HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/26/1970 MEMO: October 22, 1970 TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission a\ RE: Meeting scheduled for October 26, 1970 . "' 1 Old Bus iness .' · Rezoning request at DelGuzzi 'Construction tor area in vicinity of Vine and Lopez. Tabled originally September 14, 1970. Karen McFarland, request to install mobile home at 19th and "FI1 Streets for two years~ Tabl~d, at l~st ~eeting pending report from Health District on feasibility of septic tank installation. I have talked with the Health Distr~ct about this, but as of this date I have received no report.' , New Business - One variance request has been received and posted for hearing at this meeting. Mr. James I. Bairey has requested a variance to permit the enlargement of a pre-existing non-conforming single-family residence at 1021 East Boulevard. The existing house does not have the required twenty-five foot setback from the north margin of Boulevard. It is proposed to cons true t a new room on top of the pre sen t carp art on the W8st side of the house. Mr. William B. Dennis has requested consideration be Jiven to a land swap involving the I1L" Street ri1ht-of-way north of west 4th Street at the top of the 11111 Street Hill. e Mr. Darrell E. Petersen has requested the rezoning of approximately 12 acres above the Waste Water Treatment Plant from RS-7 to RMF. The hearing on this request was published for this date. Council Action - At its reguar meeting of October 20,1970, the City Council took the following action on Planning Commission business: Anthony Jalgano - approved, per recommendation J.D.Myers - approved, per recommendation Robert Bowen - approved, per recommendation Johnie Key - approved, per recommendation Robert Worthington - approved, per recommendation Graham Ralston - approved, per recommendation Alpine Builders - concurred with recommendation Other Business - Enclosed are the revised copies of the Zoning ordinance, and a copy of the zoning map as it currently exists. These regulations have not yet been ma~ official as the ordinance has not been passed. More than likely, final action will await the outcome of the two above rezoning requests since it makes sense to amend the map at this time, if it is to be amended, r~ther than do it two weeks after passing an ordinance approving the enclosed re 1U 1 at ion s . As of this date, I know of nothin~ else to come before the Planning Commission at this meeting. . R. P . Will s on Secretary . e . Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 1970. Fresent: Chairman Hunt, Sannes, McHone, Young, Anderson, Treat, Dill i n 9 and ; e c r eta ry Wi 11 son. Absent: None The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the ~unicipal Chambers. The ~inutes of the meeting of October 12, 1970 vere approved as received. Old besiness - The request of DelJ~zzi Constructic~ fo~ a rezone 1n the vicinity of Vin~ and Lopez Streets ~as Post90ned for consider~tion l~ter in the m2p.ti~q. Karen McFarland's application for approval to install a ~obile hose as living quarters on Lots 9 & 10 Block 458 To~nsite was brouJht off the table. The property is located on the sou~he3st corner of 19th and n;:" Streets. It is r.lesired to locate a r,lObile horM~, to replace two substandard shacks, and utilize it for ~ousin~ for ~iss ~cFarland and ~e~ brother while they attend Peninsula College for the next two ye~rs. 7he secretary had received a memo from the Oiitrict Health office approving installation of a septi~ tank to serve this property. A :enJthy discussion ensued, followfng which it was moved and voted to ~ecomGend approval of the request, with the followin} conditions; 1. Septic Tank and drainfield must be installed to serve the mo~ile home prior to occupancy. 2. The variance is valid only for occupancy of this un~t by ~iss ~cFarlij~d and her brother. There is to be no subleasing or renting of the mobile home. 3. The variance is :Jranted for two years only, until the t\110 in.ji'liduals complete their courses at Peninsula Colle'ge. If these indi'liJ'_<::"s cease to attend colleJe prior to this time limit, the variance is automatically void. At the termination of this variance, the ceniIe home is to be promptly removed. Miss McFarland was in attendance, and members e~phasi:ed to her that their approval was only of a te~porary nature to assist the~ in furt~ering t~eir education. The unanimous feeling of the cOQ~ission ~as thct Lobile' ~oQe use as a solution to this type of problem was not desirable and it should be clear that this variance would not be/regarded by them as e;::;tablishing a prece:..~ent. Voft..--s /"l.favP'l""""... I "ffC'$t!&1# Ne~ Business One variance request had been received and ?roperly posted for hearin} at this meeting. Hr. James L Bairey had requested a variance to permit him to construct an addition to a pre-existing, non-confornin] sin91e fanily residence at 1021 East Lauridsen Boulevard. The present structure has less than the required setback rroQ the north riqht-of-~ay line of the 3oulevardo It is proposed to construct one room abovetne existing car- p2rt. Arter a orief discussion it was voted to recommend the request be approved, since it will not chanle the existing situation. Other Business - Mr. William B. Dennis had submitted a letter requesti~; :~e city to vacate that portion of IlLII street lying north of west 4th St"ect and south of the Chicago-Milwaukee railroad ri)ht-of-way, in excha~:~ for some neighboring property which he has acquired since he prev~ous:y submitted a similar request. A memo from the ~)i:cector at Public ..CL{S was read, and it was apparent that vacation of this area would not provide sufficient area to construct a house as ~r. Dennis proposes. h. . - e Uinutes - Plannin] Commission puge 2. Octq26, 1970 rollo~ing a brief discussion it was felt there was insufficient justifi- cation for RakinJ this vacation and it was voted to reconmend the request be denied. ~1r. Darrell 2. Peterson had requested a rezoning of a 12 acre 2.:::e3, immediately nort?, of t.he fJort An]eles ','!~ste ;,Tater Treatr.lent l;lant f~on RS-7 to RMF. The chairman announced ~te hearinj on this request ';Jas no:'1 open. Mr. Peterson h'J.S pre:'ent a:1G ansi'/ered questions. ~:e::lOs ,;"::om the Jirector of Fublic \"foLks and ;.'t.:bl'ic ,}til:.ty Jistrict j'.o. 1 relative to sellerin) the area and providin) electric ~o~er and water service weLe read. No object.ions wer.:> present.ed. ';ef:lbers discussed access to the area and availability of police and fire protection. ?ollo~ing the discussion, it was 'fated to recor';'}]'Tjend this area be rezoned to an R :'.1F are a . The chair~~n then declared the hearin] open on the proposed rezonin] of the nreK bounded by Peabody Str~et on the west, Peabody Canyon on the east, Lauridsen 30ulevard on the no~th and Park ~ve. and ;.hiciby Ave. on thp. south. This are", encor,~pa5ses the p-opcrty requested for rezonin-] by DelSuzzi Construction Company which had been posponed earlier in the meetingq E1even property owners from this district were present to voice their objections. A memo from the Director of Public ~orks, was read, relative to availability of city services in the area. A prolon]ed discussion followed. Members then moved and voted to table this request until the Flanning CODmission meetin,] of No"'veQbcr 9th. The secretary was directed to contact the City Attorne"y re,lative to extent of the area from which protests :ould be considered and to prepare a protest napo Mr. Jack Plask.ett inquired about:; the possibility of obtaining a building parnit to erect a single family residence on a corner lot in the RS-7, observin] the 13 foot setback requireDent under the pro~osed amended zoning ordinance, instead of the 25 fast required previously. The Planning COffiQission felt this was no problem and recommended tr.e Building Inspector be directed to issue a permit, if this were the only item to be considered. No other business was presented and the meetbg adjourned at 9:00 P.~. *~9cf.ofr#- Ci;2t~!L~ FOR PUBLICATION IN THE PENINSULA HERALD OCTOBER 15, 1970 -" NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council will hold a Public Hearing i~ the Xunicipal CBambers at 7:30 p.m.) November 2) 1970 for the consideration of rezoning the following areas from single-family residential to multi- family residential: That area bounded as follows: l. Commencing at a point on the east margin of Peabody Street ,where it intersects the south margin Lauridsen Boulevard; th~nce easterly along the south margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the top of the west bank of Peabody Canyon; thence southerly along the top of the west bank of Peabody Canyon to the north margin of Park Avenue; thence wes~erly along the north margin of Park Avenue to the east margin of Eunice Street; thence northerly along the east margin of Eunice Street to the north margin of Whidby Avenue; thence westerly along the north margin or Whidby Avenue to the east margin of Peabody Street; thence northerly along the east margin of Peabody Street to its int~r- section with the south margin of Lau~ids@n Boulevard, the point of be- glnnlng. 2. Approximately l~ acres in the southern portion of Suburban Lot 1, lying between the Port Angeles Waste Treatment Plant and the Chicago Milwaukie and St. Paul~Railroad right-of-way east of Ennis Creek. '. FOR PUBLICATION IN PORT ANGELES EVENING NEWS OCTOBER 16) 1970 BLOCK AD N07ICE OF F0BLIC HEARING Notice of public hearing to be held October 26, 1970' by the City Planning Co~~ission and November 2, 1970 by the City Council at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Chambers) for the consideration of the following rezoning requests: , ' 1. Th.e area between Peabody Street and Peabody Canyon from Lauridson . Boulevard to Wnidby Avenue from residential, single-family to resi- dential) multi-family. 2. Approximately 12 acres lying between the Port Angeles Waste Water Treat- ment Plant and the Ch~cago,Milwaukie and St. Paul Railroad right-of-way east of Ennis Creek, from residential) s~ngle-famfly to residential, multi-family. ' - . . . MEMO: October 26, 1970 TO: Planning Commission FROM: John B. Warder, Director of Public Works RE: Requests for Rezoning and Street Vacation Lopez & Vine: We have no objection to any rezone. Utilities and street are available in close proximity. Suburban Lots 1 and 1 1/2 East (Part.): We have no objection to any rezone. Access from existing city streets is non-existent, and impractical to achieve. Exist- ing access from the city for sanitation, police and fire is by Baker Street in the County, about ~ mile east of the City Limits. Sanitary Sewer is available nearby at the Treatment Plant. City water and power are not available, however we understand these utilites are available from the P.U.D. Vacation of I1LI1 Street north of 4th: The City presently owns the southerly 83 feet (south of Railroad right-af-way) of the lot immediately east of IIL" Street. "VI Stree t north of the Rai 1 road R/W has a 1 ready been va ca ted. The "r" Street Hill road goes through portions of the abave mentioned lot, and also part of I1LII Street north of 4th Street. Providing the nI" Street Hill road was properly safeguarded, we would not object to vacating what remains of "LI1 Street. e . . Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 1970. Present: Chairman Hunt, Sannes, McHone, Young, Anderson, Treat, Dilling and Secretary Willson." Absent: None The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M.' in the Municipal Chambers. The minutes of the meeting 6f October 12,1970 were approved as received. ..., Old Business - . , The request of DelSuzzi Construction for a rezone in the vicinity of Vine and Lopez Streets was postponed for consider~tion later in the meeting. Karen McFarland1s application for approval to install a mobile home as living quarters on Lots 9 & 10 Block 458 Townsite was brought off the table. The property is located on the southeast corner of 19th and llF" Streets. It is desired to locate a mobile home, to replace two substandard shacks, and utilize it for housing for Miss McFarland and her brother while they attend Peninsula College for the next two years. The secretary had received a memo from the District Health office approving installation of a septic tank to serve this property. A lengthy discussion ensued, following which it was moved and voted to recommend approval of the request, with the following conditions: 1. Septic Tank and drainfield must be installed to serve the mobile home prior to occupancy. 2. The variance is valid only for occupancy of this unit by Miss McFarland and her brother. There is to be no subleasing or renting of the mobile home. 3. The variance is granted for two years only, until the two individuals complete their courses at Peninsula College. If these individuals cease to attend college prior to this time limit, the variance is automatically void. At the termination of this variance, the mobile home is to be promptly removed. Miss McFarland was in attendance, and members emphasized to her that their approval was only of a temporary nature to assist them in furthering their education. The unanimous feeling of the commission was that mobile home use as a solution to this type of problem was not desirable and it should be clear that this variance would not b~ regarded by them as establishing a precedent. Vr;-tt.-; Sin fnvor'J j "Fft?5t&1 New Business - One variance"request had been received and properly posted for hearin] at this meeting. Mr. James I. Sairey had requested a variance to permit him to construct an addition to a pre-existing, non-conforming single family residence at 1021 East Lauridsen Boulevard. The present structure has less than the required setback from the north right-of-way line of the Boulevard. It is proposed to construct one room abovethe existing carM pert. After a brief discussion it was voted to recommend the request be approved, since it will not chanqe the existing situation. Other Business - Mr. William B. Dennis had submitted a letter requesting the ci ty to vacate that portion of l1LI1 Street lying north of west 4th Street and south of the Chicago-Milwaukee railroad right-of-way, in exchange for some neighboring property which he has acquired since he previously submitted a similar request. A memo from the Director of Public Works was read, and it was apparent that vacation of this area would not provide sufficient area to construct a house as Mr. Dennis proposes. e . . Minutes - Planning Commission page 2. Oct.26, 1970 Following a brief discussion it was felt there was insufficient justifi- cation for making this vacation and it was voted to recommend the request be denied. Mr. Darrell E. Peterson had requested a rezoning of a 12 acre area, immediately north of the Port Angeles Waste Water Treatment Plant from RS-7 to RMF. The chairman announced the hearing on this request was now open. Mr. Peterson was present and answered questions. Memos from the Director of Public Works and Public Utility District No.1 relative to sewering the area and providing electric power and water service were read. No objections wen= pres,ented. ~Aembers discussed access to the area and availability of ' police and, fire protection. Following the discussion, it was voted to recommend this area be rezoned to an RMF area. The chairm~n then declared the he~ring open on the proposed rezoning of the area -bounded by Peabody Street on the west, Peabody Canyon on the east, Lauridsen Boulevard on the north and Park Ave. and "hidby Ave. on the ,south. 'Thi s aYl';:a encompasses the property requested for rezonin~ by DelGuizi Con~truction Company which had been posponed earlier in the meeting. Eleven property owners from this district were present to voice their objections. A memo from the Director of Public Works, was read, relative to availability of city services in the area. A prolonged discussion followed. Members then moved and voted to table this request until the Planning Commission meeting of November 9th. The secretary was directed to contact the City Attorney relative to extent of the area from which protests could be considered and to prepare a protest map. Mr. Jack Plaskett inquired about the possibility of obtaining a building permit to erect a single family residence on a corner lot in the RS-7, observing the 13 foot setback requirement under the proposed amended zoning ordinance, instead of the 25 feet required previously. The Planning Commission felt this was no problem and recommended the Building Inspector be directed to issue a permit, if this were the only item to be considered. No other business was presented and the meetng adjourned at 9:00 P.M.