This AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the last signature date written below, is between Global Energy
Partners, "Global and the City of Port Angeles (COPA).
This Project aims to enable C &I DR assets in order to:
City of Port Angeles 1
Record #000162
Bonneville Power Administration "BPA will conduct a pilot project with the City of Port Angeles "COPA to demonstrate
the technical and economic efficacy of an automated demand response (DR) strategy to mitigate peak demand. The
project will be henceforth referred to as the "Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project" "Project
BPA will also investigate and collect information as to the responsiveness of commercial and industrial (C &I) loads served
by COPA to determine the benefits of DR as a tool for assisting BPA meet system loads and grid conditions
Delay or eliminate regional transmission system upgrades.
Reduce peak demand
Reduce the city's wholesale power supply costs to its end -use customers.
Test the ability to dispatch specific C &I loads through automated DR strategies.
Test the efficacy of Catalyst Energy Technologies' Smart Storage Kit.
Global is under Contract No 00047383 with BPA to deliver project development and management services for the
Project. The pilot project, which is partially funded by BPA, is designed to demonstrate demand response capabilities and
technologies in the Pacific Northwest.
The COPA and BPA have a MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA) concerning the Commercial and Industrial
Demand Response Pilot Program executed on February 8, 2011
Commercial and lndustnal Demand Response Pilot Project Participation Agreement
Between Global Energy Partners and the City of Port Angeles
1 As stated in the MOA, all work attributable to BPA's portion of the overall Project budget will be carried out by Global,
except as specified in either Sections 5.c or 5.d Work by subcontractors will be invoiced to Global on a monthly basis
Global will, in turn, submit a monthly invoice to BPA and COPA for work carried out in the prior month BPA and
COPA will process each invoice within 30 days of the receipt of each invoice and make payments to Global
accordingly. Global will then pay customer participants and subcontractors for work performed on the Project per the
terms in their respective participation agreements and subcontracts COPA shall report to Global as descnbed herein
for expenses included in either Sections 5.c or 5.d. Under no circumstances will Global or the COPA be liable for
invoices exceeding the specific amounts in Exhibit B or this Agreement, unless approved in advance by both parties.
2 COPA will work with Global as referenced in the MOA to co -fund implementation costs specified in Section 5.b,
participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Project by providing ongoing support.
3 Global, on behalf of BPA and COPA, shall carry out the following obligations:
a. Serve as project manager on behalf of the Project Team (contractually accountable to BPA) including COPA
customer and subcontractor payment responsibility and assure all Project goals are met within the allotted
budget and timeline and that all resources are used as effectively as possible, except as specified in either
Sections 5 c or 5.d. Any increase in Global's cost shall be approved by BPA in advance.
b. Coordinate and facilitate communication among Project Team members and COPA's customers as needed.
c. Serve as Project Manager, executing and managing all COPA customer Participation Agreements and vendor
sub contracts and administering COPA's cash cost -share costs for equipment and incentives not to exceed
$92,000 for COPA customers and sub contractors after verifying all work is acceptable, except as specified
in either Sections 5 c or 5 d. Global will invoice COPA for these cash cost -share costs, and COPA agrees to
reimburse Global for these cash cost -share costs.
d. Develop and execute a Project plan, work with Project Team to develop evaluation methods, collect
appropriate /desired data, perform analyses when needed, craft reports, and any other pertinent tasks
identified by the Project Team, and approved by BPA, that are deemed necessary for the successful
execution of the Project.
e. Share any and all project deliverables with Project Team members within ten working days of completion or
receipt of such deliverables. Unless otherwise directed, all deliverables will be shared with the Project Team
in the formats in which they were received.
f. Conduct weekly status meetings.
g. Prepare weekly and monthly summary reports.
h Monitor and adhere to project budgets and schedules.
?IP a ge
Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project Participation Agreement
Between Global Energy Partners and the City of Port Angeles
4. COPA will work with Global to assist, as needed, on the following pilot tasks:
a. Participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Project by providing ongoing support as
needed, including but not limited to advice and technical and design assistance
b. Co -fund implementation costs through the previously agreed upon cost share for equipment and incentives
c. Serve as the project manager on behalf of the Project Team per the budget specified in Exhibit B of the MOA
for increasing fiber connectivity (limited to installation up to the demarcation point and recurring costs not to
exceed $32,125.00), the economic evaluation to be completed by EES Consulting (not to exceed
$20,300 00), the communications plan implementation (not to exceed $15,000.00), including subcontractor
payment responsibility. Any increase in the City's cost shall be approved by Global in advance.
d. Serve as the project manager and lead the Project Team on TASK 3.4 what use to be referred to as
Dispatchable Demand Response is now referred to as "Voltage Optimization Demand Reduction" the budget
specified in Exhibit B of the MOA (not to exceed' $50,910.00), including subcontractor payment responsibility
This project component will be addressed once 'COPA completes the installation of the equipment necessary
to use its Automated Metering infrastructure system to monitor and report the lowest end -of -line feeder
voltage per substation into the City's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Any
increase in the City's cost shall be approved by Global in advance.
e. Allow the City Hall and Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant to participate in the Project, and recruit C &I pilot
participants for the Project as needed.
f. If required, allow communication protocol to be established through its SCADA system to allow a remote
initiation of dispatchable demand response requests.
g. Assist in project execution as needed, especially in management of local customer relationships.
h. Monitor and adhere to project budgets and schedules
i. Participate in weekly status meetings.
j Contribute to weekly and monthly summary reports.
5. Equipment/Installation Incentives paid by Global may require customer participants to complete a W -9. In the
course of performing the work, Global may be given access to confidential and /or proprietary commercial, and
technical, and financial information ("Information Global agrees not to disclose or otherwise make the Information
available to other third parties, and to maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the
nature of the Information. COPA agrees that Global may use Customer's energy consumption information as
necessary to detail the results of the Project providing that each Customer has authorized the City to release such
information. Any information given to the Global related to COPA customers must comply with the Federal Trade
Commission Red Flags Rules as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003.
Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project Participation Agreement
Between Global Energy Partners and the City of Port Angeles
7. The term of this Agreement shall expire on August 31, 2012, unless the Parties mutually agree to either an extension
or an early termination of the Agreement.
VI/lititi, A. I y
Address r"a t) V: 1440-
4SLk MIA Nuf C—st..c. i —C44—
g4 C1.6
Phone: 424r 4f2 24a'Z'i
Name' l .'e/VVE ■l Pir5
Title: 0/4-4 4-4 V IG itAa.01./Y
Address: r (30X /15
?a l acs. WA- IT-3b01
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