HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/12/1996 HEARING DEVICES ARE A VAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. . AGENDA CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLANNING C011MISSION 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 June 12, 1996 7:00 p.m. I. n. m. . IV. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 22, 1996 PUBLIC BEARINGS: 1. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - MILL CREEK COURTS - Ahlvers Road: Request for preliminary approval of an 8-lot subdivision in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone. 2. STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STV 96(06)02 - ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Request for vacation of a portion of an alley abutting Block 25, Grant's Addition. (To be continued to June 18, 1996.) 3. STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STV 96(06)03 - HANNAM etal: Request for vacation of a portion of an alley abutting Block 23, Fogarty and Dolan's addition. 4. SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 96(06)158 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES. 939 Marine Drive: Request for a permit to allow the filling of an existing log pond in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone. (To be continued to July 10, 1996.) 5. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96-06 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Accessory structures. City-wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code with regard to accessory structure allowances in residential zones. . PLANNING COMMISSION: Bob King" Chair, Tim Gemwl (Vice), Cindy Soudern, BobPhiJpo1t, Linda Nutter, Dean Rero, Mmy Craver. STAFF: Brad Collins, Director, Sue Roberds Office Speci3Iist, and David Sawyer, Senior Planner, v. OLD BUSINESS . MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Environmentally Sensitive Areas roSA) Ordinance: Revision to the City's ESA Ordinance to allow flexibility in determining buffer requirements and creating a "minor construction" exemption where construction is so minor as to make geotechnical analysis infeasible. (Discussion continued from May 8, 1996.) VI. PLANNING REPORTSfRECOMMENDA TrONS TO CITY COUNCIL MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96-06 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Residentiall Zones City-wide: Proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code with regard to accessory structure allowances in residential zones. (The Planning Commission is not holding a public hearing on this item at this meeting,) VII. COMMUNICA TIONS FROM THE PUBLIC VllI. STAFF REPORTS IX. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS . x. ADJOURNMENT All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing, PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to conunent briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chainnan may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chainnan. . . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 June 12, 1996 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Bob King, Bob Philpott, Tim German, Dean Reed, Mary Craver, Cindy Souders, Linda Nutter Staff Present: David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Dan McKeen, Gary Kenworthy Public Present: William Mercer, Jack Loewen, Harold Anderson, Pete Hawkins, Jeff Abram, Linda de Bard, Reid Moore, Randy Smith APPROVAL OF MINUTES Noting a directional error and a correction that the maker of the motion for Municipal Code Amendment No. MCA 96-06 was Commissioner Reed not Commissioner Nutter, Commissioner Souders moved to approve the May 22, 1996, minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 6 - 0, with Commissioner King abstaining. PUBLIC HEARINGS Commissioner Gennan left the room due to a conflict of interest with the ftrst agenda item. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - MILL CREEK COURTS - Ahlvers Road: Request for preliminary approval of an 8-10t subdivision in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone. Planning Office Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's Staff Report and answered questions concerning the required minimum lot widths and the provision of utility placement. She indicated that the applicant submitted a redesign of the preliminary drawing earlier in the day which complies with condition No. 7 of the proposed preliminary approval. Chair King opened the public hearing. Harold Anderson, Quadra Engineering, 163 East Bell Street, Sequim, Wash., representing the applicant, stated that all requirements of the City's Fire, Light, Public Works, and Planning Departments will be met prior to the final subdivision submittal. As the project engineer, he is sensitive to the concerns expressed by the State Dep artment of Fish and Wildlife and is conftdent that those issues can be addressed and that a hydraulics pennit can be obtained for the project. If engineered and constructed properly, underground detention facilities can be just as effective as above ground detention facilities. City Engineer Gary Kenworthy responded to questions of the Conunission regarding the concerns Planning Commission Minutes - June 12, 1996 Page 2 . expressed in the letter from the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) indicating Wlderground detention is not appropriate in residential subdivisions. He did not speculate as to whether he thought agreement could be made between the Department and the property owner on the detention system but noted that the Planning Department's condition regarding approval by DFW prior to fmal plat approval ensures that a hydraulics permit is required for final subdivision approval. There being no further comment, Chair King closed the public hearing. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend that the City Council approve the preliminary subdivision entitled "Mill Creek Court" with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall create and protect a sensitive area tract in accordance with Section 15.24.070 (H) (1) of the City of Port Angeles Wetlands Protection Ordinance. The tract shall be verified by the Planning Director prior to recordation and shall contain the following wording in accordance with Scctions 15.20.070 and 15.24.070(H)(l): a) "All lots adjoining separate sensitive area tracts identified as Native Vegetation Protection Easements or protected by deed restriction, are responsible for maintenance and protection of the tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the separate tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed for other than natural reasons, unless the express written authorization of the City of Port Angeles has been received." . 2. The sensitive area tract shall be identified and protected on the property by a wooden split rail fence and posted with a City wetland identification sign. Such area shall remain marked and undisturbed. The tract and its buffer shall be identified on the final mylar by cross hatching. The location of the fence and sign shall be approved by the Planning Director and shall appear on the final plat. 3. Appropriate erosion control measures and construction practices shall be used to mitigate potential short tenn impacts to the sensitive area and its buffer which shall include the installation of hay bales, silt fences and other erosion control devices as necessary. "No alterations may occur within the areas identified in the conservation easement, and all vegetation shall remain undisturbed unless express written authorization is given by the City of Port Angeles per the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance (Chapter 15.20 PAMC)." 4. The cul-de-sac "Mill Creek Court" shall be so identified on the final plat and shall be dedicated with the recordation of the plat. 5. The fire hydrant proposed on the preliminary plat along the eastern edge of Mill Creek Court shall be relocated south to the subdivision's southern property line at Lot 8, and shall be approved by the City Fire Department. . 6. The cuI-de-sac shall maintain a minimum diameter of 100' unless the proposed residences are sprinklered. 7. Electric utility service to the short plat shall be undergroWld with a 10-foot utility easement shown along Mill Creek Court. . . . Planning CQrnmission Minutes - June 12, 1996 Page 3 8. Prior to final plat approval, water service shall be extended to the lots with an 8 inch main to the relocated hydrant and 6 inch diameter beyond, which provides 2 gallons per minute @ 30 psi for each of the homes and 1000 gpm at 20 psi for fire. 9. Sanitary sewer shall be extended to the new lots as shown on the preliminary sketch submitted May 21, 1996, and approved by the Public Works Department. lO. Stormwater and street improvements including lighting shall be submitted for approval per the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. 11. An approved H.P.A. permit from the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife shall be submitted prior to fmal plat approval. Stormwater improvements to incorporate H.P.A. conditions. 12. Building envelopes shall be shown on the final plat. 13. A second page shall be submitted with the fmal plat mylar that contains the infonnation required in Section I5.08.070(G)(l1 - 15) and which shall contain as a "note" the required information legally describing and defining the sensitive areas tract. 14. Ifimprovements are to be bonded rather than actually installed prior to final plat approval, the plat shall show a notation as follows: "No occupancy of dwelling units will be allowed until all roadway and utility improvements have been completed and approved by the City Engineer." 15. Lot No.7 shall be redesigned as a radial lot rather than a flag lot. Findings: 1. The approval is based upon a preliminary plat dated received May 21, 1996, prepared for Mr. Jack Loewen by Quadra Engineers. 2. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan land use map. 3. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family Residential (RS-9). 4. The proposed short plat will create eight lots out of one tract of land consisting of approximately 3.69 acres. 5. The site contains an environmentally sensitive area and shall comply with Scction 15.20 (Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code for such properties. 6. The site is served by a cul-de-sac that is served from an improved public street. A recent short plat of the property adjaccnt to the south provides right-of-way access between the site and Ahlvers Road. 7. The environmentally sensitive area shall be identified on the final plat as dermed in Chapter 15.24.070(H)(l). 8. Section 16.08.090 sets forth the requirements for approval of subdivisions. . . . Planning Commission Minutes - June 12, 1996 Page 4 9. Section 16.08.050(B)(I) PAMC provides that the Planning COlrunission shall examine the proposed plat. along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove and shall make recommendations thereon to the City Council. Within a period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department the City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed Preliminary plat. The 90 day time period may be extended with the consent of the applicant. The applicant requested an extension of the processing time period on May 5, 1996. 10. The Port Angeles Public Works, Light and Fire Departments reviewed the proposed short plat and their comments have been considered in the review. 11. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The plan requires concurrency for streets. water service, sanitary sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.9). 12. The Enviromnentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance (Chapter 15.20 P AMC) allows for a reduction of the required 5 Q. foot buffer if the area has been previously altered. The Planning Director shall decide if the area meets the previously altered area requirements. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, the proposed short plat is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. B. As conditioned, the proposed short plat is consistent with the Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. C. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health. safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school D. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision as articulated in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act. E. As conditioned, the subdivision plat is consistent with the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, Chapter 15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Souders and passed 6-0. Commissioner German returned to the meeting. STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 96(06)02 - ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Request for vacation ofa portion of an alley abutting Block 25, Grant's Addition. Senior Planner David Sawyer infonned the Commission that a wetland that was not indicated on the submitted drawings had been found to be on the property being requested for vacation, and therefore a . . . Planning Commission Minutes. June 12, 1996 Page S Wetland Pennit will need to be processed prior to action on the strcct vacation. The applicant is aware of the situation and has contracted with an engineer to begin the necessary process. The item cannot be considered prior to the permit action. Chair King opened the public hearing. Commissioner Reed moved to continue the hearing to August 14,1996, in order to allow processing time for the required Wetland Permit. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Souders and passed unanimously. STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 96(06)03 - HANNAM et al.: Request for vacation of a portion of an alley abutting Block 23, Fogarty and Dolan's addition. Commissioner Nutter moved to move the item to the end of the agenda to allow the applicant time to be present at the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed unanimously. SUBST ANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ~ SMA 96(06)158 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES. 939 Marine Drive: Request for a permit to allow the filling ofan existing log pond in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone. Planner Sa\\yer requested that the item be continued to July 10, 1996. There are details that need to be worked out that have not been satisfied at this time. The Port is aware of the request and is in agreement. Commissioner Philpott moved to continue the hearing to July 10,1996. Commissioner Reed seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96-06 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Accessory structures. City-wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code v,rjth regard to accessory structure allowances in residential zones. Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's Staff Report and explained additional proposed wording suggested by the Planning Director. He answered questions from individual Commission members who expressed the desire that the proposed regulations not limit the ability to allow accessory structures ancillary to a permitted use, such as school maintenance buildings, and that the size of the newly pennitted accessory uses not create a dominant commercial look in a neighborhood setting. There being no further questions, Chair King opened the public hearing. Jeff Hedlund, 2417 West Sixteenth Street, favored a "no size restriction" option for access building/uses other than an overall lot percentage. He provided photographs of areas in the City where larger, in some cases what appear to be nearly equal to or larger than the home, accessory structures exist. He indicated that in these instances, the structures fit in very well and enhance the surrounding neighborhood properties. The size of accessory structures should not be limited to a set number but should be allowed to address the needs of individuals who own the property. Jeff Abram, 234 Fogarty, understood the fears of neighbors that large accessory structures could, in certain situations, appear to be out of place in residential neighborhoods, but encouraged the City to look at the more broad aspect of property owners being allowed to adequately protect their investments and secure expensive recreational equipment. Given the different life styles of the general public, it would be dependent on individual property owners to maintain their individual properties in a manner that Planning Commission Minutes - June 12, 1996 Page 6 . would not be a detraction to a neighborhood, but that would be the case no matter what type or size of building is constructed. He encouraged the Planning Commission to allow the public to enjoy their properties and to be able to protect their automobiles, recreational vehicles, hobby equipment, etc., in a safe manner. The City's zoning laws prevent the conversion of the larger accessory structures from conversion to commercial in-home uses. Linda de Bord, 1309 East Seventh Street, preferred a straight lot coverage restriction without further restricting the size of accessory structures to a percentage of the permitted use or to a Building Code number. The City has observed a straight lot coverage allowance for many years and it works. Overzealous regulations to protect citizens are not necessary. It is very common nowadays to see a three car garage structure in new developments with one being for a recreational vehicle. It is becoming the norm. The restriction to 1,000 square feet for an accessory use could eliminate that privilege. People who have achieved the ability to invest a large amount of money in recreational equipment will care for their possessions and need the ability to secure and remove them from their neighbor's views. William Mercer, 1127 Grant Avenue, owns a property zoned residential single~ family that contains a 1200 square foot home. He would like to build a large accessory structure and a carport. Under the current regulations that restrict accessory structures to 50% of the size of the residential building, he cannot add the two accessory structures he desires. At the Chair's direction, staff responded to Mr. Mercer that under the proposed amendment, he would be able to have more than one accessory structure, each not totaling more than 1,000 square feet, but that the total lot coverage could not be more than the currently permitted 30%. He stated he could live with that. . John Chiasson, 3407 McDougal Street, asked staff if in the case of multiple accessory structures, what distance would be required between the structures? At the direction of the Chair, Mr. Sawyer answered that there would be no regulations as to how close the structures could be in the Zoning Code. Those distances would be mandated by the Building and Fire Codes. Mr. Chiasson then asked if under the proposed amendment an accessory structure and a carport connected by a breezeway would qualify as meeting the proposed allowance. Mr. Sawyer answered that he did not know the answer to that question as it would be regulated under the BuildinglFire Codes. John de Bord, 1309 East Seventh, lives in a neighborhood where large recreational vehicles are stored in the road and in driveways. It detracts from the area. If the allowance of more accessory structures is increased in the City, it would allow for those vehicles to be covered in a large accessory structure on those properties. Mr. Sawyer clarified that in the past, Planning Department policy has required accessory structures to be less than the size of the permitted use and the cumulative lot coverage could not be greater than the allowed percentage of the particular zoning district. During the August, 1995, review of the City's zoning regulations, wording that the Planning Director had considered policy for the past five years restricting the allowable size of all accumulated uses to be less than fifty percent of the permitted use for accessory structures was put in the Zoning Code. There being no further test~ony, Chair King closed the public hearing. . There are areas in the City at present that contain property ownership of sufficient size where expanded residential uses could occur, including homes with large animals and barns, and the possibility that future annexations would bring these types of uses into the City that need to be addressed differently than the more atypical smaller residential lots that currently exist in City neighborhoods. In order to begin discussion, Commissioner German moved to recommend that an amendment be made to the . . . Planning Commission Minutes. June 12, 1996 Page 7 provision fOf accessory uses in residential areas of the City to allow that lots equal to or less than 9,000 square feet, the standard lot covefage be required with accessory stfuctures being allowed no larger than 1,000 square feet each, non cumulative, unless otherwise permitted. For lots greater than 9,000 square feet accessory structures and uses may exceed 1,000 square feet in size when the Planning Director agrees that such uses afe appropriate for the neighborhood. The motion was seconded for discussion by Commissioner Philpott. In discussion of the motion, it was detennined that any decision of the Planning Director could be appealed to the City Council. Many scenarios were discussed where the Planning Director would be required to rule on these issues rather than a standard regulation that would allow some assurance of a result. Concern was expressed by individual members that in those cases where the Planning Director is allowed to pennit the increase of an accessory structure(s), surrounding neighbors would have no idea and therefore no say as to the decision. Commissioner Souders provided an example of a situation where the restriction of 1,000 square feet for accessory structures would be micro managing and unnecessary if the straight lot coverage percentage is the rule. Commissioner Craver agreed that the standard lot coverage percentage is more impartial and provides assurance to property owners. Chair King surmised that even if the allowance for larger accessory structures is approved, there is no guarantee that individuals will remove their vehicles or recreational vehicles from the street and build accessory structures on their properties for that use. That is a personal decision. Commissioner Nutter expressed some concern that the accessory structures should be subordinate to the pennitted use of a property to ensure that residential neighborhoods remain residential in nature. Commissioner Souders doubted that it is up to City bodies to do more than ensure that the public health and safety issues are protected in land use issues. The City cannot dictate how neighborhoods look. That right is up to the individuals in the neighborhoods. The 1,000 square foot maximum per accessory structure could go beyond public health and safety concerns. She again voiced her thoughts that the thirty percent lot coverage is sufficient. Commissioners Gennan and Philpott withdrew the motion and second. Commissioner German moved to recommend amendment to Chapter 17 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code which would clarify the definition of accessory buildings or uses, the definition of uses which are subordinate, and amendment to uses considered to be accessory in individual zones per the draft ordinance attached as Exhibit" A" and which becomes part of these minutes. Commissioner Souders seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The Commission took a ten minute break at 9: 1 0 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. The Chair then directed the Commission to return to consideration of the postponed street vacation matter for Hannam. STREET VACATION PETITION ~ STY 96(06)03 - HANNAM et at.: Request for vacation of a portion of an alley abutting Block 23, Fogarty and Dolan's addition. (Continued from earlier in the agenda) Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending denial of the street . . . Planning Commission Minutes. June 12, 1996 Page 8 vacation as requested. Chair King opened the public hearing. Keri Hannam, 306 Hancock Avenue, requested that the matter be continued. Commissioner Souders moved to continue the public hearing to June 26, 1996, to enable the applicant to provide further information. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS Planning Office Specialist Sue Roberds called the Planning Commission's attention to the copy of the approved Peach Tree Estates Subdivision distributed for review. The new property owner of the subdivision is anxious to amend the subdivision's name to "Eagle's Lair" and has provided an amended copy for appropriate signatures to that end. She asked the Commission to motion to allow the Chair to sign the amended subdivision mylar to enable the plat to be refiled. Commissioner German so moved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed unanimously. Plarmer Sawyer indicated a memorandum from the City's Engineer, Gary Kenworthy, to the effect that the stormwater detention facilities required for the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Assisted Living Facility Conditional Use Penuit approval have been waived in lieu of suggested public stonnwater system capacity improvements. The proposed improvements are of more value to the City than the previously required detention. The Commission agreed that the City Engineer's action was consistent with their intent in approving the conditional use permit. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners Reed and Nutter noted that they would not be at the June 26, 1996, meeting. Commissioner Philpott was disappointed that his comments regarding the bothersome and uncomfortable pot holes on First Street have not been repaired by the State Department of Transportation. Many motorists are not aware that it is the DOT's concern and think it is the City's responsibility. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ~~gS~~~ry ~/h Bob King, Chair Attaclunent: Exhibit "A" PREPARED BY: S. Roberds Exhibit "A" .- . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising dcfinitions and pc:nnined accessory uses in the Zoning Code, and amending Ordinance 1709, as amended. and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Mwlicipal Code. TIlE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as foUows: I Section 1. 0rdirJancc No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter 17.08 of the Port AngeIesMunicij,aJ eocn are hereby amended by amendingPAMC 17.08.010 to reati as foUows: . " 1708 OlO - "A" A. Aa:essory Build.iJlg or Use - one which: 1. is subnntinat~ and iDcidf!nta1 to IDd serves use, and !~ ~iJ AUhu..~.KI~ ;., ....~ ""~ul 41 ...~ pr;JJ~t11d UiHii m;;;1 ...td, and ~g is located on the SIIIDe zoning lot IS use served. &1 ~11 b..a~& "I 4.. ~lIclud~ hyl ;., 1. 0\ cbad.~h ..h..jho.-., ~.I...~, u. .. 2. A ~ue5"" Wllat""'rt.. VI Go ~.re (\)1 Oh.rUIIS:~ J. ~~alul~ ~fici~hd ~ ~ f""'I..~tl~ ~. .e. .4.....116'-' our e~ ~;..~ UJ t'l~ b, U ~lIw ~,~ IOl .....:tI, owJ" .....by;he!.~ 4o&id~ &ucll ~~raeliji ;1 "",dud s. ofr"'~b~t loll"!",. ...cl~....]w ""~U!5 &....., ldld 6. ~51~ a.lI fA'li.":U~ Glkd Jl"'!!i~6t\X1~. ~I B. Accessory Residential Unit - a dwelling unit t. is incidental to a detached single family 2. is subordinate in space (i.e., fifty percent family residential use, and 3. is located on t~ same zoning lot as the si C. Adult Family Home . an aduh home is the person or persons who an:: providing penonaI care, room and board t than four adults who are not related by blood or marriage to the services; except that a rrwrimum of six adults may be pe:nnitt I>epanmeIn of Social and Health Services determines that the home of meeting standards and qualifications provided for by law (RCW D. Alley - a public right of way which provid property. E. Amendment - a change in language of the part of these Zoning Regulations. F. Apartment - a room, or a suite of two or more occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit for one famil a principal building or principal ~ Iv !II" pI :.";',...aI bu;Jdi'16 o. the principal building or princ:ipaI lIulli,,';ted 16 tI.w follv""'~IIt;. 1 ~ ~..\b.. .ea ~..mU'ytM.t. ;","';d"liiiut.d lu a F,II.";'tl\o.d ~lW. 1GU~,""lul:.ues a...b..;b.~ Ou lllw ed b.1 tI~~ d~~h;~l r'b...h4~ou~. lo~d;lI~ fG~l;h"i). oll.oUnr.:.. ~II ll~~ ~e.,.)iL~OJb. which: residence, or less space than the single ngle family residence. regular famjly dwelling of a o more than one but not ~ person or persons providing the eel if the Washington State and the provider are capable 70.128.0lO). es service access to abutting zoning text which is an official room; in a multiple dwelling. y. . 'I I I ji il . Section 2. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861, and Chapler 17.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codeare hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.08.095 to read as foDows: . 17.08.095 ~ "S. A. Service Station - an establishment which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto, limited to tbe mai.I sale of petroleum I products and automobile accessories; automobile washing (not including auto laundry); waxing and j polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repair (not including recapping); balleT)' service. I charging, and replacement (not including repair and rebuilding); radiator cleaning and flushing (nol including steam cleaning and repair); installation of accessories; and the following operations if i j conducted wholly within a building: lubrication of motor vehicles, brake servicing, wheel I balancing, tire testing. and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, fan belts, wiring, water hoses, and similar parts. B. Setback ~ the required minimwn distance between any lot line and any structure or building. I: c. Sign, Advertising. a sign which ctirectunention to a business, commodity, service or entenainme:nt conducted. sold. or offered dsewhere than upon the premises on which I such sign is located or to which it is affixed. I D. Sign. AItacl1ed - a sign or billboard. lighted or unlighted, directly attached to, supported by, and no more than 2 feet distance from, a building. I E. Sign, BiDboard . an OUtdoor advertising display, structure or sign, over 250 square feet in area, attached or detached, lighted or unlighted. F. Sign, Business - a sign which directs attention to 8 business or profession conducted. or to B commodity. service, or cmertainmc:nt sold or offered. upon the premises on which such sign is located or to which it is affixed. G. Sign, Detached - a sign or billboard, lighted or unlighted, which is separated from and not a pan of a building. A sign or billboard on the top of and more than two feet in diStance from a building shall be considered a detached sign. H. Sign, Flashing. a sign which is iUuminated by anificialligbt which is not maintained stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use. For the purpose of this Zoning Code., a revolving illuminated sign shall also be considered a flashing Slgn. I. Sign. Official Traffic, Directional, or Warning - a sign that is erected by a public authority to protect the health. safety and welfare ofthe public. I. Sign, Temporary - a sign COnstruded of cloth, canvas. cardboard, wallboard, or other lightweight material, intended to be displayed for a limited period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days within a single calendar year, typically advenising a one-time event, unless otherwise specified. K. Single Family Residence - one detached dwelling on an individual lot for occupancy by one family. L Stable, Private ~ a detached accessory building in which only the horses and cows owned by the occupants of the premises are kept. and in which no horses and cows are kept for hire. mnuneration, or sale. M. Stand - a structure for the display and sale of products, with no space for alstomers within the structure itself N. Story - the space between the floor and the ceiling above said floor. A basement shall be considered 8 story when more than haIf of the basement height is above the finished lot grade. O. Street - a public right-of-way which affords a primary means of access to abutting property. I P. Street Right-of-Way Line - the boundary line between 8 street and abuning i propeny. I . 2 Q. Snucrure - anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which rcqum locarion on the ground or water, Dr is attached to something having location on or in the ground or watCT. but not including fences or walls used as fences six feet or less in height. R Structural Alteration - any change, other than incidental repairs, which would prolong the life of the supporting members of a building. such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders. S. Subordinate - less imponam than and secondary to a primary object. priocipaI building or use, usually in these Zoning Regulations referring to an addit;omd accessory use~ ....aatllIIoI ~I ~ ~~6 u.... iMSb~b...lhd) b., ~~, ;.e.., &fi:, JI",u,.,,"ul~. l.w~ ,p....f!,o dUll. II.., t'J;""';~ ..... u';u..d ..... T. Supermarket - a groceJy store on a site larger than one acre and with multiple retail departments such as drugs, photo, video. deli, flowers, seafood. bakery. etc. U. Suppomd Living Amngemems - a supponed living arrangement means a i dwelling unit owned or rented by one Dr more perIOns with fimc:tional disabilities who receive assistance with ac:tivities of daily IiYiD& instrumental actMties of daily living, and/or medical care from an individual or agency licensed and/or reimbuned by a public agency to provide such assistance. . Section 3. Ordinance No. 1709. as amalded by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter I 17.1 0 oftbe Pen ~ Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending P AMC 17.10.030 to read as fonows: structures. 17 10.030 Accessot:,V Uses. A. Garages and carports. B. Gardens.. greenhouses, gazebos, storage sheds. and similar ac:cessory . c. Swimming pools and cabanas. D. Private television satellite reception dishes. E. Other accessorY uses determined bv the Planning Director to be comnatible with the intern oftms Chltpter Section 4. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Qrdjnance No. 2861, and Chapter 17.1] of the Pen Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17. ] ] .030 to read as follows: ]7.11.030 Accessorv Uses. A. Garages and carpons. B. Gardens. greenhouses, gazebos, storage sheds, and similar accessory stJuctures. C. Swimminl!: oools and cabanas D. Private television satellite reception dishes. E. €:- Private stables, provided that: 1. StaIMs are constructed no closer than ) 00 feet to any property line. 2. A minimum area of 1 acre per horse or cow is maintained. 3. A minimum ofS.foot high fence is installed on property line. I:. Other accessory uses determined bv the Planrrinll Director to be compatible with the imem oflhis Chanter. ~tt S. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 286]. and Chapter ]7.13 oftbe Port AngdesMunicipaJ Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.13.030 to read as follows: . 3 . . . ]113.030 Accessorv Uses and Buildimp. A. Gara~es and catpOns Ii. Gardens Rl'eeMouses. gazebos. storaRe sheds and similar accessory structures. C. r. Swimming pool~ and cabanas. I2. Private television satellite recention dishes E.,IT. Community recreation rooms and laundry rooms. Eo E:- Playground equipment. y. M8!Ulier's office IL *= Propane fuel storage WIks. 1 B-: Shower and IaundJy rooms. L €7 Lavatories. K. Other acc:essrny uses determined bv the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent of this Challter. c. r.,;~d$ {u".w&~ c)..tdOOI). II. Office ('ll:lt..~~, u......cj. Section 6. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter 17.14 ofthePon AngeIesMwlicipal Code are hemJy amended by amending PAMC 17.14.025 to read as foDows: 11.14.025 Accessory Uses A NOd~oo.a1l'i~...;at g...ch...." &'......d,ou$w, G,cl.....lh Ga.rues and carnorts B. F,;...I:l"'~ ~t^"b. Gardens..lZI'a:IIhouses. ~'t stotue sheds and similar accessory structures. C. Swimming pools.lUd cabanas. Q. Private television satellite ~on dishes. E.. CommunitY recreation rooms and laundrv rooms. L PlavRl'ound equimnent y. ManaiCr's office. Ii Other accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent oflhis C~ter Section 1. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter 11.15 of the Port AngeJesMunicipal Code are heRby amended by amending PAMe 1'..15.030to read as follows: suuctures. 17.15.030 Accessorv Uses. A. NUll COfiu.u..."';'AI A&4"'JI~, ~",,~.dd)u.:M,r", u.~.lI.Id~. A. B-: PriTate Garages Dm! carports. It Gardens llJeeIlhouses. gazebos. stOrBRe sheds. and similar accessorv C. Swimming pools mI cabanas. I2. Private television satellite receDtion dishes. E.. CommunitY recreation room.'i and laundry rooms. E.. PlaVRl'Ound CQuipment a. Mana,er's office. H. Other ac:c:cssorv uses determined bv the Planning Director to be comolltible with the intent of this ChaJ)ter I I :1 il 4 . Section 8. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter 17.20 ofdle Port An8desMlmicipaJ Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC ]7.20.080 to read as fonows: I I ]7.20.080 Acc:essorv~ses. Tho.......sesilx:;dl;;dtldlll~...............,)" Iv 1)'''.Ii';''~, ~~~ J.,;) ch:6.~;'. ~17.88.8t8(A}...t F-....llUI. Accessorv1lRSdetermmed bvthe Planrun2 Director to be comDatible with die intent of this C~ter are permitted I Section 9. Ordinance No. ]709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter I II ] 7.2] of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by creating Section 17.21.050 to Ii read as foDows: 17.21 050 A~'>Orv Uses. Aca!ssory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent oftbis Chapter are permitted. Section 10. 0rdiDance No. ]709, as amended byOnfuwx:e No. 2861, and Chapter 17.22 of the Pan Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by creating Section] 7.22.050 to read as fonows: . 17.22 050 Accessorv Uses. Ac:cesscny uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the imeot of this Chapter ~ permitted. Section I]. Ordinance NO.1 709, IS IIDmded by Ordinance No. 2861, and Chapter 17.23 ofthePonAnBdaMunicipa} Code arebereby ameDded by amcndingPAMC ]7.23.080 to read as fonows: 17.23.080 ACftI!!t.'IOlV Uses, 'fI................ ill.::i~d:ld aa.4 ~., to tll.. 1".;"...., ...... ..... d.:;6....,d iI. ~I7.88.818(A)..... ........;uccl. Accessmy uses detennined by the P1annillg Director to be comnatible with the intent or this C.er are permitted. Section 12. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended byOtdinancc No. 2861, and Chapter 17.24 of the Pon Angeles Municipal Code arc hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.24.080 to read as follows: 17.24.080 ACCCSSOly Uses. Thos........., ;....;d....twI....d --"')" Iv II... .... ;.1....., ...... a! &.&..4 ;., ~ 1 1.88.9]8(A) ...... .........;U..d. Acccssol)' uses determined bv the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent ortms Chaoter are permitted. . I] I [ I 5 . Section 13. Ordinance No. 1709,asamendedbyOrdinanceNo. 2861. and Chapter 17.30 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.30.030 to read as follows: ! I 1730 030 A~sorv Uses. Thos.......... ;''''';.iehtal a:n~ ~. 'J to Ih,,!" ;..~ 'J u..t I "" ddi.....d;', ~11.e8.e]9(A} 41" I""u';ll~. Accessory uses detemuned by the PlannIng DIrector to be comnatible with the intent of this Chanter are oennitted. Section 14. Ordinance No. ]709, as amended by Ordimnce No. 2861, and Chapter 17.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMe ] 7.32.030 to I read as follows: ] 7.32 030 A~o:nrv Uses. ~........ A;denta:i &lId _. 'J tu d... y.;......, u.... as d..L.....d ~, ~l1.88.e]8(A141" I"'u";tted. Accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent oftlUs C.er are permitted. Section 15. Ordinance No. 1709, IS amended by Ordinance No. 2861. and Chapter 17.34 ofrhe Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended. by creating Section 17.34.030 to read as follows: ] 7.34 030 Accessmv Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent afIbis Chapter are permitted. . Section 16. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861, and Chapter 17.40 of the Port Angeles MuniQpal Code are hereby amended by creating Section 17.40.045 to read as foDows: ]1.40045 Accessory Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the iment of this Chapter are permitted. Section 17. Ordinance No. ]709, as amended by Ordinance No. 2861, and Chapter ]1.42 of the Pan Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amtnded by creating Section 17.42.045 to read as follows: 17.42 045 Accessorv Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the iment of this Chapter are permitted. Section 18. Severabilitv. If any provisions oflhis Ordinance: or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid. the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the . provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances. is nol affected. I . I : 6 I ,i . publication. Section 19. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after PASSED by the City Council of the City ofPon Angeles 11 a regu!ar meeting of said Council held on the day of . 1996. ATTEST: :1 Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBUSHED: By Summary . . MAYOR 7 . . . PLEASE SIGN.llS CITY OF PORT ANGELFB Planning Commission Attendance Roster Meeting Date: ' /.LJ