HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1965 e e . Uinutel of the regular aeetlng ot the Port Anqel~1 Plennlng Coaaia.lon, Harch 2g 19650 Meubera pr..ent ..re Ander.onD HUDt~ .cGa@~ Relnar. end Stranqao A110 pro..nt were Director of Public Work. John 80 Warder and Asato City Engineer ~~b~rt Willaono Minutes of provlou. De5tl~9 "oro read and epprovedo There were t~o hemrinq. .cheduled tor this aeeting both application. were froG the Clt~ ot Port Angeles Llqht D~p.rtQo~t .skin~ for variances troD the onlnq regulations to permIt con- struction, operation and maintenanca of electrical sub-statlono in a First Residential Zone~ both areas had been properly pouted and no protests had been recolvedo One request involved proporty identified as 100'xl00' in the Nwi of the NEt of the NWt Section I. TJON R6W and located on the Peninsula Junior College Giteo The other locations is identified as Lota 47 and 48 Block 25 Grant. Addltlon9 located approxiaately 200 teet louth of Park Avenue on the East side of Grace Streeto City Light Superintendent Lew Pohl was present and oxplained the necessity for locatlnq the suh-atations in these area. to better serve future needeo After len~ral discussion a Dotion was unaaiously passed recoDmendin~ to the City Council that both cppllcationa be approved. . Mr. Cre.lDan was present to discuss . proposed coabination Motel and small otflta building to be located at Ennis and Georgiana Streetso Mro Creelaan was advi.ed his propolal waG O.K., but a permit to construct ~ould not carry peraialion to conduct general I.leo. Hi, suggestion of Doctors and/or Dentists occupancy was dee.ed 8atisfactory~ Chairman read correspondence with MoGoPoole regarding the hearing on the Co.prehenaiv~ Plan which i. ..t tor March 16th next. After general di,cus8ion, mnd no further business appearing .eeting adjourned at 8~JO PoMo Respectfully .ubmltted~ Fred Stranqep Chalrcan Acting Secretary .