HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/14/1995 HEARING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. . AGENDA CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLANNING COIvfMISSION 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 June 14, 1995 7 :00 p.m. I. II. ID. . IV. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of May 10, and 24,1995 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. REVISION TO CITY'S SUBDMSION (Short and Lone) REGULATIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: City wide: (Continued from May 24, ] 995. Staffis requesting this item be continued to June 28, ]995.) 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 94(04)08 - YMCA. 302 South Francis Street: Request to allow the addition of a weight room to the existing YMCA facility, located in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. (This item is continued from the May 10, 1995, Planning Commission meeting. Staff is requesting further continuation to June 28, 1995.) 3. CONDmONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 95(06)10 - CLALLAM COUNTY HOSTELRIES. ] 132 Hazel Street: Request to allow an addition to a permitted group home use in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. (Staffis requesting that this item be continued to June 28, 1995.) . 4. FINAL PLAT - SEAMOUNT ESTATES V. Eighth and Evans Streets: Approval ofa final plat creating seven residential lots in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. . PLANNING COMMISSION: Linda Nutter,Chair, Tim GClllWI (Vice), Orville Cllmp~U. Cindy Souders, Bob W'rnterll, Bob Philpol\, Bob King. STAFF: Brnd ColIino, Direct<:tr, Sue Roberds Office Specialist, and David Sawyer, Senior PLumer. . . . 5. SHORELlNE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 95(05)151 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Francis Street: Request for a substantial development permit to allow extension of the City's Waterfront Trail system approximately 1400 feet to the east of its existing terminus at Francis Street, on the City's waterfront. 6. PRELlMINARY SUBDIVISION - EVERGREEN PARK - Scribner Road to Thistle Street: Consideration of a preliminary subdivision application to divide approximately 7.92 acres into 22 residential lots and 1 utility parcel.. 7. AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. City wide: Changes to Level of Service (LOS) Standards, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and Capital Facilities Plan. V. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC VL STAFF REPORTS VB. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS VIII. ADJOURNMENT All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of II previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Briefrebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff'representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman. ~ . . . HEARING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. - Pl.ANN\~G AGENDA CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 June 14, 1995 7 :00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER ll. ROLL CALL m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of May 10, and 24, 1995 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 92(04)04 - BUDGET RENT-A-CAR. Northeast corner of First and Oak Streets: Request for extension of a conditional use permit to allow the continuation of a commercial parking lot in the CBD, Central Business District 2. FINAL PLAT - SEAMOUNT ESTATES V. Eighth and Evans Streets: Approval of a final plat creating seven residential lots in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District 3. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 95(05)151 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Francis Street: Request for a substantial development pennit to allow extension of the City's Waterfront Trail system approximately 1400 feet to the east of its existing tenninus at Francis Street, on the City's waterfront. 4. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - EVERGREEN PARK - Scribner Road to Thistle Street: Consideration of a preliminary subdivision application to divide approximately 8.92 acres into 21 residential lots. PLANNING COMMISSION: Linda NlItlcr,Chair, Tun Getman (Vice), OrWtc Campbcn, Cindy Souders, Bob W'mtClll, Bob PhiIpoIl, Bob King. STAFF: Brad Collins, Director, Sue Roberds Office Specialist, and David Sawyer, Senior Planner. . . . 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 94(04)08 - YMCA. 302 South Francis Street: Request to allow the addition of a weight room to the existing YMCA facility, located in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. (This item is continued from the May 10, 1995, Planning Conunission meeting. Staffis requesting further continuation to July 14, 1995.) 6. CONDmONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 95(06)10 - CLALLAM COUNTY HOSTELRIES. 1132 Hazel Street: Request to allow an addition to a pennitted group home use in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. (Staffis requesting that this item be continued to July 14, 1995.) V. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC VI. STAFF REPORTS VII. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS VIII. ADJOURNMENT All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; other.; shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Briefrebuttal (S minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heani separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements permining to previous testimony. Canments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman. . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 June 14, 1995 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Orville Campbell, Cindy Souders, Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Bob Winters and Bob King Members Excused: Tim German Staff Present: Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Mack Campbell, and Gary Kenworthy Public Present: Nancy McHenry, Ardis McWilliams, Richard Lorentzen, Ann Allen, Mike Mudd, T. G. Allen, Drew Cannel, LeRoy Sproat, Vicky Adams, Dan Morrison APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Campbell moved to approve the Commission's May 10, 1995, minutes as submitted. Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which passed 4- 0, with Commissioners Souders and King abstaining. Commissioner Souders offered a correction to page three, paragraph six, of the May 24, 1995, minutes to read "Commissioner Souders had no problem with most of the land use issues with the exception of the proposal to downgrade the area on Campbell Avenue Wabash Street from medium density to low density as proper notification had not been made." Commissioner Souders moved to approve the May 24, 1995, minutes as corrected. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 4-0, with Commissioners King and Winters abstaining. REVISION TO THE CITY'S SUBDMSION (Short and Lone) REGULA TIONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. (public hearing continued from May 24, 1995.) Planning Director Brad Collins requested that this item be continued to the June 28, 1995 meeting to enable completion of staffs recommendations. Chair Nutter opened the continued public hearing for public testimony. There being no one present to speak to the issue, Commissioner Souders moved to continue the . . . Planning Commission Minutes June 14, 1995 Page 2 public hearing to June 28, 1995. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 6.0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 94(04)08 - YMCA. 302 South Francis Street: Request to allow the addition of a weight room to the existing YMCA facility, located in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. (This item is continued from the May 10, 1995, Planning Commission meeting. Staffis requesting further continuation to June 28, 1995.) Planning Director Collins requested that the item be continued to the June 28, 1995, meeting. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak to the issue, Commissioner Campbell moved to continue the hearing to June 28,1995. Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which passed 6-0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 95(06)10 - CLALLAM COUNTY HOSTELRIES. 1132 Hazel Street: Request to allow an addition to a permitted group home use in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. (Staff is requesting that this item be continued to June 28, 1995.) Planning Director Collins requested that the item be continued to the June 28, 1995, meeting. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak to the issue, Commissioner King moved to continue the hearing to June 28t 1995. Commissioner Campbell seconded the motion, which passed 6-0. FINAL PLAT - SEAMOUNT ESTATES V. Eighth and Evans Streets: Approval of a final plat creating seven residential lots in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District. Planning Office Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's report. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. Nancy McHenry, Northwestern Territories, Inc.t 717 South Peabody, concurred with the Planning Department's report and asked that the final submittal be approved at this time. Mrs. McHenry explained that the different plat configuration without the cul-de-sac was in response to direction given by the Planning Commission following the 1993 public hearing. Maintenance ofthe storrnwater detention swayle is included in the plat covenants. . . . Planning Commission Minutes June 14. J 995 Page '3 Thece being no further comments, Chaic Nutter closed the public hearing. Commissioner Winters moved to continue the item to the June 28, 1995, meeting in order to allow for review of the final submittal by the Planning Commissioners. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 6-0. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 95(05)151 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Francis Street: Request for a substantial development permit to allow extension of the City's Waterfront Trail system approximately 1400 feet to the east of its existing terminus at Francis Street, on the City's waterfront. Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Departmenes report and responded to Commissioner Campbell that the Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribe had been notified ofthe intended permit hearing and had not responded with any concerns. Gary Kenworthy, Port Angeles City Engineer, answered questions from the Commissioners regarding the amount of excavation that is planned in order to pave and provide lighting for the Trail. The Trail will be constructed entirely within the abandoned railroad grade bed with excavation being only that necessary to install utility cable for lighting purposes. It is anticipated that the amount of preparation work needed to prepare the area for paving will be minimal. There being no further comments or testimony from the audience, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Commissioner Campbell moved to recommend approval of the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The applicant, the City of Port Angeles, applied foc a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit on March 28, 1995. 2. A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official on May 1, 1995. 3. The City received no appeals on the DNS during the allotted appeal time period which ended May 11, 1995. 4. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington. 5. The application is to extend the existing Waterfront Trail with similar improvements, including paving, landscaping, lighting, benches, and interpretive signs approximately 1400 feet east of its present terminus to the access gate into the existing Rayonier Mill complex. . . . Planning Commissio1l Minutes June U. J 995 Page 4 6. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance have been reviewed with respect to this application. 7. The site is designated Open Space in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Public Building and Parks (PBP) in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban Environment in the City's Shoreline Master Plan. 8. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program encourages aesthetic and environmental considerations be made in reviewing development proposals. Conclusions: These conclusions are based on the information provided in the staff report including all of it's attachments, comments, and information presented during the public hearing, and Planning Commission discussion and deliberation. A The project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Transportation Policy A, 1, and Conservation Policy B, 9, the City1s PBP Zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Plan's Urban Environment Policies A, B, C2 & 3, D2 & 7, Ela & 7b and FI9 b & c. B. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline. Commissioner King seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. The Commission requested that staff obtain written verification from the Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribe that they do not have any concerns with the permit activity prior to the City Council's consideration of the permit. PRELIMINARY SUBDMSION - EVERGREEN PARK - Scribner Road to Thistle Street: Consideration of a preliminary subdivision application to divide approximately 7.92 acres into 22 residential lots and 1 utility parcel. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report and responded to questions from the Commission regarding neighborhood play areas and cul-de-sac turn-a-round requirements. There being no further questions, Chair Nutter opened the discussion to the public. Steve Zenovic, Polaris Engineering, 206 South Lincoln #201, represented the applicant. He explained that it is the applicant's intent to discourage through traffic to Rhodes Road. Upgrades will be made to Scribner Road and to the waterline through the site to Eunice Street. Improvements made on-site will benefit downstream users with regard to water pressure and stormwater runoff. Stormwater detention ponds will benefit the entire area as the drainage is very poor at present. He explained the proposal to dedicate one half acre ofland for a tot lot in the area. The applicant is willing to redesign the cul-de-sacs to increase the diameters rather than to post the area for no on-street parking. A good deal of discussion took place as to the levels of . Planning Commission Minutes Ju"e14.1995 Page 5 improvement required for the roads. The applicant prefers not to improve Old Mill Road as the cost is prohibitive and is not warranted at this time. Old Mill Road is in poor condition at present but not due to this development. All lots are exactly 75' at the front setback lines. Richard Lorentzen, 3707 Park Knoll Drive, spoke of flooding in the area and widening of Old Mill Road to accommodate traffic to and from the site. At the Chair's direction, Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, responded that conditions imposed on the subdivision require an approved drainage plan and pond to be sized to accommodate drainage from the project. The improvements will prevent an increase in flooding from the project. The Chair called for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. Ann Allen, 4415 South Coyote Run Lane, read a letter from Dan Underwood, a resident in the area (5027 Coyote Run Lane), representing residents of the area south of the proposed subdivision. He commended staff for the attention given to detail and for its concern expressed in the recommendation of conditions for approval of the subdivision. He asked that those conditions not be lessened. Even with the conditions imposed, the rural character of the area will be impacted. He asked that the subdivision be redesigned to larger lots to protect the area's unique rural features. . In response to Commissioner Philpott, Mr. Collins answered that properties in the area north of the proposed subdivision are on much smaller lots, approximately 5500 square feet, than the proposed subdivision which has an average lot size of9,000 to 10,000 square feet. Tom Allen, 4415 South Coyote Run Lane, suggested that traffic be allowed to flow through the project south/north to Rhodes and Thistle Streets to relieve some of the traffic congestion on the Scribner Road area. He stated concern about overcrowding of schools in the area even with the construction of the new Dry Creek school. Mike Mudd, 515 Thistle, was very concerned that traffic from the site not he allowed to use ThistlelRhodes Roads for everyday access. The roads in the area are in very poor shape at present, and there are a good number of children in the area. . Planning Director Collins confirmed that the access road proposed from the site north to Thistlel Rhodes Roads would be for emergency access only. Some type of barrier would be used to prevent daily traffic in that area. It was suggested that low plantings, a chain, a curb, or some other barrier acceptable to the Fire Department be placed in the area to prevent through traffic. Eventually, with future development in the area, the roadway system may result in through traffic to the roads north of the area but not with the proposed subdivision. Access from Old Mill Road via Rhodes Road is very poor at present. However, the arterial Old Mill Road narrows south of Rhodes Road and should be improved to handle the increase in traffic as a result of the subdivision development. Mack Campbell, Assistant Fire Chief, agreed that whatever measures are needed to impede . Planning Commission Minutes June 14.1995 Page 6 normal traffic through the proposed subdivision to Thistle/Rhodes Road from any other than emergency vehicles would be permitted at this time. Drew Quinell, 513 Rhodes Road, a twenty year resident of the area. was concerned that there are no guarantees that Albert Street won't be opened to through traffic at some point in the future. The intersection of Rhodes Road and Old Mill Road is very dangerous at present There is no play area in the vicinity of the subdivision. She asked that RhodeslThistle Roads not be allowed for use as access to the subdivision area by contractors and construction workers. The RhodesIThistle Road area is not safe for children and walkers at present, and an increase in activity must not be allowed. If Rhodes Road is used as a traffic loop, it should be brought up to City standards with storm drains and curbing. There is a good deal of flooding in this area. The ditches are not maintained to accommodate the water flow in the area. Le Roy Sproat, 615 Thistle Road, a twenty year fesident of the area, concurred with the last two speakers in that the road system in the area is very poor and cannot take any increase in traffic either from construction activity Of the resulting property owners. The Old Mill RoadJRhodes Road intersection is very dangerous and needs upgrade to handle the existing traffic. . Vicky Adams, 4713 Coyote Run Lane, expressed concern over the quantity of traffic the subdivision would bring to the Scribner Road area off of which Coyote Run Lane accesses to the south. The proposed development is inconsistent with other acreage developments in the area. Scribner Road/Old Mill Road is a dangerous intersection and needs sufficient upgrade for any additional traffic to the area. Dan Morrison, 408 Scribner Road, proposed a subdivision of his property in the area some time ago but, when informed of the development standards which would be required to Scribner Road and Old Mill Road, decided it would be too expensive to proceed. He expressed concern about those standards being reduced now to accommodate the proposed development. He questioned the traffic study done by the applicant for the project. Old Mill Road needs to be improved to allow for the proposed subdivision. Vicky Adams, noted that there is a lot of property on Coyote Run Lane available at present. Could it be developed? There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing at 9:30 p.m. Following detailed and lengthy discussion on all the testimony provided by the public, Commissioner Souders moved to recommend approval of the Evergreen Subdivision with the following conditions, and citing the following findings and conclusions: . Conditions: 1. The final plat shall be substantially in accord with the preliminary plat of Evergreen Park Subdivision as prepared by Polaris Enginering and Surveying, Inc., dated received May . . . PUmnlng Commission Minutes June1-1,l995 Page 7 31, 1995, except as may be modified by conditions stated below: 2. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that water will be provided to the homes at a rate of2 gallons per minute @ 30 pSI. 3. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that adequate capacity in the sewer system exists to accommodate 300 gallons per person in the subdivision per day. 4. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall improve Scribner Road from the proposed subdivision to Old Mill Road, the east one half of Albert Street from Scribner Road to the proposed Hemlock Lane, and the proposed Hemlock Lane and Juniper Lane to City standards. 5. Prior to final plat approval, a stormwater plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. This plan shall provide for on-site erosion detention control and storm drainage per the Clearing and Grading Ordinance and shall ensure that the subdivision development will not increase the run-off beyond that allowed by the Stormwater Management Manual. 6. The final plat shall include a ten foot wide utility easement along the street frontages of all lots. 7. A fire hydrant shall be installed on Albert Street between Lots II and 12. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall and City Engineer that water will be delivered at a rate of 1,000 gallons per minute at 20 psi. 8. A note shall be placed on the final plat stating that all homes in the subdivision shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system. 9. A 20 foot easement for a future water transmission fa<;:ility shall be shown on the final plat along the southerly property line of Lots 1-5. 10. The buiilding setback lines shall be shown on all lots, which shall meet the minimum lot width standards of the zoning ordinance. 11. Prior to final plat approval, the City Engineer shall confirm that the level of service standard for solid waste collection is met. That standard requires there be no more than 400 pick up accounts per 1000 population within six years from the time of development. 12. Powerlines serving the subdivision shall be underground. 13. A neighborhood play area shall be provided and maintained for public use or shall be dedicated to the City of Port Angeles. . . . Planning Commission Minutes June if, 1995 Page 8 14. Cul-de-sacs shall be redesigned to be 90' curb to curb. 15. The subdivision requirements for cul-de-sacs and fronting lots shall be met on the final plat. 16. The north end of Albert Street shall remain blocked off to residential traffic from the south until improvements are made to City standards from the northern cul-de-sac to Old Mill Road. 17. No construction vehicles shall access the proposed subdivision area from Thistle Street. 18. The applicant shall work with the Public Works Department to address safety concerns at the intersection of Old Mill Road and Scribner Road. 19. The applicant will enter into a Ll.D. non-protest agreement for improvements to Old Mill Road from Scribner Road to Rhodes Road. 20. Hemlock Lane will be changed to be distinguished from the existing City street with a similar name. 21. An engineering drainage report will be required. Discharge from the detention pond and downstream impacts shall be addressed in the report. 22. The all weather outlet road to Thistle Street shall be 20 feet wide. 23. Right-of-way will be needed along Scribner Road and a 20-foot utility easement for a future water transmission facility will be required along the southerly line of Lots I through 5 and shown on the plat. Findings: 1. The request is for approval of a 22 lot subdivision with a utility parcel at the northeast corner of Scribner Road and Albert Street. 2. The site is designated Low Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the goals, policies and objectives of the Plan, the most relevant of which have been identified in the staff report. 3. There are a number of Level ofSeIVice (LOS) standards contained in the Comprehensive Plan which have been considered in the staff report. 4. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the areas of concern listed in Section 58.17.110 RCW. 5. The property is zoned RS-9. The lots meet the minimum lot area of the RS-9 zone. . . . Pkmnlng Commission Minutes June 14,1995 Page 9 6. Old Mill Road has been identified as an arterial street. 7. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June 8, 1995, which requires off-site improvements to Old Mill Road and dedication of a 20 foot right of way for future water transmission facility along the southerly property line of Lots 1-5. 8. There is no identified U.S. 101 Corridor at this time. 9. Building line setbacks from property lines of all lots have not been indicated by a dashed line on the preliminary plat. 10. The Bonneville Powerline easement traverses the property. Conclusions: A As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. B. As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision regulations. C. Appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainageways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, sidewalks and safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. D. The public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision. The subdivision implements the desired land use pattern for this area as articulated in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The subdivision also provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles, consistent with the Growth Management Act. E. It may be possible to adjust the lot lines around the cul-de-sacs to satisfy lot dimension requirements of Chapter 16.08 PAM:C. Commissioner Campbell seconded the motion, which passed 6-0. AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. City wide: Changes to Level of Service (LOS) Standards, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and Capital Facilities Plan. Commissioner Winters noted for the record that although he was not in attendance at the May 24, 1995, meeting at which time the first public hearing for the current proposed amendments was considered, he had listened to the tapes of that meeting and was confident that he could act on the issue at this point. Chair Nutter opened the public . Planning Commission Minutes June 14. 1995 Page 10 hearing. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department!s May 24, 1995, report covering the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map including the incorporation of the 1995-2000 Capital Facilities Plan. He pointed out that the Commission had failed to adopt the Comprehensive Plan changes to the level of service (LOS) standards and the school concurrency policy wording discussed at the May 24 meeting. Amendments proposed to the text of the Comprehensive Plan under the Capital Facilities Element (policies 8.3 and 8.5) are clarifications in standards recommended by the utility and service providers (City Light, Fire, and Public Works Departments) to better reflect the actual level of service (LOS) standards used by the City.. . Staff provided more detailed legal notice following the May 24, 1995, hearing that more clearly identified all of the specific areas including the Wabash and Eckard area recommended for change on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Additionally, it was determined that the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) 1995-2000, which was adopted by the City Council in September, 1994, was intended for incorporation in the Comprehensive Plan update during its review in 1995. No changes are proposed at this time to the CFP, and public notice for inclusion of the CFP into the Comprehensive Plan amendments was given. . Recommendations for the proposed changes in land use designations are in large part to acknowledge existing uses.and are considered to be more housekeeping measures as they were inadvertent mistakes the first time around. Those areas include: the west end of the property located at Eighth and "JU Streets (commonly known as Gund Plaza) west of the Park View Villas site; property located at the southeast corner of Eighth and "G" Streets (six lots), to recognize the rezone of that property several years ago; the Pine Road Village apartments site, located west of Pine Street at Lauridsen Boulevard, apartment locations at 'Ie" Street at Eighteenth Street. and the ttC" Extension south of Lauridsen Boulevard, to acknowledge the existing high density development rather than the medium density designation previously given the area in 1994; the vacant block of property between "0" and "E" Streets and between Seventeenth and Eighteenth Streets is proposed as changing from medium density to low density to recognize the recent City action to deny a requested rezone to medium density zoning at that location considered to be a low density residential area; refinement of designation located on the Tumwater Creek hillside in the area north of Fourth Street to reflect the physical characteristics of the hillside; an area on Lauridsen Boulevard that failed to be recognized as having a designated Commercial Office and Community Shopping District existing zoning pattern; and an area along Eighth Street west of Race Street which should indicate a Commercial Office and Community Shopping District zoning designations father than a low density residential based on the current use of the property; Commercial Office zoning should be shown south of Water Street as it was rezoned two years ago; acknowledgement of the north side of Melody Lane/Golf Course Road as Residential High Density with the remaindef of the developed Uplands Subdivision area north of Melody Lane as low . Planning Commission Minutes June 14.1995 Page JJ density rather than high density since low density is the development pattern of the area; and the Wabash and Eckard Avenue areas as low density rather than medium density since low density is the development pattern of the area. Rick Melvin, 3414 Wabash, spoke for his neighborhood, including neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Lorentzen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tiderman, Rex and Joni Waldron, he and his wife that they concur with the Planning staffs recommendation to designate the WabashlEckard Avenue area as low density residential from the previous medium density residential designation. There being no further public testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Following discussion, Commissioner Campbell moved to adopt the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map changes proposed as follows: Area Land Use New LV Rationale 8th & Race LDR/OS C Commercial should bisect Open Space along 8th not vice versa (generalized mapping . error) Water & Jones LDR C unintentional land use change (generalized mapping error) Tumwater & 4th I OS unintentional land use change (generalized mapping error) 8th & H HDR C planned development and policy to retain commercial option 8th & G LDR HDR unintentional land use change (generalized mapping error) 18th & D MDR LDR policy to retain low density residential C & 18th MDR HDR existing development C Extension MDR HDR existing development Pine & MDR HDR existing development . Lauridsen Melody Lane MDR HDR/LDR existing and planned development . . . Planning CommIssion Minutes June U. 1995 Page 12 Wabash & Eckard MDR LDR existing development Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which passed 6-0. Commissioner Souders moved to recommend incorporation of the 1995-2000 Capital Facilities Plan as adopted by the City Council in September, 1994, into the City's Comprehensive Plan, and that the level of sen'ice (LOS) standards, Capital Facilities Element B.3 and B.5, and the school concurrency wording proposed by staff be included as amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, citing the findings and conclusions listed in the Planning Department Report dated June 12, 1995, as follows: Findings: 1. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments have been proposed by various City Departments charged with implementing the Comprehensive Plan's goals, policies, and objectives. 2. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed amendments. 3. The amendments were submitted in a timely manner by the March 31, 1995, deadline for the annual review and according to the procedures that have been established by the City consistent with the Growth Management Act. 4. The School Concurrency Task Force met on September 15, October 13, November 10, and December 15, in 1994, and on February 3, 1995, when it completed its report to the Port Angeles City Council. 5. The Environmental Impact Statement for the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments on April 25, 1995. Conclusions: A. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments are in the public use and interest. B. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies, and Objectives as identified in the staff report and with the Growth Management Act. C. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments are consistent with the established procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan, Title 18, Port Angeles Municipal Code. . . . Plan1llng Commisslo1l Minutes. JU1le 14, 1995 Page 13 Commissioner Winters seconded the motiont which passed 6-0. The Commissioners concurred that the first motion to recommend adoption of the land use map changes was intended to reference the findings and conclusions noted in the second motion. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS None REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS The Commission discussed the next neighborhood meeting which will be held at Steven's Middle School, June 21, 1995, 7 p.m. for discussion of the proposed Zoning Map changes. Commissioner King noted that he would be out of town for the June 21 neighborhood meeting and the June 28 meeting. Brad Collins noted that he would be out of town for the July 26 neighborhood zoning meeting. Conunissioner Philpott noted the pot holes on U.S. Highway 101 (First Street west of Golf Course Road) are a problem again" and it's tourist season. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ~~ Br d Collins, Secretary fi1t1i1Lg~ Lind Nutter, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds