HomeMy WebLinkAbout3681 ORDINANCE l'OG.
T ,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,,, Washington, amending
substantive and procedural rode provisions relating,to enforcement ot`non
criminal violations of the P ►MC.
' ''``:
Section ll. A new Chapter 2.90 is added to Title 2 of the fort Angeles Municipal Code
to read as follows:
2.90.010 'i tion an sup
2,90,ll20 Definitions,
2.90m 30 Enforegrpent, autlwutnri� and administration.
2. 004 — Service,
2.90050 Ct b at:iog§ of Eons pgpq si le a miv�il violations. f
90 060 .Oral rtrnina
2.90.0�70 '°am i n ,letter.
2 llmmf) G w'oluuutare� rn.�pliance ag ent.
2.90,090 Notice of violation --Contents and effect,
2.90.100 Notice_of vuolatur un I,Mqq atic n, revo j0p mo i ucation,;
2,90 l_l b Stop work, order
290.120 _.._... Toners-ypgnalti"e,;,,
2 0,1:ill l"wlonetar _ ngffi s 'i�"aiv� r ...
2.90 140 lwlnrrutarp penaltu s I"nvkr<tn�erntal,l ,SensitivemmAreas,
lit 1 5 0 _ Costs,
90,1 0 Collection of rnonetaDLpqjAWesf ,an cost:.
2.9Q 170 Abatement.
90 l- 0 — Code_ abatement fund -Authorized.
190.190 teals,.,:
190100 Deten-nination ofccurn�liaj m
2.901.010 Application and scope,
They p,u��Ckl,Lhis clutnptu r rs tea _ stablusla �nWr efficient s t ....cnf�krc civil violations of the P :MCl to
.., _
establksh_penA to s ro i e_ for_abattinentof any aCfgc eel To erties,_t ,collect.,all casts associated...with
abat n� nt »cl tc prov itl an op P rrtu lcrr a rutm.Ip!._a eat..snd decision on ally ped violationsl�of gse
r ualati ns wv n. Atka,lwu d Unless, otherwisee died„ the rovusaarns....off° this c aft nw_w a l �t�n.,,the
enforcement of all civil-provisigns of the P,AMC. In the event of a conflict t between a_larovPision in this
ghagg and any tither enforcement tn�uwign of the PA C the more spec ulic rovi ion�a apli�s.
The PAMC is enforced for the benefit of the health, ety,sal and welfare of thg-geng�5 public, and not for i
---. . -- ........................
the benefit ofany Darti wad r t r,caa car class of pgj�i�..Jtjs i the ntent o f t
.........................--his.chalger to_pIgge the qWjgqtiprl
for compj_yjqg--Ajth i "w
-it, Isqqi— jqLperson
rays ponsib]e for the y10[at ion or cond ition of land and bui.Ldings situated within the City W AL.I.Rg! izdgsand
within the sqpMof-the PAMC. No pEoyi' ' q term used in thJ5 is intended to .i se anv°
d gy.upqrj_flig.�it or any cItLjts.Qffiq ��gt. nlp )ve that would su t to clan ag-e� in a civil action.
2.90.020 Definitio,ns,
As used in this chapter..the fo.lo
-3 have the meartin 'et forth in this section...gidess a different
pjg;4nin is_gjgqEI 'a e y irldt Undefined terms ar i ed using tlieir common us,the context. Undef ................ ......
nIgARjq&.qqd-jq-g:ive f1jis chapter Lt�..mosl rcasonabLI-e 4, ligation,
"Civil violation" I RX VI(Ilation or m a nutuiuu e with a.civi),larva r sou art ofthe PANIC not otherwise
deli mated asaiiiiifractioti-iilis,de zallomiss misdeineanor.
-P rs n. r the vio[ation" _qr.,-pgsgjj j* spjm s,,ib_te.7, qieans_a scitg, the 1'�IqL ,� -r�qui ed,b
4ppi,icablc,i-chi qlgkrp19,,pprI)pjyI,tr,q wit orwhoconinn.01 ksr-.-i'on that is.a v ca violation or, uses
car...tar runits a violation to occur or re "'POY"in the and includes but is not limited to A i
Mqni gwo-pm c i t
pwilerts j 0:1- s 4ggj 'SIS g�g se
-) -�� f qrgj, q qraci gy c.uC44TY-FQRqly
where a civil violation occurs.
'64Re eat iolation" means a violation girth same or similar PAMC location b the same
SLO—VI SI L)ri.III_4W --.—Y
pgr—sonfor wOkkhtllx(ilgmqa-��qmphaneg-p o ga s� or(2)a notice of
violation has been issued withiLi tw(ly ars.
2.90.030 Enforcement,authority, and administration.
A The C't Agigger is authorized to administer and enforce, this e Lig jq� Thg cf 1mqgqte-g4ffirww v to tLic Poice fire Corriniggity Dqyjpprije�q,,1) �,.orothqL tydc nts g1jL— ___parL c-
to assist in enforcement and g_j y al
so seek_assi stance from oartuuwjde qqqjq§. r at contractors, if
.B.,- When the C'ity..M.anager.determines that any_�Jyij viol-atjpq� IC have occued or are
— _I__...........AM lT
ourcumin tlr f,�iM Ana gqE ma to _An P
y q,is or more of the follgAin actiggs�.-,
.1. Inve sea rty-p yQperty,gructure )L4sc reag ily—bett d.to bq,nrr_RqqmpUtqqt w i th thePAM C
2. Issue an oral wKqqljng.
.3 Issuca wg�mt4g letter.
4, Enter into volunt p[ ap-r merits w jance ge ijhpgrsoR2j.res ___5jbjq_fbr code violations,
5.— Issue notices of'violation.ttig.r ulrL e and asses ipretaUpenaltiesforno—ng m Hance.
6. Issuc§IQP wo&_Lio ocq4p Qlhg orders that [e -c inunediate action due to an imminent
- -
risk of injury or damage to soil �<)Lprop
7, Sus end revoke, modify,or deny any pennit or a roval,issued by_lhe
8. Assess monetary. gL�a tngsj_ta>r noncom I ance.
Direct the City.AAtome t(j initiate court actions neces��, to abate violations or to enforce any
C The cnfprcernent_pjqeed . ira this chapter are nc v Manap-er i uthorized t
s ao
exclusive, TI,e Cit g�qLc� sie an.
yjgLitesta qgpr remedy h to civil_qgqjqri�law or equity,or a combination t ere
violations Exercise of gng-pioce(t Iges not. �L t ustz her )cedure. NqLhing in th�i cha to
4pp�_L —-pE y�-jjfAngL---pp�— p
vrohibits the 'itv Manner farom irnmediatelv issuin a notice of"violation,seeking iudicial review,or takine
other enforcement action without first14kiny oQj remedial actions,when the,circumstances warrant more
qNppditiou�_gorrcction or when t,he..p sonLs)..raslignsibIc J. der.
11 With the consent of the owner or qccupier, t a buildo ,q Lisps,.p--r-purs gjjt..tq a lawjWjy suqd
court order, the Citv ManaLyer is authorized to entcr at reasonable times-anv buildinLy or,;premi ig pSrfonn
;my duties-,im osed by„t aG cha tet'
l"'J7ae cityj_ i.s....guthorized tojdopt all pLrOcedurestqL(Zs�,..gpd ie reasorl,ably--nec—cs�qo(.jk-fu-,-Iy
iin lement t is_cha ter,
2.90.040, Service
A. A notice of violation, or an other document issuedpqrsuant t t is c a h ptqr�,dust la sa rw ed on the
fwwerse n Lq whom it is dirqqgd_by;
I Personal service.;
2, MailiDSLg co of the documqat by_fLrst..pjgss mail cyby certified mails_return ted to
such erso q -)wn address- or
at, last krit
3. An means reasonablv calculated to of service,
B, In the case of stop..Aork jig occup�nc ,pr other.carders that tre iiqMd(iate action due to an
y _
imminent risk of iniuUocxlanaa c to gEso.p ils QE.property, service will be effective u o Ugsting.5
. _ P-L —
the order on the subjeet_pKqpSrty.-.-.A_pqpy of t11 document,ww^ill be served_pursuant.to PANIC 2,90,040�(A)
g,,s :soon as r�-a�gp bly rj -g-- j-r jigable.
.. ..........---
C, If,aftqLdue dfliggpcc such erson cannot be pgs�qn4jjy
_serw ui�M+ Jthin Ciallarn COUni and if an'y
address for mailed service cannot be asccrtaiqedijqj.iqe must be servedby postmg�qgpy of the ciu�caanent
conspicuously on the affected ioronerty_gr structure.
R Proof of service must be made by a written declaration.under.p -eriury executed bythe
pewrson efl ctGru�rw�iqp the time and date of smice, ij manner the service was Lnadc and,
, declarigg... ......... -L q-
i fhY.Pp-stipg.tlae&gIs,sNAingLibe-attemots to verve_thrscwR2gLsonajjy.c jEby mail. lfsenjce js,divine.j?y
tjjqil servicc is c rn a.d....iiwartet ppp the third business d-g i in the notice into the maji.
In the case where the demolition of ed as a means of abg
........---............ a strugtqrp is pLop tqjqqnt,an -fien holder
whose lien interest is recorded in the official records of the Clallam —Co9 pty-nius g..of the
enforcement action.
F. Each owner of the land on which the violation occurred or is �IgLqM
...... _Lng,qiqg_he s eryq(L with the
notice of violation,
2.9f1.050 Obligations of persons responsible for 00 violations.
ft is the duty o sygoLpgnigg-responsible for a civil violation to abate the violation and to take all
other actions npq!LssaryAp..achieve compliance with the PAMC.
13, Persons res aa,sablemmmfor a civil violatioll..p iotice of violation n ta
p nd abatement costs. FlowpygL -�i ary p at r .en-nits—p!_yjj]qnt of inonqt lie-ions fo
acknowledgnneqL_qfjstop ers' and comoliance with other remedies do not relieve the person,
_)york ord:,,_
dujy to correct a violation.
C' lu addition to-anv t)enaltv that may be iffmosed b ',,,.the City. gn p�qrsoqviolating or failing tQ
the PAMC is liable for all & a", _1o.-puhlig qT-p ivate pro arisingfrom such violatio
incl in storing th �..gffipqted are:a to its conditi( violation.lid _g_Q1 cost of res Qt
1), Resppp5jbility for civil violations and osed 4rc ral and the_City is
non vrohibited firom takiti action"jqst� apt-y-where otLiq_pgrsons otentiajly, _j v also be pELsibje
for....a violation,_pq r ty r.is..The Ciequired to take agjid�upq AU a,l�y spoqsible for a
........... ........
2,.90.060 Oral "arain
Thq-0m Manager may issue an oral waram:n !j.dqtemjLqi or is occug ing,
Lklg,a civil violation has occurred
Or I wami 1.O' ,,,pjqjogg ..gfiotlowed up with a re-i
—L - b ..............
2.90.0170 Warning letter
III ge C i t y-M.a n aver may issue.a wam .g i ...letter porival yiolation has occurred or is o,cg .n The warning n the )erson re,jqjer mustj forin �. s o�usible of nature of the violation and sp reasonable
Vetter. __ggjf y qj_
that to correct it or allow the I..Lq._enter into a volur o in I iaRq�p Agr qLsuq
itAr-y--K—o -�qprR�-R P'AMC
2.90.080 Voluntary compliance agreement.
,into a vWuntqa gLippiiance agi�eqiiqent upon termij a civil
violation has occurred or is occurrij
violation........ 1g,
B. The voluntary com liancepl t_includer the following,
I The narne and address of th grs
eoli _Lori(s_rc nsibVem_&qjj�viqt iaaki-
2. The street address or other desen' tiqn sufficient. to id building. try ises or
land upon or within which the violation has occurred or is occqrllplg�
3, A description of the,violatioti(s)and a reference to the LIAMC pri n wbich has been violated,
�yisiq i(s)
4.....--An aLyreeniqnLby the p r c)n(s) er e volunt,
th wvaivmt t e. ipulate that the violation exists and
!jpLg.jieari .:apd
.that ....... ...........
corrective acti LiUs and a deadlin s
...... .............._............... gr hpd Ie_fqr coLippliance
6. An agLeq'ngjj,..p jttnjg_ttjg Cit _j eq them rema��M�,_ nect�. to dete rTnine hance
W1 h the voluntary cornDliance aercernent,
7. A staternent that if the terms of the voluntary ppip pliaqqg_ag_reqnjq[j jsfied t&�e:.
authorized-lo, assess_rnonctary_poalties, ip sup )E the pi, abate the
Q�_t4� -A-s- _j, q_L quirin
violation, o to abate the violation and recover its_qQsts and gcpensesArpjydin',. ut not linuted to,
abatement materials and costs, attorney .erns,, qx 2trtitness...Fgcs antlmmc,crnrt c is jr tic taerson
re onsiblc
8. A stalcment that the City is not limited in the enforcement actions or enforcement ontions available
in the event the volun!gr t j_qgmptij.gp!;�,c Mrpqrjjgtjt is,no ..full crforrned.y p
.C.... If the ter ins of the voltnntar c nnn rLanrcLa;Ltz.jj�q s tisfied as
- !�a --,and ant of tirne h
no been_ anted, the r)erson re��orisiblc forth eviolati0 i1_ nayAitk rout bqjAgissued a notice of vicrlatioll,
stqjjwork,pjder or e otfh sued. suant to this Canter,beh assessed a nionetajypgpAjty Iqs'AlICosts
other order is pur
incurred byAbe_QAYA qotppllianc4�.... psed...when-a voluntary comvliin��arp
not satisfied accrue_front the date the voluntary
�Mhng.q_qgL enient was executed.
2.90.0190 Notice of violation-Contents and effect.
A.- The,,, i arrr r rna issue a notice of violation to art ..p_ rson res rrnsibl ...:lor,.mma civtlm.vioanon
qppn detertrijaing-Asivil violation has occurred or is occuitM..
Vim__..... A notice of violation resents a determination that a violation has occurred or is OCCUM!'I that..... __ __ S,
said violation must be corrected
_nand that that uttraqfties ma.........y be assessed.
C A notice of violation must include the following
jr,he name arid'address of the2!�rsqt ts s)i qpvqpsjble for the violation,
I Th"q-street address or f ..street Qjg, ter land
upon or within which thL violation has occurred or is occgjjjn'r
I Adcs�ri ipjI.of the violation(s)and .reference tq the LA, !!a p!
--------- 11(§ _�L .....s been-yi.olated;
4, ^ The reqqnrqd_ Qrrectiyg_gLtion and A deadline fo It IR,;
5,'_ A staternent that the police of_viol,attgn-may e en pp_q nest fcLr_b �s caring
with theF1 .Examiner withig-I 5 days.,of service of the notice of yiolatj'g!i,.j?grsuant to PAMC 2.90.190,
and that fai lure to tirn I Wpgg.g Q)jgitutes a waiver o f1he right tq_ApTeal
6, A staternent indicatitnc tkrat the appeal hearing will be cartecled,an&or no,neon la, will be
ache ssed,.qthgT than (j,' sty gq��qs if the corrective action is cp� d -.pgc f ty--qo -ApO qWg jp1qtg d date car
prLpr to t Lic,Appeal he46pgjfplr able-
7. A statement that a monetgty enatty.mqybg ssgd er violation for each..d ncomphance
-p— --p
incI!,gling the.dollar air punt of the monejqry attj ..and�jjqtAn)LAssessed penaltics must, bepaiLt
,, _,pgn _Within
1444ys of sqryice of the notice of violatioij,
A statement that p-gympp of the monetary alties sloes not..rAjig�Le 4 N rsoiL , nsible ofthe_p qn _�L_
duty-to correct the viol.1tign andjqrAp_wy,,mqLnetary p t Lier..cost assessments issued°
9: A statement advisjp&,A._h t a failure to timely app q,4 temd the notice of violation a final
detennination that the conditions existed and constituted a.Nriolation and that the narned pa Cy�L tiabie for
the violatiort
I A statement advjsj�j,..failurc to com with the notice,of yiqlationniAy be rqf�rred to Ity t4��.Q
Attomey for n.
_[ O qg4l
.D .. -- c(l.-,,--Ap of the notice maybe filed.and recorded with the Clallarn Count Auditor,
2.90.100 Notice of violation-Supplementation, revocation, modification.
I'lle City Marlaer mayr voke or ether visetnodify Bart;in n a otice of violation b is5,,in whole or
writte iental notice of vig_Iation can the followi
A._ rnh-q_pr w ce of violation as issued hip or
B, There is new infortnation or.chan ed circurnstaneesqT
C. Parson was incorrectlynamed as a resp !Is le
_ I �j� pqqy.,
2.90.110 Stop nor 1k,no occupancy,or other emergency orders,.
A....-----.-_ The Cijy._,Maqg issue a stg-p--work, gg q y order, or ther orders that r uire
.......... duet
__�j.i rn.mediate action. due to an imminent risk__of inu. S) damagg.jp on etennL a
........ qq - jM _pgr poy_W pirrg-
civil violation is-gccq- has occurred, Such orders must_be o.tgd and served as set forth PANIC
.orders.__ p
such orders re U'rc the inun Bate cessation of._h t. e�ified work or activator on the sqbject
pr_Slpqpt ''ol_� r a ttvNt rna tt t resume unless authorized in writing by the `it an4ger
B. A sto Hork cjrdLr, NS��U.. ,order or other ordgLs thatjgqWTe�qjcdiatc action due
L no_ .............. to an
f n li @ q ns or g imminent risk o j_jjjry or da
_prrr ert rn be appealed in accordance with PAMC
2.90.190. Fa-----ilure to ap, the order within I S dq inal detennination thatthe civil
--------- _p renders the order a r
violation occurred.
C Violation of an order issued under this section-Is a scparate violation frorn any other code violation.
2.90.120 Monetary penalties.
A, ..-.-. In addition to utilLzipg-Aiiy..2!hgr-rgtpedy,,tt Cit r t gy es5 netary ics )n-AsLs t,_1119—
determininLy a civil violation has occurredror is,occurn
B. .. ._Mo igt4 n�jlt�es for b i accrue on the-first.44y or
_pg_ __1_!�"ivil vio'lation ggi i to
gq_ pjJancc set forth in the notice of violation or other order served on the responsible partv and continue
................. -------
to accnie each.44y urItil,the violation is abated.
The cumulative monetar C. y pppalt tier each violgion or (Iq(Ln therqgj,is $2,50.00, with
aO s allowed p_jgsuarjLjL this section.
1),- .—..P.e.n.a.l.tie.s ma .be doubled based on the following-factors:
I The violation wg.s.a e ggLyjQjgjjqm
2. The violati n resulted in ah sical ins or to another' prp pgqy
3-.- The violation was kno win e or de lib rat e--or
4. The violation resulted from-gLoss lip rencq,or reckless conduct.
F, Penalties rnav be reduced L on_a w,vrittezti req girti co(c enforcement division by the
persons) named in the notice of violation or other order that includes the code enforcement case number
pR explanation of the circumstances surrounding jhq_yiolation, qlit acts taken to correct the violation AnY
p q ggkttiZ a ehalt y reduction must pro e that the violation has been corrected and the date of
coijgLtion as verified by code enforcement, 'rhe: city_Ma:n r..will make a determination on the 1:p�uest
based on an evaluation of individual circumstances i jqd�
.................. .....nc g1gjut not limited to: the seyerjty f the
q.tio pqblig interest being rotcctp�d q� (?,p ation o h violation;
.. _ ...Ik 9- th -pggjqp Eq !Lfor t
whether the vonsible have demonstrated toward compliance to the
City'..s5a.t.ist"action- and the abilit ) t pg esp he violation o th q.assesedIties.s
_Lf--he---pq[5 _X__qqsible for it ............---T
The decision to reduce salable.
---.....decision penalties is not
2.90.130 Monetary penalties -Waivers.
�A. Monet�a�qi a_Ifies_rnay. be waived or revoked City na aer ujjclee flie wq!�riwvFin
I The notice of violation, strip EorkpTdqr, or gather order was issued in error;
I The naonetar raa rtaltieess were assessed in error..or
3, New material information warranting yaiver qTr vocation has been presented to the,Qily, or
.4.,- As appr n4tc tp esolve litigation,,
B..- The-�7ity will state in writingAhe basis for a decision to waiver or rev gke_pcna]tL,-,.. The decision to
wgiye,oi-..revp.ke, .It es is not�W lablq.
Ugnp- �a -
2.90.140 Monetary penalties- Environmentally Sensitive Areas,
A: C arcrtect envirgnmentall s risitrwr long-term hsrr r, rsonsrevs qnsible
for a eivilviolation�relatigg-to q llypyjrOnmqq!ai sensitive areas will no�t only_be jgqqj[gdjg restore darna ed
enyironmgntql�-y._seii5.ittye_areal if"possibLq_aimed bend gialbqt..also will be IrRqp ary
the eecrlca gjeaL..j:qprgat1oq n a 4I.-g d econornic values lost or dajj)Lqged ducto their
unlawful action.
Violations of l environmellitaly sejL Ut are not I imited
-------- -- �j!jy�L��visions of the PAMC include...b
I The violation o[Chapter 15.20 PA.IBC C,Environni ent ILqj y_Sensitiye Areas,or related administrative
2. ...... The failure to obtain a red for work in an environmenui
3, The failure to comply with the con ditigns of-�jp_y-pcmij!,--ppp oval.Lgmis and.conditions of an
slensitive area tract or setback AEq&_.gqsqrqqnt...!qqyenatt t,p ipdIp as54 al nor b i ' r4nce.oar any nottee
9-ftiolation,5LcV wor-k-prdgL ijitiggigp ,contract ent issued or concluded to the
_g -.p!gq4qqL
above-mention visions.
C-,-- In addition to assessi!jg_pj-Q�tar pgnalit 91irsuant! qy gy y
additional$250.00 in mqpgtaTy_p.qnaIties for each violation of environmental l YqA[94 rOK. I [is of
Y.-�qns�gL -P—IskQ--
the PAMC.
2.40.150 Co�sts.
A Upqp,..issq-qnce of a notice of violation, o W u-".......ork order, pr othg-p�der iss, ed.p-qrsk!jitjt to this
Ch.4 at thc..(LiIA Nt gngggEn� phqrge t .costs incurrcLd by tIjg_Qity o force a civil to violation the
t en
include but are not limited to:
I Reasonable I ces osts Lit riot limited to�, lega.,personnel costs Court Costs
.L_�aad_c ---tpq! jM.h- - . J-
film falmrn collection fees, and all other costs a expeg !,...qs may.b��-qllowe�d by lav�,
2.,- Administrativ ...p!�E��. costs inclgdin -ninistrative end costs
9 --:------- limited to, adr. __pMpL
- pd
I Abatement costs j q n-,but riot Hmitedto I equipp rerial d curred b
qd -aL .an, labo.r-.costs in --y
the City in Ltj�Labateq)g t of a-violation;
4,.- Actual eVensgs-and costs of the City_jp_prepqrjjjg.-nohge~&orders specitlicatigns,4nd contracts;
4p or coqtTAq!jpZ-pn4 n cting the work- g the costs of aqy_ra aired aanr!ing'.qT m?-il-im
5 Interest in an amount as..al lowed by law
B Such costs are due and pgy4 !�IQAqy�jfrom axaailin the invoice.
2.90.16 ollection of monetary gienaltiles,fees, and costs,
A. The.(ity-M is authorized to colle, rnoi LaU.,p igifies costs,and/or interest oAin
.......... -q gqr�_ -gL- � - -g
under this chapter by a? reap¢uate le a I giggi s ing dicizLj,,A-Lgc4jjWg u!�aQL.141— h-j4— cfiq,n-o,r t, q use of
B. In addition to.... her state or I ro,..�ision for the cover of costs, ft C ity_y
ManaRer is authorized to levy a special assessment on the land or pjerrrises_where the violation exists or
existed and file with the Clallam-CQqnty auditQr-a lien 4, 1 for,the i'nonctaW ialties Lginst the rea o pL-gqrty ----------------
fees,�,qnd costs asses5wed, in accraadance with an ie 2rqvisions authorized "�-y a state law, Before ley yin
i !
asm o__cssravpit.rtmhe�..at _m!ust rc� rd arcatwc e to the.�r crl, owner and.any identifiable rnc;art�a�c hcrlcer
j b alai marl^cleat s_c cra1.assessment will be levied on tthe proyert+lone with the estimated amount.
n 8i � m ale l t ...stab 1aa.... ri�wa°it�..... sggnt .1 _ stat _l w anrar ludin but not,limited to B C W
A.21,40 to the extent aka liea lei Any such claim of ligp may bare amended to reflect eh n a_.clv_conditions,
.90.170 Abatement.
A. ..._t m enrc ay_batgmcan. Whenever a condition constitutes an immediate,threat to the ublij hgal�
,safety, r..welt re or to the en irortment,th _�,jjy Manner is authorizedto saaararnari a(q. jie condition.
Notice of such a atemoL including tthc r aaqn to tt ¢must lad yjg� tcamml e tt �an_re� caa�w�Lble for the
violation as soon as reasongbl i 1c wll cr beforecar after the abater ent action is initiated.
B. _ Judicial abatement. The C"at ..:Cw ang r is authorized to seek a..j: dlzciallaabatement_order. mandate,
i--1 nctacman,or gilic,.r._relief from C,lallam County supenor_c,ourt to abmate awwcivil violation.
C. Chronic rtuisanc; L dici aL_ w ateplc it order; "I'he C.ate ana Yer is authorized to seek a iattiicial
a chr __.. _ ®._. __ relief from C"lallanu Count sqpcnor court to mate a condition deemed
onic nuisarnce ursuaattoC ha t, 34 PANIC. aucla rlrcwfin addition to the remedies outlined_ ua_.this
cl ai ter and!:hMer 8,30 PAMC, m a seel�_abateme�ntwof the chronic nuisance as.1.`ollo s.
1. Direct the removal of all.,p rsonal"M K92cr . qb�t o seizure forfeiture as r aunt act_; QW
69.510.505from the proveft ,bur]di or urj(. w^ithm a,wbuildinar,and direct their disposition ursuantt to the
fiarferture rovisicrns of t
�CW 69.5050
Provide for the immediate closure of tka tna or cult within a buildin a paurast its use
for anyrw nqrposq,,,,Agd f""orw ing at w leased for a eriod cad_ua�tc?c)ne ear unless released�sQq ner, and,
3, State that while the order of"abatement remains ire effec.t�.tly r( ert uiLd n ; rar_ar it yfthin a
buildin . ell Egmain in the custody oft he co rt,
2. 0.1SO Code compliance abatement fund--Authorized.
All monies collected from the assessment of`rrupnet,)enalties and for abatement,costs and work will mbe
allocate mmtmc, su t rts2 Tqg i(jitures for aibaterncnt and be accounted. or through either creation ofrcan account,
in the it 's pcfe_C','cm�lraut e Fundmt r such abatement costs or other rca r ats�ccowantrn rhea Mani m.
2.".19O Appeals.
All contested rraattcr arisin .:under thus c~hatatcr will�be heard
_—by!he Hearin ]� iaaamiraa a luc fkLl ng
ofan aal�cal,
F , ±ier�laerson to...vwhom a notice of violation, Cra�a ww arlc._ rder. err other ordca.:..is isscuecI ma ccrutest
the notice or order. Failure to a dal the IL to = carder waives s the right to wararagal gaud arnstatul�s....ara
admission that tlnc fac ...ccantcl asacatas, nd or ers stated' in the, notice or order are va��d trauo�._aud correct.:
�f the ] car_ uma _l acrtrniner finds tluatwtl a _..___ or order was issued be rcf`undc , either walacaV _or.la!au.rtiall a
C". The fee. fcar.an a a��ui is 5tlf�f fly lee ua ea.i fcc anwwrrthout reasorrabUa.cause.
D....... An al of 4...notice of viol rk order or other order must be submitted to the g
work order .-Ly
Cle p ith in riti _gw 1,11_i-5da r _gf_thc date the notice or order is served. Receipt of a cotimlete a .peal
submittal wilLgay enfo final decision on the_Icement ofa notice ofyiplation until a F ...-#pMl has been reached.
—------- -------Filipg.pEg4_4ppggl doq,
....... 5noL stay tLf
E. The appeal submittal must include:
I The case number desi"mtW by th Cfty
2. The nanie and siLmaure of each tioner or their authorized rores�jjtgi an If..n hiple
--p —yei -........y..--.. _
mr-ties-file a the gpTeal niust d ngg.one -s the contact reprcserqatiy d
3. _ __Thq_,5 uu lfie decision 1 gjpg__Wpg_jgd. and., lie spe &...Eqasq ..whv each aspect is in error as a
matter of fact or law,
F, The Hearing, aminer will conduct a Baran -gqnt with CIV ter_ MC and will:
findings pOdi w lqh�r ApIepoLiderance of evidence shows that the violation OCCUITed
-pg--t - -—
and.the reu gired corrective action is reasonab1g;
2, Affirr ,,..vacate, or modil the notice of violation or oL rLand
3. AffirrpyjNatg,._q ni ssessment, of iDL poify the a -qj qqgta -ppig .ppp_ h1g, The ltqgApg
mi iner rna monetary .g Itie, ed on the foll jug o ns L
..............-LQA -q_oerationsw
a. .......—Whether the violation was a first ivio atioir
b. Whether the violator showed due diligcn in atiom
-qqrr�.Lh e i I Y-Q-�
Whether the pizA i to:4I.ty-j�-mQre than necessary-----.--
i. ..........-.,-..Ne'utraii e an fit enipy b Violation-
violator as a result fir
ii. Make the public whole Ior environmental or other damages su'fered as a result of the yiolafi.Qu
iii. Reimburse the City forth e costs of enforce
d Other relevant factors.
APY-A I peal of the Hearin Examiner's determination must be filed with
withi n 21 dad s of issuance of the decision p-qr,uant 1)Cha tet-10.70C RCW,
2.90.200 Determination of compliance.
Rersgqs res_porwsihlc fear- lation must notif Qt g�jpL writi�jg.)f n actions taken to gy-Mgna,&_ L-1-y-
achieve conwhance with a ww arnrn noticeofyiolat ijn volunt� , ary orn a )p wq . der
e-_4 i4jig" q� __tb_Q!L�
or other order....84or uarprases of_As _n ._jjjp_netary Ities violation is ed oi o n� until„the
pqnsible for a civil violation has come into-��; m _Ljgnqg_with the notice of violation, ypIgIltaa
q_qjp liance areement.. w(IL order her...9rder ircLja�roxjded sufficient evidence of such
._pliance a _qqp— .............
compliance to the City pnq qL.
U mnation that compliance has been achieved, the r)erson responsible t k Jty
............. �! rqq
i Kzqja t iss a arrmtt r detennination ofspmpliance statipS that d..i.r. violations noted in the °3Lij�qnjg,
gother p ab corder have been
yoIkkq_t4ry_cgppLtqpqg..agi cement, notice of violatio wqr� rder a 1�__ n,s�op ...... .pjic--! ........... .......
sufficiently alb, ted. The Q t��I.m ij -p
L W determination of cqjjjpjiance .ible
fo�r the violation.
2.90.210 Suspension revocation, or limitation of permit.
A. The..Qity Maqqger is authorized to suspend, revoke,, or modifv anv vermit issuO b3Lthg...(:
whPI'kLi Ye.
1. _Ihe p.�Zqnit hoj&r has committed a violation in the course of p (i qlq jjg.Aq..-yjfigs_5 jqgtjo that
2. The-pgrmit holder has interfered with the autho rued are Rrgsent4tives of the City in tj1p er-Iforniance
of the authorized person's duties related to jjj�iLpe rnr t;
3, Tie ennit was issued in error or on the basis, of mat i iyii,icorrectiiil,'on nation suvt)lied to the
4_ Pernnt fees or costs were p id to the. .' returned from a financial institutionniarked
jjy.by.el and
nonsufficient fun S Os -')ii canc: led- or
5. _-........The mmt -.AL P or_a wal is q sensitive area review and t has tailed to disclose
.— — -ro ,
g_qh air err ircumstances on the dev lo M
PsAl site NKIne-h mat n ,plicant's ab I
a- ap ----6---i t-Y
to rpg eon ition , o 'which makes inaccurate the sensitive area study twat_. as the
—.5 -T
basis for establisl)jn"errriit or a a aroval conditions,
B..-- Such-susipension revocatiqll or_tnod.i.fication will be carried out throe gh.a notice...of violation and
is eff,*eLgtive upi)n the cQoLi lance e ished by h of violation. Such � on, revocation,TjL_ jgjq__g�jAbhs_lathe notice .qMqjsi
or modfflcationgjay e?g naiei riursu t to AN4C 2.90,190,
2.90.220 Denial of permit.
The Ci.ty_Magg r is authorized to denyn�tj) ppjqy-fQiLwwhjgh thu_pgrnftjs submitted is
sub ending_qjorqojpp.t action or is in violation of M.Aj[dj�nance resolutiop, Matt n or
U _Igguj_ p _
p,qblic rule of the City-jhqL rqgqjgtes o1j..p tests the_th __ qbhq1a afth safetan the use ad
dcvel p j may continue until the violation is corrected, deerned
----P .. qf..Iand and water. Such denJ4 _As
coLnpl�etcb jthe City a ignt isf__an„ cantrciulpnrrvd for the p violatio t, that
der _ttLqLapp aLs will agled to the extent necessary to any Eq:q tive action.
,jq�L _ _�s_gr action.
Section 2. The existing Chapter 8.0 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is repeated
in its entirety and replaced to read as follows-
8.0 010
&05MO Definitions,
�.05.030 Exenintions.
8,05,040 A ba tement and removal if iqnk yeb i.qjgs--On.,p vatc, pp
8.05.050..... Violation Pqpalty,
8.05.010 - Purpose.
I'hg_p_qrpp5.p of this.ella er p presm the character and safety of the City's neighborhoods b eirminat'
as nuisances, iunk vehicles from pKj
gqvi �..proccdqrcs for the removal ofjqd
55�2 vehicles as authod�zed by W 46. 40.
8.05.020- Definitions..
....y��definitions ate ly t jeans in.this
.... _gunk vehicle"mcans.an vehicle meeiritt,t the definition mRCW 46.55.910
........— -
B. I?ji�q rc e m c q_Qji:cc.ir"'mBans the City Mqnggqr
C "Landowner" means an owner..of pbypt _ rovertv qLA ersoUL111 ossq�g(in or control of,,p_p _p
8.05.030 - Exemptions.
This chapter does n,)!Upjy tg�,
A. A vehicle or-p-irt ther hat is com let el_y...g!lglg gd.wi,thin a b ildigg in
_4.jawful manner where it is
not visible from the street orL)ther ub�jic
B. Aveliicleor wart thereof that is storcd..pMgrkcdina ,14Afql niazjjje ...LDD in connection
with the business of a licensed dismantler or licensed vehicle dealer and is Cenced accor Lig di _jqRLCW
8.05.040-Abatement and removal of iunk vebicles on private Property.
A. Th arts thgjg�)_f�on r�typt�L pro prty js—dpj4rqd to coil. itute
q.puhlic_nuisance subject to abatement.by remova 1,and dj; a1...11as ctig!j and contirmation that a
junk e W91—exig(5�,,Abe enforcement officer WilI notice rg—Vq---nnnn
in writin ,to the last.registered owner of record
of Lheiql1k.ychicle and also to the rctwarrr Qfe th r at a heari uty ng n be re uested before the
. d
h ,gxa miner,.And that if no hear in is,bested w ithin ]OdayS"rtilenCity-iligyEg-M--Qyg111- hicle,
Costs of rernovat.ni assigeLssed , : last
he............. --d apinst the: last isteu(A owner of Ili i-Igg— --!,,j4nk vehicle if the ident tYnnn-gf
sn I h owner can be determined, or the costs mgy b e assessed the landowner oft qgy n which the
... ................
jqA ve,hi jsstorcd.
R If a rgqqest f�gg-heariqg is received, a notic.e i&the time, location and date,of the hearin will be
mailed certified with a five-day_LetuM e c�it r ct ested...Iq.the owner of the land as shown on the last
egad assessment roll of"the Cou4ty..Assessor and to the IgUs re 1�5t i. ered and,lggql ownqfof record of the
yehicle,unless the vehicle is in such condition that the identification numbers are not available to deteni nne
Cr". The owner of the land on whichAh k vehicle is located m the heart ent a
qy--gppeat�-ALII r s
written !statement p igr to 1-h-q licarim aard deny r V nsiNLily for the jqjjk v ca
n n the
land wvith the reasons for such denial. If it is determined at the hearmg1hat tIj icle s lace the
!�h p_ : —
Band without the landowner's consent I--�qr sL&S ��q icsceai�� then ill not assess
administration or removal costs against the propert ;n Inch the vehicle is located or otherwise inove
to collect such costs from the landowner.
Q. After notice,has been gjyg�n,..�Ltkjjg.QtY-'�-it1-t—enttO dhv- -osc oftb�ed�un .�Lehjctp and after a hearit g, f_L I
.rq%test cdji,�sbeen,held the '4:nk vehicleq )lice pfjjg r
_U q.1hercof,will be removed,at-L
an 1_s�cd_pf by .a-registered tow truck er� State Patrol and the
_�p�4to�r with"notice to the, Washing-t ..........................
D a ment of Lice n�iiDg_that thic ehiclg as been wrecked,
E "I-hc-C,ity ma a orn private propertv file or record with the Cppjgy
- y,ifter removal of the unk yphicle fr ............
Auditor a claim for lien for the costs of removal And (ttVpsaj, which sliall be in accordance with the
provisions cov Ling-jite..cha.nic.s'-Iiens in.Ch4pigr_N.04 IQ ad said lien may be foreclosed in the sarne
manner as such liens, The oose in its,sol e d iscretion to colle ct any...gnjLajd cb s-L-itymay alternatively .ch
utilizing wli4tever legal options are available to the City, including but not limitcd to tqrrjjpgjhe gr
over to a collectiOrl agocy'ffliRg_a small claims court actipnor filipg a civil lawsuit in district or sa jiqr
In addition to the costs of abatement and to--qny.pg.qaltjps assessed for failure to con I , wfth a notice of
violation issue dpqKsuant to PAMC 2.9Qmmd. !hL hap q0,_qjiy_p�:son yipjatin 6 s g_ jer is deemed to have committed
a civil infraction_cprq[D�g�in Y 4ppn._tjjq_date that the enforcement officer or the IleadrigJENaminer had
qificd for_qqmpjpjjqn of later, ill b e fined n ot less t, han SZ50,0(Lper
abatement, whichever date is lat--er.a—
Section . The existing Chapter 8.08, Food and Food Establishments, of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety.
Section 4. The existing Chapter 8.2,4, Disposal o�f Dead Animals, of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety.
Section 5. The existing Chapter 8.30 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is repealed
and replaced in its entirety to read as Follows:
8.30.010 Sg2pg,
8.30,020 PqMose.
830.030 Definitions,
830.040 &LtkQLjAy.
830.050 Nuisancgs.prphibiIed
830.060 Nuisances' ' defined,
8.30.0�70 Chronic nuisances.
830.080 Pgkipg.pf vehicles on residentialpy eqy
8.30,090 Enforcement,
13 x.,
This-chapter is supplemental to all other laws adopted by evciihis hap rs le City, In the t t p _tqr..��qnflic with
another law or ordinance T g pgqlatiglis that are more restrictivefor tk c�sg hi h cj..standards or
the _
EqCtiLemcntjs a ly,
Thqp,,pMosg, :this gjj� teristo create and maintain a safe and health iyironrnent for the residents of the
City-of Port Angeles by prohibiting thcose nuisances that contribute to.,_.iniury, illness, devaluation of
p p sqjd the incidence..of crime or that affect the Eights q_C,lh q eE..qomjRqRjty_ -_.,ghap -j-...is
----------..........." crime s-gr AL — _Di� —g� -_
enforced for the benefit of the ji welfare of the are_ lic and not for the benerit of
Mi particular person.c N)p[gvi C L sionoran (erniusedinthis IMp.risintendedto ' ll',�_y_ ...........
at dL t pqjj the city orany pf its officers or ern ees that woul
My, A-L YU ....officers ...... ploy d sq!*!ct th j,,,jgqs tQ cl� jq.a civil
As used in this cha:pt jjq)yin '.tenns have the mpApi t. forth in this sgqjqq unless a ff rezrt
Lne4rn —iIpALIyin& t�db _ li_e context.
-Undefined teq,nL_phca,sgiq.nd words should die imqr.prctcd first usiDg..the definitions taken from, the
Buildipg_QWg �,if not defined thqr QhapW 17.08,PAMC arid.then, ined therein,.!if riot def
qsgjg 'i ...... ............... .........
-their 9 it ry ng..!Q give dii q ter its most reasonable qppjication.. -L - qepqA.jjjeApj_ _.-
"Attractive nuisance"means inn y_pbkq_or condition that constitutes a hazard or da r is ible to
unauthorized persons.,and tends to draw attention or entices,
shallshall mean the current edition of the Inten�i,ational Builditig—Code,—International
.................. ..........
Residential Code, National Electrical J1.'r e!jy e Injernational Fire
_-pp - qq_.C(,A�
Code, and/or Urban Services Standards and Guidelines...as q ed lig..QLty.
:_�� - jMj_ -
"Director"includes,b is not.firq*ted t the Chief's of the Police Department or Fire I c artni ent_p— —,Directors
of the Public Works Arid'Utiliti rnent of Communitv and Economic Devejop-q�et
and their desi,&,"Drivei�La ine ns arnwlrrrproved surface or open area for use by a nj yehr lei forIhe f aceq ._,pj iM
"grkjjjg_arq;j�>r fcT.the parkj�pggf vchiqje�$_
7"rov c "rneans that area between thP fr
�_ont pEgpgrty line and the face of the residential structure farthest
eans an unauthorized markine, Sv"Inbol, inscription,.word, figure. de.,;iLp ®r rather inscribed
material that has been vlaced use caf.. saint j, dye,..qr�.aiH other substance
I gable of mark irgpe t
in I q S..!od LLr uant to law,
poyncf'means to take and hold a vehicle in I
"liipr�ovedsyi:&ce inverts an, area that has been altered From a natural surface.
"Mppna e vehicle" rnearis a vehicle that cannot he 1pgally..qpgKqje j roads, hieh�V-A zhIS-Qf--W-a-y'
wat Lnyays orj. .ublic lands due to the condition of the vehicle:or the starus, of the owncrsWp,-Mistr4tiop,
or license of the vehicle.
"'Maintained sur-face means a natural_pIgnted s e ue T c s� grassmar ground over that is mowed and/or
maintained to.,keep it in ood condition.and to-p
maintained -rgygnt soil erosion.
Cy i CCU"Ong�oincr�iniinal activit relatedto th�e"r inis neansthat 1)criminal activijyjs or has been o
gat_the_prcmisq,s or Q..criminal act�i is hpgq'vity or has _p�qqqpjnjy,.!jgqLft4j[pmisqs and such activity hLas-4
q _
reasonable-,ind vroximate connection to the-premises es gilts or their visitors.
Examples of conduct or actions that constitute criminal actiA(y occurring at or near theT eiqj g�..L htdc
but are not limited toth2e followin
I Arrest of one or more indivj&Als by 14w enforcement during qLiy_24-hopr e 9-P ri 4�
2. Commission of a misdemeanor, gross rni&demcanoT..qL_fkjMjLtqL near thq,2Egg�rses, and where
there is a reasonable and proxirnatc connection between the crime or criminal and the uernuses _err
3, Visits..b_y jaw d is oc: r has Lurred�..gjo.r.c.qment base ..Q_Qn.A.p sortable belief that a crime: qprfipg-Q
b.u.t-which do.n.91-result,jrt ap f thg actions identi fied in subsqqjqqs� vided
__yp— _W
that visits alone pjU npL&nn the sole basis for det inqj&p is,es to be a chronic nuisance ises.
........... --p -prqm�--
!."-��u �osgs of this definition,arrgst for or commission of misdemeanor,or felDORY darn stir violence shall
not be considered criminal aqiyfty..,
"Recrea tional vehicles"means, any M erg or motor home,or t that is, mo re than 14 feet in
and, cam -AU boa ..........
len h.This term does not,include iy
&It--- -- - -- jin ito es,on wheels"as defined in the state building
co as W%jgd-hy them i
swnin,," means solid Wppd fencin chain irrtic fencin) with slats or solid land��s-4pable of
erirrccal _taarl ed vehicles from sr lit at or near theplo_p_q_qy,lines.
, prsuch scrr gn need not exceed
six feet in-hq:!gIjt,
"Slored vehicle" means yehicle5u. S on zL§.iIjgjg-farmj ............... ...... ithout
_k pI__ _ _1y.jesidential lot, for over two moriths
substantial movement of said vehicle,
'J"ehicle"includes ey vice le of�eiltg..moved on a.pqb L_ gry
0 ........ Sjr y.w 11 ich
b _
any pgrsor-L cnr pMpe-y. .5 )r drawa,gpga a blic hi hwqy...inc.tqdiT] clot be
gd..c-- --p-q .--g—
limited to . automobiles (qp ks rnc rized recreational vehicles ca rs�jj -q.L -Ec� g�jto tray e
trailers,boats on or off trailersutility_trailers,_oES,.).t,her vehicles defined as such in Title 46 RCW. Campers,
----------- —------------------------
if rernoved from the towing vehicle and stored senaratelv,are counted as a.s vehicle. Thus term does
not include"`_ttnyhpqses".or hraixscL.on wheels" ads in the state buildin )led b
Lthe Cit�y-
8.30.040 - Authority.
Any Poligg..Officer of the Cty a City er may orce is-jchater an ap d utilize y_af the
.................... he nag— --gnL— �
fQr i th in n QhapIq 2 A TAMC
5. 0,Ct50 Nuisances prohibited.,
It is unlawful ful...1: any. eason or_ the e-rs n's agents. em t :s oL.i: �.....to erect qgutrive.reuse
con tal uc nw int art rrrn�lm t ,nstanw nuisance within tl7e mrt incitactt_ aut_1kt ruto afa ,uscrn
or upon ak!bliC ,lit w_af wa
8.3 .0 - Nuisances defined.
Ttw t lml�s rn _ sic t a, a s t ae es„es rt_litions, aq( tl,,,,,,,,_�n�; .;ge declared to be nu is'ances.
A. "Ve ctat# rI.,.
l- _ Qw~erI.'ruAnb un a 0v ted car untended e to ion of ley � c thu gsubst tttd � obscures structures
. .....
on th r�o rt ur blcu��; -or imp _access to,structure on the r�arty,
2. Grasses and otfrcr w e tation over 12 inches jn h lut, cludiru�t,cultivated and tended slu dl��r�r,
tr es,M rnantpj.tnl�utts,,_an flowers wwithirr a planti! _bed or containers
:._.......... Dead decavina, or diseased_vac t tacun at an eatcu"hen in an enclosed ontainer or;in a
manauud couppqcr ._perattion:
—.. axuet weeds >detiutc l iat har tar 1�i-7 if tv_o gyAoxL..:l�.��trnn.�
Via.._..._...__ Accumulation for more than_ttwwgo weeks u-..,�� e�tatrtwl�,.. rite,._including, but not limited to gross
clip rrl$s cut am us ut._trces, and/or cut, weeds, ex r�t when in an enclrased container mor in a rur�ra�u�
ccw��actsti_ � �-$uti�rae
C, nwtacxst nat lset rna manner tnwaewent iw,f"u~any attracting rt,Cstatiraraw,cf rodents car insects, car
ernittil odors.
7. ._....._.._.AU v u, w^; thereat, w hi�ch h :ut .rloww^er than, a hmmt._feet mmabove anw��uh1ic ww�all� u or
si cw aKor bLqgg lowprmthunn 14 feet above any ubllic street r.which are o gIg in such a manner as to
obstu et r utra a it the free and full.:q,5e oaf`arty public walk. ww�a ,si walk,_0 street,.or,violate City clew lew
trit�a.n le r_�ulAjjons in writwle 17_I�. C C
J , Buildings, str�.uctures,anus i z _qjp, ts,..
I � �
1 .............. wl rttdana_or_ tructure orportion therea4'.x._that is ri�c� �ndwuta idated� unsaic�... �trn cdr?.r...in f
disrepair, to tl7w+ „extent_thA ut rase a threat of ccrll a c,.. truuqtua l! failure, or fallirl
2.........._.._ Any .?uildint), or structure, or vortion thereof, constructedith )pd al or� ,„
in rc er tagettgd together or anchored, to the extent that it apses a threat of,ccwl la se sm etural fa uree
or lidlipg.
3. Apy artlallyconstruc;ted buiIdin p structure,car gioun ther af'that has been lef"t:.unatten d an i
unfinished for more than 9 continuous days.
'tom Any_ui Wing or structure,,,-p rtian thgreof",car u. ravemtnt that draes note I ww h the Building
.............Am pit ng,, strup.tige or A for habitation that does not have functioning
Tq,___pqqjpn_jbg[pgL usc-.-.
Clectricit .water,or sanitation services.
6. All vacancy.unused.-car-jjqqccqpied buildin and str rcturm,that are allowed to become or to.rem 41n
Mgn tQ-entranc�g..by..qnauti1q.r.i.4ed rst tas or the..' ergi p
C, Accumulations ofZgT materials,
Lig-.L)r gpogruction materials associated with a current, in_
pMgreKprpject.�qjd�not in a lawful storap-e structure or container.
I ..-Any-g r rulatican cal''brcaken discarded inope[qbtgy tarelected item� � carts
, ts 1 of indmalin-Q
but not limited to, household fumiLprc furnihin s. e ent. a machinlitter
qjqteijqts... no V TQ
or iunkt in an I p Wed enclosed stricture gQ retainer„ oryaste receptacle.
3. Any--garh, xe waste refuse litter, debris, recwlAh es ma _tp,or other materials, or combination
Lhereof not in an..4jjpLqv structure,gcalataaner RLWaste re
D. MaintaininLy. using,, placing, sit a ns rinittipg o be,car remain in car
----& _g jAg,....jg-yL --QE-m— -t— _,-Any
pE1jyaLq..qr. ublicotgpgrtyM',,wol'thel"ollowing::
L AnyuLisgi4qLput __pE unwholesome bone, rneg,_hides. shirr or thq-Ahole oE.1n,r s o[,qpy..dead
animal or fish or the offal, earbage, or other
I &W-qi4jerials. gar bagpwas ly waste refuse,,L_
whichprcr±ides h4 gboragg_&.rats,or other vermin
3 A;jy open drainsg ..p"se mits any noxious ive, iniurions,un Leasant&_tank that g . ....
qEdisqj.TepabIc odor or substance.
4. An i noxious feca
l, car_Duffid substance.
5. Harmful i iseets,such as tent qater�aillars.E. Hazardous Conditions,
I Any ref jgqqtqr,_�„r air, r ar fcac d-sto ge_lock ha YM A Vicav i C4 one and one-half cubic feet
PL - - - of
or marry,,,, any other gq that
container d.aagqfagtur custom-made or homeniade..desjgp!�d !eL..sjqLa , is,
g, ..........
d.Lscard c abandoned or left in,any p*g.-access"i""b'I"et""ol children and that has not ha0—hcdQorJkdor IgIdin
ni g
mechanism rem to pr�L ed yent the latchinp,or Iggkin of the door or lid.
2 jiy eneigsure which may p zL.hjgqan or an anigi asible refrigg[ation
_ggra_ _ gj,,jnclu— pg_ cces
aDDliances,,that Wye.not had the doors secured or remov.P.d.,
Streets and Sidewalks.
J._Any proqgsion a qin�'„car car rlra�r�thatw-Jnhibits or obstructs use of a P
2, py objgq, on dainng condition or act, that interferes-w inhibjts obsq tsor
renders a_ or hi&ypy sidewalk., street
ft.use of a public walkwgy,�
3. ccurxrulatrons of dirt or debris,that inhibits or obstructs the usq�fa jAhjUtc waLkWpy or sidewalk.
4... .... ,ill..All obstructions, to streets w riglits-of- i1y bli s that are made without lawful
.... ........ ------
permis, h t, lIqving sion,are k� fler the.pgr se_teen made with lawful r)crtni,---- — -pt and maintained Afler the pq
thereof has
G. Fire Hazards. &tly_.51qqk_Qt.accumulation of flarnmable material left in a manner that_, ores ps a
substantial risk of cornbustion or the gggqd of tire ire marshal.as determined by the f
11. ......... i daLig r aus wwast smearopqs household subg�g�ra hazardous, waste, moderate-risk was,tcs,
tar any-hazardous rnateriqJt,, as defined in RC Ws 70.136.020 and 70MKOI 0, that are not seeggly
contained within gR_gpprqprigq story
oke, ppt Dusti car Odors,.,
I, Al ssn the escape or erms pio fan ggoke g esor odors that are offensive or
harmful to a reaso—nqble perspIL.
........ -qE-dispo�aLof refusgsawdust other materials in such a manneras to cause p
,ot 11--- p
ashes pder.s.to be cast arum alle f the Ci or to cause oE ql it the streets or t is
smoke, ashes, soot.jo�,as ftL)rn such burning t N crraauor the
health, breathing,pr comfort of erqgn
I Anv disturbance of aiiy,,.IandArgg,..oLp.(L iittin trig same out to� affirmative measures to
gJL _yith ,i
supprqss.And minimize the blowiniz and seatteripg_pf dust..Ihat unreasonablyriterfereswith the breathn'-i
or coral'ort of a reasonableli
J. Bodies ofWater.
g -sj.......ructures related to storm dr_
2. 7b pL t,irt I oEIArIqppMygd d.jschArg J o y 'it well, or body o�f water,
jtj�g --g-p� _ g�Mt-4p W� �
I InterfeirelIgg with.. ..poltulitIg 2f:desig te qgAlIqhitat areas restoration sitgsigt
�creeks jqwkg w g[gp ds,Qq a�r areas thereto.
Graffiti. A Fiji onp riva!�Lp eit-py graL................ -.gbt.J-g p
11. Deyp�lot'q q_t.Codc Violations. Anv violation ofPAMC'TitIIqs..J 4 15.t1611 7.,-.or.L8,
M. Allowipg,q�e�rr.tzraintaru pgAhe existence of an Attractive Nuisance,
N. I I I icit diswr:t the municinal storm drainagye, * stean as defined in Chapter 13.63 PAMC.
0, Aqu excavated or ngLutqIly o�gqqip , hqj�L vault. sump. pit,yw or try other sumlar coedit" n
that is not fenced or otherwise secured to prevent access,
f . Noise.
1. Any srntse or so nd re,Yqr pc Iles s gat,origin, that intrudes into, the pLrp og son wih in a_ _pqqy pf anth_.__p t
residet'itial zone and that exceeds the maxim m perjj ssible noise levels nursuant to,C. apig L73-60Y��
an.d hereafter amended.
2. The followine are exernot frorn this chamer:
Sounds created during the norniat usp_pf p_4bjj_c_,p ht ..() wwa
b. SOUnds created-by juoto vehicles when rejaulated by Cha-mer 17'3 62 WAC;
C Sounds orip-inatinp. from aircraft in-fl light qrjd punds that originate at it its which are directly
d. Sounds.created by surffto qgW (I i_q.earriers q_ ge
e. Sounds created b !ALqrntjjg.dqyj!� , ngj ppeqgLYI�ntLi ly I more than five nij i_utes o[!)P s tlqpqL jp i _11—
chimes,or carillops�
Sounds created by safety qnd2rotegtive devices whoa noire sqpp essiq would defeat the.intent
of the device or is not economLgjIly_fLeasibIg;
g. Sounds preated b Zgj,.i e g!p ent and work q Ary in tile interest of law crifbreenient or
..y erner pp"
Lor..hpallh (;�y or welfare of the community,
E Sounds originating(rorn,.q icially es and other ublic ev Jj_ fl _,sanctioned parades, eMtK
i, Sounds created in conjunction with public work proiects or public work niaintgnaLn Sg operp�ions
executed at the cost of the federal government state car munici2qlit-Y,
Sounds created 1141PP;with the colle:ction of salad,waste-
k. Sounds crcatedili n Iujiction with miLit r zqip )r traini and
I Soinid§Larzn, tirw frorn,,qFggnizqdw,activ i ties(,iccurrjpgjblLq_p ,pt�varks g' d. sgyrrinasipi
roun _R
swjrnming qoI§,schqqts., andA &ic facilities and g&ic recre,ational facilities L�Q cilities dgdqrst of
I The fbll,owing,,aKe_qNernp rorn ftj5 h r,wbetween 700 a.m. and 8:00 nw
Sounds i rcs,idcntia
�Idp_LIr! �frm
_9y..__KeIatijjgL T.. o epIppraU rLV.41r�t _p_g)jg.cts; fqr_th e ..� -or
m. ntenance of home , unds, and avourtenariggs.,
ai S ro
b= Sounds created by the disqharge of firearnis,on authorized shooting rangzes",
q.,_ Sounds created
d. Sounds created_4 aircraft engine to and rnaintenancenot related to flijbLopqratiops
that aircraft testtan andmaintenance is conducted at remote sites whencvequp§jble- and
e. Sounds created hy1he sqvices.
4 'rhefollo are rn -.00 a.m. and 8LO pi. or at a hour when
................... gA"t from this chapter between.l. -9-p-�IV
conducted bgys,)nd I..OQQ.Ikpt residgrice:
a. Sounds qhg�ingjq vorar construction sitmites as a result of construction..a v ty,
Z frorn ternporar ......CO---J,
Sounds g4aMing blas g o vesting and mininf rninerals or material ...jqclu but
ruin.hinited to,,,sand, ggiyel.
........ rock And ct, eFt.As rimgry redg�Ljon and fro ccL��j e 1_ — pgAif m in ra 0 s r
m terials foir concrete bat.chiM.avbA1_tnAr0nL,and rock crushers-, and
9-.— Sounds originating fro uses on p.ertiesthat have llpe dT.c rqRtqrMi1,s,to overate within certain
Motor vehicles.
I. Use ofan.v motor vehicle,RV,wilit jraiIqr,.S,)r travel trailer fo nation uses N�� t
....................... ljgjb _pqr..p�
in an area desienatedfgr_suchp.gp scsA th if rear zred
2. Use of any motor vehicle RV i jyrailgE,_o1jravel trailed toL agg_Q1'property or trash.
R--- -------A other vio at of the PAMC state law deemed "nuisance"or"pybfic,ng,ij,
---- - rry ion or a 4nee."
8.30.070-Chronic nuisances.
A. It is Unlawful for 'Lqiq;t t_Auj)gr�gq to contriv cai,� 0 IL
...c-ontiripp, q
chronic nuisance within the City, .A chronic nuisance exists when anv ofthe follo c wirnz conditions occur:
1. During-ativ continuous 12-month-pgriod;
A__6 naldetermination has been made b the City that two or more conditions ern true rppggy
constitute a nu.' ge -cant to this chapter, and
b. _the_p ,_ert h _four or more occurrences qf'ppgng.c inqI; Kj_ )2. Ruripg_qU 12- _pr2p�rt ira stigiL.has five or more occurrences of oggping
................. ..............
criminal actiyity.
B., Defenses, It shall be a defense against a declaration of chronic nuisance if _qllgggctLo be
Eesp�ppi ble fjor.......the nuisance:
I, r _pn"q s era reasonable qnd.o!,)ZLtq&cf(`prts to remedy the nuisance.ancl/or
2.is not the perpetrator nor allow I activities.
,5 -U)etration of the nqi�i�jnce or ojilp n�),cqpjLnal ac...
the pL
8.30.080- Parking,of vehicles on residential property,
The p Atgra
ge..Kj vehicles on sjnjg-_faMijy..residential lots in violation of the followi tandards
is considered a nuisance,
A� _ Side and.. eryar J)4rX�4&pf vehicles, in the combined side.an d rear ar argas is allowed
—I-r---------a .......
cry if the following conditions are,m&
I The lot must hayg IeFz t..access fron-i t1je adJ.;Acejjt stre t.fLr le_Afty;
2, There must be._a rnininmin of three feet of unobstructed_Tacq.between a vehiclep rk-ed in
yard,and an. structure.,A.nd a minimum of five feet_s warcc ftrorn eside,pru -ertylines.
3. moroved or mai su an dust be on an i ftKki" ntained surface d is limited to a total area of n m o ore than K n,
40-nercent of the combined side and rear vard areas.
1:3, Front varcl. Where alley accg s.is aya&ble,_pqtkip&.in the ircurut rd gf," of p hibited. Parki
vehicles on residential lots in tit from y4[d s a�c jt..bqp tq.,.those lots which havejgggl..pp)y —
from th- -grept.jark-i g--must..-hq--can-q....pEqRefl ear all-iKqqthcr"jturfacg,, incluO
lignted o cotj(,Leteas �rq Iapjirq Led perrrie&q vit mate ruIs or other material approygd.by
tIlgjBuildir OffiqLja.Iajjd hAa4O ercent of the fr( area,
4W J�i_�ited to no more A- --p
C Number ofvehicLes pqi�kgd The total number of _.harkedvehicles tor s ed outside an
4pLjiLoyg .strqcture in the front side. and real
............ ............... _yXA_arqg§_combined is limited to no more than fbqqrsu igq
to the limitations above.
D. Exceptions, The Buildin Official may, under the foltgAj
9 _ng cinLurnstances Ant an tion, to
the varkin, limitations in this sectiom
I Additional vehicles may. be allowed in...p pggicular vehicle acce:s..lo other ya&��is,
qtn4vaijqW.csp_k as�.the les Rjjr�ktLd total number of vehic on the lot does not exceed four.
j �ijg_
2, If the number of individuals with valid driver's licenses within the household exceeds four.
Applications for an exception must be made in writinLy to the Building,Offici j,xce o bi to ns are S..
r eLje_w _pqn receipt of additional nts. TheBui ding..Of -c-.ial'sdcision on an aqc tnwas final and
110 sub ggtAq ap j -p
Ino Crable stored vehicles on residential lots shall 'be limited to tll_q_rear_y rd
area. ScreeniDg_. gjLh vidqd between the ino erab e vehicles and adiacent orooertics or riehts-of-wgy,
All stored vehicles must be maintained in a clear and safe manner.
L A-q ui structure, All vehicles which are in IMq ly
ig within an enclosc JjHyenclosed with .._a -L
C.Onstructed 2araee or other StrUCt Lire are not considered as part of the allotted number of'vehicles,
G. Recreational vehicles. No more than two recreational vehicles may be vark A her on a
--Any w
p, e�", 5 ori g s cam or other recreational or qgq vehicles in an upstable rnamier is
.-Egp hibited,
Lj,_ Rqjqjrirjg..gf vehicles on a property is prohibited unless:
I The maintenance or Ueair does not to exceed 30 c&nAqLday§, oar vehjp
2� Fhe vehicle being-10ait s rpgistered to a resident of he o
............. --pr-pert-
3. The re air is not in assoctation with an business of bg"n),.-s-"ling.. c iiin or rqqqnn o g f c
ve i 0 -!Y—
h cles r J�s,A�ghorized and lie sed�y the for such busin
4. 'Q in a manner that does not violate noise re relations and
5. ThelepAir-is conducted arz a manner so as not to allow anv vehicle fluids to saturate theg[o id.S)r
.en.qt egr ny. or body of watr.
L nstableLea .is gp1licl ohi es t d unattended on block s,_L4 1 r"am s or otherw va is eleted above true gro e und.111-an
unner ,
J, All veh cla...lrarts and accessq cludiu, but not limited to...cont iners of oils and fluids must be
iMpr9priatply stored in an a rovpd..structq
'This chapter is enforced in accordance with.Ch t, 2.90 PANIC.
Section 6. Ordinance 3176 as amended, and Chapters 7,01 and 7.07 of the Port
P&L Section
7.01.045 and replacing it with a new Section 7.01.045 relating,to disposal of animal carcasses and
rgpealing,the existing 7.07.060 and replacing it with a new Section 7.07.060 rglatin to violations
to read as follows:
7.01.045- Dis,porsal of animal carcasses.
k The carcasses of dead animals must be removed and dts stasa_qf.12y_h!� Lq.1heqjjsed incineration, or
ot.hp raa a r rehqd..within 24 hours after death. If the carcass is band q rqust be laced so that v r 114
g0j— _p g..gy_0
thereof is covered_hy_qt.le.ast_two fpet of earth and at..a location not less than 100 feet !resin apy NgLsp. tg,
qT.strearn and in a p rL Qt.,subi'ec:t to overflow by_s_qrface.water, In all cases of death.......fro cou able
......m mm
disease the carcass,, if disp s 11,.must first be en plo ed i i unslackened lime,
B, Itisurilaw fail todiToseoforAu inpdgdanima ..animal..carca. s, s r.pqtjjj"I
......... __ se _q_ Pr!S�_O. .jj_p Op.... ....... tig-12L -e
It is unlawful for a commercial establishrnent to char rib
ge—(Q--. _q disp.,.!sal of animals,b A in r b ry
without v'rover vermits.
Violation of this section is deemed a misderneanor.
7.07.060-Violation as constituting a public nuisance.
In addition to th J�2�_j s the violation of this title c nstitut a bLiq..nuisance and ma C
............... .............. ..........�Y_!L
abated in my rnq AMC or Chqptq.-§.gr authorized by, _2.90 1'� _7.48 and 9.66 W.
Section 7. Ordinance 2350 as amended, and Chapter 11.12 relating to prohibited
obstructions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, is amended by repealing the existing Section
11.12.160 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section I I,12.160 to read as follows:
11.12.160- Prohibited obstructions—Declared nuisance.
Aons ting 11 lared to be nuisances and m&L abated in accordance
W ll obstructi Viola
it!L_Qhmap_�r_81QTAW� eq,!,s located within Lit - violationi— _.I -_Qit". _qf a in violation_.
Of this clia terimypkTKITIc?y by,lllgCi_y t notice and destroy .
Section 8. Ordinances 3 511 as amended, and Chapter 11,1 relating to street trees of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code, is amended by repealing the existing Section E of 11.13.050in
its entirety and replacing it with a new Section E 11.13,050to read as follows:
11.13.050- Street trees—General requirements.
E,. Abuse or niwdati!�!?! tlK��,�r(�hibited.
1, It is unlawftil for any_pet�,j-qq-to LtLntic�jj@-ll-Y-A� or otheryise�njqre 4nArq AqdM
be considered abuse or inutilation of a tree sub j_e�t_tq_reni2cdia.1-ag.tioii under QgRtg 2.90 PA MC.
of street trees that does not meet the best rnA!1g&qn1gqt practice standards as established in the
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines MgLual.1
-jiAy bq considered abuse or mutilation of a tree s pbjpgj
to remedial action under Cha pt� 1.2Q_1?AM-Q
Section 9 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of,the scrivener's/cleiical errors, refetyences, ordinance numbefing,section/subsection
ntwnbm,and any references thereto.
Section 10-Se era If any provisions of this,Ordinance, or its,application to any
person or cirvurnstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to,other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 11 - Effectilve Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is, not subject to referendum. 'Ibis ordinance shall take
efl ct five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved SUnimary thereof consisting
of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular-meeting of said
Council held on the 3(4
day of Novernber,2021.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
William E. floor, City Attorney
T l ST:
a ,r
ri... artin -Fa i�Iey, C it A..w
By Summary
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on November 3, 2021
AN ORDINANCI,'of the Cit�y of Port Angeles, Washington,amending substantive and procedural code provisions
relating to enfbrcernent of noncriminal violations of the PAMC.
'this Ordinance, being an exercise of a power,specifically delegated to the City leg,islative body, is
not subject to referendum. This,ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication
ofan approved surnmary thereof consisting of the title.
The dill texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the C lerk's office, on the City's website
at k wwcjt of mM..- Po
S or will be mailed n request.
.-I -. -- u
Kari Martinez-Bail ey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Sunday, November 7, 20 1