HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/17/1968 _ oJ'"-..-f'" . . ., Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of December 1 7, 1 968 . Present: Hunt, McHone, Anderson, Treat. Dilling and Building Inspector Willson. Absent: Hankins, Driscoll Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received. Old Business - The request of Robert Lyons 511 East Whidby for a variance to operate an ambulance service out of his home in an RS-7 zone had been previously tabled to provide time for the preparation ot an area map showing the distribution of favoring and protesting signatures. Such a map had been prepared and signatures indicated owners of approximately 26% of the property lying within four hundred feet of the applicants property were opposed, approximately 7% favored, and the remainder had expressed no opinion. Following a lengthy discussion, the motion was made to recommend the request be denied. The recommendation was carried with one vote abstained~ Mr. Floyd McRevey, of Uptown Motel Enterprises, had requested a rezoninq, for the north 100' of lot 20 Block 32 Tcwnsite, from RMF to CBO. Mr. McRevey proposes to construct a nine unit motel on this property. A lengthy discussion followed which touched on the following items: percent of lot coverage, ratio of parking to units, setback and sideyard clearances, height, spot-zoning, natural zoning barrier formed by the topography etc. It was pointed out to Mr. McRevey that the motel occupancy had been inc 1 uded in the llCond i ti onal Uses II of the RMF z one when the new zoning ordinances was adopted, so he would not be prevented from future expansion, provided the other requirements of the zone werp reasonably met. Should the zoning be changed, Mr. McRevey would still have to obtain variances from some of the requirements in order to construct the type of building he proposes. It was therefore felt to be in the best interests of the community that the existing boundaries of the zoning districts be retained in this area and it was voted to recommend the rezoning request be denied. Mr. Morris Rice, 519 South Oak St. had requested a variance from the zoning regulations of an RMF zone which would enable him to construct a four unit apartment on Lot 10 Block 165 Townsite. At the last meeting a variance had been recommended for approval of the waiver of the ratio of lot area to number of units; for a side yard setback of not less than eight feet from Oak Street, but no recommendation had been made relative to the minimum lot size requirement. It was voted to recommend a variance be granted as follows: 1. permission to construct a four unit apartment on Lot 10 Block 165 as requested, with a waiver of the minumum lot size requirements and ratio of area-to-units requirement. However the setback from Oak Street must be at least eight feet, and greateti' if possible without encroachin] onfue sideyard clearance abutting Lot 9 on the east. New )\Business .. Mr. John J. Mahaney, 105 East 2nd Street, had reque~ted a variance from the regulations of the CSD-C2 zone which would permit the construction of an additional structure, adj9cent to his present one, to be used as a motel. Also a rellet from the setback requirements abutting the alley. Following 04'" ... . . . ~ Minutes - Planning Commission December 17, 1968 page 2. a short discussion, it was voted to recommend approval of the request. Alpine General Builders had requested a variance for Lot 14 Block 98 Townsite. The owner proposes to construct an addition to an existing, non-conforming single family residence and also to construct a carport closer to the side property line than permitted. During the discussion on this request it was noted that, being bluff property, the owner is severely restricted for usuable land. It was voted to recommend approval of the request, provided, the new carport is not to encroach into the front yard setback any further than the existing house does, and west side of carport remains open. Other Business - Mr. & Mrs. McWilliams presented another revision of their proposed "Seamount Estatesll plat. The revision was referred to the Public Works, Water and Light Depts. for recommendation on the feasihility of providing services, compliance with subdivision regulations, etc. Mr. Patri ck Hense briefly discussed the possibili t~t8fio establishing an auto impound yard at an existing serVice/on wes~ 8th street. He was advised to discuss details with the Building Inspector, and submit a formal application. No further business was presented and the meeting ad;ourned at 10:00 P.M. ~'l~rii/- . u , C air an Secretary . . . MEMO: December 12f 1968 - TO: Port Angeles, Planning Commission HE: Meeting scheduled for December 17, 1968 Old Business - Robert Lyons, 511 East Whidby, variance request for ambulance service operated from his home; area map has been completed with protest and support signatures shown as of this date. I have' heard that one or two more signatures in support of the request are to be withdrawn and entered as protests, but so far nothing has corne in to this effect in writing. Based on the data I have in my hands at present, there is - 524,000 sq.ft.approx. Total of property in 400' radius area (less str~ets and alleys) Total property on protests in area 13'if/pt71-3-l-,-we Total property favoring in area 34-J,;.-oO ~ (includes applicants property) Non committed in area 351,200 " " These figures are only approximate, having been obtained with a planimeter, but the same degree of possible error would exist for both those favoring and opposing. (This applies also to the fo11owing1 request by Mr. McRevey) 11 " (e5%) z," /0 " (i%) 7}o IT Floyd McRevey, Uptown Motel Enterprises at 2nd and Laurel Strpets; rezoning request, for the north 100' of lot 20, Block 32 Townsite, from RMF to CBD. An area map has been prepared showing property owned by people signing in favor or opposed to the rezoning. Total of property in 400' radius area 443.600 sq.ft.approx. 1less streets and alleys) Total property on protest in area Total property favoring in area (includes applicants property) Non-committed in area 238,150 " " (Here again, these figures were arrived at by planimeter and are approximate. ) e- 28,900 176,550 It II ( 6 . 5%) 11 ( 39 . 8% ) 11 Morris Rice, 519 South Oak St.; request for variances which would permit him to construct a 4-unit apartment on a lot below minimum size and with insufficient setback. This request was acted upon and approval recommended. Subsequently the question arose over the lot widthf which is required to be 100' for apartments in an RMF zone. Because of this, the City Council referred it back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. New Business - Two variance requests have been received and properly posted for hearing at this time. Mr. John J. MahaneYf 105 E. 2nd St. has requested a variance from the regulations of a CSD-C2 zone which would permit him to construct a motel in a CSD-C2 zone and wi th 1 ess than the requi red setback from & the alley right of way. This is to be built on Lot 12, Block 31 N.R. .., Smith subdivision, located on the lot east of Mr. Mahaneys existing building. The present structure was erected prior to our current zoning ordinance. . .~ .' D.ec../2. IVJ~wtO I CO'vl.-!"l1v~J Alpine General Builders have requested a variance from the regulations of the RS-7 zone which would permit the construction of an addition to an existing, non-conforming SFR and also the construc- tion of a new carport closer to the property line than the 7' required in this zone. This property is located at 727 West Fourth Street. Other Business - Mrs. McWilliams advised me that they have another platting of their lISeamont Subdivision" and will bring it in for discussion this next meeting. The YMCA is proposing to purchase the building west of the new Evening News-building and move it to a vacant spot on the south side of their new gymnasium. As far as the building code is concerned, this would be permissible, providing the proper clearances can be obtained f rom the exi sting building s. In order to obtain the prope r clearances it may be necessary to apply for a variance. Also, the property currently exceeds the 30% lot coverage. The off-str0et parking is inadequate also. They are agreeable to position the building in any manner required, but I suggested that it be submitted to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. e Council Action - At its last regular meeting on December 5, 1968 the City Council took the following action on items from the Planning Commission meeting of December 3rd. Gary Tuttle - property line too close approved as recommended. Morris Rice - four unit apartment on sub-sized lot - referred back to Planning Commission. to garage 602 West 14th St., e As of this date I have nothing further to be considered at this meeting. R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary e.