HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2023-02-08 Special MeetingMINUTES
Hybrid Meeting – In Person and Virtual
City Council Chambers: 321 E 5th Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 8, 2023
4:00 P.M. – 5:45 PM
There was no roll call for this Special Meeting.
Commissioners Present: Benjamin Stanley (Chair)
Andrew Schwab (Vice Chair)
Richie Ahuja
Tammy Dziadek
Marolee Smith
James Taylor
Colin Young
Commissioners Absent: None
City Staff Present:
The following staff were present for all or a portion of the public workshop:
Ben Braudrick (Senior Planner)
Calvin Goings (Assistant City Manager)
Norman Gollub (Interim Director of Community and Economic Development)
Zach Trevino (Assistant Planner)
Guests Present:
Representatives of Cascadia Consulting Group, Berk Consulting, and Washington State
Department of Commerce Growth Management Services.
Public Attendance:
Members of the public attended the meeting in Council Chambers and virtually on
Webex. Attendees were not required to sign in.
The City of Port Angeles hosted a special meeting from 4:00 – 5:45 PM on February 8,
2023 to address the integration of the City of Port Angeles Climate Resiliency Plan into
the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the Planning Commission
of the progress made through the City’s participation in the Washington State Department
of Commerce Climate Pilot Program, identify next steps in the process, and obtain
feedback on draft policies.
Gretchen Mueller of Cascadia Consulting Group led the presentation to the Commission.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963
Planning Commission Minutes
February 8, 2023 Special Meeting
Page 2
The presentation included an overview of the Climate Resiliency Plan and Comprehensive
Plan integration effort, draft climate policies that have been identified for integration into
the Comprehensive Plan, and next steps in the integration process. City staff, Michael
Burnham of the Washington State Department of Commerce, representatives of Cascadia
Consulting Group, and representatives of Berk Consulting contributed to the presentation
and meeting facilitation. During the presentation, feedback was solicited from attendees
for each policy area using a polling tool.
The presentation did not cover all draft climate resiliency policy areas, which the Planning
Commission would need to consider at a future meeting if time allows the presentation to
be continued. Necessary next steps were identified as submission of a 60-day notice to the
Department of Commerce in April, a public hearing in front of the Planning Commission
in May, and a closed hearing in front of City Council in June.
Chair Stanley closed the special meeting at 5:47 PM.
Zach Trevino, Secretary Ben Stanley, Acting Chair
MINUTES PREPARED BY: Zach Trevino, Secretary
DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963