 142 0.739 0.422 1.332 0.064 0.391 0.737 0.421 9.95 2959 1.752 0.737 0.413 12.36 4483 1.765 0.706 0,151 -0.770 1.587 0.765 362S125 -18 0.0188 0.118 0.40 .0.234 .0.129 1.409 0.021 0:421 0.215 0.090 1.78 166 2.075 0.014 0.053 -0.807 1.677 0.768 362S125 -27 0.0283 0.176 0.60 0.347 9.192 1 404 0.031 0:416 0.338 0.154 3.05 568 1.957 0.047 0.077 -0.797 1.667 0.771 3625125 -30 0.0312 0.194 0.66 0.381 9.210 1 402 0.033 0!415 0.375 0.175 3.46 761 1.935 0.063 0.084 40.794 1.664 0.772 3625125 -33 0.0346 0.215 0.73 0.421 0.232 1.400 0.037 -0.413 0.415 0:201 3 :96 1039 1.911 0.086 0.092 -0.790 1.660 0.774 362S125-43 0.0451 0.278 0.95 0.540 0.2913 1.395 0.046 0:408. 0.536 0.285 5:64 1777 1.843 0:188 :0.115 =0.779 1.649 0:777 362S125 -54 0.0566 0.344 1.17 0.661 0.365 1.386 0.055 0.400 0.661 0.358 8.21 2497 1.825 0.655 0:341' 10.20 3446 1.859 0.367 0:138 -0.769 1.635 0.779 3625125 -68 0.0713' 0.426 1 45 .0803 0.443 1.374 0.965 9.389 0.802 0.442 10.44 3076 .1 :815 .0.802 0.494 12.9 4661 1.827 0.721 0.194 -0.758 .1.617 0.782 400S125 -1 00188 0.125 0.42 0.294 0.147 1.536 0.021 0.414 0.265 0.099 1.96 150 2.325 0.015 0.066 -0.774 1.769 0.809 4005125 -27 0.0283 0.187 0.64 0.438 0.219 1.531 0.031 0.410 0.426 0.178 3.52 511 2.150 0.050 0.096 -0.764 1 759 0.811 400S125 -30 0.0312 0.206 0.70 0.481 0.240 1.529 0.034 0.408 0.473 0.202 3.99 686 2.127 0.067 0.105 -0.761 1.756 0.812 400S125 -33 0.0346 0.228 0.77 0.531 0.265 1.527 0.038 0.407 0.523 0.231 4.56 936 2.102 0.091 0.115 -0.757 1.752 0.813 400S125-43 0.0451 0.295 1.00 0.682 0.341 1.521 0.048 0.402 0.676 0.327 6.46 1777 2.032 0.200 0.145 -0.746 1.742 0.816 400S125 -54 0.0566 0.365 1.24 0.835 0.418 1.512 0.057 0.394 0.835 0.411 9.40 2777 2.013 0.828 0.391 11 71 3446 2.048 0.390 0.174 -0.737 1.728 0.818 400S125 -68 0.0713 0.452 1.54 1.017 0.509 1 499 0.066 0.383, 1.015 0.507 11.98 3429 2.003 1.015_ 0.498 14.91 5196 2.015 0.767 0.206 -0.725 1.709 0.820 5505125 -18 0.0188 0.153 0.52 0.630 0.229 2.029 0.023 0.390 0918 0.138 -0966 2.171 0.906 550S125 -27 0.0283 0.229 0.78 0.938 0.341 2.023 0.034 0,385 ,0.925 0253 5.00 366 3.072 0.061 0:202 4657 2.162 0.908 550S125 -30 0.0312 0.252 0.86 1.031 0.375 2.021 0.037 0.384 1.017 0.307 6.06 491 2.956 0.082 0.220 =0.654 2.159 '0.908 5505125 -33 00346 0279 0.95 1 139 0:414 2.019 0.041 '0.382 1 124 0.368 7.26 670 2.864 0.112 .0.242 -0.651 2.156 0909 550S125 -43 0.0451 0.362 1.23 1 468 0.534 2.013 '0.052 0.377 1 456 0.514 10.16 1487 2.786 0.246 '0.304 -0.641 2.146 .0.911 550S125 -54 0.0566 0.450 1.53 1.805 0.650 2.002 0.061 0969 1.805 0.647 14.80 2799 .2.765 1.790. 0.620 18.57 2967 2.804 0.481 0.366 -0.631 2:132 0.912 550S125 -68 0.0713 0.559 1.90 2.209 0.803 1.987 0.972 9.358 2205 0.801 18.94 4442 2.753 2.205 0.789 23.62 5468 2.767 0.948 0.437 -0,620 2.112 0.914, 6005125 -18 0.0188 0.162 0.55 0.778 0.25 2.189 0.024 0.382 0919 0.169 -0.637 2.312 0.924 6005125 -27 0.0283 0.243 0.83 1 160 0.381 2.183 0.035 0.377 1 145 0.274 5.42 335 3.413 0.065 0.247 -0.628 2.303 0.926 6005125 -30 0.0312 0.268 0.91 1.275 0.421 2.181 0.038 0.376 1.259 0.331 6.54 448 3.292 0.087 0.270 -0.625 2.300 0.926 600S125 -33 0.0346 0.297 1.01 1.409 0.470 2.179 0.042 0.374 1.391 0.408 8.06 612 3.154 0.118 0.296 -0.622 2.297 0.927 600S125 -43 0.0451 0.385 1.31 1,817 0.600 2.173 0.053 0.369 1.802 0.584 11.55 1358 3.037 0.261 0.373 -0.612 2.287 0.928 600S125 -54 0.0566 0.479 1.63 2.236 0.741 2.161 0.063 0.362 2.236 0.735 16.82 2708 3.015 2.218 0.706 21 14 2708 3.056 0.511 0.449 -0.603 2.273 0.930 6005125 -68 0.0713 0.595 2.02 2.740 0.91.. 2.146 0.079 0.351 2.735 0.911 21,.53 4442 3.003 2.7 0.898 26.88 5468 3.018 1.098 0.536 -0.59 2.253 0.931 800S125 -33' 0.0346 0.366 1.25 2.881 0.720 2.806 0.044 0.347 2.855 0.525 10.37 455 4.521 0.146 0.576 0.530 2.877 0.966 8005125 -43 0.0451 0.475 1.62 3.721 0.930 2.799 0.056 0.342 3.696 0.894 17.67 1008 4:056 0.322 0.727 -0.521 2.867 0.967 800S125 -54 0.0566 0.592 2.01 4.593 114E 2.786 0.066 0.335 4.593 1 134 25.96 2006 4.016 4.560 '1.097 .32.84 2006 4.060 0.632 0.87' -0.512 2.852 0.968 8005125 -68 0.0713 0.738 2.51 5.653 1.417 2.768 0.078 0.324 5.644 1 410 33.33 4048 4.003 5.644 1.393 41.69 4048 4.019 1.250 1.050 -0.501 2.832 0.969 1 Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads 6 re S i 1 Composite wall sheathed both sides full height with 1 h gypsum wallboard for 18 and 33 mil 2 Composite wall sheathed both sides full height with 5 /8 gypsum wallboard for 43 54 and 68 mil 3 Sheathing attached with #6 screws min at 12' o c max. 4 362S125 member is based on 350S125 test data For both 362S125 and 350S125 members use values listed for 362S125 12 Interior Non- Structural Composite Table Notes (S) Stud Spacing Member in 'o.6. L/120 162S125 -18 12 11' 2" 8 10" 162S125 -18 16 10' 7' 8' 4' 162S125-18 24 9' 9' f 7' 11 162S125-33 12 13' 0' 10' 4' 162S125 -33 16 12' 1 9' 8' 1625125 -33 24 11 0' 8' 9' s: Shear /web crippling controls allowable wall height f: Flexural stress controls allowable wall height Interior Non- Structural Composite 5psf 11240 L/360 9' 0' 8' 5' 7 8' 7:5 psf 1f> psf L7120 L/240 L/360 L1120 L/240 9' 9' e 8' 10" 8' 10' f 8' 4' 8' 0' f 11 4' 10'7' 8'5' 9 0' 9 '7' 7' 10' 4' 9' 8' 8' 9' 250S125 -18 12 15' 1 11 11 10' 5' 12' 4' f 10' 5' 9' 1 10' 9' f 9' 6' 250S125 -18 16 13' 3' f 11 3' 9' 10' 10' 10' f 9' 10' 8' 7' 9' 5' f 8' 11 250S125-18 24 11 10' f 10' 7' 9' 3' 9' 8' f 9' 3' 8' 1' 8' 5' f 8' 5' 250S125-33 12 17' 9' 13' 11 12' 1 15' 6' 12' 1 10' 6' 13' 11' 10' 11' 9' 5' 250S125-33 16 16' 5' 12' 10' 11 2' 14' 4' 11 2' 9' 8' 12' 10' 10' 0' 8' 8' 250S125 -33 24 14' 10' 11 7' 10' 0' 13' 0' 10' 0' 8' 7' 11 7' 8' 11' 7' 8' 2505125 -43 12 20' 0' 15' 9' 13' 9' 17' 1 13' 3' 11 5' 15' 3' 11 9' 10' 1 250S125-43 16 18' 8' 14' 9' 12' 10' 15' 11 12' 3' 10' 7' 14' 2' 10' 10' 9' 3' 2505125 -43 24 17' 2' 13' 6' 11 9' 14 2' f 11 1 9' 6' 12' 4' f 9' 7' 8' 2' 3625125 -18 12 17' 8' f 15' 4' 13' 3' 14' 3' f 13' 3' 11 7' 12' 5' f 12' 0' 10' 5' 362S125-18 16 15' 4' f 14' 4' 12' 4' 12' 5' f 12' 5' 10' 10' 10' 9' f 10' 9' f 9' 9' 362S125-18 24 13' 9' f 13' 5' 11 7' 11 0' f 11 0' f 10' 1 9' 5' f 9' 5' f 9'1 362S125-33 12 22' 6' 17' 10' 15' 6' 19' 8' 15' 6' 13' 7' 17' 10' 14' 1 12' 4' 362S125 -33 16 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 3' 18' 1 14 3' 12' 6' 16' 5' 12' 11 11 4' 362S125-33 24 18' 6' 14' 9' 12' 9' 16' 2' 12' 9' 11 2' 14' 9' 11 7' 10' 1 362S125-43 12 25' 3' 19' 7' 16' 10' 21 8' 16' 10' 14' 6' 19' 5' 15' 2' 13' 1 362S125-43 16 23' 5' 18' 0' 15' 6' 20' 0' 15' 5' 13' 3' 17' 11 13' 10' 11 11 362S125 -43 24 21 3' 16' 3' 13' 10' 17' 10' f 13' 9' 11 8' 15' 5' f 12' 3' 10' 6' 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 12 26' 9' 21 2' 18' 6' 23' 4' 17' 9' 15' 3' 21 1 15' 10' 13' 10' 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 16 24' 9' 19' 7' 17' 1 21 7' 16' 3' 13' 10' 19' 6' 14' 5' 12' 7' 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 24 22' 4' 17' 8' 15' 5' 19' 6' 14' 4" 12' 1 17' 7' 12' 7' 11 0' 362S125-68 (50 ksi) 12 27' 6' 21 10' 19' 1 24' 0' 19' 0' 16' 7' 21 10' 17' 3' 15' 0' 362S125-68 (50 ksi) 16 25' 2' 20' 0' 17' 5' 22' 0' 17' 4' 15' 1 19' 11' 15' 9' 13 9' 362S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 22' 4' 17' 8' 15' 6' 19' 6' 15' 4' 13' 4' 17' 8' 13' 11' 12' 1 40051 -18 12 19' 6' f 16' 5' 14' 4' 15' 9' f 14' 4' 12' 6' 13' 8' f 13' 0' 11 4' 400S125-18 16 17' 2' f 15' 4' 13' 4' 13' 10' f 13' 4' 11 8' 11 11 f 11 11 f 10' 6' 400S125-18 24 15' 1 f 14 2' 12' 4' 12' 1 f 12' 1 f 10' 9' 10' 5' f 10' 5' f 9' 9' 400S125-33 12 25' 1 19' 11 1" 4' 21 11 17' 4' 15' 0' 19' 11' 15' 8' 13' 7' 400S125-33 16 23' 1 18' 4' 15' 11 20' 2' 15' 11' 13' 9' 18' 4' 14' 5' 12' 6' 400S125-33 24 20' 9' 16' 5' 14' 3' 18' 1' 14' 3' 12' 4' 16' 5' 12' 10' 11 2' 400S125-43 12 27' 4' 21 2' 18' 3' 23' 6' 18' 4' 15' 11 21 2' 16' 8' 14' 5' 400S125-43 16 25' 2" 19' 5' 16' 8' 21 7' 16' 9' 14' 6' 19' 4' 15' 2' 13' 2' 4005125 -43 24 22' 7' 17' 2' 14' 8' 19' 3' 14' 10' 12' 8' 16' 11 f 13' 4' 11 6' 4005125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 29' 1 22' 11 20' 0' 25' 3' 19' 10' 17' 3' 22' 9' 17' 11 15' 7' 400S125-54 (50 ksi) 16 26' 9' 21 1 18' 4' 23' 2' 18' 2' 15' 9' 20' 11 16' 4' 14' 2' 400S125-54 (50 ksi) 24 23' 11 18' 10' 16' 4' 20' 8' 16' 1 13' 11' 18' 4' 14' 6' 12' 6' 400S125-68 (50 ksi) 12 31 6' 25' 0' 21 10' 27' 5' 21 8' 18' 10' 24' 10' 19' 6' 16' 11 4005125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 29' 1 23' 1 20' 2' 25' 3' 19' 11 17' 4' 22' 10' 17' 11 15' 6' 400S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 26' 2' 20' 9' 18' 2' 22' 9' 17' 10' 15' 6' 20' 6' 15' 11 13' 9' (S );Stud Spacing 5 :-$f Member., (in) o.c. L /120 ^L/240. L /360 1120' L/240 .L/360 L/120 L /240 11360 6005125 -1 12 22' 10" 22' 1" 19' 4" 18' 7" f 18' 7" f 16' 9" 16' 2" f 16' 2" f 15' 0" 600S125 -18 16 19' 9' f 19' 9' f 17' 11 16' 2' f 16' 2' f 15' 7' 14 0' f 14' 0' f 13' 10' 6005125 -18 24 16' 9' f 16' 9' f 16' 9' 1 13' 5' f 13' 5' f 13' 5' f 11' 5' f 11 5 f 11 5' f 600S125 -33 12 33' 9' 26' 9' 23' 5' 29' 6' 23' 5' 20' 6' =.26' 9' 21 3' 18' 7' 600S125 -33 16 30' 10' 24+ 6' 21 4' 27"0' 21 4' 18' 9' 24' 6' 19' 5' 17' 0' 600S125-33 24 2T 2' 21 7' -18' 10' 23' 10' 18'10' 16' 7' 19' 1' s 17' 2' 15'. 0' 600S125-43 12 38' 7' 30' 7' 26' 8' 33' 9' 26' 6' 23' 0' 30' 7' 23' 11 20' 9' 600S125-43 16 35' 8' 28' 3' 24' 8' 31 3' 24' 6' 21 3' 27' 8' f 22' 1 19' 1 600S125-43 24 32' 0' f 25' 7' 22' 4' 26' 1 f 22' 1 19' 1 22' 7' f 19' 10' 17' 1 6005125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 40' 11 37 6' 28' 4' 35 1' .28' 3' 24' 7' 32' 6' 25' 6' 22' 2' 600$125:54 (50 ksi) 16 37' 10' 30'.0' 26' 2' 33' 1 26' 1 22' 8" 30' 0' 23' 6" 20' 5' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24' 34 1' 27' 0' 23' 7' 29' 10" 23' 5' .20' 5' 27' 0' 21 1 18' 3' 600S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 43' 9' 34' 8' 30' 4' 38' 3' 30' 4' 26' 6' 34' 8' 27' 5' 23' 11 600S125-68 (50 ksi) 16 40' 4' 32' 0' 28' 0' 35' 3' 28' 0' 24 5' 32' 0' 25' 3' 22' 0' 600S125-68 (50 ksi) 24 36' 3' 28' 9' 25' 2' 31 9' 25' 2' 22' 0' 28' 9' 22' 8' 19' 8' a 8 00 51 25 -4 3 12 47' 3' 37' 6' .32' 9' 41 3' 32' 9' 28' 8' 37' 6' 29' 8' 25 11 800S125-43 16 43' 3' 34 4' 30' 0' 37' 10' 30' 1 26' 3' 34' 3' f 27' 2' 23' 9' 800S125-43 24 38' 5' 30' 6' 26' 8' 32' 4' f 26' 9' 23' 5' 28' 0' f 24' 2' 21' 0' 800S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 50' 6' 40' 0' 35' 0' 44 1 35' 0' 30' 7' 40' 1 31 9' 27' 9' 800S125 -54 (50 ksi) 16' 46' 2' 36' 8' 32' 0' 40' 4' 32' 1 28' 0' 36' 8' 29' 1 25' 5' 800S125-54 (50 ksi) 24 41 0' 32' 6' 28' 5' 35' 10' 28' 6" 24' 10' 32' 6' 25' 9' 22' 6' 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 12' 54' 7' 43' 4' 37' 10' 47 8' 37 11' 33' 1 43' 4' 34' 5' 30' 0' 800S125-68 (50 ksi) 16 50' 1 39' 9' 34' 9' 43' 9' 34' 9" 30 5' 39' 9' 31 7' 27' 7' 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 44 7' 35' 5' 30' 11 39' 0' 31 0' 27' 1 35' 5' 28' 1 24 6' See interior Non- Structural Composite Table Notes on page 12 s: Shear /web crippling controls allowable wall height f: Flexural stress controls allowable wall height 1 i Interior Non Structural Composite 13 1 Lateral loads multiplied by 0 75 for strength determination per AISI A5 1 3 2 Check end reactions for web crippling 3 Limiting heights based on continuous support of each flange over the full length of the stud 4 Heights based on steel properties only 5 For 350S125 members use values listed for 362S125 6 Calculations for 362S125 are based on 350S125 properties Spacing' 5•psf (S )Stud Member_ (in) o :c. L/120 L1240 L1360 162S125 -18 12 9' 7" 7' 7" 6' 7" 162S125 -18 16 8' 8' 6' 11 6' 0' 162S125 -18 24 7' 7' 6' 0' 1625125 -27 12 11 3' 8' 11 1625125 -27 16 10' 3' 8' 1 162S125 -27 24 8' 11 7' 1 1625125 -30 12 11 7' 9' 2' 162S125 -30 16 10' 6' 8' 4' 1625125 -30 24 9' 2' 7' 3' 1625125-33 12 12' 0' 9' 6' 162S125 -33 16 10' 10' 8' 7' 162S 125 -33 24 9' 6' 7' 6' 250S125 -18 12 13' 3' 10' 6' 2505125 -18 16 12' 0' 9' 6' 2505125 -18 24 10' 2' f 8' 4' 2505125 -27 12 15' 6' 12' 4' 2505125-27 16 14' 1 11 2' 250S125 -27 24 12' 4' 9' 9' 2505125 -30 12 16 1 12' 9' 2505125 -30 16 14' 7' 11 7' 250S125 -30 24 12' 9' 10' 1 2505125 -33 12 16' 7' 13' 2' 250S125-33 16 15'1 11 11 250S125 -33 24 13' 2' 10' 5' 250S125 -43 12 18' 1 14' 4' 250S125 -43 16 16' 5' 13' 0' 250S125 -43 24 14' 4' 11 4' 3625125 -18 12 17' 3' 13' 8' 11' 11 3625125 -18 16 15' 1 f 12' 5' 10' 10' 3625125 -18 24 12' 4' f 10' 10' 9' 6' 362S125 -27 12 20' 1 15 11 13' 11 362S125 -27 16 18' 3' 14' 6' 12' 8' 362S125 -27 24 15' 11 12' 8' 11 0' 3625125-30 12 20' 10' 16' 6' 14' 5' 3625125 -30 16 18' 11 15 0' 13' 1 362S125 -30 24 16' 6' 13' 1 11 5' 362S125 -33 12 21 6' 17' 1 14' 11 362S125 -33 16 19' 6' 15' 6' 13 6' 3625125 -33 24 17' 1 13' 6' 11 10' 3625125 -43 12 23' 5' 18' 7' 16' 3' 3625125 16 21 3' 16' 11 14' 9' 3625125 -43 24 18' 7' 14' 9' 12' 11 3625125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 25' 1 19' 11 17' 4' 362S125 -54 (50 ksi) 16 22' 9' 18' 1 15' 9' 362S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 19' 11 15' 9' 13' 9' 3625125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 26' 10' 21 3' 18' 7' 362S125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 10' 3625125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 21 3' 16' 10' 14' 9' f Flexural stress controls allowable wall height 14 Interior Non- Structural Non Composite-Table Notes Interior Non Structural Non- Composite 5' 3' 7' 9' 7' 1 6' 2' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 8' 3' 7' 6' 6' 7' 9 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 10' 9' 9' 9' 8' 6' 11 1 10' 1 8' 10' 11 6' 10' 5' 9' 1 12' 6' 11 4' 9' 11 L/120 8' 4" 7' 7' 6' 2' f 9' 10' 8' 11 7' 9' f 10' 1 9' 2' 8' 0' 10' 5' 9' 6' 8' 3' 11 7' 10' 2' f 8' 4' f 13' 7' 12' 4' 10' 4' f 14' 0' 12' 9' 110'f 14' 6' 13' 2' 11 6' 15' 9' 14' 4' 12' 6' 14'3'f 12' 4' f 10' 1 f 17' 7' 15' 11 13' 1 f 18' 2' 16' 6' 13'11 f 18' 9' 17' 1 14' 11 20' 6' 18' 7' 16' 3' 21 11 19' 11 17' 4' 23' 5' 21 3' 18' 7' 7:5,psf 11240 6' 7' 6' 0' 5' 3' 7' 9' 7' 1 6' 2' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 8' 3' 7' 6' 6' 7' 9' 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 10' 9' 9'.9' 8' 6' 11 1 10' 1 8' 10' 11 6' 10' 5' 9' 1' 12' 6' 11 4' 9' 11 11 11 10' 10' 9' 6' 13' 11 12' 8' 11 0' 14' 5' 13' 1 11 5' 14' 11 13' 6' 11 10' 16' 3' 14' 9' 12' 11 17' 4' 15' 9' 13' 9' 18' 7' 16' 10' 14' 9' L/360 5' 9" 5' 3' 4' 7' 6' 10' 6' 2' 5' 5' 7 0' 6' 4' 5 7' 7' 3' 6' 7' 5' 9' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 9' 5' 8' 6' 7' 5' 9' 8' 8' 10' 7' 8' 10' 0' 9' 1 7' 11 10' 11 9' 11 8' 8' 10' 5' 9' 6' 8' 3' 12' 2' 11 0' 9' 8' 12' 7' 11 5' 10' 0' 13' 0' 11 10' 10' 4' 14' 2' 12' 11 11' 3' 15 2' 13' 9' 12' 0' 16' 3' 14' 9' 12' 10' 10 psf' L/240 12360 7' 7" 6' 0" 5' 3' 6'7'f 5'5' 4'9' 5 4' f 4' 9' 8'11' 7' 1 6'2' 8'1 6'5' 5' 7' 6' 8' f 5 7' 4' 11 9' 2' 7' 3' 6' 4' 8'4' 6'7' 5'9' 7' 2' f 5' 9' 5' 0' 9' 6' 7' 6' 6' 7' 8' 7' 6' 10' 6' 0' 7' 6' 6' 0' 5 2' 10' 2' f 8' 4' r 7' 3' 8' 10' f 7' 7' 6' 7' 7'2'f 6'7' 5'9' 12' 4' 9' 9' 8' 6' 10' 11 f 8' 10' 7' 9' 8' 11' f 7' 9' 6' 9' 12' 9' 10' 1 8' 10' 11 7' 9' 2' 8' 0' 9' 6' f 8' 0' 7' 0' 13' 2' 10' 5' 9' 1 11 11 9'6' -8'3' 10' 3' f 8' 3' 7' 3' 14' 4' 11 4' 9' 11 13' 0' 10' 4' 9' 0' 11 4' 9' 0' 7' 10' 12'4'f 10'10' 9'6' 10' 8' f 9' 10' 8' 7' 8' 9' f 8' 7' .7' 6' 15' 11 12' 8' 11 0' 13' 10' f 11 6' 10' 0' 11 4' f 10' 0' 8' 9' 16' 6' 13' 1' 11 5' 14' 9' f 11 11' 10' 5' 12' 1 f 10' 5' 9' 1' 17 1 13' 6' 11 10' 15 6' 12' 4' 10' 9' 12' 11 f 10' 9' 9' 4' 18' 7' 14' 9' 12' 11 16' 11 13' 5' 11 8' 14' 9' 11 8' 10' 3' 19' 11 15' 9' 13' 9' 18' 1 14' 4' 12' 6' 15 9' 12' 6' 10' 11 21 3' 16' 10' 14' 9' 19' 4' 15' 4' 13' 5' 16' 10' 13' 5' 11 8' Interior Non Structural Non- Composite Spacing .5 :psf... ,7.5 :psf 10[psf''_ (S) Stud Member (in) o c 1 L/120 L 1240 :L 360 L/.120 11240 L/360 L/.120 L/240 L/360. 400S125-18 12 18' 8" f 15' 1" 13' 2" 15' 2" f 13' 2" 11 6' 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6" 4005125 -18 16 16' 2' f 13' 9' 12' 0' 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6' 11 5' f 10' 11 9' 6' 400S125 -18 24 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6' 10' 9' f 10' 6' 9' 2' 9' 4' f 9' 4' f 8' 4' 400S125 -27 12 22' 4' 17' 8' 15' 5' 19' 6' 15' 5' 13' 6' 17' 8' f 14 0' 12' 3' 4005125 -27 16 20' 3' 16' 1 14' 0' 17' 8' f 14' 0' 12' 3' 15' 3' f 12' 9' 11 2' 400S125 -27 24 .17' 8' f 14' 0" 12' 3' 14' 5' f 12' 3' 10' 8' 12' 6' f 11 2' 9' 9' 4005125 -30 12 23' 1 18' 4' 16' 0' 20' 2' 16' 0' 14' 0' 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 400S125 -30 16 21 0' 16' 8' 14' 7' 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 16' 3' f 13' 3' 11 6' 400S125 -30 24 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 15' 4' f 12' 8' 11 1 13' 3' f 11 6' 10' 1 400S125 -33 12 23' 11' 18' 1'1 16' 7' 20' 10' 16' 7' 14' 5' 18' 11 15 0' 13' 2' 400S125 -33 16 .21 8' 17' 3' 15 0' 18' 11 15 0' 13' 2' 17 3' 13' 8' 1.1 11 400S125 -33 24 18' 11" 15' 0' 13' 2' 15'5' f 13' 2' 11' 6' 14' 2' f 11 11 10' 5' 400S125 -43 12 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 0' 22' 9' 18' 0' 15 9' 20' 8' 16' 5' 144' 400S125 -43 16 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 9' 14' 11 13' 0' 400S125 -43 24 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4" 18' 0' 14' 4' 12' 6' 16' 5' 13' 0' 11 4' 400S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 27' 10" 22' 1 19' 4' 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 10' 22' 1 176' 15 4' 400S125 -54 (50 ksi) 16 25' 4' 20' 1 17' 6' 22' 1 17' 6' 15 4' 20' 1 15' 11 13' 11 400S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 22' 1' 17' 6' 15 4' 19'.4' 15 4' 13' 4' 17' 6' 13' 11' 12' 2' 400S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 29' 10' 23' 8' 20' 8' 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 1 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 400S125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 27' 1 21 6' 18' 9' 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 21 6' 17' 1 14' 11 400S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 9' 14 11 13' 0' 600S125 -27 12 31 0' f 24' 8' 21 6' 25' 4' f 21 6' 18' 9' 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 600S125 -27 16 26' 10' f 22' 4' 19' 6' 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 19' 0' f 17' 9' 15' 6' 600S125 -27 24 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 17' 11 f 17' 1 14' 11 15' 6' f 15' 6' f 13' 6' 600S125-30 12 32' 0' 25' 5' 22' 2' .27' 10' f .22' 2' 19' 5' 24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 600S125 -30 16 29' 1 23' 1 20' 2' .24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 20' 10' f 18' 4' 16'.0' 600S125 -30 24 24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 19' 8' f 17' 7' 15' 5' 17 0' f 16' 0' 14' 0' 600S125 -33 12 33' 1 26' 3' 22' 11 28' 11 22' 11 20' 1 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 600S125-33 16 30' 1 23' 11 20' 10' 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 23' 2' f 18' 11 16' 6' 600S125 -33 24 26' 3" 20' 10' 18' 3' 21 10' f 18' 3' 15 11 18' 11 f 16' 6' 14' 5' 6005125 -43 12 36' 1' 28'.8' 25'.0' 31 7' 25' 0' 21 10' 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 600S125 -43 16 32' 10' 26' 0' 22' 9' 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 0' 600S125 -43 24 28'.8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 25' 0' 19' 10' 17' 4' 22 -7' f 18' 0' 15 9' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 38' 8' 30' 9' 26' 10' 33' 10' 26' 10' 23' 5' 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 600S125-54 (50 ksi) 16 35' 2' 27' 11 24' 4' 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 27' 11 22' 2' 19' 4' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 26' 10' 21 3' 18' 7' 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 11 600S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 41 6" '32' 11 28' :9' '36' 3' 28' 9' 25 1 32' 11 26' 2' 22' 10' 6005125- 68:(50 ksi) 16 37' 8' 29' 11. 26' 2' .32' 11 26'2' 22'10' 29' 1.1 23' 9' 20' 9' 600S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 ,32' 11 26' 2' 22''10' .28' 9' 22' 10' 19' 11' 26' 2' 20' 9' 18' 1' 800S125-43 12 45' 11 36' 5' 31 10' 40' 1 31 10' 27' 9' 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 800S125 -43 16 41 8' 33' 1 28' 11 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 33' 1 26' 3' 22' 11 800S125-43 24 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 31 10' 25' 3' 22' 0' 28' 0' f 22' 11' 20' 0' 800S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 49' 3' 39' 1 34' 1 43 -0' 34' 1 '29' 10' 39' 1 31 0' 27' 1 8005125 -54 (50' ksi) 16 44 9' 35' 6' 31 0' 39' 1 31 0' .27'1' 356' 28' 2' 24' 7' 800S125 =54 (50 ksi) 24 .39' 1' .31 0' 27' 1 34' 1 27' 1 23'8' 31' 0' 24' 7' 21 6' 800S125-68 (50 ksi) 12 52' 10' 41' 11 36' 8' 46' 2' 36' 8' 32' 0' 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 800S125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 48' 0' 38' 1 33' 3' 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 38' 1 30' 3' 26' 5' 800S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 36' 8' 29' 1 25' 5' 33' 3' 26' 5' 23' 1 f• Flexural stress controls allowable wall height See Interior Non Structural Non Composite Table Notes on page 14 15 1 Values are for single spans 2 Allowable ceiling span calculations based on 33ksi yield strength steel 3 For fully braced ceilings use mid -span braced values 4 End bearing length 1 minimum 27 10' 8' 30 11' 0' 33 11' 5' 43 12 9' 3625137 27 12 1' 33 12 11' 43 14-3' 3625162 33 14 8" 43 16' 2" 4.. r 4005125 27 11' 0" 10' 2" 30 11' 4 10' 6' 33 11' 9" 10' 10' 43 13' 0' 12 0" 400S137 27 12 5' 11' 6" 33 13' 3' 12 3' 43 14' 7" 13' 6' 4005162 33 15 1' 13' 11 43 16 7" 15 3' 600S125 27 12 4 "e 11' 5 "e 30 12' 9' 11' 9' 33 13' 2" 12 2' 43 14 5" 13' 3' 6005137 33 14' 10' 13' 9' 43 16 2" 14 11 6005162 33 16' 10' 15' 7" 43 18' 4' 16 11' 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/240 4psf 6psf 'Lateral ',Support of t'ompi•ession.Fiange 'Lateral Support. of 1 ampression'Fiange Unsupported. •Midspari 'Unsupported ,Midspan Thickness Joist Spacing ,(in) o.c. Joist,Spacing (in) o.c.' Joist Spacing (in) o.c. Joist Spacing.(in) o.c. Section (mil) 12 .'16 24 12 16 24 12 16 :24 .12 16 '24 1625125 18 7' 2" 6' 6' 5' 11'' 8' 2' 7' 5' 6' 6" 6' 5" 5' 1 5' 2" 7 2" 6' 6" 5 8" 27 8' 7" 7 11 7 1 9' 8' 9' 7" 7' 8' 7" 6 2" 8' 5 7 7" 6 8" 30 9' 0' 8' 3' 7 4 9' 11 9' 0" 7 10" 33 9' 6' 8' 8' 7' 8" 10' 3" 9 4" 8' 1" 162S137 27 9' 11' 9' 2" 8' 0" 10' 1 9' 2" 8' 0" 33 10' 9' 9' 9" 8' 6" 10' 9' 9' 9' 250S125 18 8' 4' 27 9' 8' 30 10' 0' 33 10' 5' 43 11' 9" 250S137 27 10' 11' 33 11' 9" 43 13' 2" 'JS162 33 13' 5' 43 14' 11' 350S125 18 9' 4' 27 10'7" 30 10' 11' 33 11' 4' 43 12 7" 3505137 27 11 11' 33 12 9" 43 14 2" 3505162 33 14' 43 16' 0' 3625125 18 9' 5' 8' 6' 9" 6' 11 7' 11' 9 8' 3" 9' 7' 8' 7" 14' 2" 10' 9" 9' 6" 15 5" 10' 9' 1" 14' 0" 10' 10" 9' 8" 14 11 12' 1 10' 9' 16' 2' 12 5' 11' 1 15 8' 13'9' 12'3" 17'0' 8'8" T8" 131 9' 9" 8' 9" 15' 1" 10' 1 9' 0" 15' 6" 10' 6" 11' 7' 11' 1 11' 10' 13' 0" 13' 6" 14' 9' 8' 9' 9' 11 10' 2" 10' 7" 11' 8' 11' 2' 11' 11 13' 2" 13' 7' 14' 11 'e Web stiffeners required at supports. 9' 2" 9 5" 10' 5" 10"1 10' 8" 11' 9" 12' 2" 13' 4" 11' 4' 13' 3' 13' 9' 9' 4" 16 1 10' 4" 17'8' 9' 11" 17 3 10' 7" 18' 3' 11'7" 19'11 12'1" 20'3' 19" 2" 22' 0" 79" 13' 8' 10" 15 3" 15' 8' 16' 3' 17 9' 17' 5' 18' 5' 20' 1" 20' 9' 2 1 15 9" 9' 5" 16 2" 9' 8" 16' 9' 10' 8" .18' 3' 10' 4" 17 11 11'0" 18'11 12'0" 20'7' 12 6" 21' 8' '3' 8" 10' 4 "e 17' 10 "e 10'7" 18' 4' 10' 11' 18' 10' 11' 10" 20' 12 4" 21' 4' 13' 4" 23' 0' 14 0" 24 4' 15 2" 26 3' Ceiling Span Table Notes 10' 3' 12 1 12' 5" 12 10' 14' 0' 12' 8" 13' 6" 14' 8' 14' 2' 15' 5" 1, 1' 14' 0' 1 4 4 14 10' 16 3' 16' 0" 16 11" 18' 5' 18' 5' 20'0' 12' 3 "e 14' 2" 14' 6' 15 0' 16' 5" 16' 2' 17 1" 18' 7' 18' 11' 22' 7' 20' 7' 17' 14'7" 13'1" 13' 5" 13' 10" 15' 0' 15' 6' 16' 10' 16' 7' 17 7' 19' 1 20' 1" 21' 8' 16' 7 "e 17' 0' 17 6' 18' 11' 19' 10' 2 1' 4" 2 7' 24' 4' 16' 6" 8' 0' 8' 4' 8' 10" 9'4" 6' 6" 9 Oa Y. 4' 10' 6" 10' 11' 11' 3" 12' 11' 1" 11' 10" 12 10" 12' 5' 13' 6" 10' 0 "e 12' 5" 12' 11" 13' 4" 14' 6" 14' 4" 15' 2" 16' 6" 16 1" 17' 6" 10' 10 "e 8' 6' 12' 7" 13' 1" 13' 6" 14' 8" 14 6' 10'10' 15 4" 11.7" 16'7" 12'8' 8' 7" 8' 11 9' 3' 10' 5' 9' 10' 10' 6' 11' 8' 12' 0' 13' 3' 8' 4" 9 6" 9 9' 10' 1' 11' 2" 10' 9' 11' 5' 12' 7' 13' 0' 14' 4' 9 7" 9' 10' 10' 3' 11' 4' 13' 2' 14' 5' 9' 10' 10' 2" 10' 6" 15 1 11' 7" 15 0" 11' 2' 15' 10" 11 10' 17 1" 13' 0' 17 10" 13' 6' 19' 4" 14 9' 14'11 "e 11 1 15'4" 11'5' 15 9" 11' 9' 16 11' 12 10' 17 10" 13' 4' 19'2" 14'6' 20' 4" 15 2' 21 10" 16' 5' 4' 7 8' 8' 0' 8' 6" 6' 6" 6 10" 7 0" 7' 5" 6 1 7 1" 7' 4" 7 7° 8' 5" 8' 2" 8' 8" 8' 8" 8' 11 8' 10" 9' 4' 9' 10" 11' 7" 12' 0" 12' 5' 13' 6' 12' 2" 13' 0" 14' 2" 13' 8' 14' 10' 9' 11" 10' 11" 7' 8' 6' 10 "e 8' 9' 7' 10" 9 0' 8' 1 9' 4' 8' 5° 10' 4" 9' 2" 9' 11 8' 11" 10' 7' 9' 6" 11' 7' 10' 4" 12'1 10'10" 13' 11 10" T 9' 6' 11 "e'" 11' 10 "e 8' 10' 7' 11' 13' 8" 9' 2' 8' 2 14 1" 9' 5' 8' 6" 14' 6' 10'5" 9'3' 15'11' 10'1 9'1" 15'8' 10' 8" 9' 7" 16' 7" 11' 9' 10' 5" 18' 0" 12'2' 10'11`, 18'2" 13' 4' 11 11 19' 9" 9 1 8' 2' 14 2" 9' 5" 8' 51 14' 6" 9' 9' 8' 8" 15' 0' 10' 8' 9' 6" 16 4' 10' 4' 9' 4" 16 2' 11' 0' 9' 10" 17' 0" 12 0' 10' 9" 18' 5" 1_ 6" 11'3" 19'6° 13'8" 12'2" 21' 10' 4 "e 9' 3 "e 16' 1 'e 10'7' 9'6" 16'6' 10' 11 9' 10" 1 0' 11'10" 10'7" 18'4" 12' 4' 11' 1" 19' 2' 13 4" 12' 0" 20' 8' 140" 128" 21 11' 15 2" 13' 8" 23 7' 6' 9' 11 8' 3' 8' 7" 9' 6' 9' 1 9 8' 10' 9" 11' 1 12' 3' 11 8 "e 13' 6" 13' 11 14' 5" 15' 9' 15' 6" 16' 5" 17 10" 17' 8" 19' 3' 14' 11 "e 15' 4' 15' 9' 16 11 17 10' 19' 2' 20' 4' 21 10' 7 10' 6' 10" 6 4' 5 9' 4 11' 8' 1 7 l' 6' 8' 6 1' 5' 3" 8' 0" 0" 6' 9 6' 2" 5' 5" 8' 6" 7 5" 3' 6' 7" 5' 9" 9' 0" 7' 8 "e 5' 11 "e 5' 6 "e 4' 9 "e 10' 6' 9' 2" 6 11 6 5" 5 8" 10' 11' 9' 6" 7 2' 6 8" 5' 11' 11' 3 9' 10" T 5' 6 10" 6' 2" 12' 3' 10' 8" 8' 7' 6' 9" 11'1' 9'8" 8'0' 7' 5' 6' 11' 10' 10' 4" 2'6" 10" 7' 0" 12 10' 11' 2" 9 4' 8' 12' 5' 10' 10" 9' 9' 9' 0" 13' 6' 11' 9" 10' 8' 9' 10' 9'2 "e 6'8 "e 6'2 "e 5'6 "e 10' 11" 7 8' 7 1 6' 5" 11' 5" 11 7 4" 6 7" 11 11" 8 2" "7" 6'9' .13" 9' 0' 8' 3 7 5" 12' 6" 8' 9' 8' 2" 7 4" 13' 4" 9' 4' 8' 7' 7 9' 14 6" 10' 2' 9' 4' 8' 5 14' 0" 10' 7' 9' 10' 8' 10' 17 6' 15' 3" 11 .10' 8' 9' 7" 10' 10 "e 9' 3 "e 6' 9 "e 6' 2 "e 5' 7"e, 12'7" 11'1" 7 9' 7 2" 6'6 13'1' 11'7" 8'0' 7' 5" 6'8' 13' 6" 12 1" 8' 3' 7' 8" 6' 10 14' 8' 13' 1" 9' 1 8' 4" 6 14' 6' 12 10" 8' 10' 8' 7 5" 15' 4' .13' 8" 1 5" 8' 8' 7 10" 16' 7' 14 10" 10' 3' 9' 5" 8' 5 16' 6' 14' 5" 10' 9' 9' 11 8' 11 17'11 15' 8" i 11'8' 10'9" 13' 1 11' 7" 8' D' 13' 5' 42' 0" 8' 3" 7' 8' 13' 10' '12 5" 8' 6' 7' 11 15' 1" 13' 6" 9' 4' 8' 7" 15' 0' 13' 4" 9' 1 8' 5" 15 10' 14' 2" 9' 8' 8' 11 17 1 15' 4" 10' 6' 9' 8" 17'10' 15'6" 11'0" 10'3' 19'4' 16'11" 11'11 11'1 13 5'e 9' 1 'e 8' 5 "e 13 9" 9' 4' 8' 8' 14 2" 9' 8' 11 15 3" 10' 5' 9' 7" 16 1 10' 10' 10' 1 173" 11'9' 10'10' 18'4" 12'5' 11'6" 19' 8" 13' 4' 12 4' 10' 8 "e 12' 5' 12 11 13' 4' 14' 6" 14' 4" 15' 2" 16' 6" 16 1" 13' psf' LateralSupport.of Compression Flange .Unsupported. Midspan Joist Spacing (in) o.c. Joist Spacing.(in) o.c. 12 .16 24 12 16 '24 5' 0' 4 6' 3' 10 "e 5' 6" 5' 0 "e 4' re 6 0' 6' 5' 4 8" 6' 6 5 1 1 5 1 6 8' 6' 1 5' 3" 6 11' 6' 3' 5 6" 6 9" 6 2' 5 5" 7' 3' 6 7' 5 9" 7' 5 "e 6' 6 "e 5' 5 "e 8' 11' 7 11 6 8" 9' 3' 6 4' 7 0" 9' 7" 8' 8" 7 6" 10' 5" 9' 5' 8' 3" 2 5' 8' 6" 10' 0' 9' 1" 8' 0" 10'11' 9'11 8' 8" 8' 0" 10' 7" 9' 7' 8' 4" 8' 9" 11' 6" 10' 5' 9' 1: 8' 10 "e 10 "e 6' 6 "e 10' 9' 6" 8' 1" 11' 1' 10' 0' 8' 6" 11'8' 10'7' 9' 0" 1, 8" 11' 8' 10' 12 2" 11' 0" 9' 4 "e 13 0' 11' 10' 10' 3' 14 2' 12 10' 11' 3" 13' 8' 12' 5" 10' 10" 14 10" 13' 6' 11' 9" 9' 0 "e 7' 11 6 7 "e 10' 9' 9' 8' 8' 3" 11'3' 10'2" 8'9" 11' 9' 10' 9' 9' 2" 12 10' 11' 9' 10' 4" 12' 6" 11' 2" 9' 6 "e 13' 4" 12"2" 10' 6" 14'6' 13'3" 11'6" 14' 0' 12' 9' 11' 1' 15 3' 13' 10' 12' 1 6 0 11' 3" 10' 2 8' 9 "e 6'10" 11'9" 10'8" 9' 2" 7 1 12' 2" 11' 2" 9' 8" 8" 13' 3' 12 2' 10' 9" 7" 13' 0' 11' 9' 10' 0 "e S' 1" 13' 10' 12' 8' 11' 0" 8' 8" 15' 0" 13' 9' 12' 1" 9' 2" 15' 2" 13' 9' 12' 0" 9'11" 16'6" 14'11' 13'1" 7' 7 "e 13' 2 "e 12' 2" 10' 9 "e 7 10" 13' 6' 12 6' 11' 2 "e 8' 0" 13' 10' 12 10' 11' 7" 8' 14 11 13' 10' 12 5" 9' 1 15 9' 14 7' 13' 1 "e 9' 9" 16 10' 15 8' 14 1" 10' 4" 18' 0' 16 8' 14' 8 "e 11'1" 19'3" 17'11 15'11' 9,8" 4 psf .6 .psf 13;psf Lateral r 1.1 pport 01 Compression :Flange' Lateral Support 01 C 'ompression.Flange, 'Lateral.Supportof r ?mpression,Flange Unsupported Midspan 'Unsuppoiteil': .Midspan :Lnsupported 'Mldspan Joist Spacing (in)•o:c. .Joist Spacing (in)'o.c. ,Joi o,c." Joist, Spacing (in).o.c. .Joist Spacing (in) o.c Joist, Spacing (in) o.c. Section (niii 12 16... 24. .12 16 24 42 16 24 12 16 .24 '.12 16 .24 12 16. W r.... p +..ww,.,.a.na.^ ere+..,.. .L&e a- ..,.w... -e r..,-- .a. -..v e ra.. t R, Zaga i V....».. wM 162S125 18 7' 2" 6' 6" 5' 8" 7' 2' 6' 6" 5' 8" 6 3' 5 8 4 11" 6' 3 5 8' 4 11" 4 10" 4' 4" 3' 10 "e 4 10" 4 4' 3' 10 "e 27 8' 5' 7' 7" 6' 8" 8' 5' 7' 7" 6' 8" 7' 4' 6' 8" 5 10" 7' 4" 6' 8' 5' 10' 5' 8' 5' 2" 4' 6" 5' 8' 5' 4' 6" 30 8' 8" 7 10" 6' 10" 8' 8' 7' 10" 6' 10' 7' 7" 6' 10' 6' 0" 7' 7" 6' 10" 6' 0' 5 10' 5' 3' 4' 7" 5 10' 5 3' 4' 7' 33 8' 11" 8' 1' 7' 1' 8' 11' 8' 1' 7' 1' 7' 10' 7' 1" 6' 2" 7 10' 7' 1" 6' 2" 6' 0" 5 6' 4 9' 6' 0" 5 6' 4 9" 162S137 27 8,10" 8' 0' 7 0' 8' 10" 8' 0" 7' 0" 7' 8' 7' 0" 6' 1 7' 8' 7 0" 6' 1" 5 11" 5' 5" 4 8" 5' 11" 5 5' 4.8" 3 9' 4" .8' 6" 7' 5' 9' 4" 8' 6" 7' 5' 8.2" 7'.5" 6' 6" 8.2' '7' 5" .6'.6" 6' 4' 5' 9" 5' 0" 6' 4" 5' 9' 5' 0' 2505125 18 8' 4" 7 8' 6' 9" 9' 10" 9' 0" 7 10" T 4" 6' 9" 6' 1" 8' 7" 7 10" 6' 10 "e 5 11 'e 5' 6 "e 4' 9 "e 6' 8 "e 6' 0 "e 5' 3 "e 27 8.8" 8' 11' 7 11 11' 7" 10' 6' 9' 2" 8' 7" 7' 11 7 1" 10' 1' 9' 2" 8 0" 6' 11' 6' 5' 5 8' 7 10" 7 1" 6' 2' 30 10' 0" 9' 3" 8' 3' 12' 0' 10' 11' 9' 6" 6' 11' 8' 3" 4' 10' 5" 9' 6' 8' 3" 2' 6' 8' 5 11 8' 1' 7 4' 6' 5' 33 10' 5" 9' 7" 8' 7" 12' 5' 11' 3" 9' 10" 9' 3" 8' 7" 7' 7' 10' 10' 9' 10' 8' 7" 7 5" 6' 10" 6' 2" 8' 4" 7' 7' 6' 7' 43 11' 9" 10' 9' 9' 6" 13 6" 12' 3' 10' 8" 10' 5' 9' 6" 8' 5' 11' 9' 10' 8" 9' 4' 8' 3" 'r' 7" 6' 9" 9' 1.8. 3' 2' 250S137 27 10' 11" 10' 1' 9' 1 12' 2" 11' 1' 9' 8" 9' 10" 9' 1' 8' 2" 10' 8' 9' 8" 8' 5" 8' 0 7' 5" 6' 6" 8' 3" 7' 6' 6' 6' 33 11' 9' 10' 10" 9' 8' 13' 0' 11' 10' 10' 4' 10' 6" 9' 8' 8.8" 11 4' 10' 4' 9' 0' 8' 6' 7 10' 6'.11" 8 9° 8' 0' 6' 11" 43 13' 12' 1" 10' 9' 14' 2" 12' 10" 11' 2" 11' 8" 10' 9' 9' 7" 12' 4' 11' 2" .9' 9" 9' 4' 8' 7" 7' 7" 8 6° 8' 8' 7 7' 250S162 33 13' 5" 12' 5' 10' 10' 13' 8" 12' 5" 10' 10" 11 11 10' 10' 9' 5° 11' 11' 10' 10" 9' 5" 9' 2" 8' 4' 7' 4' 9' 8' 4" 7' d 43 14' 10" 13' 6' 11 9' 14' 10" 13' 6" 11 9" 13' 0" 11' 9' 10' 3" 13' 0' 11' 9' 10' 3" 10' 0" 9' 1 7' 11" 10' 0" 9' 1' 7' 1 350 18 9' 4" 8' 8" 7' 8" 12' 11' 11 8" 10' 3 "e 8' 4 7' 8' 6' .10 "e 11' 3 "e 10' 3 "e 8' 11"e 6' 8 "e 6" 2 "e 5' 6 "e 8' 8 "e 10"e 6' 6 "e 27 10' 7" 9' 9' 8' 9" 15' 0" 13' 8' 11' .1 9' 6" 8' 9" 7 10" 13' 1' 11' 11' 10' 5" 7 8" 7' 1' 6' 5" 10' 1' 9' 2" 8' 0" 30 10' 11" 10' 1" 9' 0' 15 6" 14' 1" 12' 4' 9' 9" 9' 0" 81" 13' 7" 12' 4" 10' 9 7' 11' 7' 4' 6' 7" 10' 6" 9' 6' 8' 4" 33 11' 4" .10' 6" 9' 4' 16' 1' 14' 7" 12' 9" 10' 1 9' 4' 8' 5' 14 0' 12' 9" 11' 1' 6' 2" 7' 7" 6' 9" 10' 10" 9' 10" 8' 7" 43 12' 7" 11' 7" 10' 4' 17 6' 15 11 13' 10' 11' 2" 10' 4' 9' 2" 15' 3' 13' 10" 12' 1' 9' 0" 8' 3" 5" 11' 10" 10' 9' 9' 4" 350S137 27 11' 11' 11' 1' 9' 11' 15' 10" 14' 4" 12' 6" 10' 9" 9' 11 8' 11' 13' 10' 12' 6" 10' 11' 8' 9' 6' 2' 7' 4' 10' 8" 9' 8' 33 12' 9' 11' 10' 10' 7' 16' 10' 15 4' 13' 4" 11 5' 10' 7" 9' 6" 14' 9' 13' 4" 11' 8' 9' 4" 8' 7' 7' 9' 11' 4' 10' 4" 43 14' 2' 13' 0' 11' 7' 18 4' 16' 8" 14 6" 12' 7" 11 7" 10' 4" 16' 0' 14' 6" 12' 8' 10' 2' 9' 4' 8' 5" 12' 4" 11' 3' 9 .350S162 33 14' 7" 13' 6" 12' 1' 17' 8" 16' 1" 14' 0" 13' 0" 12' 1" 10' 10' 15' 5' 14' 0' 12' 3" 10'7" 9' 10' 8' 10" 11' 11' 10' 10" 9' 5" 43 16' 0" 14' 9' 13' 19' 3" 17 6" 15 3' 14' 4" 13 2" 11' 10" 16' 9' 15' 3" 13 4' 11' 7" 10'8 9' 7" 13' 0" 11' 9" 10' 3" 3625125 18 9' 5" 8' 9° 9' 13' 3' 12' 0" 10' 6 "e 8' 6' 9' 6' 11"e 11' 7 "e 10' 6 "e 9' 2 "e 6' 9 "e 6' 2 "e 5 7 "e 8' 11"e 7' 11 'e 6' 7 "e 27 10' 8" 9' 11' 8' 10' 15 3' 14' 0" 12' 3" 9' 7' 8' 10" 7 11" 13' 6' 12' 3' 10' 8' 7' 9' 7' 2' 6' 6" 10' 5' 9' 5" 8' 3' 30 11' 0" 10' 2" 9' 2' 15' 8' 14' 6" 12' 8" 9' 10' 9' 2" 8' 2" 13' 11 12' 8' 11'1' 8' 0" 7' 5' 6' 8" 10' 9" 9' 9" 8' 6" 33 11 5' 10' 9' 5' 16' 3' 15 0" 13' 1" 10' 3' 9' 5' 8' 6" 14' 5' 13' 1" 11' 5' 8' 3' 7 8' 6' 10' 11' 2" 10' 1" 8' 10" 43 12' 9" 11' 8' 10' 5' 17' 9' 16' 4" 14' 3" 11 4' 10' 5' 9' 3" 15 8' 14' 3" 12' 5' 9' 1 8' 4'6 12' 1" 11 0" 9' 7' '362S137 27 12' 1" 11' 2" 10' 1'' 18.3' 14 9' 12'11" 10' 10" 10' 1' 9' 1" 14.2" 12' 11" 11',3" -8' 10" 8' 3" .7 5" 10' 1.1" 9' 11" 8'.8 "e 33 12' 11" 11'11' '10' 8' '17' 4' 15' 9" 139" 11' 7" 10' 8" .9' 7 15'.2' 13' 9" 12' 0' 9' 5" 8' 8' 7' 10' '11' 8" .10' 7" 9' 3' 43 14' 3" 13' 2" 1'1•9' 1610" 17 1" '14' 11" 12':8." 11''9" '10' 5" 16' 5' 14' 1.1' 13' 1' 10'.3" 9' 5' 8'5 12`8" 11' 6" 10' 1 362 33 14' 8' 13' 12' 2" 18' 2" 16' 6" 14' 5' 13' 2" 12' 2" 10' 11" 15 10' 14' 5' 12' 7" 10' 9' 9' 11' 8' 11" 12' 3" 11' 1' 9' 8" 43 16' 2" 14' 11" 13 4' 19' 9" 17' 11' 15' 8" 14' 5' 13' 4" 11' 11" 17' 3' 15' 8' 13' 8' 11' 8" 10' 9' 9' 8" 13' 4' 12' 1' 10' 7" 400S125 .27 .11' 0" 10 "2" 1" 15' 9" 1 4'7" x '131". .9'10' 1' '8' 2" p 14' 2' 13' 1" 11.6" '8' 0" 7' 5" 6' 8 11' 3" 2 8 9 "e 30 11''4" 10' 6" 9' .10' 2" 2" 15' 0" 13' 5" '10' 2" 9' 5" 8''5" 14' 6' 13' 5" 11' 11" 8' 3" 7' 8' 6' 40" 11' 8" 10' 7" 9' 2" 33 '11' 9" 10' 10" 9'.8" 16'-9" 15' 6" 13' 10". 10' 6" 9'1" 8'. 8" 15' 0' 13' 10' 12'.4' 8' 6" 7 11" T 1' 12' 0" 10'1.1" 9' 6" 43 13' 0" 12' 0" 10''8" 18' 3" .16' 10" .15' 1" 11' 7" 18 '9' 6" 16' 4 15 1" 13' 6" .9' 4' 8 7' T 8' 13' 1" 11' 11" 10 "5" 400S137 27 12' 5' 11' 6" 10' 4' 17' 6" 15 11 13' 11" 11 2" 10' 4' 9' 4" 15' 4' 13' 11' 12' 2" 9' 1" 8' 5' 77" 11' 10" 10' 9" 9' 5 "e 33 13' 3" 12' 3" 11 0' 18' 8° 17' 0" 14' 10" 11' 10" 11' 0" 9' 10" 16' 4' 14' 10" 12' 11' 9' 8' 8' 11' 8' 1 12' 7" 11' 5" 10' 0' 43 14' 7" 13' 6" 12' 0' 20' 4" 18' 6" 16' 2" 13' 0' 12' 0" 10' 9" 17' 9' 16' 2" 14' 1' 10' 6' 9' 8" 8' 8' 13' 9" 12' 6" 10' 11" 400S162 33 15' 1" 13"11' 12' 6" '19' 7" 47' 10" 15'.6 18 12' 6" 11'.3" 17' 1' 15"6" 13' 7" 11' 0" 10' 3' 8.2" 13' 3" 12' 0" 10' 6" 43 16' 7" 15' 3" 13' 8' 21' 4' 19' 4" 16' 11 149' 13"8' 127" 48' 7" .16' 11" 14' 9" 11',11' 11' 1' 9' 11" 14' 5" 13' 1" 11' 5" 600S125 27 12' 4 "e 1 1 5 "e '10 IT 10 "e 16' 7 "e 14' 11 "e 1 1 1 "e 10' 4 "e 9' 3 "e 16' 1 e 14 11 "e 13' 5 "e 9' 1'e 8' 5 "e 7' 7 "e 13' 2 "e 12' 2 "e 10' 9 "e' 30 12' 9" 11' 9" 10' 7" 18' 4' 17' 0" 15' 4' 11 5" 10' 7" 9' 6" 16' 6' 15' 4" 13' 9' 9' 4" 8 8' T 10" 13' 6" 12' 6" 11' 2 "e 33 13' 12' 2" 10' 11' 18' 10" 17' 6' 15' 9" 11 9' 10' 11' 9' 10" 17 0' 15 9' 14' 2" 9' 7" 8' 11 8' 0" 13' 10' 12' 10" 11' 7" 43 145" 13' 3' 11' 10' 20' 5" 18 11 16' 11" 12' 10" 11' 10" 10' 7" 18 4' 16' 11" 15 3" 10' 5' 9' 7" 8 7" 14 11' 13 10' 12' 5" 600S137 33 14 10" 13 9' 12' 4' 21' 4' 19' 10" 17.10". .13' 4" 12' 4" '11' 1 19'.2" 17' 10" 16' 1' 10' 10" 10' 1" 9`1" 15'.9" 14' 7" 13' 1 "e' 43 '16' 2" 14' 11" 13' 4' 23' 0' 21 4" .19' 2" 14' 6" 13' 4" 12' 0" 20' 8," 19' 2" 17' 3" 11' 9" 10' 10" 9' 9' 16' 10" 15' 8" 14' 1 600S162 33 16' 10" 15' 7" 14' 0" 24' 4" 22' 7" 20' 4" 15 2" 14' 0' 12' 8' 21' 11 20' 4' 18' 4' 12' 5' 11' 6' 10' 4' 18' 0" 16' 6' 14' 5 "e 43 18' 4" 16' 11' 15 2' 26' 3" 24' 4' 21' 10" 16' 5" 15' 2" 13' 8" 23' r 21' 10" 19' 8" 13' 4" 12' 4" 11 1 19' 3' 17' 11' 15 8' Thickness e Web stiffeners required at supports. See page 42 for Ceiling Span Table Notes Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L /360 43 ARCHTECTURA SPECFCA ON 0 FOR CODFORMED 1E7A: 1� Part 1 GENERAL 1 1 Description A. Work included. Provide metal studs and /or joist and accessories as indicated on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 Quality Assurance A. Contractor shall provide effective, full time quality control over all fabrication and erection complying with the pertinent codes and regulations of government agencies having jurisdiction. 1.3 Submittals A. Product data. Within calendar days after the contractor has received the Owner's 'Notice to Proceed' submit: 1 Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this section. 2. Manufacturer's product information and other data needed to provide compliance with the specified requirements. 3 Manufacturers recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures on the work. Part 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Metal Studs, Joist, and Accessories A. All products to be manufactured by the current members of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association. B. All galvanized studs and joists shall be formed from steel that corresponds to the minimum requirements of 1996 A.I.S.I standards. C. All structural members shall be designed in accordance with the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 'Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members' 1996 edition. D. Provide all accessories including, but not limited to, tracks, clips web stiffeners, anchors, fastening devices, resilient clips, and other accessories required for a complete and proper installation, and as recommended by the manufacturer for the steel members used. E. Fastening of components shall be with self drilling screws or welding. Screws or welds shall be of sufficient size to insure the strength of the connection. All welds of galvanized steel shall be touched up with a zinc -rich paint. All welds of carbon sheet steel shall be touched up with paint. Wire tying of components shall not be permitted. Part 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Fabrication and Installation A. Prior to fabrication of framing, the contractor shall submit shop drawings to the architect or engineer to obtain approval. B Framing components may be preassembled into panels prior to erecting. Prefabricated panels shall be square with components attached in a manner to prevent racking and to minimize distortion while lifting and transporting. C. All framing components shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members or as required for an angular fit against abutting member D. Studs shall be plumbed, aligned and securely attached to flanges of both upper and lower runners, except that in the case of interior non -load bearing walls, studs need not be attached to upper or lower runners. E. In all doubled jamb studs and doubled headers not accessible to insulation contractors, insulation equal to that specified elsewhere shall be provided. F Splices in axial load bearing members other then runner track shall not be permitted. G. Temporary bracing where required, shall be provided until erection is complete. 3.2 Installation (Non load bearing walls) A. Runners should be securely anchored to the supporting structure as shown on the drawings. B. Jack studs or cripples shall be installed below window sills, above window and door heads, and elsewhere to furnish supports. C. Lateral bracing shall be provided by use of gypsum board and gypsum sheathing or by horizontal straps or cold rolled channels. Bracing shall conform to Section D3 of the AISI Specification. Provisions for structure vertical movement shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. E. Handling and lifting of prefabricated panels shall be done in a manner so as not to cause distortion in any member 3.3 Installation (Axial load bearing) A. Runners shall be securely anchored to the supporting structure as shown on the drawings. B. Complete, uniform and level bearing support shall be provided for the bottom runner C. Framing of wall openings shall include headers and supporting studs as shown on the drawings. D Diagonally braced stud walls, as indicated on the drawings, shall be provided at locations designated as 'shear walls' for frame stability and lateral load resistance. Additional studs, when necessary shall be positioned as indicated on the drawings to resist the vertical components. E. Splices in axially loaded studs shall not be permitted 3.4 Installation (Joists) A. Uniform and level joist bearing shall be provided at foundation walls by means of shims and /or non setting grout. B. Joists shall be located directly over bearing studs or a load distribution member shall be provided at the top of the bearing wall. C. Web stiffeners shall be provided at reaction points and /or points of concentrated loads where indicated on the drawings. D Joist bridging shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. E. Additional joist shall be provided under parallel partitions when the partition length exceeds one -half the joist span, also around all floor and roof openings, which interrupt one or more spanning members unless otherwise noted. F End blocking shall be provided where joist ends are not otherwise restrained from rotation. SSMASM MANUFACTURING .LOCATIONS SSMA Headquarters Chicago Illinois (312) 456 -5590 SSMA Technical Services Corvallis Oregon (541) 757 -8991 Manufacturing facilities FOR A COMPLETE PRODUCT INFORMATION CATALOG, GO TO WWW SSMA COM (OR CONTACT SSMA HEADQUARTERS, CHICAGO, IL) 07/01 0 BULLETIN NO 089 TITLE. DATE. PROJECT TO Submittal Review Div 22 23 HVAC Plumbing Submittal 2 June 2010 PENINSULA COLLEGE Maier Hall and West Campus Improvements Project No. 2006 -125 G (2 1) Nick Strohmeier (NS) FROM. Carl Dominguez DISTRIBUTION Owner Architect Contractor Consultant ENCLOSURES DATE 6/2/10 5/26/10 REMARKS F &K. COPIES 2 2 David Wegener Laura Price, Rick Croc- Walter Schacht, JC Letourneau, File HSW Bob Langberg, Paul Cronin, HS' V WSP F &K. Kimberly Paulson DESCRIPTION Submittal review- Volumes 1 2 Substitution Request Plaster Trap schacht I aslani architects RECEIVED NOV 1 8 2090 CITY UILD BUILDING DIVISION See Submittal Review Comments at the front of each section as well as enclosed with this Bulletin. Provide all necessary information as noted. SIA. Submittal Review Comments WSP F &K P -05 (comment 1) Confirming that Amber Booth is an acceptable manufacturer WSP F &K P -07 (comment 2) Confirming that Knauf is an acceptable manufacturer (comment 3) Confirming that Proto is an acceptable manufacturer WSP F &K P 13 (comment 2) Confirming that Perfection is an acceptable manufacturer (comment 3) Confirming that Homestead is an acceptable manufacturer (comment 5) Submit necessary product information to review Pacific Seismic as an acceptable manufacturer. (comment 6) Confirming American Meter is an acceptable manufacturer (comment 7) My confirmation with the college is that the tank is 'by others but the tank fittings are to be provided by the contractor Please provide the necessary submittal information for tank fittings as outlined in the specifications. 1 of 1 Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2^d Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443.3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Project Name. Peninsula College Maier Hall Date Received 5/14/10 WSP Flack Kurtz Project No. W08.33430 00 Date Returned 5/25/10 Submittal Description Supports, Hangers, Anchors and Sleeves Reviewed by Rob Westphal Contractor Submittal No. WSP Flack Kurtz Submittal No. P -04 Submittal Action EXCEPTIONS NOTED RESUBMIT FOR RECORD Comments: 1) Specification section 220529 2.2.A.1 includes clevis hangers Anvil fig 65 or 260 Loop hanger fig 69 submitted is not equal 2) Specification section 220529 2.2.0 1 Strut to be epoxy painted finish no finish indicated on cut sheet. Clamps to be galvanized finish no finish indicated on cut sheet. 3) Specification section 220529 2.2.L.1 Strut to be galvanized finish no finish indicated on cut sheet. 4) Submit on all items used for this project. Sleeves, penetration firestop and grout are noted on submittal section cover sheet 'as specified' with no submittal provided *END OF COMMENTS* NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED EXCEPTIONS NOTED IX RESUBMIT FOR RECORD NO RESUBMISSION REQUIRED REVISE AND RESUBMIT X Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of this part of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for providing all information necessary for this review confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes, techniques and sequences of construction; coordinating work with that of other trades and performing work in a safe and satisfactory manner Notations on this drawing do not authorize changes to the contract documents without written authorization from the owner's representatives. WSP Flack Kurtz Date May 2010 By Robert Westphal P -04 C. c*: n :i::s d' .ti"«^ k: rr.' `,.:.'�:�'"''i°°••�"'..,....... tom»« «s': ::'s «'tea: Peninsula College Maier Hall West Campus Improvements Phase 2 Eagle Harbor Associates LLC Mechanical Submittal Div 22 23 r.:.....':xx• «:a, —a'.,. ..._...::r. «.e:r «sir.. arm «x::....nw. ins^...^. r: c.......«..,.«_..... x... sn` ae............«.......,....,... ...........raes.....e:ya.,..... ^r. .y SPEC SECTION 220529- Supports, Hangers, Anchors and Sleeves Item Description Manufacturer Model No. 2.2.A General 2.2.A.1 Hangers serving Pipe 6' and Anvil Fig. 69 Fig. 260 2.2.A.2 Hangers serving Pipe 8' and None on Project 2.2.B Trapeze Pipe As specified 2.2.0 Wall Supports Anvil Fig. 194, 195, 199 2.2 C 1 Clamps Anvil AS -200 AS -1200 2.2 C.2 Copper Piping Anvil AS -004 thru AS -106 2.2.D Vertical Pipe Support 2.2 E Floor Support for Pipe 2.2 E.1 4 and Anvil Fig. 264 2.2.E.2 Stanchions Anvil Fig. 62 Fig. 63 2.2.1 Steel Hanger Rod Anvil Fig. 146, 140, 253 2.2.K.1 Beam Clamps Anvil 2.2 K.2 Jaw Type Beam Clamp Anvil 2.2.L Channel Anvil AS -300 2.2.N Concrete Inserts Wedge type Universal Type 2.2.0 Drainage Piping 2.3 Sleeves 2 4 Penetration Firestop 2 5 Grout Anvil Fig. 261 Fig. CT121 Anvil Anvil Anvil Fig 86 Fig 228 Fig 281 Fig 282 Fig. 261 As Specified As Specified As Specified PIPE RINGS 0 Fig. 69 Size Range: /z through 8' Material: Carbon steel Finish: Galvanized Service: Recommended for suspension of non insulated stationary pipe line. Maximum Temperature: 650° F Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 10) WW 171 (Type 10), ANSI /MSS SP-69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 10). UL Listed and FM Approved (Sizes 3 /4 8 Features: Threads are countersunk so that they cannot become burred or damaged. Knurled swivel nut provides vertical adjustment after piping is in place. Captured swivel nut in the 1 /2 through 6' sizes. The capture is permanent in the bottom portion of the band, allowing the hanger to be opened during installation if desired, but not allowing the nut to fall completely out. Ordering: Specify size, figure number and name. Note: The acceptability of galvanized coatings at temperatures above 450 °F is at the discretion of the end user Metric nut available upon request. Non captured nut also available upon request. Pipe Size 1 /2 3 /4 1 1 1 2 212 3 4 5 6 8 FIG. 69° LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Max Load I Weight Rod Size A B I C 300 525 650 1 000 Adjustable Swivel Ring, Tapped Per NFPA Standards 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.54 0.65 1.00 1 /2 through 1' pipe 3 A8 1 /2 Note: Reflects changes in rod diameter from previously published data per recent revisions in MSS -SP 58 69 Address: Contractor Engineer• I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 2% 2 2 /is 2% 2% 3% 4 3 4 5 /is 6 8 Approved as noted D Not approved I Remarks: 1 through 8' pipe 2 1 1 %6 1 /6 1 1 13/4 7/8 1% 2 11/8 2% 1 2 1 3 4 5 /is 7 1 2 2 PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved CLEVIS HANGERS 0 Fig. 260 Adjustable Clevis Hanger II: ''`'1'.,:t'. .7�'gr: R-ue 2.s1" .1sg Size Range: /2 through 30' Material: Carbon steel Finish: 0 Plain or D Galvanized, also available 0 plastic or 0 epoxy coated Service: Recommended for the suspension of stationary pipe lines. Maximum Temperature: Plain 650° F Galvanized and Epoxy 450° F Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 1), WW -H -171 -E (Type 1), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP -58 (Type 1). UL, ULC Listed and FM Approved (Sizes 3 /4 through 81. Installation: Hanger load nut above clevis must be tightened securely to assure proper hanger performance. Adjustment Vertical adjustment without removing pipe may be made from 3 /8 through 5 varying with the size of clevis. Tighten upper nut after adjustment. Features: Design has yoke on outside of lower U -strap so yoke cannot slide toward center of bolt, thus bending of bolt is minimized. Sizes 5' and up have rod and two nuts instead of bolt and nut; thread length on clevis rod is such that the thread locks the nuts in place, and threads are not in shear plane. Ordering: Specify pipe size, figure number name and finish. 1 FIG. 260• LOADS (LBS) WEIGHTS (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) 1 Notes: Punched forming holes may be Pipe Max Span Rod Rod Take Adjust. present on certain sizes of this clevis Size Load Ft. Weight Size A B C Out E F G hanger. These holes are solely for the /2 0.34 2 1' /z purpose of manufacturing, and do not 3 610 2 5 effect the structural integrity or load a r 0.34 2 1516 5/e 1 0.35 2/,6 3 1/6 carrying capacities of these hangers. For 1 0.40 /6 2 /8 31/4 111/16 1/4 insulated line options without shields, 11/2 730 g* 0.45 2 3 2 '/6 .see Figures 260 ISS and Figure 300. For 2 10* 0.50 3%6 41/2 2% 1 insulated line options with shields, see 2 11 0.65 4 %16 512 3 1 Figures 167 and 168. For ductile iron pipe 3 1,350 12* 0.85 12 4% 61/2 4 1% sizes, see Figure 590. 3 13* 1 10 5%6 7 %,6 4 1 When used, 4 1 430 14* 1.51 5%6 7 41/2 1 a pipe spa spacer mutt spacer should be 5 16* 1 70 6%,6 8 5'/2 1' /16 3/e placed over clevis bolt to ensure that the 6 1,940 17* 3.10 6 10 5 1 lower U -strap will not move in on the bolt. 8 2,000 19* 4 75 3/a 8% 12 7 2 1/2 10 3,600 22* 8.60 9%a 151/4 8 %s 21/8 A 12 3,800 23* 11.20 '/6 1 11 17 10 213/is 5/6 r 14 4,200 25* 12.50 12 19 10 %6 2 3 /a 1 i i c 1 16 4,600 27 19.85 1 14 22 12 2 1 e E� r 18 4,800 28 22.25 1 15 24 13 3 /16 1 w C 20 4.800 30 4 0 .33 I 17 779/, 153/,° represents the maximum span for water filled pipe as given in Table 1 of page 201 'Span' represents the maximum recommended distance between hangers on a continuous and straight run of Pipe Size 1 /2 to 3 /4 Pipe Sizes I horizontal standard weight steel pipe filled with water. In ali cases, verify that chosen location of hangers does and Larger not subject hangers to a load greater than the maximum recommended load shown above.*Indicates that span Address: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: Notes 1 Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 Project: PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Approved Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: BRACKETS Fig. 194 7:-=`,,,,7 Material: Carbon steel Finish: CI Plain or Galvanized Service: Recommended for support from below or above bracket. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 31), WW (Type 32), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 31). FM Approved when used with 3 /8 rod, 3 /4 4 pipe sizes 1 /2 rod, 5 8' pipe sizes. How to size: Determine bracket size by dimension of standard bracket most suitable to the installation. Installation: When bolted to a wall, an additional back plate may be required of such thickness and size as to properly distribute the weight over the wall. Size and thickness of the back plate is governed by the load to be carried and the nature and conditions of the wall. Back plates furnished upon request. Features: Bracket may be installed either in position illustrated or reversed. Ends of bracket are drilled to accept hanger rods up to 3 /4 Ordering: Specify bracket number, figure number, name and finish. Order separately: Hanger rods, 2 bolts and plate washers are available through our Regional Service Centers, order as a Figure 193. 1J C Bracket no 1 2 3 Address: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH 2008 w Max Load 750 2• Weight 3.1 77 12.8 W 9 13 19 FIG. 194 LOAD (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Light Welded Steel Bracket Additional Rod Attachments Available. Requires: 2 bolts, 2 plate washers (not included) 6 10'/2 1612 CI Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: ANVIL Project: PROJE T INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Approved ��N���^��U���U� ��mnmm�m������� 0 Fig. !:77?- Material: Carbon steet Finish: 0 Plain o, Service: Recommended for the support of Ioads from be[ow or above bracket. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A-A 1192A (Type 32), WW-H-171-E (Type 33), ANSI/MSS SP-69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 32). How to size: Determine size by dimensions most suitable to the installation (see dimensions of standard bracket below). Special weLded steel brackets can be furnished on order Installation: When bo[ted to a wall, an additional back plate may be required of such thickness and size as to properly distribute the weight over the waU. Size and thicknes ofthe back plate is governed by the Ioad to be carried and the nature and conditions of the wall. Back plates furnished upon request. Features: If supporting pipe by rod, rod can be installed anywhere along the length of the bracket thus providing horizontal adjustment. Ordering: Specify bracket number, fgure number, narne and finish. Orders for special brackets are to be accompanied by detaited sketch. Order Separatety' Rod, Fig. 60 bolts, nuts, and back plates for fastening brackets to wall. Specify size and length of rod, bolts size, thickness, and drilling of back plates. |Addmns: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: Notes 1 I Noto 2: Catalog PH-2008 w rrTh Fig. 60 Bracket no Max Load 1 Weight O 174 1 1,500 27.3 FIG. 195. LOAD (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) 12 18 24 B 18 24 30 Bracket Medium Welded Steel 5 PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: El Approved D Appmvodmonoted D Not approved Remarks: BRACKETS 0 Fig. 199 Material: Carbon steel Finish: D Plain or D Galvanized Service: Recommended for the support of loads from above or below bracket. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 33) WW 171 (Type 34), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 33). How to size: Determine size by dimensions most suitable to the installation (see dimensions of standard brackets below). Special welded steel brackets can be furnished on order Installation: When bolted to a wall, an additional back plate may be required of such thickness and size as to properly distribute the weight over the wall. Size and thickness of the back plate is governed by the load to be carried and the nature and conditions of the wall. Back plates furnished upon request. Features: If supporting pipe by rod, rod can be installed at any point along the length of the bracket thus providing horizontal adjustment. Ordering: Specify.bracket number figure number, name. Orders for special brackets are to be y re-h, w accompanied by detailed sketch. Order Separately Rod, Fig. 60, bolt f nuts, and back plates for fastening brackets to wall. Specify size and length of rod, bolts size, thickness, and drilling of back plates. Bracket no 0 2 3 4 5 Address: Contractor Engineer I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH 2008 Max Load 3,000 FIG. 199• LOAD (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) 1 Weight 1 24.3 I 51.8 1 65.8 1 82.1 1 140.5 166.4 W I 12 I 18 18 I 24 24 30 30 36 36 1 42 42 I 50 Fig. 60 C 15 21% 27 33'/4 39 46 Heavy Welded Steel Bracket 7 7 Alf'r 4-- r4-K-1 G O+ I D H 1' GAP HOLE HOLE DIA (L) DIA (L) E F 1 G 1 H 1 K 1 L 4 I 1 I 2 I 13 /16 2 1 I 2 1 15 /16 5 2 2 2 3 31/2 I 6 2 31/2 31/2 PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved 1 D Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: 8/08 'ANVIL-STRUT CHANNEL LEGEND GR: Powder Coated Supr -Green PG: Pre Galvanized AL. Aluminum HG: Hot Dipped Galvanized PL. Plain SS: Stainless Steel ITC: Zinc Trivalent Chromium AS 200 15/8 x 15/8 12 Gauge Channel wt. /100 ft. 194# Stocked in pre galvanized, plain and powder coated Supr- Green, in both 10 and 20 ft. lengths. Other materials, finishes and lengths are available upon request. See page 16 for welded combinations. PROPERTIES OF SECTION 1 Wt. /Ft. 1 Area of Section 1 X -X Axis 1 Y -Y Axis c`,•'1 `'S'ii o 'SC17t� fi0. 'rcin rl ;l'lll° ICiiid .'S�r),._. c rin;, }ctf .r _�:...a.. -.:Lbs rv :kg'a Sq:,7n. Sg, �ri1: ;kirr' r l r� �i. AS 200 I 1.94 0.88 1 0.544 3.510 1 0.180 AS 200BTB 1 3.88 1.76 1 1.088 7.019 1 0.896 Span or Anvil- Strut"" Column Catalog 2 305 18 457 24 610 30 762 36 914 42 1,067 48 1,219 60 1,524 72 1,829 84 2,134 96 2,438 108 2,743 120 3,048 180 4,572 240 6,09C AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB AS 200 AS 200 BTB I!. For Beam and Column Loading Data and load reduction information for channel with holes and concentrated loads, see notes on page 17 1 (41.28) 0.923" (23.44) 1 (41.28) I 1 W .53) 9/32 (7.14) lorlt Int (22.23) I Moment of Inertia S Section Modulus r Radius of Gyration 7.492 1 0.195 3.195 1 0.575 1.461 1 0.233 9.698 1 0.287 4.703 1 0.655 1.664 37.2941 0.570 9.341 1 0.908 2.306 1 0.466 19.3961 0.574 9.406 1 0.655 1.664 AS 200 BEAM AND COLUMN LOADS' Max Load of 1 Static Beam Load (X X Axis) Column Loaded Allowable Uniform Load Deflection Uniform Load Uniform Load C G 25,000 PSI (1758 Kg /cm 25,000 PSI (1758 Kg /cm 1 /240 l(q'. .L¢bs In ;lbs,... k,, 7.109 3.225 3.249 1.474 0.014 0.356 14.862 6.741 2.610"'" 1.184 0.008 0.203 6.549 2.971 2.166 982 0.031 0.787 14.402 6.533 2.610*** 1.184 0.018 0.457 5.938 2.693 1.625 737 0.055 1.397 13.919 6.314 2.610*"* 1.184 0.032 0.813 5.337 2.421 1.300 590 0.086 2.184 13.473 6.111 2.610"' 1.184 0.050 1.270 4.771 2.164 1.083 481 0.124 3.150 13.090 5.938 2.610"* 1.184 0.072 1.829 4.242 1.924 928 421 0.169 4.293 12,771 5,793 2.610 1.184 0.099 2.515 3.745 1.699 812 368 0.220 5.588 737 334 12.511 5.675 2.610 1.184 0.129 3.277 3.012 1.366 650 295 0.344 8.738 471 214 314 142 11.685 5.300 1.899 861 0.202 5.131 1.566 710 2.514 1.140 542 246 0.496 12.598 327 148 218 99 10.078 4.571 1.582 718 0.291 7.391 1.087 493 2.136 969 464 210 0.675 17.145 240 109 160 73 8.180 3.710 1.356 615 0.396 10.058 1.199 544 799 362 1.834 832 406 184 0.882 22.403 184 83 123 56 6.291 2.854 1.187 538 0.517 13.132 917 416 611 277 1.585 719 361 164 1.116 28.346 145 66 97 44 4,971 2,255 1,055 479 0.655 16.657 725 329 483 219 325 147 1.378 35.001 117 53 78 35 4.026 1.826 949 430 0.808 20.523 587 266 391 177 217 98 3.099 78.715 52 24 35 16 633 287 1.819 46.203 261 118 174 79 163 74 5.510 139.954 29 13 19 9 474 215 3.233 82.118 147 67 98 44 kir 1.257 570 873 396 641 291 491 223 ANVIL (mm) millimeters /ANVIL- 5Tr?UJ CHANNEL AS 200 Address: 1 Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: 8/08 1 /e GR, PG, Other SOLID Wt /100 Ft:190 lbs. AS 200K0 GR, PG, Other WITH KNOCK OUT AS 200S 1 /e GR, PG, Other 3 /3z X 3' SLOTS-‘ t 154 -1 7 /e DIA KNOCKOUTS r i t/2 4 Wt /100 Ft: 185 lbs. 6' Wt /100 Ft:190 lbs. WITH LONG SLOTS AS 200143 GR, PG, Other WITH HOLES ON ALL 3 SIDES 9 /1 DIA HOLES 15/' _t 13 /16 --�i«-1VA -1 Holes on all three sides are 1 on center. Wt /100 Ft:179 lbs. AS 200EH GR, PG, Other WITH ELONGATED HOLES 9 /16 X1 /e DIA HOLES 13 /16-- .4*-1 Wt /100 Ft:185 lbs. AS 200H GR, PG, Other WITH HOLES 3/4' dia. holes available AS 200H MOD Wt /100 Ft: 186 lbs. EH H Other LEGEND: GR: Powder Coated Supr Green PG: Pre Galvanized AL. Aluminum HG: Hot Dipped Galvanized PL. Plain SS: Stainless Steel ZTC: Zinc Trivalent Chromium Approved as noted Not approved I Remarks: 100 150 200 210 300 400 500 520 NVIL AS BTB WELDED BTB: Back -to -Back STS: Side -to -Side BTS: Back -to -Side STSR: Side -to- Opposite Side BTB4: (2) Back -to -Back (Four pieces) BTSB3: Back -to- Side -to -Back (Three pieces) Project: PROJECT INFORMATION Approved APPROVAL STAMP jNVfl-sTRuTJ PIPE CONDUIT SUPPORT *'/4 —4 Nominal CU Wtr Tube Sizes EG SS ❑ZTC COPPER PLATED AS 1200AS O.D. TUBING CLAMP I '/4 I 3/a Design Load i;;iie. tub Siza,1,Load:t,00g '/a 400 1 /4 400 Y' 3 /a 400 a% '/2 400 %1 a% 400 3 /4 400 1 7 /4 600 1' /a 1 600 1'% 11/4 600 1 11/4 600 11/2 1% 600 1% 11/2 600 1 1% 800 1' 1 800 2' 1' 800 21/4 2' 800 21/4 2 800 2%' 2'% 800 21/2' 2% 800 2%' 212 800 2% 2% 800 2' 2% 800 3' 21/4 800 31/4 3' 800 31/4 31/4 800 3 3'% 800 31/2' 3% 800 3 312' 800 3% 3s 800 StdrPk Wt1003pcs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 8 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 28 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 45 46 47 56 58 Std Pkg Wt /100 pcs: See chart above. ,Size, Tupe 5iie' „�:I oad;'Rating St4 P] 3% 4 4'% 4%4 4%' 4% 4a 4% 4' 5' 5'% 5'% 5 5'% 5% 5 5' 6 6/' 6'% 6% 6Y 6% 6% 6 /e 7 7% 7'% 7 7% 7% 7%4 7% 8 8' /e 8'% 8% 8'/2 8% 3 3'/ 4 4% 4' 4 4% 4% 4 4% 5 5% 5% 5% 5'% 5 5% 5/a 6 6% 6'/4 6% 6% 6% 63/4' 67/8' 7 7% 7'% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7/ 8 8'/a 8' /a' 8% 812 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 LEGEND GR: Powder Coated Supr -Green EG: Electro- Galvanized AL. Aluminum HG: Hot Dipped Galvanized PL. Plain SS: Stainless Steel ZTC: Zinc Trivalent Chromium PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved Address: I Approved as noted Contractors IJ Not approved JEngineer I Remarks: I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: 8/08 Wt/i$# .l 60 62 62 64 66 67 70 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 88 90 92 94 96 98 99 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 117 119 121 123 125 126 128 129 130 ANVIL AWIL-sTRUTJ PIPE CONDUIT SUPPORT Address: Contractor Engineer I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: 8/08 AS 0040D THRU AS 106P Make selection in chart below. CUSHION. CLAMP ASSEMBLY EG ZTC Other Material Clamp: 1008 -1010 Carbon Steel Cushion: Dupont Hytel Locknut: Nylon Insert Service Temperature: -65 °F to 275 °F. Std Pkg Wt /100 pcs: See chart above. t?artNo: ,0 t): Size A: C; ;St0kQ %I ,W000,pes_j AS 0040D /a' 0.25 0.62 0.98 25 10 AS 0060DN 3 /a 0.37 0.82 1 13 25 11 AS 00800N /z 0.50 0.94 1.34 25 13 AS 009P Pipe) 0.54 0.98 1.34 25 13 AS 0100DN 5 /a 0.62 1.06 1.54 25 14 AS 011P Pipe) 0.67 1 13 1.54 25 14 AS 0120DN 3 /a' 0.75 1.20 1.68 25 14 AS 014P ('/x Pipe) 0.84 1.29 1.82 25 15 AS 0140DN '/a 0.87 1.31 1.82 25 15 AS 0160D 1 1.00 1 44 1.95 25 17 AS 017P Pipe) 1.05 1.50 2.08 20 17 AS 0180DN 1'/ 1 12 1.57 2.08 20 18 AS 0200D 1% 1.25 1.70 2.21 20 18 AS 021 P (1 Pipe) 1.31 1.76 2.34 20 19 AS 0220DN 1% 1.37 1.82 2.34 20 20 AS 0240D 1% 1.50 1.95 2.47 20 33 AS 0260DN 1 1.62 2.07 2.60 20 35 AS 027P (14' Pipe) 1.66 2.17 2.73 20 35 AS 0280D 1% 1.75 2.20 2.73 20 37 AS 0300DP (1'% Pipe) 1.90 2.35 2.86 20 39 AS 0320D 2' 2.00 2.45 3.04 10 41 AS 0340D 2% 2.12 2.57 3.23 10 46 AS 0380DP (2' Pipe) 2.37 2.82 3.67 10 47 AS 0400D 2%z 2.50 2.94 3.79 10 49 AS 0420D 2% 2.62 3.07 3.92 5 51 AS O460DP (2%z Pipe) 2.87 3.32 4.17 5 55 AS 0480D 3' 3.00 3.57 4.42 5 57 AS 0500D 3% 3.12 3.57 4.42 5 60 AS 0560DP (3' Pipe) 3.50 3.95 4.79 5 55 AS 0580D 3 3.62 4.20 5.11 5 70 AS 06400P (3%Z Pipe) 4.00 4 45 5.42 5 88 AS O660D 4Ya 4.12 4.57 5.54 5 94 AS 0720DP (4 Pipe) 4.50 4.95 5.92 5 110 AS 0820D 51/8 5.12 5.57 6.54 5 125 AS 089P (5' Pipe) 5.56 6.01 6.92 5 130 1 AS 0980D 6% 6.12 6.57 7.54 5 130 I AS 106P (6' Pipe) 6.62 7.07 8.23 5 140 LEGEND: GR: Powder Coated Supr -Green EG: Electro- Galvanized AL. Aluminum HG: Hot Dipped Galvanized PL. Plain SS: Stainless Steel ZTC: Zinc Trivalent Chromium PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: ANVIL STEEL PIPE CLAMPS 0 Fig. 261 0 zara Size Range: 3 /4 through 24' Material: Carbon steel Finish: 0 Plain, 0 Galvanized or 0 Epoxy coated Service: For support of stationary steel pipe risers, cast iron pipe or conduit. This product is not intended for use with hanger rods. For this application refer to Fig. 40 Riser Clamp, page 31. Maximum Temperature: Plain 650° F Galvanized and Epoxy 450° F Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 8) WW -H -171 -E (Type 8), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 8). UL, ULC Listed (Sizes 1 '/2 8 Installation: Clamp is fitted and bolted preferably below a coupling or welded lugs on steel pipe. Bolt torques should be per industry standards (see page 208). Clamp is designed for standard steel pipe O.D. and this must be considered in sizing the riser for other types of piping. Ordering: Specify pipe size, figure number, name and finish. Pipe Size '/2 3 /4 1 1'/4 1 2 21/2 3 3'/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Address: Contractor sEngineer 1 Submittal Date: Notes 1 Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 FIG. 261: LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) TORQUE (FT -LBS) Max Load 45 220 250 300 400 500 600 750 1,500 1,600 2,500 2,700 2,900 3,200 Weight L G B C 11 11 11 1.6 1.6 17 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.6 4.0 7.6 11 1 16.5 177 30.4 33.8 35.0 82.0 8'/e 10 10Y4 1114 11% 12'/8 13 1 14% I 1'/2 18Y2 1 20'/4 22% 2 24 26 28 2Y 30 I 36% I 3 Extension Pipe or Riser Clamp 2'/6 2'/e 3Y8 312 3'/8 4'/4 4% 512 6'/2 7 8 9 12 13% 15% 17'/4 19% 21% 23% 30 1_/ 1 CED '37 1 I B _I L Bolt Torque Diameter Values 3 /8 3 /8 21 '/2 x /16 '/2 '/2 32 46 5 /8 Y8 100 3 /a 3 /a 150 190 1 I '/8 PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved Approved as noted Not approved 1 Remarks: I%IVIL COPPER TUBING HANGERS 0 Fig. CT -121 Q Size Range: /2 through 4' Material: Carbon steel Finish: 0 Copper plated, also available in yellow dichromate. Service: Recommended for support and steadying of copper tube risers, either insulated or non insulated. This product is not intended for use with hanger rods. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 8) WW 171 (Type 8), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP -58 (Type 8). Service: For support and steadying of copper tubing risers. Installation: Clamp is fitted and bolted preferably below a coupling or fitting on the tubing. Do not over tighten bolts. Features: Rounded ears provide greater safety for personnel. Ordering: Specify tube size, figure number, name. Tube Size Max Load Weight 1/2 75 0.52 3 /a 0.56 1 120 0.94 1Y4 0.98 11/2 150 1.50 2 1.50 2 1 70 3 1.80 300 31/2 1.90 4 2.60 Note: Minimum loads per MSS SP only applicable to 1 and up. Address: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: Notes 1 Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 L' Copper Tubing Riser Clamp OI 10 B 1 L FIG. CT -121: LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) TORQUE (FT-LBS) L Stock Width Bolt Size Torque Values PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: D Approved 0 Approved as noted D Not approved Remarks: C 17 i 5 /16 11 3 /a 21 46 r 'PIPE SUPPORTS Fig. 264 Adjustable Pipe Saddle Support Size Range: 2 through 36' Material: Cast iron saddle, locknut nipple and special cast iron reducer, assembled. Finish: 0 Plain or 0 Galvanized Service: Stanchion type support where vertical adjustment of stationary pipe is required. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A A -1192A (Type 38), WW 177 (Type 39), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 38). Installation: Adjustment is obtained by turning the locknut nipple. The lower end of the nipple is staked, upsetting the threads to prevent separation of nipple and coupling during adjustment. Features: i Vertical adjustment of approximately 4 Saddle supports a broad range of pipe sizes Ordering: Specify pipe size to be supported, figure number name and finish. o Order Separately Figure 63T Square Cut Threaded stanchion szE -POE End Stanchion. Specify 'D' and pipe size to be supported by Figure 264. Pipe Size I 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 32 36 Address: Contractor )Engineer Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 -Base Plata Fig. 63T Square Cut Threaded End (use with Saddle) FIG. 264. LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Weight Complete 1 Saddle Only 9.0 4.8 9.2 5.0 9.4 5.2 15.0 7.6 16.7 8.3 17 7 10.3 20.2 12.8 25.2 17.8 29.0 21.6 40.2 38.0 53.2 42.0 70.8 51.0 104.8 85.0 121.0 98.0 137.0 110.0 154.0 130.0 170.0 150.0 181.0 161 1 249.0 229.0 A B D 312 21/2 3 11/2 4 41/4 4% /a 3 6%s 21/2 81 9 10 4 123/8 3 13% 31/2 15% 15'/2 6 1715/16 1812 216/16 4 22'/2 2412 NOM. PIPE j SIZE •a E Min 1 Max 8 814 812 9 10 1012 11% 131 15 16 17% 1912 21 21 /is 23% 24 /is 27 281/4 30'/4 13 1314 1312 14 14% 151/4 16'/2 1814 19 20 22'/4 24 2512 25 28 28 3112 32 34% The special cast iron reducer may be furnished with a hexed shaped smaller end. Standard Wall Pipe The above load ratings are applicable to the saddle only and are not applicable to the stanchion or other means used to support the saddle. Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: Width Max C Load 3 1,800 3 /e 3,800 4 6% 8% ANVIL 5,300 6,700 7,300 PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved PIPE SUPPORTS Aistv& Fig. 62, Type A, B and C 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Weight (Lbs) I Address: I Contractor Engineer I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH-2008 7 -7.1tr t Field 4— Top Weld Stanchion 1/4 Vent Hole Pipe or Elbow Size (in) •t: 11/ 12 3" Nominal +1- 3' 4— Bottom Stanchion Base Plate r Fig. 62, Type A (L. R. Elbow) with adjustable base 21/ 28 Indicates available stanchion size for pipe or elbow size. Fig. 62, Type B (S. R. Elbow) with adjustable base Top Stanchion Size (Standard Weight Pipe) 4 55 14-- Top Field Pt Stanchion Weld 1 /4" Vent Hole Bottom Stanchion Base Plate 5 75 To Order Specify. Figure Number, Type, Pipe Size, Top Stanchion Size, Material Specification and 'D' Dimension. For base plates that require holes, also specify hole size, and the center line to center line of the holes. A I D Pipe Stanchion Field 4 Top Weld 14' 4 151-1 Stanchion 1/4" Vent H I Bottom #L4 Stanchion Base Plate Fig. 62, Type C (Horizontal Pipe) with adjustable base DIMENSIONS (IN) Top Bottom Base Stanchion Stanchion Plate 11/2 1 2 Std. 1 %x6x6 21/2 1 3 Std. 4 1 5 Sch. 80 1 1 3/ %x 0 8 x 1 1 0 x x 1 1 0 0 5 1 6 Sch. 80 1 %x10x10 1 Fig. 62 Stanchion with Adjustable Base Project: PROJECT INFORMATION LJ Approved APPROVAL STAMP 1 EJ Approved as noted 1 D Not approved I Remarks: PIPE SUPPORTS Fig. 63, Type A, B and C 0 Pipe or Elbow Size (in) 2% 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 42 Weight (Lbs) Address: Contractor 'Engineer Submittal Date: Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 Fig. 62, Type A (L. R. Elbow) Stanchion Size (Standard Weight Pipe) 11/2 1 2 21/2 3 I 4 I 5, 6 8 110 112 14 1 16 20 24 9.5 11.6 16.4 23.7 D Ya' Vent Hole Fig. 63, Type B (S. R. Elbow) 31.8 47.0 59.0 Indicates available stanchion size for pipe or elbow size. Variations of Figure 63's also shown with Figures 258, 259, 264, and 265. Stanchion 100.0 164.0 Fig. 63, Type C (Horizontal Pipe) 201.0 230.0 282.0 374.0 515.0 Stanchion Size 1'/ 2 2' 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24 Approved as noted I Not approved Remarks: Pipe Stanchion DIMENSIONS (IN) Base Plate Fig. 63 Stanchion %x6x6 %x8x8 %x10x10 %x14x14 1 Yzx18x18 /zx20x20 'hx22x22 'hx24x24 1 Yzx30x30 1 To Order Specify: Figure Number, Type, Pipe Size, Stanchion Size, Material Specification and 'D' Dimension. For base plates that require holes, also specify hole size, and the center line to center line of the holes. PROJECT INFORMATION Project: Approved APPROVAL STAMP HANGER RODS Fig. 146 a7"..X"7:-•;:4 727.'"'"7 Z''2.71V d Size Range: through 1 Stocked in six, ten, and twelve foot lengths. Other even foot lengths can be furnished to order Material: Carbon steel; rod threaded complete length. Finish: 0 Plain or 0 galvanized. Maximum Temperature: 650° F Ordering: Specify rod diameter and length, figure number, name and finish. Note: The acceptability of galvanized coatings at temperatures above 450°F is at the discretion of the end user -Length FIG. 146: LOADS (LBS) WEIGHTS (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Rod Size Threads A per Inch 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 A Note: Other rod sizes available upon request. Class 2 fit is available upon request. Address: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH-2008 Continuous Threaded Rod Max Load 650 F 240 730 1,350 2,160 3,230 4,480 5,900 9,500 13,800 Project: PROJE Approved 1 1 Approved as noted LJ Not approved Remarks: Weight per Ft. 0.12 0.30 0.53 0.84 1.20 1 70 2.30 3.60 5.10 c HANGER RODS Fig. 140: Right Hand Threads Fig. 253: Right and Left Hand Threads Size Range: /8 through 5' Material: Carbon steel Finish: 0 Plain or 0 Galvanized Ordering: Specify rod size, figure number, name, rod length and finish, Specify thread length if other than standard. Note: The acceptability of galvanized coatings at temperatures above 450 °F is at the discretion of the end user FIG. 140, 253. LOADS (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Rod Size Threads A per Inch 3 /3 '/2 5/ 3 /4 7 /8 Address: I Contractor Engineer I Submittal Date: Notes 1 Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4'/2 4 4 650° F 730 1,350 2,160 3,230 4 480 5,900 9,500 13,800 18,600 24,600 32,300 39,800 Max Load 750° F 572 1,057 1,692 2,530 3,508 4,620 7 440 10,807 14,566 19,265 25,295 31 169 1 Standard Rod 1Thread Length D* 2'/2 2 3 31/ 3 3'/2 3'/2 3 4 4 5 4'/4 6 4'/2 7 4 8 5 9 10 FIG. 140, 253: LOADS (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) (CONT) Rod Size Threads A per Inch 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 UN 4 UN 4 UN 4 UN Machine Threaded Rods Threaded Both Ends 650° F 49,400 60,100 71,900 84 700 98,500 113,400 129,400 146,600 164 700 184,000 I A 14 D Max Load 750° F 38,687 47,066 56,307 66,331 77139 88,807 101,337 114,807 128,982 144,096 *Fig. 140 rod up to 1 rod size and 24' in length may be furnished as Fig 146 rod unless order states that all thread rod is not acceptable. PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved I Approved as noted I Not approved Remarks: ANVIL Standard Rod Thread Length D* 11 12 13 14 15 18 BEAM CLAMPS Fig. 86: C -Clamp with Set Screw and Lock Nut Size Range: 3 /8 through 3 /4 Material: Malleable iron clamp, hardened steel cup point set screw Finish: Plain or Galvanized Service: Recommended for attachment to 'W' and 'M' beams where thickness of flange Z (see table page 203) does not exceed 0.75 When clamp is used with Fig. 89 retaining clip, flange thickness may not exceed 0.62' Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A A-1192A (Type 23), WW -H -171 -E (Type 23), ANSI/ MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 23). UL, ULC Listed (Sizes 3 /8 thru 3 /4') and FM Approved (Sizes 3 /8'). Installation: Follow recommended set screw torque values per MSS -SP -69 (See table on page 208). The Fig. 88 is only to be used on installations where the clamp cannot become dislodged from the beam. Features: Malleable body assures: 1) Uniform quality and strength. 2) Full thread engagement. Hardened steel cup point set screw for securing to beam flange. Ribbed design of clamp provides added strength. Ordering: Specify rod size, figure number, name, length of retaining clip, if desired. (Add 2' to flange width of beam to arrive at proper length of retaining clip.) If required length is not standard, order next longer standard. Rod Size A Torque Value 8 /e 60 '/2 60 5 /s 60 8 /4 60 Maximum temperature of 450° F I Address: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 Max Load 440 500 2 z i 14' i. Fig. 89X C E 3 /4 A FIG. 86: LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) TORQUE (IN -LBS) H 400 11/4 5 /8 1% 1Y Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: Weight 0.28 0.31 0.42 0.55 C -Clamp PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved BEAM CLAMPS 0 Fig. 228 c� Material: Forged steel Finish: 0 Plain or Galvanized Service: For suspension of heavy loads from beams with flange widths to 15' and flange thickness to 1.031. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 28 without links; Type 29 with links), WW 171 E (Type 30 31), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 28 without links; Type 29 with links). Installation: Fit jaws over edges of lower beam flange and tighten nuts on tie rod to lock clamp in place. Features: Upper nut is tapped to any specified size up to the maximum rod size. Quickly easily, economically installed. Tie rod insures a tight non -slip fit to the beam. Clamps are available, tapped to any specified rod size up to the maximum rod size. Ordering: Specify clamp size, figure number, name, rod size and finish. Note: The application of a load to a structural beam by means of a beam clamp produces a transverse stress, perpendicular to the axis of the beam, in the flange to which the load is applied. Size per load, beam flange width and rod size Address: Contractor Engineer Submittal Date: 1 Notes 1 Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 FIG. 228: LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Clamp Max Rod Max Jaw and Size No Size A Load Weight Z Max B Nut Size 1 5 /6 1 2,160 1 3.3 1 11/46 1 228 1 1 2 1 3 4 480 O 0.60 6 0. 1% 228 2 1 5 1'/2 11,500 1 3 1.031 2% 228 3 A For reference only, order by clamp size. Furnished with links. Note: Load capacity based on rod sizes shown. For load capacity of other rod sizes see page 201 For actual 'Z' dimensions see table on page 203. 11/2" Fig. 228 (without Links) Universal Forged Steel (UFS) Beam Clamp with UFS (Upper) Nut Right -Hand Thread n ate: z�, e k.� n A Fig. 228 (with Links) Clamp 1 Width of Beam Flange (in) Size Rod Take Out E (in) NO I 3 I, 4 5 I 6 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1 I 11/2 l 3 A 1 I l 1 1 2 1 1 1' /i6 1 /is 1 Ye n I I I I 1 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 11/2 1 1 5/16 4 1 1 2 2 1 21/46 1 1 6 11/4 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 Furnished with links. PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved 1 1 Approved as noted 0 Not approved 1 Remarks: ANVIL STRUT) CHANNEL LEGEND. GR: Powder Coated Supr -Green PG: Pre Galvanized AL. Aluminum HG: Hot Dipped Galvanized PL. Plain SS: Stainless Steel ZTC: Zinc Trivalent Chromium 8/08 AS 300 1 x 15 /8ii 12 Gauge Channel wt. /100 ft. 176# Stocked in pre galvanized, plain and powder coated Supr- Green, in both 10 and 20 ft. lengths. Other materials, finishes and lengths are available upon request. See page 16 for welded combinations. I Moment of Inertia S Section Modulus r Radius of Gyration Y Y Axis I• i 5 lbs' ��SgrinSQ;�Crri. .fn tCrit� s� .S.iir�, S °cf Krin.... 'rc C _tm'�; S ,`S;cirt;,;�= .:YSn`.E r,cr6: 1.631 1 PROPERTIES OF SECTION 1 Wt. /Ft. 1 Area of Section 1 X -X Axis AS 300 1 1.76 0.80 1 0.492 3.174 1 0.117 4.870 1 0.148 2.425 1 0.489 1.242 1 0.203 I AS 300BTB 1 3.52 1.60 1 0.983 6.342 1 0.570 23.725 1 0.431 7.063 1 0.762 1.935 1 0.406 16.899 1 0.499 8.177 1 0.642 1.631 Span or Anvil- Strut' Column Catalog 12 305 18 457 24 610 30 762 36 914 42 1,067 48 1,219 60 1,524 72 1,829 84 2,134 96 2,438 108 2,743 120 3,048 180 4,572 240 6,096 AS 300 6.286 AS 300 BTB 13.094 AS 300 5.835 AS 300 BTB 12.695 AS 300 5.371 AS 300 BTB 12.310 AS 300 4.935 AS 300 BTB 11.979 AS 300 4.533 AS 300 BTB 11,713 AS 300 4.157 AS 300 BTB 11,503 AS 300 3.795 AS 300 BTB 11,338 AS 300 3.094 AS 300 BTB 10.191 AS 300 2.551 AS 300 BTB 8.718 AS 300 2.131 AS 300 BTB 6,978 AS 300 1.797 AS 300 BTB 5.347 AS 300 AS 300 BTB AS 300 AS 300 BTB AS 300 AS 300 BTB AS 300 AS 300 BTB 2,851 2.473 5,939 2.210 2,647 1.649 5,758 2.210 2.436 1:236 5.584 2.210 2.238 989 5,434 2,210 2.056 824 5.313 2,210 1.886 707 5.218 2,053 1.721 618 5.143 1,797 1.403 495 4,623 1,437 1,157 413 3.709 1,198 967 353 3,165 1.027 815 309 2,425 898 .275 4.225 1,916 799 247 3.422 1,552 719 165 479 124 359 1.122 1.002 748 1.002 561 1.002 449 1.002 374 1.002 321 931 280 815 225 652 187 543 160 466 140 407 125 362 112 326 75 217 56 163 For Beam and Column Loading Data and load reduction information for channel with holes and concentrated loads, see notes on page 17 1 (34.93) 1 0.791' (20.09) 0.016 0.406 0.010 0.254 0.036 0.914 0.022 0.559 0.064 1.626 0.038 0.965 0.100 2.540 0.060 1.524 0.145 3.683 0.086 2.184 0.197 5.004 628 0.118 2.997 0.257 6.528 481 0.154 3.912 0.402 10.211 308 0.240 6.096 0.579 14.707 214 0.346 8.788 1,039 0.788 20.015 157 0.471 11.963 763 1.029 26.137 120 0.615 15.621 584 1.302 33.071 95 0.778 19.761 462 1.608 40.843 77 0.961 24.409 374 3.618 91.897 34 2.162 54.915 166 6.431 163.347 19 3.844 97.638 93 1 (41.28) 3/8 (9.53) 9 /32 (7.14) 4. 7/e (22.23) 8.449 1 0.250 4.097 1 0.642 0 1 AS 300 BEAM AND COLUMN LOADS Max Load of 1 Static Beam Load (X X Axis) Column Loaded Allowable Uniform Load Deflection Uniform Load C GI 25,000 PSI (1758 Kg/cm') 25,000 PSI (1758 Kg /cmz) 7 24o 285 218 140 97 471 71 346 54 265 43 210 35 170 15 75 8 42 (mm) millimeters Uniform Load I /360 fie 820 372 570 259 419 190 2.035 923 320 145 1.558 707 205 93 997 452 142 64 692 314 105 48 509 231 BO 36 389 176 63 29 308 140 51 23 249 113 23 10 111 50 13 6 62 28 c� L INVIL-STIVUTJ CHANNEL AS 300 SOLID Address: Contractor• Engineer I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: 8/08 f 1 AS 300K0 GR, PG, Other WITH KNOCK OUT AS 300S GR, PG, Other 13 /32 x 3' SLOTS-\ is %B 4- --I- V2H F l GR, PG, Other 7 /e DIA KNOCKOUTS 4 Wt /100 Ft: 165 lbs. Wt /100 Ft: 170 lbs. 6' Wt/100 Ft: 170 lbs. WITH LONG SLOTS I AS 300BTB GR, PG, Other WELDED Wt /100 Ft: 340 lbs. AS 300EH GR, PG, ❑.Other WITH ELONGATED HOLES 9 /i6 X 1 DIA HOLES H2 H Wt /100 Ft: 165 lbs. AS 300H GR, PG, Other WITH HOLES 9 /16 DIA HOLES dia. holes available AS 300H MOD Wt /100 Ft: 165 lbs. EH H Other LEGEND GR: Powder Coated Supr -Green PG: Pre Galvanized AL. Aluminum HG: Hot Dipped Galvanized PL. Plain SS: Stainless Steel ZTC: Zinc Trivalent Chromium 1 Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: 100 150 200 210 300 400 500 520 AS BTB WELDED BTB: Back -to -Back STS: Side -to -Side BTS: Back -to -Side STSR: Side -to- Opposite Side BTB4: (2) Back -to -Back (Four pieces) BTS83: Back -to- Side -to -Back (Three pieces) Project: PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Approved CONCRETE INSERTS ATTACHMENTS Fig. 281 Size Range: /4 through 7 /6 Material: Carbon steel body malleable iron nut Finish: Plain or 0 Galvanized Service: Upper attachment for suspending pipe or conduit from concrete ceiling. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 18), WW 171 (Type 19), ANSI /MSS 5P -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 18). UL, ULC Listed and FM Approved (Sizes 3 /8 3 /4 Installation: 1. Nail insert to wooden forms. 2. Where convenient, reinforcing rods may be placed in the opening through the top of the insert, or short lengths of reinforcing rod may be wired to the insert prior to pouring concrete. However note that the specified load ratings and approvals are not dependent on the use of any reinforcing rods in contact with the insert. 3. After concrete is poured and forms removed, insert screw driver into slot in knockout plate and snap it out. 4 The nut may be put on the rod before inserting in the insert body Then, turn rod so that elongated nut lies across the slot; screw rod through nut until rod is firmly against the top of the recess. Features: Nut may be put on hanger rod before insertion, avoiding need of locating nut in insert body prior to inserting rod. Insert nut, when located in position, wedges against the sloping sides of insert, providing greater support than if resting on lower edge of the insert body Wedge- shaped body is so held by concrete in compression thus increasing load carrying capacity. Easily removed knockout plate. LOAD (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) Rod can be adjusted along complete length of slot. One body for six sizes of rod. Rod Size Max Ordering: Specify figure number, narne and size of nut. A Load TWO 3 /16" DIA. HOLES EACH END Address: Contractor 'Engineer• Submittal Date: I Notes 1 Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 316" 1 /2 I 27/32" f1.1 1 C�� l `JI 1 adj. 3 4 2 15 /16" Insert Complete With Nut Insert Only 1 Nut Only Wedge Type Concrete Insert 1 /4 3 /6 /2 5 /8 3 /4 7 /6 '/4 3 /6 FIG. 281: 240 730 1,130 1,200 Approved as noted Not approved Remarks: /.NVIL Weight 0.82 0.86 0.89 0.86 0.93 0.69 0.13 0.17 1 0.20 1 0.17 1 0.24 1 Based on insert and nut only. Rating is subject to the condition that the concrete used is of sufficient strength to hold the insert. PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved CONCRETE INSERTS ATTACHMENTS Fig. 282 7 7 r7rf Size Range: 3 /8 through 7 /Et Material: Malleable iron body and nut Finish: L:1 Plain or D Galvanized Service: Upper attachment for suspending pipe, shafting, motors and similar equipment from a concrete ceiling; especially suitable where rod sizes cannot be readily determined in advance. Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A-A-1192A (Type 18), WW (Type 18), ANSI/MSS SP-69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 18). UL, FM and ULC Approved. Installation: 1. Nail insert to wooden forms. 2. Where convenient, reinforcing rods may be placed in the opening through the top of the insert, or short lengths of reinforcing rod may be wired to the insert prior to pouring concrete. However, the specified load ratings and approvals are not dependent on the use of any reinforcing rods in contact with the insert. 3. After concrete is poured and wooden forms are removed, place nut in insert and screw rod through nut until rod is firmly against the top of the insert body The rod should not be forced against the top of the recess thereby placing unnecessary stress at the opening of the insert by the nut. Features: Cast body prevents concrete seepage. Opening in top of insert provides for use of reinforcing rods up to 7 /8 diameter Sides of insert are recessed for reinforcing rods up to 1 diameter. Low height, broad flat bottom and widely separated nail slots minimize displacement during construction. The nut, held in place by V type teeth on both insert and nut, can be raised and moved from side to side providing for lateral adjustment. Rod is locked in place by screwing it firmly against the LOAD (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) top of the recess. One body size. Ordering: Specify figure number name, finish and size of nut. Address: Contractor Engineer I Submittal Date: I Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH-2008 3 31/ h e-- 1 7 /13 Insert Complete With Nut 1 Insert Only Nut Only Rod Size A 3/ 1/ 1/4 7 /8 Universal Concrete Insert FIG. 282 CB: Adjustment B Based on insert and nut only. Rating is subject to the condition that the concrete used is of sufficient strength to hold the insert. PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: D Approved D Approved as noted L) Not approved Remarks: Max Load 730 1,130 1,140 1,140 1,140 AWIL Weight 1.5 1.3 1 0.2 STEEL PIPE CLAMPS Fig. 261 Size Range: 3 /4 through 24 Material: Carbon steel Finish: 0 Plain, 0 Galvanized or 0 Epoxy coated Service: For support of stationary steel pipe risers, cast iron pipe or conduit. This product is not intended for use with hanger rods. For this application refer to Fig. 40 Riser Clamp, page 31. Maximum Temperature: Plain 650° F Galvanized and Epoxy 450° F Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A- A -1192A (Type 8) WW -H -171 -E (Type 8), ANSI /MSS SP -69 and MSS SP 58 (Type 8). UL, ULC Listed (Sizes 1 8 Installation: Clamp is fitted and bolted preferably below a coupling or welded lugs on steel pipe. Bolt torques should be per industry standards (see page 208). Clamp is designed for standard steel pipe O.D and this must be considered in sizing the riser for other types of piping. Ordering: Specify pipe size, figure number, name and finish. FIG. 261: LOADS (LBS) WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (IN) TORQUE (FT -LBS) Pipe Max Bolt Torque Size Load Weight L G B C Diameter Values '/2 3 /4 1 11/4 11/2 2 2Y 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 45 220 250 300 400 500 600 750 1,500 1,600 2,500 2,700 2,900 3,200 11 11 11 1.6 1.6 17 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.6 4.0 7.6 11 1 16.5 177 30 4 33.8 35.0 82.0 8% 10 101/4 11'/4 11 12% 13 14 18Y 20Y 22 24 26 28 30 36% 1 1Y 2 2Y 3 Extension Pipe or Riser Clamp 0 10 I. 8 -1 L 2' 2' 3 3' 3' 414 4 51/2 6'/2 7 8 9 12 13% 15% 171/4 19 21 23% 30 T 'F7 3 /8 3 /8 21 '/2 1/4s 32 Y 1/2 46 5 /a 5 /8 100 1/4 3 /4 150 1 I '/a I 190 1 PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVAL STAMP Project: Approved Address: 1 Approved as noted I Contractor Not approved Engineer I Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1 I Notes 2: Catalog PH -2008 1 SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Project Name. Peninsula College Maier Hall Date Received 5/14/10 WSP Flack Kurtz Project No. W08 33430 00 Date Returned 5/25/10 Submittal Description. Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraints Reviewed by Rob Westphal Contractor Submittal No. WSP Flack Kurtz Submittal No. P -05 Submittal Action. EXCEPTIONS NOTED NO RESUBMISSION REQUIRED Comments: 1) Amber -Booth is not listed as an acceptable manufacturer Product meets specifications. Architect to confirm 2) 3) *END OF COMMENTS* NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED EXCEPTIONS NOTED j RESUBMIT FOR RECORD pa NO RESUBMISSION REQUIRED REVISE AND RESUBMIT X Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of this part of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for providing all information necessary for this review• confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes, techniques and sequences of construction; coordinating work with that of other trades and performing work in a safe and satisfactory manner Notations on this drawing do not authorize changes to the contract documents without written authorization from the owner's representatives. WSP Flack Kurtz Date May 25 2010 B Robert Westphal P -05 t SPEC SECTION 220548- Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraints Peninsula College Maier Hall West Campus Improvements Phase 2 Eagle Harbor Associates LLC Mechanical Submittal Div 22 23 Item Description Manufacturer Model No. 2.3 Vibration Isolators 2.3.A.1 Type A Spring Isolators Amber-Booth SW 1A SW 1A 2.3.A.2 Type B Spring Isolators Amber-Booth SWSR SWSR 2.3.A.3 Type C Hanger Rod Isolators Amber-Booth BSRA BSRA 2.4 Seismic Restraints 2.4 1 a Seismic Restraint, Type I Amber-Booth ER ER 2.4 1 b Seismic Restraint Type II Amber-Booth AC AC 0 241 c Seismic Restraint Type III Amber-Booth SB-125 SB-125 2 1 /2" SQUARE 3/4" 3 1/2" FREE HT STANDARD BASEPLATE CERTIFIED FOR PURCHASER __EAGLE HARBOR ORDER NO. PROJECT URBAN WATERS TYPE A SPRING ISOLATOR 3/8" DIA ADJ BOLT 1/4" RIBBED NEOPRENE PAD (STANDARD STYLE A) TYPE SW -1A VIBRATION ISOLATOR FOR 1" DEFLECTION 4" 3 tt 1 /2" r 1" 2" 1 STYLE A BASEPLATE NEOPRENE GROMMET FOR 3/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT ISOLATOR RATED LOAD SIZE 1" DEFL (LBS) SW -1A -50 50 SW -1A -100 100 SW -1A -150 150 SW -1A -200 200 SW -1A -300 300 SW -1A -400 400 SW-1A-500 500 SW -1A -600 600 MAXIMUM LOAD (LBS 82 I 146 220 265 390 510 570 730 I SW -1A --500 600 HAVE A 1 -3/8" 0 D SPRING NESTED INSIDE 2" 0 D SPRING AMBER /BOOTH COMPANY, INC HOUSTON, TEXAS SCALE NONE DATE 11 -11 -70 DWG. NO. S 2021 REV Fl FREE HT H 1/4" OPER. HT E DIA. HOLES CERTIFIED FOR: PURCHASER EAGLE HARBOR ORDER NO. PROJECT URBAN WATERS TYPE B SPRING ISOLATOR G DIA. ADJUSTING BOLT ELASTOMERIC BUSHING AMBER/BOOTH COMPANY TYPE SWSR SEISMICALLY RESTRAINED HOUSTON, TEXAS VIBRATION ISOLATOR FOR 1 2' DEFLECTION SCALE NONE DWG. NO. REV. DATE 1 19 -87 A -SR -11 Q2 3 NOTES 1 SWSR ISOLATOR HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND ULTIMATE SEISMIC FORCES IN EXCESS OF 1G HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY WHEN PROPERLY INSTALLED AND APPROPRIATELY MOUNTED TO EQUIPMENT. SEE TABLE BELOW FOR ALLOWABLE DESIGN RATINGS. INTERPOLATE TO OBTAIN ALLOWABLE FOR ISOLATOR SIZE IN BETWEEN GIVEN RANGE. 2. SWSR ISOLATOR HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO LIMIT MOTION UNDER SEISMIC FORCES TO APPROXIMATELY 1/4" 3. ALL ISOLATOR RATINGS ARE BASED ON ITW RAMSET /RED HEAD WEDGE FROM ANCHORS OF IN OR TO AND AGGREGATE OF CONCRETE MUST BE SIIX TIMES THE ANCE ANCHOR DIAMETER. USE A307 MACHINE SOLT WHEN MOUNTING TO STEEL. 4 HOUSING WILL BE ELEVATED APPROXIMATELY 1/4' WHEN INSTALLED UNLOADED PULL DOWN TO FLOOR LINE WITH ANCHOR BOLTS TO ACHIEVE H FREE HEIGHT 5. FINISH o STANDARD' HOUSING PAINTED WITH INDUSTRIAL ENAMEL. SPRINGS PVC COATED Q OPTIONAL. (RECOMMENDED FOR OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS) HOUSING HOT-DIP GALVANIZED, SPRINGS PVC COATED. ISOLATOR I DIMENSIONS (IN) ANCH. DIA. ALLOWABLE SIZE I L I W I H I A I B I C I' D I E I F I G I J XEMBED. HOR. I RATING VERT. 1 SWSR-1A 55.6 127 i5 6 3 4 3/4 4-1/2 3/4 1 -1/2 3 5/8 1 1/2 1/4 1/2 X 4 -112 To TO THRU -600 1 4 3.4 SWSR 9.3 12.0 150 7 5/8 6 6 3/8 5 1 1/8 3 3/4 5 7/8 1 1/2 518 3/8 3/4 X 4 1/2 TO TO THRU -800 1.8 1.4 SWSR -1 -90070 -1400 7 5/8 6 6-3/8 5-3/8 1 -1/8 3 -3/4 5 7/8 1-1/2 518 3/8 3/4 X 6 -1/2 1.8 To 1.0 2.2 ro 1.4 -1500 TO •2100 0.9 70 0.7 1.4 TO 1.1 -2200 TO -2800 0.6 70 0.5 1.1 70 0.0 SWSR -2A 28.0 35.5 -50 7 -5/8 6 7 -3/8 5 -3/8 1 -1 /8 3 -3/4 5 7/8 1 -1/2 5/8 3/8 3/4 X 4 -1/2 To 70 THRU -700 2.0 2.8 SWSR -2A 80070 -1400 7 518 5 7 -3/8 5 -3/8 1 -1 /8 3 -3/4 5 7/8 1 1/2 5/8 3/8 3/4 X 6 -1/2 isro 1.0 2.6701.4 -1500 70.1800 09 70 0.6 1.4 TO 1.1 �J 8 c G MAX. MAX. F.M. A CERTIFIED FOR PURCHASER EAGLE HARBOR ORDER NO. PROJECT URBAN WATERS TYPE C SPRING HANGER E MAX. DIA. HANGER BOLTS BY OTHERS RUBBER IN SHEAR ELEMENT r F O.D. SPRING 05RA -1 -600 600 1 BSRA-1-600 600 BSRA -1 -000 800 BSRA -1 -1000 1000 BSRA -1 1200 1200 1 BSRA-1-1400 1400 1 D9RA -1 -1600 1600 88RA -1 -16001 1000 TYPE BSRA SPRING AND RUBBER HANGER FOR 1 -1/2" DEFLECTION AND 15 (30'SWING ISOLATOR I RATED LOAD S01) WAD 1 DIMENSIONS SIZE. 1 LBS. AT 1' DEFL POUNDS 1 A 1 13 0 1 D I E 1 F I 0 88RA -1 -15 1 16 1 27 t 08M -1-28 03 1 30 BSRA -1-30 69 1 63 1 BSRA -1 ^100 100 I 160 1/2' 21/2' 7-1/0 53RA -1 -160 190 242 1 5586 -1-200 200 263 BSRA -1-300 '000 442 1 BSRA -100 400 505 I NOTE 1 -1/2' DEFLECTION INCLUDES 1' SPRING DEFLECTION AND 1/2' RUBBER DEFLECTION. 3' 1/2' 2 1-7/5' 782 7 1 026 1 4-112' 4-7/5' 11' 4-3/6' 3/4' 3.1/4'2 1267 I I 1503 I1 1629 1 2191 1 41/2' 4 11' 4 -5/6' 1' 3 -1/4' 23/8' 2419 2082 AMBER /BOOTH COMPANY, INC HOUSTON, TEXAS SCALE NONE DATE 8 -85 DWG. NO. REV H-5010 2 d I I 1" OPER. CL. 1 0 AI EAGLE HARBOR URBAN WATERS A SECTION FF TYPE I SEISMIC RESTRAINT C L 1 1/16" SLOTTED HOLE FOR BRACKET HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT fit► ev 1!4" TYP ALL SIDES ELASTOMERIC MATERIAL D ANCHORS TO 3000 PSI CONCRETE (BY OTHERS) H 1 NO. 1 REVISIONS E SLOTTED HOLES 1 6a 1�d F MODEL ER SEISMIC RESTRAINTS FOR STEEL BASES AND RAILS WITH 1" OPERATING CLEARANCE RESTRAINT MAX LOAD (LB) 1 MODEL I FIG.11 F1G,21 FIG.31 A 1 ER -A -1 1 1300 1 1975 1 2625 1 3-3/41 ER -B-1 1 2400 1 3625 1 5575 1 .4 1 ER 1 3450 51751 79751 4 1 ER-D -1 1 4650 1 7000 110,6501 6 1 ER -E -1 1 7900 111.850115,8001 6 1 SCALE DATE EL, C4 I W.IE FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 (4 RESTRAINTS) (6 RESTRAINTS) (8 RESTRAINTS) RESTRAINT LAYOUT CONCRETE INERTIA BASES (PLAN VIEW) NOTES 1) LOAD RATINGS ARE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLES BASED ON 1.00 G ACCELERATION. 2) ANCHORS TO CONCRETE MUST BE ITW RAMSET /RED HEAD OR EQUIVALENT 3) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD WELD CONCRETE ANCHORS TO BODY OF RESTRAINT AND ANGLE CLIP TO BASE AFTER EQUIPMENT IS IN FINAL OPERATING POSITION. 4) MAXIMUM LOAD IS TOTAL OF EQUIPMENT AND BASE WEIGHT DIMENSIONS (IN) B1 GI D 1 E 1 H 1 L 1 W 3/4 1 2-1/2 I 3/8 I. 7/16 1 1-1/2 1 4 1 /2 3/4 1 3 3/8 1 7/16 1 1 -5 /8 I 5 1 5 -1/2 1 1 5 13/8 17/1611-5/81 7 15 -1/2 1 1 6 1 1/2 1 9/16 1 2 1 8 1 7 1 1 1 9 1 5/8 111/161 2 1 11 17 1/2 NONE 5/16/84 AMBER/BOOTH COMPANY HOUSTON. TEXAS IDRAWiNG NO, A -SR -2001 Kt V. 1 TOTAL PKG QTY (4) F t ROD STIFFENER WHERE RECD SEE A- SR- 4100,4181 11 G TYPE II SEISMIC RESTRAINT SIDE VIEW URBAN WATERS I NO. I 1AX 8' (EFFECTIVE LENGTH' 1 FR —(2) CABLE CUPS (SAME SIZE AS CABLE) MUST BE ORIENTED AS SHOWN WITH SHORT END OF CABLE 014 THE CURVED PART OF THE CUP RESTRAINT COLOR CABLE STAKE C G DESIGNATION CODE SIZE (IN.) EYE SIZE 1 -3/8 1 4-3/4 AC 12 -27 RED 3/32 1/4 1 1.3/8 4 -3/4 AC -12 -03 RED 3/32 3/8 1 1-318 14 3/4 I 1 -3/8 1 4-3/4 1 -5/8 1 5-1/4 AC -18 -10 WHITE 1/8 1/2 1 -5/8 5-1/4 1 -7/8 1 5-3/4 AC -36 -32 BLUE 3/16 1/2 MANGLE MAY VARY FROM 35 TO 60' IN ANY SINGLE PLANE. IF THE ANGLE VARIES IN TWO PLANES, THE CUMULATIVE VARIANCE MUST BE IT TO +15' (2) Ft IS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SEISMIC LOAD PER CABLE (TENSION). ALLOWABLE LOAD IS THE LOWER OF EITHER THE FASTENER TO STRUCTURE OR CABLE. SEE DRAWINGS A-SR.6070, -6072 FOR STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT DETAILS. (3) CONNECT TO BRACED COMPONENT WITH APPROPRIATE SIZE URC OR SRB BRACKET. SEE ASR -6030 AND A-SR-4007 BRACKET NOT INCLUDED IN LRC RESTRAINT PACKAGE. (4) CAPABILITY OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENT TO WITHSTAND MAXIMUM Ft MUST BE APPROVED BY STRUCTURAL DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR EACH PROJECT ISOLATOR r WHERE RECTO TYPE AC SEISMIC CABLE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL USING CLIPS FOR FIELD ASSEMBLY EAGLE HARBOR MAX. 114• SLACK (PULL HAND T1GHT. DO NOT `l 45° kTRANSMT DEAD WEIGHT xs BRACKET CONNECTION TO BRACED COMPONENT NONE DATE 4/11103 REVISION PRESTRETCHED, COLOR CODED, CERTIFIED BREAK STRENGTH AIRCRAFT CABLE. 1 -7/8 5-3/4 CONNECTION TO STRUCTURE I BY I DATE FACTORY PREASSEMBLED STAKE EYE STRUCTURAL MAXIMUM ATTACHMENT F t (Z) LEVEL t A 174 B 300 C 445 D 480 E 848 F 880 G 2080 H 2137 AMBER/BOOTH COMPANY HOUSTON, TEXAS DRAWING N0. REV A -PD- 030411 1 c 154R- 101151 IREV. 4 I LOOP CABLE -i UNDER AROUND HEAD OF BOLT NOTES: 1) MATERIAL. COLD ROLLED STEEL 2) HARDWARE BRACKETS ZINC ELECTROPLATE 3) FIELD TORQUE 1/2' LOCK NUTS TO 75 FT LBS 4) 1 KIT CONSISTS OF 2 SLOTTED BRACKETS 2 HOLED BRACKETS 8 BOLTS 8 SERRATED FLANGE NUTS 5) CABLE SOLD SEPARATELY CERTIFIED FOR. JOB NAME: EAGLE HARBOR CUSTOMER CusroMER P.O. U RBAN WATERS SALES ORDER: (3/4) (1 7/8) -.i 1/2' HEX HEAD BOLT 1 /2" LOCK NUT TYPE III SEISMIC RESTRAINT (25/8)- A A ,e(1 1/2)/ -1 (5 1/2) 1/8' GALVANIZED CABLE SHOWN ONLY FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES NOT PART OF ASSEMBLY (SOLD SEPARATELY) VMC PN: 68584- 03 -22 -32 c� (3 1/8) ATTACHMENT HARDWARE NOT BY VMC 88 -125 BRACKET CEILING ATTACHMENT SB -125 SEISMIC CABLE RESTRAINT KIT J z REV. 1 1 KIT PART NUMBER 1 'S' 1 COLOR CODE SB- 125 -01 1 9/16" KIT 1 CLEAR ZINC COATED 1 88-125 -02 1 11/16" KIT 1 YELLOW ZINC COATED DESCRIPTION 0 'S' CEILING ATTACHMENT BRACKET ALTERNATE VIEW A —A PIPING/EQUIPMENT ATTACHMENT BRACKET (NOT TO BE USED AT CEILING ATTACHMENT) OTHER MATERIALS, COMPOUNDS, OR FINISHES WITH EQUAL OR SUPERIOI PROPERTIES MAYBE SUBSTITUTED AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE. SCALE• SHEET• NONE 1 I DATE 1 BY 1 1 Hi n1 b e r 4A THE VMC GROUP DRAWING NO: The Power of Together Bloomingdale, NJ 07403 Houston, TX 77041 ROPRIETARY: EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE AGREED IN WRITING, THE WFORMATION AND DESIGN DISCLOSED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE VMC GROUP AND MUST NOT BE COPIED OR DISTRIBUTEO OUTSIDE THE WC GROUP EXCEPT TO AUTHORIZED PERSONS WITH A GENUINE NEED TO KNOW WHO BY THE USE HEREOF ACKNOWLEDGE THE VMC GROUPS OWNERSHIP AND AGREE 70 M■INTAIN THIS INFORMATION AND DESIGN IN STRICT CONFIDENCE. REVIaa° transmittal TO' Jim Lierly, Building Inspector City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5` St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 DATE. 14 July 2010 RE. Peninsula College Maier Hall West Campus Improvements Enclosures Date Copies Description 1 Interior Metal Stud Systems Submittal 1 Metal Stairs and Landings Submittal 1 Brick Masonry Submittal FOR APPROVAL REVIEWED FOR YOUR USE FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT AS REQUESTED Remarks Hello Jim, Per your request, I'm including a few submittals for your review Thank you. JC schacht aslani architects RECE JU L 1 5 2010 VIA FAX TOI AL N i l i3 ON MAIL COURIER HAND DELIVERY HARD COPY TO FOLLOW Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2^d Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com RECEIVED JUL 1' 2010 men!' °CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION TITLE. Special Inspections and Deferred Submittals DATE. 24 February 2010 PROJECT Maier Hall West Campus Improvements TO' Jim Lierly Building Official City of Port Angeles FROM JC Letourneau This memo provides information on the Special Inspections and Deferred Submittals required for construction of Maier Hall Phase 2, at Peninsula College. Please review and let me know which special inspections and deferred submittals will require your review and /or participation. Attachments. schacht aslani architects Statement of Special Inspections: (taken from Structural General Notes, Sheet SO 03) Specification Section 014529 13 Structural Testing, Inspection, and Quality Assurance. Special Inspections Attached is an excerpt from the Structural drawings, Sheet SO 03 discussing the requirements for Special Inspections. Also attached is the specification section from the Project Manual, stating the requirements for structural testing, inspection, and quality assurance. Deferred Submittals The following two paragraphs are taken from the Structural General Notes Sheet SO 03• Some structural systems are defined as vendor designed components per the structural documents. These elements of the design are deferred submittal components and have not been permitted under the base building application. The Contractor will be required to submit the stamped component system documents to the Building Official and Architect /Engineer for prior review Documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the Architect, who shall review them and forward them to the Building Official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and been found to be in general conformance to the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall not be installed until the design and submittal documents have been approved by the Building Official. Smith Tower tel 206 443 3448 506 2^ Ave, Suite 700 fax 206 443 3471 Seattle, WA 98104 saarch @saarch.com schacht aslani._ architects Below is a list of the vendor- designed structural components that require,deferred submittals: Exterior Cladding (metal composite wall panels, and precast panel sys'tem's) Interior Metal Stud Systems Metal Stairs and Landings Brick Masonry Exterior Sunscreens Below is a list of vendor- designed architectural and technical systems that require deferred submittals: Curtain Wall. Systems Overhead Sloped Glazing Sectional Doors (commercial aluminum and glass overhead garage door) Fall Protection Metal Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Assemblies Fire Protection Systems Gas Kiln Theatrical Rigging HVAC Plumbing Seismic Restraints Fire Alarm System Let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide further information. by JC Letourneau cc: Walter Schacht 4 C7 k �J Cemco Steel LEED Information Letter SSMA Product Technical Information RECEIVED JUL 1 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION Non Structural Metal Framing REVIEWED REJECTED REVISE AND _NOTE COMMENTS/ RESUBMIT CORRECTIONS Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining the accuracy and completeness of details such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or system: designed by the Contractor, all of which is the Contractor's responsibility Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of which the item is a component. Date By 092216 schacht asiani architects p.c. i CEmC D4 Steel Framing and Metal Lath January 25, 2010 RE. LEED INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS RECYCLED CONTENT OF COLD FORMED STEEL California Expanded Metal Products Company is proud to be a member of the U.S Green Building Council and is committed to supplying products that contribute to the improvement of sustainable design, environmental performance, and economic impact for LEED New Construction and Major Renovations CEMCO products and accessories contribute toward LEED credits in the following areas LEED Materials Resources MR Credit 2.1/2.2 Construction Waste Management (Up to 2 Points) MR Credit 4 1/4.2 Recycled Content (2 Points) CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS CO Technical Services Department 263 N Covina Lane City of Industry CA 91744 (800) 416 -2278 Since cold- formed steel is 100% recyclable, CEMCO products can contribute to this credit if the construction waste on the project is properly diverted from the waste stream The contribution to this credit will vary by project and must be determined by the general contractor and /or'sustainable design team The U.S Green Building Council has determined that a total recycled content of 32.7% may be utilized without documentation A typical breakdown content of our material is Post Consumer 25.5 Pre-Consumer 6.8% Note While some CEMCO locations have a higher average recycled content, the USGBC default percentages above are recommended for your project calculations. Project specific recycled content can be provided upon request. MR Credit 5.1/5.2 Regional Materials (2 Points) CEMCO is committed to the goal of increasing demand for building materials that are sourced manufactured and distributed within the specified region, thereby reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation While CEMCO has 3 manufacturing facilities serving the Western United States and the steel coil material that we utilize to cold -form our products is typically sourced within a 500 mile radius of your project; the majority of `raw' materials used in the production of steel come from various global sources, and may not be extracted within 500 miles of your project. Note Project specific submittal information can be provided .upon request for the above Materials and Resources categories. G, IBC(2j Steel Framing and Metal Lath CEMCO primary manufacturing facilities City of Industry California 263 N Covina Lane, City of Industry CA 91744 Pittsburg, California 1001 -A Pittsburg Antioch Highway Pittsburg, CA 94565 Denver Colorado 490 Osage Street, Denver CO 80204 SS Credit 1. Site Selection (1 Point) Cold- formed metal framing is a light- weight alternative to conventional concrete construction In some cases, the light- weight system can reduce foundation requirements, which can minimize the building footprint. EQ Credit 3.1 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management (1 Point) Cold formed metal framing products are considered inert, so materials will not release terpenes (hydrocarbons) to the indoor air or provide a food source for mold, bacteria or insects. Potential Innovations in Design Contributions CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS CO Q Technical Services Department 263 N Covina Lane City of Industry CA 91744 (800) 416 -2278 (1 Point) CEMCO's ViperStud framing system provides increased strength capacity from lighter material that contributes to a lighter building footprint and reduction in energy to produce steel (1 Point) An additional point may be earned if the recycled content value of the materials used on the project reaches the next threshold of 30% total recycled content. (1 Point) According to the International Residential Code, using metal framing can help reduce or eliminate the need for chernical based termite control, reducing the impact on the site and air quality If you have any questions, concerns or clarifications, please contact our Technical Services departrnent at (800) 416 -2278 or www.cemcosteel.com Sincerely CALIFORNIA EXPANDED METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY v CJ 72 WWW.SSMA.COM if STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION ICBO ER-4943P PRODUCT ECHN CA__ NFORMA 0 \I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION All SSMA products have a four part identification code which identifies the size (both depth and flange width) style and material thickness of each member EXAMPLE. MEMBER DEPTH (Example 6' 600 x 1 /100 inches) All member depths are taken in 'oo inches For all 'T' sections member depth is the inside to inside dimension C -STUD 1 JOIST S- SECTIONS STYLE (Example Stud or Joist section S) The four alpha characters utilized by the designator system are S Stud or Joist Sections T Track Sections U Channel Sections F Furring Channel Sections Note For those sections where two different yield strengths (33 ksi and 50 ksi) are shown the yield strength used in the design if greater than 33 ksi needs to be identified on the design and ordering of steel (i e 600S162 -54 (50 ksi)) TRACK T- SECTIONS Copyright 2001 by the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association FLANGE WIDTH (Example 1 1 625' 162 x '/,00 inches) All flange widths are taken in 1 /100 inches CHANNEL U- SECTIONS MATERIAL THICKNESS (Example 0 054 in 54 mils, 1 mil in Material thickness is the minimum base metal thickness in mils Minimum base metal thickness represents 95% of the design thickness FURRING CHANNEL F SECTIONS c� 0 Product Identification General Product Information Introduction Code Approval Material Specifications Technical Assistance Thickness Steel Components Design Stiffening Lip Length General Notes for all Tables Definitions of Structural Property Symbols Section Properties Section Properties Table Notes Non Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Structural (T) Track Section Properties Wall Height Tables Interior Non Structural Composite Interior Non Structural Non Composite Wall Height Table Notes Limiting Wall Heights Curtain Wall Combined Axial and Lateral Load Tables 20 Combined Loading Allowable Axial Load Table Notes 20 Allowable Axial Loads 20 Floor Joist Span Tables Allowable Floor Joist Span Table Notes Bridging Recommendations Allowable Floor Joist Spans Header Load Tables Header Load Table Notes Header Allowable Uniform Loads Web Crippling Load Tables 39 Web Crippling Load Table Notes 39 Web Crippling Conditions 39 Allowable Web Crippling Loads Single Members 40 Allowable Web Crippling Loads Back -to -Back Members 41 Ceiling Span Table 42 Ceiling Span Table Notes 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/240 42 Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/360 43 Typical Ceiling Details 44 Channel Properties 45 U- Channel Section Properties 45 U- Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans 45 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Section Properties 46 (Hat) Furring (F) Channel Allowable Ceiling Spans 46 Fasteners (Screws and Welds) 48 Screw Table Notes 48 Allowable Loads for Screw Connections 48 Weld Table Notes 48 Allowable Loads for Fillet Welds and Flare Groove Welds 48 Typical Details 49 Joist Web Stiffeners 49 Cold Rolled Lateral Bracing 50 Wall Stud Web 50 Flat Strap Lateral Bracing 50 Architectural Specifications Inside back cover Member Directory Back cover Inside front cover 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 9 12 12 14 16 16 31 31 31 31 37 37 37 3 Introduction The increasing environmental concerns in the world today have caused us all to examine the way we live These issues have affected every aspect of our lives, including the materials we use in construction The use of cold- formed steel members as a building alternative is an intelligent choice with benefits to not only the environment, but also to the contractor designer and developer Steel is not only a recyclable product, but also a stronger product allowing for longer clear -spans in the design process Cold- formed steel is lighter providing ease of handling. It is a straighter product giving a `true wall with which to work. It doesn't suffer fluctuation in price making it easier to bid a project. Quality control is stressed in all phases of the manufacturing process so the highest possible quality is delivered to the job site The structural shapes manufactured are easily used for non structural and structural assemblies floor and ceiling joist assemblies and panelized systems They can be used as the main structural support system or as a supplement to heavy structural steel or concrete construction Manufacturers have been producing cold- formed steel framing members for many years with each manufacturer having its own nomenclature and design values A steel member with identical properties would be identified by different names based on which manufacturer produced it. This created some confusion at all levels of the construction process. The SSMA s mission is to proactively represent member firms engaged in the manufacture, marketing and sale of cold formed steel framing members, as a unified voice to the residential and Tight commercial construction industry serviced by its products, which includes contractors, distributors, design professionals code officials and standards organizations. To this end SSMA will endeavor to supply products which meet or exceed standards established by national, state and local code bodies and by recognized industry associations SSMA resolves to continually initiate and adopt the development of new technology and applications for its members products with the common goal of growing new market opportunities Code Approval Products manufactured by the members recognized by ICBO Evaluation Service of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association, SSMA, comply with the Uniform Building Code and International Building Code See ICBO ES Evaluation Report No 4943 -P Material Specifications Products manufactured by SSMA members are formed from steel with a minimum yield stress of 33 ksi or 50 ksi All products covered in this catalog are engineered to meet the 1996 Edition of the American Iron and Steel Institute AISI `Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members The structural properties included in this brochure have been computed based on allowable stress design to conform with the same AISI document. Professional technical assistance is available through any SSMA member to its customers Using software developed specifically for the SSMA, a manufacturer's technical representative can analyze load conditions deflection criteria and lateral bracing conditions not presented in this brochure Computerized design can assist a SSMA customer with the most economical product selection for the specific application Contact the SSMA manufacturer for this assistance Disclaimer All data, specifications and details contained in this publication are intended as a general guide for using SSMA members products. These products should not be used in design or construction without an independent evaluation by a qualified engineer or architect to verify the suitability of a particular product for use in a specific application The SSMA and its members assume no liability for failure resulting from the use or misapplication of computations, detail drawings and specifications contained herein This publication contains the latest information available at the time of printing The SSMA and its members reserve the right to make modifications and/or change materials of any of their products without prior notice or obligation For the latest information regarding a particular manufacturer's products contact that manufacturer All SSMA manufacturers may not produce all of the products contained in this catalog. Please contact manufacturer to verify product availability 4 Technical Assistance Thickness Steel Components Minimum 'inside Thickness' Design Corner Reference Only (mils) Thickness (in Radii (in) Gau.e No. 18 27 30 33 43 54 68 97 0.0188 0 0843 25 0.0283 0 0796 22 0 0312 0 0781 20 Drywall 0.0346 0.0764 20 Structural 0.0451 0 0712 18 0.0566 0 0849 16 0.0713 0 1069 14 0.1017 0 1525 12 General Notes for all tables Torsional Properties i J St. Venant Torsional Constant. Cw Torsional warping constant. Xo Distance from the shear center to the centroid along the principal X -axis Ro Polar radius of gyration about the centroidal principal axis 1 (Xo /Ro)- Design Stiffening Lip Length Design Stiffening Section Flange Width .Lip Length (in) f ro 4- S125 1 1 /4 0 188 S137 1 3 /3 0.375 S162 1 5 /8 0.500 S200 2' 0 625 S250 2 1 /2 0 625 Minimum Thickness represents 95% of the design thickness and is the minimum acceptable thickness delivered.to the job site based on Section A3 4 of the 1996 AISI Specification. 1 The strength increase due to cold work of forming was incorporated for flexural strength as applicable per AISI A7.2 2. The moment of inertia for deflection is calculated at a stress which results in an effective section modulus such that the stress times that section modulus is equal to the allowable moment. This follows Procedure 1 of the AISI Specification 3. The yield stress (33 ksi or 50 ksi) used to calculate the tabulated values are indicated in the tables 4 When provided, factory punch -outs will be located along the centerline of the webs of the members and will have a minimum center -to- center spacing of 24 Punch -outs will have a maximum width half the member depth (d /2) or 2 1/2' whichever is less and a maximum length 4 1/2' The minimum distance between the end of the member and the near edge of the web punch -out =10' 5. For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings if the design is based upon 50 ksi the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified by the contractor /purchasers (i e 362S137 54 (50 ksi)) Definitions of Structural Property Symbols Gross Properties Ixx: Moment of inertia of the gross section about the X X axis (strong axis) Rx: Radius of gyration of the gross section about the X X axis lyy Moment of inertia of the gross section about the Y Y axis (weak axis) Ry Radius of gyration of the gross section about the Y Y axis Effective Properties Ixx: Moment of inertia for deflection calculations based on 'Procedure 1 for Deflection Determination of the 1996 AISI Specification Sxx Effective section modulus about the X X axis (strong axis) Stress F Ma. Allowable Bending Moment Based on the effective section modulus and the allowable stress including the strength increase from cold -work of forming (AISI 7.2) where applicable Va Allowable Shear Load Ycg Maximum distance from the outside of the compression flange to the center of gravity of the effective section Y x— —x Y ll rl 5 Section Properties Table Notes 1 The centerline bend radius is the greater of 2 times the design thickness or 3/32' 2 Web depth for track sections is equal to the nominal height plus 2 times the design thickness plus the bend radius 3 Hems on non structural track sections are ignored 4 Effective properties. incorporate the strength increase from the cold work of forming as applicable per AISI A7.2 5 Tabulated gross properties are based on the full- unreduced cross section of the studs, away from punchouts 6 For deflection calculations, use the effective moment of inertia 7 For those steels that have both 33 and 50 ksi listings, if the design is based upon 50 ksi the 50 ksi steel needs to be specified (i e 362S137 54 (50 ksi)) Design Gro:>s .Effective3ksi Effective :50ksi Torsion( Thickness Area Weight ixx Sxx Rik Iyy 'Ry Sxx Ma `Va Ycg 19c, 'MP Va Ycg root} Cw. -Ro S ection' (inl. :(in (Ib /ft), (in°�(I (in) (in4-) (in '0'11) (0n in-k) (in 06 .,(Ib) in in'''. iii'' in). (fin ....0 rte n ums ).r 1623125 -18 0.0188 0.080 0.27 0.038 0.046 0.686 0.0160.447 0.034 0.033 0.66 309 0.924 0.009 0,009 1.061 1.340 0.373 1623125 -27 0.0283 0.120 0.41 0.056 0.068 0.682 0.023 0.443 0.055 0.051 1.01 526 0.909 0.032 0.013 1.049 1.327 0.375 1625125 -30 0.0312 0.131 0.45 0.061 0.075 0.681 0.026 0.441 0.060 0.059 116 579 0.894 0.043 0.014 1.046 1.323 0.376 162S125 -33 0.0346 0.145 0.49 0.067 0.093 0.679 0.028 0.440 0.066 0.068 1.35 641 0.877. 0.058 0.015 1.042 1.319 0.376 2505125 -18 0.0188 0.097 0.33 0.099 0.079 1.014 0.019 0.439 0.089 0.059 117 247 1.391 0.011 0.023 -0.930 .444 0.585 2505125 -27 0.0283 _0.144 0.49 0.147 0.118 1.009 0,027 0.434 0.144 0.092 1.81 700 1.372 0.039 0.033-0.919 432 0.589 250S125-30 0.0312 0.159 0.54 0.161 0.129 1.008 0.030 '0.433 0.159 0.104 2.06 851 1.354 0.052 0.036 -0:915 429 0.590 2505125 -33 0.0346 0.176 0.60 0.178 0.142 1.006 0.033 0.431 .0.175 0.120 2.38, 1040 1.333 0.070 0.039 -0.911 425 0.591 2505125 -43 0.0451 0.227 0.77 0.228 0.182 1.001 0.041 0.426 0.226 0.173 '3:43 1350 1.275 0.154 0.049 -0.899 412 0.594 250S125 -54 0.0566 0.280 0.95 0.277 0.222 0.994 0.049 .0.419: 0.277 0.218 4:98 1656 1.260 0.275 .0.205 614 2510 1.289 0.299 0.059 -0.890 .398 0.595 250S125 -68 0.0713 0.345 1 18 0.334 0.267 0.984 0.057 0.408 0.334 0.266 6.30 2017 1.252 0.334 0.261 7.8' 3057 1.262 0.585 0.069 -0.880, .381 0.594 3505125 -18 0.0188 0.115 0.39 0215 0.123 1.366 0.021 0.423 0.197 0.087 1'2 172 1.992 0.014 0.049 -0.819 1.648 0.753 3505125 -27 0.0283 0.173 0.59 0.320 0.183 1.361 0.030 0.418 0.312 0.147 2.90 589 1.892 0.046 0.071 -0.809 1.637 0.756 3505125 -30 0.0312 0.190 0.65 0.351 0.201 1.359 0.033 0.417 0.346 0.167 3.29 790 1.871 0.062 0.077 -0.805 1.634 0.757 3505125 -33 0.0346 0.210 0.72 0.387 0.221 1.358 0.036 0.415 0.382 0.191 3.77 1046 1.847 0.084 0.085 -0.802 1.630 0.758 3505125 -43 0.0451 0.272 0.93 0.498 0.284 1.352 0.046 0.410 0.493 0.272 5.37 1777 1.780, 0.184 0.106 -0.790 1.619 0.762 3505125 -54 0.0566 0.337 1 15 0.608 0.348 1.344 0.055 0.402 0.608 0.342 7.82 2403 1.762 0.603 0.324 9.71 3446 1.796 0.360 0.127 -0.781 1.605 0.763 3505125 -68 0.0713 0.417 1 42 0.739 0.422 1.332 0.064 0.391 0.737 0.421 9.95 2959 1.752 0.737 0.413 12.36 4483 1.765 0.706 0.151 -0.770 1.587 0.765 3625125 -18 0.0188 0.118 0.40 .0.234 0.129 1 409 r 0.021 '0:421' .0.215, 0.090 1.78 166 2.075 0.014 0.053 -0.807 1.677 0.768 3625125 -27 0.0283 0.176 0.60 0.347 0.192 1.404 0.031 0.416 0.338 0:154 3.05 568 1 :957 0.047 0:077 -0.797 1.667 0.771 362S125 -30 0.0312 0.194 0.66 0.381 0.210 1 402 0.033 0.415 0.375 0.175 3.46 761 1.935 0.063 0.084 =0.794 1.664 0.772 362S125 -33 0.0346 0.215 0.73 0.421 0.232 1.400 0.037 0.413 0.415 0.201 3.96 1039 1.911 0.086 0.092 -0.790 1.660 0.774 3625125 -43 0.0451 0.278 0.95 0:540 0.298 1.395 0.046 0.408 0536 0.285 5:64 1777 1.843 0.188 0.115 -0.779 1.649 0:777 362S125 -54 0.0566 0.344 1.17 0.661 .0.365 1.386 0.055 0:400 0:661 0.358 8.21 2497 1.825 0.655 0.341 10:20 3446 1.859 .0.367 0.138 =0.769 1.635 0.779 3625125 -68 0.0713 0.426 1 45 0.803 0.443 1.374 0.065 6389 0.802 0.442 10.44 3076 1.815 0.802 0.434 12.98 4661 '1.827 0.721 0.164 -0.758 1.617 0.780 4003125 -18' 0.0188 0.125 0.42 0.294 0.147 1.536 0.021 0.414 0. 0.099 1.96 150 2.325 0.015 0.066 -0.774 1.769 0.809 4005125 -27 0.0283 0.187 0.64 0.438 0.219 1.531 0.031 0.410 0.426 0.178 3.52 511 2.150 0.050 0.096 -0.764 1.759 0.811 4005125 -30 0.0312 0.206 0.70 0.481 0.240 1.529 0.034 0.408 0.473 0.202 3.99 686 2.127 0.067 0.105 -0.761 1.756 0.812 400S125 -33 0.0346 0.228 0.77 0.531 0.265 1.527 0.038 0.407 0.523 0.231 4.56 936 2.102 0.091 0.115 -0.757 1.752 0.813 4005125 -43 0.0451 0.295 1.00 0.682 0.341 1.521 0.048 0.402 0.676 0.327 6.46 1777 2.032 0.200 0.145 -0.746 1.742 0.816 4005125 -54 0.0566 0.365 1.24 0.835 0.418 1.512 0.057 0.394 0.835 0.411 9.40 2777 2.013 0.828 0.391 11.71 3446 2.048 0.390 0.174 -0.737 1.728 0.818 4005125 -68 0.0713 0.452 1.54 1.017 0.509 1.499 0.066 0.383 1.015 0,507 11.98 3429 2.003 1.015 0.498 14.91 5196 2.015_0.767 0.206 -0.725 1.709 0.820 5505125 -18' 0.0188 0.153 0.52 00 0. 2.7 9 2029 0.023 0390 0.018 0.138 -0.666 '2.171 0.9 .63 06 550S125 -27 0.0283 0:229 0.78 0.938 0.341 2.023 0.034 0:385 0.925 0.253 '5.00 366 3.072 0.061 0.202 -0.657 2.162 0.908 5505125 -30 0.0312 0.252 0.86 1.031 0:375 2.021 0.037 0.384 1.017 0.307 6.06 491: .2:956' 0.082 0.220 -0.654 2.159 '0.908 550S125 -33 0.0346 0.279 0.95 1 139 0.414 2.019 0.041 0.382 1 124 0.368 7.26 670 2.864 .0.112 0.242 -0.651 2.156 0.909. 5505125 -43 0.0451 0.362 1:23 1 468 '0.5:34 2.013 0.052 0.377 1456 0 :514 10.16 1487 2:786 0.246 0.304 -0.641 2.146 0.911 5503125 -54 0.0566 0.450 1.53 1:805 0.656 2.002 '0.061 '0:369 1.805 .0.647 14.80 2799 2:765 1.790 0.620 18.57 2967 2.804. 0.481 0.366 40.631 .2.132 .0.912, 55 -68 0.0713 0.559 1.90 2.209 0.803 '1.987 0.072 0.358 r 2:205 0.801 18.94 4442 2.753 2205 0.789 23.62 5468 2.767 0.946 '0.437 -0.620 2.112 0.914 6005125 -18' 0.0188 0.162 0. 0.778 0.259 2.189 0.024 0.382 0.019 0.169 -0.637 2.312 0.924 6005125 -27 0.0283 0.243 0.83 1 160 0.387 2.183 0.035 0.377 1 145 0.274 5.42 335 3.413 0.065 0.247 -0.628 2.303 0.926 6003125 -30 0.0312 0.268 0.91 1.275 0.425 2.181 0.038 0.376 .259 0.331 6.54 448 3.292 0.087 0.270 -0.625 2.300 0.926 6005125 -33 0.0346 0.297 1.01 1 409 0.470 2.179 0.042 0.374 1.391 0.408 8.06 612 3.154 0.118 0.296 -0.622 2.297 0.927 6005125 -43 0.0451 0.385 1.31 1.817 0.606 2.173 0.053 0.369 1.802 0.584 11.55 1358 3.037 0.261 0.373 -0.612 2.287 0.928 6005125 -54 0.0566 0.479 1.63 2.236 0.745 2.161 0.063 0.362 2.236 0.735 16.82 2708 3.015 2.218 0.706 2114 2708 3.056 0.511 0.449 -0.603 2.273 0.930 6005125 -68 0.0713 0.595 2.02 2.740 0.913 2.146 0.073 0.351 2.735 0.911 21.53 4442 3.003 2.735 0.898 26.88 5468 3.018 1.008 0.536 -0.592 2.253 0.931 0.7 8005125 -33' 0.0346 0.366 1.25 2.881 20 2.806 0.044 0.347 2.855 0.525 10.37 455 4.521 .0.146 0.576 -6530 2.877 0.966 8003125 -43 0.0451 0.475 1.62 3.721 0.930 2.799 0.056 0.342 3.696 0.894 17.67 1008 4.056 0.322 '0.727 =0.521 2.867 0.967 8005125 -54 0.0566 0.592 2.01 4.593 1 148 2.786 0.066 0.335 .4.593 1 134 25.96 2006 4.016 4.560 1.097 32.84 2006 4.060 0.632 0.87' -0.512 2.852 0.968 8005125 -68 0.071„ 0.738 2.51 5.653 1.413 2.768 0.078 0.324 5.644 1.410 33.33 4048 4.003 5.644 1.393 41.69 4048 4.019 1.250 1.050 -0.501 2.832 0.969 6 Non- Structural (S) Stud Section Properties Web- height to thickness ratio exceeds 200 Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads s: Shear/web crippling controls allowable wall height f Flexural stress controls allowable wall height 12 Uffl Mei Composite o Interior Non-Structural Composite Table Notes 1 Composite wall sheathed both sides full height with 1/2 gypsum wallboard for 18 and 33 mil 2 Composite wall sheathed both sides full height with gypsum wallboard for 43 54 and 68 mil 3 Sheathing attached with #6 screws min at 1.2 o c max. 4 362S125 member is based on 350S125 test data For both 362S125 and 350S125 members use values listed for 362S125 Interior Non-Structural Composite (S Spacing ."5:p§1 (in) (ie.: U120 L/240 ,U36t) I U120 .11360 L/120.. U240 U360 Member .11240 10 psf 162S125-18 12 11' 2" 8' 10'' 9' 9" 8' 10" 1625125-18 16 10' 7' 8' 4' 8' 10' f i. 8' 4' 1625125-18 24 9' 9' f 7 11 8' 0' 1625125-33 12 13' 0' 10' 4' 9' o' 11 4' 9' 0' 10' 4' 162S125-33 16 12' 1 9' 8' 8' 5' 10' 7' 8' 5' 98' 1625125-33 24 11 0' 7 8' 9' 7' 7 EY 8 9' 250S125-18 12 15' 1 11 11 10' 5' 12' 4' f 10' 5' 9' i 10' 9' f 9' 6' 2505125-18 16 13' 3' f 11 3' 9' 10' 10' 10' f 9' 10' 8' 7' 9' 5' f 8' 11 2505125-18 24 11 10' f 10' 7' 9' 3' 9' 8' f 9' 3' 8' 1 8' 5' f 8' 5' 2505125-33 12 179' 1311 12' 1 15' 6' 12' 1' 10' 6' 13' 11' 10' 11 95' 2505125-33 16 16' 5' 12' 10' 11 2' 14' 4' 11 2' 9' 8' 12' 10' 10' 0' 8' 8' 2505125-33 24 14' 10' 11 7' 10' 0' 13' 0' 10' 0' 8' 7' 11 7' 8' 78' 2505125-43 12 20' 0' 15' 9' 13' 9' 17' 1 13' 3' 11 5' 15' 3' 11 9' 10' 1 2505125-43 16 18' 8' 14' 9' 12' 10' 15' 11 12' 3' 10' 7' 14' 2' 10' 10' 93' 2505125-43 24 17' 2' 13' 6' 11 9' 14' 2' f 11 1 9' 6' 12' 4' f 9' 7' 8' 2' 3623125 12 178' f 15' 4' 13' 3' 14' 3' f 13' 3' 11 7' 12' 5' f 120' 10.5. 3625125-18 16 15' 4' f 14' 4' 12' 4' 12' 5' f 12' 5' 10' 10' 10' 9' f 10' 9' f 99' 3625125-18 24 13' 9' f 13' 5' 11 7' 11 0' f 11 0' f 10' 1 9' 5' f 95' f 9 1 3625125-33 12 22' 6' 17' 10' 15' 6' 19' 8' 15' 6' 13' 7' 17' 10' 14' 1 12' 4' 3625125-33 16 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 3' 18' 1 14' 3' 12' 6' 16' 5' 12' 11 11 4' 3625125-33 24 18' 6' 14 9' 12' 9' 16' 2' 12' 9' 11 2' 14' 9' 11 7' 10' 1 3625125-43 12 25' 3' 19' 7' 16' 10' 21 8' 16' 10' 14' 6' 19' 5' 15' 2' 13' 1 362S125-43 16 23' 5' 18''O' 15' 6' 20' 0' 155' 13' 3' 17' 11 13' 10' 11 11 3625125-43 24 21 3' 16' 3' 13' 10' 17' 10' f 13' 9' 11 8' 15' 5' f 12' 3' 10' 6' 3625125-54 (50 ksi) 12 26' 9' 21 2' 18' 6' 23' 4' 17' 9' 15' 3' 21 1 15' 10' 13' 10' 3625125-54 (50 ksi) 16 24' 9' 19' 7' 17' 1 21 7' 16' 3' 13' 10' 19' 6' 14' 5' 12' 7' 3625125-54 (50 ksi) 24 22' 4' 178' 15' 5' 19' 6' 14' 4' 12' 1 17' 7' 12' 7' 11 0' 3625125-68 (50 ksi) 12 27' 6' 21 10' 19' 1 24' 0' 19' 0' 16' 7' 21 10' 17' 3' 15' 0' 3625125-68 (50 ksi) 16 25' 2' 20' 0' 17' 5' 22' 0' 17' 4' 15' 1 19' 11 15' 9' 13' 9' 3625125-68 (50 ksi) 24 27 4' 17' 8' 15' 6' -1p' p' 15 4' 13' 4' 17' p' -1,. 11 iz, 1 400§125-18 12 19' 6' f 16' 5' 14' 4 15' 9' f 14' 4' 12' 6' 13 a• f 13' 0' 11 4' 4005125-18 16 17' 2' f 15' 4' 13' 4' 13' 10' f 13' 4' 11 8' 11 11 f 11 11 f 10' 6' 4005125-18 24 15' 1 f 14' 2' 12' 4' 12' 1 f 12' 1 f 10' 9' 10' 5' f 10' 5' f 9' 9' 4005125-33 12 25' 1 1911 174' 21 11 174' 15' 0' 19' 11' 158' 137' 4005125-33 16 23' 1 18' 4' 15' 11 20' 2' 15' 11' 13' 9' 18' 4' 14' 5' 12' 6' 4005125-33 24 20' 9' 16' 5' 14' 3' 18' 1' 14' 3' 12' 4' 16' 5' 12' 10' 11' 2' 4005125-43 12 27' 4' 21 2' 18' 3' 23' 6' 18' 4' 15' 11 21 2' 16' 8' 14' 5' 4005125-43 16 25' 2' 19' 5' 16' 8' 21 7' 16' 9' 14' 6' 19' 4' 15' 2' 13' 2' 4005125-43 24 22' 7' 17' 2' 14' 8' 19' 3' 14' 10' 12' 8' 16' 11 f 13' 4' 11 6' 4005125-54 (50 ksi) 12 29' 1 22' 11 20' 0' 25' 3' 19' 10' 17' 3' 22' 9' 1711 15' 7' 400S125-54(50 ksi) 16 26' 9' 21 1 18' 4' 23' 2' 18' 2' 15' 9' 20' 11' 16' 4' 14' 2' 4005125-54 (50 ksi) 24 23' 11 18' 10' 16' 4' 20' 8' 16 1 13' 11 18' 4' 14' 6' 126' 4005125-68 (50 ksi) 12 31 6' 25' 0' 21 10' 27' 5' 21 8' 18' 10' 24' 10' 19' 6' 16' 11 4005125-68 (50 ksi) 16 29' 1 23' 1 20' 2' 25' 3' 19' 11 17' 4' 22' 10' 17' 11 156' 4005125-68 (50 ksi) 24 26' 2' 20' 9' 18' 2' 22' 9' 1 T 10' 15' 6' 20' 6' 15' 11 13' 9' omposit See interior Non-Structural Composite Table Notes on page 12 s: Shear/web crippling controls allowable wall height f Flexural stress controls allowable wall height Interior Non-Structural Composite (S) Stud' ':Spacing Membei L/120 'L/240 1./360 .1 .L1120 :1.1240„ ,U360 600S125-18 12 22 10" 22' 1" 19' 4" 18' 7" f 18' 7" f 16' 9" 16' 2" f 6005125-18 16 19' 9' f 19' 9' f 17' 11 16' Z f 16' 2' f 157' 14' 0' f 600S125-18 24 16' 9' f 16' 9' f 16' 9' f 13' 5' f 1 5' f 13' 51 11 5' f 600S125-33 12 33' 9' 26' 9' 23' 5' 29' 6' .23' 5' 20' 6' 26' 9' 6005125-33 16 30' 10' 24' 6' 21 4' 27' 0' 21 .4' 18' 9' 24' 6' 6005125-33 24 27' 2' 21 7' 18' 10" 2310' 18' 10' 16' 7' 19' 1 s 600S125-43 12 38' 7' 30! 7' 26' 8' 339' 26' 6' 23' 0' 30' 7' 600S125-43 16 35' 8' 28' 3' 24' 8' 31 3' 24' 6' 21 3' 27' 8' f 600S125-43 24 32' 0' f 25' 7' 22' 4' 26' 1 f 22' 1 19' 1 22' 7' f 600S125-54 (50 ksi) .12 40' 11 32' 6' .28' 35' 1' 285' 24' 7' 32.6' 6005125-54.(50 ksi) 16 37' 10' 30'.0' .26.2' 33' 1 26' 1 22' 8' 30' 0' 6005125 ksi) 24 '34 27' 0' 23' 7' 29' 10' 23' 5' 20' 5' 27' 0' 600S125-68 (50 ksi) 12 43' 9' 34' 8' 30' 4' 38' 3' 30' 4' 26' 6' 34' 8' 6005125-68 (50 ksi) 16 40' 4' 32' 0' 28' 0' 35' 3' 28' 0' 24' 5' 32' 0' 600S125-68 (50 ksi) 24 36' 3' 28' 9' 25' 2' 31 9' 25' 2' 22' 0' 28' 9' t! 800S125-43 12 4 3' .37' 6. k. 6' 41 321. .''a. 8' 37' 6' 8005125-43 16 43' 3' 34' 4' 30' 0" 37' 10' 30' 1 26' 3' 34' 3' f 8005125-43 24 38' 5' 30' 6' 26' 8' 32' 4' f 26' 9' 23' 5 28' 0' f 800S125-54 (50 ksi) 12 50' 6' 40' 0' 35' 0' 441 35' 0' 30' 7' 40' 1 800S125-54 (50 ksi) 16 46' 2' 36' 8' 32' 0' 40' 4' 32' 1 28' 0' 36' 8' 8005125-54 (50 ksi) 24 41 0' 32' 6' 28' 5' 35' 10' 28' 6' 24' 10' 32' 6' 8005125‘68 (50 ksi) 12 54' 7' 43' 4' 37' 10' 475' 3711 33' 1 43' 4' 8005125-68 (50 16 50' 1 39' 9' 34' 9' 43' 9' 34' 9' 30' 5' 39' 9' 8005125-68 (50 ksi) 24 44' 7' 35' 5' 30' 11 39' 0' 31 0' 27' 1 35' 5' 10. L1240. .L/360' 16' 2" 14' 0' f 11 5 1 21 3' 19' 5' 17' 2' 23' 11 22' 1 19' 10' 25' 6' 23' 6' 21 1 27' 5' 25' 3' 22' 8' 29' 8' 27'2' 24'2' 31 9' 29'1 25'9' 34'5' 31 7' 28'1 15' 0" 13' 10' 11 5' f 18' 7' 17' 0' 15' 0' 20' 9' 19' 1 17' 1 22' 2' 20' 5' 18' 3' 23' 11 22' 0' 19' 8' .25'11 23' 9' 21 0' 27' 9' 25' 5' 22' 6' 30' 0' '27' 7' 24' 6' 13 0 O 1 Lateral loads multiplied by 0 75 for strength determination per AISI A5 1 3 2 Check end reactions for web crippling 3 Limiting heights based on continuous support of each flange over the full length of the stud 4 Heights based on steel properties only 5 For 350S125 members use values listed for 362S125 6 Calculations for 362S125 are based on 350S125 properties 14 Interior Non- Structural Non- Composite Table Notes Spacing din o.c. 12120 S) Stud Mem ber 162S125-18 12 9,-.. 1625125 -18 16 8' 8' 162S125 -18 24 7' 7' 162S125-27 12 11 3' 162S125-27 16 10' 3' 162S125-27 24 8' 11 162S125-30 12 11 7' 162S125 -30 16 10' 6' 162S125-30 24 9' 2' 162S125-33 12 12' 0' 162S125-33 16 10' 10' 1625125 -33 24 9' 6' 250S125 -18 12 13' 3' 250S125-18 16 12' 0' 250S125 -18 24 10' 2' f 250S125-27 12 15' 6' 250S125 -27 16 14' 1 250S125-27 .24 12' 4' 250S125-30 12 16'1 250S125-30 16 14' 7' 250S125-30 24 12' 9' 250S125-33 12 16' 7' 250S125 -33 16 15' 1 250S125-33 24 13' 2' 250S125 -43 12 18' 1 250S125-43 16 16' 5' 2505125 -43 24 14' 4' a 362S125-18 12 17' 3' 362S125 -18 16 15' 1 f 362S125-18 24 12' 4.' f 362S125 -27 12 20' 1 362S125-27 16 18' 3' 362S125-27 24 15' 11 362S125 -30 12 20' 10' 362S125-30 16 18''11 362S125-30 24 16'6' 362S125-33 12 21 6' 362S125-33 16 19' 6' 362S125 -33 24 17' 1 362S125-43 12 23' 5' 362S125 -43 16 21 3' 362S125-43 24 18' 7' 362S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 25' 1 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 16 22' 9' 362S125-54 (50 ksi) 24 19' 11 362S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 26' 10' 362S125-68 (50 ksi) 16 24' 4' 3625125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 21 3 f Flexural stress controls allowable wall height Interior Non- Structural Non- Composite `5:psf- U240' L/360 i L1120 7' 7" 6' 7 6' 11 6' 0' 6' 0' 5' 3' 8' 11 8' 1 7 1 9' 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 9' 6' 8' 7' 7 6' 10' 6' 9' 6' 8' 4' 12' 4' 11 2' 9' 9' 12' 9' 11 7' 10' 1 13' 2' 11 11 10' 5' 14' 4' 13' 0' 11 4' 12' 5' 10' 10' 15' 11 14' 6' 12' 8' 16'6' 15' 0' 13' 1 17' 1 15' 6' 13' 6' 18' 7' 16' 11 14' 9' 19' 11 18' 1 15' 9' 21 3' 19' 4' 16' 10' 7' 9' 7' 1 6' 2' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 8' 3' 7' 6' 6' 7' 9' 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 10' 9' 9' 9' 8' 6' 11 1 10' 1 8' 10' 11 6' 10' 5' 9' 1 12' 6' 11 4' 9' 11 11 11 10' 10' 9' 6' 13' 11 12' 8' 11 0' 14' 5' 13''1 11 5' 14' 11 13 6' 11 10' 16' 3' 14' 9' 12' 11 17' 4' 15' 9' 13' 9' 18' 7' 16' 10' 14' 9' 8' 4" 7' 7' 6'2'f 9' 10' 8' 11 7' 9' f 10' 1 9' 2' 8' 0' 10' 5' 9' 6' 8' 3' 11 7' 10'2' f 8' 4' f 13' 7' 12' 4' 10'4' f 14' 0' 12' 9' 110'f 14' 6' 13' 2' 11' 6' 15' 9' 14' 4' 12' 6' 14' 3' f 12' 4' f 10' 1 f 17' 7' 15' 11 13' 1 f 18' 2' 16'6' 13'11 f 18' 9' 17' 1 14 11 20' 6' 18' 7' 16' 3' 21 11 19' 11 17' 4' 23' 5' 21' 3' 18' 7' -7,5;psf G/240 L/360 L/120 L/240, 12360. 6 7" 6' 0' 5' 3' 7' 9' 7' 1 6' 2' 8' 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 8' 3' 7' 6' 6' 7' 9' 2' 8' 4' 7' 3' 10' 9' 9' 9' 8' 6' 11 1 10' 1 8' 10' 11 6' 10' 5' 9' 1 12' 6' 11 4' 9' 11 11 11 10' 10' 9 6 13' 11 12' 8' 11 0' 14' 5' 13' 1 11 5' 14' 11 13' 6' 11 10' 16' 3' 14' 9' 12' 11 17' 4' 15' 9' 13' 9' 18' 7' 16' 10' 14' 9' 5' 9" 5' 3' 4' 7' 6' 10' 6' 2' 5' 5' 7' 0' 6' 4' 5' 7' 7' 3' 6' 7' 5' 9' 8 0' 7' 3' 6' 4' 9' 5' 8' 6' 7' 5' 9' 8' 8' 10' 7' 8' 10' 0' '9' 1 7' 11 10' 11 9' 11 10' 5' 9' 8' 3' 12' 2' 11 0' 9' 8' 12' 7' 11 5' 10''0' 13' 0' 11 10' 10' 4' 14' 2' 12' 11 11 3' 15' 2' 13' 9' 12' 0' 16' 3' 14' 9' 12' 10' 7' 7" 6' 7' f 5' 4' f 8' 11 8' 1 6' 8' f 9' 2' 8' 4' 7 2' f 9' 6' 8' 7' 7' 6' 10' 2' f 8' 10' f 7'2'f 12' 4' 10'11 f 8' 11 f 12' 9' 11 7' 9' 6' f 13 2' 11 11 10'3'f 14' 4' 13' 0' 11 4' '12' 4' f 10' 8' f 8'9'f 15' 11 13'10'f 11 4' f 16' 6' 14'.9' f 12' 1 f 17' 1 15' 6' 12' 11 f 18' 7' 16' 11 14' 9' 19' 11 18' 1 15' 9" 21 3' 19' 4' 16' 10' 16 psi 6' 0" 5' 5' 4' 9' 7' 1 6' 5' 5' 7' 7' 3' 6' 7' 5' 9' 7' 6' 6' 10' 6' 0' 8 4' 7' 7' 6' 7' 9' 9' 8' 10' 7' 9' 10' 1 9' 2' 8' 0' 10' 5' 9' 6' 8' 3' 11 4' 10' 4' 9' 0' 10' 10' 9' 10' 8' 7' 12' 8' 11 6' 10' 0' 13' 1 11 11 10' 5' 13 6' 12' 4' 10' 9' 14' 9' 13' 5' 11 8' 15' 9' 14' 4' 12' 6' 16' 10' 15' 4' 13' 5' 5' 3' 4' 9' 4' 2' 6' 2' 5' 7' 4'11 6' 4' 5' 9' 5' 0' 6' 7' 6' 0' 5' 2' 7' 3' 6' 7' 5' 9' 8' 6' 7' 9' 6' 9' 8' 10' 8' 0' 7' 0' 9' 1 8 3 7' 3' 9' 11 9' 0' 7' 10' 9' 6' 8' 7' 7' 6' 11 0' 10' 0' 8' 9' 11 5' 10' 5' 9' 1 11 10' 10' 9' 9' 4' 12' 11 11 8' 10' 3' 13 9' 12' 6' 10' 11 14' 9' 13 5' 11 8' Interior Non Structural Non- Composite Spacing 5:p 10:psf. (S Stud Member.. (in) o.c.. L/120 L1240 L /360 'L1120 .L/240 1360 IL/1120 L1240' 'L1360 400S125-18 12 18' 8" f 15' 1" 13' 2' 15' 2' f 13' 2" 11' 6' 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6" 400S125-18 16 16' 2' f 13' 9' 12' 0' 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6' 11 5' f 10' 11 9' 6' 400S125 -18 24 13' 2' f 12' 0' 10' 6' 10' 9' f 10' 6' 9' 2' 9' 4' f 9' 4' f 8' 4' 400S125-27 12 22' 4' 17' 8' 15' 5' 19' 6' 15 5' 13' 6' 17' 8' f 14' 0' 12' 3' 400S125-27 16 20' 3' 16' 1 14' 0' 17' 8' f 14' 0' 12'.3' 15' 3' f 12' 9' 11 2' 400S125-27 24 17' 8' f 14' 0" 12' 3' 14' 5' f 12'13' '10' 8' 12' 6' f 11 2' 9' 9' 400S125 -30 12 23' 1 18' 4' 16' 0' 20' 2' 16' 0' 14' 0' 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 400S125 -30 16 21 0' 16' 8' 14' 7' 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 16' 3' f 13' 3 11 6' 400S125-30 24 18' 4' 14' 7' 12' 8' 15' 4' f 12' 8' 11 1 13' 3' f 11 6' 10' 1 4005125 -33 12 23' 11 18' 11 16' 7' 20' 10' 16' 7' 14'5 18' 11 15 0' 13' 2' 400S125 -33' 16 .21 8' 17' 3' 15' 0' 18' 11 15 0' 13' 2' 17' 3' 13'.8' 11 '11 400S125-33 24 18' 11 15' 0' 13' 2' 16' 5' f 13' 2' 11 6' 14' 2' f 11 11 10' 5' 400S125 -43 12 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 0' 22' 9' 18' 0' 15 9' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 400S125 -43 16 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 9' 14' 11 13' 0' 400S125 -43 24 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 0' 14' 4' 12' 6' 16' 5' 13' 0' 11 4' 400S125 -54 (50 ksi) 12 27' 10' 22' 1 19' 4' 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 10' 22' 1 17' 6' 15' 4' 400S125-54'(50 ksi) 16 25' 4' 20' 1 1 6' 22' 1 17' 6' 15 4' 20' 1 15' 11' 13' 11 400S125-54 (50 ksi) 24 22' 1 17' 6' 15' 4' 19' 4' 15' 4' 13' 4' 17' 6' 13' 11 12' 2' 400S125-68 (50 ksi) 12 29' 10' 23' 8' 20' 8' 26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 1 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 400S125-68 (50 ksi) 16 27' 1 21 6' 18' 9' 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 21 6' 17' 1 14' 11 400S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 23' 8' 18' 9' 16' 5' 20' 8' 16' 5' 14' 4' 18' 9' 14' 11 13' 0' 60 -27 12 31 0' f 24' 8' 21 6' 25' 4 f 21 6' 18' 9' 21 f 19' 6' 17' 1 600S125-27 16 26' 10' f 22' 4' 19' 6' 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 19' 0' f 17' 9' 15' 6' 600S125 -27 24 21 11 f 19' 6' 17' 1 17' 11 f 17' 1 14' 11 15' 6' f 15' 6' f 13' 6' 600S125-30 12 32' 0' 25' 5' 22"2' 27' 10' f 22' 2' 19' 5' 24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 600S125-30 16 29' 1 23' 1 20' 2' 24' 1 f 20' 2' 17' 7' 20' 10' f 18' 4' 16' 0' 600S125 -30 24 24' 1' f 20' 2' 17' 7' 19' 8' f 17' 7' 15' 5' 17' 0' f 16' 0' 14' 0' 600S125-33 12 33' 1 26' 3' 22' 11 28' 11 22' 11 20' 1 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 600S125 -33 16 30' 1 23' 11 20' 10' 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 23' 2' f 18' 11 16' 6' 600S125-33 24 26' 3' 20' 10' 18' 3' 21 10' f 18' 3' 15' 11 18' 11 f 16' 6' 14' 5' 6005125 -43 12 36' 1' 28' 8' 25' 0' 31 7' 25' 0' 21 10' 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 600S125-43 16 32' 10' 26' 0' 22' 9' 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' .26' 0' 20' 8' 18' 0' 600S125-43 24 28' 8' 22' 9' 19' 10' 25' 0' 19''10' 17'4' 22 -7' f 18' 0' 15' 9' 6005125- 54(50 ksi) 12 38' 8' 30' 9' 26' 10' 33' 10' 26' 10' 23' 5' 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 600S125 -54 (50 ksi) 16 35' 2' 27' 11 24' 4' 30' 9' 24' 4' 21 3' 27' 11 22' 2' 19' 4' 6005125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 30' 9' 24 4 21 3' 26' 10' 21 3' 18' 7' 24' 4' 19' 4' 16' 11 600S125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 41 6' 32' 11 .28' 9' 36' 3' 28' 9' '25 1 32' 11 26' 2' 22' 10' 6005125- 68`(50 ksi) 16 37' 8' .29' 11. 26' 2' 32' 11 .252' '22' 10' 29'11 23' 9' 20'•9' 6005125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 32' 11 26'2' .22' .10' 28' 9' 22' 10' '19' 11 26' 2' 20' 9' 18'.1' -.F e,�,,,„..� 800S125 -43 12 45' 11 35 31 10' 40' 1 31' 10' 27' 9' 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 800S125-43 16 41 8' 33' 1 28' 11 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 33' 1 26' 3' 22' 11 800S125 -43 24 36' 5' 28' 11 25' 3' 31 10' 25' 3' 22' 0' 28' 0' f 22' 11 20' 0' 800S125-54'(50 ksi) 12 49'.3' '39' 1 34' 1 43'-0' 34'.1 29''10' 39' 1 31' 0' ,27' 1 800S125- 54'(50'ksi) 16 44' 9' 35' 6' 31 0' 39'1 31 '0' 27'1' 35' 6' 28' 2' 24' 7' 800S125 -54 (50 ksi) 24 39' 1' 31 0' 27' 1 34' 1 27' 1 23'.8' 31 0' 24' 7' 21 6' 8005125 -68 (50 ksi) 12 .52' 10' 41 11 36' 8' 46' 2' 36' 8' 32' 0' 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 800S125 -68 (50 ksi) 16 48' 0' 38' 1 33' 3' 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 38' 1 30' 3' 26' 5' 800S125 -68 (50 ksi) 24 41 11 33' 3' 29' 1 36' 8' 29' 1 25' 5' 33'.3' 26' 5' 23' 1 f' Flexural stress controls allowable wall height See Interior Non Structural Non- Composite Table Notes on page 14 15 'iiiV,100:130 1 Values are for single spans 2 Allowable ceiling span calculations based on 33ksi yield strength steel 3 For fully braced ceilings use mid-span braced values 4 End bearing length 1 minimum 4 pSf COpipresSioh UnsuPporied' Midspa Thickness Joist Spacing (in) o.c. .Joist Spacing (in) o.c. Section (miI) 12 .16 24 aza: 24 162S125 18 7 ri`t 5' 2" 7 5' 6' 6" 27 8' 7" T 11' 7 1 9' 8' 9' 30 9' 0' 8' 3' 7' 4" 9' 11 9' 0' T 10' 33 96" 8' 8' 7 8" 10 3" 9' 4' 81' 1625137 27 911' 9' 2" 8' 0" 10' 1 92' 8' 0' 33 10' 9' 9' 9" 86' 10' 9' 9' 9' 8' 5: 250S125 18 27 30 33 43 2505137 27 33 43 j25162 33 43 3505125 3505137 350S162 362S1 27 30 33 43 362S137 .27 33 43 362S162 33 43 400S125 30 33 43 400S137 27 33 43 400S162 33 43 6665'125 27 12' 4"e 11' 5"e 10' 10"e 16. 7"e 12' 9" 11' 9" 10' 16' 4" 17' 0' 13' 2' 12' 2" 10' 11' 18' 10' 17' 6' 14' 5' 13' 3" 11 10" 20' 1811 1410' 139' 12 4" 21' 4' 1910' 16' 2' 14' 11 134" 23' 0" 21' 4' 16' 10' 15' 7' 14' 0" 24' 4' 22' 7' 18' 4' 16' 11 15' 2" 26 3" 24' 4' 42 30 33 43 600S137 33 43 6005162 33 43 8' 4' 8' 6' 9' 11' 4' 10' 3' 9' 8' 8' 11 7 11' 13' 3' 12' 1 10' 0' 9' 8' 3" 139" 125' 10' 5" 9' 7" 8' 14' 2' 12' 10' 11' 9" 10' 9' 9' 6" 155' 14' 0' 1011' 10' 9' 1" 14' 0" 12' 8' 11' 9' 10' 10' 9' 8" 14' 11 13' 6' 13' 2" 12' 1 10' 9" 16' 2' 14' 8' 13' 5" 12' 5" 11' 1' 15' 8' 14' 2' 14' 11 13 9' 12' 3" 17' 0' 15' 5' 18 94' .88' 78' 13' 1 12' 1 27 10 9' 9" 8' 9" 15' 1 14' 0' 30 1011' 101" 90" 156" 144' 33 11' 4" 10' 6" 4" 16' 1 14' 10' 43 127" 11' 7" 104" 178' 16' 3' 27 11 11" 11' 1" 9' 11" 17' 16' 0' 33 129' 11' 10' 107" 183' 16' 11 43 14' 2" 13' 0" 11' 7" 1911 185' 33 14' 7" 13' 6' 12' 1" 20' 3' 18' 5' 43 o. 149' 132" 9" .29' 9" 18 6" 5' 8' 9' 7' 9" 13' 3' 12' 3"e 108' 9' 11' 8' 10" 153" 14' 2' 11' 0" 10' 2' 92" 15' 8" 14' 6' 11' 5' 10' 9' 5" 16' 3" 150' 12' 9' 11' 8" 105" 179' 16' 5" 121' 11' 2' 10' 1" 175" 16' 2' 1211' 11' 11' 108" 18. 5" 171 14' 3' 132' 11' 9" 201' 18' 7' 14' 8" 13' 7' 12' 2" 20' 9' 1811 16 2" 14' 11 13' 4" 22' 7' 20. 7' 11' O. T. 2" 6.. 14 7' 11' 4' 10. 6' -7 5" 16' 2" 150' 11' 9' 1010' 9 8" 16' 9" 156' 130' 120' 108" 183' 16' 10' 12' 5' 11' 6" 10' 4" 17 11 16' 7' 133" 123" 11' 0" 1811 177' 14' 7" 13' 6" 12' 0" 20' 7" 19' 1 151' 13' 11 126" 21' 8' 20' 1' 1600 153' 138" 2'5' 21' 8' e Web stiffeners required at supports. Ceiling Span Table Notes Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/240 6 psf O 1.:SterarSuPporf of prriprSisiewp Olanke •JPSUPPorfed MiciSpan, Joist Spading (in) o.c. Joist Spacing (in) o.c. 12 0 16 24 12 .16 ."24 Za88.1901045d68.21Milfer^" '1; 6' 5' 1" 5' 2" 72' 6 6" 5' 8 7' 8' 71 6' 2" 8' 5" 7' 7" 8' 0' 4' 6' 6" 8' 8" 7 10' 8' 4' 7 8' 6' 10" 8' 11 8' 1 8' 10" 8' 0' 7' 0" 8' 10" 8' 0" 0" 9' 4' 8' 6" 7' 5" 9' 4' 8' 6' 7' E _13 psf Lateral Support of 'Flange Unsupported MidsPitn joist Spacing.(in) o.c. Joist Spacing:(in) o.c. 12 '16 24. 12 16 .24 5' 0" 4' 6" 3' 10"e 5' 6" 5' 0"e 4' 1"e 6' 5' 4' 8" 6' 6' 511 1' 59' 4' 11' 6' 8' 6' 1 5' 3" 6' 1 5 3" 611 6' 3' 5' 6" 6' 9' 6' 5' 5" 6' 9' 6' 2" 5' 5" 6' 7" 5' 7' 7 3' 6' 7" 5' 6.. 6' 8" 6' 0' 6 10" 6' 4' 71' 6' 8' 3! 90" 74' 9" 8' 1' 6.10. 6 a. T 8"e 5' 11"e 5' 6"e 4' 9"e 5"e 6' 6"e 5' 5"e 10' 6" 8' 7' 7 11 71' 11' 7" 10' 6" 9' 2" 6' 11 6' 5" 58" 8' 11 711 8" 10' 11" 8' 11" 8' 3' T 4" 120" 10' 11 6" 7' 2' 8' 511" 9 3' 8'4' 70" 11' 3" 3' 8' 7" 7 7" 12' 5" 11' 3' 9' 10" 7 5' 610" 6' 2" 97" 8' 8" 12' 10' 5' 9' 6" 8' 5" 13' 6" 1.. 3" 10' 8" 8' 7' 7" 6' 9" 10' 5' 9' 5' 8' 3" 11' 1" 9' 10' 9' 1 8' 2" 12' 2' 11' 1" 9' 8" 8' 0" 7 5' 6' 95' 8' 7' 6" 11' 10" 106' 9' 8' 88" 130' 11' 10' 104" 8' 6' 7 10" 0" 100' 9' 1' 80" 12' 10" 11' 8' 10' 9' 9'" 14' 1, 10' 1' 2" 9' 4" 8' 78" 10' 11 911 8' 8" 12' 5" 12' 0' 11' 1 9' 11' 13' 8' 12' 5' 10' 10" 9' 9' 9 8' 0" 10' 7" 9' 7" 8' 4" 1 6" 1E3' 173' 1511' 1410" 156' 119" 10' 8" 710" FF 115 105 71" 10' 0"e E 7' 8" 6' 10"e 11' 8"e 10' 8"e 9' 2"e 6' 8"e 6' 2"e 5' 6"e 8' 10"e 10"e 6' 6"e 12' 5" 96" 8' 9" 710" 13' 6' 12' 5' 1011" 7 8' 7' 1 6' 5" 10' 96" 8 12' 11" 99' 9' 0" 8' 1" 13' 11 12' 11 11' 5" 711 74" 6' 7" 11' 1" 10 0'8 1" 6" 13' 4" 10' 1 94" 8' 5" 14' 5" 13' 4' 11' 11" 8' 2' 7" 9" 11' 8" 10'7' 9' 0" 14' 6" 11' 2' 10' 4" 9 15' 9' 14.6" 13.10" 9 8' 3" 75' 1 8" 11' 8' 102" 14' 4" 109' 11" 811" 15'6' 144' 126" 8 9' 8' 2" 74' 122' 11' 0" 9'4"e 15' 2" 11' 5' 107' 9' 6" 16' 5" 15' 2' 13' 4" 9' 4' 8' 7" 7 9" 13 0' 11' 10' 10' 16' 6" 12' 7' 11' 7" 104" 17' 10' 16' 6' 14' 6" 102' 9' 4"( 8' 5" 14' 2' 12' '10' 11' 3" 16' 1" 13' 0' 12' 1" 10' 10" 17' 8" 16' 1 14' 0" 10' 7" 9' 10" 8' 10' 13' 8' 12' 5' 10' 10" 176 14' 4' 132 11' 107 19' 3" 176 153 11: 7' 108 9' 1410 13 11' 9" 10' 10"e 8' 6' 6' 10"e 10' 10"e 6. 6' 9'e 6' 2"e r 9' 0"e 711 'e 7"e 12' 7" 9' 8' 10' 7 11' 13' 8" 12' 7' 11' 1' 7 9' 7 2" 6' 6' 109' 9' 8' 8' 3" 13' 1" 9 9' 2" 8' 2" 14' 1 13' 1' 11' 7" 8' 0' 7 5' 6' 8" 11 3 102' 13' 6" 10' 3' 5' 86" 14' 6' 13' 6" 12' 1' 8' 3' 7 8" 6' 10"1 11' 9' 10' 9" 9' 2" 14' 8" 11' 4' 10' 5" 9 3" 15' 11' 14' 8' 13' 1' 9' 1 8 4' 76' 12' 10" 11' 9' 10' 4" 14' 6" 10' 10' 10' 1" 9'1' 15' 8" 14' 6' 12' 10" 8' 10' 8' 3' 7 5" 12' 6" 11' 2" 9' 6"e 15' 4" 11' 7' 108" 97" 16 7' 15' 4' 13' 8" 95' 8' 8" 710" 13' 4" 172" 10' 6" 167" 12' 8' 11' 9' 10' 5" 18' 0' '16' 7" 14' 10" 10' 3" 9' 5' 8' 5" 14' 6' 13' 3' 11' 6" 16' 6" 13' 2' 12' 2' 1011' 18' 2' 16' 6" 14' 5" 10' 9' 9' 11" 8' 11' 14' 0' 12' 9' 11' 1" 1 11" 7 1a 13' 4" 11 11' 19' 9' 17' 11, 15' 8" 11' 8' 9" 8. 13' 10' 12' 1' 13 9' 10' 91 2" 14' 2" 18. 11'1.; 8' 6' 4 7' e" 6' 3" 10' 2" 89"e 13' 5" 102' 9' 5" 8' 5" 14' 6" 13' 5' 17. 0" 8' 3' 7' 8' 6' 10" 11' 9" 10' 8' 9' 2" 1310" 10' 6' 99' 8" 15' 0' 13' 10' 12' 5" 86' 7' 11' 7 1" 12' 2' 11' 2" 98" 15' 1" 11' 7' 10' 8' 9' q" 16' 4" 151' 13' 6" 4' 8' 7" 8" 13' 3' 12' 2" 109" 150" 11' 2' 10' 4' 9' 4" 162' 150' 134" 91 8 5' 7" 130' 11' 9' 10' 0"e 1510" 11' 10' 11' 0' 9' 10" 1 0' 15' 10' 14' 2" 9' 8' 8' 11' 8' 1' 13' 10' 12' 8' 11' 0" 17 1' 13' 0' 12' 0' 10' 9" 18' 5' 17 1' 15' 4" 106' 98" 8' 8" 15' 0' 13' 9' 12' 1' 1 10" 13' 6' 12' 6' 11' 3" 19' 6' 17' 10' 15' 6" 11' 0' 103" 92" 15' 2' 13' 9' 12' 0" 19' 4" 14' 9' 13' 8' 17 0' 19' 4" 16.11 11' 11 111" 6. 16' 6' 14' 11' 13' 11' 1 10'4"e 9'3" 'e 14' 11"e 13' 5"e 9' 1' 8' 5"e 7 13 2"e 12'2"e 10'9"e 154" 11' 5' 107' 9' 6" 16' 6" 154' 139" 94' 8' 8" 10" 136' 126' 11' 2"e 15' 9" 11' 9' 10' 11' 910" 1' 0" 159' 14' 2" 97' 8' 11 8' 0" 13' 10' 12' 10' 11' 7" 16' 11" 12' 10' 11 10' 107" 184' 16' 11 153" 10' 9' 7' 8' 14 11 1310' 125" 1710" 134' 124' 11' 1" 19' 17 10' 161' 1010' 10' 1 91" 159' 14' 7" 13' 1"e 19' 2" 14' 6' 13 4" 12' 0" 20' 8' 19' 2' 17' 3" 11' 9' 10' 10' 99" 16' 10' 15' 8' 141" 20' 4" 15' 2' 14' 0" 12' 8" 21 11 20' 4' 18' 4" 12' 5' 11' 6' 10' 4" 18' 0" 16' 8' 14' 8"e 21 10" 16' 5' 15' 2' 13' 8" 23' 21 10' 19' 8" 13' 4' 1 4" 11' 1' 193 17 11 15' 11" 4 rpsf 6 tisf Lateral 'Suittittort of Compression Flange Lateral Support of cOmprekSion•1000f .Unsupported i' 'it,litisiiiiiii lUnsupport 1Mitii.4tprii Thickness Thickness Joist sri400 &C. Joist Spacing (in) 0:6: ,:16* Stiacind.(in) 'a.c. joist. Spacing (in) o.c: Section (iiiii 12' 16. 24..12 :.,16 .24' 12, 16 ...24 12 46 '24 250S125 18 8' 4' 7 8' 6' 9" 910' 9' 0" 27 9 8' 811 7 11' 11 10' 6" 30 10' 0" 9' 3' 8' 12' 0" 10' 11" 33 10' 5" 97" 5 7 '12' 5' 11 3' 43 11 9' 10' 9" 6' 15 6" 12' 3' 250S137 27 1011' 101" 91' 122' 11'1 33 11' 9' 10' 10' 9 8" 130 11' 10" 43 13' 2 12' 1" 10' 9' 14' 2" 12' 10" 250S162 33 13' 5" 12' 5' 10' 10" 13' 8' 12' 5' 43 14' 1G" 136' 11 9' 14' 10" 136" 3505125 sc.i. 4" 8' 8' is. 11' 6" 27 107" 99' 8' 9' 150" 13' 8" 30 10'11" 101' 9' 0' 15 6" 14 1' 33 11' 4' 10' 6" 94" 181' 147" 43 127" 11' 7" 10' 4' "7 6" 15' 117 350S137 27 11' 11 11' 1' 9' 11' 15' 10' 14' 4' 33 129" 11 10' 10' 7" 16' 10' 15' 4' 43 14' 2" 13' 0' 11 7' 18' 4' 16' 8' 350S162 33 '14' 7" 13' 6" 12' 1" 17' 8" 16 1' 43 4, 16' 9.. 14 9' 13' 2" 3" 7.8" 362S125 18 8' 9" 76' 1 3" 12' 0" 27 108" 9 11' 8' 10" 15' 3' 14' 0' 30 11 0' 10' 2" 9 2" 158 14' 6" 33 11 5" 10' 7" 9' 5" 16' 3' 150' 43 129" 11 8' 10' 5" 179' 16' 4' 362S137 27 12' 1" 11 2" 10' 1" 7 '13 3' 14' 9" 33 1211" 11,11 10' 8" 17' 4" 15-9" 43 .143" 13' 2" 11"9' 18' 10" 17' 1" 3625162 33 14' 8' 13' 12' 2" 18' 2' 16' 6" 43 16' 2" 14' 11 13 4" 19' 9" 1' 11" 7 01 4008125 27"11 42. 9' 1" 15' 9" 14' .30 114" 10' 6' 33 11' 9" '10' 10" 98' 16' 9' 15 43 '13' 0" 12' 0" 10' 8" 183' '16' 10" 400S137 27 12' 5" 11' 6" 10' 4' 17' 6' 15' 11" 33 133" 123' 11' 0' 18' 8" 170" 43 14' 7" 13' 6' 12' 0' 20' 4' 18' 6" 400S162 33 15' 1" 13'1.1" 12 6" 19' 7" 17 43 16' 7" '15" 138'. 21' 4' 194' 600S125 27 12' 4"e 11' 5"e 10' 4"e 17" 100 16' 7"e 30 129" 11' 9' 10' 7" 18' 4' 170" 33 13' 2" 12' 2' 10' 11 18' 10" 17' 6' 43 14' 5" 13' 3' 11' 10' 20' 5" 18' 11 600S137 33 '14'10" 13 9" 12' 4'. '21 4' 1310" 43 162" '1411' 134" 230' 21' 4" 600S162 33 16' 10" 15' 7" 14' 0" 24' 4' 22' 7" 43 18' 4" 16' 11' 15' 2" 26' 3' 24' 4". e' Web stiffeners required at supports. See page 42 for Ceiling Span Table Notes. Allowable Ceiling Spans Deflection Limit L/360 162S125 18 72" 6' 6" 58" 7 2" 6' 6' 58" 6' 3" 58" 4' 11" 6' 3" 58" 4' 11" 4' 10' 4' 4" 3' 10"e 4' 10" 3' 10"e 27 8' 7 7" 6' 8' 8' 5" 7' 7" 6' 8' 74' 6' 8' 5' 10 7 4" 6' 8' 5' 10' 5' 8' 5' 2" 4' 6" 5' 8" 5' 2" 4' 6" 30 8' 8' 7 10" 6' 10' 8' 8' 710" 6' 10' 77" 6' 10' 6' 0' 7' 7" 6' 10" 0' 5' 10" 53' 4' 7" 10" 53' 4' 33 8' 11" 8' 1 71' 811" 8' 1' 7 1' 7 10" 7' 1 6' 2" 710' 7 1' 6' 2" 6' 0" 56" 4' 9" 6' 0' 56" .4' 9" 162S137 27 8' .10" 8' 0" 'T 0" 8' 10" '8' 0" 7' 0" T-B" '7' 0" 6' 1" 7' g ro. 6' 1' 5' 1.1' .5' 5" 4' 8" .511' 5' 5" '4' 8" 33 9. 4. 8' 6" T 94 86 75 82 75 66 P.?: 7 66 P 5 97 54 59 5 87" 10' 6'10"e' 5 11 5'6"e 4'9"e 6' 8"e 06"e 5'3"e 711' 71' 10' 1' 9' 2" 8' 0" 11' 6' 5' 5' 8' 710" 71" 83" 4' 10' 5' 96" 8' 3' 7 2" 8' 511 8' 1' 74" 8' 7' 7' 7" 1010' 9 10' 8' 7' 5 6' 10' 6' 2" 8' 4' 7' 7" 9' 6" 85" 11' 9" 10' 8' 9' 4' 8' 3' 7' 7" 6' 9' 9 1' 83' 91' 2" 10' 8' 9' 8" 8' 5" 0" 5' 616" 8' 3! 7 98' 8' 8" 11' 4' 104' 9 0' 8' 6" 710" 6' 11 8' 9" O' 10' 9' 7" 124" 11' 2" 9 9' 9 4" 8' 7" 7"916" 8 1010' 95" 11' 11' 1010" 9 5' 92' 8' 4" T 9 2" 8' 4" 11 9" 13' 0' 11' 9. v. 10. 9. 9.1' 7' 11 100' 9' 1 7 8' .6' 11' 3"e 8' 11"e 6' 8"e 6' 2"e 5 6"e 8' 8"e 10"e 10' 5" 7' 8" 7 1' 6' 5" 10' 1' 9' 2" 109' 7 11 7 4' .3 7" 10' 6" 96" 11' 1' 8' 2' 77" 6' 9" 10' 10" 910" 121" 90" 8' 3' "5" 11' 10" 10' 9' 1011 8' 9' 8' 2" 74' 10' 8" 98' 11' 8' 94" 8' 7" 7'9' 11' 4' 10' 4" 128' 10' 2' 94' 85' 124' 11' 3" 12' 3' 10' 7' 9' 10' 8' 10" 11'11" 10' 10" 13.4' 10 s. 7" is' 9" 9' 2"e' 6 9"e 6' 2"e 7' 11"e 10' 8' 9" 7' 2" 6' 6" 10' 5' 95" 11'1' 8 0' 7 5' 8" 109" 99" 11' 5' 8' 3' 7'8' 10" 11' 2" 10' 1' 12' 5' 9 1 8' 4' 6" 12' 1" 11' 0' 1113' .8' 10" 83" 7.5" 10' 1.1' 9' 11" 120' 95" 818" '7 10' 1.1' 8" 10' 7" 131' 10' 3"3 5" 8' 5" 128" 116" 12' 10' 9' 9 11" 8 11 12' 3' 11' 1' 13' 8' 11' 8" to' s. 381 1, 11' 6' 8' 0" T 6' 8". 113" 16' 2" 11,11 8' 3' 7' 8' 310" 118' 107" 124" 81 6" 711' 1 12' 0" 10' 11" 136' 3•4' .87" 7 6' 13' 1' 11' 11" 122' 9' 1' 85' 77" 11' 10" 10' 9" 12' 11' 9 8' 8' 11' 8' 1' 12' 7" 11 5' 14' 1 10' 6' 9' 8' 8' 8' 139" 126" 13' 7" 110" 10' 3' .3 3'. 133" 12' 0" 14 iv 11 1' 14' s. 131" 13' 5"e 9' i'e 5"e 7"e 16' 2"e 12' 2"e 13' 9' 9' 4" 8' 8' 710' 13' 6' 12' 6" 14' 2' 57" 8' 11 8' 0' 13' 10' 12' 10" 153' 105' 9' 8 7" 14' 11' 1.3 10' 16' 1' 10' 10" 101' 15' 9" 14' 7" 17' 3' 11' 9' 10' 10" 9' 9" 16' 10" 15' 8" 184' 125' 11 6' 104' 180" 166" 198' 13' 4' 124' 11' 1 193" 17' 11" -4 4' 92" 87" 96' 8' 11' 910' 9 3" 108' 10' 5" '98' 910" 104' .106" 11 2" 11' 8" 10' 10" 11' 11 11 9' 13' 0" 4' 11' 11' 96' 13•4' 9' 9" 12' 9" 10' 1' 13' 10" '11' 2" 12' 6' 10' 9' 134' 11 5' 14' 6' 12' 7" 14' 0" .13' 0" 15' 14 to' 6"e 123' 9' 7" 12' 8" 9' 10' 131 10' 3" 14' 3' 11 4' 1211" 10'10" 139' 11' 7" 14' 11" 128" 14' 5" 13' 2" 145" 131'' 9110" 8' 9' 9' 0' 9 104' 911 10' 7" 11' 7" 12' 1' 13 2" 7' 9' 8' 10' 9 2' 9' 5' 10' 5' 10'l' 10' 8" 11' 9" 12' 2" t?. 4" .13 5" '10' 2" 9'5' 10.6' 99" .151'' 11' 7" 1018" 1311' 11 2' 10' 4' 14' 10' 11' 10" 11' 0" 16' 2' 13' 0' 12' 0' 1567 136" 126" 161 14•3 13'8' lo. 4"e 154' 11 5" 10' 7" 159' 11 9' 10' 11 1611 12' 10' 11' 1710" '13 12' 4" 192" 14' 6" 43. 4' 204" 152" 14' 0' 21' 10" 16' 5" 15' 2' 710" 8' 1" 8' 5' 3.2" 8' 11" 9' 6' 10' 4" 1010" 11' 10" 'W 11"e 7' 11' 8' 2" 8' 6" 9' 3" 9''1' '9' 7" 10' 5" 10' 11' 11' 11" 13' 1' 13' 7" 14' 0' 15' 3" 13' 10' 14' 9' 16' 0' 15' 5" 16' 9" 11' 7"e 13' 6" 1311" 14' 5" 15' 8" 14' 2" 15' 2" .16 5" 1510' 17' 3" r 8' 2" 14' 2" 85" .146" ;88" 150" 96' 164' 9' 4" 154" 910" 16' 4" 10' 9" 179" 11' 3" 17 1' .122" 18 9'3"e 16' 1"e 96" 166' 9' 10" 17' 0' 10' 7" 18' 4' 11 1" '13 2" 12"0" 20' 8" 12' 8' 21' 11' '13' 8" 23' 7" 10' 3"e 11' 11' 13.4" 12' 9' 1310' 12' 6" 13' 4' 14' 6' 14' 0" 15' 3" 10' 6"e 12' 3" 12' 8" 13' 1" 14' 3" 12' 11" .13' 9" )4' 11" 14' 5" 158" 13' 1' 13' 5" 1310" 151 13' 11' 14' 10' 16' 2" 1516" is' 1 r 14' 11"e 15' 4' 15' 9' 16' 11' 1710" 19' 2" 20' 4" 21' 10" LateraI Support tiatiOe 0.00.030t0ii" Midspan ,Lioist'Spacing "(in) 6.C. 12 24 12'. .16' 24 6 2" 6' 5' 6' 7" 2" 6' 6" 6 11 7' 7" 7' 4" 7' 11 6' 6"e 80' 8 8' 9' 4" 6' 7"e 8' 3" 8' 6" 810" 9' 7" 8' 8"e 9' 3' 10' 1 9' 8" 10' 7' 5 9"e 9' 2" 9 6" 10' 5' 9' 5"e 10' 0" 10' 11 10' 6" 11' 5' 10' 9"e 11' 2"e 11' 7' 12' 5' '13' Ve. 141' 14' 5"e 15' 8' 43 9 9' 5' 10' 3". ARCH:TECTURA SPECFCA"TiO' FOR COD-FORMED MEA_ CJ Part 1 GENERAL 1 1 Description A. Work included: Provide metal studs and /or joist and accessories as indicated on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 1.2 Quality Assurance A. Contractor shall provide effective, full time quality control over all fabrication and erection complying with the pertinent codes and regulations of government agencies having jurisdiction. 1.3 Submittals A. Product data. Within calendar days after the contractor has received the Owner's 'Notice to Proceed' submit: 1 Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this section. 2. Manufacturer's product information and other data needed to provide compliance with the specified requirements. 3. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Architect, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures on the work. Part 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Metal Studs, Joist, and Accessories A. All products to be manufactured by the current members of the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association. B All galvanized studs and joists shall be formed from steel that corresponds to the minimum requirements of 1996 A.I.S.I. standards. C. All structural members shall be designed in accordance with the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 'Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members' 1996 edition. D. Provide all accessories including, but not limited to tracks, clips web stiffeners, anchors, fastening devices, resilient clips, and other accessories required for a complete and proper installation, and as recommended by the manufacturer for the steel members used. E. Fastening of components shall be with self drilling screws or welding. Screws or welds shall be of sufficient size to insure the strength of the connection. All welds of galvanized steel shall be touched up with a zinc -rich paint. All welds of carbon sheet steel shall be touched up with paint. Wire tying of components shall not be permitted. Part 3 EXECUTION 3 1 Fabrication and Installation A. Prior to fabrication of framing, the contractor shall submit shop drawings to the architect or engineer to obtain approval. B. Framing components may be preassembled into panels prior to erecting. Prefabricated panels shall be square, with components attached in a manner to prevent racking and to minimize distortion while lifting and transporting. C. At framing components shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members or as required for an angular fit against abutting member D. Studs shall be plumbed aligned and securely attached to flanges of both upper and lower runners, except that in the case of interior non -load bearing walls, studs need not be attached to upper or lower runners. In all doubled jamb studs and doubled headers not accessible to insulation contractors, insulation equal to that specified elsewhere shall be provided. F Splices in axial load bearing members other then runner track shall not be permitted Temporary bracing where required shall be provided until erection is complete. 3.2 Installation (Non load bearing walls) E. G. A. Runners should be securely anchored to the supporting structure as shown on the drawings. Jack studs or cripples shall be installed below window sills, above window and door heads, and elsewhere to furnish. supports. C. Lateral bracing shall be provided by use of gypsum board and gypsum sheathing or by horizontal straps or cold rolled channels. Bracing shall conform to Section D3 of the AISI Specification. D Provisions for structure vertical movement shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. E. Handling and lifting of prefabricated panels shall be done in a manner so as not to cause distortion in any member 3.3 Installation (Axial load bearing) A. Runners shall be securely anchored to the supporting structure as shown on the drawings. B. Complete, uniform and level bearing support shall be provided for the bottom runner C. Framing of wall openings shall include headers and supporting studs as shown on the drawings. D. Diagonally braced stud walls, as indicated on the drawings, shall be provided at locations designated as 'shear walls' for frame stability and lateral load resistance. Additional studs, when necessary shall be positioned as indicated on the drawings to resist the vertical components. E Splices in axially loaded studs shall not be permitted 3.4 Installation (Joists) A. Uniform and level joist bearing shall be provided at foundation walls by means of shims and /or non setting grout. B. Joists shall be located directly over bearing studs or a load distribution member shall be provided at the top of the bearing wall. C. Web stiffeners shall be provided at reaction points and /or points of concentrated loads where indicated on the drawings. D. Joist bridging shall be provided where indicated on the drawings. E. Additional joist shall be provided under parallel partitions when the partition length exceeds one -half the joist span, also around all floor and roof openings, which interrupt one or more spanning members unless otherwise noted F End blocking shall be provided where joist ends are not otherwise restrained from rotation. B. SSMA MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS SSMA Headquarters Chicago Illinois (312) 456 -5590 SSMA Technical Services Corvallis Oregon (541) 757 -8991 Manufacturing facilities FOR A COMPLETE PRODUCT INFORMATION CATALOG, GO TO WWW SSMA COM (OR CONTACT SSMA HEADQUARTERS, CHICAGO, IL) 07/01 Masonry, Inc; July 5, 2010 Howard S Wright. CO PpS PO Box 3764 Seattle, WA 98124 -2264 Attn Paul Cronin Re Maier Hall Sub Masonry Conformed Submittals Paul, Dave Dizard Project Manager RECEJVSD' JUL 1 2010 By REVIEWED REJECTED REVISE AND NOTE COMMENTS/ RESUBMIT CORRECTIONS Review is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for general conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review does not include determining the accuracy and completeness of details such as dimensions and quantities or substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor all of which is the Contractor s respon ,ii;ilit; Review does not constitute approval of safety precautions or of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Review of specific item does not constitute review of an assembly of which the item is a component. Date 1 11 ,10 dr.4.e Spec Sect Description 040513 2 2 Mortar and grout product data 040523 2 2 B Veneer anchors product data 040523 2 2 B 4 Veneer anchors product data 040523 2 2 E 2 Prefabricated weeps product data 040523 2 2 F 2 Cavity drainage product data 042113 2 3 Veneer brick product data 042113 2 3 CMU product data and test report 042113 2 2 G Masonry cleaner product data 072113 2 1 A 1 Rigid insulation product data 079200 2 2 A 3 Exterior sealant product data (2 products) 079200 2 2 A 5 Backer rod product data 079200 2 2 A Sealant sand product data Attached are the following masonry conformed submittals for the above referenced project H*I s. Wrt _g1►4 00 r#a> RS yI s Submltts! o cR anon schacht aslant architects p.c. JUL 08 2010 Page #1 1 8 11 22 23 24 28 30 33 35 41 44 o Corrections Noted TQ Arch, Revise Return This submittal RVYICW IRAN not Ise Nettled as a complete clad and indicates only Mat InimM1000 ilfNOON Weems peon*/ with the Contrail Documents. In no ase Is ubaortreoNr or ""kw rallerod M rnspopsibliiry for adhmemces to Me Comrs Doe a alt .i;F :BL nn a(a{I wort, MO OWA RUCTORS, LP HOWARSW9SOR2 Dizard Frisch &.Lund Masonry,, Inc 19707 44th Ave W Suite 207 Lynnwood, WA. 98036 425- 712 -3414 Fax 425- 712 3430 www.dflmasonry.com March 26, 2010 PRODUCT TYPE S MASON MIX Project: Maier Hall General Contractor. Howard S Wright Construction Architect: Schacht Aslani Architects Mason Contractor Dizard Frisch Lund Masonry This letter is to certify that Quikrete Type S Mason Mix meets the following proportion and performance specifications. MATERIALS SPEC Cement Ashgrove Type I -II ASTM C -150 Lime Chemstar Type S Hydrated Lime ASTM C -207 Sand ASTM C -144 Masonry Sand DESIGN SPECIFICATION Type S Method PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION Minimum Compressive Strength at 28 days 1800 p.s.i Minimum Water Retention. 75% Maximum Air Content: 12% Respectfully submitted, Don Dodroe Quikrete Northwest Property Specification C -270 Quikrete- Northwest 1420 Port of Tacoma Road (253) 396 -9996 (253) 573 -9393 fax September 6, 2007 To Whom It May Concern Rich Braun Technical Director THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES Inc. Technical Engineering Center 500 Marathon Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30045 770.216.9580 770 237.2548 Fax www.quikrete.com LETTER OF CERTIFICATION QUIKRETE Mix 202 S Portland/Lime Type S SR/NR21001 QUIKRETE Northwest This letter certifies that QUIKRETE Type S Bulk Mortar Mix, when manufactured according to the approved formulation with approved raw materials, will meet the specifications for ASTM C 270, Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry, with compressive strengths equal to or greater than 1,800 PSI at 28 days when sampled and tested in standard laboratory conditions. The raw materials used in this product formulation meeting the standard specifications include Type I /II Portland Cement meeting ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement, Hydrated Lime Type S meeting ASTM C 207, Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes, and Mason Sand meeting ASTM C 144, Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar Please note that specification ASTM C 270 (property specification) is not a specification to determine mortar strength through field testing. Should mortar be tested at the site to establish composition, plastic or hardened properties, it must be tested in accordance with ASTM C 780, or as specified by the architect. Compressive strengths determined in the field per ASTM C 780 may be lower than compressive strengths obtained in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM C 270 We are pleased to be of service to you. If you have any questions, please let us know 2 Plant: Product Mill Test Report Manufactured: item Rapid Method, X y 4V /14) S102(%) Al203 Fe203 CaO MgO i%) SO3 Loss on ignition Insoluble residue CO2 Limestone CaCO3 In Limestone Western BU Richmond 7611 No 9 Rd Richmond. BC 604 244 43410 FAIRGE CEMENT CHEMICAL. ANALYSIS --1142=1.1 6.0 max 6.0 max 8.0 max 3.0 max 3.0 max 0.76 max 6.0 max 70 min Adjusted Potential Phase Cc... (C450) C38' c2s C3A C4AF 20.3 4.6 &2 84.1 0.8 2.8 2.6 021 1.8 34 98.7 0.60 max. 0.48 *e .1 Cement Mill Test Report Month of Issue MAY 2010 Portland Cement Type I/11 R-T1-10-05 April 2010 ASTM C 150-09 and AASHTO M 85-09 Standard Requirements Spec limit Teid Result item Speclimit 'Test Result Air content or mortar (C 12 max- Shine Fineness (m26%) (C 204) Passing' 325 1%) (C 430) Autoclave expansion (C 151) Compressive strength (AlPa. OSII) (L' 109) 3 days 7 days 28 days {Reflects jwarloiss inorritis date) 11 8 max 7 10 Colour (laltuge Oldsx) C33 (14 100 max es riSYM C.1607 and AASHTO M is-oo Optional Chemical RequIrements: Time of setting (minutes) Vicat initial (C 191) 46 376 Mortar Jon (C 1(X8) We certify that the above described cement, at the time of shipment, meets the chemical and physical requirements of applicable DOT Specifications for Type I and Type II(MH); ASTM C 160-09 AASHTO M 86-09 STANDARD SPECIFICA1X)NS FOR TYPE 1 AND TYPE II(MH) CEMENT ASTM C 160 AASHTO 14 86 OPTIONAL CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TYPES 1 II(MH) LOW ALKALI CEMENT Certified By: PHYSICAL ANALYSIS Harold Ptachyk Quality Manager 513/2010 280 430 381 88.6 0.80 max 0.02 12.011740j min 30.4 19.0 12760) min 38.6 47.2 30 0.02 max 0.00. 3 EL 44 10 6680 '6840 SPEC 1 2003 Construction Pr ©ducts 1 Product Name DRY '3RICK'Y Admixture for ,usorry Mortar 2. Manufacturer Grace Construction Pr ducts 62 Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140 (877) 423 -649 ex: (R77) 423.6492 vlw ,graceconstructior.corn 3. Product Description BASIC uSE DRY BRICK" .✓orTar Admixture minimizes water penetration through the mortar joints and also min! nnes efflorescence By reducing 'ater in the wall system there is less likenccod of soluble salts in the mortar being dissolved and brought to the surface as efflorescence. Reducing moisture penetration alsc lessens the Irxe of mold and mildew growth in cr on the wall. As an integral admix tore, DRY -BRIG( Mortar Admixture provides rater protection througnou, the depth of the aortar joint DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture s water repellent properties prevent moisture from wicking through the mortar joint into' the bu °Iding intern Similarly it fill not be wicked back to the ex'er car ng soluble salts that an Buse eft:erescence at the joints on the ext- nior of the rr li orrnatioe of er lest considerations f rnosor y systems. such as flashing and weeps can re obtained from Grace C onstructio. t r sod& ;ts. the 'National Cohc rete Masonry Assoc ation (NCMA) and the Brick Institute of America (BIA). COM'rOSUION MA;ERIA_S DRY -BRICK Mortar Aamix',urn rs formulated or patented tecneology Supplied as a free- f'nwing milk e liauid, 11 is an integral water repellent admixture for masonry mortar Tests derrnestrate that the 'wicking property of masonr mortar is dr arna tica:ry reduced when DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture is added at fs recommended dosage rate SIZES Packaging and Shipping Weights DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture weighs .poroxi- mately 1 kg /t. DRY -BRICK Mort, Admixture is .supplied in cases of 12 0.95 L bottles.'Eaacase weighs aoaroximately 13,6 kg. Admixts re is also available in 208.L drums weighir .234 Kg, LIMITATIONS Admixture is not a substitute for go ^d masonry practices such as proper curing. tooing ana covering the waif at the end of each work ses- sion DRY BRICK Mdrtar Admixture. ;,ir!I not pre- vent crocking. Proper techniques to protec tion during construction and curing can be found in literature. published by the International Masonry Industry Ai Weother Council, NCMA, BIA and the Pr tland Cement Association (PCA) 4. Technical Data APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM International ASTM 0780 Standard Test Method f. r Preconstrucnon and Construction Evaluation of •6ortars for Plan and Reinforced Unit Masonry ASTM 01357 Standard Test N:ethod for Evaluating Masonry Bond Strength PHYSICAL /CHEMICAL. PROPERTIES Contact manufacturer for complete perform- ance data. Test reports are available Jpor request 5. Installation PREPARATORY WORK MortarJoints Water repellency of morar joints is a function of the ability of the mortar to resist water nen- etrglion andthe geometry of the TO: tar joint The use of DRY BRICK Mortar Admixture and the use of proper tooling increase the water tight properties of the joint and provide resist ance to water penetration. A Itell- tool& concave joint has been showr ay both the NCMA and BIA to provide the greatest resist ance to water penetration Concave or vee profile tooling is recormended wnenever DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture is used for exterior applications. Raked, flush extruded, struck, beaded, weathered or ether joir pro- files have poor water resistance arid are not recommended for exterior apai :cations. i. BASIC MASONRY MATERIALS METHODS 04050 Grace Construction Product' DRY BRICK $todar Admixture maso murtc Storage Information DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture is supolied Js a free flowing, milky rhitF liquid. Note DRY BRICK Mortar A' mixture mus, be kept t'om freezing. 'DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture has a shelf life of 18 months from the date of manufacture An expiration date is 'marked an each outer. c �rtor �f e >ttles �r on the drum label, DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture 'ontoins worxobility agents to improve. ease of pace rnent and to more effectively use mix voter DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture can reyruce the fetal amount of water required to .thieve givon k:ve! of workability Addition Rotes SHAKO WELL BLtORE USE The ngsage rate f .r DRY-BRICK .Mortar Admixture inproximate' L oottle for. each bag of Portianc cement and 05 I for each bag of hydrate lirne masonry cer i nt o'r mortar 'ni lent in the mortar mix. or prebiended bogs of Portland cement one lime add approximately 1 L per bag. Fnr prehlended bulk mortar add approximately 0 5 *or ever 0.09 rr t sor tar prnduced. This is equiv. 'lent tr 0,.a I far every 3 ft of mortar produced. METHODS Mixing Procedure Agitate DRY -BRICK Mort( Admixture Yore using. DRY-BRICK Mortar Admixture shoulc be added to the mix water prior to coding Cement and sand. It is important tr reduce Cl/ID 4 SPECc initial water used in the mortar The recommended sequence for mixing mor tar containing DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture is: 1, Add 2/3 of the required water to the mixer 2. Add the admixture to the mixer 3. Add sand to the mixer 4. Add cement and lime to the mixer 5. Add additional water as necessary 6. Mix a minimum of 5 additional minutes after all materials have been added to the mixer DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture is compatible with other Grace mortar admixtures. Trial batches are recommended as detailed in ASTM C780, using jobsite materials and expected jobsite climatic conditions to deter mine compatibility of materials and necessary adjustments to the mix design for actual addi- tion rates, workability color and physical properties. Note All admixtures must be added to the mix separately When pigments are used to provide a specific color trial batches are strongly recommended to ensure that the desired color is developed. Complete use and installation recommendations are avail- able from the manufacturer PRECAUTIONS DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture must be pro- tected from freezing. Once frozen, it is unusable All excess mortar containing DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture should be removed from the face of the masonry units as soon as possible. Standard methods for removing hardened mortar such as strong acids, sandblasting and high pressure cleaning, are harmful to masonry units and mortar joints and are not recommended. DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture provides water repellent properties to cured mortar If mortar dries out before it is fully cured, DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture s water repellent properties will become active and subsequent hydra- tion of the cement will be hindered. Note All precautions defined on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for DRY -BRICK Mortar Admixture must be observed. 7 Warranty Contact manufacturer BASIC MASONRY MATERIALS METHODS 04050 6.- Availability Cost AVAILABILITY Consult manufacturer for information on distri- bution and local product availability COST Cost information may be obtained from a local Grace distributor or through the manufacturer 8. Maintenance No specific maintenance procedures are required, Periodic inspection of building exte- rior to ensure maximum service life of all weather resisting components is advisable. 9 Technical Services Technical sales representatives are available throughout North America from Grace Construction Products, 10. Filing Systems CMD First Source Sweet's Catalog Res Additional information is available from the manufacturer upon request DRY -BRICK is a taderra'k of W R G'aca Cc Can R Grace C -C -nn. none the inr •mation here wiL be helpful. It based .,own dotr and kno• wedge canedered to be true and accura and is a'ferec to th users' nsideration, investigation and verification. hut we do no warrant the results to `obtc'ned Reese read all statement recommendations and .uggestions in conjunction 0th our conditions of sal 'hick apply to all goods supplied as us. No statement. reccmmen- datio' sugoestion is inie decd for an, use wnich would Innge any patent or coayn nt. W R G'ace Co. Col n., 62' Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140. 1 Canada. Grano Canada 'nc, 294 Clements Road Web. Ajax, Ontario, Canada L15 'CA This product may be covered by parents or portents pending. PRP DBR -2D 9/02 Printed in the USA. 3M SrP0-DA.T' and MAN'U- SFEC re g6tere0 roaerrnorks reed tser, Ir The part SPEC \TA foams: nfo i 0 the Ed^ al style: of The Corstr don Spedecerio'. Irsthue or 's user, with tpir perrrseor 1h rufay:uer jai do `or tern 01 currry..2 003 CMD 90 Sou r>, All R'viits' Po0eoed, Grace Construction Products CMD 5 June 14, 2007 To Whom It May Concern Rich Braun Technical Director THE QUIKRETe COMPANIES Inc Technical Engineering Center 500 Marathon Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30045 770.216.9580 770. 237.2548 Fax www.quikrete.com LETTER OF CERTIFICATION QUIKRETE Mix 330 Coarse Grout 3000 PSI SR31301 QUIKRETE Northwest This letter certifies that QUIKRETE" Coarse Core Fill Masonry Grout, when manufactured according to the approved formulation with approved raw materials, will meet the specifications for ASTM C 476, Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry, with compressive strength equal to or greater than 3,000 PSI at 28 days when sampled and tested in accordance with ASTM C 1019 in standard laboratory conditions. The raw materials used in this product formulation meeting the standard specifications include Type I Portland Cement meeting ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement, and Aggregates meeting ASTM C 404, Standard Specification for Aggregates for Masonry Grout We are pleased to be of service to you. If you have any questions, please let us know 6 Product- Product Code: Manufactured by Sample Identification Date Received 11/10/2006 Date Produced I 7/1/2006 Production Code Lab Code: 06 -4454 1 day 3 day 7 day 1 28 day 3000 Other Testing Test retained 3/8" mesh #8 mesh CERTIFIED TEST REPORT 80# Corefill Grout -Fine 1585 -08 Test Water Consistency Unit Weight Set Time Air Strength Testing Test Conditions: Mix Method C, Cure >95% RH Test Compressive Strength (psi) Flexural Strength (psi) Age Specification (1) Result Specification (1) Result 0 2490 3730 Specification 0 3% goal QUIKRETE Northwest Initial Testing Specification As Required 8 -11" slump >125 Certified by Rich Braun Technical Director Technical and Engineering Center 500 Marathon Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 3004 Phone: 770 216 -9580 Test Results 0 04 Results 18.3 95 134 4 0 (1) A value of 1 indicates that the property is being measured but no minimum value has been set 7 PRODUCT SUBMITTAL seemasommeas•m•seassu•sa•manamst•m aese•a RJ-721 Anchoring System 2421 ASTM. liE32 A82411 :r6k1 :Lam' teeI Mr ensile. Str :plc 'Ica "0,30C psi Seisms.- MATERIAL CON1:4 SHEET METAL ;L at ikM ASTMA1068 .1A10081I11 Galyarii:ec Pric C0atirg: ASTM A541 A641M (0.10 Cz per sq it) ix Dip vanvec.• •qtler "abricx.in Lrx `',:o#Ling ASTM A1531 Al 5.3M-82 (1.50 oz per sq ft) 51.3inleiss. 3, ASTM 560 ASTM 580M Type 304 've 316 'ter' .ACI. ASCE 533 iBLic,rg cock) equireme,n; far ri cery stlucyte St eel .Producti (flats): GEtiviitt zed Rot Di:: Jrne 9` P. Ird L ;trial P t nks ?4 e1.; %-'0st t", ormer torten WIRE Recycled Cohteilt: (.3aNcinizeo oi 85' k. Fortc.irter Post r3t a P Consumer F gonsuTet 0 Conan 0• Carporate.Office: 40D OL zIr i Chailotte NI 2821. TF4_1800)848,6 22 704; Mailing Address: Bc 1:4098e ..31t.Irk NC 282?4 w 2421 Piste: 14 ..,..p 12o t "tato lc ngr.11 to.auXwilrrncia:e, INSULATION: r www wirebontI cc; if 24,22 Seismic PIPIJe: X ,2 gat,ge ge 2422 Seisritic Pirtle Length: Straight Cut Seisrnt 9 aauge 3'C FINISH: F-o• Dip saiu nized Stainlo.s Memphis P1 I: ,36E ialoor A Vi.4 IS.V.,mr:.1. TN t8 3 EL. 'AO^ 44 3359 FAY I Mailing Address. 0. 9r.ix 1 4 .l 8 This will certify that masonry wallreinforeing manufactured by Wirt-Bond supplied to General_ Contractor. Howard S. weight Construction Mas�nry ContrUctor DFL Masonry Inc Proj Maier Hall at Peninsula College Pont Angeles, Washington Ri-721=2" 12ga Stainless Plates Material, ASTM A167 Stainless Steel) RJ-721 121: 414" S ess Pintles complies with all requirements of the following applicable specifteations. P 0. /lox 2409U/ Charlotte, NC 28224 Phone (704) 52$4554 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 09 Wire Material. ASTM A580/ASTM A5SOM (Type 304 Stainless Stee() Wire-Bond steel products are made in the.United Si Subscribed and before me 1 01 INSO,;\ e 311 ..1„y ou e PuloC• Masonry Wall uL.ts Ties 1" WO day of Notary Public April 2010 in Tyk r My commission expires January 22, 2011 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x TYPICAL BRICK PANEL ANCHOR SPACING x x x 1 1 4 (typ) x x x x x x x x x x x x E x x EDGE OF METAL STUD (typ) x x x x X x 1 1/2' (approx) 4 (approx)-- x x x x x x x TYPICAL ANCHOR SPACING @CORNER JAMB NOTES. VENEER ANCHORS SPACED 16" HORIZ/18" VERT ATTACH CENTERED ON METAL STUDS. ATTACH ANCHORS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF INSULATION. TWO FASTENERS PER ANCHOR @STUD WALLS. ONE FASTENER PER ANCHOR @CONCRETE WALLS. SPACING NOT TYPICAL OF ALL PANELS. VARIATIONS INCLUDE THE "FIELD' CONDITION @16' OC TO AN "EDGE' CONDITION OF 12' OC. W W J 0 U z w V ([S CL J L. J O Q C LL L W SHEET Ti F LEXTM Selection Guide ECP Catalog Humbert L Drive Size Length System Hex Washer Head B L I!�1�Il�llrgll�y� L B 1111pUM ytaii hs to I BI-Me c JE i I,Iriihn V ist 'nei 1 VMUMMOND L MMlMlllllllllll 111WWW1pg1111 L J B IMMONTIV L -LIP{ 1M111p111NONI L A A i A A A. A A A A A s i a'' A .k..la..l. .......1..A A.A..' E111111mt MN Illlll UNSUSIEN L L mom MINUMMIONNS L Identification The head marking consists of the number 3 above the Elco® logo as shown to the right. EAJ110 10-16 3/4 EAJ185 1 EAJ215 12 -14 11/2' EAJ240 2' 5/16' Point Size Max. Drilling Capacity B Maximum Pieces Load bearing per Length* 1/4 Kegt Job Pack: Pieces per Boxt hex 2 .110' 0.320' 6000 250 0.500' 4000 150 5/16' 2 .140' 1.00' 2500 125 hex 1.500' 2000 75 EAJ190 1 0.500' 4000 150 1 EAJ220 12 -14 11/2' 5hex 3 .210' 1.00' 2500 125 EAJ260 2 1/2' 2.00' 1500 50 EAJ340 12 -24 2' 5hex 5 .500' 1.100' 2000 75 EAJ415 1 0.500' 3000 125 EAJ430 1/4-14 11/2' She 2 .175 1.00' 2000 75 EAJ445 2' 1.500' 1500 50 The load- bearing length is the length of 300 series stainless under the hex head or including the flat head Hardened steel length (lead threads and point) should be through the connection and not in the load bearing section of the connection. t Standard packaging: 1 /4 keg quantities as shown. Job Pack: Pieces per box as shown /six boxes per shipper Available upon request. Indicate Job Pack by placing a P' at the end of the ECP Catalog Number flat head hex washer head 11 LE 0u 3 air !es‹, See! BI -Metal )g F istene) s Performance Data Pull -Out Values Screw Size TM Drill Point Drill Cap Type (in.) 10 -16 2 I 0 150 10 -16 3 0.187 1214 1 2 1 0.187 12 -14 1 3 1 0.210 12 -24 5 1 0.500 1/4 -14 2 0.210 1/4 -20 3 0.375 1/4 -20 5 0.500 Ultimate Strengths* Size Tensile (Lbs) 10 -16 1847 12 14 2628 12 24 2734 1/4 -14 3459 1/4 -20 4124 Distributed By Pull -Out (Lbs) Steel RB60 -75 50 66KSI 455 528 417 619 Shear Average Lbs Ultimate 1282 1950 2284 2676 2860 Values are for 300 series stainless fastener threaded shank 677 793 616 684 750 892 679 w,l 802 885 1082 680 780 I 12 ga. 1394 1/8" 1906 3/16" 1242 1 1605 1 1527 Elco® Bi -Flex Staigard® and Acument' are trademarks of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC. ©2007 Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC 1/4" For more information contact Elco Construction Products or your distributor Elco Construction Products 5110 Falcon Road Rockford IL 61109 800.435 7213 815 391 5500 Fax 815 397 8986 www elcoconstruction com Aluminum 6063 -T5 22KSI 994 961 1/4" 1536 1 2602 1 2514 1132 1371 2028 2499 974 2110 2781 538 1995 1830 2943 3535 1310 1442 2623 I 3684 4069 1037 2786 1 2622 1724 NOTE. All performance data shown is based on tests performed under laboratory conditions at independent construction testing facilities. The appropriate safety factor should be applied and code requirements factored into specification and use of these fasteners. A safety factor of 4.1 or 25% of the ultimate average values shown is generally accepted as an appropriate working load. Final determination of the appropriate safety factor and use of these fasteners is the sole responsibility of the user specifying Engineer Architect or other responsible person designing the connection. Due to a wide variety of application conditions or intervening factors not under our control, we assume no liability for the use of the information provided in this document. For additional product information and technical assistance, please contact Elco directly at 1- 800 435 -7213. 12 4.3.4 Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor 42.43 42.4.6 Nut Washer Product Description Material Specifications Technical Data Installation Instructions Ordering Information Sample Calculations Red Setting Mark Anchor Thread Anchor Body Stainless Steel Expansion Sleeve (Wedges) Impact Section (Dog Paint) Expansion Cone Listings/Approvals ICC (International Cade Council) ESR -1917 FM (Factory Mural) Pipe Hanger Components for Automatic Sprinlder Systems (3/6' 3/41 UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Pipe Hanger Equipment for Are Protection Services (3f8" 3/4') ES iIiPIIVMIO Building Coda Compliance iece 2006 IRC-L 2006 UBC 1997 Kwik Bolt TZ Product Description The Kwik Bolt TZ (KB -TZ) is a torque controlled expansion anchor which is especially suited to seismic and cracked concrete applications. This anchor line is available in carbon steel with zinc electroplated coating and 304 stainless steel versions. The anchor diameters range from 3/8 to 3/4 inch in a variety of lengths. Applicable base materials include normal- weight concrete, struchiral lightweight concrete, and lightweight concrete over metal deck. Guide Specifications Torque controlled expansion anchors shall be Kwik Bolt 12 (KB -TZ) supplied by Hitti meeting the description in Federal Specification A -A 1923A, Type 4. The anchor bears a length identification mark embossed into the impact section (dog point) of the anchor surrounded by four embossed notches identifying the anchor as a Hilti Kwik Bolt TZ In the installed condition. Anchors are manufactured to meet one of the following conditions: The carbon steel anchor body, nut, and washer have an electroplated zinc coating conforming to ASTM B633 to a minimum thickness of 5 pm. The stainless steel expansion sleeve conforms to A181 316. Stainless steel anchor body, nut and washer conform to AIS1 304. Stainless steel expansion sleeve conforms to AISI 316. Product Features Product and length identification marks facilitate quality control after installation. Through fixture installation and variable thread lengths improve productivity and accommodate various base plate thicknesses. 316 Stainless Steel wedges pro- vide superior performance in cracked concrete. Ridges on expansion wedges provide increased reliability. Mechanical expansion allows Immediate load application. Raised impact section (dog point) prevents thread damage during installation. Bolt meets ductility requirements of ACI 318 -05 Section D1 Installation Drill hole in base material to the appropriate depth using a Hilt carbide tipped drill bit. Drive the anchor into the hole using a hammer. A minimum of four threads must be below the fastening surface prior to applying installation torque. Tighten the nut to the recommended installation torque. Supplemental Design Provisions for ACI 318-05 Appendix D Design strengths are determined in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and ICC Evaluation Service ESR -1917 Hill Kwik Bolt TZ Carbon and Stainless Steel Anchors in Concrete. The relevant design parameters are reiterated in Tables 1 2, and 3 of this document Supplemental provisions required for the design of the KB -TZ are enumerated In Section 4.0 of ESR -1917 (DESIGN AND INSTALLATION). Note that these design parameters are supplemental to the design provisions of ACI 318 -05. 13 Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor 4.3 4 Material Specifications Carbon steel with electroplated zinc Carbon steel K8 -TZ anchors have the following minimum bolt fracture loads' Anchor Diameter (in.) Ob) Tension (l 3/8 NA 6744 1/2 7419 11240 5/8 11465 17535 3/4 17535 25853 Carbon steel anchor components plated in accordance with ASTM 8633 to a minimum thickness of 50m. Nuts conform to the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade A, Hex. Washers meet the requirements of ASTM F844. Expansion sleeves (wedges) are manufactured from AISI 316 stainless steel. Stainless steel Stainless steel KB -TZ anchors are made of AISI 304 material and have the following minimum bolt fracture loads' Anchor Shear Tension 338 5058 6519 4 5/8 13938 19109 3/4 22481 24729 Nuts meet the dimensional requirements of ASTM F594. Washers meet the dimensional requirements of ANSI B18.22.1 Type A, plain. Expansion Sleeve (wedges) are made from AISI 316. All nuts and washers are made from AIS1 304 stainless steel. 1 Bolt fracture loads are determined by testing in jig as part of product QC. These loads are not Intended for design purposes. See Tables 2 and 3. w n. n q 1 s m n e n n i ,n 1/4 n m m n 1 x.. s., n n n yam, f "A A 14 4.3.4 Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor Technical Data '!able 1— Kwik Bolt 1Z Specification'iabie SETTING t'symbol Units Nominal anchor disaster (lo.) inmem T10N 318 I 112 1 518 I 3/4 Anchor O.D. do in. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 (mm) (9.5) '(12 7) (15.9) (19.1) Nominal bit 44 in. 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 diameter Effective min het in. 2 2 3 -1/4 3 -1/8 4 3 -3/4 4 -3/4 embedment (mm) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (96) (121) Min. hale depth ho in. 2 -5/8 2-5/8 4 3-3/4 4 -3/4 4 -5/8 5-3/4 (mm) (67) (67) (102) (95) (121) (117) (146) Min. thickness of in. 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/8 3/4 1/8 1 5/8 tain fixture' (mm) (6) g) (6) (9) (19) (3) (41) Max. thickness of f in. 2 -1/4 4 2 -3/4 5-5/8 4 -3/4 4-5/8 3 -5/8 More (mm) (57) (101) (70) (143) (121) (117) (92) Installation torque Tag ft -lb 25 40 60 110 (Nm) (34) (54) (81) (149) Min. dia. of hole d in. 7/16 9/16 11/16 13/16 VI fixture n (mrn) (11 1) (14.3) (17.5) (20.6) Available anchor lengths Threaded length including dog paint Unthreaded length Installation embedment eanch eunthr treed h 1 The minimum thickness of the fastened part is based on use of the anchor at minimum embedment and is controlled by She length of thread. If a thinner fastening thickness is required, increase the anchor embedment to suit. Figure 1— Kwik Bolt TZ installed £thread dh in. 3 3 -3/4 5 3 -3/4 4 -1/2 5 -1/2 7 4 -3/4 6 8 -1/2 10 5 -1/2 8 10 (mm) (76) (95) (127) (96) (114) (140) (178) (121) (152) (216) (254) (140) (203) (264) in. 7/8 1 -5/8 2 -7/8 1 -5/8 2 3/8 3 -3/8 4 -7/8 1 1/2 2 -3/4 5-1/4 6 -3/4 1 1/2 4 6 (mm) (22) (41) (73) (41) (60) (86) (178) (38) (70) (133) (171) (38) (102) (152) in. 2 -1/8 2 -1/8 3-1/4 4 (mm) (54) (54) (83) (102) in. 2 -1/4 2-3/8 3 -5/8 3 -5/8 4 -1 /2 4 -3/8 5 -3/8 (mm) (57) (s0) (92) (92) (114) (111) (137) 1 1 hat hnom h 15 labia 2 Carbon Steel Kwilk Solt 12 Strength Design Information DESIGN INFORMATION Anchor O.D. Effective min. embedment! Min. member thickness h f, Critical edge distance WE edge distance Min anchor spacing d0 het 1 1 Dec III Gamin for SmIn Min. hole depth in concrete Min. speafred yield strength Min specified ult. strength Effective tensile stress area Steel strength in tension Steel strength in shear Steel strength in shear, seismic Steel strength in shear, concrete on metal deck Pullout strength unaacked conaete Pullout strength cracked concrete 3 Pullout strength concrete an metal deck Anchor catenorv Effectiveness factor k ir unaacked cartaet e Effectiveness factor k cracked concretes wc.e kira Strength reduction factor for tension, steel failure modes$ Strength reduction factor 4 for shear, steel failure modest} Strength reduction factor 4) for tension. concrete failure modes, Condition Ba Strength reduction factor 4) for shear, concrete failure modes for c h y fy A N L Vs V,deck Np,una UntI in. (mm) In (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. In. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) I in. (mm) I lb/M2 (lmm2) IMn2 �'l/mm2) I iris I (mm I lb (kN) lb I ON) I lb (kN)) I Ib lb lb 3B 0.375 (•5 2 (51) 4 5 (102) I (127) 4-3/8 4 (111) (102) 2 -1/2 5 (127) 2 -1/2 (84) 3 -5/8 (92) 2 -5/8 10000 (690) 126000 I (862) 0.052 (33.6) 6500 3595 (16.0) 2255 (10.0) (9.5) 2130 I 2515 (11.2) 2270 (10.1) 1460 (6.5) 1 See Fig. 1 2 NP (not permitted) denotes that the condition is not supported. 3 NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 4 NP (not permitted) denotes that the condition is not supported. Values are for cracked concrete. Velure are applicable to both static and seismic load combinations. 5 See AC1318D.44, 8 See ACI 318 0.5.2-2. Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor 4.3.4 2 (51) 4 6 5 -1/2 I 4 -1 (140) (114) 23/4 5-3/4 (146) 2 -3/4 I 4-1/8 2 -5/8 (67) 3000 (13.3) NA NA 1460 (6.5) 1/2 0.5 (12.7) 84b00 (58 5) 106000 (731) 0,101 (65.0) 10705 (47.6) 6405 (2$ 6405 (28.5) 3 -1/4 6 8 1152) I (203) 7 1/2 6 (191) I (152) 2 -318 5 -3/4 2-3/8 (60) 3 -1/2 4 Nominal anchor dtanstsr 5J8 0 3 -118 4 5 1 I X65) I .5/8 (221 I 6 3 -1 /8 (1.6) I 3 -1/2 (89) 1 4 -3/4 (121) 3-7/8 (98) 4945 (2 5,515 (24.5) 4,915 (21.9) 2620 (11.7) 24 17 1 41 0.75 0.65 0.65 0.70 6 8 (152) (203) 8 -3/4 I 6 -3/4 (222) I (171) 3 -1/4 083) 5 -7/8 (149) 3 4 -1/4 (108) 4 -3/4 (121) (585) 106000 (731) 0.162 (104.6) 17170 (76.4) 10555 (470) 10555 (47.0) 4600 6040 (20.5) I NA I 9,145 (40.7) NA 2000 (8.9) 4645 (20.7) 3/4 0.75 (19.1) 3-3/4 4 3/4 (95) (121) 6 I 8 8 (152) I (203) (203) 10 I 8 9 (229) 4 -3/4 4-1/8 (121) (105) 10 -1/2 8 -7/8 (267) (225) 5 4 (127) (102) 9-1/2 73/4 (241) (197) 4 -508 5 -3/4 (117) (146) 84800 106000 (731) 0.237 (152.8) 25120 (111.8) 15930 (70.9) 14245 (63.4) NP 8.280 10,680 (36 -8) I (47.5) NA NP 7 See ACI 318 8 The KB -TZ is a ductile steel element as defined by ACI 318 0.1 9 For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 92. Condition 8 applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318 0.4.4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of stpplementary rein- forcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. 16 4.3.4 Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor Table 3 Stainless Steel Kwik Bolt TZ Strength Design Information DEIGN INFORMA11ON Anchor 0.0 Effective min. embedment! Min. member thickness fr bmin Critical edge distance c ra.mie far s Smn for c? Min. edge distance Min. anchor spacing 'Symbol Units d Min. tole depth in concrete Min. specified yield strength Min. specified utt. strength Effective tensile stress area Steel strength in tension Steel strength in shear Steel strength in tension, seismic Steel strength in shear seismic Pullout strength uncracied concrete Pullout strength cracked concrete 2 Anchor cata4ary Effectiveness factor k" unaacred concrete Effectiveness factor k cracked canaete 'den kucr /krr Strength reduction factor 4) for tension, steel failure rnades B Strength reduction factor 4) for shear, steel failure modese Strength reduction factor 4) for tension, concrete failure rnodes, Condition B Strength reduction factor 4) tor shear, concrete failure modes n f„ N„ V Nsamis Vs g Npn,vnix N pr1 a in. (mm) in. (mm) in, (my in, (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) Ibfm 2 (N/mm IMn (N/mm in2 (mm Ib (kN) Ib fiat Ib Ib Ib (kN) Ib (kN) 313 0.375 (9.5) 2 (51) 4 5 (102) I 4 -3/8 3-7/6 (111) (98) 2 -1 /2 (64) 5 (127) 2 -1/4 (57) 3-1/2 (89) 2 -5(8 (67) 92000 (634) 115000 (793) 0.052 (33.6) 5980 (26.6) 4870 (21.7) NA 2825 (12.8) 2630 (11.7) 2340 (10.4) 17 141 4 6 (102) (152) 5 -1/2 4 -1/2 (140) (114) 2 -7/8 (73) 5 -3/4 2 -7/8 4 -1/2 (114) 2 -5/8 (67) 92000 (634) 115000 (793) 0.101 (65.0) 11615 (51 7) 6880 (30.6) 2,735 I (12.2) 6880 (30.6) NA 3180 (14.1) 24 1.00 Nominal anchor diameter 5/8 0.625 (15.9) 3-1/4 3 -1/8 I 4 (83) (79) I (102) 6 8 5 6 8 (152) I (203) (127) I (152) I (203) 71/2 6 7 8 -7/8 I 6 (191) (152) (178) (225) I (152) 2 -1/8 3 -1/4 2 -3/8 (54) (83) I (60) 5-1/4 5 -1/2 5 -1/2 (133) (140) (140) 2 2 -3/4 I 2 3/8 (51) (70) (60) 3 -1/4 4-1/8 4 -1/4 (83) (105) 1 4 3-3/4 4-3/4 (102) (95) (121) 92000 (634) 115000 (793) 0.162 (104.6) 18630 (82.9) 11835 (52.7) NA 5760 (25.6) NA 1 1 1 NA 1 1835 (5z•6) NA NA I 5840 8110 (26.0) (36.1) 1 24 17 1 17 1 17 1 41 1 141 1 1 41 0.75 0.65 0.65 0.70 3/4 0.75 (19.1) 3 -3/4 1 4 -3/4 (95) 1 (121) 6 8 (152) (203) 10 7 9 (254) (178) I (229) 4 -1 /4 4 (108) I (102) 10 (254) 5 (127) 9 -1/2 (241) 4 -5/8 (117) 76125 (525) 101500 0237 (152.8) 24055 (107.0) 20050 (89.2) NA 8-1/2 (216) 4 7 (178) 5-3/4 (146) 14615 OH) NA I 12040 (53.6) I NA 24 1 17 1,00 1 141 1 See Fig. 1 2 NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. 3 See ACI 318 0.4.4. 4 See ACI 318 5 See ACI 318 6 The KB TZ is a ductile steel element as defined by AC1 318 D.1 7 For use with the load combinations of AC1318 92. Condition El applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318 0.4 4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. 17 Figure 2 interpolation of Minimum Edge Distance and Anchor Spacing Concrete condition uncracked concrete cracked concrete L Min. 4 -112' Table 4 Mean Axial Stiffness Values (1000 lb/In.) for Kwik Bolt TZ Carbon and Stainless Steel Anchors in Normal- Weight Concrete' Min. 518' Typical Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor 4.3.4 h 2 hmin Sdesign carbon steel KB 1Z all diameters 700 500 Figure 3 Installation in Concrete over Metal Deck Floor Ca, min at S 1 Mean values shown. Actual stiffness may vary considerably depending on concrete strength. loading and geometry of application. Min. 3000 psi Normal or Sand Lightweight Concrete Upper Flute (Valley) Min. 4-112' Max. 1 Offset Typical $min at C Cdesign edge distance c stainless steel KB-1Z, all diameters 120 90 Minimum No. 20 Gauge Steel Deck Lower Flute (Ridge) 18 4.3.4 Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor Allowable Stress Design Design values for use with allowable stress design (working stress design) shall be established as follows: Reit where Re R represents the limiting design strength in tension (4) N„) or shear as calculated according to AC1318 0.41 1 and Tbbia 5 The value of a shall be taken as follows: Reference for strength reduction factors ACI 3180.4 4 All 318 0.4.5 Table 0 Kwik Bolt TZ Carbon and Stainless Steal Allowable Static Tension (ASD), Normal-Weight Uncrackeed Concrete, Condition B (1b) Nominal Embedment F' f'aw 3000 lea psi 111 anle Anchor Depth in. lhd Carbon n7feas a On Mime S S t ee ns ar l =leas Diameter (in.) Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel I 9Eee1 steel 3/8 I 2 1 1168 1 1221 I 1279 1338 1477 1545 1809 1892 1/2 2 1 1578 16 1726 1726 1993 1993 2441 2441 3 -1 /4 I 2561 I 2674 2805 I 2930 3239 3383 3967 4143 3 -1/8 I 3078 3078 3372 I 3372 3893 3893 4768 4768 4 4246 4457 4651 I 4883 5371 5638 6578 6905 3/4 3-3/4 3844 4 4211 1 4432 4863 5118 5956 6268 4-3/4 I 4959 I 5590 5432 I 6124 6272 7071 7682 8660 1 Values are far angle anchors with no edge distance or spacing reduction. For other cases. calculation of Rd as per ACI 318 -05 and conversion to ASO in accordance with Table 5. 2 Values are for normal weight concrete. For sand lightweight concrete, multiply values by 0.85. For all lightweight come. multiply values by 0.75. See ACI 318-05014_ 3 Canadian 8 applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318 -05 O.A.4 is not provided, ar where pullout ar pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors assoaated with Condition A may be used. 4 Allowable stoat tension loads for 2,500 psi are calculated by multiplying the concrete breakout strength Nb by the strength reduction factor of 0.65 and dividing by an a of 1 4 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. Nb is calculated as per ACI 318 -05 This bad may be adjusted for other concrete strengths according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 41.3 by using the following equation. Nb,r'c Nn ,1 rc yt 2500 Tbbie 7 Kwlk Bolt 12 Carbon and Stainless Steel Allowable Static Tension {ASD), Normal- Weight Crocked Concrete, Condition B (lo) Nominal Embedment Anchor Depth h Diameter {in.) 3/8 1 2 1/2 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 5/8 4 3/4 3-3/4 4.3/4 a including seismic excluding seismic 1 1 J 14 1.2 1.55 carbon Steel 1054 1116 2282 2180 3157 2866 4085 1086 1476 2312 2180 2711 3765 4085 Conn re= Carbon Steel 1 1156 I 1223 2500 I 2388 3458 3139 I 4475 Corrireashre 1190 1617 2533 2388 2970 4125 4475 ran i KII38 ppe�t noes Carbon Iesa Carbon Stairiteas Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel 1333 1412 2886 2758 3994 3625 5168 1374 I 1833 1683 1868 I 1729 2287 2925 3535 3582 2758 3377 3377 3430 4891 4201 4763 1 4440 5833 5168 1 6329 6329 1 Values are for single anchors with no edge distance or spacng reduction. For other cases, calculation of Rd as per ACI 318-05 and conversion to ASD in accordance with Table 5. 2 Values are for normal weight concrete. For sand lightweight concrete, multiply values by 0.85. For all- lightweight concrete, multiply values by 0.75. See ACI 318-05 0.3.4 3 Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with ACI 318-05 0.4.4 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of Supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. 4 allowable static tension loads for 2,500 psi are calculated by multiplying the pullout strength N by the strength reduction *factor of 0.85 and dh►iding by an a of 14 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. See Table 2 for N This Toad may be adjusted for other concrete strengths according to ICC E5R -1917 Section 4.1.3 by using the following equation. f'c Npgcrr'c Npnter 25013 19 Table 8 Kwik Bolt TZ Carbon and Stainless Steel Allowable Static Shear (ASD), Steel pb)1 Nominal Allowable Steel Static Shear Anchor Diameter Carbon Steal Stainless Steel 3/8 J 1669 1 2661 1/2 1 2974 1 3194 5/8 I 4901 1 5495 314 I 7396 1 9309 1 Values are for single anchors with no edge distance or spacing redtrctlon due to concrete failure. 2 Allowable static shear low are calculated by multiplying V„ by the strength reduction 4, factor of 0.65 and deriding by an a cf 1 4 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. See Table 2 for V„ Table 9 Kwik Bolt TZ Carbon and Stainless Steel Allowable Seismic Tenslon (ASD), Normal- Weight Cracked Concrete, Condition B (1b)1.2.3. Nominal Embedment Anchor Depth h Diameter [n_y 3/8 1 2 1/2 2 3-1/4 5/8 3-1/8 4 3/4 3-3/4 4-3/4 1 Values are for single anchors with no edge distance or spadng reduction. For other cases, calculation of Rd as per ACI 318-05 and conversion to ASD in accordance with Table 5 2 Values are for normal weight concrete. For sand lightweight concrete, multiply values by 0.85. Far all-lightweight concrete. multiply values by 0.75. See ACI 318 -05 0.3.4. 3 Condition 13 applies where supplementary reinforcement in cnnfamiance with ACI 318 -05 0.4.4 is not provided. or where pullout or pout strength governs For cases where the presence of supplementary reinfenaernent can be verified. the strength reduction factors associated with Condition A may be used. 4 Allowable seismic tension loads for 2,500 psi are calculated by multiplying the pullout strength N by the strength reduction 4) factor of 065, then multiplying by a 0.75 factor describe In ACI 318 -05 D.3.3.3, and dividing by an a of 1 1 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. See Table 2 for N This Toad may be adjusted far other concrete strengths according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.1.3 by using the following equation. f'c Nposir'c kg", 2504 Table 10 Kwik Bolt 12 Carbon and Stainless Steel Allowable Seismic Shear (ASD), Steel (Ib)1.2 NonNnal Allowable Steel Capacity, Seismic Shear Anchor Diameter Carbon Steel Stainless Steel 3/8 1 999 1252 1/2 2839 3049 5/8 4678 5245 3/4 I 6313 6477 1 Values are for single anchors with no edge distance or spacing reduction due to concrete failure. 2 Allowable seismic shear loads are calculated by multiplying V,, by the strength reduction 4, factor of 0.65, then multiply by 0.75 as per ACI 318- 05, and &icing by an a of 1' 1 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. See Table 2 for V,,, ee Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor 4.3 4 Concrete ComEresslve 2 rim 2l0 vi. f p a i f S oat 1 f".= 8000 pal Carbon Stainless Carbon alniese Carbon 5talnleas carbon Stainless Steel Steel Steel Steel Steal Steel 1 Steel Steel 1006 1037 1102 1 1136 1273 1312 1 1559 1 1607 1065 1212 1167 1328 1348 1 1533 1 1651 1878 2178 2207 2386 2418 2755 I 2792 1 3375 3419 2081 2081 2280 2280 2632 I 2632 1 3224 3224 3014 2588 3301 2835 3812 3274 1 4869 4010 2736 3594 2997 3937 3460 4546 4238 5568 3900 3900 4272 4272 4933 1 4933 6042 6042 20 4.3.4 Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor Table 11 Kwik Bolt 112 Carbon Steel Allowable Tension and She Loads (ASO), installed Into the Underside of a Lightweight Concrete over Metal Deck Siab Nominal Embedment Tension Tension Shear Shear Anchor Depth h Seismic non- Seiemlc Seismic non Seismic Diameter On.) (OW OW (IW' OW 3/8 i 2 709 743 1 944 989 1/2 1 2 709 743 1 1330 1393 1/2 1 3 -1/4 1272 1333 1 2192 2296 5/8 1 3 -1/8 971 1017 1 2039 2136 5/8 1 4 2255 2362 1 2677 2804 1 Pullout strength values No are for anchors installed in lightweight concrete hating a minimum 2,500 psi compressive strength at the lime of installation. See Table 3 ESR -1917 The values listed in Table 11 hate been calculated assuming a minimum 3.000 psi aonaete compressive strength. The pullout strength may be adjusted tor other lightweight concrete compressive strengths according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 41.3 using the following equation: fPc Npn,dedJ C Hpn,dad` V 2500 kb' psi) 2 Minimum anchor spacing along the flute shall be the greater of 3.0 h or 1.5 times the flute width in accordance with ICC fSR -1917 Section 4.1.3. 3 Anchors in the lower lute may be installed with a maximum 1 -inch offset in either direction. See Figure 5 in ESR -1917 4 Allowable seismic tension and shear loads are calculated by multiplying Nto,dask and Vse.deck by the strength reduction 4) factor of 0.65, the seismic reduction di factor of 0.75 according to ACI 318E13.3.3, and then divided by an a of 1 1 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. 5 Allowable non seismic tension and shear toads are calculated by multiplying Np,ukek and V,,,,,k by the strength reduction 4, factor (0 0.65 and dividing by an a of 1 4 according to ICC ESR -1917 Section 4.2. Table 12 Kwik Bolt T2 Length Identification System Length JD marking on bolt tread Length of anchor, arrch (in.) A B C D E F G N 1 J K L M N 0 P 0 R S T U V W From 1 2 2 3 31! 4 4 5 5 1 /2 6 6i/ 7 7 8 8t/ 9 914(10 11 12 13 14 115 Up to but not 2 2 3 3 4 41/2 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 including Figure 4 Boit Head with Length identification Mark and Kwik Bolt T2 Head Notch Embossment 21 Weep Holes #QV Quadro -Vent FEATURES: Quadro- Vent's honeycomb design allows passage of moisture from cavity to the building exterior while restricting ingress of insects and other debris. ❑Quadro -Vent allows passage of moisture up to its 2 1/2' height, important in the event of mortar droppings at bottom of cavity Polypropylene tested in conformance with ASTM D2240, D790B, D638 and D1238B. 1/2" wide weep vents are not available SI ti Hohmann Barnard, Inc. 30 Rasons Court Hauppauge New York 11788 TEL. (800) 645 -0616 FAX. (631) 234 -0683 SIZE. Standard: 3/8' x 2 1/2' x 3 3/8' Jumbo: 3/8' x 3 1/2' x 3 1/2' Custom Cut: 3/8' x x COLOR: Gray Clear Cocoa Almond 4 4 4 04032IFI Q H BuyLin a 11323 4 DRAWINGS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY WEBSITE www h -b.com E -MAIL. weanchor @h -b.com ©HOHMANN BARNARD INC 1999 22 :This is the only product available in a >10" :height. As it is only available in 1" widths we :can install 2 layers at 2" cavities /iii /i' w ADVANCED Building Products Inc. Advanced Building Products recently had its Mortar Break® system tested by an independent test lab (Architectural Testing Inc. of York, PA). The Mortar Breaker system exceeded the expectations of experts as a mortar deflection device. Additionally, the air infiltration results surpassed that of the competition. Properties: Tensile Properties. ASTM D5035 Strength at Ultimate (lbs /ft)• Roll Direction 285 lbs /ft Cross Roll Direction 310 lbs /ft Elongation. Roll Direction 60% Cross Roll Direction 55% The Complete Mortar Deflection and Air Filtration System Over 20 years ago Advanced Building Products, a leading manufacturer of thru -wall flashing, saw the need for a less labor intensive way to keep head joints free from mortar droppings. With this thought in mind we introduced our Mortar Break® system. Since its inception, Mortar Break® has been the cost efficient way to keep head joints free from mortar droppings, while saving significant labor costs durmg the installation phase. Made from 40% recycled materials, this unique and proven effective mortar deflection device qualifies for L.E.E.D rating system credits.* Copper Thru -Wall Flashing Mortar Break (1" 1 3!4' Cavity Wall) Mortar, Break Detail Weep Tube w Cell vent Flashing must extend f beyond face of exten wall or cut flush' Short -Form Specification The mortar deflection device m a 1 cavity wall shall be Mortar Break® polymer core geomatrix composed of polypropylene strands woven into a .80' thick mesh, as manufactured by Advanced Building Products, Inc The product shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Basic Use: For use at all flashing locations, such as cavity composite, single wythe and veneer applications (see detail). The polymer core geomatrix design allows moisture to seep down through any mortar droppings and weep out of the wall through the cell vents or weep holes. Mortar Break® used with properly installed flashing and weep systems along with good mortar applying techniques, will ensure the performance of a well designed masonry wall. Dimension Core Weight Thickness Width Roll Length Roll Gross Weight Sizes: Weight: 21.3 oz/yd 80 inches 10 0 inches 50 0 feet 4.5 lbs P 0 Box 98, Springvale, ME 04083 Tel. 1- 800 -252 2306 or 1 207 490 -2306 Fax. 207-490-2998 E -mail info @advancedflashing.com www advancedflashing com 13 x 50' (3 Rolls/Box Specification Bulletin No. 200 Mortar Break® Will not support mold growth. 23 March 25 2010 Enclosures MUTUALMATERIALSTM Trusted Since 1900 DFL Masonry Inc. 19707 44 Ave W Suite 207 Lynnwood, WA 98036 Attention. Dave Dizard Project: Maier Hall Mason. DFL Masonry Inc Subject: Masonry Submittal We certify that the 3'h x 2' x 11 1 Imperial Red mission textured bricks for the above referenced project will be manufactured in accordance with ASTM C -216, Grade SW and Type FBS Should you have further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPANY Andrew MacFarlane Commercial Sales Representative Home Office Mutual Materials Bellevue P. (425) 452 -2361 F (425) 637 -0794 amacfarlane@mutualmaterials.com JOB 161633 24 31/2" DFL MASONRY, Inc MAIER HALL PENINSULA COLLEGE Half Scale m 19707 44th Ave W Suite 207 X Lynnwood, WA 98036 115 deg Squint Date 5/15/10 31/2" 5 1/2" I DFL MASONRY, Inc MAIER HALL PENINSULA COLLEGE Half Scale Lyn woodtWA9 036uite207 Full L- corner Return Brick Date: 5/15/10 26 s. u N 3 1/2" ,le 5 1/2" I DFL MASONRY, Inc MAIER HALL PENINSULA COLLEGE Half Scale m 19707 44th Ave W0 Suite 207 X L WA 98036 6x6 L- corner Return Brick Date: 5/15/10 Re oar Descep 27 April 19, 2010 Trusted Since 1900 Dizard, Frisch and Lund Masonry PO Box 1174 Woodinville, WA 98072 Attention. Dave Dizard UTUALMATERIALSTM Project. Maier Hall Mason. Dizard, Frisch and Lund Masonry Subject: Masonry Submittal We certify that the 8 x 8 x 16 Natural smooth textured concrete masonry units for the above referenced project will be manufactured in accordance with ASTM C -90, Grade N, Type 1, and medium weight. Please find enclosed further product data on the following CMU Test Report for medium weight Should you have further questions, please contact me Sincerely, MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPANY Andrew MacFarlane Commercial Sales Representative Home Office Mutual Materials Bellevue P (425) 452 -2361 F (425) 637 -0794 amacfarlane(mutualmaterials.com Enclosures 28 F )■,1 (WED) FEB 2008 10 00/ST 9 59/No. 682$543287 P 2 MAYES TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. 11911=ZOWNIMPIVIEMINESIMMICATIM.e.0 Client Project Mutual Materials Job 07002 Satnplc Description, 8 x 16 STD MWT P 0 302495 Sample 1.D 1292 Date: 12/31/2007 Run K0710096 Spec. ASTM C 140., ASTM C.90, C-426 m ens i on s 'Ai Total tt Height Width Length Ab.sorption 1 Meech 1710/16 7 11/161 15 9/16 1 22.8 17 11/16 7 101161 15 11/16 1 24.0 3 17 10/1617 11/161 159116 1 24.2 Averaiij: 7 10/1617 11/1j 15 10/16 1 23.7 ASTM C-90 Weight Classification ASTM C-90 Specification for Absorption tvivasurcmcnt of Dimensions Face Sliell,Thickness (aye) minimum Wcb Thickness (avc) minimum Equiv Wcti Thickness (avc) E.qui v)cnt Thickness avc) 051% 2 .056% 3 054% Avc .054% CMU Qualification Tests Compressive Strength ASTM C 140 Moisture as Absorption Absorption Ree. d (PCF) 1 1.9 1 9.5 1 8.4 1 2,0 1 9.6 1 8.4 1 2.0 1 9.6 1 8.4 1 9.6 1 8.4 Samplc Gross AM Nz. c.f. (i n 2) Compress ion C:omprossivc Strength .."..r (1n2) Load (lbs) (13%i) Gross I Net 1 1 119 52 1 61.98 1 181,400 1520. 1 2930. 2 1 1.19.52 61 98 1 187,700 1 15711, 3030. 3 1 119.52 61 98 1 186.400 1 1560. 3010 1 M age 1 1550. 2990. Drying Shrinkage ASTM C 426 Results IASTM C-90 Requirement 1Minimum 1.29 1.21 2.79 3,97 1 1.25 1 1.00 I 2.25 1 Reviewed Fty (jun in thi repQn applies to the actual cAmplei te5ted ;old hoil not he reprnttuem ove9): m full, without the approval of, CMU 1292/12/3 /2007 Lynnwood Office 25 CadarValey Road Stge110 Lynnwood. WA 066 pit 425.742.8360 lax 425.745.1737 Tacoma Office 10029 'S. Tacoma Way Sale E-2 Tacoma, WA 98499 ph 253,584.3720 lax 251584.3707 Parterre Office 7911 NE Mid Drive Suite 190 Portland, 011 97211 01503.2813515 tax 503.281.7579 Dry Unit Weight as Weight Weight Net, (tbs 1,2 113.9 31,7 31,4 1 113.7 1 313 31.3 1 114.2 32 1 31 9 1 113.9 31 9 Medium Weight 105 lcss than 125 pa 15 pcf maximum til PROSOCO DESCRIPTION AND USE Sure Klean 600 Detergent is a general purpose, concentrated acidic cleaner for brick, tile and concrete surfaces. 600 Detergent dissolves mortar smears and construction dirt quickly, leaving the masonry clean and uniform with no acid burning or streaking. ADVANTAGES •The No. 1- selling proprietary cleaner for new masonry. •Proven effective through years of use. •Recommended by many brick, tile and mortar manufacturers. •Safer than muriatic acid for new masonry surfaces. •Fast and easy to apply use with cold water rinse. •Special wetting agents let larger masonry surfaces be cleaned at one time, eliminating streaking. Limitations •May not be suitable for cleaning buff colored brick and brick, stone or tile with manganese or other metallic additives. See product literature on Sure Klean Vana Trol® 600 Detergent is recommended for these substrates. Always test. Coverage is in sq.ft. /m. per gallon of concentrate. Type I Use? I Coverage Substrate Burnished Architectural Smooth Concrete Block* Split -faced Ribbed Concrete* Fired Clay Marble, Travertine, Limestone Granite Sandstone Slate SINCE 1939 Brick Tile Precast Panels Pavers Cast -in -place Brick Tile Terra Cotta Pavers Polished Unpolished Polished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished no Yes 300 -400 sq.ft. 28 -37 sq.m. Yes yes Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 500 -900 sq.ft. yes 46 -84 sq.m. Yes no NA no Yes 600 -1200 sq.ft. 56 -111 sq.m. 600 -900 sq.ft. 56 -84 sq.m. 600 -1100 sq.ft. 56 -102 sq.m. no yes Yes 600 -1100 sq.ft. 56-102 sq.m. NA NA *Repeated applications may damage surfaces. Sure Kleann Custom Masonry Cleaner is a more appropriate product. Always test to ensure desired results. Coveroue estimates depend on surface texture and porosity. SIJRE-IFLEANt 600 Detergent new masonry cleaner 'Not suitable for cleaning polished or certain glazed surfaces. Always test to ensure suitability •Repeated applications may leave a detergent residue. Always prewet to reduce potential for detergent residue. Rinse thoroughly Don t apply more than twice. •Not effective for removing atmospheric dirt and black carbon stains. Use the appropriate Sure Klean restoration cleaner to remove atmospheric staining from older masonry surfaces. TYPICAL TECHNICAL DATA FORM. Clear liquid with slight amber color SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1 130 TOTAL SOLIDS. NA pH. 0.1 Oa 1.9 dilution WT /GAL. 9 4 lbs. FLASH POINT NA FREEZE POINT 22 °F 30 °C) SHELF LIFE. 3 years in tightly sealed, unopened container PREPARATION Protect people, vehicles, property, metal, painted surfaces, plants and other nonmasonry materials from product, splash, residue, wind drift and fumes. When working over traffic, clean when traffic is at a minimum. Protect or divert traffic if necessary Clean masonry before installing windows, doors, finished flooring, metal fixtures, hardware, light fixtures, roofing materials and other nonmasonry items that the cleaner could harm. If already installed, protect with polyethylene before application. Sure Klean Strippable Masking is appropriate for use with this product to protect windows. All caulking and sealant materials should be in place and thoroughly cured before cleaning. New brick and tile surfaces clean most effectively 14 28 days after masonry installation. Mortar and grout smears left on the surface longer result in a more difficult clean down and may cause undesirable results. Cleaning high strength mortar /grout within seven days improves results. Presence of excessive moisture in the wall contributes to efflorescence and other staining. Always protect open wall cavities from rain during construction. Surface and Air Temperatures For best results, clean when air and masonry surface temperatures are 40 °F (4 °C) or above. To avoid harming masonry, don t clean when temperatures are below freezing or will be overnight. If freezing conditions existed before application, let the masonry thaw Equipment Apply with low- pressure spray (50 psi max) or densely packed, soft fibered masonry- washing brush. Do not apply with pressure spray over 50 psi. This drives the chemicals deep into the surface, Page 1 of 3 Item #10020 SK600D 113005 ©Copyright PROSOCO Inc. 2005 30 making complete rinse difficult. Test spray equipment for compatibility and to avoid discoloration. Rinse with enough water and pressure to flush spent cleaner and dissolved soiling from the masonry surface and surface pores without damage. Inadequate rinsing leaves residues which may stain the cleaned surface. Masonry- washing equipment generating 400 -1000 psi with a water flow rate of 6 -8 gallons per minute is the best water /pressure combination for rinsing porous masonry Use a 15 -45° fan spray tip Heated water (150 -180 °F 65 -82 °C) may improve cleaning efficiency Use adjustable equipment for reducing water flow -rates and rinsing pressure as needed for sensitive surfaces. Rinsing pressures greater than 1000 psi and fan spray tips smaller than 15° may permanently damage sensitive masonry Water flow -rates less than 6 gallons per minute may reduce cleaning productivity and contribute to uneven cleaning results. APPLICATION Before use, read "Preparation" and "Safety Information." ALWAYS TEST each type of surface and stain for suitability and results before overall application. Test a minimum 4 -ft x 4 -ft area on each type of masonry Let the test panel dry 3 to 7 days before inspection. Use the following application instructions. Keep test panels available for comparison throughout the cleaning project. If test panel indicates metallic discoloration, or if stains are present before testing, refer to the `Metallic Discolorations section. Dilution Dilute one part product with between four and 12 parts clean water, based on test results. Always pour COLD water into empty bucket first, then carefully add product. Never use hot water. Handle in polypropylene buckets only Acidic materials and fumes attack metal. When calculating the volume of cleaner required for porous, textured surfaces, assume 50 square feet per gallon of prepared cleaner. For dense, smooth surfaces, assume up to 150 square feet per gallon of prepared cleaner. The coverage rate chart assumes an average coverage rate of 100 square feet per gallon of prepared cleaner. Application Instructions Exterior Applications Test thoroughly before general cleaning. Caution. Multiple applications may lighten the mortar color. 1 Working from the bottom to the top, thoroughly prewet a large area with fresh water. 2. Using a densely packed, soft fibered masonry washing brush, or low- pressure spray (50 psi maximum) apply the diluted solution freely from the bottom of the work area to the top. 3 Let cleaning solution stay on the wall for 3 to 5 minutes. Do not let cleaner dry into the masonry This may leave residue or stains. Fresh water rinse the surfaces below areas being cleaned to prevent streaking. 4 Reapply cleaner and scrape off heavy buildup of excess mortar using a wooden scraper or piece of brick. Take care not to harm the masonry surface. 5 Working from the bottom of the work area to the top, rinse thoroughly with clean water, removing all cleaning compound, free sand, loose material and debris 6. Reapply as needed following steps 1 5 Interior Application Proper ventilation is necessary. Follow exterior application procedures. Use a sponge or soft fibered brush to rinse thoroughly If conditions don't allow enough water for complete rinsing, use a neutralizing rinse following this procedure: 1 Rinse with clean water. 2. Apply neutralizing rinse of 2 ounces baking soda to 1 gallon water. 3 Saturate. Leave solution on surface 3 to 5 minutes. 4. Apply final rinse of clear water. Cleanup Clean tools and equipment using fresh water. Metallic Discolorations Because of the metallic oxides contained in many colors of brick in use today, green and brown stains can form on the masonry surface. These stains occur when vanadium, manganese or other oxides migrate to the surface of the brick. Where significant levels of metallic oxides are present in the masonry, an improper dilution of 600 Detergent can contribute to staining. If the brick shows metallic staining before or after testing, follow these additional steps: If stains are light to moderate, test using 600 Detergent at a dilution rate of 8 parts water to 1 part concentrate. After rinsing, let brick weather 10 to 14 days. Minor stains will often disappear if allowed to weather. •If results are acceptable, clean using this dilution rate. 'When cleaning is done, let the wall weather. Spot treat minor stains that have not weathered with Sure Klean stain removal products. •If severe stains are apparent before original testing or become a problem at any time during the testing, use Sure Klean Vana Trol® instead of 600 Detergent. Vana Trol® is a cleaning compound formulated specifically to control metallic staining. Follow the procedures outlined in the Vana Trol° product literature. In some cases, Vana Trol® will remove vanadium staining. If test panels do not prove effective, test using Sure Klean 800 Stain Remover and /or Sure Klean Ferrous Stain Remover. SAFETY INFORMATION Danger. Poison. Causes severe burns. May be fatal if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled. Keep out of the reach of children. Read full label for precautionary instructions before use. Page 2 of 3 Item #10020 SK600D 113005 ©Copyright PROSOCO Inc 2005 31 Precautionary Measures Contains: Hydrochloric acid. Do not get in eyes, on skin or clothing. Avoid breathing fumes and contact with mucous membranes. Keep container tightly closed when not dispensing product. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not breathe vapors or mist. Ensure fresh air entry during application. When applying to exteriors of occupied buildings, make sure all windows, exterior intakes and air conditioning vents are covered and air handling equipment are shut down during application. Contact with metals in poorly ventilated areas can create potentially flammable or explosive hydrogen gas. If you notice irritating odor or if air monitoring demonstrates vapor /mist levels are above applicable limits, wear an appropriate, properly fitted, NIOSH approved respirator during handling•and application. Wear splash goggles or a face shield, protective clothing, gloves and shoes to prevent splash to eyes and skin. Wash thoroughly after handling. Refer to the MSDS and label for additional precautionary information. First Aid Ingestion: If conscious, give large amounts of milk or water and call a physician, emergency room or poison control center immediately Do not induce vomiting. Eye Contact. Rinse eyes thoroughly for 15 minutes. Get immediate medical assistance. Skin Contact. Remove contaminated clothing and rinse thoroughly for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Get immediate medical attention. 24 -Hour Emergency Information: INFOTRAC at 800 535 -5053 Storage and Handling: Must be stored and transported upright with lid tightly in place. Store away from other chemicals, heat and open flames in cool, dry place with adequate ventilation. Do not use pressure to empty or use as a dilution or mixing vessel. Do not reuse or remove the label. Use only well- maintained staging and scaffolding that is equipped with steel cable. This product will attack nylon, cotton and hemp roping. Use polypropylene ropes and safety lines. Dilution and application equipment should be of polypropylene or polyethylene construction. If spilled, follow all precautionary instructions. Keep from drains and soil. Contain, dilute with water, and neutralize with baking soda or lime. Dispose of contaminated absorbent, container and product in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Do not alter, mix with chlorine -type bleaches or other chemicals, or dilute product or use for applications other than specified. Always protect passersby, building occupants, plantings and nonmasonry surfaces from product, vapors and wind drift. Container Disposal. Hazardous when empty Follow all precautionary instructions. Triple -rinse with water and dispose of in a sanitary landfill (check local restrictions) WARRANTY The information and recommendations made are based on our own research and the research of others, and are believed to be accurate. However, no guarantee of their accuracy is made because we cannot cover every possible application of our products, nor anticipate every variation encountered in masonry surfaces, job conditions and methods used. The purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for a particular purpose. PROSOCO Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects. Where permitted by law, PROSOCO makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. The purchaser shall be responsible to make his own tests to determine the suitability of this product for his particular purpose. PROSOCO's liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to re -treat the specific areas to which defective product has been applied. Acceptance and use of this product absolves PROSOCO from any other liability, from whatever source, including liability for incidental, consequential or resultant damages whether due to breach of warranty, negligence or strict liability This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of PROSOCO its distributors or dealers. CUSTOMER CARE Factory personnel are available for product, environment and job safety assistance with no obligation. Call 800 255 -4255 and ask for Customer Care technical support. Factory trained representatives are established in principal cities throughout the continental United States. Call Customer Care at 800 255 -4255 or visit our web site at www.prosoco.com, for the name of the Sure Klean representative in your area. Page 3 of 3 Item #10020 SK600D 113005 ©Copyright PROSOCO Inc. 2005 32 INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING' IttlEIC 1k Owens Corning FOAMULAR 250 extruded polystyrene Insulation is ideal for wall furring, penmeter/ foundation cavity wall, crawlspace, pre -cast concrete under slab roofing systems, sheathing and other applications. Owens Corning s patented Hydrovac' process technology make the unique closed -cell structure of FOAMULAR Insulation highly resistant to moisture retaining it s long term R value's year after year even following prolonged exposure to water leakage, condensation ground -water and freeze /thaw cycling Performance Benefits High R value (R -5 per Inch of product thickness)* Minimum compressive strength of 25 psi Effective resistance against moisture mildew corrosion and rot. Ease of handling and installation (lightweight, tough rigid foam panels) Easy to saw cut and score Wide selection of sizes and thicknesses. Product Data Sheet Available in straight, tongue and groove or scored square edges Compliance with building codes and standards Product Applications Supenor insulation performance for a wide variety of building requirements High- performance FOAMULAR 250 works to When joints are taped provides a weather resistant barrier to enhance the longevity of the building FOAMULAR® 250 Rigid Foam Insulation Provides Insulation in a metal or wood furring system used for masonry or concrete walls Performs below grade in perimeter and foundation applications, or directly beneath the concrete slab to complement the insulating sheathing envelope around the building framing FOAMULAR is Ideal for below grade applications. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) is resistant to degradation from material common to most soils and will retain its Insulating performance characteristics even after prolonged exposure to moisture. Typical Physical Properties' Property Thermal conductivity 'k" (Btu x in(hr x ft x °F) (cu 751: mear tempe atur (a. 40 °F rr 1 temperature Thermal Resistance 'R' minimum °F x ft x Ft/btu) a 75 °F mean temperature a_ 40'F meal temperature Compressive Strength, minimum (1b /in')' Flexural Strength (Ib /in min)' Water Absorption by volume max) Water Vapor Permeance (perm max) Water Affinity Water Capillarity Dimensional Stability linear change max)e Linear Coefficient of thermal expansion (in /in/°F max) Flame Spread' Smoke Developed' Oxygen Index min' Service Temperature max °F) ASTM C 578 (type) 'Pry pees s'nowi are rep sentative values 5 1 thickmalerial orced up 1 most ecent p :luc qualih .relit 1111, ''Mor ifl; d a. require to meet AST"! (:578. Thermal resistance (RI (h: x ft, x 'F /Btu) of a I thickness at 0 at F meat temperature), 5.4 at 40 °9. 'Value al Meld or 10% deflection, whicheverocc.irs first. VaI .e at yield or S vhirhever Yrrurs fir :t Data ranee- from 0P0 to raise down due to the level of pi ecsion of the to t method. Actual Ovate vapor per red ce data decreases as thickness in:relses. 'Data ranges from 0.0 tc. 'se no•, The labo ator ests ar not itenJed co descric 'ne hazard Jres,:rteJ bv this material _rude' actual firms _ond ions. 'Data fr- m Underwriter- labo atones, inc tlassifind. Massif _abo Certificate 1. 197 ArTM E84 is th,cki, -dependerr therefore a range of rues .s liven. Th, higher the R- value, tie greater the insulating power Ask your selle. for 'he fact she. on R- slues. 33 Test Method' Value ASTM 518 ASTM C 518 ASTM D 1621 ASTM 203 ASTM C 2 ASTM E 96 ASTM D 2126 0.2.0 0.18 0 5.4 75 0 u10 hydrophobic none 2.0 .7 x 10 ASTM E 84 ASTM E 84 4_r 175 ASTM D 2863 24 !65 J OWENS CORNING INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING' Technical Information FOAMULAR insulation is ideal for all buildings under normal temperature conditions, but should not be used in contact with chimneys heater vents, steam pipes or other surfaces where temperatures exceed 65°F All construction should be evaluated for the necessity to provide vapor retarders. See current ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals FOAMULAR insulation is a non structural material and must be installed on framings which are independently structurally adequate to meet required construction and service loading conditions. Standards and Codes Compliance Recognized by code authorities under Research Reports BOCA 96 24 ICBO 3628 SBCCI PST ESI 9727A Meets HUD /FHA Use of Materials Bulletin No 7Ia and ASTM C 578 Type IV Underwriters Laboratories, Inc Classification Certificate U 197 Thermal resistance (R value) 5 0 at 75 °F 5 4 at 40 °F mean temperature per I thickness (hr x ft- x °F /Btu) Caution This product will ignite if exposed to fire of sufficient heat and intensity See the conditions of use section of the code evaluation reports for specific applications. Product Data Sheet During shipping, storage, installation and use, this product should not be exposed to open flame or other ignition sources. Note All products described here may not be available in all geographic markets, Consult your local sales office representative for more information FOAMULAR insulation is produced by Owens Corning s patented Hydrovac' process technology Product Data Foamular Insulation Product 250 psi) Material Extruded polystyrene dosed-cell foam panel witn cons r.ious skins on fac end bac surfaces Weight 0 b/1,000 ft' l: 1 Ihicknes. Packaging Shipped in units rith two st- etchwr bands ^e: bundle with an additional exterior wrap. Thicknessz (in) I'i- 2 I 2 2 3, 4 1 2, v- 1 2 2 3 1 2 'r I Width x Length (in) x 96 24 x 96 48 -r6 48 x 108 48 x 96 24x96 48 96 48 x 108 FOAM U LAR 250 Rigid Foam Insulation For more information on the Owens Corning family of home building products, contact your Owens Corning dealer call 1 -800 GET PINK or access our Web site. www.owenscorning.com Edges Square square Squar Square cored Square T &G T &G T ronarress,ve rninnnun- spei_ifi.aUcn, vali (lb/in 'R' pe' inch: .0 at 7SY mean temptt-ature) 'Other sizes availasl:_ or request. Lonsult i/our local Owens Corning -epr ntativ for availa'd;ty Tong 1e. yid ttr 'c„ re :go edur °s it infiltration OWENS CORNING OWENS CORNING INSULATING SYSTEMS, LLC ONE OWENS CORNING PARKWAY TOLEDO OHIO 43659 1-800-GET-PINK INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING" www.owenscorning.com Pub. No. 43522 -F Printed in U.S.A. January 2007 THE PINK PANTHERTM ©1964 -2007 Metro Goldwyn -Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning. ©2007 Owens Corning. 34 Product Information Silicone Sealants Dow Corning® 790 Silicone Building Sealant FEATURES Excellent performance even in building joints that experience extreme movement Suitable for new and remedial construction Extension/compression capability of +100/ 50 percent BENEFITS Excellent weathenng properties and resistance to sunlight, ram, snow and temperature extremes Excellent unpnmed adhesion to masonry concrete substrates Easy application over a wide temperature range COMPOSITION Ultra -low- modulus, one -part, neutral -cure silicone sealant Ultra- low modulus sealant for new and remedial construction joint sealing applications APPLICATIONS Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant offers outstanding unpnmed adhesion to masonry and is particularly effective for sealing expansion and control Joints, precast concrete panel joints, Extenor Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) joints, curtainwall joints, mullion joints, stone pavers, and many other construction joints. When used in accordance with Dow Corning application and testing recom- mendations, the sealant forms a durable, flexible, watertight bond with many common building matenals, including combinations of stone, concrete, masonry granite, marble, aluminum, painted substrates, and glass. TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specification Writers. Please contact your local Dow Corning Sales Application Engineer or Dow Corning Customer Service before writing specifications on this product. Method Test As Supplied ASTM C 679 Tack -Free Time, 50% RH Curing Time, 50% RH, at 25 °C (77 °F), 3/8' depth Full Adhesion, cured joint ASTM D 2202 Flow, Sag, or Slump CTM' 98 B Working Time EPA Method 24 VOC Content maximum As Cured After 7 days at 25 °C (77 °F) and 50% RH ASTM C 661 Durometer Hardness, Shore A ASTM D 412 Tensile Strength, maximum ASTM C 794 Peel Strength ASTM C 1135 Tensile, at 25% extension at 50% extension ASTM C 719 Joint Movement Capabilities Extension/Compression ASTM C 1248 Staining, various substrates DESCRIPTION Suitable for new construction or reme dial applications, Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant provides excellent performance, even in build- ing Joints that experience extreme movement. It places a low stress on the sealant/substrate bond line to mini- mize failures in moving joints. Unit hours days days minutes g/L points psi (kg /mm lb /in (kg /cm) psi (kg /mm psi (kg/mm percent DOW CORN /NC Result 1 7 14 14 -21 None 10 -20 43 15 100 (0 070) 25 (4 46) 15 (0 010) 20 (1 015) +100/ 50 None 'CTMs (Corporate Test Methods) correspond to standard ASTM tests in most instances. Copies of CTMs are avail- able upon request. 'Based on South Coast Air Quality Management District of California. Maximum VOC is listed both inclusive and exclusive of water and exempt compounds. For a VOC data sheet for a specific sealant color, please send your request to product.inquiry@dowcorning.com. Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant is available in 11 colors: black, precast white, gray natural stone, bronze, adobe tan, blue spruce, rustic brick, sandstone, charcoal, and dusty rose Custom colors are available upon request. 35 APPROVALS/ SPECIFICATIONS This sealant meets or exceeds the requirements of: ASTM Specification C 920, Type S Grade NS, Class 100/50 Use T, NT, M, G, A, and O Many UL wall /floor fire designs, some without a protective cover plate (see www ul.com for current listing) Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL 263 (ASTM E 119) Data from an independent test lab and Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute validation are available from Dow Corning and the SWR Institute. A complete product specification sheet for this product is available upon request. HOW TO USE Consult the current version of the Dow Corning Americas Technical Manual, Form No 62 1112, (available from www.dowcoming.com/constmction) for detailed information on application methods, joint design, field testing, and warranty requirements when using Dow Corning brand sealants. Please contact your local Dow Corning Sales Application Engineer for specific advice. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HANDLING READ PROD- UCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY OI h SEALANT• WATERPROOFING RESTORATION INSTITUTE Issued to: Dow Corning Corp. Product: 790 Silicone Building Sealant C719: Pass Ext: +100% Comp: -50% Substrate: Mortar, Aluminum, Glass (Dow Corning 1200 Primer used on aluminum substrates] C661• Rating 15 Validation Date: 10 /09/06 10/08/11 No. 1006-7901011 Copyright 02006 SEALANT VALIDATION www.swri0nline.0rg DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMA TION THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEBSITE AT WWW.DOWCORNING COM, OR FROM YOUR DOW CORNING SALES APPLICATION ENGINEER, OR DISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALL- ING DOW CORNING CUSTOMER SERVICE. USABLE LIFE AND STORAGE When stored at or below 32 °C (90 °F), Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture. Refer to product packaging for `Use By' date. PACKAGING Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant is packaged in 10.3 -fl oz (305 mL) disposable cartridges that fit ordi- nary caulking guns, 20 -fl oz (590 -mL) E Z Pak foil sausages that fit caulking guns, and also in 2.0- and 4.5 -gal (7.5- and 17 L) bulk pails. It can be dispensed by many air operated guns and most types of bulk dispensing equipment. LIMITATIONS Dow Corning 790 Silicone Building Sealant should not be applied. In structural applications. Below grade or to materials that outgas, which can cause bubbling in curing sealant. On brass or copper or other similar material that can be corroded. To surfaces that are continuously immersed in water. For use as an interior penetration firestop sealing system. To building materials that bleed oils, plasticizers, or solvents materials such as impregnated wood, oil based caulks, green or partially vulcanized rubber gaskets, or tapes or bituminous below -grade water proofing and asphalt impregnated fiberboard. In totally confined spaces because the sealant requires atmospheric moisture for cure. To surfaces that will be painted after application. The paint film will not stretch with the extension of the sealant and may crack and peel and most likely will not adhere to the sealant. To surfaces in direct or indirect contact with food. To wet or frost laden surfaces. In applications where solvents or primers are not fully dried prior to sealant application. Uncured seal- ant is very sensitive to many sol- vents, primers, and cleaning agents, these may cause the sealant to remain uncured or tacky This product is neither tested nor rep- resented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION To support customers in their product safety needs, Dow Corning has an extensive Product Stewardship organi- zation and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS &RC) specialists available in each area. For further information, please see our website, www.dowcorning.com, or consult your local Dow Corning Sales Application Engineer. LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because con- ditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in sub- stitution for customer's tests to ensure that Dow Corning's products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Corning's sole warranty is that the product will meet the Dow Corning sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. 36 7 Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FIT- NESS FORA PARTICULAR PUR- POSE OR MERCHANTABILITY DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIA- BILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. A 20 -year Weatherseal Limited Warranty is available. Some testing may be required. Consult your Dow Corning Sales Application Engineer for details. Pnnted USA Form No 61 884M 01 Dow Co ng egste cd trademark of Dow Co ng Corpo alt AGP8453 ©2000 Dow Corning Corporation All fights reserved. 37 Product Information Silicone Sealants Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant FEATURES Suitable for most new construction and remedial sealing applications Versatile high performance structural glazing and weather sealing from a single product Available in 13 standard colors; custom colors also available BENEFITS Excellent weatherability virtually unaffected by sunlight, rain, snow ozone and temperature extremes of 40 °F -40 °C) to 300 °F (149 °C) Excellent unprimed adhesion to a wide variety of construction materials and building components, including anodized, alodined, most coated and many Kynar 1 -painted aluminums Ease of application ready to use as supplied Ease of use all- temperature gunnability easy tooling and low odor cure byproduct Meets global standards (Americas, Asia and Europe) COMPOSITION One -part, neutral -cure, RTV silicone sealant 'Kynar is a trademark of Atofina Chemicals Inc. `Contact your local Dow Corning Sales Application Engineer for specifics. Neutral, one -part silicone sealant APPLICATIONS Structural and nonstructural glazing Structural attachment of many panel systems Panel stiffener applications Weather sealing of most common construction materials including glass, aluminum, steel, painted metal, EIFS, granite and other stone, concrete, brick and plastics TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specification Writers. These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please contact your local Dow Corning sales office or your Global Dow, Corning Connection before writing specifications on this product. Method Test As Supplied Unit Result ASTM C 679 Tack -Free Time, 50% RH Curing Time at 25 C (77 F) and 50% RH Full Adhension days ASTM C 639 Flow Sag or Slump Inches (mm) Working Time minutes VOC Content' g/L As Cured -After 21 days at 25 C (77 F) and 50% RH ASTM D 2240 Durometer Hardness, Shore A points ASTM C 794 Peel Strength lb /in (kg/cm) ASTM C 1135 Tension Adhension Strength At 25% extension At 50% extension DESCRIPTION Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant is a one -part, neutral -cure, architectural -grade sealant that easily extrudes in any weather and cures quickly at room temperature. hours days DOW CORNING 3 7 14 14 -21 0 1 (2.54) 20 -30 28 35 32 (5 7) psi (MPa) 45 (0.310) psi (MPa) 60 (0 414) ±50 ASTM C 719 Joint Movement Capability percent ASTM C 1248 Staining (granite, marble, lime Stone, brick and concrete) None As Cured -After 21 days at 25 C (77 F) and 50% RH followed by 10,000 hours in a QUV weatherometer ASTM G 53 ASTM C 1135 Tensile Adhension Strength At 25% extension psi (MPa) 35 (0.241) At 50% extension psi (MPa) 50 (0.345) Based on South Coast Air Quality Management District of California. Maximum VOC is listed both inclusive and exclusive of water and exempt compounds. For a VOC data sheet for a specific sealant color please send your request to product.inquiry@dowcorning.com. This cold applied, non sagging silicone material cures to a medium modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured sealant is durable and flexible enough to accommodate +50 percent movement of original joint dimension 38 when installed in a properly designed weather seal joint. In a properly designed structurally glazed joint, the sealant is strong enough to support glass and other panel materials under high wind load. APPROVALS/ SPECIFICATIONS Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant meets the requirements of Federal Specification TT -S 001 543A (COM -NBS) Class A for silicone building sealants Federal Specification TT -S- 00230C (COM -NBS) Class A for one- component building sealants ASTM Specification C 920 Type S, Grade NS, Class 50 Use NT G, AandO ASTM Specification C 1184 for structural silicone sealants Canadian Specification CAN2 19 13- M82 di h SEALANT. WATERPROOFING RESTORATION INSTITUTE Issued to: Doer Corning Corp. Product: 795 Silicone Building Sealant C719: Pass Ext :+50° Comp: 5L Substrate: Glas Alumi ^,,m C661: Paling 35 Validation Date: 81 7i0 l8 No. 907-S86807 Any 30? SEALANT VALIDATION www.swrionline.orq COLORS Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant is available in 13 colors. white, limestone, champagne, natural stone, gray black, bronze, sandstone, adobe tan, dusty rose, rustic brick, blue spruce, and charcoal. Custom colors may be ordered to match virtually any substrate. HOW TO USE Please consult the Dow Corning Americas Technical Manual, Form No 62 1112, for detailed information on state -of -the art application methods and joint design. Please contact your local Dow Corning Sales 2009 September 3 Ref. No 61- 885N -01 Application Engineer for specific advice. Preparation Clean all joints, removing all foreign matter and contaminants such as grease, oil, dust, water frost, surface dirt, old sealants or glazing compounds and protective coatings. Application Method Install backing material or joint filler setting blocks, spacer shims and tapes. Mask areas adjacent to joints to ensure neat sealant lines. Primer is generally not required on non porous surfaces, but may be necessary for optimal sealing of certain porous surfaces. A test placement is always recommended. Apply Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant in a continuous operation using positive pressure. (The sealant can be applied using many types of air operated guns and most types of bulk dispensing equipment.) Before a skin forms (typically within 15 minutes), tool the sealant with light pressure to spread the sealant against the backing material and joint surfaces. Remove masking tape as soon as the bead is tooled. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE HANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEB SITE AT DOWCORNING COM, OR FROM YOUR DOW CORNING SALES APPLICATION ENGINEER, OR DISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING DOW CORNING CUSTOMER SERVICE. 2 USABLE LIFE AND STORAGE When stored at or below 27 °C (80 °F), Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture. Refer to product packaging for `Use By Date. PACKAGING INFORMATION Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant is supplied in 10.3 -fl oz (305 mL) disposable plastic cartridges that fit ordinary caulking guns, 20 -fl oz (590- mL) sausages and 2 and 4.5 -gal (7.5- and 1 7 L) bulk containers. LIMITATIONS Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant should not be used. In structural applications without prior review and approval by your local Dow Corning Sales Application Engineer In below -grade applications When surface temperatures exceed 50 °C (122 °F) during installation On surfaces that are continuously immersed in water On building materials that bleed oils, plasticizers or solvents that may affect adhesion On frost -laden or wet surfaces In totally confined joints (the sealant requires atmospheric moisture for cure) If the sealant is intended to be painted (paints do not typically adhere to most silicone sealants) To surfaces in direct contact with food or other food -grade applications This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses. Dow Co zg egiste ed trademark of Do Coming Corpo ati We help yo it the fotu is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation XIAMETER egistered trademark of Dow Co ng Corpo anon 2009 Dow Coming Corpo anon All rights reserved. 39 HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION To support Customers in their product safety needs, Dow Corning has an extensive Product Stewardship organization and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS &RC) specialists available in each area. For further information, please see our website, dowcorning.com or consult your local Dow Corning representative. LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer's tests to ensure that our products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Corning s sole warranty is that our products will meet the sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY 2009 September 3 Ref. No. 61- 885N -01 DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. We help you invent the future. TM dowcorning.com 3 Dow Cr rg egiste ed trademark of Do Co ng Corpo ate We help yr It the fidu trademark of Dow Coming Corpo an XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Co ning Corpo an 2009 Dow Corning Corporation All ights eserved 40 SOF® Rod Features Easy to apply Non gassing Non exuding Chemically inert Virtually dust free Density Ib /ft (kg /m avg. Outgassing (No of Bubbles) Compression Recovery, min Compression Deflection' psi (kg /cmz) Tensile Strength psi (kgf /cmz), min Water Absorption (g /cc) Description Type B Per ASTM C 1330. Cylindrical, flexible sealant backings composed of bi- cellular material Also Reference ASTM C 717 for use as gasket or sealing material. FORM Round Foam Rod. TEMPERATURE LIMITS. 45 °F to +160 °F Benefits Backer rod limits the depth of the sealant and prevents excessive sealant use. It also helps sealant assume optimum shape factor to prolong sealant service life and acts as a barrier to the flow of sealant through the joint. 1.8 -2.5 (28 -40) <1 90 5 (.35) 38 (2.67) <.03 COnSTR Don FOAM Non absorbing Meets all of the requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Is a Domestic End Product as defined in the Buy American Act, Title 41 USC 10 Property Physical. Property Requirements Value ASTM Test Methods D 1622 C 1253 D 5249 D. 5249 0 1623 C 1016 Procedure B Applications Common applications include, but are not limited to, expansion and contraction joints, window glazing, curtain wall construction partitions, parking decks, bridge construction, modular home gasketing, and log home chinking. Construction Foam Products 501 NMC Drive, Zebulon, North Carolina 27597 June 2009 Phone: 1.800.345.7279 Fax: 919.269.7936 vvww cfoamproducts.com 41 Packaging Specs Dimension Unit Length Unit Unit Weight Unit Dimension 7e Compatibility Bi- cellular polyolefin foam is basically an inert material; and therefore it is compatible, both physically and chemically with virtually all known cold applied sealants, including self leveling types. 3/8' 10 mm Spool 3600' 1097 m 12 lbs. 5 4 kg. 18' x 18' x 31 Handy Pack 1400' 427 m 7 lbs. 3 kg. 15' x 15' x 18' 5/8' 16 mm Spool 1550' 472 m 12 lbs. 5 4 kg. 18' x 18' x 31 Handy Pack 550' 168 m 7 lbs. 3 kg. 15' x 15' x 18' 7/8' 22 mm Spool 850' 259 m 12 lbs. 5 4 kg. 18' x 18' x 31 Handy Pack 330' 101 m 7 lbs. 3 kg. 15' x 15' x 18' 1 1/8' 29 mm Spool 500' 152 m 12 lbs. 5.4 kg. 18' x 18' x 31 Handy Pack 120' 38 m 7 lbs. 3 kg. 15' x 15' x 18' 1 1/2' 38 mm Cut Length 550' 168 m 18 lbs. 8 kg. 23' x 13' x 75 2' 51 mm Cut Length 360' 110 m 18 lbs. 8 kg. 23' x 13' x 75' 2 1/2' 63 mm Cut Length 240' 73 m 18 lbs. 8 kg. 23' x 13' x 75' 3' 76 mm Cut Length 144' 44 m 18 lbs. 8 kg. 23' x 13' x 75' 4 102 mm. Cut Length 90' 27 m 18 lbs. 8 kg. 23' x 13' x 75' Joint Preparation and Installation Just prior to placing the backer rod, clean all Joints per the sealant manufacturers recommendations. Thoroughly remove any concrete form release agents, curing compound residue laitance or any foreign materials. To ensure a good sealant bond, joints must be clean and dry when the new sealant is installed. Air compressors used for this purpose must be equipped with traps for removal of oil and moisture. Install the backer rod at the depth recommended by the sealant manufacturer with a blunt tool. Size Selection Proper size selection is important as it controls the depth of the sealant bead. It must be oversized (25 -50 to fit tightly into the joint and function as a bond breaker to prevent back -side adhesion of the sealant. Precautions Do not puncture, over compress or stretch backer rod during insertion. Do not use with hot applied sealants. Tests for outgassing of cold applied sealants shall be made in accordance with ASTM Test Method C 1253 Sealant compatibility should be'confirmed by the sealant manufacturer Compatibility characteristics of sealants in contact with sealant backings can be determined by ASTM Test Method C 1087 Cut Lengths Handy Packs if tr s, rF th -r, 'r .7f ti 'nt'o, ar ar m ;ti .8 It; 1C ;5, 88.8.83 6 n fr' 11: ,tor' r to the s.'tv s,, tt' is ITT ratio tt 1) 10 p. ate 8 :o48 s, pr ;c. +'1'r n; ■sv, In :a thp ,'s ,J! It rs lb! 1.81 iY NT /8 1.5 at rs 1s.8 'OF' nt v., ?t,% ',C?. 8! 7t. th ;7t1 arts. Spools consrRUCrion FOAM PRODUCTS ')01 N6Ac Drive 7& 'ion NC 27x97 Tel. Rnn .)i5 7279 Fax 919 269 79 ,6 cfoampraduc•c corn July 15 2009 To Whom it May Concern This is to certify that SOF ROD backer rod as manufactured by CFP a Division of Nomaco Inc conforms to the performance requirements as stated in our SOF Spec Data Sheet. SOF is recommended only for use with cold applied sealants, and should not be used with hot melt adhesives or sealants with temperatures over 200 degrees F (90 degrees C) SOF is rod stock of polyethylene foam SOF is MADE IN THE U S.A. without the use of Ozone depleting CFC's or components containing asbestos and meets all of the requirements of the 1991 Clean Air Act. All CFP products supplied are "Domestic End Products as that term is defined in the Buy American Act, Title 41 USC 10 If we may be of further assistance please contact us Best regards Ken Robinson President Construction Foam Products 43 Sc e Chemicals Laboratory Equipment Section 1 Product Name Sand Catalog Codes. SLS3064 CAS 14808 -60 -7 RTECS VV73330000 TSCA. TSCA 8(b) inventory Quartz CI Not applicable Synonym Sand Sea Sand Chemical Name Not available Chemical Formula. SiO2 Composition Name Feldspars (Ca, K, Na) Alluminum Silicates Quartz (Crystalline Silica) Material Safety Data Sheet Sand MSDS Chemical Product and Company Identification CAS 14808 -60 -T Contact Information Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd Houston Texas 77396 Section 2. Composition and Information on Ingredients Toxicological Data on Ingredients Sand LD50 Not available LC50• Not available Quartz: LCL (Human) Route Inhalation Dose 300 ug /m3 /10Y Potential Chronic Health Effects. CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS Classified 1 (Proven for human by IARC Classified A2 (Suspected for human by ACGIH MUTAGENIC EFFECTS Not available TERATOGENIC EFFECTS Not available DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY Not available The substance may be toxic to lungs, upper respiratory tract. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage Health :Fire 1 Reactivity Personal Protection US Sales. 1- 800 -901 7247 International Sales. 1- 281 -441 -4400 Order Online ScienceLab com CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call 1- 800 424 -9300 International CHEMTREC call 1 703 -527 3887 For non emergency assistance, call 1 281 441 -4400 by Weight Section 3. Hazards Identification Potential Acute Health Effects Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant) of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion of inhalation 0 E 44 p 1 Serious Skin Contact: Not available Serious Inhalation Not available Serious Ingestion Not available Section 4. First Aid Measures Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes Get medical attention if irritation occurs. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops Inhalation If inhaled remove to fresh air If not breathing, give artificial respiration If breathing is difficult, give oxygen Get medical attention Ingestion. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person If large quantities of this material are swallowed call a physician immediately Loosen tight clothing such as a collar tie belt or waistband Section 5 Fire and Explosion Data Flammability of the Product: Non flammable Auto Ignition Temperature Not applicable Flash Points Not applicable Flammable Limits Not applicable Products of Combustion Not available Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances Not applicable Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge Not available Fire Fighting Media and Instructions. Not applicable Special Remarks on Fire Hazards Keep container tightly closed Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards Not available Section 6. Accidental Release Measures Small Spill Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements Large Spill Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities 45 p 2 Section 7 Handling and Storage Precautions Keep locked up Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing If you feel unwell seek medical attention and show the label when possible Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, alkalis Storage Keep container tightly closed Keep container in a cool well ventilated area Do not store above 24 °C (75.2 °F) Section 8: Exposure Controls /Personal Protection Engineering Controls. Use process enclosures local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants below the exposure limit. Personal Protection Safety glasses Lab coat. Dust respirator Be sure to use an approved /certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator Boots. Gloves A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product. Exposure Limits. TWA. 0 05 (mg /m3) from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] Respirable [Quartz or Crystalline Silica] TWA. 0 05 (mg /m3) from NIOSH Respirable [Quartz or Crystalline Silica]Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state and appearance. Solid (Granular solid Odor Odorless. Taste Tasteless Molecular Weight: Not available Color Amber Grey pH (1% soln /water) Not applicable Boiling Point: Not available Melting Point: Not available Critical Temperature. Not available Specific Gravity 1 8 to 2 5+ (depending on mineral compostion) (Water 1) Vapor Pressure Not applicable Vapor Density Not available Volatility' Not available Odor Threshold Not available Water /Oil Dist. Coeff Not available 46 P 3 4 Tonicity (in Water) Not available Dispersion Properties Not available Solubility- Insoluble in cold water hot water methanol diethyl ether n- octanol Special Remarks on Corrosivity• Not available Polymerization Will not occur Routes of Entry Inhalation Ingestion Toxicity to Animals. LD50 Not available LC50* Not available Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals. Not available Section 10• Stability and Reactivity Data Stability The product is stable Instability Temperature Not available Conditions of Instability Incompatibles Incompatibility with various substances. Reactive with oxidizing agents, alkalis. Corrosivity• Not available Special Remarks on Reactivity* Incompatible with oxidizing agents such as fluorine chlorine trifluoride, manganese trioxide oxygen difluroide When exposed to high temperature quartz can change crystalline structure to form tridymite (above 870 C) or crystobalite (above 1470 C) Soluble in hydrofluoric acid and produces a corrosive gas silicon tetrafluoride Quartz is attacked by strong alkalis and hydrofluoric acid Section 11 Toxicological Information Chronic Effects on Humans CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS Classified 1 (Proven for human by IARC Classified A2 (Suspected for human by ACGIH May cause damage to the following organs. lungs, upper respiratory tract. Other Toxic Effects on Humans. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion of inhalation Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans. May contain more than 1% quartz and may cause cancer (tumorigenic) Quartz has been identified by IARC as a class 1 carcinogen Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans. Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin No adverse health effects expected Eyes: May cause eye irritation Ingestion. No adverse health effects expected Inhalation. Affects respiration and irritates respiratory tract. Acute pneumoconiosis from overwhelming exposure to silica dust has occurred Coughing and irritation of throat are early symptoms Inhalation of quartz is classified as a human carcinogen Risk of cancer depends upon duration and level of exposure May also affect liver Chronic exposure can also cause silicosis, a form of lung scaring that can cause shortness of breath reduced 47 p 4 a lung function May also affect blood Aggravation of Pre existing Conditions: Inhalation may increase the progression of tuberculosis; susceptibility is apparently not inceased Persons with impaired respiratory function may be more susceptible to the effects of this substance Smoking can increase the risk of lung injury Material is irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Ecotoxicity• Not available BOD5 and COD Not available Products of Biodegradation Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely However long term degradation products may arise Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic. Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation Not available Waste Disposal Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations Section 14. Transport Information DOT Classification Not a DOT controlled material (United States) Identification Not applicable Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable Federal and State Regulations California prop 65 This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer birth defects or other reproductive harm which would require a warning under the statute Quartz California prop 65 This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer which would require a warning under the statute. Quartz TSCA 8(b) inventory Quartz Other Regulations OSHA. Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910 1200) Other Classifications WHMIS (Canada) Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada) DSCL (EEC) R45- May cause cancer S2 Keep out of the reach of children S53- Avoid exposure obtain special instructions before use HMIS (U S.A.) Health Hazard 1 Section 12: Ecological Information Section; 13 Disposal. Considerations Section 15. Other Regulatory Information 48 ID 5 Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Personal Protection E National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.) Health 1 Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 Specific hazard Protective Equipment: Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator Be sure to use an approved /certified respirator or equivalent. Safety glasses. Other Special Considerations. Not available Created 10/09/2005 06:23 PM Last Updated 11/06/2008 12:00 PM Section. 16. Other Information References. Hawley G G The Condensed Chemical Dictionary 11e ed New York N Y Van Nostrand Reinold 1987 -SAX, N I Dangerous Properties of Indutrial Materials Toronto Van Nostrand Reinold 6e ed 1984 The Sigma Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data Edition II The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall ScienceLab com be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if ScienceLab com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 49 p 6 4. 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