HomeMy WebLinkAbout110 Penn St - Land UseCITY OF
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
DATE: May 25, 2012
TO: Glenn Cutler, Director
Public Works and Utilities
FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager
SUBJECT: Border Patrol Landscaping
Following are comments relative to the Border Patrol's proposed landscaping plan (Sheet L100
no date) for remodel of the property at the southwest corner of Penn Street and Front Street.
1. Three stormwater handling areas are shown. Plants indicated for use are typical of those
used in such areas and are appropriate. Size and stormwater handling capacity must be
verified by PW &U.
2. A large area along the White's Creek ravine will have paving replaced by vegetation.
The area should be left as natural as possible using low maintenance techniques
appropriate for environmentally sensitive areas.
The site plan shows a total of 88 parking spaces. At one tree for each six (6) parking spaces, the
number of trees required by Section 17.23.230(E) PAMC is 14. Fourteen (14) sourwood
(Oxydendrum arboreum) trees are proposed. Sourwood is a recommended tree. However,
Sourwood has shown some difficulty during transplanting and only container grown trees should
be used. Replacement is required of trees that don't survive. Supplemental irrigation during dry
summers for at least two growing seasons should ensure survivability. Plans show that a
mulched tree ring will be used on all trees planted. This mulched area must be at least two (2)
feet wide measured from the tree trunk or root flare. Trees will not be planted within the existing
parking area because no new parking is being added.
Both Penn Street and 2 Street are shown to be planted with an alternating row of Aristocrat
Flowering Pear and Persian Parrotia. Both species are medium sized and appropriate for the
area. It is recommended from a visual perspective to trade locations of the individual Parrotia on
Penn Street with the Flowering Pear at the far west end of 2 Street to provide symmetry with
the Penn Street planting and frame the west site entry with trees of the same type.
No planting is shown for the north facing slope (right -of -way) above Hwy 101. Per Code, the
area must be maintained by the abutting property owner in an erosion free manner. Vegetation
such as native shrubs is encouraged and would result in less maintenance than would no shrubs.
The removal of non native weeds (such as scotch broom) is the responsibility of the abutting
property owner per Code.
FEB 2 2 2011
Mr. Nathan West, Director
City of Port Angeles
Department of Community and Economic Development
321 East 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Dear Mr. West:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is pleased to provide a copy of the Draft
Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the
construction, operation, and maintenance of a new Port Angeles Border Patrol Station in Clallam
County, Washington. CBP invites your participation in the public comment process and requests
your review of the enclosed Draft EA and FONSI. The Draft EA and FONSI can also be viewed
via the Internet at the following address: http: /ecso.swf.usace.army.mil /pages /publicreview.cfm.
The 30 -day public comment period begins on February 28, 2011, and comments must be
received by March 29, 2011 to be considered for incorporation into the Final EA. When
submitting your comments, please include your name and address and identify comments as
intended for the Port Angeles Border Patrol Station Draft EA and FONSI. Any comments
concerning the Draft EA and FONSI may be sent by fax to (206) 764 -4467 or by mail to:
USACE, Seattle District, CENWS- PM -PL -ER
ATTN: Elizabeth McCasland
P.O. Box 3755
Seattle, WA 98124 -3755
Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance.
Loren Flossman, Director
Border Patrol Facilities and Tactical Infrastructure
Program Management Office
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20229
U.S. Customs and
Border Protection
MAR 2 2011
sf .g
Dept. of Community Development
Draft Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Construction, Operation, and
Maintenance of a new U.S. Border Patrol, Port Angeles Border Patrol Station,
Clallam County, Washington
Dennis Hoffman
Black Hawk Construction
Sue Roberds, Planning Manager
City of Port Angeles
May 23, 2011
Black Hawk Construction
Federal Government
110 Penn Street
Temporary construction trailers in the CA Zone
DETERMINATION The use of two temporary office trailers as a "job shacks" is hereby
approved for a period of 6 months (November 16, 2011), or until occupancy of the redeveloped
structure on the site, whichever occurs first, per Section 17 95 060 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code, to be used in the redevelopment activities expected at 110 Penn Street by BlackHawk
Construction as described in the permit application received on May 17 2011 The job shacks
are proposed to be used as a base for ongoing security and oversight of the site during site
redevelopment activities The site is served by sanitary waste water and water facilities.
The site is located in the City's Commercial Arterial (CA) zone which is the City's most
intensive commercial zone The use is under redevelopment to become a government office use,
which is a permitted activity in the CA zone with required landscaping and parking.
17.95.060 PAMC Temporary Buildings reads.
A. The Planning Manager of the Department of Community and Economic
Development may authorize permits for occupancy of temporary buildings, including mobile
homes, used in conjunction with construction or reconstruction projects, or buildings used as real
estate tract offices, for a period not to exceed one (1) year Such temporary buildings may be
located in any zone, provided, however, sufficient setbacks are maintained to protect the public
health, safety, and welfare. Buildings intended for a longer period of use shall conform in every
respect to all provisions of these Regulations but will be considered at a public hearing before the
Planning Commission. Requests for extensions of previously approved temporary use permits
with specified time periods of authorization shall also be considered by the Planning
Commission at a public hearing and may be granted for a period of one to five years, provided
that the following ilnimmum criteria are met:
Cc: Public Works Department
Building Division
The use complies with the permit conditions
2 There have been no significant adverse changes in circumstances.
B Appeals
1 Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission or
Planning Manager may appeal the decision to the City Council.
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Community and
Economic Development in writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision and
shall pay and shall( remit the fee set by resolution for such action.
3 The City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the appeal with notice being given as
set forth in §17 96.140 The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County
Superior Court in accordance with §17 96 150
Applicant /Property Owner 0.0 rre-'b 3 Asa eiz. A
Address. NA,-t At..e.3 Cere?. �a ,Daytim e phone -c� c, 7 G I 3 69'7
*Applicant's representative (if other tnari,;applicant) .t �bs FFN
Address Daytime phone 9 ►s soy yy Zz
Street address
1 K)
Owner (if other than applicant) signature Date
File No TUP
Legal description Ur�0- ‘,..)14 vAL `BL 3 fr cI
Zoning L t oc�30 00 700 37.5")
Property dimens4 ons 25( .Property area (total square feet) t b $19 sr-
Physical charact (i e flat, sloped vacant, developed, etc
1bJT T A U 1 I i J C
Describe the proposed use (attach additional pages if desired) Use- F r e iTe -rev
e-sr -R-�..1 jov --1-7--44 L -s
Applicant: 1 certify that all of the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and
acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will terminate this permit application I have read this
application in its entirety and understand that my submittal will be reviewed for completeness and, if found to be
complete, will be immediately processed If the submittal is not complete, processing will not begin until it is so.
Date 1117/i