HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/26/1992 . I. II. ill. IV. . 1. 2. AGENDA PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION City Council Chambers 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 February 26, 1992 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF :MINUTES: Meeting of February 12, 1992 PLANNING STUDIES: DRAFf CLEARING. GRADING AND DRAINAGE ORDINANCE TRAFFIC PATTERNS: a, Possible bypass locations b. White's Creek crossing(s) c. Peabody/Lincoln one-way couplet(s) d. Truck route V. ELECTIONS VI. STAFF REPORTS VII. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS VID. ADJOURNMENT '. All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing. Planning Commission: Ray Gruver. Chair; Cindy Soude1'll, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulett; Roger Catts; Larry Leonard; Bob Philpott; Bill Anabel. Planning Sl8ff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist; John Jimerson, Associate Planner; David Sawyer, Senior Planner. . . '.. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington February 26, 1992 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gruver called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. ROLL CALL Members Present: Ray Gruver, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel, Larry Leonard, Jim Hulett, Cindy Souders and Roger Catts Members Absent: None Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Gary Kenworthy APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Philpott noted two typograpica1 errors in the minutes of the February 12, 1992, meeting of the Commission. Commissioner Leonard moved to approve the February 12, 1992, minutes as corrected. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. PLANNING STUDIES: DRAFf CLEARING. GRADING AND DRAINAGE ORDINANCE: Chairman Gruver noted that the Planning Commission had requested in December, that staff revise the draft Clearing, Grading, Filling and Drainage Ordinance and have it available for review by the public no later than the first part of February. The Commission had further directed that the revised draft would be reviewed at the February 26th meeting. Chairman Gruver added that written comments had been received and distributed to the Commission following the December 11, 1992, meeting. Commissioner Philpott questioned why . the _wording '~and to .protect private property rights" could not be added to Section 1. Purpose, to read "A. To promote, protect, and preserve the public interest by establishing standards for and regulating land alteration, particularly the clearing, grading, filling, and/or drainage of land in the City without preventing the reasonable use of land;". Mr. Collins answered that it was his understanding that the City Attorney had commented the wording was not appropriate in that location, but that if the Commission wished, such . . . PLANNING COMMISSION February 26, 1992 Page 1 wording could be located elsewhere in the document. Commissioner Philpott stated that requirements of the Ordinance will increase the cost of development dramatically. He encouraged the Commission to keep in mind the cost of housing development when considering adoption or revision to the draft Ordinance, He questioned the wording which would require insurance naming the City of Port Angeles to be listed as an additional insured. Wording changing "shall" to "may" in Section 11 was suggested in determining if violators refusing to take corrective action should be guilty of a civil infraction and shall may be punished. He added that Section 1 Puq>ose B. should be revised in the reading "To regulate land disturbing activity for control of erosion, sedimentation ... vegetation removal, and landslide which may prevent damage to public and private property;". Should the wording be revised? It was the consensus that the wording should be amended to read ".. .and landslide which. mtty in order to prevent damage to public and private property;" Considerable discussion as to the requirement to provide for the City as an additional insured in the provision of insurance resulted in a consensus being reached that the sentence "naming the City as an additional insured" in Section 15 be removed unless the City Attorney feels it would put the City in a liability situation. It was the desire of the Planning Commission that City Council discuss the situation with the City Attorney. The Commission discussed in detail concerns raised in communication which had been received subsequent to the December 11, 1991, meeting. As a result of that detailed discussion, the following additional changes were directed made to the draft ordinance: Section 4. Permit Exemptions: F. Wording be changed to raise the threshold for regulation to one acre or less except where adjacent area has been similarly exempted and erosion control has not been re-established. Commissioner Souders expressed a dissenting opinion as to raising the threshold to one acre based on extensive discussions with the Department of Ecology, Department of Fisheries and the City's Public Works Director. She stated that it was the opinion of those she spoke with that a one acre threshold is too high to ever be of use to the City. Section 4. Permit Exemotions: H. Developments in excess of one acre in improved areas served by paved streets. curbs, gutters, storm drains and other drainar:e facilities. The Commission requested Planning Director Collins to present not only staff's opinion and supporting comments that the one acre threshold is too high, but the Commission's reasons for raising the 9,000 square foot minimum to one acre at the City Council level. It was further determined that written exemptions by the City Engineer shall be required. Section 6. Plans and Specifications: ... For more complicated sites the City Engineer may require that the plans and specifications be prepared by an appropriate. qualified professional (approved by the City Engineer). . . . PLANNING COMMISSION February 26, 1992 Page 3 Section 11 - Maintenance Responsibilities. Shall pass with ownership. Section 14 - Security. Wording including or improper action shall be added describing the event of damage. Section 15 - Insurance. The wording listing the City of Port Angeles as an additional insured will be removed, Section 18 - Completion of Work. B. Wording such that an appropriate. qualified professional approved by the City Engineer shall be added describing the preparer of final report material. Section 24 - Removal of Dirt. Debris or Other Material: Sanctions, Wording shall be added so that consistent terminology is used throughout the text, specifically according to Section 3.A. "person, compa:RY or fIrm coI:pOration. or legal entity. Commissioner Bob Philpott moved to recommend the City Council adopt the revised proposed Clearingt Grading Filling and Drainage Ordinance with the further revisions noted heretofore. Roger Catts seconded the motion, which passed 6 - 1. Commissioner Souders voted "nay" on the motion because she felt strongly that the one- acre threshold is too high and should be reduced substantially. Mr. Collins indicated that staff could support the recommendation other than the one-acre threshold. It is too high and should be reduced to 9,000 square feet. Commissioner Catts suggested that staff consider a 14,000 or 18,000 square foot minimum (two residential City lots). Commissioner Philpott requested that staff inform the Planning Commission of staffs recommendation to Council prior to deliverance to Council. 2. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DISCUSSION: Due to the lateness of the meeting (10:30 P.M.), Commissioner Leonard moved to continue discussion of preliminary review of traffic patterns to the March 25t 1992, long range meeting. Commissioner Hulett seconded the motion, which passed . unanimously.' It 'was further. determined. the item would be' fIrst. on that agenda. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commissioner Catts nominated Commissioner Cindy Souders as Chainnan for the 1992-93 term. Commissioner Philpott seconded ~he motion. Commissioner Anabel nominated Commissioner Bob Philpott as Chairman. Commissioner Philpott declined the nomination. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION February 26, 1992 Page 4 Commissioner Hulett nominated Commissioner Roger CaUs as Chairman. Commissioner Catls declined the nomination. It was moved to close the nominations for Chairman with Commissioner Souders declared Chairman for the 1992-93 term of office by acclamation. Commissioner Philpott nominated Commissioner Roger Catts as Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Catts declined. Commissioner Roger Catts nominated Commissioner Bob Philpott as Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Philpott declined. Commissioner Larry Leonard nominated Commissioner Anabel as Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. It was further moved that the Planning Director or his designee be appointed Executive Secretary to the Commission. The motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS The Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for a proposed Planned Residential Development, which proposal will be brought to the Commission at the March 11, 1992, meeting, was distributed. Director Collins encouraged Planning Commissioners to review the information as well as background material prior to the March ] 1, 1992 meeting, Commissioner Philpott noted he would not act on the proposal as he has an appearance of fairness problem as a resident in the area. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Catts noted the nuisance that exists east of the southeast corner of Lincoln and Front Streets, where old buildings have been torn down but not entirely removed. He noted the area is a gateway to the City's Downtown and with the oncoming tourist season, is a real detraction to the City. Commissioner Hulett thanked the other Commission members and staff for its support over the past ten years. He noted he enjoyed his tenure on the Commission and would be available in the future if openings became available for positions serving the Commission or Council. Staff in turn thanked Commissioner Hulett on behalf of the City -for .his.inputandregularattendance, -noting 'he had been "a very valuable member at all times, Commissioner Souders wished to laud outgoing Chairman Ray Gruver for his leadership during his term of office, 1991-92. Commissioner Philpott stated for the record the City should encourage a variety of annexation opportunities, including pre-zoning for multi-family uses. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION February 26, 1992 Page 5 Commissioner Leonard stated he had attended a County hearing on wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas and felt that perhaps the City's interim ordinances may be too restrictive. Director Collins noted the policies concerning the interim wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas ordinances could be revisited in April within the context of the Comprehensive Plan. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulett moved to adjourn the meef Anabel seconded the motion, which passed uoan ~ wi--J Brad Collins, Planning Director Prepared by: Sue Roberds . '~ I : e \'"If ~ ~r. '\fa n. , ~ d-A/'.. ~ (f;k aL/~~ . .. PLEASE SIGN IN CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attendance Roster Type of Meetin~ ~~02- Date '-.;.~ ) 9 9 ~ Location 321 E. 5th Street - City Half Name Address 'A I ( l( P. q7~ W. ~(I\!N ( 7A I J S- I< ~ ~ /;.0.. , I/~) J< Or) D. 40g ol:(',q 5. ST I Ja~A /U~ J