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5.590 Original Contract
AID JAN 182001 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE t :IMF AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. RELATING TO Port Angeles Fire Hall Roof Repairs Project No. 21 -14 ,/J44 THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2002, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code ky of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., a Illinois Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on November 5, 2001, and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to revise the Scope of Work, Budget, and Time of Performance, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth in the original AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 REVISED SCOPE OF WORK The revised scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit Al and shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the work. II TIME OF PERFORMANCE The plans and specifications shall be completed by July 31, 2002. 111 MAXIMUM COMPENSATION The CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement under the original Agreement and Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement, including labor, direct non -salary reimbursable costs and outside services, shall not exceed the total and subtotals for the tasks as set forth in the original agreement and attached Exhibits Al and B1 and is not to exceed $84,000. IV SIGNATURES Except as modified in this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement, the original Agreement and its Exhibits shall remain in effect. In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES: MAYOR CONSULTANT: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. Rocco Romero ///Ot TITLE: Project Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRAIG KNUTSON, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK N:\ PROJECTS \20- 28\CONTRACflAmendment No. 1.doc W J E ENGINEERS Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. ARCHITECTS 83 South King Street, Suite 600 MATERIALS SCIENTISTS Seattle,Washington 98104 206.622 1441 tel I 206 622 0701 fax www.wje.com 25 April 2002 E X H B 1 T A 1 Mr. Terin Gloor City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0217 Re: Proposal for Continuing Professional Services Fire Department Headquarters Roof System Replacement WJE No. 2001.3254 Dear Mr. Gloor: At your request, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) is submitting this proposal to the City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department (Public Works Department), for continued professional consulting services regarding long -term structural roof deck repairs and roofing membrane system replacement, at the Fire Department Headquarters building located in Port Angeles, Washington. WJE's recently completed roof system investigation concluded that warm moist air infiltrating to and condensing at the underside of the roof deck caused localized decay to the roof deck system. WJE subsequently designed short-term emergency repairs for the existing roof deck system and recommended that long -term repairs include structural repairs to the roof deck and trusses, and redesign and replacement of the roofing membrane system. WJE's investigation, conclusions, and general recommendations are contained in the report entitled "Port Angeles Fire Station Limited Roof Deck Investigation," dated 2 April 2002, as previously provided to your office. SCOPE OF WORK We understand that it is the Public Work Department's intent to have the long -term roof deck structural repairs and roofing membrane replacement work commence this summer. Based upon our discussions with you, we propose the following tasks as outlined below: Task 1 Design Development and Construction Documents 1. Present roofmg membrane system replacement options for your review and selection, including manufacturer's warranties, anticipated service life, and performance characteristics. 2. Perform three site visits to document existing conditions in order to develop design details. 3. As required, coordinate one site visit with our mechanical consultant to review existing conditions related to ventilation of the roof deck system. This cost is included as part of this proposal. Headquarters Laboratories— Northbrook, Illinois Atlanta I Austin I Boston 1 Chicago 1 Cleveland I Dallas I Denver 1 Detroit Honolulu I Houston I Memphis Minneapolis I New Haven I New York I Princeton I San Francisco I Seattle I Washington, DC W J E ENGINEERS Mr. Terin Gloor ARCHITECTS City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department MATERIALS SCIENTISTS 25 April 2002 Page 2 4. Attend one meeting at the site to discuss your roofing membrane selection and the design of the new roofing membrane system. 5. Prepare drawings and specifications for long -term structural repair of decayed roof truss components and plywood sheathing and for roofing membrane and insulation replacement. Task 2 Bid Administration 1. Attend a pre -bid meeting at the site with contractors selected by your office that will be bidding the construction documents, to answer questions related to the work and provide clarifications as required. 2. Issue addenda, if necessary, to the construction documents. 3. Assist the Public Works Department in reviewing bids received and provide recommendations for selection of a contractor to perform the work. Task 3 Periodic Construction Observation 1. Provide periodic on -site observation of the work in progress. Our observation service is intended to provide an indication that the work is proceeding in general accordance with the construction documents at the time of our visit and to assist in resolving questions that may arise during the performance of the work. This service is not intended to be the contractor's quality assurance for the work that is performed, and WJE is not responsible for the contractor's work. 2. Immediately after the roof deck is fully exposed, provide an inspection by a licensed structural engineer of the exposed areas, to identify areas of decay that have reduced capacity and require repair. Because the building will likely remain occupied, it is unlikely that the existing roofing membrane will be completely removed at one time. Therefore, we anticipate that this inspection work will require several coordinated site visits. 3. Provide assistance in obtaining warranties from the selected contractor. 4. Review submittals, payment requests, and change orders. 5. Issue field reports following each site visit to you and the contractor to summarize the topics addressed and actions taken. We recommend an industrial hygienist monitor the air quality during the performance of the demolition work, test for the presence of mold, and provide protocol for abatement of mold and disposal of contaminated material. We recommend that the Public Works Department contract separately with an industrial hygienist of your choice. Fees for an industrial hygienist are not included and are not part of this proposal. ENGINEERS Mr. Terin Gloor E ARCHITECTS City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department MATERIALS SCIENTISTS 25 April 2002 Page 3 BUDGET Task 1 Design Development and Construction Documents $38,000 Task 2 Bid Administration $2,000 We anticipate an estimated construction period ranging from about eight to twelve weeks. We therefore estimate 20 to 24 staff hours per week to periodically observe and document the related work. Should the construction period extend beyond the estimated period, we can continue to provide our construction observation services at your direction, for additional fees based upon our standard hourly rates. It should be noted that WJE is not responsible for the means, methods, sequences, procedures of construction, or safety precautions employed during the performance of the repair work. WJE is not in charge of the work nor is WJE authorized to stop work at the construction site. Task 3 Periodic Construction Observation Services $44,000 Total Budget for Tasks 1, 2, and 3 $84,000 RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS We will not proceed beyond the budget amounts without your prior approval. Fees for our professional services are based upon our standard hourly rates at the time our services are performed, and include reimbursable expenses in accordance with our Standard Terms and Conditions, dated May 28, 2001, which are attached as part of this proposal. Required additional work will be performed after obtaining your written approval and will be billed in accordance with our standard rate schedule. Schedule of Hourly Time Charges Professional Staff Professional Support Staff Senior Consultant 180.00 Senior Specialist $90.00 Consultant 155.00 Specialist 80.00 Senior Engineer 125.00 Engineer III 105.00 Senior Technician $65.00 Engineer II 90.00 Technician II 55.00 Engineer I 75.00 Technician I 40.00 Note: Classifications of professionals m other disciplines are made by appropriate change of "Engineer." For example, the Senior Engineer classification also applies to Senior Architect, Senior Chemist, etc. Mr. Terin Gloor WJ E ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department MATERIALS SCIENTISTS 25 April 2002 Page 4 Please call if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Very truly yours, WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. Rocco Romero Project Manager Attachment: Standard Terms and Conditions \WJESEAVOBS\2001\3254 Port Angeles Fire Station (RR)\Proposal- reroofing.doc L N G I N C E RS Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. WI E ARCH t1 ECTS 83 South King Street, Suite 600 MATERIALS SCIENTISTS Seattle, Washington 98104 206 622.1441 tel 1 206.622 0701 fax www.wje.com 2 May 2002 EXHIBIT Bi Mr. Terin Gloor City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0217 Re: Estimate of Chargeable Hours Supplement to Proposal for Continuing Professional Services WJE No. 2001.3254 Dear Mr. Gloor: As requested, this is an estimate of hours as developed by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) as a supplement to the proposal for continuing professional consulting services to the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department regarding the Fire Department Headquarters Roof System Replacement Project located in Port Angeles, Washington. The following is a budget estimate developed for each Task, based upon similar projects previously completed that had a similar scope of repair and estimated construction period. This is only an estimate of our hourly time anticipated, developed by WJE to establish a reasonable budget figure. Actual charges will be billed at our standard hourly rate plus expenses, as stated in our 25 April 2002 proposal letter to your office. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1- Design Development and Construction Documents: Level Hours Rate Subtotal Expenses Senior Consultant 16 $180 $2,880 Consultant 72 $155 $11,160 Engineer III 200 $105 $21,000 Mechanical Subconsultant, travel, misc. $3,000 Task 1 Total: $38,040 Task 2 Bid Administration: Level Hours Rate Subtotal Expenses Consultant 14 $155 $2,170 $100 Task 2 Total: $2,270 Headquarters Laboratories Northbrook, Illinois Atlanta' Austin 1 Boston 1 Chicago 1 Cleveland 1 Dallas 1 Denver 1 Detroit 1 Honolulu 1 Houston 1 Memphis Minneapolis 1 New Haven 1 New York 1 Princeton 1 San Francisco 1 Seattle 1 Washington, DC v WJ ENGINCCRS Mr. Terin Gloor ARCHITECTS City of Port Angeles Public Works &Utilities Department MATERIALS SCIENTISTS 2 May 2002 Page 2 Task 3- Periodic Construction Observation Services: Level Hours Rate Subtotal Expenses Consultant 275 $155 $42,625 $1,500 Task 3 Total: $44,125 Grand Total: $84,435, rounded down to $84,000 If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. Sent unsigned for expediency. Rocco Romero Project Manager H \2001\3254 Port Angeles Fire Station (RR) \estimate of hourly charges doc CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 2002 William Shore Pool studies for the addition, a statement of probable construction costs, and an artists Consultant Contract rendering of the renovated aquatics facility. Councilmember Erickson seconded Amendment (Cont'd) the motion, which carried unanimously. Consultant Contract 2. Consultant Contract Amendment for Fire Hall Roof Repair Design Amendment for Fire Hall Construction Oversight Roof Repair Design Construction Oversight Public Works Utilities Director Cutler explained the next phase for repairs to the fire hall roof, the reasons behind the damage, and WCIA's preliminary mdication that coverage should be provided to cover the costs. Director Cutler explained the importance of proceeding with this amendment m order to assure that the repair project and roof repairs stay on a time line so as to assure completion during this construction season. Following a bnef question and answer session related to WCIA insurance reimbursement and temporary repairs, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 to the current agreement with Wiss, Janey, Elstner Associates, Inc., for design and construction services for the Fire Hall Roof Repair in an amount not to exceed $84,000.00. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS Rezone Application REZ 02 -03: Port Angeles School District: Request for rezone of QUASI JUDICIAL: three properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School from RS -7, Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks Rezone Application REZ 02 -03: Port Angeles School Followmg an introduction and explanation by Planning Director Collins, Mayor District Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. There being no public testimony, the Ordinance No. 3114 public hearing was promptly closed. Mayor Wiggins read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3114 AN ORDINANCE City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning 3 parcels of Port Angeles School District property at the high school complex south of Park Avenue and west of Peabody Street from RS -7, Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 -15 and Conclusions 1 6 as set forth in Exhibit "A which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams. Councilmember Erickson departed the meeting at 7:14 p.m., after which a vote was taken on the motion. Of the remaining Councilmembers present, the motion carried unanimously. FINANCE: (Cont'd) 3 Phase 11 Downtown Watermains /Sidewalks Loan Reconsideration West Side of Laurel between West Side and First Street Phase III Downtown Watermains /Sidewalks Director Cutler explained the reasons for including the sidewalk on the west side of Loan Reconsideration Laurel Street in the Public Works Trust Fund Loan application. He indicated the West Side of Laurel Council did not need to decide at this time whether to do a structural sidewalk or a between West Side and sidewalk on fill, but the inclusion of the additional loan amount would provide First Street flexibility to the Council at a later date. Councilman Williams spoke in support of leveraging the additional funds, after which he moved to revise the PWTF loan project scope to include the sidewalk replacement on the west side of Laurel Street between Front and First Streets and authorize the Mayor to sign the PWTF loan application certification in a revised amount not to exceed $2,200,000 for Phase III of the Downtown Watermain and Sidewalk Replacement Project and, further, if the loan is approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement provided that the loan amount does not exceed $2,200,000. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. -3- 5.5 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES JAN 182001 AND Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates, Inc RELATING TO: Port Angeles Fire Hall Roof Structure Investigation THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 5ti-- day of,r 20 r)1, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code city f the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc. a Illinois Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT WHEREAS, the CITY desires to conduct a structural investigation of the Fire Hall Apparatus Bay roof deck and truss assembly to determine the extent of moisture damage and needed repairs, and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and assistance of a qualified consulting firm to perform the scope of work as detailed in Exhibit A, Task 1, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it is in full compliance with the statutes of the State of Washington for professional registration and /or other applicable requirements, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it has the background, experience, and ability to perform the required work in accordance with the standards of the profession, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it will provide qualified personnel and appropriate facilities necessary to accomplish the work; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: I SCOPE OF WORK The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit A, Task 1, and shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the work. The CITY may review the CONSULTANT'S work product, and if it is not satisfactory, the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XI of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the standards of the profession and in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties. II OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic negatives, or other presentations of the work shall become the property of the CITY for use without restriction and without representation as to suitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically verified or adapted by the CONSULTANT. However, any alteration or reuse of the documents, by the City or by others acting through or on behalf of the City, will be at the City's sole risk. City of Port Angeles [October, 2001] III.. DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES Each party shall designate its representatives in writing. The CONSULTANT'S representative shall be subject to the approval of the CITY. IV TIME OF PERFORMANCE The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties. The work shall be completed in 20 working days following the apparatus bay ceiling demolition and insulation removal by the CITY. Notice of anticipated date of demolition completion will be provided to the CONSULTANT for the purposes of scheduling. V PAYMENT The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth in this section of the Agreement. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. A. Payment shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT'S hourly time charges for labor, plus CONSULTANT'S direct non -salary reimbursable costs. 1. Labor costs shall be based on the hourly rates shown in Exhibit B. Fees and expenses to date to review existing documents, site visit, and letter report total 1,963.08. This amount is included in this proposal. Therefore the total compensation for task #1- plus the expenses to date is not to exceed $15,000.00. General clerical time shall be considered an overhead item, except where specific work items are involved that require one hour or more continued effort, in which case time will be charged on the basis of hours worked. 2. The direct non -salary reimbursable costs are those directly incurred in fulfilling the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, travel, subsistence, telephone, CADD computer, reproduction and printing, supplies and fees of outside services and consultants. Ten percent (10 overhead and profit may be added to direct non -salary reimbursable costs. B. The CONSULTANT shall submit invoices to the CITY on a monthly basis. Invoices shall detail the work, hours, employee name, and hourly rate; shall itemize with receipts and invoices the non -salary direct costs; shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope of Work to which the costs are related; and shall indicate the cumulative total for each task. C. The CITY shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project that has been completed Tess the amounts previously paid. D. The CONSULTANT invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment. E. Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT will be made upon the completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY. F. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of this Agreement shall be as agreed to by the parties in writing. City of Port Angeles [October, 2001] VI MAXIMUM COMPENSATION Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement under this Agreement, including labor, direct non -salary reimbursable costs and outside services, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $15,000.00. VII EMPLOYMENT Employees of the CONSULTANT, while engaged in the performance of any work or services under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the CITY, and claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT'S employees while so engaged, on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. In performing this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or contract with any CITY employee without the City's written consent. VIII NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT shall conduct its business in a manner, which assures fair, equal and non- discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, or other legally protected classification and, in particular: A. The CONSULTANT shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity /affirmative action requirements; and, B. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. IX SUBCONTRACTS A. The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered by this Agreement without the written consent of the CITY. B. The CONSULTANT will be using the firms submitted with its proposal as subcontractors. Subcontractors other than those listed shall not be permitted without the written consent of the CITY. C. In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONSULTANT for work to be performed pursuant to a subcontract, including procurement of materials and equipment, each potential subconsultant or supplier shall be notified by the CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement, including the nondiscrimination requirements. X CHANGES IN WORK Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above, either party may request changes in the scope of work. Such changes shall not become part of this Agreement unless and until City of Port Angeles [October, 2001] mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement executed by both parties. XI EXTRA WORK The CITY may desire to have the CONSULTANT perform work or render services in connection with this project, in addition to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions to satisfactorily completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed in a written supplement to this Agreement. The CITY shall not be responsible for paying for such extra work unless and until the written supplement is executed by both parties. XII TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. The CITY or CONSULTANT may terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than ten (10) days written notice to the other party. Written notice will be by certified mail sent to the consultant's designated representative at the address provided by the CONSULTANT. B. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the work, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT, which, when added to any payments previously made, shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the percentage of work completed. C. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that are the property of the CITY pursuant to Section 11 above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT. XIII INDEMNIFICATION /HOLD HARMLESS The CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY from any claims, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of claims by third parties for property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence orwillful misconduct of the CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT employees, affiliated corporations, officers, and subcontractors in connection with the work performed under this Agreement. The CITY agrees to indemnify the CONSULTANT from any claims, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of claims by third parties for property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence orwillful misconduct of the CITY, CITY's employees, or agents in connection with the work performed under this Agreement. If the negligence or willful misconduct of both CONSULTANT and CITY (or a person identified above for whom each is liable) is a cause of such damage or injury, the loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the CONSULTANT and the CITY in proportion to their relative degrees of negligence or willful misconduct and the right of indemnity shall apply for such proportion. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANT'S liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONSULTANT'S negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the CONSULTANT'S waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. However, the CONSULTANT expressly reserves its rights as a third person set forth in RCW 51.24.035. City of Port Angeles [October, 2001] XIV INSURANCE The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and, 2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products /completed operations; broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable; and employer's liability; and, 3. Professional Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 limit per occurrence. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the CITY as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The CITY reserves the right to review a certified copy of all required insurance policies in the CONSULTANT's office. The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, and the CITY shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. XV APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. City of Port Angeles [October, 2001] XVI EXHIBITS AND SIGNATURES This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may only be changed by a written amendment executed by both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A Task 1 Scope of Work Exhibit B Consultant Labor Costs In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PO 'T ANGELES OP MAYOR CONSULTANT f 4rier..0 YO'P7 a'55. -1,6 44E"{, o f s'r412. Asyx.1 S TITLE: 1 '.4 cT okoz APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRAIG KN N, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: t► L1.10 BECKY U 4 N, TY CLE"K City of Port Angeles [October, 2001] w nJJUI.. rdX ;LU0022UN1 Oct 24 2001 9:13 P. 08 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK Task 1 Apparatus Bay Roof Deck Investigation Due to the height of the ceiling above ground and the extent of known areas of potential deterioration, we recommend that this portion of the building be inspected first. Our scope of work can only be accomplished if set -up conditions are performed by the City prior to our arrival, These conditions include removal of the existing gypsum ceiling and bats insulation to fully expose the underside of the deck in the inspection area, In addition, close -up access by boom truck or scaffolding is required to inspect the structural system. Due to the continuous use of this facility, we understand that the City will coordinate and remove the required ceiling, insulation and vapor retarder at the underside of the deck removed, and provide the required access scaffold equipment, We recommend only removing one -third of the ceiling system first, in a 30 to 40 foot wide strip running in the north/south direction that should be in the worst area of known decay. After inspecting this area, we can decide whether more of the gypsum ceiling and insulation should be removed. We also recommend that you protect areas of the apparatus bay that will be in use during the partial ceiling demolition and inspection from dust and debris encountered in the areas of work. 1, Perform a limited structural analysis of a typical roof truss for the purpose of evaluating the extent of damage and which areas will require interim repairs. 2. Visit the site to visually inspect the wood deck, trusses, connections, and components from the underside of thc roof deck. We anticipate two to three days of inspection work at the apparatus bay to be performed by two WJE representatives, one of which will be a licensed structural engineer. 3. Map out and document the areas of deterioration and decay, 4. Attend one meeting at the site to discuss findings, repair options and continuing investigation options of the administration/crew quarters area, 5. Provide a letter report presenting our findings and general recommendations for repair, Subsequent to this investigation, we will be able to provide thc City follow -up budgets and scopes of work for either interim repair for the winter months or complete repair. BUDGET With the limited information we have at this time, wo can only provide a budget range for the Task 1 portion of our recommended scope of work. In order to complete Task 1, we recommend a budget range figure of S15,000 "for fees and expenses. Fees for our work will be billed at our standard hourly rates plus reimbursable expenses. The recortunended budget figure does not include the cost of ceiling demolition, disposal, or boom lift rental required for us to perform our investigation, which will be performed and provided by the City, d. O 1/_ Upon notification to proceed we can mobilize for this work in approximately two weeks. w L n..auL. 1 wl.. r ax 2Ubb220 ((J 1 Oct 24 2001 9 13 P. 09 1 C N G 1 N l l R E XHIBIT B S Mr. Ron Johnson City of Pon Angeles I ARCHITECTS 24 September 2001 MATERIALS SCIENTISTS Page 2 Should our proposal not be accepted, we will bill the amount of $1,963.08 to your office for services performed. Enclosed is our standard rate chart. Rocco Romero is a registered architect and Consultant at Wiens, Janney, Elstner Associates, inc. (WJE), and Richard Dcthlefs is a Senior Engineer and registered Structural Engineer in Washington State, They will be providing the majority of services for this project, Schedule of Hourly Time Charges Professional Staff Professional Support Staff principal 5205.00 Senior Specialist 590.00 Senior Consultant 150,00 Specialist 80.00 Consultant 155.00 Senior Engineer 125.00 Senior Technician 565.00 Engineer 111 105.00 r Technician I1 r 55.00 Engineer 11 90.00 Technician 1 40.00 Engineer I 75.00 Note: Classifications of professionals in other disciplines are made by appropriate change of "Engineer,' For example, the Senior Engineer classification also applies to Senior Architect, Senior Chemist, me. Please call if you need further clarification on these matters. Very truly yours, yens, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. ‘67 Rocco Romero Project Manager Attachment UOBS\2001\ 254 Port Angeles Fire Station (RR)\Break down of hours.doc MARSH USA INC. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CH ?Ht aYP UMBER PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS Marsh USA Inc NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE 500 W Monroe POLICY THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE Chicago, IL 60661 AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN Attn Dante' Streeter (312) 627 -6000 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY 012000 -CAS- A ST PAUL MERCURY INS CO INSURED COMPANY bliss Janney Elstner Assoc B ST PAUL FIRE MAR INS CO 330 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062 COMPANY C COMPANY D COVERAGES Ttyiscertificate supersedes and feplaces any prevrcusly issued: ceni irate tor the policy period noted below, 0 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LIMITS LTR DATE (MM /DD /YY) DATE (MM /DD /YY) A GENERAL LIABILITY CK01201889 03/01/01 03/01/02 GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000,000 x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS COMP /OP AGG 2,000,000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR PERSONAL ADV INJURY 1,000,000 OWNER'S CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000,000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) 1 ,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person) 10,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CK01201889 03/01/01 03/01/02 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 A X ANY AUTO CA01200760 TX 03/01/01 03/01/02 B ALL OWNED AUTOS CA01200761 VA 03/01/01 03/01/02 BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON -OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WVAl205284 03/01/01 03/01/02 X TORY LIMITS I O ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EL EACH ACCIDENT 500,000 THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL EL DISEASE POLICY LIMIT 500,000 PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE EXCL EL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE 500,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONSNEHICLES /SPECIAL ITEMS (LIMITS MAY BE SUBJECT TO DEDUCTIBLES OR RETENTIONS) Re: WJE No. 2001.3254 Port Angeles Fire Hall See reverse side for additional information. caktiploAre HowaR amcmAtioN SHOULD ANY OF THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, City of Port Angeles THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WLL:ENDEfWORdB MAIL _an DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE Public Works Utilities CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN, Bk FAiLl+RE- f9-IMib£k1GM -i9 TIKE- 64iAkNMP YSE4K}.OBLiOKRON9R- 321 E. Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150 {I° AN NB"`4NT•14 l I►IG_DaVER I*6*6ENTEH6R -R, ENT, 3- Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attn: Ron Johnson Fax: 360.417.4709 MARSH USA INC By- James S Wylie ig■•••••• eit ‘3✓y.G1. 11,41410/99 VALID AS OF 10/17101 10/24/01 Certificate Holder: City of Port Angeles City of Port Angeles is included as additional insureds but only with respect to general liability and automobile liability coverages and only with respect to the operations of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. under WJE project no. 2001.3254. Coverage provided to the Additional Insureds shown above, subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policy evidenced herein, is Primary Insurance but only with respect to the operations of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. for the Additional Insured and only with respect to written contracts in effect with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. under WJE project no. 2001.3254. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERt OgMBER 0024001 -00246 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS Marsh USA Inc NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN 500 W Monroe THE POLICY THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE Chicago, IL 60661 COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY WALTER WHITLEY (312) 627 -6148 A CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO INSURED COMPANY W/ss Janney Elstner Assoc B 330 Pfingsten Road COMPANY Northbrook, IL 60062 ATT DARLA VANDERWALL 847/272 -7400 COMPANY D OVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, Co LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS DATE (MM /DD/YY) DATE (MM /DD/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS COMP /OP AGG CLAIMS MADE OCCUR PERSONAL ADV INJURY OWNER'S CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE 5 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) MED EXP (Any one person) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON -OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND WC STATU- IOTH TORY LIMITS/ ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EL EACH ACCIDENT THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL EL DISEASE POLICY LIMIT PARTNERS /EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE EXCL EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE OTHER A PROFESSIONAL AEA 822 -38 -94 1/01/00 1/01/03 LIMIT $1,000,000 ERRORS OMISSIONS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS LOCATIONS VEHICLES SPECIAL ITEMS Re: WJE No. 2001.3254 Port Angeles Fire Hall DERTIFiCATE HOLDER CANCELLAT1©N SHOULD ANY OF THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE City of Port Angeles EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WILL ENDEAVOR `y g TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED Public Works Utilities HEREIN, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR 321 E. Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE, ITS AGENTS Port Angeles, WA 98362 OR REPRESENTATIVES. Attn: Ron Johnson Fax: 360.417.4709 BY MaUSA Inc ci?„„„,„, .J#IMMf )248/ VAL1PAA OP: 11/29/00 10 DAYS FOR NON- PAYMENT)