HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/20/1965 . . . Minutes of the r@~uiar meetinq of the Port Angeles Planning Corn~ission April 20th~ 1965~ Members present were Anderson$ Driscoll~ Hankins~ Hunt; McG~e, Reiners and Strangem Also pr~sent were Director of Public Works, John B. ~arder and AsstQ City En~lnper Robert ~li 11 son. Minutes of the previous me!ting were read and ~pprovedo First order of business was thp. hearing on an applica- tion of LoOoMadi~on for a variance from the Hold-Back regula- tion, action on t~is r~quest had been defered from the previous meetin~ to give more time for ~tudy. A report revealed there were only two other buildings in the block both situated on the east end, one being sev~n feet back from the property line the other twenty onp feet back. The block across Francis Street to the west consists mainly of older hous~!=; with a w'ry 1rreg\llar hold back line" During discussion it was determined, Carolin~ Str~~t in 8il probability would never be Jraded down to meftt the present Francis Street gradep it was further decided the proposed construction by Mr. Madison would be an improvement to the areeo ~ motion was unan~=ously pass~d recomm~nding to the City Council the application be approv~d with a hold back of 20 teet" . Next under consideration wa5 the applic^tion of RD A. Porsch of /520 Sa~t Boulevard to remove 8 )eu"a1e and carport and construct a two car gArage on the sa~e area. While this doe~ not meet the side yard requirement of the area, the location bein~ within two fe!t of the ~est property line~ the fact there Is no ~ll~y in this block thu~ causin~ hardship in car P3rkin; 3nd further the~e will be no chan~e in land occupancy than that of th~ pa~t twenty years~ tne Commission unanimously recommends to the City Council the application be approved. I Next under consideration W".!5 the application of Mr.. and ~rs. ThomAS join of 1710 West 8th Street for permission to install ~ mobile home as a temporary residence during construction of a conventional r~sidence on adjacent pror.erty~ located on the north side of 9th Street between nK~ and 'L" Strnels. A motion was passed recom~ending to the City Council the above application be approved with the followin~ provisionso 1. - Apply for buildin~ permit within five days of Council approvalo 2. - Variance t~ be valid for a period of 60 days after issuance of pprmit" A petition asking for the vacation of the alleys in Blocks 434 ~nd 435 was read and the matter refered for study and ~ctlon at the n~xt m~eting. No further business appearing ae~tin9 adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Respectfully submltt~d~ . Actin} Secretary Fred c. Stranle~ Chairman