HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/2020 CITY COUNCIL MELTING Port Ange!let,, Washington July 7, 20I20 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL NIEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p,rn. Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy, Mayor Carr. Council Mernbers Frencli, Meyer., McCaughan. Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. Mernbers Absent: Nc.ine Staff Present: City Manager West.Attorney Bloor,Deputy Clerk Curran. EXECUTIVE SESSION Based on input froin Attomey Bloor. Mayor Dexter announced the need for a closed Executive Session,under authoriry of RCW 42-30.11 00)(c). to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered; and RC'W 42,30A 10(l)(0to discuss potem6al litigation with legal counsel,and R(,'W 4230A 10(l)(g)to evaluate the quahfications ofan applicam ror public employment or to review the performance c)fa public ernployee. Aitomey Bloor amended the list of Executive Session iterns.removing RCV 42.30,1 10(l)(c), to consider the tni.nimurn price at which real estate will be offered and replacing with RCV 42.30A 10(l)(b),to consider the purchase price of real estate. J he Executive Session convened at 5:02 pmi, ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adlioumed the Special Nfeeting at 601 pmt, I CALL TO QRDER-RE(XLAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Ma,yor Dexter, Deputy Mayor,Carr. Council Members French, Couricil Member Meyer, Council Member McCaughan,Council Member Schronien-Wawrin and Council Member Suggs. Members Absent- None Staff Present: Clity Manager West,Attorney Moor,Deputy Clerk-Curran,C', Delikat, K.Dubuc,J.Viada, A. Brekke,and S. Carrizosa. PLE'DGE OFALLEGIANCE Ma yor Dexter led the Pledge of'Allegiance to,the F14g, CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS Norte PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Dexter opened the Public Cornment period. hisfrune Hunt,City resident, questioned the City Police Departntent use of force. POR"I' ANGE14','S C11"Y'COUTNCIL MLETING —JLIIY 7, 2020 Carolyrk Wilcctx,City resident.staked there is conflictin,�,k inibrination on the website ft rpublic comment. She pr(wided comments regarding the Public Safety Advisory Board and encouraged them to hold a meeting before September Z7 LA'TE ITEM>' TO BE PLACED ON 'I'MIS OR FUWRE AGENDAS None CONSEN't'AGENDA At the request ofCouncilmernber French, Mayor Dexter pul led[tern 3 froni the Consent Agenda. (Anincil discussion followed, It was iwaved by French and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1, City (I ouncil Minines of June 16�.2020 �,4pproven 2. ExpeTiditureRel)(,)m1: 1-"t-isaiiJLine6, 21')20 Lind Jt4tie,29,2020 air tht,iziri(-,Pten,re�PISI,964,592,12 4ppp-oi,e 3 Plannnig Commission Recommendations/Ajppnwe Reconunenclations 4, Five-Year Renewal [air'Cisco Meraki Network Inl7rastructure Software lJcensing/.4pprove Contract Council discussion followed, `Fhe Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent. hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. It was mowed by Schromen-"lawrin and seconded by Meyer to-, Accept the W'/wSPC 2020-2021 grant for S84,000 and approve and authorize dic City Pad ariag ger to 1) Sign the agreement contract with WAS,PC and 2) Sign the professional scnices agreement between PAPD and OPCC ['(.)r the renewal of the RE1disC`0VFRY 1.0 prograrn. Motion by roll call passed 6-0, with French recusing. Mayor recessed the meeting R)r a hreak at 6:�25 p.m. I'lie nieeting reconvened at 6:30 p,111, PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 2021-2026 Capital Facility Plan (CFP) and Transportation Man (TIP) flearing Clow puhlic Hearing Finance Director Carrizosa provided infonnation on the UP and J IP for years 2021-2026. The CFV is a required camiponent of die City's Cornprehensive Plan. It received a favorable recommendation from the Utility Advisory Conitnittee, Direcior Carrizosa corrected the Written menlo that the Plan be passed as read,rather than adopted as the Council memo stated. Mayor Dexter opened the Public Hearing at 632 p.m. Jeff Bohnian. City resident, representing the Peninsula I rails Coalition, commended the City for addressing the Waterfront I nail and Olympic Discovery Trail in the CIR Ile looks forward to working with City staff to further work on the trail no",and for the sustainable facture. Brenda Robinson,,City resident. commented on pedestrian and car traffic on 16",and 18111 Streets. Mayor Dexter closed the Public Hicaringat 6:40 p.m. Mayor Dexter read the resOlUtion by title.,entitled. RESOLUFION NO. 1-1-20 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,adopting the City's Capital Facilities, Plan for 2021-2026, which includes the City"'s'Fransportation Improvement Prograrn for the years 2021-2026. Pag�e 2 of 6 POR'FANGELT'S CITY COUNCIL MEETING -July 7, 2020 #1 It was moved by Schrotnen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Pass the Reso9unonadopting(lie City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2021-2026.which includes Improvement Program for tile y4l 202 �ars_ 21-2026. Council discussion, foHowe& #2 It was moved by Schromen-Waivrin and seconded by French tw Amend [lie main inotion to incUe in the CFP and TIP the Complete Street Revolving Fund initially funded at S 100,000 per year starting in 2021 Council discussion followed, No vote taken. #3 It was inoved by Schronven-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to: Aniend the arriendinein to the main motion to include a line itern for the Complete Streets Revolving Fund initially funded at S100.000 per year to start in 2022,rather than 202 1 Council discussion foHowed. The Mayor asked if there was unauhnous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. #4 It was moved by Schrotuen-'Wawrin and seconded by French to: Amend tire main motion to include adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2021-21026, which includes, the City's 1'ransportation Irnprovernent Program for the years 202 l-2026 with an additionalamendment to'FROI 15 N Street Chip Seal 15th to I 5th Streets) to urcUe "Complete Streets projects". so that the project would be titled: "N Street Chip Seal and Complete Streets Pr(:)Ject. 51h to I Sth Streets-" Council discussion fullowe& Motion failed by unanimous consent. #5 It was moved by French and seconded by C,arr to: Direct staff to provide options to Council regarding 'TROI 15 N Street Chip Seal, 5th to 18th Streets with possible additions including traffic calming and safety measures. COUnCil diSCUSSi011 followed. The N/layor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0, ORDINANCES NOT REQUIPJNG COUNCIL PUBUC HEARINGS 1. Adding Chapter 1.30 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Indigenous People's Day and Adding a new section 1,40 of the Port Angeles,Municipal Code Recognizing Juneteenth/Conducl 17irsr ReadinglContinue to Attv 2'1 Manager West introduced the agenda items, This will be the first reading with final acloption on July 21,20,101, Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINAINCE NO., AN ORDINA- NCE of the City of Port Angeles. Washington,adding a new Chapter 1.30 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code,recognizing Indigenous People's Day, Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, Page 3 of"6 PORTANGiF."LES CITY COUNCIL NIFTTING July 7, 2020 ORDINANCE NO3. AN ORDINANCEof the City oCPort Angeles, Washington. adding at new section 1.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, recognizing Juneteenth. Council diSCUSSiOn foflolved. Minor changes to be added to bode Ordinaw.-es for the second reading. Mayor Dexter announced the Ordinances %piH continue with arneridnients for the second reading at the'luly 21. 20-20 meeting. Mayor Dexter recessed the meeting for a break at 7:45 p.rn,, ]'he rneetint., recom ened at 750 p rn. onIER CONSIDERAIJONS L State and Federal Advocacy/CouncilDiseussion Manager West encoura ged the Council members be advocates for legislatives,priorities and pursue the need to speak to legislative represenlatives to inaintain funding with no budget Cuts. Council discussion followed. It vNas nioved by Schromen-Wawrin and sec(mded by Meyer to: Direct staff to prepare a short briefing paper on (he city and the COTrununity's financW condition and revenue needs. and possible impacts of'budget Cuts and to provide this report to our state and federal representatives, The Mayor asked if there was tulaninious consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Selz romen-Wa wrin and seconded by Meyer to: Direct staff to prepare at resolution in support of progressive revenue pot ties Washington State for the Coun6l's consideratiori at the next meeting. The Mayor asked if there-was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7'-0. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Meyer to-, Direct staff to prepare to proposal for the hest approach for extensk)n of"confinaing to support parent!,; Nvorking from home during phases of COVID and the need for childcare accessibility The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. CONTic,kcrs & PURCHASING 1. Contract with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce for a Dovvritom,it Vision and Strategic Plan. Coirunurtity and Economic Development Director Breid(c provided background infbmiatiort on the agenda itern and noted the shared support for a visioning exercise and strategic planning effort for the downtown area. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Scbromen-Wavvirin and seconded by French to. Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce and make minor moidifications as necessary. 'The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition. the motion carried 7-0. 2. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCA-DA) Industrial S'kvitches Purchase Manager West introduced Informaticni Teclinology Manager Weeks who provided background on the project and purchase, This pro)Ject Wrill modernize and secure the existing network. Noe 4 of 6 P()RT ,AN(jELES UTYC'(.)UNC'1L MEETING —July 7. 2020 Council discussion fi,)Ifowed. It moved by Schronken-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to accept the purchasing agreement with Development Group. h1c, for the City's,SCADA Cisco network switching equipment oudined in proposal t',123450.,and to make tninor modificatrous to the proposal as needed. J'he Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition.the inotion carried 7-0. 3. City Hall Low Impact Development Parking Lot Retrofit, Project No. '1'R1215, Professional Service Agreement Public Works and Ufflifies Director-rhorrias 11unter spoke to the prQject and provided background inforination.'rhis project %will provide Cor a grant-funded redesign of the ea;tside City 1-Ul parking lot stortmirater system, Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract awarding a Prc)fessional Services Agreement to Herrera Inc. for the City Hall Low Impact Desrelopritent Parking Lot Retrofit in the amount not to exceed$110,677,00 and to make unitior modificationsas necessary, The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0, CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council nvmiber Meyer cornmented on COVID 19 impacts to the connnunity and promotes the use (if inasLs. He attended the Ciallani County 1-ransit arecting. Council member McCaughan attended the Solid Waste Advisory Conimittee meeting, Council member Suggs atterided the Marine Resources ''ornmittee meeting, She participated in the Solid Waste Advisory Corninittee meeting and attended the AWC Business meeting and other sessions, Council member Schrornen-Wawrin shared his appreciation Council inember Suggs' work at the AW('' conference. He cmm oented on the following cornnintees: Clallain Transit Committee, it PTO Com mittee, ANVC policy ineeting, and Flousing Alliance, He addressed the lack of housing and structured shchers and commented on police reforra in the coninvanity. Council member French attended the ("harnber Weekly ineeting where they received feedback ftom the business community,He participated in a Realtor Roundtable discussion with a contnion positive view on the economic impact on zoning, Fle addressed his pirticipaticin with Olympic Peninsula CiornmUnity Clinic as they have increased usage with COVID testing and spoke to how to support the use of outdoor space for dowmown businesses. Deputy Mayor Carr attended the North Olyntpic Development C I ouncil- the Cla.11ani County Board of Health, and reported that OUtreach education and flyers, for COVID 19 and mask compliance are making their way in the community. Mayor Dexter volunteered to passed out educational flyers f6r COVID 19 throughout downtown, She,will participate in the Clallam County Economic Development Council meeting and will be on the KONP Todd Orloff show this weak. Mayor Dexter is working on using resources for anti-racisin work for Council, and how best to serve, the community. No other reports %vere given. Page 5 of 6 Pt: RT ANGEL ES CITY C(,)I(,J'N('IL NIELTING—July '7, 2020 IN FORMATIO.N' Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and rt�,ininded Council ofthe.10y 29'11 Council Work Session scheduled fur 5p.m. to 8pTn, discussion to incduded fiscal in i"or COVID and budget inipacLs. Manager West noted that the Code Enforcement decision has been postponed. with two firms having been inteniewed. ihe itern will be brought(c) the Juiy 21 meeting. M 1 '1 introduced DePLVu' Police Chief Jason Viada® who provided cornments on the Chine Report. anager Wes SECOND PUBLICCOMMENT None ADJOURNMENT Mayor DeNter adjourned Cite meeting at 9:42 p.m. Kate Dexter., Mayor Sherry C'urran. Deputy Clerk Pag,e 6 of 6