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308 East Fourth Street | Port Angeles, WA 98362‐0217
October 19, 2017
City Council Chambers
6:00 p.m. Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes – September 20, 2017
4. Public Comment
5. Finance/Packet Items
a. Revenue & Expenditure Report
6. Legislation
a. Parks Ordinance Changes
7. Guest Speakers
a. Sean Coleman, Lincoln Park BMX Association
b. Anya Samawicz, Nature School
8. Late Items
9. Director’s Report – Information Only
10. Adjournment
Next Meeting: November 16, 2017
City Council Chambers
6:00 p.m.
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
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Port Angeles, Washington
September 20, 2017
Commissioners in Attendance: Kirsch, Shargel, Sinton, Sutcliffe & Wojnowski.
The Commissioners interviewed three candidates for the one vacancy on the Commission: Port Angeles residents Elizabeth
Dunne, Ronald Johnson, and Timothy Tucker. Following the interviews and a discussion of the applicants, Commissioner Sinton
made a motion to recommend to City Council that Timothy Tucker be named to the Parks, Recreation & Beautification
Commission for the unexpired term which runs through February 2021. Commissioner Kirsch seconded the motion which passed
The Commissioners also interviewed one candidate for the two Student Representative positions available on the Commission:
Port Angeles resident and high school student Hollund Bailey. Following the interview and a discussion of the candidate,
Commissioner Sutcliffe made a motion to nominate Hollund Bailey for one of the two vacant Student Representative positions to
represent the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission for the 2017-2018 school year. Commissioner Sinton seconded the
motion which passed 5-0.
CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING: Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Parks, Recreation &
Beautification Commission to order at 6:17 p.m.
Members Present: Commissioners Kirsch, Shargel, Sinton & Sutcliffe.
Not Present: Commissioners Peterson & Wojnowski.
Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Moore.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Commissioner Sutcliffe and seconded by Commissioner Sinton to approve
the May 18 regular meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
1. Elizabeth Dunne, 529 Whidby Avenue: Dunne briefly commented on the sequoia tree at Lions Park. She said she has had
conversations with a number of people in the community who love the tree and she is happy that there have been discussions
regarding preserving the tree. Dunne provided the Commissioners copies of a report created by Peninsula Urban Forestry
regarding the tree and tree management. She encouraged the Commissioners to go see the tree if they haven’t before. She
said the tree is worthy of making sure it is saved and she hasn’t seen any reasons why it needs to be removed. Dunne
expressed her feelings that the community should have a voice about the parks and that the City should have a process in
place regarding tree removal for the community.
2. Tom Gosser, 113 Lopez Avenue: Gosser said he hopes the City would consider keeping the sequoia tree at Lions Park. He
said it is a shame when trees are gone because we can’t get them back.
FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: Director Delikat reviewed the Parks & Recreation Department’s latest expenditure and
revenue reports with the Commission. He said the department is doing great on its revenues, though there is some concern with
the cemetery’s revenues which is due in part to trends in the industry. Delikat said the department’s expenses are on target.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT (PowerPoint Presentation):
1. City Pier Floats: The floats have arrived and will be stored at Ediz Hook until they will be installed next year, with the goal
of installation by Memorial Day Weekend.
2. Quinn Redlin Kintner Memorial Park: The project is underway and Lakeside Industries donated their labor to install the
impervious asphalt, which they completed in two days. The Parks Department is now installing the toys, with the goal of
mid-October for completion and ribbon cutting.
3. Calisthenics Park at Erickson Playfield: The new equipment is installed, and the department is in the process of putting in
the sub-base and flooring. The goals is to finish the project by the end of September with a grand opening ceremony
sometime in October.
4. New Park Signs: The City park signs have been redesigned using our new shade of blue. The department will work on
rolling out the signs in all of our parks over time.
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5. Scooter Chapman Press Box at Civic Field: At the next home PAHS football game, there will be a dedication ceremony
for the renaming of the press box at Civic Field for Scooter Chapman.
6. Lefties Baseball: The Lefties had a great first season, with an average of 1,300 fans per game, and an overall attendance of
40,000 for the season. Although the year was a success, Director Delikat mentioned that he will be working with the team
over the winter to continue to make improvements for next season.
7. 5th & 11th Street Community Gardens: Director Delikat met with Hank Gibson lately to discuss the gardens and what more
can be done. Mr. Gibson will begin focusing on a campaign to get more people involved in the gardens in the near future.
8. CRTC Benches: Director Delikat met with CRTC regarding the progress of the carbon fiber benches. CRTC is looking at a
target date of November to have the first two benches completed. This works out great for the department because knowing
the actual cost to make the bench will help with updating the memorial and donation policy.
9. Departmental Updates:
a. Parks Department Ordinance Changes – Several updates were made to the department’s ordinances, with the major
change being to the skate park ordinance. After Director Delikat met with the Rotary Club regarding use of the skate
park, they determined that it would be best to be reclassified as a multi-use facility, allowing non-motorized bicycles
and scooters. There has been no significant damaged caused by bicycles or scooters, so all groups feel it’s in
everyone’s interest to change the rules. This will come before the Commission at a later meeting for legislation and
the recommendation will then be taken to City Council.
b. Boards, Committees & Commissions Ordinance Updates – The City is working on standardizing how all of its
boards, committees, and commissions operate. Director Delikat tasked the Commissioners with drafting several
supplemental questions which will be sent to all future applicants prior to selection for interviews.
c. Comprehensive Plan – The Parks Department’s Comp Plan was sent to the Recreation Conservation Office and it was
accepted. This allows the City to apply for state grant funding starting in 2018.
d. Volunteer Policy – Director Delikat is drafting a volunteer policy since there has recently been a large increase in the
number of interested volunteers. The City’s legal department is reviewing the draft with the hopes to implement the
policy city-wide.
e. Public Space Merchant Permit – The department has received one application to date. The vendor was located on the
Pier for about a month before weather became an issue and they attempted to relocate several times.
f. Facility Interlocal Agreement – Director Delikat has been meeting with other agencies—Peninsula College, Port
Angeles School District, and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe—to share ideas about how each agency can work
together. The group is in the process of drafting an Interlocal Agreement which will allow each agency to use the
other agencies’ facilities if needed.
g. Park Improvement Fund Change – The Lincoln Park Improvement Fund has been renamed the Park Improvement
Fund, so that a separate revenue account wouldn’t have to be created. This Fund can be broken down by line items
and currently host funds for both Lincoln Park and Civic Field revenue.
h. Fine Arts Center Ductless Heating System – The PAFAC recently was switched from the old boiler to a new ductless
heat pump and they’re very happy with the new system. This was able to happen because of the addition to the
Facilities Revolving Fund that was established in the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) for improving our aging
i. Erickson Camera Project – The cameras will be updated to the current camera system in place downtown. This CFP
project will go to a Council meeting in October for approval.
j. After School Programs – The Parks & Recreation Department has worked with two different kids programs recently.
C&C Kids needed a home for two weeks because of gym renovation by the school district and, because of the City’s
facility use agreement with the Port Angeles School District, the summer school program was able to use the Vern
Burton Gym. The agreement made the transition from facilities quick and smooth. Also, the Pool District recently
created a new afterschool program, so the City established a Facility Use Agreement allowing them to use the Vern
Burton Gym and other City facilities as needed throughout the school year. This agreement can last as long as the
Pool District needs while they build their new facility. This partnership has helped fill a void in the community for
k. Lodging Tax – Director Delikat submitted applications for the department’s basketball tournaments and for Civic
Field. The Civic Field funding will focus on ADA improvements to the facility.
10. Future Items:
a. Sean Coleman, Lincoln Park BMX Association
b. Anya Samawicz, Lincoln Park Nature School
c. Concussion & Cardiac Arrest Update
d. Memorial/Donation Policy
e. Redwood Tree at Lions Park
f. Shane Park Picnic Shelter
11. Questions/Comments:
a. Commissioner Sinton asked about the status of the scoreboard at Civic Field. Director Delikat said it is still part of
the replacement program and he is looking at ideas for funding sources.
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b. Commissioner Sutcliffe asked if there will be a bike rack at Civic Field. Director Delikat said that it has been picked
up and it will be painted and installed this winter.
c. Commissioner Sinton asked if the new Volunteer Policy will apply to groups like United Way. Director Delikat said
that it has taken groups and organizations into consideration and there will need to be one designated contact person
in charge of everyone in the group or organization.
ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m. The next meeting is October 19, 2017, at 6:00 p.m.
in the City Council Chambers.
David Shargel, Chairperson Emily Moore, Secretary
Account Budgeted Goal Year to Date Percentage of Goal
8012 - Senior Center Membership $28,000 $21,595 77%
8050 - Cemetery $150,000 $72,660 48%
8155 - Banner Rental $9,500 $11,794 124%
8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch $8,000 $6,593 82%
8155 - Gateway $5,000 $3,200 64%
8155 - Vern Burton Rentals $30,000 $31,155 104%
8221 - Sports $162,500 $139,247 86%
Total $393,000 $286,244
Account Yearly Budget Spent to Date Percentage Spent
8010 - Administrative $238,800 $170,893 72%
8012 - Senior Center Operating $149,700 $114,029 76%
8050 - Cemetery Maintenance $172,200 $142,491 83%
8080 - Parks Maintenance $1,658,000 $1,368,480 83%
8112 - Senior Center Maintenance $42,200 $36,839 87%
8131 - Facility Maintenance $779,000 $630,363 81%
8155 - Facility Rentals $99,700 $76,916 77%
8221 - Sports $188,600 $140,314 74%
Total $3,328,200 $2,680,325
2017 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report
83% Year Lapsed
DATE: October 19, 2017
Summary: In 2016, the Parks & Recreation Department conducted a comprehensive review of the
ordinances they administer and a number of changes were approved by the Parks Commission and
the City Council. This year, the department is bringing forward some additional changes to the
Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) for the Commission to approve.
Recommendation: Recommend to City Council the approval of the updates to PAMC
Chapters 3.70, 10.26, 10.26, 12.04 and conduct a Public Hearing and first reading of the
ordinances at the November 7, 2017 City Council meeting.
Background/Analysis: Over the course of 2016, the Parks & Recreation Department conducted a
comprehensive review of the ordinances they administer. In 2017, the department made additional
changes to the PAMC, most significantly to the Erickson Skate Park. These changes include the
following sections and titles:
-Ordinance 3564 and Chapter 3.70 (Fees)
-Ordinance 3245 and Chapter 10.26 (Areas of operation restricted)
-Ordinance 3565 and Chapter 12.04, adding a new Chapter 12.04.115 (Public Places)
Here are details on the proposed changes:
3.70 – Banner Fees:
In 2016, City Council approved multiple fee adjustments/increases within the Parks & Recreation
Department. One of these increases was for the cost of the banner rentals that are located along
Front and First Street. This increase shows that the new cost was $135 per week for a personal
banner (plus tax) and a City loaned banner at $140 per week (plus tax). This increase was
supposed to reflect $135 and $140 banner rentals that included tax instead of adding tax. This
ordinance change reflects the appropriate language.
10.26 – Areas of Operation Restricted:
Section F of this ordinance/chapter states the following:
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Memo
F. Skatepark. No person shall operate a bicycle, tricycle or other form of peddle cycle, in the skate
park, or upon any rams, slalom course(s) or other appurtenances designed for skate park use.
This section of the PAMC will be eliminated and a new Chapter added under 12.04.115 (see
12.04 – Skate Park at Erickson Playfield (New Chapter 12.04.115):
The Erickson Playfield Skate Park opened in April 2005 and was fundraised, designed, and
constructed by the hard work of the Nor’wester Rotary Foundation. This project for the Rotary was
particularly important because the community saw a growing need for a skateboarding facility.
When opened, the park became an instant success, but it also came with some challenges. One of
the biggest challenges was multiusers. The park was specifically built for skateboarders and not for
bicycles and was defined in PAMC 10.26 that “No person shall operate a bicycle, tricycle or other
form of peddle cycle, in the skate park, or upon any rams, slalom course(s) or other appurtenances
designed for skate park use.” The main reason for this was to keep the bowls/concrete of the skate
park protected from chipping.
Although defined in the PAMC as only a skate park, it has been difficult for the Port Angeles
Police Department to enforce only skateboard use. Because of the increasing call volume,
removing bikes from the skate park is a low priority. Because of that, over the course of the last 12
years, the park has been shared by both users. Today, there is a new generation of users that like to
use scooters in the park. They have become very popular with youth and at times outnumber the
amount of skateboarders in the park. Although popular, per the PAMC, people are not allowed to
use anything in the skate park other than a skateboard.
Because of how the PAMC code is written, over the years the Parks & Recreation Department has
received multiple complaints from all users, other than skateboarders, regarding how they want to
ride in the park and should be allowed to do so. The continued response over the years has been
that anything other than a skateboard has the potential to damage the concrete in the bowls of the
Over the last 12 years and with multiple users of the park, the park remains in great condition.
There are a few spots that have been repaired over the years but it is hard to say what type of
apparatus could have done the initial damage. There also have been multiple articles which state
that BMX bikes, skate parks, inline skates, and scooters can all co-exist. These articles mention
that Skate Park Association USA (SPAUSA) has been surveying parks for several years and have
not come up with any evidence that BMX bikes cause anymore wear and tear than the other users.
In the summer of 2016, the Parks & Recreation Department called a meeting between a parent of a
scooter rider, the Port Angeles Police Department, and Doc Reiss, a Rotary member and a key
volunteer that helped fundraise to build the skate park. After a healthy discussion, all parties
involved felt it was time to change the PAMC to allow multiple users in the skate park.
The City is proposing the following code be added to the PAMC under 12.04.115:
Skate Park at Erickson Playfield. The Port Angeles Skate Park is a multi-use built recreational
environment made only for the use of the following non-motorized wheeled devices: skate boards,
bicycle motocross or BMX bikes, inline/roller skates, and scooters.
12.04 – Park Name Changes:
At the March 7, 2017 City Council Meeting, Council passed two park renaming applications which
allowed the Mayor to sign resolutions approving the name changes. Georgiana Park was renamed
the Quinn Redlin Kintner Memorial Park and Francis Street Park was renamed the 9/11 Memorial
Waterfront Park.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters
3.70, 10.26, 12.04, and 12.12 pertaining to housekeeping changes in City parks
fees, definitions and operations of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows.
Section 1. Ordinance 3564 and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended as follows:
. . . .
3.70.050 - Recreation fees.
A. Banner installation (two locations along Front Street, one location on First Street):
1. Personal banners: ..... $135.00/week, plus tax tax included
2. City loaner banners: ..... $140.00/week, plus tax tax included
. . . .
I. Public space merchant permit:
1. Non-waterfront parks and facilities:……$25.00 per day or $250.00 per month
2. Waterfront parks and facilities:….$75.00 per day or $400.00 per month
I J Sports leagues (adult):
League Team Fee
Basketball (men's) $700.00
(women's) $400.00
Soccer (co-ed) $55.00 per
Softball (co-ed) $650.00
Softball (men's and
women's) $900.00
Volleyball (co-ed) $550.00
. . . .
Section 2. Ordinance 3245 and Chapter 10.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended as follows:
. . . .
10.26.040 - Areas of operation restricted.
. . . .
F. Skate park. No person shall operate a bicycle, tricycle or other form of peddle cycle,
in the skate park, or upon any ramps, slalom course(s) or other appurtenances designed for
skate park use.
. . . .
Section 3. Ordinance 3565 and Chapter 12.04. of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended by adding a new Chapter 12.04.115 and making other changes as
12.04.010 Definitions
12.04.020 Hours of operation.
12.04.030 Closed areas.
12.04.040 Permits for special events or areas.
12.04.050 Regulation of organized activities.
12.04.060 Regulation of individual or family activities generally.
12.04.070 Game playing.
12.04.080 Camping on City-owned property.
12.04.090 Animals in parks.
12.04.100 Prohibited activities.
12.04.110 Fishing in Lincoln Park Pond.
12.04.115 Skate Park at Erickson Playfield.
12.04.120 Regulations obedience required.
12.04.130 Violation – Penalty.
12.04.140 Metal Detecting – Coin Recovery.
12.04.150 Interference with use of Waterfront Trail prohibited.
12.04.010 - Definitions.
. . . .
D. "Recreation and park facilities" include, but are not limited to the following: 9/11
Memorial Waterfront Park, "A" Street View Point, "C" Street View Point, 5 th & Oak Park,
Charles R. Willson Park, City Pier Waterfront Park, Civic Field, Conrad Dyar Memorial
Fountain, Crown Park, Elks Playfield, Erickson Playfield, the Esplanade, Gateway Francis
Street Park, Georgiana Park, Harborview Park, Hazel Porter Kiel Park, Haynes View Point,
James View Point, Jessie T. Webster Park, Lincoln Park, Lions Park, Quinn Redlin Kintner
Memorial Park, Rains Park, Sail & Paddle Park, Shane Park, Valley Creek Estuary Park,
Veterans Memorial Park, Webster's Woods, West End Park, Wolverton Park, and all areas
leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise under temporary control of the Parks & Recreation
. . . .
12.04.115 - Skate Park at Erickson Playfield. The Port Angeles Skate Park is a multi-use
built recreational environment made only for the use of the following non-motorized
wheeled devices: skate boards, bicycle motocross or BMX bikes, inline/roller skates, and
12.04.140 - Metal Detecting—Coin Recovery.
. . . .
B. Where allowed. Those parks in which coin recovery is allowed are as follows:
Lincoln, Shane, Lions, Webster, Erickson, Elks, Crown, Wolverton, Charles R. Willson, 5
th & Oak, Georgiana Quinn Redlin Kintner, and Hazel Porter Kiel.
C. Where not allowed. Those parks, or areas of parks, in which coin recovery is not
allowed are as follows: Civic Field, West End Park, Veteran's Memorial, Lincoln Park
Ballfield Area, Shane Park Ballfield Area, Elks Playfield Ballfield Area, James Viewpoint,
City Pier, Francis Street 9/11 Memorial Waterfront, Haynes Viewpoint, Sail & Paddle,
Harborview, and Estuary.
No metal detectors may be used for coin recovery within 300 feet of any building located
within a park.
. . . .
Section 4. Ordinance 3565 and Chapter 12.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended by amending the following sections to read as follows:
12.12.010 - Applicability and purpose of provisions.
These facilities are provided by the City for the use of the citizens of Port Angeles for
social, passive recreational, educational, and cultural activities. Only those activities which
are consistent with the provision of the facility for these purposes should be allowed at the
City Pier and waterfront park areas.
This chapter shall apply to the use of the following waterfront park locations:
A. City Pier - Located at the foot of Lincoln Street in the City of Port Angeles 315 N.
Lincoln Street, including Hollywood Beach.
B. West End Park - Located at the foot of Railroad Avenue and Oak Street in the City
of Port Angeles 239 W. Front Street.
C. Esplanade - Located along Marine Drive and West Boathaven Drive 101 W.
Railroad Street.
D. Valley Creek Estuary - Located at Cherry Street and Marine Drive 313 Marine
. . . .
Section 5 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance
are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not
limited to, the correction of the scrivener’s/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering,
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 6 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application
to any Person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application
of the provisions of the Ordinance to other Persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 7 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall
take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof
consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the ____ day of October, 2017.
Patrick Downie, Mayor
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: ___________________
By Summary