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LA" WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Caring for Natural Resources your natural resources Peter Goldmark-Commissioner of Public Lands ... now and forever August 27, 2013 D g©-Mg AUG 302013 1 J Jonathan Shotwell CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO box 2081 COMMUNITY es ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Surface Mine Reclamation Permit Number 70-013199 Gentlemen, Enclosed is Surface Mine Reclamation Permit Number 70-013199, which authorizes surface mine reclamation within a 3-acre permitted area in a portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 18, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian, Clallam County. Please refer to the permit number listed above when submitting inquiries or reports. RCW 78.44 requires that reclamation of each segment of the permitted area shall be completed within two years of cessation of mining in that segment. We strongly recommend, however, that reclamation of each segment occur concurrent with the removal of the minerals. The Department acknowledges approval of reclamation performance security number 908444 issued by Columbia Bank in the amount of$11,000.00 dated August 7, 2013. You are required to mail a Permit-Fee Invoice and Reclamation Report (Form SM-7) annually to Washington Department of Natural Resources. The form must be completed and returned to the department with the appropriate annual permit fee prior to the anniversary date of the permit. Sincere 410P Rian Skov, L I- Senior Reclamation Geologist Surface Mining Reclamation Program Division of Geology & Earth Resources enclosures: SM-9, Exhibit A, SM-8A, SM-6, Narrative, Maps c: File No. 70-013199 City of Port Angeles - Community and Economic Development Columbia bank GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES DIVISION 1 1111 WASHINGTON ST SE I MS 47007 I OLYMPIA,WA 98504-7007 TEL(360)902-1450 I FAX(360)902-1785 I TTY(360)902-1125 I TRS 711 I W W W.DNR.WA.GOV " EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER RECYCLED PAPER 4 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF SURFACE MINING 1.,„. ,, vimer Natural Resources RECLAMATION PERMIT ❑ new I I expansion revision I I name change I transfer (Form SM-9) Permit Holder: Jonathan Shotwell Mailing Address: PO Box 2081 Port Angeles,WA 98362 Pursuant to RCW 78.44,a Reclamation Permit hereby granted to the above-named permit holder to engage in surface mining on the property described in the application and material on file under this permit. The total area to be disturbed by surface mining, including the deposition of surface-mining refuse, shall be in accordance with the reclamation plan filed with and approved the by the Department of Natural Resources under this permit, and in accordance with the conditions and descriptions set forth in Exhibit"A"attached hereto and made a part hereof,and RCW 78.44. TERM OF PERMIT This permit shall be in effect from the date of issuance and shall remain in effect so long thereafter as the permit holder pays the annual basic fee for each site,complies with the Surface Mining Act and the rules promulgated thereunder,complies with the reclamation plan,and maintains a performance security as required by the Act. CHANGE OR MODIFICATION OF RECLAMATION PLAN The permit holder shall obtain written approval from the Department prior to any change or departure from the approved reclamation plan. PERFORMANCE SECURITY A performance security shall be submitted to and approved by the Department prior to commencement of surface mining. The permit holder may submit a cash deposit, assignment of a savings account or certificate of deposit, bank letter of credit, negotiable securities,or a corporate surety bond in the amount specified. The amount of the performance security shall be subject to adjustment according to RCW 78.44. TRANSFER OF PERMIT The transfer of this permit to another permit holder shall not be made unless approved in writing by the Department. A transfer shall not be approved unless the successor permit holder assumes all duties of the former permit holder to complete the reclamation of the land and the Department approves the successor permit holder's performance security. PENALTIES The Department may suspend surface mining or impose civil penalties if the permit holder conducts surface mining in any manner not authorized by RCW 78.44,the rules adopted thereunder,the approved reclamation plan, or this permit. Permitted issued on August 3 Permit revised on NE 1/4,S 18 T 30 N,R 6 W WM Signature �`� 1/4,S T N,R WM Name Rian Skov,�.. 1/4,S T N, R WM Title Senior Reclamation Geologist 1/4,S T N, R WM Division of Geology&Earth Resources 1/4,S T N, R WM TOTAL ACREAGE AND DEPTH OF PERMIT AREA (Include all acreage to be disturbed by mining,setbacks,buffers,and associated activities during the life of the mine.See SM-8A) Total permit acreage 3 DNR Surface Mining Reclamation Maximum vertical depth below pre-mining topographic grade is 27 feet Permit No. Maximum depth of excavated mine floor is 521 feet relative to mean sea level 70-013199 Surface Mine Reclamation Permit(SM-9) Revised 12/10 Exhibit A,70-013199 1 of2 EXHIBIT A Conditions of the Permit Surface Mining Reclamation Permit# 70-013199 August 27, 2013 1. This surface mining reclamation permit applies to the following permit area: a 3-acre permitted area in a portion of the NE quarter of Section 18, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian, Clallam County. 2. All mining and reclamation shall comply with the rules and regulations pursuant to Chapter 78.44 RCW and Chapter 332-18 WAC. 3. All mining and reclamation shall comply with the reclamation plan dated March 22, 2013 by the permittee, and approved by the Department of Natural Resources on August 27, 2013. Any amendment or change to the plan must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Department. The Reclamation Plan consists of the following documents: • Permit Letter, dated August 27, 2013 • Surface Mining Reclamation Permit (Form SM-9) dated August 26, 2013 • Exhibit A, listing 10 conditions of the permit • Standard Reclamation Plan - Application for Reclamation Permit (Form SM-8A) dated by the permittee on March 22, 2013, date stamped received by Geology and Earth on March 26, 2013. - County or Municipality Approval for Surface Mining (Form SM-6) dated by the permittee on March 22, 2013, and approved by the City of Port Angeles on March 22, 2013, date stamped received by Geology and Earth on March 26, 2013. - Narrative, date stamped received by Geology and Earth on March 26, 2013. - Reclamation Plan Maps: Sheets 1 thru 3, each date stamped received by Geology and Earth on March 26, 2013. 4. If there is any conflict between the conditions in Exhibit A and any other language of the approved reclamation permit (which includes the reclamation plan, maps, and supporting documents), the language in Exhibit A will prevail. 5. The permit holder shall mark the perimeter of the 3-acre permitted area with highly visible permanent marker posts such as painted metal T-posts. The markers will be used to delineate the permit boundary enabling the operator, permittee, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to monitor the progress of mining and reclamation. Permanent boundary markers shall be visible such that the entire perimeter of the site could be reestablished using the GPS, if any marker was destroyed. Exhibit A,70-013199 6. The permitted depth at this site is 27 vertical feet from the original ground surface. No 2 of 2 excavation shall occur below an elevation of 521 feet mean sea level (msl). If additional mining depth is anticipated the reclamation plan shall be revised prior to exceeding the permitted depth. 7. Reclaimed slopes will not exceed 3 ft horizontal and 1 ft vertical except for small areas where slopes will be graded to 2 ft. horizontal to 1 foot vertical to match surrounding grades, as shown on Reclamation Plan map Sheet 2 of 3. 8. Revegetation shall be completed as detailed in the narrative and in Form SM-8A. Noxious weeds shall not be considered acceptable vegetation and natural revegetation only shall not be deemed satisfactory. Prior to any variation from the revegetation plan, written approval must be obtained from the Department. 9. Backfilled reclamation slopes shall be constructed as outlined in the SM-8A. Backfill material shall originate from within the Permit Boundary; importation of backfill is not approved by this permit. 10. The permit holder or operator shall maintain a complete copy of this permit, including these conditions and the approved reclamation plan with additions and amendments, at the mine site during all mining and reclamation activities. 1pWASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF CARING FOR Natural NNW,�,.,,.,, , Resources Your natural resources Peter Goldmark—Commissioner of Public Lands ...now and forever MEMORANDUM April 30, 2013 File No. 13-043001 TO: Clallam County, Planning Director Environmental Coordinator, DOE G. Bell/J. Davis/D. Dafoe, DFW Gretchen Kaehler DAHP Lummi Fisheries Tulalip Indian Tribe Jamestown Sklallam Indian Tribe Quileute Tribe John Storman, DOE Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Mary Ann Shawver, DNR Jonathan Shotwell, Proponent FROM: Elizabeth L O'Neal, SEPA Center SUBJECT: SEPA LEAD AGENCY & DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE This is to advise you that pursuant to WAC 197-11-900 (922 through 948), the Department of Natural Resources has determined that it is Lead Agency for the following: Surface Mining Reclamation Permit Application #70-013199. Permit area is three acres. The project consists of mining approximately 21,642 cubic yards of sand and clay. After all material has been extracted, the site will be graded to the final design and hydro seeded to prevent erosion of the finished slopes for future industrial uses. Located in Section 18, Township 30 North, Range 06 West, W.M., Clallam County. Information about this proposal including the Threshold Determination, SEPA Checklist and Application for Reclamation Permit can be accessed through DNR's website at: littp://www.dnr.wa.gov/ReseareliScience/sepa/Pagesitiome.aspx Pursuant to WAC 332-41-504, this proposal was filed in the department's SEPA Center at the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street SE, P.O. Box 47015, Olympia, Washington; on April 30,2013. We will consider comments on this proposed DNS received by 4:30 p.m. on May 14,2013. Comments should be submitted to the SEPA Center at, sepacenter'Idnr.wa.gov or P.O. Box 47015, Olympia, Washington 98504- 7015 for distribution to the responsible official. Please include the file number listed above on all comments. 1111 WASHINGTON ST SE • PO BOX 47000 • OLYMPIA,WA 98504-7000 FAX:(360)902-1775 • TTY:(360)902-1125 • TEL:(360)902-1739 Equal Opportunity Employer Natural esources Pefqr DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Description of proposal: Surface Mine Reclamation plan pit 70-013199. Permit area is 3 acres. Project consists of mining approximately 21,642 cubic yards of sand & clay. After all material has been extracted, the site will be graded to the final design and hydroseeded to prevent erosion of the finished slopes for future industrial uses. Estimated 5 years to complete mining and reclamation activities. The plan is attached to this DNS. Proponent: Jonathan Shotwell PO Box 2081 Port Angeles, WA 98362 LOCatiOn of proposal,including street address,if any Shotwell Surface Mine site is accessed from the end of Fields Drive, off Eclipse West Drive within Eclipse Industrial Park in Port Angeles and is located in Section 18, Township 30 North, Range 6 West W.M. Clallam County. Lead agency: Department of Natural Resources the lead agency for this proposal has determined!ha!it does not have a probable slnificani adverse impact on its env,!'cr'ment An environmental impact statement(EIS)is not required under RCW 43 21C 030t2:;(e) This decision s made after review cr a coenoeter:Snv'OOrnenai checklist en other inforrnalion on tile w4r,the lean agency This intormaeon is available to the aubk-,,on request O There is no comment period for this DNS. [X] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(4 the lead agency will not act on this proposal for la clays from Comments must be submitted by i Responsible official David K. Norman Position/title Division Manager Phone (360) 902-1450 Address 1111 Washington St. SE., PO Box 47007, Olympia, WA 98504-7007 Date A/it/2013 Signature Fluire is no agency appeal. RTh Rfr3CURC:ii5 Dip,SION t ' : ,• "‘„ , " ,•; t n , f - • ' WIN 1)N R Vir A 0,./ WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources Caring co your natural resources PeterGoldmark-CommissionerofPublicLands ... now and forever DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Description of proposal: Surface Mine Reclamation plan pit 70-013199. Permit area is 3 acres. Project consists of mining approximately 21,642 cubic yards of sand & clay. After all material has been extracted, the site will be graded to the final design and hydroseeded to prevent erosion of the finished slopes for future industrial uses. Estimated 5 years to complete mining and reclamation activities. The plan is attached to this DNS. Proponent: Jonathan Shotwell PO Box 2081 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Location of proposal,including street address,if any: Shotwell Surface Mine site is accessed from the end of Fields Drive, off Eclipse West Drive within Eclipse Industrial Park in Port Angeles and is located in Section 18, Township 30 North, Range 6 West W.M. Clallam County. Lead agency: Department of Natural Resources The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement(EIS)is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Q There is no comment period for this DNS. (X] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2);the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from Comments must be submitted by Responsible official David K. Norman Position/title Division Manager Phone (360) 902-1450 Address 1111 Washington St. SE., PO Box 47007, Olympia, WA 98504-7007 Date 4/2013 Signature L.iZ�!`" ❑There is no agency appeal. GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES DIVISION I 1111 WASHINGTON ST SE 1 MS 47007 1 OLYMPIA,WA 98504-7007 TEL(360)902-1450 1 FAX(360)902-1785 1 TTY(360)902-1125 1 TRS 711 1 WWW.DNR.WA.GOV "` '"e EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER RECYCLED PAPER -ger_smr form sm-6.pdf http://www.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/ger_smr_fomr_sm-6.pd COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENTOF APPROVAL FOR Natural Resources SURFACE MINING A-pP IbI v • (Form SM-6) NAME OF COMPANY OH INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT(S) TOTAL ACREAGE AND DEPT!!OF PERMIT AREA Same as name of the exploration permit holder. (Type or print in ink.) (Include all acreage to be disturbed by mining,setbacks,and buffers, .� •- and associated activities during the life of the mine:)(See SM-8A.) JOVva 4 etA S�`w e'' Total area disturbed will be 3 acres Maximum vertical depth below pre-mining topographic grade is 7.1 feet Maximum depth of excavated mine floor is 52 I feet relative to mean sea level COUNTY MAILING ADDRESS No attachments will be accepted.Legal description of permit area: P. ----- - -- ----- ®. )t 7O8 1/4 1/4 Section Township Range tov4 Ao.C,.cI-ts) W1� sW N t N Telephone ' 451._ `1 Proposed subsequent use of site upon completion of reclamation 5 v tk5 et, v ct.( C.AA l A 4444 LµC, 1 A,.14, -Cv- 4 4vac. L 14041,h,tal Sia-c, c\-(Otto e rM.eN Signature of company representative or individual applicant(s) Name and title of company representative (please print) Date signed �/1O l crz. `c t5v‘a#v% J b1y'�V9�(j ,� .2.?�3 Anuk em Slab+w-e to ►. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPROPRIATE COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY: Please answer the following questions'yes'or'no'. Yes No 1. Has the proposed surface mine been approved under local zoning and land-use regulations? 4/ 2 Is the proposed subsequent use of the land after reclamation consistent with the local land-use plan/designation? When complete,return this form to the appropriate Department of Natural Resources regional office. Name of planning director o administrative official lease print) Address S u c CLo 10-e S C.11-1 of Po,-4 Awides Signature Ft. &]lL It so 321 , ;;Fist s+ Title(please print) J C✓� Am crap). U.,)A 'GK 111vtc AAA IAA s" 1133412 Telephone Date ,,,, DNR Reclamation Permit No. 3ceo- 4-150 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY County or Municipality Approval(SIN-6) Revised 1101 1 of 1 - 3/22/2013 10:13 AM 4...,,, ...; „ :....., STATE OF WASHIN(.i(_)n I)l:PAR 1 NWN 101: ECOLOGY no. s1„ 4777; • Olympia, IV. I,ini;fml 'M504-7775 • (31,f1) 4117-h-f1111 January 27,2014 Ms. Jennifer Garcelon,R.S. Clallam County Health&Human Services 223 E. 4th Street, Suite 5 Port Angeles, WA 98362-3015 RE: Fields Shotwell Recycling Facility Site Visit Dear Ms. Garcelon: This letter is a follow-up to the site visit we conducted on November 6,2013 at the Fields Shotwell Recycling Facility located at 484 Eclipse Industrial Parkway in Port Angeles, Washington. The solid waste handling activities observed at the facility include the storage and use of waste asphalt and concrete, storage and use of waste sand blast grit, storage of wood waste, and the storage of hogged fuel. Observations from the site visit and recommendations for future site management are provided below. Storage of Waste Asphalt and Concrete Past operations at the facility included storing and processing(crushing)waste asphalt and concrete for recycling purposes. Mr. Shotwell indicated that as part of the Department of Natural Resources Reclamation Permit he removed the crushing plant approximately a year ago. There is a substantial amount of waste asphalt and concrete currently on site (see photos 1-3). When asked what was currently being done with the waste asphalt and concrete, Mr. Shotwell indicated those materials were being recycled by spreading them out on the property and covering with soils(see photos 4 and 5). Mr. Shotwell was informed that the solid waste regulations do not view this practice as a recycling activity. Mr. Shotwell was told that the solid waste regulations would view this activity as landfilling inert wastes. The applicability section of WAC 173-350- 410 was read to Mr. Shotwell and in part reads: "(1)Inert waste landfills-Applicability. These standards apply to landfills that receive only inert wastes, as identified pursuant to WAC 173-350-990, including facilities that use inert wastes as a component of full. If Mr. Shotwell wishes to continue the current practice of spreading out and covering waste asphalt and concrete with soils, Ecology recommends Clallam County require Mr. Shotwell to Ms. Jennifer Garcelon,R.S. January 27, 2014 Page 2 immediately cease this practice and submit a permit application for an inert waste landfill (WAC 173-350-410). If Mr. Shotwell discontinues the practice of spreading out and covering waste asphalt and concrete with soils, Ecology recommends Clallam County require Mr. Shotwell to remove existing waste concrete and asphalt that has been illegally buried on the site and present a plan to Clallam County on how he will manage this waste stream in the future. The permit application can be found at: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/puhl icat ions/SummaryPages/hC Y040152.html Storage of Waste Sand Blast Grit Waste sand blast grit was being stored under the covered area(see photo 6). Mr. Shotwell communicated that the waste sand blast grit was being mixed with soils and used to create berms around the property. Sand blast grit can contain harmful contaminants and could designate as a dangerous waste. Mr. Shotwell indicated he had no testing data on the sand blast grit. Therefore, it is unknown if the sand blast grit is a dangerous waste or not. Ecology recommends that waste sand blast grit stops being accepted,and the mixing of the waste sand blast grit currently on site with soils be stopped until proper designation of the material can take place. For information on how to properly designate waste materials, go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/hwtr/manage waste/identify waste.html If testing results show the material to be a dangerous waste, Mr. Shotwell would be acting as a hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facility without the required permits. Additionally, If testing results show the material to be a dangerous waste, the material must be managed according to Chapter 173-303 WAC (Dangerous Waste Regulations). If testing results show the material to be a solid waste, a piles permit would be required under Chapter 173-350- 320 WAC(Solid Waste Handling Standards). See above for the link to the solid waste permit application. Storage of Wood Waste During the site visit, Ecology documented non-wood waste materials in the wood waste pile near the covered area storing the sandblasting waste(see photo 7). Wood waste used for fuel,as a raw material or wood derived fuel is exempt from solid waste permitting, provided the conditions of WAC 173-350-320(1)(c)(i-iii)are met. However, it was not clear this was the intended use of the materials in the pile area. If the amount used does not meet the condition in 173-350-320(1)(c)(i)(50%of the material used within one year and all the material us used in three years) a solid waste handling permit would be required. Ecology recommends a screening procedure be put into place to ensure only wood waste and feedstock for wood derived fuel or raw material is allowed to be accepted at the site. The wood waste pile would not be eligible for the exemption under WAC 173-350-320(1)(b) if non-wood waste materials are mixed in the pile as is currently the case. Ecology recommends this activity be permitted under WAC 173-350-320. Ms. Jennifer Garcelon, R.S. January 27,2014 Page 3 Storage of Hogged Fuel An additional activity occurring at the site that was not observed during previous visits to the site is the storage of hogged fuel (see photo 8). Hogged fuel is viewed as a commodity when used. Ecology recommends monitoring the hogged fuel pile to ensure it gets used in a timely fashion and that no other waste materials get added to it. Other Observations at the Site Another additional activity occurring at the site that was not observed during previous visits are two material recovery facility operations accepting a variety of metals to be recycled. Mr. Shotwell is leasing parts of his property to RPM Recycling and another operation owned by Mr. Jim Bishop. Material recovery facilities and recycling operations can be exempt from solid waste permitting provided the conditions of exemption are met. Ecology and Clallam County Environmental Health have not received any notification about this activity for RPM Recycling. Ecology recently received the notification for Mr. Jim Bishop's operation from Clallam County • Environmental Health and will evaluate the notification for initial compliance with WAC 173- 350-310. Ecology recommends the owner of RPM Recycling provide the required notification for this activity to Clallam County Environmental Health and Ecology. The form can be found at: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/SummaiyPages/ECY070493.htm1 Summary Mr. Shotwell has been operating his site as an exempt recycler under WAC 173-350-210 for many years. Based on past observations and our most recent site visit on November 6, 2013, most of the activities occurring on site require solid waste permitting and are not eligible for a recycling exemption. Over the years, Ecology has sent correspondence similar to this one in regards to this facility. Mr. Shotwell sent a permit application in the past, but the application was incomplete. Mr. Shotwell was informed of the steps needed for the application to be complete, but has not followed up. Since the most recent site visit once again confirmed the need for solid waste permitting, Ecology suggests referring Mr. Shotwell back to the December 22, 2004 correspondence from Chuck Matthews(enclosed). The letter from Mr. Matthews gives specific guidance on requirements for the solid waste permit application. Ecology will also be in contact with the permit holders of the General Sand and Gravel and DNR Reclamation Permits to determine Mr. Shotwell's compliance with those permits. If found to be out of compliance with other applicable permits, Mr. Shotwell would be out of compliance with WAC 173-350-040(5). Ms. Jennifer Garcelon, R.S. 'January 27, 2014 Page 4 If Mr. Shotwell does not change the current solid waste management practices on-site and get properly permitted for the activities occurring on-site, he may be subject to the penalty provisions of RCW 70.95.315. Unless current activities substantially change, Ecology recommends Clallam County Environmental Health require Mr. Shotwell to either: 1. Submit permit applications for an inert waste landfill and piles facility; or • 2. Cease accepting solid waste and provide a time-frame for removal of all solid wastes from the site and dispose in a facility permitted to accept the wastes. Mr. Shotwell should be prepared to show receipts to ensure proper disposal occurred. If 1 can be of any further assistance please contact me at (360)407-6287 or asa1461@ecy.wa.gov. ecy.wa.gov. S' erely, Al Salvi Regional Enviromnental Specialist Waste 2 Resources Program Enclosure(s) cc: Jonathan Shotwell,Fields-Shotwell Corporation Scott Morrison, Department of Ecology Ron Kaufmann,Department of Ecology Bryan Garcia,Department of Natural Resources Dr.Tom Locke, Clallam County Health Officer Andy Brastad, Environmental Health Director Brian Wendt, Clallam County Health and Human Services Prosecuting Attorney Sue Robards, City of Port Angeles Planning Steve Zenovic, Agent for Mr. Shotwell Ms. Jennifer Garcelon, R.S. January 27,2014 Page 5 Photo I —Concrete Pile A 1 Air 4.4„..11 "-'4449, ' .r.0041 .7T,4,, -',OF ",-!'„,-.` '.lowsw -10 /..,. 1,:.,,,.t 40)04094k V e i... 4 ,.,. I a Ta ''1 x i,: „ ,',, . "., a y ..,40,),";!'t..; Why # Nil' X a s' +iw. w 3 * : -4 "4"."''... ' t .{ ,f........' Photo 2—Mixed Concrete and Asphalt Pile s ,, "�a ±. ■ 06. 11 .2013 11: 10 Ms. Jen lifer Garcelon, R.S. January 27, 2014 Page 6 Photo 3—Asphalt Pile on Left/Concrete Pile on Right 1 ' r am. < ,. a j„0.,.. ,.. -,4,5T-:,,,,.:,,v---z....liii., ,,... F A J %,.4., ...04,-..-%' 4* '''',,,',,4k,-..00.:4;441..:*:'..,... a,-:44-1054,1„/if kal,"‘,....;,;„ .,..t.,_ 4 ' • , t)/09 ' 144), %,t-ety: ...„ .,..-,,,,,..„,, . „,,,,,,,. „,,,... , , ,N.,,,,:... : !,..."..!* , -..., I '7” ^ti' ""tl .5' ..t. ", x 1 .. r e . 1 . ) 13. Photo 4—Soils Covering part of Concrete Pile ,,,,4:, ,i, il.','Tit tt„.**:`,,,,......iffi k ` r • 1,k. S x .• . ms;° . t",„ g F� � 1ya t ...„ '5 a "*;4 yi ^:•:';'''''", Ms. Jennifer Garcelon, R.S. January 27, 2014 Page 7 Photo 5 —Concrete Spread Out and mixed with Soils fi`*'W ,{ ,! 1.E i ° f , ry w 9w ` , ty .wt s , � i "+ i .;: ''' ''' ‘1.1.:-*".`" - ‘t0'.". *:**'.* ',NI* ` .--r..,-:„ **'■:Sr.''w G �• °1 ' ,,}'v± fit• �`'i f' >��„ ' " 7- ' v "4 1" �*.. A ` r s{ :L d p S � a'" '°9' °#�.�t$ F"Y,g y S w8`rmC+ 'ti3 � 1. .yk /:,: L. y y,:**:.:;:-:‘,7.47-1117:4,41,7.1::: :'"" '*"` g N eg " " , . ii< Sy 'AC + ,a t }M y t rtg y T",, , d" fi r.'"{ a i inc Photo 6—Waste Sand Blast Grit t A, 414.0.,::::,,i,...7°,4',,v,„:!:,:'*,..:',. "4-` ,,ce +v3wae+< act¢ :?. ' '—c*'"... ' rag x& Py o-.w '"C a y .1.7,,,',,,'": '"� '«1 3 WP «" y�' } Ms. Jennifer Garcclon, R.S. January 27, 2014 Page 8 Photo 7—Woo( Pile(arrows signify non-woodwaste) d v:'"bA r 4 ;01 ,..� Mid. w9 \ ' ,t,,,NA „.,41 * '*- 4*.tAt:\141.AVY *Jo.* ..-*1. ''' ' . . ... "II\1,, kaiik i ., a> '' . ;�► «R as �..,w . r :.. i „Sri I" • j '� ' .. �� x,,41", "'' "',a" 1 1.1. "'( 1 a _I.,), ..: �1' Photo 8—Hogged Fuel Pile k.: i.✓�, ""t ',..vt''�y+i-..`g '. S. t+`r.,>yM-t., :r *t. s.. fn.M .?.+Y✓A t1:4‘..'..... . ? ' . , 1'.;t 06 17zV ` , t • U, ?;`1,st 9 TQY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PO Box 47775 Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 • (360)407-6300 December 22,2004 • Ms.Jennifer Garcelon Environmental Health Specialist • Clallam County Environmental Health Division . 223 East 4th Street Port Angeles,WA 98362-3898 Dear Ms.Garcelon: RE: Fields Shotwell Recycling Facility and Jonathan Shotwell Corporation Solid Waste Permit Application • This letter is to follow-up from our November 10,2004,site visit to the Fields Shotwell Facility,located•at 484 Eclipse Industrial Parkway in Port Angeles,Washington. Numerous solid waste handling activities are taking place at this site including storage and/or recycling of waste concrete and asphalt, storage of wood waste and woody materials to be converted into wood derived fuel,as defined in WAC 173-350-100, storage of soils from the Washington Department of Transportation's(DOT)"Graving Dock"project,and currently unpermitted storage of boiler ash. Based on conversations during the inspection and previous conversations you had with Mr.Shotwell,it is unclear if the ash came from Portac Lumber,near Forks • Washington,or from Crown Pacific Lumber,just west of Port Angeles. Some of the recycling and storage activities noted above are conditionally exempt from solid waste handling permitting. Management of the ash will require solid waste permitting under WAC 173-350-320. Terms and conditions for storage of the soils from the DOT project are addressed in a"Memorandum of Understanding"dated October 29,2003,and signed by the Department of Ecology(Ecology),DOT, Clallam County,and Mr. Shorivell.. Observations from the inspection and comments on the solid waste permit application are included below. • General Comments: • Prior to our site visit on November 10,2004,Ecology investigated the status of the"Jonathan Shotwell Corporation,"the company name listed on the application. Through a search at the Secretary of State's office,Ecology found that the company had been dissolved on July 1,2004. This situation was pointed out to Mr.Shotwell during our visit. On November 16,2004,Ecology received a fax from Mr.Shotwell with copies of reinstatement papers from the Secretary of State's office. A web search confirmed reinstatement valid through March 31,2005. (Copy enclosed.) • On January 30,2004,Ecology received a"Notification of Exemption"via fax on behalf of Mr.Shotwell with the company name listed as"Fields-Shotwell Asphalt/Concrete Rubble Recycling"as required in WAC 173-350-210(b). As part of the permit application review and review of all solid waste activities at the site,Ecology investigated the status of the company through the Secretary of State's office and found that on November 1,2004, the company had been ti- • • Ms.Jennifer Garcelon December 22,2004 Page 2 dissolved. On November 16,2004,Ecology received a fax from Mr.Shotwell with copies of reinstatement papers from the Secretary of State's office. A web'search confirmed reinstatement valid through July 31, 2005. (Copy enclosed.) • This facility may be required to obtain coverage under Ecology's "General Permit to Discharge Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity"if Ecology determines that the facility has the potential to be a significant contributor of pollutants to surface water or groundwater. All solid waste handling activities addressed in solid waste regulation's,whether permitted or permit exempt, • are required to meet the performance standards listed in WAC 173-350-040,including compliance with water quality requirements and compliance with all applicable local,state and federal laws and regulations. Ecology recommends your office request from Mr.Shotwell documentation that. Ecology has determined that coverage is not necessary or evidence that coverage under the general permit has been issued or at least applied for. To obtain more information about the stormwater general permit,Mr.Shotwell should contact Ms.Marilou Pivirotto with Ecology's Water Quality Program at(360)407-6273. • • •. Ecology has not received a State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)determination along with the application. Evidence of compliance with SEPA is required for a permit application to be considered complete. Ecology recommends that a SEPA checklist and associated determination from Clallam County Planning be attached to the application for consideration during review. If a • determination has been made that SEPA is not necessary or if existing SEPA documents are being relied upon to satisfy SEPA,Ecology requests that a letter or other notification of that determination be submitted with a complete application for review. " Application Comments: . • • Appendix A,Fire Control Features, states that the applicant will install a fire standpipe. Ecology recommends that before Clallam County Environmental Health(County)issues an operating permit,the County should confirm this standpipe has been constructed and adequate hose is in place in the event of an emergency. • • Appendix B,Engineering Report, Section B,states that"control of access<to the site>will be by means of a gate and a guard station." During our visit on November 10th,we saw no recognizable means of restricting access to the site during or after normal operating hours. Restricting site access is required in WAC 173-350-320(3)(a)(i)&(4)(a)(ii). In addition the regulatory requirement for restricting site access,the operator should understand the liabilities associated with after hours illegal dumping on his property and exposure to liabilities should injury occur to an unsupervised visitor as a result of the site remaining accessible. • Appendix B,Engineering Report, Introduction,states that"...portions of the site have been used for • the disposal of concrete rubble." WAC 173-350-410,Inert Waste Landfills,requires a solid waste permit when over 250 cubic yards of inert waste are permanently disposed of at a site, including inert waste used as fill. If this statement accurately reflects any current disposal activities,the solid waste permit application must be modified to address the standards of the citation noted above. Also,under former solid waste regulations,permitting and other requirements would have been applicable if over 2000 cubic yards of inert and demolition debris was permanently disposed on site. Ecology recommends further review of past on-site disposal practices to determine if some of the Ms.Jennifer Garcelon December 22,2004 Page 3 requirements of previous closure standards listed in WAC 173-304,Minimum Functional Standards,may be applicable. • Appendix B,Engineering Report, Section C,states that a catch basin insert will be.installed to trap oil and grease that may run off from the facility maintenance area. Ecology recommends that • before the County issues an operating permit,it confirms that the insert has been installed. • • Appendix B,Engineering Report, was submitted to comply with WAC 173-350-320(3),Design Standards. This attachment fails to address capacity. Estimates of maximum storage capacity must be included. This section also requires submittal of engineering reports and plans including a construction quality assurance plan. Ecology understands the building in use is an existing structure and unless the ash becomes saturated by blowing rain or arrives soaked,leachate is not likely to be an issue so these plans are not as critical as would be the case for putrescible wastes. However, during the November 10`s visit,Ecology observed that at least one set of bracing cross ties had been removed from the building frame. These were originally in place to prevent twisting and possible • failure of the building that could result from high winds,earthquake,or other stresses on the structure. Ecology recommends verification that removal of these bracing cross ties has not compromised the structural integrity of the building. • • • Appendix C,Plan of Operation, was submitted to comply with WAC 173-350-320(4),Operating . Standards. This attachment fails to address control of fugitive dust. Because the walls of the building are open on all sides,it is likely that high winds will be capable of blowing ash from the pile to surrounding properties. Although exempted from WAC 173-303,Dangerous Waste Regulations when the wood ash designates solely for pH,ash with a pH of up to13,as described in the application,will still be caustic. In addition to lack of attention to dust control,the operating plan does not address safety and emergency issues as required. Given the potential elevated pH,the applicant,should provide detailed plans for worker safety and personnel protective equipment, emergency response measures in the event of accidental skin exposure,inhalation or eye exposure. (The safety plan should be written to address operations for the entire site,not just the high pH of • the ash.) In addition to lack of detail about managing dust,the operating plan is inadequate on numerous other required details! These include maximum amount of ash to be stored at the site,a thorough description of how the waste will be managed once delivered to the site including equipment and methods of removing ash from the pile,detail of what the ash will be used for,a description of how equipment and structure will be inspected and maintained and the frequency,inspection logs,and forms to record weights and volumes and incoming and outgoing materials • Appendix C,Plan of Operation,should be specific in listing test methods and the constituents the ash will be tested for. Wood Waste Piles: • Wood waste and materials to be converted to wood derived fuel currently delivered to the site for future offsite processing are categorically exempt from solid waste permitting under WAC 173-350- 320(1)(b),provided the terms and conditions of WAC 173-350-320(1)(c)(i-iii)are met. Ecology • 1 Ms.Jennifer Garcelon December 22,2004 Page 4 recommends that the County ensure adequate records are maintained to document appropriate off- site movement of wood waste compared to waste delivered. • During the November 10`h site visit,Ecology documented non-wood waste debris in the wood waste pile. Visible amounts were limited but the operator should have a screening procedure in place to ensure only wood waste and feedstock for wood derived fuel,as defined in WAC 173-350-100,are allowed to be deposited at the site. • Inert Waste Piles: • Storage of concrete and asphalt currently delivered to the site for recycling is categorically exempt from solid waste permitting under WAC 173-350-320(1)(d),provided the terms and conditions of WAC 173-350-320(1)(e)(i-vi)are met. Ecology recommends that the County ensure adequate records are maintained to document compliance with WAC 173-350-320(1)(e)(ii). • In accordance with WAC 173-350-320(1)(e)(vi),the operator is required to notify Ecology and the County of the intent to operate. Ecology has a notification for recycling activities as required by WAC 173-350-210(1)(b)(iv)on file,but no notice for storage activities. The notification form for . storage of inert wastes maybe downloaded at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/ecy040156.htinl . A complete notification form for storage of inert waste should be provided to your department and to Ecology before issuance of a solid waste permit for ash storage. • Because of statements in the application referring to past concrete landfilling activities,Ecology has concerns about the status of existing piles of inert waste. It was not evident during our site visit that the piles were actively being processed into aggregate as described in the"Notification of Exemption"on file with Ecology. If evidence of processing cannot be produced,or agreement reached with the operator about ensuring piles are actively processed,it may be appropriate to require a solid waste permit.. • General Site Inspection,November 10,2004: • During the site visit,a number of piles of non-recyclable solid wastes were identified. Materials in these piles should be removed from the site to a permitted municipal solid waste landfill or transfer • station and copies of receipts provided to the County. If proper screening procedures and site security were in place,these materials most likely would not have been delivered to the facility at all. Runpff from these piles is considered leachate,not stormwater,and is not suitable for inclusion into the facility stormwater system. Ecology recommends removal of these materials to an appropriate facility before any further consideration of the solid waste application. • Ecology noted an oily sheen on the surface of one of the stormwater ponds used for ground infiltration. The operator noted the recent installation of an oil-water separator near an area of the • site where petroleum contaminated soil was treated. The operator should inspect equipment in the stormwater system to ensure that it is functioning properly to prevent introduction of oils into the stormwater system. • • Ms.Jennifer Garcelon December 22,2004 Page 5 Ecology is willing to discuss any of the issued identified above and will review a complete application when ' available in accordance with WAC 173-350-710(1)(d)(iii). Copies of photographs taken during the visit are enclosed. If you have any questions,please contact me at(360)407-6383. Sincerely, • • Chuck Matthews Regional Solid Waste Specialist Southwest Regional Office CM:le(2/swfap) . Enclosures cc: Jonathan Shotwell,Fields-Shotwell Corporation Bill Harris,Ecology, SWFAP Marc Pacifico,Ecology,WQ Program • Marilou Pivirotto,Ecology,WQ Program • CITY OF ORT)GF.:.LES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. IL- m -N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May 26, 2002 RECEIVED TO: lenn Cutler, Director, Public Works and Utilities I MAY 2 8 2002 Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director, Public Works and Utilities Dan McKeen, Fire Chief CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant s SUBJ: Proposed solid waste permit application Jonathan Shotwell 484 Eclipse Industrial Parkway The City received the attached permit documents from Clallam County for review of a solid waste disposal site in an industrial zone. The County is processing a conditional use permit for the proposal and has asked for our review as the site is in the City's UGA. The application has not been previously routed but was received on April 30, 2002. Due to the amount of material that was submitted, mostly being technical data, I have copied the most apparently informative material herein. If you would like a copy of the entire document, please let me know as soon as possible, or stop by my desk. We apologize for the lateness of the application routing, but would appreciate your earliest review so that we can forward comments to the County DCD. They have not acted on the application as yet but would like to hear from us within the week if possible. Thank you. Attachments �(J L- pv SL, /0c4/ 1, IOL e /0 cc-- 5 7 ;11--e_ 3/7/ TECEEIVE From: Ken Dubuc To: Sue Roberds, Sue Roberds Date: 5/29/02 8:44am MAY 3 0 2002 Subject: Solid waste permit application Sue, CITY OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Dan McKeen and I have reviewed the application from Jonathan Shotwell for a proposed solid waste disposal facility at 484 Eclipse Industrial Parkway. The submittal did not specifiy that new buildings would be constructed on site, only that existing buildings would be utilized. Assuming that this is the case, the Fire Department has no objections or comments Thanks, Ken Dubuc 0 CITY OF J.ORT NGELEs I 4 W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May 26, 2002 TO: Glenn Cutler, Director, Public Works and Utilities Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director, Public Works and Utilities Dan McKeen, Fire Chief FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant SUBJ: Proposed solid waste permit application Jonathan Shotwell 484 Eclipse Industrial Parkway The City received the attached permit documents from Clallam County for review of a solid waste disposal site in an industrial zone. The County is processing a conditional use permit for the proposal and has asked for our review as the site is in the City's UGA. The application has not been previously routed but was received on April 30, 2002. Due to the amount of material that was submitted, mostly being technical data, I have copied the most apparently informative material herein. If you would like a copy of the entire document, please let me know as soon as possible, or stop by my desk. We apologize for the lateness of the application routing, but would appreciate your earliest review so that we can forward comments to the County DCD. They have not acted on the application as yet but would like to hear from us within the week if possible. Thank you. Attachments t 1 „R r n y r,' 1 .1 1 r�' r,, /r r +'I L I I r (l t 1 1 -,l \1 1 I (I t S �I' t k 1 1 I 1 1' t t 1 ,1. I ‘'N'\ y' i. 1 1 1 "I t 4 O t r i �F 7 C(// i f J i 7 I iii to ~W o J 1 I I 1 d l t I 4 1 I II E F••' 1� '1 i I I y t 1 i \a `4 JJ r71 I I r I Ms ,i,, f Q i 1 I �I I 1 ,r� 1 '1' 1 I l' I I 1 1 y,. l' 1 1 1 r 1 11 '11, 1 I !,1 r) I 1,11 4 I t 111 5 W g:, 1 1 S 1 T I �i 1 t 1 w r ,•,.1 I... r 1 y� t 11 r a II ,I. 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V, 1 M U y [Z{ I �u.li 01 f 1 1 Q•. g s'l i 1 1..7 l ti t i 1 C h, 44.*■.1.,,, ''';'1 1 i Si 4 y ?1 I (I r 1 T,4 'I I 1 1 .1 1 1. UV! 1' ('-7 ,1 i l,, 1c, •1 I 1 r !'1, 1 1• I �t ,c l�; 1 1 1` d tf ;;n1 I I t l'', „l �.A \.N {1 1 1 1 w 1 Yjri I \..ro 11 1�. ,y, v 1 117` e', Ci i I •,t t t 1 (1 1 1 c 1 1 I I I tts% i I l 1 I i rL I I 1,1 \K;� �l t 1' n I 1 \1 1'` 1...W...,1 P 1 I Ii y1,144 ;'d u d t i I I g i l e4 i 9 4 1 i 1 1 R g 1 u, Z 6 4 co 0 II CLALLAM COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY 13 I ECQ T I PLANNING DIVISION REQUEST FOR COMMENT la 2002 L) i i Planning Contact: t „/9/ 1 s 7 L ie, y (360) 417- Dat 7 '4 ?A rr S CIaIIam County Agencies State/Federal Agencies Irrigation Companies/Districts Other Agencies Building Division Hthept of Ecology 0 Agnew Irrigation District H City of Pon Angeles I 1 tnv. Health Division )21 of Fish and Wildlife 0 Clallam Irrigation Company 0 City of Sequ im B'jtoad Department alkyl_ of Natural Resources 0 Cline Irrigation District 0 City of Forks 0 Assessor's Office 0 Dept of Transportation 0 Dungeness Irrigation Company Wtower Elwha S'Klallam Tnbe 26her JD 0 US Army Corps of Engineers 0 Dungeness Irrigation District 0 Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe 0 Other 0 Other 0 Eureka Irrigation Company 0 Makah Tnbe 0 Other 0 Other 0 Highland Irrigation District 0 Quillayute Tribe 0 Other 0 Other 0 Independent Irrigation Company 0 Other f 0 Other 0 Other 0 Sequin Prairie Imgation Company 0 Other(,1) Of T ocf/) PERMIT CATEGORY: TYNE ICE C p.1■; J t T k())\‘,-r\ PERMIT GJP2.0n1 Cv RELATED PERMITS: APPLICANT: l i-{ e L.-AT t NI) M 6, 1--1 M 1 T i Pfk Q T N EZ St-k 1 T APPLICANT'S AGENT: 7- G N ;f; v i c /:_5.5 (;r_ /,4. �5 PROPOSAL: E S Lt (-1 i So w -NS E 6-C1-5/G c.,E /l< L t L t T7 A&I N^ I b i 1t.L 0/.1 N 5 0 Ac S Ue "INDJs R Zv rye b e Y SITE DATA 06, 5c) -13 )4 C'bLs 50y5 ,4e, lt..t c c'1 5, 11 A c )y uc'i5 ii t3Q 4c Parcel Number(s) /Size: if c' o o p 7, 5- ,f 4 r Plat of: 'j N- Range: (e Township: 3 C) Section(s): Applicant's Contiguous Property: do 3t> /S yion� c' 3 c, 17- 2 3 e IS c /r0 z.,0 Zoning: 777 N'' A d j a c e n t to ACe Shoreline Designation: AZ /IA- Comprehensive Plan Designation: /V O L S 7i ,4 Comprehensive Plan Area: /`C /ti c, 6 s SEPA: Exempt t Non- Exempt, Checklist Attached 11 r 4-41e1 F c A 0 c:c- Ti Wetlands Fish and Wildlife Habitat/Nesting Site; Type Type 5 Stream Aquifer Recharge Area O Landslide/Erosion Hazard Designated AG Lands Floodplain/Floodway Resource Lands Agency Comments: O No Comment. Submitted By Date Return Comments to the Planning Division By S /V- FIELDS SHOTWLL CORPORATION'S RECYCLE FACILITY APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Introduction 2 Vicinity Map 3 Zoning Map 4 Traffic Pattern Map from Highway 101 5 Topographic Map along with General Layout of Proposed Facility 6 Thermal Plant Area 7 Legal Description 8 Landscaping Plan 9 Conditional Use Permit Application 10 Environmental Checklist Submittal 12 Support Letters: Paul F. Perlwitz, Environmental Manager of Daishowa America Port Angeles Mill 24 Bill Peach, President of Clallam County Economic Development Council 25 Glen A. Cutler, P.E., City of Port Angeles Director of Public Works and Utilities 26 Clyde Boddy, Executive Director of Port of Port Angeles 27 Roger Easling, Project Manager for construction of Jefferson School for Port Angeles School District No. 121 28 Soil Permeability Tests on Gray Silt at the Site 29 Soil Logs from Northwestern Territories, Inc... 31 Soil Logs from City of Port Angeles 33 RECEIVED DEC 21 2001 1 CLALLAM COUNTY D C D. PLANNING DIVISION INTRODUCTION TO APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO FILL UNLINED HOLES WITH INERT MATERIAL AS DEFINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND TO FILL LINED HOLES WITH NON- PUTRESCRIBLE WASTE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY REGULATIONS People have a goal to recycle waste, but in fact a very small percentage of the big picture of waste is actually recycled. In the private sector, if you create a financial incentive to recycle, then waste will be recycled. For instance, if it costs you twenty dollars per ton to construct a lined hole, but recycling a part of the waste as a beneficial use product costs only ten dollars per ton, then that part of the waste would be recycled. Because of the following unique ecological and structural attributes (in some instances already in place) the proposed facility is excellent for the proposed use: 1. Located in a large industrial complex (page 4) with an excellent traffic pattern (pages 3 and 5) 2. Unique existing soil characteristics (gray silt) with large areas of soil with low permeability (page 6; soils logs on pages 33 through 52) capable of being used as liner material with correct moisture and compaction (see testing data on pages 31 and 32) 3. At least one thousand feet down gradient from site to other wells 4. Three monitoring wells, eighty to ninety feet deep, with a long history of non detect 5. Large covered buildings with concrete and asphalt floors to process non -inert material 6. Two hundred gallon per minute well with associated water rights 7. Solid Waste Permit from Clallam County for accepting concrete and asphalt rubble 8. Wastewater Discharge Permit Number WAG501122 from the Department of Ecology 9. Surfacing Mining Permit Number 70011256 from the Department of Natural Resources 10. Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority Permits for Thermal Plant and Gravel Plant With the right to fill in unlined holes for inert waste, together with a lined hole for non putrescrible waste, both meeting Department of Ecology requirements, a viable recycle facility to handle waste would happen at our industrial site in Clallam County. In closing, we have received support from the following combination of representative government agencies and industry whom all recognize the need for such a facility at this time in Port Angeles: 1. Paul F. Perlwitz, Environmental Manager of Daishowa America Port Angeles Mill 2. Bill Peach, President of Clallam County Economic Development Council 3. Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., City of Port Angeles Director of Public Works and Utilities 4. Clyde Boddy, Executive Director of Port of Port Angeles 5. Roger Easling, Project Manager for Port Angeles School District No. 121 2 CLALLAM &Ot1NTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 223 EAST FOURTH STREET_ PO Box 863 PORT ANGELES, WASIUUNGTON 98362 -0149 (360) 417 -2000 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION Application must be printed in ink or typed_ PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION THE PLATINUM C LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Name Mailing Address P.O. Box 2081 City Po Angele St WA_ Zip 98362 Phone Number 457 -1417 Business Phone 457 -1417 t y AGENT INFORMATION (If applicable) Name ZENOVIC ASSOCIATES Mailing Address 519 South Peabody Street, Suite 4 City Port Angeles, St WA. Zip 98362 Phone Number 417 -0501 Contact Person Steve Zenovic PROJECT INFORMATION #063018 140025 0000 4063018 140000 0000 Tax Parcel Number #063018 140075 0000 #063018 140050 0000 Size of Parcei 30 Acres, (Acres or Square Feet) Zoning Industrial see page 3 Water Supply well for dust control Sewage Disposal System septic system for employees Is there any surface water located on the property? man made ponds Directions to the property: West on Highway 101 to Eclipse Industrial Parkway, head south on Eclipse Industrial Parkway thru log yard to 484 Eclipse Industrial Parkway (see Vicinty Map on page Description of the proposed use (describe existing and proposed structures and activities and those associated with the use): i:hoc:n on the next page A complete application Includes an ENVIRONMENTAL CI ECKI.LST- I certify and penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington, that I am the owner or authorized agent• of the property that is the subject of this a.' Agent 10 Applicant IF AUTIIORIZED AGENT, WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT OF AGENCY MUST ALSO t3E CUP Date Received Receipt 11 Date Accepted Description of the proposed use (describe existing and proposed structures and activities and those associated with the use): 1. Inert Waste as defined by the Department of Ecology After recycling items, bury in existing hole shown on page 6. 2. Non Putrescible Waste What we are implying by the words non putrescible, is not municipal type waste that attract birds, all other wastes would be included (for instance wood dervative wastes which does decay with oxygen is included, but the waste does not attract birds). For the non putrescrible waste we would construct a series of phased lined holes utilizing the gray silt, tested by Geotechnical Testing Laboratory (pages 29 and 30), on our site (shown on page 6) along with all the associated Department of Ecology requirements. Where appropriate, we would utilize the existing storage buildings shown on page 6 for recycle efforts. Z 13 CITY O F OR 1 l.V G�E LES ..E? err WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT October 23, 2001 t4 Jonathan Shotwell Fields Shotwell s4' f P.O. Box 2081 Port Angeles, WA 98362 2 0 Dear Mr. Shotwell: *W In response to our discussions on August 3, 2001 and your letter received on October 17, 2001, the City of Port Angeles supports private enterprise to meet the needs of the :0t community to dispose of various wastes such as wood waste, construction and demolition waste, contaminated soils, etc. -c e• The landfill accommodates disposal of various solid waste materials. Upon closure of the C ity of Port Angeles Landfill not later than December 31, 2006, alternate methods of disposal be re uired. The City will be exporting solid waste out of the area by long-haul P q tY P g Y g operations. This is a costly method of disposal. Alternative disposal methods to the long u Y haul operation are encouraged and required to assist our community to keep disposal rates as j 4 low as possible. mo o: 4 The City of Port Angeles encourages you to work with and seek permits from Washington 4 2; State and Clallam County to provide low cost effective disposal of non municipal solid waste to the local community. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me by calling 360 417 -4800 or e-mail ie 4 at pubworks @ci.port- angeles.wa.us. £r .�7 S incerely, (Llt :AZ: ate' Y n n A. Cutl .E. Director, Public Works and Utilities �,f..'.r Copy to: Director of Community Development Clallam County, Mr. Robert Martin Director Clallam County Economic Development Council, Mr. James Haguewood 321 EAST FIFTH STREET P. 0 BOX 1 150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -0217 PHONE- 360-417 FAX: 360-417-4542 TTY 360-417-4645 E -MAIL: PUBWORKS @CI.PORT- ANGELES.WA.US 6,ft: PORT PORT 1 OF PORT ANGELES W A S H I N G T ON October 31, 2001 Mr. Jonathan Shotwell Fields Shotwell Corp. P.O. Box 2081 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 RE: Proposed Landfill Dear Mr. Shotwell: The Port of Port Angeles supports your efforts to obtain a solid waste landfill permit for your site at the Eclipse complex located in Port Angeles. The Port is regular generator of inert demolition materials and wood wastes, which are currently being disposed of at the Port Angeles City Landfill. With the City's landfill due for closure no later than December 31, 2006, your facility would serve a great need for Clallam County and the Port District. Additionally, privatization of waste reclaiming and disposal, such as you are proposing at your Port Angeles Eclipse site, makes a great deal of economic sense this region. We encourage you in this permitting process. If you need assistance or have any questions please do not-hesitate to contact us. Cordially, PORT OF PORT ANGELES 1 q3 4 4) Clyde •ddy, Executi Director 338 West First Street (360) 457 -8527 COMMISSIONERS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR P.O. Box 1350 Fax: (360) 452 -3959 Glenn Beckman M. Christine Anderson Port Angeles, WA 98362 portofpa @olypen.com Leonard W. Beil Jack Waud Value Management Resources Port Angeles School District No. 121 216 East Fourth Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 457 -8575 October 18, 2001 To Whom It May Concern: I support Fields Shotwell Corporation's request for a solid waste permit for accepting inert demolition waste, inert ash waste, creosote timber, and dredging from saltwater. While I have read over Fields Shotwell Corporation's solid waste application and it appears that environmental questions have been answered, I choose not to take sides on this issue. I will strongly support the economic benefits to the area and any economic issues. I am presently under contract to the Port Angeles School District No. 121 to provide Project and Construction Management for the Reconstruction of an Elementary School in this community. As a part of this effort, considerable demolition has occurred, and we have required separating the concrete and brick rubble from the other construction debris. If the concrete rubble had been hauled to the Port Angeles Landfill instead of the Fields Shotwell Corporation facility at Eclipse Industrial Park, the additional cost to the Port Angeles School District No. 121 would have been near $50,000. The construction debris totaled approximately 800 tons, and was hauled to the Port Angeles Landfill. Fields Shotwell Corporation anticipates charging $45.00 per ton for construction debris with no liner. If Fields Shotwell Corporation could have taken the debris, the savings to the Port Angeles School District would have been an additional $25,000. Both items combined would have represented a savings to the community of near $75,000. We can only imagine what the cost to the District would have been, if the same project had been completed after the Port Angeles Landfill was closed, presently slated for 2007. We anticipate the debris would be required to be trucked to Tacoma or surrounding environs. Sincerely Roger Easling Project Manager CLALLAM COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF R 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C 1 r1 0 Im i iIjmtm, II I/II/IINWI 1 g ir. '',47 V,` 4' DIRECTOR, BOB MARTIN CLALLAM COUNTY COURTHOUSE BUILDING DIVISION FIRE MARSHAL P.O. Box 863 223 EAST FOURTH STREET ENVIORNMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 -0149 PLANNING DIVISION January 31, 2002 NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION (360) 417-2321, FAX" (360) 417-2443 The Platinum C Limited Partnership P.O. box 2081 Port Angeles, WA 98362 C/o Steve Zenovic agent 519 South Peabody Street, Suite 4 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Environmental Review for SEPA checklist (CUP2001- 00006) Dear Steve: The Clallam County Planning Division received a Conditional Use Permit Application on November 7, 2001 for the establishment of a solid waste recycle facility and unlined landfill on several parcels in the vicinity of the "Eclipse Industrial Park A new proposal was received by the Planning Division on December 21, 2001, which limited the project area and proposed an additional lined hole on the site. The new application and associated materials have been reviewed for consistency with the minimum application requirements specified under CCC 26.10.320, and determined to be incomplete for processing. The environmental checklist submitted with the application has also been reviewed according to WAC 197 -11 and C.C.C. 27 01. Upon review of the revised proposal, the Planning Division has substantial concems about the potential environmental impacts that may be associated with this development. There are many aspects of the proposal that are not clearly addressed by the checklist, or the permit application materials. The following issues are of particular concern: There is no detailed description of the recycling processes that will be conducted on the site (such as grinding, sorting, compacting, cutting, or crushing of materials). The application materials do not specify which permits will be requested, other than a conditional use permit, and a "solid waste permit The anticipated traffic volume (4 vehicle trips per day) seems like an underestimation especially if there are on -site sales of recycled materials, and regular use by local industry Information regarding processing and disposal of stormwater is not provided in the checklist. The preliminary site plan illustrates a proposed "covered lined hole" that would be the "first of many phases If this will be a phased development, a thorough description of phases, and timelines for completion of each will be necessary. January 31, 2002 Page 2 If the project includes expansion of existing structures, or the construction of new structures, timelines for completion and details of the design and size of each upon completion are needed. It is not clear how access to the site would be controlled (gates, fences, etc Proposed hours of operation have not been provided. There is no description of the current use of the site provided in the checklist other than "gravel pit and industrial" use The environmental checklist does not address exterior lighting. Wetlands are known to exist on or adjacent to the site (These were not mentioned in the checklist). The checklist indicates that there would be no risk of environmental health hazards including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal. The checklist does not indicate how potential hazards would be avoided, or kept off site. Pursuant to WAC 197 -11 -350, the Clallam County Responsible Official is considering a Determination of Significance (DS) likely for the proposed development based on the likelihood of significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts to the proposal site and vicinity. Pursuant to WAC 197 -11 -350, alternatives or modifications to the existing proposal may be submitted for review by the responsible official. Specifically, it is recommended that (at a minimum) the above issues be addressed in writing with additional information and or proposals to mitigate potential impacts. If after review of any such changes or modifications, the responsible official determines that any probable adverse environmental impacts have been mitigated, and the revised plan does not generate new probable impacts, then the Responsible Official will consider the issuance of a Determination of Non Significance (DNS), or Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS). If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact me by phoning (360) 417- 2594. Sincerely, i Or I dr Gary Dougherty, Associate Planner c. correspondence file project file CUP2001 -00006 Bob Martin Tania Busch -Weak CLALLAM COUNTY itye DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 C! 17 �i/��simmi <Uf 1111 //lW//1 DIRECTOR, BOB MARTIN January 31, 2002 CLALLAM COUNTY COURTHOUSE BUILDING DIVISION FIRE MARSHAL P.O. Box 863 223 EAST FOURTH STREET ENVIORNMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 -0149 PLANNING DIVISION NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION (360) 417 2321, FAX: (360) 417-2443 The Platinum C Limited Partnership Fields Shotwell Corporation P.O. Box 2081 Zenovic Associates 519 South Peabody Port Angeles, WA 98362 SUBJ: Notice of Incomplete Application; Conditional Use Permit Assessor's Parcel No. 06- 30 -18- 140025, 06- 30 -18- 140075, 06- 30 -18- 140000, and 06- 30 -18- 140050 Permit Application No. CUP2001 -00006 Dear Steve: The Clallam County Planning Division originally received the above referenced Conditional Use Permit Application on November 7, 2001 for the establishment of a solid waste recycle facility and unlined landfill on several parcels in the vicinity of the "Eclipse Industrial Park The application was deemed to be incomplete, pending submittal of a solid waste permit on November 14, 2001. A new proposal was received by the Planning Division on December 21, 2001, which limited the project area and proposed an additional lined hole on the site. A site visit was arranged by telephone for January 16, 2002 in order for staff to gain a more complete understanding of the proposal, as the application materials were not explicit in describing the scope, timing, duration, exact location operational characteristics, or current condition of the site. Based on the new application materials, and subsequent site visit, the Planning Division has determined that pursuant to CCC 26.10.310 (Consolidated Development Permit Process code) additional information is needed, in order to continue with the processing of this permit prior to receipt of a solid waste permit. In order to properly evaluate the proposal, the Planning Division is requesting the following information: A detailed written description of the recycling processes that will be conducted on the site (such as grinding, sorting, compacting, cutting, or crushing of materials). Clallam County Department of Community Development POB 863. 223 E 4th Street. Port Angeles. WA 98362 -0149 (360)417 -2321 Memorandum January 31, 2002 Page 2 Specify which permits will be requested, other than a conditional use permit, and a "solid waste permit Provide a copy of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources surface mining permit applicable to the site, including any conditions, and associated environmental documents (SEPA, Reclamation Plan etc...) Please provide the anticipated traffic volume, types of traffic to be anticipated (trucks, heavy equipment, cars), and rationale for this estimation. Provide a traffic circulation pattern within the boundaries of the site. (Specify where contractors and customers will drive, and show parking areas.) Proposed methods of processing and disposal of stormwater including pre, during, and post development. The preliminary site plan illustrates a proposed "covered lined hole" that would be the "first of many phases If this will be a phased development, provide a thorough description of phases, and timelines for completion of each, as required by CCC 33.27.050. If the project includes expansion of existing structures, or the construction of new structures, provide timelines for completion and details of the design and size of each upon completion. Include all existing and anticipated footprints and locations. Describe how the site will be secured from individuals who may (advertently, or inadvertently) trespass onto the site. Provide proposed hours of operation including, but not limited to materials processing, equipment operation and hours open to the public. How many employees (maximum) would work at the site? Where would employees park? Provide a detailed description of past uses on the site to the best of your knowledge. Provide a detailed written description of the current use of the site including an inventory of machinery, equipment, waste materials, and infrastructure. Provide a detailed description of machinery, equipment, infrastructure anticipated to be operating on the site. Provide a list of all materials that will be accepted on the site for recycling, or disposal. Specify the procedure for disposal of unacceptable materials. Provide an inventory of all existing and proposed exterior lighting, including mounting hieghts, type, and locations of each fixture. Will customers have unlimited access to the entire site? Clallam County Department of Community Development. POB 863, 223 E 4th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0149 (206)417 -2520 Memorandum January 31, 2002 Page 3 The Clallam County Critical Areas maps indicate the presence of wetlands in the southwest corner of the site. Please indicate whether this has been delineated, and /or ranked, and provide copies of any such environmental documents. The timeline for a final decision on your application will begin when we receive this information, and determine it is complete. Should you have any additional questions or comments, don't hesitate to call me at (360) 417 -2594. Sincerely, G ry D T' erty, Associate Planner cc. project file CUP2001 -00004 correspondence parcel file Bob Martin Tania Busch -Weak Clallam County Department of Community Development. POB 863, 223 E 4th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0149 (206)417 -2520 1 :a, ..r i vxt" tYS:.'^' i :ua'W ""!.,Y, c k .w�..'-K^ M1 ;fas a t ;....a,.4 �oe .{g ?�,a'.r: .X' i•= 7 rsR'+',+'' 4 ?r. J tiro 4 Yby� y 4. t i {k i y t.'r +'aa' mu fix" zi i ^x a ;,n ✓'rx„ 'X;":— `i '+ti,i,.. l:.''*t x ..e a' A 3t-4,1:-.v.,:, r a F -Y =r Z i 4 :�F.i�y v d y CIVII:EI 4,L •4x'°3.,. a y 8,,+, a' r lw i y <r z 'st a Y a 1 y 11a V 1 1 t±11 lT� 1 ASSOCIATES RECEIVED 519 South Peabody Street, Suite 22 Y- Port Angeles,Washmgton 98362 INCORPORATED (360) 417 -0501 APR 8 2002 1 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail zenovic @olympus net L CLALLAM COUNTY D C D. PLANNING DIVISION April 8, 2002 Mr. Gary Dougherty, Associate Planner Clallam County Planning Division 223 East Fourth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Conditional Use Permit Application for The Platinum C Limited Partnership CUP2001 -00006 Dear Gary: This letter is written in response to your letters of January 31, 2002 requesting additional information on the Environmental Checklist and the Conditional Use Permit Application for the referenced project. I will address each "bullet" item in sequence. For those items requested in both letters, I will be responding only once. Environmental Checklist Detailed Description of Recycling Processes The material proposed for recycling are primarily the soil -based materials (sand blasting medium, boiler ash, dredge spoils, and log yard waste) and the structural waste materials (demolition debris and creosote timbers). The soil -based materials will be screened and mixed to create a "Conditioned Mineral Soil similar to natural topsoil. Screening will be done using the existing on -site screens; mixing will be done using a loader or similar equipment within existing buildings. The structural waste will be sorted to separate the usable material from the waste. Usable material will be stockpiled for sale; the waste will be placed in the landfill. No grinding, compacting (other than for placement in the landfill), cutting, or crushing is anticipated. Permits The Checklist indicates that a Conditional Use Permit and a Solid Waste Permit will be required for the proposed project. In addition, an amendment to the existing Surface Mining Permit (DNR), Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority Permit, and Department of Ecology Wastewater Discharge Permit (NPDES) will be required. A Certificate of Compliance may be required trom the Clallam County Planning Division, as a wetland is present on the site although rio improvements are proposed within either the wetland or its associated buffer. Page 2 Mr. Gary Dougherty CUP Application for The Platinum C Limited Partnership April 8, 2002 Anticipated Traffic Volumes The initial vehicle trip estimate was based on the anticipated trips for large trucks. In addition to the trucks, the completed project will have an estimated 3 employees (6 trips per day), and an estimated 10 vehicles per day for direct sales and incidental visitors, for a total of 20 trips per day average. Peak Toads will not exceed 50 trips per day. Processing and Disposal of Stormwater No "processing" of the stormwater runoff is proposed at this time. The waste materials will be stockpiled and handled in existing or proposed buildings, and the active waste cell will have a roof to keep out the rainfall. Runoff on the site will be directed to retention ponds of sufficient size to allow for percolation and evaporation of the collected runoff. Attached is a conceptual drainage plan for the project. Project Timing and Phasing Since this is a new concept, it is unknown at this time the amount of waste that the facility will receive, recycle, and place in the landfill. It is estimated that the total waste volume will be approximately 10,000 tons per year. The proposed cell size is 200 feet square by approximately 30 feet deep. A cell will hold approximately 25,000 cubic yards of waste. Assuming that 50% of the waste is recycled and that the density of the waste in the cell is 1.5 ton /cubic yard, a cell will last slightly less than 8 years. A new cell will not be constructed until the existing one is 75% full. Only one cell will be active at any given time. New Structures Currently, two additional structures are anticipated. A permanent steel, rigid frame open structure would be added to the east end of the existing rigid frame structure to the west of the proposed cell location. This structure would be a maximum of 70 feet wide by 140 feet long by 20 feet high. Construction timing would depend on space needs. A temporary rigid framed structure would be placed over the active cell to prevent incident rainfall from entering the cell. This structure would be 200 feet square and 25 feet high. This structure would be completed prior to placing waste in the first cell. Access Access to the site is from the north, through the existing Eclipse Industrial Park. This facility has been in operation for the past 20 years and has no record of past security issues. For this project, a berm would be constructed along the north property line to control access as well as stormwater runoff. Gates would be installed at the entrance to the site to prevent vehicles from entering when the facility is closed. No perimeter fencing is proposed. Page 3 Mr. Gary Dougherty CUP Application for The Platinum C Limited Partnership April 8, 2002 Hours of Operation Proposed hours of operation are 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays and 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. An occasional delivery of or shipment of waste from long haul operations may occur outside the normal hours of operation. The facility would be open to the public from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. Current Use of Site Currently, the site is used as a gravel pit (processing in -situ materials as drainrock, pea gravel, and sand), a storage area for waste soils, and a disposal site for concrete rubble. No crushing operations are present. A thermal treatment facility for petroleum contaminated soils is located on the site, but has not been used in the past 24 months. Exterior Lighting Current exterior lighting consists of a single pole- mounted security light. This light has not been energized in the last year, but can be used if desired. No additional exterior lighting is proposed for the project. Wetlands An existing wetlands complex is located at the southwest corner of the subject property. The new roadway that will provide access from the northwest corner of the site will be not less than 100 feet from the edge of the wetland. This roadway is for receiving large trucks only. The roadway will be constructed such that any stormwater runoff from the roadway flows north, away from the wetland. Any remaining site development will be a minimum of 400 feet from the wetland. Hazardous or Toxic Waste The proposal would avoid the potential of hazardous or toxic materials from entering the site by establishing a management program that would require that any materials to be delivered to the site be tested for hazardous materials. No materials would be accepted that have asbestos, PCBs, or other hazardous components. A Solid Waste Permit will be obtained that defines those materials that may be acepted at the site. Conditional Use Permit Application As noted above, several of the issues set forth in your letter requesting more information for the environmental review are also in your letter for the CUP application. I will not further address those items in the following responses; the information provided above should be adequate for your review. Page 4 Mr. Gary Dougherty CUP Application for The Platinum C Limited Partnership April 8, 2002 Washington State Department of Natural Resources Surface Mining Permit The requested permit is submitted herewith. Traffic Circulation Trucks delivering approved inert wastes to the site will enter from the existing roadway at the northwest corner of the property. All other vehicles (employees, customers, contractors) as well as trucks removing material from the site will use the existing roadway at the northeast corner of the site. Both roadways run through the Eclipse Industrial Park and outlet onto Highway 101 across from All Animal Veterinary Clinic (see attached sketch). Existing and Proposed Structures All existing and proposed permanent structures are shown on the attached sketch. Individual Trespass Trespass has not been an issue in the past due to the project site location and the number of industrial uses that operate around the clock within the Eclipse Industrial Park. As noted previously, a berm will be constructed along the north property line to discourage access at any point except the noted roadways. Each access point will be signed to inform the public of the hours of operation. A security service may be retained if trespass during non operation hours becomes a problem. No watchman or perimeter fencing is proposed; no security lighting is proposed. Employees It is anticipated that a total of three permanent employees would operate the facility. During peak demand periods, up to an additional five employees may be needed. Parking for the employees would be provided to the west of the the existing shop, east of the office building. Past Uses of the Site Over the past 20 years, the site has been used for the following Production of redi -mix concrete production for off -site delivery Production of concrete for on -site fabrication of precast structures Manufacture and sale of concrete blocks "Ecology blocks Storage and thermal processing of petroleum- contaminated soils Landfill of concrete and asphalt rubble Mining, screening, washing, and crushing of gravel and sand Production of asphalt concrete for off -site delivery Page 5 Mr. Gary Dougherty CUP Application for The Platinum C Limited Partnership April 8, 2002 Current Use of the Site The site is currently used for the mining and production of gravel and sand. Equipment includes a large loader, excavator, and dozer, a portable screening plant with washing facilities, and miscellaneous small equipment. Also on the site is the thermal processing plant for the bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils, although this plant has not been operated over the last two years due to decreasing demand and changes to the regulations concerning contamination levels in soils. The site has an existing production well with a proven capacity of 200 gallons per minute. Water rights in excess of 51 acre feet per year are associated with the well. The site has three -phase power supplied by Clallam County P.U.D. and also has a large storage tank for LP gas. Anticipated Equipment, Machinery, and Infrastructure It is anticipated that the existing equipment on the site will be sufficient to handle the majority of the material for both recycle and waste. A compactor may be required to properly consolidate the waste in the active cell to optimize use. In addition, a forklift may be required to move and stockpile recycled materials. No additional infrastructure is anticipated. Customer Access to the Site Customer access to the site will be limited to the area immediately inside the northeast access point. Customers will not be permitted to enter the operations area. Wetland It is not known whether the wetland in the southeast corner of the property has been delineated and rated. All proposed activities are not less than 100 feet from the wetland, and all operations are at least 400 feet from the wetland. If further information is needed or if you have any questions concerning the information provided, please give me a call. Sincerely, Zenovic Associates, Inc. S henL. Zenovic, P.E. P °nci al Engineer P 9 Enclosures Fc: J N 01198 Cc: The Platinum C Limited Partnership /Jonathan Shotwell w/o enc. /7 11((::// (Yr .;1117: X -1 7,---- g t., X 0 vi ch 1 C. f- 04 0 1 i a' ti J "ti l t N t `4'q,: 1: k g 5_ I i „A I -t--#----) I 4 8 di I c" 1,11111 10 hok 'tli i/ d E Ilk 7 n LI I R 1—, /I 1 -4.,,, .‘..t 0 I I i' 4 i NJ :41111k N 0, th? i 44 1 001 Vog ik CA k: s uz in imio !k.,t i i *tilit\l'ilit•;,,."\\Itisi\i4;11-itIlit.r.‘:..;yhe c;: A,. ...kokk AllkA 1 (1) *I d I 1 A g I IP i 0 V 4g" 0 I. f 4 f to. 0.......-. ,i "10 I 7Th •V, 49 ill r., 3 4 N t c Atk, 0 c(0, L„ ts -.4,- at;! V.11 Its...• f ■1 ff< 1 iti I r4111;4111 g 1 4.4 I v ,S‘s: 1:9 l' /-.4 d, toq• 2 I M s i '4.: ko \N t Z .,.:.‘,LL r v VT Fba 4 i ,,,,j:/ C WO i 'T i 1 i 4tit r-s. 1 al ,i, :t: 4 "7 is. t, i 1 f' g i I'll r -1 1st r i I I I, A I 1 ii4( i g N. tv, v fj prillik i i.4 't '24 I rt 11 8 0 :041Pit c N i e 4, J i N#7.))hh. P 1 c ;.1 1 /7/''' 1 /7 t, 1 1 .1 1 11 oR i iN 5. 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Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/0 Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Branch Orcufts 1-4 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp Temp. ServIWFeeder 201 -400 Amp, Temp, Servlc8fFeeder 401.600 Amp. Temp, Service /Feeder 601.1000 Amp . Portal to Portal Hourly Sign /Outline Lighting Signal Ornultl Limited Energy - Multi.Family Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy ! First 1500 sf -- Commercial Note: $5,00 For each additional 1600 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Loss Thermostat Note; $5.00 for each additional T -Stat P �. "_tv cant: Name: NA -PI Ir U k Gha e $132,00 $ 160,00 $ 225,00 $ 288,00 $ 410,00 $ 5,00 $ 74.00 $ 5.00 $ 86.00 $102,00 $121,00 $164.00 $185.00 96.00 88,00 $ 64.00 $ KOO $118.00 $ 56,00 City; r. j Phone,_q, , LicensT # ! I CIONA State: 51 p. JjLed by Unit _Ct One tv Dr $ _ Owner as defined by RCW. 19.28.261 : (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (A) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease, Permit expims after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor, I am making' the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C,, RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 29640, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Cade, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Sledrica} Permit Applications. Sign re f owner, electrical contract electrical administrator: lJated. ❑ Ceah ❑ Cheek k Gredtt Gard 0 _._RIi 4110112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 350 -417 -4735 Application Number . . , . . 14- 00001164 Date 9/30/14 Application pin number . . . 239348 DITCH Property Address , , . . 484 ECLIPSE IND PKWY ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06-30-18-1-4- 007$ -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision. Name . . . . , , Property Use FINAL Property Zoning . , . . . . . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation . , , . 0 Application desc Transformer and circuits for tower Owner Contractor PLATINUM C LTD PTSHP SIMPSON ELECTRIC 136 R BT}d ST STE 256 243036 W HWY 101 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -9270 Permit . , . , . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desa . . Permit Fee 142.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue bate 9/30/14 Valuation , . . . 0 Expiration Date 3/29/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 2.00 5.0000 ECH EL- BRANCH CTR(IUTT W /FEEDER 1.0.00 I.DO 132.0000 ECH EL -COM 0 -200 SRV FEEDER 132,00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Pee Total 142,00 142.00 00 .00 Plan Check Total ..00 ,00 .00 .0.0 Grand Total 142,00 142.00 ,00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DAVE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G_1EXCHANGC\13UfLj)WG t