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602 S Alder St - Technical
TECHNICAL Permit I2 345 Address (not /0I 5t" Project description polar wa roof Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages la t V-ig/( QUADRA ENGINEERING, INC., PS 240 W. CEDAR STREET P.O. Box 2356 SEQUIM, WA 98382 Q D c 0 (360) 683 -7019, FAX (360) 683 -7087 quadra @olypen.com ENGINEERING, INC. I March 13, 2012 Jeff Randall Solar Agent Power Trip Energy 83 Denny Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 Dear Mr Randall: This is to report on my analysis of the McMahon Residence roof system at 602 S Alder Street in Port Angeles. This was done to satisfy City requirement for a licensed engineer's opinion on structural adequacy of this roof to support new solar panels. This analysis is for panels on the east facing roof. As you know, on October 26, 2011, I completed a similar analysis for solar panels on the south facing roof. The Code required loading for this location and this type of roof system is 25 pounds per square foot snow load; top and bottom chord dead loads of 7 and 10 psf, respectively. The solar panels add an additional 5 psf dead load. Panel locations are shown on the roof framing plan you provided. The array dimensions are 8 -feet (parallel to trusses) by 20 -feet (perpendicular to trusses). The array starts about 4 -feet down from the ridge. You also provided geometry of the affected trusses, panel attachment details, and engineer letters of verification for panel attachment adequacy. Our work was strictly related to the roof system framing. Engineering calculations for this analysis are attached. Our analysis indicates that the existing trusses are adequate as is. Modifications are not required, provided the existing steel splice plates are of sufficient size. I understand that you have inspected these plates and that they are all larger the minimum size required. Our work also considered the existing 5 foot window header. We believe that the approximate 4.3% end reaction load increase is small enough to have no affect on this header. Page 1 of 2 E:\ Jobs \11 \1137 Power Trip Energy, McMahon Residence Phase 2 Solar Panels \_DOC \Report 3- 13- 12.doc i I trust that the City will be satisfied with this level of analysis. However, if you or the they require additional information, please let me know. We are happy to provide whatever else may be needed. Re pectfull 0 i/ rold T Ande sen, PE a, O -2 pit„ -0 :sa 233 4v G /ST 4/ X I lAL E .4 e� Page 2 of 2 E: \_Jobs \11 \1137 Power Trip Energy, McMahon Residence Phase 2 Solar Panels \_DOC \Report 3- 13- 12.doc r STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS for INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PANELS ON EAST SIDE OF EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM McMAHON RESIDENCE 602 S ALDER STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 4 pages including this cover prepared for: POWER TRIP ENERGY 83 Denny Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 643 -3080 prepared by: Quadra Engineering PO Box 2356 240 W Cedar Street Sequim, WA 98382 360 683 -7019 quadra@olypen.com March 13, 2012 L C-2 Cl7 u� J z 0� 23347 O 4 S ONAL 3 712 kt) y 5( 5 de:±17\Jet 7 72.-cr t,) (Qrs cre C/0 Fo ZTYL- 717- C:70-6‘ ;4)10 .(57,tc, 0 13 EAC --4-:7 Po Party C g oorfiLl F-:0 1/4_ f2e7c)F-- 0 z:C CAA -94 3 A ici '11) S p 5(. 2 4, 3 7 rk ILV fk.) 0. r If i 4 s' l 1. 1 1 il I CZ 1 4-1 7 I x 4 41- c,, 1 1 7 a I '4. 1 7.--f P I t i 1 i 4 :17 I. 0 c"-- 0) A- S5 L tc., v- 7- 0 1 .`?..,,,;•-fr---e An-z-e $13,c,k,,, 0 a) Eiej›7 v 4,0 e e I 4,, m.. 4,„ 1 0 7 Z2 0 or le. „4.. 1 1 a me:4702)71L 0 ki F 0 P U- 0 0 C a y N n 0_ L lf 0 0 0 0 0 c I- -O U N CO N 1-.) 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O 0 01 3 E E£ E E E E 0 N 0 0_0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 a 0 N. 0 0 0 -`-'L L L L L LL N m _c _c 0 WLL LLLLLLLLLL L Y v 0 0 0 1 1., 1 1 1 0 -0 0 0 0_ 0000000 W J 0 1-03 (n I-I-1- 4-03030 3 Od r Quick Mount ll '1 i n Mounting P r oducts YourSoI Solar .H Conduit HVAC Custom Composition Mount Specifications Quick Mount PV is an all -in -one waterproof flashing and mount to anchor photovoltaic racking systems, solar thermal panels, air conditioning units, satellite dishes, or anything you may need to secure to a new or existing roof. It is made in the USA of all aluminum and includes stainless steel hardware. It works with all standard racks, installs seamlessly and saves labor by not need- ing to cut away any roofing, will out live galvanized 2 to 1, and is a better low profile mount. Flat Washer 1" x 5/16" EPDM Rubber Washer 60 Durometer (2) Sealing Washer 3/4" x5/16" Hex Nuts Hanger Bolt 5/16" x'6" 5/16" 1 -1/4" Machine, 1 -3/4" Spacer, 3" Lag Mount Flashing Aluminum ICC Mount 2- 114 "1 x 1 -1/4 "w x 1 -1/4 "h LE T:§441$ Flashing .05" thick For standard composition roofs: flashing is 12" x 12 mount is attached 3" off center ICC ESR -2835 a Laq pull -out (withdrawal) capacities (Ibs) in typical lumber: Lag Bolt Specifications Specific 5/16" shaft 5/16" shaft gravity per 3" per 1" thread depth thread depth Douglas Fir, Larch .50 798 266 Douglas Fir, South .46 705 235 Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine (MSR 1650 f higher) .46 705 235 Hem, Fir .43 636 212 Hem, Fir. (North) .46 705 235 Southern Pine .55 921 307 Spruce, Pine, Fir .42 615 205 Spruce, Pine, Fir (E of 2 million psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL) ..50 798 266 Sources: Uniform Building Code; American Wood Council Notes: 1) Thread must be embedded in a rafter or other structural roof member. 2) Pull -out values incorporate a 1.6 safety factor recommended by the American Wood Council. 3) See IBC for required edge distances. 936 Detroit Ave Suite D, Concord, CA. 94518 Phone: (925) 687 -6686 Fax: (925) 687 -6689 A Q q J Email: info @quickmountpv.com www.quickmountpv.com 1 of 4 Know Your Roof It is a good idea to do a thorough roof evaluation prior to your project installation. At this time you should do a layout on the roof confirming everything on the drawing will fit as it is intended. Any irregularities should be noted now, so that you can deal with them simply on install day. The quality of the roofing should be determined, so that any repairs or replacement can happen before or in conjunction with the installation. On a composition roof it is important to know as much as possible about: the manufacturer, the age of roof, the type of substrate (plywood or oriented strand board [OSB]), the rafter size, the spacing and span, the age of roof structure, who roofed it, who built it, etc. Photos should be taken of all of the roof variables and associated with the job file for any future reference either short term or long. Typically the building owner can look in a file and find the composition manufacturer. If not, take a piece to the roofing yard, they can usually recognize the maker and the rough vintage. It is then easy to obtain the written manufacturer's installation instructions for the roofing materials you are dealing with. The manufacturer's instructions will spell out exactly what does and does not void the warranty of their roofing product. Most have a clause about roof temperature. This is commonly missed, but can easily be noted if you read the instructions. Officially, the roofing manufacturer's instructions supersede our instructions, as our product is weaving into theirs. It is also important to have their instructions in the job file, for any future reference. If the manufacturer cannot be found, there is obviously no warranty in place. On a roof that has a material and labor warranty in place (new roof), it is recommended to at least consult the roofer of record. Often the roofing contractor will void the labor portion of their warranty if another trade modifies their work. Give the roofing contractor the option of handling the roofing modifications, or at least give them the opportunity to inspect and approve the modifications you make. There will be fees to this roofer, but if it maintains the labor warranty it should be good money spent. Product Selection Product Includes The Composition Mount is intended to fit within most composition and wood shingle The units are sold in 12 packs. Each 12 pack includes the mounting hard roof systems, but not all. Specifically it is sized to fit within a standard 5" to 5 1/2" ware and the mount with flashing to install 12 mounts, with written instruc- row or course. To confirm that the Comp Mount will match your roof, measure the tions. course exposure of your roof. The "exposed" surface course height should measure Alternative Attachment Methods no more than 5 3/4 If it turns out the roof tiles are a non standard size greater than 5 3/4 the alternative method is to use a Quick Mount Shake Mount The Composition Mount is intended to be attached into a lumber rafter. instead. In this case, follow the directions for the Quick Mount Mounts are usually laid out based on the location of the rafters. In some Shake Mount. (See Compostion Mount Instructional cases it is desired to place a mount where there is no rafter. In this case it Video at quickmountpv.com/tech.php, then is possible to place a block between rafters, then lag into the block. In the Shake Composition Video: case of metal rafters, lumber blocking the rafters is a solution, but should be done per the building's engineer of record. 5 "Typical Shared Rail 5" Rule On a shared rail system, where the mounts must be in an exact spot, it is important to make sure the unit is flashed properly. Normally the vertical placement is guided by the exposed front edge of the shingle. If (on a 5" High Definition Comp Presidential exposure comp) the flashing is flush with this, then you have 5" of flashing Irregular surface If the penetration lands in a low between two highs, it is best to shim over course 1, 5" of flashing under course 2, and 2" of flashing under cours- the low under the flashing with extra asphalt to level out the surface. es 2 and 3. This is important because if there is a vertical joint in course 2 the water cannot find its way under the flashing because it extends under Irregular tooth pattern If the shingles have a tooth pattern wherein the bottom edge course 3. When the flashing must be shifted to catch a shared rail, it is ad- jogs up and down to give it a higher profile look, it is important to understand that the vised to shift the mount up the roof only, leaving less flashing over course 1, excess shingle that hangs lower than the rest of the shingle is for looks only. The 5" and more flashing under course 3. If it is necesary to shift downward, it is rule starts at the top of the tooth. If a tooth interferes with the mount block, cut the tooth advised to move down a whole course and then shift up accordingly. off. QUICK MOUNT PV Sealants COURSE 3 It is important to put a compatible sealant into any and all holes drilled into z _3 a roof. We have been recommending Geocell 2300, but there are many WATER COURSE i that are compatible with: asphalt, wood, aluminum, and stainless steel. In PROOF COURSE, 1 s the freeze -thaw zones, it is important to follow the manufacturers' rules for LOONS ONLY freeze -thaw conditions. How Many Mounts Per Module? IBC There are two questions that must be asked when adding anything to a roof. P International j'n 1. Can the roof building foundation handle the additional load? N ational Building l 2. What is to keep the new load from blowing away? Roofing Code State Contractors Building It is assumed that a licensed solar installer can answer these questions. If he she Association can't, he she will need to find somebody that can. A licensed engineer is the easiest Code solution. Some of the racking manufacturers have guides to calculating a code compli- Q Asphalt ant install as well. Many variables must be considered and determined to complete the Roofing PN calculation. The spacing between mounts has the variables of: strength of rail, distance Manufacturers International AHJ Residential between parallel rails, cantilever of modules over rails, pull out strength of mount, slope Association of roof, height of roof, wind zone, roof type, structural integrety of roof framing, etc. The code only values in the variables above that we can provide is pull out strength and shear of Authority 1 mount. We provide structural test reports on all of our mounts as needed. You will need Sheet Metal Havin National to do the calculation of variables as you are the only one who knows them all. tp Air Conditioning Jurisdiction Fire Contractors' Protection Q Further Resources Y National Association In the process of all the research we have done, we came up with what we call the Association OSHA Z "Wheel of Accountability It is a graphical look at the many official entities that govern International how waterproofing should be done. At our web site you can click on any wedge of the Code wheel and get the code snippets that pertain to that entity's focus on roof penetrations. 41,9,,,,i)(-) Council Please don't hesitate to use it to your advantage. And of course if you have any feed G /A underwriters back pro or con, let us have it. Take photos of your jobs using Quick Mount Products -1C'/G. Laboratories and submit them to us at info @quickmountpv.com, we'll put them up in our web gallery. Put Photo Gallery in the Subject line. UL 2of4 c":" .7, !ff!. M ill ■11 cs, Let Ct. 0 c I C Len 0 =-T, Nom 0=1 .....Se ..9s w 4..., 2 LI z 0 .0 0 z W _1 ro U_ 0 Ta CD 'I= aD to r... 0 lo so o Let 0 Lel E I— --I 111.. owl .NI 0 L.1 CO 0 CO 0 CO M............. f=" CO C■I •ci I i I ll I MIUMMIMMUMU* Cl/ H Z Z Q:1 W 0 Z W LU C7/3 H 0 LLJ Cr as, In Lt a> un so CO a) x CIC Lon .0 CO :T. .0 C 1141 I 1 r '11 2 1:7 1-1-1 Len Lin o Lan r E=A so C•'" A L V u., C--V r A LE- 4 =ft., a) o Ln EE Leo co =3 z R V ca ci.) 3 L,_ o 0 L, TO o cc 3 of 4 Electrical Characteristics Measured at STC* SiE160 SiE165 SiE170 SiE175 SiE180 SiE185 SiE190 SiE195 SIE200 Rated Power (Pmax) Watts 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp) 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.3 25.5 25.6 Maximum Power Current (Imp) 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.8 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 29.9 30.0 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.6 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 8.2 8.4 Maximum System Voltage (VDC) 600 Series Fuse Rating Amps (Amps -DC) 15 Temperature Coefficients Pmax: 0.566 /°C Voc: 0.389 /°C Isc: 0.109%/ °C Standard Test Conditions (STC) at 1000w /m', AM 1.5 spectrum, 77 °F /25 °C cell temp. 3 3/4 2 1/2 4 8 r I H H T 12 13/ 16 i, m a 1/4 -20 Mounting Studs 4 i 1 24 I -20 Mod ;I 4e 1/8 47 112 e G round Studs P M odule Width y i i i�'�'u"� c l 2 per Module {t 9 i .t of 6 21 374 (+I.d .w:, r. A t t I/4 in. Module Overlap Powder Coated Aluminum r.• Mounting Foot (Protects Wire) s i a 24 l i Fastener Slots 45 3/4 3/8 x 1 1/4 _,....------1' Module Connectors Tyco SolarLoh t i d 14AWG Solar Wire a o I o sue; -i- 10 -32 Ground Stud I� 10 9/16 1 I 51 5/8 I H 3 3/4 48 <f. I 48 H' 1 7/8 in. Base of Mounting Foot H *Not to Scale, Units in Inches fj Complies to UL1703, specifications subject to change without notice. c (f s. Mechanical Specifications and Ratings Weight (module mounts) 58 lbs. "65 lbs. 4.1 lbs. /ft') Front: 0.125 in. high transmissivity tempered glass Cells 49 crystalline silicon cells wired in series (7 x 7) Construction Back: 0.125 in. tempered glass Diodes 6 bypass diodes per module Encapsulant: Advanced Encapsulant 0.09 in. aluminum alloy 5032 H32 Mounting Foot 0.125 in. powder coated aluminum alloy 5032 H32 Frame 1/4 -20 stainless steel studs with flange nuts Slope of Module 1.85° (minimum mounting surface angle 5 Temperature Range -40 to 194 °F -40 to 90 °C) Fire Rating Class A Design Load 125 psf Connectors (Wire) Tyco SOLARLOK (14 AWG Solar Wire, Length "32 in.) S I I I� n 3506 124th Street NE Marysville, WA 98271 USA Tel: 360 618 -6500 Fax: 360 618 -6501 m e r e ytm www.silicon- energy.com V8.2 (Rev 070111) 11 Bn.ErC Cascade Module Manual L t ..,.......,1,:.,::,..,.. h S S S Y F g+, A 2,� ik gT yi l �4 1 3` C� "�.�i �E' 4 ��Ux t T�4t 'sf x' Y� >r�.(, t i $`�'yF w v 5 bp "s°° F 5 ;4:- i';a 3I s 2 t 1 x" ,t 'Lx k �i r m f x k to d i A6 a 3yy a �y t i IE sr �rt�`a� ,7; 9�� t aC �f t' z i b 4: b y v t w s yF. �o- 6 i�� 1l y 'i 4 �t� ��E 4 6 y I t S s r l,'. t^ >a f sA y r a P' i y l u a �t£ F t ar� f i� t k 'eCi 4�^w� r— ib .1,k.':'" r I e r ar y ,I a °av s .a qr a s s y F S d P. k' W t' P t S t -t �f3T Q ��a� c a s y r ,k 5 V A"R A 2 2 �`':34' 4"x"A +7� "S" r tc ^St te a t x� it y 1 rid s k p „1— da 4. a t ''F a y a` 3 e i t a a� 1 s i r '`fr4 -cF c 4. r;e ,„,a t E a E a S ai �7tkrFg j F l n a a t /44,?..kiri\9‘4\i--- ...'4.... This manual contains important safety, installation, operation, service, and A\ A maintenance information that you should understand in its entirety prior to installing, wiring, or using Silicon Energy PV modules. Do not connect or disconnect modules under load. Silicon Energy PV modules are designed to produce direct current (DC) electricity from light. Modules wired in series, parallel, or series parallel A configurations can produce electrical shock great enough to cause damage to property, injury, or death by electrocution. Prior to installing, wiring, or using Silicon Energy PV modules you should: fully understand and practice electrical, building, and fire safety fully understand PV /solar electric systems have knowledge of, experience with, and follow all local and national building and electrical codes (see National Electric Code -NEC Article 690) Product Handling Only knowledgeable and trained professionals should install these modules. In some jurisdictions, licensed contractors may be required for installation. Multiple panels connected in series can produce high voltages which are potentially hazardous. Do not wire the modules during wet, damp or high wind conditions. Cascade PV modules are constructed with a tempered glass front and back. Although durable, it is glass. Handle with care. Do not set the module down in such a way that the exposed edges of glass are supporting any weight. Areas on the module most prone to damage are the exposed edges of glass and the leads. Pay particularly close attention to protecting these areas from damage while installing, servicing, or maintaining the module(s). Do not stand on, step on, or kneel on the module. Do not drop the module, drop objects onto the module, or set heavy loads on the module. Avoid any sharp impacts between objects and the module. Always treat the output wires of the modules as a potential source of electricity and electrical shock. Photovoltaic modules do not have to be connected to a circuit to generate DC current. Each installer should wear safety gear including eye, head, hand and fall protection. The modules are heavy and must be handled properly to avoid injury to persons and damage to product. It is recommended that two people lift and move modules due to their size and weight. Protect person and module from falls when installing above ground. Inspect modules for damage, particularly to the leads. Never install a damaged module. Use extreme caution when handling a module with a damaged lead. PLEASE NOTE, AS PER SECTION 48, UL 1703: PV module power is affected by both temperature and light: Colder temperatures can increase the voltage and power. Reflection of light from snow, water, or other surfaces can increase the current and power. Do not artificially concentrate light on the module(s). Under normal conditions, a PV module is likely to experience conditions that produce more current and /or voltage than reported at standard test conditions (STC). Accordingly, the values of I and V marked on this module should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 when determining component voltage ratings, conductor ampacities, fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the PV for output. Refer to Section 690 of the National Electric Code (NEC 690.8) for another additional multiplying factor of 1.25 (80% derating) which may be applicable. The electrical characteristics are within -10% of the indicated values of Isc, Voc, and max under standard test conditions (irradiance of 100 mW /cm AM 1.5 spectrum, and a cell temperature of 25 °C 77 °F) 2 www.Silicon- Energy.com Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 1. Compliance Silicon Energy's Cascade PV Modules are built to comply with UL 1703, "Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels These modules contain no user serviceable parts. Please read the following warning statements before installing the modules: The installer is responsible for following all local and national building and electrical codes, including those which may supersede specifications contained in Silicon Energy manuals. Consult local building authority for all wind, snow and seismic requirements. Some jurisdictions may require an engineering certification. The installer is responsible for ensuring the following: the building /mounting structure can support all code required loading conditions waterproof integrity of the mounting surface; including the use of appropriate flashing when needed Silicon Energy Cascade Modules are appropriate for the specific installation environment and site conditions. Substitution of fasteners and wire connectors other than those supplied by Silicon Energy may void warranty. Use a minimum of 14 AWG USE -2 sunlight- resistant wire or PV wire and Tyco SOLARLOK Connectors for all wiring connections. Ground module(s) according to the instructions in the Grounding Requirements Section. Provide 15 amp max series fuse rating over- current protection. This module carries a Class A fire rating. In order to maintain this rating, when mounted on a roof structure, the module must be mounted as specified, maintaining a minimum clearance of 1.5 inches. The roof surface must be made up of a fire resistant covering appropriate for the application and abiding by local authority guidelines. 2. Module Specifications The Cascade PV Module currently comes in one physical configuration (see Figure 1) with a series of electrical specifications (see Table 1). See the Silicon Energy Cascade Installation Guide for dimensions of the module when mounted with the custom Cascade Installation System. Referencing the component callouts in Figure 1, each module is comprised of: 1. 49 crystalline silicon cells and 6 diodes encapsulated in one high- strength, double -glass lamination. 2. An aluminum edge guard/ side frame is factory mounted along each of two sides of the module. 3. Each edge guard has two' /4 -20 Mounting Studs with two' /a -20 serrated flange nuts and 4. Each edge guard has one' /4 -20 Grounding Stud with one' /4 -20 serrated flange nut. 5. A negative lead made up of 14 AWG USE -2 wire and exiting the module from a strain- relieved, sealed compartment. 6. A positive lead made up of 14 AWG USE -2 wire and exiting the module from a strain- relieved, sealed compartment. 7. The negative lead is terminated with a Tyco SOLARLOK Connector (male housing). 8. The positive lead is terminated with a Tyco SOLARLOK Connector (female housing). 4 c' Figure 1. Silicon Energy Cascade PV Module with dimensions (inch [mm]) and component callouts 3 www.Silicon- Energy.com Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 Silicon Energy produces a series of Cascade PV modules with the following electrical characteristics: Table 1. Electrical Specifications at Standard Test Conditions* Cascade PV Module Model SiE -150 -155 -160 -165 -170 -175 -180 -185 -190 -195 -200 Rated Powerin Watts (Pmax) 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 29.7 29.8 29.9 30.0 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.6 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 8.2 8.4 Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp) 24.4 24.5 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.9 25 25.1 25.3 25.5 25.6 Maximum Power Current (Imp) 6.15 6.33 6.48 6.65 6.85 7.03 7.20 7.37 7.51 7.65 7.80 Maximum System Voltage (VDC) 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Series Fuse Rating (Amps -DC) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Standard Test Conditions (STC): Irradiance of 1000W /m AM 1.5 spectrum, and a cell temperature of 25 °C 77 °F The electrical characteristics may vary within 10% of the indicated values 3. Module Installation The following general instructions are provided as the minimum required for safety. For detailed mounting instructions see the Silicon Energy Cascade System Installation Guide. 3.1. Electrical Installation Safety A. Solar modules and their interconnection cables pass direct current (DC) and can be a voltage source when exposed to light or under load. DC can arc across gaps and may cause injury or death if wiring is connected or disconnected when current is present. Modules must never be connected or disconnected under Load. Before (dis)connecting modules, the circuit must be broken at another point using a rated device intended for that purpose (e.g. breaker). A short circuited module or array exposed to light will produce current that should be treated as a load. Fully cover all modules with an opaque material before connecting or disconnecting modules. 3.2: Electrical Installation Requirements All installations must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and all applicable local codes. Provide 15 amp maximum series fuse rating for over current protection. Secure all wires and protect from mechanical damage. For all installer supplied wiring, use a minimum USE -2 sunlight- resistant wire or PV wire with a maximum conductor temperature of at least 90C (wet) such as found in the Table 2. Table 2. Wire Specifications Gauge Mfr Part Max Conductor Purpose (AWG) Mfr Number Temperature Supplied by Module Output 14 Tyco 1986166 -Y 90C min (wet) SiE to Disconnect 14 Tyco 1986166 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Disconnect 12 Tyco 1986165 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Disconnect 10 Tyco 1986164 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Disconnect 6 Tyco 1986274 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Ground 14 to 6 N/A N/A 90C min (wet) Installer The module output leads are 14 AWG and come with factory installed connectors (see Table 3). When making the final connection of the array to the positive and negative disconnects, use only UL recognized solar connectors such as Tyco SOLARLOK connectors. The metallic crimp supplied within the connector may only be applied using the approved Tyco crimping tool. 4 www.Silicon- Ener Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 Table 3. Connector Specifications Crimp gauge Mfr Part Purpose (AWG) Mfr Description Number Supplied by Module Output, SOLARLOK Male Coupler, Negative 14 Tyco Female Contact, Minus Keyed 1394462 -2 SiE Module Output, SOLARLOK Female Coupler, Positive 14 Tyco Male Contact, Not Keyed 6- 1394461 -1 SiE 3.3. Grounding Requirements This module does not have a,continuous frame. Therefore, for safety and to protect the system from lightning, both edge guards of the module must be grounded. Connect to earth ground using the center PEM studs and the flange nuts provided. When the module is properly installed with Silicon Energy's Cascade Installation System, the module will be grounded to the installation structure and no additional grounding of the module will be necessary. The ground conductors must be a minimum of 6AWG if installed in such a way that it is exposed to mechanical damage. Ground conductors which are protected from mechanical damage must be a minimum of 14AWG. 3.4. Mechanical Installation Requirements Modules must be fastened securely to installation systems intended for PV applications. Wind and snow loads not to exceed 125 psf. For module applications requiring greater strength Silicon Energy must be consulted to protect the module warranty and an engineer must be used to design the installation means. Engineering verification is recommended to ensure a structurally sound roof or mounting structure. When roof mounted, module and installation system must be over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. The Cascade PV Modules must be mounted with edge guards parallel to the fall line of the roof or mounting structure. They are designed to be rotated to have the positive lead on either side, but must not be mounted with the edge guards running perpendicular to the fall line. As always, good practice should be used when installing Silicon Energy Cascade PV Modules: Mount to maximize solar exposure and minimize or eliminate shading. Modules may be mounted at any angle from 0 to 90 however the Cascade Installation System does have minimum installation angles. See the Silicon Energy Cascade System Installation Guide for more details. When installing these modules the following should be considered: Avoid low angle installations to prevent buildup up dust, debris, snow and ice and to utilize the "frameless" feature of these modules to best advantage. Always maximize ventilation behind modules for cooling. A minimum clearance of 1.5 inches between mounting surface and modules is required to maintain fire rating. 5 www.Silicon-Ener Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 22 C© Ga LOMPORTERLMN rEE; u December 14, 2010 CPL Job S09- 0176 -03 Miriam Ginsberg Ron Wright Associates 2003 Western Ave., Ste. 300 u Seattle, WA 98121 RE: Maloney Heights Solar Panel Permit: Attachment of Solar Panels to Structure Dear Miriam: The solar panel supplier has indicated that the solar panels will be attached to the structure with 5/16" diameter by 3" long lag bolts attached to the roof framing with (4) attachment points for each module. The loading on the solar panels is based on 100 mph basic wind speed with exposure C and a seismic design category D -1. Wind uplift controls the attachment of the panels to the structure with the controlling uplift cladding pressure equal to 35 psf. The panel supplier proposed attachment to the structure is acceptable. If any lag bolts do not land on roof framing blocking should be placed between roof framing pieces with a Simpson A35 located at the ends of the blocking piece. Sincerely, COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN, INC. Eric Lentz Structural Engineer S. COU WAS 41/4 Ai t 4: VONAL k fi t o1/4_,e p Aiwo.44._ i W ENGINEERS Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. E ARCHITECTS 960 South Hamey Street MATERIALS SCIENTISTS Seattle, Washington 98108 206.622.1441 tel 1 206.622.0701 fax www.wle.com Via Email March 22, 2011 Silicon Energy 3506 124th Street NE Marysville, WA 98271 Re: Review of Design Load Testing and Rating WJE No. 2011.0096 To whom it may concern: At the request of Silicon Energy, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) has reviewed the mechanical load test results reported by Intertek, an Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), for the Cascade PV Module assembly including the module and mounting system manufactured by Silicon Energy. The Cascade PV Module assembly is described in Cascade PV Module Manual Revision 3, and the Cascade System Installation Guide Revision 2. The PV Module assembly is approximately 51 -3/4 inches wide by 47 -1/2 inches long and consists of two layers of 1/8 inch thick tempered glass laminated together and attached to an 1/8 inch thick aluminum frame mounting foot. Silicon Energy has asked that we review the relevant mechanical load test results and report our findings in this letter. We have reviewed the relevant portions of the Intertek test report titled Listing Constructional Data Report issued June 23, 2009, and revised August 3, 2010. Load testing was conducted by Intertek in accordance with the test standard Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels UL 1703 dated March 15, 2002 (UL 1703) Section 41 Mechanical Loading Test. According to the test report, the design load for the Cascade PV Module assembly confirmed by the testing is 125 pounds per square foot (psf). The Silicon Energy PV Models covered by the test report include the following: SiE -150, SiE -155, SiE -160, SiE -165, SiE -170, SiE -175, SiE -180, SiE -185, SiE -190, SiE -195, and SiE -200. It is reported that these models are identical in every construction detail, and differ only in cell efficiency and electrical rating. Sincerely, 41, 2 WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. p 1 R cin o f W I4 l no Martin, P.E. l. r. Project Manager 1 ,e 0 64 p:\2011 \0096 silicon energy consulting (zm) \correspondence\letter.docx 0 4p4CI3titiSiERSQ S s '`W/ n 0 4 6 '`r t: L:' �r 3 t2 -1 1 Headquarters Laboratories— Northbrook, Illinois Atlanta I Austin I Boston I Chicago 1 Cleveland 1 Dallas 1 Denver 1 Detroit I Honolulu I Houston Los Angeles 1 Minneapolis 1 New Haven 1 New York' Princeton 1 San Francisco I Seattle 1 Washington, DC 1d 9 TEcHNIcAL Permit tit -121(0 Address (i02 3 AIder St Project description c-J3Ictr avYo roof -v D Date the p ermit was finaled I 5 -1-1 k Number of technical pages 4 "t. y r b .,y, o r c QUADRA ENGINEERING, INC., PS 240 W. CEDAR STREET P.O. Box 2356 SEQUIM, WA 98382 Q 0 D o 0 (360) 683 -7019, FAX (360) 683 -7087 quadra @olypen.com ENGINEERING, INC. J October 26, 2011 Jeff Randall Solar Agent Power Trip Energy 83 Denny Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 Dear Mr Randall: This is to report on my analysis of the McMahon Residence roof system at 602 S Alder Street in Port Angeles. This was done to satisfy the City requirement for a licensed engineer's opinion on structural adequacy of this roof to support new solar panels. As you know, the roof must hold 25 pounds per square foot snow load, the existing dead load and an additional 5 psf for solar panels. Panel locations are shown on the roof framing plan you provided. You also provided geometry of the existing trusses, panel attachment details, and engineer letters of verification for panel attachment adequacy. Our work was strictly related to the roof system framing. Engineering calculations for this analysis are attached. We find that the roof system will support the above loads upon completion of minor reinforcing. This reinforcing includes: Installation of an additional roof rafter on the top chord of each "Truss E" that supports a solar panel. The new rafter should be a 2x4 x 6 -feet long, centered on the existing 2x4 rafter. It should be fastened with two rows of 10d nails (0.128" x 3 spaced at 6" on center. Installation of one additional top chord on "Truss Cx2 The new top chord should be a 2x4 x 7 -feet 6- inches long (minimum), centered on the existing 2x4 top chord. It should be fastened with two rows of 10d nails (0.128" x 3 spaced at 6" on center. This modification assumes that "Truss Cx2" has 2x6 bottom chords. The information you provided was not clear on this aspect. If this is not true, please let me know because additional reinforcing will be needed. As you know, one end of "Truss Cx2" is supported by "Truss Bx3. Our analysis shows that "Truss Bx3" is adequate without additional reinforcing. This assumes 2x8 bottom chords for "Truss Bx3 If this is not true, please let me know because additional reinforcing will be needed. Page 1 of 2 E:\ Jobs \11 \1137 Power Trip Energy, PA House \_DOC \Report 10- 26- 11.doc I trust that you will find these recommendations easy to implement and that the City will be satisfied with our level of analysis. However, if you or the City require additional information, please let me know. We are happy to provide whatever else may be needed. Re .pectfully; r A I Q,,(� H I ro l T Andersen, PE 40 0 „R.. li1 4 ,4 A k' k Z F O 4 ON ;AL Page 2 of 2 E: \_Jobs \11 \1137 Power Trip Energy, PA House \_DOC \Report 10- 26- 11.doc STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS for INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PANELS ON EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM McMAHON RESIDENCE 602 S ALDER STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 11 pages including this cover prepared for: POWER TRIP ENERGY 83 Denny Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 643 -3080 prepared by: Quadra Engineering PO Box 2356 240 W Cedar Street Sequim, WA 98382 360 683 -7019 quadra@olypen.com October 26, 2011 I N p I t 3347 Q CS ��r� 4. l0/2-5 1 �I 37 kik f-- c ti 'j c9 ►L1 E ?Q.sue f?-ef:Y0 t= 5 ►v"\ r (0 5 AZ--c7C5r Scr p Q.-/ Fit) uJECe_ Qo C c i 1 5 kiid 3— C ec--i ©R-+ ■-14 5 4 GTLL L& C v 2-'J S fi3 u 7 sS e Ac 2 p c J- D s7$ (7) k 'S Siw,c2(- ect-w\ La) pd95 P c J 'G7 2S s r- S L. f F 4 cC. L P c= L.. PSG 2 3 p CCO M C jam- C;7 7 2$ 4b..) 0 ky v L. 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I i .1--- c.,,„ t t 7 R. t7.1. 4 1 11 0 4 o 1 la i 1 °r) I 1:71 4- I 11 IF 0 H z r C -6- I c 6 -7 j. 4 ....r—•;5 *I 4 1 r rl ______3_4 t .'N.Z It,. ,3,, r.t i L PPII ,JC MATEROALO A EMMINEERONS, MC. 980 41St Street Tel: (510) 420 -8190 Oakland, CA 94608 FAX: (510) 420 -8186 e -mail: info @appmateng,com October 28, 2008 Mr. Stewart Wentworth Project Number 108443C QUICK MOUNT PV ICC -ES FILE 08 -09 -16 1483 67th Street Emeryville, CA 94608 Subject: Quick Mount PV Load Testing ICC -ES AC 13 ASTM D 1761 Dear Mr. Wentworth: As requested, Applied Materials Engineering, Inc. (AME) has completed load- testing Quick Mount PV system anchors for shear and tensile strength. The purpose of our testing was to evaluate the tensile and shear Toad capacity of the Quick Mount PV system in a high density (Douglas Fir) and a low density wood (Cedar). SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Twelve (12) 12 "x12" samples were delivered to our laboratory on 10- 16 -08; six each for Douglas Fir. and Cedar. A copy of the installation instructions is provided in Appendix A. Typical sample photo is provided in Appendix B. PROCEDURES RESULTS Since an acceptance criterion (AC) has not been developed for this product, the samples were tested under the direction of Mr. Yamil Moya, P.E. with ICC -ES, and in general accordance with applicable procedures outlined in ASTM D 1761 and AC 13. a. Tensile Strength Three samples each of the two types of wood were tested for tensile strength on October 24 27, 2008 using a United Universal testing machine. Samples were rigidly attached to the testing machine and a tensile load was applied to the 5/16 "x6" hanger bolt at a displacement rate 0.1 inches per minute without shock until failure. Detailed results are provided in Table I. Based on these results, the average tensile strength of the hanger bolt in Douglas Fir and Cedar wood species were determined to be 3934 lbs and 2214 lbs, respectively. d Dun Page 1 of 10 Stuart Wentworth Project Number 108443C QUICK MOUNT PV Quick Mount PV Load Testing October 28. 2008 b. Shear Strength Three samples each of the two types of wood were tested for shear strength on October 24 27. 2008 using a United Universal testing machine. Samples were rigidly attached to the testing machine and a shear load was applied to the 2-1/4"x1 -A14"x1-1/4" aluminum mount at a displacement rate 0.1 inches per minute without shock until failure. Detailed results are provided in Table 11, Based on these results. the alierage shear strength attic hanger bolt in Douglas Fir and Cedar wood species were determined to be 4365 lbs and 3313 lbs. respectively. Photographs illustrating typical setup and typical failure modes are shown in Figure 1 and IL If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned. Respectfully Submitted, APPLIED MATERIALS ENGINEERING, INC. Reviewed By: tt- Nialitf hi Med UK Armen: Taj hian, Ph.D., I ,aboratory Manager Principtil 411 1'6 N(.1) ACCREDITED K 4 if cV,X CC: ICC-ES, Mr. Yamil Moya, P.E.: vmovaqiee-es.om File 108443C Page 2 of 10 4:„ZrEP.31,U2 a: aircffaagr,a',;;J, TABLE I QUICK MOUNT PV- 5/16 "X6" HANGER (LAG) BOLT TENSILE LOAD TEST RESULTS PROJECT NUMBER 108443C SAMPLE ID WOOD SPECIES ULTIMATE LOAD FAILURE MODE IN TENSION (LBS) T -DF -1 Douglas Fir 3963 Lag bolt pulled out T -DF -2 Douglas Fir 4074 Lag bolt pulled out T -DF -3 Douglas Fir 3764 Lag bolt pulled out Average 3934 T -C -1 Cedar 2096 Lag bolt pulled out T -C -2 Cedar 2004 Lag bolt pulled out T -C -3 Cedar 2543 Lag bolt pulled out Average 2214 Page 3 of 10 TABLE II QUICK MOUNT PV- 5/16 "X6" HANGER (LAG) BOLT SHEAR LOAD TEST RESULTS PROJECT NUMBER 108443C SAMPLE ID WOOD SPECIES ULTIMATE LOAD FAILURE MODE IN SHEAR (LBS) S -DF -1 Douglas Fir 4306 Bent lag bolt S -2 Douglas Fir 3990 Bent lag bolt S- DF -1(A) Douglas Fir 4799 Bent lag bolt Average 4365 S -C -1 Cedar 3214 Bent lag bolt S -C -2 Cedar 3456 Bent lag bolt S -C -3 Cedar 3268 Bent lag bolt Average. 3313 Page 4 of 10 N O F X O x X v) D u zQo U X o co E o Q) ,f) E, X r U N„ m rt w O 4) 4) O O O Z N oLO crm --I W X O 4) 4) o c ci) ,C 4 1 o va w CN r-- U Z rNCY) u')--o 00 Cr W 3 o 0 o i U W o U v O _c a U a 1 f a C M 4 it\NAWNWM *1 11�i�����i��i��i�p�����i������������ o O O OM w tY Z ',5 1 o `zz o iz az z y a 0 �O° t silk ■n' 2n9rgytm Cascade Series PV Module and Installation System see the difference Silicon Energy's mission is to manufacture quality PV systems specifically for the US market that advance durability, longevity of performance and aesthetics. The Cascade Series PV Module and Installation System has some unique features that differentiate it from other PV systems presently on the market. PV Module Features: High efficiency crystalline silicon cells Strong and durable Double -glass module construction allows light to pass between cells Six bypass diodes per module provide improved performance in partial shading Highest fire rating Class A 25 -year limited power warranty, 5 -year materials and workmanship Installation Systems Features: Cascade design allows water, snow and ice to easily flow off Increased air flow behind modules increases performance Mounting system conceals and protects wires for a clean wireless look Squirrel proof Installs on standard 4 -foot centers specifically designed for the US market to Aesthetically pleasing modern appearance Customer colors available (architectural 3Y bronze standard)'' Made in USA Washington Minnesota 4/11-(j_L44t14/?4— Electrical Characteristics Measured at STC* SiE160 SiE165 SiE17O SiE175 SiE180 SiE185 SiE190 SiE195 SiE200 Rated Power (Pmax) Watts 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp) 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.3 25.5 25.6 Maximum Power Current (Imp) 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.8 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 29.9 30.0 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.6 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 8.2 8.4 Maximum System Voltage (VDC) 600 Series Fuse Rating Amps (Amps -DC) 15 Temperature Coefficients Pmax: 0.566 °C Voc: 0.389 °C Isc: 0.109 °C Standard Test Conditions (STC) at 1000w /m', AM 1.5 spectrum, 77 °F /25 °C cell temp. 48 1 3 H 2 1/2 T 1 H 12 13/16 1 -j 1 1/4-20 Mounting Studs 46 4 4 per Module 24 1/4 -20 Module 46 I/8 4 Ground Studs 47 /2 Module Width C 2 per Module C 0 C Q 213/4 s 1/4 in. Module Overlap Powder Coated Aluminum I Mounting g Foot (Protects Wire) 3 Fastener Slots 45 3/4 d ...---------4'r 3/8 x 1 1/4 Q i Module Connectors Tyco SolarLok W 14AWG Solar W re 4 (3- 10 -32 Ground Stud 10 9/16 i 5 1 5 8 I F 3 3/4 I 48 ct. 1 48 (I- I It Tr `7r H 1 7/8 in. Base of Mounting Foot H *Not to Scale, Units in Inches Complies to UL1703, specifications subject to change without notice. S is Mechanical Specifications and Ratings Weight (module mounts) 58 lbs. 65 lbs. 4.1 lbs. /ft Front: 0.125 in. high transmissivity tempered glass Cells 49 crystalline silicon cells wired in series (7 x 7) Construction Back: 0.125 in. tempered glass Diodes 6 bypass diodes per module Encapsulant: Advanced Encapsulant Frame 0.09 in. aluminum alloy 5032 H32 Mounting Foot 0.125 in. powder coated aluminum alloy 5032 H32 1/4 -20 stainless steel studs with flange nuts Slope of Module 1.85° (minimum mounting surface angle 5 Temperature Range -40 to 194 °F -40 to 90 °C) Fire Rating Class A Design Load 125 psf Connectors (Wire) Tyco SOLARLOK (14 AWG Solar Wire, Length 32 in.) S 1 1 I cal n Marysville, 3506 124th Street NE WA 98271 USA Tel: 360 618 -6500 Fax: 360 -618 -6501 energy www.silicon- energy.com V8.1 (Rev 021411) s c2nc2rqL Cascade PV Module Manual r rte ,a -7 This manual contains important safety, installation, operation, service, and maintenance information that you should understand in its entirety prior to installing, wiring, or using Silicon Energy PV modules. Do not connect or disconnect modules under load. Silicon Energy PV modules are designed to produce direct current (DC) electricity from light. Modules wired in series, parallel, or series parallel configurations can produce electrical shock great enough to cause damage'to property, injury, or death by electrocution. Prior to installing, wiring, or using Silicon Energy PV modules you should: fully understand and practice electrical, building, and fire safety fully understand PV /solar electric systems have knowledge of, experience with, and follow all local and national building and electrical codes (see National Electric Code -NEC Article 690) Product Handling Only knowledgeable and trained professionals should install these modules. In some jurisdictions, licensed contractors may be required for installation. Multiple panels connected in series can produce high voltages which are potentially hazardous. Do not wire the modules during wet, damp or high wind conditions. Cascade PV modules are constructed with a tempered glass front and back. Although durable, it is glass. Handle with care. Do not set the module down in such a way that the exposed edges of glass are supporting any weight.' Areas on the module most prone to damage are the exposed edges of glass and the leads. Pay particularly close attention to protecting these areas from damage while installing, servicing, or maintaining the module(s). Do not stand on, step on, or kneel on the module. Do not drop the module, drop objects onto the module, or set heavy loads on the module. Avoid any sharp impacts between objects and the module. Always treat the output wires of the modules as a potential source of electricity and electrical shock. Photovoltaic modules do not have to be connected to a circuit to generate DC current. Each installer should wear safety gear including eye, head, hand and fall protection. The modules are heavy and must be handled properly to avoid injury to persons and damage to product. It is recommended that two people lift and move modules due to their size and weight. Protect person and module from falls when installing above ground. Inspect modules for damage, particularly to the leads. Never install a damaged module. Use extreme caution when handling a module with a damaged lead. PLEASE NOTE, AS PER SECTION 48, UL 1703: PV module power is affected by both temperature and light: Colder temperatures can increase the voltage and power. Reflection of light from snow, water, or other surfaces can increase the current and power. Do not artificially concentrate light on the module(s). Under normal conditions, a PV module is likely to experience conditions that produce more current and/or voltage than reported at standard test conditions (STC). Accordingly, the values of L. and V marked on this module should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 when determining component voltage ratings, conductor ampacities, fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the PV for output. Refer to Section 690 of the National Electric Code (NEC 690.8) for another additional multiplying factor of 1.25 (80% derating) which may be applicable. The electrical characteristics are within -10% of the indicated values of I V and P max under standard test conditions (irradiance of 100 mW /cm AM 1.5 spectrum, and a cell temperature of 25 °C 77 °F) 2 www.Silicon- Energy.com Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 1. Compliance Silicon Energy's Cascade PV Modules are built to comply with UL 1703, "Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels These modules contain no user serviceable parts. Please read the following warning statements before installing the modules: The installer is responsible for following all local and national building and electrical codes, including those which may supersede specifications contained in Silicon Energy manuals. Consult local building authority for all wind, snow and seismic requirements. Some jurisdictions may require an engineering certification. The installer is responsible for ensuring the following: the building /mounting structure can support all code required loading conditions waterproof integrity of the mounting surface; including the use of appropriate flashing when needed Silicon Energy Cascade Modules are appropriate for the specific installation environment and site conditions. Substitution of fasteners and wire connectors other than those supplied by Silicon Energy may void warranty. Use a minimum of 14 AWG USE -2 sunlight- resistant wire or PV wire and Tyco SOLARLOK Connectors for all wiring connections. Ground module(s) according to the instructions in the Grounding Requirements Section. Provide 15 amp max series fuse rating over current protection. This module carries a Class A fire rating. In order to maintain this rating, when mounted on a roof structure, the module must be mounted as specified, maintaining a minimum clearance of 1.5 inches. The roof surface must be made up of a fire resistant covering appropriate for the application and abiding by local authority guidelines. 2. Module Specifications The Cascade PV Module currently comes in one physical configuration (see Figure 1) with a series of electrical specifications (see Table 1). See the Silicon Energy Cascade Installation Guide for dimensions of the module when mounted with the custom Cascade Installation System. Referencing the component callouts in Figure 1, each module is comprised of: 1. 49 crystalline silicon cells and 6 diodes encapsulated in one high strength, double -glass lamination. 2. An aluminum edge guard/ side frame is factory mounted along each of two sides of the module. 3. Each edge guard has two 1/4-20 Mounting Studs with two' /a -20 serrated flange nuts and 4. Each edge guard has one 1/4-20 Grounding Stud with one' /a -20 serrated flange nut. 5. A negative lead made up of 14 AWG USE -2 wire and exiting the module from a strain relieved, sealed compartment. 6. A positive lead made up of 14 AWG USE -2 wire and exiting the module from a strain- relieved, sealed compartment. 7. The negative lead is terminated with a Tyco SOLARLOK Connector (male housing). 8. The positive lead is terminated with a Tyco SOLARLOK Connector (female housing). ffi 0 Q (v N f 111111111111111111111111111111111 [„62 46.75 er 1120.5 47.43 Figure 1. Silicon Energy Cascade PV Module with dimensions (inch [mm]) and component callouts 3 www.Silicon Energy.com Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 Silicon Energy produces a series of Cascade PV modules with the following electrical characteristics: Table 1. Electrical Specifications at Standard Test Conditions* Cascade PV Module Model SiE-### -150 -155 -160 -165 -170 -175 -180 -185 -190 -195 -200 Rated Power in Watts (Pmax) 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 29.7 29.8 29.9 30.0 '30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.6 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 8.2 8.4 Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp) 24.4 24.5 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.9 25 25.1 25.3 25.5 25.6 Maximum Power Current (Imp) 6.15 6.33 6.48 6.65 6.85 7.03 7.20 7.37 7.51 7.65 7.80 Maximum System Voltage (VDC) 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Series Fuse Rating (Amps -DC) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Standard Test Conditions (STC): Irradiance of 1000W /m AM 1.5 spectrum, and a cell temperature of 25 °C 77 °F The electrical characteristics may vary within 10% of the indicated values 3. Module Installation The following general instructions are provided as the minimum required for safety. For detailed mounting instructions see the Silicon Energy Cascade System Installation Guide. 3.1. Electrical Installation Safety Solar modules and their interconnection cables pass direct current (DC) and can be a AA■ A voltage source when exposed to light or under load. DC can arc across gaps and may cause injury or death if wiring is connected or disconnected when current is present. Modules must never be connected or disconnected under load. Before (dis)connecting modules, the circuit must be broken at another point using a rated device intended for that purpose (e.g. breaker). A short circuited module or array exposed to light will produce current that should be treated as a load. Fully cover all modules with an opaque material before connecting or disconnecting modules. 3.2. Electrical Installation Requirements All installations must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and all applicable local codes. Provide 15 amp maximum series fuse rating for over current protection. Secure all wires and protect from mechanical damage. For all installer supplied wiring, use a minimum USE -2 sunlight- resistant wire or PV wire with a maximum conductor temperature of at least 90C (wet) such as found in the Table 2. Table 2. Wire Specifications Gauge Mfr Part Max Conductor Purpose (AWG) Mfr Number Temperature Supplied by Module Output 14 Tyco 1986166 -Y 90C min (wet) SiE to Disconnect 14 Tyco 1986166 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Disconnect 12 Tyco 1986165 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Disconnect 10 Tyco 1986164 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Disconnect 6 Tyco 1986274 -Y 90C min (wet) Installer or SiE to Ground 14 to 6 N/A N/A 90C min (wet) Installer The module output leads are 14 AWG and come with factory- installed connectors (see Table 3). When making the final connection of the array to the positive and negative disconnects, use only UL recognized solar connectors such as Tyco SOLARLOK connectors. The metallic crimp supplied within the connector may only be applied using the approved Tyco crimping tool. 4 www.Silicon- Energy.com Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 Table 3. Connector Specifications Crimp gauge Mfr Part Purpose (AWG) Mfr Description Number Supplied by Module Output, SOLARLOK Male Coupler, Negative 14 Tyco Female Contact, Minus Keyed 1394462 -2 SiE Module'Output, SOLARLOK Female Coupler, Positive 14 Tyco Male Contact, Not Keyed 6- 1394461 -1 SiE 3.3. Grounding Requirements This module does not have a continuous frame. Therefore, for safety and to protect the system from lightning, both edge guards of the module must be grounded. Connect to earth ground using the center PEM studs and the flange nuts provided. When the module is properly installed with Silicon Energy's Cascade Installation System, the module will be grounded to the installation structure and no additional grounding of the module will be necessary. The ground conductors must be a minimum of 6AWG if installed in such a way that it is exposed to mechanical damage. Ground conductors which are protected from mechanical damage must be a minimum of 14AWG. 3.4. Mechanical Installation Requirements Modules must be fastened securely to installation systems intended for PV applications. Wind and snow loads not to exceed 125 psf. For module applications requiring greater strength Silicon Energy must be consulted to protect the module warranty and an engineer must be used to design the installation means. Engineering verification is recommended to ensure a structurally sound roof or mounting structure. When roof mounted, module and installation system must be over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. The Cascade PV Modules must be mounted with edge guards parallel to the fall line of the roof or mounting structure. They are designed to be rotated to have the positive lead on either side, but must not be mounted with the edge guards running perpendicular to the fall line. As always, good practice should be used when installing Silicon Energy Cascade PV Modules: Mount to maximize solar exposure and minimize or eliminate shading. Modules may be mounted at any angle from 0 to 90 however the Cascade Installation System does have minimum installation angles. See the Silicon Energy Cascade System Installation Guide for more details. When installing these modules the following should be considered: Avoid low angle installations to prevent buildup up dust, debris, snow and ice and to utilize the "frameless" feature of these modules to best advantage. Always maximize ventilation behind modules for cooling. A minimum clearance of 1.5 inches between mounting surface and modules is required to maintain fire rating. 5 www.Silicon- Energy.com Cascade PV Module Manual Rev. 3 C ®ltAG[H111.0l IiPORTERWIXi r• ESN u December 14, 2010 CPL Job S09- 0176 -03 u Miriam Ginsberg Ron Wright Associates 2003 Western Ave., Ste. 300 Seattle, WA 98121 RE: Maloney Heights. Solar Panel Permit: Attachment of Solar Panels to Structure Dear Miriam: The solar panel supplier has indicated that the solar panels will be attached to the structure with 5/16" diameter by 3" long lag bolts attached to the roof framing with (4) attachment points for each module. The loading on the solar panels is based on 100 mph basic wind speed with exposure C and a seismic design category D -1. Wind uplift controls the attachment of the panels to the structure with the controlling uplift cladding pressure equal to 35 psf. The panel supplier proposed attachment to the structure is acceptable. If any lag bolts do not land on roof framing blocking should be placed between roof framing pieces with a Simpson A35 located at the ends of the blocking piece. Sincerely, COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN, INC. 7 Eric Lentz Structural Engineer COU o v IVA t 41/4, s fig 4, 8810NAL Wj ENGINEERS Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. nit 960 South Homey Street MATERIALS SCIENTISTS Seattle, Washington 98108 206.622.1441 tel 1 206.622.0701 fax www.wje.com Via Email March 22, 2011 Silicon Energy 3506 124th Street NE Marysville, WA 98271 Re: Review of Design Load Testing and Rating WJE No. 2011.0096 To whom it may concern: At the request of Silicon Energy, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) has reviewed the mechanical load test results reported by Intertek, an Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), for the Cascade PV Module assembly including the module and mounting system manufactured by Silicon Energy. The Cascade PV Module assembly is described in Cascade PV Module Manual Revision 3, and the Cascade System Installation Guide Revision 2. The PV Module assembly is approximately 51 -3/4 inches wide by 47 -1/2 inches long and consists of two layers of 1/8 inch thick tempered glass laminated together and attached to an 1/8 inch thick aluminum frame mounting foot. Silicon Energy has asked that we review the relevant mechanical load test results and report our findings in this letter. We have reviewed the relevant portions of the Intertek test report titled Listing Constructional Data Report issued June 23, 2009, and revised August 3, 2010. Load testing was conducted by Intertek in accordance with the test standard Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels UL 1703 dated March 15, 2002 (UL 1703) Section 41 Mechanical Loading Test. According to the test report, the design load for the Cascade PV Module assembly confirmed by the testing is 125 pounds per square foot (psf). The Silicon Energy PV Models covered by the test report include the following: SiE -150, SiE -155, SiE -160, SiE -165, SiE -170, SiE -175, SiE -180, SiE -185, SiE -190, SiE -195, and SiE -200. It is reported that these models are identical in every construction detail, and differ only in cell efficiency and electrical rating. Sincerely, i rr a t 4, WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. p hi 4 of WAS/b. no Martin; P.E. Project Manager sassy pA2011\0096 silicon energy consulting (zm) \correspondence\letter.docx slS CI51ER a Headquarters Laboratories- Northbrook, Illinois Atlanta 1 Austin 1 Boston 1 Chicago !Cleveland j Dallas j Denver j Detroit 1 Honolulu I Houston Los Angeles' Minneapolis I New Haven I New York 1 Princeton 1 San Francisco 1 Seattle 1 Washington, DC