HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/16/1965 . . Minutes of th~ rC'Jular meetinq of the Port Angele!; Planning Commission, November 16tht 1965. . M~~bprs present were Andersont Dillin~t Oriscoll, Hunt, McSee and Strange. Also present were Director of Fublic Work~ John B. Warder and Building Inspector Robert Willson. Minutes of the orevious meeting were read anrl arproved.. First order of business was a scheduled heartn') on the application rif ~. J. Goin of 502 East Viewerest Avenue for a variance from the Zoning ordinance that would permit a six foot additi~n to his present home that would bring the build- ing line within 21 feet of the street line instead of the ~5 feet required. No protests were filed. During the discussion it was brou1ht out this is a very sparsely settled block adjacent to the City Wat~r Reservoir, the only other house in the block being closer to the street line than the 21 feet requested by Mro Goin. A motion was offered and unanimously passed, recommending to the City Council the application be approvedo . Th~ next hearing was on the application of Crescent Shores Builders Inc. requesting a variance on Lots 1, 2t 3 and 4 in Highland View Acre Tracts located at the southwest corner of Park and East Streets, being adjacent to and immediately across Past Streets from the Bonneville substation. The auplication is for perl'lission to construct multiple occupancy units for college sturtents housing in a First Residential Zone. Ther~ were s~veral people present wishing to be heard on t~p application. Officials of the I:rescent Shores Builders spoke in favor of the application with further objections frnm nearby hom~ owners in- cluding Marylou Minks, ~'onty LannoYt San Tricka and others. The principal obiection was the traffic congestion that would result on account of limited strp.et access, a further objection was lack of informatton as to the nature of the proposp.d proipct, and bein1 unaware of the hearing. After further discu~sion a motion was passed delaying action until the Dece~ber 7th meeting. A study period and discussion of the oroposed zoning ordinance as submitted by M. 3. Poole followed. It was decided to continue our ~tudy of the ordinance each member making notes on any section he wishe~ to have further explained and that we not invite Mr. Poole to attend any meetIngs until after the Holidays as some of our members would be unable to attend during that time.. No further business appearing meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. Respectfully submitted, . Acting Secretary Fred C. Strange, Chairman