HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 04/05/2022 'Poo*%, CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles. Washington April 5, 20,22 "This rnecting%s,as conducted as h,hHd meeting:open to the public wNith virtual attendlance a%aifable. CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING kla,wr Dexter caked the special miceflng of the Pon Angeles City, Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Metilbers present: Mayor [)eater. DePUL) %Ilayor Nlc%cr. Council Vlernbers Carr (attending vi�irtuall%,). French. McCaughan—and Suggs. Members Absent: Council member Schramm-Waakrin, Staffilresent: City Manager West. Attorne,, Bloor,ClerkMartine/-BafleN.C Delikat. K. L)Ubuc. B. SmJth. F.. Bolin. 'F. Hunter. S.Can-izosa.and K. Hatton. SPECIAL MEETING klayor Dexter w0corned members of the aucfienec and those attending w irtuall% and spoke to the purpose ofthe special meeting. Cily Manager Nathan West outlined the purpose ofthe mecting and provided,background and history relative LO the agenda item.. Representative ,%,like Chapman.city resident,s[x)lve on hehalfof his role as a Port Angeles resident and lbrmer President ofthe Junlor Babe Ruth organi/aflon. Staci Poiitika,61N rQsidcru-speaking as President Of the Junior Babe Ruth organi/ation.spoke in opposition sal'using the VAunteer 11rucficv FiOd as a potential site for as future point public safety 14eihtN,. Melinda Angevine, residence location not stated.on behall'ofthe Junior Babe Ruth orga6i aatiaama.sparksin oppos4iotl of'using the, V Aunteer Practice Field as a,rx.nential site for a futurejoint public Sal'CLN, facility. Glen Roggenbuck,resisting outside city limits.spoke in oppos4ion of using,the Volunteer Practice Field as potential site lbr a future joint public salety facility. "fanner Brigg.residence location not stated. !speaking on behalt'of the players of the Junior Babe Ruth Organi/.ation. spoke hi opposition of using the V'Nunteer Practice Fidd as as potential site fior a futurejOint 1)uhhC safety facility. Mike lVitika.city resident.on behaffofthe Wilder Baseball organizadon,spoke in opposition ofusing the Volunteer Practice„l"ield as a potential site liar a future joint public safety tucflity. Nina NapionLik.6v, resldcnt. spoke in opposition of using the VOunteer Praeficc Held as a potential site 1br a I Uffejoint public salety facility. Wayne Stratford, residence location not stated.spoke in op[N)SitiOn Of Using the Volunteer Prac6cc Field as a potential site filr a futurejohit public safety facility. [)on Wenzs1c. residlence location not suacd.past president of the Port,Angeles Youth SOCCCr OUT),,Spoke in opposition Ofusing the Volunteer practice Field as a rx)tentifl site for as lulurejoint public salety CaciHtN. Mike 'Oudd, residence location not stated.speaking as Vice-President ofthe Junior Babe Ruth organization.spoke in opposition of LAShig the Volunteer Practice Held as a potential site f(,.)r a tuturejoint public safoy facllity, Fric Flodstrom.residing outside the city, speaking on befialfofthe Junior Babe Ruth:organisation and sk-)ccer ol)ach, spoke in OPPOSitiOn of using the Volunteer Practice Held as a l-K)tential sine tear a future joint public sarety facility. PORTANGELIES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - April 5, 2022 Steve Zenovic,spoke ki opposition of using the Voluntcer Pracficc I icld as a potential site I Or a future_point puHic saliaty fiacifitN. ken BeardlN. spoke in oppositioa Of LgSia�;the Volunteer Practice Field as a potential site for to futurejon-tt pUbfic Saleu, facilit%. Jean flordyk.city resident.spoke in opposition ofusing the Volunteer Practice Held asa potential site fear future joint public sat'ety facility. ity Clerk Kari Martine/-Flailcy provided a webSitC Update which inClUded information relative to the jt.raitpublic SafL S -tN' bUilding and other large City proiccK ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adJOUmed the Special Meeting at 5:50 p,rn. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING M,I -dcr at 6-05 p.m. ayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angdes City Council to ot ROLL CALL Members Fresenr: 1�,Iayor Dexter. Deputy Mayor Meyer. Council Members Carr (attending virtually), French. McCaughan,and Suggvsl Mernbcrs Absent: CouncH member Schromen-Wawrhl. Stall' resent: CiLN Manager West.Attornq Bloor.(Ierk Marfinez-Bailey,C, Defikat. K. D'Uhuc. 13. ST714h. E. Bolin.T. Hunter. S.Carrizosa,and K. flatton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Karl Hatton led the Medge of Allegiance Lo the Flag. g CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS& EMPLOYEE RECOGNrrIONS L Recognition of National Telecommunicators\,Vr eek April I Oth to the 15tIh lvllayor Dexter first recognized the state-widcic,knLi\%,fedgenic it ofNaOonal public Safetv r FelecorrunUnicators as First Resjmnders. She then read the prockunation title& Recognition ofNational I elecommunicators Week and presented it to PenCom Deputy Director Karl I lation. Deputy Director Hatton spoke about the rccognition by the state and tus appreciation:ofthe acknowledgement. 2, Recognition of Week of the,Young Child April 10th to the 16th Mayor Dexter read a proclamation In recognition ofthe Week ofthe Young Child. which spoke to the importance of earl' childhood education. She presented the proclamation to retired Peninsula Communit" College Faculty and Program Coordinator for the Early Education Prograrn and Prevention Works Childcarc]"ask Force CO-Chair Yvette Cline and peninsula C ollege Earl-, Childhood Devck)pnient Center Director Christina Heistand, 10s. ("'line sI.x)ke to the importance of the recognition(in behall'ofthe lt)cal chapter of Nafional Association for the Education oat'N'OLHIg ChUdrcn. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was provided. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS City Manager Nathan West added Jae nem,cd h"SRISqfi-m?urc 1'.icense.-Igreetnem 2022-2024.4oft)4,arc,,Igreenit>yiI as acat F-6. Page 2 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL. MEETING April 5. 2022 CONSENT AGENDA Council mernber French asked theMavor to consider adding 1-5 and 1-6 and DeputyVlayor Meyo-asked the lvlwor Ito consider adding 6-II and 11-3 ten the ConsentAgienda. licaring no opposition.the Mayor added the kenis as 11-i. L-8.11-9 and Fl-l(). It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I. (11N CouncH N14inutes ol'Nlarch, I,2022/,Ipprove 2 Expenditure Repom From March 5.2022 to %larch 25, 2022 in the amount M'S 1.567.630.57 Ipprove ,1. (1tv Pier]ransient Moorage Float Replaeerricnt 1,11.7prove and authol-L-e the 01V AlanuAer ttX Sigh et C(,)jitido(.j 1141h lopper bhoats atic/makpnitior inoidificesfions to Me agreement i.1 oweesun',y. 4. I,Aifity Wooden Power Poles - Material Purchase/,h,rard a contract to) ,tells-dunes Corporation 01,7ilcotnet ff',I fiAr 70 orooden Poles tit a price oj'S84.513 06 including sales lax and atithorLe the. 0q, A tanager to sign and to onake minoi-modifications to the contract if necessari 5. 20-inchErnereenc% Water 1,ine Repair.CON 202I-49. Hnaf Acceptaiice/.1t,tel.7ithe:O-inr°h Emergenct Water 11ne Repair Protect No CON 2021-49 as compleie, and ailithorLe staff to proceed irdh prqjecl closeout. and re lease the 5'%re lain npon receipt qfall reqUilVd Chearances. 6. I-VIT. IF VNI-Renewal FSRI Soffokare L,iciensc Agreement 2022-2024/,Ipprove and awhorizethe 0tv g vente tit with A_-tecw Systems. ,hic o i, I'Sano!v (4jor and tar authoriser file ('illt,.I,lt:i):iir,!ej�-toelveeiitt,,a)i(it?duA,eriiintai- mothfications to the ag C reement�fne essat,tz 7, ITEM MOVI:_;D 10 C ONSEXI AGENDA - 2022 Budget Amendment, 41 Condiwi I" Reading, Continue lo, 1pril 19, 2 02 2 8. H HN4 MOVED FO CONSI"INT AGFNDA-2022 Cost ofTiN ing AdJustmem(COLA) for Managonent. Administrafiw and Non-Representcd Personnel/Pass Resolution 10-22 approving as 55%increase to the stdaiyscheehole 2022,fin-the Citv's manageynem wul atint)n6trative personnel. 9. 1 YEM MOVED I Ct CONSEN F AGENDA-Pianning orni-rdssion Appointment/,Ippoint h2nun.1v Oziadek to the 111anning Connnissfint fin-an unexpired fortit ending I-ebruai-V 28, 2023 10, 1 H."IN1 MOVED]0 CONSI?­N'F AGENDA- Appoint Ad I loe Cot n mittecs/Appoint Deput'v 1,la'y 'orMe ver and ("ejuncil membersSchronien-Wawrin aptofSvg� sere a n s iovtw-Yea ad r term on,an hoc subcoyinnittee,to review appoinin wnts to the 111cumbiA,Coinmiss,ion and appoint Councif tneinbers;Carr, ht-eireh and AA,Caughon to serve as ni,o-lvear ferin on art ad hoc subconingirree to review appoiniments to the Lodging litv,filvisewl Committee, Clarks note,Mariager West clonfirmed the appoinImentswere coinfinued from the origina� 2020 appointments for an additiona� two years. Subcommiffees will forward their recornmendatiors to the CouncH for approval, Motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 4. Lodging Tax Advisory,Committee Appointments Clerk Vfartinez-BaileN presented the rccommendations brought fbimard hN, the Ad Hoc Committee. corn tised of P Council rnernbers Carr. COUnCil members French and McCaughan.Council diSCUSSiOn R)HOWed. It was moved by McCaughan mud seconded by French to: Appoint Donya M"ard as a Lax Collectcyr and Christina Foewe as a 'tax Recipient on the L,odging I ax Aciwosasmw Committee for terns ending,2/28/1024- and appoint Rosylen Mangohig and Aflyssa Irruning to the rnernhcr-at-large positicnis liar terms ending 2/28/2023 and to appoint Darlcne Clemens to the rnern be r-at-large position for a tear: ending 2/28/2024. The motion carried 6-0. PUBIAC-HEARINGS I. Milwaukee Trails Subdivision Development NICE funds request anti Development Agreement Interim Director of Cornntun4y and L:conomic Development Emma Fk)Hn pro%ided information on the proposed dc%doper agreement that WOUld Utiliie the New Improvements f'ar Community 1:nhancenient of'Neighborhoods (N K.'Ej funds in the arnount of$43.969 for publicly o\Nned street infrastructure in the 14th Street right ofkka% just cast ofMilv%aukee Drive. Interim Director Rolin explained how the project niet the Council's Strategic Plan and Page 3 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEFAING -April 5,2022 1 101LIse Arrierica goals.and s1h4hkc ahout the puhlic hearing and dcveloprnent requirements. Inierini Director Bo in introduced Dennis Yakoxich and stated he vvas in attendance ftw any questions. MaN,Or DcXtCr opened the Public bearing at 6:3-3 p.m.. hearing no pUbliC testhnon%,, the MayOr closed the public hearing. Mallor Dexter read the resolution b%1 title,entitled. RESOLUTION NO.07-22 A RESOLU'l[ON of the Council of' the City of Port Angeles. Washington, appro in MilwaUkxe Trails Subdivision Development NICE funds request and Development Agreement, It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to: pass the resolution as read. The motion carried 6-FF. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUI.RING PUBLIC HEARI,NGS L Volunteer Practice Field Discussion and Resolution Manago-West provided information on the agenda item and Spoke to the resolution that Nvould assure the maiin Volunwer Field%Nould not be part ol'any future deNclopmcnt should the VOILInteer Practice l"ield tic chosen as,the location ror the ftiture Joint,Public'Sal'ety Facility OPSF),other than mitigation improvements to the field ifthe )vWunteer practice 110d is the chosen location too the;1lSSF. Ile spoke to the number of publlicconimeras received and recognized the value ofthc practice field. I Ic added the resolutic)n would ensure youth recreational activities on the rna'n VoIuntecr field would be secured in per-pletuiol. Manager West rellert-cd to September 15.2020and Noverntwr 17.2020 mectings%0cn lease costs,were provided to Council. Ile added that Volunteer Practice I-Aeld was the 9th site the City explored and spoke ofa study presented to COUncil on 16.2019,%vhich identified 7 potential sites. Manager West stated since then,t-�vo additional sites%vere added I"or consideration.the Port ot'fort Angeles property located at 19th and-0-Streets and the City of Port Angeles property. located at West 18th Street and South I. Street. identified as the Volunteer Practice Uield, ('hict'Smith spoke abOLA the importance to partnerships retative to PrOJeO lunding.Council discussion follo%ked. Ma}or Dexter read the resolution by title.entitled.including the full language ofthe r"rilUtiori- RESOLUTION NO. A REISOLLITION of the 0tN Council of the Cit), ot'Port Angeles, Washinp.m., addressing concerns related to the potemkd development of a Joint Public Safety 1:acHity 1HISI )on the Volunteer Practice UIcld off'18th& 1,Street. Clerks note, This resolution was re ad but was not passed. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by French,tau: Direct City staffto stop geolech NNork at VOILH)IeCr Practice Field adjacent to the main Volunteer 1`ie[d, Motion carried 5-1,wilh Meyer opposed. It was moved by French and seconded by Carr to: Direct staff to move forward %vith due diligence Ru-Counties site at 1911,and 0 Strc& Motion carried 4-2,with Meyer and Suggs opposed., "I he Mayor recessed the meeting liar a break at 7:25 p.m, The meeting reconvened at 7:34 p.m. Page 4 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MUTING - April 5. 2022 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. GreentAulk Port Angeles Presentation on Phase I and Phase It Valley Creek Daylight Feasibility Assessment and Valley Creek Master Plan Interini Director of Cornrnunivy and Fconornic De'kelopment Emma Bolin introduced Susannah Sp,ock of uturewise who presented results of Phase I of the proJect which prioritized green sLorniwater infrastructure(GSI)prooccts, She stated Phase I developed a prioritized list of integrated (JS1 pro�lccts and rK-diiey recornmenclafions utilizing heat mapping and input from public outreach and the Oreent.ink A&isorw CornmitLee. 2, Olympic Community of Health Olvinpic Community off lealth Program CooirdinaLor Drcwv Gilliland presented a U-Uncatcd PowerPoint and offered the full set of slides to COUnCiL He Stated the presentation focused on,addressing Stigma of substance addition. hoping efforts would help time Ol�rnpic region become rccovcr�' friendly-. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Two Resolutions Relating to Nuisances and Might at 204 E. Front St. City ALIOrne', William Moor spr)kc to the agenda iLern and provided a biiet'history of dic,issues at the identified property. I lc:noted exhibits included in the packet that identified the current condition of the building and the extensive consideration paid to the iSSUC- .Attorney Bloor spoke about recent fires that were set inside lite building; that caused significant concern to the Fire and Pt:w6ce Departments and spoke to the danger to those who enter the building due to the current condition ofthe building. Attorney Moor said the resolutions aflkm the City to seat (lie building and spoke to next steps that Nvould address the building itself through court action.addin I g Council needed to declare the property a blight before legal action could be taken. Council discussion tblIo"ed. Mayor Dexter read the resolutions by title. entitled. RESOLUTION NO.08-22 A Rfl:'SOL t I FlON of the GO, ("ouricil oft to(AN,ofi)ort Angeles,.Washington.affirming and ratit'ving the Declaration or Finergency and Order for U'rnergenev Abatement issued by the City Manager oil March 311.2022, RESOLUJION NO1.09-22 A RESOLUTION of the Chv Council oftfic City of'Porl Angeles. Washington.declaring that the aCqtlrSitiOn ofreal propetIN located at 204 East front Strect, Port Angeles. Washington, is necessary to eliminate neighborhood blight and autiionzing conden-triation of'such property, It was mioved by McCaughan and seconded by Meyer to: ,Adopt the Resolution to ratik the De0aration ol"Eniergencv and Order for Erncrgcncy Al-.)atenienL signed by Manager'+klcst on March 10,-;0211 The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to: Adopt the Resolution to ratil,v and declare the acquisition of real property located at 204 Bast Front Street. Port Angeles. Washington.is necessary to eliminate neighborhood blight and authorizing condemnation of'such property, and authorize the City Manager to initiate other actions as lie deerns necessary to secure the building-abate nuisances there. and reco%er the costs and expenses incurred in these,actions., The motion carried 6-0. 3. C.ounty's Housing Solu!tiamns Committee Mayor Dexter introduced the agenda item and provided background and ask of the City to recommend either a Council or staff member be appointed to serve on the newly tormed Committee. Manager West stated the Cornrn�jiee began fi-om dlscassions ainied to h0ji advance area h0USing projpccts.lie said the intention of the 20- member 'orrunittee is to make recom mcndat ions to the Board cit'Coiturnsswriers on expenditures(if the 1113 1406 funds, American Rescue Plan Act f°ands,Opportunity Fund intgastfllcture for housing and other funds that can be used liar aff6rdahle housing. I le noted the vothmg posilion would hell)prow ide a nicaningfid recommendation to the Page 5 of 6 PORT ANGELES,CITY COUNCIL MEETING - April 5.2022 Conlfllissiono'!S' I IC iden(N led dirlerent options 6,,�r CouncH to pursue rclia6vc to appointment.Councii discussion t6llowed" It was moved by McCaughan and seconded b�y French to: Appoint a member finorn staff'to fill the position. and shouGd it become an issue. then return the matter to Council. when a Council member maN bey appointed. The rnotion carried 6-0. CITV COUNCIL REPORTS Council mernber Carr spoke about a presentation by the Fxeciativc Director ofthe Northwest 110aritime Center during a North Olympic DevOopment Council meeting. Council rtlember McCaughan spoke about attendance at a Shore Aquatic (enter and CI lallarn Countw SoHd Waste Committee meeting and an upcoming Laster event. Deputy Mayor Moer spoke about attending the Port Angcles Underground IOUr and sr..)oke at-)out time ono mwlity awards and recognized each of them. Council mernherFrench spoke about art HeNate PA meeting and upcoiningf,odgingl'ux Ad"isory Committee matters. CouricH member Suggs spoke about attendance at a Shore Aquatic Center.OaHam County Solid Waste Committee. and OaHam County Marine Resources Committee meetings. events, scheduled fin- the upconling, Farill Da) celebration.and dccorurn offfic attendees and speakers who aticnded the special meetirt;p. Mayor Dexter spolvic about a recent trip to Vletoria. B.C'.and thanked 11" state 16r thicir support during tkc first hNbrid Council Meeting. No other reports were given, It was moved by Nleyer and seconded by Suggs to- Excuse Council member Schronien-Wawrin firorn the meeting. The motion carried 6-0. INFORMATION Manager West spoke about an UJICOMung State of the Oty presentation at to Chamber of Commerce meeting. an UpeOrning Farth Dm, event and City sponsored booth. an upcorning Short I erm RentzO spcciar meeting by Madrona Law Group. and special thanks to Inforrnati011 Technolog,w, Manager 'Fodd Weeks and SvSteMs', Network Anarysl Daniel Harris for their efrorts to support,the eNening's first hybrid meeting. SEC'OND PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned tile meeting at 9:15 p.m. Kate Dexter.Ma or Kari Marfinc/-BaHey,CitN Clerk P,age 6 of 6