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111 E 8th St Technical - Future Rite Aid's Storm Drainage Report- Building
TECHNICAL Permit D ci Address II t A S+" Project description R�-} -e A i G ��2 Jo s Date the permit was finaled 7P,r m i 4 never ;s Number of technical pages �J)' 5 �raingcam, Mioort Revision STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR THE PORT ANGELES RITE -AID RECEIVED MAY 2 7 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON o STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR THE PORT ANGELES RITE -AID S LINCOLN S LAUREL STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON April26 2010 HARMSEN ciA I ASSOCIATES INC A N T I C I P A T E U N D E R S T A N D G U I D E D E L I V E R 16778 146 St. SE Ste 104 PO Box 516 Monroe, WA 98272 -0516 t(360) 794 -7811 t(206) 343 -5903 1(360) 805 -9732 www.h- ai.com STORM DRAINAGE REPORT APRIL 26, 2010 PORT ANGELES RITE AID PAGE 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This drainage analysis has been prepared for the new Port Angeles Rite Aid store to be located north of E 8 Street between S Lincoln Street and S Laurel Street. An alley is located directly adjacent to the site to the north. The site covers 1.27 acres and is fully developed containing a deli /grocery store, florist, fast food restaurant, carwash and senior center Currently the site is nearly fully impervious with only approximately 1,600 sf of landscaped area. The existing building at the corner of S Laurel Street and E 8 Street will remain as will the building at the corner of the alley and S Lincoln Street. Runoff from the site sheet flows to the alley where an inverted crown directs it to S Lincoln Street. METHODOLOGY The drainage design for the site was prepared using the requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, 2005 (DOE Manual) as adopted by the City of Port Angeles. WWHM3 by the Department of Ecology has been used for runoff calculations and treatment system sizing. 1 SOIL DATA According to the geotechnical report prepared for the site by Adapt Engineering, dated June 13 2007 the underlying soils are generally fine to coarse sand with gravel and occasional cobbles. The upper few feet of the soil was found to be loosely compacted. For that reason Adapt has recommended removal and re- compaction of the upper two feet of the subgrade under the building and parking areas Due to the lack of a confining layer the soil fits the classification of a hydrologic group B soil. Refer to the geotechnical report submitted under separate cover for more information. EXISTING CONDITIONS As mentioned previously the site is fully developed with buildings and parking /circulation areas covering nearly the entire property The topographic survey prepared for the site shows that the site slopes from an elevation of 119 near S Laurel Street to elevation 114 near S Lincoln Street. Storm water runoff currently sheet flows to the alley where it leaves the site as surface flow in 1 the inverted crown in the alley and enters S Lincoln Street where is flows via the gutter to an existing catch basin located at the intersection of S Lincoln Street and 7th Street. There are no critical areas on or near the site See Figure 1 Existing Conditions. The following table summarizes the existing runoff rates Return Period Peak Rate(cfs) I 2 Year 0.32 10 Year 0 47 I 100 Year 066 See WWHM3 output and screen shots in Appendix A. J: \RHL Design Port Angeles Rite Aid 07. 089 \CE\DWG\2010 CDs \Drainage Report 07- 089.DOC SRM/dwh STORM DRAINAGE REPORT APRIL 26, 2010 PORT ANGELES RITE AID PAGE 2 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS The planned development of the site is to construct a 17 000 sf Rite Aid Pharmacy in the center of the property A pharmacy drive -thru will be located along west side of the building. Parking areas are located along the north and east sides of the building The parking lot will connect to the alley and E 8 Street, see Figure 2 Developed Conditions The existing street curb gutter and sidewalk surrounding the site will be replaced in the same location to remove the old driveway curb cuts that previously served the site The site improvements will include a reduction in overall impervious coverage and a doubling of the existing landscape area. Based on discussions with City staff, detention is not required, but treatment of the runoff from the site is required. The majority of the site, excluding the building roof will be collected and conveyed to a cartridge filter treatment system prior to discharge from the site The following runoff rates have been calculated using the WWHM3 software The following table summarizes the developed runoff rates. Return Period 2 Year 10 Year 100 Year Return Period On -Line Treatment Rate Peak Rate(cfs) 0.31 0 45 0 64 See WWHM3 output and screen shots in Appendix A. The discharge for the storm system will be the storm drain in S Lincoln Street. There is currently a 24 system that ends at the intersection with 7th Street to the north. At the City's request this storm will be extended along S Lincoln Street to the subject property and will be the discharge point for the site runoff TREATMENT BASIN The treatment basin consists of the developed site basin, excluding the roof area of the proposed building. The parking and tributary landscaped areas will be collected and conveyed to a cartridge filter treatment system prior to discharge from the site The following treatment rate has been calculated using the WWHM3 software. The following table summarizes the treatment basin runoff rate Peak Rate(cfs) 0 12 See WWHM3 output and screen shots in Appendix A. J: \RHL Design \Port Angeles Rite Aid 07- 089 \CE\DW G\2010 CDs \Drainage Report 07-089.DOC SRM /dwh STORM DRAINAGE REPORT PORT ANGELES RITE AID DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY Predeveloped Developed Total project area 1 13 ac 1 13 ac Area of tributary 0 00 ac 0.00 ac off site basins Impervious Area 96.50% 92.70% of site) Area of PGIS 0 86 ac 0 66 ac Area of NPGIS 0.27 ac 0 47 ac Converted pervious 0 00 ac 0.00 ac (forest to lawn) APRIL 26, 2010 PAGE 3 CONVEYANCE CALCULATIONS Conveyance calculations have been prepared for the site and are included in Appendix B They have been calculated based on runoff determined by the Rational Method. An Excel spreadsheet has been used for the backwater calculations. J: \RHL Design \Port Angeles Rite Aid 07.089 \CE\DWG\2010 CDs \Drainage Report 07- 089.DOC SRM/dwh _�Ilc?i.• .i. M BHF. ass 0 memo s f r I\ SSW 1 RBA. t,6.24 1 IE CHP,107.99' (a' PIPES E z J2 20—� t w cn 721 __L. 40' 0 20 40 80 T MPH T w i min IN smog aril EXIST! N` C CAR WASH I THE GOVERNMENT TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES BLOCK 231 ASPHALT PARRWC LOT FOR THE CHURCH EXISTIN RETAIL w 4 179 E. 8TH STREET STORM DRAINAGE REPORT PORT ANGELES RITE -AID AEA, BOJNDAR l i E 1A1 OA_ "STOP" "LINCOLN ST /7TH sr gtppO O O (RHANG (TYPICAL) 2 S HAW CATCH BASIN I Y (OL/WATER SEPARATOR) I CRATE- 110.3 2 ,0.,0e4'(6 NO CONl1EC '0 IAiO J:1RHL Design\Port Angeles Rite Aid 07- 089\CEIDWO12010 COslOrainage Report 07- 089.DOC CATCH BASIN OIL/WATER SEPARATOR) CRATE..06.85 A M)- tO4.25.(PvC) Ili i. 11� f _Al) 1 HW 17 3 11, S 2', c W (7 WCOI.N ST. vS C') GIARI RBLf ,1 �YT _10_11, w rrs�► FIGURE 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS APRIL 26, 2010 PAGE 4 AS SRM/dwh s ss SSW 8 RW 118.24 A CTR..107 or Pipes E k M) t, 'le i a W 1 0 N A W N J O u 0 20 40 80 1" 40' ASPH PROPOSED RITE AID FrE= 1 70 FI"4. =BIM OWN THE GOVERNMENT TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES BLOCK 231 ASPHALT PARKING LOT FOR THE CMURCH ApIN Of INDARYY nO STORM DRAINAGE REPORT PORT ANGELES RITE AID 8•F C'ONC PA0 NTH ORi%t THAI OVERHANG SULCANG ONCRNANG TYPICAL) may" SDCB "STOP" "LINCOLN ST /7TH Sr SAS SA/0( I CATCH 8 ti I (0e1 /HATER SEPARATOR) y I I 4RAT(.1t0.34' �E(11h .10684'(8 TOWS NO C L) J:\RHL Design\Port Angeles Rite Aid 07- 089\CE%DWG\2010 CDs\D,rainage Report 07- 089.DOC CATCH SAWN (0./WATER SEPARATOR) CRATE•10d8S ic(M)•t04.2S'(8•DVC) I i .whin ...wv..�� an�x• c... 1 17 CURS INLET MIA to w w G -w w �1 r6:>•,cu 420 g_ E. 8TH STREET ,>>8 FIGURE 2. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS to APRIL 26, 2010 PAGE 5 U r so AS SRM/dwh STORM DRAINAGE REPORT APRIL 26, 2010 PORT ANGELES RITE AID PAGE 6 STORM DRAIN ANALYSIS The storm drain plan for this development will be prepared using the 2005 DOE Manual. Since development of this site will create more than 5 000 sf of impervious surface, and will disturb more than one acre of land, the Storm Water Site Plan will need to meet Minimum Requirements #1-11 These requirements and the method for meeting them are listed below. Minimum Requirement #1 Preparation of Stormwater Site Plan p lan The construction drawings and this report have been prepared for the proposed Rite Aid project. These documents meet this requirement. Minimum Requirement #2. Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP Plan and Narrative) have been prepared as part of the construction documents. The Narrative addresses the 12 SWPPP Elements and is provided under separate cover Minimum Requirement #3• Source Control of Pollution The site is a retail business and per Chapter 4 Appendix A the potential pollutant source is the high -use parking lot. The parking lot will be cleaned of debris by Rite Aid employees and the proposed treatment system will remove pollutants from stormwater The proposed commercial development will also meet the City of Port Angeles requirements such as trash enclosures and other such standard practices for commercial developments. Minimum Requirement #4 Preservation q of Natural Drainage System Storm water runoff currently leaves the site as surface flow in the alley and enters S Lincoln Street where is flows via the gutter to an existing catch basin located at the intersection of S Lincoln Street and 7 Street. The catch basin connects to the 24" storm main along the east side of S Lincoln Street that conveys flows in a northerly direction until it discharge to the Peabody Creek culvert under S Lincoln Street, approximately 2400 feet from the site. The City is requiring an extension of the 24" storm main from the 7 Street intersection to the project site In effect, this is a preservation of the existing drainage system. 1 Minimum Requirement #5 On -Site Stormwater Management The site is a commercial development. The roof downspout control BMPs from 1 Chapter 3 Volume III and Chapter 5, Volume V of the DOE Manual are intended for large lot single family residential development and are not applicable to commercial projects 1 J: \RHL Design \Port Angeles Rite Aid 07- 089 \CE\DWG\2010 CDs\Drainage Report 07-089.DOC SRM/dwh i STORM DRAINAGE REPORT APRIL 26, 2010 PORT ANGELES RITE AID PAGE 7 Minimum Requirement #6. Runoff Treatment Because of the high use of the site, it is proposed to install a cartridge filter treatment system provided by Contech 360 The system is approved for general use by the Department of Ecology and is sized to treat 91% of the developed stormwater runoff while safely conveying larger stormwater systems to the discharge point in the street. An internal bypass system can convey up to 1 8 cfs, greater than the 100 year runoff rate of 0 64 cfs, so no separate flow splitter is required. The treatment flow rate has been calculated using WWHM3 software by the Department of Ecology The flow rate is 0 12 cfs, see WWHM3 output and screen shots in Appendix A. The system has been sized by Contech Stormwater Solutions and a total of 8 cartridge canisters will be required, see sizing calculations by Contech 360 in Appendix A. The cartridges will be installed in a precast 96" manhole structure. Minimum Requirement #7 Flow Control Per discussions with City of Port Angeles staff flow control will not be required for the site. There will be a net decrease in impervious coverage with the proposed site redevelopment. The site is nearly fully impervious with only approximately 1,600 sf of landscaped area. The existing building and pavement will be removed and be replaced with the new 17 000 sf building and parking areas. The improvements will include a reduction in overall impervious coverage and an increase in landscaped areas to approximately 3 600 sf The majority of the site will be collected and conveyed to a cartridge filter treatment system prior to discharge from the site. The existing curb, gutter and sidewalk are proposed to be replaced in its entirety to remove the many existing curb cuts Runoff from the frontage will continue to flow to the existing catch basins on the roadways Minimum Requirement #8. Wetlands Protection There are no known wetlands on or adjacent to the site. Minimum Requirement #9. Operation and Maintenance The City of Port Angeles requires that a Maintenance Covenant and Stormwater Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual be prepared for the project. These will be provided prior to occupancy under separate cover J: \RHL Design \Port Angeles Rite Aid 07-089\CE\DWG\2010 CDs\Drainage Report 07-089.DOC SRM /dwh APPENDIX A WWHM3 OUTPUT AND SCREEN SHOTS CONTECH TREATMENT SIZING WWI IM3 Port OoFei es 1 reritment grax es got. Dv. DaStalalot oppc.aysav AID•stase.11_1_: Jo SlI Peas Jim POC1 I SITE LOCATION MAP Els fit tP 001211)14 t i `,CrAi.:1; 4T:., k. f 'IP .414 inlibesiP PiPmeiBriwv -.=,,T... Ai !,Poixie■Pped 7 ''.i. Pt FUPNTR 7. Area in Basis `.k. 1 Sadao* I Run Sainvio i ..t CV ii3V 0,490w4„ L .^tRr 7 7 t 1. w„ ii ...r I rilylichillaihttidgrni fp:it rlafFeacsirsZDA OA& rit.prufilonsAgi p riAibppluossiigiund cusTino....m... rtivia.m.t.otiorm 1 5 b urnumvstvem riVi.utatterwizi lomeogiv i t ric,Frwsvg....f..., p3 1 loiii ripagyalMadOILX.pl E parAttlsesol 0 inf 1 el3:A, :14oveClier: art.7 P'", 7Zr 4 j 4 Saw2_14 11.opfjcp I .1 EXISTING BASIN ri Moffat/ft Pon/ions Inftgam Premedmtpr anal:66 lapievicius M:RMOSA pp, niapawntopnisi ez 4 FIDINVIMS.:7151171RIONI MIOVLWAYS/StEEPVIRI rrAlWRESKRI2J0911 10AW rtwT 4 ff 4 44 f14114{0WWWV,Prt.M11 rgrk taLei=1 A Peniaterdal Pawl !war ob.* tJ Fla Os* Iola S./WI NIS Poi A nr,rrir, ritr x V 11 %53 Pail AnnetesllA e• w too C:101211111 11.1t1,t 1 Mitiq.,Ie,1 F Mtgled` i Hutsaot� I Ft FYFNT4' nivu sw+vl i�vl DEVELOPED BASIN .1 I '!\Iwl2!.51 fart RA UI1Lx. 2001 10 11111 I$ Duase. Ababa. atom" of feral OA.... AIDalaabI FIE s1 PnLSj Ew/ POCI 1 LDt FGC t FcJ,vCcpu loom U01 F,IC a1 i aaa •a• tR 1 10 20 31 4061 40 70 M tl Cumulative Pfobabilly Fbr Elba= I Wa. War 1%dom. RUN ANALYSIS Sobbed. Nem.18«:t.t Sodom Rams To 1' MIS io Bede Avertable PeMaas 1 7A/O.Fase. Mott'] 10 Fy, rIDEoma. sn.r it r a'. riVa:Paata.:Fla IaR rIZSY lv to r1: Ca..1. Atari t,.'s l rlstmf 11GFatW:ao0 B' Icrawfsu.l:e ;al Oti aun:luas rrErraww: sari 001 POC 1244Midlkw PsriotaTol l 501, POC1PUivetotd Mos r s1.te+nlal I I. Basin Tale !Mr. EXISTING AND DEVLOPED BASIN RUNOFF RATES fla.(C7S Prt1A.r.li.l0 111t133tN 2 rear 0.3102 0.3076 1 rear 11.4073 0.5242 16 rear 0.4473 0.4511 13 Tear 0.5444 0.3276 1. real' 0.4221 0.5646 100 rear 0.4623 0.0426 Leer .y NW 1041 0.3004 0.2213 1150 0.2734 0.2443 1221' 1.4440 0.6211. 1122 2.2621 0.2343 1153 0.4321 0.3221 1154 0.3452 0.3343 1133. 0.1032 0.2761 1156 0.1701 0.2640 1237 0.2742 0.2642 1150 0.1223 0.1011 1250 0.1281 0.3140 11160 0.1042 0.3710 1521 0.2603' 0.2540 1522 0.2663 0.2572 1.063 1.3410 0.3270 1144 0.4310 0.4220 1363 0.2131 0.2812 rimy y tb,19 at AveRobt. 61 11040 ROAOSA1O Crigt059TEEP. n "Av j fl l _e1 ..'w rlA7sMooc .el PI aRNr sn 10- ...gagimur, k5 jza nrketulairstAkr 07-7 r te„ q Orebro.. tad IL0l Ma WW11!.13 Port Anrwles RAttealmcnt ela 1M nal Mb att •1 Ela r Nnucrwo Fl FuFPATct ‘-17. Ise L.J11-.0 I fla MO Ow tee' Olt rari FIO Nee in Beale Available Panama •+;,1 1 MI In' mt. stain MF/rivituninin.F.z.1 leiOninenniolio,115■;i4„ma rlinonninnusten= 107 r EVrainey maul ji derirrrft atiaw.assi Creothiatmodwerarev, rjr,,- mfti Ay:: UM. Nee !kr 1 -2- Subbinie Mapleton:, 1 Sinben kiffEzq DEVELOPED BASIN FOR TREATMENT FACILITY SIZING NO ROOF AREA WV/I 0.0 I RA t 1,0thir [J[iLJ •Wdoe Qualar, 1 101■ntrau.-wew:4 Maya ,ieeze I Marin Rui.. 11 4' 24Iw Vilma golenIebt 'il stamllalTIVP .did, 15 fli°1 0 11 ,FrIll 1 64bFicii■liai:t' 10.064 :'.,V. (Ts f- ‘f.k, 4,r• Weep I Row Fawner tbamon I WoindFiseAtiat I kelps ilemins /OM 074 EEL OI E3C I FOr I MD.LlalsIJ Sao Pane TREATMENT FLOW RATES Penictatatd Aces..1 Bain Total rrummumiwalimi Available Impeiviaes r; itunnininan 41 lor; T"'m :;re ri ‘Anclin Roo-m- F PIPINEwaysiftWatv&I sj riamwtymmoine n.umweg..YS/STEIP.Sal, patiNMS7:1; JTtIP Vj ri §ii5r.munwi70 &AA PAIRWUNGNIViswwiel '657 17.4.1 awn= tad .l119 nourr h...="1 Tow.. ■..rvi►-- STORM WATER �LUTIONS INC. Prepared by Kathryn Thomason on April 9, 2010 Rite Aid Stormwater Treatment System Port Angeles, WA Information provided Total contributing area 0 74 acre Impervious area 0 66 acre Water quality flow Q 0 12 cfs Peak hydraulic flow rate, Qpeak 0 41 cfs Presiding agency City of Port Angeles Assumptions Media ZPG cartridges Cartridge Height 18' Flow rate per cartridge 7 5 gpm Drop required from inlet to outlet 2 3' minimum ©2006 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions 12021 -B NE Airport Way Portland OR 97220 contechstormwater.com Size and Cost Estimate Size and cost estimates. The StormFilter is a flow -based system, and therefore, is sized by calculating the peak water quality flow rate associated with the design storm. The water quality flow rate was calculated by using WWHM and provided to CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Inc. The StormFilter for this site was sized based on a water quality flow rate of 012 cfs. To accommodate this flow rate, CONTECH Stormwater Solutions recommends using a 96' Manhole StormFilter with 8 cartridges (see attached detail). The estimated cost of this system is $28200, complete and delivered to the job site. This estimate assumes that the vault is 6 feet deep The final system cost will depend on the actual depth of the units and whether extras like doors rather than castings are specified. The contractor is responsible for setting the StormFilter and all external plumbing. Typically the precast StormFilters have internal bypass capacities of 1.8 cfs. If the peak discharge off the site is expected to exceed this rate, we recommend placing a high -flow bypass upstream of the StormFilter system. CONTECH Stormwater Solutions could provide our high -flow bypass, the StormGate, which provides a combination weir -orifice control structure to limit the flow to the StormFilter The estimated cost of this structure is $4 000 The final cost would depend on the actual depth and size of the unit. Toll -free: 800.548.4667 Fax: 800.561 1271 Page 1 of 1 TS -P027 APPENDIX B CONVEYANCE CALCULATIONS PORT ANGELES RITE AID CONVEYANCE BASINS Using Rational Method per WSDOT Hydraulics Manual BASIN 1 BASIN 2 BASIN 3 Tc 5 min Minimum value 25 Yr 1= 3.69 m= 7.37 n 0.532 C &A Total Q 0.13 cfs Tc 5 min Minimum value 25 Yr 1= 3.69 m= 7.37 n 0.532 C &A Total Q 1 76 cfs C &A Q 0.27 cfs Impervious Lawn 2nd Growth Impervious Lawn 2nd Growth Impervious Lawn 2nd Growth C A 0.90 0 04 ac 0.22 0 ac 0.15 O ac 0.90 0 04 ac C A 0.90 0.53 ac 0.22 0 ac 0.15 0 ac 0.90 0.53 ac Tc 5 min Minimum value 25 Yr I 3.69 m 7.37 n 0.532 C A 0.90 0.08 ac 0.22 0 ac 0.15 0 ac Total 0.90 0.08 ac BASIN 4 BASIN 5 C &A Q 0.13 cfs C &A Q 1 03 cfs J PORT ANGELES RITE AID CONVEYANCE BASINS Tc 5 min Minimum value 25 Yr I 3.69 m 7.37 n 0.532 Impervious Lawn 2nd Growth Total C A 0.90 0.04 ac 0.22 0 ac 0 15 O ac 0.90 0.04 ac Tc 5 min Minimum value 25 Yr I 3.69 m 7.37 n 0.532 Impervious Lawn 2nd Growth C A 0.90 0.31 ac 0.22 0 ac 015 O ac Total 0.90 0.31 ac i s O rn 2 (3— RSA. 118.24 CT& 107.re Or PPM E t M) 00 1" 40' 0 20 40 80 gib I W THE GOVERNMENT TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES BLOCK 231 ASPMxT PARTVT4G LOT is TI[ CmA1Cl ASIN •BOJJNOAR C.E• tt r r► `J T yX' i`1'f�+'�,n4 ...ti z J• t ..d•�•. .f ft: t w w 1 1g E 8TH STREET 1 ..11 W w _'T 1 s "STOP" "UNCOLN suanac OVERHANG N ST /7TH Sr ti mow CATCN BASK (CI./WA1ER SEPARATOR) GRATE•IT10. um+ i (OMAU ER SEPARATOR) CRATE.itO.l.f' R i o W' a ccIr* 1 t Cf Lk& 8A10( CINIS CRA E 2.23 ono �11 gyre) v 3.- 1 BACKWATER ANALYSIS MAP AS BACKWATER ANALYSIS SPREAD SHEET MAIN STORM LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20a 20b BARREL ENTR ENTR EXIT OUTLET INLET APPR BEND JUNG OUTLET INLET BARREL BARREL VEL TW FRIC HGL HEAD HEAD CNTRL CNTRL VEL HEAD HEAD CNTRL HW 0 LEN PIPE n ELEV ELEV AREA VEL HEAD ELEV LOSS ELEV LOSS LOSS ELEV ELEV HEAD LOSS LOSS ELEV ELEV RUN (CFS) (FT) SIZE VALUE (FT) (FT) (SO FT) (FPS) (FT) (Fr) (FT) (FT) (FT) (Fr) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) RIM A 3.32 83 12 0.012 107.99 108.40 0.79 4.23 0.28 109.99 0.61 110.60 014 0.28 111.02 109.55 0.28 0.27 0.00 111.02 111.01 113.32 okay B 3.32 4 12 0.012 110.70 110.72 0.79 4.23 0.28 111.01 0.03 111.04 014 0.28 11145 111.87 0.13 0.27 0.00 111.87 112.01 113.24 okay C 2.29 100 12 0.012 110.72 11142 0.79 2.92 0.13 112.01 0.35 112.36 0.07 0.13 112.55 112.35 0.12 0.04 0.00 112.55 112.48 115.37 okay D 2.16 45 12 0.012 111 42 111.65 0.79 2.75 0.12 112.48 0.14 112.62 0.06 0.12 112.79 112.55 0.09 0.09 0.00 112.79 112.79- 114 75 okay E 1.89 241 12 0.012 111.65 112.86 0.79 2.41 0 09 112.79 0.57 113.37 0.05 0.09 113.50 113.66 0.00 0.08 0.05 113.66 113.79 116.80 okay F 0.13 80 8 0.012 112.86 113.99 0.35 0.37 0.00 113.79 0.01 113.80 0.00 0.00 113.80 114.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.32 114.32 117 49 okay