HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC Minutes 11072022 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 7, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair French called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. Clerk's note:It was discovered a link to the meeting was broken. Staff worked to correct the error on the website and the meeting continued as a hybrid meeting. ROLL CALL Voting Members Present:Mike French,Christine Loewe,Donya Alward,Sydney Rubin,Marsha Massey. Member at Large Non-Voting Members: Rosylen Mangohig.Allisa Imming(joined at 2:28 p.m.) Members Absent: Darlene Clemens. Staff Present: Ben Braudrick,Sarina Carrizosa,Melody Schneider,Tim Tucker,Norm Gollub and Kari Martinez-Bailey. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received during the public comment opportunity. Steve Shively of Olympic Culinary Loop was invited to speak to his application. Howie Ruddell of PA Basketball was invited to speak to his application request. ACTION ITEMS The Committee continued to review and discuss 2023 non-event lodging tax fund application proposals and Lodging Tax Advisory Committee scoring and provide a decision on individual awards. It was moved by French and seconded by Alward to: Award the following amounts and use the reserve funding for North Peninsula Sustainable Tourism Development Plan marketing funds,in the amount of$25,000 and fund$40,000 for Race Street Public Art for Phase 1. Budget by Category 2023 LTAC Decision Fiero Marine Life Center $15,500 Port Angeles Baseball $50,000 Port Angeles Downtown Activity Center $25,000 Port Angeles Fine Arts Center $75,000 Lincoln Park BMX Track $50,000 Capital Reserve(Fixed) $38,200 OPTC $32,000 OPTC Co-Opt Marketing $15,000 Peninsula Trails Coalition $6,000 Remaining for Destination Marketing RFP $138,000 Field Arts and Events Hall $58,500 Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club-Operations $15,000 Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club - Shuttle $22,500 Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts $15,000 Olympic Culinary Loop Association $5,000 Port Angeles Marathon Association $14,500 Port Angeles Youth Basketball $85,000 ROW,Traffic Control, and Utilities $4,300 Visitor Center Operation(Fixed) $117,300 Other Fixed Costs $59,500 The Chair asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 5-0. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes November 7,2022 Page 2 2.The Committee continued to review and discuss Reserve Balance Projects Review staff recommendation for proposals to be funded by approved reserve balance and provide decision. It was moved by Loewe and seconded by Massey to: Approve additional$40,000 of capital funds for Public Art for Phase 1 of the Race Street trail connection to Olympic National Park Visitor and Backcountry Information Center. The Chair asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 5-0. Next meeting in March 2023. STAFF UPDATES None. COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Fre ch adjourned the meeting at time 4:30 p.m. Kari artinez-Bailey,Acting Cler Meeting minutes were approved on March 30, 2023.