HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Minutes 05302024) PAR.KS I t.lC.UAn0t4 DEPARTMENT PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 30, 2024 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER-SPECIAL MEETING: Chairperson Hodgson called the special meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Chairperson Hodgson, Co-chairperson McGuire, Commissioner Kiedrowski, Commissioner Fischbein, Commissioner Forrest, and Commissioner Collins. Commissioner Hilory later joined via Webex at 6:03 p.m. Members absent: None. Staff present: Director Delikat, Parks Manger Tucker, and Administrative Specialist Wimberly APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Forrest motioned to approve the April 18, 2024, and March 13, 2024, special meeting minutes. Commissioner Kiedrowski seconded. March 13, 2024, and April 18, 2024, meeting minutes were unanimously approved. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE & PACKET ITEM : Director Delikat briefly reviewed the Budget Revenue and Expenditure reports for March 2024. GUEST SPEAKER: City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Manger Timothy Tucker presented updates on current projects within the department: •Seasonals: Manager Tucker talked about the strategic process of Seasonal employee recruitmentand how it has benefited the department in 2024. •Beautification: Because of Seasonal employee recruitment, the Parks & Recreation Departmentwas able to revamp the downtown beautification program. This is the first time since the pandemic. The biggest change was creating a pilot project that shifted the plantings from annuals to perennials. This change will not only save on labor but also decrease the overall cost of the beautification program. Page I of 3 PAR(S I RECIIANON DlPARIMENI O o Fountains: Manager Tucker also relayed to the Commission that the Veteran's Park fountain was back up and running for the first time in four years and discussed the issue surrounding the downtown fountain. Both fountains are currently working. However, staffis dealing with the pumps not working on the downtown fountain. This transitioned into discussion regarding the Laurel Street Stairs Capital Facilities Project. Staffmentioned they would notif, the Commission when more information is available. City Pier and Ediz Hook: The City Pier floats are now installed, and the fee is reactivated for moorage. The City is in the middle of the Capital Facilities Plan process for Ediz Hook repairs. The City is also working with FEMA on potential funding for the replacement of the Ediz Hook floats. In the meantime, a full string of ten docks will be available July 1, 2024 in anticipation of salmon season. This is an improvement on the four docks previously installed. This decision and partnership was established between members of the fishing community and the Parks & Recreation Department with the understanding the floats will be removed in the fall for the winter months. City Pier Tower and Fire Suppression System: The City Pier tower is projected to be repaired and painted by the end of June 2024. The Fire Suppression System for the City Pier has also been repaired due to some failures throughout the system. Elks Pickleball Court: This resurfacing project is estimated to cost between $35-$45k. $30,000 was anonymously donated by a local citizen. The project was put out to bid and approved by City Council on June 4,2024.4 local company, Rainbow Sweepers, was awarded the project. Erickson Playfietd Park Host Project: Manager Tucker talked about the efforts of Administrative Support Specialist Carter Droz, Sean Coleman of Lincoln Park BMX, and the Dream Playground Foundation for their efforts and partnership to place an RV Pad at Erickson Playfield for a Park Host. Vern Burton Parking Lot: Projected to be completed by August 2024. Certified Playground Safety Inspector: Director Delikat mentioned it has been a few years since the department has had a certified playground inspector as a liaison for playground risk management within the Parks & Recreation Department. JessicaAdams, recently promoted to a Caretaker I, is currently at the training course through the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) to acquire this certification. Parks Manager Tucker spoke highly of Jessica Adams as an exemplary employee and volunteer firefighter. a a a a Page 2 of 3 PAI(S I DIRECTOR'S REPORT: o Generation III Dream Playground Update: Director Delikat highlighted the exciting news that the playground is complete. Director Delikat expressed pride in the community and the Dream Playground Foundation. Ribbon cutting for the opening will be on June 9,2024, at 2:00 p.m. Senior Center HVAC Upgrades: Senior Center Manager Carmen Geyer was thanked for her efforts helping to manage the HVAC project at the Senior Center. The project begins June 3, 2024. DE?AiTMENI a o Cemsites Cemetery Program: The initial kick-off meeting with Cemsites was recently held with our Cemetery Coordinator, Alex Jones and Director Delikat. The City is looking forward to next steps and will update the Commission on the progtess of the project this fall. o Rob Merritt, Facility Rental Coordinator's Retirement: Director Delikat highlighted Rob's dedication and work ethic over the last eight years. He was a pillar for the administrative team over the years and especially during the pandemic. He will be greatly missed. DISCUSSION: Director Delikat relayed to the Commission the annual 'Day of Play'event will take place July 13,2024. There was also discussion on a fish painting activity for the Dream Playground and the Jurassic Parliamentary procedures hand-out provided to the Commission. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjoumed at 7:10 p.m. Mark Hodgson,Administrative Page 3 of3