HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Agenda Packet 10192023 0 ±ª²Ǿ 2¤¢±¤ ³¨®­ lj "¤ ´³¨¥¨¢ ³¨®­ #®¬¬¨²²¨®­ Meeting /¢³®¡¤± ΐΘǾ ΑΏΑΒ 6:0Ώ ¯ȁ¬ȁ – 2¤¦´« ± -¤¤³¨­¦ 4§¨² ¬¤¤³¨­¦ ¶¨«« ¡¤ ¢®­£´¢³¤£  ²   §¸¡±¨£ ¬¤¤³¨­¦ǿ ®¯¤­ ³® ³§¤ ¯´¡«¨¢ ¶¨³§ µ¨±³´ «  ³³¤­£ ­¢¤  µ ¨« ¡«¤ȁ 4® ©®¨­ ³§¤ ¬¤¤³¨­¦ µ¨  7¤¡¤·Ȁ https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=me2b270e6d57c5723d83d01576439f0ad 7¤¡¨­ ± ¯ ²²¶®±£Ȁ xzCn43qkPu3 (99264375 ¥±®¬ ¯§®­¤²  ­£ µ¨£¤® ²¸²³¤¬²ȩ &®±  ´£¨® ®­«¸ ¯«¤ ²¤ ¢ ««Ȁ 1-844-992-4726 5²¤  ¢¢¤²² ¢®£¤Ȁ ΑΔΔΏ ΒΑΕ ΑΑΑΘ 6¨²¨³Ȁ https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetings ³® «¤ ±­ §®¶ ³® ¯ ±³¨¢¨¯ ³¤ £´±¨­¦ ¯´¡«¨¢ ¢®¬¬¤­³ ®± ¶ ³¢§ ³§¤ ¬¤¤³¨­¦ «¨µ¤ȁ AGENDA 1. Call to Order – Regular Meeting at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes – September 21, 2023 4. Late Items 5. Public Comment 6. Finance/Packet Items 7. Legislation 8. Guest Speaker- Chief of Police Brian Smith a. Public Use of City of Port Angeles Parks and Facilities Phone: 360-417-4550 | Fax: 360-417-4559 www.cityofpa.us | swimberly@cityofpa.us | facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec th 321 East 5 Street | Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 9. Director’s Report – Information Only a. Ocean View Cemetery Fees b. Locomotive #4 Project Update/Lodging Tax c. City Pier Railing- Phase II d. City Pier Bike Lockers e. Volunteer Field Turf Project Update f. Ediz Hook Floats Update g. HVAC Upgrades Report h. Recreation Conservation Office Visit i. Emergency Management Pods j. Commissioner Photo/Badges 10. Adjournment Phone: 360-417-4550 | Fax: 360-417-4559 www.cityofpa.us | swimberly@cityofpa.us | facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec th 321 East 5 Street | Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 PORT ANGELES PARKS RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 21, 2023 CALL TO ORDER –REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: Members Present:Commissioners Cripe, Collins, Hilory, McGuire, and Commissioner Keidrowski joined via WebEx Members Absent: Director Delikat, APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: LATE ITEMS: PUBLIC COMMENT: LEGISLATION: GUEST SPEAKERS: FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: DIRECTOR’S REPORT: 1.Day of Play Report: Director Delikat presented the success of the event ‘’that happened on reat communal involvement with by familiesment for new level 2.Director Delikat noted of the rest of the asbestos 3.is projected to be completed mid- of fund 5.City Pier Ramps-Winter Storage: - ramps from inclement weather in the fall and w they will be stored n 6.Because of the explained-- 7.Director Delikat updated the Commission on the up-vandalism within 8.Director Delikat updated the commission on possible , 9. -term maintenance 10.: 11.: 12.: ssion and 13.Ocean View Cemetery Rate: Update process City Piers: the west side - ADJOURNMENT: th Karry McGuire, Vice Chairperson PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION