HomeMy WebLinkAbout1218 E 4TH ST~1O 4t�. A-A% 12 l S � . C.,44%, -..- 40 a Li uSV op CITE' ON PORT ANGELES -- PUBLIC WORKS nj C ,, > BUIL'dtNG DIVISION -- PERMIT APPLICATION t rk Agate Received / Date Issued /C Name Address Citv Phone Lic. No. VI`}/ _ Owner x )h'' ' . 1[I ti/ A-1,. f - Contra ctor j2-L/ar_! -AF 2 8 S - C_' - / 5-r �J" 7 Arch / En r. Ctl C` Class of Work: New 1.1 Addition LA Alteration Repair Move Delpoirion p-- _ r G Liescription of Work: L % �� % `J ✓ �- I l 5 Type of Permit: ❑ Building ❑ Plumbing Contractor _ [No. Fixture Type )e Fee Valuation W - Water Closet __ Lavatory Permit Fee titlub Plan Check Fee Receipt # Shop Investigation Fee Kitchen SI Other Disposer Total $ Recci t # Floor Drain / Floor S'ihk_ Building,Sc. Ft. Clothes Washer Occu anc•r Group Urinal Occupant Load No. of Stories Water Heater Type of Construction Drinking Fountain Occunancy Permit Issued Lawn Sprinkler Legal Description: Lot Vacuum Breaker Block Solar Panels Subdivision Other Land Use 'lone Sub Total Lot Area Permit Fee Lot Coverage % = Sq. Ft. _ Recei t # Total y Si n Contractor Mechanical Contractor Sign n T e I 3 No. Type of Equipment Fee Illumination Elec, Furnace_ Overall Hei eht I Heat Pump St n Height Oil Fu-,­ Sq. Ft. Kitchen Hood Clearance Woods) /fell S e/lnsert % Land Use Zone Other Fee Total S Receipt # Receipt # 0: -2— Total $ 7S 0 APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED='-f—rrUANCEB Special Conditions: k SEPARATE PERMITS are required for electrical work, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is I 2 Fr t/ �+ not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of IRO days after work has commenced. or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know tSe same to be true and comet. All provisions of laws and ordinances gc.veming this type of work will be complied with whether specified Other Constru-tion/P.W. Permits: herein or not. The gr_nting of a p^rrnit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provision, of any stale or local law regulating construction or the performance tof construction. Sewer R/W Driveway Other _ :Water S� m:e of Conaactor or Authorized Agent (Date) Signuture of Owner (if owner is builder) (Date) PEN PRINT.!NC. z ¢ x F— w —1I— U iz In Z. to O W U J O 0 to ti W w F- E ¢ li =O w Ln F— rr S _J z O w f- s z 1- w X: O O F U O W o= w im S V) L _ F— H Iti rr BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 457-0411 EXT. 125 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE. PROVIDE A MIN. 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERA41T CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOBSITE INSPECTION TVPF. nATR ArrFrrGn t'(—AIL4'2%I'rQ FOUNDATION Footin s YES -ML Walls Found. drainage ELECTRICAL Rough-in/Light Dept. PLUMBING Under floor I slab Rough -in Water line _ Back flow/water AIR EAI. Walls Ceiling_ _ FRAMING .foists % girders Shear wall Walls / roof / ceiling_ Drywall T-bar INSULATION Slab _ Wall / Coor / ceiling MECHANICAL Chimney Woodstove/Pellet Ducts P W, UTILITIES SITE WORK Waterline / meter Sewer r Connection Sanitary _ Storm Site Drainage/Erosion Control Parking Other FINAL INSPECTIONS RE UIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY / USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL. DATE _ ACCEPTED Electrical/Light Dept. Phone Ext. 224 Electrical/Light Dept. Ysa NQ Construction-RW / PW- Ext. 124 Engineering _ Construction - RW PW/En ineerin Fire (Multi-fam. only) Ext. 252 Fire Dept. Building Ext.125 f, i2 Building GENERAL COMMENTS: PEN PRINT. INC 1194 w H I- 0 z Ri; F— Z Q I-- IY a w U I— U 2-1 lil V) w U _1 O 0 CN H w � tl. U!o w r = J h— za H w F— T w 2:o =) I- U O w o= 0 w = yr F-- — w1-- ✓A i CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ....... I ... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: n Date ' _ I ( Time ,I� _ Received by _— (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected I '- I U `_1 Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting; nspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer 'Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing INSPECTION NOTE : Inspected: Date Remarks: Final _ Phone No. % " / c-Z Permit No. 776 Sewer Excay. Other -� ray& r -.447- _Timed �/ Ry7;;6�L — /`. RESTORATION REQUIRED ... , .. `_:"p NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved []Gravel [J Repaired by City ❑ Repaired by Permittee ❑ No Damage Found (Continue on reverse side if necessary) ❑ Asphalt ❑ PCC Work Girder # _ ❑ COMPLETE ❑ INCOMPLETE ❑ Other STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) w C) 0 z Q Ly a w J f- U Z W V) i. (N J W U J O 0 N H W �- Qw c1fo w = J r cL Z U' W z I— W 2: o = I- U O W 0 W S Ln H F-1 H W C.) H C) O L