Port Angeles, Washington
May 21, 2015
Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification
Commission to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chairperson Shargel, Vice Chairperson Stratton, Commissioners Murray, Forrest, Pittis,
Peterson, and Young.
Members Absent: None. Note: Fowler excused himself after the third Legislative item.
Staff Present: Director Delikat.
It was moved by Forrest and seconded by Pittis to:
Approve the minutes of the April 16, 2015 regular meeting.
Motion carried 7 - 0.
The City's Assistant Attorney, Heidi Greenwood, used this time to give the Commissioners a PowerPoint
presentation on their yearly ethics training. The title of the presentation was "A conversation about
responsibilities of public officials and the Open Public Meetings Act."
1. Director Delikat used this portion of the meeting to discuss the Budgeting for Priorities Process and
reviewed with the Commissioners a memo/resolution that City Manager McKeen wrote to the City
Council establishing program and services priorities for fiscal years 2015 and 2016. The process was
necessary to help balance the 2015 & 2016 budget.
2. Director Delikat used this opportunity to discuss the Parks & Recreation Revenue Budget. Delikat
presented the Commission two different formats of the budget and there was discussion on which one
the Commission liked better.
1. Phillis Olson, Port Angeles Fine Art Center President, gave the Commission a presentation regarding the
Historical Register and the Ester Webster house that was built by famous architect Paul Hayden Kirk. She
asked the Commission's permission to work on placing the Webster house on the Historical Register so
that she can get future grants for maintenance and preservation. The recommendation to approve was
moved by Pittis, seconded by Forrest, and the vote passed 7-0.
2. Director Delikat discussed with the Commission a request from the Adult Softball Umpires which stated
that they would like a raise for their work. Delikat gave the Commission a memo with a list of reasons for
not giving the umpires raises at this time. Pittis made the motion to not give the umpires raises, Forrest
seconded it, and the vote passed 7-0.
Director Delikat talked to the Commission about a new American Legion Team that wants to use Civic
Field. It was recommended that the Commission determine a percentage of Port Angeles players to
determine whether to charge the team for the use of Civic Field. After discussion, it was moved by Forrest
and seconded by Pittis to require that 60% of the kids on the team be from Port Angeles or the team would
need to be charged to use Civic Field. The motion was defeated 6-0. Another recommendation was placed
on the table by Forrest stating that, one, Non -Port Angeles based teams using Civic Field must be
composed of at least 75% of players from Port Angeles to meet the threshold of whether to charge or not
charge a user fee and, two, allow the Boards of North Olympic Baseball & Softball and Junior Babe Ruth
to allow them to give permission for another team/league the use of Volunteer Field and Lincoln Park.
Motion passed 6-0, with Commissioner Peterson abstaining.
4. Director Delikat presented to the Commission a project that Deputy Mayor Pat Downie was seeking
support for. The project is to place a Native American mural on the north wall of the Gateway Pavilion.
Young made the motion to support the project, Peterson seconded it, and the motion was defeated 4-2.
After more discussion, the Commission was concerned about maintaining the mural and they asked that if
the project moves forward, that the Commission has the final approval for what is placed at the Gateway
since it is a City owned facility.
5. Delikat discussed with the Commission a Boy Scout Project at the cemetery that would commemorate the
Civil War Veterans by cleaning the exterior of the obelisk and placing a marker with a quick read
application link to a website that would memorialize the Civil War Veterans that are buried at Ocean View
Cemetery. It was moved by Murray to approve, seconded by Pittis, and motion passed 6-0.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT- (PowerPoint Presentation):
1. Tiny Library Project
Delikat mentioned that he met with employees from the North Olympic Library System about placing a tiny
library system at the City Pier. The container will house free books for folks who want to read them. This is a
very popular idea and they wanted to use the Pier as a pilot program.
2. Skate Park Celebration
Director Delikat updated the Commission on a Nor'Wester Rotary event which was a dedication to the new sign
at Erickson. The event will feature skateboard demonstrations from Lib Tech and will have music and
3. Updates
Director Delikat updated the Commission on the hiring process for the Administrative Assistant position and
where he was at with the Youth Athletic Facilities Grant for Civic Field.
4. Contracts & Agreements
Delikat mentioned that the last contract he needs to complete is the renewal of the Marine Life Center contract
but was waiting until the Budgeting for Priorities process since this particular contract is on the list. He
mentioned that he is going to discuss this with City Manager McKeen and update the Commission at the next
5. Future Items
Director Delikat commented that he would be discussing future topics, such as Parks maintenance updates and
he mentioned to the Commission that he would have no problem arranging a summer tour of the parks during
the hiatus if that was something they were interested in.
6. Questions/Comments
Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Next meeting September 17, 2015
Vern Burton Memorial Community Center meeting room # 3 at 6:00 p.rni