HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda Packet 2023-07-26
Hybrid Meeting* – In-Person and Virtual
City Council Chambers: 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
Attend Virtual Meeting Here: https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetings
July 26, 2023
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the May 24, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Façade Grant No. 23-02
Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts - 1025 E 1st Street
2. Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update – Subcommittee Creation
Creation of a subcommittee that will participate in the stakeholder advisory group
during the 2025 Periodic Update process for the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan.
*This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public and Commissioners have the option
to attend the meeting in person in City Council chambers at City Hall or remotely through the Webex virtual meeting platform. For
those planning to attend remotely, learn how to watch the meeting live and participate during the public comment period by
visiting: https://www.cityofpa.us/Live-Virtual-Meetings.
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Minutes of the May 24, 2023
Regular Meeting
Hybrid Meeting – In Person and Virtual
City Council Chambers: 321 E 5th Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 24, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
Chair Stanley opened the regular meeting at 6:05 P.M.
Commissioners Present: Benjamin Stanley (Chair)
Andrew Schwab (Vice Chair)
Richie Ahuja
Tammy Dziadek
Marolee Smith
James Taylor
Commissioners Absent: Colin Young – excused
City Staff Present: Ben Braudrick (Senior Planner)
Zach Trevino (Assistant Planner)
Shannen Cartmel (Community Services Deputy Director)
Public Present: Ian Miller, Christy Cox, Elise Miller
Chair Stanley opened the meeting to general public comment.
Christy Cox, owner of Olympic Roots Farm in Port Angeles, expressed support for the
proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments integrating climate resiliency. She stated that a
changing climate affects farming. She encouraged immediate action by the City to address the
climate crisis as quickly as possible.
Ian Miller, resident of Port Angeles, does climate planning in his role with Washington Sea
Grant and voiced support for the Comprehensive Plan amendment effort. He expressed delight
in response to the City’s progress on climate planning.
Elise Miller, resident of Port Angeles and staff at the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, works on
climate change and environmental restoration projects for the Tribe. She expressed support for
the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment.
Chair Stanley closed the meeting to public comment.
Vice Chair Schwab moved to approve the minutes from the May 10, 2023 regular meeting of
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 24, 2023
Page 2
the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (6-0) through a
consent vote.
1. Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. 23-26
Chair Stanley introduced the item. He explained that this public hearing and the
Commission’s discussion of the proposal were postponed from the May 10, 2023 regular
meeting of the Planning Commission.
Planner Trevino introduced the proposed amendments by providing a presentation to the
Commission. The presentation included an overview of relevant background information, the
substance of the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan, the amendment process, and
next steps. Recommended motions were provided for consideration by the Planning
Following staff’s presentation, the Commissioners asked questions of staff regarding the
information presented. Discussion ensued, addressing the Rayonier mill site, glass recycling,
and materials reuse.
Chair Stanley opened the public hearing to public comment. The following individuals
provided comment to the Commission:
• Christy Cox stated that she is part of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee of Clallam
County and announced that the City of Port Angeles has ordered glass recycling bins.
Within 70 days, the City should provide an estimated time for when the bins will arrive
and become operational. She noted that the proposed Comprehensive Plan does not
include information about yard waste and composting. Yard waste is shipped out of
the City and processed into compost in Shelton, WA. Other yard waste is stored at
the Port Angeles Transfer Station. She is wondering whether compost operations
are planned to resume at the Port Angeles Transfer Station. She urged this to be
considered in the draft plan.
• Ian Miller reminded the Commission that the Comprehensive Plan should balance
climate resiliency with other priorities, which can sometimes compete with each other
for implementation. The City should focus on integrating multiple priorities.
Chair Stanley closed the public hearing to public comment.
Following the public comment, the Planning Commission discussed the comments received
and considered the draft amendments. The discussion focused on a range of issues related to
the draft climate resiliency goals & policies in the Comprehensive Plan. The following four
motions were made to further amend the draft amended Comprehensive Plan prior to their
presentation to the City Council at a public hearing on June 6, 2023.
Motion 1
Chair Stanley moved to amend draft Goal G-3N and Policy P-3N.02 in the Land Use
Element to state the following:
Goal G-3N: Make Port Angeles food secure by promoting local and regional sustainable
agriculture, utilizing multiple sources for food production and procurement, and increasing
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 24, 2023
Page 3
food production within the City.
Policy P-3N.02: Encourage partnerships between local farms/farmers and residents to
establish local food production projects and local composting and green waste recycling
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (6-0) through a roll call vote.
Motion 2
Chair Stanley moved to create a new policy under draft Goal G-3N in the Land Use
Element to state the following:
Encourage the City of Port Angeles to operate a composting facility.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (6-0) through a roll call vote.
Motion 3
Commissioner Smith moved to amend draft policy P-3N.05 in the Land Use Element to
state the following:
Policy P-3N.05: Implement zoning updates that simplify urban gardening like water
conservation techniques, allow fencing, allow personal and community gardens, and
manage poultry and livestock production.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (6-0) through a roll call vote.
Motion 4
Commissioner Taylor moved to add a new goal and policy in the General Land Use Goals
& Policies section of the Land Use Element to state the following:
Goal G-3E: Promote cleanup of environmentally contaminated sites within the city.
Policy P-3E.01: Actively pursue and participate in environmental remediation of
contaminated sites using best available science.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (6-0) through a roll call vote.
Following these four motions to further amend the draft amended Comprehensive Plan, the
Planning Commission made the following motion:
Chair Stanley moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of
Comprehensive Plan amendment No. 23-26 to the City Council as modified by the
Planning Commission through motions made at the May 24, 2023 regular meeting of the
Planning Commission. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (6-0) through
a roll call vote.
City staff provided the following updates to the Commission:
• Planner Braudrick reminded the Commission that a joint Planning Commission &
City Council meeting is scheduled for June 6, 2023 from 5:00-6:00 PM. Commissioner
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 24, 2023
Page 4
Young will not be able to attend but other Commissioners should attend. The meeting
will involve discussion of the work plan and City priorities.
• Planner Braudrick stated that the City is preparing to begin the process for the 2025
Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update. The City has scheduled an interview with a
• Planner Braudrick announced that the section of the Race Street Trail between Parks
Avenue and Mt. Angeles Road is now complete and open to the public.
• Planner Trevino encouraged the Commissioners to attend a Jurassic Parliament
training scheduled for June 5, 2023 at 6:00 PM. The training will occur at a public
meeting and cover best practices for meeting procedures and other information relevant
to the Commission.
• Commissioner Dziadek recommended a book titled The Great Displacement by Jake
• Commissioner Smith explained that a sidewalk is needed on her side of the street to
facilitate safe pedestrian activity.
• Commissioner Taylor mentioned that he keeps hearing from developers that their
project is delayed in the plan review stage of the process. He urged Planning Division
staff to do their jobs more quickly. Deputy Director Cartmel responded by stating
that the Department is working to improve the efficiency of its processes.
Chair Stanley adjourned the meeting at 8:14 P.M.
Zach Trevino, Secretary Ben Stanley, Chair
MINUTES PREPARED BY: Zach Trevino, Secretary
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Action Item #1
Façade and Sign Grant
Application No. 23-02
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Zach Trevino, Assistant Planner
MEETING DATE: July 26, 2023
RE: Façade and Sign Grant Application for Business (Grant No. 23-02)
APPLICANT: David and Meghan Ventura, 444 Ocean Cove Lane
OWNER: Phoenix Dragon Enterprises LLC, 444 Ocean Cove Lane
LOCATION: 1025 E 1st Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the facade grant award amount of $5,704.00 toward the
repair and updating of the front façade and the replacement of a building-mounted sign on the
front façade of the building located at 1025 E 1st Street (Grant No. 23-02).
David and Meghan Ventura are requesting funding for the repair and enhancement of the south
façade of the commercial building located at 1025 E 1st Street by removing the existing siding and
replacing it with corrugated aluminum siding with a faux stone base. The colors and patterns of
the siding will change to provide a more aesthetically pleasing visual impact. The applicant is also
requesting funding for sign improvements to replace weathered letters comprising the building-
mounted sign on the façade. The grant application (Grant No. 23-02) requests a total funding
amount of $5,704.00 from the City. The applicant is requesting these funds as part of a façade
improvement project that does not involve an expansion of the building or a change of the site’s
use. The building will continue to be used as a martial arts studio called Phoenix Dragon Martial
Arts. A detailed description of the proposed work and its intended outcome can be found in
“Attachment A” of this document. The desired result of this proposal, according to the applicant’s
narrative, is to achieve “a more modern look to be more aesthetically appealing while matching
the feel of some of the more modern buildings in the area.”
The City of Port Angeles Façade and Signage Improvement Program was authorized by the City
Council through the passing of Ordinance No. 3476. This authorization is represented in Chapter
2.80 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC), which describes the program’s purpose,
eligibility criteria, and administrative procedures. The program provides grants for funding of
façade and sign improvements that will enhance the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall
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Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts at 1025 E 1st Street, No. 23-02
July 26, 2023
Page 2
value of individual buildings as well as the surrounding area. In evaluating proposals for funding,
Staff reviewed the evaluation criteria in Section 2.80.110 PAMC:
1. Private contribution over and above the required match;
Staff Analysis: Per the submitted budget, the applicant intends to provide the required 50 percent
funding match. The project is not located in the designated redevelopment area along 1st Street
between Laurel Street and Race Street so the request is limited to the $10,000 maximum grant
amount. The project budget is $11,409 and the applicant is requesting $5,704 in grant funding for
the proposed façade and sign improvements. Provided that no more than $1,000 of the requested
grant funding is allocated toward sign improvements, the requested amount is below the maximum
amount that can be requested. The applicant is proposing a contribution exceeding 50 percent of
the project cost. The applicant has received a building permit (Permit No. 23-654) for the siding
work and is ready to begin work once the grant request evaluation procedure is complete.
2. Present condition of existing façade:
Staff Analysis: As seen in Figures 1 and 2, the existing façade has been maintained by the owners
but is comprised of aging materials and is approaching a state of being ineffective at resisting
deterioration. According to the applicant’s narrative, the siding boards are undergoing warping of
that is leaving the structure vulnerable to wind and water intrusion. The proposed changes will
serve to replace aging materials with more visually appealing materials that will more effectively
protect the building from the elements. The improvements would enhance the aesthetic
environment along the 1st Street corridor between Washington Street and Chambers Street.
Figure 1: Undated older photograph of existing structure - South Facade Elevation
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Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts at 1025 E 1st Street, No. 23-02
July 26, 2023
Page 3
Figure 2: Existing Structure (October 2022) - South Facade Elevation
3. The building’s overall public visibility;
Staff Analysis: The building is moderately visible to pedestrians and other travelers along the 1st
Street corridor. The building is set back from the right-of-way over 40 feet. The parking lot for the
structure is located in front of the building. Landscaping in the right-of-way and along the southeast
side of the property obscures visibility of the façade.
4. Expected increase in assessed value of improvement;
Staff Analysis: The improvements to the structure are intended to protect the structure from
damage by the elements and improve the visual appeal of the structure. This has the potential to
increase the assessed value of the structure. Protecting the building may prevent reductions in the
structure’s assessed value that could result from further deterioration if the unsatisfactory
condition of the façade were left unaddressed.
5. Historic preservation;
Staff Analysis: According to available Clallam County Assessor information, the building was
constructed in 1979. Changes have been made to the structure over that period of time that may
disqualify it from state and national historic designation.
6. Context in the block or neighborhood;
Staff Analysis: The structure is located along a commercial corridor that lacks uniformity in built
form or structural cohesiveness. Most buildings have extensive parking lots and the building
setbacks from 1st Street vary. The facades of the buildings along this corridor also vary widely in
material, color, and appearance. The proposed scope of improvements, depicted conceptually in
Figure 3, demonstrates a façade appearance that is unique when compared to nearby structures.
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Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts at 1025 E 1st Street, No. 23-02
July 26, 2023
Page 4
Figure 3: Proposed Improvements - South Façade Elevation
Benefit partner projects on same block;
Staff Analysis: No façade or signage grants have been approved from buildings on the same block
as this structure.
Staff makes the following findings based on review of the Façade and Signage Improvement
Program’s criteria:
1. The Façade Grant (Application No. 23-02) was submitted by David and Meghan Ventura to
the Department of Community and Economic Development on June 21, 2023.
2. The location of the proposed improvement work is 1025 E 1st Street.
3. The project site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone.
4. The grant request includes the repair and enhancement of the one building façade and
replacement of one sign, including:
a. Removal of the existing cedar siding.
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Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts at 1025 E 1st Street, No. 23-02
July 26, 2023
Page 5
b. Installation of a corrugated aluminum siding on the upper portion of the south
façade and a composite mahogany siding on the lower portion of the south
c. Addition of a faux rock wainscot along the lower front of the building.
d. Diversification of the colors and patterns of the façade from existing conditions to
create more visual interest.
e. Replacement of weathered and cracked sign letters with new signage.
5. The application was reviewed by Planning Division staff for compliance with the Façade
and Sign Grant Program’s criteria, as established in Chapter 2.80 PAMC.
6. The applicant is requesting $5,704.00 toward façade and sign improvements valued no
more than $11,409.00.
7. The request will be heard by the Planning Commission at the regularly scheduled meeting
of July 26, 2022.
Based on the above findings, Staff makes the following conclusions:
1. Grant Application No. 23-02 is found to provide for façade and signage improvements that
will enhance the physical appearance and overall value of the 1st Street corridor.
2. Grant Application No. 23-02 is found to meet the grant program’s criteria as included in
Section 2.80.110 PAMC.
3. Therefore, Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve funding of the
grant proposal subject to conditions of approval that outlines the requirements for the
final award of funding.
Based on Staff’s finding and conclusions, the following conditions are placed on this grant
application approval:
1. Upon the date the Planning Commission’s approval, the applicant may proceed with the
expenditures detailed in the application.
2. The applicant shall sign a grant contract with the City of Port Angeles for the
reimbursement of a maximum amount of $5,704.00 for façade and sign improvements.
The applicant will be given 180 days following Planning Commission approval to submit
reimbursement of expenditures associated with the funded grant proposal. If progress on
the project can be demonstrated, the applicant may request one 180-day extension of the
3. The applicant shall submit invoices for total reimbursement with a coversheet detailing
each invoice number, amount, and type of payment and not exceeding the awarded
grant amount. Reimbursement by the City will occur within 30 days of submission of
complete invoices. The invoices shall not include any items listed in Section 2.80.100
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Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts at 1025 E 1st Street, No. 23-02
July 26, 2023
Page 6
4. Prior to reimbursement, the property must be available to Staff for a site visit to confirm
the work was completed according to the approved grant application.
5. A building permit shall be required and submitted to the Department of Community and
Economic Development for any and all construction work beyond exempt repair work.
6. Any labor performed in association with the grant proposal exceeding a value of
$2,000.00 must meet federal prevailing wage standards.
A. Application Materials
B. Draft Contract
July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 13 of 24
Deparlrnent of Community & Economic Development
321 E. -5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
360.417.4750 | www.cityof pa.us I ced@cityofpa.us
Applicant Name . Meghan Ventura 444 Ocean Cove Ln
Contact Name (or SAM . same Port Angeles WA 98363
Contact Phone 360-808-7303 Email megventura@live.com
Property Owner SAA MailingAddress:SAA
Property Owner Phone
5lz l, the Contact, have read the Facade and Sign Grant lnformation and Award Cover Sheet Handout and
understiand both the grant award process and required application materials for submission approval.
Business Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts Business Address 1025 E 1st St
Business TypeiDescription Martial Arts School
lmprovement Type
I/ Facade Grant
Il/ Sign Grant
Brief Project Description:
Start asa
fear off of cunent outdatecl and leaklng facde, replaclng with faux brick,
rcmposite siding and galvanized panels. Replacing weathered and cracked sign
End Date 34 wks affer approval
Project sssr$11409 Totat Funding requested:$ 5704
The owner(s) of the above property is fully aware and agree to all proposed improvements described in grant
application. Applicant must have any changes to project proposalapproved by property owner(s)
VProperty Owner's
Page 6
23 02
Attachment A
July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 14 of 24
David & Meghan Ventura
Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts
1025 E. 1" St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: Detailed Project Narrative Description
After attending a pre-application meeting with the Community and Economic Development Staff, our
business was found to meet the criteria in order to apply for a facade grant.
We are the small business owners of Phoenix Dagon Martial Arts and have been in business in our
building since 2010. Prior to that, the building was a bar called the Wreck Tavern. The building itself was
built in 1979 and to the best of our knowledge the exterior of the building still maintains the original
siding material. Over the years that we have owned the building we have attempted to make minor
repairs here and there, but time and weather have taken their toll on the exterior.
The front of our building faces south and receives full sun light throughout the day. The current siding is
painted cedar and has held up well to the over 40 years of climate wear and tear. Our repairs have
helped keep the building safe from weather, most recently having a new flat roof installed. To that end,
the front of the building has been slowly becoming harder and harder to repair properly. Several of the
boards that face the sun and weather are cupping, there by leaving locations on the facade where
weather, wind and rain, can seep into the building.
Our intention is to strip the old siding off of the building and replace it with a more modern look to be
more aesthetically appealing while matching the feel of some of the more modern buildings in the area.
Contained in this packet please find a before and after picture of the type of look we are hoping for. We
would like to commence this project ASAP upon approval of this grant and would hope to complete it
within 3-4 weeks after the project begins.
Finally, over the years Phoenix Dragon has become a symbol of good in our community, focusing not just
on martial arts but also assisting various community efforts to keep people, both young and old safe
from harm. We hope that this upgrade is another way to let people know that we care about the
community in which we serve. Thank you for your time and consideration for the award of this grant.
Kind Regards,
David & Meghan Ventura
Owners and lnstructors
Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts
(360) 808-7303
Attachment A
July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 15 of 24
Phoenix Dragon Mart¡al Arts BuildingFacade - 6lll2O231025 E. 1st StPort Angeles, WA(360)808 7303MiscItemTyvekTyvek TapeTyparCedar TrimOC PanelCeiling F¡xtureSign Solar lightingSelf Haul Scrap (TransferStation)Sikkens Proluxe CETOL DEKTranslucent SatinReplacement LettersFlashing to ground Z BarStarter Str¡pFasteners8 in. x 36 ¡n. VersettaStone Flat LedgestoneSterling Siding (6-BundlesPer CaselDim9'x 150'l Roll4" x 75'1"x6"x16'4'x 8'5 Gallon1-1l8x10'10'1.5" 100/Package8" x 36"5719 5 Cases251,143 3Totals2s0S1sSsoS1s7st87.r2$sss44s3ss169S320s14s231.36S3soQtv1T24412524Pr¡ceS2soS1ss2sS3ss47Ssss22s194s6ss18s7s30s2sWeb Sitehttps://www.homedepot.com/b/Bu¡lding-Materials-Siding-Siding-Accessor¡es-Housewrap/TYVEK/N-5yclvZbaxzZlgs?mtc=SHOFhttps://www.homedepot.com/b/Building-Materials-Siding-Siding-Accessor¡es-HousewrapfiWEK/N-5yclvzbaxzZlgs?mtc=SHOFhttgs://www.homedeoot.com/p/Typar-4-¡n-x-75-ft-Buwl-Rubber-Copolmer-Window-and-Door-Flashinq-Roll-BUWL-001/30264(https://www.homedepot.com/s/Cedaf/o2ÛTrim%2o2%2Ox%2O6%2Ox%2016?NCNI-5https://www.homedepot.com/p/LP-Smarts¡de-Smartside-38-Ser¡es-Cedar-Texture-8-in-OC-Panel-Engineered-Treated-Wood-Sichttps ://www. bui ld.com/product/s vmmary | tO7 4348?uid=2583965https://www.amazon.com/Lights-Outdoor-Decorat¡ve-Hollow-L¡ghti ng/dp/BO7W7747TX?source=ps-sl-shoppingadslpcontext&rS388$325 https://www.walmart.com/iplSikkens-Sikkens-SlK¿14045-01-ProLuxe-Exter¡or-Wood-Finish-1-Gallon/3663950299?from=/searchs432S35 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gibraltar-Building-Products-1-1-8-in-x-1o-ft-Galvanized-Steel-Z-Bar-Flash¡ng-SzB118G-2/2O256$tS0 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Boral-1o-ft-Versetta-Stone-Taupe-Starter-Stri p-42LO32O/2O5331647S25 httos://www.homedepot.com/p/0-47-in-x-1-5-in-EA-Stone-Veneer-siding-Fasteners-Packase-of-1OO-Fasteners-XX-XX-X1-SW3153,600 httos://www.homedeoot.com/s/versetta%20stone?NCNI-5httos://www,newtechwood.com/orod uct/eurooean-stvle-sidi nslhttps://www.homedepot.com/p/NewTechWood-All-Weather-svstem-Starter-StriÞ-3-28-feet-Awo2-1M/207136701httos://ì,wvw.homedeÞot.com/p/NewTechWood-All-Weather-Svstem-Sidinq-Cl¡ps-1-¡n-x-1-5-¡n-50-so-ft-Box-90-Clips-AWO8-90/https://www.homedepot.com/p/NewTechWood-All-Weather-Sidins-Plus-50-Piece-T7/207136699https://www.homedepot.com/p/NewTechWood-All-Weather-svstem-3-1-in-x-1-0-¡n-x-8-ft-Compos¡te-S¡dins-Butt-Joint-Trim-in.https://www.homedeoot.com/o/NewTechWood-All-Weather-Svstem-2-2-in-x-2-2-in-x-8-ft-Comoosite-sidine-End-Trim-in-PeruvRockWoodMetal551Flashing to rockStarter Str¡pFastenersRubber Sidiing PlugsSiding ButtTrim End CapAll Weather System 5.5 in.x 192 in. Composite Sidingin Brazilian IPE (l4-Piece)Window Paint (Spray)Flash to Siding Z BarFlash to roofFasten€rsFlash to TreatedTreatedPBR Pannel Metal Sid¡ngWeathered Copper Class¡cCorr 26GA7 - rl8 xt}'3.3'4763.1 x1.0x8'2.2x2.2x8'32'x 6'!-tlSxt}'8" x 50'1.5" 100/Package3/4" xtO's7s13So+5r+S¡ss3s513550610s7S120SL7s8S1456.zlLt15Roll224s3ss120S34 https://www.homedepot.com/p/10-Screw-1-1-2-in-Metal-to-Wood-Fastener-250-Bag-Green-FN-WS-0060-092/202O73542S15.22 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gibraltar-Building-Products-3-4-in-x-1o-ft-Galvan¡zed-Steel-Z-Bar-Flashing-SZB34G/202227083556 https://www.homedepot.comls/fieated%2o2o/o20x%2o8%2Ox%208%20pressure%2otreated?NCNt-5136 LF17 8' PannelsS11,409Attachment A July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 16 of 24
lIIJ,L-tü: tttË3fr,f;t'Jü Zllútrol1¿jiTAttachment A July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 17 of 24
*Not to ScaleCorrugated Aluminum (Patina)8'6.5',2',26',8'Phoenix Dragon t\,íârtial ArtsComposite MahoganyFaux Rock Sidingt6'Attachment A July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 18 of 24
Form w-g Request for Taxpayer
ldentifrcation Number and Certlficatlon
tor ¡nstruction¡ and llrc latcst intormãtion.
Give Form to the
r€questor. Do not
cend to tt¡e lRS.
. Form 1099-DlV (<lividends, including thosê from stocks or mutual
r Form 1099-MISC (various typæ of income, prizes, awards, or gross
o Form 1099-8 (stock or mutual fund sales and certain other
transactions by brokers)
¡ Form 1099-5 (proceeds ftom real estato transactions)
r Form 1099-K (merchant card ând third p¡¡rty netu,ork transactlons)
o Form 1@8 (home mortgage lnterest), 109&E (student loan interest),
1098-T (tuition)
o Form 1099-C {canceled debt)
. Form 1099-A (acqulsition or abandonment of s€cured prop€rty)
Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident
alion), to providê your conect TlN.
lf you do not rcùrm Form W-9 to the rcquester with a TlN, you nþht
be sub¡ect to 倡ckup withholding. Seê What is backup withholding,
(Rev. Oc{ob€r2018)
Depañment of the Treasly
lntemal Rsvonue Servlcr > Ooto
shown on your incom€ tax
Enterprlses, DBA Phoenlx Martlal Arts
¡l Ex€mptions (code6 apply only to
ceftain entiti€s, not indiv¡duals; sêe
lnstructions on pâ96 3):
Exempt palree code (if any)
Ex€rnptlon from FATCA r€portlng
code (if any)
(|pdiato ffiiß ndîbl¡td @tsidr t þ 4s.,
Requester's name and
7 List
Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match th€ name given on line 1 to avoid
backup withholding. For indlviduals, lhis is generally your social security number (SSN). However, for a
resident alíen, sole proprietor, or disregarded ent¡ty, see the ¡nstructions for Part l, later. For other
gntitiês, it is your employer identíllcation number (ElN). lf you do not have a number, sæ How to get a
IlN, later.
llote: lf the ac'count ¡s in more than one name, s€o the instructions for line 1. Also see Whdt Ndme and
Number To Give the Requester fü guidelines on whose number to enter.
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
1. The number shown on this fom ¡s my clnect taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and
2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt fom backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by thê lntemal Revenue
Service (lRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am
no longer subj€ct to backup withholding; and
3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. p€rson (deÍ¡rnd belowf; and
4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) lndicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct.
Cerüñcation ln¡tructiona You must cross out item 2 above ff you have been notified by thê IRS that you are cunently subject to backup wtthholding because
you hev6 fa¡led to report all interest and dividonds on your trax rêtum. For real ostate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For moÍtgage interest paid,
acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an indivkjual rot¡rement anangement (lRA), and generally, payments
other than int€ræt and dividends, you are not requir€d to sign the certification, but you must provide your conect TlN, S€e th€ instructions for Part Í, later,
Section references are to thê lntemal Revenue Code unless otherwise
Fuh¡Þ dêvelopments. For the latest informatlon about dov6lopmgnts
related to Form W-9 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted
aftêr thoy were published, go to www.irs.govlFormVw.
Purpose of Form
An indMdual or entity (Fom W-9 requester) who is required to file an
information retum with the IRS must obtain your cor6ct taxpayer
identification number fIlN) which may be your social security number
(SSN), individuel taxpayer identification number (lTlN), adoption
taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number
(ÊlN), to roport on an information retum the amount paid to you, or other
amount reportable on an information retum. Examples of information
retums include, but are not limited to, the following.
. Form 1099lNT 0nterest eamed or paid)
3 Check appropriate box for federal tâx classff¡cat¡on ot the porson whose namo is €ntor€d on line 1. Check only on of tfie
followíng seven boxes.
Ø hd¡viouaysolo proprietor or I c corpora¡on I s corporâtion n Partnersn¡p I rrusvestatE
single.m€mber LLC
I timiteO llaUitity compâny. Enter the tax classilication (G=C corporation, S=S corporation, P=Partnership) > _
tloûGt Check the appropliatê box in thè linc above lor thc lax dæmodon of the single-membêl owncr, Do not cllôck
LLC if thê LLC ís classifi€d as a singl+m€mber LLC that is disregarded trom the ownêr unlêss the own€r ol thê LLC is
another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner lor U.S, federal tax purpos€s. Otheruise, a single-member LLC
is disrcgarded from the owner should check th€ appropriatê box for the tax classíñcation of its owner.
444 Ocean Cove l-ane
5 Addr€ss (numb€f, street,
statê, and ZIP codê
wA 983ó3
2 7 3 0 0 0 7 4 9
Slgn ùrrof
U.S. porson Þ
Cat. No.10231X form W-9(nev. 10-2018)
Attachment A
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City of Port Angeles and
Phoenix Dragon Enterprises LLC
This agreement is made between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city and municipal
corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) and Phoenix
Dragon Enterprises LLC (hereinafter called the Grantee) for the façade improvement project
described in this document and its attachments (herein called the Project).
WHEREAS, the City has allocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
program income to a façade improvement and rehabilitation grant program, which is a CDBG-
eligible activity; and
WHEREAS, the City has awarded a grant to reimburse a part of the costs of façade
improvements for the property located at 1025 E 1st Street, Port Angeles; Parcel Number
Parcel #06-30-00-62-0325; and
WHEREAS, the Grantee has agreed to perform the work to improve the facade of the
above described property;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Grantee do mutually agree to the following terms and
conditions regarding the above-mentioned property to be improved using City funds through the
Facade Grant Program:
The Grantee will complete in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined by the City the
work described in the Project Overview. A listing of detailed project tasks is in the Façade
Grant Application No. 23-02.
Grantee: Phoenix Dragon Enterprises LLC
Grant No. 23-02
Section A: Brief Description
Funds will be used toward the repair and updating of the south façade and the replacement of a
building-mounted sign on the front façade of the Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts building.
Budget Category Goals/Expected Results/Products: Improvements to the building’s exterior
21AGeneralAdmin The project is anticipated to result in façade improvements that will
enhance the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of the
building as well as surrounding areas.
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The Grantee warrants that they are the owner of the above property or has written permission from
the Owner of the property to perform the proposed improvements described in the Project
Overview and Scope of Work and Budget and incorporated herein by reference.
Grantee agrees to complete work described in the attached Application within ONE HUNDRED
EIGHTY (180) days after the effective date. In the event the Director of Community and
Economic Development finds that the Grantee has commenced the work with reasonable diligence
but, due to factors beyond its reasonable control, the Grantee is unable to complete the work within
180 days, the City Manager is authorized to extend the time to complete the work.
All façade improvements shall be consistent with zoning and building codes currently in effect for
the City. The Grantee shall assure that any permit or review necessary under City ordinances shall
be approved prior to beginning the work on the façade improvement begins.
The Grantee shall be responsible for the construction and management of the entire project.
Once complete, if the façade improvements are maintained for at least five years, the Grantee is
not obligated to repay any part of the grant to the CITY. If it is determined, at the City’s sole
discretion, that the façade improvements are not maintained for at least five years after completion,
the Grantee shall immediately repay to the CITY the amount of the grant, less 20% of the amount
for each year the façade improvements were maintained.
The City will reimburse to the Grantee the amount of 50% or $5,704.00, whichever is less, for
eligible incurred costs and expenses for the Project according to the budget shown on the Scope
of Work and Budget. Only the work that is outlined in the Project Overview and included in
Facade Grant Application No. 23-02 will be eligible for reimbursement.
It is understood that this agreement is funded with CDBG program income funds. The Grantee
acknowledges and agrees that the funds must be used only for CDBG-eligible expenditures as
proposed in Façade Grant Application No. 23-02 and approved by the City Planning
Grantee: Phoenix Dragon Enterprises LLC
Grant No. 23-02
Section C: Project Scope and Budget
Budget Category Project
21AGeneralAdmin Materials and
$11,409.00 $5,705.00 $5,704.00
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Disbursement of funds shall be made only after the Project is complete and certified by City staff
to be in compliance with the approved design. The work must also adhere to any required
inspections before funds are disbursed for reimbursement. All documentation for payment must
be provided at one time to the City for one payout, and the receipts must be provided no later than
six (6) months after the application has been approved or as stipulated in the request for an
extension. Payment will be made to the Grantee by the City within four weeks after City deems
all project costs and documentation to be complete. Payment shall be made only to the Grantee.
The Grantee’s request for reimbursement must include itemized invoices detailing the work
completed and materials purchased, with proof that payments in full have been made to
Contractors and vendors, if applicable.
Grantee acknowledges, and agrees to inform its Contractor, that the City has no obligation to pay
the Contractor for work performed for the Grantee under this Program. This agreement shall not
be construed or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or parties, and no
third party shall have any claim or right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever.
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the Grantee’s total reimbursement under this
agreement, including labor and materials, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $5,704.00. The
budget for labor and materials is outlined in the Scope of Work and Budget. Budgets for each
line item may be modified upon mutual agreement between the two parties, but in any event, the
total payment to Grantee shall not exceed $5,704.00.
A. General Compliance. The Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable Federal,
State and local laws, regulations, and policies, governing the funds provided under this
B. Effective Date. Grant was approved by the Planning Commission on July 26, 2023
which is the effective date of this agreement.
C. Independent Contractor. Nothing contained in this agreement is intended to, or will be
construed in any manner, as creating or establishing the relationship of employer/employee
between the parties. The Grantee will at all times remain an “independent contractor” with respect
to the services to be performed under this agreement. The City will be exempt from payment of all
Unemployment Compensation, FICA, retirement, life and/or medical insurance and Workers’
Compensation Insurance, as the Grantee is an independent contractor.
D. Hold Harmless. The Grantee will hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City from any
and all claims, actions, suits, charges and judgments whatsoever that arise out of the Grantee’s
performance or nonperformance of the services or subject matter called for in this agreement.
E. Workers’ Compensation. The Grantee will provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Coverage for all of its employees involved in the performance of this agreement.
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F. Contract with Contractor. Each contractor who is performing the work approved for this
Project shall have a valid State of Washington Contractor’s License.
G. Labor Code/Prevailing Wage. Grantee acknowledges and agrees that the Grantee’s
improvements to be constructed with the proceeds of the grant constitute construction, alteration,
demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out
of public funds. Grantee shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state and local
laws and regulations pertaining to labor standards and payment of prevailing wages (collectively,
"Prevailing Wage Laws").
Grantee shall (i) require its contractors and subcontractors to submit certified copies of payroll
records to Grantee; (ii) maintain complete copies of such certified payroll records; and (iii) make
such records available to City and its designees for inspection and copying during regular
business hours.
Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees,
volunteers, agents and representatives from and against any and all present and future claims,
arising out of or in any way connected with Grantee’s obligation to comply with all Prevailing
Wage Laws, including all claims that may be made by contractors, subcontractors or other third
party claimants.
H. Funding Source Recognition. The Grantee will insure recognition of the roles of the City
in providing services through this agreement.
I. Suspension or Termination. The City may suspend or terminate this agreement if the City
determines, at its sole discretion, that the Grantee has materially failed to comply with any terms
of this agreement, which include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Failure to comply with any of the rules, regulations or provisions referred to herein,
or such statutes, regulations, guidelines, policies or directives as may become
applicable at any time;
• Failure, for any reason, of the Grantee to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its
obligations under this agreement; or
• Submission by the Grantee to the City of reports that are incorrect or incomplete in
any material respect.
A. Financial Management Accounting Standards. The Grantee agrees to adhere to the
accounting principles and procedures required therein, utilize adequate internal controls, and
maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred.
B. Documentation and Record Keeping. The Grantee will maintain thorough records
pertinent to the activities to be funded under this agreement, including records adequate to
document that the funds were expended on CDBG-eligible activities.
C. Access to Records and Retention. All such records and all other records pertinent to the
work undertaken under this agreement will be retained by the Grantee for a period of six years
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after the City’s final audit of Project, unless a longer period is required to resolve audit findings
or litigation. In such cases, the City will request a longer period of record retention.
D. Audits and Inspections. All Grantee records with respect to any matters covered by this
agreement will be made available to the City and duly authorized officials of the state and federal
government, at any time during normal business hours, as often as deemed necessary, to audit,
examine, and make excerpts or transcripts of all relevant data.
Any deficiencies noted in audit reports must be fully cleared by the Grantee within 30 days after
receipt by the Grantee. Failure of the Grantee to comply with the above audit requirements will
constitute a violation of this agreement and may result in the withholding of future payments.
E. Reporting. The Grantee, at such times and in such forms as the City may require, will
furnish the City such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or services
undertaken pursuant to this agreement, the costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in
connection therewith, and any other matters covered by this agreement.
The City’s failure to act with respect to a breach by the Grantee does not waive its right to act
with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. The failure of the City to exercise or enforce any
right or provision will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
This document states the entire agreement between the City and the Grantee for the use of funds
received under this agreement and it supersedes all prior communications and proposals, whether
electronic, oral, or written between the City and the Grantee with respect to this agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Grantee have executed this agreement as of the date
and year last written below.
CITY OF PORT ANGELES: GRANTEE: Phoenix Dragon Enterprises LLC
By: , City Manager By: , Registered Agent
Date: Date:
Approved as to form:
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
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