HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.20.17 AgendaPhone: 360‐417‐4550 | Fax: 360‐417‐4559  www.cityofpa.us | eboone@cityofpa.us | facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec  308 East Fourth Street | Port Angeles, WA 98362‐0217  September 20, 2017 Vern Burton Meeting Rooms/City Council Chambers 5:00 p.m. Meeting AGENDA 1. Special Pre-Meeting (Vern Burton Meeting Rooms) a. Interviews for Commission Vacancy & Student Representatives i. 5:00 p.m. – Elizabeth Dunne ii. 5:20 p.m. – Ronald Johnson iii. 5:40 p.m. – Timothy Tucker iv. 6:00 p.m. – Hollund Bailey b. Legislation: Vote to Fill Commission Vacancy & Student Representative Positions 2. Regular Meeting Call to Order (Council Chambers) 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes – May 18, 2017 5. Public Comment 6. Finance/Packet Items a. Revenue & Expenditure Report 7. Legislation a. None 8. Late Items 9. Director’s Report – Information Only 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: October 19, 2017 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission  WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF Page 1 of 1 PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 18, 2017 CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Kirsch, Peterson, Shargel, Sinton, Sutcliffe & Wojnowski. Student Representatives Brandon & Palenga. Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Boone. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES It was moved by Sutcliffe and seconded by Wojnowski to approve the April 20 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT In reference to the Public Space Merchant Permit, resident Tasha Fitzgerald asked if a trailer that could be moved with a dolly would qualify under the new policy. Director Delikat informed her that it would. FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS Director Delikat reviewed the latest year to date department expense and revenue reports with the Commission. LEGISLATION None. LATE ITEMS None. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (POWERPOINT PRESENTATION) 1. Lincoln Park BMX Association: Sean Coleman provided the Commission with an update on the current operations of the Lincoln Park BMX Track. His group has worked on the track for the past five weeks and they have held practices the last three weeks. They’ve done a number of facility upgrades, including: rebuilt the starting hill fence, welded the gate, ordered new gate and starting light equipment, hauled 10 loads of trash and two loads of scrap metal, rebuilt the first and second straights, improved the second corner, and more. A number of local businesses have helped out throughout the process. 2. Public Space Merchant Permit & Policy: Director Delikat updated the Commission on the new policy that Parks & Recreation, the City Clerk, and Community & Economic Development are working on which will allow merchants to conduct business on City-owned park spaces. The Commission discussed the permit and policy and the benefits it will provide to members of the community. 3. Civic Field Revenue Account: Delikat said the City is exploring several avenues for increasing revenue at Civic Field. Income from the Lefties will be used to recoup costs for maintaining the field, and Delikat is currently working with Verizon on the possibility of new cell tower which could also help with additional revenue. 4. May 9th Town Hall Meeting: Delikat provided the Commission with a recap of the town hall meeting on the opioid epidemic in Port Angeles. He said everyone is concerned and a lot of great questions were raised. There will be another town hall in September or October. 5. May 23rd Council Work Session: The upcoming Council work session will focus on the structure and format of all of the City’s boards, committees, and commissions, and looking at possibly streamlining each to be similar. 6. Composite Recycling Technology Center (CRTC) Update: Delikat recapped the presentation that he and Dave Walter of the CRTC gave to Council about the new bench program. 7. Capital Projects Updates: Delikat showed the Commission photos of the various capital projects currently underway at Civic Field, including: the modifications to the west entrance, the new home run fence, the remodeled concession stand, the remodeled ticket booths, the new crosswalk, the new batting cage, the new dugout, the new locker rooms, and the repainting of the facility. He also informed the Commission that construction of the Quinn Redlin Kintner Memorial Park is running behind due to the weather earlier in the year, but construction is expected to start the beginning of June. 8. Future Items: Memorial Program, City Security Improvements, Parks & Recreation Software Program. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m. Next meeting is September 21, 2017, in the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center meeting room #3 at 6:00 p.m. David Shargel, Chairperson Emily Boone, Secretary REVENUES Account Budgeted Goal Year to Date Percentage of Goal 8012 ‐ Senior Center Membership $28,000 $18,762 67% 8050 ‐ Cemetery $150,000 $62,685 42% 8155 ‐ Banner Rental $9,500 $11,243 118% 8155 ‐ Ediz Hook Boat Launch $8,000 $6,487 81% 8155 ‐ Gateway $5,000 $3,100 62% 8155 ‐ Vern Burton Rentals $30,000 $25,926 86% 8221 ‐ Sports $162,500 $120,872 74% Total $393,000 $249,075 EXPENDITURES Account Yearly Budget Spent to Date Percentage Spent 8010 ‐ Administrative $258,800 $146,022 56% 8012 ‐ Senior Center Operating $152,200 $98,566 65% 8050 ‐ Cemetery Maintenance $172,200 $123,035 71% 8080 ‐ Parks Maintenance $1,681,300 $1,203,298 72% 8112 ‐ Senior Center Maintenance $42,200 $30,158 71% 8131 ‐ Facility Maintenance $795,700 $520,724 65% 8155 ‐ Facility Rentals $89,100 $66,779 75% 8221 ‐ Sports $189,100 $126,870 67% Total $3,380,600 $2,315,452 2017 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report 67% Year Lapsed R E EIVE Iry OF PORT ANGE ScCLERK \JVASHINGTON, U. S, A. ApILICATIoN FoR ArPoINTMENT To BoARD, ConrnnssroN on Comurrrrr Board. Commission or Co Qc^ct<E 4o mmittee to which you are seeking appointment: rr.cn',1i5icfr gtudgnt celiesonYc^tiv€, CITY OF nm rB20t7 Applicant Name and General Information \und A;\ First MI LastSta w to ri\ST. Home Street Address 0cY \ile qt3b] City State Z;,p (tto)(qar)-)u,t6 j(/o Z6o- L(61-)b6-qbt-:,666 6 Home phone Work phone holtundr<an iofl cr\a, E-mail address oi^/t8/ot Date of Birth Certification and Location Information lcircle one; Are you employed by the City of Pon Angeles'l Are you a citizen ofthe United States? Arc you a Registered Voter? Are you a City resident? Ifso, how I OS Do you oru/manage a business in the City? Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field? (to be completed only bl applicants for Public Safetl Advisory Board for purposes of crimiral history check to ensure compliaDce with Port Angeles MuDicipal Code 2,26.020) Yes Yes No No @ lf so, please list !ur" Yes Yes I G\: I)ORTANGELESL-l \- Cell phone i @ G\ @ @ Are you a*ane ofany conflict ofinterest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? lfso, please explain: t\lo Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first. or attach a resume \ Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M,L) Briefjob description Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Briefjob description Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Briefjob description Education - Lis most recent experience first I Institutiorl/Location A Degree eamed/Major area of study fgmnc.ec !5.1\\r cl\fu.L\O Yes No Degree earned/M aj or area lnstitution/Location Degree eamed/Major area ofstudy Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships - List major activities you have participated in during the last five yeals I Ll t,'*>*' Organizatior/Location Brief description of your panicipation: up's purpose./obj ecti\ e # ofmembers [;{' ftknl 3!..^, In $uot 0 ,o in (nmrnuni L.,r <*..fu* foraqni*rCr-lr-., i tlgttt\\['\,4 (6rtnn-..r^iv Group's e[ ,^ Ctlan-*q eBrief description of your participation 0^.CL # of members ft:\ecYs 2 \)'*'tnl tu" Organization /locatioJ Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Y r0 {,on +.1.'e ui5\. $oun;t\a bn'l e de4,4\ ar*ite,at+ Commission? ol 0.\[ cor,N.v\rc\i o a tilh in 1 {orlA. What in yow background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board? a fter^)un u ,y'O ae<s fu67( uELt kill Drcr. t ion o +ok What is your understanding ofthe responsibilities ofthis particular Board or Commission? Irt n;lidl , rnandaloc fte a.{;/o r l,'1 ;/al;on , e C^a5 Please feel fiee to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. las+ite )-+D t ur',rJ i"'.rr lW ex\ec;elcg 4/ry/ r-t Date Submit completed forms to:OFFICE oF THE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VENEKLASEN, CITY CLERK 3 60417 4634 or jvenekla@cityofpa.us City ofPort Angeles 321 E. 56 Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ifyou need special accommodations because ofa physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Ofiice a1417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. 3 'f t) /he ORDINANCEANCE NO. Ail ORDINANCE of the Cite of Pear Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.401, 2.65 and establishing a new Chapter 2.25 titled General Provisions of Boards and. Commissions, revising term expiration nates for terms of various advisory boards and commissions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows; Tale 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL CHAPTER..2.012 - CITY COUNCIL CHAPTER 2.014- COUNCIL MEETINGS CHAPTER.2.016 - CITY MEETING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPENSES CHAPTER 2.018 - CITY TREASURER CHAPTER 2.12 - CITY ENGINEER CHAPTER 2.16 - FIRE DEPARTMENT CHAPTER 2.1 - HEARING EXAMINER. CHAPTER 2.201- POLICE DEPARTMENT CHAPTER 2.22 - CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM CHAPTER 2.24- EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2.26 - GENERAL PROVISIONS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CHAPTER 2.26 - PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD CHAPTER 2.32 - T-AR " PARKS. RECREATIO. , AND BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION CHAPTER 2.36 - PLANNING COMMISSION CHAPTER 2..401_ PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE CHAPTER 2.44- CITY OFFICERS CHAPTER 2.48 - CEMETERY CHAPTER 2.52 - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CHAPTER 2.56 - RESEARCH AND LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVES CHAPTER 2.60 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHAPTER 2.64- LEGAL REPRESENTATION FOR CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES CHAPTER 2.68 - UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAPTER 2.701- LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAPTER 2.72 - CODE OF CONDUCT CHAPTER 2.74 - INSPEC'TION OF PUBLIC RECORDS CHAPTER 2.76 - RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY CHAPTER 2.78 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT CHAPTER 2.801- COMMUNITY FACADE AND SIGN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM i Section 1. Chapter 2 of*the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a new Chapter 2.25 establishing uniform procedures to the City's standing;boards,commissions and committees to read as follows; Chapter 2.25—General Provisions of Boards and.Commissions 2.25.010 - PliMose. The purpose of this cha iter is to provide uniform procedures for the City's standin.,boards com...rnissions and committees.. 2.25.E 20 - Application. The uniform.ppropcedures set out in this cha ter apply to all City boards commissions and committees that are created by ordinance or r uired by state law. CollectivOIL those beards commissions and committees may be referred to as"permanent committees". This chapter does not apply to ad hoc or tLLnp rear boards, commissions, or committees. 2.25.020 - Authorization. The City l' a er is hereby authorized and directed to establish such rules and rocedures as are avorODriate to im gement the provisions of this chapter. 2.25.040 —Terms. The term of office for every member of all permanent committees shall start on March. I st of the vear in which thea ointment is made and e ire on the last da of`Februar of the year in which the appointment will expire, rovided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointinent, and expi e.Prior to the expiration of the termthe members of the permanent committee shall meet and review answers submitted bar avolicants. and schedule interviews if desired. The members of the committee shall make a recommendation about the best qualified candidate. The recommendation shall be forwarded to the Cit Council. The Planning Commission and Lodj6kg Tax Advisor Committee are exempt from this process. Council will receive-Applicants-answers to the-sulementalpp guestiormaires and make qppointments to the Lod ipg TaxAdviso Committee and Planning Commission. If desired Council-dna y-AppDint AILAd-hoc c c>mmittee to interview Wficants for those bodies. f.City Council, at a regularly scheduled meetingshall app9int committee members to the expiring or vacated term. Except as provided in this section, the process for the selection and 4ppointment of committee members stated in this section shall sLu2q-rsede andiotrol over any currently existing ordinance that states an " Antr4 ) diffe rin , rocess andL procedure for selection and 4ppointment of permanent committee members. h.As an alternative to the process described in subsections e and f above in instances when no parson Whes to fill the_pgsitL )f a committee board or commission member whose term is term is expiring is willing to serve another term,the city manager, in his sole discretion,may extend the term of the member for an additional term. 2.2 .060 - Location of public meetings. To the extqqtpossibl, 11 meetings of all permanent committees shall be held in the City Council chambers. 2,2 .070 - Public Comment. Except with regard to matters that are ua dicial all meetings of permanent committees shall allow one public comment opportunity at the meeting. The process foLpublic comment at permanent committees shall be the same rules LbAL-Lapply during City Council meetings. 2.2 .080 - Aaendas. An agenda shall be prepared in advance for each meeting of a pen-nanent committee. At least 5 calendar daysLnor to the committee meeting, the agenda shall be sent to all committee members, members of the press, and it shall be publishcd..p-q the 2.25.090-Utility Rate Review. Periodically the city fit a full cost of service study for eachM. of its utilities. After each such survey,the survey shall be presented o.,and reviewed by, the utility advisory committee and City Council at a ioint meeting.-- This isintended to enhance the e.fficiencv and increase public awareness and input of pending or DOtential changes to utilit rates, 3 Section 2. Ordinance 3190 and Chapter 2.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby I amended to read as follows: Chapter 2.40 Port Angeles Forward Committee 140.015 - Goals. Me Committee is dedicated to creating a strong, economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens through the following goals: A. 1 ever-ag Eggg private sector investment in Port Angeles. B. Facilitate input from stakeholders to create a consensus, strategy, and vision for development and implementation of a Port,Angeles Forward Master Plan. C. Provide communication between stakeholders. D. Recommend actions to encourage private investment and stimulate the economy and livability of the community. E. Identify and resolve barriers that hamper otir aqdy(ersely imp act the ability to achieve committee goals. 2.40.030- Membership. A. Representation. 1. Two Council members and one alternate of the Port Angeles Forward Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor from the seven members of the City Council. 2. Twelve members of the Committee shall represent community organizations having interests in economic development in Port Angeles. These twelve members shall be appointed by the City Council in accordance with the City Council's Rules of Procedure. Examples of community organizations that might be included in this category of membership are, without limitation: the Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Clallam Transit Authority, Port Angeles Downtown Association, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Port Angeles Business Association, Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1, Clallam County Economic Development Council, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and others. Additional organizations for membership may be recommended by the Committee. 1 Three members of the Committee to he appointed by the City Council to serve as citizens- at-large. 4. Staff support for the Committee will be provided by the City of Port Angeles through designation and assignments by the City Manager. 5. Members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the City Council, including, but not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. 4 - B. Criteria. Criteria used in selecting citizen members shall include, but not be limited to, the following: I. Members need not be residents of the City. Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Committee. 3. Members shall be selected in accordance with all applicable statutes, including, but not limited to, nein-discrimination, equal opportunity guidelines. q. Members shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation. 5. Members shall not be City employees;provided that elected officials shall not be deemed City employees for purposes of this limitation. C. Terrnas. Terms for Council Members and citizens-at-large shall be as follows: I. A F. full term of office shall be two years for City Council members. 2. A full term of office shall be three years for citizens at large. The terra of office shall start on March l of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment. 4. Members of the Committee may be appointed to succeed themselves; provided that no person shall be allowed to serve more than three consecutive terms. Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be made. 6. Members shall serve without pay compensation. 2. 0.040 A. Fhe chair of the Committee shall be designated by the City Council and shall be one of the City Council committee members. The vice-chair shall be elected Brom among its remaining community organization and citizen-at-large rncmbers, and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation_ It shall adopt rules for the transaction ofbusiness and keep written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings and deter inations, which record shall be a public record, B. f"he Committee shall hold meetings once eachach l,nda qu e r,.._ as deemed necessary by the City Council to carry,out its duties. l" `onrmitt shall be-a fix a time and place of to e.,c art rly meetings„ which shall be made known to the public, and all regular sessions of the Committee shall be open to the public. A quorum to conduct official business shall consist of not less than one-half ofthe total committee. Section 3. Ordinance 2489 and Chapter 2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Cade are hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 2.68 Utility Advisory Committee 2.68.020 - Committee created. There is hereby created a Utility Advisory Committee which shall consist of seve eight members. 2.68.030 - Membership. A. Procedures, 1. Three Council members of the Utility Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor from the seven members of the City Council. 2. 1 = Five citizen members of the Committee shall be selected and appointed in accordance with the City Gerin il's Rules of Pfoead Chapter 2.25. One of these members shall represent the industrial customers of the City's utilities, the second member shall represent the licensed care facilities in the City; and two three members shall represent all other customers of the City's utilities. For purposes of this chapter, industrial customers" means those customers who are served under the City's Industrial Transmission electric rate classification. For purposes of this chapter, "licensed care facilities" includes adult family homes, boarding homes/assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. The representative of the licensed care facilities shall vote only on issues concerning fees authorized by fart C of PANIC 3. Citizen members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the appointing authority, including, but not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. B. Criteria. Criteria used in selecting citizen members shall include, but not be limited to, the following: I. Members shall be residents of the City,except the member representing the licensed care facilities need not be a City resident but must own or manage a licensed care facility in the City. 2. Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Committee. 3. Members shall be selected in accordance with the Equal Opportunity guidelines. 4. Members shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation. S. Members shall not be City employees. C. Terms. Terms for citizen members shall be as follows- 6 - 1. A full term of office shall be four years. 2. The tefm of offiee shall start on Mareh 1 year- - hi ired e---4iaW-4art-as de- it-1--led in the 3. Members of the Committee may be selected to serve e_t err s; suee ed *h selv-es,provided that no person,except one appointed to represent industrial customers, shall be allowed to serve more than two consecutive four year terms. Appointments to fiN an unexpifed t 1i S.M.. I.M.a Feappointment may be made.- 5. Membefs, shall sefve without pay. 2.6 .040- Organization. A. The Committee shall elect its own chairman and vice-chairman from among its members and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record. B. The Committee shall hold meetings as deemed necessary by the City Council to carry out its duties. There shall be a fixed time and place of meetin s which shall be made known to the public, and all regular sessions of the Committee shall be open to the public. Three Four members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of official business, instanees when agtion is to be taken on the Medic 1 Public Utfl.#y, four- membefs shall Section S - Effective Tate. This Ordinance shall tape effect five days after the date of publication. Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Fort Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2017. W ;,,; atrick To nie, M A Y O I 7 _ APPROVED AS ,r FORM: liam . l , Citi A ar r t t 8 - Summary of Ordinance adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on September 5, 2017 ORDINANCE O. 3588 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.40, 2.68 and establishing a new Chapter 2.25 titled General Provisions of Boards and Commissions, revising term expiration dates for ternas of various advisory boards and commissions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. This ordinance is not SUl.jjCCt to referendum, and shall take effect five days after the publication of the summary. The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerks office, on the City's Nvebsite at N ww. Lt or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday throughnftxl—AIS Friday 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. Jennifer Veneklasen City Clerk Published by summary: Sunday. September 10 2017