HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/01/1965 . . ;L.tll'llu( . . . Minutes ot the regular .eeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission June 1st, 1965. Members present were Anderson, Dilling, Driscoll, Hunt, McGee and Strange. Minutes of the previous aeeting were read and approved. First order of business was the scheduled hearing on the application of the Port of Port Anqeles for a variance from the Zoning Regulations on certain Suburban Lots within the Air Port area. The request 11 for a change in zoning from First Residence to Industrial cla.sitication. The Chairman noted the receipt of a protest petition, containing about 35 names, from residentl in the area. During the hearing, several signers of the petition being present, presented verbal protests to the proposed instal- lation ot elpecially a chipping plant and saw mill in the area. The protests centered mainly on the matter of noise attending an industry at this type, and claiming deterioration of value at their property should the industry be installed. Suggestions were aade that some type of control should be exercised by the City thru a Zoning regulation. After a lengthly discussion of all phases of the .atter, a .otton was passed deterring action until more Info~atlon could be ascertained, if possible, fro. .ther citle. as to their .ethod 1n handlin9 matters of thl. kind. A request ot M. L. S.ith for an extension of ti.e for the removal ot a houle trailer which had been ordered. The request was centered on the tact that S.ith, a member of the Coast Guard, would be away for a aatter of two or three months. After dis- cussion, a aotion .as passed reco.mending to the City. Council the tia. be extended to Se..ptember 1st next. bY- 2-w~eks o/~ ".~-fv""Yl wJ,.'c-h ~y<v c>ct:.t/V'.s+':'l"s-f A letter from Clift Swain ot Swain1s General Store request- ing an extension of time tor 120 days on the variance granted November 19, 1964. The letter setting forth the problems in- volved causing the delay. After brief discussion a motion wa& passed reco..ending to the City Council the request be approved. A Mr.. Anderson wa. present with a request that she be allowed to install a .obile home on property occupied by a daughter and aon-in-law. Mrs Anderson was informed no new mobile home installations were being allowed. o(s'" l<1,~,.....d obPt->'-r c-t:d,..~~..ft'l'1.f ~VM.. (( """'/.i o:!' Q'O'- s-'"<.., r'''&'P~''-!./Y'' ..v'~?4'~"I--~ y"4!.1"'/Y' The Co..iesion took note a new me.ber of the Planning Commission, L. E. D111ing, was present at his first meeting, and bade him welcoae to the group. A discussion on the retirement of John Reiners, oldest member in service, of the Commission, was held. The members noting the long and faithful service performed by Mr. Reiner.. A .otion was passed requesting the Chairman to write a letter to John, expressing the thanks of our Commission. No further business appearing .eeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Acting Secretary Fred C. Strange, Chairman