HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1965 A;> ,.,...-~ . . .. e e M:lnuti!ln nf ~ ~ ~t;ing ~ t1w Pc' .; .hDg~ Pltt::m~ oc:d.m:d.cm F~ ~w lS-$o ~ p~t ~ b.n.1~ml~ D~OU~ ~~~O ~ tm4 S~C\o A1.cn p~t: ~ D~tor of WoX'k.c. 30hn Do W~rv ~a 'Ci~ EngbMr RDbrt W~CJA tm4 Ocnmg!lmtm De!.l~ i1lw~ M~ of p~iccw 1i2G~ ~ ~ a4 tmp~ ~ _~ f~ ~ al:tJ~ fC1r ~ ~~q P'imt W~ ~ ctppt.i&&tia<Jl of ~y~ _~ ani _~~1 D!ci:ri.mt #21. ~ fer I\. rJ~ ~~ em ~ 1.01: :.f7E fAO.. Fim)t OWD R&td'~ 'to ~ OLuia ~~ ~ b:tiln.g no ob~ricm.m tll) th!. Zlpp~ti(!.\O, tM aoerm!~.d.* 1DU1b.uw ~~~ tbsir .r.g~.t _~ tb& ~ l:J. 1lft:eri_ 'fJAlJ ~~ p.M~ ~ftj~~ t@ ~ 01~ o~h ~ ~ ~~ p~= b$ ~~~ jf~ F~ lblti~ ~ S~tDDIi or Orott ~~o N~~ ~ D.ppU~'titl1A ~_~ Mo~~ ~ nOD Seth Od'; St:~t.v Mlk!Dg for ~ to -~~ m u~:bur ~rt t:c ~ ~ ~ A pU,.~ for ~ on ="';~.JULtLm Gi' ~ p~~ Slot "IkUJ. &!~ ~ p~ would not 4~ in ~q _ ~y &;ri.n~1ng ~cm41ticn ~ oAly change baing the occupancy of thD area 6y chi1.d1'enf .!m4 there baing no objacti~ rcgiatfl.N4 a motion wns pu~ roCOlll1t:\n4Ui.g to ths Oity OCfWlC;U tlw appUcation bti. approvedo Next Iffy the. alppUco.tion of Si~& Ko Eve.11eJ of glli! ~t 6th StNot uking for a 'JYM val' of tlii ho -baok re~ti~ em Lots 12 end 1.3 in B1Mk ,U2 TO'lJi:U'lit<l.o Thic_ ~rop:6rty ic 10GUtM on the. north aids of 8th St~ct ~~ WNb.1ngton BD4 OluuDbora Streets.. Tba ~cn for tba applicati.on ia to rc.l.iavs Mr.. Evm.a from the ~Qity of an ~ra maount of filling on the prop:i.rty 'tthich ia be~CJi1 ctrest gr~o Mr., EV81W alao ~t4\t~ tM.rr.= 'l1Oi'J!I. other h~~ in tM blook tut \t13ra not loco.t~ ba~ tba r;n- qui.re4 25 feet 0 'rb4~ 'fiU em. cbje@ticm. ~guta~ to tM application thAt of Mro Lq E.. Roline vb.o ~ttltd. _ h.e4 btoe advuod by ~ City ~ M bldlt hie ~ in 195~ that M. compl.y l1lth tM ~gW.L\tion ho14-b&lcko It 1O'ac fu.rtbnr brought out 1:M other b.ov..ec&i8 in tho b1Dck tMt do not alOMply n~ of on older typ$ ~ bed ~ !milt prior to th'a c40pticn of ~ Zonblg Ord~. Aftar omJ.&',:IA.~Jraba ~icm n umticm W'Ai:! pM~.A recOIIIID:ln4ing to tM Oity c~il ~ applu"ntion ba 4on1e4. ~ f:1nd M.er>~ 'flM '@i. .tM :-...",,~ioo'i:i.tm. Dlf ~ L and EtJ't.sll.t1 T~rt of. ]]ill F.&1'I: 10th S $t for ~alcm. Eo OOIU!truct 81 garcg~ on ~ir pro~x1:y tM gcrag~ to b$ 1OM.~ within two fut of tM pro~rty ~~ tb3 ~~:Ldl proparty liDs being bantt<aX1 t~ TMl'ott~!tJ ~ ExTol. Bo ~ LoU! Do Moy%'l:m'dho voicad ~trong obj~~tian to ~ ~lia~tion clni~ing it ~u14 4amag~ their ~~r1;y by cb@t:~~ tMh- viall' st(g.u Boi:h ~ -taomtts an4 tlMl. M~~ ~~ p~~t: ~ l:lp~m .nt Ltmgth O"ll t~ir viMta in eM.itiC1ll. a ~t1..tion btiBrlng ~ of ~ro of .a.pproxime.~ ~ lotlll in tm ~i&t@.. ~ TlM m.trotl.~ :in obj~ct:tcm to ~ ~p~1:l@&~1.'Dll1o Aft~,f. ~~t'~ 4~&n ~f tM probam a. !iI@tl~ \JJ~ 1JUMl~ wl~. ~ l6lfc3~~iDg v~ m- ~,,/H'i11.I to ~ Oiq o~t ~ ~lPUsu&~!t1:'4 ~ ~Q '" . . . ..- . e The Application of' .Jams. D hyne.1ll for the utab1ifthmz.nt of a Mobile Homa Park em b.1a -p~ on East Front StX'l:M't wu again taken up for 4uoua:!.on.. The CloIIIDiasion havw previGUly recOt'lfltlA'Dded approval. but ths matter had. been referred back for further 81:\14,... In the msantw9 an em the .ita Ilttldy of tba laycut 8J!lI submitted by Mr. Hayna8 indicated hie propoul would comply 1ri.th the neceuary regul.ationa as 1f$U Ul fitting in with 1:ha precent improvements on the. propar:ty~ A ~tian Y:1M agdn pu:M4 rsOCf.l'"ll'lM'>ndfng approv~ 'l'h:l:ra 1Plire iltaveral psople preaant at: our maating vetoing objeotiotUll to any o.GrD.aido.ration by thm. oOlDDlis.:lon of a poslIible future l.ocat::l.on of a chippbut plant u propoaed by ths Priest Logg1ng Company in the vf.o:lnlty of the airport:. The.y pre~:ted a petition of soma 30 nama.. voloing their objecticm.eo It 'fi" expl.ldJ1e4 the matter waa not under oonai4eration at this t'w but their point 'tfBJ! tn.y If'i.al:ba4 to g~t: tbe.ir objeot!otUI on f:U!4o Mr. Ed:ward L., ~f ape. of' an applita.ation for A varisJlae ftap. ~ Zonixas( R$gUl.atiou M wieMd to make in the future to b oana:l.clere4 If pcal1ible at our naxt: meeting., No furthsr bua:lnull appearing - 1DId.t::1ng adj0ume,4 at 9 P..M, Rs!5pectfully aabmitttB4, ~ a<l Strange, Cbalrma.n IDZgh ~k.fn. t Seoretary