HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2023-01-23 Special MeetingMINUTES
Public Workshop
Carver Meeting Room, Port Angeles Main Library
2210 South Peabody Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
Monday, January 23, 2023
3:00 – 7:00 PM
There was no roll call or adjournment for this Special Meeting.
Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Vice Chair)
Tammy Dziadek
Marolee Smith
James Taylor
Colin Young
Commissioners Absent: Benjamin Stanley (Chair)
Richie Ahuja
City Staff Present:
Staff performed a variety of roles at the meeting, including set-up, discussion group
facilitation, note-taking, attendee registration, organization, and photography. The
following individuals were present for all or a portion of the public workshop:
Aubrianna Howell (Administrative Specialist I)
Ben Braudrick (Senior Planner)
Calvin Goings (Assistant City Manager)
Holden Fleming (Housing Coordinator)
Jade Anderson (Community Development Technician)
Jane Roberts (Senior Legal Assistant)
Jessica Straits (Communications and Records Management Coordinator)
Jim Lierly (Building Inspector)
Kari Martinez-Bailey (City Clerk)
Leena Ellis (Safety & Operations Specialist)
Matthew Moore (Civil/Utility Engineer I)
Nathan West (City Manager)
Norman Gollub (Interim Director of Community and Economic Development)
Pat Bartholick (Development Services Specialist)
Sean Armstrong (Engineering Technician II)
Timothy Tucker (Project Coordinator – Parks & Recreation Department)
Zach Trevino (Assistant Planner)
Public Present: 82 individuals signed in at the registration desk
DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963
Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2023
Page 2
The City of Port Angeles hosted a public workshop from 3:00 – 7:00 PM on January 23,
2023 in the Raymond Carver Meeting Room of the Port Angeles Main Library. The
purpose of the workshop was to obtain community input regarding the City’s Pursuing
Housing for All 2023 Port Angeles Municipal Code Amendment process.
Any person who wanted to attend was able to arrive at the meeting location at any time
during the workshop hours and could stay for as much of the workshop as they wanted to.
The workshop was conducted using a small-group format, in which attendees were invited
to one of five tables, where they participated in a discussion with other community
members facilitated by City staff. Each group discussion lasted approximately 45 minutes
and focused on obtaining input from community members regarding neighborhood values
and the proposed amendments to Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Zach Trevino, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Acting Chair
MINUTES PREPARED BY: Zach Trevino, Secretary
DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963