HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/27/1991 . . . AGENDA PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION City Council Chambers 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 March 27, 1991 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 13, 1991 IV. OLD BUSINESS: 1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 91(02)02 - CHILDERS. Northeast comer of Eunice/GeorlJ:iana Streets: Request to allow a day care center in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District. (Continued from March 13, 1991.) 2 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA 91(03)1 - POLARIS ENGINEERING. RMF District: Request to amend the RMF, Residential Multi-Family, District of the City's Zoning Ordinance, No. 1709, as amended, to conditionally allow professional offices. V. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA 91(04) 4 - "HOUSEKEEPING" MEASURES: City-wide: Proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance #1709, as amended, dealing with various "housekeeping" measures as well as reformatting, clarifying and defining certain sections of the Ordinance, All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing. Planning Commission: Larry Leonard, Chair; Ray Gruver, Vice-Chair; Bill Anabel; Roger Cans; Cindy Souders; 1im Hulctl; Bob PhilpOll. Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist, lohn limerson, Associate Planner. . . . Planning Commission Agenda Page 2 VI. COl\fMUNICA TIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1. Request for interpretation: contractor storage/showroom in CSD-Cl VD. STAFF REPORTS Vill. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS IX. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington March 27, 1991 I CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gruver called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Roger Catts, Ray Gruver, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel. Members Excused: Jim Hulett, Larry Leonard. staff Present: John Jimerson, Sue Roberds, Bruce Becker. III APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the March 13, 1991, meeting, with the following corrections: Page 6, paragraph 7, the word "determinating" should be changed to "determininq locations. . ."; Page 8, first paragraph, liThe question was called for and the motion failed 3 - ~, with Larry Leonard and Vice-Chairman Souders voting in favor of the motion , and Bob Philpott, Jim Hulett and Bill Anabel voting "nay"; and Page 9, fourth paragraph from the bottom, "There being no public testimony. . .". Ms. Souders seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. IV OLD BUSINESS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP-91(02)02 CHILDERS, Northeast corner of Eunice/Georgiana streets: Request to allow a day care center in the RS-7, Residential Sinqle-Familv District. (Continued from March 13. 1991.) Chairman Gruver excused himself from the proceedings, citing a possible appearance of fairness. Vice-Chairman Souders assumed the Chair, and informed those present that the public hearing on this item had been closed at the March 13, 1991, meeting. The Planning Commission then proceeded with its deliberation of the request. Acting Planning Director John Jimerson reviewed the staff memo containing findings and conclusions for denial of the Condi- tional Use Permit as requested by the Planning Commission. Mr. Catts questioned the applicant as to any complaints which may have been received over traffic noise at other day cares operated by the applicant. Jane Childers, the applicant, answered that she has never received complaints due to traffic noise generated from her other facilities. Mr. Catts then questioned the applicant as to her plans concerning the day . . . PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 1991 Page 2 care use operated by the applicant east of the proposed loca- tion. Ms. Childers answered that she will not be operating that facility (Olympic Daycare) as of June 1, 1991. Mr. Philpott moved to deny the day care use, as proposed, citing the following findings and conclusions: FINDINGS: 1. The property in question is located in a neighborhood zoned for single residential (RS-7). 2. The existing land uses in the immediate vicinity of Georgiana and Eunice streets consists primarily of single-family residential homes. 3. Access to the site is limited - north/south streets terminate one block to the north and east/west streets terminate one block to the west. 4. The proposed day care would increase traffic by 130 - 170 automobile trips per day. 5. The proposed day care would be housed in a new commercial building designed specifically for a day care center. 6. The day care will provide service to up to as many as 70 children at one time. 7. A similar size day care center in Port Angeles has reached levels of 30 to 50 children in the playground area at a time. 8. Noise levels in the neighborhood would increase from both addi tional traffic and groups of children on the day care's playground. CONCLUSIONS: A. A new commercial building would be out of character and incompatible with the existing single-family residential neighborhood identity. B. The noise impacts would be detrimental to the quiet character of the surrounding properties. C. The traffic impacts would be detrimental to the neigh- borhood by significantly increasing the level of traffic on relatively low-volume residential streets. D. The area is uniquely quiet because of the dead-end streets and existing low traffic volumes. Mr. Anabel seconded the motion. PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 1991 Page 3 . In speaking to the motion, Mr. Catts expressed disappointment that this use is incompatible with other uses in the area. He wished the applicant good luck in finding a more appro- priate location and noted a need for such facilities for the record. The question was called and the motion passed 3 - 1, with Vice-Chairman Souders opposed to the motion. Mr. Jimerson explained the appeal procedure to those present. Chairman Gruver resumed the Chair. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT ZCA-91(03)1 POLARIS ENGINEERING, RMF District: Request to amend the RMF, Residential MUlti-Family, District of the City1s Zoning Ordinance, No. 1709, as amended, to conditionally allow professional offices. Chairman Gruver noted that this item is also continued from the March 13, 1991, meeting at the commission1s direction. The public hearing was closed at the March 13th meeting. Mr. Jimerson reviewed the findings and conclusions prepared by staff for denial of the Zoning Code Amendment requested for the RMF District. . Ms. Souders moved to recommend denial of the Zoning Code Amendment, citing the following findings and conclusions: FINDINGS: 1. The purpose of the RMF Zone District is to provide for mUlti-family residential land uses and allowing other specific uses considered to be compatible. 2. The purpose statement of the RMF Zone stated that commer- cial uses are generally not considered compatible in the RMF Zone. 3. Professional offices are a commercial use. 4. There is a limited amount of land zoned for mUlti-family development. 5. Other zone districts exist which provides for profes- sional offices. CONCLUSIONS: A. Professional offices are not a compatible use in the RMF Zone District. . B. It would be more proper to rezone an appropriate property to a commercial zone which allows prOfessional offices than to provide for a Conditional use Permit for profes- sional offices in the RMF Zone District. PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 1991 Page 4 . Mr. Anabel seconded the motion. Mr. Philpott expressed concern that the City should move ahead with concerted effort toward revising the Comprehensive Plan, including addressing issues such as the request for a commer- cial use in expanded use. Mr. Jimerson answered that the Growth Management work presently being done will address some of the issues at hand and give direction for needed changes. The question was called and passed unanimously. The Commission took a 10-minute break. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. V PUBLIC HEARING ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA-91 (04 )0,8 - "HOUSEKEEPING" MEASURES: City-wide: Proposal to amend Zoning ordinance #1709, as amended, dealing with various "housekeeping measures as well as reformatting, clarifying and defining certain sections of the Ordinance. . Following review with staff as to the intent of the proposed Zoning Code Amendments allowing for "housekeeping" and refor- matting changes, as well as provisions for public notice sign deposits and temporary signs, Chairman Gruver opened the public hearing. There being no comment from those present in the audience, Chairman Gruver closed the public hearing. Discussion ensued concerning Section 12, Article X (page 15), concerning temporary banner signs being proposed. Ms. Roberds explained that the Building Inspector noted a number of temporary banner-type signs, such as those signs indicating "Grand Opening" and "Now Open", etc., have been allowed in the past; however, there are no provisions for those types of temporary signs in the present Ordinance. Furthermore, special event signs, such as the United Way thermometer sign, and signs advertising social non-profit events / have been allowed previously and requests are expected to continue for these types of sign uses. These types of signs are not addressed in the Ordinance. The proposed addition to the Ordinance would clarify and set standards for temporary signs and social, non-profit event uses. . Following considerably lengthy discussion, Ms. Souders moved to include the proposed addition to Article X, (Section 12) Ordinance 1709, as amended, addressing temporary banner signs as discussed. Mr. Catts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 1991 Page 5 . The proposed amendment to include a deposit for public notice signs required to be used for land use permit--requests (Sec. 14, Article X), was reviewed' in detail. The Commission expressed concern that the applicant would be held accountable under the current proposal for any vandalism occurring to a sign entrusted to him/her, as well as for replacement of the sign in the event it was removed from the property by vandals. Ms. Roberds explained the Department's intent is to ensure repair or replacement of signs which are required by the City to meet public notice requirements. The signs cost $75 each to construct, using City labor. During the past eight months, two signs have been lost. Several methods of deposit were discussed. Mr. Philpott moved to require a $75 deposit for the signs, the cost of their construction at present. Mr. Anabel seconded the motion. The Commission continued to express concern that the proposal may unfairly burden the applicant, but agreed that public notice is important. Mr. Philpott withdrew his motion. Mr. Anabel concurred. . Mr. Anabel moved to amend Article XI, Section 14 2 (a) to include a statement on the affidavit of posting that the applicant assumes the responsibility of return or replacement of the sign in the same condition in which it was received. Consideration will be given in the event of vandalism beyond the appl icant. s control. Mr. Catts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Commission then undertook review as a whole of the pro- posed Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance, which included: A revised Bed and Breakfast purpose statement; CSD-C Shopping District reformatting; clarification of permitted intrusions into setbacks; non-conforming use clarification; non-conform- ing building or structure clarification; temporary sign provisions; statement of responsibility wording for public notice signs; codification and reorganization of the Zoning Ordinance; wording to include "other uses which are consistent with the purpose of the Zoning District" to certain Districts; uses added to the PBP, ACD, and LI Districts which have been previously permitted; and other minor clarification changes to Articles I and XI as noted. . Ms. Souders moved to recommend approval of the proposed zoning Code Ainendment (s), with the changes as noted by staff, includ- ing those further amended or clarified by the Commission. Mr. Catts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 1991 Page 6 4It VI COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Request for Interpretation: contractor storage/showroom in CSD-Cl. Bill Lindberg, 319 South Peabody, requested the Commission consider an interpretation that a contractor's facility which would include a showroom, office, and work area be allowed as a permi tted use in the CSD-C Districts. Mr. Lindberg explained that for this particular use the storage would be completely contained within the structure with a display and office area at the front of the building. Retail sales would occur on-site. Following detailed discussion as to characteristics of the proposed use, as well as comparison with other permitted uses in the CSD-C District, with specific discussion centering around the area of Eighth and "C" Streets, Mr. Catts moved to interpret that a contractor's facility which would include a showroom for retail salg~ consisting;oC'not- less- than 25% of the structure, and office/work ares---" be allowed as a permitted use in the CSD-C Districts. In addition, all storage of materials will be in a totally enclosed portion of the struc- ture, citing the following findings and conclusions: . FINDINGS: 1. Hardware stores, building material and plumbing supply stores and cabinet shops are listed as similar uses in the ACD District. 2. The use is one of display, office and enclosed storage. 3. There will be no outdoor storage of materials. CONCLUSIONS: A. Specialty stores, such as flooring, roofing, cabinetrYI and plumbing supply are similar in nature to hardware stores, which are permitted uses in the CSD-C Districts. Ms. Souders seconded the motion. . In discussion to the motion, Chairman Gruver and Mr. Anabel indicated that the use, as proposed, does not appear to be consistent with the purpose and definition of the Community Shopping District (CSO-C). The purpose of the CSD District is to serve the day-to-day needs of the surrounding neigh- borhood communities with services such as beauty shops, restaurants, professional offices, and it was their opinion that this particular type of use would better be located in the Arterial Commercial or Light Industrial Districts. The motion was called for and passed 3 - 2, with Mr. Anabel and Chairman Gruver voting in the negative. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 1991 Page 7 VII STAFF REPORTS Ms. Roberds said that the Downtown Parking Business Improve- ment Area (PBIA) group requested their proposal for amendment to the Parking Ordinance be continued to the April 24th meeting. Mr. Anabel moved to continue the PBIA parking amendment request for public hearing at the April 24th Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Catts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Following review of the proposed long-range Planning Commis- sion study items, it was determined that the Commission would meet on November 27, 1991, (the evening before Thanksgiving) for a brief long-range meeting. VIII REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Mr. Philpott suggested that if the City or County should require green belts around streams or zone property in such a way that it may not be used by the owner, that the public agency should buy the property from the landowner. Chairman Gruver responded that the Olympic Land Trust group is working on proposals to obtain lands which may not be used for other than public use. Mr. Philpott added that the recycling facility located on Second and Albert, is using outside storage, which may be in violation of the Conditional Use Permit for that use at that location. Staff will investigate. On a recent trip to Kansas City, Mr. Catts took notice of a nuisance (junk car) ordinance, which he passed along to the City Council prior to recent action on the nuisance ordinance for the City of Port Angeles. He described fines imposed of up to $500 for unlicensed, derelict vehicles being in public view. The ordinance also requires that non-operable, derelict-type vehicles be placed under cover and out of public view. This results in a very clean, cared-for look for the community. IX Chairman Gruver noted he would not e April 10th Planning Commission meeti g. ADJOURNMENT \ The Commission adjourned at 10:40 P.M Act'g. Sec1y. S. Roberds . PLEASE SIGN IN CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attendance Roster Type of !\{eeting Planning Commission Date ~(-"..A c?~r(9Q/ Location 321 E. 5th Street - lty Hall &' r( /'(((.. 7oL/ , //7 ~ //cL rJ ;2, .JS /J /jog' @ 7 tJ.5 t!~ ttJ6 ~ ,,) ~cS'- ~:2-'? ~~ ?;;;f etv'u~ -~ '7 f (;) I(r~ . . PLEASE SIGN IN CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attendance Roster Type of Meeting Planning Commission Date Location 321 E. 5th Street - City Hall Address htL L-/~ cS-hzvJ-J5!U}~-I ~el~ vtlVi t()G::5 (?Q ~ arJ(?- W hM ~l q u.) .. 1-n+ <ifr, Name .