HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/08/1992 . . . AGENDA PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION City Council Chambers 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 April 8, 1992 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER ll. ROLL CALL m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 25, 1992 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. CUP 92(02)01 - SWANSON - "C" Street Extension: Request to allow a duplex in the RS-9, Residential Single- Family District. (Staff is requesting the item be continued to the May 13, 1992, Planning Commission Meeting.) 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, CUP 92(04)04 - BUDGET RENT-A- CAR - Northeast comer of Front and Oak Streets: Request to allow the development of a commercial parking lot in the CBD, Central Business District. 3. PARKING VARIANCE. PKV 92(04)01. HOSPICE OF CLALLAM COUNTY - 540 East Eighth Street: Request to allow a reduction from the required 10 parking spaces to 3 parking spaces in association with an addition to an existing non-conforming use situation. 4. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT. ZCA 92(04)01 LINDBERG/RUDDELL - Revision to sign regulations in the ACD. Arterial Commercial District: All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing. Planning Commission: Ray Grover, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulett; Roger Catl8; Larry Leonsrd; Bob Philpott; Bill Anabel. Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Direclor; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialisl; John Jimerson, Associate Planner; David Sawyer, Senior Planner. . . . Planning Commission Agenda Page 2 5. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVEWPMENT. PRD 92(03)01 - HIGHLAND COMMUNITIES - Melody Lane (Continued from March 11. 1992). Request for a Planned Residential Development which includes approval of a onditional Use Pennit to wllow uses permitted in Section 17.91 of the Port Angeles MuniCipal Code (Homes for the Elderly, Nursing and Group Care Homes) and subdivision approval. V. COMMUNICATIONS FROM mE PUBLIC VI. STAFF REPORTS VII. COMMUNICA TIONS FROM mE PUBLIC Vill. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS IX. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chainnan. . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington April 8, 1992 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Souders called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. ROLL CALL Members Present: Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel, Larry Leonard, Roger Catts, Bob Winters and Cindy Souders Members Absent: Ray Gruver Staff Present: Brad Collins, John Jimerson, Bruce Becker, Ken Ridout APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the March 25, 1992, meeting of the Commission as submitted. Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which passed 6-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 92(02)01 - SWANSON, "C" Street Extension: Request to allow a duplex in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. John Jimerson explained that upon reviewing the project it was determined the proposal does not meet the minimum lot width or interior side yard setbacks for a duplex in the RS-9 zone district. The applicant intends to submit a request for variance which will be heard in May. The Planning Department recommends that the public hearing be continued to May 13 in order to allow for the variance review to be completed. Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 7: 10 P.M. ." ...-......,~._ ......-__..... ____. ....._ _41_'. r _ There being no public testimony, Commissioner Philpott moved to continue the public hearing to May 13, 1992. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leonard and carried unanimously. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, CUP 92(04)04 - BUDGET RENT-A-CAR - Northeast comer of Front and Oak Streets: Request to allow the development of a commercial parking lot in the CBD, Central Business District. John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report and explained the Planning Department is recommending the public hearing be continued to May 13, 1992, as the SEPA comment period will continue to April 11, 1992. Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 7: 15 P.M, Jim Heckman, 709 South Ennis, explained that he has already spent several thousand dollars in improving the lot for his business, which included removing vegetation, leveling the site and adding a rock base. The lot acts as an overflow lot for ferry traffic. It is used when the other parking areas are filled. Without it, there would be parking problems along the downtown streets. He explained his lease of the property is on a short tenn basis and therefore it is not feasible to spend $20,000 on paving improvements. Commissioner Philpott asked if the $20,000 figure was arrived at through a bidding process. Mr. Heckman responded that his estimate was based on a per square foot ballpark figure provided by Lakeside Industries. Commissioner Winters asked if there is any drainage collection system currently on the lot. Mr. Heckman did not believe there was. He added that the lot was used by City employees for several years. Commissioner Leonard asked staff why the City did not pave the lot when they were using it. Ken Ridout responded that the owner, Mr. Capos, would not permit the City to pave it. Commissioner Leonard explained to the applicant that because the condition for paving the lot is a DNS mitigation measure, the Planning Commission has no authority to overturn that condition unless it is appealed. Commissioner Leonard moved to continue the public hearing to May 13, 1992. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and carried unanimously. PARKING VARIANCE, PKV 92(04)01 HOSPICE OF CLALLAM COUNTY - 540 East _, -_Eighth Street:...Request.to a110w,a.reduction ~from . the "required 10 parking spaces to 3 parking spaces in association with an addition to an existing non-conforming use situation. John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Commissioner Leonard asked why the City began to use the three variance criteria for reviewing parking variances. John Jimerson responded that the Parking Ordinance does not provide clear direction for evaluating variance requests and so three criteria from the Zoning Ordinance are used to provide guidance. PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 3 . Brad Collins added that in granting a parking variance, the City must find that the purpose of the Parking Ordinance is met, and the three criteria help to determine if the parking ordinance purpose is met. Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 7:30 P.M. Rob Linklettert 1324 East First Streett reviewed the proposed site plan modifications and explained it is impossible to provide ten spaces on site. Although no additional parking spaces are proposed the design of the lot has been improved. Cars no longer will need to back out into the street. The user of the building, Hospice of Clallam County, would have no more than three persons working at anyone time. The existing utility poles and support cables constitutes a limitation upon access into the site. Rose Crombt 236 East Ninth Street, explained the difficulty Hospice has experienced in finding an affordable location. The process has taken more than five years. They would never need nine parking spaces, the most needed at anyone time is three. Many volunteers are older and walk to the office. Vincent Murray, no address given, explained that he is involved with Hospice in several aspects. The service that is provided is to the betterment of the community. He does not drive to the facility, rather, he rides his bicycle. . Ruth Wightt 1338 East Seventh, stated she is a part time staff member and full time volunteer for Hospice. The proposal will help create a welcoming neighborhood environment. There being no further public testimony I Chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 7:55 P.M. Commissioner Catts moved to approve the proposed Parking Variance, PKV 92(04)0It citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The request is to increase the building floor area on a developed site by 360 square feet without providing additional required parking. 2. Currently the office building requires nine parking spaces, about three are provided. - With the . addition;-" ten . spaces ' would -be-required "and"three"provided; . 3. [n addition to containing a 1628 square foot office building, a single family house exists on site. The single family home contains at least two additional parking spaces for its use. . 4. The site area is 7,000 square feet, is level and regularly shaped. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 4 Conclusions: A. Approval of the variance would not be a grant of special privilege, as there have been six parking variances approved along the 8th Street CSD-C 1 corridor, four of which were within I to 1.5 blocks of the site. B. The proposed variance is unlikely to cause adverse impacts to public safety and welfare. C. The granting of a variance is consistent with the purpose of the parking ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and carried unanimously. Commissioner Leonard moved to direct staff to not use the three Zoning Ordinance criteria when reviewing parking variances. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott. Brad Collins spoke against the motion. It would be appropriate to clarify the criteria for which variances from Parking Ordinance requirements are granted by amending the ordinance. Until that is accomplished, the Zoning Ordinance criteria represent the best guidance staff has available to evaluate if the purpose of the parking ordinance is being met. After a brief discussion as to the possibility of reviewing alternative criteria to be used, the Planning Commission voted 4-2 in support of the motion, with Commissioners Winters and Souders voting II no" . Chairman Souders explained she was against the motion because it would eliminate the only criteria we have to evaluate parking variances. Mr. Collins indicated that he would take the Planning Commission's directive up with the City Attorney. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT, ZCA 92(04)01- LINDBERG/RUDDELL - Revision to sign regulations in the ACD, Arterial Commercial District. John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 8: 10 P.M. Bill Lindberg, 319 South Peabody, stated they were looking to provide an equitable means for allocating sign area. They agreed with most of the staff recommendations, but proposed some.modifications to.those recommendations.~They'inc1uded-increasing.the maximum area of wall signs to 250 square feet, and modifying the freestanding sign standards in the staff report for visible sign area as follows: Sites less than a half acre- 100 square feet; .50 to .99 acres - 200 square feet; 1 acre to 1.99 acres - 300 square feet; 2 to 2.99 acres - 400 square feet; 3 acres or more - 500 square feet. Provided that the maximum sign area on any sign face is 250 square feet. Visible sign area is the total of all freestanding sign faces visible at one time from any perspective. Brad Collins added that the Planning Department is supportive of the applicant's proposed . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 5 changes to the staff recommendation with the understanding that the sign area on any sign face is no more than half of the maximum sign area (e.g., 250 square feet for 500 square foot maximum visible sign area for 3 acre or larger sites and 50 square feet for 100 square foot maximum visible sign area for sites less than one half acre). There being no further public testimony, Chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 8:40. Commissioner Leonard expressed concern with the proposal to restrict off-premise advertising on sites that contain signage for on-premise sites. He finds signs are attractive and help businesses by providing exposure. John Jimerson pointed out that Comprehensive Plan Urban Design Policy No. 3 states that sign age and development should be unified and should enhance the natural beauty of the community. He added that another reason for limiting off-premise signage is to protect the visibility of the businesses along the commercial corridor. Brad Collins added that off-premise signs would not be prohibited in the ACD zone and emphasized that the intent is to unify the signage with the businesses that the sign age supports. Otherwise, the consequence of increasing the maximum allowed sign area would be to promote more off-premise signage which would be less unifying. After considerable discussion on alternative approaches to regulating off-premise advertising, Commissioner Anabel moved the Planning Commission forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to amend the Arterial Commercial District (A CD) zone sign regulations as contained in the attached ordinance, citing the following imdings aDd conclusions: Findings: 1. The City's zoning ordinance allows 300 square feet total sign area per development site in the ACD rone, regardless of the size of development. 2. The ACD zone district provides for automobile related uses on sites ranging in size from 7,000 square feet to four acres. 3. The purpose of the ACD is to create and preserve areas for businesses serving the entire City that need an arterial location because of the nature of the business or intensity of traffic generated. . ... -~-""- ...- - _.--. --,...... - - 4. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposal. Conclusions: A. The Zoning Code Amendment is in the public use and interest. B. The Zoning Code Amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 6 C. The Zoning Code Amendment is consistent with the intent of the ACD zone. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and carried unanimously. The Commission took a break at 9:25 P.M. and reconvened' at 9:40 P.M. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, PRO 92(03)01 - HIGHLAND COMMUNITIES - Melody Lane: Request for a Planned Residential Development which includes approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow uses permitted in Section 17.91 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and subdivision approval. Commissioner Philpott stepped down from the dais and left the room for this agenda item due to appearance of fairness concerns with his nearby property. John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Brad Collins provided an update on the wetlands permit for which an administrative public hearing is scheduled on May 4, 1992. Barbara Pickens, 4D Architects, Bellevue, reviewed the site plan and explained the changes made since the previous meetings. The condominium design was changed as the unit designs became more refined based on the findings of their market study. She explained the open space and walking trail network, noting that the vast majority of the respondents of their survey cited walking paths as their number one recreational activity. She explained that three patio homes have been relocated further away from the top of the ravine. Tim Gennan, 123 East Ninth, stated the lack of public opposition at the Planning Commission is testimony to the efforts they have put forth to address concerns of the neighborhood. He presented the findings of a view analysis he had conducted. There are few homes that would be affected, and, for the most part, those homes do not have significant views toward the project. Commissioner Catts asked how views of houses to the south would be affected. Mr. German responded that there are no houses directly south, and that with the radio towers and powerlines, it is not likely that new homes will be constructed. Mr. Collins noted for the record that he received a phone call from an individual who lives to the south who has concerns with view impacts. That person said they would mail a letter to the City and state their concerns. Nancy McHenry, NTI - 717 South Peabody, is the wetlands consultant for the applicant. She explained . her,findings~and~showed -a . map depicting ,the clocations 'of "the' wetlands. Commissioner Leonard asked if she thought the proposed park area at the southwest comer of the site is compatible with the wetland. Ms. McHenry responded that it is. The Planning Commission took a break at 10:25 P.M. and reconvened at 10:40 P.M. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 7 Jay Peterson, 717 South Peabody, responded to the Public Works Memorandum dated April 7. If the applicant is required to oversize utilities, particularly water, a reimbursable agreement should be prepared where new users to the system will reimburse the applicant for their fair share of the costs of the improvements. Melody Lane improvements should be accomplished through a local improvement district. Commissioner Winters asked if Melody Circle would have a gate until it is fully improved. Jay Peterson responded that it would. The road would be used primarily for access during construction. Fire Marshal Bruce Becker said the gate would not be a problem, but Melody Circle must be fInished with an all weather surface. There being no further public testimony, Chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 11: 10 P.M. Commissioner Leonard moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council for Preliminary PRD and Plat approval~ subject to 26 conditions~ citing the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The Final PRD shall be substantially in accord with the following documents, except as may be modifIed by any conditions stated in this approval: a) The two sheet site plan of record titled t'Preliminary Plat of Highland Communities, Port Angeles, W A" which is dated received March 27, 1992. b) The nine page document titled "Highland Communities Mitigation Measures, 3/20/92" which is dated received March 30, 1992. c) The general building massing and heights shall not exceed that level depicted in the "Preliminary Elevation and Perspective Drawings" as contained in Section 4 of the original application packet. d) Proposed phasing plan, consisting of ten pages (five sheets) dated received March 30, 1992. e) The final landscape plan shall be consistent with the criteria set forth in -the><memorandum' dated -March. 26,-1992>cand -titled It Land scape. Criteria to as prepared by the applicant. 2. The Pinal Plat may be approved in phases provided that nothing in this approval shall be construed as waiving the three year time limitation of the preliminary plat as contained in RCW 58.17.140. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 8 3. At the time of Final PRO approval, submit a recreation plan for approval which shows all recreation areas and lists all proposed activities. Demonstrate that 50% of the required common usable open space meets the minimum requirements for recreation area. 4. No fences, other than dog runs, shall be installed unless first approved through Final PRO approval or PRO modification process as contained in Chapter 17.70 of the wning ordinance. 5. The Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall include age limits on the residential population which are sufficient to guarantee that the project will house the senior population for which it is being designed. These restrictions shall be in compliance with the Fair Housing Act. 6. All required road, water, sewer and stonn drain improvements for each phase shall be either installed or bonded for prior to approval of the Final Plat for that phase. No occupancy shall be allowed for any unit until all roads, water, sewer and storm drain improvements serving that unit are installed. Phasing of these improvements shall be done in accordance with the phasing plan that was prepared by the applicant, dated received March 30, 1992, except as may be modified by requirements of the Public Works Department which are outlined in a memorandum dated April 7, 1992. 7, Melody Lane shall be fully improved with paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk between the site and Golf Course Road. A turning knuckle shall be provided at the entrance into the project. 8. Lauridsen Boulevard improvements shall be extended west to the entrance of the site and shall include a turning knuckle at the entrance to the project. 9. The applicant shall determine if additional sewer capacity is needed down stream. If so, the applicant shall either increase the capacity of the existing sewer line or install a parallel line. 10. A looped water system shall be installed as proposed. 11. Submit sign details. Signs shall be in confonnance with the RMF wne district unless a Conditional Use Permit is applied for and approved by the Planning Commission. 12. -All-power.lines into the- site-shall.be placed'underground;o,.- . 13. Street lights are recommended by City Light. Because they are on private streets, street lights must be installed and maintained by the property owners. . . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 9 14. The portions of lots A15, A25 and A26 and the northwestern open space lot that are within the 50 foot buffer zone shall be id~ntified as conservation areas not to be disturbed. Conservation easements shall be shown on the Final Plat and recorded with the individual deeds for those lots. 15. Obtain a wetlands permit and comply with all requirements of said permit prior to Final PRO approval. 16. Submit a drainage plan and sediment and erosion control plan to Public Works for approval at the time application is made for Final PRO approval. Drainage improvements shall include channeling stormwater down to the bottom of White's Creek ravine in a pipe, which requires obtaining easements from the owner of the ravine. 17. Access will be required around one side of the condominium as specified in the Uniform Fire Code 1O.207(b). Grasscrete is acceptable or a service road with a width of 16 feet. 18. For the patio homes subdivision, cui de sacs shall be 100 feet in diameter and fire hydrants shall be spaced 500 feet on center with locations approved by the Fire Department. If residential homes are provided with a NFPA 13D sprinkler system, cuI de sacs can be 80 feet in diameter and fire hydrants can be spaced 1000 feet on center. 19. The condominiums, cottages and congregate care shall comply with the 1988 Uniform Fire Code and local ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. Such requirements will include sprinklering of the building and installation of a fire alarm system. 20. Fire hydrants capable of delivering 1500 gallon per minute and in conformance with the Uniform Fire Code are required. The Fire Department proposes three fire hydrants serve the cottages and congregate care. 21. A 20-foot wide emergency access road shall be provided and maintained around the congregate care facility. 22. The CC&R's shall contain provisions which prohibit on-street parking. The streets shall be clearly marked as no parking wnes. 23. Comply with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code. 24. Procedures for reimbursement for water system improvements shall be implemented. 25. The maximum height of the condominium shall be 74 feet. The maximum height of the congregate care building shall be 47 feet. 26. Buffer zones as required through the environmentally sensitive areas protection ordinance shall not be disturbed. PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 10 . Findings: 1. The proposal is to construct a retirement community consisting of 26 detached single family dwelling units, a 40 unit condominium building, five four-unit cottage buildings and a 120 unit congregate care/nursing home facility. 2. The review includes Preliminary Planned Residential Development approval, a Conditional Use Permit for the congregate care/nursing home and a Preliminary Plat for subdivision of the property. 3. The property is zoned RMF which would allows a total density of approximately 43 dwelling units per acre. 4. The overall project density is about 18.1 dwelling units per acre. Under the PRD ordinance, the site could be developed to a maximum of 28.2 d.u. per acre. 5. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the City's zoning and subdivision ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. 6. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) has been prepared and given consideration in reviewing the project. The SEIS supplemented the Draft and Final EIS that was prepared for the Uplands apartment project in 1979. The Final SEIS was issued on April 6, 1992. . 7. The City has conducted duly notice public hearings as required by Chapter 17.70 of the Port Angeles Zoning Ordinance. 8. The application includes a request for varying from the development standards of the underlying RMF district. These standards have been reviewed in the staff report prepared for the March 11, 1992, meeting. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, the proposed development will comply with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and further the attainment of the objectives and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, including Goals 1-5; Residential Policies Nos. 2-9, 11-13 and 15- 19; Circulation Policies Nos. 2, 4, 5,7, 10, 13 and 18; Parks and Recreation Policies .< Nos.~ 1-5;, Urban Design Policies Nos.,2-and 4;*Social-Policy'No;~4;-Open Space Policy Nos. 3 and 4; Social Objectives Nos. 1-3; Circulation Objective No.1; Economic Objectives Nos. 1 and 2; and Land Use Objectives Nos. 1-7. B. As conditioned, the proposed development will, through the improved utilization of open space, natural topography, transitional housing densities and integrated circulation systems, create a residential environment of higher quality than normally achieved by traditional development of a subdivision. . . PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1992 Page 11 C. As conditioned, the proposed development will be compatible with adjacent existing and future developments. D. As conditioned, all necessary municipal utilities, services, and facilities, existing and proposed, are adequate to serve the proposed development. E. As conditioned, the internal streets serving the proposed development are adequate for the anticipated traffic levels and the street system of the proposed development is functionally connected by an improved collector street to at least one improved arterial street. F. As conditioned, each phase shall meet the requirements of a complete development. G. The proposal is consistent with the requirements of the City's subdivision ordinance for approval of a preliminary plat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Catts and carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. . STAFF REPORTS . Brad Collins reported the City Council's action in support of the Planning Commission's recommendation on zoning changes concerning the Olympic Memorial Hospital area. Staff will be preparing rezone and Zoning Code amendment proposals for future Planning Commission consideration. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Mr. Collins noted Commissioner Gruver's letter on the minutes of the March 25, 1992, meeting. Chairman Souders asked if the Commission should prepare a schedule of items to be considered at the long range meetings for the next year. Brad Collins suggested that the Chairman should meet with the Planning Department to develop a draft schedule for submittal to the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT- - - . -.-". U'_' -. ---- -.-- ..- ..,. - - - There being no additional business, the Planning Commission adjourn r-- ~~~ Brad Collins, Planning Director Attachment: draft ordinance Prepared by: John Jimerson !I I. Ii I, . .j !' i; ORDINANCE NO. I ~ !. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles enlarging the maximum size limitations for signs in the Arterial Commercial District, and amending Section 17.26.220 of Ordinance No. 2293 and Section 17.26.220 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. !. !i I: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ,ORDAIN as follows: I. Section 1. Section 17.26.220 of Ordinance No. 2293 and ,'I section 17.26.220 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each I: 'I amended to read as follows: 17.26.220 Siqns. . I' I: A. Signs may be lighted but not intermittent or flashing I:type,-:ot exeecdiRg Jas oquarc feet total area. All signs aftcl Ii aillbeardo over 10 square feet in area shall be restricted to !iterritory no closer than 100 feet to all property in a IIReSidential District. Maximum height shall be 35 feet. , B. Maximum Siqn Area: h Buildinq-Mounted Siqns. Buildinq-mounted siqns I I may be placed on anv elevation facina a public street. For !buildinqS occupied by a sinqle entity. sian area shall not exceed I 120% of the area of the buildinq elevation facinq a public street I' II to a maximum of 250 square feet for each buildinq elevation which !faces a public street. In buildinqs occupied by more than one entity. each entitv's signaqe mav not exceed 20% of that portion I of the buildinq elevation facinq a public street occupied by said II entitv to a maximum of 250 square feet. I'll .a.... Free-Standinq Sians. One square foot of free- i!standinq visible sian area is allowed for every 1.25 lineal feet I II of arterial street frontaae of the site. provided that the :l ,lmaximum area on any free-standinq siqn face does not exceed half . of the maximum visible sian area. t1Visible sign area" is defined Ii as the total of all free-standinq siqn faces visible from any -1- i I I I! . i: location. The maximum visible sian area for a particular site I: follows: :: shall be as I. 1\ Site Size Maximum Visible Sign Area , I; i Less than .50 acre 100 square feet I. .50 - .99 acre 200 sauare feet I' I 1 1. 99 300 feet II - acres square I; 2 - 2.99 acres 400 sOllare feet !: " 3 acres and above 500 square feet j. I: ~ Off-premise advertisina siqns. includina billboards. !ishall be prohibited on sites which contain signaqe for tenants or , ii businesses located on said sites. I: . i' II d days after date of publication. I I iat a regular meeting of said Council held on the _____ day of I I ! I i I II iI II ATTEST: II Ii Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective five (5) PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles / 1992. MAY 0 R rpPROVED AS TO FORM, I . . !Cra1g D. Knutson, C1ty Attorney I I I d PUBLISHED: II (By Summary) I! I I,PLAN.553 It I: I' ~ ~ ~. .' -2- . PLEASE SIGN IN CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attendance Roster ~~: OfMC~~iD};~QQ Location 32~ Street - City Hall . ~L\Nt" ~ 7~ ~s-e Uicz-mb ~A[ S I tt.+-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~bJ -"~lYl &'rWlun. <: ~/Utl 71ct~AS I.. h S~ H e i tYJ /-?2...-r /) ;j ~ 7L1S.reb~, f,A. 7Dq ), LN/Jl t p~ ,1) ~ q c; /,fL ;t? 4- .. s .La W 11\. \2>2-4- EA~ PlfS7r ~. ~3~ ~ 9-Ci- ill ~~A~~ r~ \l b~ I p~ ~> '~.A~ /,)..J E 9 ~ Sf. ItJrI A/l~p k~ , 9f5JUh tJj13IdN~c?;a~ . / / I 7 '- ') c::) Ll -r II pt37/ B a {Jj .