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National Conference
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M r ay Y� Building Codes
r r a and Standards Inc
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A225.1 -1994
Revision of
ANSI A225.1 -1987
American National Standard
National Conference of States on
Building Codes and Standards, Inc.
Approved January 4, 1994
American National Standards Institute, Inc.
American National Standard
Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for
due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer.
Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review,
substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial
agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus
requires that all views and objections be considered and that a concerted effort be made toward their
The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; the existence of the standards
does not lfn any respect preclude anyone, whether he /she has approved the standards or not, from
manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming
to the standards.
The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances
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or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American
National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or
sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.
CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The
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current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.
Published by
National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards, Inc.
505 Huntmar Park Drive, Suite 210, Herndon, Virginia 22070
Copyright 1994 by National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards, Inc.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without prior written permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America
0 1 Introduction, applicability, and organization of standard 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Intended usage of manufactured homes covered
under this standard 1
1.3 Preinstallation considerations 2
1.4 Consumer information card 2
2 Definitions 2
3 Site preparation 5.
3.1 Location and layout 5
3.2 Soil conditions 5
3.3 Removal of organic material 5
3.4 Drainage 6
3.5 Ground moisture control 6
4 Foundations 6
4.1 Piers 6
4.2 Footings 8
4.3 Permanent foundations 8
4.4 Special considerations 9
4.5 Important reference documents 9
5 Installation procedures 9
41) 5.1 Moving manufactured home to location 9
5.2 Positioning home 9
5.3 Interconnection of multisection homes 9
5.4 Cross -over connections for multisection manufactured homes 10
5.5 Anchoring instructions 10
5.6 Installation of on -site structures 1 1
6 Installation of optional features 11
6.1 Hinged roofs and eaves 11
6.2 Garden and bay windows 12
6.3 Awnings and ramadas 12
6.4 Miscellaneous lights and fixtures 12
6.5 Ventilation options 12
6.6 Optional panels, siding, and moulding 12
6.7 Exterior coverings 1 2
6.8 Skirting 12
6.9 Telephone and cable TV 13
6.10 Joints and seams 13
7 Preparation of appliances 13
7.1 Clothes dryer vent 13
7.2 Comfort cooling systems 13
7.3 Fireplace and wood -stove chimneys and
air inlets 13
7.4 Range, cook -top, and oven venting 14
8 Utility- system connection and testing 14
8.1 Proper procedures 14
8.2 Water supply 14
8.3 Drainage system 15
8.4 Gas supply 15
8.5 Heating oil systems 16
8.6 Electricity 16
Annex A Final Inspection Checklist 17
Annex B Barrier -free Design Aspects for the 20
Physically Handicapped (Exterior Only)
Annex C Sample Checklist for Enforcement Officials 22
Annex D Suggested Acceptance Guidelines for
"Pre- HUD Code" (pre MHCSS) Manufactured (mobile) Homes 24
Annex E Sample Schedule for Manufactured Home
Installation Permits 27
Annex F Bibliography of Foundation Plans Available from Manufacturer 28
Annex G Tables 29
Annex H Illustrations 34 II
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the
Accredited Standards Committee on Manufactured Home Installations
(Manufactured Home Sites, Set -ups, Utilities), A225.1. Committee approval
of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted
for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the A225.1 Committee
had the following members:
Delmont C. Thurber, P.E., Chairman, State of Montana
Eric Leatherby, Secretary, National Conference of States on Building Codes
and Standards, Inc. (NCSBCS)
Organizational Member Representative
American Forest and Paper Association David Collins
American Hardboard Association Louis Wagner
City of Boyton Beach, Florida Don Johnson
City of West Melbourne, Florida James Phelps
Commonwealth of Kentucky Charles Wiley
Construction Code Consulting, Inc J. Bruce Scales
Economy Mobile /Modular Homes, Inc Roy Grabanski
Fleetwood Enterprises Ed Salsbury
International Association of Plumbing and
Mechanical Officials Shabbir Rawalpindiwala
Manufactured Housing Institute Frank Walter
Masonite Corporation John Sims
Mobile Housing, Inc John Lawlor
National Foundation of Manufactured Home Owners Len Wehrman
State of Arkansas Mary Beth Bowman
State of Maine David Preble
State of Maryland James Hanna
State of Minnesota Randy Vogt
State of Missouri James Phillips
State of Montana Del Thurber
State of North Carolina David Goins
State of South Carolina John Jones
State of Washington Patricia McLachlan
Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc Wayne Dean
T. R. Arnold and Associates, Inc. Tom Arnold
Treasure Valley Homes Dwayne Ward
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development Sam Hacopian
Vinyl Improvement Products Company Bruce Dusko
American National Standard
Manufactured Home Installations
1 Introduction, applicability, and manufacture.
organization of standard
NOTE The Federal standards, regulations, and
1.1 Scope requirements for manufactured housing, as
authorized by 42.U.S.C.5401 et seq., are as follows:
This standard covers the installation of *Part 3280 MHCSS
manufactured homes, wherever located, *Part 3282 Manufactured Home Procedural and
whenever the manufacturer's installation Enforcement Regulations
instructions are not available. Included are *Part 3283 Manufactured Home Consumer
requirements for manufactured home sites and Manual Requirements
set -ups.
Hereafter, throughout sections three through
1.2 Intended usage of manufactured homes eight of this document, "manufactured home"
covered under this standard will be used interchangeably with "home."
The provisions of this standard are intended to 1.2.2 Applicability
apply to manufactured homes (single- section,
multisection, or expandable types) for use as This standard is designed to be adopted by
single family dwellings. authorities having jurisdiction over and
responsible for the safety and health of
NOTE 1 The Federal Manufactured Home manufactured home users. It is intended to
S Construction and Safety Standards (MHCSS) cover apply to all home installations, whether at new
one family occupancies only. This standard makes or existing manufactured home sites.
no provisions for other residential occupancies.
While this standard provides useful technical
NOTE 2 This standard does not apply to data for improvements to existing sites falling
manufactured homes used for other than dwelling within its scope, and such use is encouraged, it
purposes. is not intended to be applied retroactively to
existing sites except where the authority having
NOTE 3 The provisions of this standard shall not jur considers such application essential
apply to recreational vehicles as defined in the for the safety and health of the occupants or
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 501C, users of the sites. This standard shall not be
Standard for Recreational Vehicles, or to park
trailers as defined in the ANSI A119.5, Standards construed as relieving the installer of a
for Park Trailers. manufactured home of the responsibility for
compliance with the codes and regulations
1.2.1 Types of manufactured homes covered established by the authorities having jurisdiction.
The manufactured homes covered under this 1.2.3 Organization of standard
standard are manufactured homes complying
with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban This standard consists of eight sections,
Development (HUD)'s MHCSS Program, as set generally divided by the kinds of work involved in
forth in 24 C.F.R., Parts 3280, 3282, and 3283, properly setting up a home.
as mandated in the United States of America
and manufactured homes built prior to June 15, 1.2.4 Use of this standard
1976, including those complying with the This standard contains instructions, including
Standard for Mobile Homes, NFPA 501B /ANSI specifications and procedures, for installation
A119.1 edition, in effect at the time of
and hook -up of a manufactured home. It has 1.3.3 Support
been written in an objective and
eas -to- understand manner so that it can be Manufactured homes weigh several tons.
understood by those who lack extensive Installers should use enough temporary blocking
technical training. It discusses the installation of to support the home during installation. No one
the home from preparation of the site through should be allowed under the home unless it is
final inspection. It includes many tables and securely in place, even if it is not moving.
figures giving important data for proper
installation. 1.4 Consumer information card
Careful adherence to this standard by the home The distributor or dealer of the manufactured
owner and installation crew, and consultation home shall fill out the consumer information
with a registered engineer in those unusual card and return it to the home's manufacturer,
circumstances it does not cover, will help ensure so that the consumer may be notified of revised
the home owner of a well- built, safe, and instructions or new products.
affordable home for many years to come.
1.3. Preinstallation considerations 2 Definitions
Prior to locating or relocating a manufactured accessory building or structure,
home, the authority having jurisdiction shall be manufactured home: A building or structure
contacted for installation procedures. that is an addition to or supplements the
facilities provided by a manufactured home.
Some jurisdictions require licensed or registered- Examples are: awnings, garages, storage
installers. Many jurisdictions require permits to structures, carports, fences, windbreaks, or
be obtained prior to the installation of such ..,porches.
items as blocking, anchoring, and electrical and
sewer or water connections or both. Inspections anchoring .equipment: Straps, cables,
will be required in conjunction with permits to turnbuckles, and chains, including tensioning
help ensure a. correct and safe installation of the devices, that are used with ties to secure a
manufactured home, with notification to the manufactured home to ground anchors.
jurisdiction at different times during the
installation. anchoring system: A combination of ties,
anchoring equipment, and ground anchors that
For private property, installation zoning or will, when properly designed and-installed, resist
development covenants may apply and should the overturning of the home or sideways
also be taken into consideration. movement caused by wind.
1.3.1 Alterations approved: Acceptable to the authority having
Prior to altering a home, i.e., modifying the
electrical, plumbing, or heating or cooling NOTE NCSBCS and ANSI do not approve,
systems; adding a room, carport, or garage; or inspect, or certify any installations, procedures,
making major repairs such as replacing a roof, equipment, or material, nor do they approve or
be sure to contact the authority having evaluate testing laboratories. In determining the
jurisdiction. A plan approval and permit may be acceptability of installations or procedures,
required. equipment, or materials, the authority having
jurisdiction may base acceptance on compliance
1.3.2. Safety with NCSBCS /ANSI or other appropriate
standards. In the absence of such standards,
said authority may require evidence of proper
Only trained crews should install the home: installation, procedure, or use. The authority
Installers should follow the safety instructions having jurisdiction may also refer to the listing or
provided in this standard. labeling practices of an organization concerned
with product evaluations that is in a position to is:
determine compliance with appropriate standards Capable of transferring design dead Toads
for current production of listed items. and lateral and vertical live loads, as required
by the Manufactured Home Procedural and
authority having jurisdiction: The organization, Enforcement Regulations, and other design
office, or individual responsible for approving loads unique to local home sites that result
plans, equipment, an installation, or an from wind, seismic, and water conditions, or
alteration procedure. that are imposed by or upon the structure,
into the underlying soil or bedrock without
awning: A shade structure supported by posts failure;
or columns and entirely or partially supported by
a manufactured home installed, erected, or Placed at an adequate depth, or otherwise
used on a manufactured home site. adequately designed, to prevent frost
damage in areas that are susceptible to frost;
baling: A method of "wrapping" a cross section
(roof, walls, and floor) and the main frame Constructed of materials acceptable to the
(chassis) of a manufactured home with straps. authority having jurisdiction.
cabana: A room enclosure erected or garage: A freestanding structure located on a
constructed adjacent to a manufactured home manufactured home site and designed for the
for residential use by the occupant of the storage of motor vehicles.
manufactured home.
gas supply connector, manufactured home: A
carport:. An awning or shade structure for a listed connector designed for connecting the
vehicle(s) °:-that is freestanding and not attached manufactured home to the gas supply source.
to a manufactured home.
ground anchor: A device placed at the
construction alteration: The replacement,
addition, modification, or removal of an manufactured home stand designed to transfer
y home anchoring loads to the ground.
equipment or installation that may affect the
originally :approved design of construction, habitable room: A room or enclosed floor
plumbing, heating, cooling, fuel- burning, or space arranged for living, eating, food
electrical systems. preparation, or sleeping purposes, not including
bathrooms, toilet compartments, laundries,
diagonal tie: A tie intended to resist horizontal pantries, foyers, hallways, and other accessory
or shear forces and to resist vertical, uplift, and spaces.
overturning forces.
installation: Assembly, at the site of
dwelling unit: One or more habitable rooms occupancy, of all portions of the manufactured
that are designed to be occupied by one family, home, connection of the home to existing utility
with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating, connections, and installation of support or
and sanitation. anchoring systems.
frame, main: That part of the structural system installation alteration: The replacement,
that is normally used to transmit accumulative addition, modification, or removal of any
design loads to the support system. components of the required ground support or
ground anchoring systems.
footing: That part of the support system that
sits directly on the ground at, below, or partly installation instructions: Instructions provided
below grade to support the piers. by the manufacturer, which accompany each
manufactured home and detail the
foundation, manufactured home: A site -built or manufacturer's requirements for ground support,
site assembled system of stabilizing devices that anchoring systems, and other work completed
111111 3
on site. specified herein.
labeled: Equipment or materials to which has noncompliance: Failure of a manufactured
been attached a label, symbol, or other home to comply with the MHCSS that does not
identifying mark of an organization that is constitute a defect, serious defect, or imminent
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction; safety hazard.
that is concerned with product evaluation; that
maintains periodic inspection of production of pier: That portion of the support system
labeled equipment or materials; and that between the footing and the manufactured
provides labels, the use of which indicates a home, exclusive of shims. Types of piers
manufacturer's compliance with appropriate include, but are not limited to, the following:
standards or performance in a specified
mariner. manufactured steel stands;
pressure- treated wood;
listed: Equipment or materials included in a list manufactured concrete stands;
that is published by an organization acceptable concrete blocks.
to the authority having jurisdiction; that is
concerned with product evaluation; that porch: An outside walking area with a floor that
maintains periodic inspection of production of is elevated more than 8 inches above grade.
listeid equipment or materials; and that produces
listings that state either that the equipment or ramada: Any freestanding roof or shade
materials meet appropriate standards or have structure installed or erected above a
been tested and found suitable for use in a manufactured home or any portion thereof.
specified manner.
shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement.
NOTE The means for identifying listed
equipment may vary among organizations that are should: Indicates a recommendation or that
concerned with product evaluation, some of which which is advised but not required.
do not recognize equipment as listed unless it is
also labeled. The authority having jurisdiction site, manufactured home: A designated parcel
should use the system employed by the listing of land designed for the accommodation of one
organization to identify a listed product. manufactured home, its accessory buildings or
manufactured home: A structure, transportable structures, and accessory equipment, for the
in one or more sections that, in its traveling exclusive use of the occupants of the home.
mode, is 8 body feet or more in width or 40 skirting: A weather resistant material used to
body feet or more in length, or, when erected enclose the space from the bottom of the
on site, is 320 or more square feet; that is built manufactured home to grade.
on a permanent chassis; that is designed to be
used as a dwelling; that may or may not have a stabilizing devices: All components of the
permanent foundation; that is connected to the
anchoring and support systems, as
required utilities; and that contains the g pp ort Y stems piers,
plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and footings, ties, anchoring equipment, ground
anchors, or any other materials and methods of
electrical systems; except that such term shall construction that support and secure the
include any structure that meets the size manufactured home to the ground.
requirements and for which the manufacturer
has voluntarily filed a certification required by the stand, manufactured home: That area of a
Secretary of HUD; and that complies with the
MHCSS. manufactured home site that has been reserved
for the placement of a manufactured home.
NOTE This definition should not be interpreted structure: That which is built or constructed, an
to include any types of recreational vehicles
(including so- called "park models" or travel trailers) edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of
that may equal or exceed the body length or width work artificially built up or composed of parts
joined together in some definite manner. information.
support system: A combination of footings, 3.1.5 Issuance of permits
piers, and shims that will, when properly
installed, support the manufactured home. Ensure that all necessary local permits have
been obtained and fees paid.
tie: See anchoring equipment.
3.2 Soil conditions
utility connections: The connection of the
manufactured home to existing utilities that 3.2.1 Requirements
include, but are not limited to, electricity, water,
sewer, gas, or fuel oil. To help prevent settling or sagging, site the
home on firm, undisturbed soil or fill compacted
vertical tie: A tie intended to resist uplifting and to at least 90 percent of its maximum relative
overturning forces. density. Installation on loose, uncompacted fill
may invalidate the home's limited warranty.
3 Site preparation 3.2.2 Bearing capacity
3.1 Location and layout Test the bearing capacity of the soil in
accordance with 3.2.3 before designing the
3.1.1 Use of zone maps foundation. If the soil cannot be tested, but its
type can be identified, use the foundation
A home is designed for certain weather bearing pressures shown in table 3 -1 as a
conditions and roof loads [see zone maps near guide. If you cannot identify the soil, use a
main electrical panel and in figures 3 -1(a), (b), bearing capacity of 1,000 pounds per square
and (c)]. Do not site or relocate a home in a foot. Under unusual conditions, or if the soil
zone requiring greater wind, roof load, or appears to be composed of peat or
heating or cooling capabilities than those for uncompacted fill, consult a local geologist,
which it was designed. engineer, or architect.
3.1.2 Access for transporter 3.2.3 Soil- bearing testing methods and
Before attempting to move a home, ensure that
the transportation equipment and home can be Use a pocket penetrometer or other methods
routed to the installation site. Special acceptable to the local jurisdiction having
transportation permits may be required from authority.
state, county, or city officials.
3.3 Removal of organic material
3.1.3 Encroachments and setback distances
Removal of all decayable material, such as
Local laws regarding encroachments in streets, grass, roots, twigs, and wood scraps, from
yards, and courts shall be obeyed, and beneath the home is required in areas where
permissible setback distances from property footings are to be placed, to minimize settling of
lines and public roads shall be met. footings and insect damage. Remove shrubs
and overhanging branches from the immediate
3.1.4 Fire separation distance vicinity of the home site to prevent windstorm
The distance a home must be sited from other
structures depends on its fire resistance rating
and on local requirements. Contact the home's
manufacturer or the inspection agency identified
on the data plate for fire- resistance rating
3.4 Drainage Installation procedures and methods for secu in
C g
the home to its foundations are discussed in 5.
3.4.1 Purpose
4.1 Piers
Proper drainage prevents water build -up under
the home, which may cause shifting or settling 4.1.1 Importance
of the foundation, dampness in the home,
damage to siding and bottom board, buckling of Proper pier installation is the most important part
walls and floors, and problems with the of home installation. Incorrect size, location, or
operation of doors and windows. spacing of piers may cause serious structural
damage to the home. It is important to install
3.4.2 Elimination of depressions piers around the perimeter as required. Failure
to do so may lead to sagging floors, walls, and
Grade the home site to permit water to drain roofs (see
from under the home (see figure 3 -2).
4.1.2 Acceptable types
3.4.3 Drainage structures
Piers may be concrete blocks, pressure- treated
Depending on the local landscape, ditches and wood having 0.60 retention in accordance with
culverts may be needed to drain surface runoff. American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA)
If so consult a registered engineer. C22 Standard, or adjustable metal or concrete
piers (see figure 4 -1). Manufactured piers shall
3.4.4 Gutters and downspouts be listed or labeled for the required load
When gutters and downspouts are installed,
direct the run off away from the home. 4.1.3 Design requirements
3.5 Ground moisture control Load bearing. capacity
3.5.1 Vapor retarder The load that each pier must carry depends on
such factors as the dimensions of the home, the
If the space under the home is to be enclosed roof live load, the spacing of the piers, and the
with skirting or other material, a vapor retarder way the piers are used to support the home.
that keeps ground moisture out of the home Center beam /marriage wall blocking is required
shall be installed for multisection homes.
3.5.2 Acceptable types of ground cover See tables 4 -1 and 4 -2 for pier capacities.
These tables shall be used when the
Use a minimum of six -mil polyethylene sheeting manufacturer's installation instructions are not
or its equivalent. available. Manufactured piers must be rated at
least to these capacities, and locally constructed
3.5.3 Proper installation piers must be designed to transmit these loads
safely (see
Cover the entire area under the home with the
sheeting and overlap it at least 12 inches at all Configuration
joints. Where soil and frost conditions permit
placement of footings at grade level, place the Figure 4 -1 shows the recommended
sheeting directly beneath the footings. arrangement of concrete block piers constructed
on site. Load bearing (not decorative) concrete
blocks should have dimensions of at least 8
4 Foundations inches x 8 inches x 16 inches. They must be
stacked with their hollow cells aligned vertically.
NOTE This section only covers foundations. When piers are constructed of blocks stacked
side by side, each layer should be at right should be listed and labeled.
angles to the previous one (see figure 4 -1). Piers 36 inches to 80 inches high and
Cap hollow block piers as shown in figure 4 -1 to corner piers
distribute the structural load evenly across them.
Caps may be of solid masonry of at least 4 Construct all piers between 36 inches and 80
inches nominal thickness or hardwood at least 2 inches high and all corner piers over three
inches nominal thickness, or of steel (see figure blocks high out of double, interlocked concrete
4 -1). All caps shall be of the same length and blocks (see figure 4 -1). Mortar will not normally
width as the piers upon which they rest. Avoid be required.
using plywood, as it may lead to unwanted
settling. Piers over 80 inches high
Use 4 -inch x 6 -inch hardwood shims to level the Where permitted by local codes, lay blocks in
home and fill any gaps between the base of the concrete mortar with steel reinforcing bars
I -beam and the top of the pier cap. Always use inserted in the block cells and fill the cells with
shims in pairs (see figure 4 -1). Drive them in concrete. Where such construction is not
tightly so that they do not occupy more than 1 permitted by local codes, piers over 80 inches
inch of vertical space. Use hardwood plates no high shall be designed by a registered engineer.
thicker than 2 inches to fill in any remaining
vertical gaps. Elevated homes
Select manufactured pier heights so that the When more than one fourth of the area of a
adjustable risers do not extend more than 3 home is installed so that the bottom of the
inches when finally positioned. main -frame members are more than 3 feet
above ground level, the home stabilizing
All piers must rest on footings (see 4.2) that devices shall be designed by a qualified
extend below the frost line (see 4.2.2 for engineer and be approved prior to installation by
exceptions to placement) and are placed on the authority having jurisdiction.
either undisturbed soil or compacted fill.
4.1.5 Location and spacing "'Clearance under homes
A minimum clearance of 12 inches shall be The location and spacing of piers depend upon
maintained beneath the lowest member of the the dimensions and weight of the home, the
main frame (I -beam or channel beam) in the roof load zone, the type of construction (single
area of utility connections. No more than 25 or multisection), and such other factors as the
percent of the lowest member of the main frame location of doors or other openings. In general,
of the home shall be less than 12 inches above locate piers no more than 2 feet from either end
grade. and not more than 8 feet center -to center under
the main rails.
4.1.4 Design procedures Single- section homes Piers Tess than 36 inches high
Figure 4 -2 shows the recommended location
Piers less than 36 inches high may be and spacing of piers for a single- section home
constructed of single, open, or closed -cell when the manufacturer's installation instructions
concrete blocks, 8 inches x 8 inches x 16 are not available.
inches. Install them so that the long sides are
at right angles to the supported I -beam (see Multisection homes
figure 4 -1). Position open cells at right angles to
the footers. Horizontal offsets should not Figure 4 -3 shows the recommended location
exceed 1/2 inch top to bottom. Mortar will not and spacing of piers for a multisection home
normally be required. Manufactured piers when the manufacturer's installation instructions
are not available. 4.2.2 Placement in freezin g climates
4.1.53 Perimeter blocking Conventional footings
Place piers on both sides of side wall exterior In areas subject to ground frost heave, place
doors and any other side wall openings greater footings below the frost Tine. Consult local
than 4 feet (such as entry and sliding glass authorities to determine the depth of the frost
doors); under porch posts, fireplaces, and wood line. In the absence of a local code, use the
stoves; and under the locations .where heavy frost penetration map provided in figure 4 -4 as
pieces of furniture, such as pianos, organs, a guide.
waterbeds, etc., are expected to be placed. Floating slab systems
4.2 Footings
When properly designed by a registered
Footings shall be placed a minimum of 4 inches professional engineer, a "floating slab system"
below grade in undisturbed soil. Support every may be used above the frost line. The design
pier with a properly designed footing (see shall accommodate the anchorage
4.2.1. requirements identified in 5.
4.2.1 Acceptable types of footings Insulated foundations Concrete Footings may also be placed above the frost
line when the .home_ is provided with a perimeter
Footings may consist of precast or foundation' or skirting having insulation
poured -in -place concrete, pads, slabs, or properties sufficient to prevent freezing of the
ribbons at least 3.1/2- inches thick, with a 28 -day soil under or adjacent to every load- bearing
compressive strength of at least 3,000 pounds component of the foundation and acceptable
per square inch. for this purpose to the authority having
jurisdiction. Useful design guidelines may be Pressure- treated permanent wood found in the references found in Annex F.
Insulation systems should be compatible with
Two layers of nominal 2 -inch thick the requirement to cross-ventilate the entire
pressure- treated wood having 0.60 retention in space under the home.
accordance with AWPA C22 Standard, with the
long dimensions of the second layer placed 4.2.3 Proper sizing of footings
perpendicular to that of the first, may also be
used. Proper sizing of footings depends upon the
load- carrying capacity of both the piers and the Other materials soil. See table 4 -3 for recommended footing
Other materials approved for footings may be
used when approved by local authorities if they 4.3 Permanent foundations
provide equal load- bearing capacity and
resistance to decay. Examples include: Check local building codes and regulations and
consult a registered engineer when the home is
1/2 inch maximum crushed stone; to be sited on a permanent foundation (such as
3/8 inch or 3/4 inch graduated gravel; a full basement, crawl space, or load- bearing
coarse sand, with grains no smaller than perimeter foundation). To obtain a permanent
1/16 inch, placed so it provides a soil bearing foundation design that meets most local codes,
capacity of at least 3,000 pounds per square write to the manufacturer of the home. Useful
foot. ideas and design guidelines can also be found
in reference publications, such as those listed in
Annex F.
8 411
4.4 Special considerations home is completed.
Also see 5.5.3. Utilities are available.
4.4.1 Areas prone to flooding Any trenching, for crossover drain lines or
for wheels that will be left in place, is
Special elevations and anchoring techniques complete.
are required when locating a home in an area
prone to flooding. Consult an engineer and the Items that could be difficult to install after
local building official to make sure that home the home is sited (such as anchors and
design and construction conform to applicable ground moisture retarders), are in their proper
federal, state, and local codes and regulations. locations.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) publication listed in Annex F contains CAUTION: The home weighs several tons. Use
design and construction recommendations for adequate temporary support blocking to
elevated foundations as well as for connections safeguard workers.
and anchoring systems that will allow the
foundation system to resist flood forces. 5.2 Positioning home
4.4.2 Severe wind areas The home shall be installed and leveled by
qualified installation personnel who are
Special foundation and anchoring techniques acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
are required .when locating a home in a severe
wind area Consult a registered 5.3 Interconnection of multisection homes
engineer. The HUD foundations design guide
listed in Annex F contains recommendations for The following items shall be completed during
designing foundations and anchoring systems. the interconnection of multisection homes when
O Do not place the home in a more severe wind the manufacturer's installation instructions are
zone than .the one indicated on the data plate not available.
posted in the home.
Provide an air infiltration barrier on the
4.4.3 Special snow load conditions mating edges of the floor, end walls, and
Homes designed for and located in heavy
snowfall areas or that are subjected to other Fasten the roof at the ridge with #10 x 4-
extreme loading conditions may require special inch wood screws, at a minimum, at 12 -inch,
piers or footings. Check with the local authority on- center, staggered intervals. Secure end
having jurisdiction. walls with #10 x 4 -inch wood screws, at a
minimum, at 6 -inch, on- center, staggered
4.5 Important reference documents intervals. Fasten floors together at the
mating line with #10 x 4 -inch wood screws, at
See Annex F. a minimum, at 12 -inch, on- center, staggered
5 Installation procedures Mating walls shall be firestopped in
accordance with the MHCSS.
5.1 Moving manufactured home to location
The following items shall be completed or
verified before placing the manufactured home:
The site is properly prepared (see 3).
All footing work necessary for setting the
Table 5 -1 Normal Home Installations 5.5 Anchorin g instructions 1110 (Single- Or Multisection Homes)
After blocking and leveling, the installer should
Types Of Foundation Systems secure the manufactured home against the
Main Components wind, unless the jurisdiction permits otherwise.
The type of installation is the determining factor
Piers— Ground anchors: in deciding how this should be done, as is
The manufactured home rests on piers of described in the following sections.
concrete block; formed -in -place concrete;
pe wood; or steel pedestals on 5.5.1 Normal installations
permanent wood, crushed stone, or concrete
footers. The ground anchors in the soil are Table 5 -1 summarizes and defines the types of
angled to the resist straps or embedded in normal installations. The pier- and ground-
dead -men in the soil. Straps are tied to the anchor system, as provided in this standard, is
frame, with or without over the -top straps. most common. When using another type of
installation, consult a registered engineer.
Concrete slab or continuous footings:
The manufactured home rests on a concrete NOTE The anchoring or foundation system shall
slab or ribbons of concrete. The straps are be capable of meeting the Toads required by the
tied between the frame and the perimeter MHCSS.
footers or concrete slab. Number and location of anchors
Pile /post system:
The manufactured home rests on piles or Select -the number and location of straps and
posts placed sufficiently deep in the ground anchors from the chart and diagram in figure
to resist all wind, snow, and earthquake 5 -2.. Use either the single- or the double -strap
forces. Straps fasten the home to the piles or method. Use only approved ground anchors
posts or to caps placed thereon. capable of resisting at least the minimum loads
given in the chart for the method selected.
Concrete, concrete block, or wood
foundation, load bearing, perimeter walls: Installation of anchors
The manufactured home rests on exterior
load- bearing walls that sit on concrete or The following is one example: Install the
gravel footings. Straps fasten the home to anchors at the locations selected from figure 5 -2
the walls to resist all external forces. when the home manufacturer's installation
instructions are not available. Follow the anchor
manufacturer's instructions. Use single- headed
5.4 Cross-over connections for multisection anchors at all "frame- tie only" locations when
manufactured homes using the single -strap method, and
double- headed anchors when employing the
5.4.1 Utility cross -overs double -strap method. Install single- or
double- headed anchors at all over the roof -tie
Connect water, drainage, gas, electricity, and locations. When using a single strap, line up
telephone utility cross overs. The correct the shaft of each anchor with its strap (see
procedures are outlined in 8. figure 5 -3). When connecting more than one
strap to a single anchor, line the shaft of the
5.4.2 Duct -work cross overs. Clamp the anchor with the results achieved by calculating
flexible air conditioning or heating ducts or both the combined forces (see figures 5.4). The
to. the sleeves projecting through the bottom ground anchors must be sized for the direction
covering, seal the ducts' adjustable collars with of the load and the type of soil. (See figures 5.3
several wrappings of duct tape, and and 5.4 for additional information on the
suspend /support them above the ground (see installation of anchors and tiedowns.)
figure 5 -1).
5.5.2 Over the -roof straps 5.6.2 Garages and carports
If over the -roof straps are provided with the A garage or carport must be installed according
home, they must be reinstalled. to the rnanufacturer's instructions and to all
applicable local codes. The garage or carport
5.5.3 Severe climatic conditions must be supported independently of the
factory -built portion of the manufactured home. Freezing climates Electrical circuits in a garage shall be provided
with ground -fault circuit protection.
Be sure anchor augers are installed below the
frost line. During periods of frost heave, be 5.6.3 Porches
prepared to lessen tension on the straps.
Site- constructed porches must be constructed Severe wind zones and inspected according to applicable building
Before a home is installed in a severe wind zone
or is located within 1,500 feet of a coastline in 5.6.4 Steps, stairways, and landings
Wind Zones II or III, seek the advice of an
engineer. Have engineered drawings showing Steps, stairways, and landings must be
foundation, connection, and anchorage details constructed and inspected according to
approved by local authorities. Design guidelines applicable building codes.
may be found in HUD's permanent foundations
guidebook referenced in Annex F. Homes
destined for severe wind areas in Zone I shall be 6 Installation of optional features
designed—and installed for Zone II conditions
(see figure 3 1). NOTE Where applicable, and specific to
manufacturer's product.
5.5.3:3 Areas prone to flooding 6.1 Hinged roofs and eaves
Foundation considerations are discussed in the home has a hinged roof or eave(s),
4.4.1 and .the FEMA document referenced in If If the
must be tak
Annex F. Unconventional anchorage and
tie -downs often are needed in designing and 6 1 1 Moving the home
constructing the special elevated foundations g
required in areas prone to flooding. Consult an
engineer and the local building official for Plan to move the home without dismantling it, if
guidance. possible.
5.6 Installation of on site structures 6.1.2 Hinged roofs or eaves
Design all buildings and structures to support all If a hinged roof or eave must be dismantled,
of their own live and dead loads. Provide fire obtain professional assistance to ensure that no
separation, as state or local ordinances require, damage is done in the process.
for occupancy.
6.1.3 Reinstalling dismantled roofs or eaves
5.6.1 Expanding rooms
When reinstalling dismantled roofs or eaves,
Install expanding rooms in accordance with the particular care should be taken to ensure that all
manufacturer's instructions. When the vent stacks, furnaces, water heaters, ventilation
manufacturer's instructions are not available, systems, fireplaces, and wood stoves are
perimeter blocking shall be installed in properly installed in accordance with listed
accordance with table 4 -1; ground anchors shall appliance manufacturers' instructions.
be installed in accordance with figure 5 -2.
6.2 Garden and bay windows 6.5 Ventilation options
If the home is supplied with a garden or bay Follow the component manufacturer's
window that was dismantled or removed for instructions (see, for example, figure 6 -3.)
transportation, it must be reinstalled to resist the
elements and be supported as required. 6.6 Optional panels, siding, and moulding
6.3 Awnings and ramadas If the home is equipped with optional panels,
siding, or moulding, refer to figure 6 -4 for the
Choose only freestanding products with support proper installation procedures.
6.7 Exterior coverings
6.4 Miscellaneous lights and fixtures
Install exterior coverings (stucco, plywood, vinyl,
Some exterior lights, ceiling fans and or hardboard exterior siding; shingled or tiled
chain -hung fixtures may not yet be installed roofs; etc.) according to the product
when the home is delivered. All of these fixtures manufacturer's instructions. Do not cover the
must be grounded by a fixture grounding screw home's label (the "HUD" label) when applying
or by a fixture grounding wire. For chain -hung any exterior coverings.
fixtures, use both of these methods. When
fixtures are mounted on combustible surfaces 6.8 Skirting
such as hardboard, install a noncombustible ring
to completely cover the combustible surface .;Skirting if used, shall be of ,durable materials
exposed between the fixture canopy and the suitable for exterior exposures. Skirting must
wiring outlet box.. If siding has not been ..not.be attached -in..a manner that .can cause
installed at a fixture location, remove the outlet water to be trapped between the siding or trim
box and install the siding with a hole. .for the to which it is attached. The .skirting should be
outlet box. Then reinstall the outlet box and recessed under the siding or trim. Most local
proceed as for other fixtures, which shall be codes do not permit= wood, including lumber and
installed according to their listings. all wood siding used for skirting, to be used
within •6 inches of tithe ground unless it is
6.4.1 Exterior lights pressure treated to prevent decay and termite
Remove the junction box covers and make
wire -to -wire connections, using wire nuts. Ventilation shall be provided for the crawl space
General practice is to connect wires black -to- at a minimum of one square foot of free area for
black, white -to- white, and ground -to- ground. every 150 square feet of the home's floor area.
Push the wires into the box and secure the light Ventilation openings shall be placed at or near
fixture to the junction box. Caulk around the each corner of the home and as high as
base of the light fixture to ensure a water -tight practicable. Openings shall be located to
seal to the side wall. Install the light bulb and provide cross- ventilation on at least two opposite
attach the globe, as in figure 6 -1. sides.
6.4.2 Ceiling fans Except in arid regions with dry soil conditions, a
uniform 6 -mil polyethylene sheet material or
To reduce the risk of injury, install ceiling fans other acceptable vapor barrier material should
with the trailing edges of the blades at least 6 be installed on the ground surface beneath the
feet 4 inches above the floor. Connect the home to further reduce moisture. Where an
wiring, as shown in figure 6 -2, and follow the acceptable ground vapor barrier is installed and
manufacturer's instructions, as in shown in figure one such ventilation opening is within 3 feet of
6 -2. each corner of the home, the total area of
ventilation openings may be reduced to one
square foot for every 1,500 square feet of the
home floor area. Where local codes have t he installation of central air conditioning. Only
minimum ventilation requirements for crawl qualified personnel may install a comfort cooling
spaces, these requirements shall apply to system not provided with the home. Follow the
homes with skirting and continuous foundations. product manufacturer's installation instructions
and conform to all local codes.
Access opening(s) not less than 18 inches in
any dimension and not less than three square 7.2.1 Air conditioners
feet in area shall be provided and shall be
located so that any water supply and sewer An installed central air conditioning system must
drain connections located under the home are not exceed the rating shown on the home's
accessible for inspections. compliance certificate.
Dryer vents, air conditioning condensation The home's electrical distribution panel may
drains, and combustion air inlets must pass contain optional factory installed circuits for air
through the skirting to the outside. conditioning. The maximum full -load ampere
draw for the desired air conditioning unit must
6.9 Telephone and cable TV not exceed the circuit rating shown.
IMPORTANT: Electrical circuits within the home
CAUTION: Careless installation of telephone may not have been sized for the additional load
and cable television lines may be hazardous. of non factory installed air conditioning, and a
Failure to follow these instructions may result in separate, outside electrical supply may have to
serious personal injury or death. The walls and be provided.
floors of the home contain electrical circuits,
plumbing; and duct work. Avoid contact with "A" -coil air conditioning units must be
these systems when drilling through and placing compatible and listed for use with the furnace in
cables within these cavities. Only trained the home. Follow the air conditioner
professionals should handle such work. manufacturer's instructions. Direct all
condensation beyond the perimeter of the
6.10 Joints and seams home by means specified by the equipment
Where appropriate, weatherproof all joints and
seams that were disturbed during relocation of 7.2.2 Heat pumps
the home.
Install heat pumps according to the heat pump
manufacturer's instructions.
7 Preparation of appliances
7.2.3 Evaporative coolers
7.1 Clothes dryer vent
Install a roof mounted cooler by following the
The clothes dryer must exhaust to the exterior of appliance manufacturer's instructions. Before
the home, or beyond any perimeter skirting installing a roof mounted cooler, be sure that
installed around it, as shown in figure 7 -1. the roof will support the weight of the cooler. A
IMPORTANT: Do NOT let the exhaust system rigid base must be provided to evenly distribute
end under the home, where excess moisture or the cooler's weight over several rafters.
flammable material can accumulate. (Follow the 7 3 Fireplace and wood stove chimneys and
dryer manufacturer's instructions for installing p
the exhaust system.) air inlets
7.2 Comfort cooling systems Fireplaces and wood stoves require on -site
installation of additional section(s) of approved,
IMPORTANT: Before installing a comfort listed assembly chimney pipe spark arrestor, ld e rain-
a d
cooling system, check the home's data plate to cap (see figure 9 1 p
assure that the home has been designed for wood stove chimneys and air inlets shall be
inst I
a led in accordance with their listings. All 8 Utility system connection and testing
fireplaces and wood stoves installed shall be
listed for use in manufactured housing. For field 8.1 Proper procedures
installation, approval from the manufacturer and
the authority having jurisdiction shall be required Consult local, county, or state authorities before
to ensure compliance with the required connecting any utilities. Only qualified service
standards. personnel, familiar with local codes and licensed
where required, should make utility connections
7.3.1 Minimum extensions above roof and conduct tests.
To ensure sufficient draft for proper operation, 8.2 Water supply
extend the finished chimney at least 3 feet
above the highest point at which it penetrates 8.2.1 Maximum supply pressure and
the roof and at least 2 feet higher than any reduction
building or other obstruction located within a
horizontal distance of 10 feet. If there are The water systems of the home were designed
obstructions on the site that extend higher than for a maximum inlet pressure of 80 pounds per
the home's roof peak and are within 10 feet of square inch. IMPORTANT: If the home is
the chimney, the installer may have to provide located in a water district where the local water
an additional section of chimney pipe, if required supply pressure exceeds 80 pounds per square
to do so by local codes. inch, install a pressure reducing valve.
7.3.2 Required components 8.2.2 Connection procedures
The required components of a correctly- installed Mandatory shut off valve
chimney are as shown in figure 7 -2.
Install an accessible shut -off valve between the
7.3.3 Combustion air duct inlets water supply and the inlet, as shown in figure
8 -1. It must be a full-flow gate or ball valve.
Combustion air intake ducts end just below the
bottom covering of the floor. The ducts must be Cross -overs
extended to the outside when the home has a
basement or crawlspace. If the added ducts are Multisection homes with plumbing in both
not supplied, they may be purchased at a sections require water -line cross connections, as
hardware store. The fireplace manufacturer's shown in figure 8 -2. Remove the shipping caps
instructions for installing combustion air ducts from the water lines and install the cross -over
can tie found in the fireplace /stove or with the connectors provided with the home. If freezing
chimney parts. Do not allow the combustion air could occur, wrap water connectors with
inlet to drop material from the hearth to the area insulation.
beneath the home. Locate the inlet damper
above the expected snow level, as shown in 8.2.3 Freezing protection
figure 7 -2. Necessity
7.4 Range, cook -top, and oven venting
In areas subjected to subfreezing temperatures,
IMPORTANT: If the home is equipped with a protect exposed sections of water supply piping,
combination range (cook- top) /grill or oven that shut -off valves, pressure reducers, and pipes in
contains its own exhaust system, the vent must water- heater compartments with uninsulated
exhaust to the exterior of the home. if doors, from freezing.
perimeter skirting is installed, the vent must
exhaust through the skirting. Use of heat tapes
Heat tapes (either automatic or nonautomatic)
can protect exposed plumbing from freezing. 8.4 Gas supply
CAUTION: In order to reduce the risk of fire, use
only heat tapes listed by a nationally recognized 8.4.1 Type of gas system furnished with
testing laboratory for use with manufactured home
homes, and install them only in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions. Plug the 3 -wire, All gas- burning appliances, including the heating
grounded cord set of the heat tape into the system, are equipped for either natural gas (NG)
outlet located under the home near the water or liquified petroleum gas (LPG). A qualified
supply inlet (figure 8.1). service person must convert the appliances from
one type of gas to the other, following the
8.2.4 Testing procedures instructions provided by the manufacturer of
each appliance.
Even though the water system was tested at the
factory, it shall be rechecked for leaks at the 8.4.2 Orifices and regulators
installation site. The test shall be made by
subjecting the system to air or water at 100 IMPORTANT: Special orifices and regulators are
pounds per square inch for 15 minutes without required for specific gases. See the instructions
loss of pressure. accompanying each gas- burning appliance for
modification instructions. Before making any
8.3 Drainage system connections to the site supply, check the inlet
orifices of all gas- burning appliances to ensure
8.3.1 Assembly and support they are correctly set up for the type of gas to
be supplied. Special attention should be given
If portions of the drainage system were shipped to homes sited at altitudes above 3,000 feet.
loose when the home was relocated, reinstall
them in accordance with the MHCSS, Part 8.4.3 Proper supply pressure.
3280.608 (see figure 8 -3).
IMPORTANT: The gas piping system in the
8.3.2 Proper slopes and connector sizes home has been designed for a pressure that is
Drain lines must slope at least 1/4 inch fall per not to exceed 14 inches of water column (8
foot of ..run unless otherwise noted on the ounces or 1/2 pound per square inch). If gas
schematic diagram (see figure 8 -4). from any supply source exceeds, or may
EXCEPTION: 1/8 -inch fall per foot is allowed exceed, this pressure, a regulator must be
when a clean -out is installed at the upper end of installed. To operate gas- burning appliances
the run. Connect the main drain line to the safely and efficiently, do not exceed the design
site's sewer hook -up, using an approved pressure limitations. For NG systems, the
elastomer coupler (figure 8 -5). incoming gas pressure should remain between
6 inches and 8 inches of water column. For
8.3.3 Cross -overs LPG systems, the pressure should register
between 12 inches and 14 inches of water
Connect multisection -home, drainage -line cross- column.
overs as shown in figure 8 -6.
8.4.4 Cross -overs
8.3.4 Testing procedures
A gas cross -over may need to be installed in
Even though the drainage system was tested at multisection homes. All cross -overs and fittings
the factory, it shall be rechecked for leaks after must be listed for exterior use and be of the
installation at the site. This shall be same size as the main unit pipe. Do not use
accomplished by capping the water line, filling it tools to connect or remove the flexible
with water, and holding it 15 minutes. connector quick- disconnect.
8.4.5 Testing procedures the tank and supply piping. Fill the tank to
capacity with fuel and examine all joints in the
Even though the gas system was tested at the system for leakage.
factory, it shall be retested for leaks at the
installation site by qualified personnel (see 8.6 Electricity
A large- enough power supply must be available
8.4.6 Connection procedures at the site. An inadequate power supply may
result in improper operation of, and possible
Inspect gas- burning appliance vents to ensure damage to, motors and appliances. The current
that they have been connected to the rating in amperes of the home can be found on
appliance, and ensure that roof jacks are the tag located outside, next to the feeder or
installed and have not come loose during service entrance, and also on the electrical
transit) IMPORTANT: Have the gas system distribution panel.
connected to the gas supply only by an
authorized representative of the gas company. 8.6.1 Description and rating of house wiring
8.4.7 Gas appliance start procedures The home is designed for connection to an
electrical wiring system rated at 120/240 volts
One at a time, open each equipment shut -off AC. IMPORTANT: Proper and safe connection
valve, Tight pilot lights, and adjust burners depends on the type of supply system with
according to each appliance manufacturer's which the home is equipped.
instructions. IMPORTANT: Ensure that the
water heater is filled with water before lighting 8.6.2 Electrical equipment/ installations
the pilot light. Check the operation of the
furnace and water heater thermostats and set All electrical equipment and installations shall be
them to the desired temperatures. designed, constructed, and maintained in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the
8.5 Heating oil systems MHCSS, the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC),
Homes equipped with oil- burning furnaces must` or they local jurisdiction having authority, or all of
have their oil supply tankage and piping the above.
installed on site. These items are not supplied
by the manufacturer. Consult the oil- burning
furnace manufacturer's instructions for proper
pipe size and installation- procedures.
IMPORTANT: All oil storage tanks and pipe
installations must meet all applicable local
regulations and should be made only by
experienced, qualified personnel.
8.5.1 Tank installation requirements
Unless the home is installed in a community with
a centralized oil distribution system, an oil
storage tank must be installed outside the
home. Locate the tank where it is accessible to
service and supply and safe from fire and other
8.5.2. Leak test procedure
Before operating the system, check for leaks in
Annex A
Final Inspection Checklist
This Annex is not part of the requirements of 3 Gas /fuel oil systems
this document, but is included for informational
purposes only. Check to ensure that:
Final inspection shall be made when the home correct materials and fittings are used;
installation (set -up) is complete. A checklist the pressure test has been conducted on
such as the one given below should be the gas system;
developed to ensure that no items have been
overlooked and that work has been properly the connection between multisections are
completed. in accordance with the MHCSS, with access
as required.
1 Water and drain systems
4 Appliance function, operation, and
Check to ensure that: venting
correct materials for water and drain lines Check to ensure that:
have been used;
vent or chimney extensions shipped loose
connections and splices are properly made; on the home have been mounted and
serviced in accordance with the
supports are of correct material and are manufacturer's instructions;
properly .spaced;
appliances and valves have been tested
necessary inspections and tests have been and are properly working;
venting of appliances under unit are in
water lines are protected from freezing accordance with the MHCSS;
when applicable;
dryer is properly vented;
proper slope has been maintained on drain
lines. solid -fuel- burning fresh air intake is properly
2 Electrical systems
temporary shipping blocks have been
Check to ensure that: removed;
panel amperage matches connection to exhaust fan operation and air flow are
home; correct.
electrical inspections have been performed; 5 Windows and doors
connections between multisections are in
accordance with the MHCSS and access Check to ensure that:
covers are in place.
windows meet egress requirements and
have operation instructions on them;
doors function properly; 8 Skirting
temporary shipping hardware has been Check to ensure that:
removed from windows and doors.
skirting used is in accordance with owner's
6 Exterior of home specifications;
Check: venting is in accordance with the
for damage to under carriage or bottom manufacturer's specifications;
skirting is constructed to prevent frost
chassis, floor joists, or both for movement in areas of where it occurs;
installation /transportation damage;
polyethylene ground cover is correctly
bottom board for rips or tears; installed.
for damage to siding (cracks, breaks, holes, 9 Blocking /footings
n pops, etc.);
Check to ensure that:
for damage to metal or composition roofs:
footings are of proper size and construction
for holes or rips in metal roof; for soil conditions;
shingles for damage and sealing; spacing of piers is in accordance with the
manufacturer's guidelines;
drip edge or fascia damage.
footing depth is below frost line;
roof openings for sealing (vents, stacks,
etc.); foundation walls, if required, meet local
codes, ordinances, or covenants;
to ensure that when gutters and
downspouts are installed, the water is pier construction meets manufacturer's
diverted away from the home. specifications.
7 Interior of home 10 Anchoring
Check: Check to ensure that:
for damage to floor coverings (vinyl, approved anchors are used;
correct number of anchors, straps, or both
for damage to wall finish (holes, cracks, nail are used according to the manufacturer's
pops, etc.); instructions;
for damage to ceiling finish (holes, cracks, anchors are installed at correct angles and
nail pops, etc.); in accordance with the anchor manufacturer's
listing for approval.
for damage to interior trim (splits, cracks,
nail pops, etc.); 11 Miscellaneous
multisection common areas for correct Check to ensure that:
the smoke detector(s) is operating
construction seals (the "HUD Label have
not been damaged, removed, or covered by
installation /anchoring certificates, seals, or
both have been issued and installed if
data plate is intact and legible;
low- hanging tree branches and bushes
have been trimmed.
All transit and installation damage is required to
be reported to the manufacturer if the home is a
new unit. Check with local authorities having
jurisdiction prior to installation for code
requirements and permits /inspections required.
Annex B
Barrier -free Design Aspects for the
Physically'Handicapped (Exterior Only)
This Annex is not part of the requirements of 3 Ramps
this document, but is included for informational
purposes only. Ramps should not have a slope greater than 1
foot within 12 feet (or 8.33 percent) and should
1 General be no less than 4 feet in clear width. Ramps
should be structurally designed to carry a
The following are offered as guidelines to minimum live load of 100 pounds per square
providing basic barrier -free design features in foot when freestanding.
manufactured home communities to the extent
considered desirable or needed by the If the ramp slope is greater than 5 percent and
operators to facilitate use by the physically there is no drop -off, one handrail should be
handicapped. The Annex material represents provided. Where a ramp drops off on one or
informational material only and does not both sides, handrails should be required on both
constitute a part of the mandatory provisions of sides of the ramp. Handrails should be 32
this standard. inches in height, measured from the surface of
the ramp and extended 1 foot beyond the top
NOTE 1 Dimensions herein are in U.S. units and.bottom.of the ramp ,or: turn :at:;right angles.
only, as they are advisory.
The ramp should have a nonslip surface. Each
NOTE 2 This is a developing technology, and ramp should have a level platform at the top
data herein should be checked with the latest that is at least 5 feet x 5 feet and this platform
guide from recognized authorities. should extend at least 1 foot on the side from
2 Walks least a door opens. Each ramp should have at
least 5 feet of straight, level clearance at the
bottom. Straight-run ramps should have, at a
Walks should be 42 inches wide. If the slope of minimum, 3- feet -long intermediate -level Plat-
a walk is greater than 5 percent (1 -inch rise in a forms at intervals of 30 feet for purposes of rest
20 -inch run), a handrail should be provided.
and safety, and wherever they turn should have
The slope of a walk should not exceed 8.33
level platforms that should be at least as wide
percent (1 inch rise in a 12 inch run). as the ramp and 5 feet long (deep).
Walks should have a continuous common 4 Doors and doorways
surface, not interrupted by steps or abrupt
changes in level greater than 1/2 inch. Where Each exterior and interior door should have a
walks' cross driveways or parking lots, they clear opening of no less than 32 inches when
should blend to a common level by means of the door is open. Such a door should be
curb cuts, ramps, or other means. Curb cuts operable by a single effort with one hand. The
should have a textured, nonslip surface (such as distance between two doors (e.g., outer and
broom finished concrete). inner) should be a minimum of 6 1/2 feet. The
Walks should be provided with a level area no floor on the inside and outside of each such
less than 5 feet x 5 feet where they terminate at double doorway should be level and clear for a
doors. In no case should such walks extend distance of 5 feet from the door and should
less than 1 foot beyond the side from which the extend 1 foot beyond the side from which the
door opens.
oor opens.
The bottom rail of narrow, stile- framed glass
doors should have a minimum height of 7 1/2
inches. Exter thresholds should be level, with 7 Available texts for further guidance
a maximum edge height of 3/4 inch. Interior are:
thresholds should be flush with the floor or
leveled at not more than 5 percent slope, with a "Barrier -free Site Design," available from the
maximum edge height of 1/2 inch. Where door Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
closures are used, the pressure to open a door Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
should not exceed a maximum of 15 pounds. 20402. This publication is based on research
(The lightest possible door pressure for use by and studies conducted by the American Society
the disabled is preferred.) of Landscape Architects foundation under
contract with the U.S. Department of Housing
5 Outside stairs and Urban Development and Office of Policy
Development and Research and was issued in
Outside stairs should not have abrupt (square) April, 1975 (HUD- PDR -84). This publication also
nosing; a 1- inch diameter, rounded nosing is contains a helpful bibliography with additional
desirable. Stairs should have at least one data;
continuous handrail, 21 inches in height,
measured from the tread at the face of the riser. "An Illustrated Handbook of the Handicapped
The handrail should extend at least 18 inches Section of the North Carolina State Building
beyond the top step and beyond the bottom Code," originally issued in 1974, with
step or turn at right angles. Care should be subsequent updates, is available from the North
taken that the extension of the handrails is not Carolina Department of Insurance, P. O. Box
in itself a. hazard, and the extensions should be 26387, Raleigh, NC 27611;
made on,: the side of a continuing wall where
available. "American National Standard for Accessible and
Usable Buildings and Facilities and Usability for
6 Other facilities for assistance to the Physically Handicapped People," American
physically challenged National Standard A117.1, 1992. This standard
applies to buildings, outdoor facilities, public
Special designs are available for such other walks, and residential structures and is available
facilities as listed herein for the convenience of from the Council of American Building Officials
physically challenged persons. These include: (CABO), 5203 Leesburg Pike, #708, Falls
Church, VA 22031;
"Design for the Physically Handicapped," U.S.
Control devices for light, power, heat, Department of the Army, Office of the Corps of
ventilation, windows, draperies, doors, and Engineers, Washington, DC 20314;
similar devices;
Public Law, P.L.- 101 -396, July, 1990;
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Kitchen arrangements; Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and
Facilities; Final Guidelines;
Swimming pool facilities;
"Interim Guidelines for Building Occupant
Telephone; Protection from Tornadoes and Extreme
Winds," TR -83A, January ,1980, Sections 1 and
Toilet compartments and toilet fixtures 2, Published by the Federal Emergency
(including showers); Management Agency (FEMA), Washington, DC.
Water fountains.
Annex C
(informative) SAMPLE
Sample Checklist for Enforcement Officials
This Annex is not part of the requirements of this document, but is included for informational purposes only.
Model: Serial Date of Mfr:
"HUD" Label /State Label Number:
Dealer: Dealer
Installer: Installer
Local Building Official Inspection:
Local Permits:
Seals: Installation Anchor
Instructions Used: Manufacturer: State:
Support Footings: Type: Size:
Piers: Materials:
Lot/Soil Conditions:
Anchors: Spacing:
Equipment Used:
Equipment Approved:
Frame Removed: Permitted by Manufacturer:
(prior to 11/89)
Foundation to Local Building Code:
Support Locations According to Manufacturer:
Skirting: Type:
Attachment to Home:
Poly on Grade:
Access Panel:
Water: Correct Materials /Fittings:
Protected From Freezing:
Support Spacing:
Waste: Correct Materials /Fittings:
Slope to Drain:
Support Spacing:
Main Sewer Connection (Gasketed):
Gas: Correct Materials /Fittings:
Pressure Test:
Electric: Connection Between Halves "HUD Code
"Pre- HUD Code" homes only)
Aluminum Wiring:
Method Used to Eliminate or Reduce Danger:
Supply Amps (matches panel in home):
Roof -zone Load: Heating Zone:
Furnace: Original (yes /no): Gypsum Board Lined:
Water Heater: Original (yes /no): Gypsum Board Lined:
Dryer: Original (yes /no) Range: Original (yes /no):
Fi replace: Yes /No /Model: Approved:
Chimney: Fresh Air Intake:
Venting: Skirting /Foundation:
Roof and /or O.H.s
Smoke Detectors:
Alterations: Approved: Inspected:
Date: Inspector: Time:
Present During Inspection:
Annex D
Suggested Acceptance Guidelines for
"Pre- HUD Code" (pre MHCSS) Manufactured (mobile) Homes
This Annex is not part of the requirements of regardless of the length of the path of travel
this document, but is included for informational between the doors.
purposes only.
One of the required exit doors must be
"Pre -HUD- Code" homes are homes built prior to accessible from the doorway of each bedroom
the MHCSS, 24 CFR 3280, which became and no more than 35 feet away from any
effective on June 15, 1976, or homes built prior bedroom doorway. An exterior swing door shall
to the implementation of individual states' have a 28- inch -wide x 74- inch -high clear
inspection and certification programs in opening and sliding glass doors shall have a 28-
accordance with ANSI Standard A119.1. inch -wide by 72- inch -high clear opening. Each
exterior door other than screen /storm doors shall
Building officials or other regulatory agencies have a key- operated lock that has a passage
having jurisdiction over pre-code manufactured latch; locks shall not require the use of a key or
(mobile) homes may enforce, by ordinance or special tool for operation from the inside of the
legislation, compliance with the following items home.
prior to issuance of permits or certificates of
2 Flame spread
1 Exits and egress windows 2.1 Walls, ceilings, and doors
1.1 Egress windows Walls and ceilings adjacent to or enclosing a
furnace or water heater shall have an interior
The home has at least one egress window in finish with a flame spread rating not exceeding
each bedroom, or a window that meets the 25. Sealants and other trim materials 2 inches
minimum specifications of MHCSS 3280.106 or less in width used to finish adjacent surfaces
and 3280.404 for manufactured homes. These within these spaces are exempt from this
standards require the window to be at least 22 provision, provided all joints are supported by
inches in the horizontal or vertical position in its framing members or materials with a flame
least dimension and at least five square feet in spread rating of 25 or less. Combustible doors
area. The bottom of the window opening shall providing interior or exterior access to furnace
be no more than 36 inches above the floor, and and water heater spaces shall be covered with
the locks and latches and any window screen or materials of limited combustibility (i.e., 5/16 -inch
storm window devices that need to be operated gypsum board, etc.), with the surface allowed to
to permit exiting shall not be located more than be interrupted for louvers ventilating the space.
54 inches above the finished floor. However, the louvers shall not be of materials of
greater combustibility than the door itself (i.e.,
1.2 Exits plastic louvers on a wooden door). Reference
MHCSS 3280.203.
The home is required to have two exterior exit
doors, located remotely from each other, as 2.2 Exposed interior finishes
required in MHCSS 3280.105. This standard
requires that single- section homes have the Exposed interior finishes adjacent to the cooking
doors no less than 12 feet, center -to- center, range (surfaces include vertical surfaces
from each other, and multisection home doors between the range top and overhead cabinets,
no Tess than 20 feet center -to- center from each the ceiling, or both) shall have a flame- spread
other when measured in a straight line, rating not exceeding 50, as required by MHCSS
0 280.203. Backsplashes not exceeding 6 minimum requirements of MHCSS 3280.709(g).
inches in height are exempted. Ranges shall
have a vertical clearance above the cooking top 4.2 Equipment
of not less than 24 inches to the bottom of
combustible cabinets, as required by MHCSS A solid fuel burning fireplace or fireplace stove
3280.204(e). shall be equipped with an integral door or
shutters designed to close the fire chamber
opening and shall include complete means for
3 Smoke detectors venting through the roof, a combustion air inlet,
a hearth extension, and means to securely
3.1 Location attach the unit to the manufactured home
A smoke detector shall be installed on any wall
in the hallway or space communicating with 4.2.1 Chimney
each bedroom area between the living area and
the first bedroom door, unless a door(s) A listed, factory -built chimney designed to be
separates the living area from that bedroom attached directly to the fireplace /fireplace stove
area, in which case the detector(s) shall be and equipped with, in accordance with the
installed on the living -area side, as close to the listing, a termination device and spark arrester,
door(s) as practicable, as required by MHCSS shall be required. The chimney shall extend at
3280.208. Homes with bedroom areas least 3 feet above the part of the roof through
separated by any one or combination of which it passes and at least 2 feet above the
common -use areas such as a kitchen, dining highest elevation of any part of the
room, living room, or family room (but not a manufactured home that is within 10 feet of the
bathroom or utility room) shall be required to chimney.
have one detector for each bedroom area.
hen located in hallways, the detector shall be 4.2.2 Air intake assembly and combustion -air
tween the return air intake and the living area. inlet
3.2 Switches and electrical connections An air intake assembly shall be installed in
accordance with the terms of listings and the
Smoke detectors shall have no switches in the manufacturer's instructions. A combustion air
circuit to the detector between the over current inlet shall conduct the air directly into the fire
protection device protecting the branch circuit chamber and shall be designed to prevent
and the detector.' The detector(s) shall be material from the hearth from dropping onto the
attached to an electrical outlet box and area beneath the manufactured home.
connected by a permanent wiring method to a
general electrical circuit. The detector(s) shall 4.2.3 Hearth
not be placed on the same branch circuit or any
circuit protected by a ground -fault circuit The hearth extension shall be of
interrupter. noncombustible material that is a minimum of
3/8 -inch thick and shall extend a minimum of 16
inches in front and 8 inches beyond each side
4 Solid fuel burning stoves /fireplaces of the fireplace /fireplace stove opening. The
hearth shall also extend over the entire surface
4.1 Solid -fuel- burning fireplaces and fireplace beneath a fireplace stove and beneath an
stoves elevated or overhanging fireplace.
Solid -fuel- burning, factory -built fireplaces and
fireplace stoves may be used in manufactured
homes, provided that they are listed for use in
manufactured homes and installed according to
their listing /manufacturer's instructions and the
III 25
5 Electrical wiring systems 3280.709(d).
5.1 Testing 6.3.1 Separation
All electrical systems shall be tested for The required separation may be achieved by
continuity in accordance with MHCSS the installation of a direct -vent system (sealed
3280.810, to ensure that metallic parts are combustion system) furnace and water heater or
properly bonded; tested for operation, to the installation of .a furnace and water heater
demonstrate that all equipment is connected with enclosures that separate the furnace and
and in working order; and given a polarity check, water heater venting and combustion systems
to determine that connections are proper. from the interior atmosphere of the home.
There shall be no doors, grills, removable
5.2 Protection access panels, or other openings into the
enclosure from the inside of the manufactured
The electrical system shall be properly protected home. All openings for ducts, piping, wiring,
for the required amperage load. If the unit etc., shall be sealed.
wiring employs aluminum conductors, all
receptacles and switches rated at 20 amperes Water heater
or less that are directly connected to the
aluminum conductors shall be marked CO /ALR. The floor area in the area of the water heater
Exterior receptacles, other than heat tape shall be free from damage from moisture to
receptacles, shall be of the ground -fault circuit ensure that the floor will support the weight of
interrupter (GFI) type. Conductors of dissimilar the water heater.
metals .(copper /aluminum or copper -clad
aluminum) must be connected in accordance
with NEC Section 110 -14.
6 Replacement furnaces and water
6.1 Listing
Replacement furnaces or water heaters shall be
listed for use in a manufactured home. Vents,
roof jacks, and chimneys necessary for the
installation shall be listed for use with the
furnace or water heater.
6.2 Securement and accessibility
The furnace and water heater shall be secured
in place to avoid displacement. Every furnace
and water heater shall be accessible for
servicing, for replacement, or both as required
by MHCSS 3280.709(a).
6.3 Installation
Furnaces and water heaters shall be installed to
provide complete separation of the combustion
system from the interior atmosphere of the
manufactured home, as required by MHCSS
Annex E
Sample Schedule for Manufactured
Home Installation Permits
This Annex is not part of the requirements of electrical inspection (state electrical board
this document, but is included for informational or municipality)
purposes only.
Separate permit or hourly inspection fees in
For installation of new or relocated homes in a excess of the original basic permit flat fees may
municipality, a basic permit flat fee may be be established by the municipality for the
established by the municipality to cover the following:
following inspections:
required corrections reinspection
foundation inspection:
accessory structures or buildings
frost depth foundation (requires extra
inspection) inspection (i.e., wood decks, carports, entry
ways, out- buildings, etc.)
piers and footings on grade (common
to most park installations) alterations to original home inspection (i.e.,
structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical).
skirting installation /ventilation Contact state building codes division prior to
issuance, as submittal to state may be
anchoring of unit (when required by required for approval.
local ordinance or by manufacturer's
instructions) plan review of accessory structures or
plumbing inspection:
sewer connection
water connection
on -site work performed on home
water /drain Tines
gas -line inspection:
materials and connections
structural inspection:
data plate information (June 15, 1976
and newer)
structural damage
precode upgrading rules by municipal
ordinance (see Annex D)
Annex F
Bibliography of Foundation Plans
Available From Manufacturer
This Annex is not part of the requirements of
this document, but is included for informational
purposes only.
ASCE 7 -1988, "Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures," American
Society of Civil Engineering, 1430 Broadway,
New York, NY 10018
FEMA 85, "Manufactured Home Installation in
Flood Hazard Areas," Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, DC 20472,
Septernber, 1985
HUD Handbook 4930.3 (1989), "Permanent
Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing,"
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW, Washington,
DC 20410
"Permanent Wood Foundation System
Design, Fabrication, and Installation Manual
1987, National Forest Products Association
(NFPA), 1250 Connecticut Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20036
"Frost -Free Shallow Foundation Design
Guidelines," Energy Design Update, March,
"Building Foundation Design Guidebook," Doc.
No. DE88013350, National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, VA 22161
Annex G
This Annex is not part of the requirements of this document, but is included for
informational purposes only.
11111 29
Annex G and Annex H, Illustrations should be described as "prescriptive not
The statements on page 29 and 35 should read:
"This Annex is part of the requirements of this document. Each table or illustration should be
consider part of the prescriptive text of the specific section of NCSBCS.ANSI A225.1 wherein
it is referenced."
Table 3 -1 General Description of Soils
Allowable Pressure
Soil Type (pounds per square foot)
Based on the unified classification No allowances made for overburden
system pressure, embedment depth, water table
height or settlement problems
Rock or hard pan 4,000 and up
Sandy gravel and gravel 2,000
Sand, silty sand, clayey sand, silty 1,500
gravel, or clayey gravel
Clay, sandy clay, silty clay, or clayey 1,000
Uncompacted fill Special analysis is required
Peat or organic clays Special analysis is required
1. To be used only when none of the following is available: soils investigation and analysis of the site;
compliance with the local building code; and evaluation by a registered professional engineer, architect, or
building official.
2. Hereafter, the words engineer" or "architect" shall refer to a registered professional engineer or architect.
Table 4 -1 Minimum Pier Capacity
Frame Plus Perimeter Blocking
(Both Frame and Perimeter Blocking Required)
Roof Minimum Pier Capacity (pounds)
Section Live Pier
Width Load Location
(feet) (pounds
Maximum Pier Spacing (feet)
4 6 8 10
8 20 Frame 900 1300 1800 2200
Perimeter 600 800 1100 1400
30 Frame 900 1300 1800 2200
Perimeter 700 1100 1400 1800
40 Frame 900 1300 1800 2200
Perimeter 900 1300 1800 2200
10 20 Frame 1100 1700 2200 2800
Perimeter 700 1100 1400 1800
30 Frame 1100 1700 2200 2800
Perimeter 900 1400 1800 2300
40 Frame 1100 1700 2200 2800
Perimeter 1100 1700 2200 2800
12 20 Frame 1300 1900 2600 3200
Perimeter 800 1200 1600 2000
30 Frame 1300. 1900 2600 .3200
Perimeter 1100 1600 2100 2600
40 Frame 1300 1900 2600 3200
Perimeter 1300 1900 2600 3200
14 20 Frame 1500 2200 3000 3700
Perimeter 900 1400 1900 2400
30 Frame 1500 2200 3000 3700
Perimeter 1200 1800 2400 3000
40 Frame 1500 2200 3000 3700
Perimeter 1500 2200 3000 3700
16 20 Frame 1700 2600 340.0 4300
Perimeter 1100 1600 2200 2700
30 Frame 1700 2600 3400 4300
Perimeter 1400 2100 2800 3500
40 Frame 1700 2600 3400 4300
Perimeter 1700 2600 3400 4300
18 20 Frame 1900 2900 3900 4800
Perimeter 1200 1800 2500 3100
30 Frame 1900 2900 3900 4800
Perimeter 1600 2400 3200 3900
40 Frame 1900 2900 3900 4800
Perimeter 1900 2900 3900 4800
III Table 4 -2 Minimum Pier Capacity
Multisection Center -Beam Blocking
Section Load
Width (pounds Pier Load and Minimum Pier Capacity (pounds)
(feet) per
Mating Wall Opening (feet)
5 10 15 20 25. 30 35
8 20 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200
30 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600
40 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 5000 7000
10 20 800 1500 2300 3000 3800 4500 5300
30 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
40 1300 2500 3800 5000 6300 7500 8800
12 20 900 1800 2600 3500 4400 5300 6100
30 1200 2300 3500 4700 5800 7000 8200
40 1500 2900 4400 5800 7300 8800 10200
14 20 1000 2000 3000 4100 5100 6100 7100
30 1400 2700 4100 5400 6800 8100 9500
40 1700 3400 5100 6800 8400 10100 11800
16 20 1200 2300 3500 4700 5800 7000 8100
30 1600 3100 4700 6200 7800 9300 10900
40 1900 3800 5800 7500 9700 11600 13600
EXAMPLE: 14 -foot section width
30 pounds -per- square -foot roof live load
18- foot -wide mating -wall opening
Follow down the "Section Width" column to "14 feet." Follow across to "30 pounds per square foot"
(psf) in the "Roof Live Load" column. Since the mating wall opening is 18 feet wide, follow across to
the column headed "20." (For any opening width that is not shown, use the next highest number on
the chart.) The required pier capacity is 5,400 pounds.
Table 4 -3 Footing Size
Pier Minimum Footing Size or Equal Area (inches) ID
{capacity Soil Capacity
(pounds.) 1000 Sf 1500 •sf 2000 sf 4000 sf
600 9x9 8x8 7x7 5x5
800 11 x 11 9x9 8x8 5x5
1000 12x12 10x10 8x8 6x6
1500 15x15 12x12 10x10 7x7
2000 17x17 14x14 12x12 8x8
2500 19x19 15x15 13x1 10x10
3000 21 x 21 17 x 17 15 x 15 11 x 11
3500 22x22' 18x18 16x16 12x12
4000 24x24 20x20 17x17 13x13
4500 25x25 21x21 18x18 13x13
5000 27x27 22x22 19x19 14x14
5500 28 x 28 23 x 23 20 x 20 15 x 15
6000 29 x 29 24 x 24 21 x 21 15 x 15
6500 31 x 31 25 x 25 22 x 22 16 x 16
7000 32x32 26x26 22x22 16x16
7500 33 x 33 27 x 27 23 x 23 17 x 17
8000 34 x 34 28 x 28 24 x 24 17 x 17
8500 35x35 29x29 25x25 18x18
9000 36 x 36 29 x 29 25 x 25 19 x 19
10000 38x38 31 x31 27x27 20x20
11000 40 x 40 32 x 32 28 x 28 21 x 21
12000 42x42 34x34 29x29 22x22
13000 43 x 43 35 x 35 31 x 31 22 x 22
14000 45 x 45 37 x 37 32 x 32 23 x 23
15000 46 x 46 38 x 38 33 x 33 24 x 24
16000 48x48 39x39 34x34 25x25
17000 49 x 49 40 x 40 35 x 35 25 x 25
18000 51 x51 42x42 36x36 26x26
19000 52 x 52 43 x 43 37 x 37
1. The footing sizes shown are for square pads and are based on the area (square inches) required for the
Toad. Other footing configurations, such as a rectangular configuration, may be used, provided the area (square
inches) is equal to or greater than the area of the square footing shown in the table. For example, a 12 -inch x
22 -inch (264- square -inch) footing may be used in place of a 16 -inch x 16 -inch (256- square -inch) footing. Also,
two 12 -inch x 24 -inch pads may be used in place of one 24 -inch x 24 -inch pad.
2. Local regulations may require design verification by an engineer.
3. psf pounds per square foot
Annex H
This Annex is not part of the requirements of this document, but is included for
informational purposes only.
Middle North
3 A
Middle k
446 x r 3
,fir xS rr 3i A 04VaAtV10 1111111111
;SI% SIJ S 1y 0
AK North
Design Roof -load Zones:
South 20 psf (pounds per square foot) minimum
Middle 30 psf (snow)
North 40 psf (snow)
Reference Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (MHCSS) 24 CFR 3280.506, latest edition
Figure 3 -1 (a) Roof -load zone map (informational only)
it 6
a F! Yf r---1%
s'�.. is v�
,,,A 2 i F fifiowjatrp.-. 04,0 05,00
v A. 4,
1 '''W
AK t
HI `cp
Zone 1 2 3
U -value 0.116 0.096 0.079
Reference Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (MHCSS) 24 CFR 3280.506, latest edition
Figure 3 -1(b) Heating- and cooling- design zone map (informational only)
it Zone
I 11111141106
Zone l
01, Zone
Zone III
4111111111110, Zone II
1 ly
A O i Zone II
Zone III
Zone III
..--,\3 Zone I Zone 11
AK Zone I
Zone III
Zone III
Design Wind -load Zones:
Standard Wind Zone I 15 psf Horizontal 9 psf uplift*
Hurricane Zone II ±39 psf Horizontal 27 psf uplift
Hurricane Zone III ±47 psf Horizontal 32 psf uplift
net uplift
psf: pounds per square foot
Reference Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (MHCSS) 24 CFR 3280.305(c)(2), latest edition
ill Figure 3 -1(c) Wind -load zone map (informational only)
Single- section Multisection
J�'O`4rv°$�``` 0c J'�°U,,' i 2 .a O �g v wr6`SY '��'P >e r :o-t� RaBoo •odd.� 7o �i m om
DO: Crown and grade the site to slope away from the home and cover it with
6- mil -thick polyethylene sheeting or the equivalent.
DON'T: Grade the site so that water collects beneath the home.
Figure 3 -2 Elimination of water beneath the home
Pier 1
Pier 2 Pier 3
G am.
1 1
I 1
Single blocks, Double- interlocked blocks, Steel or concrete
maximum height of 36 inches maximum height of 80 inches manufactured pier
Concrete grouting
Steel reinforcing bars
For piers exceeding 80 inches in height, the concrete blocks should be filled with
concrete grouting and steel reinforcing bars should be utilized.
Figure 4 -1 Typical footing and pier installation
Required perimeter
support (see note 4 below);
existing patio door or addition of
patio door
Frame support Main beam Front (hitch) 1
r Is m---- 1
‘00 Exterior door of home
Required perimeter Exterior wall
support (see note 4) line of home
Figure 4 Typical blocking diagram for single- section home when manufacturer's
instructions are not available
Note (applies to both figures 4 -2 and 4 -3)
1. See table 4.1 for required pier capacity and spacing.
2. See table 4.3 and section 4.2 for footing requirements.
3. Piers shall be located at a maximum of 2 feet from both ends.
4. Place piers on both sides of entry doors and at any other openings
greater than 4 feet in width, such as patio or atrium doors; under
porch posts, fireplaces, and wood stoves; and under those places
where heavy pieces of furniture such as pianos, organs, waterbeds,
etc., may be placed. 0
-Piers /supports shall be sized
Required perimeter according to table 4.2 or calcu-
support (see note 4) lated by a design professional and
located under the bearing points of
Patio door clear -span openings in center
1 1 mating walls
IF r r!T T"T1 1 I 1 1 1'
e- -1 v i a 1 i 1- 1-- -b'
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-
Slide out fireplace ir o Exterior door of home
1 II 1
Required perimeter \Exterior wall
support (see note 4) line of home i
Figure 4 -3 Typical blocking diagram for multisection home when manufacturer's installation
instructions are not available
s n
2 10 315 6 3E? 3 540
1 36 21 36 30 36 s
2 8 24 18 60 31 54 48 3 60 486. 48
13 6 7 9 48 66 36 48 54 53 5 54 60 36
13 48 48 42 60 51
12 15 24 7 48 6 31 48
2 1 6 21 6 30 18 48 26 15 \A. 41 35 36 42 9 3 0
3 64 24 54 48 4 24 X20
g 12 18 48 25 45 14 12 42 30 2 1 2 18 221 24 6 48 3 3 2 i 4 4 18 25 �fr
5 7 17 20 18 36 52 5 42 1
1 14 21 12 21 16 18 30 60 r 1 g 1 't
1 0 5 18 6 12 30 g
6 27 6 12
2 2 7 20 1 1 �1,1111
1 3 20 6 24 21 17 Nor �1
Oli 13 15 6 6i 1
1 36 18 q g
12 104 6 l& .,:.,:......:.,.7.,:.,..r.,,..„:...,.....,:....:..;...i.:.,..::.,:..:„7„,
2 2 3
1,• vollp
Average Depth of Frost Penetration
in Inches
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce
Weather Bureau
Figure 4 -4 Frost penetration map
(a) This system is utilized when a cross -over duct has not been built into the floor, and the II)
furnace is outside the I -beam. With this type of installation, it is necessary for two
flexible ducts to be installed.
Furnace adpt
adapter X11 X
10 -inch diameter flexible
support Duct
insulated duct with 1.0 perm. Block
maximum vapor barrier support
Flexible duct shall not be in
contact with the ground
(b) This system is used when a cross -over duct has not been built into the floor, and the
furnace is situated directly over the main duct in one section of the home. A single
flexible duct is then used to connect the two sections to each other.
Furnace f j
lir/ i I
10 -inch diameter flexible Block
insulated duct with 1.0 perm support
maximum vapor barrier
Flexible duct shall not be in
contact with the ground
Figure 5 -1 Cross -over duct installation
Anchor Mm Maulm im u A r ho Spacing
Strap Method Ullt�ma load
impolusgmagnso sing4Agogityggeg gigmaigottgoloolovailobiii*Ito:::•so Zone 111 a
Single Strap 4725 lbs. 11' 0" 6' 0" 4' 6" 1;
Double Strap 4725 lbs.' 11' 0 "2 6' 0, 2 4' 6 2
1 Unless listed /labeled for a higher capacity by the anchor manufacturer
2 Unless a greater spacing is specified by the anchor manufacturer
3 All homes located in Wind Zones II and III shall have a vertical tie
installed at each diagonal tie location.
2 -foot see chart 2 foot
maximu .i. I maximum
Frame I beam
0 0 0 0 0
Figure 5 -2 Number and location of straps and ground anchors
Diagonal ties
Main beam
40° to 50°
Diagonal frame
Anchor and strap tie-straping
in straight line
Install anchor to full depth
Straps to be installed O (i.e., completely to head)
within an angle of
40 to 50
1. All anchoring parts must be certified to a 4,725 -pound capacity.
2. The ground anchors must be sized in accordance with the direction of the load
and the type of soil.
3. The ground anchors' augers must be installed below the frost line.
4. Ground anchors may be installed vertically if either a 10 -inch x 18 -inch (at a minimum)
concrete collar or an approved metal stabilizing device is installed.
Figure 5 -3 Proper alignment of straps and anchors
Diagonal and vertical ties
1 f f f
Main beam 4 Vertical tie
40 50° strapping
Anchor aligned
with resultant of
combined forces
1. All anchoring parts must be certified to a 4,725 -pound capacity.
2. The ground anchors must be sized in accordance with the direction of the load
and the type of soil.
3. The ground anchors' augers must be installed below the frost line.
4. Ground anchors may be installed vertically if either a 10 -inch x 18 -inch (at a minimum)
concrete collar or an approved metal stabilizing device is installed.
Figure 5 -4 Proper alignment of straps and anchors
(a) Exterior Tight fixture
Ground wire
Junction box
Wire nut Color -coded
dim Ak
Globe Noncombustible ring
(if required)
(b) Chain -hung fixture
or ceiling fan
Color -coded Ground wire
d am,'` 'r
Wire nut Ground strap
irAir Ceiling
Noncombustible ring ground
(if required) g Fixture
wire mounting
Figure 6 -1 Installation of exterior lights
Figure 6 -2(a) Paddle fan installation
CAUTION: Before following the step -by -step (b) Leave approximately 4 inches of wire
procedure, be sure that the power to the fan free in the box.
wire is off.
5. Secure the center beam in place over the
1. Remove the fan manufacturer's installation center line joint. Be sure that the fan's supply
instructions from the package and determine wire is not pinched or penetrated with beam
the meth of attaching the fan to the beam fasteners.
that is to be used.
6. Secure the electrical box to the ridge beam
2. If the center beam (shipped loose) does not with #8 x 2 1/2 -inch wood screws through the
contain a precut hole for the electrical box, cut a two holes in the top of the box.
hole with a hole saw approximately 1/4 inch
larger than the box diameter, at the proper 7. Strip about 3/4 inch of insulation from the
location. The center line of the hole should line white and black conductor ends.
up with the location of the supply wire through
the ceiling. Center the hole in the width of the 8. Position the noncombustible flash ring, which
beam. is provided, over the. electrical box so that the
finished surface (adjacent to the electrical box)
3. Install the box in the hole and secure the that is to be covered by the fan canopy is not
flange to the center beam with four #6 x 1 -inch exposed.
wood screws.
9. Follow the manufacturer's installation
4. (a) Insert the ceiling wire through a knock- instructions for mounting the fan assembly on
out hole in the side of the electrical box. the box and for electrical wiring of the fan. Use
the electrical connectors that are provided for
NOTE It may necessary to cut a notch from 'splicing the wire. Be certain that the fan is
the to on the supply -wire side of the center grounded as specified in the manufacturer's
beam hole to allow the supply wire to be inserted instructions and that the wires are connected
into the electrical box without rubbing against the properly (white -to -white and black -to- black).
center beam during. installation.
Double -wide ridge beam
1 I
4 1
Ceiling board 2 x 6 -inch center beam shipped loose
Supply wire coiled and
for field installation
secured for shipment I Hole for box cut through 2 x 6 -inch beam
Notch beam at hole if 1 (may be cut in plant or in field)
necessary for wire Secure box to ridge beam with
chase two 8 x 2 1/2 -inch wood screws (field installed)
Secure box to 2 x 6 -inch
center beam with four \Electrical box (see note)
#6 x 1 -inch wood screws
(field installed) Supply wire inserted in field
through side knock -out of box
Applicable to U.L. listed paddle fan
with a swivel -type mounting bracket
Figure 6 -2(a) Paddle fan installation
Figure 6 -2(b) Protruding ridge beam
For proper ceiling fan installation, a on the beam and secure the box to the beam
prefabricated box has been provided that with the #6 x 2 -inch wood screws, which are
includes the electrical box containing the provided, in the metal corner braces.
spliced wires with their connectors.
4. Strip about 3/4 inch of the insulation from
The prefabricated box is also designed to the ends of the white and black conductors.
conceal the wire that runs through the ceiling
where the fan is to be located. CAUTION: 5. Position the noncombustible flash ring, which
Before following this step step procedure, be is provided, over the electrical box so that the
sure that the power to the fan wire is off. finished surface (adjacent to the electrical box)
that is to be covered by the fan canopy is not
1. Remove the fan manufacturer's installation exposed.
instructions from the package and determine
what method of attachment of the fan to the 6. Follow the manufacturer's installation
beam will be used. instructions for mounting the fan assembly to
the box and for electrical wiring of the fan. Use
2. Insert the ceiling wire through a side knock- the electrical connectors, which are provided, for
out hole in the electrical box. Secure the wire in splicing wires. Be certain that the fan is
the electrical box clamp at a point that is grounded as specified in the manufacturer's
approximately 4 inches from its end. instructions and that wires are connected
properly (white -to -white and black -to- black).
3.Place the prefabricated box in its final position
Beam C' C)/ /i9�
Fan wire
from ceiling
40 i
t y
Electrical box: mr,
Prefabricated box fastened to beam
clamp wire at box inlet; with two 6 x 2 -inch wood screws on
clamp provided with box. each side
(4 -inch minimum free cable in box)
Figure 6- 2(b) Protruding ridge beam
Figure 6 -3 Ventilation improvement installation
NOTE 4 The following installation instructions are (b) Find the free end of the switch leg wire and
provided to assist a person who is qualified and insert into the junction box.
experienced with construction and electrical wiring.
They are not intended to enable someone (c) Reinstall the junction box in the wall.
unfamiliar with electrical wiring and construction to
perform the installation. 9. Connect the hot wire and the switch leg wire
1. The ceiling backer for the fan is mounted as follows:
directly ini line with the junction box mounted in
the wall of the hallway. Measure approximately (a) Connect the white wires to each other
18 inches out from the wall into the hallway for using a wire nut.
backer center.
(b) Connect the black wires from the hot wire
2. Cut e 8 -inch diameter hole, using the and switches to the terminals on the switch.
location Of step 1 as the center, through the
ceiling board and backer. (c) Connect the ground wires (bare) using a
permanent connector. Run a jumper from
3. Using! a plumb bob, find the center of the the ground connection to the ground screw
hole and rnark it on the roof backer. Drill a small on the switch.
hole through the roof backer and roof to mark
the center, of the opening from the exterior (the 10. Install the switch in the junction box and
install the switch cover plate.
roof backer is omitted with a shingle roof).
4. Switch off the main circuit breaker in the 11 From the exterior of the home, cut an 8
panel boxi Remove the junction -box cover from inch diameter hole through the roof using the
the fan. Install a 1/2 -inch cable clamp through hole made in step 3 as the center.
the hole in the side of the fan. 12. Slide the fan up through the hole in the
5. Find the free end of the switch leg wire, ceiling and secure it with four #8 x 1 1/4 inch (at
located in ithe roof cavity, to be connected to the the minimum) wood screws through the ceiling
fan. Insert: the switch leg wire through the cable board and into the ceiling backer.
13. Apply butyl rubber tape to the underside of
6. All connections are to be properly made with the predrilled holes or the area where the screws
wire nuts Connect the black wire from the are to be installed. Slip the roof cap down
switch legj to the black wires from the fan; the around the fan from the exterior of the home.
white wire !from the switch leg to the white wires (Due to changes in roof height, an extension
from the fan; and the ground wire (bare) from tube may be required.)
fan switchlleg to the green ground screw in the 14. Screw the roof cap down to the roof and
roof backer with #8 x 1 -inch sheet -metal screws.
7. Close the fan's junction box with a Cover the screws and flange ends with roof
bracket and secure it with the nut supplied for coating.
that purpolse. 15. Install the ceiling -fan cover on the fan. Turn
8. Remove the blank cover from the junction the circuit breaker back on and check the fan for
box in the wall. The wire with wire nuts on it is proper operation.
the hot wire. 16. The vent is activated by simply flipping the
`Nall switch to the "on" position.
(a) Rernove the junction box from the wall.
(a) Before
Roof cap•
q Switch wire
Ceiling backer
Switch leg wire
Hot wire
/Junction box
(b) After
Roof backer
Roof backer
Ceiling backer
Vent fan
Switch leg wire
Hot wire
Figure 6 -3 Ventilation improvement installation
(a) Alternativea, field applied, interior end -wall panel (b) Alternative, field applied, wood siding at end wall
Center of double- section home
Center of double- section home
Fasten panel with
18- gauge, 1/4 x 3/4-
inch staples or 6dinails, Exterio
6 inches on center Full -s rface s.din
around perimet r coverage of g
and 12 inches all stud and xterior
in field top and bottom sidi g
plate with PVA
applied Field
parjiel applied Plant I'
p e Plant applied Field-
applied panel applied
V panel panel Plant--___
One full -sized panel applied
no less than 16 inches panel
nor larger than One full -sized panel no less
32 inches than 16 inches nor larger than 32 inches
•ummiu g ,11 L1 11 71 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11
Fasten exterior panel to the studs
Note i in accordance with the siding manufacturer's
1. Specific designs shown must be approved by a DAPIA installation instructions
(Design Approval Primary Inspection Agency)
2.: PVA polyvinyl acetate
(c) Alternative,ifield- applied, horizontal -lap siding
Siding to be installed in accordance with
manufacturer's installation instructions
Window Porch light O
installed Door installed
Home installer to with J rail
with J-rail installed
around it remove all plastic
Corner sheeting used for Corner
trim installed transit protection 0 trim
1. Double section homes with horizontal -lap siding may be shipped with no siding on the front and rear end walls.
2. The manufacturer will install doors /windows trimmed with J -rail and corner trim and will cover with plastic sheeting
for transiti. All siding, starter trim, fasteners, and vents will be shipped loose in the home for installation on set -up.
3. Home installer to complete installation after home is set -up, including the installation of roof vents if required.
Figure 6 -4 Installation of optional panels, siding, and moulding
Dryer duct
(typical location)
N 00 0.1.°
Duct drop -out tube Flexible duct Manufacturer's exhaust
installed at site
I hood or equivalent
CAUTION: Installation of the exhaust system must be in CAUTION: This exhaust system must not terminate
accordance with the dryer manufacturer's instructions. under the home.
Exterior wall
Manufacturer's exhaust
hood or equivalent
(typical location)
X 1 11P.
Dryer duct
Figure 7 -1 Dryer exhaust system
1/2 -inch
Trim with
Push down (-4 sheet -metal shears
if it is difficult
to make flashing lay
Storm collar flat on roof
r !Round top assembly 0
t Chimney cap adapter
3 -foot minimum Triple wall pipe Flashing
Storm collar
Firestop thimble
Damper handle
Closed Il�llulllIl lulnl O
C L Open
---)1 lAllk
Air inlet damper handle 11111
II Illerm 111111
1 ,tillip�►_. l
Over basement
or crawl space
Figure 7 -2 Fireplace or wood stove chimney and air intake installation
4 ,,,,,,,t)
shut -off V j
valve I li1 d
INN i il
Wrap with heat tape if
necessary for local freezing
conditions. Install heat tape 7' Al
in accordance with manufacturer's
installation instructions. Heat
tape is to be listed or approved 'N Id
for manufactured home use. 'po
To heat tape
receptacle under home
Figure 8 -1 Typical water connection
Holes in side rails
1' im
?ittiiitiil j 1 itttit!tttttttttttt
Inspection covers allow connection
to be made and insulated after the
two halves are set up and blocked
CAUTION: If freezing conditions exist, wrap water connector with insulation. Use water connectors
supplied by manufacturer, where applicable.
Figure 8 -2 Typical water -line cross -over
Two 16d nails into Two 16d nails Minimum of 2 x 3 -inch lumber
floor joist
I 11111.411
1 I
Drain pipe
10 Two 16d nails
into floor joist
Minimum of
2 x 3-inch Two staples or screws
lumber on each side
Galvanized or
aluminum strap
16d nails
Galvanized or
aluminum strap
Two 16- gauge, I1 M inimum of
7/16 x 2 -inch 1 x 3 inch
staples each end lumber
(1 -inch lumber)
or two 16d nails Minimum of
2 x 3-inch
Drain pipe
Two staples each side
Galvanized or
aluminum strap
Figure 8 -3 Drain -pipe support methods
o Second
stool drop
Main stool drop 0
o Strap support
4 feet on center
Shipping cap 0 I I
l cap
Field- installed, slope 1/4 inch per foot
To sewer
Figure 8 -4 Drain -pipe slope and connections
Typical connecting
pipe and fittings ►om
(not supplied
by the manufacturer)
Support strap at maximum of
4 -foot intervals
elastomer coupler
Site sewer
hook -up
Fittings in the drainage system that are subject to freezing, such as P -traps in the floor,
have been protected with insulation by the manufacturer. Insulation must be replaced
if it is removed to gain access to the P -trap.
Figure 8 -5 Connection to site sewer
Cap and 1
c. chain
sid II II
Slope 1/4 inch per foot Support strap at maximum
of 4 -foot intervals
Figure 8 -6 Drain -line cross -over connection