HomeMy WebLinkAbout10172024 Parks Agenda Packet PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA October 17, 2024 6:00 p.m. – Regularly Scheduled Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission will meet on Thursday, October 17, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers in City Hall located at 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Committee members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, at City Hall, or remotely via telephone or video link. The meeting is open to the public. Audio only: 1-844-992-4726 Access code: 2553 179 1412 Webinar password: y522GwuiEfN Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the October 17, 2024, meeting only. Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m08867ba96ebe9debcc3d19bd0b81e22b To make a public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. A.Call to Order: Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B.Roll Call C.Approval of Minutes: September 19, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes D.Public Comment E.Finance/Packet Items: Financial Reports for August 2024 F.Legislation: None. G.Guest Speaker 1.Sam Grello, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Waterfront District H.Director’s Report – Information Only 1.Generation III Dream Playground Update 2.Senior Center/Fire Hall HVAC Project Update 3.Shane Park Stormwater Run-Off 4.Civic Field Video Board 5.Locomotive #4 Update 6.Park Host Program I. Discussion J.Adjournment Page 1 of 3 PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Port Angeles, WA September 19, 2024 The meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING: Chairperson Hodgson called the special meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Chairperson Hodgson, Co-chairperson McGuire, Commissioner Fischbein, and Commissioner Collins. Commissioner Kiedrowski arrived shortly after at 6:09 p.m. Members absent: Commissioner Hilory and Commissioner Forrest. Staff present: Director Delikat (via Web Ex) and Administrative Specialist Wimberly. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Collins motioned to approve the May 30, 2024, special meeting minutes. Commissioner McGuire seconded. The May 30, 2024, special meeting minutes were unanimously approved. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: Director Delikat reviewed and summarized the Financial Reports for the Parks and Recreation Department from April through July 2024. LEGISLATION: An interview was held for the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission Student Representative applicant, Ella Garcelon. Commissioner Collins made a favorable motion to accept Ella Garcelon as the Student Representative for the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission. Commissioner McGuire seconded. The motion to select Ella Garcelon as the Student Representative of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission was unanimously approved. GUEST SPEAKER: None. However, Director Delikat reviewed the guest speakers scheduled for the next two Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission meetings and invited the Commission to propose ideas for future presenters. Page 2 of 3 DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Dream Playground: Although the Generation III Dream Playground is complete, there are still fiscal and permitting components of the build that require finalization including the installment of a trampoline. Completion of necessary signage, leveling of the soil, and hydroseeding will conclude the project. Lastly, repairs to the blue turf near the front entrance have been assessed and will be remedied. Senior Center HVAC Upgrades: A final walkthrough of the HVAC upgrades occurred the day previous on September 18, 2024. The solar aspect of the upgrade is projected to be complete before the end of the year. Regarding the battery storage, there’s more storage capacity available then initially projected but more information will follow. Lastly, the Fire Hall project will hopefully be on the trajectory with the assistance of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding in 2026. The Senior Center and Fire Hall are currently prioritized with City Hall following in the coming years. North Olympic Baseball & Softball 2025 State Tournament: Large changes have been made to the fields for accommodating a state tournament hosted in July 2025, including the removal of sod in Fields #1 and 2. The sod infields will be replaced after the State Tournament. City Pier Floats: The floats were removed shortly after Labor Day Weekend and Director Delikat particularly thanked Jack Harmen previous Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commissioner, who owns Arrow Marine Group, for volunteering the last couple decades to assist us with the removal of the floats. City Pier Tower: Director Delikat thanked the Public Works Department and Director Mike Healy for spearheading the project. The tower is complete and looks great. Director Healy will be retiring shortly, and a new Public Works Director has been appointed with the City of Port Angeles. Vern Burton Parking Lot: This project is finally complete and parking availability at the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center has resumed. This was possible through a $1.56 million dollar grant with 15% of the contributions provided by the City. This was ultimately a mitigation project for Peabody Creek. Elks Pickleball Court Project: This project was made possible with a $30,000 donation, fiscal support from the City of Port Angeles, and joint efforts of the Public Works and Utilities Department. Park Host Project at Erickson Playfield: Director Delikat highlighted Facility Coordinator, Carter Droz for his efforts to ensure this project was made possible. Both sewer and water connections are complete, and a pending interview for a Parks Host will take place next week. Day of Play: Carter Droz, Facility Coordinator again was thanked for his efforts in ensuring this communal day was made possible. There was great participation, gifts, sponsors and activities. Facility Coordinator, Droz was recently accepted into Peninsula College for his BAS degree and was promoted to Rob Merritt’s previous position after retirement. Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI): In the history of the Parks and Recreation Department, there were three former Playground Inspectors. The position has since been vacant but Jessica Adams, Caretaker I recently passed the course and has since received her certification. Page 3 of 3 Seasonal 2024 Highlights: With the joint efforts of Parks Manager Tim Tucker, Director Delikat, and Administrative Specialist Shanee Wimberly, there was creative collaboration regarding obtaining seasonals for the Summer. New improvements on a revised background check software system and streamlining hiring processes aided in the success of the Seasonal program for the 2024 fiscal year. Director Delikat highlighted the gains the Seasonal crew achieved with positive, supportive compliments from the community. DISCUSSION: There was a brief conversation on beautification changes regarding planting processes downtown along with a brief procedural review by Director Delikat on interviewing the other student representative applicant who was unable to attend the current meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Mark Hodgson, Chairperson Shanee Wimberly, Administrative Specialist II REVENUES Account Budgeted Goal Year to Date Percentage of Goal 8012 - Senior Center Membership 15,000$ 14,380$ 96% 8050 - Cemetery 250,000$ 124,278$ 50% 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch 2,500$ 1,690$ 68% 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals 50,000$ 23,662$ 47% 8155- City Pier Usage 24,500$ 900$ 4% Total 342,000$ 164,910$ 48% EXPENDITURES Account Yearly Budget Spent to Date Percentage Spent 8010 - Administrative 345,300$ 345,156$ 100% 8012 - Senior Center Operating 164,800$ 103,622$ 63% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance 206,700$ 129,700$ 63% 8080 - Parks Facilities 2,186,300$ 1,419,688$ 65% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance 57,300$ 15,808$ 28% 8131 - Facility Maintenance 668,400$ 376,432$ 56% 8155 - Facility Rentals 118,300$ 72,256$ 61% Total 3,747,100$ 2,462,662$ 66% 2024 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report August 202467% Year Lapsed Parks, Recreation & Beautification October 17, 2024 PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Agenda •Call to Order •Roll Call –Admin Specialist Wimberly •Approval of Minutes –9/19/2024 Meeting •Late Items-None From Staff •Public Comment –15 Minutes •Finance/Packet Items •Legislation –None •Guest Speaker-Sam Grello (Director of WFD) •Director’s Report •Adjournment 2 PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Approval of Minutes October 17, 2024 3 September 19, 2024 Regular Scheduled Meeting PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Late Items October 17, 2024 4 NO LATE ITEMS PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Public Comment October 17, 2024 5 Total of 15 minutes 3 minutes or less per person WebEx Instructions: To make a comment, use the “Raise Your Hand” feature in WebEx. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Call-In Instructions: To make a comment, dial *3 to notify the meeting coordinator. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Finance/ Packet Items PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N October 17, 2024 PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Legislation October 17, 2024 7 NONE- STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE INTERVIEW PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Guest Speaker October 17, 2024 8 Sam Grello DIRECTOR OF THE PORT ANGELES WATERFRONT DISTRICT Parks and Recreation Commission | October 17, 2024 Presentation Overview Parks and Recreation | October 17, 2024 •History of the Organization •Elevate PA •Tasks Accomplished •Next Tasks to Accomplish •Questions History: Late 2019 –Early 2020 •Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce becomes aware of various significant development projects on the waterfront. Imagine the Future of the Port Angeles Waterfront •The Chamber notices a lack of communication between projects. •The Chamber organizes a meeting between various stakeholders (project managers, property owners, neighbors) to discuss their projects. •The informal group immediately recognized the value and importance of both communication and collaboration. •The informal group also recognized the shared desire for the improvement of the waterfront, but the lack of a vision for what that could be. History The informal group decided they should meet regularly and go about figuring out a vision for the waterfront to aspire towards. History: Late 2019 –Early 2020 Statement of Purpose •There has never been a better time to harness momentum and together embrace a new vision for our downtown. This is about our entire community, by and for all of us, and a chance to turn our pride into actions and results. •Elevate PA researches case studies, stakeholder surveys are held, a steering committee is formed. History: Summer 2020 •Elevate PA engages with the community to develop a Vision of the future of the downtown. •Vision Survey •Vision Workshop •Asset and Strategy Workshop •Community Sentiment Survey •Over 700 individual inputs are used to develop the Vision of the future of our downtown, a Preferred Future. History: Fall 2020 –Summer 2021 17 Vision Workshop: July 12, 2021 Elevate Port Angeles: Preferred Future 2026 Distinguished The downtown district delivers a cohesive encounter with all visitors. The experience is unequaled by an integration of offerings and amenities which are complimented by the natural setting. A visitor friendly environment enables extended stays to participate in multiple linked activities. Destination The downtown district is a desirable place for locals and visitors. It is recognized as a special and unique location that is visited frequently for a variety of happenings. The district is not a lone destination, but rather a priority visit in the context of a regional experience and lifestyle. 18 Elevate Port Angeles: Expected Future 2026 Gateway The downtown is a business district that is for passages to, from and within the community. It offers products and amenities that are not particularly complimentary. The district does not have a specific appeal to visitors that typically pass through to get to other destinations. Customary The downtown district is visited for isolated or common purposes. The experience is usual and similar to many community downtown districts. Visitors typically frequent the district to partake in a single activity, but not on a regular basis. Vision Workshop: July 12, 2021 Develop a Strategy to accomplish our Vision –HOW? S.M.A.R.T Strategic Action Plan Framework 1.Focus on the primary issues of challenge and opportunity. 2.Determine the benchmark or starting point. 3.Establish a goal or future state five years into the future. 4.Strategies, objectives, goals and action plans all include measurement linked to an overall goal or target. 5.Identify who will be responsible for the strategy or action. 6.Define how progress and performance will be measured. Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Based History: Fall 2021 Challenges •Curb Appeal •Visitor Safety and Security •Length of Stay •Storefront Vacancies •Stakeholders Commitment •Organization Sustainability •Identification of business and attraction gaps •Livability Opportunities •Unique Location •Vistas/Views •Linkages to the Regional Experience •Events and Happenings •District Designation •Anchors and Infrastructure •Volunteer Base •Pedestrian Traffic •Moment in Time Primary Issues of Challenge & Opportunity •Utilizing S.M.A.R.T. framework, Elevate PA drafts a strategic action plan •Plan identifies 4 goal statements that will contribute to accomplishing the vision of our preferred future. •Each goal identifies 4 unique strategies to accomplish the goal. •Each strategy has four specific action items to accomplish. History: Winter 2021 Vision Purpose Core Value and Guiding Principles Key Indicators and Performance Metrics GOAL Statement Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action GOAL Statement GOAL Statement GOAL Statement 5-Year Strategic ACTION Plan 4 Goals | 64 Actions A distinct, authentic brand and title. Welcoming Design A well-defined geographic area that is attractive, comfortable, and provides a positive overall guest experience that reflects our local lifestyle Economic Vitality $300M in private and public investment within and near the district. Over 150 housing units within the district and 50 housing units within three blocks of the district. Average vacant street level storefronts less than five (5) per year A leadership structure and communication mechanism that will transition to a new, sustainable organization that will manage ELEVATE PA 2026 and develop an updated plan in the future Authentic Promotion Sustainable Model •Assign leads for Steering Committee & Goals •Identify key players and organizations to partner with. •Initiate Stakeholder communications & hold regular meetings •Implement cleaning, maintenance, & beautification programs •Work with Clallam Transit to help introduce a shuttle between the Waterfront District and Hurricane Ridge •Support the City improve access to public restrooms in the district with Portland Loos History: Spring 2022 –Spring 2024 •Solicit additional funding from downtown merchants to help secure dedicated/on-site district police officer •Create Community-wide Calendar (OlyPenCalendar.com) •Develop district brand •Establish social media presence •Support existing downtown merchants continue legacy events and promotions •Create a new entity to manage ELEVATE PA: Port Angeles Waterfront District 501c(6) History: Spring 2022 –Spring 2024 Remodeled Red Lion The Preferred Future is Now Sam Grello -Executive Director Caleb McMahon, Port of Port Angeles -Board Chair Jessica Wiersma, Black Ball Ferry Line -Board Secretary Steven Pelayo, Olympic Peninsula Lodging Alliance -Board Treasurer Johanna Bartee, HarborTowne Marketplace Marc Abshire , Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Stevie Borggard, Kindred Collective Corey Delikat, City of Port Angeles Mary Sue French, Cabled Fiber & Yarn Jim Haguewood, Port Angeles Realty Ashley Liberty, ONYX MVMNT Studios / Angeles Brewing Supplies & Taproom Steve Raider-Ginsberg, Field Arts & Events Hall Rose Thompson, Fogtown Coffee / Markwood Events Port Angeles Waterfront District: 2024 Board of Directors •Welcoming Vista –Front St above Red Lion •Year-round programming & pop-up events in Lot B •Wayfinding signage •Property owner involvement & investment •Entrepreneurship pipeline development & support •Annual celebration of volunteers & achievements •Budget and funding development •Regular progress assessments •District Boundaries & Assessment Structure •City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Update Actions in Process Current Current Welcoming Vista Current •Winter Ice Village •Lawnmower Demolition Derby Future •Laser Tag Competition •Carnival Pop -up Events: Lot B Promotions Placemaking Attend the Monthly Meeting of Always last Monday of the Month at 6 PM at The MOOD Room at Next meeting Monday 10/28 at 6 PM. Get Involved Join an Action Plan Committee based on your interest. Welcoming Design Committees starting up: (Item 2A-4) District Alleyway Placemaking (Item 2D-2) District Style Guide Interested in an action item not listed? Email director@pawaterfront.org Get Involved: Volunteer | Brains Sign up to volunteer as labor. We provide treats, good vibes, and a sense of community. Upcoming Volunteer Projects -Downtown Halloween Trick or Treat -Installation of Winter Lights -Hometown Holidays Set-up Email director@pawaterfront.org to be put on our volunteer list. Get Involved: Volunteer | Brawn Thank you! Questions?Thank you! Questions? PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Presentations October 17, 2024 37 •SEPTEMBER-STEVE METHNER (DP III UPDATE ) •OCTOBER-S AM GRELLO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF WATERFRONT DISTRICT •(POSSIBLE) NOVEMBER-CHRISTINE LOWIE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PORT ANGELES FINE ART CENTER PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Director’s Report 1. Generation III Dream Playground Update 2. SC/Fire Hall HVAC Project Update 3. Shane Park Stormwater Run-Off 4. Civic Field Video Board 5. Locomotive #4 Update 6. Erickson Playfield Park Host Program 38 PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Director’s Report DREAM PLAYGROUND III •We Did It……. •However…….. •Finalizing Funding •LTAC/City and Foundation •Need to Update the Foundation •Trampoline •Extended Permit •Received Information From Manufacturer •Waiting on Engineering Firm •Tot Lot Entryway •Stormwater Requirements •Soil & Hydroseeding-Completed PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N SC/Fire Hall HVAC Upgrades •DES GRANTS & COMMERCE GRANTS ONGOING •VERY TIME CONSUMING •2024-HVAC (FINAL WALKTHROUGH 9/18) •HVAC W ORKING WELL/STAFF TRAINING NEXT WEEK •90% OF SOLAR DESIGN IS COMPLETE •2025-Q1 BATTERY STORAGE •2026-FIRE HALL-APPROVED TO MOVE FORWARD ON PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Shane Park Stormwater Run-Off Issues PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N October 17, 2024 •PW Fixing a Sewer Line •Stormwater Had No Where to Go •Works As It Was Originally Intended •Huge Thanks to Street Department •Pump System •New Berm •Going to Plant Clover Over Area PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N October 17, 2024 Commerce Grant •Mid 2023 •Did Not Receive Notice About Details Until End of January •Slight Delay in Grant Process •On Track to Complete Projects •Volunteer Field Turf Project •Dream Playground Rebuild •Damage to Ediz Hook Boat Launch •Damage to Waterfront Trail •Pickleball Court Refurbishments •HVAC Projects …….Just to Name a Few Short On Funds •$140,000 •LTAX Funds Civic Field Video Board PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N October 17, 2024 Park Host Project: •New Host Just Started •Able to Complete Sewer and Water Hook Ups •Developed Parking Pad •Just Installed New Border Fence Park Host Project at Erickson Playfield PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Asbestos Removal Locomotive #4 Director’s Report •Meeting with the Team •Making Great Progress/Fundraising •MOU w/City •PDN Article PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N Next Meeting October 17, 2024 45 Nov. 21st PA R K S & R E C R E A T I O N October 17, 2024 46 Questions or Comments?