HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/1965 ,;rr . ~.. . . . . e Minuteo ot tho roqular ceeting of the Port Angel.. Planning Commi'Gion, September 7th, 19d'~ MeGbers present were Anderlon, Dilling, Driscoll, Hankin., Hunt, McGee end Strange, al.o present were Director of Public Works John B. Warder and Building Inspector Robert Willson. dlnuteo of the previous .eeting were read and approvedo First order ot busineas was consideration of the application ot the Pilqri. Holiness Church for a variance from the Zoning regulations that would per.it the construction of an entranco to their present church building which would be closer to Lopez Street than allowed. Thl. .atter had been held over from previous meeting. 8. the original request did not aeet with the approval of the Comml..lon. Royo Clifford E. Hacker, pastor of the Church, wao present and subaitt.d a modified request which compVed with most of the zoning reQulationa, a motion wa~ passed, recommending to tho City Council the aodified request be approvedo Chairaan announced the application for a variance tiled by Carl ROle on property at 424 Ea.t Va.hon had been withdrawn and the .atter ... now con.idered clo..do Mr. Harlan Parker of 1111 W.st 15th Street Dade inquiry on the pOI.Iblity of obtafnlng permission to install a houle trailer on his property to house an ailing Doth'ro Mr. Parker .as advi.ed no new hOUse trailer permit. were being i,suod. The next order ot business was the conlideration of matters that had been referred to the Commission by the City Councl1o First .a. a request trOD Mr. Wa. B. Dennis for permission to connect to city water and sewer to service his property located at Molody Lane and the Golf Club Road, an area outside the city Ii_it.. During the discua.ion it was pointed out by Mr. Denni., other houses located along the Melody Lane Roadway had been given water service in the p..t and he felt that to deny hi. would bo di8cri.i- nation. After a lengthly discus. ion, during which the problem of annexing the property to the City was considered and to which Mro Oennl. agreed but doe. not feel that with only one lot he would be ift a position to do much along that line~ a motion was passed recoaaonding to the City Council the application of Nr. Dennis for water be approved and hi. application tor a sewer connection be denied. Another matter referred to tho Commi..ion by the City Council was a request trOD Mr. James Fa Meehan for a water con- nection to .ervico 24 lots in Blocks 1 and 2 of Tafts addition to Port Angeleo located on the e.st side of the Golf Club Road and oouth of the Golt Club. During the di.cussion it was deterMined thl. area should be con.idered for annexation to the city before any privile9G. ot city utili tiel be considered. A motion was pa.aed recom.ending to the City Council the application be deniedo Mr. Ron Rich.ond ot 304 V..hon inquired about a Radio Repair shop on hi. propertyo Mra Rlchmond I. conducting such a service at present, uiah.. to build and Dove to the other side of his property. He wao advised to ..ke an application tor a varianceo There .a. a genera! diecu.aion on the upcoDinq ZoninQ Ordinanco whlch will be lubaittad by MoGoPool. the first part of Nove.ber~ ~ /...""""" . . . ".inutes -- e September 7, 1965 e Ydge 2. No further business appearinq meeting adiourned ~t 9 ~.Mo Resppctfully submitted, Fred C. Strange, Chai'rmd n Hugh H.--Harik'ins, Secretary