HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/24/1993 . I. II. ill. IV. . V. VI. VII. Vill. AGENDA PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Special Meeting February 24, 1993 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of February 17, 1993 PLANNING STUDIES: 1. CONTINUED REVIEW OF DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNICA TIONS FROM TIlE PUBLIC STAFF REPORTS REPORTS OF mE COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman. . Planning Commission: Cindy Souders, Chairman; Larry Leonard; Bob Winters; Roger CaliS; Bob Philpott, Ray Gruver; William Anabel. Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Office Specialist; David Sawyer, Senior Planner; John Jimerson, Associate Planner. . . . . MINUfES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 February 24, 1993 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Souders called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel, Larry Leonard, Ray Gruver, Cindy Souders, Bob Winters and Roger Catts Staff Present: Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds and Bruce Becker Public Present: Gary McLoughlin, Commissioners Elect (Carl Alexander, Linda Nutter and Orville Campbell) ill. APPROV AL OF MINUTES The special meeting minutes of February 17, 1993, will be reviewed at the March 10, 1993. meeting. V. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Commissioner Souders noted that the agenda would be re-ordered to allow a member of the public to address the Commission early in the meeting. Gary McLaughlin, 1101 Scrivner Road, represented the North Olympic Library System. He asked that wording be clarified within the Comprehensive Plan document to (specifically page 16) designate "community services" as those "services necessary to" enhance the quality of life... not simply amenities. Staff noted the suggested wording. IV. CONTINUED REVIEW OF PROPOSED DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Chairperson Souders opened discussion amongst the Commission. She suggested the Commission not try to consider making a recommendation until a special meeting, . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 24, 1993 PAGE20F6 perhaps March 3, 1993, in order to allow for review of the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the draft Comprehensive Plan, which is not as yet available. Brad Collins explained the expected timeframe for review of the Draft EIS document. The DEIS will aid the Commission in its recommendation to the City Council. A decision should be made with all the available material having been reviewed. In addition, the Growth Management Advisory Committee (GMAC) will be meeting March 3rd and may forward additional recommended changes at that time. He suggested the Commission delay making a recommendation until March 3rd to ensure all available material has been reviewed. Commissioner Leonard asked if the Planning Commission was required to wait for the DEIS before making a preliminary recommendation on this set of policies since more policies would have to be reviewed later. Planning Director Collins said that although, it is not required because this is not the final City action, it is better to have reviewed the DEIS data, which would be very helpful if the Planning Commission recommendations are challenged later. Chairperson Souders said she had contacted Commissioner Duncan following the February 17, 1993, special meeting at which Rich James, of the County Department of Community Development had made a presentation to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Duncan had no prior knowledge that a presentation would be made February 17th. She asked Chairperson Souders or another member of the GMAC to make a presentation at the March 8th County Commissioners' meeting. The Commission then began review of the Draft Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies. The following changes were decided upon: UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT. Page 36, Goal B, Policy 2, "*affordable housing pro~rams;" Policy 4, amended to read "The City should develop and use public facilities cooperatively in the promotion of social and community services the City shall seek opportunities fer cooperative developm.ent and use of pub lie faeilities. Page 37, Goal C, Policy 4, "All new utility services 5kttH should be underground." Page 37, Goal D, Add Policies (as suggested by staff) 3. "The City should promote the ioint use of transportation ri~hts-of-way and utility corridors. "; 4. "The City should promote coordination between road construction and utility installation in an effort to minimize disruption of services." 5. The City should allow for simultaneous processing of utility permits with other development permits."; 5. "The City allow for . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 24. 1993 PAGE 3 OF 6 simultaneous processing of utility permits with other development permits. "; and, 6. "The City should promote coordination among adjacent planning jurisdictions to encourage consistency between each jurisdiction's utility plans and the development of a coordinated process for siting regional utility facilities. " HOUSING ELEMENT, Page 38, Goal A, Policy 6, "Accessory SeooRSary residential units should be allowed in certain residential zones, upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Goal A, Policy 9, was discussed. Commissioner Leonard stated a strong objection to the City's involvement in regulating private property rights.' He said the City should not become involved in assisted housing developments. Commissioner Philpott agreed. Carl Alexander, Jr., 235 West Twelfth Street, asked to address the Commission as a member of the GMAC. Mr. Alexander stated that the GMAC felt the need for such a policy to ensure the City does not encourage low income housing from being destroyed within public housing contract time periods. Commissioner Philpott moved to remove Goal A, Policy 9, of the HOUSING ELEMENT, from the draft Plan. Commissioner Leonard seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion died 3 - 4, with Commissioners Anabel, Grover, Souders and Winters voting "nay II . It was suggested that on Page 39, Goal A, Policy 9, be rewritten to read "In State and Federal publicly assisted housing under contract the City should require property owners who demolish, substantially rehabilitate, change the use of residential property or remove use restrictions to provide reasonable relocation assistance to those tenants displaced as provided for in Sections 49 and 50 of the Growth Management Act (See 59.18.440 and .450 RCW). Following the much discussed re-write, the Commission was polled, and consensus was reached (with the exclusion of Commissioner Leonard) that the rewritten statement is desired . Page 39, Goal A, Policy 10, should be moved to the "TRANSPORTATION ELEMENr', to become Goal S, Policy 15, therein. Goal B, Policy 2, should be revised to read "The City should cooperate participate with the county-wide housing task force and other agencies in...housing and for shelter or transitional housing. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 24. 1993 PAGE 4 OF 6 Page 40, Goal B, two new policies were added as suggested by staff to read 7. "The City should develop a program in cooperation with the County. to transfer development rights into the high density receiving zones located within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area." 9. "The City should help support the provision of transitional and temporary housing for the homeless and/or displaced families. " Page 41, Goal B, Policy 1, was revised to read "The City should protect and enhance the public interest by protecting and enhancing the area's unique physical features . valuable natural/historical and cultural amenities... recognizing the rights of private ownership. " Page 42, Goal B, Policy 6, was revised to read "The City should shaH regulate site design, preparation and development to avoid or minimize damage to wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas. It No.8 should read "The City should preserve uniquely featured lands which still exist in their natural states ... qualities while recognizing the rights of Drivate ownershiD." A new No.9, to read "The City should develoo a urogram of land banking. transfer of development rights. or other innovative techniques and oJ>Cn space preservation." 9ll! was revised to read "The City should promote public access to the shoreline while preservingation of a healthy shoreline environment. No. 11 was re-numbered and revised to be 12. "The City should protect its air and water quality by minimizing potential nc'll pollution aad reducing from new and existing sources." Page 43, Policies 12 to 21 should be renumbered to be Nos. 13 to 22. Page 43, Goal B, (new numbered) Policy 16, should read "The City should CfleOl:lragc Through the retention of existing ft8tUm1 vegetation iflland developfflcRt for the purpose the City should ef protectiRg water quality and preventiRg erosion and eRcollmgiag greeRbelts. Page 43, (new numbered) Policy 18, should read "The City should identify and preserve significant public scenic view corridors." Page 43, (new numbered) Policy 19, should read "The City should encourage identification. preserveation and restoreation of sites and structures that have historical or cultural significance. II Page 45, Goal A, Policy 4, "The City should promote the diversification of the community's economic base by encouraging the location, retention and expansion of both timber and non-timber related businesses. This wetHti could include various types of manufacturing businesses ... technical devices and components and other businesses include such as research and development, retirement, tourism, retail trade, marine and ecology related basiftesses enteI:Prises. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 24, 1993 PAGE 5 OF 6 Page 45, Goal A, Policy 6, "The City should promote in the traditional Downtown retail, dining and entertainment oriented activities sAoppiRg district that is are attractive to both tourists and local residents. Page 46, Goal A, Policy 10, "The City shall encourage inter-jurisdictional discussion and cooperation with other governmental agencies... development of the region. " Page 46, Goal B, Policy 1, "The City should promote the region's quality of environment ... retaining business.1. and industry. and individual ente11>rise. Page 46, Goal B, Policy 2, "The City should promote the community's quality public school system and its diversity of other educational opportunities as factors in attracting and retaining business and industry. Page 46, Goal B, Policy 3, "The City should encourage the enhancement of the existing two-year community college through such means as tluoagh the expansion of its technical curriculum and additional four year degree opportunities." Page 47, Goal B, Policy 4, "The City should promote development of planned office, business and industrial parks.1. while conserving unique physical features of the land and maintaining compatibility with other land uses in the surrounding area." Commissioners Leonard, Gruver and Anabel obtained consensus of the Planning Commission to make the recommendation without the DEIS, if the review is completed, and not have a special meeting on March 3, 1993. Commissioner Gruver moved to forward the amended draft Comprehensive Plan to the City Council. Commissioner Anabel seconded the motion which passed 6--1, with Conunissioner voting in the negative. Commissioner Leonard stated his negative vote was due to HOUSING ELEMENT Goal At Policy 9, dealing with relocation assistance. He said the City should not be involved in relocation requirements for private property. VI. STAFF REPORTS Staff informed the Commission that the February 23, 1993, Land Use Law and Municipal Liability workshop materials and tapes are available to those who could not attend the meeting. Director Collins strongly recommended to those who had not attended that they review the material. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 24, 1993 PAGE 6 OF 6 Retiring Planning Commissioners were presented certificates of appreciation and thanked heartily for their dedication. New Planning Commissioners (in the audience) Linda Nutter, Carl Alexander and Orville Campbell were welcomed. Vill. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ~~ Brad Collins, Secretary Cindy Souders, Chairperson PREPARED BY: Sue Roberds .- PLEASE SIGN IN CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attendance Roster i:: of M~~:~i;: ;;7"~~ / 993 Location 321 E. 5th Street City lhll Name ()~.aL 4 ~}';1-rf~/2.. JeP,F ~B(A!& ~ .C 2.~ -::;- L'A/~ /2 t f! 1\ '7 /7 5" r~~CI) y iff. / . .