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436 Eclipse West Dr - Building
ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 13-00000614 Date 7/01/13 Application pin number . , . 448490 Property Address . , , . , 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: REPORT SALES TAX 06-30-18-1-3-0100-g000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise fax form Subdivision Name , , , , . , to the City of Port Angeles Property Use Property Zoning , , . . . . . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY L(Location Code 0502) Application valuation . , . , 0 Application desc Block Permit July 1- Dec, 31 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC OWNER 1 PO BOY, 2469 4' PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360( 452-3304 Permit , , . , , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc BLOCK PERMIT JULY 1 - DEC. 31 Permit Fee 1154.50 Plan Check Fee .00 _try Issue Date 7/01/13 Valuation , . . . 0 Expiration Date 12/28/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1134,50 Fee summary Charged - Paid Credited Due. V Permit Fee Total 1154.50 1154.50 .00 ,00 Plan Check Total .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 Grand Total 1154.50 1154.50 00 00 L/J V, INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL 1iP7 )q COMMENTS: PERMU WILL EXPIRE SIX(b)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAIEXCHANGRBUILDING • ORT NGELES "� AS I-1 1 N G T' O N, . U. S. A. ` Public Works & Utilities Department June 5, 2013 Tad Price Green Creek Wood Products LLC PO Box 2469 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Annual Electrical Block Permits, PAMC 14.05.140.E Dear Mr. Price: Green Creek's annual electrical block permit, issued by the City of Port Angeles, expires June 30, 2013. The Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) addressing electrical block permits states that: A firm, corporation, or other entity which has a regularly employed electrical maintenance staff, which is exempted from the requirement to have an electrician certificate of competency by RCW.19.28,091, may choose to purchase a$1154,50 bi-annual electrical work permit for work done by in-]louse electrical personnel rather than a work permit for each installation, or alteration in accordance with the section. Work done by contractors shall not be included in this block permit, The inspector will track work requested under the block permit until $1154.50 worth of fees is reached, after which additional fees will be charged. Additional fees will be based on the published fee schedule in Port Angeles Municipal Code 13,12,100, On October 18, 2011, the City Council adopted the new electrical permit fees with an effective date of January 1, 2012. These new fees, which are less than those of the Department of Labor and Industries, provide for fill cost recovery of service. The billing cycle for 2013 is as follows: I" billing cycle: January l through June 30 2"' billing cycle: July 1 through December 31 Please send remittance to: City of Port Angeles Attn: Trent Peppard, Electrical Inspector P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Please include a copy of the enclosed payments due receipt with your remittance, along with the fax number where you wish to have a copy of the permit sent. The scheduling of inspections and/or questions may be answered by calling 360-417-4735. 1 look forward to working with you in this matter. Sincerely, Trent Peppard Senior Electrical Inspector cc: Jim Klarr, Operations Manager Phone: 360-417-48001 Fax: 360-417-4542 Website: www.dtyofpa.us/ Email: publicworks @dtyofpa.us 321 f=ast Fifth Street - P,0. Box 1150 I Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 PREPARED 6/06/13 , 8 : 44 : 11 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L APPLICATION NUMBER: 13-00000614 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --- - -- - -- -- --- --- - - - - - - - ----- - -- - - ----- - --------------- ---------- - ------- -- ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 1154 . 50 TOTAL DUE 1154 . 50 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment . O;'-?oRT` r ■ ' CITY OF PORT ANGELES OFFICE OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 321 EAST FIFTH ST. • PORTANGELES,WASHINGTON 98382 PHONE: (380)417-4735 PROGRESSIVE-!NSPECTION REPORT DO NOT CONCEAL OR DESTROY- Job Name Permit No. � t Owner Ellecctical Contractor T1461D . L.0 S1 L2 Location Inspection Electrical. Date Area, Building or Equipment inspected Action Taken Inspector 17— I)t)fT ).o)4 r'p12 J,JLL_ g> � a�L s� 514 t,). jrm A4 t,c IC 4- IZ b 11-2-- nt L_ rte"- ° -) G J I C vow, 1` G r1 P*-V CD TZ� 1 r . 1'sv ciil 7CJ } j ear f.0 Page_of ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 1 B 360 417 -4735 Application Number 11- 00001364 Date 1/13/12 Application pin number 724252 Property Address 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 18 -1 -3- 0100 -0000- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Application desc Block Permit Jan. 1 June 30. $1154.50 Owner Contractor GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC OWNER PO BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -3304 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc BLOCK PERMIT JAN. 1 JUNE 30. Permit Fee 1154.50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 1/13/12 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/11/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1154.50 fl Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1154.50 1154.50 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 1154.50 1154.50 .00 .00 E Vv 5 S� rr� 6 rZ Tz any INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL 71 Ct )1 COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:AEXCHANGE \BUILDING VORT CITY OF PORT ANGELES Nfal OFFICE OF THE PORT ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 321 EAST FIFTH ST.. ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 t OPERP�\ PHONE: (360) 417 -4735 PRO INSPECTION REPORT DO NOT CONCEAL OR -Job Name Permit No. t34 G rzt _i _x-J G2 K I "-bT Owner Electical Contractor Location �3C r t. L f) rz_ Inspection Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Date Inspector. 7 ig l t Go i2 2 .k 1,0.44;1.-1‹ v4eC. .111 'pit TW F 1'( 14 PVC 1 7_171 17) t -t con) 1 /17 0.2_7z el" I O Ih1 Gi Gi 0 A (R. 1 rz._'Y z Stk� 7 Zl3 JbZ �t��v�S��J oCZ,��u Ylot�lCj 9 4 1 /2- 6-0 o r\ nu l f W Co r l V off_ )5 17:4r C vc,7io s Le r D Qrat2--cs „.per .1'4.3-zR' `F1) k^? Ts2-1 /4 6 Lfglia vD1.0 61 c* G12 i? C Ga 22 Yl CD .I J-t31 Page of CITY OF PORT ANGELES w DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 11- 00000907 Date 9/01/11 Application pin number 107924 Property Address 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 18 -1 -3- 0100 -0000- REPORT SALES TAX Tenant nbr, name GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS on your state excise tax form Application type description CM NEW CONST Subdivision Name .5na to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 100000 Application desc 299 SF HOG WOOD PROCESSING MACHINE /SUPPORT STRUCT. Owner Contractor GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC OWNER PO BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -3304 Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 191460 Permit Fee 1020.25 Plan Check Fee 663.16 Issue Date 9/01/11 Valuation 100000 Expiration Date 2/28/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 670.25 50.00 7.0000 THOU BL- 50,001 -100K (7.00 PER K) 350.00 Special Notes and Comments A minimum 2A -10BC fire exinguisher is required. Extinguishers must be mounted, with the top no more than 5' off the floor. Suggested extinguisher placement is adjacent to an exit. August 23, 2011 1:29:05 PM Tim 417 -4706. Load calculations for hog machine will need to be submitted. Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review. Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1020.25 1020.25 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 663.16 663.16 .00 .00 f 12A 1 i 1 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 �/L( 1 Grand Total 1687.91 1687.91 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. I G/v Cope Date Print Name Signature of Contract r Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Kp bdp- 10 -11- I t 7L-t- Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling '7 Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney 17 Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY USE `r Inspection Type Date Accepted By c?) Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 a -p Building 417 -4815 42— 4o" tA E c T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit N H H 10 o ry H b 0w CL 0 $a (1) v C Hi Q) C d' n. N 0 1 a r, 1 F( E 1 Z 0 H S (V 1 W W N (I) H di a) H U' 1 O .v o H >0 11 q H J-' o t1 H CD A S-1 O A 0 1 m 1-1 C MI a) a 1-1 0 1 C a) al -H a) ra r1 0 O ro -H (lr H 11 A A 1 01 H H Z H n ro W G] Z C H X E 0 E ro E A H w w H 10 X a H a a H 0 Z 1 Ha a H CO Ell Ca pc' 1 0 ()ma) a, W x W 0 10 1 al r N w N.0 d' H 0 X Cn a s 1 1n N (1 U) O H 1 z 1 f1 (n r, H 111 Z H0 1 010 1n N zH O 0 H d' 0 0 1 H H H d' Q) (V ri 0 a 1 U r, 10 a 0 H 0 1 V) W H F[ H H H E1 a H H H H A H CD 0 0 z (n H H 0 0 0 X 0 al H W w W H O O (V H N 0) (V r1 1 a s 1 14 t••• o (V al 0 H W Cn( 1) 1 Z r, DI O H X H00 a a r1H a d' S1 a o 10 1 1'0-1 0 -H 1 U U F( 00 H r 04 H H H H •H H< r 0 A H� CA 1 Z 1(n wnHt1r U a (1) W ),1r 0 S.,H Nr (1 0.) d V) (n H H H a m r H a) Cu m r a a) W A H H Z 0 10 0 1 0 0 A d a Al A Zo CL.AH y, U 1 ,Z 1 C7 O <Z000 o r z PU a) 0 1 A (A0. J z 01 0 aS, q O O 0 0 0 l W W A U W W O O A U W W O w al a a) N O 0 1 110D4 W O x a X O W O x 0 0) 0 10 10 10 a s a o 3 Q a w w 1 H oz 0 00 u (n(n uz H O 0 0 O o MO o oz a s 1 n 33 r, a 2 W (n A A A H W x x r 1 ZH Wa 7 hq o w W H o a 1 a W W 1 H 01 H a a N 0 0 1 O V) a U 0 H 0 a 0 0 ZI z ZOO W W r 1 1 H H H H W W W O O I (Q F E H r H H H H 0 la W G] 1 Cn W r• la 1 aH 1 041,_ N d' d' ID 1p 1< ‘1 0 0 10 1 0 '0 10 o 0 H H o' H 1 W 0 0 0 0 0 10 Q 10 0 10 0 10 w 1 0 H H H H H a zo w 1 m Exl 100 ((0 E 1< 102 a o 0 0 H (1) P.• z H w u a I a\ al DI H g z z z a a I a 10 rn o1 a■ gw0 1 a a a au 1 H00 01< a H a7 CP (0 e ir.� °s. Y": :m a.n asF.'e 'ed '3 S. a:'i:e x' €vv§.eq .a-Y a d -,a m,rw. ffi -qE ro r m... rr:ce:k" b '.fig t Y,'i v"t".a a. x ix a't." PE ,re t, ,',a s �a w �5 �s w rr .�"e �aa. w. s ��a�s a a .a:.a 1�a �'�a ��3� ,,a' ,.,a'�..� a. :'a a e. �asle.� �w a x,t x `a -w F a rt t 7 ti a„� a t m 4 a'�?° -�e. .,g'�,..- <s.,.. Via. ,w::. a t:, S.aE.ro9�a.. aw. e: e ..a aa.. e, ar s'i& •e. r .,ra,. s. e.,m m �r t d s a,` a� k P �eE� e� Ee „m g a a.4�, .x a. a xi��';�,daa� ��:��s r e"'� ,red a� x a 4 1,5414 A �e rM.xiem .m. o-. -r �a �s� aK :,y: a E .�_a.� a a' m...,, a^�r �'�.3&:�w�:k� „�w� r.: 2.,a. $say, 4,x aM a a r a a.� o E v a�a� ��Ee_� �t r a a &�$asas��€., T•a ft7:/�.+. 7�It1E��TT�/o-,� E SV a taa ,1-r ,,4`.,as a e �e; gi� id es e e.�.:z. 0 a r 1 e tE'- v �ea,an 1 1 w. a 0 110 CM�a NIY 1\iN x- 'u` :a a s� r. a a e::. r awls. s w e m. e a.a a<Xl �b��ae;.,. �':�.as a��`'7 a a� s Cd r w ,Po.aF a as �aa® s.. s. .s r .,�.,„a a"�'.•a: r �4. =a,.. a,s�:�.�'a Bma �a1ai� -s� s� Ea M� �°s �a>s.�..�.� a.. �u s :..a. r a: s a a:, �'..ys r a fi re's k A a aE m E A -,w �x� �E. P� ss e �r,�� ,��a �Ea�^�, M aim e m. a r°� aim yr a ms,� a, s���a aw e, 7�7r �;a, A �a swt m a a 9,� a 8 s, a a a���. a s w a a 4.4E s ,m, ::.a.� s a H a s ;e �a 6� a.. a -�,..fi g s s�"'7�� r �a..� s, .e,. "�,s�� a w.� a. �,t �aa a.� a a ��.v w w. E a�� ���a� e a k .�a d� ��a�« yi, .rl S. w ".f °E g :.M ":s s a., e ,ea.;a e�, 4 s.�a,B�� g-- ,ce:. 0 k.' s;x "as^, �a� a �s �4, C� ASSOCIATES 301 East e 1 INCORPORATED NOV Q 1 PortAngeles,Washington98362 Z��� (360) 417 0501 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Fax (360) 417 BUILDING DIVISION E -mail: zenovic @olympus.net October 19, 2011 Mr. Jim Lierly, Building Inspector City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 SUBJECT: KIMWOOD HOG WOOD PROCESSOR FOR GREEN CREEK LUMBER PRODUCTS, 436 ECLIPSE DR. WEST, PORT ANGELES, WA BPT: 11 -0907 Dear Mr. Lierly: Upon the request of Green Creek Wood Products this office has provided special inspection on the installation and supporting construction of the equipment noted above. The scope of the special inspection included, welding, steel reinforcing and concrete placement. The steel frame was constructed by Star Welding Wrenching, Inc. The welding was conducted by Isaac Anderson and Luke Anderson, both certified welders WABO ID# W04908 and AWS ID# 5438 respectively. The frame was inspected for fit -up prior to final welding. Fillet welds were inspected at time of frame installation onto the foundation. Field welding of the Hog to the steel frame and the steel frame to the base plates was inspected and found to be in general conformance with the approved plans. All welds are in general conformance to the approved plans. Steel reinforcing bars and embedded items were inspected prior to concrete placement. All reinforcing and embedded items conformed to the approved plans. Concrete was placed from the chute of 4 trucks. Slump and air entrainment was tested from each truck (see attached sheet for values). Concrete was placed in conformance to the approved plans. Four cylinders were cast to verify compressive strength. Cylinders were broke on 3, 7 and 11 days. The 11 day break was 4,490 psi, exceeding the minimum required compressive strength of 4,000 psi (see attached lab results). The concrete foundation and steel frame for the Hog Wood Processor are in general conformance to the approved plans. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, u Sc..5 eadrick, 0//' J t �I c7G OF .Q Cc: Ken Corey, Green Creek Wood Products i t- Fc: JN 11137 hN ►i Attachments: Concrete Field Report, Concrete Lab Report 0 b' p r 4 ,v 36::, r iiw G/ S R S O N A L EC G Krazan Associates, Inc. 1230 FINN HILL RD. POULSBO WA 98370, (360);598 2126 Project No. 106 -11009 Cyl. Code P20030 Pour Date 10/7/2011 Report No. 58629 Weather CLOUDY Jurisdiction Permit No. Project GREEN CREEK Engineer Location Architect Client ZENOVIC Contractor ZENOVIC Field Data CYLINDER REPORT Reported Batch Data Concrete X Other Design Actual Weights Weights Supplier ANGELES Plant No. 1 Site Mix Mix No. C -9646 cern. lbs. Mix Air Unit F. Ash lbs. Slump Temp. Temp. Wt. C. agg. lbs. 1 Time Truck# Ticket Air (in.) (F) (F) (pcf) C. agg. lbs. 2 A61 33545 5.5 3.5 64 C. agg, lbs. 3 Sand lbs. Water lbs. Placement Area Alr Ent. (oz) Location CONCRETE BASE FOR DEBARKER Other(oz) Other(oz) Other (oz) Other (oz) Water Added on Job (gals.) Field Test Methods Remarks SEE ATTACHED PAPERWORK FROM CLIENT X ASTM C143 ASTM C138 FOR CONCRETE INFO X ASTM C1084 ASTM C173 X ASTM C31 Other Inspector ALEX TURKOWSKI Laboratory Data Design Strength 4,000 28 days Date Specimens Rec'd. 10/8/2011 Cyl. Test Field Max. Comp. Tested Break Laboratory Code Date Cure Age Dim. Area C.F. Load Str. (psi) Set By Type Test Methods P20030 10/10/2011 3 4X8 12.56 38290 3,050 AT 2 X ASTM C39 P20030 10/14/2011 7 4X8 12.56 46600 3,710 AT 2 ASTM C109 P20030 10/18/2011 11 4X8 12.56 56380 4,490 AT 2 ASTM C617 P20030 11/4/2011 28 4X8 X ASTM C1231 P20030 ASTM C780 P20030 Other P20030 P20030 Test Results Remarks Conforming Results Reviewed By Date Reviewed Non Conforming Codes for Break Types: 1: Cone 2: Cone Split 3: Cone Shear 4: Shear 5: Columnar (Split) Measurement Uncertainties: ASTM C -39 8% Form 03101 Revision 2 Bache Date 12 The information ;voided on this moan's prepared for the seclusive use of the din. This report may not to ropradrmed to any formatrmmut 0w wIllmn permission of the dentin(' hector 8 Associates. (0 H H r 0 a 0101 OE 0 0 a q cv ri (0 U) O rl O O Q 0 N 0 O 0 a a a r 1 W W H H 01 E a 0 z z H a 01a) CEI 00 01 W 0 0 x n H 0 0 (0 a s in 0 z•• z E0 0(0 H Q O X U 0 H o rn 01 E E E a H (n U U Z (n H E 0101 Zo a s a E H N W (0 aZ M E HH a uo 0 a w m w U Cn fn H E a v r 2 O 0 0 00 n m 0° 0 0 Q 000 0 W 0 U W W 0 O 00 Q a W o a a 0 q w w H 0 0 H COO 00 Q H r W O 0001 a0 H 3 3 3 I H W (n Wx XMr O �w m W w H o z a W W 01 H Cn 0 a a o qa 00 0 0 H 000 W U 0 Han 0 W W W 0 0 0 O E E H C7 a0.1 W (n r o 0 (0 00 0'a a o o q0 a E W o 0 o a a a 0 a 0 H H o 0 a W a a Z O m w ao ((OEa a F a 0 00 Q 4 E-000 W E W H H 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 a q 0 n• o 0 M a ,...,._it M Z H 0 w 0 a) 0 a H 0 0.,-i fa 0 o N 0 0 a o 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 -.i 0 a 0 H H 0 H w w 0 E 0 0 0 F 0 00 F a 0 V1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w (fin x w 0 0 a x ,n 0 0 0 0 U a u, 0 a Z 0 f-H r, o. 0 0 Z z H cr ,n H q H H 0 UM N a Z ►vC�`n_y\ H 0 0 W H U s W Z 001 0 0 o1 0 Z 00) Z 0 -M0 'a Z z U M 0 0 a H a M 0 a 0 H a 0 0 0 a W 0 0 H H F 0 a a 0n wsaN C0N H s, r� u cn cn 0 i F a a l r Z 0a alra U U, 2 002 0H 0 4 Z 000 Z O 200 0(0) 1042Ma02i O 000 w w a ow w o 0 0 o w w O 0 0 10 a 000000000 q a a o 0 0 0z H E. ccn 0 000 (0 F co w0 00Z aaaa 0 (0 S 0 H a 0 0 a .a r 00 x r 0 H w a s 0 0 0 4H0 Z a hFC a w w 0 H CO H a a CO 0 0 0) au uHo 7 a 0 `Z Z0 0 ,7 W W H H H 0w w 000 OFF HH H 0 0 low w 1 m w r. 0 0 a a 10 0 0 0 4 r r 1, 00 00-4 O 0 a o o 0 H 00 0 (0 (0 0a0 00 0 H0 •Ma •w 011 a 0 w w 0 w 0 U H H a 0 m F a a s 0 0 0 0 c4 Crl H ti] w0 Q Z Z a Zza a a a a m 0 U 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 t?c' *PORrA BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES For City Use Only: A ttn: Building Permit Technician IFIIIIIIIIIIIII 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362(J- ate Received W (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 �n ermit '0 ate Approved !1FLIIt Applicant G,(£w (Aga (,Uc0p p/lopocr S L L C Phon 4 -/52 330` Property Owner i t Phone 5 3 g Property Owner's Addr P o. 2 P A L 1 °1$3 Contractor 6c? e,v >r.e e te-■ 0 c /9 civc. T s Phone i Contractor's Address 1 License Expires E -mail Near ii PROJECT ADDRES 3 ru r sk i)� Pc,-1 ogg S Parcel Number O(0 30 (E3 /3d 1 CJO Lot Zoning ..1 IA Proiect Type Brief Description: Residential Multi- family commercial "X Industrial Check all that apply O. New Construction L -r J of ,4 (t' l r'cx)0 P,4 a �.gsi, ,,6, MAU /a tif Addition Pfe i r /)yL 1 3 1 x 15 Remodel Repair P &s 2- (Dex- et-pr ii c&iev+) Demolition Re -roof House garage other tear off re -roof lay over one layer Heat System Heat pump wood burning stove gas fireplace pellet stove other Other Floor Areas Existing (sa. ft.) Proposed lsa. ft) Basement per sq. ft. 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other /2;71 S TOTAL VALUATION J Q, 00 6 Total footprint of structures sq. ft. Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage N PN. Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions) Site coverage PJ f Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group F of bedrooms ,4 n Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load N //4 of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? j1/U Construction type ffi3 of half baths Y I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is y responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on pr "ects. Dated Print Name /4 N Co" e Signature kii T:Forms/Building Division/Bldg Permit.doc y ti NOTES Permit it- 6 107 Note. Per S u R s; n i- P I a rj t o .443 a-ke r- b u i l r In 0. z-e) h t Yl Q t a+ CO VP.r1 CUVE i r► Vtt .P .vim sfk 0 u jr 1 14T1 le span S 4-wo Pa.t^Cei s, T:Forms /Building Division/Notes I 1I Mb- ECLIPSE WEST DR. I I I I �I 1 EX. CHIP pi S WIMMIlt H I 1 f 6C± 1 EX. DEBARKER I I 35 EX. CONVEYOR I t kW, 1 �T I I� 1 0'± I NEW 19 x15.75' HOG I I I WOOD PROCESSOR 1 I FO NDATION L I I 1 1 1\.,..._ -4 7 1 I c I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 PN: 063018130100 1 I I I PN: 063018130000 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 6/,, I p qi R. it ry f 0 s3' Scale: 1" 200' ,�,.�r'5:Pg' 0 200' 400' 600' ON EN 1 1 S CALE: TITLE: HOG WOOD PROCESSOR FOUNDATION SITE PLAN FOR GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS SHEET 1" 200' D ATE: SITE PLAN 8/19/2011 1 J OB NO: CLIENT: 301 EAST 6TH ST. SUITE 1 11137 GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS ENOVIC PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 F ILE: P.O. BOX 2469 ASSOCIATES FAX: PHONE: (360) 417 -0501 11137 SITE PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 (380) 417 0514 OF INCORPORATED EMAIL ZENOVICOZENOVIC.NET g -1 0 4',e, Rf' 0 1-,,,"" ///11)' 1 t ii 1 IIIII) i ofis 1 <0 0 0 i ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES i A 0 360- 417 -4735 (Y Application Number 11- 00000980 Date 9/09/11 "1, Application pin number 170540 REPORT SALES TAX Property Address 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR on your excise tax form ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 18 -1 -3- 0100 -0000- y Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Name Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC ANGELES ELECTRIC PO BOX 2469 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -3304 (360) 452 -9264 r p Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL C...0 Additional desc Permit pin number 192310 Permit Fee 145.50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 9/09/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 3/07/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension O 1.00 145.5000 ECH EL- 201 -400 SRV FEEDER 145.50 Fee. summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 145.50 145.50 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 111 Grand Total 145.50 145.50 .00 .00 i gi n INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH it /12 I' A? SERVICE id l' ,f i!I ROUGH IN il till( FINAL 14 /7 i I COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G: \EXCHANGE \BUILDING 09/08/2011 08:12 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric Ij0001 /0001 "ks-.- RECENEff 1 City; oi;Fort:AnpSle$ PinnRApptlaetlon Banelnp:lybloMllil.lrspeetlona CEP 8 2 0100.` 11:017 '+•1 Atie 1100 a ::.pg etisaNHiibi, o.04e13st inh:5ealtrr6s�cpe01174r11 E1lEGJd1#. •Date. t Y' 1 &2 Single FamJAr.OwelMp am1IyorCcmMerdai' Y: $01.A10501 Mental Remodel Roper R a i n 44/10 Required, 1 ,M •-Job�AtldreSOC fr0114I Squarefogtape:, /91073'/P•- Desalption.of .ehcri I I/ .t. T v s7 3.16 4000-,-E.04- N>Jnie: o 1114 6), Name: f e �'aio± Clt�' S q.� J C" /l a Statc a2G- Z� :Phone'' cc Phan: li-Zf V��� Fa 444 :�Ice a i liana /Exp, i9 I 1 L€r drla.Gt ;:Unitthcrq ,Q� Tofal 10ty Mrd5o5ed br l raroel s :1930•x. S ldFooks200Amp: .Y-:llS.50. 145 sen ofoodr2014o0Amp. :$204.60 Set oNFeedV401100 :262.20 i $uv Feedvre01.1000ky. :$372,60 S.Mee�Fadvr oar 1000Amp. 230 iamb Cta&iy Soto Feeder 13.60 1 Birth Cia3YIi0 brit& Rob .2.60. Each Addmon/ Wet Mgt Temp brNplF«dlr;a0 k* s t10 90 Terra. $u 1.lF0der401400 •.x.145.70 s Tow bli oftedor401400Aep. ,•31111 0 T Top. ItaYettiadsr.W1.1000 9530 NON P arlikprtp I 05:x0 ENV -lia lant:Id.AadBoee11600i5 0 x,1.90 S ICkttatUI Wbogy•1t2FantiMalin •:.a100 new toWLlmled•6nerpy• 511090 oitidnd.Ninre Cereroalon I r ;122.90 ItenenlbirDiotlatr Eta* •IVAlpiernorLao �1 010.30' Ftet1300loinFL 3500 Est Admo�ne1a.�r. 00.FL i 7150 Each Oulbubra of NNW NNW Oerpe 2,. 0. Throat orrliot7u,C f Total O mNirtl a MabWRCBill .2&2N :(U �+e►M HloeaupyOho ve:orr pat 'Nola Odd p oolkba tedaOreaa mAiaaNroedrrle!ntra erI bovoilidsli O!'tipkresl wtakae .?orte ror7= ►a6r mien aaer6Kpeeebr► nn tM. e46unert; I busby artlyltat 1 am Ilu eemordbe above owed *pert ore ooenad eNetrkol 000trador. I ere lire ohd deeNodafdoe er W es lnea,N.E.C., ROW. Chapter19S0.WAC.Chop� B► al Port ARON 1100134 llC0P WVgP iltri O .a1pp+�apie of army ateagiW eontmetatorWattled edmh Iitm r i f/, t Tara• Dec 'A ELECTRICAL PERMIT J CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 11- 00000524 Date 7/06/11 Application pin number 569860 REPORT SALES TAX Property Address 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR on our excise tax form ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 18 -1 -3 -0100 -0000- y Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Name (Location Code 0502) Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Application desc Block Permit July Dec.31 $639.45 Owner Contractor GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC OWNER PO BOX GLE PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -3304 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc BLOCK PERMIT JULY 1- DEC.31 $6 Permit pin number ]86536 Permit Fee 639.45 P.Lan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 7/06/12 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/02/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 639.45 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 639.45 639.45 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Toted 639.45 639.45 .00 .00 w INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G: \EXCHANGEBUILDING 4 s i CITY OF PORT ANGELES _c 321 EAST OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR FIFTH ST. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 OPERP •c`O PHONE. (360) 417 -4735 PROGRESSIVE INSPECTION REPORT R DESTROY D4 NOT .CONCEAL. O Job Name Permit No. (e r r-1 G2 K 11 2-`j Owner Electical.Contractor 1?,z- L Location 4 Ins Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Date Inspector. 11. L 0,9S-1` Ga 6 /7/0 GoAt_i< r4 I -7 /II Pi i? K P:vb r Page _of Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc Motor circuit for green chain Owner GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC PO BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 304 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 183996 73 50 4/19/11 10/16/11 Charged 73 50 00 73 50 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X G' \EXCHANGE \BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 11 00000344 Date 4/19/11 914224 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR 06 30 18 1 3 0100 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY INDUSTRIAL HEIj.VY 0 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 7 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO/FEEDER Paid Credited 73 50 00 73 50 Plan Check Fee Valuation INSPECTION TYPE DATE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION 00 00 00 RESULTS ill 1/ 4/2ii WA 98362 00 0 Extension 73 50 Due 00 00 00 INSPECTOR. sTIV REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) Date. 04/19/2011 08 03 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric .Cittoport&ngsles Pint Application 1 321:fitialflidtriat440.110x 1150 1/ PartAkial*W 0 01 0 11494$302 :0401)41r 4174711 Date: 1 &2 Single FrannyAvelling jultf Emily .0r,COmtnercier CoriiniertialAddifon /Alteration Remodel /Rape? Plea fteyiew &lay Be Required, Please Complete Electicel Plan Review InformationSbeet JO:Wad* tras g.Sb &-e efe.. OA° 801alag SqUarefaatage ofirA/ A-me ;Desbriptionoisbuye Al) ri) "Int ma— Mate: :Mailkig Citt: State: License/ Exp, Phone: 3/2.04 5_,e4ice Unit 'Cbarae 411910' 114510 126220 1372.50 S .210 1310 .1 2/0 t 92.70 $t1010 1.148.70 16710 S 9510 I 100 1. 9510 t 53.90 11310 11910 $1O30 1.11010 :1- 3510 1 73.50 vf7f. ""MiiiiSTRonnatieh RECEIVED APR 1 9 2011 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS aetr Card I 1 szie &Fiirc Sr CRY: State: lati f-12A4r Phone; 84v2---,44e fax: 4 11,.. jAretr Ucengs#MILLE-E_r_fgeg.r Z 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 a Jot al (01 v tv Mullolled Dv Unit Chapel SirladFsedsr 200 Amt. Sombeffseder201.400 Amp. Seadrafsadsr401440Anto. i Bovica/Feadt 601-1000 Anip. SerdosSoradm my 1030 Amp. 1. MD* CaculiVi Sante Feeder —L_ 4 1 4 Bind' ChM WO &Wes Roder Ea* Adams! MOM Choi Imp. Stara* Radar 200 Any. Taw listiosicasdar 201400 dim, Tin* i,SoWaaufar40143(X):kro. VAX SyMNIfFasdari01•1038 Amp. Pat* W Patin* iniinfOueM WWI I 8101 Owl Wed Envy CraninsmitAddliksai MOO WOO Signal Mufti-0MM Enemy 1 2 Fan* Dosing i Wel OWN Lraritedenov• idillfardy Dosing Manufachiraatiamt Caltaetta Renriable SOW bawd *VA 4 wises Fast MO Scum Ft Bah Actilons15034more Ft m Paean a 1 1 Each Outbuilding ("NEM G&W 8 Itch tralmrairPablactigillt lasonosid $4 1 LOT 73 &mar adob OSMIUM* (I) Owner will ocory the Oscan tar hams taw ON rattles 1 prof t Is *rant Marna Is ma+ f Oblong randast contractor ff irtnowilifiinipgi Irak ont or hato. plow taloa attraction** at halassellos .1 ..dampading the sboraksistaroati I hardly many that I am las sonar Who above mod pips* ors lemmad sintlest cortirsetar. 1 am amk0 Ma ratdattalliddkit) or litififklitilt01100111010 *Ft/talk" NEC, RCW. Chafer 11121, WAC. Chola 296404 Tim Cli at Port Ando litsdelpsiCids, Wily Spadmera. I. -Ogasfunrapf mow, stsbleal contractor or statical administrator 0 Cob ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED DATE. December 10 2010 TO ATTN Jim Lierly FROM Steve Zenovic We are transmitting the following item Comments. Jim- Thanks, Steve Q Hand carried COPIES 3 3 City of Port Angeles Department of Community and Economic Development P O Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 PAGES 1 3 FAX FIB PROJECT Green Creek Debarker Facility Under Separate Cover DESCRIPTION Plan Sheet 10860- 7202 -03 (Rev C) Infeed Log Deck Post calculations CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (360) 417-0501 FAX (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: zenovic ©olympus.net Job No 10239 RECEIVED DEC 1 0 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION The enclosed documents are submitted pursuant to Note 1 of the Second Structural Plan Check dated November 19 2010 Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything else at this time ),10 icy X3 Ec Ave 142.51 -A BRADFORD CONRAD gETW 6ND;ERNG en. CM-93TRunna•NEavrlCA. Bradford Conrad Crow Engineering Co. 9925 SW NIMBUS AVE. SUITE 110 BEAVERTON. OR 97008 PH 503 213 -2013 FAX: 503- 213 -2018 Project RCEIVED t---- DEC 102010 C CI"Y OF PORT ANGELES 4F 3UILDING DIVISION Green Creek Wood Products Debarker Installation Section Calc. by JFB Modifications to correct as -built conditions Date Chk'd by Date t aJ 4 LAO C A C CO t..v MO Job Ref. 10860 Sheet no. /rev. Supp L) 1 3 App'd by Date L1 36 EcUre. W es!- D r fin! 2o„ ,(.z5x/so st) (8 LL K /e 7 C .0.,)(zo (.165 (ei. 0,-)(zX /6 7g-,,1 (/6 z0Y4 0) 0 7 (iz 3 29 S tL k Z (6) ('Z� �.t ,2s- �iro, C Z tc Lt. 2 r I I t. 2')) f K C2 r r f+ 1. 3 2 8 AL CBR�ORAOFOae Project Job Ref. WEN6NFERN60P. Green Creek Wood Products Debarker Installation 10860 G CM. STRJCTwx' mouNC& ENCOESIS Sectlon Sheet noirev. Bradford Conrad Crow Engineering Co. LD 2 9925 SW NIMBUS AVE. SUITE 110 Modifications to correct as -built conditions BEAVERTON, OR 97008 Cale. by Date Chk'd by Date Appd by Date PH 503- 213 -2013 FAX: 503- 213 -2018 JFB /24//a S t Zyft L ,44-7 /-4,.h/ Li N 1 ,1 f! 1 F M r 3 5 S x 11- A4 F s 35.7 4 -s x 1 4 W/(. x+0 66NA N S t A wit stows, K./ o?/ s 'fie 211t BRADFORD BRMR D CROWENGIN EERNG Oft CnL L•NEONNGL ENGINEERS Bradford Conrad Crow Engineering Co. 9925 SW NIMBUS AVE. SUITE 110 BEAVERTON, OR 97008 PH 503 -213 -2013 FAX: 503 -213 -2018 ►APos rrE -cu Project Green Creek Wood Products Debarker Installation Section Modifications to correct as -built conditions Calc. by JFB Date Chk'd by ,2/g/I C /7s (r? 4 Date (.0 /92s ?5.7 Job Ref. Sheet no. /rev. c App'd by Yxi 10860 L Date aux) 6,i /95o Rec., Go*.� a$ C vs 17 3 4 /a rav■ PII r 4 93 3 E� 1.3 cp ke- CTT o N V! Coo Lou u '7'D tr_h. L 44, 71=2,3 .2_,L nit,, s V 2 tt &)c p_ 2s, 0 ��l t A 4 vtt Phase ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED City of Port Angeles P0 Box 1150 Port Angeles WA 98362 Project: 10087 Plan Reviews Structural Analysis Structural Analysis I 4 Invoice GREEN CREEK PLAN CHECK nspection Engineering Manager Plan Review Accounts delinquent after 30 days 1% Finance Charge applied to delinquent accounts Costs advanced for which we have not yet been billed (such as service fees shipping charges etc.) may not appear on this invoice and will be billed at a later date 14 Invoice Invoice Date Due Date 9859 11/30/2010 12/30/2010 Visa Master Card Accepted No discount on credit card payments Services provided for the period of October 23 2010 through November 25 2010 I ENG EERING LAND SUR YEW 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (360) 417-0501 Fax (360) 417-0514 E-mail: zenovic@olympus.net Cash/Check/Debit Terms. You may deduct 2% if payment made before the 15th Hours/Qty Rate Amount 2 110 00 220 00 65 110 00 715 00 Invoice Total $935 00 Prepayments/Credits $0 00 Balance Due $935 00 Application Number 10 00000887 Application pin number 501853 Property Address 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 18 1 3 0100 0000 Tenant nbr name GREEN CREEK WOOD Application type description IND NEW CONST Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 700000 Application desc 8 FT TO 20 FT TALL STRUCTURE FOR LOG DEBARKER Owner GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC PO BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 3304 Structure Information 000 000 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 171744 Permit Fee 4210 25 Issue Date 11/22/10 Expiration Date 5/21/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc DOUBLE FEE WORKING W/0 PERMIT Permit pin number 172346 Permit Fee 4210 65 Issue Date 11/22/10 Valuation Expiration Date 5/21/11 Qty Unit Charge Per T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 UU BUILDING PERMIT BASE FEE Contractor PROD JEFF KING CONTRACTOR INC PO BOX 798 LEBANON (541) 258 8711 COMMERCIAL Plan Check Fee Valuation BASE FEE 200 00 4 7500 THOU BL 500 001 1M (4 75 PER K) Plan Check Fee Special Notes and Comments August 24 2010 7 59 27 AM rbecker Does the new debarker have water serving it If it does it will need to have a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly attached to the incoming water supply to protect our water system If you have any questions call Ron Becker at 417 4886 E mail rbecker@cityofpa us or fax 360 452 4972 The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments August 26 2010 5 40 11 PM sroberds Date 11/22/10 OR 97355 2736 66 700000 Extension 3260 25 950 00 00 700000 Extension 4210 65 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) ha4 5 13 -11 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction PA R//0 4 v ce /01 Fr wry y /✓rv�'� Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 -4815 Electrical Inspections 417 -4735 Public Works Utilities 417 -4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 -4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting 1 I ESA. Landscaping 1 I SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 T /Building Division /Building Permit Comments FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by Date Accepted By Application Number Application pin number Special Notes and Comments The proposal will result in an industrial building in the Industrial Heavy zone for lot coverage of 5% and site coverage of 6 5% No land use issues anticipated August 24 2010 8 43 18 AM Brian 417 4708 Must maintain clearances from transformer 3 feet from sides and 10 feet to front Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 10 00000887 501853 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Charged Paid Credited 8420 90 8420 90 00 2736 66 2736 66 00 4 50 4 50 00 11162 06 11162 06 00 Page 2 Date 11/22/10 Due 00 00 00 00 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION. Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood f Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting T /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 -4815 Electrical Inspections 417 -4735 Public Works Utilities 417 -4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 -4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting 1 ESA. Landscaping 1 SHORELINE. FINAL 1NSPEECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 Accepted By Comments (FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by Date Accepted By J V NQVIC I RECEIVE ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Notes. NOV 19 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION C ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles,Washington 98362 (360) 417-0501 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: zenovic@olympus.net GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS PORT ANGELES, WA SECOND STRUCTURAL PLANCHECK November 19, 2010 1m 1 The engineer shall provide structural calculations and details as necessary for the spliced columns supporting the log deck, See Drawing 10860 7202 -01, Rev B It is noted that there is a detail showing the current condition with spiced columns but no structural calculations to justify This requirement was discussed during our on -site meeting 2. Special inspections shall be performed on the structures in conformance with IBC Chapter 17 and as listed on Sheet 10860- 4010 -01 Please provide the following inspections. a. Provide special inspection of 10% of the epoxy anchors as noted in your response letter dated November 10 2010 Provide inspection reports to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval. b All welding called out on the original plans and as modified in the revision drawings shall be visually inspected Inspection reports shall be submitted to the City of Port Angeles for review and approval. All new welding shall be performed by a certified inspection. 3 Response Item #4 references Drawing 10860 7210 -02 Rev A. This drawing does not appear to be included in either the original plans or the new As -Built or Construction Drawings. Please provide drawing 4 Once repairs and modifications have been completed Structural Observation will be required on the structures due to the complexity of the structures and the fact that there are several sets of plans and revisions that must be addressed. Structural Observation shall be performed by the Engineer of Record and shall be in conformance with the requirements of I B.0 Chapter 17 '70 Jamesiierly Green Creek From 'Tracy Gudgel' <tracy @zenovic.net> To James Lierly' <Jlierly @cityofpa.us> Date 11/19/2010 12 54 PM Subject: Green Creek Attachments. greencreek- plancheck2 doc Jim Ive reviewed the revisions and my comments are attached I don't believe there are any serious structural life safety issues if the permit were issued while the remainder of the items are addressed on -site !My only thought is how do you hold them to getting the remaining issues resolved in a timely manner if a permit is issued but that is up to the City The only issue that should be addressed immediately in my mind is the stacked up ecology blocks at the log kick -out along the conveyor I did not address this in my comments since there review letter stated that it was going to be removed Please call me if you have any questions Tracy Gudgel P E. Zenovic Associates Inc AL BRADFORD CONRAD CROW ENGINEERING CO 9925 SW Nimbus Avenue, Suite 110, Beaverton, OR 97008 To. City of Port Angeles Community Economic Development Dept 321 E 5th ST, Port Angeles, WA 98362 ATTN Jim Lierly, Building Inspector RE: Green Creek Wood Products Debarker Installation Port Angeles, WA WE ARE SENDING THE FOLLOWING: IFC Prints for Construction Revised Prints (Destroy Previous Copy) Prints for Bid Use (Return with Bid) Prints for Reference Only Preliminary Prints AB As Built Other REMARKS All drawings sealed /signed for Washington State by J Bradford or S Conrad SENDER: VIA. COPIES 2 sets. 2 sets 2 sets DRAWING NUMBER (Bound) 10860- 4020 -02 10860- 4030 -03 10860- 4030 -04 10860- 4020 -02 10860- 4030 -03 10860- 4030 -04 10860- 5211 -01 10860- 5211 -01 10860- 5224 -02 10860- 7202 -01 10860- 7202 -03 10860- 7202 -01 10860- 7202 -03 10860- 7218 -04 REV C C C D D D A B C B A C B B COPIES DESCRIPTION 1 TITLE Log Processor Foundation Plan Log Processor Foundatin Sections Log Procesor Foundation Sections Log Processor Foundation Plan Log Processor Foundation Sections Log Processor Foundation Sections Operator Cab Support Steel Plan Elevation Operator Cab Support Steel Plan Elevation Barker Support Steel (Modified) Plan Elev (Ref Plum Log Deck (Exist. Config. /Modified) Plan Elevation Log Deck (Modified) Section Log Deck (Exist. Config. /Modified) Plan Elevation Log Deck (Modified) Section Debarker Infeed Conveyor Detail LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE. 11/17/10 PROJECT NO 1 0860 1 1 ninv 18 2010 6I1Y OF POKY ANOCLEC BUILDING DIVISION AB AB AB IFC IFC IFC AB IFC Creek Pablo) IFC AB AB IFC IFC IFC Letter copy as emailed 11/10/10, to Jim Lierly, 4 pgs, sealed /signed by J Bradford for Washington Calculations 'Supplemental Calculations, 11/10/10' 141 pgs, sealed /signed by J Bradford for Washington If Enclosures Are Not As Noted, Kindly Notify Us At Once. Phone (503) 213 -2013 Fax: (503) 213 -2018 Page 1 P 0 Box 2439 Port Angeles, WA 98362 GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC Bruce Emery Phone: (360) 417 3669 Fax. (360) 417 3674 Mobile: (360) 477 -8306 email. bruce@greencrow.com www.greencrow.com RECEIVED' CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION NOV 12 2010 S 30aw, November 10, 2010 A L BRADFORD CONRAD CROW ENGINEERING CO Mr Jim Lierly Building Inspector Community Economic Development Department City of Port Angeles Port Angeles, WA 98362 SENT VIA E -MAIL CIVIL STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERS RE. Green Creek Wood Products, Debarker Facility Structural Observation Report and Response to Plancheck dated October 4 2010 RECEIVED NOV 18 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES 1 =0 p BUILDING DIVISION �r This LETTER is a follow -up to my observation visit and our meeting at the Green Creek site on October 26 2010, and is intended to provide additional or clarifying information beyond what was supplied by Steve Conrad's reply to you via email on Friday October 15, 2010. Mr Conrad, PE, ME, is the principal -in- charge for our limited -scope involvement on this project. I am providing structural support where requested. We have enclosed revised drawings for several areas that we all agreed needed more evaluation and further design work to compensate for discrepancies between the original IFC plans and what was actually built and /or installed. I will provide a general discussion of these areas first, followed by a itemized response to your plancheck dated October 4 2010 Typically we have provided a version of the drawings stamped AS- BUILT' which represents our understanding of the as- constructed facility based on information provided to us from the owner and from our on observations made while on site on Oct 26 (we did not attempt to itemize all of the details of the existing re -used equipment, as that is beyond our scope of services). We then follow with a revised drawing which indicates additional work that must be done. All work shown on these revised drawings must be completed. Some of the work is new due to the revisions, all other work must be verified by the contractor to ensure that all of the original requirements are completed as well. 1 LOG INFEED LOADER RAMP RETAINER WALL. We have included here the revised ramp drawings that show the loader -ramp retaining wall as it was installed with the drawing labeled as- built We have also included revised drawings showing additional work required to meet or exceed the original design intentions. The referenced drawings are numbered 10860 -4020- sheets -02, -03 -04 Calculations, based on the modified design, are attached. 2. LOG DECK NEW TAIL -END SUPPORTS AND COLUMN PEDESTALS: These column support pedestals were not installed as per our initial IFC drawings. We have revised the log deck drawings to reflect what was actually built and /or installed to support the relocated/existing log deck. These as- built" drawings are numbered 10860 7202 -01 Rev B and 10860- 7202 -03 Rev A. We have identified the changes from the original IFC drawings that reflect what was built/installed by revision symbols and clouds where appropriate. We have also prepared drawings to show the requirements to adequately support and stabilize the deck as 10860 7202 -01 Rev C and 10860 7202 -03 Rev B, both stamped IFC Our understanding is that Steve Zenovic is going to coordinate with Green Creek to get the appropriate inspections accomplished. As we discussed at the site, calculations for the re -used log deck to show compliance with the IBC is outside our scope of services. This piece of machinery had been in service for several years with the live and dynamic load of multiple 20 000 Ib. logs being loaded up on the deck at once (in excess of 120 000 lbs. total) plus the dynamic forces imparted to the deck by the 980 loader 3. OPERATOR CAB STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FRAME. Again here we have revised the IFC drawing to represent what was actually built, and are calling that drawing 10860 5211 -01 Rev A. We did not 9925 S.W Nimbus Avenue Suite 110 Beaverton, Oregon 97008 -7387 Phone (503) 213 -2013 Facsimile (503) 213 -2018 Email inforeauestebccenaineerina.com www.bccenaineerina.com Mr Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Green Creek Observation Report November 10, 2010 Page 2 of 4 attempt to track the changes from the IFC drawing to this as- built" drawing as there were numerous changes and /or oversights. We have also included another drawing 10860 5211 -01 Rev B which is intended to represent the modifications to the as -built structure that need to be made. Again, we did not attempt to cloud' everything that has been changed on the drawing between revisions as the clouds would have been too numerous. The Bill of Materials (BOM) items and the revision symbols should be adequate to communicate the work that is still to be completed /finished. Our understanding is that Steve Zenovic is going to coordinate with Green Creek to get the appropriate inspections accomplished. Revised calculations, reflecting the modified structure, are attached. The frames were braced in a K -brace configuration, which is discouraged by the code, however the load demand on the members is so low that even using an R of 1 0, the allowable compression in the braces is four times the calculated load. Therefore, implementation of AISC 341 sections 14.2 and 14 3 seem unnecessary for this minor structure. It should also be noted that even if one brace were to buckle, the structure is still stable as a 3 sided braced frame and therefore has good redundancy The K -brace configuration was selected to provide bracing at the point where the columns were spliced. (Note that heavier members than specified were used W6x20 vs. VV6x15). 4 CHOP -SAW INFEED LOG CONVEYOR: BOM Item nos. 9 (qty 4) were not installed (intended to create moment frames out of the conveyor legs where bracing is not feasible). In addition, the conveyor was not attached to the log deck as specified to force the log deck and the conveyor to work together to resist the impact loads of the large logs being loaded into the conveyor These connection points were shown as BOM item nos. 19 (qty 6) as shown on 10860 7210 -02 Rev A. With the installation of these missing items, this area will meet or exceed the wind, snow and /or seismic load requirements per the IBC Calculations for the moment frames are attached. 5. DEBARKER INFEED LOG CONVEYOR: The log slide members were expected to brace this conveyor in the transverse direction. They were not extended down to the embed as designed. Four additional braces are to be added. See drawing 10860 7218 -04 Rev B 6 DEBARKER'SUPPORT FRAME, a previously used structure relocated from Pablo, Montana with minor modifications, as originally described by drawing 10860 5224 -02B, was observed on our October 26 site visit. Previously a computer model was constructed to determine the loads onto the foundation and to verify the basic capacities of the members. These calculations were submitted with the permit application. As can be seen on pages 3 and 4 of the 'Barker calcs' a 20 psf deck dead load and 125 psf deck live load was used. Four 25 kip loads (100 000 lbs total) was used in the model for the Debarker weight, which we estimate to be 60 000Ib actual weight. As can be seen from those calculations, the demand on the members is very small compared to the capacities. This structure was analyzed using R 1 5, assuming the braced frames are detailed per AISC 360 not AISC 341 (Ref ASCE 7 -05 Table 15.4 -1 Building frame systems: Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames_ With unlimited height). We found the following discrepancies between the IFC drawing and what was actually built and /or installed. a. The additional flange stiffeners (BOM item 9) that we had specified at the brace to beam connections were not installed. Calculations show that the stiffeners are not required for web buckling. We have modified the drawings to indicate that only one stiffener is required (as a general requirement for roll over prevention). These will need to be installed. b. The original structure has web stiffeners at the beam to column and stacked beam locations as were shown on the 10860 5224 -02B drawing. These are not necessary for web buckling, but were provided to prevent rollover in lieu of bracing the tops of the columns and or blocking the stacked beams. The welding of the existing stiffeners is marginal, and we recommend additional welding be done. See Drawing 10860 5224 -02 Rev B for related details. c. The HSS6x4 braces (BOM item 15) were not installed as shown and many of them have been spliced using butt-welds of unknown quality Considering the low demand on these members (typically less than 10 of allowable using R =1 5) and the considerable redundancy it is our opinion that the braces are adequate as installed, except that the welding to the columns at the Mr Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Green Creek Observation Report November 10, 2010 Page 3 of 4 lower end of the braces needs to be completed and needs to be made water tight. Any water in the tubes must be removed prior to welding. d. The mid height column ties (BOM item 13) were not installed as indicated on the IFC drawings. These ties serve only to decrease vibrations. The axial capacity of the W8x31 column at 8 ft height is 232 kips (ASD), well in excess of the 31 K design load. They have been removed from the drawings. 7 KICK -OUT AREA. I believe that Green Creek agreed with the rest of us that the ecology blocks stacked up and used to retain the logs at the kick -out area are not safe and they were going to remove them. They were not included on the original plans, as we had recommended concrete filled bunks and end walls. These were not installed due to budget constraints. 8. DEBARKER OUTFEED CONVEYORS, The bracing under the conveyors, although different from what was shown on our IFC drawings, are adequate for the loads. See attached calculations. a. The epoxy anchors used in this area were installed without the specified special inspection. We recommend that 10% of these anchors be tested via a pull test. The test procedure is to be submitted by the special inspection company for approval. Some of the legs along the south row of legs are anchored to old' embeds that were in already in the existing concrete of which we know nothing about either the concrete or the embeds. However the brace forces are very small (3.5 kip), so we do not see a need to be of concerned. 9 BIN STRUCTURE. The bin structure is a relocated, used bin that was dismantled and reinstalled at this site. This structure is beyond our scope of services. There has been no condition assessment done and we have no detailed information on the bin and therefore have not analyzed the structure, so we can make no comment on its structural capacity The foundation design was based on an industry standard bin of a similar but larger (taller greater volume) bin with the same footprint, assuming R 1 0 with fixed base moment frames in the transverse direction and R =1 5 for the tension only `X' bracing in the longitudinal direction. Foundation design calculations were submitted earlier ITEMIZED RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK DATED OCTOBER 4 2010. 1 As most of the equipment and their supports are pre -existing, relocated items, complete detailing and analysis is outside of our scope of services for the client. As outlined above, however I have provided calculations to address the primary lateral load resisting elements of the various equipment. 2. A snow load of 25 psf was applied to the cab support frame. As noted above, we did not analyze the bin, however the snow load is negligible compared to the material, wind and seismic loads. We used a 125 psf live load on the deck areas of the debarker structure, so the snow load is negligible there also. 3 If a future building is provided, it will be self supported from new foundations. The owner is responsible to obtain permits. 4 As noted in item 9 above, the bin structure is pre existing, relocated from another site. This structure is beyond our scope of services. 5 See item 6 above. 6. As agreed at the site, the cab is a re- installed pre engineered all welded metal 'box" Tracey requested that we specify the attachment to the frame, but otherwise had no issues with it. Calculations indicate that only a small weld at each corner is sufficient to anchor it to the frame. See drawing 10860 5211 -01 Rev B. The support structure was design for a 25 psf snow 20psf roof DL, 20 psf floor DL and 50 psf floor live load and 100 psf for walkways. Seismic loading was based on R =3.25. See also discussion above. 7 See response to item 1 8. See response to item 1 9. The calculations we provided earlier address the worst case conditions of the different types of embeds we designed. Field changes from anchored plates to embedded wide flanges appear to be more than adequate to us, however no ACI method is available for a conventional calculation. 10 See general item 1 in the previous section. 11 Previously addressed and corrected. Mr Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Green Creek Observation Report November 10, 2010 Page 4 of 4 12. As you are aware, inspections were not done. In general, weld stresses under wind and seismic loads are low as noted in the calculations provided. All new welding and installation of post installed anchors for the additional and completion work noted on the attached revised drawings shall have special inspection, as noted on General Notes drawing No 10860 4010 -01 submitted with the permit and which was part of the contract documents. 13. See general items in the previous section. 14 To my knowledge, the owner is aware of this requirement. 15. This report serves as my observation report, based on my observation visit of October 26, 2010. If we can be of further assistance, please call or email us. Respectfully John F Bradford, SE President Cc: Steve Conrad, BCCE Tracey Gudgel, Zenovic Assoc. Ken Corey Green Creek Wood Products Bruce Emery Green Crow Properties Steve Zenovic, Zenovic Associates Attachments: As -Builr drawings Revised IFC drawings Supplemental calculations ASSOCIATES I N C O Z Project: 10087 Plan Reviews NOV 3 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development City of Port Angeles P O Box 1160 Port Angeles WA 98362 Invoice Phase Description l GREEN CREEK PLAN CHECK Structural Analysis Senior Design Engineer Plan Review Structural Analysis Senior Design Engineer Field Inspection 77 D -O AKS PLAN CHECK Structural Analysis Senior Design Engineer Plan Review DATE /1 /.3//? APPRYD. BY 49 ACCT.#(/ q %a DATE V- V/ o APPRVO. BY Fla t /g3/ Accounts delinquent after 30 days 1% Finance Charge applied to delinquent accounts Costs advanced for which we have not yet been billed (such as service fees shipping charges etc) may not appear on this invoice and will be billed at a later date Invoice 9839 Invoice Date 10/31/2010 Due Date 11/30/2010 Visa Master Card Accepted No discount on credit card payments Cash /Check/Debit Terms. You may deduct 2% if payment made before the 15th Services provided for the period of September 26 2010 through October 22, 2010 }CIUIIENGINEERING;, LAND'SURVEYIN,G 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles,Washington 98362 (360) 417 -0501 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: zenovic @olvmpus.net Hours /Qty Rate Amount 19 100 00 1 900 00 1 100 00 100 00 8 100 00 800 00 Invoice Total $2 800 00 Prepayments /Credits $0 00 Balance Due $2 800 00 W A S H I N G T O N U S A COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE. October 5, 2010 TO GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS, PORT ANGELES, WA FROM Jim Lierly, Community Economic Development Department SUBJECT FIRST STRUCTURAL PLANCHECK The designer is to address each item of the plan check notes in his or her letter of response The designer is also to place a cloud' around all changes so that compliance may be verified 1 The plans and structural calculations are not complete Please provide complete plans and structural calculations for all structures for both vertical and lateral load for conformance with the 2009 International Building Code 2. Please clarify snow loading used on the structures The minimum snow load per City of Port Angeles requirements is 25 psf and cannot be reduced for exposure or roof slope While all structures must be capable of supporting the required snow loading the structural calculations must address the snow load requirement for the Operators Cab Structure and the Bin Structure. 3 Plans call for a future Barker Building Please note that this building when constructed will require a building permit with complete plans and structural calculations 4 Provide complete plans and structural calculations for the Bin Structure Plans provided are for foundation only Provide complete plans and structural details including connections of the steel members and the connection to the steel members to the foundation 5 Provide complete plans and structural calculations for the Barker Structure as the plans submitted are not complete Provide complete plans and structural details including connections of the steel members and the connection to the steel members to the foundation Please clarify why the structural calculations for the barker structure do not address all load cases in the foundation design 6 Provide complete plans and structural calculations for the Operator Cab Structure shown on Sheet 10860 5211 -01 as the plans submitted are not complete Provide complete plans and structural details including connections of the cab steel structure to the new steel support structure and its connection to the foundation Also please indicate the design parameters used in the design of the structure as the RISA printouts do not indicate what loads were used in the design Page 2 7 Provide complete plans and structural calculations for the Out feed Structure as the plans submitted are not complete Provide complete plans and structural details including connections of the steel members and the connection to the steel members to the foundation 8 Provide complete plans and structural calculations for the in feed Structure as the plans submitted are not complete Provide complete plans and structural details including connections of the steel members and the connection of the steel members to the foundation 9 Provide complete structural calculations of all embedded concrete anchor connections and the connection of the steel framing to the embedded anchors Calculations provided are for only the Log Kick out Structure out feed Structure for columns with longitudinal braces Debarker Column and the Log Kick out embedded anchors 10 Provide structural calculations for the ecology block retaining wall Retaining walls shall be designed to meet requirements of IBC 1807 2. 11 Sheet 10860 4010 -01 under Design Standards references the 2007 Oregon Building Code Please revise plans for proper Code reference of the 2009 International Building Code 12. Special inspections shall be performed on the structures in conformance with IBC Chapter 17 and as listed on Sheet 10860 4010 -01 Please provide complete inspection reports as listed in the required special inspections schedule These inspections include but are not limited to concrete epoxy anchors high strength bolting and welding Please note that although not specified on the plans epoxy anchor installation will require special inspection 13 It is my understanding that there are discrepancies between the plans and the actual construction in the field Please provide revised plans and structural calculations to conform to actual conditions on -site 14 Also note that any future buildings constructed over portions of the structure will require complete plans and structural calculations. It is noted that the plans call for a future building over the debarker structure 15 Structural Observation with be required on the structures due to the complexity of the structures and the fact that some of the steel structures were previously in use Structural Observation shall be performed by the Engineer of Record and shall be in conformance with the requirements of I B C Chapter 17 16 Please note that due to the incomplete nature of the plans and structural calculations there may be additional plan review comments once complete plans and calculations have been provided for review It should be noted that a complete analysis of all structures is expected for plan review and approval Jim Lierly Building Inspector 360 417 -4816 jlterly@cnyofpa.us ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED t Y�4G. vit, September 29 2010 Mr Jim Lierly Building Inspector City of Port Angeles Department of Community and Economic Development PO Box1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Jim RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION Re Debarker Facility at Green Creek Wood Products, Eclipse Industrial Park Parcel No 06- 30 -18- 130000 At the request of Green Creek Wood Products, I completed a review of the construction of equipment slabs for the new debarker facility at the company's Port Angeles Mill in the Eclipse Industrial Park. My review included a field inspection of the construction examination of the plans and specifications dated August 13 2010, itemization of field changes and request for the design engineer's approval of said changes, review of photographs of the construction provided by the owner and contractor review of the reinforcing steel bill of lading and concrete supplier delivery tickets, and four (4) concrete core tests of the completed slab Field changes included the modification of the slab reinforcing bar size and spacing, changes to a number of the base plates for the equipment (plates replaced with embedded structural wide flange steel beams), and deletion of a concrete wall at the log infeed station and replacement with a structural steel assembly (with associated embedded steel beam base) The design engineer has addressed these changes to my satisfaction Based on my review it is my professional opinion that the construction of the slabs for the debarker assembly and associated equipment has been completed in conformance with the requirements of the plans and specifications and approved field changes and is acceptable for the proposed use My review is limited to the slabs only and no equipment construction, including the attachment of said equipment to the base plates, has been inspected or accepted I have enclosed copies of the pertinent records noted above for your files CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles,Washington 98362 (360) 417 -0501 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: zenovic @olympus.net Page 2 Mr Jim Lierly Green Creek Wood Products September 29 2010 Please give me a call if you have any questions or if you need further information Sincerely Zenovic Associates, Inc. te en M. Zenovic, P E. Principal Engineer Enclosures Fc: JN 10239 Cc: Green Creek Wood Products /Ken Corey w/o enc. Bradford Conrad Crow Engineering Co. /Steve Conrad w/o enc. AL September 21 2010 Steve Zenovic Zenivic Assoc. Inc. 301 East 6 Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles, WA 98362 BRADFORD CONRAD CROW ENGINEERING CO RE. Response to Memo dated Sept. 20 2010 Review of Field Changes. CIVIL STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERS #6. bars 18 "oc are an acceptable substitution for the #5 12'oc specified. The area of steel is 5% less, but meets the strength demand. As can be seen from the calculations, #5 18 meet the strength requirements. #5 was specified to achieve rho .0025 as minimum temperature steel. #6 18 "oc also meets this requirement. Code allows 3 x thickness or 18' as maximum bar spacing. The clean up wall is not required. The W10x49 embed is adequate to distribute the column loads. The W10x49 embed is adequate, based on the intended use of a WF column as apposed to the tube assumed with the embed drawn in S4040 -07 There is ample surface to weld the brace, assuming the brace is re- aligned so that the center line of the brace intersects the embed at the center line of the column web. A W8x31 embed will be adequate for the anchorage of the log slide members. A base plate will need to be added to the slide members to fit the embed. Regarding embed welding inspection, the code does require all field welding to be inspected. However if we consider the actual demand vs. the weld strength vou_will_see- that- the_demand is only a small fraction of the capacity Our weld detail for the anchors to the plate provides a hole for the anchor to insert into, then provides all around fillet welds under the plate as well as the perimeter of the hole. This provides enough weld to develop greater than Ry *Fy (1.5 36 ksi) of the anchor This has proven to be very successful in preventing anchor to plate failures in dynamic environments of this type. Also consider that according to ACI Appendix D calculation methods, concrete breakout always controls the design (by a large margin over the steel strength). For example, the debarker column uplift is 6.9 kips and shear is 3.7 kips (ASD) from the analysis. The eight 3/4' bolt embed would have a ultimate capacity of the steel anchors of 119 kips (Phi *m), or Ry *Fy 190 kip. Based on this low demand vs. capacity we recommend that the weld inspection be waived for the embeds. If we can be of further assistance, ase call or email us. Respectfully John F radford, SEt? President r. 20539 4 w r cc. Ken Corey Bruce Emery r, IZ y 4` 4Z3 9925 S.W Nimbus Avenue Suite 110 Beaverton, Oregon 97008 -7387 Phone (503) 213 -2013 Facsimile (503) 213 -2018 Email inforequest @bccengineering.com www:bccengineering.com ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Date September 20, 2010 From: Steve Zenovic MEMO To: Green Creek Wood Products /Ken Corey, Bruce Emery Re Debarker Project at Green Creek Mill, Port Angeles Ken Bruce. Field Changes. I have completed my initial review of the construction of the debarker facility slab and have also reviewed the plans for the work. The slab was constructed without the securing of a Building Permit from the appropriate jurisdiction the City of Port Angeles, and it is my understanding that no inspections of the work were performed as required by the City and also as set forth on the plans. The information provided herein is based on my site inspection, review of photos supplied by the Contractor and discussions with Reese Hammack. I have also reviewed the concrete trip tickets and the bill of lading for the reinforcing steel. Prior to completing any additional testing and inspections, it is necessary to have the design engineer review the field changes noted below and provide his assessment. If the changes are acceptable to the engineer then we will develop a testing /inspection protocol to certify the construction The reinforcement in the slabs for both the debarker and log deck appears to be #6 bars 18' o c. each way top and bottom based on review of the photos and discussions with the contractor this is substantially different than the #5 12" o c. shown on the plans The clean up wall was not constructed as shown on Section N4030 -04, the embed plates shown in the top of the wall were replaced with a continuous W10x49 set into the slab with the top of the top flange flush with the slab grade The embed plates for the log deck as shown in Section S/4040 -07 were not installed, but rather a continuous W10x49 beam as noted above was used as a substitute The embed plates for the slab adjacent to the debarker main line as shown on Section C/4030 -04 were not installed; a continuous W8x31 beam was used in lieu of these plates CIVII::ENGINEERING. VEXING 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles,Washington 98362 (360) 417 -0501 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: zenovic@olympus.net o Page 2 Memo on Slab Construction Green Creek Lumber Mill Debarker Facility September 20 2010 In addition, the embed plates were fabricated in the mill, not at an approved shop, and the welding of the headed anchors to the plates was not inspected In general, the quality of the slab construction looks good and the information I have received indicates that the materials used in the project were consistent with the requirements of the plan Let me know if you have any questions. i quirt' S Appl cetio i Inquiry EIPN2001001) File 'Edit Commands Help SuilaaRQ'PUBIIC SECTOR NaviLrne' Application 10- 00000£ Bonds Ed Contractor escrow Fees Global,balance du Inspection blstory Miscellaneous Info El Names EA Permits Plan tracking, MI Receipts EISquarefootage cal Structures Valuation calculati.. II Print Canoe) X Exit Retresh, Land Irq Dooumeris i PLAH CHECK FEES 2736 66 G0 ...m !PERMIT FEES ;1„ 4210.25 4210.25' I STATE .URCHARGE. I '4 50. 1 4.50 III ,I :Tata1_ I 6951.41 d' 4214.75 Property Informetiori Address Location ID. -owner name ASSESSOR PARCEL.; NUMBER: ALTERNATE 'ID Contractor Information Q. Contractor Name JEFF KING Contractor Number 73S 'Type GENERAL Status ACTIVE .Contractor Requirements. 436 'ECLIPSE WEST DR PORT' ANGELES, r WA' 98362 118042 GREEN CREEK 8000 PRODUCT 06- 30 -18 -1 3- 0100- 0000_- 063018130100 .1 1! CONTRACTOR 'INC 'Doc Number Application Information Application desc Application status Status Date Application type Application date Tenant name /number• B Fr TO 20 'FT TALL PLAN REVIEW 8/19/2010 IND NEW CONST '8/19/2010, GREEN CREEK. WOOD PROD Outstanding Inspections Insp Schedule Type ID Date No outstanding 'inspections exist Amount billed St lid Permit Ins STPJJCI Confirmation I Number 00' 000000 HPC 00 .00 1000000 BPc 00 1 DD 1' 00 1 S Applic0 ;n nq OP42001001j file Edit Commands Help WNM ARO'PUBLIC SECTOR NavrLU C Application 10- 000001 1 00 .Bonds Contractor escrow Fees Global balance dud CO Inspection history Ell Miscellaneous ihto fEl Names Permits Plan tracking ro Receipts Square footage cal El Structures ID Valuation calculatk LI. Prot r Cancel Refresh Lend I nqu i ry Documents I r• 1 P P A Property Information Address :Location ID Owner name .ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: ALTERNATE ID• Contiector tntormetion 11 Contractor-Name JEFF KING.CONTRACTOR INC Contractor+ Number• 7 35 Type GENERAL Status •ACTIVE .Contr•actoi',Reguirements ,Doc Number Cla ss Tv Je Descri Minn Iran lion amount .Amount due Amount billet Sir PC 1. PF 1 PF 1 ST -PLAN CHECK, FEES •1 FERMI T FEES [PERMIT 'FEES '1STATE SURCHARGE 1 Tot elm 436 ECLIPSE 'WEST DR PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 118042 GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCT 06- 3048 -1 3.0 063018130100 .2736 66 4210.25 4210.6_ A 4. 50 \I' 11162 06 Application Information 40lication desc Application status Statua Date -8/19/2010. Application type. IND NEW CONST Application -date 8/19/2016 Tenant name/number. GREENCREEK WOOD PROD •Outstanding Inspections Insp Type ID No.00tstanding inspections exist ri 00 4210.25 4210.65 4.50 8425.40 8 -FT TO 20 FT TALL•STRJCI PLAN .REVIEW Schedule Confirmation I Date Number 6 00 .00 '00 .00 00 1 i awn( 100000( 1000001 \L�YI° d ov't`re' 00 V SApplcnt inquiry (ePM2l)I001 File Edit Commands Help S NGtARV'PUBLUC SECTOR NavrLiee Application 10- 000008' Ed Bonds IN1 Contractor escrow Eees Global balance duJ —111 Miscellaneous Intel Inspection history Q Names Permits III Plan tracking Receipts Square footage cal Ill Structure I1 Valuation calculatir IL Print Cancel 'Ex it d0; Refresh Land Inquiry Documents Property Information Address Location ID Owner name ASSESSOR PARCEL' NUMBER: ALTERNATE ID• 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR PORT ANGELES, WA 9$362 118042 OREEN^CREEK W00C PRODUCT 06- 30 718 -1 3- 0100- 0000,- 063018130100 I:■ Contractor Information 0, Contractor Name JEFF KING CONTRACTOR INC „Contractor•Num6er• 735 Type GENERAL Status ACTIVE Contractor Regdirelients 1117 r PLAN CHECK FEES 1589MST FEE2 IPERMIT FEES ISTATE SURCHARGE, I•Totals ,Doe Number 2736.66 4210.25 4210 65 4 50 11162 06 Application Information Type Outstanding Inspeetione Insp Schedule I0 Date sJ application desc 8.90 TO 20 FT TALL STRUCTi. Application status 'PLAN REVZNS Status Date 9/13/2010 Application :type IND NEW CONST .Application date 8/19/2010 Tenant name /number. GREEN'CREEK WOOD PROD No outstanding inspections exist 00 4210.25 4210 65 4 50, 8425 40 00 :00 .00 00 00, Confirmation I Number Je Descs )lion Transaction amount Amount due Amount billed Strad Permit Inst 000000,BPC'00 I 1000000 BPC !00 I 1 000000 BPC 01 I I pORrq Applicant BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES (3-31- 10 Attn Building Permit Technician SOU ble For City Use Only 21 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 L Date Received 1 q -10 (360 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 �L Permit G G m e 5tut~f'ed wct'K r Date A Y (oefor 5eth a er Phone i •g 3 or Property Owner �k eN 1,'Pe Gt..c)z 1p rs Phone O rd z_. 33e7' Property Owner's Address It C T Z4/0 f Contractor W-( A /ri9 Cox /73.4c 7<;/- 1,(C Phone Sff 2_513 s 7 Cbntractor's Address Po 13v x 798 Lei, Ar ,,,A( ©i. 9 7 gS License ,Tee- FKCry g74-6 Expires 6 -ay i2 E -mail /y{ >,40 s Jec 0 Ge/y 7 4-r y TE ,/vP T 0 PO-14 K5 c PROJECT ADDRE1S c 1 I,os ris Parcel Number Q 3 011,13, o r i3 „Lot Proiect Type It Brief Description. eck all that apply Uyl cOV dNew Construction L Q e3 Addition Remodel Repair Demolition Re -roof Heat System Other Floor Areas Basement 1 Floor 2 Floor 3` Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other r T:Forms /Building Division /Building permit application Residential I4p ox .2x.40 6 10 -Nc Arpa) x 504 fed wk.G. �L' i vetti`e a ffra y Se` -1- -1��1 i 7/3 f-+ fa,J House garage other tear off re -roof lay over one layer Heat pump wood burning stove gas fireplace pellet stove other Nc� rnechealtu-1 Pe)twof oer rti f^� Existing (sq. ft.) pap) osed (sq. ft.) Max. height of proposed structures a D ft. Occupancy group Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? 11/0 Occupant load Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? 1/0 Construction type Multi- family Commercial *Industrial 011 a CotrIcro s i&b 4 S+- Le k per so. ft. of bedrooms of full baths of half baths Zoning 7' 1 TOTAL VALUATION 1 70(:, n Total footprint of structures (7 2 G sq ft. T Lot size 33 sZ ro -sq. ft. Lot coverage O, 5 Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage b S` I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to wgrking ga, projects. Date 53 .WO Print Name A4/(4 ,a9 Signature Permit S $1 03011 (40 6-16.6.- sk. +IA e." 112 ett-if c e kftt t5 Pelikanit Do 4- QQ1_. v 5 4,■r PS` vs x Qv q tL "\-D 4 -0-A4e V 1r\cxk ic s T forms/Building Divisia ales NOTES °Tt _sa VriPOtki 1 P Yrd.. �GJV�� he 11 vv-kurv, s C-479 C -478 F 1OK— ,40K z FBC s 1 OACSR AB -1 u ACSR dr\ Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 68835 GREEN CREEK WOO Page 1 of 9 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 68835 GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC for Year 2010 2011 Property Account Property ID Geographic ID Type Tax Area: Open Space. Historic Property N Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township Range Location Address. 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Neighborhood: Neighborhood CD: Owner Name Mailing Address. Taxes and Assessment Due Property Tax Information as of 08/23/2010 Amount Due if Paid on. M. 68835 Legal Description. PAR B BLA SUR V67 P26 0630181301000000 Real 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L N Cycle 4 Comm 20950140 Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction 2010 50398 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL 2010 50398 CC -GEN COUNTY 2010 50398 PORT PORT 2010 50398 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES 2010 50398 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 2010 50398 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY 2010 50398 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 2010 50398 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK 2010 50398 CITY STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER 2010 50398 FIRE PATROL FIRE PATROL 2010 50398 WEED_CONTROL WEED CONTROL 2010 50398 FP Fee FIRE PATROL COUNTY FEE 2010 50398 TOTAL. 2009 688352008 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL 2009 688352008 CC -GEN COUNTY 2009 688352008 PORT PORT 2009 688352008 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES 2009 688352008 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 Agent Code. Land Use Code DFL Remodel Property Section Mapsco Map ID: GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC Owner ID P 0 BOX 2469 Ownership PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Exemptions. First Half Base Due $642.42 $341 87 $48 05 $791 55 $832.10 $99 34 $140.24 DIST $44 62 $180 00 $8 70 $1 46 $0.25 $3130.60 $748 60 $378 85 $53 66 $830 99 $925 77 24 N N 3 27612 100 0000000000% Second Half Base Due Penalty Interest Base $642.41 $0 00 $0 00 $64 $341 87 $0 00 $0 00 $34 $48 05 $0 00 $0 00 $4 $791 55 $0 00 $0 00 $7E $832.10 $0 00 $0 00 $8: $99 34 $0 00 $0 00 $140.25 $0 00 $0 00 $14 $44 63 $0 00 $0 00 $4 $180 00 $0 00 $0 00 $1E $8 70 $0 00 $0 00 $1 47 $0 00 $0 00 $0.25 $0 00 $0 00 9 $3130.62 $0.00 $0.00 $312 $748 60 $0 00 $0 00 $14E $378 87 $0 00 $0 00 $7E $53 67 $0 00 $0 00 $1C $830 99 $0 00 $0 00 $16E $925 75 $0 00 $0 00 $18E http.//vpn.clallam.net.8084/propertyaccess/Property aspx ?cid =0 &year 2010 &prop_id =68 8/23/2010 R ASSUMES tIESPONSIBILITY..FOFCASUITABLE ROADWAY To POINT.OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVEPLANT ATERIALYHE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUMEALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE.PREMISE AND TqpROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE JOB ALLOW 7 MIN. PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANYADDITIONAL TIME.WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. USTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER.FEES REQUIRED ON.THIS DELIVERY. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START DISCHARGE 5. TERMS, NET 10TH. 5. A 1.5*/ LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. [FINISH DISCHARGE WARNING Angeles Conciete Products Oncrete is CY1JNDERS TAKEN CI YES 0 NO 'ACT. SLUMP AVAIL WAT. designedare 4 sump: Additional water ARRIVE PANT WILL result in lower strengths. I .2 01 A59 1 1, 'DATE TICKET .'ORDER PLANT 1. I TRUCK CUSTOMER OB/06/10 30503 0- SOLD TO GREEN CREEK F 0 BOX '2465 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 WATERADDED AT CUSTOMER'S`REQUEST TS :G8NE:BiLlIED145/410."0:061tIltiON8, 1 DELIVERY TIMES DRIVER JASON •GALL*7 :BY Address. WARNING 4410 S Airport Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing* PO Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 alkali bums Wash affected areas Phone (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap and water PROJECT: MILL LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 9 00 2S00—.:C.4-9645 6 SACK .AIR/WATER REDUCER 9 00 9 00 5.00 A1R AIR ENTRAINMENT 9 00 9 00 25-,00 POLYHEED 997 0 CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK RECEIVED SAib:CONDITIONSOF:SAL CE LIPSE PKWY SHIP TO: SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX P.O. =-,f'1 ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND-SY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT RIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION S DELIVERY ONANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETEPRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVEJOB, LLOW 7 MIN. PER ymiiti, TO DISCHARGE. ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. STOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY ERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF.LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START TERMS, NET .10TH: 6: A 1.5%•LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is designed at.a 4 slump. Additional water WILL result in lower strengths. DATE TICKET 08r06/10 30504 SOLD TO: GREEN CREEK Pt). BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 Address. WARNING 4410 S Airport Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing: P0 Box 304 Port. Angeles, WA 98362 alkali burns Wash affected areas Phone (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap and water CYLINDERS TAKEN •O:1149 BY ORDER I PLANT I TRUCK I I 01 I A39' 1 ACT. sp.y,p, AVAS.:WAT. CUSTOMER 6305 LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 9 Oa I:13,00 ,25 00 C-37645 6 SACK AIR/WATER REDUCER 9 0& 18 00 25 00 AIR -ENTRAINMENT' 9 00 18 oa -at. aa W/R POLYHEED 997 WATER ADDEDAT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GALLONS BY (z NIKE DRIVER CI CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK RECEIVEDiPNPER SAID,CONDITIONS OF SALE FINISH DISCHARGE: ARRIVE PLANT' PROJECT: MILL SHIP TO: ECLIPSE /ND Pt:k DELIVERNTIMES SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX P.O. 4 :ANPP.gP CQNCE1ETE 4' 4410. Airciort:Fipa4 Mailing: P0 pox 304 port Angeles, WA 98362 alkali bums Wash affected areas Phone. 064 45 u Fax 452,4?44 with soap and water Maga EiteQNEIFION a44Ww cothbivigiotwiskioi40606,E0i, FORSUITABLE '00A6Aki AND BY 06E5oiRsid Ag6A,aboliNG mi MAT Nbci,:b8;.*K59.FiEgSgci'A.Issiimei>u:t4ABIL,fry DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION ON,400618!ATE.i010MIstwolFr4010TEcTANGE1**OdnidiFEtt On FROM ALL sp Vve:aLicivii.,:iiv*I4Ek•ciliFtExtti TitviE*0265. CHOOF4 AT $19.0:0 PEII HOUR 3 CUSTOMER i§'kEbikitsi6g4kifi F EES ntoolAto ON THIS 44TREROVILVRE';SN EXTRA C)-IARGE•fpR DEU VERIES OF LESS THAN FouR, (4):cuppYARDS.OF. CONCRETE PER TRUCKLOAD: ,5rtERMS;"NET10TN: S: A fS% LATE FEE MAY CNARGED'OR BALANCES- OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: urg ef 1.1 tvm, eyLANT.- WILL result u 4 1 ;7 rstre,;;;;T. 4 .1,, TICKET:#::1" 'ORDEA I PLANT4 I; TRUCKI. Oa/047 4' 11,. 00004; 1:: I 41: .1. A 5 9 1 tkONI. MOO:: PROJECT ML ;:i.O8(4)i' :e44 9 :sHio '-.P.,,i: 1111 1 PKWY PP.R..7f A61.0.04; s IINISHDI Wet cement candy, skin and cause .NHE, ED 1DRIVER 1;: PA* (POirgr CARD JA r 'in :CHECK,* r i- 4 *ATER ADDED AT 4 TV° dOSTOMERSAF9Y ctELIVERIME-S LEAvg RLANT PT EDiJ a tt"..• t .1 =4:4 4. 4 .t C DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY 7 41,A:GtNERALITEEIMS'ANa,GONDITION5. ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT RIAL THE PURCHASER AGREESTO ASSUME ALLLIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION DELIVERY ON'ANY PRIVATEPREMISEAND:TO 'PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. OW 7.MIN: PER YARD TO DISCHARGE: ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. OMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. RE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR-DELIVERIES 00 LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. RMS, NET 10TH. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED.ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. ARNING: Angeles Concrete Products cencretels designed at a4 slump. Additional water WILL result.in lower StrengthS. DATE I 11CKET 08/05/10 .I. 3048$ SOLD TO: WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GREEN CREEK P 0 BOX. 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 GALLONS Address: 4410 S. Airport Road Mailing: P0 Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone. (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 CYLINDERS CYUNDERSTAKEN o YES p N0 ACT SLUMP vJE y■haT: BY ORDER 1 PLANT 3 1. BY 9 00 9 00 18 oo 9 00 9 00 r 18. 00 AIR 9 9. 00 18 00 4/R TRUCK A59 CUSTOMER 630c PROJECT: MI SHIM: ECLIPSE IND PKWN 5 lia $k,WREDUCRIAIR AIR ENTRAINMENT poLyHtEp 997 DRIVER I 0 CASH 0 CREDIT CARD JASON Lil CHARGE 0I CHECK RECEIVED UNDER SAID cpkiprrioNs OF SALE %ARRIVE JOB,' WARNING Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water START DISCHARGE FINISH DISCHARGE ARRIVE PLANT DELIVERY TIMES LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX 4410 S Airport Road Mailing: PO Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 ..16ENERALTERMS:ANWCONDITIONS: l. DELIVERYTIMES ASSUMES-RESPONSIBILITY FOR-A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING :LEAVE PLANT RIAL THE PURCHASERAGREES ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ,ARRIVE JOB' OW.7 MIN; PER YAREJTO DISCHARGE: ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. MER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON DELIVERY. EMU_ BE AN DELIVERIES OF.LESS THAN-FOUR(4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER-TRUCK LOAD. START DISCHARGE MS, NET 10TH. A4.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. ARNING: Angeles.Concrete Products concrete is CYUNDEFISTAKEN 0 YES. la NO designed'at a 4'slump: Additional water WILL resuli lower strengths. BY DATE 1 TICKET I ORDER 1 PLANT I- TRUCK 1 08/05110 1 30489 SOLD TO: GREEN CREE P 0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 9. 00 18 00: 18. .00 9644- 9: 00 18 0-0 18. aa 9 '00 18 00 18.00. WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST DRIVER 3 A" 1. i ACT. SLUMP RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS OF SALE GALLONS BY PROJECT MILL ID CASH 0 CREDIT CARD MIKE El CHARGE El CHECK FINISH DISCHARGE AVAIL. WAT ,'ARRIVE PLANT. CUSTOMER 6309 SHIP TO: ECLIPSE IND PKW'y 5 1/2 SK W/REDPCER/AIR E AIR ENTRAINMENT POLYHEED 997 Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water 1 r LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE I TAX P.O. 1 t WATER ADDED AT RETE °DUCTS' CUSTOMER'S REQUEST r i '•;i; •'•f 'Yr DRIVER Address: 4410 S. Airport Road Mailing: PO Box. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone. (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 ipusToiA E.. 6 ASS UME S RE SPONSIB ILITY —il.CR A:SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT?' 1 t Frial ,4 i THIS MATEAIALTHERURCHASER:AGFOSTC ASSUME ALL UABIUTY FOR DAMAGES TO pillopEr4ty OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH rrs:DaA/WfiArANNi,pDpiALr.RDRAISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE JOB 2. WE.ALLOW4404,PEAIYARD40:pst-PL ANY ADDMONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED At $80.00 PER HOUR. .3.--CUSTOMEAISPESOO/SIBLE:ECiA;WAtCkEK FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. -h4tFt.W.KiiiikAK"oirrotoc imog,F539 DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 4 6. :TE14.00kErriorri-i.-,_ 3 ,6. -A LATEFEp"-MArBE'PHARGELION BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING is 040.. 1(16iiilonal.water WILL reitiltisf foi4latstriarcgt0s. DATE. 08 /0411 304.62 1 'SOLD,To: ."80E0+1 tREEk. ;A:Lit PORT ANPELE5 14A• 98362 .GALLONS BY gr_u 0 -NO- ACE SLUMP' AVAIL ,,.N ARRIVE PLANT ORDER #:1 PLANT/ 1 TRUCK/ CUSTOMER/ 2 ..1 01 I 4 630c' -4•:? LI CASH CREDIT CARD RON E1 CHARGE CHECK -43- RECEIVED'UN !:0 §A!frgomputoN OF SALE PROJECT: MILL k Ect..4.PS IND PKWN 5 tfa'SK WRE4OCEO/AiRr 9' -00 4 7;* (2p ATR.:FN*1.4 0.0 j4IR 997 IbLiVEmrIMES START DISCHARGE FINISH DISCHARGE WARNING Wet cement dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WAITlisiollM(CHARGE TAX P.O./ CUSToMEFtAiSUMES ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING ANDACCEPTING' I ,LEAVE PLANT RETE ODUCTS TI-BS MATERIALTHE PURCHASER AGREESTOASSUME ALL UABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH DELIVERY ON ANY PFIIVATE'PREMISE AND ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS' FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. 2. WE ALLOW :74AIN..RER.YARDTO DISCHARGE;ANYADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3: CUSTOMER is FIESpONSIBLEFORWRECKEREEES ON THIS DEUVERY. 4. THERE WILL:BE OCTFIACHARGE'POODELIVERIES OF LESS THAN (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TERMS, NET.10TH: ;x1.5%; LATEFEE MAYBE CHARdEDONBALANCES'OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles'Concrete Preducts concrete is designed at aslump. water' WILL:result in Iniier etrenaths. DATE 1 TICKETI Q8 /04110 I -SOLD TO: 9 06 9 9 00 WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST JIM ()RIVER GREEN CREM: P CI BOX .24:69' PORT ANGELES WA 98362 GALLONS Address. 4410 S Airport Road Mailing P0 Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 CYLINDERS TAKEN 0 'YES .0 NO BY ORDER 0' I PLANT .2 01 ;BY 1.:Bi 00 .P--.96 18 0 7*:. 18 R TRUCK A67 ;ACT: SLUMP' 'AVAIL:MAT. 4- 630c .1 ARRIVE vv04nvmm..., Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali bums Wash affected areas with soap and water JOB START DISCHARGE FINISH.DISQHARGE VAFIRIVE PLANT 1 CUSTOMER :PROJECT: M ILL sHipm: ECLIPSE IND PKW\ LIDELIVERWTITIMES P.O. LOAD DELIVERED QUANTITY QUANTITY ORDERED I PRODUCT QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT "5 :112 SK 'W IKAUCERIA IR pilk ENTRAINMENT POLYHEED 997 1 D L.._1 CASH D CREDIT CARD El CHARGE Ej CHECK RECEIVED1MDERSAID.CONDITIONS:OFSALE WAITING TIME CHARGE! TAX ETE- DUCTS Address. WARNING 4410 S Airport. Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing: P0' Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 alkali burns Wash affected areas Phone: Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap andmater Iii lvq 40 7 4 54 N O ENEW A IRTE R MSAN DreO N DITI ON SS 11.,, EELVERATtMESS- CUSTOMER ASSUMES RESpONSIBILITY,FOF4SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT'OF DELIVERY AND BY.ORDERING AND ACCEPTING. 1-,I.EAVE'PLANTis THISIMATERIALTHE'PURCHASER AGREEETOASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION MTH ITS DELIVERY ONANY:PRIVATE PREMISEAND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTEFROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS: 2: WE ALLOW3:MINPER YARD:TO DISCHAFIGEANYADDITIONAL TIME' WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR: ARRIVE2:10E,B 3. CUSTOMER'IS FIESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. 'THEREWILL 03EANEXTFIA ChiARGE.014 DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF-CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START•DISCHARGEG TEAME 1:5‘k LATE FEE MAY BCHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: .Argelt*Ccindrete concrete is CyLINDERSISKEN CIEYESO4S40 deSIgnedat a..4."-Ii.imp. Additional water c WILLiesuit inlower strengths. DATE L. TICKET, .1 ORDER I RAW It I TRUCK 1 08/04/1.0 a0467 I 2 1 01 1 A41 SOW TO: .GREENt. CREEK P 'f'.Y BOX 2k49 'F'ORT ANGELES WA. 99342 RON DRIVER 27. :00 7E 7 00 27 00 72 00 AIR 00; 27 Q f y, 2 WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GALLONS BY' AFT.:SLUMP-f PROJECT: MILL SHIP TO: ECLIPSE IND .P.teter's 'C. FINISH Mr/mum/AT.' I ARRIVE WANT, CUSTOMER/ 630 P.O. LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 5 1f2 SK W/REDUCER/OR All R ENTRAINMENT POLY.HEETY 997 CASH L7 CREDIT CARD LI CHARGE 0 CHECK.# RECEIYED.'UNDER WAITINGIJME CHARGE TAX 0 .z WARNING: Angejei:ConcreW Orodpcts onneieteie designed at a 'A' SI4mpfAdditIo*:■*rdter Wif4 ninnk IPw!II :DATE I 0g) /94/ 0 'I .acof:Li65 -SOLD:TO: G Rg 0449- 344 98362 4 S6G p 1:g* Address: 4410 S Airport:Road RETE :Mailing: PO Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 ODUCTS ,Phone: (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 :DRIVER JIM •WATER'ADDEDAT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST _GALLONS BY CYL1NDERSTAKEW BY ORDER I PLANT# 2, 01 .4; PROJECT: rtHIP TO: ERMSANDOCINDMONS cusiomifi RE�I RASijI1rABLEROADWAY OF DELI \fEl4Y:AND BYORDERINGAND ACCEPTING -LEAvE THIS'MATEFIIAKTHE P.uRci ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH ITS,DELIVERY:ONAM6pRIVATE:pllEMISEANDTOrPROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. 2. WE 'ALLOW 7 MIWPERYARPT;t0 TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3: CUSTOMER IS-FiESPONSII3LE,PQR;WRECKER REQUIRED ON THIS DEUVERY. 4. THERE WILL BEAN'EXTRA:plitARGE OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TERMS: NET tOTH_; 6. A t.5% LATE ElEg MAY4BE CHARGEDION:BALANCES OVER 30. DAYS. u CASH 0 CREDITCARD .0 'CHARGE 0 CHECK ilFIE.OEIVED_UNDERSAIMONIDITIONSOFSALE =ARRIVE.:10Ef WARNING Wet cement can skin and.cause alkali burns.— Wash affected areas with .soap and water ',.:EDELILVERYMIMES*m. PLANT :START DISCHARGE -FINISH.DISCHARGE a 'YES 3:1: NO ACtSLU AVAIL A rARRIV.EPVANT TRUCK CUSTOMER A67 630 KILL ECLIPSE :$1,c41YIROD,1CRifeak: AIR :ENtki***Igkt, pounfig0.) '997 SUBTOTAL ,WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT AND BY ORDERING THIS:MATERIACTHE.NOIC*.SERAGFIEESAO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION .V,VITHLTS. DELIVERY Oni•ANY.F53iii/ST,t ii#0,414p4,40:1 ANGEL CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS ARRlVE JOB 2. WE'ALLIfllyi7AIN YARD.TO,DIsCHARGE:Aily;ADDOONACTIMElikiLLL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER• HOUR. RETE PLAQT.S: 4 dus kOlsi?opsi6LOIFOAvybgcOR.OtES,FigouiRtb ciELivERy. f 4. THERE 414 it isi AN eir,io*p; FOR DELIVERIES 0.1.40s.THAN FouFOUR (4),C1.101q YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. ST, ARl DISCHARGE 5, TERM, NET:foil-I WARNING Aritjois Conarete;Pnkiucti ciaricirtieLs CYLINDERSTArk134 1:PNO ;ACT:SLUMP 6. A 1.5 FEEyWy;sg ciialopp:,ok BALANCES OVER30 DAYS. designed at a 4 slyrrip. Additional ARRIVAFAAKT .WILL rauti in lower. strengths 1. 7 1 '-'7. .T1CKET1 .'Ir• •ORDERi.1 .PLANT:# 1 TRUCK i .1 CUSTOMER! I .0a764110 '.1r .f. 10410 a I" .01 A61 e so p cl. sox „a44.9.,- FRogoT: meT1- '7,p 5.F.:Ft.k. 'Fk RI.K. ..:SHIPID- E IND PKWN P 7 PORT ANGELES mo, 9$4,4,e, ....L.; V ADDED,AT; ;cV019 DRIVER. P.04 %A- O' 40; kR Address 4410 S Airport Road Mailing: PQ Box 304, I" Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 REcegEbTuNpERsA!15:0,1>IDITION4 OF:S.4E 93,,g9: 45.; 40,f, IR °9- AIR ENTROAIN,gNT FOLYHtFla 197: CASH El. CREDIT CARP. JD. CHARGE, la CHECK WARNING Wet cement can dry skip, and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and. water t■ 1 LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX GALLONS 'BY. ;1 ETE ODUCTS WATER ADDEDAT 'CUSTOMERS,REQUEST JEFF 'A 1 ,5:*.°V., int"- 'i..ii -GENERAWTERMSANDICONDITRINSIZ .i r "T CUSTOMERASSUiviES:RESPONSIBILItY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF,DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING 'THISMATERIALTHE,PURCHASER AGREES-TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. 2. WE ALLOW7 MIN: PERNAAD TO DISCHARGE:-ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL43E CHARGED.AT $80.00 PER HOUR. ..4 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. THERE-.WILL ,BEAN,ExTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD: I STAFgr...PIP.94WW.5.ii-s. S. TERMS;,NETTOTtt 6: A 1.0 LATEFEE MAYBE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS, FiNiqti PI,PctiA. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is c:OrIND.P3STAKI P-Of'..-.13."1'.1P- ACT..sLvorf AvAli designed eta 4 alump:Additionel water 4 AR,Filv. WILI, result in lower strengths. pr DATE. I TICKET/ I ORDER/ PLANT I TRUCK./ 08/04110: I 30472 2 01 I A60 SOLD TO: BREEN: CREEK. P .BOX 2469 .POT ANGELES WA 9B362 9 40. .54.0a '510 `,0-9644 9 ,0a 54 00 :A I R 9 00 1 54 00. 9t 00 iWZR DRIVEH WARNING mactreac- Address: WARNING 4410 .S Airport Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing: PO Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 alkali burns— Wash affected areas Phone. (360) 457-0443 N- Fax,(360) 452-4744 with soap and water GALLONS BY CUSTOMER 6305 PROJECT: MILL SHIP TO: ECLIPSE 1 ND PKWN 4?- LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 5 t /2 St< W AIR' ENTRAi WENT POLYHEED'i'991 O CASH: Ei CREDIT CARP O CHARGE 0 CHECK REOWEPAM.P.ERSAIPs."6.0_11p1TibN8 SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE. TAX 5 i" ETE ODUCTS PSIS CUSTOMER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING THIS MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL UABIUTY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. 2. WE ALLOW 7 MIN. PER YARD TO DISCHARGE ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER. FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR'DEUVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TERMS, NET 10TH. 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS: WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is CYLINDERS TAKEN YES NO ACT. SLUMP AVAIL WAT. designed at 4 slump: Additional water WILL result in lower strengths. BY DATE I TICKET I ORDER I PLANT/ I TRUCK 1 CUSTOMER )8 04 /10 I 30474 I re I 01. I suit ?c: SOLD To: GREEN CREEK P 0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES 'WA 98362 9 00 63 00 81 00 C -9644 9 00 63.0.0 81 00 A I F, 9 t->;ct 63 00 8:1 00 W' /F', DRIVER WATER ADDED AT 1 CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GALLONS I_ J_ y 4410 S Airport Road Mailing. PO Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone (360) 457 -0443 Fax (360) 452 -4744 GENERALTERMS:AND:CONDITIONS DELIVERY TIMES PROJECT: M I L.L. sHIP TO: ECLIPSE IND PI W t RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS OF SALE 5 1./2 'SK. W /REDUCER /'A I F AIR ENTRAINMENT POLYHEED 997 vvet cement can ary skin arm cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB START DISCHARGE FINISH .DISCHARGE ARRIVE PLANT CASH CREDIT CARD CHARGE CHECK WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX P.O. LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I I Address. 4410 S. Airport Road Mailing. PO Box 304 Port Angeles WA 98362 Phone (360) 45T0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 77 GENERALTERMSTANDtCOND.IT.IONS. .,sfomE:R 466tiivs FbivA SUITABLE RbAiDWAi; TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT DEEkvt.IR:y. pmEs ;THIS•MATEF TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH ITS DELNEFiY ON ANY PRIVATEPREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES•CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE JOB 2. WE AL-10*.74141h..PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBLE-FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. THEREWILL BE•AN EXTRA CHARGE FORDEXIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TEFIMS;;NET 104. 6. A1.5% LATE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. TE DUCTS :WARNING: Angeies Concrete; Ptoclitcis coi)crete Is designed at a 4 slump. Additional Water WILL.,tesult ittl9wetstteritjth. 6 DATE 1 TICKET 0i0.4 0 I 30475 SOLO TO: GREEN CRED D P 0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT oFlt:Mf 9 00 00 C4-5'.444 *;W sENTRA:INMENT q;. 00- 72 .90 01 00 .W PpLytiEpj. 55177 1.E 00 1 'Oo AIR DRIVER JEFF WATER ADDEDAT CUSTOMERS .REQUEST GALLONS i BY GYLIAJDEAS.7 ti YES a NO ACT. SLUMP f t PY I ORDER I PLANT I .TRUCK 1 1,, 1 1 01 A60 I PROJECT: MILL SHIP TO: ECLIPSE IND PKW\ -0 CASH 0 CREDIT CARD MIMI! 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK It 1 WAIT10.11* CHARGE TAX REOEIVEO.UNDER.SAID CO °MONS OF SALE PAY THIS b„, AMOUNT 1 START DISCHARGE I FINISH DISCHARGE ;7:F777' •Y: tARRIVE PLANT CUSTOMER 630. AVAJL. WAT. WARNING Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali bums Wash affected areas with soap and water "tiEE.1\71:IrrfNES P.O. 1 ••1 i 'AV' -A IN L f I f 4 ETE: THIS MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABILIT FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION Y. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY FORA SUITABLE ROADWAY TO, POINT OF,DEUVERY AF/D BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTINGT START-DISCHARGE. FlNlSH 1?)./14F4IPE.--- 0YLIFI06ftsTrai,EN AVAIL:VAT. !A ay ORDER! I PLANT! 1 TRUCK! I CUSTOMER f I 2 0:1 630 WITH ITS- DEUVERY ON'ANY PRIVATERREMISE.ANDTO.PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROMALL SUCH CLAIMS. '2. WEALLOW 7. MIN. PEFLYARD TO DISCHARGE. ANYADDMONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. CUSTOMERAS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKERPEBS ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. '5._ 'TERMS,. NET 10TH. 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BECHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is designed at a 4' slump. Additional water WILL result in tower strengths. DATE 1 TICKET! 08/04/10 30479 SOLD TO: GREEN CREEK. P 0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 9 00 alx 00 4,0z..94) -,C4 9644 9 00 81,00 ?0,00 A IS 5 Gt.00 90459. DEE DRIVER WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S'REQUEST •,GALLONS ,By Address: 4410 S Airport Road Mailing P0 Box 304 is Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone. (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 IIROJEC.T: MILL S HIP To -Ect_APqE END. PKWY 1/2, _OV W/RENC;RIAIR. .E'NTRA POLY.H0 997 0 CASH D CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE D CHECK RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS F 54.g. r Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with. soap and water SUBTOTAL WAITING TJME.CHARGE tA)( WARNING P.O. LOAD DELIVERED QUANTITY QUANTITY ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ANGELES 9pNtRETE PRODUCTS SOLD TO: WATERADDED AT :CUSTOMER'S REQUEST '6 4 GREEN CREEK P 0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA- 98362 JIM DRIVER Address. WARNING 4410 S Airport Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing. PO Box 304 r Port Angeles, WA 98362 alkali burns Wash affected areas Phone (360) 457-0443 El Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap and water 1.:;.1:17ti&....0f. ,."..',....1:GENERACTERMSAND Ti 'DELIVERVTIMES-7.- 1 CUSTOMER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING E/P THIS MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL UABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY'OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH ITS DEUVEFIY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE 2. WE ALLOW 7 MIN. PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DEUVERY. 4. THERE WILL BEAN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DEUVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START. DISCHARGE 5. TERMS, NET 10TH. 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY. BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is CYLINDERS TAlcEN YES ip NO ACT...SyJNIP AVAIL !VAT. designed at a 4 slump. Additional water ARRIVE e LAtT WILL result in lower strengths. BY DATE 1 TICKET I ORDER I PLANT I TRUCK CUSTOMER# 1 P.O. 08/94/1u 1 39483 1 2 1 01 1 A67 1 6309 1 0 CASH 0 CREDIT CARD .1=1 ;CHARGE Li -CHECK RECEIVEDI/NDER SAID S.Aa .GALLONs BY PROJECT: MILL FINISH DISCHARGE SHIP TO: ECLIPSE IND Ptz:WY LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT *0 p -4. 9 00' 90 00 9,9. 00 C--9444 5 1./2 SK 14/REDUCER/AIR +7./ r lov akin rex, rep c 9 -Op 99 00 90 00. AIR .AIR ENTRAINMENT' 9 06' 90- :00 90 W/R POLYHEED 9.97 ri SUBTOTAL WAITINS,TiliAECHARGE TAX 8 OMER ASSUMES titsp SUITABLE ROADWAY *0. POINT OFbEUVERY AND BY,ORDERING AND ACCEPTING' !-EAYE-W ••••••••,:t-t'• MATERIALTHE*PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPER11Y OR PERSONS IN .CONNECTION WITH ITS DELIVEAY.-ON ANY PRIVATE:PREMISE Ai4D TORROTECTANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ,N3FINKAB 2. WE ALLOW 7 MIN: PER YARD TO DISCHARGE ANY ADDMONALTIME WILL BE:CHARGED AT.$80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER is RESPONSIBLE.FOR'WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY 4. THERE WILL BE AH EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS'THAN FOUR:(4) CUBIC YARDS OFtONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. STRT E4S9 1 1AFAGE 5. TERMS,NFr1071-1. a A 1.a% LATE FEE mAy* CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. FINISH DISCHARGE WARNING: AiicAsis Col*.iste Products concrete is designed aAi".51unipAdOiLioria1 water WILL result in 1Ortiv DATE I TICKET 08/03i 10 .30441 '.0000 CEFt< P i p*, 2449 P(:)07 'AN6ELES WA SOLD TO: LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 9 0 900 72O0 C945 9 :00 9 00 72i0o AIF ori DRIVER DEE WATERAOAED AT CUSTOMER'S 'FiEOUEST Address: 4410 S ,AirRort Mailing: PO :BOX•304 PortAngeles WA 98362 CTS Phoile.(360).:457-0443 •Fffx (360)-452-4744 GALLONS 983 .CYLINDERSTAKEN YE S 0:1;N0 ACT:SWMP ORDER PLANT 1 TRUCK# 2 I 01 I A55 :SAP•te;:sAIR-/WATER. REDOCER AIR 'ENTRAINMENT 'FVO:HEOD 997 1. BY 0 CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE CM CHECK RECEIVED UNDER:SAID CONDITIONS,OF• SALE PROJECT: P1I LL ;SHIP TO: ECLIPSE IND PKWY f .tic&-- CUSTOMER 6305 WARNING Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water .:11,DELIVERY4IMES72! I A 1 311, 1 vg•FIANT *4 iiviarriniC if* oiiiihbE TAX MER ASSUMES: RESPOI■ISIBIU4FORA SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POIi■IT7OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING I.tIW P.17ANJ S MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABIUTY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION ITH rrp.(0.1VERY ON ANY PRIVATE PRENIISEANtiTO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ;ARRIVE JOB 2. WOti,L0w.7:IvilN. PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR ""'"V CUSTOMERIS:AESPONSIBLE FOR FEES REOUIRED ON THIS DEUVERY. 4. THortEmilu CHAFIGEFOR OEUVEFIIES LESS THAN FOUR (4),CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TERMS NET 10TH. :6: .0.6% FF:E mAY.Bg CHARGED ON.BALANCES OVER'30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is designed at a 4 slump. AdOitionet Water W114. result in strengths. DATE :1 TICKET 1. ORDER 1 PLANt.# 1 TRUCK 1. I 08/03/1.0 l; 804.4J 2 I 01 430S`' SOLO TO: GREEN CREEK P BOX .2469: :PORT ANGELES WA 99342 LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 4 06 1050)0 6. 6744.c* A,TRA.4A,Tgpt :REDUCER trat 01).J ,:o;F AIR ENTRAINMNT WiR ppLy:Hgp, oo- 6:4s746aGotg[NallotsisPr'‘ri' ;1 WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMERS REOUEST DRIVER JASON G ALLONS r Address: 44.10 S Airport Road Mailing: PQ Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone. (360) 457-0443 w Fax (360) 452-4744 ,gr- py Li CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK AEOENgp UNDER spgicONOITIQNS OF SALE START:DISCHARGE ',ARRIVE PLANT CUSTOMER PROJECT: 1 1 I LA- :81iipira ECLIPSE INp PKWY WARNING Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water TAX P.O. kRAVTE RM g -7 ?iNCVCONDITIONa n 1 DELIVERY MER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY-FORA SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING I LEAVE PLANT MATERIALTHE PURCHASER AGREES, TO ASSUME ALL LIABIUTY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION EH ITS, DELIVERY 01444Y. PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PFIOTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE'..10a. VVEALLOW 7 MIN PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY ApbmoNAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER IS,RESPONSIBLE WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY 4: THEREWILL BEA4EXTFIA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TERMS, NET 10TH. 6. A 1. LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON 1:14.0sicEs OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING AngeIes, Concrete Products concrete is ddsignecl at a 4 slump. Additipn water WILLreSoit in lower strengths. DATE I TICKET 0 $0445 sok„vrq: PRi"psi CREEK P .p. 1pt.),x. 4449 PcikT AN3ELES WA 7 e"Og- C 9 00 27 .09 7o A Ark 9 "k",C4 e 7-00 W iR DRIVER WATER ADDED AT ;cusTOMEi3s REQUEST GALLONS Address. 4410 S. Airport Road Mailing. P0 Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 TO-INqE,Arts ,TANW4 11 NO 1 ORDER I PLANT I 2 I 01 1 9836a, TRUCK A39 'ACT SlUMP AVAIL l'IYAT. ARMY, kfW CUSTOMER 630z: PROJECT: M ILL 'SRO:40: ECLIPSE INP.PKWY LOAD DELIVERED QUANTITY QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 4 :$4k AR/t4400 REDUCER AIR ENTRAINMENTr :Pr.:VeHg01 4:97 CASH CREDIT CARD, MIKE '0: CHARGE 0 CHECK RECK1VE.V0NDER:SAIQQ0NDFFIONS OF SALE WARNING Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali bums Wash affected areas with soap and water START DISCHARGE DISCHARGE WAITING TIME CHARGE' TAX P.O. Y THIS AUCIress. IIIIHMININU 4410 S Airport Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing: PO Box 304 iii Port Angeles WA 98362 alkali burns Wash affected areas TS T Phone. (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap and water GENERACTERMS,ANWOONDITIONS I DELIVERYTIMES7 MER ASSUMES .RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING ILE/WE PLANT MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION ITH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISEANCi TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. WE ALLOW 7 MIN. PER.YARD TO DISCHARGE. Y ARGE. AN ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. I 'ARRIVE JOB 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. I 4. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START DISCHARGE 5. TERMS, NET i OTH. 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED.ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. FINISH DISCHARGE WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is CYLINDERS "o YES '0 NO ACT. SLUMP AVAIL. WAT. designed at a 4 slump. Additional water ARRIVE PLANT WILL result in.lower strengths. BY DATE I TICKET rt. I ORDER 1 I PLANT 1 I TRUCK/ 1 CUSTOMER 1 08 /03 /1 0 1 30446 I a. I 01 A55 630 SOLD TO: LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 9:00 36 00'7 00 C-9645 4 SACK AIR/WATER REDUCER 9 00 36 00 72 co. AIR AIR ENTRAINMENT 9 00 36 00 72 00 W /R POLYHEED 997 DEE WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GREEN CREEK P O,BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 DRIVER 4 7 LJ CASH LJ CREDIT CARD El CHARGE El CHECK RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS OF SALE GALLONS BY PROJECT: MILL SHIP TO: ECL I F'SE I ND PI-(14.'t SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE TAX PAY THIS AMOUNT P.O. Pk' HUU 4410 S. Airport Road. Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing: P0 Box 304 Port Angeles WA 98362 alkali burns Wash affected areas Phone. (60) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap and water. 1. GENERALTERMSANDCONDEFLONS DELIVERY mER RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND 'ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT S MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION ITH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE JOB, WE ALLOW7 MIN. YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY ADDMONAL T1ME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DEUVERY. 4. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS.THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START DISCHARGE 5: TERMS; NET 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products Concrete is designed at a 4 slump. Additional water WILL result in lower strengths. DATE 1 TICKET 08/03/10 SOLD TO: WATER ADDED CUSTOMERS REQUEST DRIVER JASON 30447 GREEN CREEK P 0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 GALLONS BY .FIN)§HeDISCHARGE :CYLINSERS,TAKF_N• GP YES a NO ACT. SLUMP AVA3LWAT. 1; ARRIVE PLANT BY ORDER I PLANT I TRUCK 1 CUSTOMER 2 01: A59 I 630tt PROJECT: MILL SHIP TO: ECLIPSE I ND PKWY P.O. LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 9 00. .45. 06 70: .00 Q' 6 SACK AIR/WATER REDUCER 9 00 45 00: 70,00. AIR. AIR E 7 00 45:7, Q0 7a .00 W /R PQLYHEEP 997 0 CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS OF SALE SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE! TAX 1; SOLO .TO: (4 WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST WEINEWAYTERIVIS DELIVERYTIMES MER-ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE spArmy TO POINT OF DEUVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE P 1 4NY MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIADIUTY FOR.DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION TH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE :AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. WE ALLOW 7 1.0104:FR YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY. ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR: 3. CUSTOMERIS.RESFONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIR ON THIS DELIVERY. 4: THERE WILL BE AN CHARGE FOR DEUVERIES OF LESS THAN, FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. 5. TERMS, NET 10TH: 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products is designed at a 4 slump. Additional water .WILL iesi*th lower strengths. DATE 1 TICKET 08103/0 I 00448. .GREEN CREEK P 0. :OX 2469' PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 900 $4 7a.00 C-9645 1. 9 00 •54.0() 72 00 AIR 9 00 54 00 72-0a WiR MIKE DRIVER Address: 4410 S Airport Road Mailing: P0 Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone. (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 GALLONS BY FYES GN0. ACT SLJUMp. cY BKF- BY ORDER 1 1 PLANT 1 1 TRUCK 1 CUSTOMER 1 E I 01 A39 630 PROJECT: M LL SHIPTO: ECLIPSE IND .PKWV O CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK RECEIVED UNDER PMD.PPNPMPNP QF SALE RRIVE JOS" 6 'SACK AIR /WATER 'REDUCER AIR ENTRAINMENT •POLYHEED 997 VV1411M WARNING Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water START DJsetiNi9 FiNISFI'DISCHAFIGE :ARRIVE pLANT LOAD DELIVERED QUANTITY QUANTITY ORDERED PRODUCT QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL CHARGE TAX P.O. 1 virbtruviivu 4410 S Airport Road Wet cement can dry skin and cause Mailing: P Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 alkali burns Wash affected areas Phone (360) 457-0443 Fax (360) 452-4744 with soap and water GENERAL TERMS:AND: CONDITIONS 4 DELIVERY TIMES MER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FORA SUITe ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT ALL LIABIIJTY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSU ITH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE.4os, WE ALLOW 7 MIN. PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START DISCHARGE 5. TERMS, NET 10TH. 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is CYUNDERS TAKEN 0 YES. 0 NO ACT. SLUMP designed at a 4 slump. Additional water WILL result in lower strengths. BY DATE 1 TICKET .1 ORDER 1 PLANT 1 TRUCK 00 I 30449 2 (*)1 A55 SOLD TO: GREEN GREEV .0 BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 90342 DRIVER DEE 9 00 pp. 9 00 43 •00 00 •A IR 9' 00 00 7a :06 'W/R WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GALLONS BY PROJECT: M I LL ECLIPSE INP PKW' SHIPTO: o CASH 0 CREDIT CARD 0 CHARGE 0 CHECK RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS .OF SALE ARRIVE PLAN CUSTOMER 630q -044:'W))T- FINISH DISCHARGE 6 SACK AIR/WATER REDUCER AIR ENTRAINMENT POILYKEEP 997 LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WAITING TIME ,A CHARGE TAX I •i FP..,7'C 1 HIV(atLtb CONCRETE PR9DUCTS SOLD TO: WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S REQUEST GENERAL TERMS ANIlf.CONDITIONS I DELIVERY TIMES 1 CUSTOMER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR A SUITABLE ROADWAY TO POINT OF DELIVERY AND BY ORDERING AND ACCEPTING LEAVE PLANT THIS MATERIAL THE PURCHASER AGREES TO ASSUME ALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY OR PERSONS IN CONNECTION WITH ITS DELIVERY ON ANY PRIVATE PREMISE AND TO PROTECT ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS FROM ALL SUCH CLAIMS. ARRIVE JOB 2. WE ALLOW 7 MIN. PER YARD TO DISCHARGE. ANY ADDITIONAL TIME WILL BE CHARGED AT $80.00 PER HOUR. 3. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRECKER FEES REQUIRED ON THIS DELIVERY. 4. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES OF LESS THAN FOUR (4) CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER TRUCK LOAD. START DISCHARGE 5. TERMS, NET 10TH. 6. A 1.5% LATE FEE MAY BE CHARGED ON BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS. WARNING: Angeles Concrete Products concrete is CYLINDERS TAKEN 0 YES NO ACT. SLUMP AVAIL WAT. designed at a 4 slump. Additional water WILL result in lower strengths. BY DATE 1 TICKET I ORDER 1 PLANT I TRUCK 1 CUSTOMER 08/03/10 30455 2 01 I A55 630 GREEN CREEK P O BOX 2469 FORT ANGELES WA 98362 DRIVER 9.00 72 -00 ^2 00 C -9645 9' 00 72. 00 774 00 AIR 9 00 72 00 '72 00 W/R Au V 1 VJO. 4410 S Airport Road Mailing. PO Box 304 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone (360) 457 -0443 Fax (360) 452 -4744 PROJECT: MILL CASH CREDIT CARD DEE CHARGE CHECK RECEIVED UNDER SAID CONDITIONS OF SALE GALLONS BY ARRIVE PLANT SHIP To: ECLIPSE IND PKW VVMI1lrlltll7 Wet cement can dry skin and cause alkali burns Wash affected areas with soap and water FINISH DISCHARGE 6 SACK A I'R /WATER REDUCER' 5 t2- QO 470/Z457. AIR .ENTRAINMENT 67D POLYHEED 997 3 Oa SUBTOTAL WAITING TIME CHARGE P.O. LOAD DELIVERED ORDERED QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT O/2,0© X05 0/ 7, 0/ 1 PtedgidnAeberE&Actessbdes..11ne. JOB NUMBER 1 1 P/CASHT I RELEASE NUMBER 1231 I REQ. DELIVERY DATE I PAGE 1 7/27/20 1 0 111 i71:21UtI Pkine(3130)5744022 .FAX(503)224-7414. Green Cifeek Lumber DeBarker Ic y3 vithpoiiver.0,0A. :9046s JOB NAME MATERIAL TYPE I REFERENCE DRAWiNG ID I DESCRIPTION Rebar, Grade 60, Black 1 PREPAID C 0.0 1 REINF REBAR DELIVERY ADDRESS 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR PORT ANGELES WA CONTACT GIL GRIFFES 360-888-6119 TOTAL Total Weight: 18,006 Lbs Longest Length: 40-00 I SIZE I 1 0 I C H II TOTAL 19 '330 NO 2 419 5 4,965 191 495 5,651 10930 10,930 7 1,006 0 0 1,006 16990 '521 495 18,006 v6.30.293 (T) 02010 aS la UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED CUSTOMER 11 B Horton Bros Inc. 14 WEIGHTSUMMARY STRAIGHT 1 1 1:IGHTBENDING 1 EAVY:BENDING 1 1 SIZE I 1 ITEMS I I PIECES 11 LBS I 1 ITEMS I I PIECES U LBS I 1 ITEMS I 1 PIECES LBS I 1 ITEMS 11 PIECES I I LBS Rebar. Grade 60. Black A '119 414 T 40 19 ;1. :OD :289.: A 4. c 5 15 380 5651 12 304 4965 0 0 0 3 76 686 6 14: 857: 1090. 43 :05 *AO:. :p.. 0 0 ty 41..; 1,:b: 7 1 24 1006 1 24 1006 0 0 0 0 0 0 g"' 401 1:800 4: 16990 1. 1. AO OD: zq. '79: i666, BENDCLASSSUMMARY Rebar. Grade 60. Black CIPPICE 7/21/2010 1:60 PM H BILL CASH CUSTOMER (TAX) MrR /DET ,3.4 NORTON BROS, INC P -T b;`:h=DE ili'E13' 436 ECLIPSE VEST DR O PORT ANGELES WA CUSTOMER 740. JOB NUMBER CASSHT A 1712 NE sto t(@er I '`O Q'� =98865 (800) 815'23i2_= cessorl'es 45M:224 -6208 tt 1 __(360).5744.1022,-. A c Fax (503) 224.7414 Cti3E A' R* NF REB `;.SPECF'AL.::INSTRU.CTIONS; CUST P.0 No. ONTA`C7'' TOT I: 3T THIS S .015 T3:cK-ET OFFICE ;COPY =Straight-Bill of--Lading: -Short Form DATE C A M B E R F.O.B.- 10006 160216 i RECEIVED subect_faaha ;dass(noeilone, end. lalI Us: jn :efect'on.thedateof.tha.leaueof eppa; fhls't3111.dE Ceiling; lliepropeiAy :desciltietlafiove�.iii rentga'oA.ortler noted ,3 loonteliti;aijd oo solcanten,sldhpaokati@stunkr Wn),'iiarketl,.wnalgned, and destiriedaa :1iidlc'ated:aliova:whloh; acid: carnet.(theuhord varderbelnp. .understood throughout:We contracts; meaning' arycperaoh *,;.00rporetlon oi :tha proparry..)ufdar7he; con egteaeto ^oarry�to'dta:.usual;plece•o1 deliaarY,.atcaekt :desllnation;;fl on'-:ke• milts,- odierwloo 110 dellventd: enotherc arderon•the'roule:do•:aild destkiadon t1t to"m uurelly agteedas :eardenb oragy 6l.:eald'prgierty. a erall' manyvortiQri, 'cf•eeidtouteyatdesttnatiotrand aslo arytimainterestedta .:egoranyseld,plgperly:htie' Very: seivloa: td. be; perlorrriedhereundershatbeaubleotto .DATE. :811the.15111leding tarns: and.:om coition ':In the.govenning;daashkatlan on the date NOTE0bobtaln alltnaance for shortage or damage, must advise shipperyaMik. .Shipper Viareby.cer8fies•that. he.is •familiar with' all the bill of lading terms and 5 days of receipt of material. Customer' has 'absolutat no;pemdsaion to refabricete' cotdldondin'th'e.goveredno clessiticelion andlhe .seldternm.and, conditions ere hereby malerialwhich wIll result In arback -cheige.to consent of shipper. 'agreed.toby the,z3hlpperand•accepteditot himself and his assign's. DATE. C•AR'RI,ER. CONSIGNEE PER Precision Rebor Vancouver, WA 98665 1712 NE 991h Street EM:401 k4 21 Accessories (800) 815-2312 t5O3) 224-6208 *ri/ e171 15ilaInc (360) 574-1022 Fax (503) 224-7414 P/R /DET 14-HORTON BROS, INC GREEN CREEK LUMGER-DeBARKER 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR PORT ANGELES WA DONALD W JQRTON CONST P 0 BOXt BRCIOK I NGS OR 97'416 4$4-1- OFFICE COPY INVOICE NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON TAX, FREIGHT, OR LABOR. RETAINAGE NOT PERMITTED. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADD A 1% PER MO. MB% PR ANNUM MAO MINIMUM SHIM ORANGE IF NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS OF INVOICE DATE. NO STATEMENT WILL BE RENDERED, RETURN COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT, OR SHOW INVOICE NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK. 0..-P OBc: TTr. 17:ASHT O. D NET 30 '7A X A BLE T1 WA UNITS PR10E/UNIT 9TYJRL 1 REINF STL PER REL 231 18006L8 7342.00 ('ODE AY3 REINF REBAR PR FREIGHT 850 00 4 h, rAL 11•411:010E. 1 I NVlIDE.DAr k PVCYF0183 1 017/2f4/101 VANCOUVER. WA .ciAROLel4 ATLANTIC&PACIFIC 2 .4 AktE,S..TIVA. Aiy101014t 8192 00 671 74 8863 74 d• ®. -VoRr r r �'�►-� `�' CITY OF PORT ANGELES OFFICE OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 321 EAST FIFTH ST.PHONER AN 4 L 4735WASHINGTON 98362 Ric oPERP J t t W-- Li b6 PROGRESSIVE INSPECTION REPORT DO.. NOT CONCEAL OR DESTROY Pege_cf ,. �-�- -s ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 SATE NPERM]IT # I NSP[ 7 l O CR /C TRA�OR A1DRCSS APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ .................... DITCH .................... ❑ ❑ ................ ROUGH IN /COVER ............... ❑ 0. . . ...... .......... SERVICE ................... ❑ ❑ — ............ ......FINAL.................... ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: '95-M QV V-7 }D1YZ,)`y,� b '7U Z� its6b5u- 41L D ' NOTIFY INSPECT € VHEN - -� T ARE COMPLET i�fiT�lli�i 15 DAYS — D0 N® MOVE- OLYMPIC PAINTERS, INC. (3KO 452 -1361 Z 01* al N lk ........ ...... -- DITCH.. - , ...... ........ 0 ROUGH IN/COVER. . . ......... -0 0 .............. ... SERVICE ....... ........ . - 0 0., . ................. . FINAL . ......... ........ 0 CORRECTIONS NEEDED: 40 t-j-z- 11-1 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS = illo�f ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ,4k WIRING REPORT RKS 417-4735 DATE: PERMIT 4 lNSFECFOFt L6 OWNE CONTRACTOF! ADDRESS (v v u) 01* al N lk ........ ...... -- DITCH.. - , ...... ........ 0 ROUGH IN/COVER. . . ......... -0 0 .............. ... SERVICE ....... ........ . - 0 0., . ................. . FINAL . ......... ........ 0 CORRECTIONS NEEDED: 40 t-j-z- 11-1 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS = illo�f ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application'Number . . . . . 13- 00001416 mate 1/17/14 Application pin number . . . 391768 DITCH Property Address . . , , 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06 -30 18 -1 -3 0100 -0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use FINAL Property Zoning . . . . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application vaJ.uation . . . . 0 Application desc 81ock Permit Jan., 1 - June 30 2014 Owner Contractor GREEN CREEK WOOD PRODUCTS LLC OWNER PO SOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -3304 Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional dose BLOCK PERMIT JAN. 1 -- JUNE 30 Permit Fee 1154,50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 1/17/14 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 7/16/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1164.50 Fee Summary Charged Paid ,Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1154.50 1154.50 Plan .Check Total 00 00 .00 ,00 Grand Total 1154.50 1154.50 .00 .00 6 r-'* <�Ir7n t..- r, 9.v,*, _Vn L7_'T-e, REPORT SALES TAX on your excise fax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL 2,Pp r4 COMMENTS: PERMIT WELL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTI-IS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or llectrical Contractor X Date: GAEXCI4AGEIBUILDING W 1' 1' V V F 0j) Ric, T N ELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. 1111® Public Works & Utilities Department December 7, 2012 Tad Price Green Creek Wood Products LLC PO Box 2469 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Annual Electrical Block Permits, PAMC 14.05.140.B 2 Dear Mr. Price: : f Green Creek's annual electrical block permit, issued by the City of Port Angeles, expires December 31, 2012, The Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) addressing electrical block permits states that: A firm, corporation, or other entity which has a regularly employed electrical maintenance staff, which is exempted from the requirement to have an electrician certificate of competency by RCW.19.28.091, may choose to purchase a $1154.50 biannual electrical work permit for work done by in -house electrical personnel rather than a work permit for each installation, or alteration in accordance with the section. Work done by contractors shall not be included in this block permit. The inspector will track work requested under the block permit until $1154.50 worth of fees is reached, after which additional fees will be charged. Additional fees will be based on the published E fee schedule in Port Angeles Municipal Code 13.12.100. On October 18, 2011, the City Council adopted the new electrical permit fees with an' effective date of January 1, 2012. These new fees, which are less than those of the Department of Labor and Industries, provide for full cost recovery of service. The billing cycle far 2013 is as follows: r 1st billing cycle: January 1 through June 30 2 "d billing cycle: July 1 through December 31 Please send remittance to: City of Port Angeles Attn: Trent Peppard, Electrical Inspector P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Please include a copy of the enclosed payments due receipt with your remittance, along with the fax number where you wish to have a copy of the permit sent. The scheduling of inspections and /or questions may be answered by calling 360 - 417 - 4'735. I look forward to working with you in this matter. Si.'�n�ce^rely, Trent Peppard Senior Electrical Inspector cc: Jim Klarr, Operations Manager 3 Phone: 360-417-4800 / Fax: 360 -417 -4542 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: pubIicworks @cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box -1150 / Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0217 ® -PORT AS CITY OF PORT ANGELES OFFICE OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 321 EAST FIFTH ST, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 FCTRIC OAP'(`® PHONE: (360) 417 -4735 PROGRESSIVE INSPECTION REPORT DO NOT CONCEAL OR DESTROY Job Name (Permit No I,JYVLIGI - Lw IGVLIL+PI 4VIILIQVLVI L T] La 31 Location Inspection Date Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken (z. C-6 ki 1) u (T Fzvj4 1 o rz reI rzi L_L- CO tj (> t) ! +Z 6sMA?5 Y'2— 9 Electrical Inspector Page -oi PREPARED 12405/12, 8:00:32 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT PROGRAM BP820L - - - - _ - - - _ - - _� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . --- - _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ APPLICATION NUMBER: 12- 00001588 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 1154.50 TOTAL DUE 1154.50 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number . . . , . 12- 00001588 Date 1/22/13 Application pin number . . . 512440 Property Addresa , . . , . . 436 ECLIPSE WEST DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06- 30- 18 -1 -3 -0100- 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name , . . . . . Property Use . , , , . . . Property Zoning , , , . , INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation , , , , 0 Application desc Block permit Jan, 1 - June 30 $1154,50 Owner Contractor GREEN CREEK WOQD PRODUCTS LLC OWNER PQ BOX 2469 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -3304 --____°_--____________.._.---------------------- ---- ------ ------------ - - -- - -- Permit , , , , , , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc BLOCK PERMIT JAN. 1 - JUNE 30 Permit Fee 1154.50 Plan Check Fee DO Issue Date 1/22/13 Valuation . , , , 0 Expiration.Date 7/22/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1154,50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1154.50 1154,50 ,00 ,OD Plan Check Total 00 OQ 00 OD Grand Total, 1154.50 1154,50 ,00 Qo REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:TXCHANGEIBUILDING b