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308 East Fourth Street ‐ PO Box 1150 | Port Angeles, WA 98362‐0217
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Vern Burton Meeting Rooms
6:00 p.m. Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes – October 15, 2015
4. Public Comment
a. Student Representative Interviews
5. Finance/Packet Items
a. Financial Report
6. Legislation
a. Student Representative Election
b. Information Only – Councilman Patrick Downie, Gateway Mural Project Update
c. Information Only – Melissa Williams, Future of Marine Life Center
7. Late Items
8. Director’s Report‐Information Only
a. Vern Burton Memorial Wall Plaque
b. Refurbishing Rayonier Locomotive #4
c. Municipal Code Chapter 2.32 Updates
d. Shane Park Covered Picnic Shelter Committee
e. Future Items
i. Field Usage Policy
f. Questions/Comments
9. Adjournment
Next Meeting: Thursday, December 17, 2015
Vern Burton Meeting Room #3
6:00 p.m.
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
Account Budgeted Goal Year to Date Percentage of Goal
Senior Center Membership $28,000 $22,088 79%
Cemetery $146,000 $133,770 92%
Ediz Hook Boat Launch $11,000 $9,898 90%
Banner Rental $9,000 $7,408 82%
Gateway $5,500 $3,675 67%Note: Farmer's Market Pays Bi-Annually
Vern Burton Rentals $45,000 $41,882 93%
Sports $162,000 $134,259 83%
Account Yearly Budget Spent to Date Percentage Spent
8010-Administrative $281,200 $197,609 70%
8112-Senior Center Operating $37,500 $33,171 88%
8050- Cemetery Maintenance $153,800 $127,093 83%
8080-Parks Maintenance $1,680,900 $1,335,635 79%
8131-Facility Maintenance $651,100 $557,391 86%
8112- Senior Center Maintenance $37,500 $33,171 88%
8221-Sports $168,900 $120,172 71%
8224- Youth & Family $72,150 $44,868 62%
Parks & Recreation Financial Report - 83% Year Lapsed
DATE:November 19, 2015
Summary:The Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission is to interview two Port Angeles
High School students for both vacant student positions during the November 19, 2015, meeting.
The applicant is scheduled to be interviewed at the following time in the Vern Burton Meeting
1.) Zachary Brandon- 6:10 p.m.
2.) Olga Palenga- 6:20 p.m.
Recommendation: 1) Interview Zachary Brandon and Olga Palenga for both vacant Student
Representative positions on the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission; and (2)
Make a selection on whether this candidate will represent the Commission for the 2015/2016
school year; and (3) have the Parks & Recreation Director take the Commission’s
recommendation to the December 1, 2015, City Council meeting
Background/Analysis:The Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission is interviewing two
Port Angeles High School students, Zachary Brandon and Olga Palenga, for both vacant student
positions during the November 19, 2015, meeting. Per City ordinance, the term of the student
representative is from October to June 15th, and no high school member shall be allowed to serve
on the Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission for more than two consecutive one-year
school terms. If these candidates are selected, the Parks & Recreation Director will take the
Commission’s recommendation to the December 1, 2015, City Council meeting for approval.
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Memo