HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/08/2000 . . . I. II. III. IV. v. VI. ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION 321 East Fifth Street November 8, 2000 CALL TO ORDER 7 p.m. ROLLCALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of October 25,2000. PUBLIC HEARING: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 00-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES - City wide: Proposed amendments considered to be minor in nature that are intended to refine, correct, and clarify existing procedures and requirements. The amendments include the elimination of hospitals and motels in the Residential High Density zones, the addition of chemical dependency treatment centers to the Commercial Arterial and Commercial Office zones, the addition of parking development standards to the home occupation chapter, adding aquaculture and telecommunication towers as unclassified uses, correction of public notice requirements and appeal procedures, and the provision of methods to combine clearing and grading and environmentally sensitive area application processes when possible COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC STAFF REPORTS Follow up information status of telecommunication ordinances. VII. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS VIII. ADJOURNMENT PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Fred Hewins (Chair,), LindaNutter (Vice Chair);Bob King, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Charles Schramm, Mary Craver PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist; Debra Barnes, Associate Planner. . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 November 8, 2000 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Bob King, Chuck Schramm, Members Absent: Bob Philpott, Mary Craver S taffPresent: Brad Collins, Debra Barnes Public Present: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Schramm moved to approve tbe October 25, 2000, meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MUNICIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 00-03 - City wide. Associate Planner Debra Barnes provided the staff report for MCAOO-03 which proposed minor amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code, specifically Chapters 15.04 Environmental Policy, 15.20 Environmentally Sensitive Areas, 15.28 Clearing and Grading, and 18.02 Consolidated Development Permit Process, and also Title 17, Zoning. Staff noted several corrections to the staff report, adding that similar changes need to be made in the findings, as well as in the draft ordinance. Commissioner Schramm moved to approve MCA 00-03 citing the changes, 17 fmdings and 4 conclusions, and minor typographical changes listed below. List of chan~es . · 15.20.070(B)(6) to add subsection (c) to read "Revegetate disturbed land to reduce erosion and landslide potential" 15.28.090(F) same as above 17.20.160 to read "chemical dependency treatment centers" · 17.23.040 to read "chemical dependency treatment centers" as a permitted use in CA zone . . . Planning Commission Minutes November 8. 2000 Page 3 proposed amendments would result in distinguishing the minor act of trimming limbs and shrubs (so long as damage to the plant does not result) from tree removal and/or exposure of the soils which can often times affect the integrity and/or stability of a bank or bluff. The additional definition U - Viewshed Enhancement would include those activities in a sensitive area such as tree removal or grading which should not be exempt. 15.20.030 - Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply: K. fLand-disturbing activity" means any use oj the land that results in: 1) change in the natural cover or topography that eXTJoses soils or 2) may cause or contribute to erosion or sedimentation. This does not include non-destructive vegetation trimming. P. "Nondestructive vegetation trimming "means the trimming. topping. or Droning of trees. shrubs. or plants which does not result in harm to the continued life and health of the plant and does OOt expose the soil suiface. U. fViewshed enhancement II means the removal of trees or vegetation to enhance a view when proposed in a ravine and marine bluff buffers. Viewshed enhancement does not include non-destructive trimming of vegetation as defined by this chaoter. 6. The proposed amendment to Defmition V - Water Types is to reflect recent emergency rules changes that are effective between March 2000 and June 2001 as well as proper reference to WAC 222-16-030. Because the water typing definitions have been under scrutiny associated with the Forest and Fish Report, emergency legislation, court appeals and because it would take several years for new maps to be available, staff recommends that a simple referral to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) definitions be made until this issue is sorted out. An alternative would be to include the new definitions according to current WACs which means that we may need to re-evaluate the definitions to avoid code conflicts if they are changed again next year. V. "Water types" include categories established ptirsttttlr:t ((j and defined in WAC 222-16-020 and -030, as amended. Refer to the WAC for a current description. fol:/(Jy~s. 1. "Type ] wate1 " 1nM1lJ till It!tIters, y~i(,~iH their ordinary ftigh w'ater mark, as invemoried as "sh01e:linl!s oftt'll! state" tinder chtIptt:r 90.58 R.W., but 1!ot incl1iilillg tJwu walel s r associtIud wetumds. 2. "Type 2 yt/afer" shtIll mean segments rJfnatttJ"a[ wtlters which are not classified ttS Type 1 YMtel aud haye tI high ItS(! and {If''(! important from a "y~atu qlitllity sftnrdpoint for domestic y~ater stipplies, pttblic reCf'e(ttio1!, fish spawning, reariltg , or migration or wildlife uses, 01 {If l! higltly significant to plotect .yWltt!r quality. This classification shaH be tIpplied to segments af llattiral H'(1ten ,~hich. tI. AI,,(! divll1edfOl domestic rtU by 17WI't! fflmf ;00 residemitIf 01 camping writs ()1 by a pttblic tIcctJ11l17todation/tIcility fieemed trJ sen.:e mare than 100 Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page 4 . persons, where Stich di vll sioll is determined by the Departmmt of Nattu at Ramu ces to be a 'vYilid appropriation fJj y~af€1 anti Nfe only pi actictII "yttatt;r JOtirce. for such mus. Stich 1Wlters shtIll be comitk! ed to be Type 2 l\~ter upstream from tJu ptJint of stich diW!rsimrfor ],500fw or tintil the drailldge area is reduced by 50 percent, wltichet!ll is less, . b. AI e within a fr:del tII, state, local, or pi i vate campgl'Otilltl hCf';;ling molY than 30 camping lmits, p1YJ""ided, however, that the l~aUr shall not be CtJllsidered to lltte! a campgl(Jtmd until it ''taches the boulltuuy of the park lantls a v'ailtlbl:e JYJr pttblic use and comes within 100 Ji!et of a camping unit, ffail or othe! peu k imp/ovemellt, c. Are tlSed by sttbstmrtitIlnumhers ()j~ mttttbommts (J1 resident game fish JiJr spawning, retiring or migm:ti011. "'~tel'S htI".,;ing the folwytJing ch(JIaderistics al"e presttmed to ,'tavt! highly sigllificant fish populations. i. Stream segments having tI defined channel 20 f-eet or g' eater ill "width bef)~etll the ordinary hig,'!-lwtter marks mId ,'tti:.ing a grttdient of'less thtlll 4 percent. ii. Impoundments ,'tdving a sttiface area of 1 tI[1 e or gl'eatel at seasolltlllow lVtUa. J. "Type ] V.~r" shaH nrettll segments ofnatul'tll y~atas "yl!hich ate not dassified as Type.} or 2 "vata mM !taW! a I1todemte to stig.'tt me and are nwdemtely important from a -y~aUI qttality standpoint JYJr domestic me, ptiblic recretllion, fish spa,~ning, 1'~ling, or migmtiml or wildUft tises, 01 have I1todemte >lttlut! to proUd .~aul quality. This cltissifictJ:tion shafl be tIpplied ttJ segments of Itdtural waters 111hich. a' Ale divertedftJr domestic use by mOle thall10 /esidential (JJ Cdmpillg units or by a ptibli e tIccommodation facility Ii cel1sed to sen"e mOl e fi'um 10 perSt11lS, where such di rel'sitJll is determined by the Depa.rtment fJj Nattiral Resotirct:s ttJ be tI 'vYilid tIpplopritItioll of y~tIter {lIld the only pmdical Htater SOtl1 a for stich users. Such wat-el s shtIll be considered to be: Type] WtIter ttpstream ft Olll the poilU of Stich divelsitJnfor .},5oof"tet (JI tilltil NIt MtIilltIge area is IYdttced by 50 percent, .ywfichlvel is less, b. Are used by Sigllifictl1lt Ilttmbel'S of alladt"tJl1W/:IS fish for spawning, I Mring or migratiOlf. WtItt!/S ha:v'illg the fo1lowi1tg draracterisNcs tire pI e5timed to ltdw! significant muuh m1WtiS .fis,r~ nse. i. Stream segmetlts ha-,;jng a defined channel oj 5 feet (J1 g' ettie, in Widtfl between the ordinary high."Yl!tItf!f marks, tlftd ltdflng tI gmdient of les s thaI! } 2 percent and not ttpstl'eam of a faNs of mOl e than 10 -vel1ical feet. if. JtI'tpOft1ldments Ira viag a stirfaa area oj le:rs than 1 acre at seasonallo'y~ y~ater aiM htI ving an outlet to all tIlfadl'Onw/:ts fish stream. c. Are used by significant numhers of /uidelr:t gaml fish. Wate! S y'Pith the ftJUm~illg charactel istics are presltmed ttJ lw ve signijiCttnt residettt gtlllle fish me. i. Stream regme,fls having a (kftnM chmuftl of 10 feet or gl'eate/ in width bety~u1! n'tt OIdilUflY high water marks, and a stimmel low flow greater thaI! O. J cubic fut pel second, (tlld a gmdient of less Mml 12 pe/'cent. . . . . Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page 5 ii. Impowttlments furring a sur:ftice tIre(t greater than 0.5 acre at seasoffallortJ .ytJtIta. d. Are high significant for plY.JtectiOIl of downstream water qttality. Tlibutal'ies ~lihich coutlibttte grMUI thmz 20 pel emf afthe fl(JttJ to a Type.} CJ1 2 V,~ter tl1't presumed to be significant for 1,500 feet from their confluence with the Type 1 tJ1 2 1f\l1tl!1 or 111ml h'~ir drainage area is Jess than 50 percf!nt of their drainage tIretl at the point of ronfltietlCt!, 'whiche'V'u is less. 4. "Type 4 yvatel " shaH mean segments of natttml waters which are not cl:tlSsified as Type 1, 2 01 J. Their significance lies ill their infhtence on 'wttt'i!r qttality diMnst, tam in Type ], 2 or 3 ~tJ{lters. These may he peH!ll1litIl or inte1tllitteut. This classijicatitJ1l shaH be applied to segments (Jf1rtIttlrttl'ytJttters which tire not cldssifted as Type }, 2 or 3, and for the ptirpose of protecting ylitlter quality dtrrtlJlstl eam a1 e classified as Type 4 'J~tu tipstrett11l mltil the chmmel 'width beromes less thall 2 fut in width bet'wt"eI! the ordintl1)1 high-waurmarks. 5. "Type 5 Hlt1lt~1 " means tiN otlu, ~tlctters, i1l1rt1ttlral water courses, incltimng streams with Of ytJithotir tI ltJell-defilled channel, areas of perennial or intel11littent seepage, ponds, and ltatttl'tll SiIlKS. DIYlilw.ge .ytJtIys hen-ing short periods of spring I"tUloff tire roUSideled to be Type 5 ',I!attrs. This clttssifictttimt shall be applied to all Harm al l~aUI s not classified as Type 1, 2, J or 4, tIretlS of pel f1IllitIl or intermittent seepttge, ponds alfd draillageways having short pel itJds 0:/ spring or storm rtUlojJ. 7. The following proposed amendments to PAMC 15.20.040 (B) may help to integrate permit actions and lessen the number of permit decisions or actions that will be needed to be made. Examples would be combining an Environmentally Sensitive Areas approval with a clearing and grading permit, and also other actions, such as an ESA approval with a shoreline substantial development permit. Amendment to Subsection "D" provides clarification as to the jurisdiction of the code. 15.20.040 - Aoplicability. This Section establishes regulations for the protection of areas which are environmentally sensitive. Areas listed, identified, classified, or rated as environmentally sensitive are those which are or may become designated environmentally sensitive by the City of Pon Angeles Comprehensive Plan or by separate studies which indicate that an area is environmentally sensitive. A site specific analysis which indicates that any element regulated by this Chapter is present will result in an area being classified as environmentally sensitive. B. For the purposes of this Chapter, development proposals include proposals which require any of the following: building permit, clearing and grading permit, shoreline substantial development permit, shoreline conditional use permit, shoreline variance, shoreline environmental redesignation, conditional use permit, zoning variance, zone reclassification, planned residential development, subdivision, shan subdivision, or any other land use approvals required by ordinan ce of the City of Pol1 Angeles or the Revised Code of Washington. Where possible. the City shall attach conditions to development DroDosals or combine permit decisions to ensure comDliance . . . Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page 6 with this chaoter while alleviating duolicate oermit decisions. D. This Chapter applies to all environmentally sensitive areas located on or adiacent to orooerties within the jurisdiction of the City of Port Angeles. Specific environmentally sensitive features (streams, ravines, marine bluffs, beaches) shall be defined and designated as set forth below. The approximate distribution and extent of environmentally sensitive areas in the City are displayed on the following series of maps onfile with the City of Port Angeles Planning Department: 8. The proposed amendments to the definition section of Chapter 15.28 would coincide with those proposed in the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Code. The proposed amendments to the exemption section under 15.28.040 would clarify that minor activities such as pruning trees would be exempt from the public notice and SEP A requirements. The proposed additions to 15.28.090 to add viewshed enhancement criteria would be consistent with the existing requirements set forth in the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Code under 15.20.070(6). 15.28.020 - Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions describe the meaning of the terms used: L. "Land-disturbing activity" means any use of the land that results in: lLchange in the natural cover or topography that exposes the soils or 21 may cause or contribute to erosion or sedimentation. This does not include non-destructive vegetation trimming. M. "Nondestructive vegetation trimming" means the trimming. topping. or pruning of trees. shrubs. or olants which does not result in harm to the continued life and health of the plant and does not expose the soil surface. O. "Viewshed enhancement IJ means the removal of trees or vegetation to enhance a view when prooosed in a ravine and marine bluff buffers. Viewshed enhancement does not include non-destructive trimming of vegetation as defined by this chavter. 15.28.040 - Permit Exemptions. Written permit exemptions shall be issued by the City Engineer. The following shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this Chap ter, provided that the exemptions set forth in Subsections G-JF--=-I shall not apply in situations where properties include environmentally sensitive areas: E- Non-destructive vegetation trimming with proper removal and disposal of debris. 15.20.070(8)(6). Viewshed enhancement. In ravine and marine bluff buffers, the Planning Director may approve alterations in vegetation coverage for the purposes of viewshed enhancement, so long as such alterations will not: (a) Increase geological hazards such as erosion potential, landslide potential, or seismic hazard potential; !lor (b) Adversely affect significant fish and wildlife habitat areas: and will . . . Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page 7 (c) Revegetate disturbed land to reduce erosion and landslide potential. 15. 28.090 - Standards. No land-disturbing activity subject to the control of this Chapter shall be undertaken except in accordance with the following mandatory standards: F. Viewshed enhancement. In ravine and marine bluff buffers. alterations in vegetation coverage for the ourooses of viewshed enhancement may be aooroved. so long as such alterations will not: fa) Increase geological hazards such as erosion potential. landslide potential. or seismic hazard potential: nor (b) Adverselv affect significant fish and wildlife habitat areas: and will (c) Revegetate disturbed land to reduce erosion and landslide ootential. 9. The proposed amendments to Title 17, Zoning Code, are minor in nature and generally pertain to clarification of defmitions and land uses. The proposed amendments to land uses that are specified in various zoning designations are generally a result of issues that have been raised throughout the year, many of which are associated with the analysis of the proposed drug and alcohol center in the RHD zone, as well as compatibility of new cell tower placement with adjacent uses, along with establishing an adequate review process for such proposals. 10. Through the review and subsequent approval of the drug and alcohol treatment center in an RHD zone, it was also discussed that hospitals and motels do not belong in that zone. In order to allow for new motel facilities, the Planning Department recomrne nds that they be allowed by conditional use approval in the CO, CN and CSD zones. Motels are currently permitted in the CA and CBD zones. Also, allowing drug and alcohol centers in the Commercial zones as a conditional use should also be made. 17.15.040 Delete hospitals (G) and motels (I) from the RHD zone. 17.20.160, 17.21.160, 17.22.160. Add Motels as a conditional use in the Commercial Office, Commercial Neighborhood, and Community Shopping District. 17.20.160 Add chemical dependency treatment centers as a CUP in the Commercial Office zone. 17.23.040 Add chemical dependency treatment centers as a permitted use in the CA zone. 11. The following amendments to definitions in Title 17, Zoning, will improve the current regulatory process for reviewing the placement of new telecommunication towers. This includes adding a definition for wireless communication facilities, amending the . Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page 8 definition of utility structure and also adding telecommunication facilities that exceed the maximum building height as an unclassified use. 17.08.115 Add definition of wireless communication facilities, as follows: Wireless Communication Facilities (WCFs)...means an unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of wireless telecommunications services included support structures, antennas, accessory equipment and appurtenances used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide or offer personal wireless communication services. WCFs include but are not limited to antennas, poles, towers, cables, wires conduits, ducts, pedestals, vaults, buildings, electronic and switching equipment. 17.08.105 Amend definition of utility building or structure to include wireless communication facilities to which the structure hei'iht is less than the maximum building height of the zone in which is will be located. 17.96.060(D) Add to list of unclassified uses: wireless comnumication support structures that exceed the maximum building height specified by the particular zone. . 12. The following minor amendments are proposed to address grammatical, typographical or other minor corrections in Title 17. Various Remove "conditional" in titles of 17.17, 17.18, and 17.26, as well as the table of contents for these sections. 17.96.060(D) Add to list of unclassified uses: 1) aquaculture 17. 17. 040 (H) Add: The number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined by the Planning Director. Any improvements to the parking area shall be determined by the City Engineer in accordance with PAMe 14.40 whereby said improvements shall be completed within two years of the date of approval. 13. The proposed changes to PAMC 18.02 are minor in nature and would be consistent with the 1997 changes to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review. 18.02.070 Application Review Process. . F. Notice of Decision. A notice of decision, which may be a copy of the report 0 r decision on the project permit application, shall be provided to the applicant and to any person who, prior to the rendering of the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted substantive commelUS on the application. The notice of decision slu111 be consistent with R. CWo 36.70B and shall include a statement of any threshold . . . Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page 9 determination made under Chapter 43.21C RCW and Chapter 197-11 WAC and the procedures for administrative appeal, if any. For non-administrative approvals, notice of the decision shall be published in the City's officially designated newspaper. 18.02.080 - Concurrent Environmental Review. C. Thefollowing requirements shall apply to concurrent SEPA review: 1. Except for a threshold determination of signijicttlla, the City may not issue its threshold determil'wiml (}t' issue a decision or a recommendation on a development application until the expiration of the public comment period on the notice of application. 18.02.070(E). Exceptfor the appeal ofa determination of significance as provided in R.C. W. 43. 21 C. 075 and WAC 197-11-680, appeals of other threshold determinations shall be submitted prior to and combied with any predecision open record hearing, if one is provided for the development application involved or combined with an appeal of the underlying proiect decision per PAMC 18.02.120. 18.02. 080(C) (2) If a public hearing is required ami the City; s threshold dete rmination requires public notice under Chapter 43.21C R.C. W., and 197-11 WAC, the City shall issues its threshold decision at least 15 days prior to the public hearing or shall complv with procedures under WAC 197-11-355. Optional DNS process. 18. 02. 120(A). If an administrative appeal of the project decision is provided by ordinance, combined with any environmental determinations, such appeal shall be filed within 14 days after the ootice of the decision or after other notice that the decision has been made and is appealable. The City shall extend the appeal Deriod for an additional seven days. if state or local rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 43.21C R. C. W. allow public comments on a determination of nonsicnificance issued as part of the alJpealable oroject permit decision. 14. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are most relevant to the proposed amendments: a) Growth Management Element, Policy (A)( 1 )(g) - Permits. Applications for both state and local government permits should be processed in a timely and fair manner to ensure predictability; b) Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objectives - Goal A -To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future; c) Goal B -To have a community where residential development and use ofthe land area done in a manner that is compatible with the enviromnent, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City; d) Goal C -To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment and enjoyment; attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interest; e) Policy C(l)- Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 2000 Page j 0 . districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. 15. A Determination of Non Significance was issued for this proposal on November 2, 2000. 16. The City received no written public comments on the proposed Municipal Code Amendment MCA 00-03. 17. The relevant state laws that provide authority for the code chapters that are included in these amendments, as well as the amendments include the following: Growth Management Act, R.C.W. 36.70A, Local Project Review, R.C.W. 36.70B, State Environmental Policy Act, R.C.W. 43.21C, and associated Washington Administrative Codes (WAC) including WAC 365-195 and WAC 197- Requirements for amending Title 17, Zoning are specified in Section 17.96.100, as follows: . 17.96.100 Amendments. A. In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map. B. Any amendments adopted by the Council may be modified from the fonn in which they were advertised within the limits necessary to relate properly such amendment or amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject to review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final passage by the City Council. C. No application for a change of zoning of any lot, parcel or portion thereof shall be considered by the Council within one year of the final action of the Council upon a prior application covering any of the same described land. This provision, however, shall not impair the right of the Council to propose by their own action any amendment or change in the boundaries of any of the zones in these regulations. Conclusions: . Based on the information provided in the Planning Department StafIReport dated November 8, 2000 for MCA 00-03, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: . . . Planning Commission Minutes October 25. 2000 Page lJ 1. The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the City r s Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to, Land Use Element Goals A- C and Policy Cl. 2. The proposed amendments will result in overall improved administration of regulations adopted by the city that pertain to the location of drug and alcohol treatment centers, hospitals and motels; the definitions of utility structures and wireless communication facilities, as well as the applicability of existing structure height standards as they relate to telecommunication towers. 3. The amendments will result in improved public service relating to permit processing and regulation integration. 4. The proposed amendments are in the public use and interest. Commissioner King seconded the motion which passed 5-0. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Brad Collins presented the Memorandum by Sue Roberds which provided a status report on the progress for the telecommunications ordinance. A public hearing is anticipated for the December 13th meeting. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ~ ~ '--:> Brad Collins, Secretary tl/h Fred Hewins, Chair PREPARED BY: D. Barnes · ~RTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PLEASE SIGN IN PLANNING COMMISSION ATTENDANCE ROSTER AND TESTIMONY SIGN-UP SHEET Meeting Agenda of: PLEASE NOTE: IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. Signature below does not REQUIRE you to testify - it only acknowledges your presence. "'t~.~~!j.~;~.Ir';::f;::t:~.~ . . c;ies=it::~O}l:f':2j;. .