HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.519 Original Contract ,.. 5.5/'1 .OJ AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, CLALLAM COUNTY PUD #1 AND POWER ENGINEERS, INC. RELATING TO: Fiber Optic Feasability Study THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this '7tA. day of , 199~, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter code CI of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY"), CLALLAM COUNTY PUD #1, a mUnicipal corporation established In the State of Washington (hereinafter called the "DISTRICT") and POWER ENGINEERS, INC., an Idaho Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT'). WHEREAS, the CITY and DISTRICT desire to engage the professional services and assistance of a qualified consulting firm to perform the scope of work as detailed in Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it is in full compliance with the statutes of the State of Washington for profeSSional registration and/or other applicable requirements, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it has the background, experience, and ability to perform the required work in accordance with the standards of the profession, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it will provide qualified personnel and appropriate faCilities necessary to accomplish the work; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit A and shall include all services and matenal necessary to accomplish the work. The CITY and DISTRICT may review the CONSULTANTS work product, and if it is not satisfactory, the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY and DISTRICT. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XI of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the standards of the profession and in compliance With applicable federal, state and local laws. The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of all parties. II OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic negatives, or other presentations of the work shall become the property of the CITY and DISTRICT for use without restnctlon and Without representation as to sUitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically verified or adapted by the 1 .~ CONSULTANT. However, any alteration or reuse of the documents, by the CITY, DISTRICT or by others acting through or on behalf of the CITY or DISTRICT, will be at the CITY's and DISTRICT'S sole risk. III DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES Each party shall designate its representatives in writing The CONSULTANT'S representative shall be subject to the approval of the CITY and DISTRICT. IV TIME OF PERFORMANCE The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by all parties. The work shall be completed In accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit C. V PAYMENT The CITY and DISTRICT shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth in this section of the Agreement. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and allla bor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. A Payment shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT'S cost for actual labor, overhead and profit plus CONSUL TANT'S direct non-salary reimbursable costs as set forth in the attached Exhibit B. 1. Labor costs shall be based on the hourly rates shown in Exhibit B. Hourly rates shall be based upon an individual's hourly wage, times the total number of hours worked. General clerical time shall be considered an overhead item, except where specific work items are involved that reqUIre one hour or more continued effort, in which case time will be charged on the basis of hours worked. 2. The direct non-salary reimbursable costs are those directly incurred in fulfilling the terms of thiS Agreement, including, but not limited to, travel, subsistence, telephone, CADD computer, reproduction and printing, supplies and fees of outside services and consultants B. The CONSULTANT shall submit invoices to the CITY and DISTRICT no more often than a monthly basis. Invoices shall detail the work, hours, employee name, and hourly rate; shall itemize with receipts and invoices the non-salary direct costs; shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope of Work to which the costs are related; and shall indicate the cumulative total for each task. The CITY and DISTRICT shall each receive invoices showing total invoice amount, the CITY share of the invoice, and the DISTRICT share of the invoice C. The CITY and DISTRICT shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project that has been completed less the amounts previously paid. D. The CONSULTANT invoices are due and payable Within 30 days of receipt. In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment E. Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT will be made upon the completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY and DISTRICT. F. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of this Agreement shall be as agreed to by the parties in writing. 2 .~ VI MAXIMUM COMPENSATION Unless otherwise agreed to m wntmg by both parties, the CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement under this Agreement, mcludmg labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and outside services, shall not exceed the maxImum sum of $72,612 VII EMPLOYMENT Employees of the CONSULTANT, while engaged in the performance of any work or services under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the CITY or DISTRICT, and claims that may anse under the Worker's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omiSSion on the part of the CONSULTANT'S employees while so engaged, on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herem, shall be the sole obligation and responSibility of the CONSULTANT In performmg this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or contract with any CITY or DISTRICT employee without the CITY'S and DISTRICT'S wntten consent VIII NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT shall conduct its busmess m a manner, which assures fair, equal and non-dlscnmlnatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national ongin, or other legally protected classification and, in particular: A The CONSULTANT shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minontles protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements, and, B The CONSULTANT shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations Issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non discnminatory requirements m hlrmg and employment practices and assunng the service of all persons without dlscnmlnatlon as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origm. IX SUBCONTRACTS A The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered by this Agreement without the wntten consent of the CITY and DISTRICT B The CONSUL TANTwl1I be uSing the firms submitted with ItS proposal as subcontractors Subcontractors other than those listed shall not be permitted without the wntten consent of the CITY and DISTRICT C In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONSULTANT for work to be performed pursuant to a subcontract, mcludlng procurement of matenals and equipment, each potential subconsultant or supplier shall be notified by the CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement, mcludmg the nondIscrimination reqUirements X CHANGES IN WORK Other than changes dIrected by the CITY and DISTRICT as set forth m Section I above, either party may request changes m the scope of work. Such changes shall not become part of this Agreement unless and 3 until mutually agreed upon and Incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement executed by both parties. XI EXTRA WORK The CITY or DISTRICT may desire to have the CONSULTANT perform work or render services in connection with this proJect, in addition to the Scope of Work set forth In Exhibit A and minor revisions to satisfactonly completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed In a wntten supplement to this Agreement. The CITY or DISTRICT shall not be responSIble for paYing for such extra work unless and until the wntten supplement IS executed by both parties. XII TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A The CITY and DISTRICT may terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than ten (10) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. Written notice will be by certified mail sent to the consultant's designated representative at the address provided by the CONSULTANT. B In the event this Agreement IS terminated pnor to the completion of the work, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT, which, when added to any payments preViously made, shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the percentage of work completed. C. In the event this Agreement IS terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that are the property of the CITY and DISTRICT pursuant to Section II above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY and DISTRICT prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT. D. In the event the CITY and/or DISTRICT fail to perform their obligations hereunder, CONSULTANT retains the right to terminate this agreement upon the CONSULTANT proViding the parties written notice of the non-performance and the parties failing to correct the non-performance Within a period of time not more than thirty (30) days from reciept of notice. XIII INDEMNIFICA TION/HOLD HARMLESS The CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY and DISTRICT from any claims, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, ansing out of claims by third parties for property damage and bodily inJUry, including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of the CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT employees, affiliated corporations, officers, and subcontractors in connection with the work performed under this Agreement The CITY and DISTRICT agrees to indemnify the CONSULTANT from any claims, damages, losses, and costs, Including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, ariSing out of claims by third parties for property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY or DISTRICT, CITY's or DISTRICT's employees, or agents in connection with the work performed under this Agreement. If the negligence or willful misconduct of both CONSULTANT and CITY or DISTRICT (or a person identified above for whom each is liable) is a cause of such damage or injury, the loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the CONSULTANT and the CITY or DISTRICT in proportion to their relative degrees of negligence or willful misconduct and the right of indemnity shall apply for such proportion. Should a court of competent jurisdictio n determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, In the event of liability for damages ariSing out of bodily Injury to persons or damages to property caused by or 4 resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the CITY or DISTRICT, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANT'S liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of th e CONSULTANT'S negligence. It IS further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constItutes the CONSULTANT'S waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, TItle 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. However, the CONSULTANT expressly reserves its rights as a third person set forth in RCW 51 24.035. XIV INSURANCE The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for Injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage, and, 2 Commercial General liability insurance written on an occurrence basIs with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined Single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and prope rty damage Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations; broad form property damage, explosion, collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable; and employer's liability, and, 3 ProfeSSional Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 limit per occurrence. Any payment of deductible or self Insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CITY and DISTRICT shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General liability insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the CITY and DISTRICT as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance The CITY and DISTRICT reserves the right to review a certified copy of all required insurance policies in the CONSULTANT's office. The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or SUIt is brought, except With respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. The CONSULTANT'S Insurance shall be pnmary insurance as respects the CITY and DISTRICT, and the CITY and DISTRICT shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. XV APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County XVI EXHIBITS AND SIGNATURES This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes all pnor wntten or oral 5 understandings, and may only be changed by a wntten amendment executed by both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A - Scope of Work Exhibit B - Consultant Labor Costs Exhibit C - Schedule for the Work In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CONSULTANT MAY~r 'V'(\~. ".~ Date Dq - 08'" 99'- Date CLALLAM COUNTY PUD #1 1!l/tid;Pt/m.a Gener I Manager Date 9 -7-~9 ATTEST: ~~~JJp:.nA BECKY UPT I CLER~ " , .' !, \. ! 1\ '- N \PWKS\UGHT\POWM\FIBER\CONSCONT WPD 6 Exhibit A- Scope of Work Consultant shall perform work as outlined in their July 20, 1999 proposal (copy attached) to the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County PUD #1. Tasks and estimated costs are as follows: Task 00 Task 01 Task 02 Task 03 Task 04 Task 06 Task 07 Task 08 Task 09 Project Management (Joint) Benefits/Risk of Project (Joint) Network Architecture (Joint) Excess Capacity (Joint) Partnerships (Joint) Community Network Plan (Joint) Capital & Operation Costs- District facilities (District) Capital & Operation Costs- City facilities (City) Partnership with local Telco & CATV (City) Presentation of Findings- (Joint) Second Presentation (Optional) Total Project- Not to Exceed City of Port Angeles - Not to Exceed Clallam County PUD #1- Not to Exceed Estimated Cost $12,133 $ 3,248 $10,423 $14,644 $ 5,100 $ 6,168 $ 5,782 $ 5,782 $ 3,332 $ 3,000 $ 3.000 $72,612 $37,972 $34,640 All spreadsheets, maps, reports, graphs, presentations, or other material that are prepared electronically by the consultant shall be provided to the City and District in electronic form along with hard copies of the material. N .\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\FIBER\EXHIBIT A. WPD "'t ., ,,-,:.,~.: ", . ,.., """:.~"'" '. : .' -,.:.,'<., :~:z~~;;;.. (,:i:\<':,,:~\".'/ Proposed Fe,asi.bility Study Lfjo~,-': '....'* \ 1: ~ Clanam"GQiip',~YiP"UD & .:" E I V ~ L City of]~or,tt'.lrtgeI'es, WA L 211999 ,/,!H:","('1::C' ," '-;~,~,~ ,', PUD No. 1 i, ?flfl€',^ , " %,~f~\I~f~~te~~d\~ ~ ICtOr.lft . '. " ....[~..,. 'h-' ~~~~~ ~ ",c.\., ,:,/::-;~:~::~~~~~rnol. "'" '.;" : --1," ,,' ,.",'^" II.,,~.. . . '{vS:';~~\~~.~fft' ~~k].~ib. " :,: ~"'san D,e Fuca~~'~;r...;.l' . .,:;", '~--..I..... '.~(OUpeU.l1I "'.. , '.~. ".. :'/~.:.c~t-:", - ar.m,Be~c An'gQles~~'> .-"...,:.~~....,~ ~ToW~5Qn . . 01 isequim @,?"{f(:,,\'i~ ~G~~~rib;:a~;"':-:': ,','" ,.._ _ _ .... ~,<;,"I I' _, 1'-_ , B'IVil 20 -d'~rt ~a~io(k-E~';: . ! ~ @'~':;;;!,\::'::" '-=. . i 104 ' d'ort "tudlp.,w , : -':,; 9Han,sull ~ ., ''''..1 " "/ Quilce~e::'Etlmonds ,~~.: ~,~ R' ~ t-~ "POUIS~ . /i 8,rinn9n ", 305 '~i1 .J~~~ 3 i~'- ,1 ;':~,,~ ""~A t't'Lc ~ . ::A:. . ---'~~rd~~' .. .', 'o!ymPlc Natl~'\ "RlltwaUI manda park,: '-i1"- .Fo,r. -. ''It,. . 'I -: ;....l." "', '< '" oo~~port' Nel ton, . ,/ I ' ',.', / . - _/~p(;riS~ale . - . #91tW= .~~~:t:,,,p.~!':"'~~4!;~';k:;~.~-:~'~~}" ~~ -- .. , ,>~~~.,~~~.J'i<~, ~ Community Fi~ef,:"(i)jjtic?Nitwork '~~~~{~:,r :;; .., "."..,' ~ . . ~ . . ,_ ~ r, For More Information Contact on this document: William R. Kopp/Project Manager David Black/Project Engineer 1295 S. Eagle Right Way 1295 S. Eagle Right Way Boise, In 83709 Boise, In 83709 (208)378-6222 phone (208)378-6211 phone (208)378-0025 fax (208)378-0025 fax ,. '$~ql!€1 July 20, 1999 Co l/. t"/y ~/l"~ OAll 'Y/~D Y Quimby X Moon Electrical Engineer PUD # 1 of Clallam County 2431 East Highway 101 Port Angeles, W A 98362 RECE~\!~~ ~7'" Subject: 734900-00-00-00-02 Request for Proposal JUL 21 1999 PUD No. 1 Dear Mr. Moon, POWER Engineers, Inc. (POWER) is proud to submit the enclosed proposal to provide consulting services to Public Utility District #1 of Clallam County (District) and the City of Port Angeles (City). The following proposal is in response to the RFP requesting consulting services to help in the preparation of a fiber optic feasibility study. POWER's project team is highly qualified to provide the desired services. POWER's understanding of both the Electrical and Telecommunications industries places us in a unique position to provide consulting services such as those listed within. Our approach addresses the scope of project in the RFP and all aspects thereof. POWER will offer a consolidated approach to providing consulting services that meet the needs of the District and the City. We look forward to the opportunity to present, in detail, our approach to this project to the District and the City. Our project team is ready and committed to begin this project at your convenience. Please review the enclosed and if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact David or myself at (208) 378-0022. Sincerely, POWER Engineers, Inc. fA.) ~ l:{ K IYfJp- William R Kopp Project M~ager wrkIdfb cc: Brian Harp Gary Willis David Black BD' 80172-1086-99 POWER Engmeers, Incorporated '" ~~ .,.~~~l"j!_~~".,.4 If! Phone (208) 378-0022 Fax (208) 378-0025 j 1295 SEagle Fhght Way R",<p I(lohn ~17()() CONTENTS SECTION 1 PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY SECTION 2 WORKPLAN . Work Plan Task Outline . Task Sequence Diagram . Task Descriptions SECTION 3 POWER'S EXPERIENCE SECTION 4 EMPLOYEE QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE . Organizational Chart . Brief Resumes SECTION 5 COST COMPARISONS SECTION 6 REFERENCES Contents - 1 PEl BOI72-1217 (07120/99) dfb Proposal Cross-Reference The following chart provides cross-reference from the Sections of the proposal to the Request for Proposals. Request for Proposals Criteria Response Sectionffask Number and Title 3. Scope ofProiect Joint a( 1) Benefits & risk to the District and CIty developing Section 2, Work Plan network iointly and separately Task I a(2) Identify geographical issues and the advantages and Section 2, Work Plan disadvantages of multiple vs. separate networks Task I a(3) Identify and describe the advantages and dIsadvantages Section 2, Work Plan of governance oPtions Task I a(4) Identify the network architecture and deterrmne Section 2, Work Plan capital, installation, and operating costs Task 2 a(5) Evaluate possible future uses of excess capacity Section 2, Work Plan Task 3 a(6) Evaluate partnerships Section 2, Work Plan Task 4 a(7) Identify the advantages and disadvantages of leasing Section 2, Work Plan dark fiber, leasing excess bandwidth, and providing Task 5 new services a(8) Identify steps for designing and installing a community Section 2, Work Plan network Task 6 3. Scope ofProiect District Specific b( 1) Identify the capital and operating costs for providing Section 2, Work Plan voice, data, video, Internet, and SCADA to all District Task 7 facilities 3. Scope ofProiect City Soecific c( 1) Identify the capital and operating costs for providing Section 2, Work Plan voice, data, video, Internet, and SCAD A to all City Task 8 facilities c(2) Identify advantages and disadvantages of including Section 2, Work Plan local Telco and CATV providers in community Task 9 network 4. Proposal Content a) Approach and Methodology for this project, list of Section 1, Project Approach maior activities and milestones Section 2, Work Plan b) Firm's experience in completing similar plans Section 3, POWER's Experience c) List of employees proposed to work, includmg SectIon 4, Employee Qualifications & Experience Qualifications and experience and similar proiects d) Comparison of cost estimates for similar projects, with Section 5, Cost Comparisons final proiect costs e) References for three similar projects with contact SectIon 6, References person and phone number PEl 60172-1217 (07120199} dtb Contents - 2 SECTION 1: PROJECT APPROACH Introduction: Irs the Proce~~; Our goal in developing this Feasibility Study is to detennine the most appropriate use of fiber optic technology that enables the construction of a high-speed. high-bandwidth telecommunications network to maximize return to Clallam County PUD (District) and the City of Port Angeles (City) on both existing and new business opportunities. POWER's approach to this goal is highly process driven; that is, we focus on creating an environment of learning and discovery witlun the project team that allows us as partners to craft a plan for implementing solutions that really work. In our experience projects rarely fail for technical reasons. Although hardware and software selection is often the main focus of studies. generally the cost of products is only a portion of the total project cost. People working on the project incur most of the costs and often represent the greatest risk to successful implementations. As a result, our approach focuses on developing success factors like staff buy-in, political support, team alignment. functional work processes. strong leadership and a clear business mission. In our book, the 'who' is as important as the 'what' in successful solutions. In the following sections we summarize our approach. With the myriad of possible technical solutions available today, we focus on choosing the best solution for a specific business opportunity. Thus, the first step is to define what business opportunities are available and what a successful implementation of a telecommunications network means in business and political return to the District and the City. The Business Vision In this stage of the process we focus on the business objectives of the project. We examine the business issues and opportunities facing the District and the City in energy. voice. video, and data delivery. We explore questions like 'To whom does the District lease excess network capacity?' We focus on those business prospects that could generate additional revenue, avoid regulatory penalties. increase customer satisfaction, improve operational efficiency and defer or reduce large capital expenditures. We employ a facilitated group decision process to gain consensus on what business opportunities we should pursue to generate the greatest return to the District and the City. Current Realit) The Business Vision sets direction. Our next step is to determine where the District and the City are on the road to making the vision a reality. This task involves discovery on our part; that is, we learn through interviews. document review and direct experience who is involved in voice, data, video, Internet traffic and SCADA, what systems are implemented. where they are located and how effectively they operate. We document our findings and review them with the team for accuracy and inclusiveness. Ho'" Do ""\Ie Get There from Here'~ Our next step is to craft scenarios that could lead from the current reality to implementation of the business objectives. These scenarios diagram how the business objectives are realized through people, processes and technology. We call these diagrams 'Use Cases' since they show how the technology is actually used. The Use Case process is one of brainstorm. design, iteration and convergence. Through the process we generate a framework for BOI n.1212.GG (07/1lw.l) dlb Our goal is to determine the most appropriate use of technology for maximum retum. The first step is to define what a successful implementation means in business and political return. Project Approach - 1 determining appropriate technology. staff skill sets and implementation costs. The Use Cases are also important for determining the practicality and sensibility of implementing specific solutions. Ultimately. they form the foundation from which we recommend network architecture, technology, equipment upgrades and purchases. The Use Cases will help identify type and amount of excess capacity. allowing us to identify those potential customers that would likely desire the capacity offered by the District and the City. The Fea~ibility Stud:' Onfyie" After defining overall business objectives. the current reality and potential solutions, we perfonn a preliminary cost to benefit analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to create a sense of what solutions create the best value for the cost. As a result of the analysis. we make preliminary recommendations on the best way to proceed. These recommendations and supporting information are consolidated into a Feasibly Study Overview document that is the predecessor of the Feasibility Study itself. Our preliminary recommendations are reviewed and discussed with the team so that we all have an understanding and agreement on the best way to proceed. This overview document will also provide an example format for the Feasibility Study, with sections that need to be filled out as we continue with the project. Completion of the Feasibly Study Overview document serves as a major project milestone. We'll check in at this point with the team to get feedback on our performance, the quality of our work and the overall satisfaction with the process. The Descent into the Details This stage of the project concerns itself with the technical details of successful implementation. We drill down into the details of the existing systems and include a thorough analysis of user requirements. industry standards. security. staffing. interfaces to other systems, licensing, maintenance, vendor/consultant support, communications and operational history. During this process we also explore new technologies and directions in the industry that may allow us to 'future proof our suggested solutions. These details provide us the grounding necessary to make workable recommendations on equipment upgrades and purchases. In addition, we analyze the total cost of ownership for the potential solutions and consider the strategic direction of the telecommunications industry, the District and the City. Lastly, we revisit and refine the recommendations we suggested in the Feasibility Study Overview. Final Recommendations and the Feasibility Stud: All the detailed analysis leads to a draft version of the Feasibility Study. We meet with the project team, present the recommendations and receive feedback on the plan. We allow time for clarification, additional analysis and discussion during this process. A final document is produced and we allow time for a final presentation to the District and the City. Lastly, we make recommendations on the next phase in the process toward successful implementation of a network for the District and the City. 80172-1212-99 (07/16199) d1b We solicit team feedback on our performance and the overall satisfaction with the process. Project Approach - 2 SECTION 2: WORK PLAN Thi~ section contains POWER's proposed work plan outline to prepare a Feasibility Study for the District and the City. The work plan is a living document: that is. we intend to refine and adjust it based on feedback from the District and the City project team. It also fOnTIS the basis for detailed scheduling and budgeting. Our work plan consists of the following: . Task Outline . Task Sequence Diagram . Work Plan Task Descriptions The Task Outline includes the individual tasks and subtasks necessary to complete the project. Tasks are shown to be Joint, District Specific, or City Specific in their title. Each task represents a major milestone in the project. The Task Sequence Diagram is shown in Figure 1. The Work Plan Task Descriptions provide a framework for project planning and control and a basis for a detailed work plan. The detailed work plan, established by POWER, the District, and the City, will assign specific deliverables and responsibilities for each Task and Subtask. Project Control and wlanagement Your project will be administered through our proven project management and control system. Over the course of two decades, we have developed effective systems with the goal of providing our clients quality projects that are on time and within budget. This system has proven to be successful on large and small projects alike. POWER generates detailed status reports that allow us to closely track our projects, keeping their progress and project deliverables on schedule and within budget. POWER's work plan is understandable and straightforward. We use a common sense approach to tasks. assign responsibility and accountability; then, we get the job done. We have confidence in our employees and enjoy the challenges that these projects can bring. BOI72-1211-99 (07116/99) dfb Our process clearly defines deliver ables, assumptions and responsibility. Work Plan -1 -, TASK OUTLINE Task 0 Project Management Subtask 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Project Management Project Administration Status Reports Kick-off Meeting Task 1 Benefits/Risk of Project (Joint) Subtask 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 Joint District/City network Geographical Issues Multiple vs. Single Networks System Build Sequence Governance Options Task 2 Network Architecture (Joint) Subtask 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Existing Infrastructure Identification User Requirements Review Separate Architecture Design Separate Architecture Design Review Separate Architecture Capital Costs Separate Architecture Operation Costs Joint Architecture Design Joint Architecture Design Review Joint Architecture Capital Costs Joint Architecture Operation Costs Task 3 Excess Capacity (Joint) Subtask 3.1 3.2 3.3 Identify Potential Markets Identify Market Service Requirements Identify Markets Served by System Architecture Task 4 Partnerships (Joint) Subtask 4.1 4.2 4.3 BOI 72-1211-99 (07/16199) dfb Identify Potential Partners Identify LeveVType of Participation Partnership Facilitation Work Plan - 2 Task 5 Network Strategy (Joint) Subtask 5.1 5.2 5.3 Dark Fiber Lease Excess Bandwidth Lease Additional Telecommunications Services Task 6 Community Network Plan (Joint) Subtask 6.1 6.2 6.3 Identify Steps for Design Identify Steps for Installation Estimate Time and Cost Task 7 Capital and Operation Costs to All District Facilities (District Only) Subtask 7.1 7.2 7.3 Network Architecture Traffic Requirements Identify Capital Expenditures and Operational Costs Task 8 Capital and Operation Costs to All City Facilities (City Only) Subtask 8.1 8.2 7.4 Network Architecture Traffic Requirements Identify Capital Expenditures and Operational Costs Task 9 Partnership with Local Telco And CATV Providers (City Only) Subtask 9.1 9.2 9.3 80172-1211-99 (07/16/99) dfb - Advantages/Disadvan tages Identify Level/Type of Involvement Partnership Facilitation Work Plan - 3 Task Sequence Diagram for City of Port Angeles, WA & Clallam County PUD Feasibility Study for Community Fiber Optic Network Task 0 Proiect Manaaement (Embedded in Process) Task 1 Benefrts/Risk Assessment (Joint) Sub1ask 1.1 Subtask 1.2 Subtask 1.3 Subtask 1.4 Sub1ask 1.5 JoInt District/City Networ1c Geograph[cal Issues Muttiple vs Single Network System Build Sequence G ovem ance Options Task 2 Network A hltecture (Joint) Subtask 2.1 Subtask 2.2 Subtask 2.3 Subtask 2.4 Subtask 2.5 Subtask 2.6 Subtask 2.7 Subtask 2.6 Subtask 2.9 Subtask 2.10 ExIsting Infrastructure IdentificatIon User Requirements Review Separate Architecture Design Separate Architecture Design Review Separate Architecture Capital Costs Separate Architecture Operation Costs Joint Architecture Design Joint Architecture Design Review Joint Architecture Capital Costs Joint Architecture Operation Costs Task 3 Excess Capacity (Joint) Subtask 3.1 Subtask 3.2 Subtask 3.3 Identify Potential Markets Identify Market Service Requirements Identify Markets Served by Architecture Subtask 4.1 Subtask 4.2 Subtask 4.3 Task 4 Partnerships (Joint) Identify Potential Partners level of Interest Identify LeveffType of Parlicipatlon Partnership Facilitation Task 5 Network Strategy (Joint) Dark Fiber lease Excess Bandwidth Lease Additional Telecommunications Services Task 6 Community Network Plan (Joint) Subtask 6.1 Subtask 6.2 Subtask 6.3 Identify Steps for Design ldenUfy Steps for Installation Estimate Time and Cost Task 7 Capital & Ope tlon Costs to All District Facilities istrict Only) Subtask 7.1 SUbtask 7.2 Subtask7.3 Network Architecture Traffic Requirements Identify Capital and Operation Costs K&LAc...es=S. F \ c... \;\ ~6- L Task 8 Capital & Operation Costs to All City Facilities (City Only) Subtask 8.1 Network Architecture Subtask 8.2 Traffic Require- ments Subtask 6.3 IdentJfy Capital and Operation Costs Ta 9 PartnershipsWith Local Telco & CATV Providers Ity Only) Subtask 9.1 Advantagesl Disadvantages Subtask 9.2 Identify levellType of Involvement Subtask 9.3 Partnership Facilitation City Only District Only Joint ~llll'(flL8 (~~O Project Management (Embedded in Process I Task 1 Benefits/Risk Assessment (Joint) Subtask 1.1 S ubtask 1.2 Subtask 1.3 Subtask 1 4 S ubtask 1 5 Joint District/City Network G eographicallssues Multiple vs Single Network System Build Sequence Governance Options Task 2 Network rchitecture (Joint) Subtask 2.1 S ubtask 2.2 S ubtask 2.3 S ubtask 2 4 Subtask 2.5 Existing Infrastructure Identification User Requirements Review Separate Architecture Design Separate Architecture Design Review Separate Architecture Capital Costs Separate Architecture Operation Subtask 4.1 Subtask 4.2 Subtask 4.3 Task 4 Partnerships (Joint) Identify Potential Partners Level of Interest Identify level/Type of Participation Partnership Facilitation Task 5 Network Strategy (Joint) Subtask 5.1 Dark Fiber L~J~-se ---J- Subtask 5.2 Excess Bandwidth Lease Subtask 5.3 ~~io~nal Tel~~ommunications se:ces Task 6 Capital & operJon Costs to All District Facilities (District Only) S ubtask 2.6 Costs S ubtask 2.7 Joint Architecture Design S ubtask 2.8 Joint A rchitecture Design Review Subtask 2.9 Joint Architecture Capital Costs Subtask 2.10 Joint Architecture Operation Costs "_._~ as k-;;X~:~: ;~ cily (Joint) .., --.- ...--_...._.-...-...._-~---- Subtask 3.1 Subtask 3.2 Subtask 3.3 80172-1211-99 (07/16/99) dfb Identify Potential Markets Identify Market Service Requirements Identify Markets Served by Architecture Subtask 6.1 Subtask 6.2 Subtask 6.3 Network Architecture Traffic Requirements Identify Capital and Operation Costs Task 7 Capital & Operation Costs to All City Facilities (City Only) ._---] ---.....-..---...........-- Subtask 7.1 S ubtask 7.2 Subtask7.3 Network Architecture Traffic Requirements Identify Capital and Operation Costs Figure I-Task Sequence Diagram Work Plan - 5 . . . Ta k 8 PartnershipsWith Local Telco & CATV providers.City Only) ---.. -............-........-...........--- Subtask 8.1 Advantages/ Disadvantages S ubtask 8.2 Identify LevellType of Invo Ivem ent Subtask 8.3 Partnership Facilitation ------------ City Only District Only Joint .1lflf'/F WORK PLAN TASK DESCRIPTIONS Task 0 Project Management Objective: To facilitate completion of the project within budget. schedule. technical, and quality requirements. Key Elements: . Develop a clearly defined, District and City approved project technical plan, schedule, budget, procedures and communications protocol. . Monitor project progress and coordinate/prioritize/redirect resources as required. Project initiation work will begin upon the issuance of a written notice to proceed and agreement on administrative and communication procedures. Task 1 Benefits/Risk of Project (Joint) Objectives: To identify the benefits and risks to the District and the City either jointly or separately developing a fiber optic network to connect your facilities. To identify geographical issues that may significantly affect building a tiber based community network within Clallam County and compare the advantages/disadvantages of multiple vs. a single networks. Identify the advantages/disadvantages of the governance options for a jointly owned and operated community communications network. Approach: Prepare a GIS map identifying locations of the District and City facilities. Review District and City transmission and distribution routes, to identify areas that may present challenges to construction. Work closely with the District and City to document advantages and disadvantages of various governance options. Meet with the District and City to identify the perception of the network, review locations of sites and evaluate construction routes. Key Elements: . Benefit-Risk analysis for joint and separate networks. . Geographical issue identification. . Multiple vs. Single Network analysis. . Governance options for network. J 80172-1211-99 (07/16/99) dfb Work Plan - 5 Task 2 Network Architecture (Joint) Objectives: To identify the network requirements, architecture and physical location of facilities. Estimate the capital. installation, and operational cost for District. City, and Joint networks. Compare the three types of networks to evaluate the cost savings associated with each type. Approach: Use the GIS map developed previously to create multiple architectures involving the three types (District, City, and Joint). Work with the District and the City to determine the most appropriate architecture for each type. Determine requirements and estimate costs for each type for capital expenditures (hardware, software and installation), operation (staffing. training. and support), and maintenance (staff, training, and spares). Key Elements: . Identify specific requirements for each ownership configuration. . Identify network architectures for each ownership configuration. . Determine appropriate architecture for each ownership configuration. . Estimate costs for each architecture. . Compare costs for each architecture Task 3 Excess Capacity (Joint) Objectives: To identify and evaluate markets and potential uses of excess capacity. Approach: Conduct a market survey of Government, Educational, Medical Telecommunications, Cable TV, Utility, Internet Service Providers, and other markets that may be discovered during the project. This survey will identify potential markets and the service requirements of each market. Some markets may require service that do not fit with the chosen network architecture. These will be identified and the architecture will be reviewed to attempt compliance with theses markets. Key Elements: . Market survey. . Identification of requirements by market. . Identification of markets that fit within architecture. . Evaluation of changes to architecture that will support additional markets. 80172-1211-99 (07/16199) dfb I - Work Plan - 6 -. Task 4 Partnerships (Joint) Objectives: To identify and evaluate potential partners for the project. Approach: Identify potential partners that will support the political atmosphere, goals, and objectives of the District and City. Contact those potential partners and determine their level of interest and the amount and type of participation they are interested in. Once a partnership is identified. POWER will assist the District and City in creating an agreement that is beneficial and meets the overall goals of the project. Key Elements: . Identification of potential partners. . Determination of participation levels and types. . Partnership facilitation. Task 5 Network Strategy (Joint) Objectives: To identify the advantages and disadvantages for both the District and City strategies. Approach: Three strategies will be examined. They include installing and leasing dark fiber, installing a complete network and leasing excess bandwidth, and providing additional services. The market and partnership data gathered will be used to identify potential demand for services and the interest of others to participate. Market data for the region indicating the current and future services available to the community, the District, and the City will be gathered and evaluated. A review of WPUC rulings on competition in the telecommunications market will be conducted. This information will be summarized at a meeting between POWER, the District, and the City. A round-table discussion will take place to discuss the potential risks and benefits of each strategy. A consensus will be formed and used to provide a recommendation to the District and the City. Key Elements: . Market and Partnership information. . Identification of current and future services. . Review of WPUC competition rulings. . Discussion between POWER, the District. and the City. 80172-1211-99 (07/16199) dfb ... Work Plan - 7 Task 6 Community Network Plan (Joint) Objectives: To identify the steps for designing and installing a communIty network. if feasible. Approach: POWER will write a work plan to design and install a community communications network. The network will be based on the desired network architecture. A preliminary network layout will be created to identify the amount of time and estimated cost to construct. Key Elements: . Network Plan. . Timeline. . Cost estimate to construct. Task 7 Capital and Operation Costs to All District Facilities (District Only) Objectives: To estimate the capital and operating costs to provide voice. data, video, Internet. and SCADA to District owned facilities. Approach: The information gathered for the architecture (Task 2) will be used to identify the "look" of the network. Records will be reviewed and key personnel in the District will be interviewed to determine the quantity and type of service required at each site. The network architecture will be adapted to meet the service requirements of the district. Costs will be estimated to construct and operate the network Key Elements: . Service requirement identification. . Network architecture adaptation. . Estimating cost of network. BOI72-1211-99 (07/16/99) dfb Work Plan - 8 .,. Task 8 Capital and Operation Costs to All City Facilities (City Only) Objectives: To estimate the capital and operating costs to provide voice. data. video, Internet. and SCADA to all City owned facilities. Provide future network expandability to all City customers and support multiple applications in the network. Approach: The information gathered for the architecture (Task 2) will be used to identify the "look" of the network. Records will be reviewed and key personnel in the City will be interviewed to determine the quantity and type of service required at each site. The network architecture will be adapted to meet the service requirements of the district. Costs will be estimated to construct and operate the network Key Elements: . Service requirement identification. . Network architecture adaptation. . Estimating cost of network. Task 9 Partnership with Local Telco and CATV Providers (City Only) Objectives: To identify the advantages and disadvantages of including the local telephone and cable TV providers in a jointly owned and operated City community communications network. To identify the extent and processes necessary to involve the local telco and CATV providers in a community owned communications network. Approach: The information gathered for the market study will be used to identify the key personnel at US West and Northland Cable Television. Those personnel will be contacted by POWER and key City personnel, with information and a proposal to work with the City in a community network. Key Elements: . Identification of contact personnel at US West and Northland Cable. . Presentation information creation for meeting with both companies . Meeting with US West and Northland to present information and determine interest. 60172-1211-99 (07/16/99)dfb Work Plan - 9 ,w Exhibit B- Billing Rates Project Manager Senior Project Engineer Engineer III Engineer II Engineer I Designer II Designer I Staff Assistant Drafter Drafter I $110.00 per hour $ 99.00 per hour $ 93.00 per hour $ 81.00 per hour $ 71.00 per hour $ 71.00 per hour $ 61.00 per hour $ 48.00 per hour $ 48.00 per hour $ 38.00 per hour N ;\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\FIBER\EXHIBITB. WPD ... ,11.'---' ,~ Exhibit C- Project Schedule A detailed project schedule will be developed at the beginning ofthe project with final presentation to be completed by October 31, 1999. N :\PWKS\LIGH1\POWM\FIBER\EXHIBITC. WPD