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1502 PCC West E Lauridsen Blvd Soccer Field Stormwater Technical - Building
TECHNICAL 10 y32 BUoldir F 42:5 Cie-V 461,:-;r\rq pC,C, wes+ Address 1 5a2A Law rid -e (6 \fa Project descri tion So cce Rd ‘11/() )y--o-kkaylex) J p Permit Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages uocck--e-r ,con pin31/4.0/1 2 R2�or� uckx) a,0 I 0 o3 -S -1 6g Stormwater Site Plan (SSP) Drainage Report January 2010 Kik Civil Engineering John Knowles Associates. Inc. Ph: (253) 539 -1400 Fax: (253) 539 -1500 E -mail: jkacivil @comcast.net Penlnsu a College Athletic Fields Port Angeles, WA iv t O 42s cte,4-41i ihj 4) b 13z- But l6C nl mr+ Prepared for Owner /Developer Prepared by Date JKA Project No JKA File No Peninsula College Athletic Fields Stormwater Site Plan (SSP) Drainage Report Project Engineer's Certification Bruce Dees Associates 222 East 26 St. Ste 202 Port Angeles WA 98421 (253) 627 -7947 Peninsula College 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd Port Angeles WA 98362 John Knowles Associates Inc P O Box 1328 Puyallup WA 98371 -0197 (253) 539 -1400 (253) 539 -1500 Fax ikacivik comcast.net January 2010 0939 P \JEKfiles \0939DR SSP doc I hereby state that this Stormwater Site Plan (SSP) Drainage Report for Peninsula College Athletic Fields has been prepared by me and /or under my supervision and meets the minimum standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers I understand the City of Port Angeles does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency suitability or performance of drainage facilities prepared by John Knowles Associates Inc. i 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stormwater Site Plan (SSP) Drainage Report CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1 CHAPTER 2 EXISTING CONDITION SUMMARY 3 CHAPTER 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS 3 CHAPTER 4 PERMANENT STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN 5 CHAPTER 5 CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 8 CHAPTER 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 8 CHAPTER 7 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 8 Appendices A Operation and Maintenance (O &M) Manual B Existing Conditions Map C Soils Map D Off -Site Basin Map E Hydrology Calculations F Basin Map G FEMA Mapping Excerpt (P: /JEK files \0939dr /ssp) 1 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP STORMWATER SITE PLAN (SSP) DRAINAGE REPORT Note This report is based on the 2005 WSDOE Surface Water Management Manual and Chapters 5 and 6 of City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards. Chapter 1- Project Overview This Stormwater Site Plan (SSP) has been prepared to meet the City of Port Angeles requirements for the Peninsula College Athletic Field project in Port Angeles Washington The proposed site is located at 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd Port Angeles Washington A site vicinity map follows this chapter that depicts the site relative to the surrounding roadway system and identifies all roads bordering the site The map shows the route of stormwater off -site to the local natural receiving water The existing site is a 3 4 -acre grass sportsfield The proposed development consists of stripping the existing sod surface on the field and replacing it with synthetic turf surfacing adding a perimeter walking running track around the field; adding a new soccer screen and associated site improvements Construction activities will include demolition grading placing import crushed rock and synthetic turf field surfacing concrete flatwork, and chain link fencing The existing grass athletic field has poorly functioning underdrains Surface drainage currently flows northwesterly across the field sub drainage currently discharges into the roadside ditch west of the field The new synthetic field will have an extensive underdrain system to convey precipitation that lands on the field surface to a storm drainage detention flow control structure located north of the northwest corner of the field Drainage within the underdrain system will be slowly released through the flow control structure and discharged to a piped drainage system owned by the City This detention system is designed in compliance with the 2005 WSDOE SWM Manual using the WWHM3 model Drainage released through the flow control structure will flow through a new storm drainage conveyance pipe northerly approximately 175 feet across college property to a new catch basin to be installed on the college substation property and cut -into an existing city storm drainage culvert. From there drainage is conveyed through the existing culvert approximately 120 feet under the substation property to a storm drainage catch basin located in East Park Avenue Drainage is then conveyed within the city storm drainage pipe system westerly for a distance of 3 400 feet to the existing outfall into the Peabody Creek Canyon near East 9 Avenue A small linear gravel parking strip along the south side of the existing field will remain and will maintain sheet flow to the north A french -drain will collect sheet flow at the south edge of the synthetic field with discharge to the existing ditch at the southwest corner of the field to match existing drainage patterns The site is accessed by a private paved commercial driveway across the BPA property south from Park Avenue The college benefits from an existing easement across the BPA property Improvements to this private road are not part of the athletic field renovation project. John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 1 January 2010 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP 1 1 V CINITY MAP 1 n'ne Or (y 1 y� At e /it• sr r St ly a .I Angeles S F C d2 th �y 6'#) St S r l 6‘t F S 2 �y S C a St th �s r r Sf F St F S'r 0,ewr Discoery Trail l y� FapSr F 101 L� 0'3- E 2nd Ave r F S f 45 .6 P c'3" is E 3rd Ave E Bay St kli h s Ls, 65. P Sr R E 4th Ave T h vPr Sr o Qm 4.44b m a E 5th Ave 2 v 4. co F 3 r s E 6th Ave v lh o fh F St co F S Sr ;r S Fr rms co 6 F gif Creek Rd E o lie .,E .Sr S c 3 F S on Po E Myrtle E Ave eurrds�li Blvd u,� F F rh s n e e' Rcr mess Ave k f'7S S t 4. F or S t ii l e Lopez Ave a 3f �i St' F 4�6 St r tot i e by Si-. d se rr shy S t S Sf a E 2nd St N v'ashon t a m o E Park Ave nth Or m 1 1 1 1 I 6n '1Ahlvers Rd E Ahlvers Rd D I A Grant Ave A 0lymOic N; alk I Vlewcrest Aae Olympus Ave co m Olyrik.Nall nal a Park Visitor Craig Ave C enter s .Campbell Ave R- i m O1 9 0 0 em s Rhodes Rd Z PROJECT SITE 1 m tX 0 John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 2 January 2010 .Alpine Rd Marsden Rd Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP Chanter 2 Existing Condition Summary The 3 5 -acre site is located at 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd Port Angeles Washington The existing grass field slopes to the northwest at approximately 2% The facility is bordered on the east by college classroom buildings, a parking lot, and a small- forested memorial garden The area to the west of the field contains an existing french drain storm water ditch, road and BPA substation To the north is an industrial arts building and yard To the south exists gravel parking french drain a road and forested land beyond The site is accessed by a private paved commercial driveway across the BPA property south from Park Avenue The college benefits from an existing easement across the BPA property There are no regulated wetlands immediately adjacent to the field There is a poorly functioning subdrainage collection system under the fields which outfalls to the roadside ditch on BPA property Precipitation landing on the grass field currently runs off with some infiltration to the subdrainage system Existing conditions and runoff patterns are shown on the Ex. Condition Basin Map in the Appendix 'B' The project site is not located within a 100 -year floodplain according to FEMA mapping information There are no critical areas on the site such as high erosion risk areas wetlands streams or steep slopes. No drinking water wells or septic tanks are known to exist within 500 feet of the athletic field Soils underlying the existing field are capable of modest infiltration of runoff pursuant to the geotechnical report by Glenn Mann P E. of Creative Engineering Options Inc. The soils are classified by the NRCS as Clailam Gravelly Sandy Loam as shown on the soil map in Appendix 'C Clailam soils are classified as Group `C soils by the 2005 WSDOE manual Chanter 3 Offsite Analysis Qualitative Analysis. Information regarding this qualitative downstream analysis is based on site visits review of existing GIS data, discussions with City engineering staff and review of the topographic survey information provided by project surveyor There are two sub basins associated with the project as shown on the Off -Site Basin Map in Appendix 'D Basin -1 is the area of the proposed athletic field and small areas that drain onto the field The basin is described in greater detail in Chapter 4 `Basin -2' is the area south of the proposed athletic field which is comprised of a small gravel parking area and grass landscaped area. The total basin area is 0 36 acres of which approximately 0 20 acres are grass This basin area will drain westerly via a french drain just south of the field edge with discharge to an existing ditch. The parking area drainage currently flows down a slope to the south side of John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 3 January 2010 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP the athletic field and then flows westerly along a subtle swale and french drain system into the roadside ditch thus the current drainage pattern will be maintained Drainage from "Basin -2' is conveyed within the roadside ditch northwesterly approximately 200 feet to a point where the ditch turns northerly and a 12 -inch diameter culvert (Culvert #1 on the Offsite Basin Map) conveys drainage from the south side of the road to the north side The basin area from the south side of the road "Basin -3 is comprised of forest and is approximately 15 acres Another 12' diameter culvert (Culvert #2) exists shortly downstream of Culvert #1 which appears to convey drainage that may not have been conveyed through Culvert #1 minimal additional flow area is accepted into Culvert #2. The ditch is approximately 50 feet west of and approximately parallel to the athletic field The ditch slopes northerly at approximately 0 7% The ditch conveys runoff approximately 400 feet north from Culvert #2 to a 12' diamter culvert (Culvert #3) located within the city electrical substation property Culvert #3 is a 12'- diamter concrete pipe which drains Basins 1 2, and 3 It conveys the drainage northerly approximately a distance of 130 feet under the city electrical substation and Park Avenue into a Type 2 storm drainage catch basin (CB -A) located on the north side of Park Avenue The proposed field subdrainage system will discharge into a new catch basin placed near the upstream end of Culvert #3 The downstream system can be further summarized as described below A series of storm drainage pipes convey drainage from CB -A westerly in Park Avenue approximately 500 feet. Then the pipes turn north to Lauridsen Blvd and then approximately 2 000 feet westerly down 9 Street to an outfall into Peabody Creek. Per discussions with city staff the approximate 24 outlet pipe discharging to the slope above Peabody Creek has been compromised by erosion caused by flow from the pipe the city is reviewing repair options A more detailed description of the downstream storm drainage system follows (refer to the Offsite Basin Map in Appendix D' The series of catch basins and pipes depicted on the map in Appendix `D' are numbered in consecutive order from the first existing CB encountered (CB A') down to the last structure in the series near Peabody Creek (CB L The pipe numbering convention is such that the pipe name will be associated with the upstream CB for example Pipe -J is the pipe out of CB J' Culvert #3 130 LF 4 4 (Connects to CB A') Pipe `A' 95 LF 18' DIA 1 4% Pipe `B' 200 LF 24 DIA 0 4% Pipe `C' 284 LF 24 DIA 0 5% Pipe `D' 284 LF 24 DIA 4% Pipe `E' 290 LF 24 DIA 1 4% Pipe `F' 384 LF 15' DIA 2.8% Pipe `G' 210 LF 15" DIA 8 54% Pipe `H' 312 LF 15' DIA 8 5% Pipe `I' 530 LF 18' DIA 8 3% Pipe `J' 512 LF 18' DIA 3 8% Pipe `K' 249 LF 24" DIA 1.2% Pipe `L' 95 LF 24 DIA 20 John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 4 January 2010 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP Quantitative Analysis A quantitative downstream analysis is not warranted for this project because athletic field runoff will be detained and released at forested condition flow rates based on a continuous hydrologic model (WWHM3) analysis The existing field drains overland in addition to some subsurface runoff that exits the subdrain system into the ditch west of the field This existing flow will be greatly reduced based on the WWHM3 analysis Therefore flow capacity calculations of the downstream system have not been performed. Chapter 4 Permanent Stormwater Control Plan Minimum Reauirements Discussion Stormwater BMPs for this project meet the minimum requirements of the 2005 WSDOE SWM Manual and City of PA standards as follows Minimum Requirement #1 Preparation of Stormwater Site Plans. The construction plans SWPPP report, and SSP drainage report prepared by Bruce Dees Associates and JKA Civil Engineering address all necessary design criteria and construction specifications for erosion control, grading and drainage associated with the proposed athletic field Minimum Requirement #2 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) A stormwater pollution prevention plan has been prepared by the design team Minimum Requirement #3 Source Control of Pollution Various BMP's are proposed on the construction plan set: filter fabric fencing establishment of clearing limits use of temporary construction entrance stabilizing slopes and areas subject to erosion etc. Please refer to construction plan sheets D1 1 and D2.1 Minimum Requirement #4 Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Ouffalls. This project is historically tributary to the City storm drainage system as described in the Offsite Analysis section of this report. The proposed system s runoff will be detained and discharged to this closed drainage system thus an adverse impact to downstream open receiving waters and down gradient properties will not occur Minimum Requirement #5 Offsite Stormwater Management: Precipitation will be directly absorbed into the athletic field and perimeter porous walking path and then stored within the pea gravel trenches and piping of the field's underdrain system The soils underlying the field are not appropriate for relying on 100% infiltration, however the soils will infiltrate a portion of the runoff entering the subdrain system Flow Control Minimum Requirements will be met which will avoid significant natural resource degradation of the downsteam drainage course John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 5 January 2010 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP Minimum Requirement #6 Runoff Treatment: Permanent stormwater treatment is not proposed nor required for this project since the project does not meet the following thresholds `Projects in which the total of effective pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) is 5,000 square feet or more in a threshold discharge area of the project, or the total of pollution generating pervious surfaces (PGPS) is three quarters (3/4) of an acre or more in a threshold discharge area, and from which there is a surface discharge in a natural or man -made conveyance system from the site The field will not have any PGIS The synthetic field is not considered PGPS since there will be no source of pollution contributing to the field Also there will not be a surface discharge from the field. The discharge will be into a catch basin installed in -line within an existing city concrete culvert. Minimum Requirement #7 Flow Control Stormwater detention is proposed for the field (Basin 1) since it ultimately drains through conveyance systems tributary to Peabody Creek Canyon and the project meets the thresholds in Figures 5 1 through 5 3 of the City's Chapter 5 Urban Services Standards and Guidelines The flow control system will reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces and land cover conversions. The proposed project area will remain much the same as it exists currently except that the existing grass field (with an improperly working underdrain system) will be replaced with synthetic turf playing surface and new underdrain system The 2005 King County SWD Manual [Table 3 2 2.C] recommends that "pervious areas that include underdrain collection systems (e.g., grass or synthetic turf sports fields) be modeled as 75% grass and 25% effective impervious." The synthetic turf is approximately 117 604 square feet, thus hydraulically it is modeled as 29 401 square feet of impervious which exceeds the 10 000 s f threshold for effective impervious area. If detention were not proposed, the project would exceed the 0 1 cfs increase threshold as stated in Chapter 5 if the City's draft Urban Services Standards. Projects that through a combination of effective impervious surfaces and converted pervious surfaces cause a 0 1 cubic feet per second increase in the 100 -year flow frequency from a threshold discharge area as estimated using the Western Washington Hydrology Model or other approved model Minimum Requirement #8 Wetlands Protection No wetlands are located on or immediately downstream from the site Minimum Requirement #9 Operation and Maintenance An Operation and Maintenance Manual for the BMP's associated with this project is included in Appendix A of this report. This O &M manual follows the guidelines set forth John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 6 January 2010 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP by the Department of Ecology for maintenance of selected erosion control and storm drainage BMP's The party (or parties) responsible for maintenance and operation are identified in the operation and maintenance manual A copy of the manual will be retained at the College Campus A log of maintenance activity that indicates what actions were taken will be kept and be available for inspection by the City of Port Angeles Pre Developed Site Hydrology Stormwater flow control is proposed for this project to meet Minimum Requirement #7 The calculation of pre development site hydrology is provided in Appendix `E The existing basin land cover is assumed to be forested per the DOE manual requirements Below is a listing of assumptions and site parameters used in analyzing the pre developed site hydrology' Basin Name used in WWHM3 calculations Predev Basinl Pre -dev Basin Area 3.40 acres Soil Type Till Land Cover Forest (Pre- European /historic condition per 2005 WSDOE Manual) See the Basin Map in Appendix `F' which Delineates areas contributing runoff to the field Shows flow control facility location Outfall Overflow route Developed Site Hydrology The calculation of post development site hydrology is provided in Appendix E in the WWHM3 print -out. Refer to Basin Map in Appendix `F' Basin Name used in WWHM3 calculations Dev Basinl Soil Type Till Dev Basin Area 3.40 acres Dev Basin Impervious area 1 00 acres Dev Basin Landscaping (Grass) 2.40 acres Infiltration Rate through the bottom of subdrain trench laterals 0.25 in /hr Note that the above basin areas include the synthetic turf field analyzed based upon the 2005 King County SWD Manual [Table 3 2 2 C] where it recommends that `pervious areas that include underdrain collection systems (e g grass or synthetic turf sports fields) be modeled as 75% grass and 25% effective impervious. John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 7 January 2010 Peninsula College Athletic Fields SSP Below is a tabulation of the breakdown of surfaces within Basin -1 Project Area Tabulation "Basin -1" I Item Description I Predeveloped I Developed Basin Total Area I 148 123 SF (3 4 ac) I 148 123 SF (3 4 ac) Impervious area (not including synthetic 4,200 SF 3 180 SF turf estimate below) Impervious area estimate for hydrologic N/A 29 401 calculations for synthetic turf field based on 25% total field area Grass area estimate for hydrologic N/A 88,203 calculations of synthetic turf field based on 75% total field area Porous Pavement area (modeled as impervious for developed condition) Impervious area of site) (including 25% synthetic field area) Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) N/A 14 107 S F 2.8% 22% OSF OSF Non PGIS 1 4 200 SF 32,581 SF New PGPS 1 N/A 1 0 Converted forest to lawn 1 N/A 1 NEGLIGIBLE Conveyance System Analysis and Design The conveyance system for this project will consist of the pipes downstream of the flow control structure The other stormwater collection system is the subdrain system under the synthetic turf field The conveyance system downstream of the flow control structure has been analyzed using a 25 year storm event for the developed condition peak flow rate as determined with the rational method. The pipes downstream of the control structure have been sized using Manning s formula See the SBUH and Manning pipe calculations following the WWHM3 calculations in Appendix 'E' Chapter 5 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP) A SWPPP has been prepared by Bruce Dees and Associates which addresses the required construction pollution prevention measures The SWPPP will be provided to the City of Port Angeles separate from this report. Chapter 6 Special Reports and Studies A geotechnical report has been prepared by Glenn Mann P E and will be submitted to the City separate from this report. Chapter 7 Operation and Maintenance Manual An O &M manual has been included with this report as Appendix A. John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 8 January 2010 APPENDIX `A' Operation and Maintenance (O &M) Manual J 1 Civil Engineering John Knowles Associates. Inc. Ph. (253) 539 -1400 Fax: (253) 539 -1500 E -mail: jkacivil ©comcast.net Peninsula College Athletic Fields Port Angeles, WA Operation Maintenance Manual January 2010 ATTACHMENT "A" PENINSULA COLLEGE ATHLETIC FIELDS Operation Maintenance (O &M) Manual Section 1— Required Maintenance and Estimates Costs This project's stormwater management system consists of pea gravel trenches with perforated underdrain pipes under the synthetic turf to address precipitation and runoff tributary to the field The field drainage will be detained within trenches and released slowly through a flow control orifice structure located within a Type 2 catch basin at the NW corner of the field The drainage facilities will require routine maintenance The Flow Control Structure and porous asphalt paving will require periodic inspection The control structure may require sediment removal periodically based upon inspections, and the porous pavement may require pressure washing The conveyance pipes will require maintenance as well. Yearly maintenance costs are estimated as follows. Maintenance of Flow Control Structure Maintenance of conveyance pipe and underdrains Maintenance of porous AC walkway Yearly Total Section 2 Responsible Organization The project owner Peninsula College shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all onsite permanent storm system components The college shall be responsible for payment of City charges should the City have to conduct repairs /activities due to hazardous conditions caused by inadequate operation and maintenance of the storm drainage BMPs The owner of the project is currently Peninsula College 1502 E Lauridsen Blvd Port Angeles, WA 98362 This O &M Manual shall be stored at the offices of Peninsula College a copy of the Manual shall also be available at the construction site during construction It must be made available for City inspection 500 /yr 500 /yr 500 /vr 1,500 An 11 x 17' drawing of the stormwater plan (BDA construction plan Sheets D1 1 and C2.1) are enclosed at the end of this O &M Manual The drawings show the project's property limits site improvements and storm drainage system Section 3 Vegetation Maintenance Plan All disturbed areas shall be protected from erosion using BMPs indicated on the construction plans Cut and fill slopes shall be hydroseeded covered with straw mulched or covered with plastic sheeting as needed to inhibit erosion The owner and the contractor shall maintain such protective measures through the construction period and until final development of the site commences. A construction stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) has been prepared by Bruce Dees and Associates to address construction period runoff Section 4— Source Control Typical pollutants associated with normal operations and construction activities such as oil spills from oil changes leaks of hydraulic fluids etc. should not pose a significant threat to downstream systems nor aquifers, because source control measures shall be in place a source control strategy has been prepared for this project and it is included as Attachment `B' A -2 1 I I I t 1 tt it I I I' 1 P t I I; CONTROL PT. GTO vr 81:808 0V putsIC C.43 SWAM 'MA CON11.12, M4 E1202445.7.3 ELEV.343.38 MATCHLINE THIS SHEET SEE RIGHT 1 4, It 4. lo8WEr IL A 2 0 sku, 1 trio 1 E rTT" J 1 ■141.1( wo •--otermo -.HAM -Hoe° —4 ma w.;O! DAM* lOintat It to. :0031311_ oaNcer 4 KOMeire S34 \ZIT/ PC71M5+1,LA COL (.6c Via"' -.-11.. sioriA9 1211•310I .•••••••1,4, I t /CP I V •■■.71 m ,pi 3 ,..on.nuno Irl//17/01 POK8 0788I AWACS 0309337 I, 1• rflii DT :17 Er° La OP MN StORAa E C „mri 1. 5 43 066 -11141.-,,1110 1140411 BOX L 1! 0-rni ISLLit Azt so H-wo--ootof moor 3414•AAr• .totiuw CRAWL 1 •■731433 -dem 330 01/7 3,1 S000 5twirior' Cric 0733 croc cow OR 33 .1.1 CPC SSO 60 /363,6 6) 36 a DUSTING ScORERS TOWER TO BE TED PER PLANS (SEE d 5440 C• CCr•C•C Ft T •ifeieirMi e• 0617Efl a: SLOPE Uttelo (344 3,6 .4664 torrA riATira ASP. OPPI Neior•42,e P •11077159. 7 .4. C OV CPC 31 1450r 10 III Titims 1 M —iod- 1 K NONVO AAsarLL *Inc. 10 WIN ARC e :130:1114, -Pow NATCHUNE %HIS SHEET PIA mo,i arm sot+ 3. 1 .AAIncAL• araisfr am t f TO ArENCOW. mu, 7 f- 4 1, *1- 1. ilaut•-",--,.,...3 i! ii '1 tr! r 44..",....c, 55 ;X i I i it ,i •^•.t r, T I 6 i odimo i r•-..-fir —J H I, il•Fl „,"1"" 1 'A" 0 ......x i 2 O ,t1 (JONI:CAP "k I i e. 1 .01r SIA a f,I; 04)0) r rIO weAm GGILEGE SUSS IA /ION (C POPT (4XLCS) O:104 gl,711 &VAIL 1,1773 cntr t..„ e• com.18 ENTRANCE 540a C7456)03 6)4L5360eer (17) >GAN POST(5) •YINA 103 2 PIP CONTROL PT G28 lir NOW OM P.M CM 0735(880 3&4 CO031331 74,471892.98 E.4009839.37 ELM 34153 DEMOLITION AND T,F.S.C. !zap V HIGH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION/TREE PROTECTION FENCE WITH 03NC. SHOES (BY OWNER) TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SILTATION FENCE TEMPORARY CATCH BASIN MANHOLE SEDIMENT BARRIER E' r•- _1 L I y DEMOLITION NOTES CONCRETE PAVING TO BE REMOVED ASPHALT PAVING TO BE REMOVED, SOWCUT EDGE OF PAVING AS REQUIRED CLEAR GRUB ALL DUSTING VF-GETATION, REIAOVE ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION HEADS AND PIPE, CUT CAP PPE OUTSIDE OF NEW FIELD PARKING AND IDENTIFY ON AS-BUILT DRMANGS. PROTECT EWING ions DENOTED AS REMAINING 0951100 TREES TO RaWN (PROTECT M NOTED) BONA aRaiovt ALL DUSTING FENCE, FOOTINGS, AND AU ASSOCIATED MATERIN. AND EQUIPMENT INCUJOING BACKSTOP WOOD TIMBERS REMOVE ALL easmo IRRIGATION HEADS, VALVES, VALVE BOXES, AND IRRIGATION UNES REMOVE ALL =TING CONDO 0 REMOVE COSTING CONCRETE SLIMS REMOVE COSTIVG BATTING CAGE AND WOOD CURBING 0 REMOVE EXISTING GATE. POSTS AND FOOTINGS EMCEE C) RET.00.ATE EXISTING 'WALLY sow 9%1 (sEEE) 0 PEI MATE EXISTING SCORE KEEPERS TIMER AND REMOVE OWING CONCRETE SLAB FOOTINGS (SEE 0.09STING DUGOUT %IBMS TO BE REMOVED BY OWNER, ICONMACTOR TO REMOVE COSTING SLAB de FOOTINGS PROTECT 'PROTECT EXISTING SCORE BOARD 0 PROTECT COSTING TRANSFORMER 0 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE GENERAL NOTFS. 1. CONTRACTOR SKILL VERIFY EXISTING MUTT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO DE40U1109 AND CLEARING. CONTACT 'CAJJ. BEFORE YOU on' AT LIACl2 424-5555 FOR FIELD LOCATION ASSISTANCE. RETAIN A RN TE LOCATOR SEIRCE TO LOCATE non WITHIN THE PROJECT Srlf. 2. SEE SHEET 02,3 FDR GOER& NOTES, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES, RECOMM04DED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES, AN? EROSION CONTROL SEEDING MIX NOTES. CLEARING AND GRUBBING NOTES. CLEAR MD GRUB VEGETATION TO LIMITS OF GRADING SHOWN, STRIP FOUR (4') AGES MD REMOVE ALL MESS FROM SITE PERMIT SET r••10346 7.. raw. a arl 0 PRCRECT EXISTING STOMA rimm UNE 1 0 PROTECT COSTING DOMESTIC WATER UNE 7,---'.7r.,-- re PROTECT COSTING DOUBLE 04001 VALVE BOX 0 PROTECT COSMIC FENCE TO ROAN r ''F4111, °78' 144°1 SCALE' NOTED D1 1 Sewed 4 of 17 P. d: IE -341. E•341.95 E■341.92 IE- 341.89 t, 1 ..2151:3 /17 t i 0044■ w-- +uxr .14.33• row" CONTROL PT. 029 1/T 9m19 NW NAM C40 5 74. 588190.• 9:411892.96 8:1009445. 7.3 ELEV: 343.38 IY3 I r 01 (770 TYPE'2 SIRUCT.) RIM= IE S- 338.93 I IE OVERFLOW- 344.38 IE N- 338.93 1211LFA0.5% 8'HOPEPE- 25L- 25LF.08.981E *0 11 *.tfi. i II I I I =1, 6'PP WAl1 RNNUNE- „s! I I. +'j1 AT D AMING WAIL ,(SEE SU j, .!I I ij I ill 1 1 1 1 11; I I I I Ij I f 11 I /1 12 HOPE t jj 345LF.00.5% .I li i I '2 iN IE- 343.50- IE- 343.36- MAINLINE THIS SHEET SEE RIGHT I.l t I E- 341.98 /1E7341.95 /-1E=341.913 -1 /-E 341.96 I i1 1a34I.98 II 1 E- 341,96 1E7341.913 1■341.79 VEi341•96 E 339.38 E -341 79 6 1 t i f IE 1341.98 M 1 1 SbK 6133 c 'NDPE 3 3. I 11715.02.379 -A4 P 04p; 11 N rt a �cvou4514 s nir' 1E439.06 �TP.345.00 E 341:79- E 339.13 E- 341.79 E-33921 E- 341.79' E- 339287 E- 339.43 i 1 4341.79 I 1~339.51 E- 341.79 E- 339.58 E 341.79 E =341.96 E 341.79 1 E+ 341 98 I E- 339.73 TE- 34 1 7 i, 11.1 14.39.81 rl; Z E.341,79 71L. 1 1'34 E4 1,pg E 339.88 mom 341.79 /-1E1341.98 O i l k i. I 1.341.79 E- 340.03 m�iE;339.68 E- 341.79 1=340.11 E 341.79 IEm341.96 1m�E -34028 tL E- 341.79 ad x A IE- 341.06 I 1.340.33 'NE;L A L'OLIEGE' Imo: ?k IE• 341.96 111 E- 341.79 E- 340.41 E 341.79 1 =340.48 E 341.79 E- 340.56 1.341.79 E 340.83 z e-E.341.79 1- 340.18 PG- 345.00 (TAP) 1=340.7.1 1.341.79 ,-E.T342.47 -MATCI4 TOP OF NEW SURFACING WITH TOP OF EOSTNIG SURFACING (TM) $1 ,44. 5 321. 0,5316 rw*- 2291u4 df4"21141 62114.142N2122120E)1a." Naw 316114 .e. DPr...J .9'33300 Vii 33330 33 41 34 iMi3 b 04 57 1 s3c9 a a 04 3N w 0NC 04 Mt ,3 E I4'PP- 00.5%ITYPZ 1 163 92.34 522 ?.ay.. -444. •4444_ YET'- 60:3$.. :7 ien.IL :e IE-343.35-' 1 i31 I X`I e (!'HOPE- 324LF.00.73% 4 00.5% (TYPZ SEE DETAIL FOR A0Df10NA. FORMATION THIS AREA) 5 WALL DRAINUNE (59LF. TOT AT RETAINING 1NAALLLL (SEE 1 SPA) I�S4W, Y4iPP= 00 "4c*4.,a: 44 4.:1 ..i E=3A3 TP- 345.000 38LF.00.5% FG- 345,00 �r- EC- 345,00 (TIP) '33 1 GRAVEL PARKING TO REMNN� I 1 GB 101 RIM 216 10 SE -332.1 E SW&ME( -332.1 IS' STORM 1 �i'''2 ais ,48¢ 04:47(3) 1 3 �iA 1.9 75 4-0f.- 1" 339 TP- 345.00 E 343. 1rtiL CO K -343. 61NOPE- 52L9.02.190 1E -343. FG- 345.23 1 1 `3 io3T IE-3#3.98 41/44411# 11-3444" E -34].3 1' I� tl 7 47 IE-343 IE-043 IE -343. E-343. I0 343.3 IE �a743.36 -may E 1 343.3 1E.13,43.3 .4 IE -343 s CW.34s.00 IE- 343.33-y. IE- 343.33' 1E -343 348' •TP- 345.00 .a CC81.338 SUPS?' A PON (3! or POP ANGE110) 12 HOPE 42LF.05.81% .rca M 333 r te„ Pa »r MATCHUNE INS SHEET SEE LEFT UT. aoL N'41 ..r /N. E- 344.03 <m i. 6 PP WALL MAINLINE T r (106LF.) A T NWNG" ci. w WALL (SEE 1 \914) Y L:5t1_ 39• DAD -..44 -E- 347.00(A) .43 25518 PK Dr 'V 934 1 1-348.00 1335 C 3331 �T,dg c 4 1 8'PP)WALL D RNNUNE` 1 ((2SLF. -AT AMINO WAU. SEE /III TA 814, tL39(7377162 811*" CONTROL Pr. 028 CB #102 RIM- 338.63 10 S- 334.63 E W- 334.53 N 1 PP-65L OD 5%041N.) .M1 a• ST. iSCO IV $4 4 •P26 41k 11- 54NL.19 N--MNTCH TOP OF NEW PAVING WITH TOP OF COSTING PAVING (rep) TP- 348.89 1P- 347.10 19-348.97 34523 MATCH TOP OF NOV SURFACING WITH T0P 16 OF UST. SURF (TY'P) co 4W 3S ITARY 0* 10000 MAN i i rn SANITARY SE�M$R FORCE ca UNE FOR FUTURE 6ESTHOOM/ CONCESSIONS BUILDING (VERIFY SLOPE -159 CAP PED END, IE- 341.77(3) F y1' 4' fir) A SP/CE FOR FUTURE 11 a 2..wr3RESTROOM/CONCESSIONS A :•iCii. ,D BUILDING (20x401 116. 611L1R -1N RASR CAP 31_10 Zq 588190.' 9:411652.96 8:1009839.71 ELEV 349.5a MATCH TOP OF NEW PAVING WITH TOP OF EXISTING PAVING (1YP) TRAN5TON FRENCH DRAIN TO 1117.38'ALE MIS SECTION TRANSQION FRENCH DRAIN TO yp3WALE 13410 SECTION rF0- 343.62 PROPOSFD GRADING At DRAINAGE LEGEND 4 PERFORATED PIPE (PP) 6UBDRNNUNE LATERALS IN DRAINAGE AGGREGATE ENVELOPE E 12' PERFORATED H2PE COLLECTOR /LATERAL m l 1 CONNECTION (TYPEOOR0/S',NO1ED SOLI) HOPE STORM DRNN 101E (SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS) 3 TYPE 2 CB CONTROL STRUCTURE TYPE 1 CB W /SOUQSQUARE GRATE O HOPE CLEANOUT O BUILDING DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD SURFACING (7140 TOTAL MAIERIIS DEPTH) POROUS ASPHALT PAVING (UNDERDRVNED AT FIELD) u. PROPOSED CONTOUR UNES NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SNAIL VERIFY DOMING URITY LOG110NS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT 'CALL BEFORE YOU DIG' AT 800)424 -5555 FOR FIELD LOCATION ASSISTANCE MINN U9130 RNJR -OF -WAY. RE1NN A PRMATE LOCATOR SERACE TO LOCATE 20LniES WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE 2.'ADJUST EXISIING UAUTY APPURTENANCES MINN PROJECT 'was TO NEW F1NTSH GRATE (TYPICAL). 3., SEE SHEET 03.1 FOR STANDARD DRAINAGE 601F5. EARTHWORK AFTER 001.6960 k GRUBBING 134E TOP 4' OF MATERIAL GRADE THE SITE TO THE NEW FINISH GRADE CONTOURS SHOW MESS SOIL SHALL BE ROAOVED FROM 0112. ABBREVIATIONS 818( ow co CO E I ELEV. EX. FG FL CRD HOPE HP IE IN LF I 19 MS OF GRADING UNE 2 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAN UNE FOR FUTURE BUILDING CONNECTION EXISTI4G COMOUR UNES SLOPE DIRECTION STEEPNESS PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION GRADE OEM LINE BREAK BOTTOM OF WAIL CATCH BASIN CLEANOUT EAST ELEVATION EXISTING FTNIS14 GRADE ELEV. FLOW UNE ELEV. GRADE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE HIGH POINT INVERT ELEV. INLET LINEAR FEET 0 20 40 F"9.•r"L. GRAPHIC SCALE EXISTING FEATURES LEGEND LOW PONT NORTH NORTHEAST NORTHWEST OUTLET PERFORATED HOPE PIPE RIM ELEV. SOUTH SOUTHEAST SUBGRADE SLOPE S OF PAVING TOP OF WALL TYPICAL WEST FOR EXISTING 533E FEATURES LEGEN0 5EE EXb11NG SITE TOPOGRAPHY PLAN, SHEET 00.2. HORIZONTAL CONTROL HORIZONTAL CONTROL IS FROM CALCULATED COORDINATES BASED ON THE 100 COORDINATE BASE POINTS 028 AND G29 AS SHOWN ON THE E10S104G SITE TOPOGRAPHY PLAN, SHEET 0020. VERTICAL CONTROI FOR VERTICAL CONTROL DATUM AND 9ENCHMARK SEE EXISTING SITE TOPOGRAPHY PUN, SHEET G0.20. PROJECT LAYOUT STAKING nu LOCATING AN0 STAKING OF PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMDITS SHALL BE BY 0190450NS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AND COORDINATES OBTAINED VIA ELECTRONIC DRAWING FILES WHICH WEL BE PROVIDED WITHIN 5 MIS OF REMARK WRITTEN REQUEST AF1ER 60110E OF AWARD. PERMIT SET ,044..4. .41. 1344 Tan Vs .y,. 445144441 a mwrorirwrwi b T. U 02 Ey 9 a Li 0) no OV C O 12 U 9 012 5 W z 65 Z 0 C21 Shoot 7 of 17 i ATTACHMENT "A" Maintenance Program Cover Sheet for Peninsula College Inspection Period. Number of Sheets Attached Date Inspected Name of Inspector Inspector's Signature Instructions for use of Maintenance Checklist The following pages contain maintenance needs for most of the components that are part of your drainage system as well as for some components that you may not have Let the City know if there are any components missing from these pages. Ignore the requirements that do not apply to your system You should plan to complete a checklist for all system components on the following schedule 1) Monthly from November through April 2) Once in late summer (preferably September) 3) After every major storm (use 2' in 24 hours as a guideline) Using photocopies of these pages check off the problems that you looked for each time you did an inspection Add comments on problems found and actions taken Keep these checked' sheets in your files as they will be used to write your annual report. Some items do not need to be looked at every time an inspection is done A-4 ATTACHMENT "A" (CONTINUED) Maintenance Checklist No. 4 Control Structure /Flow Restrictor Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Component General Trash and Debris (Includes Sediment) Orifice Plate Structural Damage Damaged or Missing Obstructions Overflow Pipe Obstructions Manhole See 'Closed Detention Systems' (No. 3). Catch Basin See 'Catch Basins' (No. 5). Material exceeds 25 °r° of sump depth or 1 foot below orifice plate Structure is not securely attached to manhole wall Structure is not in upright position (alloy, up to 10°x° from plumb) Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and show signs of rust. Any holes —other than designed holes —in the structure Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one maintenance person. Chainrrod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Gate is rusted over 50% of its surface area. Control device is not working properly due to missing, out of place, or bent orifice plate. Any trash debris sediment, or vegetation blocking the plate Any trash or debris blocking (or having the potential of blocking) the overflow pipe. See 'Closed Detention Systems (No 3). See 'Catch Basins (No 5). Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Control structure orifice is not blocked. All trash and debris removed. Structure securely attached to wall and outlet pipe. Structure in correct position. Connections to outlet pipe are water tight: structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Structure has no holes other than designed holes Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate moves up and down easily and is watertight. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Plate is in place and works as designed. Plate is free of all obstructions and works as designed. Pipe is free of all obstructions and works as designed. See Closed Detention Systems' (No. 3). See 'Catch Basins (No. 5). No. 5 Catch Basins Maintenance Component General Defect Trash Debris Sedimen: truct_'re Damage :0 =*amp ardror Top Blab Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Trash or debris which is located immediately in front cf :he catch basin opening or is blocking inle•ting capacity of the basin by more than 10% Trash or debris tin the basin) that exceeds CO pe•cent o- he sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to inert o: the lowest pipe into or out cf :he basin, but in no case less :han a minimum of six inches .:lea :ance from the cebris surface to the invert ot:he lowe.st pipe. Trash or debris in any inlet o' otr.le: pipe blocking more than 1.3 of is height. Dead an: nk-ls or vege :ation that could genera :e odors tha: could cause complain-3 or dangerous gases (e.g methane' Sediment On :he basin i that exceeds 80 percent o: :he sump depth as measured from the bottom of oas• to invert o: the lowest pipe into or out -f :he basn. but in no case less :han a minimum of 8 inches clearance from the sediment surface :o the invert of the lowest pipe. Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or cracks ulcer than 1 inch ',Intent is to make sure no material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush or too slab i.e separation o: mere than 3.4 irn_n of the frame from the top slab Frame not securely attached Factures cr Maintenance person judges that sir tctun is Cracks in unsound Basin :sails. Bcttpm Grout fillet has separated or racked wider than 1'2 inch and longer than. 1 foot at the joint of any inlet'outlet pipe or any evidence at soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. Settlement 11 failure of basin has crea :ec a safety Misalignment function. or design problem. •egetation 4ege:ation growing across anc blocking more than 10% cf the basin opening. Vege:atior, growing in inle 'cutlet pine joints that is more than six inches tall and less than six inches apart. A -6 Results Expected When Maintenance is performed No Trash or debris located immediately in front of catch basin or on grate opening No trash or debris in :he catch oasin Inlet and outlet pipes free cf :rash or debris. No dead animals c: vege :ation present within the catch basin. No secimen: in the catch basin Top slat is free of holes and cracks. Frame is sitting lush on the riser rings c. top slab and firmly attached. Basin replaced or repairec to design standards. Pipe is regrouted ar.c secure at basin wail Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. No •egetaaon blocking opening to basin No vegetation or root grcw:h present. No. 5 Catch Basins Maintenance Component General Defect T ash Cebris Sediment ,tructure Carnage :o Frame ar.d :or Top Slab Settlement. Misalignment •egetatior. Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Trash or debris which is located immediately in front of :he catch basin opening or is blocking inle:ting capacity of the bash, oy more th.,n 10% Trash or debris in the bast) that exceecs 60 percent o; :he sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to invert or the lowest pipe into or out cf :he basin, but in no case less than a minimum of sip inches clearance from the cebris surface to the invert o- the lowest pine. Trash or debris in any inlet o• auger pipe blocking nt..•e tnan 1 3 of its height. Dec animals or vege:ation that could genera :e odors tha: could cause complaints or dangerous gases te g methane). Sediment in :he basin) that exceeds 83 percento :he =ump depth ac measured from the bottom of oasin to in• "ert o; the lowest pipe :nto or out of :he basin, but in no case Tess than a minimum or 8 inches clearance from the sediment surface to the invert o; the lowest pipe. Top slab has notes larger than 2 square inches or cracks wider than 1:4 inch .Intent is to make sure no material is running into basin). Frame not s;ttng flusn on top slab i e separation o: nice than 3 :4 inch of the frame from the top s'.ab Frame not securely attaches Fractures or Maintenance person judge= that structure is Cracks in unsound Sarin a'ails. Bottom Grout fillet has separated or cracked wider than 1'2 inch and longer than 1 foc, at :he joint of any inlet'outlet pipe or any evidence o: soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. If failure of basin has created a sated function. or design problem rege:aticn growing across and blocking more than 3°t of the basin opening Vege :atior growing in inle•'cutiet pipe joints that is more than s inches tall and ,ess than six +ache= apart. A -7 Results Expected When Maintenance is performed No Trash or debris located immediately in front of catch basin or on grate opening No trash or cebris in :he catch basin Inlet and outlet pipes free of :rash or debris. No dead animals or vegetation present within the catch basin No sediment in the catch basin Top slab is free of holes and cracks. Frame is sitting flush on the riser rings o. too slab and firmly attached Basir. replaced or repaired to design standards. Pipe is regrouted and secure at basin wall Basin replaced or repaired to design standards two •egeta :ion blocking opening to basin No •egeta :ion or root growth present. No. 5 Catch Basins Maintenance Component Catch Basin COVET' L. cder Metal Gra :es Crate opening 'If .4pplicabiel Unsafe Maintenance Components General Metal Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Con:aminaticn See 'Detention Ponds OA ;nd Pollution Cove Nor in Cover is missing or only p. rtiall} in place Place Any open catch basin requires maintenance Locking Mechanism Not t^iork,ng Cove, Difficult :c Remove Ladder Rungs Unsafe Trash and Debris No. 6 Debris Barriers (e.g. Trash Racks) Defect Trash and Debris Damaged, Missing Bars. lr.Ie''Gutlet Pipe 6lechanisrn canner: be opened by one maintenance person with proper tools Dolts into frame have less than 2 inch or thread. One maintenance person cannot remove lid after applying nom-al lifting pres <ure (Intent is keen cover from sealing off access to maintenance Ladder is unsa:e cue :c missing rungs. no securely anached to basin wall, misalignment, rust, cracks or sharp edges Gra :e with opening wider than 7 '8 i nch Trash and debris that is blocking more ;hen 23% of grate surface irdetting capacity Damaged or Grate missing or broken member of the Missing grate Condition When Maintenance is Needed Trash or deb:is that is plugging more than 20% at the openings in the bare. Bars are ben- out or shape more than 3 inches. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing Bars as lc se and i s- is causing 5CO de:eriorat: n o any part o: barrier Debris barrier mi<sing c. not attached to pipe A -8 Results Expected When Maintenance is performed No pollution present. Catch basin cover is closed Medlar isn- cams with proper tool< Coyer can be removed by ne maintenance person. Ladder mee :s design standards anc allows maintenance person safe access Grate opening meets design standards. Grate free of trash and debris. Gr is in place and meets cesign tandards Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Barrier cleared to design flew capacity Bars in place with no bends more than 3;4 inch. Bars it place according to design Barrier replaced or repaired to design standards Barrier firmly attached :c pipe MANAGING HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS ATTACHMENT "B" Pollution Source Control Plan PENINSULA COLLEGE ATHLETIC FIELDS January 2010 JKA #0939 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLING AND SOURCE CONTROL Operators and maintenance staff should buy and use only what is needed Leftovers need to be stored properly /safely reused given away recycled or disposed of safely Operators and maintenance staff should read labels and follow directions on the label Hazardous products may be labeled. Danger Poisonous Volatile Combustible Caustic Explosive Warning Corrosive Flammable Caution Operators and maintenance staff should keep products in original containers and always keep them well labeled. If the product must be transferred to smaller containers, use the proper size funnel and avoid spills Label all containers Labels can fall off with weathering To prevent, cover with transparent tape To relabel use a metal tag attached to the container or use a stencil and spray paint. Do not mix chemical substances unless recommended by the manufacturer Use in well ventilated areas Protect skin eyes nose and mouth when necessary by wearing gloves respirator or other protective clothing Keep corrosive liquids away from flammable liquids. Look for nontoxic or less toxic options (check with the State Department of Ecology Office of Waste Reduction at 1- 800 822 -9933) Use all of the product before disposing of the container There are private firms that specialize in the cleanup of spills B -1 EQUIPMENT WASHING Thinners or solvents are not to be discharged into the sanitary or storm sewer systems when cleaning machine parts where discharge of water is required. Use alternative methods for cleaning larger equipment parts such as high pressure high temperature water washes or steam cleaning Equipment washing wash water cannot be discharged into the storm or sanitary system Small parts can be cleaned with degreasing solvents which are reused after filtering or recycled These solvents should not discharge into any sewer Further information is available from the Department of Ecology SPILL CONTROL PLANNING AND CLEANUP Any spill that occurs, regardless of the size and /or type of spill should be reported to the following four agencies. City of Port Angeles SOURCE CONTROL ph. 360- 417 -4800 If the spill of a hazardous substance could reach surface waters all of the following four agencies must be notified (there are fines for failing to notify) National Response Center 1- 800 -424 -8802 (24 -hour) Washington Emergency Management Division 1- 800 258 -5990 or 1- 800 OILS -911 Locally notify the regional Department of Ecology offices 1- 360 -407 -6300 State Emergency Response Commision 1- 800 258 -5990 Notify the owner in the event of a spill particularly if it is hazardous Follow manufacturer's specific clean -up instructions for different products handled on site If a spill occurs, demobilize it as quickly as possible If there is a chance that the spill could enter a storm drain or sewer plug the inlet and turn off or divert any incoming water Cover the spill with absorbent material such as kitty litter or sawdust. Do not use straw Dispose of the used absorbent per Ecology or manufacturer's instructions If the spill is flammable dispose of as directed by the local fire marshal) Minimize use of commercial fertilizers Use only that amount recommended by the manufacturer Do not overwater lawn areas causing excess runoff to the road storm drainage system Do not dispose of used motor oil cleaning fluids waste water or any other substance to the catch basins grass swales or the ground in general. Recycle all motor oils and anti freeze Call local health department for recycling center locations B -2 APPENDIX `B' Existing Conditions Map 1 {r �Fldy s voi i Q cc V I X_ f a O t`. U tk.'y go sal ass 1 t t SOWN TYPE '2 j 0UT3�33O 24 CNC "NO'UE !\;323.30.24' CNC SCSW u*328.00 Jr CNC N82W A 4-, "I :3 3671 UTu I• 336.62 'G I I 91 36.79 I 338.87 n, I 3 7.01 9 337.24 1 3 3 7 4 4 .I I 337.64 G. I 3 7:78 I 336.66 I 32 L63-• I I _34.38 G 337.86 I .36.46 336 8 33111 IIEB. P .331.65 G. END. 6/8" IV/PLASTIC 1 NT1-SCOTT LS El PC 2' I NDS ROCK LINED GRAN ?c I a� T ou1s 33so 4 8' E IM33712 8' MTL SOS y b/A 3 J3x2< CLAY/04C W L MIL 83 I tio. N '3YW' W r HIGH OHAWUNK. PENCE 7' WON CHAINUNK PENCE rXPPEO 56TH 8AROED NRE w 09 FLR: 6;r 10E ASPHALT �'N133A84 8' COP E IN:334.72 6' CIP Oh W 9. A x- J I STORAGE 6' HIGH Cll LINK FENCE 5Ko TOPPED VA BARBED WIRE r Hr CHAINUNK mice TOPPED NITH�� I i: X 11 .I GATE 12 x 1 ,I,SRC GRATE RNA:338.48 /tR 337.54 1.327.81 PLS NWT 61t33T641lNK 550 SCORE-KEEPING 800111 z !EMITTER v>I 3 1 VERS BENCH RR: CUT. 333.81 CNC N2512 IN:33301 4 CNC S75E 84:334.48 4 CNC S20W ME 130.02 T 16335558 BLS N80W 4' PLR S75W tCONC EGA 5 BU BUNKER) R16336.18 i1J0334.14 OUT.334.84 4' CNC T' N3OW 2 V& 66334.64 4'"CIP "SSOE SOC88d8633528 $50W IRO -1 336 �EDGE C01451E1E VOTTER OIERNANG r E60Tl* CONCRElr IR LANDING (348.3) r EMITTER' WSt =.WSL -WSL- -WSL-- WSL- BOK ENTER X r-X---T- 747 7NICN.CHAINUNK FENCE -X_l 0 747 0 KG 'IRG CONCRETE WSL WSL WSL- 10: N{6,H CNAPILr,y �AWUN i K l �ErNCE 5' Hipl CH l. X -N PLAY EQUL°UENT CRAVE}. v.... 1` I L. NI -343 44 Doti' TCS02451 1 ASBCN .62 Bkp per cm 1 N CTR 14 INN 348.97 349.36 C .1 49 GRAVEL e tf 11 34 12 C W 4 INN hi4 NON sCSTR WN 2 N Co 14' BIN m8 NfN CR 349tJ8• YAN c. 30" NW 34885 1� I2' W/UD ROA347.37 OUT)348.57 34941 4' PVC N 349.01 Cm .70 DEMDR N:348.87 C 1' PlC SIOW CAYCREfE 549.r3 a .1417R 339.6 re PLS 3493 345.61 345.57 337.9 0 338.0- S338, 331 33 779 31719 C 337 IrMAPLEG) CONtROL PT. 629 1/2' Now wot nom CAP stem /4 canto.' N:411892.98, 01009445.73 a E 1- Oo! 3rj .:oft 341' '3 1. r OM. SI*OSIS FOR NET IRG ISMER roma t 1 uPciacoirs• FOR scoOrai* 0000751(7.7 PfinER MINSVLA *LW 0 rouff1ER (.9 cc AWE Oox H OG VAtk ce 1 04 11 IRG —'Ane GOA Paw 1:c VALVE'. BOT(Tr. tiOVALvE .1i0OCR URFACE, comma'. L- 6* HIGH crimmuroc:FEricc X4i...564 2 W802.7:02.4 -083. 340;04 ..-.51564 6 14o 4'1 14 KEMITTE9 41:1017E74 4 AGM SAND 1 AlIc(21■••X %AWE Air 7 BALL FIELD SLITTER N DOTTER 40417ER 4:a PONER.I.177£ kliA SURFACE CONOLAT eP 7 "11 X X 4 P C PT" 87 --ocomarr 47 'DVGOUT UGP UGP. 347 71 BASEEMOIHRELD OW ELOMR EtotocO 4.................-.:-.--,-..... GRAva iNiftiallo UGP UGP UGP UG ./k/T UGP UGP `th•U e 7 i 347 no \ 447 P..1 AsOoitr Omit m o t. 450 CPI 510 Npt.714 10P SKOP:1P 35429 CRT 40 ION =07.. 510' 0 x VALV r V41 VALVE0 10! HV b31:k.1± 4 CHAINUNK awe g 4 NI LAW I 8A14 X 60 a 4 oucour vre ,"00A .MR 7 4794 947,98, GRAVEL 1. 1 1 faltiAINUNW 7OP:34fil PIWZ EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOP1404 T CENTER tiiramo, rot 4 3 11,14)4aw4 4,14.06 f V 4.4 349 .3t og e -x VERTICAL CONCRETE WA4 SIGMAR MEMORIAL na.o. 349 CAP of' HANDICAP oco .Eqo 11: CAP HANDICAP 9.20 GATE POST(S) Astittitr PARKINOARP. 44 st cbigratx, 02t yr roam iv* i09110 CAP' 6 14VPE.g.1. -7 1 4. 0 ,41 14 olE192:96 •01009839.31 ELEV.. 349.39 APPENDIX `C' Soils Map INN MI 48° 6'4' 48° 5' 59" A 468980 469000 469020 1 1 0 0 liSDA Natural Resources iiriniffifi Conservation Service 1. 15 50 Map Scale: 1 it printed on A size (8.5" 11") sheet. 30 100 469040 Soil Map—Clallam County Area, Washington 469060 469080 469 469 469 469160 469180 1 1 60 200 Meters 90 300 Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 469040 469060 469080 469100 469120 469140 1 469160 1 469180 0) 1/20/2010 Page 1 of 3 48° 6'4' 48° 5' 59" E MI MN MI OM MN r Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Units Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot ,4 Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry r© Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot I SDA Natural Resources Conservation Service MAP LEGEND Soil Map Clallam County Area, Washington tr Very Stony Spot Wet Spot i Other Special Line Features Gully Short Steep Slope Other Political Features Cities Water Features Oceans Streams and Canals Transportation for Rails interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads MAP INFORMATION Map Scale. 1 1 090 if printed on A size (8.5' x 11') sheet. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24 000 Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements. Source of Map Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL. http /websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N NAD83 This product is generated from the USDA -NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below Soil Survey Area: Clallam County Area, Washington Survey Area Data. Version 6, Sep 22, 2009 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 6/25/2006 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Web Soil Survey 1/20/2010 National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map Clallam County Area, Washington 1 12 Map Unit Symbol Totals for Area of Interest Natural Resources Conservation Service Map Unit Legend Clallam County Area, Washington (WA609) Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Clallam gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3.5 Percent of AOI 3.5 1000 %i 100.0 1/20/2010 Page 3 of 3 Map Unit Description: Clallam gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes Clallam County Area, Washington t'SD4 Natural Resources Conservation Service Clallam County Area, Washington 12— Clallam gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting Elevation 40 to 1,800 feet Mean annual precipitation 23 inches Mean annual air temperature 48 degrees F Frost -free period 160 to 200 days Map Unit Composition Clallam and similar soils. 85 percent Minor components. 3 percent Description of Clallam Setting Landform Hillslopes Parent material: Till Properties and qualities Slope 0 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature 20 to 40 inches to dense material Drainage class. Moderately well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat) Very low to moderately low (0 00 to 0 06 in /hr) Depth to water table About 18 to 36 inches Frequency of flooding None Frequency of ponding None Available water capacity Very low (about 2 4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated) 4e Land capability (nonirrigated) 4s Typical profile 0 to 10 inches. Gravelly sandy loam 10 to 28 inches. Very gravelly sandy loam 28 to 60 inches. Very gravelly sandy loam Minor Components Mckenna Percent of map unit: 3 percent Landform Depressions Data Source Information Soil Survey Area Clallam County Area Washington Survey Area Data Version 6 Sep 22, 2009 Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1/20/2010 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX `D' Off -Site Basin Map da c 44 \4 L11 7 ice- jiii i ot a,d 1 4 t w Iv 1 1 lit" yR' X ,r- b v� f. 11 I ',�1 1 ti y t E \I' i w r 171 1 a 4 f ",i t t. 01 t \t r ti 1 Z V 1 r Ra 'e)''11111, i s �tj t l hlf Q ors y. rk /11/! co Lo 1 1 1 C yS, s 1 r f j f 1 t t t r r t! bfi •�t i(( `l r, p 7. 1 Or, }i 1.f y t S te 4• 11I E t R j J� +t i N 99 ��r f 1) r I� 4 i Y. \,/J! lr 1 f t t f 1 s. s APPENDIX `E' Hydrology Calculations Peninsula College WWHM3 Calculations (Ex. Cond. Vs. Developed Cond. w /out Detention) Project Name Site Address City Report Date Gage Data Start Data End Precip Scale WWHM3 Version Name Predev Bypass No Groundwater No Pervious Land Use C, Lawn, Flat Impervious Land Use PARKING FLAT Element Surface Flows Name Bypass No GroundWater No Pervious Land Use C, Lawn, Flat Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT 0939 unmit PREDEVELOPED LAND USE PA 2/4/2010 Port Angelis 1948/10/01 1993/09/30 1 00 To Post Dev Impervious Land Use PARKING FLAT Interflow Acres 3 3 t Acres 4/E- Du 6.Ou r 1 SI DEwd LIcS BLDG. Acres 2 4 eissriox Gor4D(T'OIJ &R ARE!! icLb G�� Amt. SOP E. SUAReuND04 Groundwater SYiuTNerc FeELD M( E:LED *s 7c GRA AND 5oM6 (5i;iER L *NDy -AP Acres 1 rm r F/W) M oDEIASP Z594 /MP1Rine AND 6T1IER MISL 6.14 vS 1 Peninsula Colleee WWHM3 Calculations (Ex. Cond. Vs. Developed Cond. w /out Detention) Element Flows To Surface MITIGATED LAND USE Flow Frequency Return Period 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 0 225 0 142 0 092 0 117 0 071 0 335 0 274 0 107 0 142 0 078 0 165 0 178 0 221 0 134 0 124 0 223 0 117 0 104 0 229 0 080 0 162 0 107 0 939 0 524 Interflow ANALYSIS RESULTS Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Unmitigated POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated Groundwater Return Periods for Predeveloped POC #1 Flow(cfs) 0 150251 0 25067 0 33689 0 471969 0 594053 CND. 10 YR 9iC Q 6,74 CP5 0 736744 tom' £Kr� Flow Frequency Return periods for Unmitigated POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 0 346951 0 480667 0 576143 0 704781 0 806498 51-104,11k. /DO �('fl C Q C•�� CF." 0 913331 D V• IF 7 TENT1OIU IS /NOT McV)DED) 0 411 0 336 0 483 0 260 0 350 0 523 0 436 0 254 0 292 0 255 0 364 0 394 0 358 0 271 0 274 0 487 0 260 0 251 0 410 0 289 0 332 0 314 1 156 0 721 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Peninsula Colleee WWHM3 Calculations (Ex. Cond. Vs. Developed Cond. w /out Detention) Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Unmitigated POC #1 Year Predeveloped Unmitigated 1974 0 198 0 369 1975 0 072 0 131 1976 0 133 0 371 1977 0 223 0 458 1978 0 095 0 222 1979 0 052 0 250 1980 0 130 0 447 1981 0 181 0 315 1982 0 312 0 569 1983 0 250 0 425 1984 0 179 0 316 1985 0 103 0 249 1986 0 426 0 676 1987 0 301 0 486 1988 0 139 0 449 1989 0 131 0 291 1990 0 102 0 276 1991 0 090 0 262 1992 0 270 0 505 1993 0 180 0 354 1994 0 088 0 214 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Unmitigated POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Unmitigated 1 0 9388 1 1561 2 0 5245 0 7210 3 0 4263 0 6756 4 0 3354 0 5693 5 0 31.22 0 5229 6 0 3009 0 5045 7 0 2740 0 4872 8 0 2696 0 4863 9 0 2503 0 4830 10 0 2290 0 4577 11 0 2251 0 4490 12 0 2228 0 4474 13 0 2226 0 4359 14 0 2210 0 4253 15 0 1977 0 4107 16 0 1810 0 4102 17 0 1803 0 3939 18 0 1791 0 3713 19 0 1779 0 3694 20 0 1646 0 3636 21 0 1618 0 3578 22 0 1423 0 3542 23 0 1417 0 3500 24 0 1391 0 3358 25 0 1336 0 3321 26 0 1334 0 3156 27 0 1306 0 3149 28 0 1297 0 3141 29 0 1239 0 2918 30 0 1174 0 2914 3 Peninsula College WWHM3 Calculations (Ex. Cond. Vs. Developed Cond. w /out Detention) Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Unmitigated 31 0 1168 0 2893 32 0 1071 0 2759 33 0 1066 0 2744 34 0 1038 0 2708 35 0 1029 0 2617 36 0 1018 0 2601 37 0 0948 0 2597 38 0 0916 0 2547 39 0 0905 0 2541 40 0 0877 0 2507 41 0 0801 0 2504 42 0 0781 0 2495 43 0 0719 0 2218 44 0 0707 0 2144 45 0 0522 0 1309 4 Peninsula Colleee Athletic Field Project Name Site Address City Report Date Gage Data Start Data End Precip Scale WWHM3 Version Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name Bypass No GroundWater No Pervious Land Use C, Forest, Flat 0939 -final Lauridsen Blvd PA 2/4/2010 Port Angelis 1948/10/01 1993/09/30 1 00 PreEuropean Impervious Land Use Acres Element Flows To Surface Interflow Name Bypass No GroundWater No Pervious Land Use C, Lawn, Flat Impervious Land Use DRIVEWAYS FLAT Developed Acres PRE F U RoPE,a rJ /Fog ESrr C O M P CN Acres 2 4 Acres 1 Groundwater 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Peninsula College Athletic Field Element Flows To Surface Interflow SSD Table 1, SSD Table 1 Name Depth Element Flows To Outlet 1 SSD Table 1 5 9ft Outlet 2 Groundwater SSD Table Hydraulic Table O S 00 e(f t) Area(acr) (cr) Volume( cr-f) Dschrq(cfs) fs) Infilt(Of OOO 4,...:57.4144r Ot�tt_ET ORIFICE r'� 000 338.90 0 100 0 003 0 000 0 000 0 075 0 200 0 004 0 000 0 005 0 075 0 300 0 006 0 001 0 006 0 075 0 400 0 007 0 001 0 007 0 075 0 500 0 008 0 002 0 008 0 075 0 600 0 010 0 002 0 008 0 075 0 700 0 011 0 003 0 009 0 075 0 800 0 012 0 003 0 010 0 075 0 900 0 014 0 004 0 010 0 075 1 000 0 015 0 005 0 011 0 075 r INFiLTRATIOM COL1)MJ 1 100 0 017 0 006 0 011 0 075 /5 5fSE» D O #J .2 'I'I 1 200 0 018 0 007 0 012 0 075 r NfIi.T, Rk7C ac./LX 'n ye 1 300 0 019 0 008 0 012 0 075 FNCA 1501760 ARC Om- if 1 400 0 021 0 009 0 013 0 075 r 1 500 0 022 0 010 0 013 0 075 C 1 600 0 023 0 012 0 013 0 075 Z 5.6 r/O T�s 1 700 0 024 0 013 0 014 0 075 Mr 1 800 0 024 0 014 0 014 0 075 1 900 0 024 0 016 0 015 0 075 (g. .o XCI 45d F 2 000 0 024 0 017 0 015 0 075 2 100 0 024 0 018 0 015 0 075 0' 07 CFj 2 200 0 024 0 020 0 016 0 075 2 300 0 024 0 021 0 016 0 075 2 400 0 024 0 022 0 016 0.Q COLUMN IS THE 2 500 0 024 0 023 0 017 0 075 OICIF« 2 600 0 024 0 024 0 017 0 075 DIS OUT OF THc 2 700 0 024 0 026 0 017 0 075 4ND T7 ?Pc2. NorGK 2 800 0 024 0 027 0 018 0 075 pIJGf THE STAGE RE/1CfIES 2 900 0 071 0 030 0 018 0 075 r GRSST brF THW 3 000 0 087 0 033 0 018 0 075 NO 1 3 100 0 102 0 037 0 019 0 075 3 200 0 118 0 043 0 019 0 075 3 300 0 133 0 049 0 019 0 075 3 400 0 149 0 055 0 020 0 075 3 500 0 165 0 062 0 020 0 075 3 600 0 181 0 070 0 020 0 075 t VOLUMi GOLUMar 1S skseD tom STI4drI —STOR 741)LE rNca.ub D tarrelt r#Ef E wW4 M rgref"1•euTf) B� 8'Dfl C 2 Peninsula Collese Athletic Field Staae(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr -ft) Dschrq(cfs) Infilt(cfs) 3 600 0 181 0 070 0 020 0 075 3 700 0 198 0 078 0 020 0 075 3 800 0 215 0 088 0 021 0 075 3 900 0 231 0 097 0 021 0 075 4 000 0 248 0 108 0 021 0 075 4 100 0 265 0 119 0 026 0 075 4 200 0 281 0 131 0 033 0 075 4 300 0 297 0 144 0 043 0 075 4 400 0 297 0 156 0 055 0 075 4 500 0 297 0 169 0 068 0 075 4 600 0 297 0 182 0 083 0 075 4 700 0 297 0 195 0 098 0 075 4 800 0 297 0 207 0 115 0 075 4 900 0 297 0 219 0 133 0 075 5 000 0 297 0 232 0 152 0 075 5 100 0 297 0 244 0 172 0 075 5 200 0 297 0 256 0 193 0 075 5 300 0 297 0 268 0 215 0 075 5 400 0 297 0 281 0 238 0 075 5 500 0 297 0 293 0 261 0 075 5 600 0 297 0 304 0 993 0 075 5 700 0 297 0 314 1 900 0 075 5 800 0 297 0 324 2 500 0 075 5 900 0 297 0 332 3 200 0 075 MITIGATED LAND USE ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 041495 5 year 0 091519 10 year 0 129656 25 year 0 17954 50 year 0 216339 100 year 0 251992 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 026009 5 year 0 047442 10 year 0 067573 25 year 0 101633 50 year 0 134615 100 year 0 175401 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Peninsula College Athletic Field Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1950 0 031 0 088 1951 0 052 0 021 1952 0 040 0 019 1953 0 011 0 015 1954 0 015 0 019 1955 0 109 0 107 1956 0 117 0 085 1957 0 040 0 021 1958 0 067 0 021 1959 0 019 0 019 1960 0 059 0 021 1961 0 096 0 050 1962 0 121 0 103 1963 0 015 0 016 1964 0 035 0 020 1965 0 034 0 021 1966 0 019 0 020 1967 0 018 0 017 1968 0 106 0 054 1969 0 027 0 017 1970 0 008 0 017 1971 0 017 0 019 1972 0 218 0 021 1973 0 147 0 046 1974 0 040 0 021 1975 0 021 0 012 1976 0 034 0 019 1977 0 026 0 019 1978 0 002 0 015 1979 0 002 0 016 1980 0 004 0 041 1981 0 080 0 098 1982 0 044 0 083 1983 0 092 0 020 1984 0 081 0 034 1985 0 026 0 017 1986 0 110 0 032 1987 0 174 0 173 1988 0 071 0 021 1989 0 035 0 020 1990 0 033 0 018 1991 0 043 0 019 1992 0 093 0 063 1993 0 093 0 021 1994 0 014 0 018 4 Peninsula College Athletic Field Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0 2184 0 1727 2 0 1744 0 1070 3 0 1472 0 1031 4 0 1211 0 0984 5 0 1170 0 0881 6 0 1104 0 0847 7 0 1091 0 0826 8 0 1055 0 0632 9 0 0964 0 0543 10 0 0929 0 0499 11 0 0927 0 0459 12 0 0916 0 0412 13 0 0809 0 0341 14 0 0799 0 0324 15 0 0708 0 0212 16 0 0673 0 0211 17 0 0587 0 0210 18 0 0521 0 0210 19 0 0442 0 0208 20 0 0433 0 0207 21 0 0404 0 0207 22 0 0401 0 0206 23 0 0399 0 0206 24 0 0348 0 0203 25 0 0345 0 0203 26 0 0342 0 0200 27 0 0342 0 0199 28 0 0328 0 0194 29 0 0307 0 0194 30 0 0267 0 0193 31 0 0260 0 0191 32 0 0256 0 0190 33 0 0210 0 0190 34 0 0191 0 0188 35 0 0188 0 0184 36 0 0177 0 0180 37 0 0174 0 0170 38 0 0155 0 0170 39 0 0146 0 0170 40 0 0137 0 0169 41 0 0113 0 0164 42 0 0075 0 0164 43 0 0040 0 0153 44 0 0024 0 0149 45 0 0019 0 0118 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Peninsula Collese Athletic Field POC #1 The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass /Fail 0 0207 3815 697 18 Pass 0 0227 3328 486 14 Pass 0 0247 2908 445 15 Pass 0 0267 2524 413 16 Pass 0 0287 2233 383 17 Pass 0 0306 1979 334 16 Pass 0 0326 1755 307 17 Pass 0 0346 1560 285 18 Pass 0 0366 1391 267 19 Pass 0 0385 1253 250 19 Pass 0 0405 1122 232 20 Pass 0 0425 1010 214 21 Pass 0 0445 914 201 21 Pass 0 0464 843 185 21 Pass 0 0484 775 168 21 Pass 0 0504 710 157 22 Pass 0 0524 652 145 22 Pass 0 0543 600 129 21 Pass 0 0563 555 121 21 Pass 0 0583 511 117 22 Pass 0 0603 463 107 23 Pass 0 0622 424 101 23 Pass 0 0642 392 95 24 Pass 0 0662 355 89 25 Pass 0 0682 323 85 26 Pass 0 0701 292 81 27 Pass 0 0721 265 77 29 Pass 0 0741 242 73 30 Pass 0 0761 224 66 29 Pass 0 0780 202 63 31 Pass 0 0800 177 59 33 Pass 0 0820 161 55 34 Pass 0 0840 150 50 33 Pass 0 0859 140 42 30 Pass 0 0879 128 40 31 Pass 0 0899 117 38 32 Pass 0 0919 103 34 33 Pass 0 0938 95 33 34 Pass 0 0958 86 31 36 Pass 0 0978 79 28 35 Pass 0 0998 71 25 35 Pass 0 1018 69 24 34 Pass 0 1037 62 21 33 Pass 0 1057 53 19 35 Pass 0 1077 51 17 33 Pass 0 1097 47 16 34 Pass 0 1116 42 16 38 Pass 0 1136 39 16 41 Pass 0 1156 35 16 45 Pass 0 1176 33 15 45 Pass 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Peninsula Co11e2e Athletic Field 0 1195 30 15 50 Pass 0 1215 26 14 53 Pass 0 1235 25 14 56 Pass 0 1255 24 13 54 Pass 0 1274 24 13 54 Pass 0 1294 23 13 56 Pass 0 1314 23 13 56 Pass 0 1334 22 12 54 Pass 0 1353 21 12 57 Pass 0 1373 20 12 60 Pass 0 1393 20 11 55 Pass 0 1413 19 11 57 Pass 0 1432 19 10 52 Pass 0 1452 17 10 58 Pass 0 1472 17 10 58 Pass 0 1492 15 10 66 Pass 0 1511 15 10 66 Pass 0 1531 14 9 64 Pass 0 1551 12 9 75 Pass 0 1571 12 9 75 Pass 0 1590 11 8 72 Pass 0 1610 11 7 63 Pass 0 1630 10 7 70 Pass 0 1650 10 6 60 Pass 0 1669 10 6 60 Pass 0 1689 9 5 55 Pass 0 1709 2 2 100 Pass 0 1729 2 0 0 Pass 0 1748 1 0 0 Pass 0 1768 1 0 0 Pass 0 1788 1 0 0 Pass 0 1808 .1 0 0 Pass 0 1828 1 0 0 Pass 0 1847 1 0 0 Pass 0 1867 1 0 0 Pass 0 1887 1 0 0 Pass 0 1907 1 0 0 Pass 0 1926 1 0 0 Pass 0 1946 1 0 0 Pass 0 1966 1 0 0 Pass 0 1986 1 0 0 Pass 0 2005 1 0 0 Pass 0 2025 1 0 0 Pass 0 2045 1 0 0 Pass 0 2065 1 0 0 Pass 0 2084 1 0 0 Pass 0 2104 1 0 0 Pass 0 2124 1 0 0 Pass 0 2144 1 0 0 Pass 0 2163 1 0 0 Pass Peninsula Collese Athletic Field 0.22 n V 0.17 v 0.12 0 J 0.07 Dev Duration Curve PreDev Duration Curve 0.02 10E -4 10E 3 10E 2 10E 1 1 10 100 F'ur Timms Exdling 8 Peninsula College Soccer Field Prepared by Bruce Dees Associates HvdroCAD® 9.00 s/n 03701 2009 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Printed 1/28/2010 Page 1 Summary for Pond 1P Field Underdrain System Inflow Area 128 613 sf 100 00% Impervious Inflow Depth 4 05' for 24 -hr 10 -yr Event event Inflow 1 41 cfs 9 94 hrs Volume= 43 424 cf Outflow 1 41 cfs 9 96 hrs Volume= 43 407 cf Atten= 0% Lag= 0 9 min Discarded 0 00 cfs 9 96 hrs Volume= 137 cf Primary 1 40 cfs 9 96 hrs Volume= 43,270 cf Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 0 00 -26 00 hrs, dt= 0 05 hrs Starting Elev= 330 00' Surf.Area= 0 sf Storage= 0 cf Peak Elev= 339 53' 9 96 hrs Surf.Area= 443 sf Storage= 102 cf Flood Elev= 344 36' Surf.Area= 12, 950 sf Storage= 12 598 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 1 3 min calculated for 43 407 cf (100% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 1 0 min 774 4 773.4 1 Peninsula College Soccer Field Prepared by Bruce Dees Associates HvdroCAD® 9.00 s/n 03701 2009 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 338 90' 12.0' Round Control Structure Outlet L= 135 0' CPP end section conforming to fill Ke= 0 500 Outlet Invert= 337 55' S= 0 0100 Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #2 Primary 344 36' 12.0' Horiz. Top of 12' Dia. Riser (Overflow) C= 0 600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Discarded 338 79' 0.255 in /hr Exfiltration over Surface area piscarded OutFlow Max =0 00 cfs 9 96 hrs HW =339 53' (Free Discharge) 3= Exfiltration Exfiltration Controls 0 00 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max =1 40 cfs 9 96 hrs HW =339 53' (Free Discharge) 1= Control Structure Outlet (Inlet Controls 1 40 cfs 2.70 fps) 2 =Top of 12' Dia. Riser (Overflow) Controls 0 00 cfs) Printed 1/28/2010 Pape 2 Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 338 90' 243 cf 6.00'D x 8.60'H CB #201 Control Structure Impervious #2 338 90' 9 cf 12.0' D x 11.0'L HDP Pipe section to CB #201 S= 0.0050 'I'Impervious #3 338 79' 2,232 cf 36.0 "W x 66.9 "H x 350.0'L Collector Trench S= 0.0050 '1' 5 854 cf Overall 275 cf Embedded 5 579 cf x 40 0% Voids #4 338 96' 275 cf 12.0' D x 350.0'L Collector S= 0.0050 Inside #3 #5 341 62' 294 cf 16.0 "W x 32.9 "H x 206.0'L West Lateral Trench 1 S= 0.0076 1' 753 cf Overall 18 cf Embedded 735 cf x 40 0% Voids #6 341 79' 18 cf 4.0' D x 206.0'L West Lateral 1 S= 0 0076 /'Inside #5 #7 341 62' 922 cf 16.0 "W x 32.9 "H x 34.0'L West Lateral Trenches 2 -20 S= 0.0050 /'x 19 2 361 cf Overall 56 cf Embedded 2,305 cf x 40 0% Voids #8 341 79' 56 cf 4 0' D x 34.0'L West Laterals 2 -20 S= 0.0050 /'x 19 Inside #7 #9 341 62' 36 cf 16.0 "W x 32.9 "H x 25.0'L West Lateral Trench 21 S= 0.0050 91 cf Overall 2 cf Embedded 89 cf x 40 0% Voids #10 341 79' 2 cf 4.0' 0 x 25.0'L West Lateral 21 S= 0.0050 '/'Inside #9 #11 341 62' 20 cf 16.0 "W x 32.9 "H x 14.0'L West Lateral Trench 22 S= 0.0050 1' 51 cf Overall 1 cf Embedded 50 cf x 40 0% Voids #12 341 79' 1 cf 4.0' D x 14.0'L West Lateral 22 S= 0.0050 /'Inside #11 #13 341 62' 254 cf 16.0 "W x 32.9 "H x 178.0'L West Lateral Trench 23 S= 0.0088 1' 651 cf Overall 16 cf Embedded 635 cf x 40 0% Voids #14 341 79' 16 cf 4.0' D x 178.0'L West Lateral 23 S= 0 0088 /'Inside #13 #15 341 62' 10 722 cf 16.0 "W x 32.9 "H x 313.0'L East Lateral Trenches 1 -24 S= 0.0050 /k 24 27 461 cf Overall 656 cf Embedded 26 805 cf x 40 0% Voids #16 341 79' 656 cf 4.0' D x 313.0'L East Laterals 1 -24 S= 0.0050 '/'x 24 Inside #15 #17 342.32' 183 cf 16.0 "W x 24.5 "H x 174.0'L East Lateral Trench 25 S= 0 0050 474 cf Overall 15 cf Embedded 458 cf x 40 0% Voids #18 342.49' 15 cf 4.0' D x 174.0'L East Lateral 25 S= 0.0050 Inside #17 #19 342.32' 448 cf 16.0 "W x 24.5 "H x 170.0'L East Lateral Trench 26 S= 0 0051 463 cf Overall 15 cf Embedded 448 cf #20 342 49' 15 cf 4.0' D x 170 0'L East Lateral 26 S= 0.0051 Inside #19 #21 340 01 113 cf 8.0' D x 324 0'L Wall Footing Drain Connector S= 0.0073 /'Impervious 16 529 cf Total Available Storage 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ST Peninsula College Soccer Field Prepared by Bruce Dees Associates HvdroCAD® 9.00 s/n 03701 2009 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Elevation (feet) 3.8-78 o 338.99,90 0.1 338 99 e• Z 339 09 0 3 339 19 0.4 339.29 04 0 (.339.49 0.7 339.59 0.8339 69 0,9 339 79 1 0 339 89 1.1 339 99 1.1. 340 09 1.3 340 19 IN 340.29 1, 9 340 39 (4340 49 1,7 340.59 1,$ 340 69 340 79 2,0340 89 2,.1 340 99 Z.L341 09 2.3 341 19 1. 341.29 z.5 341.39 =.34149 2.7 341 59 a g 341.69 2.'341 79 3,0341 89 7,1 341 99 3.Z 342.09 7.5 342.19 1,4 342.29 7 S 342.39 1.6 342.49 3. 342.59 3.9342.69 3.9 342.79 (1,0 342.89 4.1 342.99 44 343.09 4.3 343.19 4.1/ 343.29 y$343 39 40343 49 d,'7 343.59 y.S 343 69 ,9 343 79 id 343.89 5' 1 343.99 Stage- Area Storage for Pond 1P Field Underdrain System Surface Storage Elevation Surface Storage (so -ft) (cubic -feet) (feet) (so -ft) (cubic -feet) 0 0 5■Z 344 09 12,950 11 155 60 0 5,3 344 19 12,950 11,690 120 8 5.4 344.29 12,950,. 12,224, 180 17 S• 5 344 39 12,950 12,757 240 31 54344 49 12,950 13,248 300 48 5' 7344 59 12,950 13 689 360 68 6',8'344 69 12,950 14 095 420 92 5.9344 79 12,950 14 468 480 120 344 89 12,950 14 808 540 151 344 99 12,950 15 115 600 185 345 09 12,950 15 390 660 222 345 19 12,950 15 631 720 262 345.29 12 950 15 840 780 305 345.39 12,950 16 019 840 350 345 49 12,950 16 169 900 398 345 59 12,950 16,290 960 450 345 69 12,950 16 381 1 020 505 345 79 12,950 16 443 1 050 563 345 89 12,950 16 476 1 050 622 345 99 12,950 16 485 1 050 681 346 09 12,950 16 489 1 050 739 346 19 12,950 16 492 1 050 797 346.29 12,950 16 495 1 050 853 346 39 12 950 16 498 1 050 908 346 49 12,950 16 501 1 050 962 346 59 12,950 16 504 1 050 1 015 346 69 12,950 16 506 1 050 1 067 346 79 12,950 16 509 1 050 1 117 346 89 12,950 16 512 1 913 1 179 346 99 12,950 16 515 3 107 1,288 347 09 12,950 16 518 3 780 1 438 347 19 12,950 16 521 4 452 1 631 347.29 12,950 16 523 5 125 1 864 347 39 12 950 16 526 5 798 2 126 347 49 12,950 16,529 6 470 2 407 7 180 2,714 7 906 3 052 8 631 3 419 9 357 3,817 10 082 4,244 10 808 4 702 11 533 5 189 12,259 5 706 12,950 6,254 12,950 6 816 12,950 7,378 12,950 7,934 12,950 8 481 12,950 9 018 12,950 9,552 12,950 10 087 12,950 10,621 Printed 1/28/2010 Page 3 max water level 344 36 max water storage at 344 36 approx. 12,597 C F (discard all values above 344 36) Descrip orifice structure Increment 10 10 ft Start El. i0 0000 ft .Max El. .5.5000 ft Onf Coeff i0 62 Lowest 04 11 0 00 Lowest Diam :0 6250 in Dist to next 0 0000 ft us>c 54. le aoTToM alt IF ICE. Stage Discharge Rating Curve ;0 00004110 0000 cfs :2.8000 ft 0 0177 cfs '0 1'000 ft 10 0034 cfs 2:9.000 ft 0 0181 cfs 0.0004 10 0047 cfs 3 0000 ft 0 0184 cfs' 1 0.30001:fft 10 0058 cfs .3 10 10 0187 cfs I 0 4000 ft j0 0067 cfs 3.2000 f(13 0190 cfs 0.5000 ft 10 0075 cfs ;3.3000 ft 0 0193 cfs '0.6000:.ft j0 0082 cfs 3 4000 ft 0195 cfs 0 7000.ft 0 0089 cfs 3.5000 ft 0 0198 cfs! 0 8000 ft10 0095 cfs 3 6000 ft 0 0201 cfs :0 9000 ft 0 0101 cfs .3 7000 ft 0 0204 cfs 1 0000 ft 0 0106 cfs 3.8000 ft '0 0207 cfs 1 1000 ft `0 0111 cfs 3 9000 ft 0 0209 cfs 1..2 ft 00 116cfs 40000ft 00212 cfs 1.3000fff00121 cfs 41000ft 00215cfs o.oLESt0 0,07.5G C 1 4000110 0125 cfs 4.2000 ft 0 0217 cfs 0, 0217 t o. o e 1 S O. cVs 1.5000ft100130 cfs '4.3000ft 0 0220 cfs1 two 2. Z 4 el O• 431 0 5 1 6000 ft:0 0134 cfs 4 4000 ft 0 0222 cfs p otZ2. +o,o3Z5 0,0547 cgs 1 7000 ft 10 0138 cfs 4.5000 ft 0 0225 cfs i" 4 6,045T o, o 1.8000 ft 10 0142 cfs 4 6000 ft 0 0227 cfs 3 p 02,27 0, 0598 c.0825 CF 1 9000 ft `0 0146 cfs 4 7000 ft -0 0230 cfs o, 0230 0,053 0 0 183 C Af 2.0000 f t i0 0150 cfs 4 8000 f t :0 0232 cfs 0, 0 Z 3 Z 0,09 Z o 04115 Z crs :2.1000ft IT) 0154cfs 49000ft 00235cfs p, oZ35 1 0 .13 33 as :2.2000 ft ;0 0157 cfs 5 0000 ft 0 0237 cfs o.6Z37 r o,1Z8G 0.15Z3 cis :2.3000 ft !0 0161 cfs 5 1000 ft 0 0239 cfs s p2 39 0,1+84 0,17 23 (-FS .24000 ft 00164 cfs .5.2000 ft 0 0242 cfs o. 0 2 4t 011611 0, 19 33 cps :2.5000 ft 10 0168 cfs 5.3000 ft 0 0244 cfs 0, o Z iy t 0,/ 9 c7 0. 21 S I CF$ 16000 ft F0 0171 cfs 5 4000 ft 0 0246 cfs o,0Z46 O,Z 131 6,2 37 CFS 5.5000 ft 0 0249 cfs` 0 43G$ i° -2GIZ 6Fs .�i THE DISCNA2GE OUT of THE cosTI=OL STX0CT WILL. 59 A GOIVISINAT16 of TiI E Q our OF TAE OTTER l ORIr /C .4N7 Nor c14 Fog 'Tole r&' 19 SToRA -4.E (d of NDTCA Mit POL.Lbwlig, PAGE RMTI 'ke CURVE Record Id notch2 1Descrii NOTCH 'Increment .0 10 ft 1Start El. 14 0000 ft ,Max El. 5 5000 ft 1Length 10 0400 ft rcd 3.22 L NoT41 t. O O4 1,5 Stage Discharge Rating Curve 4 0000' ft 0 0000 cfs ;4.8000 ft z0 0920 cfs 41000 ft 0 0041 air-4100o ft ;0 1098 cfs 14.2000 ft '0 0115 cfs 5 0000 ft '0 1286 cfs 14.3000 ft °0 0211 cfs 5 1000 ft 0 1484 cfs 4 4000 ft 0 0325 cfs ;5.2000 .ft 101691 cfs 14.5000 ft 0 0455 cfs 5.3000 ft '0 1907 cfs 14.6000 ft '0 0598 cfs 15 4000 ft 0.2131 cfs 4 '7000 ft 0 0753 cfs '5.5000 f1 :0.2363 cfs /1 Licensed to John Knowles Assoc. Nc rcw 5M+LL 4.111)6 x 18 ,Err parrots /CR'c Sr OF e4 iLEV 342 13(2, Peninsula College Athletic Fields Conveyance Calc. Conveyance Calculations Overflow Riser The proposed synthetic field's underdrain system will provide detention storage The drainage will flow through a control structure north of the northwest corner of the field The following calculation for the overflow riser assumes no infiltration is occurring and the bottom orifice and the upper notch are plugged (conservative) The flow calculation itself is also conservative due to using the rational method 100 year Rational Method Flow Calculation for sizing overflow riser Q CIA Where Q 100 year flow in cfs C runoff coefficient A contributing drainage basin (Basin -1) I Rainfall intensity for 100 yr C 0 25 for lawn per Table 4 C 0 9 for impervious surfaces (Weighted C 0.44) A 2 4 Acres lawn 1 0 Acres impervious 3.4 acres total I 4.25" (From IDF curve for Port Angeles assumes 5 min Time of Concentration) Q (0 44) x (4 25) x (3 4) 6.36 cfs Using the 6 36 cfs value from the above calculation in the Riser Inflow Curve the head above an 18' diameter riser 0.58' The overflow riser elevation is set at 344 36 (344 36 0 58) 344 94 The above calculation shows that an 18'- diameter riser provides sufficient weir length to allow a minimal amount of head such that the 100 -year flow will not be above the field elevation of 345 00 Conveyance Pine out of Flow Control Structure The 12' diameter pipe out of the flow control structure is sized to convey a 25 year storm event determined by the rational method The rational method is used for the 3 4 acre basin like the above 100 -year calculation except the Intensity (I) value is 3 0 for the 25 year storm Q CIA Q (0 44) x (3 0) x (3 4) 4.49 cfs The following conveyance calculation uses 4 49 cfs from the above calculation in manning's formula to determine the minimum slope the 12' diameter pipe is required have if flowing full John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 1 January 2010 Peninsula College Athletic Fields Conveyance Calc. Manning Pipe Calculator Given Input Data. Shape Circular Solving for Slope Diameter 12.0000 in Depth 12 0000 in Flowrate 4.4900 cfs Manning's n 0 0120 Computed Results. Slope 0 0135 ft/ft VS 3.55 (e*#.ii) OK Area 0 7854 ft2 Wetted Area 0 7854 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 37 6991 in Perimeter 37 6991 in Velocity 5 7168 fps Hydraulic Radius 3 0000 in Percent Full 100 0000 Full flow Flowrate 4 4900 cfs Full flow velocity 5 7168 fps The above manning's calculation shows that the 12' diameter outfall pipe is required to have a minimum slope of 1 35% The construction drawing show a pipe slope of 3 55% therefore the pipe is sized adequately to convey the field drainage p:\jekfiles\0939conv-calc.doc John Knowles Associates, Inc. Page 2 January 2010 1 1 Riser Overflow The nomograph in Figure 5.3 4.H may be used to determine the head (in feet) above a riser of given diameter and for a given flow (usually the 100 -year peak flow for developed conditions) 100 /00 YR. Q =6,y PO RRilaUAC MET41oD 1 LDA/TROL STRL k 7Zi ZE /SE/Z DVEe cLo 5.3 4 CONTROL STRUCTURES METHODS OF ANALYSIS FIGURE 5.3.4.H RISER INFLOW CURVES 72 54 48 42 h" 0.1 HEAD IN FEET (measured from crest of riser) Q weir 9.739 DH Dodree=3.782 D2H1/2 Q in cfs, D and H in feet Slope change occurs at weir- orifice transition 10 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 5 -47 Table 4 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS "C" VALUES FOR THE RATIONAL METHOD General Land Covers Single Family Residential Areas* Land Cover C Land Cover Density C Dense forest 0 10 0.20 DU /GA (1 unit per 5 ac.) 0 17 Light forest 0 15 0 40 DU /GA (1 unit per 2.5 ac.) 0.20 Pasture 0.20 0 80 DU /GA (1 unit per 1.25 ac.) 0.27 Lawns 0.25 1 00 DU /GA 0 30 Playgrounds 0.30 1 50 DU /GA 0 33 Gravel areas 0 80 2.00 DU /GA 0 36 Pavement and roofs 0 90 2.50 DU /GA 0 39 Open water (pond lakes 1.00 3 00 DU /GA 0 42 wetlands) 3 50 DU /GA 0 45 4 00 DU /GA 0 48 4 50 DU /GA 0 51 5 00 DU /GA 0 54 5 50 DU /GA 0 57 6 00 DU /GA 0 60 Based on average 2,500 square feet per lot of impervious coverage For combinations of land covers listed above an area weighted 'C, x A, sum should be computed based on the equation C x A (C x A1) (C2x A +(C„ x A„) where A (A, A2 +A„) the total drainage basin area. 5.06.02 Infiltration Systems 1 The designer shall evaluate and design Roof Downspout Controls, Infiltration Trenches and Dry Wells in accordance with Chapter 3 1 Volume 111 of the DOE Manual. 2. For all other infiltration systems the infiltration rate shall be based upon soils investigation and analysis for the proposed infiltration area. Test results shall accompany storm calculations. Such testing shall be performed by a qualified engineer or septic system designer certified by Clallam County Design of infiltration systems shall conform to the DOE Manual Volume III Chapter 3 Section 3 3 3. Infiltration systems shall be at least 10 feet from any structure property line or sensitive area (except steep slopes) Page 21 DRAFT Chapter 5 Urban Services Standards and Guidelines 8 -04 -09 Revision IIIR NM MI I OM N MN MI MI 1 ■M /..//■■./..M ../i■•1s.•1•••■1•.••1 ■•■m1•■■■/ C• s•M a. M11■/ M1•• M /■■■i ■mm ■1 ■•1u ■•M is ■•■1•■a••..o. •.■■■1.1M1•■as•.•a■� ■••••a ■■•s■■ 1 /.1•s■••1MM•■tII_1r1-. Id1 nl.mJ■■■//aa■■■ ra11■ ■■•■1•■.■ •M■ 1.■■■■■••■ •M uE ■1 ■a■•M■.■• /■■Gtdt'J .l [•�ir•� aM a/ J/a■■ //a/ ■1■ •U•••••s1.1••.ss1 ME.• 1. •1 E •••••E ■M /.111 ■■•/111.•al• ■ull ■■1 ■1■■• m M/ M■.■ s• 1.•■ s■•■■• M ■/•■•E ■C ■1 ■�M••• C ,•r ■M m c •s ••m••�•s•A /■•••■u■ 1 ■ammo .1••M• s E ■•■•aM1■•• /1•s /•r••s■••a•.•••sr iv' ge.b tyf izme...zm=7.,it71•• h ■•s ■1•••�N.1M •.M.M■ E ■•1 ■•s ■1•■■!■ NO•• ■■i ■1 ■••r••■ •1>••a ■••a• •11s1M••■M•s1. /s /•M.•.sas.■.•• A. Rainfall intensity Chart ■•.■■1•r•1MI1N•■ 1*•.■ •1 .•1■••.aM•aaM1•■ V`. r•■••• •1M■■•■.•.M•M.■■■sMM•••■•■■■■ .1.11d41�)1.' 7 .7 11 r 7: 7.m wr• r lmi,N■ R1. 1••.• 1fa ■••••s•••s 1• ..a• N. •a•a■■ ■11 ■E••a ■1•aa•■•.N■N•I •s1 /1Mi.■N N••s11N1•M■ t E=.E.E: EE :EEEEEEE.EE:EEC•••.••••••RECCE •\A■ ■1•■■■■ ■•••••.••M. ■••.••1■ ■111 ■1■ s./••••■••■■ ■••■•s1s■ 1 /1• ■•1.■1■■N M► I1■ 1a.. ■•■•■■■.s•M•M•■.■ ■MM rs• 1■/■ ■s /1a• /■O ■C h ■••1■ ■1■■•■•■■ ■1■M•s••1• ■.1M■•■ ■••••M■ rs..■ 1••■•■ ■••■■1■•••••M.a.•••■••■1•an■• Mts1•■/■ M••■ •■■■■■••■N■■■■••■■■■ ■M■■■ ■s■ ■M■ M_.s1M ■1•■■■■ ■•M■sM■■■■■■ ■1t•a1■. 111•• /•aa■.'M•• MS••■•i M■ ■M /a1 ►•■M•••s•■ ■a■■M■1■■ B. Rainfall Intensity Equation ■I ilia■ MS■•■ ■M■■■\• ■■■■■■■■••■•a•E• ►.•M1.■••■ /ru■■•••■■■•M••■ ■■E•■■■■C■ •1••a ■7 ■■■M■ ■nM■ 1■•■■ 1 In addition to the rainfall Intensity charts, the designer also has the option of determining rainfall data by use of a ..•■raronor_■a■P■■P.1.}hI7 ■M ■M ■■•■■■■■OMMOM'/ /i i/ .11! 'JII` 1l'4 4u 11111 1■■■ mathematical equation. This equation has the form: .1 11..■■` LI■lls•J[•MIbi ■L[•.7/.•■■■• ■M •■••■\s 1•■■■M .M■ /aiI■ (os.o� 2q t{2- L�}•C 2-12., 741i� 1.4t7 Ifs■.■•• ■1 ■1■.■■■■• ■M■■■•■■■••. ■s■.■•• ■••••11.1•.•• ■••i. ■ells• /M•■ LI ■a.M.1.■.■.••••■■•■•■■• ■..•1••! ■s■••i'NM•••••s■ ■M■■.■ ■•••1 ■a C• ■•1■ ■l1 ■■M ■U■■•M•M■hl■•■■■E■■1sCME• ■Ma•■ where: m and n dimensionless coefficients l� ■M• ■M•• ■1 ■•••1••■■• •s•■M•.■ 11 1.. 1�■■••■ ■■M■M■■ ■s•■•■ ■1■■•■■••i•■•■.11a T the rainfall duration (minutes) ■••••I\ ■••••••••••.M••••• 1 the average rainfall Intensity (lodes per hour) •■•■M l'• 1{•■ s■ 1 •.••sC.■1•M•••.M•• ■1.■•■••.. ■s• C••. Isr 7•:nIs•11••s1 ■1■ ■■■■l M■ MR[ mean recu. inter ■.l■■D�'�iim•L7 rV.'I•! -711 a/••i■ ■m•1s \.-a +t la tzia mial tai =Jos ncui li.morm ■M•. The coefficients (m and n) have been determined for all mayor cities for the 2 5- 10- 25- So_ and 100 -year MRLs mummulimmummummeammommummirAmmum um The range of accuracy Is from 5-minute duration to 1,440 minute duration (24 hours). These equations have been UNNINNWIMUMNONNOUNNUONNNONNINNONENNONENIN NO ■1•M■• \lm ■s• •■M■1■1■u ■■■s developed from the 1973 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 2, "Precipitation- d ■••11\ ■C•■a■a•■ssN•••■ ■N■■■■■■ ■l■• ■•1■■ Immu■ ■s■ ■M• ■s•• ■s■ /•••1 Frequency Atlas 01 the Western United States, Volume 1X- Washington" The rainfall charts (Sec. 2 -3.4A) were .2 ■M �s`■\ ■s ■M ■1 developed from an older weather bureau atlas, Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, Technical Paper rrrr s Imu ■■a■ u■ /■Mi\� emmu■\•■a•/1al ■a s■aags■■■M/a■ ■/1■ No. 40. For this reason, the two will not always yield the same answers. ■a1 s■ umma\■•s!Y/rl: or .7aana.,xnT.77.7)'7■■ ■s■■■ 1■■■■m■ /srr■ ilm /1'11 •num a■s■■■■ia•.• ..��•IMONNE: 1 :rl EC1U ::E ■M CCC i \r. NI WWW 7. •M M■■ ..s ll'•M 1■ M UM� s ill R om EC C� _pig iei■iiid..Il1M■ 11 !a■ sirwri ■M a/ •a.Elaaalim ba r M/ C= ■M•.S a11■11121 �!9■: :1�i�i...■■CCEI ■r;;■■musia0 III% s■/•■ �(f�� ■���I/a{d0i.•��?s��1 •C. ■■M• a: 111._ ■0'���� M■■ 1 ■C nil n w! =!111 ■r ■lilt!! ■M! Mi .aa,M ■■1a1■ .awn f ■1r ir��ar�ea sir =i t ®cao.�� :Misr 9■■•C■ LOM •M.� s�� mum mum a a ■m E s MEMNON NEMO NO NON /a .fI i 1I a /0 20 30 40 60 When the time of concentration and storm frequency ere known, the rainfall intensity Is obtained from the rainfall Intensity charts at the end of this chapter (Appendix 2 -1). Each chart shows the Intensity of the rainfall for 100-, 50 25-, 10. and 5-year storm frequencies for a duration of S to 100 minutes. It is the practice of the WSDOT Headquarters Hydraulics Section to use a minimum time of concentration of five minutes. it should be toted that the rainfall Intensity at any given time is the average from zero minutes to the time considered and is not the instantaneous rainfall. Rainfall intensity coefficients can be obtained for other geographical areas and for durations greater than 24 hours by tr. Q contacting the Headquarters Hydraulics Section. V /A 144f- 2. 2 14 3 l 4 3 1.°) .4 to Chart 2 Year MRI 2 rear MR1 10 +e.r MCI 23 +ear MRi 5n re. MRi 100 rear MCI Cs/ Location Humber m '4 4 7 4\ 0 0 r Part Angeles 1 4.31 0.370 1.42 0..531 6.23 0.331 7.37 0.132 0.10 0.132 11.03 0.732 50 70 80 11 90 /00 APPENDIX `F' Basin Map 2Z l0-- 337 64 7' HIGH CHAINLINK F&CE G z TOPPED WIN 8 RSEDnW7RQ cn 1 0 1 0 .M 337,24 G37 9y 337 44 G .337 71 3 :779 337:29 337.38 G I .337.54 G 337.6 G 33174 CB #101 RIM= 336,25 1E SE= 332.19 IE SW &NE(EX.)= 332.19(± i l EXIST 12' STORM 04 4 12x12x6 WYE IE= 338.73 12x12x6 WYE IE= 338.84 "-CB_: #201 (72' 0 TYPE 2) 1 (CONTROL STRUCT).(SEE C3.1 .N RIM 347.03 1E S= 338.93 IE OVERFLOW =344.36 IE N= 338.93 04 O IE =33915:1: 'IE =341 79 341:90 IE- 339:58 -iE =341 79 1E =339 :66 E A ri� 1- 1 1 1 -1- 1- 1- 1741 -1 -1- 1+1-1 -1 -1- 1_1_,_,_1 I -I FG =345.00 (T.P.) `_1. A jilatiii7 i. 1 1- 1- 1- 1 lTW =34510 _BLikiF 345:00_ 12 'HOPE- 10L.F 00 :5% 6 "HOPE -25L.F 09:96% TW /TP =345.00 BW /FG= 341.59] IE =341.33 BW/FG4341:.50 TW /TPS45.00 /TP= 345:00 Bil /FG= 341.:50 P? NA _L DRAINLINE 131L F AT RETAINING WA _L (S IM) TW= 345.00 TP= 345.00 IE= 343 :50 a S 2 03 LA 0 12 "HOPE -42L.F 0M11 33 4 33 4 ul .61 339 I PENINSULA COLLEGE N li; 1T' COLLEGE SUBSTATION (CITY OF PORT ANGELES) 1 00.00' N 8 5503' W CB #102 RIM= 336.63 IE S =334 63 IE W= 334.63 0 00 0 0 0 "HDPE 6x6x6 TEE 1 i 7L.F 02,37% TW= 345:00 IE= 341.50 BW /FG= 342.26 5 1 "BASIN-1" AREA 3.40 ACRES -1 336 339 �L�� +4:i 2� SCOREKEEPER BUILD c4.t AREA PLAN ENLARGE (SEE NFORM&TION THIS A A 6' PP WALL DRAINLIN (59L.F TOTAL AT WALL (SEE f 0. 0 a r 0 0 r 0 0 0 0. 1 0 L 'OW TIL POLE N. rn 03 337-.7:1 6 CE AR AR 1 'CEDAR DAYL T A IE =342. IE= 34t :96 TP =345 :00 -1E -'341.96 IE =341.96 =1E =341.96. IE_= 341.92 :IE 14 CEDA E 41 79. =339.88 IE =341' 79. OI IE =339:96' IE =341' 79. :IE_340:03 1E =344 79. 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IE =3 :8:1: 14 UN e", 018 CEDAR 12'HEMLOCK AR 401 346.82 ••1116■•11 •1lr1• MATCH TOP OF NEW SURFACING WITH TOP OF EXISTING SURFACING (TYP) ,IISCN FRELAIJ(E 2EDAR 012 CEDAR 8'CE AR 36' /AR 18' FIR CEDAR 47.11 .34717P II II 44,11.■ ni so111. Or Ali 7 346 74 'G CADD filename: H: \LAND PROJECTS \0939 \DWG \0939- BSN.DWG Q Xrefs: (PCATHFLD- WO- XPORTDWG] (14401GRDS.DWG] (H: \LAND PROJECTS \0939 \DWG \14401MATL.DWG] DH: \LAND PROJECTS \0939 \DWG \14401MSTR.DWG] 11 Plotted: 3.25.10 -12:04 By. (Scott) lL AO 18'CEDAR 24 t DAR 18''C AR 4?f 7stJ nFR 30'CEDAR 6'"PP- 306L.F @0. 3,46.64 X46. 46.71 IISCN FIRELANE 34•.87 347.31 r T- rr- I- I- I- I- I -I -I• EXISTING GRA PARKING TO I ¢Z 21 34 ■1i u1111111 347.39 347 4 34; INC KENT DITONAL SEA) ETAINING vl) 'gyp, ._..::.L+.:.. -.i I[- .r,... �:C�: .il 111- 1 -1 -1 -1 I- I- 1- 1- I- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1 -1 1- 1- 1!1 1!1 -1 -I -1 '1 ,1 1 IT' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1E =343.36• IE =34:3:36 1E=344:03 348.8 0 49.3 '6" PP -WAIL• .DRAINLIN (106L.F) .AT RETAININ 37 �NALL !(SEE ;5 7.9 345:00 r'P) TP= 345.00 TW=34 TP =34 IE =.3:43:36 7' }IICH.. E IE*343:36 IE343_:36 IE343 :3.6 Ll� 0 v 348.20 .348.2 ti -343 344 34• .0 341',12 0• ALL D NE WALL (EE AT RETAINING S\ M) DIIRT 47.5 CS024II DOVDU! FO /TEL 341 c 6 "HDP 20L.F. ®5.7% '>-IE= 346.00 cvIcr cc(`fl n E= 3':7 :0 0(±) FRENCH DRAIN (NO SWALE) 6' PP -65L.F ®0.5 %(MIN Ic -1A1 .47(11 00 at m� w�v i CJVpt =W J)& cW(1) ria CO c la O O W W cNi N) O O 1- Z` Y Q- H 0- U Q W IJ o0000n IE =34:3:3 6 "1-1DPE 52L.F 13 IE =343.36 FG 345.23 IE =343.36 1E= 3;43:50 IE =343:36 IE7343:36 ik •1CH IE "L3! 37!.83 .TOP'8KSTOP W 343.33- 1E =383.96 1E =344.00 IE=:343131 IE. .HICHAI_ NK 3 =345:00 (TYP) .0..0 'EL 'EMAIN '71 '47 44 4 Tp 347.52 .347.50 347 55 1 HI 348.26 STD 1Q7343:50-. I W 348:00 3.45;Q0 :IE =343:36. CO IE =342:37 1E =343:36: =3 3fi7 :IE =342:49 IE =3:42.32 _IE_342.49 34:, _34L "BASIN -2" AREA 0.36 ACRES S TD 347.94 3� 7.'86 S TD i TP= 3.45,0.0 .7 0) MATCH TOP OF NEW SURFACING WITH TOP OF EXIST SURF (TYP) N ECO SCH.80 (PVC) 38L. F.(±) c ECD SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN LINE FOR FUTURE RESTROOM/ CONCESSIONS. BUILDING (VERIFY SLOPE=15% CAPPED ENCI IE =341 77(±) GN ECO I I ECD IE= 348.00 HANDICAP =349, 348.89' 349 TP= 34F.89 TP =34, 10 TP= 346.97 FG= 345.23 MATCH TOP OF NEW PAVING WITH TOP OF EXISTING PAVING (TYP) NDICAP SPACE FOR .FUTURE HANDICARESTROOM /CONCESSIONS BUILDING (20'x40') (-8 --.FRENCH FRENCH DRAIN C3.i 6"PP- 132L.F 30:5 %(MIN.) HA r P GI HANDICAP C0NTR0, PT G28 1/2' REB,R WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "Z &A CONTROL N: 411892.96 E. 1009839.31 ELEV 349.59 MATCH TOP OF NEW PAVING WITH TOP OF EXISTING PAVING (TYP) TRANSITION FRENCH DRAIN TO NO SWALE THIS SECTION "-TRANSITION FRENCH DRAIN TO NO SWALE THIS SECTION r*, 0 30 60 1 GRAPHIC SCALE Copyright ©2010 Bruce Dees Associates (All Rights Reserved JKA #0939 Sheet 1 o JOB. 14401 SCALE N/A APPENDIX `G' FEMA Mapping MI MO I DWI RM42 128 ZONE Al 175 180 185 170 Peabody Creek 190 7 9$ 200 SOO YEAR FLOOD 206 CONTAINED CULVERT RM40 216 220 230 240 250 .258 252 270 49 0. 294 CONTAINED IN CULVERT 140 145 150 156 160 1 55 RM41 P te; AVF.Ett ZONE C F RM35 RM34x PROTECT 5 /TE 280 29 300 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 400 0 400 'i I 'I i NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM r1 FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON CLALLAM COUNTY PANEL 5 OF 6 IEEE MAP INDEX POR PANELS NOT INTEO) COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 530023 0005 C MAP REVISED: SEPTEMBER 28, 1990 Federal Emergency Management Agency 310 :315 TN. a an olllar coq a. Potion of me .Coe referenced flood mop it RM33 x 32d wr eolnoROJn TI. m. doe. sot or mendment. led whir F- M mey k e .m m.d..W..W.M rd M Pate o fl c rock Fort frost k InformtwulN.eon.IFlo.dlmur.rme Program ood I maps chock the F chock the FEMA Flood lood Map Store M www.m.o ten. JNr