HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/31/1991 . . . AGENDA CITY OF PORT ANGELES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 321 East Fifth Street City Council Chambers July 31, 1991 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER D. ROLL CALL m. OLD BUSINESS: 1. RECONSIDERATION OF mE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION FOR THE PORT ANGELES URBAN GROWm AREA AND PRINCIPLES IV. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. CRITICAL AREAS STUDY, PROPOSED REGULATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS:(City-wide) Introduction of proposed regulations regarding the identification, classification and protection of critical areas, including wetlands, wildlife habitat, geologic hazardous areas and other environmentally sensitive issues. Specificly included is the State's Model Wetlands Protection Ordinance. V. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC VI. STAFF REPORTS VD. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION l\fEMBERS Vill. ADJOURNMENT DS:2-C:\WPIPC'(J7.31.91.A . PLANNlNG COMMISSION MINUTES Port Angeles, washington July 31, 1991 I. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson P.M. II. ROLL CALL Members Present: Members Excused: Staff Present: III. OLD BUSINESS: Souders called the meeting to order at 6:00 Larry Leonard, Roger Catts, Jim Hulett, Bob Philpott, Cindy Souders, Bill Anabel Ray Gruver Brad Collins, David Sawyer and John Mauk 1. RECONSIDERATION OP THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION POR THE PORT ANGELES URBAN GROWTH AREA AND PRINCIPLES . Vice-Chairperson Souders opened the discussion on this item after first pointing out that this is a reconsideration of the Planning Commission's previous recommendation on this item, that the Commission previously conducted a public hearing on this item and will not be reopening the pUblic hearing this evening. Vice-Chairperson Souders stated for the record that the Planning Commission has received two letters of correspondence, one from Mr. Eric Tobin and one from Miss Melanie Humfleet which will be passed on to the city Council for consideration at their public hearing on this item scheduled for August 6th. Staff reviewed the display maps for the Commission and explained the CCURB Committee's revised recommendation which reduces the size of the UGA by moving the western boundary easterly toward the existing City limits and also proposes a 10 year line. . Commissioner Leonard asked how development will be affected in the 20 year area to which staff responded that development will be able to occur as it does now, however, there can be no annexations in the 20 year area during the next 10 years therefore any development will have to provide their own water and sewer service and develop it in such a manner that it can be converted to city services in the future. Commissioner Hulett asked if the City will have discretion in approving an annexation if the area is PLANNING COMMISSION July 31/ 1991 Page 2 . within the UGA to which staff responded that the City will be able to approve or disapprove an annexation depending on the individual circumstances of each request. Vice-Chairperson Souders further explained some of the reasons the CCURB Committee chose the locations of each line including consideration of public comments and the existing zoning versus existing land use patterns. Commissioner Leonard asked if the property outside the UGA will automatically be downzoned to which staff responded that any changes in zoning outside the UGA will be done by the county and it will be through their normal public hearing process. . Commissioner Hulett began a general discussion between staff and the commission on population forecasts and the size of the UGA, including references to number of acres zoned for residential, industrial and commercial purposes; the balance of developed and vacant acres; and the projected need for such areas. Discussion continued on public comment heard at the City council's publ ic hearings and the previous recommendations of the CCURB Committee and the Planning commission with each Commissioner expressing his opinion on changing their recommendation. Commissioner Leonard moved the Planning commission should pass the CCORD committee recommendation on to the city council without the Planning commission taking any further action on the item at this time. The motion died for lack of a second. commissioner Leonard moved the planning commission revise their original recommendation to include a 10 year line as recommended by the CCURB committee and to keep the 20 year line as previously recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by commissioner Hulett. The motion carried 4-2 with Vice-Chairperson Souders and Commissioner Catts voting no and Chairman Gruver beinq absent. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. CRITICAL AREAS STUDY, PROPOSED REGULATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGOLATIONS:(City-wide) . staff explained the City'S responsibility under the state Growth Management Act to protect critical areas which include wetlands, wildlife habitat, geologically hazardous areas and other environmentally. sensitive areas. staff explained the City'S Growth Management Advisory Committee has been reviewing these proposed regulations but has not yet completed their PLANNING COMMISSION July 31, 1991 Page 3 . recommendation for the planning commission. staff recommended the Planning Commission schedule additional meetings and public hearings on the proposed regulations which will allow the Planning commission more time to review the proposed regulations, more time to notice these public hearings and encourage public comment as well as more time for the Growth Management Advisory Committee to complete their recommendation to the Planning commission. Vice-Chairman Souders opened the public hearing. Robbie Mantooth, 2238 E. Lindberg Road, stated she was encouraged by the fact that the city is considering such regUlations. Because of the importance of such regulations she requested there be additional public hearings with opportunities for her and others to comment in detail on various portions of the regulations, which include resource lands inside the UGA, classifications of wetlands, the use of independent consultants, more citizen review of permits, the use of general terms in the regulations, adequacy of protecting the sensitive areas and the cumulative affect of multiple small individual projects. . Rosemary Cockrill, 1162 Marsden Road, asked if an area inside the existing city limits could be designated as a critical area. Staff explained that situation could occur. Further, land inside the city limits designated as a critical area would be protected by the proposed regulations. She added that she agreed with Ms. Mantooth's comments. Hank Offerman, 145 Benson Road, stated he was concerned about enforcement of the regulations and agreed with Ms. Mantooth regarding the use of independent consultants to delineate environmentally sensitive areas for proposed development projects. There being no further comment, commission Hulett moved to continue the public hearinq to september 25th in accordance with staff's recommendation. Commissioner Leonard seconded the motion wbich passed 6-0. v. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. . VI. STAFF REPORTS Staff briefed the Commission on their upcoming schedule of meetings. PLANNING COMMISSION July 31, 1991 Page 4 . VII. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Leonard reported on the requirement for a hydrology report on any projects with 5,000 square feet of impervious surface. VIII. ADJOURNKENT Vice-Chairperson Souders adjourned P.M. meeting at 8: 15 ~~ Brad Coll1ns, Secretary ~ . . Prepared by: OS DS;2-C:/WP/PC/07-31-91.M . PLEASE SIGN IN CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attendance Roster Type of Meetin P Date Location Name ./ r Address q~l (,v, I g tt r 1/ L:2 'nqY--sJ-~ \L6t0 P /1.-5 tf TAJ r1~ .t>l- n 2.,"\ W n 1"\\ ~.~. 33() f~~ 7tcL fJ. d :::;~~ / Sa, . -b