HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/2019 Agenda PacketParks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meetings April 18, 2019 6:00 p.m. - City Council Chambers- Regular Scheduled Meeting AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes — March 21, 2019 4. Late Items 5. Public Comment 6. Finance/Packet Items 7. Legislation a. Veteran's Memorial Park- Liberty Bell Fencing 8. Guest Speaker- None 9. Director's Report— Information Only a. Departmental Update 10. Adjournment Phone: 360-417-4550 1 Fax: 360-417-4559 www.citvofpa.us I emessmer@citvofpa.us I facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec 321 East 5t" Street I Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 21, 2019 CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING: Vice -Chairperson Winslow called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Commissioners Forest, Kirsch, Milburn, Sinton, Tucker, Winslow & Wojnowski. Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Messmer APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Commissioner Forest and seconded by Commissioner Sinton to approve the February 21 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. LATE ITEMS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: Unchanged. I MMI ATION- Chair/Vice Chair Nomination & Approval- Commissioner Winslow was nominated by Commissioner Tucker and seconded by Commissioner Sinton. Approval for Chair was passed unanimously. Commissioner Sinton was nominated by Commissioner Wojnowski for Vice -Chair and seconded by Commissioner Forest. Vice -Chair was passed unanimously. Student Representative By -Law Change 2- Commissioner Sinton motioned to change Sectionl. Procedures 1.2. "Two members of the Commission shall be appointed by majority vote of the seven members appointed by the City Council. These two members shall be PertAnyeies igh Seheei stud . Students of the Port Angeles School District boundaries. " As well as Section 2. Criteria 2.2. "Student members must live in the school district boundaries and between the grades of 9-12 (Freshman—Senior Year)" motion passed unanimously. GUEST SPEAKERS: None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: This motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker. The 1. Generation II Dream Playground: Director Delikat presented an update to the Commission on the Generation II Dream Playground, including the conversations during a recent meeting between the Dream Playground Foundation President and AIIPlay Design. 2. Pebble Beach Park: An update was provided on the recommendation provided to the Council from the Parks Commission regarding the renaming of West End Park to Pebble Beach Park. 3. Winter Storm Update: Information was provided on the 2017/2018 winter storm which included the reopening of Lincoln Park and the partnership Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the relocation of the Parks Maintenance crew to a temporary location owned by the Port of Port Angeles. 4. 101 West Welcome Sign: Delikat mentioned that the PAHS and Jackson Smart took down the welcome sign that they erected in 2018 on Lincoln Street/Lauridsen Boulevard to do some additional painting so that the "Welcome To" portion of the sign was easier to see. 5. Charles R. Willison Park: Information was provided about a possible future project that included the Olympic Peninsula Special Needs Housing, the City of Port Angeles, and the potential use of Charles R. Willison Park. 6. Capital Facilities Plan: Director Delikat discussed in length about the City's Capital Facilities Plan and the specific projects listed for Parks & Recreation. 7. Future Items: a. Facility Use Agreement/Port Angeles Lefties. Questions/Comments: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Winslow adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m. The next meeting is April 18, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Iris Winslow, Chairperson Elliott Messmer, Secretary Page 1 of 1 2019 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report 25% Year Lapsed REVENUES 8012 - Senior Center Membership $27,000 $8,184 30% 8050 - Cemetery $115,000 $25,649 22% 8155 - Banner Rental $15,000 $3,498 23% 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch $5,000 $933 19% 8155 - Gateway $5,000 $100 2% 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals $40,000 $8,673 22% 8221 - Sports $157,000 $31,069 20% Total $364,000 $78,106 EXPENDITURES 8010 - Administrative $268,500 $56,593 21% 8012 - Senior Center Operating $179,200 $39,124 24% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance $160,100 $39,408 22% 8080 - Parks Maintenance $1,757,400 $83,425 20% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance $56,000 $7,963 14% 8131 - Facility Maintenance $723,300 $161,441 22% 8155 - Facility Rentals $106,300 $21,762 20% 8221 - Sports $203,700 $46,536 23% Total $3,454,500 $456,252 SA RGENT Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Lane NW Olympia, Washington 98502-9241 Tel 360 867-9284 Fax 360 867-9318 www.sargentengineers.com July 30, 2018 Mr. Jonathan Boehme, P.E. City of Port Angeles Public Works 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: City Pier — Task 4 Project No.: A18103.00 Dear Mr. Boehme: You have asked us to complete the following tasks for the Port Angeles City Pier: • Perform a visual inspection of the pier above the water line. • Field verify pier members so that a load rating can be performed. • Prepare a load rating for the pier. • Prepare a report that documents the condition and recommended load rating for the pier. While on site, we were able to access a portion of the pier from the ground. Areas over the water were accessed with a small skiff. The pier was inspected during both low and high tides. The pier orientation and numbering is consistent with the "Pier Replacement Plan", sheet number C1.1, dated 4/19/05. This sheet has been attached for reference. Note the structure is generally separated in "Promenade", "Approach Way", and "Pier Head". Below we have summarized our findings. TIMBER PLANK DECK: The deck consists of 412 planks running transverse to the stringers. The plank surfaces are weathered and checked with minor surface decay scattered throughout, and a few edge/corner splits. Soundings indicate scattered areas with minor interior decay. The deck is generally in good overall condition. TIMBER STRINGER SUPERSTRUCTURE: The superstructure is composed of timber stringers. Stringer size and spacing's vary along the pier. At the Approach Way, the stringers are 6x20 spaced 24" o.c.. Along the Pier Head, the stringers are 6x18 spaced 24" o.c.. Along the Promenade, the stringers are 6x16 spaced 48" o.c.. Generally the stringers are in good condition with only a few notable defects along the Promenade. — Stringer 4 in bays 1, 9 and 12 have a moderate sized split, see images 05 and 06. Stringer 4 in bay 12 has already been repaired. Page 2 July 30, 2018 — One stringer spanning from the Bulkhead to Bent 3A near Pile 3 has a 1-1/2" corner split near the Bulkhead that extends approximately 3 -ft. — There are several deck spikes miss -driven and protruding out of the side of the stringers scattered throughout. The splits caused by this are considered minor. TIMBER CAP AND PILE SUBSTRUCTURE: The substructure generally consists of 14x12 caps along the Approach Way and Promenade, and 1420 caps along the Pier Head. The caps are in generally good condition with only minor defects present such as checking in bottom and side faces. Piles mostly consist of 12" diameter timber piles with a few areas of concrete piles (discussed below). Most timber piles are in relatively good condition above the water line. Barnacles and mussels cover portions of the piles that are routinely under water. During low tide we visually inspected these areas and found a few piles with moderate to severe decay: — Pile 8 at Bent 5A is decayed to an approximate 1" shell with a 2"x6" hole 2 -ft above the ground line, see image 07. — Pile 17 at Bent 5A has decay pockets up to 6"x6" and 10" deep that are only visible during low tide, see image 08. — Pile 9 at Bent 1A has surface decay, see image 09. — Battered pile at Bent 1 has a decay hole and approximately 2" shell, see image 10. — Pile B at Bent 2.5 has decayed to an approximate 3" shell, see image 11. — Pile 10 at the Promenade has large vertical split along the top 2/3 of the visible pile, see image 12. — Pile 15 at the Promenade has a 8"x12"x5" deep decay pocket, see image 13. — Several bumper piles along the north side of the Pier Head are damaged or broken at Bents 11.5 and 12, see image 14. CONCRETE PILE SUBSTRUCTURE: The concrete piles exist in the Approach Way pier near Bent 4A and at the 5A cluster and are represented by hexagonal shapes on the reference sheet. Most of these piles are severely delaminated and many have spalls with exposed reinforcing. The reinforcing is severely decayed with observable section loss, see images 15 and 16. CONCRETE BULKHEAD SUBSTRUCTURE: The concrete bulkhead runs along the promenade and along the sound end of the Approach Way. The bulkhead has several areas of undermining - the worst of which is along the promenade below Bays 4 through 8. The bulkhead footing is exposed with up to 3 -ft of undermining below. At the bulkhead corner in line with Bent 4A, next to Pile 6, there is a large crack in the stem wall where the footing has settled due to undermining of the footing, see image 17. The crack appears to have been there for some time, and the undermining appears to have repaired with concrete fill which also serves as a footing for Pile 6. This repair may alleviate additional footing settlement. CAM AM 8Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 3 July 30, 2018 TIMBER SECONDARY MEMBERS The timber lateral bracing is composed of 48 diagonal and horizontal members. Much of the members are heavily covered with barnacles and mussels. Several members are decayed and some have decayed to failure, see image 18. STEEL PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL: The handrail is constructed of horizontal and vertical steel tubing. Paint failures are scattered throughout with many areas of severe to moderate corrosion. The worst areas exist along the east and south sides of the Pier Head at the end, and along the Promenade, see images 19 and 20. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Below the approach way, there is a utility blockout near the intersection of the Bent 3A and 5A lines. Two 3" water lines and one 1" electrical conduit run through the block out. One or more of the waterlines appear to be broken and leaking behind the bulkhead. The break is not visible from below the pier, but a steady stream of water is spilling through the block out, see image 21. A fire suppression sprinkler system runs along most of the underside of the promenade, approach way and pier head. Surface rust is present along many of the connections. Rusting is severe at some anchorage points. Several areas have become loose along the promenade. RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Many of the defects noted above are minor in regards to the service of the structure. Below is a list defects that require repair, replacement or maintenance: — The split timber Stringers 4 at Bay 1, and the Stringer 4 at Bay 9 should have sister members installed to restore capacity. Not that the existing Bay 9 repair is insufficient. — The severely decayed timber piles and the damaged/broken bumper piles should be replaced. — Band Pile 10 along the Promenade to mitigate further splitting. — The delaminated and/or spalled concrete piles should be all loose concrete removed, exposed rebar cleaned and sealed with epoxy and then repaired with mortar. — The severely decayed horizontal and diagonal bracing should be replaced as required. Removal of sea life from the horizontal and diagonal members may be required to quantify the extent of decay and damage. — The steel pedestrian railing should be cleaned, painted, and members with corrosion holes should be sleeved or replaced. — Further investigation from local utility department is required to determine the nature of the water leak below the approach way pier. — Corrosion damaged fire suppression system anchorages should be replaced. CAM AM 8Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 4 July 30, 2018 LOAD RATING SUMMARY: The load ratings were performed per the requirements of the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE), WSDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM), and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Currently the Approach Way and Pier Head portions of the structure highlighted on the attached reference plan (upper deck) are posted for a uniform live load of 500 pounds per square foot (psf). Based on the load rating results, we recommend restricting traffic to full Legal Loads or a 400 psf load limit. Thank you for this opportunity to be of assistance to you and we look forward to working with you on future projects. Please feel free to call or email with any questions or comments, or if we can be of any additional assistance. Respectfully, 7EngiSarge C. Craig A. Mallow, PE Project Engineer CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\Report\CityPierReport.docx Page 5 July 30, 2018 Image 01: General Pier Image 02: Approach Way Pier — Typical deck plank condition CAM A:\18Files\A18l03.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\City Pier -Task 4\Report\CityP1erReport.docx Page 6 July 30, 2018 Image 03: Pier Head — Typical deck plank condition Image 04: Promenade Pier — Typical deck plank condition CAM AA18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\City Pier -Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 7 July 30, 2018 Image 05: Split Stringer 4 over pier cap in the promenade Bay 1 Image 06: Split Stringer 4 with insufficient repair in the promenade Bay 9 CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\City Pier -Task 4\CityPierReport.docx . t Y y k `tIt i �, =7/1Qi2"01'8 06 •: 4 @� f .Yg e :� N Page 10 July 30, 2018 Image 11: Pile B at Bent 2.5 — Decay hole in pile shell Image 12: Pile 10 along the Promenade — Vertical split CAM A:\18FilesW 8103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 11 July 30, 2018 Image 13: Pile 15 along the Promenade — Large decay pocket near ground line Image 14: Bumper piles at Bents 11.5 and 12 — Damaged and/or split piles CAM AA18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 12 July 30, 2018 Image 15: Piles 1 & 2 at Bent 5A Cluster — Severely delaminated and/or spalled concrete with heavily corroded reinforcing. CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 13 July 30, 2018 Image 16: Piles 1 — 3 and 5 at Bent 4A — Significant delam or spalling with corroded reinforcing. Pile 1 at Bent 2A, Pile 1 at Bent 3A, and Pile 2 at Bent 1A are similar. CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\City Pier -Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 14 July 30, 2018 Image 17: Bulkhead corner next to Pile 6 at Bent 4A — Delaminating wall, and large diagonal crack through footing with erosion hole below. CAM A.\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\City Pier -Task 4\C1tyPierReport.docx Page 15 July 30, 2018 Image 18: General Secondary Member — Typical of scattered decay and marine life buildup on members Image 19: General Handrail — Typical surface corrosion along much of the rail throughout the pier CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\City Pier -Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 16 July 30, 2018 OF Image 20: General Handrail — Typical of patches of severe corrosion scattered throughout. CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx Page 17 July 30, 2018 Image 21: Utility Block Out in Bulkhead — Water leaking from an assumed broken waterline. CAM A:\18Files\A18103.00 City of Port Angeles - Structural Engineering Services\City Pier - Task 4\CityPierReport.docx 4:"' },6B_iff B s 6 6 i +;8 x,98 + B +,9 + +2,. � .> k 226 � 6 F -iSd +,.4.0 +,00lBo _ .1190 �_,BO �tfl0 4:,00 + 00 �_-¢16 +T,.O +21,0. Ar ' ET ,a PLAN a a a sF° This Plan is used for w a < orientation and aw location reference a 3 - PILE PLAN Only. S DATUM -MLLW - 1.1'-TO .D'° C�.� �a