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Permit B: Compressive Strength Test Reports
v NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form +t Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists 1 Construction Inspection Materials Testing I SPECIMEN CONTROL I 12065 NTI 717 SOUTH PEABODY, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362, (360) 452.8491 1. Material Type: Concrete Mortar El Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: 1 51 Special Handling:) Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION Standard A Standard B Standard C Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1001 -03 4. Date Cast: 1 3/22/2012) 5. Cast By: LCB Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquist @npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson @npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrel @jhkelly.com 8. Date Received: 3/23/2012 9. Rec'd by: LCB MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 7.5" 6.5% 59 deg F 0930 Required Compressive Strength: 4000 PSI 28 DAYS Remarks: Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project specifications. See attached for info for blank fields in this COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4060 No. of Sacks /CY: 6 I Load Size: 9.0 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water C220 16920 lbs C250 5060 lbs A350 5 oz B280 120 gal Eclipse: C200 12640 lbs A340 404 oz A345 136 oz WIC Ratio: 0.35 Location of Concrete Placement: E Walls Silo Additional Remarks: Ticket ID: 174192 Ticket 18181 Cust 5960 Truck 390 Driver: Ruby, Matt Weather: Clear Temperature: 56 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 3/29/2012 SRW TTA 5 46890 12.56 3733 B 4x8 28 4/19/2012 SRW 4 62510 12.56 4977 C 4x8 28 4/19/2012 SRW 4 58150 12.56 4630 D 4x8 28 4/19/2012 SRW 5 58710 12.56 4674 E 4x8 Hold HOLD 12.56 0 (Comments about breaks: I NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATOR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST S pecimen Transmittal Test Results Form Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists p g SPECIMEN CONTROL Construction Inspection Materials Testing I 12064 NTI 717 SOUTH PEABODY, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362, (360) 452.8491 1. Material Type: Concrete Mortar Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: 1 51 Special Handling: Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION Standard A Standard B Standard C Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1001 -03 4. Date Cast: 1 3/22/2012) 5. Cast By: LCB Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquist @npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson @npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrel @jhkelly.com 8. Date Received: 3/23/2012 9. Rec'd by: LCB MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5 6.5% ACTUAL 7.5" 6.8% 56 deg F 0715 Required Compressive Strength: 4000 PSI 28 DAYS Remarks: Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project specifications. See attached for info for blank fields in this COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4060 No. of Sacks /CY: 6 Load Size: 9.0 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water- C220 16920 lbs C250 5040 lbs A350 9 oz B280 125 gal Eclipse: C200 12640 lbs A340 406 oz A345 138 oz W/C Ratio: 0.36 Location of Concrete Placement: E Walls Silo Additional Remarks: Ticket ID: 174178 Ticket 18162 Cust 5960 Truck 390 Driver: Ruby, Matt Weather: Clear Temperature: 34 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 3/29/2012 SRW TTA 6 38290 12.56 3049 B 4x8 28 4/19/2012 SRW 6 56840 12.56 4525 C 4x8 28 4/19/2012 SRW 5 55030 12.56 4381 D 4x8 28 4/19/2012 SRW 5 55190 12.56 4394 E 4x8 Hold HOLD 12.56 0 'Comments about breaks: ,NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY Ct� PR SSWE STREN T 7 Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Construction Inspection Materials Testing SPECIMEN CONTROL 12033 N77 717 SOUTH PEABODY, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362, (360)4528491 w 1. Material Type: a Concrete Mortar Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: 1 51 Special Handling:) Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION Standard A Standard B Standard C M Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H Lab Account Mi Project Account ID NPNP 1101 -03 4. Date Cast: i 2/15/20121 5. Cast By: SRW Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquist @npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson @npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrel @jhkelly.com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012 9. Rec'd b TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 5" 4.9 58 deg F 12:34 Required Compressive Strength: 4500 PSI 28 DAYS Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project Remarks_ specifications. ee a ac or in o or an te4sint is COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4565FA No. of Sacks /CY: I Load Size: 9.75 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water C220 12320 lbs C250 4590 lbs A350 27 oz B280 54 gal Eclipse: C210 4120 lbs C260 880 lbs A340 440 oz B285 55 gal C200 12560 lbs A323 0 oz W/C Ratio: 0.31 Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel Storage Foundation Additional Remarks: Ticket 1D: 173990 Ticket 17630 Cust 5960 Truck 73 Driver: Greg S Weather: Overcast Temperature: 47 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL. ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested B B Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 linall 2/22/2012 SRW 1111111111=11 44400 12.56 3535 B 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW MEI 70730 12.56 5631 c 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW Ma 63760 12.56 5076 D 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW NM 67040 12.56 5338 NM 4x8 HOLD M r Comments about breaks: NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST V Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form f Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Construction inspection Materials Testing SPECIMEN CONTROL NTI 2032 717 SOUTN PEA80DY, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362, (360) 4528491 t 1. Material Type: Concrete Mortar 0 Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: I 5 Special Handling: Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION Standard A 0 Standard B 0 Standard C El Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1101 -03 4. Date Cast: 1 2/15/20121 5. Cast By: SRW Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquist ©npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson ©npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrelc@jhkeily•com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012 9. Rec'd b TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 5.25" 5.1 57 deg F 11:25 Required Compressive Strength: 4500 PSI 28 DAYS Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project Remarks: specifications. See attached for info for blank fields i n th r COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4565FA No. of Sack6JCY: Load Size: 9.75 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water C220 13480 lbs C250 4960 lbs A350 29 oz B280 59 gal Eclipse: C210 4360 lbs C260 960 Ibs A340 480 oz B285 60 gal C200 13600 IbsIIII. A323 0 oz IIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIC Ratio: 0.31 IIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMMIMIINIIIII Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel Storage Foundation Additional Remarks: Ticket ID: 173981 Ticket 17618 Dust 5960 Truck 386 Driver: Craig W Weather: Overcast Temperature: 43 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 2/22/2012 SRW 5 43050 12.56 3428 B 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 62850 12.56 5004 C 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 61720 12.56 4914 D 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 61780 12.56 4919 E 4x8 HOLD Comments about breaks: NTI' MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY CO PRESS VE .STRENGTH TEST Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form y Engineers 'Land "Surveyors Geologists 3 Canst{ectian lnspectian Materiels Testing 1 SPECIMEN CONTROL 12031 NTI 717 SOUTH PEABODY PORT ANGELES, wASHINGTUN )452.8491 1. Material T e: Concrete yp 0 Mortar 0 Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. #:of "Specimens: 1 51 Special Handling: Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days -after casting): BILLING INFORMATION CD Standard A 0 Standard 8 0 Standard C 0 Other,(Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H O Lab Account# Project Account ID NPNP 1101 -03 4, Date Cast: 1 2115/20121 5. Cast By: SRW Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holnmquist©npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson©npiusa :com Sean Oferrel: sofarrei€jhkelly,com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012 9. Reed TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 4.75" 4,9` 55 :.deg F 10:32 Required Compressive .Strength 4500 PSI 2B'DAYS Remarks: Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI priorto.pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project specifications. ee a'ac or in o or an e.s in Is COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS: section Concrete PAN: ,M4565F' A No. of Sacks/CY: Load Size: 9 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water C220 12400 Ibs C 250 4560 lbs A350 27 oz 8280 55 gal Eclipse: C210 4040 ibs C260 890 lbs,; A340 440 oz B285 .55 g al III C200 12480 Ibs A323 0 oz W C Ratio: 0.31 Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel Storage: Foundation Additional Remarks: Ticket ID: 173970 Ticket 17602 Cust 5960 Truck 73 Driver: Greg'S. Weather: Overcast: Temperature: 49 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Speciman Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days. Tested- By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8. 7 2/22/2012 SRV1/ 5 37660 12.56 2998 B 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 58740 12 :56 4677 c 4x8'. 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRVII 5 50300 12.56 4005 D 4z8 28 3/14/2012 TTA, SRW 5 57570 12.56 4584 E 4x8 .56 4/1 0 12.56 0 d Gornments about breaks: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST P NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY S ecinlen Transmittal Test Results Form 1 VI* Engineers Land Surveyors &eologists 2r. Construction Inspection Materials Testing SPECIMEN CONTROL 12030 717 SOUTH PEABODY, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 08362 (360) 452.8491 1. Material Type: Concrete Mortar 0 Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: 51 Special Handling: Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION Standard A Standard 13 Standard C M Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1101 -03 4. Date Cast: 1 2/15/20121 5. Cast By: TTA Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.hoimquist @npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson©npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrel @jhkelly.com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012 9. Rec'd by: TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 4" 6.0% 53 deg F 9:35 Required Compressive Strength: 4500 PSI 28 DAYS Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project Remarks. specifications. COMPONENTS/MISCELLANEOUS section attached for into for blank r ieTds in this Concrete Mix: M4565FA Poo. of Sacks /CY: Load Size: 9.75 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water- C220 13400 Ibs C250 49501bs A350 29 oz B280 60 gal Eclipse: C210 44001bs C260 970 Ibs A340 480 oz B285 60 gal C200 13520 lbs A323 0 oz WIC Ratio: 0.34 Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel Storage Foundation Additional Remarks: Ticket ID: 173962 Ticket 17593 Cust 5960 Truck 78 Driver: Jason S. Weather: Overcast Temperature: 47 deg F TEST RESULTS TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 2/22/2012 SRW 5 42480 12.56 3382 B 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 2 56640 12.56 4510 c 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 62830 12.56 5002 D 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 64120 12.56 5105 E 4x8 HOLD Comments about breaks: (110 .12`%,,,, NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST i 5 Specimen Transrrtittai Test Results Form Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Construction Inspection Materials Testing SPECIMEN CONTROL NTI 12029 717 SOUTH PEABODY, PO(iT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98382, (360)V-8491 1. Material Type: M Concrete Mortar Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: I 51 Special Handling: Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION Standard A Standard B Standard C M Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,2.8 7,28,28,28,H Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1101 -03 4. Date Cast: J 2/15/20121 5. Cast By: TTA Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: I Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquist @npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.N. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson@npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrel @jhketiy.com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012 9. Rec'd by: TTA MATERIAL SPECI SLUMP 1 AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 4.75" 5.7% 47 deg F 8:45 Required Compressive Strength: 4500 PSI 28 DAYS Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project Remarks: specifications. ee attac e• or in o or an le •s in t is COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4565FA No. of Sacks /CY: Load Size: 9.0 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water- 0220 12400 Ibs C250 4590 Ibs A350 32 oz'' 6280 65 gal Eclipse: 0210 4280 Ibs C260 880 lbs A340 440 oz B285 65 gal C200 12680 lbs 1 A323 0 oz WIC Ratio: 0.34 Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel Storage Foundation Additional Remarks: Ticket ID: 173951 Ticket 17581 Gust 5960 Truck 63 Driver: Zhan T. Weather: Overcast Temperature: 35 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 2/22/2012 SRW 5 41500 12.56 3304 B 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 56800 12.56 4522 c 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 3 62050 12.56 4940 D 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 57010 12.56 4539 E 4x8 HOLD 'Comments about breaks: a NTI M ATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form Engineers, Lend Surveyors Geologists ..401:..!=4" Construction .Inspection Materials resting. SPECIMEN CONTROL w 71 t St}UTI4 PEABE)DY, PORTAGES, WASHINGTON g; '1)452-8491 1. Material Type: a Concrete 0 Mortar 0 Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: I 51 Special Handling: 1 Project: Cogeneration, 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION 0 Standard A {Standard B 0 Standard C Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7, 88 28,28 7,28,28,28,H O Lab Account# Project Account ID NPNP :1101 -03 4. Date Cast: 1 2/15/20121 5. Cast By: SRW Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.hoimquist ,npiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.N. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ wilson©npiusa.com Sean OfarreI: sofarreIQjhkeIly.com 8. Date Received: ,2/16/2012. 9. Rec'd b TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SLUMP 111121 i CONCRETE TEMPERATURE MEM DESIGN 3" -:5" 3.510-- 6.5% ACTUAL 5" 6.4% 52 deg F 7:15 AM Required Compressive Strength: 4500` PSI 6. 28 DAYS. Remarks: Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet projecs specifications. ee a'ac orin'o or an le .s in is COMPONENTS /MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4565FA No. of Sacks /CY: Load Size: 9.0 CY i Aggregate, 1 Admix Water- C220 12360' Ibs C250 4560 lbs A350 38, oz B280 71 gal Eclipse: C210 4280 lbs C260 870 lbs A340 440 oz 828.5 70 gal 111 1111 C200 12440-lbs 111111111111111111111111 A323 0 oz WIC Ratio:. 0.36 Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel Storage Foundation Additional:Remarks: Ticket ID: 173935 Ticket 17564 Gust 5960 Truck 62 Driver: ingvar Weather: Overcast Temperature: 35 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Pate Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type `Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 2/22/201,2 :SRW 5 34830 12.56 2773 B 4x8, 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 49560 12.56 3946, c 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW' 5 47610' 12.56 3791.. s D A 4x8 28 3/14/2012, TTA SRW 5 48880 12.56 43892 ;m E 4x8. 56 4111/2012 0 12.56 .0 'Comments about breaks:, 1 NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY 'COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form Engineers Lond�. Surveyors Geologists 4, Construction. Inspection Materials Testing NTI 7t7 SOUTH PEABODY, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON w 9)4524491 1. Material Type: Concrete 0 Mortar 0 Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: 51 Special Handling:1 Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION 0 Standard A 0Standard`B 0 Standard C e Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H O Lab Account# Project Account la NPNP 1101.03 4. Date Cast: 1 2/15/20121. 5. Cast By: SRW Project Manager Shawn West 6. IVlaterial: Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquisf(enpiusa.com 7. Contractor: J.H. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson@npiusa.com Sean Ofarrel: sofarrei@jhkepy.com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012. 9. Recd by: TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 11111111111= 3.5% 6.5% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII ACTUAL IIIIIIIIIIIIEIII 6.2% 50 deg F 6:20 AM Required Compressive Strength: 4500 PSI 4 28` DAYS Remarks: Structural Reinforcement Inspected by NTI prior to pouring concrete. AR areas inspected appeared to meet project specifications. ee a ac or in o or an ae.s to is COMPONENTS/MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4565FA No. of Sacks/CY: 1 Load Size: 9.0 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water C220 12560 ibs C250 4570 lbs A350 41 oz B280 70 gat Eclipse: C2 4120 ibs C260 900 tbs A340 442 oz 5285 70 gal C200 12320 ibs A323 0 oz WIC Ratio: 0.35 Location of Concrete Placement; Hog Fuel Storage Foundation Additional Remarks: Tlcket.JD: 173923 Ticket 17552 cost 5960 Truck 63 Driver: Zhan T. Weather: Overcast' Temperature: 31 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE'FILLED OUT'BY'NTIPERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 2/22/2012 SRW 6 37600 12.56. 2994 a 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 3 53510 12.56 4260- C 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 56490 12.56 4498• D 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA. SRW. 5. 50390 12.56 4012 E 4x8 56 4/11/2012 0 12.56 0 Comments about breaks: NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST 1 l ilt.Tki Specimen Transmittal Test• Results Form Engineers —land Surveyors Geologists NT! Construction inspection Materials Testing I SPECIMEN CONTROL 1 717 SOUTH PEABODY, PORT ANGELES; WASHINGTON i 452.8491 1. Material Type: 'Concrete 0 Mortar 0 Grout Client: Nippon Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: 1 51 Special Handling:I Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested .(days •after casting): BILLING INFORMATION 0 standard A 0 Standard 8 0 Standard C Other (Specify) 7,28,28, H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H 0 Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1101 -03 4, Date Cast: 21. 15120121 5. Cast By: TTA Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts: Gary Holmquist: gary.holmquist @nplusa.com 7. Contractor: J,H.:Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson@npiusa.com Sean ()ferrel:,sofarrelcUjhkeily com 8. Date Received 2/16/2012 9. Rec'd by: TTA MAT ERIAL;SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE MOM DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5% ACTUAL 3.75" 5.5% 48'deg F 5:40 AM Required CompressiveStrength: 4500, PSIS@. 28 DAYS Remarks: Structural Reinforcement Inspected by. NTI prior to pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet projec specifications. COMPONENTS/MISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix: M4565FA No. of Sicks/CYi Load Size: 9.75 C'Y Aggregate- Cement- Admix- IIIETZIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII C220 13600 lbs C250 4940 Ibs A350 44 oz B280 70 gal Eclipse: C21 0 4480 lbs C260 960 lbs A340 480 oz B285 70 gal IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII C200 13680. lbs A323 0 az W/C Ratio 0.34 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel :Storage Foundation Additlonal,Remarks: Ticket 'la: 17391.6 Ticket 17546 Cust 5960. Truck 225. Driver: Scott R. Weather Clear Temperature 31 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Date Tested Checked Break Total Unit Load Type Days Tested By By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8. 7 .2/22/2012. SRW 5 43460 12.56 3460 t3 4x8 28. 3/14/2012 'TTA. 'SRW 5 55980 12.56 4457, c 4x8 28 3/14/2012 TTA 'SRW 5 65080 12.56 5182 D. 4x8, '28 3/14/2012 TTA SRW 5 5510,0 12.56 4387 E 4x8 56 4/11/2012 0 12.56 0 v Comments about breaks: s P aft,'",41(P`4 NTI MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Specimen Transmittal Test Results Form Engineers Land Surveyors- Geologists NTI Construction Inspection Testing SPECIMEN CONTROL 2025 sA on Materials 9 m soUTN P ODY, PORTANGELES, WASHINGTON (380)452.8491 1. Material Type: Concrete El Mortar El Grout Client: Nippon. Paper Industries 2. of Specimens: J 5E Special Handling :J Project: Cogeneration 3. Testing Sequence Requested (days after casting): BILLING INFORMATION 0 Standard A Standard B 0 Standard C 0 Other (Specify) 7,28,28,• H 7,28,28,28 28,28 7,28,28,28,H 0 "Lab Account Project Account ID NPNP 1101.03 4. Date Cast: 2/15/2012. 5.. Cast By: SRW Project Manager Shawn West 6. Material. Supplied by: Fred Hill Contacts:, Gary Holmquist: gary.hoimquist@npiusa;com 7. Contractor: J.I. Kelly Russ Wilson: Russ.wilson(r npiusa.corn Sean Orarrei: sofarreUOihkelly.com 8. Date Received: 2/16/2012. 9. Rec'd by: TTA MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT CONCRETE TEMPERATURE TIME DESIGN 3" 5" 3.5% 6.5 °l0 ACTUAL 4" 6.5% 47 deg F' 4:45 AM Required Compressive Strength: 4500 PSI 28 DAYS Structural Reinforcement Inspected lay NTI prior: to' pouring concrete. All areas inspected appeared to meet project Remarks: specifications. See attached for 'info for blank fields in this COMPONENTSAVIISCELLANEOUS section Concrete Mix M4565FA No. of.Sacks/CY: Load Size: 9.75 CY Aggregate- Cement- Admix- Water- C220 13960 Ibs C250 4940,lbs A350 47.oz 8280 70 gal Eclipse: C210 4680 Ibs C260 970,1bs A340 480 oz 8285 70 gal C200 '13440;ibs A323 0 o WIC Ratio: 0.34 Location of Concrete Placement: Hog Fuel. Storage Foundation Additional Remarks: Trcket'lD: 173908 Ticket 17538 Cust 5960 Truck 385 Driver: Todd K. Weather: Clear Temperature: 31 deg F TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY'NTIPERSONNEL ONLY) Specimen Specimen Test Q Date Tested ;Checked 'Break. Total Unit Load Type Days" Tested. 8y By Type Load Area PSI A 4x8 7 2/22/2012'. SRW 6 35140 12.56 2798 g 4x8 '28" 3/14/2012 'TTA SRVI/ 2 53660 12.56 4x8 •28 3/14/2012` TTA SRVV 6 51730 12.56 4119 c D 4x8 28 3/14/2012. TTA SRW 5 51860 12.56 4129 E 4x8 56 4 0 12.56 0 Comments about breaks: